The New York Clipper (April 1905)

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April 1. THE-'STEW YOEK CLIPPER,. ' 157 nnger).—"A mm i return* Word nnd Vnkes hud big uudl- Pride Tntn's Cabin" 374ft o^. managers! Forbes liobertson played !*£j returns March 20. Daniel Ryan had "iTlmfirr 21-2.-., Kleauor Ilobaon 27. SLSt 28, "The Mnlii nnd the Mummy" , Mailne Klllolt April 1»- • , 31 ii "rt.i/s <«• H. Bunnell, mnn tiAiierata Chance" came to go 5?S£ ' STlkt Bridge ill Midnight" 30-Aprll I. Rut's IS. 'I- I'"", manager).—Week of u»n'n H: I'*"" *• Hnllcy. Mlllmnn Trio, iiirhln- I'm'.. Clement He Lion. Puller Hose. ,o,l company, Hunle and Wlnslow, null I lie Kal mos. ■ ^mi$cellatteott$> Tnr. I'lillman enr, Thistle, lins heen dls- na«d of to K f. Hcltmelz, of Indianapolis, C Cameron, Itrnwn & Co., llellevllle, Cnn. IlllM F1WM TUB ClIAFFIX C.IMRUV Co.— VCi arc touring West Virginia.' ploying to Ibr rapacity of-lue houses. Muster I-Mwnrtl llndsou. two mil a hnlf years of nge>. inndo bU-lirst appearance on any stage March 10, Hr ~ nnd the company live ou iliese conches durini nVSti 5*5? * "'If'y-llve week". I "n r .* r. Ann. and the rkef, though lls auspice* of the Muerabees. Week of Mav "l Ihe li.lte.l Commercial Travelers of America lenil.. with the assistance of Hie Aniiisemeiit Co. At Bristol, Teun v" k f May 8. the Ited Men -elebrate wl■ usAt Ashland, Ky., »eek „{ oo the Merchants' May Festival takes place. Vhen "mes Lex- ington, Ky.. we,* of Mnv Sft for lie \Iae- cnT,ee.s Jubilee. Polly Kennedy Ya.ioev s our press representative, and u'„' m „ st {. nh * able nenulsltloii to our business staff Mill. La Vikiib writes: "I have slene.1 contracts will. Frank I'. SrsdlroX wfirSS I will lie one nf his feature urts for the 2R?* rCS ' n ", r "". . s l"-'l"inn elrrult of n«!r t . Iin , vc * nl » r 8«I niy art. milking It one of (lie largest performing liear nets In vnuilerllle. and will ..pen with the Spell nil mifll 1 ,,i, m t .. . * u._ __ * ' 1 ST.-t.i p * V i I, VS. ,b f. w **' for th '' arrival of "The Newark llieatre March 27. Pro. -Cubmion ills., goes with Ike Pratt A. Ho ns .Show h.s Hummer. Tula, season has | K ca very prosperous for all .he hoys of Loral So ii. «?„.'7., v . on " ''?" l " >, ' n """'ployed, and all who Ky." Jf" f',' r ""• s »"Uuer are assured of Plei ty of work. Ilr». A. II. Itebrri*. our Sftff »£•«. '"is rounded up tho town, ami an work ,,,,,.|, as ,.„„, Iiu . k | nif mho : nwi',}.'.',*' !'"■• """" '"' " lln "' nver to tba local, thanks to his elTorls. Our two honor- ary members, Itros. .M. J. c„lie,, uuA Jog . ./I ' W I'resented with new honorary cards, which are a work of art. n ..**. f'" m '•" < ' al • v> - 8ft Mnnchesler. N. S ., "' , ' pr '"'I* Blel Is lining press worli .• • nS A (J,l " f .v Conscience" Co. llro. b m ' >— LfiSl^ji^i^^lir^a Uaudecillc and minstitl stock. The till) posters and hlllera gave a [inn,met In tumor of members departing tor iln- circus seasnn, at the (lllmore Hotel, Sunday night. 20. Kccrelnry 11. If. Chirk need ns must funster. The gumus were lliirrv 1'ni-iiiihiir. Local II Cliiclui.n'l. <!.. ond IVIIx filel. I.ocnl 2H. Manchester. X, II. The hill of fare: Oysters on hnlf shell. Mi'.