The New York Clipper (April 1905)

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156 THpl ISTE^y YOEK CLIPPffB.; April 1. Clipper Post Office. Deiltn. J. A. IHowanl. O. V. X* Rue, Billy Hlncs. riuui Dudley * " |iiiiiniii'iii, w.c, Cbestltn Holmim, A. li. In order to avoid mistakes ana to Iniare the prompt delivery of the letters ndvcrttsed in thla Hit, an envelope plainly addressed must be ■ent for each letter, and a written order for the letter, slirneil Trltn the fnll name and address and the line of liiiiliirm folIoTred by tho sender, must also be enclosed. , Please mention the date (or num- ber) of THK OLIPCKIl In svlilcli the letters sent for were advertised. LADIES' LIST. I-'nr.nnii, Floss | Nichols, Mattle KUIrh. Mm. J.fl Neville. Aetrlll, Flora Mo\o, Jenny Adnniv, Mabel Anetla, Mill!. Avoln, I.ydln Alfsnnn. ivsiher Anderson. Flora Aobey, Lonlso- Jordan Avolo, MM. 0. Audcmoll Marian Al-ilMI & !.C*llc Allison, y.m. c Aluhnrpt, - Flora (10c) Adelaide, Mini Austin, Annie Arnold, Mmnl Aiih.IiII, Mme. Avolo, Jenny Anlcct, Agnes lllckel Mrs. 0, In (Oe Beaumont, Alms Ectkmiin Potter Planchard Nellie liiiniiiini Sophie lluscne. Mr*. D llelmimt Anna S ilryntlt, Kthcl lionet, Mora lliilliuiin, Fannie Hell. rJlltli rlroree. Flora llrlttnii. Hmlle Itiiltner. Ada Itarclny Annette libkely, Mrs. ] ii-uiis. Nina Jli-hjgs, Murlbn Ilutior Mm J.ll, Browne, Kntherlnc Ilnrwell Sinter* benjamin. llsrrlelt Hums Miss II.]. liner, Kitty Brandon. Lliln Unit IlPmknll. Slra.F. til Isllll. JoSSlC ,lurry Mr*. Jim Hurry, Domllicn («<-■•) rnnnon Franclos Curtis, Vera ("juscn, Dot Clifton Mrs, .l.n. Chase. l.uiia Crawford, .loueri'tlne Clements. Nell Conway, Ruby Chlldci-s, llrsej i'i,lll|itoll Miss B Clinton, Mrs. Chris Chatham. Flora Cnriill. Mme. Clifford, Has* Chappie Mlssllk t',i.n.llt. Mm. HI HeUnrmo Maliel Drew Maine M. Di-iiuelte. lva llelron, Ilessle ■'rniikiln. Carrie Franklin. Irene foster Mru.W.A Fayelle, I^'tie Ferguson. Minnie L. Flarolrie, Gusale Fllbiirn, Itny Fay Co., Bra Fletcher, Jeanle |-,.\ Kiltie Allen Uuli'linnl, Jennie UuUiltnucb, Mrs. J. V. Cordon, Belle iJIOM, AUgUstl itrecu. .Marl? A. iSrlsirnld. Jessie (Illnian. Miss Cray, l.oltle AKulliA linle, Until ilrlswell, I.Titn 'lllherl. Bessie liulclitiNl Jennie Huifmnn, Martha ITnrrla, lilu lllll Mrs.Itolnnil llcitlbs MlasM.B. Hull, Carolina llviu. F.lla Hooper Edna W llnrnies. Jcnnne Harte, Ml« K. ltnp;*>r, Ida Herman, Mm. It. H. Ilnwthurnc. Annie Itnvt, Grace Helena, IWIth Ilnuehtoii Hessle llrld. Lillian llavrien. Nellie Hadlry. Catherine Hayes, Agnes llayucs, Gertrude larrlson, Neva Hhrilln, Carey llnl innn. Miiuil Henry. Louise Kennedy. F.lltahoth Keller. Que* Kulllhl, linnlan Kempt Mrs.W.V 1.11 Muslin. Dolores Lnn'lan, Miss L. Lyons. KilliiT (.•alio. I'.lsu t.n lor-. Mm. Theo. lawry. liaael K LiTnur Blanche Lewis. May Lawrence, AM* l/ittey Morirnrel Lnwreniv. Alila l.iiftnx tlrriee W Leallo, LisiiiH U-u, MM* Limit. I.llllim DdWri Sitter! I.nvnrnle. Auule Iiiintinr, bit 'I.nmli. Bessie )'C\irr (lerlrinle Lisiiuinl. F.niinii llavls, MHilae Imle, Vlrcliila Davis. Mill L.R linumnc, Rulalle IVillmi. Aila Peeere, DeKiy l.uviirtile Hlslers I.lniltay, llmel JInrllin Tlieresn Monies. Miss M Mehillo. Helen Mni'Mnlum Utile Pauline Morln Slalera l'leanor HeveatM He 1'ew Tluiniai. Millie l>nle. Vlritlnln hlontaene, Unlly Mm.Kilily Berlin l>iven|iorl KUnii'Mnnlrnse, Nell He bi'im, Mnbcl|Mn,r. Alliv lbs Itlclie. •hleCarlliv Mule llertrinlo Miller. Kitty A. Drew, li'inukle lli'sinoml. Lllllc Ilorliiu, l'l'illm Itnyle. llellit lh- Vere. l-llllim riiiTlil-inn, Nellie llnrrow. Mm. Stunri 1>.iveuiurt H'liui i^snipnililii I'Mnn Fitelleln * lllllsTlloil ■•:ills. bin N. Knrsv l.laxlv M l'Vler. tturtle ICvniis. F.lla 1'iwtir, Oraee I'rary .Tnlln M. I'lelils. Nellto Fay. KWe li'lli Inn Hlslen Meyer. Mm. J. Mo?. Helen K Mnniimnil l.uurn Mlti'fiel, Ailn Mnraton, Virion Mlllwnnl. Jessie Mnaae. Mrs. FA. Mi'Iulnsli. May Mlskel. Cora Murlntr. Mmlliii (Re.) Moiimo. Killlli MimliiKiio. Bertha Mlskel, <'oro Mar. Ilnlli'ii K. MeOoMM Misters Vorrls. Corlmie N'orwooiU Kuxnnno Margaret Newlen, Moryiierllc North, (;iaratiel N'elhon. Uussle Neumnn, F,yelyn Mmiii. llermle Sasmytli. K.illlli O'Nell, (lertrmle O'Neill, Nel'le O'Hrlin, Hate irilrlcu. AiMIe I', l.lni Parson Slater* I'bclui. llcrtrnilo t'hnapjr .Mine. A. Perry, 'J'cimlc Pi'liiKe, Metn I'leive Mrs. C.A Iteeec, bealla Itijie. Oermna lloae. Ruth Itarasilell. (IrrtnulB Russell, Annie Kyim. Mamie H. (lussell Urace M itleh, IKrtha Rooney, Patrlek Kaiulall, Flora lilehnnl Slstem "lel»iin>, Ailn Kussell, Leali Reeil. Mrs. 3. Iilmde, Oei-ellu RtcllmWHl. Mnrle Itoliliison SIslerB Itegnrl. Mile I.. Belli. F,H«!!. L'sllier Iteeec, I.psiie