The New York Clipper (April 1905)

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Apri^ t I Hudson Theatre (Henry a Hards, mau- ■ircr).—At thla bouso cm Monday night, Barn 27, Virginia Harncd und company f'sve the flrst Metropolitan production ot "The ndy Shore," u five act play, by Mrs. Vance Thompson and Lena H. Smith. The ]ilay, n-lilrh w«» originally produced Dor. 2H, 11104 17 The Harriett Theatre. Philadelphia, 1'a.! In ||s the atorv of Jane 8hor». fnvor'" of King Edward IV, ot England. Mistress Shore, tiic wife or Muttuew ntiore, a Lomnnrd biram jewelry merchant, la noted In London for her InMiuiv and has attracted the attention of mnny of the gentlemen at court. This Is eminently satlsfnctory to Matthew Shore, ns It means much profitable liuslness for his »hop. Edward IV, Kins of England, has THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 153 liecotne enamored of Jane Shore, and en- joy* her company under the nnme of Edward, employed In the shop. Edward endeavors to persuade .Jnne to fly with him, but though she confesses her love, she refuses. Richard, puke of Gloucester, the king's brutlier, makes udvanccs to Jane, but Is repulsed, nnd or- dered by her to leave. The duke leaves In n race, and Matthew Insists that Jane shall seek his forgiveness so that he mny not lose the valuable trade. This Is the last straw, and Jane flics with Edward, still In Ignorance of his Identity. She la next seen established ns the court favorlto and sincerely beloved by Kdward. The Lancastrian uprising and the rebellion of two of the powerful bnrons com- pels Kdward to go to war and leave his kingdom and Jane to the care of Richard. During the king's absence Itlchnrd plots to win Jane and the throne. He fills London with bis soldiers and has In his pay nil in authori- ty, lie entices Jane to his apartments In the London tower, nnd, being repulsed, leaves her n prisoner with the king's two sons, and Instructs the keeper of the tower to make ntvny with the young princes. When about to carry out these instructions the keener Is stabbed by Jane, and she escapes with the children. June has endeared her- self lo the populace by having several of the moat objectionable taxes abolished, and thev conceal her In their houses: but Itlchnrd orders a house to house search In order to nnd her. When the search commences she Is concealed la the booth of Will Spencer, a player: but lllcbnrd Is Informed of her hid- ing place. The king returns attended only by his favorite, Sir Mnrmadiike Neville, and Is In grave danger, as Itlcharc] controls the situation during the absence of the loyal troops. Gloucester tells the king of the whereabouts of Jane Shore and makes him believe that she has been consorting with Will Spencer, the player. She is brought from the booth nnd mane to confess lo what Is not true by Gloucester, who threatens louinkc away with the king unless she docs. Tnc k'ng, angered, sentences her to do penance by walking the streets of London guarded until she dies. At the end of six days, Just ns Jane Shore tills dead In the streets, the king's army arrives, and then Doll Silk, a llower girl, who was to have married Will Spencer, and who knows the true course of events during the king's absence, tells him (he truth, spencer has already been hanged by tho kings orders. Shocked and over- come by his tragic error, the king sets out to carry Jane's lifeless form through the streets of London, back over the path she had followed, In order to do her whnt honor lies in his power. Tho authors have taken considerable liberty with history and have drawn the character of Jane Shore as angelic, hut Ihey huve only succeeded in pro- ducing a play which does not rise above mediocrity. The situations are, for the most part, strained and Illogical, and the construction of the work Is poor. to the play Is, Iheru Is not Hiifllciont reason for the king to doubt lastly Shore, and there Is every reason for his doubting his brother Richard, the Duke of Gloucester. Miss Darned proved herself to he unsulted to the title role and guve an uneven performance. At limes, particularly In the first act, her work was clever, but In the stronger and more emotional scenes she wus not muni to the demands of the role, llobert Lorulnc was manly and con- vincing iik the king. John lllalr gave a capital performance of the Duke of Glouces- ter, Daniel Jarrctt did excellent work as n ill Spencer, the player, and Mabel Dlxey made the most of