-iiiied ilaii.s. siilniou croipiets, hrnlleil tenderloin of beef. I'relich fried pnlntoea, l-'remh )>ens. shrimp salad, myonnlse dress- lug: rolls, crackers, cheese, coffee, frnll, t), II. Mminn s gold niiilaI Iln.II. National rrestiloiit Charles Jnsc|ili, and Pro. Moss, business agent of Local No. ■i. I'hlliidclphlii, were In New York Inst weak oij business coiinee.ed Willi I.ocnl No. 4. JVI1I Crouclirr Is still "nmiiaging'the'••When Women Love '•" ■•--■ —■- " ~~.. Co.. and reports eon tinned Itro l.rnest iTtirenclier 1ms signed with the Leitdermnii New York Specialty Co.. fvti. l JH l .°," ,l " K ! "'" s "" 1 llr "- Arthur Iieuert .■! in!,? It' "," ""'"""'"l of tho Twentieth ntury .Moving I'lciure Co. Dill poster* agents who tour (bis aectlon of the success. uiul I. 8. Wou'lN'i's Arnlilnn nnd dogs, aliown by Mile, ile Montmorency, hava been engaged by Itli.gllng tiros.' I'lrciis as n apeclnl utrrnciloii for < hlcugo engugeinent of the show, ii|ienlng A|irll N. Mr. Wollliig reports that he Is nminglxg his mule for parks ii ml fulrs for the Summer nnd Cull Abu: la a welcome visitor every week. This Summer we go under our new canvas. The work of getting everything re.idy. pnlnt- lig seats, stage, etc., Is progressing nt our Winter quarters at Mr. Kotidn's home at Ylenna. N. Y. Btwm of imihs MnrueiNK Co., No. SO. —Hr. Titos, n. Wood, lecturer nnd innnnger; Mrs. T. A. Wood, pianist : I.Milan May, soti- brette: Scott Hall, comedian; Rexro, con- tr/rllonlst; Tom Wood, ban Joist. This Is the fifth year of the (Sermon Medicine Co., and la the best Winter season this show ever hail. We are all wishing for the camp senson. whirl, opens nt (iarrett, III., April 20. The "gkost" walks, every Monduy and Tiik Clip- na Is always welcomed every Cheshire. Conn., where we will rest for the Slimmer and keep npeti house." Nora miiM tiik 1'axama Mr.nn-ivK c 0i . No. 1, J. M. Condon, tnnuager.—We are Mill playing In Northwestern Illinois, lo the great- est business In years. Hosier of company : Dr. J. M. Condon, manager, lecturer and proprietor: Mrs. J. If. Condon, treasurer: Snyder Sisters, hallnds nnd sketches; the Herbert8 (Madge and l.eei, knockabout song and dance, nnd 1'rof. Klrkpntrlrh. manic, marionettes anil spirit cabinet. All are well and enjoying Hie line weallicr. We expect to open In rtitup about June 14, and work hi Iowa this coming Summer. . Friday. Tub linns, wrlle that they pro- JJtitU Hi DXII ftwi.. . ihned their dlornmu nt the Umpire Upera tilllll \nV nil Hfl^l^M House. Sun Autonlo, Tex., week of Pel!. T,, <V»H/ , H/» UIH | VOlVl g, and drew crowded houses. Thev go to Aus- tin. Waco. Kort Worth and the other large cities of Texas. ("wag H»i.t, writes: "Col. Wm. (Jabrlel awl Wm. I,nngan have formed a partnership MM" 1 * Several me aud are now organizing one of the largest njlurwaea. which wcr Wild West shows ever offered the auniseoient " was "i" 0111 "'" 1 t"» world, which will be known ns (iabrlel & Laugan's Wild , West Indian Congress "and the World's Katuous Horsemen. (Treat care will be taken In selecting the performers and stock, which will be all new untl up-to-date, ibe season will oncn early in Muy, nnd will never dose, as the show will In nil proba- bility vhut South America the coming Pall anil Winter season. I will be with (labile! Nates from Local No. ". I'lllslinrg.