e.iiile. Paulino S|.ttxer, Oraee Senile, Kmma stewnrt, Untile Speure, May .Stevens, l.eona Stuart, Mne Pilido, /.lira Sylvester Nellie Seally, Kramn Siinrnnl, Mauri, Clara St. J'llin. Ilelcne Sewal, Mary Stanley. Mrs.M. H11 nlii, I.uiira S.klllmnn. Louise Stutti. Mrs. J.ll Si.Clulr Audrey Slinonds. Clnru Siiltoii. V'l'iy A. Wkn Mrs.liM Stt'plll'lis Mrs, Paul Ht. 1'loiuils. vi Sinltli, Bella Stilton, Mrs. Harry fureatl'vell, Sarah v.. rcnipest Opera Co., Marie I'ltiiai, Mine. I.ylla Y. riiomnsor.. Reulih Taytiir. Mnr Toitrj.'e, flruee Tiiytnr, Kallilee riHiinns. bis TrniT.v, Miss Tlian'.o, Xcllle llrllne. Mss Verouee, Krnla Vera, Kite Volga. I.mira Vllltgllll Dlinil'l.v Vercntt llosallnd Vermin, lllta Venn. Stella Westell, T.tlllO Wells, Fintns Wlllnril, Mrs. 11. F. Waller, Deda Walker, Mrs. W. R. Ward. Kilna Wlticli ester. Marlon Womlc, Amelia Watsiin. Killtlt Witldn, ilrai-e West. Marie Wallers Dorothy 7.«r.elle, Mile. r.nhu. Mlnnlo ZnnlreitH. Mm. 1<>o Ziiinora, Krelyn ZelioMa. L-iliu UUNTM<:MIi!N'8 list. Armstrong. To in ray Alpine Fninlly At mi Id a Chnrlei Adniiis, 8, J. A redo, Joseph Apsliile, Jai'k Austin. Harry AilonM Trio Arelicr Phll.o- plno t'.lrls Almee Show A1 vims. Oreat Adea. Harry Akers ft (lllday Avoto. 8. Anders. CI. T. Alox >. Z"ln Ahratns, Kddlc Austin. H. «. Allen, A. C. Aiisllna, Tossing Avoln. t'linrlle Allen. S.&Vlolet Anuill. Clinrlea A.hints. 1'rae.k 11. I.. Arnold. A. M. Allen. I- M. Ali'MUiiler. Arthur A.ltiins. S. F. A.iamliil. A. It. Austin. Clnnil AmU'P'iin. Carl Aviishotis. P.O. Am'li'-nliv 11.11. Allniil;:ll John Jr Aiiiisii-imc. Usi ArBettronc Kill Alllsiui, Itols-rl Blekel, C. (Of.) Ilrll. N. It. Hear. It. I. Itpiinnl, Ilsrry Biirtill. Hurry Bin-key r»rF..L-.B Bosloulnu L'». Beerd Bros, Bora I, lleek It Long Iisrnes, ilisrlei Bliniw P. C. Bison CltyQnart Bonilni". atr. Bush. P. Hilton*, A. A. ll[lilU|illlll «■ lli-lir ltiii'lioiiunu. Kdn-aril Itpllrorl, 0, 11. ltsker TtsnSf Bui klip), A, U Bells, M. V. Co. Hurciss, Karl lllguey, Unifies Byrne. J. F. illvel.s IHinltrn Iiii-ni. IInrrv Iretiuau. Horry liliinkersteln. William Mlaekiuoi'ii II. II Hurlelt, II. V. Brewer, Iru K. Hell a Hleliards Barron's. Plek llryiiu-Miirtln Brotlhelt Briitmii'i. rt. 0. Burton & Durloii Betiuer, C. W. Brooke, l.nwi-enc Brit Ions. The Harry. Itlehnnl Bentlv, M. 0, lteluiiiiit. Hurry Ulnvkuiore. Berl Itvron .v-Liiti'-ilon llvonn. ti. W llarlirw AWIIsott Hi|rne-s. ICnt-l Uiiiiiuui, P. T. Unssetl. Mr. Iini-its. Hurry Hluiiidiiiinp, Al Bristol. W. M. tin nut y. A. Itut-khitrt & Borry tllBnc. Harry Iimtiiii.v- l.envllt Islnui'luird Heiiseu, w ClnrkRntxIl- «n, Oeergi Claman. W. R. Clayton, .1. !•'. I'slinon. Illlghla Cole. Jim Connell, Kddle Craig. W. W. CrsfiU. Osa «V>ldren. C. T.. Chnlfunt, F I.. tlrossitinn, ItetiJ. I'ninl;. i:. C. Crenvr, T. P. Collins, Minnie Corhelt. 1. 1. ('•illlii'. Mart r'hadwlek. J. T>. Colstrtte, A. A. tV>rrlg«n Emmet ("InvHi.ii. Thomas <:hrlsty. W. G. t'nsey, Mr. Cnpid'tuil. n. K, ■'.iilitv-ell. Uivo Congo, lhtvid C.iiupWll. Colin Cliiike. J. I-'. Ci-netuer. W.I..11 Ciimtilsdl II. M Cimp, John Collars. I'hsrles Ciirrlllo, t.force ChanilH<rlnlu. Will r«inpts>ll. Walt OhrlKsle, IM.IIe Crostaiid, ttenrfc Cull Ins. II. P. .IS.;I'urr. I.. II. S. |dsns*r s Firm It.-ites. F. J. ICinnre.Ing* Frank Hums, .lis' I'ide, tii'il Hailgvr, W. C. jCi.lhv. C. K. Hi neks, llisii-je 'Curljsto, Prank Itlnisl^isi, II. I.. Cnlllns. i:. it. llriati. T. B. |Coiiner. Paul ll.iil'iij, J. A. Ciii'hdtin Arlltur Ito.vee, .Int-k tl'latisi'ii. Will llrrc. IVier ;t"ns|i, llnrlelirh Barker. Hurry it'hyieii, l-'nnik 1I.|MIII:IU. I'l-Ulk Hales. H. I. BiMine. J. A. Itl'illlilnil. Mr. It. V. Collins. B P. Cuoke. llitls-rt Cnmidsdl. .1. 1,. CIHViitd, Mat Cglihm, Lnwreurc Cfit'iler. Uenrar lolm. A. II. Cndle, Arthur Coldi, Aliiier I'liniiillfr. .1. <!. Daley, William Dean, niir Drew. W. DotMsou, J, W. Dirkuoti .i 1 luinrs D'An-ey, Adrian C. Dlekson Unifies Pi-lion, Itiirry Dlxnll. Joe Oontnan, J. f. Dsrr, Harry V. Dickson. D. R. Dull. Harry IKs Mitte. J. K. (2e. I)b»I» DareDevll llnnliaro Family Donnelly Tommy Darls. B. II. Daly. F. P.. liorllngton, II. Ilanforth k Hrnee Derenzo, Mr. 0. Dill ft Wnrd Denves. Harry Delmsr's i:. T. Co. Punenn Maleolm Dlion, Amlieir Dnrllt.