The New York Clipper (May 1905)

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282 THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. May 6. OX* GEWUI3VE VKRVONE 18 SINOINO By XT ON THE DEAR OLD BEACH. Thf Only Ileal Summer Song'on Hi.- Market, and a Big Hit with F.irr; MISS ANNA HELD'S New Song, COME UNDER THE PALM LEAVES WITH ME. An Oriental Love Bong, a Real Novelty. Written for and Sung by MISS ANNA HF.l.D. THE APPLE DON'T FALL FAR FROM THE TREE. DON COURT and KENDALL. The Only Heal Summer Song'on the Market, and a Big Hit with Rveryoae using It. MISS ANNA HELD'S New Song, By WICKS-MARION and KENDALL. By SAM M. LEWIS and HENRY CLAY SMITH. A BALLAD THAT 18 SIMPLY GREAT. By LEVIS and SMITH. One of the Grealeit Indian Numbers Ever Written. O'WAHNETA. One of the Greatest Indian Nnni PORK AND BEANS. By SAM M. LEWIS and HENRY CLAY SMITH. THE BUI ( OCIV SONG. ANI> LAST, BUT NOT LEAST, THE GREATEST MARCH SONG ON THE MARKET, THE LAND OF THE RED. WHITE AND BLUE. By LYNCH and SCHASBERQER. Slides Now Ready, $S a S»*. No free slides. The Finest Set Ever Made by DE WITT C. WHEELER. To he without (lilt song It a crime. CLAUDE TIIAKDO Maya of this aongi It Is the greateat number I have ever imed. I am taking Six to Eight Encores Every Night. PROFESSIONAL FKIEMDS tire eurdlnllv Invited to hear these hours. Competent pianists always ai vnur service. If you cannot call, kindly send hue program ana ten cents In stamps for Professional Copies and Orchestrations THE LEXINGTON IV.USIO CO., 43 West 29th Street, New York. FAI RS FOR 1906 Following our annual custom, we prenent n list of fairs for Hie coming season, wlilcli has lieen iinnotineod up to Hie present lime. The Hashing of dates, the frequent, changes mill practical Impossibility of collecting all tIn* uinlcrlnl combine to make n list of this kind only approximately correct; neverthe- less, those rulrs we. record here, made up from lhe official fair IIhih, etc., will lie found useful to many clauses of showmen who have not yet arranged their routes for the coming Summer and Fall season. The letters pre- ceding dales Pt it ml for the months, viz.: Ju. rot- June; Jy. for July: A. for August; S. for September, etc. When no Initial letter precedes the ilnic It signifies that the month Is tlnil Insi Indicated. Later we will print it supplementary list. STATE FA I ItS. COLORADO.—Pueblo, S. II, 15; II. M. Turner, secy. til* Mill A.— Atlanta, 0, », 21 ; Mnrlln V. Calvin, secy. _ IOWA.— -Dps Moines, A. 20, S. 1 ; J. 0. Simpson, secy. ILLINOIS.—Springfield, S. 30, 0. 7; Chns. It. Downing, secy. INDIANA.—Indianapolis, S. 11, IS; Chns. Howling, secy. MICHIGAN.—Grand Rapids, S. 18, 22; S. (i. Wii h er , fi'cv. .MIXXKSO'lA.—Ilnmllne, S. 4. 0; K. W. Itnnitnll, secy. NF.W II aXII'KIIIRE.— Concord, S. 1'J, in; Chns. II. Iliiyl, secy. NHHRASIxA.-—Lincoln, R. 1, 3; Robt. W. Furnas, secy. NF.W JEHSDX" (Inter-Staite).—Trenton, S. 20, 2H : SI. II. Marge-ruin, secy. KKW V0I1K.—Albany, S. 11, 1«: S. C Shaver, secy. MOUTH i.'AIWMNA.—Itnlelgh, O. HI, 21 : Josejih E. rogue, secy. iitlCGON.—Portland, 3u. 1, O IB; Henry I". Ilecil, secy. TEXAS.—Dallas, S. 30, O. ]«; Sydney Smith, secy. WISCONSIN.—Milwaukee, S. 11, 10; John. M. True, secy. WISCONSIN (Inter-State).