the small role of Doll Silk. Hie others In the cusfucqultted themselves with credit in their several roles. The pro- duction Is elaborate, the Bccnerv Is liiind- jjome, and the mob Mann are well handled. I lie cast In full: Edward IV, King of Eng- land, Itobcrt Lorulno; Richard, Duke of l.luucester, John Blair; Edward, Prince ot }) ales, Suzette Corrlgon ; Richard, Duke of lock, Ory Dlmond: Sir Marmadukc Neville, I' red Eric ; Sir Richard Itudcllffe, Edward 11. Mawson; Sir William Catesby, Wlllluni leinnlc: Bishop of London, John Wallace; Muster Ilufford, William Honclll ; Will Spen- cer, Daniel Jnrrett; Matthew Shore, George Sonic Spencer; Master Ilobbs, Win. L. Ilrans- corahe | Gilbert Jossclln, Charles H. Crosby; ■loudng, James T. Ayer; King's Chamber- lain. P- X. Morris: Turnkey, Walter F. Scott: Ned Books, James Archer; Sheriff, Itobcrt lluydcu': Doctor Sheu, Andrew Mnc- Kenzlo; Snoke's Shop Ilov, Ernest Mnnde- ville; Sergeant, William Strong: Town Crier, •nomas Wilson: Watchman, Mr. Edmunds; Kings Jester, Mr. Smythe: b'irst Pluycr, -Mice Hoover: Doll Silk, Mabel Dlxey; Mis- tress ROODS, Alice t.'ohrn; Alison, Juno fior- don: Kate, Jnne Lloyd: Bib Meg. Elizabeth "rock : King's 1'ages, Edna' I'erklns, Betsey I'e I'ny ; Richard's l'nges, Margaret Cogbliin, mm, llaikln: Slioesellcr, Winona Donnlson : Hrst Court Lady, Miss Anstruther: Second ;.?" r , t I'Udy, Miss Anderson; Jane Shore, ' irglnlu Harncd. Keith's Tlientre (K. V. Alboe, genera' manager).—A bill comprising a number of vaudeville novelties wim presented hero mati- nee of March 27, aud resulted in great en- iiiiikIhsiii from the usual large audience. I'i'i-eiiiost on the bill was Mrs. Annie Veiimans and Louis Wesley. In a hodgepodge. Mrs. IMUnatH was obliged to bow her nctcnowl- eiigcmeuts many limns, and during the act mpersonated a young womnn In a character- "lie song and dance nf thirtv years ago, wnh-h was very enjoyable nnd cleverly (lone. ""Kb Wesley made a fealure of Itoxuniui {'"oley. and assisted In a lot of small talk, mind 'Join, the ever wonderful and popular negro pianist, made his first appearance here, ai> an extra attraction, and astonished by bis marvelous technique, as he did over a quarter "i 11 century ngo. Archie Bnyd nnd company Prevented Win M. Cressv's rural skdeb, Atl«T Many Yours," for the first time here, "tiding to Hie favor found elsewhere. The Popular comedian Is well fitted In this play, which Ik quaint, pal belle and true lo life, iiobert Halliard lenders able assistance as "is son. Ward and Cumin presented a new yrsion of "The Terrible Judge," an net which s well received. Mr. t.'iirran's singing was noroiighly enjoyed. Nora Hayes was well '"'•elvc-d In her singing, anil Hie Leigh Bros, snowed themselves masters of the eniilllbrlc {•". Charles Keuuu. as "The Fakir, had 11 *ng monologue, which was very willy ami 'iiormighly apprcoluted. Oilier ucls which were well appreciated were: D'Alma's iriiupe nf trained dogs, the Howard Urns., with their Juggling banjos: .luck Irwin, In original monologue; Two AsIiioiik. comedy jugglers; Earl nnd Wilson. In musical coni- "o.v. and Shepnard and Ward. In "The Koollsh Mr. Mine." New pictures appeared In the woernnh, and were thoroughly appreclnled. Knickerbocker Tlientre (Al. Hayman * 1J0.. manngersl.—Ellis Jeffreys beg:ui her «'ii:iid and lost weok. In "Tlie Prince Con- Kor| . March 27. "Loudon Assurance." wllh MMIh Jeffreys and an all slur cast, April Hernia Square Tlientre (Charles Froh- niiin. manager).—Rlani-he Walsh. In "The "nniHii In the Cuse." counhcuced her ninth week March 27, •>7 »77,;" e .i C " r I ,Dt wci>li ' commencing March gf »»>Its tin. first full M ven day space of the forty-tlrst year of management of the genial manager above mentioned. Last Wed tb^'."' Wlls thc * Hnai unnlve/sarv and ,.tot y RS °", e , t0 bR "membered by Mr I aster. Conaratii niorv telegrams ami n, iVh ZT^T nl '°r r «"• wuntryfand II e £ h»»^5l ro . wpri ; b ^ v, ' rs of ttow <"»- ,; onn will. mce P , n C i?nf"L l r]M <V™** I'^'ned from the face so long known In tbentrlcnls. and when "ff 1 "" V f tu «f1«y» stepped to the footlights, and, wllh his old time unction MUffj the songs with which his i,,u,, f ™.™! joclnled several decades ngo. the Jnv of the remendons audL-nce knew no bound? M- ingetbcr It Wjisuiic|H»hlnauiiiKi.uicut events }"','l n 'V'l '"'! lK , I " ,|U|M| ,,v ""»«'' nilm'.nls- iralois of iim n alnpathlc doses, llolcombe, ( nrtls and Webb, in "A Winter Session." and Ine school scene wns as acceptable as ever. «.'