The New York Clipper (May 1905)

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Mat- 18. THE NEW; YOEI^ &I&PVBB. :315 KOTlCt! Hi OlllllliSruSIUKM'S, Our theatrical corrwfioiidea** are hrrchi) rniiprd that the. creAmUnl* noto held hit iUrm will erpire on •lime I next. Thru are rrqitmial to return them to thti office at o»cr, for rencical for ffli-SQi. ■ NEW YORK STATE. BnrTnli>.—At the. Star: Eleanor• Rohsoo, Kvrle Bellew and others, In "She Stoops to OMMIiw/ Slayfl: "My Friend the Enemy" 0 10. Krancta Wilson. In "Cousin Hill v." ii-l.'l; Mildred Holland 15-17, Viola Allen 18"f>. LIHInn Ilussell pleased in "Lady Teazle, and drew nicely. Tuck (W*. S. Baldwin, manager).—A double bill Is announced .for tliln week."-Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." and "Camllle." "A Itojfll Slave" w«h well given last week. JIoBday nights ladies are now admitted free with those holding reserved seats. l'.\rtK (51. Shea, manager).—"Just n Day Drenm" Is the etock'H current iirndurtlon. ••The Charity' BaJI" week of ir,. "Lord and l^iily Algy" i drew big gntberlnga and de- lighted tliem' lust week. UfaVfttb (tt Al; Bagg, manager).— Itoble's Knickerbocker* this week. Harry llrynnt's Australians uezt week. The Blue Ribbon (llrls and Bertie Fowler had a line eiiBsgement last week. I,TCKi:x (J. I.nughlln. manager).—Billy B. Van. In "The Brrand Buy.' this week, "tjulncy Adams Sawyer'* next week. Nun- nettc Cotnstoek, In "The Crisis," pleased large audlenees. Shim's.— r^n attractive roster is presenlert for this week's consideration, including .Mil- ' Ion and Willie Nobles la "The Dnys of '4ft:" Treloar; lloey and I-ee^ Juggling McBanns, Keno. Walsh and Melrose, J. Royal Weal and Ida Van Slclen, In- "The College Cynrnii.s!- nnii" Searland Violet Allen. In "The Sign 1'alnter," and Kelly and' Vlolette. Business Is very large here continually. Ai'adejiv (C. ('•. Stevens, manager).— "Over Xlagara Fnlls" this week. "The Lighthouse by the Sea" next week. "The Span of Life" was capably rendered last week. .Notes.— -The site of the once proposed Keith Theatre, on Main Street, Is being transformed Into a Summer park The beach resorts, etc., hereabouts will begin the season Decoration Uny K. S. Wlllarrl's nrlistli! productions were fully appreciated and welh patronized. ■ Rneliester.—At the Lyceum (St 13. Wain*, manager). Inland's Own Band, of ■World'S'Falr fame, played lo twolnrge nudl- ences Tuesday, .May 2, afternoon and even- ing. Win. Favcrsliam presented "The Squnw- man" 5, fl. and drew nig business. Week of May 8. "Mother (loose.' National Thkatiib (Max Hurtle, mana- ger).—Rnpley Holmes and 5lay Anderson made the lilt of the performance In "lu Old Kentucky," !■!>. House was dark 4, .">. Saturday, (I, ushered lu the stock season, It being the opening performance of the company bended by Jessie llonstelle and Frederick Lewis, presenting ".Mary of Mog- dala." MIhs llonstelle, Frederlek Lewis, A. II. Stuart mid Hardee Klrklund scored Heav- ily In the leading roles. A rousing recep- tion was given Miss Hongtelle and other old favorites In the comnauy. Same bill 8-1.'!. F.VKKit TiiRA'rnr; (J. K. Royle, manager).— Dark week of 1, also week of 8. Cook Ornn.\ Ratnm (I*. II. Moore, mana- ger).—The stock comiwny played to capacity business all last week, with "In Mlxzuiirn." llert LytelL Caroline rrnnltlln, Prank Base, Tommy Shearer. Helle (iaffney and Mnrlbel Seymour carried ntT the laurels of the per- formance. Couinthian TiiKATne (Kred Strauss, rann- nger).