—F.a Crosse, S. 20, 30; C. S. Vim Aukeii, secy. WISCONSIN (Northern).—chtppuwa Falls, A. 28, S. I ; I loner I II. Chirk, secy. GEORGIA —Alliens Fair. O., 2. 7; II. V. Rhodes, secy. Calhoun, Cnlliouii I.*alr, 2-1, 211. Dnltnn, Dnlluii Fair, 10-21 ; Friiuk Rey- nolds, secy. IOWA.— AIroiih, Kossulti County Fair, S. 12, 15; T. II. Wiulsworth, secy. Allison, Hut- ler Cnnnly Fair, A. 23, 25: II. I.. Itogers, secy.- Alia, Henna Vlstn County Fair, 22, 2.%; C 13. Cilllieron, secy. Aiiniiinsn, Anil- mnsii District Fair, 14. .IN: .1. C. Lull, secy. Atliinllc, Cass County Fair, 2n, 28: C S. Itriiwii, secy. Audubon, Audubon County Fair. S. r., 8; C. K. II real man, secy. Avocn, I'uiliiwiiliiiinle County Fair, 11), 22; Win. Thels, secy. Iledfdrd, Taylor County Fnlr, 12, in; C. C. Dowlln, secy. Hlnoiutlcld, Dnvla Countr Fair, 12. in; ,1. C. llroiibnrd, secy. Uuiilnglnii, HurlliiRton District Fair, A. II, 12; C. C. Fowler, secy. Brltt, Hancock Cnnnly Fair. S. n, 7; Jake Itohuiincl;, secy. Sac City. Sac County Fair, in, IS; S. M. Lewis, secy. Central City, Wupsle County Fair. 12. If.; V.. K. Henderson, secy. Charles Cliv. Has* County Fair, 12. 10; W. K. Wal- ler, secy. Clluloii, Clinton District Fair, 1!*, 22; J. II. Alirens, Lyons, la., secy. Columbus Junction, Columbus Junction District. Fair, 5. 8; J, .1. Slap|i, secy. Oreston. Creston District Fair, fj, in; Carl 1). Daveiiport, m'cv. Corning. Adams County Fair, A. 28, 31 ; .1. M. De Vnrc, secy. De Wilt, Clinton County Fnlr. S. 12, 15: I'hll. Butlcrftiss, secy. Decornh. Wluiieshiek County Fair, n, N; II. C. Colfeu, secy. Dnnncllson, Lee Cnnnly Fnlr, A. 22, 24; Chris. Ilcffnei', secy. Kldon, Ehlon Dig Four District Fair, S. 5, 8; F.d. J. Has**, secy. F.litoru, lliirdlu County Fair, 5, 7: Harry S. .Martin, secy. Elknder, Klknder Fair and Truck Assn., A. 22, 25; J. A. Kramer, secy. Fulrllcld, JetTerson County Fnlr. 12. in: l(. C. Suyers, secy. 1'iilrl'nx, li'nlrle Valley Assn., 2t», S. 1 ; Ed. Healoii, secy, Fonda. Itlg Four District Assn., A. 8. 11 ; It. M. Harrison, secy. Forest Clly, Winnebago County Fair. ll. 3, G: J. A. Peters, secy, (irlnnell, Poweshiek Central Fair, til Grlnnoll. S. 5, 7; 1. S. llnlle.v, secy. Crecnlleld, Adair County Fair, a, 7: J. S. Cavliicss, secy. tirundy Centre, Grundy Cnnnly Fnlr. 12. 14; K, Q. Knsiulnger, secy. Guthrie Ccntr.', Guthrie County l-'iilr, 12, 15: A. II. Ilrissell. secy. Hampton, Franklin Cnnnly Fair. E!. 15; .1. \V. Cuminlngs, secy, llarlaii, Shelby County Fair. 12. in; L. ll. liekuid. secy, llumtiuldl, Hnnihiihll County I'air. 12, 15; John Cunningham, secy. In- illanola, Warren County Fair, 12, 15: Lee Talbot, Keey. Iowa City, Johnson County Fair, 25, 28 : J. II. Mahouey, secy. La Porte City. I.u l'orlc District Fair, lit, 22: 11. L. Miiuwcll, secy. Mason, Mason District Fair. ft, 8; C. II, Kuskey. secy. Miincliesler, Dele- ware County Fnlr, 5, 8; John l'cntony, secy. Mari'ngu. Inwu County Fair, A. 22. 21 ; C. C. Clements, secy. Mnipiokcta, Williams- burg Dlsirlcl Fnlr, S. 5. S; H. 1). Ely, secy. Marlon. Inter-State Assn.. A. 21. 25: K. I). I'arsous. secy. Malvern, Mills County Fair, S. 5, 7 : 1. J. Swnln, secy. .Malcolm, Powe- shiek Ccniral. ai Malcolm. A. 22. 