—Tills local held a most interesting meeting Sunday, March ii, and transacted some very Important business, i&veral members delivered short e enjoyed verj* much, that Brother .Tack Sylves- ter wits Improving in health very slowly. tiro. Sylvester has been on tho sick list for about six weeks, llro. (Ira. Vnndersllce. of No. :i, paid us .. visit last week. llro. Van- dersllce lius been located at the Coyle Thu- ati'e, Charlerol, 1'n., for the post two years, lie expects to go ou (lie road for the Sum- mer, with one of the big allows, lira. Mniirlce E. Cain, of No. .'!. is here this week, In ud- aeuson. The regular meeting of Local No. 2, New j.i p W m £*? *!&& J*"** '-• ''resident de..„ ,;J "K '",, "° <,lin "'- A " u <» "•«" ■b Am ■ t, i, wl '', "»«,"■•..pilot.. Vlce-1'resl- (let t Wu. Kelly being absent, he being on the o,!*.. 1 '"-. i"',,'- A - , ," ,l,,ml - ■*■ "•*• «1>» b»S ™,.. '.. ■ 'o llMt ."■'""» ,l ""'- |M convaleselng ralil.llv. Urn John l.nue Is still III. The slli.l Ion n New York Is rapidly approach- ing the ulil rime torn, aud It wus as much as Iielegaio Wm. J. .Murray could ,!„ the past nju H-et-ks to keep ...Ivertlsers nnd theatres *W *"' men. The meeting was very yell atteu.le.1, will, lots or visitors from other locals, who are in the city, haying come in inllej Show. Among ih.,se at the meeting were: ».„. r,iruei. of l.ocul No. Xl; Cllsey Alunms. !.ocnl No. ||, anil I.'rnuk Wnrreu, of * • ' K , 11 ,\ 11 B 1 . Wm. Shuy. of f.ocn! No. 2. mid Tom Con- """• of Local No. 4, nte with the Itanium 3c llnllcy (.Ircus. They Imve been with this cir- cus a nimiuer of seasons and are engaged as bos,s bill posters. ■■■■■ llro I.'rnuk Wnrreti. of Local No. 1. Chi- cago, Is with the Iturnum 4 Italley Circus, llro.. Warren Is one of the liest known bill posers throughout-the country, and It Is ex- liecletl that he will address the meeting 0 f Local No. 2, .New ^ ork, on Sunday, March 2U Than are about thirty memhers of the N. a. h. t'. and 11. of A. now working for the Iturnum k llalley circus, and that they have done good work is evidenced by the profusion of lithograph, stand and window work of the With tiik ni:w iii:rau.vri<i\M and complete lighting plum Just Installed In the Celorou Thi'iitrc, .liimestowu. N. Y.. no Siinuner llie- atre In America can surpass It In .ip|iolnt- ii.enls or lieiiufv. A betler element of vaude- ville Is being booked by Manager Jnle Del- mar, nud will, .he ninny amusements lu coiiuecthiii Willi lite pnrk, It Is uu engage ii'enl Hint performers look for will. I lo with plensiirc. Mil. ami Mils. C.iink llt'inirs nriiveil March 2.