The New York Clipper (May 1905)

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314 THE ^E*W YOtRK C3LTPPEB. Mat 13. Fre> In Ronton the past 1 lbo__I.nrgeat Thctitrlcnl Iliialnoss In No years, dolor nnd club Kngland._ > loloT) t> > FRANK W. MEAD, ■WANTED—Too biggest and most sonsallonal sets for Fairs and Parks to be bad writing give route ahead and permanent address. < WANT TO JOIN HOOD COMPANINH. ) < WARD and VOKEK, TIIK RAVS. 8TKLI-A MAVHEW. g naMMMMttJM 1 *" - - -------- - 168 TREHOKT ST., BOSTON, MASS. ^~~^^.rz'ux~±^:z^ I have control of six places that will do business with and vvnnt them. Also can use SO small acts weekly, so keep la touch with me. whel| i OKI-Kit 0 to irWKKKH"\VoitK AX l < ftwiP- «*. B. Jumps h ' < Kxrltwlvc hgciit "for < OARDF.NS. the CUKSiTkyF'i Revere Beaeh, Mas,,. I Clipper Pc$t Office. In order to avoid mistakes and to Inaure the prompt dellvorr ot the letters advertised lu tlitu Hat, an envelope iilaliily addressed mint be ■rut for each letter, and a written order for the letter, aliened with the fall name and sddrtH nnd the line of business followed by the Bender, intuit also lie enclosed. Pleas.* mention, the date (or num- ber) of THE! t I.U'PKU In which the letters sent for trere advertised. LADIES' LIST. Ailclcno. Laura (Inrvoy, Amelia Montrose. Nellie Alexander, iin 11 in In, Morrlson- Follce Allierti Ball, Mac Amrla dp-win. Mubell Malro, l.lmlpr (lire Dancer) Galloway, Morrison, Ailn AlkiiH, Bessie i.iiEiiltet) Multhiiul Mabel Ai-lurny, Mabel! (llrnnl, May Myera, Oullc Arlcllc, Flora 'liilvin, Irene MaiiKton, ISleda Anelo, Jennie (Irrnlil, Flora Norwood, Acton, itui-liel (imiiiiuii. Ili> Suzanne Adauis, .Miiholle (inrrlty Sisters Newton, Alaiip, Mrs.M.L Uranrllle, Marguerite All.vii, Itlltli Mlnnli Norman, Mary Itrlras Gilbert, Onclll, Mjrtlo Ifi'inl. Knlliryn Klhuts-tl o'llrlcn, AiiiiuM luirikllu, Miss Ciloiunorc, Owen, Mrs.L.V. lists -fur. Lotll Price, Miss II. Mm. II. (!. (iooluiuu. Nim. l-atton. I,,'ln llnmar, Kxlollii Hyde, Kiln ' I'sntn-r, Munch Kerry, l.llllan I lares, Jeun C. Pronto, Flora llrueoo. Mora Hunter, Julia Phelps (iertrude Ili-lires. Ailn llnHtlnuM. Potter Hliiu-r P.. Hick. Helen O. .Manturc Price, l.ltlle II. UnrllioM. Ilnri'iinrt. Hals; Polmaller, Ilia Uqrlruile llnriilnh, Mnniti Midi, Onmllli: Hates. P.lrla Humphrey, Kiissell. Helen llrcu.ll. Frances Cntherlni Itkhunls May 8 Road, .Mum Holmes, Violet Rice, Initio Ilrlthiiid. Alice llattuiwny Ailn Russell, llutler Ulsters Hatch, Kllnnre dcritlillnc Kerry, .Mrs. A. Ilrnsltuw Veil; ftoaa Miss M. II lirirani, Mrs. Henry, Ada Kobimtoii, Alia llluke. Marlon lloyt, draco lloas, ,M. H. lloyhui. Rose M Hill, May lllchonK J. 1,. Ilcrlraiu, Helen Hull, Helen Iteeeo, Leslie llutler. r.lln II. Ilarcourt, Data) Richardson. Chapman Mamie HolleHton, ItIu Madae, Clarke, r.ile.v Howard, Isabel Unwell, Mm. II Clayton, Ruth Holt, (lerllo Itaymunil, Alice (kiltie, Ella Hurst Mlnolu M Reynold., lllenc i.'Ufttui, Isitltc Hill, K in llueli, Frauds Clinpiiinii. .Mrs. llyluntla, Kiln Itnssolt, Helen Colo, Llllluii Hall, Anna Heltcr, Mil Cutirllioy, Lottie Hall Mlas Arllc Sahrall. Leiinn (.'rclididio, 'Inui inline May si. Clulr. Clara Rcrthu .teronie, Mm. V Scott. Reaslo ('liii|iiiiiin Mamie Jackson. Ally SI. Denis, Curl Is, Vera's, Kaalt Miss,(10c) (.'uiirtiiey l,ottlp .Touch, 'J'<«>1h Sinter, Joale Ciillilte MrsMK lelTrey, Curliiiie Stanley, C'liiiitT, Patty .loisaeltn, Maud (ile,) Oiawford. Ml»a C. V. Sllber, Marie Bdna M. Kelly Mm. TIkm KUIoiiln, (Irent lkmley, Itela k'nujip, Irene Stevens, Mlxa I, 1>i»u<|:iiii, Nellie Kiinjtp, I'leru Swan, .losle Il<a>, .lane KrneCt. Minnie Sinclair. Nellie Iluorci', Miule Kennedy. Mlaa K Sliiuer, Miulini HitII Alila Kills, IIcshIi.. I,. Southern. Lee Hiivtoii Mlaa II. Klnmire. Seutt, llllvc K. Diirel, Miss A. Marr/nrpt Stoll, Verdu I^clalnnll■l•, LaVrrne Lucille Httele Urrtrudo Amy I.. Lu Verne,. Smith, Martha Homey Mr«.ti.l. ' shiilelliie .Struiisv, Ilea.le llnviiiiaii't Kiln.i Lawtoit. Mlaa II Smith, ICdllli M. IX 1 Vernl, Rum' Lit Blanche Seutt, Resale nvfrhlff. Hazel - Murle Splem. Minnie linvis, I'ay l.ce. Lulu Seati'ou, Lillian Dunbar KlaU'L's Lemuels, May ^liliirl. Anne Iturliyllc. IJ; (;i>y, .lisle Snafued, Maud llDii tV I'uy Lynn, Kntliryn Snlvnll, l.enua Ikirllii'i'l.v Alice Lancaster, Sheldon, Viola Hciil. Itiisii • ■ Lillian Tailor, liiiVnl, Aluudo Lnrnrnle Slatera Iflllslwlh l)u Uomle, Lewis, Madgn Thorndyke, I'lltiUtic Lnuadiile. Mrs. Mabel Kdiriirila, Matlle U>wIh, llrulrlee Taylor, Irono Kiiiiuntt, Hlemiii t.e Mur. Relic Teirmil rllearwc Klvla, l.l'/eiie lams. May Tlinuma, Munili) LIINliiu. Hlolse ' I.ewlH. (lain ■Tulbul. Kinnii'it, 11 racl v Linden, May !