24: James A'.iwnk. secy. Milton. Milton District Fair. A. 211. S. I. Missouri Valley, Harrison County Fnlr. O. 2. 5: W. II. WHhrow, secy. Moullcelbi, .tones County Fnlr. A. 28, S. 1 : I'. I-:. Illcks. secy. Ml. Ayr. IHnggold County Fair. Ill, 22: Thus. I amphell. secy. Ml. I'lcasiinl. Henry County Fair, A. 1ft, IS; C. M. Chirk, secy. Nashua. Big Four Dis- trict Fnlr, S. 5, 8: J. A. Yager, secy. Na- tional. Clayton County Fair, 5, 8: II. I.iioh- s.'ii Jr.. itarnnvillo. lii.. secy. Newlon. Jas- per County Fair. 12. In: C. W. Caiupbell, secv. Now Sharon, New Shnron District Fair. 12. 14; S. R. Moffltt, secy. Nevada, Ulory County Fair inol set); T. P. Worsley, Ir, II. I.'. Jordan, secy. Tipton, Tipton lr Aknu., A. 211, S. 1:1.. 3. Howell, secy secy. Noi'lhwnod, Worth County Fair. 11, 13: fi. II. Miller, secy. Ogdeu, Hoone County Fair, <). 8; c. It. Clark, secy. Orange City, Slniuc I 'oimly Fair, 20, 22; II. Sllkerveer, secy. Osugi', Mitchell County Fair, 12. 14; W. II. II. liable, secy. Oituniwn. Ottnmwn District Fair. 22, 25: L. A. .Meeker, secv. Pellu, Lake Prairie District Fair, O., ft, ll; Clius. Porter, secy, lied (Ink, .Montgomery County Fair, A. 21, 25; F. 8. Sebadel, secy. Itock Vnlley, llock District Fair, H, 5, 7: Dennis .Scnulan, secy. Sac City, Sac County Fair, A. 15, 18; H. M. Lewis, secy. Shen- andoah. Shenandoah Fnlr Assn., 14, 18; iRane While, secy. Strawberry Point, ttlraw- berry Point District Fnlr, UP, 8. 1; O. C. tilailwln, secy. Sutherlnud, O'Brien County Fab Fal Toledo, Tnnin County Fair, 20, 20; A. ft. Sinllh, secy. Vinton, Kenton County Fair. 13 15; Arud Touipson, secy. Victor, Victor District Fair. A. 15, J7 ; J. P. Bowling, secy. Wnpello, Louisa County Fulr (nut set). West Liberty, Union District Fnlr, 22, 25; W. II. Shlpinan, secy. West. Union, Kuyetle County h'ulr. S. ft, S; II. P. Hancock, secy. What Cheer, Wlint. Cheer District Fair, II, 14; lieo. A. Foff, secy. Winters.-!, Madlsnu County Fnlr, T. J. Hudson, secy. Wll- llnmsliurg, Wllllamshurg Dlslrlrt Fair, 12, 14: Chns. Fletcher, secy. Wlntleld, Fnsleru Iowa District 1'alr, A. 21, 24; W. IX tiomio, secy. ILLINOIS.—Avon, Fulton County Fair, S. 12, 1ft. Julian Cnrclilll, secy.; Atlanta, Lu- gan County I'alr. 5. 8, W. II. Stroud, secy. ; Aledo, Mercer County Fair, 111, 22, W. IX P.uifi-snii, secy.; Itelvldere, llootie County Fair, .5, S. Myron D. I'erklns, secy.: Jlnslt- nell, McDouongh County Fnlr, A. 8, 11, J. II. Johnson, secy.; Charleston, Coles County Fair. 21), S. 2, V. K. Curd, secy. ; Clinton, IV Wilt County I'alr, A. 1. 4, C. M. Hart- sook, secy.; Cnmnrgo. Douglas County Fair; S. 5. 8, Ueo. A. Haines, secy.: Currolltou, lirecne County Fair, ll. 17, 20, S. A. Simp- son, secy.: I'm'llnvllle. Mncoii|iin County Fair, J(), 13, lien. J. Castle, secy.: Carnil, White (!oiinly Fair, 5, i), L. Organ, secy. 1 ; Danvers, McLean County I'nlr, 5, H, John S. I'onph'. secy.; Delavau, Ta/.cwell County Fnlr, A. 211, S. 1. J. O. Jones, secy.; Klwooil, Will C uy Fair. 20, 22; Kl l'aso, Wood- ford County Fair, A. 28, S. 1; Fulrhury, Livingston County Fair, 4, 8, M. M. Jacobs, secy.; Freepnrt, Stephenson County Fair, ft, 8: (ireennp, Cumberland County Fair. 5,.il, Win. Wyltle, secy.; tialenn, Jo Duvles County Fnlr, 2ll, 21), W. llarnes, secy.; tjriggsville, Pike. County Fulr. 20, 2ft, Will J. Councrs, secy.; linhmidn, Pope County Fair, 0. 