The New York Clipper (April 1905)

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April 1. JL THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 149 Bright Bros.. Tlvoll, London, En*.. 2f-Aprll 23. Brlnfs 4 Haianl. Park. 1-rorldenee. 27-Aprll 1. Brown, narry. C. O. II., Chicago. 27 April 1. ur»*r. Jock, *> Lillian Wrlglit, Flora's, Madison, Wl».. 27-Aprll 1. Burton. A Burton. Flora a. NHMi Wis., 27- lluHon Bell Ringers, Casino, Ixm Angeles, Cal., Burkes, Juggling, l.'nlqnp. Kan Claire. Win., 27- aii.'H ': inlipie. Minneapolis, Minn., 3-8. Burns. Harry. Garrlck. Hurilngton, la., 27-Aprll l; lUSS• Qnln.ty;. 111., 3-S. Mia I Bnioks, 0.»O. H-. Pittsburg, 27-Aprll 1- Chase's, Wi-jpluftOD, D.- O., 3,8. Bu>li A Gordon, Colonial, Lawrence, Mass, 27- Barton's Dogs, Watson's. Bl:ln., 27 -April 1. Burkliart, 0., 0»M«h, tlree'ipolnt. N. V.. 27- April i: Proctor'a 12Sth Ml., N. Y. C, 3-8. Bovh-Do V"ere Tho, Orpheum. Kansas City. Mo., 27-Aprll I : Oidteum. Denver. Colo.. 3-8. Burroughs, Chan. A Minnie, .Family, Lancaster, F»., 27-Aprll I. Bureb. Mr. A Mrs. Jnolc. Crystal, Milwaukee, 27-ApHI L Butreil, Ja».. Yale's, Kansas City, Mo., 27-Aprll Brrne A West, allsslon, San Fran., Cal., 27- Anrll 1. Bvrou-A Blanch, Family. Butte, Mont., 27-Aprll I : Clneogrsph, Spokane; Wash., .1-8. BvriO A Langdon. Umpire, Glasgow. Kent., 27- " April I: Empire, Liverpool, Rug., .1-8: Kmplre, Scethelil, 10-13. Campbell, Frnncln.- Weast's, Peoria, 111., 27 April 1. ■ Carrie, Mile.. O. O. H.. Portland. Ore., 27-Aprll 1. Carter A Waters Co., O.-O. II.i Nashville, Tenn., 27-Aprll I : Orplieum, New Orleans, La., 3-8. Carlisle's Pnules, Garrlck, Wilmington, Del., 27- Aprll 1: II. * ft. N. V. C. 3-8. Carew A Hayes, Pastor's, X. Y. C. 27-Aprll I, Carlllo. 1*1, Proctor's 12-'db St.. K. Y. C, 27- Cj'rTery * Grant A. A S., Boston, 27-Aprll 1; Casluu. Manchester, N. H.. 3-8. Callaliau ft Mack. Victoria, N. Y. C. 27-Aprll 1. Cassldv, Eddie, Family. Ijincaster. Pa., 27-Aprll 1. Cipllp'lue. Ak'lile, IlayniarkeI. Chicago, 27-Aprll 1. Cantleld * Cnrletnn, Poll's*, Sprluglleld, Mass., 27- Cileedo, Orphenrn, Bklii., 27-Aprll 1: Circle, N, Y. C, 3-8. Caswell. Maude, Barrasford Tonr. Rng.. 27-31. Campbell A Brady, Dominion, Winnipeg, Can., 27- Carroll, Johnny, H. ft »., K. Y. C. 27-Aprll 1. Carberry A Stanton. Columbia, Cincinnati, 27- Aprll 1; IxHiisvllle, Ky.. 3-8. Carlos, Chas.. Columbia, Cincinnati, 27-Aprll 1. Cameron, flrare, Temple, Detroit, Mich., 27- Carlton. AL, n. 0. H.. Indianapolis, 27-Aprll 1. Cameron A Toledo. Flotu's, Mndlson, Wis., 27- Aprll 1 ; Orifod. Jollet. III.. 3-8. Carrolltun A Hodiees. BIJou, Calumet, Mich,, 27- Aprll 1 : BIJou. Calnmet. 3-8. Carlln A Otto, Pastor's. N. Y. C, 27-Aprll 1; Athpblon. Bklu., M. __, Carmontella A Oo.. Dorkstader's, Wilmington, Del.. 27-Aprll I: Casta, Fall River. Mass.,. 3-8. Cecil A l/eopards. Empire, Boston, 27-Aprll 1. Christopher, Orpheum. Seottle, -Wash., 27 : Aprll 1. Cbefnlo, Frank, Nickelodeon,' Fall River, Mass., 27-Aprll 1. • Clik-ssinu. Shea's; Toronto. Can.. 27-Aprll 1. Ohjdwlok Trio. Pastor's. ft Y. C!., 2i-Aprll 1. Cbimberllaa, The. Newcastle. Kng.. 27-Aprll 11 So. Shields. 38: Edinburgh. Scot.. In IT,. Clttmtroya, The, BakeraHeld, Col., 27-Aprll 1. Olemo A Uaaselll. G. 0. II.. Pittsburg, 27-Aprll I ', Keith's. Phlla., : 3-8. ClirTord A Burke, Grand. Nashville, Tenn., 27- ,- April 1: Hopkins', Isiulsvllle, Ky.. .1-8. Clayton. Frank, RIallo. Klmlra. N. Y.. 27-Aprll 1. (.Maude, Toby. Shea's, Buffalo, 27-Aprll 1. _ Clifford A Orlb. Smith's. 0. O. II., flrand Rap- ids; Mich., 27-Aprll 1. Clarke, Lucy, Keith's. Providence, 27-Aprll 1. Cooper A Robinson, Orpheum, San Fran., Cul., Colombians,' The, Minneapolis, Minn., 27-Aprll I; Orpheum. Denver, Col., 3-8. Conlon.A Hastings. Howard, Boston, 27-Aprll 1. Cody,:A Slnette, Palace, Worcester, Muss., 27- Coruellks '(8). Moore's. Portland, ,Me., 27-Aprll I. Coogan, F. Alan. Family, Mabkaoy City, Pa., 27- Conchas, Paul, Orpheiun, New Orleana, La., 27- Aprll 1. Cox Family Quartette, Oberon, San Fran., Cal., 27-Aprll 8. . „ , „ . Collln.1 A Hardy, Rem, Lynn, Mass., 27-Aprll 1. Colby A Way. O. 0. H., PlttBbnrg, I>a., 27- Aprll 1 ; Maryland. Balto.. 3-S. Collins. A Hart, Moss A Thornton Tour, Kng., 27- Coma*, Frank. Unique. Lewlston, Ida.. April 3-8. Cooke A Miss Rotbert, Sveo, Stockholm, Sireden, 27-31; Konenliopen, Den.. April 1-30. ColnJa Dogs, Umpire, Hoboken, N. J., 27-April 1. cook: A Harris. Kdklna', lllon. N. Y., 27-Aprll 8. Collins A Keciie. London. Loudon, Can., 27-Aprll 1. Cohan, Will H., Park, Worcester, Mnss., 27- Coote, Bert. A Co., Keith's, Pblln.. 