■'. l>'iauces 11, Kiniuett, Is hi c ^lilloll. I'elllo Klentu* KIkIith I'rnidii. MuyU'lle MclKiwell. I'ny, Anna Kvu Mary Viimiii. lierlriiili' Mnrsliall, 19Inn I'lllninrc. Nelllu Meiullea, Ibiso I'lcteber Miss u Miller, .lulln I'lirest. .Mnilr Idlllou Joale b'lclils, iMcProud. Laura Mnmiierlli' Mnntya, Hoea I'cmlei' I'alesseb:'Miuvuu, Anna N'ny. Auuii I'liu ilailca];. M»y I'laliels, Holla Martin Mrs.(L.I t'Wil, Mauit | \lorrlsuti llliuieh li'llltuure. Nellie: Mot.'alie, Hose I'uiit, i-Miiii Mower. I'Vliner, Jennie i Liirla r>SS . Klemnlll. Litlliv Motitimue, lilcuiuore. Lolllo llertlia. ! Mutiny, t Kilty I OICNTLlDMliN'S LIST. .Muciliuuilil Mlus TnllKilu.v. l-'vu ■Mnrlidl. IMIlli Marin, Marllin K. Tiiduf. Lilly 'lliuriiwall. Ml Id IV, I Van KM, Sldnltto Vlnsanla. Vera Vereae Ttosnltti'l Vlnliijs llallle A Wynne. .Mnuii Win friil. 1'nmiy Wnddell. Mae W'nlliui, Limine Wusliur .MnrleW U'allnuin. Annlo tViiril, Aniiu tVllllnuiH, Mm. (1, II. Whliney Mw.W Wllllnius, Kttii A I tin rl as, Moil-Is Allen & Dolmnln Aekerimiu, II.A A tliolil. Alnswurtli Ali'Miliilei Arlltur A|«liile, .Inek Adler, rinirlea A viilo, I'luirlos Allen. I .on A welt, T. 8. Austin, CnUiiu Austin, II, ti, Amur, William \ Inert loi'l. Mr. AleMillilec. W.ll Alvuril, W. 11. Anlell. W. H, A tueil, Harry Arab, «. A Is M, I,. Hlisln'o, i'liiirlc.1 Hiauie. 1'. H. .ItrlNlnl, W. M. Hlllttu.'. 11. II. iteenKi'dn. tium Dell, U. S. l.Uslks, lani'.mi Hi lull or;I lluri-v Itkallll. .1. (,'. Kiel, IVIIx Mari-i'lt. II. A. Hedlnl 1'anilly Kerulinrilt. Harry Hriissus. I 1 , It. Hruiin. IV. II.'tii'. J, K. riiioktey. I.. V. Hnnelt, l.wircu • Hales, L. IV. Iliirllelt. Wnllei llHlley. .Inlui Hert. I.eslee ltoiei.ii:, .1, IT. Hriohs. S. .1. Hurtini. Nell lliii'ki'f. il. I». niaek. labile Ilarliul. M'ard Iloatly. ,1. I, llrnlllrk. ||. n. linker. Ilerl Hiiwss, Miil'l Hreekrnvhlep, (1. Heniii'll. IJ. Maker. II. t, Mnrlr-Irjli. A. I„ Hnt'iiK. Ilnrry Haloes, .1. II. nnrkiVM, 'Hie Hell. It. ('. ltluntlllll] A •lliildi, Harry, Unisley, ,1. K. 1 lu I in i inn a & L'ntev ltolleelulre Ill's. Ilalley .V Mel cher llnnika Urns. Iliii'nea .% Wash hum lliua In ,V Niivnrro Rt'iiehaiil. Paul lliiller. I". K. Ilultier. Tom Meiiner, V, W. Itinriiiiin, l*. M. Itriidiui, b'nil lliirluit, Ulnroiice llnraeys 'I'liree Unriis, Hiii-ry Riuihain, Jim Croivell & (liicilncr fiaik X- Ilnyeo Ow*. Phil (lull Ik A Adaina ruvey, Maillsiin Carl Ion, I'alvviii'd (.ualuli ,V llilstliu;.s C.irl & Villi- ('idllKiiiiii. II.A. t'lUiway. T. J. I'aitieutei-, II. Wi Culllna & KeetiL' nimaiit, Mr. I'nev. .Uiseph iDarvIn, Henry Clnxton, .nuiiugliue, ,I.\V. Ileniiinont llelnmre. John ('jiri«;nler Ml'.A Casuuire • I'lureltee I'll fist la n .V 'I'liltlev Clint J. W. CiilTiuuu, .lor Debiird. U. I!. lliiKau, 't'liomaa lieOrmonil, John Heimuii. II. 11. Hitliee, Molts. C liaiilels. Prank Hleksiin. II. K. Up ltuae. Pet lioualley M'oiuaiy l>uveii|au't. r. M Ho GUsia. I'Mille I leVuiule ('liealiu' Hell A- I'ollilil DouKlaa, Marlon iHuutlilsoa, C.A Hlour., Mup'iie Ueiilef, Mori Deliarllui:. It.S. DtiYvnnorr. I'dillu He Mnrlii. Hen;' Hew. Sidney liououUiie, .1. \V lionvea. W. R, licliiuii'e, II. K. llleliell. .1. AV. Iiuni'vlly A lllllllclll Cooper .V ltoldiiaon C.irl Ion, Mr. Ciirilei'. Mr. & Mrs. Cliapiiell, i\ P. Cunuiliell, tine 'lliarletun l-'cauk i.'liuri'tilll, ('. U. CiUIIIIUI, ■'"'■ ClieiTv. I'linrles Ci-lauiilns alhirv I'milleiu II. A. iirlton, Curl oiitns. 'ruiniiiy ■ •nrshy. II. IV. 'iiuni'lly. Arltini din way. Nb'k Culllna. S. J. uliltt Com, I Ctm|iiuaii, I'luis. Siutd.v isli. llillleli'.li».l. Matllsttu Cirl In e|.li CI |OoU .lull. i 'lit I.. Hnirv * ..illI.I..