*> from Kiigh.ud. They will |.lny In Amnion foraliout six months. Cu.ssit: StintinAx axu MUMRg Uiikiiikr anii At.I. of Ibe New City Sports Dig Show, are sisters of the Theatrical Mechanics, and on the evening of 21 the Jersey I'lljr Lodge iillended the petforinnine nt Ibe Hon Ton us n compliment to them. Later Mnnnger t'lill Sheridan e'titeilnliieil the lodge, ami n |deus- iiiii evening resulted. M. I'.. IIani.kv ami win:, Mile, lie Lome, wrlle Us thnt they have lidded the Juggler, Myree St. Anguioii, to their ml. Sue Is n line solo whistler, nnd while she wblHlles an operatic selection Mile. He l.otne does her trick Juggling with two nud three clubs, then the two do the doubling Juggling done by men Jugglers, such as uohsIiik, showering, hack to buck nnd shoulder throws. They slate thnt thev nre the llrsf two women to nrcompllsh ilils ml, and are iiieellng 'villi grenr success will, iln* "lluollgnn's Troubles" Co. They nre known ns M. K. ll.iuley nnd Juggling He Louies. Mr. Ilaiiley clillms lo get Ills slture of laughs, while the women get ■lag the Summer. The greatest draw- ing card In our Llllpttiinn lland. It creates "ore excitement than u uniformed band of ZZSLJ^SL INiWiMNLM lolnr "long &£ S is. city, and slutes that u road mini ,-un not go Is recovering, llro. John i:i!s Is n great Into a cltv or small (own and not find a mem- lover nt' old music, and has spent much time her of the alliance. Itro. Harry S. Myers, of seurchlng In the public library. Uros Leon- Armstrong left to loin the llur- Show. I.'rancls llrown Is In ndvonce Show, at Purls. aUttttt Dor, whose hotel nt White Plains, ■LJl ." Ileeu veI- >' Huccessful, wus given a 'ong and most complimentary notice In The f No. 4, pi llro. I' viincc of "At the Old Cross Koads" Co. He atates that this is one of the most pleasant aeasous he has spent on the road, as the Pittsburg lust week. llro. Phillips Is in ad- 1 -lis" Co. a rd nud uu in of the lecturer, Kurtou Holmes. Malcolm Itoiiglus is the advance for "llumpty Iitimiily." Joe Mctlurry Is back nt the I'reiuoiil. llro. Illl] Coughlln did the billing for the iiiitiiiuolilli- show at Svmphony llnlf. llro. Sandy Mi.nro Is on the sick list. llro. new wardrobe, uud Mr. llelslon's comedy Is n big success. cims. ami Tti.t.IK Ski.i.I'.h are In their third week on the lianforih Jlljou circuit. Their new (ionium dialect comedy, slnglug nud ilnnclitg sketch, "I'rltz uud Lena." Is meet- ing I they Inform list with Ihillerlng success, and is a laughing lilt from start lo Mulsh. They nre well booked up In some of tba best luiidevllle houses In the West. Juiiv It. Nai.on. in Ills musical act with imim' Iteiiurler, of White I'fnlus, on March many"courtcsi'es siiowii him "by Hie local boy» l£ le "'" "unlversary of the admiral's ex- throughout the country are too nimieroua iier.ence as ii hotel man and resident of White to mention, llro. Bill Jack, of No. .'{, who i<i».. . . '* exceedingly popiihir lu tlie makes the Iwys feel nt home when In Ureens- »» i ii . * (-""''ducted his hotel with un imrg, i'n., | U iid us it visit last week. llro. rnL , i, 1 lg, i'? tl "' lc t,le lM!st People of Hie Jack lius sold out his Oreenslmrg plant, but 'ouiluunity. Thnt he has been successful In |, still working nl the Opera House. Pro. oJ.. ? e . I"'°vcn by the fact thut for the it. l). McClov. of No. a, was-a visitor lust hoi.i . ?,?