27-Anrlt 1. Cole & Johnson, Orpheum, Omaha, Neb., 27- April I, __.... Couture A Gillette. Keith's. Phlla.. 27-Aprll I. Coimelly A Rowe, Nickelodeon, Foil River, Mass., 27-Aprll I. „ , „, Corlielt A Forrester, Unlqne, San Fran., Cal., 27- A P» !I '• . . „ „ Crane,. Mr. A Mrs. Gardner. Poll's, Bridgeport, Conn.. 27-Aprll I; Keltlt'B. Pblln., Ml Creasy A Dayne. Orpheum.- Minneapolis, Minn., 27-Aprll I : Orpheam, Omohu. Neb., 3-8. C-rliiimlns A Mack, Crystal, Milwaukee, 27-Aprll 1. Crane. Jas. A., A Co., ronton, London, Can., 27- Aprll I. Crane, Gardner, A Co., Poll's, Bridgeport, Conn., 27-Aprll 1. Cuttys. Musical (ill, Keith's, Provldpnce, 27 April 1. „ , _, Daniels. Walter, Bmplre, Hoboken, N. J.. 27- Aprll 1. „ , Davis A Walker, Mlddletown, N. Y„ 27-Aprll 1 ; Aliooua, I'a.. .18. _. , ,, , Dav. fleo. W., O. ». H.. C'jlcago. 27-Aprll I. Dorrow. Mr. A Mrs. Smart, Rund's, Troy, N. Y., 27-Aprll 1. .„....„ i. Davis A Davis, fl. O. H., Grand Rapids, Mich., 27-Aprll 1. „ _ _ D'Aluia's Monkeys and Dogs, Keith's, n. *• *"• 27-Aprll 1. „ _ D'ArTllle. Camilla, Columbia. Clnclnnall, 27- Aprll I. „ . Daly A Reno. Orawegn, N. Y„ 27-Aprll I. Ilalley. Peter F., Poll's, New Huven. Conn., -'i- April I. Darh.vlle, Fay A Loin, Olympic, Chicago, 2.- April I. „ Dalilias, lite, Orpheum, Mlnncopolla, Minn., April 3-8. Dacy A CUnse, Hnrmarket, Chicago. 27-Aprll I. Deane, Sydney. A Co., Orpheum, Kansas City, - Mo., 27-Aprll 1: Orphenni. New Orleans. La., 3-8. Delniore A Lee. Orpheum, Denver, Col., 27-Aprll Derenda A flreen, Bmplre, Johannesburg, So. Af., 27-Aprll 2. Delrno, Orpheum, Springfield, O., 27-Aprll 1. Deely A Sliean, Orpheum. Seattle, Wash., 27- Aprll I; Star. Tacoma, 3-8. , De Haven, Carter. Scalene. Keith's. Cleveland. 27-Aprll 1 : Victoria. N. Y. C. 3-8. Dervlu. .[. T„ Mlsalon, San Bernardino, Cal., _ April 38. „ „ De Voy, Rmmett, A Co., Proctor's, Alliany, N. Y., 27-Aprll 1. De Bolses. The, Crystal. St. Joseph. Mo., April 3-S. De Locevs. The. Slnr, Seattle. Wash.. 27-Aprll 1. De Boe, William, Maine Street, Peoria, III., 27- Aprll 1. De Van Bros.. C. O. H., Chicago. 27-Aprll I. Desmond Operatic Trio, Park, Pravldencr, 2i- April I. De Orasse. Nellie, Palace, Worcester, Mas*., 27- Aprll 1. Delniore A Wilson. Belfnst, Ire., 27-Aprll I: Glasgow. Scot., 3-8. De leoh, Clement, Poll's. New Harm, Conn., 2i- April 1. rielmo. Orpheum. Sprlnsflelil, O.. 27-Aprll I. Dlion. Burt A Leon. Lyric, Cleveland, 0., 27- Aprll I. Dixon. Rowers A Dixon, Howard, Boston. IT" April I. Diamonds. The. Star. Hamilton. Can.. 27-Aprll 1. "Dlda," Circle. N. Y. IX, 27-Aprll I. "Dhla," Keith's. Cleveland. 27-Aprll I. Dixon A Anger. Keith's. Phlla., 27-Aprll 1. Doylo A HlRglns. Grand. Jollet. 111.. SJAprH «• Don A Thompson. Olympic. Chlcaw. 27-Aprll I. April 1 : Empire, San Fran.. 3-S. Downer A Willard, Hoymarket. Chlcoro. ^i- April 1. rh£2lV l 'v£S' nl *' Cbuttt - S"» *ran., Cal. 27. nSf*';!. 0 ^"*. 1 ; 01 ' t,u, « 1 "'. "eb.T 27-Aprll 1. J-T'iVaphi "' ! " dD "' Eo,p,re ' " 0, »»«. »• f?r?r*^- *"™ 1 '. London, Enf.. 27-ApriI 30 ^Prfl'T' rtmheSl*' sr 0 "*'™' ■» »*. 1 J^ : A /, °" H »ynarket, Chicago, 27-Aprll 1 pdnhur s Ooats. Chicago, April .; 8 Si™'' Argolte. (lero. Lynn. Mass., 27-April 1. SteMS ^SSSf 8,, "" , • Bnffal". AprU P 38. BHS' Robert. Klalto, Klmlr., N. Y.. 27-Aprll 1 Set * wli A ' *-«W:l*S 27-Aprll 8. ' **"*,* ""K. Shwly's, Foil River, Mass., 20- KIHwie sisters. Keeuey's, Rkln.. 27-Aprll 1. T;.i l V'i Aflle. (irpheum. Sprluglleld. O., 27- mJSS ' \*- m Htr: Terre Haute, lull.. 38; 1^. S*'.-,' S*"' J'n'Jlmwl. llulto.. Md.. 27-Aprll . I: II. O. II., ritrsburg, 3-8. i? n ' im'."'. E °i "• «-1"l™«o. 27-Aprll 1; G. o. II.. I'liisluire. 3X. El*,"" 3 ."' '"""• *''«'». BnlTalo. 27-Aprll I. hllls-Njm-lln Trio. li. I). || , Indianapolis,' 27- April 1; I'oliirnhlo. Clnclnnall, 3-8. Lmersun A Onwci. Olympic. Chicago. 27-Aurll I. hniniett, t.racle, A Co., Aiuphlnii, Bklu.. 27-Aprll Kmplre City Quartette, Victoria, N. Y. C, 27- Aprll 1. Kmpln* Comeily Fonr. Mnore':. Portland, Me., 27. April 1; Keith'*. N. V. <;.. 3 8. Frle A Ijsi. a. A S., Boston. 27-Aprll I, Mr. A Mrs. Kd.. tiarrk-k. Wilmington, v. P*'-2>-Aprll 1: Trent. Trenton. N. J.. 3 -«! hscumlllns., I'riH-tor's. Newark, at, J 27- April 1. Es'arAlllos. Les, Proctor's 23d St.. N. I. tt. 21-April 1. Krana, tlronre. Orplicum, Bkln., 27-Aprll 1. hvers, Geo., Yale's. Kansas (3ty. Mo., 27-Aprll 1. l.verbart. Melllni's, Hanover. Ger.. 27-31; Oa- »liH>, Paris. Fr.. April 1-30. Farrell, Charles, Pastor's, N. Y. C, 27-Aprll 1, Failette Orchestra; Orphenra. Bklu.. 27-Aurll 1. lagan A Marlnui. Bl>m. Marinette. Wis., 27-Aprll Fay t F.lfle. Proctor's 23d Street. N. Y. C. 27- Aprll I. Faiitas (21, Main Street. Peoria, III., 27-Aprll 1. l-eniuudet-May Trio, Tlvoll, Sydney, N. s. W., 27-Aprll 3U. Felix A Barry. Prnclor's. Newark, N. J., 27- Aprll 1; Amphlon, Bkln., 3-8. Ferguson A Murphy, Nickelodeon, Fall River, Mjsa., 27-Aprll 1. Ferrell Bros., Howard, Boston. 