-11. Clin liny, p. II. lt'Klnait. .luck He Land, linn lieiupcv. .lark HnnlelH. I'. II. Deliuuic * 1 lu i-ii-ll 'ion. Mr. Pule lliiis. Hiaiuuuil (liiirt:o t leaves. Itmvtiinu I Irew. Sidney Heiiel. J. f, He Hoi lis & Valnra Hi'liniiro A Ha troll Pnwsnii. Allvi'l Hil Vtlcs. Sam Hnvli's. It. ||. Hri'ium. ,Iimi>|iIi He Vara. Marsti Hiniiivaii, P. A. HlMill .V llohucs IhUlllllNitu I'. A tiii|..ul l:,l.ll,' Hails, \v. c Kim, llnrrv l-ltuncll/Cliiill's 'I'-sllliUl, 11. T. Kills. K. It Piirle, .LA Alice Krlckion Roliert Junmet Co.. ltoliert Harley. W. It. Lilwnrda, It. M Hilwnrda Jr., Press Paniotule, Mr. & Mrs. K M77.CII, II. R, bit™ 11. Helosa liminett Cliorlm Pickett, (leorge Fa Ik. a II. l'llber, Ixiule l'oaler, \V. II. Pulirora. Robert Furilhom Arthur Vrye, o. o rittgeralit, Dick 1'errcll. Albert Fljnii, Joe VeriniHOii. J. M. rioreiitlnn, J. 11 Poster, W. II. Prank, It. S. Pranrls, (;. V. I'oniln, Marsh Prank, Will Puller, B. P. Petlers, II. L. Prans, Slsner Fisher. Pbl I (IniiKwIsi li. Thumna <lntry. William . •Ireriitlelil, Kim l\lnltliinil "Mr. (Inlilkelte. Chan (Inlnga. Una (llOAHOll, Prof. II. E (Irani, C. W. Oat?. Kihviird illrnril. (Illbcrt (lee. Jnoiea (lllllhnn A Rrocee Cllllluin, Karl llriuil. W. T. (irflhiuu, It. 1-1. (Innlner, .luck (JIM vans Drnni Cu. florelnn, Robert (liutnon Mr.Jenn (Irnhlis, S, A. Harden Trio flnrlew. Andrew (ircen, II. 8. i;!; ii .nil, M. II. (Solder. Billy Ic-Mlk, lladjl ,Quian, C. 0. Haisble, .1. S Coriliai, (tletn Ibillls (ilia llllllalldu, Mr. (lurniiin & Leimord (Iiiiio, P.. K. lluldle. Annie tlraele .« Itcynolils (lolhnni Cum. I HiiHiiiiil, Jiise|di llmliovwy, Tom lltirte, CbnrliH llaipiT. Unify HIM. Charles llyiuer, J. it. lkilmitu, Harry HoR'sun, N. J. 11 mi I ley, J. II. Harrison, II. U, llitiin. Hen Hill. It. II. Ilaym Leii(Klc) Henry. Ill ram Hill. W. II. I hitman, Harry II mi I ley, ,|. II. llnltlclil CIulrlei I tiirtu II. II Holmes, A. .1. tlllVIUIIII Thomas : I an lor. Harry HertSTt. w. o. Illll'I'lKlin A titles llasKell, tleurj?. Ilue.i', Happy Hall. A. A. Harper. Harry Hart. Hilly Ilculv. T'lin Herlierl. W. (1, Halliarli. W. L HulTlplli. .tallies llainion. Pnil llorull. Milille lliinson A Hrew llnywiird. Harry HaliHon, !'., tlolilen. II. M. II Cf III111111. I.IIWSUtl lllltllllllt. Kill Hurl. Hilly llari'liiKliiii PriHl llnaaey, l!. W. Henry, William 1 Inyes, T'oinuiy llllMI. M. Iliipiditu-. II. S. HmranlA Klaii'i lliirliunn. Ritas lleueliwiiy. 11,11 llrrhrrt, W, o. IbilTilell. J. A HlllT'lH. Al I Inrr. P. It. Ireland. G. U. linns. W. II. 11aiess & Ryan .te'.ilisoil, 1,. t'l. Jiihiison. II. T. .Tiiliann & Matt Jones. I.', J. .telleisoll W.D. Jusselln Trio .Tones, Prank .lCllllllIgN & Renfrew .liii'ksuu Cliarks .lllllll'H, W. V. .loriliin, Al. JollllSOII. Sylvester Johns, Andy .liicksiins, Tlin'o .lennluKs. .Tuck Kennedy * ltooiiey Kiiehler. Matthew Kluit. Leo Knuian, l-'rank Keley, Alfrisl Keniie, llariy King, P. J. Kri-shnw. II. n. Keen. .Inltaii Kno«les li. P. Kliu;. Iterl KM'liler. A. L. Kelly. Kill Kelliy A. Kelay KeatltiK. Dim Kelly. J. II. Koebler. A. P. Kerahaw, Harry Koebler. Joe Uhi. PraliU LiiHsktig, Mr. I.cllurts llallllltl LoocK, n. Lefever. Hem-lien t.elehtiiu, Harry >.n Belle, will LiiHcune Ilnrry laoartran, Jniin l^ssly. .1. K. [Pri'snat. l.iilell. .lutes ijulploy. Llttlehalea I..M LaMack, Ilnrry Lii'ld, Pred Lhle. Joe Lucas. ],. A Llvlngaton. Albert Llewellyn, Vie Ln Perer. II. C Lainont, Kilille Lundle & Hnerlcl LesniO Pros. Lnviick. 0. P. Lawrence, H, r.miii, Pred I^alle, Walter Lamp. William l/caiulo, Ben L* Rue, H. S, lawelnCe, J. R. Lavnlcllc, .Too Lndd, Fred Lamar, Mb La Notes. Tlie Llnsler, Walter Clnlr, John Ln Mont, Pred Lnlgl, Ueorgc l.elslncr. (I. A. LuKeanc Harry Lnee. (Jraiit La Mark, I'Mille .utlgim, l'hllll] La Mar, lit nson (^onard. Eddk" More v, Prnnela V. Mack, (leorge Monlgooierv. ■ Frank MeRoble. Will Miller. Henry Martin A (Jultt NLioIluiin, Put ilnrllii. Pierre Murphy, Murk Marsh, K. w. Martin A Qitln Mark. J. J. Murphy. T. IT Millar. C. C. O. Maddox. A. W. .McCilllniicss A Wllllaina Mnnton, Kevltt Millar. 