■ ll13 lms UPe " ODC ut ,1|P few week. Ile Vtnles that be lias decided uu es at \M,|t t . l»| a | n g thut has not changed to slnv at home. Magistrate Sam Abcr- T.,; t... « niitliy. father of lira (ieo. Abernethy. ii t. l ii.heam Tiros., Prank and HarrV, will of No. 3, was recently elected to unolbor us acaaoii take out a company of their own, ivrlu, i"?. wn K" tno I'llbeuin Uros. United carnival t.o. They hnve four shows of their Hill Ilnlley ...r tlie 'alnce 'llieatre. Is an old Chns. J. Walsh's V-iudevllle Co., bus added a member or the llnspberiles. President Prank set of musical coln.i and a set or ullver sleigh Lloyd lire President John Klls, bells lo the act. score ury I lieu, "chile nnd Correspondlug l^iit.y McCai.k, T. J, Pnrroti and lillly Secretniy Hurry Jl. Peyser auuounce that they Noble, of Hie Majesties Co.. while pliiylng Al- !." n "^. , , , . , ' '•iindiilules for re-election to these bunv, were tendered n hiiiuiuct by llielr (iltlces. I he election of oUIeers for the coming friends, und It wus nn evening or pleasuro leini w || take place Morclt ML Wm. Carroll, long to be remerob-red b eat Train Uobhery, Old term of oflice. . Tlie Judge Is a great frleud of the boys. llro. Ceo. W. Luwry lms been III. He Is now able lo tukc cure of all busi- ness of the local, nnd will do nil he cnu to °*n. Including (ire; 'l'lfril • ■™ rtrte SSL! 1 ■! |,err 's wheel, direct from the Coriulcfc. !«.. .'ri,, 01 " 1 Oumer und ItelnlKjIt merry go (iulliniir signed the circus iigreetnenr for tho s to be the> advertIslug agent of Pnragon r Briis Shows, and Hie list of shows .Park. llro. Wm. Watson Is st"' by those present. to a surgical operation performed upon Little Mlltel. ot Ibe Three liiinteys, for n tumor lu her throat, lliey had lo cancel live weeks of work. She Is doing nicely. i'lKt.iiH ash Hanson wrlle: "We opened our Western lour in the flrand opera House, llulle, .Mont.. March ',, and after our llrst tldi Is duliig the count ty billing" II iiinnty perfotninnce dosed conlfacls wllb Malinger llumpty. Urns. Jim Cuimuc'-i I John Klls lilck Sultoti for twelve weeks, " the hill poster, of Chelsea, ami father of llro. Chns. Carroll, died Murch in, nt Chelsea Muss. llro. Siniily Miinio has fully recovered I nun bis Illness, llro. (ieo. Lewis Is ou tba iniiln door at the Columbia Theatre. Itro. Chas. Spcnr Is in town. He Is In advance of Itro. (Ieo. Collier's Iiriiinutlc Co. llro. Abe Wonderland nud'Statue keep the boys posted on nil news of No. u. icy have nlno booked a Notes from National Secretary J. J. Mc On Tuesday, March U, K. C are lo he memhers of our baseball learn Abo Ilohliison Is with James Corbelt, In "Pals." Uros Yokes and While are on tlie degree sliinT or the K. of I', llro. Kd. Perry 5 1 that have signed now include Itluglliig Uros., llurnum & Uulley. Porepungh-Sells, W. P. Hull, Curl llugenls'ck, Otto Kioto, John Hob- luson nnd the (Jollmnr Pros. Itnither I. Kline, vice president of Ihe Nutlonnl AMIaiic of Hill fosters uud Killers of America, sent o Sir. nntl Mrs. Archie Wiles, <>r Chicago I? .." . "7 wl " alH » ™"Y "''ce rentuiv free (loilmu ■rv i '. iu .'Z H'eley, with ■ ten piece mill- 2H '«""!