27-Aprll 1. Fern Comedy Four. Pantages, Seattle, Wash., 27- Aprll 1 ; Coinlque. Seattle. 3-8. Fields A Hanson, 0. II., Missoula, Mont.. 27- April I: llrand. Butte. .1-8. First, Barney, Family. Slonx City, la., 27-Aprll Fireman's Quartette, Orpheum. Bklu.. 27-Aprll 1. Fisher A Johnson. Grand. Jollet. III., AJrll 3H. Flood Bros., Poll's, Bridgeport, Conn., 27-Aprll 1. Flynn. Joe. Park. Worcester. Mass., 27-Aprll 1. Font Slaters, ft O. ||., Chicago. 27-Aprll I. Fox A Melville, Tlvoll, Dublin. Ire.. 2f-Aprll 1; Palace. Cork, 3-S; Gaiety, Birmingham, Kng., Foy A Clark, llaymarket, Chicago, 27-Aprll 1. Foy. F.ildie. A Co.. Keith's. Boston. 27-Aprll 1. I'orrests, Musical, Market St.. Olluniwa, la., 27- Aprll 1. Fux A Ilugbcs. Utabna, Salt Lake. II., April 3-8; Utahna. Ogden. 3-8. Foster, Kd.. Rand's. Troy, ft Y.. 27-Aprll 1. Foster A Foster, Hvpklm, Louisville, Ky., 27- Aprll 1. Fnlkert. Arthur O., I-Mlsnn, Helena, Motn., 27- Aprll 1. - Fox. Delia. Shea's. Toronto. Can., 27-Aprll 1. Fowlers, Great, Orphemu, Omaha, Neb., 27-Aprll 1. Fox A Summers, BIJou. Racine, Wis., 27 April 1; Grand. Jollet. III., 3-8. Frosto. Clins., BIJ011, Kenosha, Wis., 27-April 1; West Side, Janesville. .1-8. Frank k Albright. Hurler's, H. Y. C, 27-Aprll 1; A. A S., Boston, 3-8. French, Henri. Shea's, ButTalo, 27-Aprll I, French. AL, Pastor's. N. Y. C., 27-Aprll 1. Free?* Bros., Toronlo. Can., 27-Aprll I. Fuller, Hose A l.U, Poll's, New Haven, Conn,, 27-April. 1. Fuller. Ida M., Casino, Monte Carlo, Monaco, 27-31. Gardner A Maililern. H. A S., ft Y. 0„ 27-Aprll I; Kmplre. Hobokeu. K. .1.. 3-8. Garcimttl Family (3), i'ahlllones, Havana, Cuba, 27-Aprll 8. Gardner. Jack, Orpheum, Minneapolis, Minn.. I 7- Aprll I. r.assmao. Josephine, Proctor's, Newark, N. J., 27-Aprll 1. Gardner A Stoddard, Orpheum, Kansas City, Mo., 27- April. 1. Ooffr A Fraser, Garden, Memphis, Tenn., 27- Anrll I. flavin A Plntt. Moore's, Portland. Me.. 27-Aprll 1. Oanlner. Grltlln A Gardner. Hipp., Salford, Kng., 27-Aprll •; Hipp., Bury, 3-8; Hipp., Preston, in-W. Gardner. West A Sunshine, Garrlck, Burlington, !«.. 27-Aprll 1. flejearo i Theol, Apollo, Diisseldorf, Ger., 27-31. George A Harrington, Park, Worcester, Maas., 27- April 1. Gennelll. Moy, C. 0. H., Chicago, 27-Aprll 1, George. Bdrrin. Gera. Lynn. Mass.. 27-Aprll 1. Oennro A Bailey, 0. O. H., lndlann]iolla, April OlliH A Fox, Arcade. Toledo, O., 27-Aprll 1. Girl with the Auburn Hair, C. O. H., Chicago, 27- OMaf Nat! Shamokln. I'a., 27-Aprll 1; Crystal, Mlln-nukev. Wis.. 3-8. flllhurt & Burt. Proctor's, Albany, N. Y„ April 3-S. nilsrui A Coutitlss, Proctor's 23d Street, 27-Aprll flllnseretlls. The, Temple, Detroit, Mlrb., 27- Apr" •• ■ „ . „ . Gleasons (3). Olympic. Chicago, 2,-April 1. Olose, Augusta, orpheum. Bkln.. 27-Aprll 1. Glenn. Marie, A. A M.. Boston. 27-Anrll 1. (Uadrs, Bahr. Crystal. Milwaukee, 27-Aprll I. Golden. Richard. Keith's. Phlla.. 27-Aprll 1. Golden Gate Quintet, Proctor's 23d St.. N. \. C., Gouidf\ Colonial, ft Y. 0., 27-Aprll I. Oofortb A Doyle, Bijasi. Kenusha, Wis., 27-Jprll I; West Side. .Inllesvllle. 3-8. Gordons (31, Pickwick, San Diego, Cal., 27- Oiijf'ror. Hal. A Co.. Maryland. Balto.. 27-Aprll 1. (lonloi), I>ou A Slae. Jack's. Chicago, 27-Aprll 1. (iordon. Vklo«i A Cttlieu. Park. Worcester, Mass., 27-Aprll 1 ; Rand's, Troy, ft Y.. 3-8. Gordon, Mr- ■ Mrs. Horry, Park. Worcester, Guillen A'lliighes, Keenev's, Bkln., 27-Aprll 1; fill tin * *** ~ 'if 1 " Danville, Wis., 27-Aprll 1: BIJou. Koekrord. 111., 3 8. Gordon. Cliff, Howard. Boston, 27-Aprll 1. flottlobs. Mr. A- Mrs.. Crystal. Ct pple Creek, Col., 27-Aprll I: Innerlal, Lendvllle .«•»- Grei'ne A Werner. Orpheum, Mlnneapolt". Minn., Grannon! tin'.. Mohawk. Srlienerlsdy, N. Y., 27- flrnyce. Margaret, National. Kansas City, Mo., •>7_ April 1. Gregory A Wood, Proctor'a ntb Ave., N. Y. ft, Gracw Pr |31,' West Side. Janesville. Wis., 27- GrohV'l'ra'ak. Yale's. Kansos Clly. Mo., 27 April Haymnn A Franklin. Pnlnee. Hartlepool. En«t.. 27- Aprll II I'nlec, lllaekburn, 3-S; Palace. (Irlmsby, 10-13. M Hiiuvev A DoaiM". Acme. Sacrumentn. Oil., 27- April 1 ; Mission. San Fran.. 3-8. Hammond A Forrester. Grand. Jollet, III., 27- Anrll 1 ' Olympic. Sprlnptlelil. 3-8, llallei., ft Fuller, Hopkins. I^alsvllle. Ky.. 20- naminoJ: Chan. I... Oern, Lynn. Mass.. 27-Aprll i?u'u»hi J"i |n - °» m - I '- vnn - V"*".