0. C. C. He.) Morrlw. J. A. Mlndrop, F. W. Mix. O. I,. Montgomery. t)n ve Msnslielil A AVIIbre Merrell. L. C. Melr. H. I. Mnriiliy. W. II. Mack. J. II. Morton, P. II. MelTlllo Kiujeue MePec-UIII. Cttnrlea MeMiimia, Owen McNulr. J. B. Marahall. II. I. Morrla. W. J. Manning, Prank Mnrley, Vlelov Meelmti, Ttlllin Meekiu. W. J. Milieu & Kresko Mink, (i. 1'!. Mulbiilliiiid K.A. Mnldly. .1. W. MbJobiIu Pour Miireenii, Al Mi-Is. K. A. Mnya. ICdwin MinitelL' (leorge MiKluiuiu. A. Mnleoin. W. J. Macks, II. 11. Marl III, A. P. Miller, Clinrk-s Muiialh-lil & Wlllar Mathi-u-H. Lnsi Mlltiui. Prank Muck. Kilille Xlillllun, lievltl Merrill. Audrey Mnsli-ii. Hurry Minl.leti. L. II. Marks, Tutu MeKee. Ilnrry Maiion, lUive Mi.rli.ii, J. J. Ma 11 la A- Rlilgeivny Maalilne. Hun Mi-Pnrliind. lieu Miiee. P. W. Mnrsliall. ileum- Miidilem. W. .1. .Martin. Prank Mack, .I.ACarrlo Miller, Iti-ld Aleakin, Law* reiiri- A HnU- Muskelii-ra, I Marks, I'buvnee Mlllitr. llertt'iiui Alnoney. .1 hit Mncb. ollle Melville, (ieiii-ijc Melville A Cimwity \l ail lu. II. .McAiuillun. Joe MeiTlek. T. I'. Rowland, P. M. Niinki-vllle V.0 Nlelmla. .1. W. Neiirollo. ,1. B Nnllim. Mr. N'owillillt. Jack Nelson, N. (I. Norton «% Niehiilsini Norlon. Kilille O'llrlrn. J. J. Oram. II. L. rirtiui. P. (idell. HiHirge (Uir A- Klder lalniaii. T. .1. Otto Hi oh, O'Brien A> Kuekley Orlh. Lew iwler. Jaek l'ope, 0. J. niton S Perry Price. II. M. Pruvo. lamest rlee. P. L. l-eliil & Annie Pa i en lean. /,..T 'owers A Ffcexl Perry. T. It. Pelerson. (lust. I'rlii'. 1. It. Punt A Heyimlds n-r. S. .1. I'belp. .1. .1. S. Pntiiain. A. P. Peleraon. Al. I*iiiip. J. C I'rliuv. lleiupsteiiil Paulii a Mar low Patterson. C. C. Powell & Manny Pnttersona Hoi.- Pusun. P. Pllelier, P. II. Patler-aiu. A. II Perdu. II. M. Iiel|i»i. Kuiteite J. A. 11 a- Nil - MITH't: Qlllnlan A Mack none. Jack Reirhenbneh, II. M. Rice. D. P. Hotel I. W. 0. Iloscoe A Sims Hex, Sterling Iledfleld, L. A. Romilre. Mr. Rolfe. T. L. Iledflchl. I.. A. tlolllland. 0. Rucker Dr. II. 1) Ross, Charles Raymond, M, B Reap. Will Rice, L. F. Rucker, John Rowland, Leo Rose, Jack Randolph, Mr. V Itlce. W. P. Iteldy, John Rysn, W. IJ. nice, Baraley Hlv'l'.v. Arthur Tloltalre Cli.irlse Ilochefort ti Slay Roberts C. C. Stout.. J. M. Stone, A. 13. Sullivan, Ln iv ranee Smith & Chester SwarTord. J. II. Schiller. L. L. Stone. Ken Seliaefer. Thos. Sliafi-r, Th-i-naa Seliiviirlz. Will Stall, W. II. Show, Mr. Thos Struck. Prnf. Scott, (irenl Sherman. Illelitird Stanton, Walter Sawyer, II. O. Schwartz. Fred Shipley, Melvlu Schwartz, Will Sllveno, Mutts. (5c.) Sataunia i.lxvte.) Snyder, W. II. Soule, Prank Sachs, L. B. Stout, J. M. Scutt, U W. Stem, J. W. Strappln. P. D. Scolt, T. Scluelber. S|i-|dien Sutter, Jack Shaw, Joe Sewnul, Pntl Slmplcy, Kiiwlli Smith. A. V. Soares. Claiali- Simmons, Karl' Swan, (Itsirue Spcueer, Cul St. Clnlr. Hurry Stewart. K. (I. Stone, C. W. Spark". Charles Seymour, (I. (1. Stewart. Henri Sniitsclil. Will tk-lblul & . (il'ovllll SeliniNler Hurry Ht-tt. F. (I. Kprucg, W. K. Stutzuii'iii, Cliurli-H To i-1 a-11. Pinery i'liatcher A- Wllllimis Tlinnipaun, B. (J Torjec, Ihin Turr, t>. K. Tiianmiilaii Trouoe Tneker, -I. V. Tryon. Will 'ritiuiisou. Pilule riiuinas, I 1 ', c, riaiiiias. It. (I. I'eulinHike. .In nies Thuinas. I). I. ITiiuuiii Jb Tliiiinsou Turi-nihir Trlu I'ha.icf, Joseph Tl-rluiue, Dm mbis Thurston. Harry Von Kline & lilllSilll Vnmoiit, V, A. Van Dyos. Chas Via-lekel. It. Vugel. J. W. Wlleoinb. A. H. Wilson, iiei-ntc Weatnii, Pnsl Weston. Will Wlusniiiii. 11. P. Weslou, A. II. Welch, J & U, While. ,lnek Whll fread T. K Wlllnril, f!. D. Wilson, (learn* Wolfe, II. a. wiiklua i'ruf.w Wlillney A- Karris Winchester, K.L Woodward. V.P. Wbllelieiet. .lac Wliieliesler. Mr. Wolf. A. J. Wnnil ft Berry Walk-, J. It. Wild. W. C. Woiniwurd. Ceo. ft May Walsh 6 LI'.'.ill Wilbur Trbi Wagner. II. L. Wade. (!. L. Wllkeus (.'buries Williams, P. a Welilim. Murliiner Wnldorf A- Mendel Welsh, J. C. Wilson. T. U Whllbreud. Thomas MTiitOeld. J. T. Wormwood, V.P. Waldorf A- Morales West. DePoi-est Walker. P. T. Wi-leli. Jue Wilson A- Moral! WH-ain. (L II. Whlltleld, J. T. Wtllliiina. II. Wesley, w. A. Wiwiltlllll. W.ll. Williams, ls>\\ Wlllliinis. Mal.-'iliil Wols-ter. lieorao Wllllimis. IS. A. M'isiiltiull. II. S Vnekltiy. Lout Zelltii, AllsTt Zcitii .loiilnii Trmi no 'Aeon. .Torilon ft Zenil Zimmerman. Willy XtlTIl i: TO (Oltlll'.iPOVDKNTS. Our theatrical correspondent ore hereby nntiflid that the credential! now held by them will expire on June 1 next. Then arc rc'inciited to return then to this office at once, for renewal for ISOSIWO. PENNSYLVANIA. AT IIM41I OP |,IST. * ♦*>* » Jpan'A. ('Aicmrfi Is engngAI tn-upeu nt tttu Paik July lil, tor four weeks. l.tiiui I'lilIiuU'liililu.