-, 3. F. Darlington Harry Dalrnan, J. A. Drane, Grant liesrej, John Dillon. J. ft 0. Dc Run, Bolt Donnovan, J. B. Dairnnn, B. J. DuVall & Deerlng Downing Robert Dial, Kngene Dale, W. I.. Dudley, Hurry DuteiUHirt CM. Diivtni. It. R. De Fruucls, liinics Del/eon Clement IJnivuon A Ilooth Dlnna, Kurt Dixon, l,n Pell Dny.. Harvey Duke, A. F„ Dlvemle, Will Doyle. J. 11. lilgoiia's, I.e» F.vrrwle, Will MtraMsj o. E. l-.psteln. I>. J. l;g»n, W. B. llapy, Kdcllu Kmernlda, 4 K.I more, tlcorge Kittle. II. H. Earl ft- Wilson Hwlrig. C. W. I-.ilward", -Mr. lOrb i Stanley Fs|O<lt0. Vlneenro English. J. C. P.apo Ciimeily 4 Kvotti. K, V. PIIIk. Charles IMwnrds, Hluun Plniorc * Coltrell Kniery, K. T. Kl'ihi, Jninea Kiliviinls, C F Kortl A Wilson Fox & Ward Flak. F. K. Koril, Prank Fnv. Kildle Fritik. Bert Por-ltiuui. A. Fergnauu, B. Kerrlk, Wlllley Fletcher. C. I.. Forrest. A. J. Flood Bros. l-'lmt, Barney Fllrsluununs, Wtllllsro l-'eldnan. It. li-etlerlek, W.L Foley. John Falrfm Ilernnril Fields & Hanson I'liharncv Hurry Flyini. Furl, Fjldie Fartnim, Bml Few mi. Jnuk Fri'volH, Mr. Fetters. II. I.. Curd. Will I'lelduinn, Arthur Flekell, tleorgo Kowler, B. K. j.'riiiliicke, .1. F. Vucn. Frank Fniist. Victor Frriiiiudea. .Manuel Franklin. II. II. Fall. Artlilf litnsmmn Arthur (iitiillner, Frank Hay, Fred Gregory. F. L. (irt'i-u, Al Hrny, J. lb Oreen. J. M. Garlnntl, Wilt. liiinltm. Charlei liinltred ft Co., Hal Gordon ft Ho.ves Homao. J. W. Grnnt, 8. ileorge, Harry tivatt. Joseph Onerselt. N. J. (Unliving, Mr. (lenler, Chester (iiilliighi'r. Charles (juslnm. J. A. ctiuii, c. i". tirettdry, F- r„ fleerae, Henry (liinlen Pft Mny Conloti, N. K. (Inrdner, W, K. Uraoey, W. H. iliirlniiil, Will lliisltni. Pan (lanlner, W. F. (Inrnian, Harry Hopper, Chnrlcs lli-iine. A. T. llnr'-ey, Jesse llyiles. Wattle lllll. J. H. Hurt, I,. M. I llnrper, Harry Hnywanl k llayward Harvey. W. 8. Berk. F. S. Unmans. George Hunter. Satit V. iiiiiiiii.iv. win llflrpatrlt. J. W. Hull. Tom llerlsrt, Mr. Herbert Dr.Win. Ilsynes, Mmirlce P. Iliimtnond, F.II. Hiilme. (I. W. II nil. Frnnklyn llntchlUKon. Wlllnril lllll ft Sylvlmiy Hsghea ft Huselton Hll.liniil. B. B. Hull. 11. C tint'.. J. M. Hnvnstil. T. Halvolsi'ti Harry l!ender-i,n. Illriinril Haves. Fred lliil.ti.ini. II. D Hal risen. V. II llarrtem. Jutnes Heath. J. W, Howe. Den Hlittl. Civile tliyn-artl. F. A II oil Id ay. C R I lust lues. Mr. Iliiviird. II. I'l. I tenth J. W. I I Ifll e Toll! Holmes. W. .1. Male. W. J. Howard. K. *. iliime.v- Wlnslow Itilght, J. 8. llumlltun ft Wiley Hnrnn, Fildle Hnlfmnn. C. U. Holt, 0. A. Hudson. Bert Ilarwooil, K. F. Harris, Charlea Herscll. J. II. Holmes, C. N. Hamilton A Hnttenlol IBMsnek. W.F Hunter, 8. V. Howanl, F. It. Ireland, Fredrle Jeafon, Thomas James Boys lh Missouri Co. Johnson, Al Jennltiga & Renfrew Josselln, C. C. lelTa, Hurry Joyee, It. Karl Jack, A/ If li-liklns. 0, A. Johnson, F. N. letiuetis, Morr. lolitiaon, A. V, Joseph, (i. A. Kennedy. Memphis Keller Capt.AW Kershaw. U. B, Kennedy, 8. A. Klein, II.. R. Klelh, H. ]. k.tuiuiaii (M>(. Keno. Walsh 4 ' MlltON Itlngdon, It. I.. Kenneily. J. J. Keater. K. L. Kennedy, 8. A. B. II. Keith, W. J. Ivehned)-, P. J. Kohler ft Sink Kerr, it. II. Kopeland, C. K Karl. L. 8. Klhbel, "Skip" Kulii.-o, A. K. Kelly. T. F. HUB, Mr.Oupen Kerr, II. II. Kntea, 8. D. Keiirteilr, Frank Kane. J. M. J. Keyth. Itcytleii Kelly, Ji II. Krm.-er Jaitt|uen Knlgli Bros, ft Santello Klpny, — Kelly, .1. T. Kelly ft Vlolette I.ewla. Eitgeite Lewis, I„ W. I.enry. II. D. I.yneh. It. K. I.lndley, Eddie Lyneh, J. W. Luldmon, W. P U.t>ndle, Oliver Luce, Grant I,nho, lie Herbert l*e. Ilirry l.eroy. A. 8. LlttleBehl C. W i.d vara, w. 8. Leltcr. O. T. Lester ft Monro beroy. Frmk l.ctronl, Chnrlcs l.n Stranr.'e, Harry r.amond Johnnie l.n Mar, Harry l.nvlnc, Oliver Lone, Allen Lntnv, .losi'ph I.ntlno. Leo Mlie. Mr. II Leonard. ,1. T. (i!o.) I.eltluli Ilron. Lew, II. 11. LeoBsnti Alex t.n Hue Prank II l.elt.'i- il. II. Jr. Levy, II. II. Lee. Milton t-e-iliilu, lU-ii l.n Hose. Hurry Lewis. Itosb Leo. Dt, Leno, Don Lee, Henry i.inli-ll. Harry Laeveeit, Carper Lewis. J. C. Ltsitiiird. J. T. Loa-reiii-e ft llarrlugion Lull-vet, II. V. Lurch, Fred Lnmiie, Fred Itiiwrenif, Kddle Lntlell. Hurry .ulinilie, Oliver l.alsulle. Uulwrt Lew, A- «• Lvouitrd ft Driike l.ittiiont ft I'nuletle ■yster ft Cooke .eniir», Hurry l.lvlugsloti. Fro nk I.-Hill, List I miKo-ml. b. J MeCotK'hu, Frnnk Manuliig. Fran* Mnnoln-Miison Opcrn Co McCnull Opera Co Murphy, Theodore Mnrrloncttes. I.nolrs McDonald Urttlle Moll, Itndolpli Mnlrey ft-Ward Marl-.-n ft I'e irl Mack, M\ C. ..lutso, William Merrill. Val McKenni, Ted Murray, Tom Mi-Itotahl. Mlka Mason ft Mason Martin. Bert Meek. Donald Mason, Reynold McKarland, Phillip McNtimee, Mr. Mann, D. Murphy ft Nolan Miller, II. F. Moselty, M. A. MeVnnly, Mr. Alorlltner, F, K. Mitchell, B. V. M unlock. 