«-„ 1 "" . , r 'J uk - ,l10 f,,lln J' millionaires, wan brought fonraHl ns an extra feiuure! Jhil fin, y ,1 '.'', r ^" u P'' ov «' (1 llle wisdom of this billing, t'nrlln and Otto were a special !ffiiM.^v! , tf..l | !JS ,,! «' n tlellghtful comedy addition. Mabel Carew and I'.ertrude Daves held a prominent position In their roaring sketch, "The (Ireen and Cold." and won in the finish. Johnson and Wells were some- what of a novelty In their act. singing and iliinclng 10 1 he delight of the audience. Krank nhltmna. I he dancing violinist, caused great wonderment In bis elever buck and other dancing while playing a violin. Others who assisted in the strong bill were: Kdward nnd Kale Lovlli, the Clindwlek Trio, the Lvrlc < ntnedy Four, Al. Friend, Harrington and Martell. Charles Farrell nnd Ceorgc W. llus- scy. Die vltngroph presented a new and interesting series of pictures. Savoy Theatre (Frank McKce, mana- ger).—Grace George entered her sixth and last week, in "Abigail." March '_>7. "A Case of frenzied Finance" April ;». Manhattan Theatre (Hnrrison Grey I'lske. manager).—Mrs. Flske, In "Leah KJeschna," be;run her fifteenth week March -7. Criterion Theatre (Charles Froluniiu. manager).--Mn ry Mannerlng, In "Nancv Ktulr, opened her third week March 'Si. Edwin Mnckay succeeded Bols'rt Lorulne ns Daavera McGregor on that dnlr. IVew Ainsterdtuu Tli.nlre (Kbiw & Erlunger. managers).—Richard MaiiBtleld en- tered the second week ot his engagement March t!7. iiresentlng "A I'arlslnn Romance." Thc rest of the week will be filled with the repertory ot last we^k. Empire Tlientre (Charles Prnliman, manugeri.—Williiini (lillelte commenced Ills fourth week .Much 'J7, In Sherlock Holmes." I." Fields 1 Tlientre I Hamlin, Mitch- ell It Fields, managers).—"D Happened In Nordland" entered Us seventeenth week March *J7. Lyric Theatre (Sum S. & Lee Shubert, managers).—"I'uiitnna" eomnieueed Ms elev- enth week March U7. The one hundredth performance Is announced for April II. New Lyceum Tlientre (Daniel Froh- man. manager).—"Mrs. I^-llliigwell's Hoots" begun Its ninth week March 37. The one hundredth performance win occur April r>. rieiaseo Tlnnitre (David Hetasco, man- ngeri:—Mrs. t'urter, in "Adrea." began her twelfth week .March "7. The one hundredth performance will occur April 5. Wnllavk'M Tlientre (Mrs. Then. Moss, manager).—Amelia lllngham began her fourth nnd liisl week In "Mile. Miirnl" Mnrcli -J". Next week, Alice Flatter, In "The School for Husbands." Daly's Tlientre (Daniel Frohman, mana- ger).—"The Duchess of Dantzlc" entered Its eleventh week March -7. Majestic Tlientre (John S. Flaherty, manager).— "Busier Brown" commenced March '27 Its tenth week. tiiirdeii Theatre (Henry W. Savage, manager).—"The College Widow" began Its twenty-eighth week March '.27. Mlierty Tlientre (Klnw & Erlunger, managers).—"The Education of Mr. I'lpp ' begun lis sixth week March 27. Ihu-leni At the Harlem Opera House (Alex. Llclileasleln, nmnuger) "Mrs. Wlggs. of Ihe I'nblMge rateh," openetl to it well til etl house March U7, and all Indiciillons point to a big week. Applause was freely bestowed, and Ihe funuv situations were keenly en- joyed. Next week, George M. Cohan, hi "Little Johnny Jones." Wi;sr End (llcorge A. Illtiuicnlhnl, mali- nger).—The musical coinctly, "I'oggy from l'arls," opened to one of the best. Monday night houses of the season 27, and nil Indi- cations point to a continuance of gooil re- turns throughout the week. The piece was given n welcome that, falls lo tew companies here. Next week, "The Awakening of Mr. 'iimioruMS I Henry ltosenberg. manager). —•'The Confessions of a Wife," Owen Dnv s new nielodrainn, handsomely singed nnd Willi many Innovations in the line of novel situa- tions, packed Oils house from lop to bot- tom -I', and ilesL-rvcdly so. The cast is above Ihe average and the scenery Is a big feature. Stmi (Win. T. Keogh, manager).—; In the Shadow of Darkness." M. J. Flemings lutes comedy drama, which was llrst presented at New liocbelle, N. V March J1. was Hist ofTcicd for the apiirnval of a .New Sort au- dience at Ibis house 27. It Is 0 sensatlomil story of rugged New England life, ami a supeiloc coiuiiiiny Interpret It, headed by I he Utile comedienne. Gertrude Swlggett. who is starred In the leading character role. Her work was really artistic and proved eminent- ly satisfactory 10 a large audience. 