4. 7. 11. V. lliisselmnii, secy: Joslln, Hock Island County Fair, S. 12, IS, F. J. Whiteside, secy.: .Toilet, Will County Fair, .11, 1ft, Thus. J. Kelley. secv.; Jonoshoru, 1'nloti Couuly Fnlr, III, 22, Tlios. Itlxlehnn. secy.; Kewunee, Henry County Fair, A. 28, S. 1, A. It. Ilackens, secy.; Kankakee, Kankakee County Fnlr, 4, 8, Lew Small, secy.: Knoxville, Ktiux County Fair, n, 8, It. W. Sweeney, secy.: Mberlyvllle, Lake County Fnlr, n, 8. (i. R. i.'hurclilll, secy.; I^> Hoy, McLean County Fnlr. A. 22, 2.5, D. I.. Duckworth, secy.: Sit. Carroll, Carroll Countv Fulr, S. 12, IS, Cnl It, l'Veezen, secy.; Martinsville, Clark County Fair, 12, 10: Miirphysboro, Jackson County Fair, B, 8, J. J. Penny, secy. ; Montlcello, I'latl County Fnlr, A. 7. 12: Mc- Nahh, Putnam County Fair. 2li. 20; Morri- son. Wlilteside County Fnlr, ft, 8, C. C. Fuller, secy.; Minimi, M'llllitnisoii County F'alr, 12. 15: Newlon, Jasper Countv Fulr, IS, 18. .1. C. Vimdeiiioof, secy.; Olney, Hlcli- lanil County Fair, 12, 15, H. P. Moore, secy. ; Princeton, llureaii County Fair, ft, 8, Chns. L. Trliahlc, secy.: Purls, P.dgnr County Fnlr, B, 8, S. II. Mcl'ord. secy.: Plnckueyvllle, Perry Ciniuly P'alr, 10, 22, James II. Trover, secy. : Hobttison, Crawford Countv Fair, 20, 20: Sandwich, De Kalh County Fair, 12, IB, C. fa. Slluson, secy.; Shawnectown. fiitllatln County Fair. A. 22, 211, Mnrsti Wlsehenrt, secy. ; Riiybrooke. .McLean Countv Fnlr, 20, S. I, Friinlc Woolley. secy.; Shelliyvllle, Shel- by County Fair, 5. 1), Heo. A. Huberts, secy.; Sterling, Mineral Springs Fnlr. A, 20, S. 1, W. S. Kllgour. secy.; Walseku, Iroquois Comity Fair. 11. 15, fa, V. Watson, secy.; Wnrren, .In Dnvles County Fair. 10, 22, U. C. Callen. secv.- Wciiona, Mnrslmll County Fnlr. Li, 15, Kttle iiilerry, secy.; Woodstock, Mcllcury Counly Fair, A. 28, S. I, Ilea, A. Hurst, secy.: Wyoming. Stark County Fnlr, A. 20, S. I. lien. II. MacClyment. secv.: York- vllle. Kendall County Fnlr, it, 8. V, S. Wil- liams, secy. INDIANA. — Anderson Association Fair, A. SB, S. 1, W. II. Heritage, secv; Ainrolo, Angolo Plstrlct Fair, 10, 33, 0. Ooodnle, secy.: Iloonvllle Fnlr. A. 28, H. 2, J. F. Klrli- ardsoti, secy.; Boswell I'nlr. S. 3. 8, SIntt Cooper, secy.: liourhon, lloiirliiin Association Fulr, O. 10, 13, II. W. Parks, secy.; Bremen Fnlr, X «. H. II. Miller, secy.; Clirlsuey, S|ienrer County Fair. A. II, 10, J. P. Clirls- uey, secy.: Crown Point Fulr. A. 20, S. I, Fred Wheeler, secv.: Corvdon Fnlr. A. 28. S. 1. F. II. Wright, secy.: erawfordsvllle, Fnlr. 4. 7. It. C. Wulkup, secv.; Cicero Fnlr. 4. S, i, SI. Achenbacti, secy; Connersvllls Fnlr, ft, 8. Ilass Sparks, secy.; Covington Fnlr, II. IB. N. C. Harlow, secy.; Columbus Fnlr, 12, 10, I'd. ltedmait, secy.; Decatur, Northern Indiana Agricultural Fulr, A. at, Hi 1. C, IX Kiinkle. secy.; ICilluliurg Trotting AsN'a. 23, 25. I. C. i'honinsnu, secy.: Klivood Association Fnlr, 22. 