- 27 y; Anrll „l' Hiitbawav A Walton. London. Ifludoj. Can., .7- Anrll 1: Conk, llocbesier, N. Y.. .1-8. Hayes A Henly. Orphemn, Omaha. Neb., 2i-AprlI Harrlcon, Kellb's. Boston. 27 April 1. ,"kP,s. l>«. II. A II.. Bkln., 27-Aprll I. Hawlhorne SLters. Golonln . N. Y. J!.. 27-Aprll 1. Havllnnd A Snnn-lera, BIJou. Norrulk, Va.. 27- Han^r! iVesrnnnd ft Batley, Shea's. Buffalo, 27- IlinSna '.tl-*1 Casio. Fall Biter. Mass., 27- HavvJart * Hnyward. Casto, Fall River, Mass., Haerl'sarfs. The. Nickelodeon, Fall River, Mass., 27-Aprll I. „_ „. . ,, , Bauaou A Uarrii. Watsons, Bkln., 2,-April I. Harris A Beauregarde, Star, Ilamlltoo, Cat)., 27- April 1 ; London. 3-8. Harrison. Lee. Temple, Detroit. 27-Aprll 1. Harding ft Ah Sid. Ocean Pier Atlantic City, N. J.. 27-Aprll I. Hamilton. Wiley, Criterion, Tampa, Fla„ 27- Aprll ]. Harrison Bros., l.idqne, I/m Angeles, Cal., 27- Aprll 8, Haskell, f^iney. Trent. Trenton, N. J.. 27-Aprll 1: Chase's. Washington. O. C... .1-8. Hart A Dillon, Wcast's, Peoria. 111., 27-Aprll 1. Hanson. Mildred, Keith's, Phlla.. 27-Aprll I. Herrmann. Adelaide, Poll's, Waterbury, Conn., 27- Aprll 1. Heeley A Neely, Orpheum. Kansas City, Mo., 27- . April I. , Heelow, Chns., Grand, Milwaukee, Wis., April 3-S. Heclow, Marie, Grand. Milwaukee, tfla., April 3-8. Henry, Kiigeue, Monarch, Lawton., Okla., 27- Aprll 8. , llrlslon A Hood. Slnr. Atlanta. Oa.. 27-Aprll 8. Ileaalil. Trio. Crystal. »t. Joseph, Mo., 27-Aprll 1 : Korl. Pneblo. Cul.. 3-S. Herbert's Dogs, Colonial, N. Y. C, 27-Aprll I. Herbert A Willing. (). O. H., Grand Rapids, Mich.. 27-Aprlf I. Hernnann. Great, 11. O. H.. ImllnnaiKills, 27- Aprll 1 : (kiliimliln. Cincinnati, 3 8. Helena. Kdlth. Proctor's. Albany, ft Y., 27- Aprll 1 ; Victoria, ft Y. ft, 3-8. Iteiulersim A Ross, Sheedy's, Full River, Mass., 27-Aprll I. Ilefron, Tom, Crystal, Milwaukee, Wis., 27-Aprll I: Family, ft St. Louis, HI.. 3-8. llerls-rt A- Ford. Keith's, Providence, 27-Aprll I. Herbert. Unique, Los Angeles, Cal., 27-Aurll S. lieiininns, The, 0. 01 II.'. Anbnru, N. Y., 27- April I. Ilickey A Nelson, Orpheum, Bkln., 27-Aprll I. llUlinrd. Roliert. A Co., Haymorket, Chicago, 27- Aurll 1. lloae A Decker. St. Joseph, Mo.. 27-Aprll 8. Hoffmann. The. Savoy, Vlctorlu, Can.. 27-Aprll 1. Ilolcomh, Curtis A Webb, Pastor's, N. Y. C., 27- Aprll 1. Hnwnnl A North, Chase's, Washington, D. ft, 27- Aprll I. Holt., Air., ,Colnmhlit. Cinrlnantl. April 2-8. Hollands. The, Keeuey's. Ilkln., 27-Aprll I. Howard ft Alton, Karl. Pueblo. Col., 27-Aprll 1. Hoyt, Add. Olympic, Chicago, 27-Aprll 1; 0. O. II., Chicago, 3-8. Howard Bros.,' Keith's, N. Y. C. 27-April l| Poll's. Waterbury, Conu., 3-8, Howe A Kdwarda, Unique, Los Angeles, Cal., April 9-18. Howanl's Dogs ft Pohles, Rand's. Troy, N. Y., 27-Aprll 1; Amphlon, Bkln., .1-8. Howe A Kdwiirds. Cntipie. Los Angeles, Cal., 27- Aprll 1; Pickwick, Su nDlego, 3-8. Hurtle* A Wlnslow, 1'nll'a, New lluveu. Conn., 27- Aprll 1. Hnehiier, Clins,, S. 0. H., Terre Haute, lnd., 27- Aprll 1. Hutchinson A Allen Co., Keeuey's, Bkln., 27- Aprll 1. Huntress. Lyceum, San Fran., Cal., 27-Aprll 1. Hughes Musical Trio. Hopkins'. Louisville, Ky., .'27-April 1 ; O. O. It.. Indianapolis. 3-8. Hussey, Geo. W., Pastor's, N. Y. 0.. 27-Aprll 1. Huntings (41. Maryland. Balto., 27-Aprll II G. <). II., Pittsburg. 3-8. '■Human Lantern." Casto, Fall River, Mass., 27- Anrll I; Casto, Lowell. 38. Hughes A Haaelton, Keith's. Phlla., 27-Aprll 1. J1 vJo A Heath, Grand, Vancouver, Can., 27-Aprll 1; Grand, Victoria. 3-8. Imhorr, Ben ft, Olympic, Chicago. 27-Aprll I. Imperial Japanese Guard, Pull's, SprhiKileld, Mass., 27-Aprll 1. lumen A Roberts. A. ft 8., Boston, April .1-8. lnmnn A Davis, Acme, Norfolk. Va., 27-Aprll I. Italian Trio. II. ft II., Bkln.. 27-Aprll 1. Irving, Olnrlys, Pork, providence. 27-Aprll 1. Ireland's Own Bund, Proctor's 23d St., N. Y. 0., 27-Aprll I. Irwin, Jack. Keith's. N. Y. ft. 27-Aprll I. Jackson A Douglas, Unique, Minneapolis. 27- Aprll 1. James A Davis, 0. II.. Wilmington, N. C, 27- Aprll 1. Jackson A JliiMlne, Orpheum, New Orleans, 27- April.l. Jackitons (3). 0. O. H„ 27-April 1. Jactoon Family, Arcade, Toledo, 0., 27-Aprll 1. Jenks' Trnln»il Aulmnls, Hopkins', I^ulsrtlle, Ky„ 20-Aprll 1. Jewell's Manikins. Circle, N. Y. 0., 27-Aprll I. Jennings ft Jewell, Bijou, Racine. Wis., 27-Aprll 1, "Jiu-Jltsn." Slnr. Hamilton. Can.. 27-Aprll 1. Josselin Trio. Maryland, Balto., Mil., 27-Aprll 1; Keith's, Phlla., 3-8. Jordous, Juggling, Wcast's, Peoria, III., 27-Aprll Johnson ft Wells, Pastor's, N. Y. C . 27-Aprll I. .lolmstoin, Miialcnl. Hipp., Brighton, Kng., 27- Aprll i; Hipp.. Glasgow. Scat., .1-1 r,. Kolmos, Tlie. Poll's, New Haven, Conn., 27- Aprll 1. Kane, Bon Ton. Phlla.. 