—The effect of Hie warm weather lu beglnnlne to show Itself on the patronage ut the local theatres, nnd the latter part of this month, when the outdoor parks open for the public, will make very serlouH inroads In business. (jAitiiit-K Thhatiib (I-'rauk Howe Jr.. mnn- ngcr).—"The Harvester" la the attraction for the current week at Ibis house, being presented by Otis Skinner and an admirable company. Next week brings it return of "Checkers." The performances of "London Assurance" last week by Kills Jeffreys and mi excellent company were greatly enjoyed by the better class of theatregoers. Attend- ance was excellent throughout the week. Chrstnlt Stkket 'PiiBATttn (Nixon & Zim- merman, muniigemi.—"The Slio-Oun" Is do- ing n capital business nt this house, where It opened for a fortnight's engagement last week. Audiences which III led the house wore In attendance throughout last week, and the performunceH, by a' clover company, were heartily appreciated. Xcxt week, the first production of "The Wanderer." Casino (Kllas, Koenig & Lcdoroi-, mana- gers).—".Smiling Island," which Is still draw- ing tilled houses, Is to bu continued during this nnd the coming week, nnd It Is expected Hint "('oinlu' Thro the Rye," Lcdcrer's new production, will he ready to bo put on by Monday. --. ItcheaisnlK ure now being held ut Hi roe of the local liou.-es dully. Park TUHATM If. II. Nlxon-Nlrdtlnger, manager),—"Miss Hob White" Is giving her fnrewell performances ut this house Hits week, ss next week "Simple Hlmon Simple" will be presented, for the first time on any stuge. .National Thbatkk (Joseph M. Kelly, man- ager).—"Her l-'lrst Pulse Mtep" proved to be a popular attraction lust week, drawing au- diences of excellent slue throughout the week. This week's offering Im Hie New Knglttnd comedy drumu, "Down Our Way." May Yohc and ('apt. Ntronp: nnd an extensive vaudeville bill uro Hi-heduled to follow. OltiNti (H'kiia Koisi: ((J. A. Wegefiiitli, tiiunugei).—(icorge II. Primrose's Minstrels bold the lioiii'ds at this house tills week. Audiences of excellent slr.o uiicnikul the per* lormaitccs of "The Sliver Slipper" laat week, mid praised the work of a elever compuur. I'ndei-llnrd for the coming week, "The llcuuly Doctor." lli.AM-iv's Arch Sthkut Tiikatuk f.M. S. Schleslngnr. innniigei').—The melodrama, "The Black Mask," Is Hie offering for the current week at this house. The perform- ances of "The Peddler," hint week, weru well attended. Xext week, "A (lullty Conscience," It k'h TtiKATiu-: (P. (J. Mlxon-Nlrdllngci', mnnugei').—After u stu-cessful week's en- giigeiiient for "In Hie Slmdow of- Darkness," this house now lias "Nobody's Hurling." Pur lhe coming week "Pablo ltomtuil" Is an- nounced. (litiAttii Avkxi t: Tiikatuk (Miller & Kiiuf- luan. inn lingers l.—"Tlio Two Sisters," nd- vertlHed ns a i-iuiipiinlon plttv to "The Old Homestead," Is the olfi-rlng: for (he current week at this house, wlillo Witliet- Kdrnirds, in "A Plghflng Clitiiiee," Is setirdulrd Inr tlie coming week. Sluson nnd Mnson, In "Prllz untl Snlln,' 1 -enjoyed popularity lust week. llAni's Kkw Thkatiib (John W, llitft. iimtinger).—Manager llarl's pntrona turned out In goodly numbers lust week, iillrnt'led by excellent perforiiitiUfe*) of "Lost In New lork." "l>uiighli;r of Corsica" Is I lie offer- ing for the ciii'i-enl week. Wlnschcruiitn'M it'iilni-d lieiirs and nmnkevs ure it leiitiiie. Nexl week brings "Master and Slave," l-'iuiKi'AHill's Tiikatuk (Miller & Kiiuf- niiin, managers)—The new slock company begins Ha season Ibis week, presenting "When Knljrlithooil Was In Flower.". The perxnuel of the company was given in last week's Id- ler. The closing of the engagement of Ku- genle Illulr lust week tii'isiulit out largo it I - lendance. For next week ike Hint perform- ance on any sliine of "Tito Duke of 1'lcca- dllly" Is ittinoiiiiccd. Stanoaiii) Tiikat'hk (Dnfcy & Speck, mun- iigers).