25. K. K Dehorlty, secy.; F.vnnsvllle Fair. S. II, It, 11. L. Akin, secy,: Flora Fair, A. 0, 11. K. J. Todd, Rerv.; Falrnmiint Association Fnlr, A. 7, 12, .1. Wil- son, secy. : Frankfort Association Fnlr, 22, 25, t'hns. K. Petty, secy.; Franklin Associa- tion Fair. 20. S. L". W. S. Young, secy.; Fort Wnyno, Fort Wayne Association Fnlr, 10, 23. VV. F. .Myers, secy.: Hreensbnrg Fair. A. 1ft. IS, .1. K. Caskey, secy.: nngcrsrown, Wayne County Association Fnlr, Jy. 2ft, 28, C. C. Pierce, secy.; Huullngton Fair, 8. 11, HI. F.. W. lickliiirdl. sei-v.; kokoiiio anniat Hon I'nlr. Jy. 25. 28, IT. II. Lench. secv.; K lallvllle, I'nsterii Indltina Association hillr. 8. 25. 20. J. S. Conlogne. si-ey.: King- man I'nlr, 26, 20, A. II. 1,llnlle.v, secy.; l.u- SPECIAL. SEND FOR New Catalogue STOCK PAPER. OUST PUBLISHED.) LITHO CO., KANSAS CITY. New York Office, 301 KNICKERBOCKER THEATRE. gansport Association Fnlr, A. 1, 4, J. T. Tom-, secy; Luwreiiceburg Assoclnllou Fair, s. 12, 11. L. NowIIll. secy.:. l.clniiuin Associa- tion Fair, 15, is, Itlley Hnnser, secy.; I^ifa yetle. Association F'ulr, 2S, S. J. II. II. Miller, secy.: Liberty Fair, 5. S. .Milton Maxwell, secy.; La l'orlc Association Fair, 12, 15, J. K. Howell, secy.; Mnntpelier Fair and Driv- ing Park, Jy. II, 15. C. L. Smith, secy.; Marlon Association Fair, IS, 21, L. F. lleeve, secy.; Mlddlelowii Fnlr, A. I, 4, F. A. Wise- harl, secy.; Ml. Vernon Fair. 14, 10. J. M. Hiii-lem, secy.; Muucle Assoclnllou Fair, 1ft, IS,. M. S. Chiypool, secy.; New Cuslle Asso- ciation Fnlr, S, 1], W. L. Hlsk. secy.; New Albany Fair, 22, 25, II. W. Fuwcetr, secy.; New Harmony, Posey County Agricultural So- ciety F'alr, 22, 25, tieo. C. Taylor, secy.; New- ton Association Fair, 24, 25, Chns. C. Palm, secy.; North Manchester Fnlr and liming As- sociation, i). ;t, 7, ciuis. Wright, secy.: lis- good Association Fair. A. 1, 4, It. A. Crelg- inllc, secy.; Oakland Clly Fnlr. 21. 21). J. M. Vanderveer. secy.: Porllnud Association Fnlr, S. 4, S, James F. (iraves, secy.; Prince- ton, (ilbson County Fair, 4, 0, J. 11. Mct.'ln- nis, secy.: Ilockport Assochltlon Fnlr, A. 22, 2(1. James A. Payne, secy; HushvUle, Hush County Fnlr, 20. S. 1, W. U, King, secv.; ltochcster Association Fair, tl, 0. F. Dillon, secy.: Salem Pair, 5, S, W. C. Suvder. secv.; Sbclhyrllle Assoclnllou Fair, 5, tl," Walter Kl- llotl, secy.; Torre Hniiie, Vigo Countv Fair, A. 28, S. 2, Charles II. Duthii. secy.'; Vlu- cenues Association Fnlr, 18, 211, James II. House, secy. MASSACHUSETTS.—Aniesbury. Amesbury nml Salisbury Fair. S. 1^. 14; Kdward W. (iisirge, secy. Itarnsliihle. Harnstable Counly Fnlr. A. 2!i. 31 : T. C. Day. secy. Oxbridge, lllackslonc Valley Fair, S. 22. 23; Dr. M. It. Shni'iH-, secy. Tiiiiiiioii, Krlslol County Fnlr, 211, 2»: James P. Dunn, secy. Charh-tiioal, Deerliuld Valley Fair. 14. 15: S. W. llawkes, secy. Palmer, Rnstern lliiui|xlen Fair, O. 0, 7: L. K. Chnnillcr. secy. Pealsulv, Kssex Fair, S. 1(1. L't ; J. M. Dnnforlh. secv. Hreeu- lleld. Franklin County Fair. 20. 21; Henry .1. Field, secy: Amherst, Hampshire Fnlr, HI, 20; S. J. Heed, secy. Northampton, Hampshire, Franklin ami Hampden Fair. f). 4. 5: C. A. Montgomery, secy. Mlddlefleld, Highland Fair. S. li, 7: J. T. Hryan, secv. liiiniiiitigloli, lllllslile Fair. 2li. 27: C F. Ilurr. secy, lllgham. lllghnin Fnlr. 20, 27: Win. II. Thomas, secy. North Adams, lloosac Valley I'alr. 22. 