• 'Hiey will feature Ibelr tniimniotli son J.". ,Vll,< ''' " l0(j0 " "IK HUCCeSS lllsl SCU- iMV.'i«i ". " mie ot ""•' compuuv will IK? cx- '^'l^l'rlnclrgilly through Mlelilgnn. "II.I.U31 A. ItiiAijy, who Is preparing to J:'* "w war show ail Coney Islniid, this , i.i " u f- °» "lied lu land between Hrlgbton Ixical. No. I, u beiiiillful lump, ns it wedding auu Maulmilnn lieiiches. has Incorporated n present. Xullomil Presideul i'lias. .losei.h, f uip.inv |„ uave c |,urge. lie snys 1>» will ■w otiicr s \, 0W!li and thu , ihe miirlne ra |i. «ay will be toru up nud a "pike" substituted. nii.i.« Mnnx ". Plt-nmB Co.—Tlios. U Plan, Iln,. W .. " Newman, stage manager; ■any Malbews, TOmedlan : Pred I-eoti. nov .„,*., : , Ju ' k I ' 0 '' u - Plnnlst. We close a verjr telrgruplied coiigruliiliillolis. and stales that Ills present will follow, lira Hoy Cursed, ot Local No. 1, who has been for inuny sea- sons wlih Ihe Collmur IJrolhers. und en- gaged for Hie turning season as a special agent, wns so overjoyed ou learning Hint die CMbnar Urol hers hud signed tlie agreement thut lie preseuled Kred C. (iolliuar Willi a „_- 7 •-•"■■ pim.—i eeiulllbrl ho,! t . WIMl * tfat success in vnmlevllle ""'■ Imve signed with the Patterson 4 »v J"i nrnlvi " Co.. for Hie coming season, it.),'- cMvns will manage the No. 1 adver- I ,i ?i?.°Vt,. of thc Campbell Bros. Oreat Con- ErfflT" Shw » for «he senson of 11)05. mak \„ A **«■•»•••• seacon with the above shows. i-n'i . uiH s,al,;9 "M>t the Campbell Bros. »ver bef""' season u'ggfr and better than very luuc'li iigalust us. I'lialrniiiu A. H. Itob- erta gave n deinlleil re|sirt. which was re- ceived with cheers from a well attended meet- ing. In a neat speech lie presented to Itro I, A Wfddle. our treasurer, on behalf nf Local' No. 18. a fine fountain pen. as a tor "i of the esteem In which be Is held by all tliei brothers of Loral No. IS for the efhclei.i :o.l which he rendered lu making the ball tba grand success It was. A vote ot lunula waa 111 at the Caut- brldge Hospital, llro. Prank Lloyd, our presideul, was on Ibe staff of the elder mur- shull In the SI. Patrick** l»nv parade, at Soiiimerville, Muss. Notes from I.ocnl No. Ii. Cincinnati.— Hurry Carpenter, of No. !). was here, iihend of "York Slate Polks." und lie Is a line fellow und a good worker. William Itullen closed Ihe senson here wllb the Murray & Muck Co., and lias token u trip lo Clilrugo fur a rest, lliigeubeck's parade wagons are on exlillilllon In this city, und they nre very line looking vehicles. John K. Coulls is here, ahead or Primrose's Minstrels, and Is putting out Lumiers ns big ns u small circus lent. John run tell you nil Ihe minstrel Jokes for renlurles past, fieorge Allen will have n re. sponsible position wlih the itobinsou Show tills season. M.irl Long will be with the Illiigllng Uros. this seusott. N.irns Fiiost Local No. .13, llaooKbtx.— The Auinhloii Theatre Is a union bouse now, making every theatre In Brooklyn thoroughly union. John !■'. Murphy, advertising agent for tlie Slnr i Jnmes I.uwsoii nnd John I'oster, ol tlio Amphlou, nud Wuder Cochrun, of the Majestic Theatre, were lulllated at our last meeting. 