1 ho piny lias some good material In the way of enter- taining situations and good comedy, and plainly caught the fancy of the audience. Its staging Is most prnlseworthy. Hal Brown's acting, ns lOllslui llugglns. gave grea delight, and Frederick It. Seuton, I 11 S. lllggin-s. Collin Vnrrey, Marie Duy and Cnrlotlu flaunt deserve special men- - Hon. Hue smd Benedetto, us acrobats, scored a big slices*. The cast: Lbenezer vinuce/e Frederick 11. Scales: Frederick M I.eaVl. B.M. S. Ill«gi»s: KlUha HujkUm, I ,1 hown ; Harris lloiighlon, eorge II ark : l.em I'l.mkett. Collin Variey: Lew Trolter, E. C. Townsend : Junto Wmhu, IjM llarrlly: SI Slimmer, John I). Murplij . Hill- • ,.,, -Harry T. Lee; Willie Turner, \\ 111 to Ilurtford; Fbigmun, Frank llagler: l-lrst Acrehiil. Second Acrobat, hue Blid Bene- lett" First Countryman. Wnlier Dresser: He ouil Countryman. Arnold Wakeley: llark- or. II. Shoutcr: Fakir, Marl Lyons; llelc 1 Henderson, farlolio. Guui.l: .Mariha »*<«»• Mare Dnv: .Mrs, I'lunkelt. Isabelle Clinton- Helen iriiuion tlhe wife) ; Maud Beam nSS"*' f, * ,r "- Melhiiny Ives, aud Uobt. E. mil. us Matthew Culver, The pertormaucc a-ai a mo.»t cooimendablo one. The vaude- ville named I*j Carlllo, tho La Tells nnd motion picture*. ■1 0, 'A'" rlt ' tl*w Wat mn. manager ).--Dnr. Ing Daisy Burlesquers opened to I well tilled house J7. „„,) rtiould have no trouble In »t- trnetlng large audiences Ihe last part of Ihe »cek. j'he company evidently gave sntls- faction, Judging from the applause bestowed upon both burlesque nnd olio. Next week, Cily Club Dnrlenquers. Brooklyn.—Al the Mn'itauk (Isnlad Sinn lleeht, manager 1 Win. II. Crane, In "Ihisl- ness Is liuslness," Is here veek of March 27. Lust week Eleinor Itntisun drew crowded hntises. "Woodland" next week. M.t.iKSTir (dins. II. Sturgcsg, uianngerl.— busy hnjr." with George liulney In the lend- ing role, Is here week nf 27. Many new songs have been added t 0 thla production. Ihe l'lt" did fine business for the past two weeks. "The Wirnrd of Or." next week. oi-KtiA Horsi; (Lew I'arker. maim get-).—Chminccy Olcott, In "A Romance of Alhloni', Is the current nit ruction. Mr. Ol- cott s engagement Is for iwo weeks. James J. torla'tt. In "I'als," did a tine business. Mr. oirotl. In "Terence," next week. I'AIIK (Wm. Hyde, m.uingeri.—"Wedded. But Xo Wife," should prove lo Ih> a big drawing card week of '_•?. Lnst week big liuslness ruled. Next wee!i, "On the Sawance Itlver." lluiiu (Mnry II. Spooner, manager).— "Ihe Lady of Lyons," In which Edna Mny Spooner shows capital work, Is presented week of •:". The others ot the company are seen to advantage Last week "Zip," In which Cecil Spooner scored 11 lug success, did well. N'cxt week, "Thc Girl I Left Behind Me." Cut.iiMim (('. L. Wels, manager).—"For MARTIN BECK, M. G. ANDERSON and GEO. MIODLETON VlttMMFrd tiKO. M. COHAN'S •'LtlTI'K JOHNNY.JtlKKS" SHOW al Ihe ILI.INGLMTIIHATIIK. Chlnign, lil«lwrek. They said or ItBtlNAIll) IIYLLVN'B lliincisonullou of the Cblmuiiau: "Wo were stir- prlictl to ice livl.LVN c*rry » chaructei thioogh tin ciilllo pcrfnrumncc so iiitlstleally. We eonnder 11 one of the best oxamplesnt character acting wo ever witnessed." IF you're thinking of a Prince Albert lor Kastcr, think of Arnheim. Wo'ro building an unusual Frock coat and vest (lined and faced with silk) far $25. The proper trousers (of English striped worsted) to go with 'em, $6. A wide-wale grey diagonal is ihe "properest" top coat fabric, We're making lots of 'em. Lined throughout with silk and tailored the best we know how, for $25. Let us send you samples and fashion book. ARNHEIM, Broadway & 9th St., New York. masterly manner, iiresentlng all sides, train Hint of Ihe nrtlinibis Jew mill the more lenient nf the race In the haled follower ot Her Huko," u Iiusshiu play. Is presented this the Czar. The three nets nre replete with 'formerly « member Svmi-.vtiiv ami niNimi.u.Ni'B were exleuded o the children nf the lute Maurice llnny- nioie by (be While Kills, of which he wan week. Last week excellent business ruled. ^ext week, "The Octoroon." Obi-iihum (I'crry II. Wllllnms, manager). —A bill ot excellent talent Is given Uf und wenk. The headline act In Ilenrv Miller, in "Frederick Leinnltre." others nre: ileorgo, Evans, Ihe Boston Kndetles (for nnolber week), Augusta fllose. llooney's Street Ifr chins, the Eight Salvnggla, lllckey and Nel- son, the Maxwell tjulutet, the Mucbnnna and Ihe vltogrnpli. Circus In Mars." IIkiiJian Ki.kin gtive a lecluie nn "How In I'se the Volci> In Song and Speech," lifter- noon of March --', In Ihe Lyceum Tliealre. Tin: I'll MON li- hm-iin-v closed Us seiison iifleinu.iii of March --, and the report ffiriH & ItEitMAN's (Nick Norton, tiinua- York Tlientre. March 2.1. when Wright Lorl- most successful In the soclely'H lib ger).