—The aloi-k is*ui|iany did excellent work Inst week, ill "Ileeuuso She Luved." nnd pleusvd Hie well rilled huiiai-s. This week's ufferlHD Is "Over Mnguru Fulls," while "Descried nl lhe Altar" Is In rcheiirsul for lhe coming week. KKITU's Nuw ThbATRB (II. T. .lordiin, resident niiinnger). — A cupiiul prugrniiimc litis been arranged for the current, week at this house, lhe features including lleiirv .Millet-, assisted by MUM Hone Crews untl I'unipniiy. ln "Frederic; I.omaltro;" lleorgo Wilson. Muyme Iteinliiglon and her picka- ninnies, John nml llei'i'lin Uhwson ami Pretl lloullliau. (Julgley Brothers. Ilic lleniios, (i lliiua Sim mid eoiiipiiiiy, Will P. Denny. Tanner and Ullbert, Joe llelmont, Conlu'ii nnd Uusllngs, Zara mid Slot son, Lillian lleiuler. (icorge Zclcu nnd bis dog, nnd tho lilogi-iiph. Hlkvbxtii SriiKin- rtntju IIoisb (I-'tuuk IMiiiiniit, niiinnger).—This Is nnniniiiced ns tin- last week of Hie season at ihls house—a season,, by lhe wuy. Hint 1ms In-en verv pros- peroits. On Friday mid Saturday a pitrtlcit- 1st' frutitrcs will In the old Fouler melodies. Lvcki'm Tiikatuk (John (i. Jernion, mnn- ilgeri.—The London Onlfly (ilrls furnish Iho eiitei'liiltiiiient this week, Ml tie Mgviit lu-ltig n fenliire o£ Hie bill. Pretl Irwin's Itlg Show bull prosperous business Insl week. The Triiiisiilhiitlli- ['Ixtrnviigiiuzit Cuuipiui)' Is scheduled for I In- mining week. TltocAiiiiit!) (Floyd Liiiiiiuui, inaiiiigcr).— The iiatroiis turned nut in force lust week and lietitlllv upplaudi-tl Iho eiitei'lalnnieiit. This week ltosc S.vdell's Luudnu llelles hold Iho in nt rils. Sixth axk aucii Miskum (r. a. nuidcn- Imigli. maiiiigei').—In lhe theatre this week lhe continuous vaudeville programme In- cludes: Agnes Maker, llumlllon and Xcnl. M. II. Ilnrke, Alio and Delwny. Hilton, and Hie cineograph. ln lhe cnrlo IibII the fea- tiifeM liielude: The Vnnos. king and (pn-en ot handcuffs: All Hindoo, Oriental mnglelnii; (leorge and Joy Itoyce, bag pum-lilng; Prof, ('brls Feudler. Iron Jawed wonder, and Prof. Lyons' Punch and Jiitlv. Niitks.— "Young nttlTiilo. King of I lie Wild West." a new play, by Clius. B. nianey. Is lo receive Its tirsl prnduetlon at Blntiev's Art'll Street Theatre. Monday, ^2 Lincoln Park, located on the Jersey side of the Dela- ware Itlver, below Washington Park, Is to bo opened June 1. This park luis been closed for seversl years, and the proper!r wits re- cently purchased from lhe I-lipiltiible Trust »'».. who held II ns trustee for lhe old hintl- bolilers, Iho property helng formerly given into the lunula of a receiver. The ofllcers nf Hie new company tire: Pelec J. Hughes, president: Kdwntil L. (Irahain, vice presl- dent : William rl. Hull, secretary and Irons. nrer: Heni-ge Murciiii, general malinger Willi cousldei'iililo ceiviii.iny, ground Is lo Im hrnkeii fur tin- new ileriuiiii llienlre, ill Franklin Street and (llinril Avenue, •in Tiiesdiiy. !i p. ||, Nlxmi Nlrd- llugcr litis iiuuliiised the lights lu "Tho tjft^PS? >-;- s -:i:j ::*m When you are ready to figure on your season's supply of Posters, Hangers. Window Cards. Banners. Etc., write for our price list. We can save you money. VEGETABLC SICILIAN HairRenewer Always restores color to gray hair, all the dark, rich color it used to have. The hair stops falling, grows long and heavy, and all dandruff disappears. An elegant dressing. "gftggaggJBgtf*'' "Office Boy." and will star l-'rnnk Dcshon In the piece next, season, opening nt the Park Theatre Sept. -I The season ut' lhe Liidlnin School of Driiunitlr Art will be brought to u close with Ihreo iterfuraiiinees ut lhe lliiind SI reef Theatre, Muy 17. "The Men-hunt of Venice," lu lu to presented, with Henry Liidliiin, (he director, ns Shy-luck.... II. A. Wogpfnrth has leased tin- (Irntid Opera House for I lie Summer tu Muxliie Do (iro'sz, who will Install there the Mnxlne Do Gross Opera Co. for lhe warm months. Tho season Is to begin May 'Jll with "The WlJiard of the Nile." II. P. Keith convoyed to Ids son, Paul Keith, lust week, the Illimi Then!re properly on Eighth Slreet. The Iheutro stands on a lot Kill by 110 feet and is ass ess e d for Itixnllon nt Illssonler. an actor, who had sued Joseph Fliilkn. n milk dealer ut litis city, for $7:Si, balance of a year's salary under il contract its one of iho principal performers In the Paul Cazeiiuvc Itoperiury Co.. Inst his ense last week. Illssonler sought to hold Flitlltn us backer of Hie company, which ills- Imuded ufler a inoiilh. hut b'lulkii contended thill lie was only mutineer Anton lleg- ner. a 'cello soloist, entered stilt, his! week, iigaliist Robert (linn mid II. W. Prh-dliolT, H-iidlng as the Nina Ditvltl Concert Co. lie claims $Wl~i under a contract for n twenty weeks' lour, commencing Kept. 1, 1110-1, which was abandoned Oct. L'8, I DD-l. rit'(<il-arir.