0. W. Munrii. Wallace Marks, II. II. Monerlef ftSmltb Matsttmoto, 8. Morion, W. U .Murray, J. J. Millar; C. C. C. Marshall, Bert Miller, Q. M. MnrRiinn, Pot .Msrgli, jaiJahO Slelvale. Jean ■ Mantel), II. B. tVnytree, II. Meely, Slgo Miller ft Kresko Muso-.i. Jack Mnsoii Frank W Martin, Nortuini Jilt, li L. Muck, Wilbur Mitchell, Will McMillan, Walter Murks. II. B. Mctlrath. U. A. Mcllreevy, Jock Mi-Doiiulil Itnlph Norton. Joe Nunn, W. P. NefT ft Miller North. C. K Nichols, G. A. Nl.blo ft Ilellcy Nnrlllns. F. J. AVwtiin, Joseph Noss Fenll'innd .Nalon, J. P.. Ned. W. F. Norton, J. W. Nolan, G. II. Newell. II. ft Northrup, II. 8. Nichols. C. II. Newmnn Walter MchniM. C. H. XeiitheiBtlne. William 01 her. Guy O'Brien ft Biirkley Ogden's II.T.Co. Oliver, Harry Oliver. Hurry I'cttcrscn, Viktor I'lquo. Harry Parkrs, Itlchard PJgson, 1'. Prntle, Wm. I'nvsons, Will Peli.t. F. A. i'orkcr, W. C. 'uiB'ley, R. C. rovers, J. T. liotrell. Tltomli I'hllllt-s. Nat •Iwltt. Mon«. Palmer, J. F. Pnttoti ft Perry I'hlllltis, P. F. Pepple. T. J). Prenllce, Trio Prlnple Johnny 1'llclier, F. It, Hotter. W. G. Phillips ft Merrltt PhelpH, Vngone Phllljiuoks ft Reynolds Park ft F. Pitcher. Orrlllc I'earl. Lew Park, K. 1). Jr. Price, ft.ft. Pulton. O. L. Pltlpps, CharleM Itnberts, Harry Hiissell. Percy Iti-hm, Will rtnins.lell. Frank Rental. Three K«l-lusaii. Thoi. Ilarusdcll, Franklyn lilslv Alexander Roach. A. ' F. Itockwell, .1. C. Itoblnsfc.v Itohert bend, Harrolt (Hypnotlat) Itlce. Frank IckiirdK. J. K. Itocltc, W, It. Hav, Joluinle Rice, Frank Itlva, Chnrles Unlets, J. II. Howe 11. K. Reilmitii Joseph I , . 11 W , 1 8mlth. F. A. iTinrnaeiiil, 0. 8 Slramoni W Ktuekbeart. Col. W. D Smith, Matthew Seelry, (.'. Smith, Reth .smith ft Dclle Smith, W. B. Mia i-|i. Billy .'ipry. T. B. Shan- A Oalla- slier Am. Co. Sullivan, 0. Sehworla. Fred f litis- II ft Merles Simpson, Ben F Sanders, Chalk Mauleys. The Syuiriu'ls. Jack hylveater. Lawrence Phaw, Charles Starttel, Skip SlileMs. Frank Suraxal & Ilarlznl Smllu. Wuitcr Secadu ft Hlchlson St. Clair, Ben Schooley, W. H. Snauldhig, W.P. Slilpman, F.rncst Samsnti, A. Smith, W. II. Stumia, C. C. Trummell, I,. B. Trunet, Frank Tennyson. Will Taylor, C. E. Tntnll, I.. . Treloar, Al. Iliomar Bros. Tidmarsli, Fred T«it, N. A. Trehern, Al. ThomiB, George lurner. F. J. Tilt George Tllton M. R. Taylor. Ktlward Trnnls, Warren Trumpeter*. 4 Tuson. Herbert Tliompsan, Kddle Tarr. D. K, Tlornton, Hnrry Taylor, Albert Tburber ft Naslier Van Bnren, lew Viola. Vl-e Valdsres Van Rensse- laer, Ben '.'an Camp. Mr. VaiK-lni, C. K. Vleilnhl, II. Tlieoriore Volveno. Jack Van Clur AM'ile Van Ostln. Bob Verrlco Anthony tella ft Folly Van Alstyne t Henry Vade. Allwrt VV.tilello ft Xlno Vorney, Bilwr Willlama. F. K Wlllard. Chirlea Walek, »lr. K. 0 Wade. 0. L. U'lnueld. Gesirge wmne. J. M. Wlnneltl. Frank Wood, Cully '.Venrarn 8eenlc Co. Ward, Happy Walker, W. R. White. !,. V. White, U T. s.Vhlte. Frnnk Wlebe. Curt Wilson. Jark Withers, Fred Wolt ft Milton Waller ft Mnglll WlnflchS. Georgo White. Tliomis White, P. J- Wbltc, James \Vllson. F. C. walker. W. It. Warden, Harry Williams, Joe Walters, Fred Kendal! '80. "Weary Willie Wilker" April l. Murray Comedy Co. weak of 8. ' Battle, Creek^-At the Vast Theatre (E R. Smith, miiuigcr) "Side Tracked" drew fairly well March i'0. Kllnore rllBlera. due 24. - canceled. Booked: "Hearts e>f oak" •.•>$, the Ityman Twlna 31, "Old Arkansaw" April 1, Davidson Stock L'o. 3-5. K«ra Kendall, Cwrini (5oa«"h Barrett, manager) .-Ua booked for March 31, canceled, week the Kentucky Belles gave an egceUont Lanalaoj^—At Balrd's Opera House (F. J. Derformance. The speelaltlea were: .Jn'M Williams, manager) • "The Uame Keeiier" Lnel Bros.. Brodcrlck and Jeijlea, Held and camf March a/ to a fair honae. "Side (itlbert nnd Terry and Klmer. This week, tnc -rracked" had paying business 23. "Heart Utopians, and next week, the Brigadiers. • of .Maryland" April 0. "Checkers" 20. YUF.V I Lloyd Brown, manager).—This *^» *:?._ " a? -_i . .r>i,o At.leons ltraeir and ».,.,.r .. „ ^. . ences: Thla wnsk."Too Mgf* Beg," «n<> next week "The Faclory Ctrl. I 6J ""uWTomuM (WoodwaJjl 4 Burgess £■£-> went Co.. m«nagers).—Lart we* Barney Ollmore, In "Kldnspped In Nwiork, gave a good performance, to good houses. *S week, "An American Tramp," and next week, "Tb# lloosler Olrl." an, ■ The Aldcans, Bragg and AshTon. Sanies Burrell, (Jeo. W. Bverr and Frank Grab. ■ • , TM . SffSSJ 1 -: HowneVa^wfurTFa? (Montgomery Moaea. manager) "Mrs. «££ week's acts .are: Oownej, and Yuzi\ll!o'k of the Cabbngc I'atch," had very K ood BS NEW .IKRSKV. Trenton.