2il: Joseph P. Heed. secv. tireat llnrrlngloii, llousali.ulc Fnlr, 27. is: licit .1. fuller, secy. .Mnrshlleld, Miirshlleld Fulr. A. 2:1, 25 ; 1. II. Hatch, secy. West 'lis- burr. Manila Vlncyu'nl Fair. S. 10. 20; F. A. Lisik. secy. Huston. Massachusetts Horti- cultural Fair. 14, 17: Win. P. Hlch, secv. Lowell. Middlesex North Fair, 15, 17: F. 1*1. Appletnu. secy. Frauilugliam. Middlesex South Fnlr. 111. 20: II. K. Harrington, secv. Nnnluckcl. Nantucket Fnlr. A. 23. 24; J. P. Murphey. secy. Oxford. Oxford Fair, S. 7, N: .1. K. Darling, secy. Urldgewater, Ply- mouth County Fulr, 13, 14 ; J. Herbert Leoii- nrd. secy. Spencer. Spencer Fnlr, 21, 22; II. II. Capon, secy, lllatiford, Union Fnlr, 13, 14 ; R, \\'. Itolse. secy. Sou Hi Weymouth, Wcymiiiith Fair. 1, 4; T. L. Tlrrell. secy. Worcester. Worcester Fnlr. 4. 7; .Miss M. AL Hlrh. secy. Clinton, Worcester Fast Fair, 13. 15; Wnrren lioodnle, secv. Atbol, Wor- cester Northwest Fair. 4, ft: Albert KUs- worlh. secy. St iirhrhlge, Worcester South Fnlr, 14. 15: C. V. Corey, secy. Bnrre, Wor- cester County West Fair, 28, 29; Matthew Walker, secy. NIIW JF.HSIIY.—Mount Hollv. Burlington County Fulr. O. 4, 0; Snmuel W. Shlnn, secy. NIIW IIAMPSIUHi;. — Chiremont Clnre- mont I'nlr. ti. 3. 4 : J. D. Ayer, secy. Nashua, Nashua I'nlr. s. 4, 7; m, 0. Mullen, secv. Hochester. Hochester Fair, 20, I'D; C. M. Hnlley, secy. NOHT1I CAltdLINA.—Hnrllnglnn. s. 20, 20: J. A. Tcrreiitlne. secy. Charlotte, O. 24, 27: W. S. Orr. secy. Fayette, N. 2, 4: t.'. W. Lawrence, secy. Crecushoro, O. JO, 13; .1. \V. Cook. secy. Winston, 2, 7; U, K. .Wehh, secy. AN I HEAL SHORE PROPERTY BENEFITED BY THE TONIC LADEN BREEZES OF RIVER, BAY AND OCEAN. N "MONEY ISLAND, AT ISLAND HEIGHTS, H. J. For sailing, fishing, bathing and giuiuing and uil outdoor plumes, exercises or pleasures Mouey island Is ul.iolut.-l> nnsurpatsed anywhere. No healthier or prettier spot ror a Summer and Autumn home can he round on any coast, and we otter 1-8 Acre Plots Low as $275. I.IBHKAI. TERMS. TITLES flUArUNTKKD. I .urge house on Urge, choice plot, near the shore, tor sale; part cash, part mortgage. thr Special advantage Is offered to parties desiring to locate at .Mouer Island this Summer ir/ our system or bungalows, which can lie erected within six days, oa eas* term*. I BROOKS I BMS CORPORATION. Dept.:., 2Btt Broadway (Hariiay Bhlg), cor. Dnant. LOUIS M. GRAN AT. special Representative. Oil 10.—West, Union, Adnms County I'nlr, R. 12, Li: T. W. Ellison, secy. Lima, Allen County Fulr, 12, Hi; T. B. Howersock, secv. Jefferson. Ashtabula County Fair, A. 22. 24"; J. W. Roberts, secy. Athens, Athens County I'nlr, 22, J4 ; II. II. lluolng, secy. Wupako- netu, Auglaize County Fair, S. art, 2D: A. K. Schnefer, secy. SI. Clnlrsvllle, llelmont County Fnlr, A. 2n, S. 1; .1. II. Taylor, secy, lirorgetown. Brown County F'alr. O. 3. li; J. W. Iledrlck. secy. Carrollton, Carroll County Fnlr, I(», 13; C. A. Tope, secy, llr- bnnn, Chiimpnlgn County Fair, A. 10, 18; J. W. Crow), secy. Springfield, Chirk County Fair, 22, St: S. Van Hlrd. secv. Boston (iiwensvllle I', O.), Clermont County Fair, 29, S. 1; John Itownn, secy, lllunchester, Clinton County I'nlr, 22, 2.1; Miner Swnn, secy. Lisbon, Columbiana County Fnlr, S. 12, 14; !