—Jcaslc Mlilwurd, In "A Queen's Mes- tner praaonled Iwo short plnva, and also ihe Tim Timkh Hquahh Tiibatiiii Ih senger," Is the leading attraction this week, third ni.'l of "The Shepherd King." In "Chut- as the nainn of the new place of n emotion nnd drnniiillc Hltnnlluns, nnd (he 'i'lit: Knkimiu, iJi a«i'k/i ih gave Hh iliuil Iicrforniance was In every wnv n pleasing concert In MedclsHohn Hall. Mnrcli 'J2. one. The east: l.elser Krenkel, N. DrlofT: Hkhnik McCnv will npp.'ar us the principal llorncb, 1). MIchalloiT: Liu, A. Naslmoff: soubrelli- ni the lllpiiodrutiie, lit "A Yimkeo Scliloluie, S. KruiiiHknl; Must-hn, I). LJallua ; ■ Nnclimuiin. I". M. Orleneff: Uercsln, 9. Wron- skl: Isersson, A. Kanitaeff: I'liiiniin. A. Sorokln; Srul, It. Lelkowaky: Tnnto Snnn, W. Krjusheir: it l'easnlil, C. SwJellolT; ('Inline, V. Lutkowskaja. A htkciai. matinbk wna given at Ihe Now nf the treasurer shows It to have been (hu most successful In the soclely'H hlslury. announced . ntmmt'iuciit Others nre: The Three Keatons. Joe, Myrn lerton" Mr. Loriinei- gave a rather soinhrn now being emiHtriieled at llro.utwnv and und Hunter: Halley and Madison. Italian Impersonation of Tliomim chuiterion, the l'*orty-lllth Slreel, of which lliitullu, Milchell Trio. Julia Klngslev and Nelson Lewis. Lew hrilllant young pool, who, In 1770. committed & Melds have eccuiod the lease. Iluwklns. Keep and' Carney, Illcc and Kilmer, suicide in Lutidon. In the other short play, "A Mil. anh Miih. Daviu Ma.nnkh gave n lliieh l.illhiu Shaw and the kluetogrHph. Clerical Krror," Mr, Lorlmer w«n not at his Kkkxky's IK. A. Keeney, manager).—This licst In Ihe comedy role of the Kov. lllcbnrd week: Dun MeAvov and his Fifth Avenue t'llhel. Thc third net nf "lite Shepherd King" tJIrls. the Kllnure Slalcra, Wlllluni llntchl- was given, with Ita splendid stage effecls and son and Mund Allen and companv, SI. tinge accessories, and In Ihm Mr. Lorlmer met wllh Urolhei-s, SpiuI and Violet Allen, Colden and his tnniiil proiiounepd auccess. Cast of "Chnt- IlugheN, Jliibel hnl nl and William MIIIIkiui, lerlnn:" Chntlcrlon, Wrlglil Lnrlmer: Mr. the Hollands, nnd Ihe Keeneyscope, Itiirgiitii, Charles Kent: Bertlin, May Hack ley; Mrs. Angel. Margaret llnywnrd. Cast of "A clerical Krror: Ilev. Itlehard cniiel, Wright Lorlmer; Minnie, Mnrlrtn Chapinnn ; Hick Cupel, carl Rrkatrom; ferry, Mlhclliert Hairs. In the Iblrd nel of "The Shepherd Watko.n'n Cozy Coii.nkii (W. B. Watson iimnager).—'i'he Big Sensallmi coinpuiiy. with IJnvu Marlon at the head, appears L'7 i.nd week. The burlesipies are: "linings of Mr. I'lp|>" nnd "Hock, the I'olsouer." The olio Includes many clever acls. recital In Mendelssohn Hull, evening of March 'J'. 1 . Tub Manhattan- TilKA-tiiB will lie closed Holy Week. The following Monday "Tin Proud Liilnl." by Chnrles Cartwrlghl ami Cosmo llaiiillliin, will be produced by Harri- son 11 ray Flske. J. Wksi.kv II'iskxui i.m-i- Iiiih arrnnged far Ihe produclloii al the Fourteenth Slice! Tlie* ntie of ilramatl'/.iil Ions of the novels by Laura Jean Llhby. "Miss Mliltlleluli's Lovem" will be iirowMiioil In Septiiiiiiec next. Srtn I Al. Schonberg, manugeri.—The pea red. There wiih a large niidleiiee present. the Yiddish language. Trnnsiilliintli-H nppeiired here 27 and week In Tiik cast iuii tiii: I .(older & Co. Klnw A A m-tnmi, iik mimu-ai, aht will it two act musical farce, "finite* of I'nmi- Kilnuger forlhi-nining sneclnl iiroductlon of In Cclober next at l-'lftn Avoiutn a "She Sloops lo Ciuiipier, which la lo Ihi nut Street, wllh Frank " on at Ihe New Anislertlain Theatre, New Frank Knelsel will ma." In Ihe olio are: Wiiisini Urol hers, Murphy and Known, Yolnude Wallace, Alex- ander Ciirr, ihe Hillette Slslers, Tsntht and Adele I'urvls (lull und Co. The special fea- ture Is Hheilnmn's dog and goose circus. ltiioAMVAY (Leo C. Teller, nmiiageri. — Mrs. Culvert (of londtml, ns Mrs. Hardens- 'bla week's nltrncllon Is "The (Jlrl from l">| Kyrlu llellew. us Young Harlow; Sidney York, Monday, April 17. Is now complnle. It will Include: lllenimr llobson, as Kale lluril- castle: (Mara nio.i.lgeod, ns MIkh Neville Kay's," wllh Sam itcrimrd and llultle Wll Hums. The songs of llnttle Wllllnms, par tlciitnrlv "Customers at Kay's," "Kgypl" and Dndson, ns IHggory. Three Hcpnmlc orgniil>.a. "Mrs. 1 loKgenliemier of Bark Lane meet tlons will he withdrawn In order thill eer- wllh mural favor. May Irwin had crowded tulu needed players may ho released for litis houses Inst week. Louis .Mann, In "Tho present at Ion. 