— At the Mxou Cl'lms. P. Kirk Jr., iiiauager) Saviigc's Pngllsh (Iniiid Opera Co. and orchcslrti tiro now milking their second iitiiiiuil visit In I'ittsbnic; lu a hi'lilliini repertory of ojieriis Mu\ .s i:;. Lust week Oils Skinner, lu "Tlie llitrvester." Iiiitt full* palI'onnge, and gave an excellent per- I'lirnltiuce. The weather vviik warm final kept Hie pull-oils tiwtiy. Jnines K. Hacked will present "The Fortunes of Hit: King" nnd "The House of Silence" lii-SII, .Nkw (Hurry Davis, liHimiger).— Siiruli Triinx. suppurtcd by the excellent Harry Davis Slock Co., presents. "The Chris- tian" N-1;[. Tlie piece gives Hie stuck com- pimy a good opportunity Ioshow llsslrengtli. Last week "Leah, Hie Forsaken," was pre- sented wltli giHid effect by the slock com- pany, nnd It was well pfHi-uiilzod. The lust week of lhe stuck company, Ifi-'JO, Kale I.lux- Ion's verslnii of "The Tiro Orpluni" will he given. A rcccplluii will lie tenileretl each and every member during the lust week. Tlie slock has always lieon a Brest siutcsh In Pittsburg iiikI receives lhe hourly patron- agc of the iieuple. This season wtis a very successful one. Dt'iii'KSNB (McN'tilly k u'ullrk, inuiingers). —Al. II. Wilson, the gOltlen voiced singer, in "The Walcli on I Ho Ithlite," opened n week's engagement S, and gave n line entertainment, his singing being the fe.-Uuri! of lhe show. Lust week Billy It. Van, In "Toe Fa-riiwl Boy," played lo capacity business nil week. mid be was Just as popular us when lie played I In* same house n few weeks previous. Illckel, Watson nnd Wrolhe. In "Ale. Him untl I," will pluy a return engagement nt this house, 11j-"0. (iitAXP (Ilnrry Davis, urn linger, .—The pn- lrous of this house ore eiilertnliietl. 8-13, wllli mi elegant vaudeville hill, whh-li Incltiiles lhe Wiinillitnil Nymphs, twelve In iiiinils-r, In- troducing I lie ltooiiey Slstei-s, Adair anil her lions. W. II. Murphy. Nichols nnd company, Za/.el and Vi-rnnn, lloivnrd niiil N'orlli, Lnrv Clark. Ferrell Urol Iters, Al. Liiwroiice, Junes untl Wiillnn, Cooke anil Clinton, lhe Holds- worths, lhe Majesllc Trio nnd the klnelo- graph, l.ust week's bill drew lieuvlty. Annlo Irish iiiiil company being tlie licuilllnccs.; (McN'tilly & (liillck, mamigers).— The Russell Brothers. Si:i, In "The Female Detectives." Lust week "Why (llrls Lenvo Home" was well patronized and gave the iisitul melodriiinii Hint scenm to please tho patrons of this house. "Confessions of a Wife" hViiO. Avknpk (Harry Davis, manager).—-Tills week will be the last of Hie Avenue Dra- matic Co., nnd lliey selected the lute Joseph Jefferson's piece, "Itlp Van Winkle." Tho play Is handsomely singed mid well uelwl. Last week "The Count of Slonto Crista" was put on, and was commendable from rannv view points. The various actors were email to their roles. AcAtinjty ok Mcsic (Ilnrry W. Williams Jr.. manager).—This week Fred Irwin's Mn- Jesllcs bold the hoards. Lnat week Snm De- vere and company entertained the patrons and gave a good eulerlnltiaienl. Tlie feature. of the olio were Hie fouls of rtfit" shunting, presenled by McCren and l'oole, which linvc not been excelled. Xirr::s.-~The llnlet.y closed lis doom Sttliii-. day. May U. for lids ki-iisiiii. unit will open iigaln In Sepletulier. The liounc luid a very successful sensim. under tin* direction of Mini- nger Jnines K, tire, nnd liei will la* found nt tin- Ill-lilt uglilil wlien nest season ouen.1,... Seleiill other luilLics will e|(i„e tllirlllK the niiuitti of May. with Hie e\oe|i!iiui nf tin- Ilijoii. Which expeels lo hi- "poll until June II Utaw Bauer, of Suviige's liDgllsU Orand Oporn Co.. and W. C. Broeknieycr, nf the Avenue Dramatic Co. singe force, were niari'led here Slny 7. Mr. llrocktneyer Is a basso, it ml has been successful in numerous roles In musical comedy and comic opera. » l.nnciisior.