•:. F. Moore, secy. Coslioclon, Co- shocton County Fair, ll. Ill, l:t; Robert Boyd, secy. Iliicyrus, Crawford County Fnlr, Hi, 13: D. W. Ilurr. secy. Chagrin Falls, Last Cuyahoga County Fair, S. fl, 8; K. C. lliiies, secy. Heron, West C'uyuhogu County Fair, l:.'. 14; (». It. Stone, secy. Hreenvllle, Darke Couuly Fair, A. 28, S. 1; J. IX Hall, secy. Sandusky, Erie County Fair, R. 12, l.i: T. II. Zerbe, secy.. Ijiiu-nstei-, Fnlrlicld County Fair. O. 11, 14 ; W. T. McCIenaghnn, secy. Washington Court House, Fayelte Couuty Fnlr, S. 12, 13: Hell O, Allen, secy, lillokee, Fulton County Fair, If), 22; D. W. Wlllluiiis, secy, llurion. Ueattga Couuty Fnlr, 12. ir.; W. S. Ford, secy. Xeula, Greene County Fnlr, A. 8, 11 ; It. B. (Jrleve, secy. Washington, Guernsey County Fair, S. ML 2ii: J. F. St. Clulr, secy. Cincinnati, Ham- ilton County Fnlr, A. 10, 18; D. L. Samp- son, secy. lindlny, Hancock County Fnlr, .it). R. ^: Wm. Deailainl, secy. Kenton, Har- din t.Vuuitv Fair, Li). S. 1 ; M. M. Thomnsou, secy. Cadiz, Harrison County Fair, O. 3, 5; K. H. Klrby, secy. Snilllifleld, Jefferson County Fair. 8. 27, 20; J. O. Unyne, sei-y. Newnrk, Licking County Kulr, 0. 3. 7: J. >l. Furnier, secy. Bellefontnliie, Logan County F'ulr. A. 22, 25 : John P. Aiken, secy. IClyrln, Lorain County Fair, S. II*. ".U: Anthony Nieillag, secy. London, Madison County Fulr. A. 21). S. 1 : E. II. Pancake, secy. Can- Held. Mahoning County Fnlr, S. 211, 28 : H. L. .Manchester, secy. Mnrlon, Marlon County Fair. 2«. 211; J. A. Knapti, secy. Medina, Median Counly Fair, 5, 7, 0. O. Van Deuseu, secy. Cellini. Mercer Couuty Fair. A. 21. 25; Fred llelby, secy. Troy. Miami County F'alr, S. 18. 22; W. I. Teuey, secv. Woodstleld, Monroe County Fnlr, A. 30, S. 1 ; Geo. P. IVirr, secy, Dnytou, Montgomery County Fnlr, S. 4. 8: W. J. F'crguson. soct. Mc- Cotiuellsvllle. Morgan Comity Fair, 20, 28; lieo. II. Black, secy. Mount (Ulead, Morrow County Fair. 0. ,i, fl; G. J. Smith, secv. /.auesvllle, Muskingum County Fair. S. 10. 22; It. J. White, secy. Snrnhsvilic, Noble County Fair, 12. 14 ; Homer Johnson, secy. Iiiuld- Ing. I'auldlng County F'alr. li, 8: John A. Jenkins, secy. New Lexington. Perrv County Fnlr. 27, 20; Chns. C. Chappclear. secv. Hurennn. I'orlngc County Fair. 111. 22: La- fayette Smith, secy. Eaton, Preble County Fnlr, 11. l.i : (1. W. Dougherty, secy. Dttawa. liitnniii County Fair, f). 3. 7: A. 1". Snndles. secy. Manslleld. Hiclilnntl Countv Fair. A. 30. S. 2 : John II. Coss. secy. Fremont, San- dusky County Fnlr. O. .".. It: A. W. Over- meyer, sih-.v. Mount Jor. Scioto Countv Fair. A. 2I». S. 1, W. A. Mclleorge. secv. "Tiffin. Senis-u County Fair, S. 12. lii: M. R Ink, sery. Sidney, Shelby County Fair. 12. l.i: J. R, Hiissell. secv. Canton, Slarb Comity Fnlr, '-il. SB: J. ll. I.ehiann. s.s-jr. Akron, Summit Countj Fair, O. 3, Uj U. J, Swine- harl, secy. Wnrren. Trumbull Counly Fair, S. ."., 7; M. A. Md.iean, secy. Canal Dover, Tuscarawas County Fair, O. 17, 20: J. S. Knrns, secy. Mnivsville, Union County Fair, S. 12. 