—At the" Taylor Opera llnuae rick and (Jrleraon. and lUaell, toule. Hates and Nell Barton. Vetter. J. K, Wer-.r.vorth, Harry (Vlnatanler K.D Wright, J. V. Wells, lew Wilson. Stanley Weal B. D. Williams Frmk Walters. Dave Williamson. Frank Wills J. It. Ward, Thomas Wall. Jimmy Weaton, Edrtle Williams & Tucker Wllber Opern Co Weaver, Harry Wartow. Jardtie Welk. C. II. Wallace. F. It. WurSeld Ollherl Wlgle. F. B. SEE NOTICE AT HEAD OF LIST, <«» MISSOURI. White, J. A. Walker. F. T. Wntkln. Little Walter Whipple, Waldo Walker. Tom WBison. Itou Wild, Mr. Young. Ollle Whippier ft UcBfft Wilson. F. II. Wilson. V. C. Winsmiiu Harry Wllllsms. It. T. Wright, Freil Weaton, Itlehnnl Tongs ft Brooks Young, Mr. Ulllo Yates, Jark Yanl. Qeorge Vnrrlck, Josef Enroll. Charles Zalsxlle, Fred ness March 20, 21. "Sergeant Kitty," 22, successful return engagement. XJ er when Per er'a The house more and Oneida and the olograph. Statb Street (Krana Bhalters, manager). —'i'h'os. K. Shea. March 20 and week, had cood business. Coming: "The Two Johns" tXKZ. X^a iSa W onMl!'e st'age te ttam 2T^». Kugenle Blair 3«T.April 1. "From Bags vears ws» In th" cUy"refently. nnfannounced to Klches* 3-5, "At the Old Cross .loads" tils Intention of going back Into comic owra ' neit season Al Trahcrn, of New York, wus hero visiting relatives recently. the Orand, one evening Oco. Murray, of- "The Crystal Slipper' Co., was kept busy renewing old acquaintances recently...... Yernon Stiles, fcrmerly tenor with the Bos Mckrnmi. Tom Murray, James Murphy, O. M. Mnrtz. Al. Mctiruw. Bernard Middlctoit, Charles Mayo, liilgar Menr.iili. l-'rcd Martin', BWle Mickey, Joe Morrlsey ft Rich Ms del I ft Cot Mr; Mllllinn, M.tK Uarlnellas. The Melntrre Will Mnrryatt. t). B. M.iv-iur. ,1 M. K. Mellllt. L. II. Mnvheiv. Fdillc Marttlni. noh Meeley. S. C. Mussolini;u, (1.T1 McSlay. Frank V.ont joinery. Pave Mover. 0. W Moure 5-V.nnslisn Marshnll. 1. C. MoHoiioiigh W..I Mnilltstn, lames MeCne ft lis Mil McCono ft lltnnl McMillan. IVinatrt May. Fred Mnnniiuil Vlrtnr Morris. W. \. Meelnn (l)o»»l Markham Harry Monsiilln ft I'liteoll Mnrsilen. Waller Miller. •'. >\ .Miivit. It. r. Marsi. I-:. \\. Mnrf. Jnliii May ft Mlhis Htmll. W. G. Raymond. R. It. Iloltare, Charles lis.oil, L. J. ItotH'l-ts, C. W. Kainsnlcfs. •'! Uasjrn. Mlllis-rt Itii.vuionil, Cyril licinlnglon. Lewis Hlgeo, Ben Ileiiinei-, K O. Itlce. J. A. Ruble. C. T. Hex, I*. S. Bock* ell, J. C. Ili.l.-fts. (hsirite lllihtclv. J. M- RnsKt-vell. I.. J. ltuasHll ftDunlisr Ivhlcr. It. IC. IhiHliirs Knnney. Tllimias lleop, W. II. Rice ft Morris IloblliKou. Clareiife Randall, tlwley Rogers, llnwiii-il Rogers. F. It. Held. Hitnold lurk. Clin*. Jr. PogKiin. Percy Poix.. J. C- IVminL O. S. I'n lenteiui. Zoel 1-iitton ft Perry ansae, I', n, llaiasoyer, Ihive lltnilc, Van II. Illihiii-ds. U. ti. ltoynunid ft Chirk Kciik, Waller Itt-a. J. (1. Klvn. (luslitv lliuclls. The llwiuls. Cisirgi' Kn'ililos. V. A. ■red, w. L. Itiik'tts. Hayes ft Rols'llH Saedei'son C. W fi.iicrs. II. S. Mater ft Finch McM.inl ft Wilson Solomon. Ai Sutton ft Sutton Spears, J. W. Maw, H. R, stieeloy, Martin halts. J. a. Ituilth. Oscar Svnns,in. C. K. Kdiutla. C. R. Minreuy. IMtM Mcl-'iiilaiul. I'lilliftiulu, T. B. .Mack, J. L. Sharp, B. St. ItoulH. —YVm. Faversham, In "Itctly," will be the offering ut the Olympic thin week. The original production Is promised, with Curlutta Ncllson and Julie Opp In the cast. I-'rnnk L l»erley's "The Clrl nnd the Ban- dit" will receive Its drat local presentation at the Centurv. "A Chinese Honeymoon" will be nt the Garrlck. and Thursday, March 30, ltd 'J.tiOOfh presentation will be celebrated. The Odeon Stock Co. will uie "Held by the Knemy" na their vehicle at the popular tirnnd Avenue house. "Jle, Ulm and 1" Is at the tirnnd Opera House; "Happy Hooligan." at the Imperial: Barney llilmore, In "Md- nupped In New York, it lluvlin's, and the Brigadiers ,nt the Standard, with Kdtnond Hay featured. Mclntyre and llenth nre the heHdllnei'K nt Hie Columbia, and Jack lloef- ficr will have his "Jesae James" Co. nt the t'l-uwfonl. Ht.vMPic (!'. Short, malinger).—Thla week Wm. Fnvcrahnni. In "Letly." I-ast week, the Itogers Bros, had big business. Ck.ntiiuy (f. S. Cavanaugh, acting mana- ger).—This week "The tilrl anil the Bandit." Last week. James K. Ilackett. In "The For- tunes of the Kite," had good business. liAiiuii'K 1,1. .1. Hbiihert, resident mana- ger).—"A Chinese Honeymoon" this week, vecsey, Suudiiy nflernooa, Mnrch 20, In violin rcitltal. Lust week, Ralph Stuart, In "Bv Itlght of Sword," had fair business. Odkox (L M. Crawford, manager).—This week "Held by the Enemy." I.nst week "The Bunker's Imlighter." Mr. Cnrleton and Miss Vtingliun scored splendidly. Big busi- ness ruled. t.KANli Opkra llmsi; (John G. Sheehy, local manngerl. — "Me, llltu mid 1" this week,With lilrkel, Watson und Wrotbe. Last week, Mflson und Mason, til "Frits nnd Snltx," drew good business. Joe Murphy next week. Imi'KHIAl (I). 