27-Aprll 1. Kates Bros., Main St., Prorl.i, 111.. April 3-8. Kaufman. Reha, Alhnmbru, London, Rng., 27- Aprll .10. Kartell, Alls-rt. Temple. Detroit, 27-Aprll 1. Knlonovesky Bros.. Atlantic Garden, N. Y. O,, 27-April I. Kelcv, Mr. ft Mrs. Alfred, Columbia, Cincinnati. 27-Aprll I. Kenna. Chorlea. Keith's, N. 1. C. 27-Aprll 1. Keno, Wolsli ft Melrose, Part, Worcester, Mass., 27-Aprll I. Kenton. Dorothy, Tlvoll, London, Rng., 27-Aprll 22. Kealons (3). II. ft B., Bkln., 27-Aprll 1; Keith's, Boston, 3-8. Kelcey A Shannon. Victoria, N. Y. 0., 27-Aprll I. Kelly ft VIolette. Keith's. N. Y. ft, 27-Aprll 1. Kelly ft Kelsey, Garden. Lima, O., 27-Aprll 1. Kelleher. BIJou. Dover. N. II., 27-April 1. Keller A Muck, Poll's, Bridgeport, Conn., 27- Aprll I. Keuyou A De Oarmo, G. O, n., Pittsburg, 27- Aprll I. Kelly, John T., A Co., Shea's, Toroulo, Can., 27- Aprll 1. Kennedy A Rooney. Ocean Pier, Atlantic City, N. J.. 27 April 1. Kelly. Walter C, Keith's. Cleveland. 27-Aprll 1. Klralfo Bros.. Crown. Ft. Worth; Tex.. April 8-B, Klngsley A Lewis. II. ft B.. Bklu.. 27-Aprll 1. Kltiiinura Jims. Columbia, Clneliliiull. 27-April 1. Klein ft Clifton, Garrlck. Wilmington. Del., 27- Aprll 1; Kmplre. Hoboken, ft J.. 3-8. Klein. Ott Urns. A Nicholson, Orpheum, Kansas City, Mo., 27-Aprll 1; Orpheum, Omaha.. Neb,, 3-S. Klrlst, Musical, Kansas City. Mo.. April 3-8. Kohl, tins 4. Marlon. West Side, Janesville. Wis., 27-Aprll I. Kiilllus ft Wilson. Utahna. Salt Lake. U„ 27-31. Kosler ft Clio. Zoo. Toledo, U. 27-A|irll 1 ; Lull- don. London. Can.. 3-8. Kiirtls, Win, J., Sun Fran.. Cal.. 27-Aprll 8. I.urke A Adams. Acme, Norfolk, Va., 27-Aprll I; Baltimore. Md.. 3-8. La Clair A West, llljou, Murinettr, Wis., 27-Aprll 1 : BIJou. Oshkosli, Wis., 38. Lb Cttdx. Paul. Lyric. Denver. Col.. 27-Aprll 1J Kmplre. Colorado Springs. Col., 3-8. 1.a vino A Leonard. C. O. II.. Chicago. 27-Aprll 1. Lane. Arthur, Auditorium. Kansas City. Mo., 27- April 1. La Tell Bros., Proctor's 12,'itli fit.. N. Y. C, 27- Aprll 1 : Proctor's. Newark, ft J„ 3-8. Lavender. Richardson ft Co.. Family, Shamokln, Pn.. 27-Aprll I; Family. Mahonay Oily. 3-8. Latino. Mile., Howard. Boston. 27-Aprll 1. Lniirint, Marie, Keith's, Boston, 27-Aprll I. I.anrl A Franklin. Arme, Norfolk. Va.. 27-Anrll I. La Bono, Hurry. A f'u.. II. ft S., N. Y. C., 27- Aprll I. Lurk A Adams, Acme. Norf.ilk. Va.. 27-Aprll I. La Jess, lamllle. Cohuilnl, l.uwretice, Muss., 27- Aprll 1. La Vine A Waltane. Hopkins'. Mulavllle, Ky., 27-Aprll I : Olympic. Chicago. 11-8. La Vine. Cimeron Trio, Orpheum, Denver, Col., 27-Aprll 8. Lbwsoii A Nnmnn, Mohawk. Schenectady. N. Y., 27-Aprll 1. Lavlne A Leonard, C. O. II.. Chicago, 27-Aprll I. Lane A Suxlnpttn, BIJou. Green Boy, Mich., 27- Aprll 1 : llliou. Marinette. Wis.. 38. Lambert ft Pierce, Richmond, No. Adams, Maas., 27-Aprll I. Lloyd, Herbert. Wlntergarten. Berlin. Ger.. 27-31. Lenore. Atlantic Oardeit. N. Y. O.. 27-Aprll I. Leslie A Dnlley. Vlcrarln, N Y. «,. 27-Aprll 1. Li- Vanls. The. Gem. Haverhill. Mass.. 27-Aprll I. lee, Hugh V. A Bessie. Bijou, Calumet. Mich., 27- Anrll t ; llljou, Mnritnette, 3-8. I.e Clslr. John. Moore >. Portland, Me., 27-Aprll I: Kdlaon, Spokane. Wash., 3.8. Leslie, (ion. \V.. Great Falls, Mont.. 27-Aprll I. I.e Roy ft Woodford, Temple, Detroit, 27-Aprll 1. Leslie. Eddie, O. 0. H.. Seattle. Wash.. 27 April 1 : fl. 0. II.. Portland. Ore., .1-8. Lewis A Cbaplii. BIJou, Marinette, Wis., 27- Aprll I. Lelghtoo, Lvlllan. ft Co.. GraAd, Jollet, III,, 37- Aprll I: Family, K. St. l.oula. III., 3-8. I.ewy ft Weattleld. Norfolk. Vu,, 27-Aprll 1. Leonard ft Drake, London, London, Can., 27- Aprll 1; Howard, Boston, 3 8. Leipslc, Hhecdy'a, Fall River, Maaa.. a7Aiirll 1. I* Mar, Carrie, Park, Providence, 'i7-Aprll I. Lewis. AL. Palm. Cripple Creek, Col., 27-Aprll 1; Novelty. Pnehlo, an. Leigh Bros.. Keith's, N. Y. C 27-Aprll 1. 1,,-tor A Monroe, llaymarket, Chicago, 27-Aprll 1. •■Liquid Air" IF. D. Rugg), Orpheum, San Fran., Cal., 27-Aprll 1. LliileBeld, C. W.. Kmplre. Boston, 27-April I. Lilllpnt Trio, Family. Untie. Mont.. 27-Aprll 1; Clncograph. Spiknne, Wash., 3-lil. Liiralue A linndv. Keith's, Phlla.. 27-Aprll I. Lutltts. The, Pastor's. N. Y. CJL 27-Aprll 1., tidna, A Co.. Proctor'a, Newark, N. J., 27- Aprll 1. l.ucicr. Mr. ft Mrs. Fretl.. Slnr, Hamilton. Can., 27-Aprll t. Lyric Clmeily Four, Pastor's, N. Y. 0.. 27-Aprll Mlssey ft Kramer. Odron, Dnytnn, U., 27-Aprll I; G. O. II.. Anderson, lud., .1-8. Masuu-Kivler Co., Moure's, Portland, Me., 27- Aprll I. Slanii. Dnnny, ft Holnes. Orphenrn. Seattle. Wash,, 27-Aprll I : New Grand. Tacuuin, 3 8. Marline Dais, Kmplre, London. Kng., 27-Aprll 211. ■* Mnns-iins 131, Vl.