—Al Hie Fulton (>|ietii Ilnutsi (Chits. A. Yecker, manager) Francis Wilson, i i "i inisiii Hilly." drew a large house May o. "When women Love" did we[l l. Wit- liuuis and Walker. In "In Dahomey," hud big business li. Black Crook Jr. 11, "Pro- fessor Napoleon," with ninny local people, Famii.v (Kd. Mo/.nrl. manSKsr).—Current ultractlons litcludu: ix-ltoreiii and Ullssnndo, Bevnn mill Desmond, FJverelt Sisters, .lack Lyle, Woods mid Bohn, mid l-Jdwitrtis and Kernel I. Hoop Oariikn (John B. Peoples, innimcerl, —'I'hc current hill Includes: J. I*. Nugent ami company, Cnrllii and into .Mile. Martini, -. 'inn Mrs. Harry Thome ami roaiua.ny, the Four Webbs, and Brandow anil Wiley. AKoann.—At the FJIevonth Avenue ()|iera Mouse 11. C. Mlslilcr, manager) Xnl. M. Wills, In "A Son of Host," was received by a lnii*c audience May 1. "The Sleeping llcuuly and the Beast" drew a full house £ Lyninn II. Howe's moving pictures hud a full bonne IS, Tito Black Crook Burlcsijiiers 0, "A Itojnl Slave" 1(1, (he Metropolllan Juvenile Opera Co 13, "n--inlng for Olliee" 10. Notes. —Welsh Bros,' Cirrus is hilled for Tyrone £.1 Lnkemont Park Theatre will open June li. The theatre has been eonsld- i-.aoty enlarged and Improved Itlugllug Bros.' Circus shows here 11. York.—Al 11 to York Opera House (II. C Penis, innungeri l-'mucls Wilson. In "Cousin Billy," delightful a very goiul house Muy I. This was iiriicllcnll.v lite closing ut' lhe house for the season. "Professor Napoleon" played nn additional engagement .May ". Ski. Saltku.k & Wki.sii Iliios.' Cincrs gave two very good performances lo rapacity April Hi). Bolh parade and lite perfume nnces were fnr beyond lhe ex|*eettitlnns nf the nmtiv friends thev bnve lu this seel Ion. Kaii.num-Baii.kv f.'iiicts May 15. *» » ♦ DISTRICT OL' COLCMIIIA. u —'nn- Kntlonnl Tbealre (XI. II. liapley, iniiiiiiger) rinses tin: season Ilia current week, with Charles llnwlrey. In "A Message from Mars." Lusl week "Hen llnr played to fair Inislness. Coi.i.miiia (.Inseph 10. I.tickett, manager). —This week, t'hnrles II. Iftinfottl. In "'I'l" Titmiiig of lhe Shrew," closes lhe regular season. Last week, Joseph llnrt mill ('nine Do Mar, In "Minna's Papa," had good busi- ness. Lapaykttk (Ira J. La Slol.le, manager).—■ The Ijiiverslly of Pennsylvania Musk MM Wig Club, in -.Mi-. Ilnmlet. of Ueniiuirk." -S. "'I'be Show Hill" D-l:i, closes lhe senso'i. Isisl: week, Ploi-eoce Bindley, lu "The Street Singer." hud good sized houses. AcAiiUMv (,T. w. Lyons, manager).—ThM week, "Tlie Spun of Life." IjisI week, lie: BussL-ll Krolhers, ln "Tho "female Pclec- tlves,'" played to large nudlcnces. "In Ihu Slimlnw of Darkness" I."-^0. I.Vl-kum (Kugeiie Kernait, innuup-r).—Tlthl week, the Bon Ton Iturlesipiers. iJist week, Irwin's .Majesties played lo deservedly ex- crib-in pulruiiiige. Pled Irwin's Hlg Slmw l.-i'jn. ('mask's (.Miss II. M'Innefml IS" "' IM - iniiiingeri. — This week's bill Incltiiles: "Dfda," Willy /.imniermmi. Ilallliiwny ami Walton. Harry Le Cliilre. Cole and .lolin*""- I'atly Bios., York mid Ada-nis and the vlui- graph. Lust week, the Zuucigs bended II" 1 usual line bill, lo full houses. The setisoti closes ^7. Clticts Lot-.—Hingllugs' Circus 15. 19- *->-* MAINS, I'oitliiiiil At the .lefrersiitt TUeHlrT (Ciibn & (Irani, managers).—"Alatartus. "• prese hi oil by the (ixauani Club (local i. IVIIS well iitieiuled Mny I. "I'nrsifitl" proved, as advertised, lite event of the season, giving great pleasure to extensive business -. •-• The cottipiiny sailed 1 fnr New York, Ihcni'c inking pnssnge for Ihelr engngeinent nbrwirl. May Irwin Tironghl "Mrs. IHnek Is B";;f to n throng of delighted ntidlfors I. "TO* Fatal Wedding" nit racletl fair business ••■ Dockstadrr's Minstrels were assured in '""J usual hearty reception mitt lnee nnd nlghl ''• "The Snnnv South" comes R "l'egg.v ''"!" Pails" I). 10, "Busy Izzy" 12, l.'l, Maude Adams HI. I'OKTLAMl TllKATIU) (Jiiiues L". M" ,r '- luauager).—Lust week Vtilerlc Heigete- Maynie llenilniilon and the Three YosinO l j headed n bill of much excelleiuv. Dim H ami wi-ek: \lnre Hopnul iiiul iiunpiliiy. I""f llumliius. Leit-li Hroa, Clitirbut" <•"*'* ilHurge. ll«|i|iv .link (faultier. DTtuiirfce llnr- Hell Trlu Miillle I ken nail .Mitshul H'-'l 1 "' Top uotih buslucss prevail*