1',. Uiisscll, local manager). —This week "Happy Hooligan." Irfist week "Too Frond to Beg" drew big business. "The Ninety an-.l Nine" next week.'k (Wm. liaren, manager).—Barney (illimire, In "Kidnapped In New York," this week. Lust week "The Stain of Guilt" had Immense business. . . Stamiaiiu lLeo Ilelclieiibttcli, mnnHgcr).— Thla week Ihc Brigadier Builcsiiiieis, feat- uring Udmund Hayes, In "A Wise Guy." Last week the Utoplnus gave splendid per- formances to blir business. Cit.uvniisii (O. T. Crawford, roannger).— Thla week ".Icssi: Jamea." Last week "Why Women Sin" had good business. "Beware of Men" next week. i'nt. cm nt a (Frank Tate, mutineer).—Hill week of 27 : Mclntyre and Heath. Speasnrdy's bears, the Great Buckner. the Four Madcaps, Frank und Jennie ltiilomi, Clarice Vance, Swivel nnd Kessncr, Probst. Ihc Great: the Huberts Four, liiilliindo. Lillian Mnyc, George und Georgle and the kinodrouie. (IKUMAN ( llcltieiiiunii & Webb, luuiiagers). —Tills week, "Anna Zu die 1st Mcln Lleustcr Gang." Last week good business ruled. IIachniikck's (C. Lee Wllllnms, iniinngcr). Business cuiitlnues big. Manager Williams promises new features tills week. Gliihk (II. B, Itlce. manager).—Vniiderllle, muring plctui-es nud the Mctropolltiin Stock Co. lust week drew good business. BntiAiiwAY (11. 1". lllll. local malinger).— "A Hidden Crime" 211. F.inorson's Mlnslrels 21). "The Girl and the Bandit" April 2. Lust week Klngslry-ltiiKsel) I'n. had good business. Family (L. Lund, manngerl.—It«st week: Mnrle Lawrence, the Itcisourlngs, 1'rof. J. M. Ktiyue, Clark's animal actors, tho Greut Wagner, Lenoi-o and SI. Clair, Little lsauelle, Ward and Caste, the Limits nnd tuovlug pic- tures. Business Is good. « Kniians City.—At the Willis Wund The- r.tie i Wioiilwnid & Burgess Amusement Co., malingers) Inst week "The Silver Slipper" came Mnrch 10-22 to fair business. The principals were: Snltz Edwards, Harry Hur- dler, Beatrice Golden nnd Lara Licb. "Tho Girl and the Bandit." 22-2». was well re- ceived by good houses. Our own Mubol Hlle was In the cast, and she wtta warmly wel- comed. Waller Junes, Joseph Mlron and Viola Gillette also did gisid work. This week, Florence Huberts, iu "Zazii:" Viola Allen next week. Gil A mi (Hudson ft Jndnh. managers).— I.nst week Al. G. Fletd and ills minstrels drew big houses. It was Mr. Field's first appearance hero In about fourteen years, nnd. Judging from the hit the show mnde, lie will pay us minimi rlsits. From a scenic standpoint the first purl deserves Itrst rank. The singing was excellent, the specialties good, and the comedians were funny. Be- sides Al. G. Field, Iho helpers were: Billy Clark, Tommy Donnelly, Hoc (Julgley. John Hcnlv nnd Nick Glynn. This week, for Hie llrst'time here, l'anln Edwardea. Iu "Wlu- souie Winnie." and next week. Blekel, Wut- son nnd Wrotlte. In "Me. Hlui and I." OltPIIKiM (Martin lleek, general iniiiia- per).—ItBst week's bill drew good houses. There were two big headllncrs—Paul Con- chas. Iu his really wonderful feals of strength and skill and Colo and Johnson, who did not arrive until Tuesday, owlug to n washout. Others on the bill were: Mme. Slnpoflskl, Apollo, on the wire: Newell nnd Mblo. Jackson nnd Bnrdlne. Drnkos' per- forming dogs aim sheep. In a good nnliunl ncl. nnd the kltiislronie Willi new plelures. lllll week of 2T : May Yokes nnd Co., Sydney Ileum- mill Co.. Klein. Hit Bros, inul Nlillol- sou. Win. Tompkins, G.-irducr ami Slnddnrd, Hum hi ic Vere Trio, and llseley nnd Mcely. tK. S. Hrlglinm. tnanaaer).—Last waek "Happy llt-ullgan" pleased large audl- St. Joseiih.—At the Lyceum Theatre (C. V. I'hllley, manager) "Tlie Olrl and the Ban- dit" drew it big house March 2'J. and was much enjoyed. '"I'he Silver Slipper" 23. "The lloosler Girl" 23, "Muloney'a wedding" 20, Field's Minstrels 27. John GrlfflUf. In "Mac- Itflh." 28: T'm Murphy 21», 'The Factory Girl" St. April I, "Ur. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde'" 2. It, "The Crisis" 4, "More lo Be ruled Than Scorned" 7, 8, "Me, llltu and 1" 0, Viola Allen IU. Oitt'ilKiiu (Woodward & Burgess Amuse- ment Co.. managers).—"The Two Orphans" broke the record for attendance week of .March HI. lielng given a strong preaeosatlon bv the Woodward Stock Co. "Woman Against Woman" week of 20. Ltiiic (II. Walter Van Dyke, manager).— The Van Dyke Stock Co.. In "The World's Whirlpool," had satisfactory returns week of 10. "llavv Crockett" week of 20. CnTKTAJ, (Fred Cosman, manngor).—Busi- ness continues good. The bill week of 20 'n- cludes: Hcatllt Trio. Morlo, Mr. and Mrs. Lurry Connors. George Swan, IOvhds Trio aud Cosmon's moving pictures. « »» MICHIGAN. Detroit—At the Detroit Opera House (B. C. Whitney, manager) William Collier, la "The Ilictator,"enlertnlned Inrge and appre- ciative audiences March 20-22. Wm Faver- sliuiii. in "Letty," closed the week to satis- factory business. "Ben Ilur" week of 27. The entire house Is practically sold out for this engagement. LtuBl'M (li. D. Stair, manager).