-torln. N. Y. O., 27-Aprll I. Mallory Bros., Brooks ft llfilltday, Otpheuui, Los Angeles, Cal.. 27-Aprll t. Mnrtlno A Iinlum. Arcade, Toledo, O., 27-Aprll 1, Ms'-liey, Julie, Kmplri-, Ronlofi, 27-Aprll 1- Marlnellns, Great, Family. Butte, Mont., 27- Anrll I. Mrrriln Bros., Mnoic's. Portland, Me., 27-Aprll 1. Mot A Douegnl, Jacobs', PeoilB. ill., 'J7-Aprl» I.* Mas ft Donegal. Jacobs', 1'evrla, 1)1., 27-Aprll 1. Mathews ft Ashley, Howard, Boston, 27-Aprll I. Marriott Twins, Loudon, London, Cau., 27-April .1. Martini ft Max Mllllan, Shea's, Toronto, Can., 27-Aprll I. Marlon, Dtive, Wolson's. Bkln.. 27-Aprll 1. Macorte Sisters (31, Kniplrv. Swansea, Kng., 27- Aprll 1; Kmplre, Newport. 3-8; Kmplre, Not- tingham, 10-in. Marshall, the .Mystic, Family, Foiiglikeepsle, ft Y.. 27-Aprll I, Marilh A Uulgg. Moss Tour, Kurope, 27-Aprll 3d. Ma Dell ft Corbley, Family, Mnhnwiy City, I'a., 27-Aprll 1. Mantell's Mnrlnettes, Clueogrnph, Spokane, April 3-8. Mnck, Hobby, Palace, Worcester, Mass., 27-Aprll Mnrbans, The, Orpheum, Rkln., 27-Aprll I. Marvelles (4), Olympic. Chicago. 27-Aprll I. Marvello ft. Gleason, Crjstal, Milwaukee, Wis., 27-Anrll 1. Maxwell ft Dudley, Kmplre Hnlioken, N. J., 27-Aprll I. Martin A Rldgeway, Rlnlto, Elmlra, N. Y., 27- Aprll I. Murgucrlte ft linn ley. Proctor's 23d St., ft Y. ft, 27-Aprll I. Mortellu ft Olesson. Crystal, Milwaukee, 27- April 1. Maxur. ft Maxette, Poll's. Hiirlfurd, Conn.. 27- Aprll 1; Poll's, Wntermiry, 3-8. Martini- ft Balno. Arcade. Toledo, O., 27-Aprll t. Mil Dell ft Corhb-y, Miihunoy Clly, Pa,, 27- Aprll I. Marriott Twins, London London, Can.. 27-Aprll 1. Martha, Mile.. Detroit, Mich.. 27-Aprll 1. Marcus ft llartelle, Chase's, Washlnglon, 1). 0., 27-Aprll 1. McDonald, Jns. t\, O. G. II,, Inritnnapoll*, April 3-8. McCauIe/; Joe. Unique, Minneapolis, Minn., 27- Aprll 8. McWaters A Tyson Co., Arcade, Toledo, O., 27- April 1. McAvoy, Dan, Keeuey's, Bkln., 27-Aprll I. McOord, Lewis, ft Co., Kellb's, Providence, 27- Aprll 1. Mclntyrc ft. Rice, Howard, Boston, 27-Aprll I. McKlnpon A Kced, Smllli's, Grand Roplils, Mich., 27-April 1: l/indon. Lomlon. Can., R-8. Mi-Malion's Minstrel Maids, Orpheittu, San Fran., r U7 -Vprll I ; Orpheum, Los Angeles, 3-8. Mclntyrc ft McAvoy. Columbia, Cincinnati, 27- Anrll I. McCarthy, Myles, A Co., Orpheum, Minneapolis, ,MItln„ 27-Aprll 1. McDowell, John G. ft Alice, G, 0. It., Cortland, N. Y., 27-Aprll I. Mellcu'H Birds, Victoria, N. Y. C„ 27-Aprll I. Melville ft Stetson, Kellb's, Phlla., 27-April I. Meyers A Ji-rnnguo, (llolie, Billings, Mont,, 27- Aprll 1. Meakln ft Dule, Family, Mabanoy Olty, Pa., 27- Aprll I. Merritt ft lloxelln, Columbia, Boston, 27-Aprll I. Meter & Mora, Tlvoll, Leeds, Kng.; Hipp., Liver- ' pool, 3-8; Fav.. Olaaguw, Scot., Ill-15. Meredith Bisters, 1'nlace. Hull, Kng., 27-Aprll 1: Kmplre, Liverpool, 3-H. MetorliolKan ob'ur, Grand, Milwaukee, 27-Aprll 1. Melrose, Fern, Hopkins', Louisville, Ky., 20- Aprll I. Mears (3), Ronacher's. Vienna, Aus., 27-31; Bat- . tahburg, l^lpslg, April 1-30. Mlllward, Jessie, A Co,, II. ft B., Bkln., 27-Aprll Miller. Henry, ft Co.. Orpheum, Rkln.. 27-Aprll I. Mitchell ft Love. (I. U. 11., Indianapolis, 27- Aprll 1. Mllllken ft Salzl, Keeuey's, Bkln., 27-Aprll 1. Miller ft Kreako, II. A 8.. N. Y. (X. 27-Aprll I. MlOgeley ft Carlisle, Kellb's. Boston. 27-April J. Mlskel, Cora, Idllson, SiKikune, Wash., 27-Apna 1; Lewlstun, Ida,, 3-8. Mitchells (3), Howard, Huston, 27-Aprll I. Mlles-Stavordale ojulutrt, Temple, Detrult, Mlrb., 27-April 1. Mlllmau Trio, Sheedy's, Fall River, Mass., 27- Aprll 1; Howard, Huston. 3-8. Mlldnrc. Chnn., Kellb's, Boston, 27-Aprll 1. Mldgieys, The, Jacobs', Peoria, III., 27-Aprll I. Mitchell ft Merlon, Umpire, Bostun, 27-Aprll I. Mlgnuul Family, Ilatiuiway's, New Bedford, Mass., 27-Aprll I; Sheedy's, Fall River. .1-8. Mlddletons, The, London, London, Can., 27-Aprll 1. Mitchell ft Browning, BIJou, Oshkosli, Wis., 27- Aprll I. Mills ft Morris, Garrlck, Wilmington, Del., April 3-B. Morebeud A Shofer, BIJou, Norfolk, Vs., 27- Aprll I. Morion. Juines .7.. Circle, N. Y. C, 27-Aprll I. Moullere Sisters, Circle, N. Y. 0.. 27-Aprll 1. Morse, Thcsloie, Trio, Keith's, Cleveland, 27- Aprll 1; G. O. II., Pittsburg. ,'l-H. Mortons (4). Chase's, Washington, D. C, 27- Aprll 1. Morris, due. Keith's. Phlla., 27-April I. Moron A Marley, Cusp,, Fall lllii-r. Mas*., 27- Aprll 1. Molpglrl, Touring Spain. 