'I lies" lice the Klciltior Hobsotl Second Fiddle," nexl week. Foi.i.y iltenneli Wilson, manager).—"In Old Kentucky." one of the best drawing cards, Im here this week. This season's cunt Is made up of capable people, who are re- ceived wllh marked favor. Nat M. Wills and his "Son ot llesl" rmupany had a good week ending SIS. "Ilusy Izr.y" next. week. (Iavktv (JiimeK Clark, manager),—Hose Syilelt and her London I Idles Blirlesqueis me here this week. "Haxallnir Nnncv" bus Hose Sydell In the title purl. The olio: Itelyea, iihyali-fll cidlure exponent; Hie Dlnus troupe of Ihiropenn gymnasts: Campbell, Weber and ciiniiiany. In "The Sculptor's Dream," und the uljnii Comedy Trio. Ami'Uki.v (Wm. T. (irovor).—Mr. (Irover has nlreutly iHioked tuiinv new features I'or .Mvkhciiaxi:," tiv- Maxim Corkl, wits pri> King" Mr. Lorlmer and his full company up- seined at the Timlin Theatre March 22, It '■ lituuiiilue. he opene# lid Twnlflh liiimroscli us director. Iieml the deportninut of Ntrlngi'd liiKtrnnii-nls. Tilt: camiv taiii.i: In (he lobby ill Ihe llnl- laud luuieiii wus an innovation Introduced by Mrs. Ildwlii Anion, president nf lb" I'm fessloiml Woman's Leiigue. "Aunt f.oulsu" imslsled by some young ladles, sold Ihe bull bolls in paying prices. ■loMKl'ti IIiioiikm soils for Loiidnn, Bug., nexl week. Ntow Yuuk I.uimii:, II. I'. I). Ki.ks. held lis annual electlnii March 211. with Ihe IHI li.u I in.; resiill: Kinllecl ruler. Win. T. I'lillllps: K, L. It.. I>r. ,Miu-AiIuims : lv L. K„ llnrrv Wrlglil: K. L. It., Waller lllalr: Meei-elary, Bernard l-'ngan; I reiisiirer. Harry llMiltly ; Hrew, ns Tony Ltuniikln : Louis .lames, ns ItnrdriiNlle : Frank Mills, iih IlnHtlngs; .1. 10. Co., which will close Us "Merely Mary Ann' sensna wllh Hie H.ulein Opera House engage- ment ; ihe All-Star "Two OrphiitiK" Co., whlt'h closed tit Atlantic I'll,v. March 25, and tho Kvrle llellew Co., which will he withdrawn Inner gininl, John Mcliowiin. utter Iheengiigemeiil at Trenton, April I." llAiiin.ii Tihimi-hon, irrnaiirer of tho West Mud Theatre, nnd wivrral members of ihe executive stuff, till vo ciiguged a villa ill Isitlg llcueli, L. I., for Ihe coming Summer, which they will call Ihe West L'nd Tliealre Villa. The hoys are euihiisbisilc aver the iirospneia of having a good lime, and are now preparing Invitations to managers nnd treasurers of dlfferenl cily houses. Cl.AIIA Ili.miniiooij will assist Arnold Italy nt the forlbrninlng srn-r-lu l mallnts'H nf the Ilernnrd Shaw doillile bill, Miss Illoodgood next season, nnd Is at the same time making appearing In the lending rolo In "How He ' id." Mntlne will be presented by tho selections for Ills Summer season at Hrlghtqn. Lied lo Her Husband."" Matinee porfnrm- Thls week he Iiiih Jeiin Marcel's living art ances of this comedy studies. Lisle .lunls, "Hie American Cissy Lofltis:" the (Irund Opera Trio, Sluarl, (Jriiclc Knunelt and company, In "Mrs. Mur- lihy's Second lliisbiind;" Allue's I rained monkey, Ihe IV Koe Trio, Brown and Nu- vurru, colored enterliilneiK : Foster nnd bid musical dog, and the kliiclogrnpb. liuslness Inst week was big. I'.WTox's (S. S. Allen, niatiuger).—"The County Fair" 's Ibis week's offering. Nell BurgesH Is seen In the character of Ahlgal I'l-iie, which he has made known all over the country, He Iiiih the Kiipport of tho Arnold Haly Company at the flnrrlck The- atre, April :i nnd If). In conjunction with "Tho Man of Destiny, the latter n own net pln.v. In which Mr. Daly's remarkable In- terpretntlon nf the part of Napoleon attract- ed much favorable comment. Tub llii'i'oimoMti Ih already the home of ninny of the unlmul actors which have been ti-iinspurlod from 'their temporary quartan nt Coney Island. Maiiuaiikt Wyciikm.Y will appear at the Madison Sipmre 'llieutrc malliiees nf March -X and 111, In "The Cminless Cnlhieeii." n bouse coiai'iuny. "Hip Van Winkle" had n ^inr act play, by William lluller Yeats, which A >ire llnv, iiinincii, jn,,..,.... ■-■-.• Luc V S.'i I liklns. Minnie line : ^»J^1 kins. l-'iiUHies Clinton, and >rtriIda «J*J«P«t as Tlldy True. .Next ivc"":, ' ' 'iffiS Hen llriiTtn lc Suamons MUSH.' llAl.t. (»'!" Ilurllc nmniigeri.