—Billy Van, In "The Krrand Boy." drew well lf)-2o. The entertainment was first class and highly appreciated. "Arizona" week of 20. ■ ItAFAYKTrK (Dr. Campbell, manager).— The Byron Douglass Co. was seen In "The New Magdalen" week of II), und pleased large audiences. The sumo company, la "The Gold Mine," week of 2(1. WttRxgl (15. D, Stair, manager).—"A Prisoner of Wnr" played tn the usual crowds HI-23. "Bangers of Working Olrls" week of 20. ftOUU (II. II. Moore, manager).—A splendid bill, headed by Mary Shaw, played to packed houses last week. Attractions for week of 27: Grace Cameron. Mile. Martha, Hose Staid and company, Lerov and Wood- ford, Ktaley and Blrbeck, Lie Harrison, the Six Gllnscrettia and the klnetograpb. Avkn-uk (Drew & Campbell, managers).— The World Beaters Co. offered a good enter- tnlnment and drew good sized houses 19-25. Clark's Itunuway Girls week of 20. Grand Ilaplds. — At the New Powers (Harry G. Sommcrs & Co., malingers) Kyrle Ilnllew, in "Baffles." March 17, 18. played lo three crowded houses. Kdward Morgan, In "A Gentleman from Indiana," drew well. Coming: Mme. Schttmann-tlelnk, lu "Love's Lottery," 24; John Drew April 1. .M.mkstii: (Orln Stair, manager).—"Sweet Clover," March 111-22, pleased largo audi- ences. "Hearts of Dak" 2:j-25. Coming: "The Bonnie Brier Bush" 20-20, Mason and Mason ao-Aprll 1. (■kam> Ol'KUA IIiii.-sk (Churchill k Davis, managers).—This house continues to do a splendid business. Week of 20: Davis and Davis. Herbert und Willing. Walter Buemer and Juggling Girl, Mile. Doule, Nellie Mar- shall and l'eter .1. Smith. Smith's (Mrs. W. B. Suiltli, manager).— The stock company ut this house continues to please full* sized audiences. Kiilninnaoo.—At the Academy of Music (B. A. Bush, manager) the new boys' band of a hundred pieces—local talent—Oiled the house from pit tn dome, giving a very credit- able concert, it being their first appearance In public, .Idle Walters, In "Side Tracked," came to fair business 21. as did "Pablo Ro- manl." 23. "The Bonnie Brier Bush" 25, Van Dyke & Eaton Co. week of 27. Palace op Amubumbnt (E. J. Ryan, man- ager).—This place closed a successful season of roller skating 18. John Bouncy and Nordn- lah, the terrible Turk, lu a wrestling match, 25. i s Bay City.—At the Washington (W. J. Daunt, manager) "My Friend from Arkan- saw."' .March 15: Thomas Smith, in "Tho (Same Keeper." HI. and "In a Woman's Power." 20, all did fair business. "Sweet Clover" 20. Mme. Schiimauii-llclnk 27. Notk. —Wenona Bench will open for the Summer season Sunday. June 4. Manager Richards Is arranging for First class attrac- tions, and several new features will be Intro- duced In the grounds. i s SiiKlnniv.—At tlie Academy (J. M. Ward, malinger) Kyrle Bollew bud S. It. Ol' March 21. "Sweet Clover" 2"i, Mme. Schumunn- Helnk 28. "The Heart of Maryland" April 8. Jutkiin (Bnmford & Marks, managers).— BUI ln-or. Included : Koit Matthews. Hills. Nowlnn Trln, Bowery Newsboy Quartette. llowlev and Leslie. Lucy aad Litc'er. the Mid- dlclons. l,e Boy Benson. Helming. Lew-la ami Ilennlng. Full hoiufes were drawn nnd very gn.ul performances were given. "The Mouu- shlnet- s Daughter" 2U-2H. 0-8. Notk. —The Trent Theatre will Inaugurate n season of dramatic revivals and new plays, with a specially selected company at the close of the vaudeville season. If TrentnnlRiis show a desire for vaudeville. It will be con- tinued at the Taylor Opern House. i m — Pnteraon.—At the I'aterson Opera House (J. J. Goetachliis, manager) so fsr the Itenten season lias had no effect on attend ancc here. Hundreds were turned away nlglil. ly last week, when Chester De Vondc up- penrcd In repertory. "A Bunch of Keys" March 27-20. "On the Suwanee Hlvcr" .10- Aprll I. "rncle .Tom's Cabin" (Stetson's) 3-5. "The l'eddler" 0-8. Buoir (J. Henry ltowley. manager).