27-A|irll 30. Morions, Four Juggling, Crystal, Milwaukee, April 3-8. Morris, Annie. Wnlaon's, Bklu., 27-Aprll I. Morris ft Parker, Star, Augusta, fin.. 27-Aprll I. Morris ft Daly. A. ft S., Boston, 27-Anrll 1. Morton, Phil, Family. Lancaster, Pa., 27-Aprll I. Morlti Sisters, I'lilace. Wntcester, Mass.. 27- Aprll 1. Mong, William V,. F.verelt, Wash., 27-Anrll 1, Morllinore, Klols, London, Lomlon, Can., 27-Aprll 1. Morrlssey Sisters. Grand, Milwaukee. 27-Aprll I. Murphy. Mr. ft Mrs. Mark. Colonial, N, V. 0., 27-Aprll 1. Murphy A- Wlllard, G. O. II., Indianapolis, April 3-8. Murphy ft Frances. Orpheum, Los Angeles, Cat,, 2i-Aprll 8. Murplir A Andrews, Lyceum, Ran Fran., Cul., 27- Aprll I : Novel ly, Stockton, 3-H. Murray. Kllxahelh. Victoria. N. Y. C, 27-Aprll 1, Murphy A Nichols, 0. O. II., Chicago, 27-Aurll 1. Mitlvi-y ft Wards, Imps-rial, I.eailvllle, Col., 27- Aprll 1. Murray. Bob. Acme, Norfolk. Va., 27-Aprll I, Musllner's Pigs A Sheep. Unique. Los Angelea, Cal., 27-Aprll 1 ; I'lekwlt-k, Sun Diego, 3-8. Navajo (ilrls (121, i'rocior's. Newark, N. J., 27- April I. Nostuyth. Billy, I'awlucket, i'awluiket. It, I., 27- Aprll 1. Nessen A Nessen, Cnsto, Lowell. Mass,, 27-Aprll I ; Pastor's, ft Y. fJL .1-8. Nelson, l-'amlly, C. O. II., Chicago, 27-Aprll I. Newell A Nlblo. (irplieiuu. Kansas City. Mo., 27- Aprll I ; Oridietini. New Orleans, La., IIS. Nlblo. Fred, Poll' 1, Springfield, Moss.. 27-Aprll 1. Nichols SMers. 11. 0. II., Indliiiiapolls, 27-April Norton A Nicholson. Orpheum Mlnneanoll'i, Minn., April .1-8. Norman A Bryes. Novelty, Oakland, c»l., 27- Aprll I. Kofelli, Audltorlnru. Norfolk. Vn„ 27-Aprll 1. Nnldi-s. Mr. A Mrs. Milton. Keith's, N, Y IV. Aptll 3 8. Norworth. Jack, Urplieum, Omaha, Neb., 27- Aprll 1. Obaratelrer Troap9. Foil's, Ilrldgeport, Conn., 27- Ap('ll >. Olive, Mile., Ocean Pier, Atlantic City, ft .1.. 27-Aprll 1. Ogden, Helen. BIJou. llockford. 111., 27-Aprll I. Olefin ft Taylor, Run Tou, Phlla., 27-Aprll I; Howard, Boston. 3-S. Orpheus tiomedy Four. Circle, N .Y. 0., 27-Aprll I: Orpherun. Ilkln., 3-S. O'Ramey, Georgle, Park, Worcester, Mass., 27- Aprll 1. O'Rourke ft Rurnette Trio, Kmplre, Holsiken, N. J., 27-Aprll I. Ostrndo. Colonial. N. y. P., 27-Aprll 1. Palty Bros., Cook, Kochester, N. Y„ 27-Aprll I; Umpire, Itostim, 3 8. Patrick A Grlerson, National, Kansas Olty, Mo., 87-April I. Panlioti A Mooley, Urplieum, Denver, Col., 27- Aprll 1: Orpbeuni. Kansas City. Mo.. 3 8. Parker, Bert. Lyric. Iieuver, Col,. 27-Aprll t. Parker, Ward tt Parker, Watson's, Bkln., 27- Aprll 1. Parish, llnlqiie. La Crosse, Wis., 27-Aprll I. pelot, Frtsl ft Annie, star, Hamilton, Can., 27- Aprll I. Perkins A Cnlvelln. Oerli. Lynn. Mass., 27-Aprll I. Pent ft Wilson, Prisiur's, Newark, N, J., 27- Aprll I. Fetching Bros., Poll's, New Haven, Conn., 27- Aprll 1. Pelleller. Dora, Pnlerson, N. J.. April .'IS. Perry. Walter. Pk-kwli-k. San lllcg.i. I'aL, 27- Anrll I. IMilllln* A Merritt, Wensl's. Peoria, 111., 27- Aprll I. Piccolo Midgets, IT.s-tor's 23d St., N. Y. C, April 3-8. Pierce ft Muliev, llutliawiiy'H, New Bedford, Mttsi., 27-Aprll I ; Moore's. Portland, Me.. 3-B. Powers A Freed, Main St.. Peoria, III., 27 April H. Potlcr A Howes, Cnsto, Fall Illver, Mnss.. 27- Aprll I. Powers ft Freed, Kllte, Davenport, lo„ 27-Aprll 1; Main St., I'corlu, 111.. 3-rT. Potter A Hartwell, Chase's, Washington, U. '.'. April 3-8. Proctor ft Morrlssey. Grand, .Milwaukee. 27 April 1. Pucks (2>, I'mclnr'rt, Newark, ft J.. 27-Aprll I. I'rjurs. The, Keith's, Boston, 87 April 1. Qltlnlftn*. JtiKHlliiK, London, I.melon, Cau., 27- Aprll I. Qiflnlnn, John. Phlla.. 27-Aprll I. Qiilnlnn, Dan, full's, Ilrldgeport, Conn., «'7- April I. Qulgg, White ft Nlnkormu, Ocenli Pier, Alluntlc City, N. J.. 27-Aprll 1. Raymond A I'nvcrly. Pnmlor'a I.8U1 SI., N. Y. t.'., 27-Anrll 1. Ramoiilers. The, Kmblre, Huston, 27-Anrll I. llandoii, Margery, NlckeliKleoii, Fall Illver, Mi-is., 27 April 1. Rntrsnn A June. Victoria, K, Y. II., 27-Aprll I. Knymnnil ft 'I'rlivy, flrainl, Ixignii, II., 27-Aprll I. Ilustns A Hanks, Piilnce, Loudon, I-Iok . 27- Aprll N. Rnyno's. AL. Canines, Mlddlelown, N. V., 27- Aprll 1; Altoima. I'a., .1-8. Raekett A llnxiird. I'.fflp., Hull. Kng.. 27-Aprll I : IJmji., I.ceds. -8 -. Kino., Ilradfurd, in l.'>. Rn.vTfioiiil. I.lule II., Illpp.. Illriulughaui. Kug . 27-Aprll 1 ; Hcciiit. Sulfnril. ,18; Tlvoll. 