111. "Kid" Merchant und J. Arm- strong, of I,oral No. 17. were present, and made short addresses. The business done by "The I'll," ot the .Majestic Theatre, the last two weeks, shows that It pays to bill henvlly. We are celling this local lu shape and will be there for No. -1 as soon as possible. Na- tional president, Charles Joseph, called It). We Mien ou the (ionium (New ICiigbimll circuit of pinks June 2(1, und are collirucled up to Aug. 2H. We received an offer of Si! rutin. Ibis week, for TIM oi.n l(i;i.iAlu.i:, In Ureal l-'ulls, Mont., Hint liii.I been forwnrilcd lo us from Butte." NOTCH IIIOM TIIK At,. II, Kll'.l.ll (ItlllATKIl Ml.vsTtU'.t.H,.—Wv began u week's etigilgemellt at the (liand Then Ire. Kiiusus City, to cu- pitcily business. Suniluy, Murch III. An en- Ihtislasllc uiiiileni'C nncked die lurgi; plnv- house lo the door*. The press was lavish In lls |irillse of lb.- I ill' In I pel ftu laniice. The critics extended Mr. p'leld loiigiuliilullons for orlgliiullly. nil agreeing Hint his minstrel show Is tbe best thai lms been ulfereil to the Kansas City public lu u decade. William J. li'Ilrlen .1.'., grand exalled ruler or llio Beiievuleiil Protective Order of Klks or Amerlcu, spout Wednesdny In Kiiiiniis City. Ile wns royully entertiiliied by the local lodge, und Hie Field Minstrels. The Field baud se reunited Mr. O'Brien ill Ibe club rooms In Hie morning, nud a banquet wits given In bis honor early In the evening nl Hie Midland Hoi el. Mr. Field being one of Ihe honored guests. In Hie evening I lie ills- llngiiislied visitor, his wife nnd friends, oc- cupied Hie lower boxes nt Ihe < train! for Hie minstrel show. The local Klks will give a "smoker" lu Mr. Field's honor Saturday nlglii. Hurry Cuticle, a llieliilier or Hie Field Show, will be lulllulrd into tlie order ill the close or Ik* ".imoker." Thin organization gave n benefit p. rforinniice for the Hhrlnefs, ut Sprluglleld, Mo., lusl week. Dr.iN Is Id Havana, Cuba., for an indellnlle stay Tnr. Mi.HlcAt, Lamonts hove signed with the French RcMtiM Hum Show for the com- ing season. They me at pre.»et.t playing dtiles und doing nicely. Is Voocillasiny;- 'Written Uy FEISI4 l»nhHslie(l t>y HO FELST, I. Y, I u —— ■ SWORD PLAY FOB ACTORS. A Manual of Swum I'luv Ml' At T(I|(H, A I TllUHM, ARTISTS litiiiu., do., (I, |intl|iiild. H.V Flo: ii illt.iiKUT lll.AKKSI.KH, Lille Swonliiiitster First ltegi.,1'. N. II. "/; HitppUe* ii tiiiHi.iw team unil jfAoiini ai«r/ irfHi ii rraiu sun-."-.TIIK IIILIJlOAIilJ. "A flriin, simple, /io.'/cc/ littiiiilwuk." -.1, ,M. Iii:/.I.|,|IV. "Ihrnrlllaautufte it."- -JA.MI'.sK, IIAdKK'IT, Mj W. IIA'/KIV «:0.,a7Tlmtii«sHI.,New fork. Notch fuom Bii.i.v Khuhanhh' Dm cni.tuiKn MiNNTinti.H, under (he iimniigeiueiil of C. Juy Smllh.—We nre in the ihtrty-ilfih week of ll prospei oils setiHoll, having pluved I ho enttl'ii senson lu the South uud Southwest, The veteran Billy bus been greeted with the huiu.i tin big house* everywhvru, also lite dully ovation Hint lius been his for ycurs. The cotniinny remains die siime us nt Hie opening or the ward to Hie city dates lu lite Spring. The company will close, us usual. In (lilcugo, un,I will he reorganized ami nliirl on the uexi senson's tour early In August, die lime low- ing Ikhmi nil booked, nnd the next season will see Knrsalids' Minstrels Willi un cut Ire new cijillpillcnt Mini Hut most pr.