--The inniiiigeinent has ar- n'gcd'a' iiiosl excellent hill r«r ihe nnnrowl i,r Its mil runs ils wck. I In; bill is eiitled I. he Ten bid Troupe, titan nre : I irrv La llnsenii'l Co.. Ita Musical Awjlan, I own. a lis mill mown, ilnidner and Mud- lorn line and Unwclie. T„ hot an. odgers, Miller and Klesko and . oliiiny Iniiell. (Jot i Vj iSiiIIIviiii & Kraus, inuniigers).— Indian" Maidens enu tatj J™**%£ Inwii house und were nccorded a warm wei- aie 7b one of the largest audiences of " senwn 'Hie "■.<>«' ""''•'' f"" d flom * ltrt ,, finish mid sho„b|I do fine ^""SU-^. 1>o...-ri)i'V' OW U'M' '-!> AM' I « '■> •' ,„,'• r? Sti,?!'T TiiKATUK 1.1. Austlti l-'.vnes. |„g for this »e-b. Ih- ^JiVrtdn and the iilnver* '.'7 proves Hint II W si n i great dV^llig card 'Kxtrcine , ; nre bis bee r.iln'11 111 Hie selection of Ih" BUM, KM in. .en' rv Is" abtrale. »». i. Kdley nppeiired is if, L I V:r V : Jus. lv- WHsoti. us Seuatcr Job" lutlmlolil; Beatrice Morgan, as big week ending 25. "Kuusl" next. N'ovKl.TV (Divlu Ilnblnciiii. miniager).— A largo and eouipelent company this week Is presenting Ihe Hcenlc iiielodi-anin. "When Women Love." 'Ihe scenes are local and re- miirkiilily realistic. "Henris Adrift" did well lasl week. "The Village Parson" next. (ioriiAM (Cbns. Williams, manager).—■ "Alone in the World," tills week. Iclls Its symputlielle slo-y of (be (rllnilnlloiis of n boliieless boy trying to milk" his own way In the wiirlil. It Is a play that appeals slrnngly to Ihe pulr.uis of Ihe house, und lis week's stay ought to prim u piofltnble one. "Human Hearts," 'usl week, did well. "Her First False Step" nexl week. L'Muli; (F. II. Cnrr, mnuuger).—The iiiim- ageirient has added some young nnd comely women to Ilia chorus, who this week make up Ihe company which produces thc bur- lesipies. Thu olio: Johnson und .'Irani, luioi-ii.iliuiit oiinedlnns: Wood and Berry, singers mid dnne»m; Mildred'Barry, serio- comic and Thomas' motion pictures. Prizes are being awarded to the two most popular iinuileiirs who appear mi Thursday nights, which Is known as amateur night. Business continues snllKfuctorv. Lvci:t;>t (Louis I'hllllps, manager), —"A Klghl. for Minimis" Is Hits week's offering, Hlg business ruled lust week. Noti:. —A l.'slliu.uilal Isjiiellt Is lo be I code red IM. Trail, treasurer of the Moiituuk Tlientre. Ill III" near future. Mr. Trull has been eumeetvd with ibis house for nnme years. will be given Its Hrst local presentation. lUoiti, MtiMiAii, "Ihe lnnniiii torjiedo." ar- rived lu tills eliy Mnrcli HI. and will ap 1'HK Wiiith IIaih cured fur "C.iiiiiIii" Itlx- ford, of the iiiTnlintlc I cum of llins., for Hie past y -, ami nt bis death defrayed Hie funeral expenses, ami at the meeting held Sunday. .March 211. (hey doiiiiled frill for ilie wlilinv's relief. Tin: Pun, iiaiimiimc HnrlKTY gave lis lliiul rehearsiil iiflernoou nf March 21, In I'lirneulii Hull. Tub htimibxth of Hu< Sliiiiliope-Wlieuicrol'l Driiiiinllo School nppeiired In live plnys, at (ho Ourrlck Tlientre, Mutch 2!l. Thev were; "A. that Died," by K. A. Lin Ifr : "Six In One," by Frances Avium- Mathews; 'The Three Miss diddles," by Alice Yules tlrniil : "llarbiirn," by .1. It. Jerome, und "Hnrlus," by tieiugo Moore. Mii.aiia Cbiinv, ii girl nf eleven years nf age, guve bee serniul piano leclliil In Men delHsohu Hull, iiflernoou of March 21, and her work was remarkable. HiiAi-B ,Ii:nks, a cli-.-us rider at the Mudl- son Hipmre liurdeu. fell from Imt luiise, even luit or Mnrcli 21. und Hiislaliu'd a fraelnrw "f Ihe iiillarlHiiie. Hhe was liiken to tho New York Hospital. UaudCDillc and THitistreL 11 a nit v, a vaudeville uclor, wiih re- loved lo Hie Long Island College Hospital pear nt the Hippodrome In hla novel act on Friday, Mnrcli 21, Hiiaerlng renin lo.kjiiw. whim Hie season opens there. ihe result of u pistol hIioI. woiiiiiI In the liuiid IlKSr.r Vt Sava.ib has returned frnm a loculv.'il while in-rforiuiuK ill Ihe Boa Tun trip tn I'lorhln and Hot Springs, milch Im- Tlientre, in Phlfililolphla, on March 12. Tim proved In lieiillh. wound was caused by Hie aceldeilliil tils I)K Wcii.t-HiiiTim will np|ieiir lit the Lyric chiirge of n i-ewilver In a piece In which Sloan was taking purl, Al lb.. ImKplliii It was said Mini die piulonl wiih doing well, und would probulily leenver. Katik I'DiMtrrr und duiigliii-r in-rived fiom Kngluliil March L'2, lifter a HUCrnMftll tour lu • Jreal llrlliilii. Miss F.iuinelt will piny Aineil- mil engngeuieiiis. Tin: Tb.s HiuioiiK I.amiiimit Tulu are ploy- ing Ita I'ftll elreilll III llielr sIlecCBHful cull.