10-ln. Rndn ft llerinmn, I'nhghkeepsle. N. Y.. 27-Aprll I. Itailforil ft Vali'lillue. Casino, Nice, Fr., 27- Aprll 2. line ft firm-he. II, A II., ft Y. ft, 27-Aprll I. Kceds, Musical. Grniiil. Jnllel. III., April 3-8. Itcirr Bros., Fniplre Tour, Great lll-llalu, 27- Aprll 311. Remington. Mayrue, Shrrsly's, Fall Illver. Ms-is , 27-April 1. llenn k Murray, (Initul, Milwaukee, 27-April I lieiila, Charlie, Auiidltorhiiu, Norfolk, Va., 27- Aprll 1. Henilult, Dorothy, Atlaiillc Garden, N. Y. ft, 27- April 1. Reno* Myrle, Grniiil, Mllwuukee, 27-Aprll 1 Iteynnpl, l.d. F., Urnml, llnuley, Kng., April 11"; Tlvoll, Dublin, Ire.. 111-11%; Gnli-iy. Oldham, J. Haft, 17-22. Rice A Klmcr, II, ft II., Bklu., 27-Aprll I. Illcc A CohCII, Olympic, Chicago, 27-Aprll I. BlanOK (41, Kellb's. Dlevnlanil, 87 Anrll I. Rich A Harvey, Keith's. RimIou, 27 April I. Rlch-llnrrey. Keith's, Ikiston. 27-Aprll I, Iltcrihtd". Mnlu SI.. Piorlu, HI.. 27-Aprll I. King A Williams, Lyric. Lincoln, Neb., 27 April I. RIcotKino'H Horses, Cliasn's, Washington, li. t!., 27-Aiirll 1. Richards, Great, Unliiite, Mliini<ii|»lls, April 3 8. Haas ft Lewis, Calm:.-, Ilnllfin, Kng.. 27 April 1; I'olacv, Brjilford. 3-H; l-nlacc, lliull.-). lo- in. Roast Bros., Grpliemu. Ilnnvoi, Col., April 3 8. Itnlfes, The, Poll's, Sprluglli-hl, Msss., 27-.\pill Roberts, Ilnyea ft Hntierts, •'rorlur's 211.1 SI., N. Y. tt, 27-Aprll I. Iloyer ft Frenrh, llljim, llneini-. Wis., 27-April I. Roys ft Kuberls, Park, prnvl.h-uif. 27-Aprll i. Itoelkar, Kdw, «»., Alluitiihru, Siivutinuli, tin.. 27- Aprll 8. • Rochetort ft May, Family, Lnucasler, Pa.. 87- Aprll I. Rosnlrp ft Dorelu. Touring Kurope, 27-Aprll 3D. Kooncy's, put, ilrclilns, Urplieum, Bklu., 27- Aprll I, Itohriin, Mrs. Kluarl, ft Co., Casls, Fall River, Mass., 27-Aprll I. ilosw-r, Kdwanl, Family, Mnlintioy Clly. Pa.. 27- April I. Huberts (4), Coinm!.In. St. Louis, 27-Aprll I; .0. c. II., t.'hli'.igu. 3-8. Ross ft Kenton, Colonial. N. Y. C, 27-April 8. KiiHsell, III km. Circus uf Varieties, Din v. Kng., 27-Anrll 1 -, Fniplre, tlrts-uis-k. 3-8; Tlvoll. Dull- Hit, Ire., 111-15; llulety, Hlrmlugliiiiii, l-lng., I- Russell, Phil ft Currl,-. (llneogrtipu, Spnkuni-. Wash., 27-Aprll I: Pnnlnges. Seattle, 3 8. Ryan, lister A llyuii, 0. II., Ml. Vi-rumi. N. v.. 27-April I. Rymi ft HIi-lifleTil. Proelnr's, Alliany, N. Y.. 87- April 1: Oriilii-iim, lllleii, 3-8. llyuii ft Dtiuirlns, Hen's, Knennuhii, Mleii., 27- Aprll 1 ; llljou, Culiimi-I. 38. Ryaiis, Hip, Lnlqur, Um Angeles, Cal.. 27-Aprll 1; Pli-Uwlck, Hun Diego, 3 8. Hato. fi. K , Orpheum, Frmikfiirt, Am. tier.. 27-31; i'liliiei-. Luiiiloti, I'.ug.. April I an. Snnfnnl, Florllln, I'nliii, Crliuile (Vis-h, Col.. 27- Aprll I. Suwtelle A Hears, Ari-uile, Toh-iln, f»., 87-April I. Hnlriiggls. Tbe. Urplieum, Ilkln., 27-Aprll I. ■M Josepblue, iirpln-uin, Denver, Ift 27- Aprll I. Hnimilern, Chalk, Cosln, Full Illver, Mass., 27- Aprll I. Seult ft Howard, Columbia. St. Louis. 27-Aprll I. Scolt Bros., Poll's, Springfield, .Mass., 87 April I. Scott, Orvnl. Kellb's, PI1II11., 87 April I. Hemoii, Chiis. F., I'ojiimbln. Clneliliiull, 27 April I ; Hopkins, Louisville, Ky., 3-8. Heiibrooke, Tims, O.. Olrcli-, N. Y. (!.. 87 April I. Bi'lli-s, (3ms. ft rillle. Hen's F.seuttiiliu, Mli-li.. 27- Aprll i : llljou, Cuhiniet. 3-8. Plierinan ft rSn l-'mest, Sheedy's, Fall Illver, Mass.. 27-Aprll I. Shaw, Lillian, ||, A II., Rkln., 27-Aprll I. Sbeppnnl ft Wnnl, Keith's, X. Y. (!., 27 April I. Hluiiigopnvl, priii-lnr'H .'18II1 SL, N. V. I.', 'it- April I. Shli-hls A Paul, (I. V. II., Nashville, Ti-nii., 27- Aprll 1. KhnWH, Aerial, Circle, N. Y. II., 27-Aprll I. Sldilnn Bros., Itay, Anili-rson, lad., 37-Apill I ; Htar, Mnncle, IniL, 3-H. Shnoii-tlarduer Co.. Orpl 111, Mllllieiipolls, Minn . 27-Aprlll; 'irpli-im, Denver, Col.. 3 s. Hliiipsoii-pltriiiaii Trail, Arcade, Tuleilo, i»„ 27- Aprll 1.- Slu|s,ffsH. Mrno., Urplieum, New Orlenns. 27- Aprll 1. Bliiter A Finch, (h-yslnl, Kvniisvllle, lnd., 87- April I; Crystal. Marlon, 3 8. Hint* A Williams, Poll's, Sprluglleld, Muss., 27- Aprll 1; Orpheinii, llllen, N. y„ 3-8. Hrulrl ft Ki-siliir. Coluinlilii, Si. Duils. V? April I. Sinlili. Peter .!.. II. <>. II., Gnind Hnplds, Mich., 27-Aprll I. Sinltli, Fuller. TImo.. A Jenny SI. George, Olym- pic I'lileago, April .IS. Smiths. Aei-htl, K.-nii's, l.'lcv-lon.l. 27 April I. Sinltli ,'i Conk. P.i.i|.,i--«. ,V. V. (!.. 27-Api-ll I Slivler A Mucklev. iilyuiple. Clileagu, 87 April I; llayiiiiirker. Chiiuiio. IN, Spltver A Nllgle. Shell's, lltlrTnlo, 27-April I. Sisiok Mlnsin-ls. Hii-ii's. Ilaf.'tiln, 27 April I Sppsserr A Kpsi-.irily, HI. Louis. 87 Anrll I Stuiirl. .lolin l-„ -lemplil. Memplils, Tism , 27- Aprll H. St. Onye Bros., Keeuey's, Ilkln.. '27-.\|irll I Slnnleva, Tbe, I'a In-e. Wuiestci, Has*., It7 April 1. Sloley A Illrla-rk, Temple. Iietndl, 87 April 1 Stelnerl A Thoinaa Zoo. Toledo, O., 87 April 1 !lti-lii, Kreito. I'nslnu, Ak'li-r-i. Af., 27-:il ; iM-ntrhi-s, Munli-h, Gi-r.. April I-3P. Hlevens A Kerley. RIallo, Llinlni. N. Y.. 27- Aprll I.