-ii'..iloiis cohileil liiliisll-cl Il|tgregulloii Hint ever liivuiled Iln. South. Alonxii Moore, Marsh Craig, Foul' lliilisely mothers, Citmliell llrothers, Alubiilull Ijtiartetle and Kid Luugroril und Hilly Ker- m.iiiIh, us chief ftu. makers, have been a win- ning < this iteason, ami old Hilly feels olnl.'il ul Ibe high praise Hull bus been liesluwed on Ids dusky minstrels by Ihe press, public und inuiiugi.rM everywhere. I'l.KVKIi CoMtKV, of Cotikev null "Bunts," celebruled Ills iwenly-secoiiil 'lilrtbilnv ut Lu Crosse, Wis., Mnrcli 17. They hnvii Just ila Islied uu elglileen weeks' elliugeiiulul on I lie ItlJoii-l'iilinie circuit, nnd Imve ili-punnl fur tile West, In om>n n ret urn date un the Lang circuit, wllb cnllfonihi work In fiillow. Joil.v II, Moiiiiis. of the teiiin nf .Morris uiul Parker, lms fully recuvereil from bis Illness, and Hie tent., will begin their nark dales nt (lleiidnle I'lirli, N'liHl.vllle. Teiiii. The teiiin I.lis worked only six weeks slncii Sept. 12, IIMH, when lliey hml to chise ill the lliiyiillirket Tlleillre, Clileiigo, ou neeoillil ol the Hii.ltleii Illness of Mr. Morris. They nre well hooked up with tin- exception nf a few weeks. llAttur ll. ]|i:>u:\Vt'AY litis Jolnetl lunuls with lite Shu w liroilieiH In till act to lie liuoivii ns the Vnukee Trio, singing opioid I. selec- tIons mill popiihir linlliids, Inlercliiiugeil wlih a III lie Vnukee wit uiul comedy. llATW.MII. ami llAVWAitp wrlle t "We have Joltieil liiinils wllb Hurry llolt.inii, cntiicdluu with the llurvev & (iage Co., mill Into of "Die County' Co., to <io u new thirdly comedy net, entitle. I 'Marriage Is Sublime.' which we will present May 2H, inn.-. Among Hie colli rutin received for tills il.'l Is one from Tnliy I'nslnr." F.tiiMr.u .Iomih mill bis in uhIi-iiI pies were liciKllliieiM ul ibe l.'nlqiie Theiitre, Putt Chili'*, Wis., week or March 2D. Miiii'iiv and Pti.JiKii will their new blurb fine In.vest.v act mi Ibe J, .1. Fly mi ilrriill of purlin, having Just iiiguitl for n season of twelve weeks, opening early III June. Coi.t: AN'ii I'!.i:.mi:nh were engaged wild Clin' (Irunt's Show for Moiihenl. I'nil,, nutl Hie I'oliiiiil.lii, lloslon. lliey have been on Ihe Fusioni circuit the past ten weeks, uiul will hnve n new net for the parks tills nlin- ing. Souu.ier. They will work hi one with the new .icl. Hl' ami IlilliMiiN', while iilnyltig week or Mnrcli 20, ul Hie Hon Ton Theatre, J'hlln- ileliihln, Initiated Ihe following in the Hitlled Order nf llnsp berries of Aiuerl. n : .leiinie Curtis. Cecil Marly, Cecil Maltle Wiilsh, Mrs. Itellly, of Hie Tyson Apiirlliienls j I'nink Walsh. Chns. II. vVurilc, Burke und M.Avov, Pll. Wilson, ,ln». Mlicey, Willliiiii Hurry, ele.lrlclnu : t.'hns. .Moori'. stake eiin- penter. a reception ond ban<|iict followed nnd a pleasant evening resulted. (Ir.n. F.ijiikiiton. of Ihe I'dgertoits. nerlal ncrobnls. went lo the I'leshylerlau lluapltnl -Mutch '£','„ to be operated upon for upperi- .licit!::.