10: W. F. liroilrlek, secy. Vnt> Wert, Van Wert County Fair, 12, l.i; li V. Wal- Isirn, secy. Marietta, Washington County F'alr, 0, H : James F. Ilovey, secy. Wooster, Wayne County Fair, 2t>, 28; U. .1. lObright, secy. Montpelfer. Willlnms County Fair, 12, HI; C. C. I.rmminer, secy. Bowling tliven. Wood County Fair. 2ll, .'III: R. S. SweeL secy. Upper Sandusky, Wyandot County Fair, u. fl, IS; A. V. Schoenherg, secy. WISCONSIN.—Amherst, Tortnge County Fair. S. 12, 10; A. J. Smith, secy. Apple- Ion Fnlr, A. 20, S. 1: Jos. KofTeud Jr., secy, llantboo, Sunk County Fair, S. li), 22: S. A. l'elton, secy. Beaver Dam, Dodge County l-'nlr, 20. 20: C. W. Harvey, secy: Berlin, llreen Lake County Fair, A. 22, 25: W. J. Clement, secy. Black Hlver Falls, Jackson County Fair, S. 10, 22 ; K. L. Onnsby, secy. Boscoliel Fair, 0. 4. 11; L. 11. Ituku. secy. Cednrhurg. Omku County Fair, 8. 21, 23: Jacob DhMiich, secy. Chilton, Calumet County Fair, A. 31, S. 2: Gregory Dorschel, secy. Chippewa Falls, Northern. Wisconsin State Fair. A. 28, S. 1: K, B. Clark, wry. Cumberland Fair, O, 8; A. II. Lnrson. secy. Darlington. Utfnyette County Fair, A. 22. SB: Geo. Ward, secy. Dodge- vllle. Iowa County Fair, S. 0. 8; John I. llahn, secy. F.lkhorn, Walworth County F'alr. 10, 22; II. C. Norrls. secy. Elro? Fair, A. 20, S. 1; I\ A. Cieary, secy. KvansvlIIe I'alr, 3. 8 : W. W. (llllles, secy. Fond du l*c. Food du Ijic Fair, 0, 8: J. W. Watson, secy. (Inlesvllle, 1'reninealenu County Fair, A. 20.-31: S. t.". Freucli, secy. Guy's Mills, llcntral Fair. O. 10, 13; K. 0. Briggs, secy. Itlllsboro, lllllslioro Fair, S. 12, 10: A. N. Jones, secy. Horlnnvllle, Oulugnmle County Fair. 21, 23. A. I,. Murphy, secy. Iron River, Iron lllver Fulr, 0, 7: Geo. W. Ripley, secy. Jefferson. Jefferson County Fair, 20-20; O. F. ltoessler, secy. Kllbourn, KUbouru Fair, O. 2, 3; Geo. H. Campbell, secy. La Crosse, Inlcr-Slnte Fair, S. M, 30: C. S. Van Aukeii. secy: Luncnster, Grant Counly Fair. 5, 8; Geo. A. .Moon 1 , secy: I,odl. IaioI 1'ulou F'alr, 12, 14: A. II. ltiuris. secv. Mudlson. Dane County Fair. 10, 22; at W. Terwllllger, secy. Manitowoc, Manitowoc County Fair, 0, 8: C.bas. fl. Hacker, secy. Marslleld, Mnrslleld Fair. 18. 21 : Geo. II. Welton,secy. Menominee, Dunn County Fair, 19. 22: Geo. Gallaway, secy. Mineral Point. Southwest- ern Wisconsin Fair. A. 10. 18: T. M. I'rlesi- ly. secy. Monroe, Green County Fair, S. .1.1, 10: W. T. Suncerinan, secv. New Londou, New I.ondon Fnlr, 20, 20; Giles II. Putnam, secy. Oconto, Oconto Countv Fair, i. 8; J. It. Chase, secy. Phillips, Herce County Fnlr. 20, 20: F. K. liandull. secy. Iiatte- vllle. Plattevlllo Fnlr. A. 20. S. I : C. II. Grlhhle, secy. Plymouth. Sheboygan County Fnlr. 4. 7: Otto Gnffron, secy. Portage, Columbia County Fair. 0. 8: .1. E. Jouex, secy. Iteedshurg, Reedsbnri; Fair, 3, 8; W. A. Slnlte. secy. Hiclilaud Ceater. iflcbloud Counly Fair. 20. 20: W. V. J. F'ogo. secy. Spring Green, Spring Green Fair. 20. 22: E. M. Davis, secy, vlroqua. Vernon County Fair. 12, 13 : F. W. Alexander, secy. Wansaii. Wniisnii Fnlr. 5. 8: I.. K. Wright, secy. Wniilomn. Wniisharn County Fair, 27. 20: F. F. Wehsuer. secv. West Bend. Washing- ton County I'nlr. 18, 2n: W. I'. Rlx. secy. West Held. Marquette County Fair, A. 20, S. I : W. V. Fuller Jr., secv. Wevnnwceau, Waupaca County Fair, 10, 22; M. M. Bill, •ecy.