—Al. Beeves and his clever company supplied good entertainment here last week. The High Boilers 27 and week, Cracker Jacks next week. Pescimxos. —A large plot of ground In (he central portion of the city baa been pur- chased by a stock company. A modern the- atre of architectural lieauty will lie erected and will be devoted lo high class vaudeville. I'aterson una Brooklyn money is back of the enterpr'se, and it Is stated that Charles Ben- ton, now manager of the Trent Theatre, Trenton, will manage the. house The deeds and Incorporation papers will be lilcd this week and ground will be broken on April 1. Tho proiierty has n small frontage on Market Street, one of the city's principal thorough- fares, and runs back to a depth of two hun- dred feet, extending In the t-eur from Hamil- ton to fnlon Streets Theatrical enter- prises nre Isimlng here Just now. The new Market Street Theatre will have competition in a new field. In addition to the established houses, for Stair & Harlln will shortly com- mence the work of remodeling Apollo Hall, while the management of the new Orphenm Theatre has already started alterations on a building ut Miln and Smith Streets. The latter will lie a small vaudeville house. » Atlantic City.—At the Savoy Theatre (Fred K. Moore, managerl "At Old i'oint Comfort" enjoyed fair patronnge Mnrcb 21.22. as did "The Gunner's Mate.' 23. Morris Guards (local) pjcked Ihc 1-odse 25. 20. Com- ing: The Muld ,md the Mummy" 27, "Hearts Adrift" 28, 20. A full dress rehearsal of "Sergeant Brue" will occur 30, Frank Dan- iels appearing In it 31, April 1 (drat produc- tion In this country). "Klght Bells" 3, 4, "The Itiinawnys" b, law Dockstader's Min- strels 0. "No Wedding Bjila for Her" 7. Ockax l'lKIl TilKATHt: (W. 1-!. Hlinckclford. msnuger).—"A Bunch of Keys" had gisnl business March 20, "The Two Orphans." with star cist, had big house, 25. Coming week of 27: Mile. Olive, Qnlgg, White and Nickerson. Kennedy nnd Booucy, Y'orke and Adams, Harding und Ah Sid, und the klncto- graph. a Camden.—At the Camden Theatre (M. W. Taylor, manager) no Lenten dullness exists. At every matinee inuny people arc standing hock In the aisles, the same con- ditions existing ut the majority of the even- ing performances. This was the kind of business that greeted both "No Wedding Bells for Her" and "The Two Johus" iHst week. On tapis: "The Sliver Dagger" March 27-20, "lleurts Adrift" ;til-Aprll 1, "A Des- perate Chance" 3-5, "From Bags to Klchcs" 08. 4 « » NEBRASKA. Omaha—At Boyd's Theatre (W. J. Bur- gess, niunagcri "The Silver Slipper" March 20, John Grimth, In "Macbeth. 27: Itay- mond Hitchcock. In "Tho Yankee Consul," April 2. 3. "Mother ttoosc" played to ca- pacity week of March 10. - Knt-'ci (C. S. Breed, manager).—Joseph Murphy oiiened a four nights engagement 211. "The lloosler Olrl" 30-Aprll 1. "Dead- wood Dick" 2-5. "The CrlBls" 0-8. "The Hays, in "Down the l'lke." drew crowded houses Mnrch 111-22. "The Factory Girl had good bouses 23-25. Oiipiibcm I Martin Beck, general mana- ger).—The lillt week of lb was a paid one and drew Inrge audiences all Ihc week. Bill wpek of 20: Lydla Veamnns Titus. Jack Nor- worth, lluynes and I leal v, Louise Dresser, Drake's sheep and dogs, the Great Fowlers, Cole aud Johnson and the kinodrouie. Ai'uiTiutiiiM (J. M. Glllan, mauagcr).— The ('tmrle-d Opera Co.. In "Parsifal." 2!) and "Lucia" 30. 1 lines and his band April 3-0. Manistee.—Ac the Itamsdell (R II. tlmrn- dell, manager) iMnloney's Wedding" played to food hualness March P. "Why Olrls Leave lome" pleased a large audience 15. Lincoln—At tho Oliver (l'\ C- Zelirung, manngerl Max Flgmun and Adelaide Mnnoln, In "The Mnrrlnpc of Kitty," delighted a largo Rtidlence March 14. Joseph and William Jefferson, In "The Hlvals." ployed to excel- lent business, matinee and evening, 15. Jose Yinnna Ha Motta was greeted by an enthu- siastic ntidlence 17. Grace Van Studdlford, In "Bed Kealher," made a decided hit with a packed house 20. "Tho Olrl and Hie Ban- dit ' did excelleut business 21. "The Silver Slipper" 27, Tim Murphy 28. V. M. C. A. en- tertalnmcnt ail, "Over Niagara Falls' April 1. Nnnett Comatock, In -'The Crisis," 5 ; Y. H. C. A. 0, John .Irlftlth. 8. LtHtc (II. II. Miller, manager).—Business Is excellent. BUI week of 20: M. Samuels. Impersonator: Ring and Williams, comedy sketch: I'ercgu and Kenslc. picture songs and Frank HubcrTs. |i» CAMFOHMA. Josh Perkins" played to large matinee and fair night audiences, nfler which the com- pany disbanded. "My Friend from Arkan- saw 27, "Side Tricked" 30.,—At Hie Athenieitm (II. J. Por- ter, malinger i Wnrile nud Kidder. In "Sa- liiininliii." 15. came to fair hualness. "Babes In Toylnnd." 17. bid S. It. O. "Side Trucked" pleased 18. "Pleasure Island" 2.1. "Sweet Clover'' 25, Mine. tichumann-UclDk 29, Ezra San Dlcur.—At (he Isis (Dodge & Carey. Lucie managers) Klleford Stock Co. played to good business in Its closing week here. Pickwick (Palmer A Fnlkenson, mana- gers).—lllll week of March 1.1 Included: F.m- nlre Trio, Chns. Brown. Mnrlln und Hoyden. F.ldnrndns Slslers, Morjirl Comedy Four and moving pictures. Grasp II.. It. Funge. mnnnger).—Manager Fnnge's talent for week of 1.1 was storm hound up the coaat. necessitating the dupli- cating of the preceding week's bill.