- Tliealre Inler In Ihe Hensou III "Klyslum," n new opera, by lie Koven. A iikvki-it I'BiiioIimam'i: wiin given at Mi- ller's Itowerv Theatre for the survivors of Hid ffcenl lire In Allen Slreel. TlIK I'UIII-I.U'H Cii.iiiai. L'M.o.v sung "I'll. .lull" In Carnegie Hull ulgbt nf March 2(1. Ciiaiu.kk !■;. Kvaxk has secured the Amer- ican rights or llasll Hood's pin v. "A .M Corker li Paris,' which will sliiully be pre- .-dy nel. This week Ihey are at Hurl foul, t.iiiui. Tiio.mi'H.iX AM. SiuiiiiA urn lu their tenth week on Ihe Middle West, circuit, and their new e.Miii'dy IHhIi net Is n miic-cosh. Leu Siu-ldu Inn. added several ii.iw •■nsiuiiieii, nnd m;w voiik citv .iottivcs. Tun St. l'cTKtiKBUiin Diiamatii: Co. np- peiired fni- the tirsl time In America at ita llernld Sijiwre Theatre Thursday mHt- hiec, .Mnrcli 211, presenting a three ml pluv In the Hussion language, by Bugen IVhlrlkoff. entitled "The Chosen People." II was likewise the first perform'- mice of Ihe pln.v on tills Hide of the Atlantic. iiiul the niidleiiee. though hiiii.II lu si/.e. was visibly uffecled, lioth by Ita excellent acting und Hie pl»cc Itself. Den Hug. ns it does, wllh Ihe Hebrew siluiilloti lu Iliitoihi, II was rather timely, and Ihe reinnrklil.I.' work nf the thirteen members. Individually nnd i-ollectlvely, brought the horrors of Iiusshiu pers»riiiloti visibly before Ita aperlalnrn, itiiillou by John J seiiled lu vaudeville W'M. A. KliAliV bus oiigngetl J. Ferguson, John Flood, Ada Cllmiin and Kntllv Wake- iniui fur "A Cose of Frenzied Flnaiiee," Wlihh opens til the Suvoy April ". I'biii-v «!. Wii.i.iajih iinuniinces (imt be hns secured n long lease on the known ns Ihe Harlem Auditorium, at Seventh A valine nn.I one Hundred and Twenty seventh SI reel, and will open It lu ahoiil a nioiilh as « vaudeville I lieu I re. It will Is- known ns the Allinmbrn. V ii Ton Hkiiiibiit will coiiiluct Ihe dual coitecTl of Franz V'ou Vec-sey, In Carnegie Hull. April K M.itiv M.i nni:iiim; will nppeur In "Finn Trim" and '"I'll" Lady of Lyons." at special liintlneas ill the Criterion Theatre. I' MrAimn bus denied the ap- plication of Ihe Comedy Tliealre, at Klxlv- fouith Slreel, Just off llmiidWHy, for a re- newal of Ilia llieiitrw license. The eoininls- sioncr Hiinoillices ilial his refusal Is bused upon Ihe report of Ihe <;erry Society. HIUXIHIINA MaTII.OK OAI.I.IA.M. who lIlsH|l- tar toe ilaielng is one of I lie features of the act. They will arrive Fust nbi.tit May I. Tin: Ciiajiiiuovh nrltc: "We opened InDc- ci-inlu'i- on D. P. SiiiIoii'h circuit, und sltun Hum have nlayed nucecoislve imgaguiniials on Hie (ioidsiulih and Umpire cli-eults, wllh Sunt hern Callfoi-uln time In follow. Our net bus been feu I li red, nii.l the streiiglli work of the ■billy atblelii' Iiiih been very favorably couiioeiile.l upon." Tin: In; I'uvniH elos"il on Ihe Ciyslnl nnd liuiiforlli .-h-ciills, where Ihey weru n feidme, They nre l.ooki'd for Hie Summer. Ham; Ci,aiu>ii.-h, formerly of Ilia b.-injn in I. of ("iiiiiHiih nnd Corbln, will In Hie future Im nsMirhilcd wit li Melody Sc.irlcl. The new team mime will be CIuikIIuh und Hciirlel. Waiuiiiun am. Wi.oiiiii t,t, In.v.- eng.iard for thu High Hollers, nexl Ht-nsou, the fol- lowing people; Larry Crane, Wesson. Will- The author has dealt with the situation lu a tho Lid, penretl from her homo n week ago. returned lers und Wesson. Stevenson mid llhselt, from Philadelphia, whither hlie had gone on Frank 1'lorrr, Arthur Kelly, May Ilelinnnt bimlness, March 23. and May Crawford. Maude Kllslou, Mar- bare been made wllh John guerlle Mnnlev. Ksther IhiKsell. Mnry Adder- II. Kprlugcr, luiiliager of ihe ijiaiiil Opera son. Ilallle l,e Pope, Vlolel' Dusi'th, I louse, lu give the (oiirili i.iuniiil l.enclll lu Teuny llolb. Mny Fisher nnd Minnie liwln. iihl of Ihe Wlillf Kills - Cbnrlly I'lmd there Till: ll'Alivn.l.B Htsreus, .leiliiiu-lle ami Siimhiy evening. April .'((>. A Hliipemlous Irene, "The French i'.-iiclng lllrls," are Imv- priigi-flinnie will lie arranged. log new ci.sliimes muile. They have Just Tin! Af.iiiai. Oaiiiunk, on tbe New Aiiinlei- cloned it sutcimHfid eugiiKement wllh 'Tin- iIiiiii Then I re. will i.iihii May 27 with n p-o- Clirlsllilll Slaves' Co., twenty weeks, ami ". McN ■■' L-Nully, entitled "Lifting wlU now piny vhiuIhvIIIo. • Tucy am nl Ninh- Vllle, Tenii., ludclhiltcly.