—The Americans did good business week n( ]. The Blue Ribbon Girls 8-111. I Allinny—At Hnnnanus Bleeeker Hall (II. It. Jacobs, manager) the Daniel Tivuu Stock Co. last week continued another week ef good business, presenting "A Midnight Marriage," "Ingnmor" and "The Mnd King." Friday night. May 5. Richard Mansfield completely tilled the house, appearing In "Ivan the Terrible." Due: Musical Associ- ation May Festival 8, 0, Eleanor Rohson and star cast, In ".She Stoops to Conquer," 10; WllilnniH and Walker" 11, "Tho Isle of Spice" 13. The Courtenay Summer stock opens 22. EstrutB (II. B, Jacobs, manager).—Sum- mer vnudevllle began Mny 1 with good pros- pects. Excellent audiences attended all. the week, The company included: Marie Jan- sen, nnrry La JIarr, Latimore hnd Leigh aud others. The sumo policy will continue for some weeks. I'nocTOR's (Howard Grolium, resident man- ager).—Vaudeville of the best kind brought many people here 1-fl. Stalcy and Blrbeck, Leu Harrison and Chcrldah Simpson headed Ibe list. Rill Jlay 8 and week: Henry Lee, Dollar Troupe. Emll Hoch, Jane Eltlng ami I'ompnnv, Colby nntl Wnv, Edwin lAtell, lirent Scotr. Major Jas. D. Doyle and 31c* lutyre uud Rice. tUl*rr Tiikatrb (Howard B. N'ichols, manager).—After a very successful season llils popular burlesque house closed after llto perfarmnnce (i. ITie High Rollers, 1-fl. had nil excellent following, and llellly & Wood's snow. 4^j. closed the week to good business. iNotk— <ieo. II. Adams' "Hunipty Duuipty" to, under ennvas, met wllh success Jlny 4-lt. Jaiiiolnna,- -,Vf tlie Situjucla tluertt House (M; ll«la. manager) "The Liberty Bells" matinee and night. April 20, pleased 8ood..houses. "My Friend, the Enemy." Mny . Mildred Holland fl, "York Stoto Folks'* 10. "Holty Tolty" 22. CEtoitrtN' Tiikatm; (Jule Delnur, mana- gen.—"The Japanese Honeymoon," by home talent, April 25-27. Notts.— Vnudevllle wilt be offered at the Celoron Then.tre, commencing April 20 The Misses Samuels, the well known mu- sicians, have returned home to spend the Hummer. Rose Samuels accompanied Mme. l'nttl on her farewell lour of this country. ■ Syraease.-At .Welting Opera House (J. I* Kerr, manager) Wm. Fnvershom. In "The Squaw Man." had fair business Mny 4. "The Wlxard of Oz" 5, "She Stoops to Conquer" 0. Richard Mansfield. In "Ivan, the Terrible," ti: Rogers Brothers 10. < Bastaw.h (H, A. Hurtlg, manager).—"The Iteaiity Doctor" came to fair business 1-:!. "In Old Kentucky'' 4-'l, vaudeville week of 8, including Stuart, the male Paul; Josephine Sirtiel, Dolnn and l.enlinri- and others. Obanp OrKttA llorsB (Cbas. H. l'lnmmer, manager).—Edwin Mordnnnl Slock' Co. me- wnled 'The Christian," to good business, week of 1. The company presents "Captain Lettorblatr" Si,-.. , > Auburn—At Burtls Oliera House (13. 9. Newton; manager) Cecil De Mllle, In "Lord Chumley." drew n fair house April 28. Clara Turner Co., we*k of May 1, bud line houses and gave satisfuctlon. Ill iiti.s At-niTO«itt.M (E. S. Newton, mana- ger).—"The Beauty Doctor" hod a big house April 20. "The Wizard of Oz" drew a hlg house May 4. Montgomery and Stone were as funny as ever. "Checkers" 10, "The Isle of Spice" 18. Xotk. —Our new Auditorium la now com- plete. 11 has a capacity of 11,000 people. ■ Blnuliamtnii.—At the Stone Opera House 13. r. E. Clark, manager I Blanche Walsh. In "The Woman In the Case," pleased Immense- ly May S, "My Friend, the Enemv," drew mod business 5. Ward nnd Vokes. in "A I'nlr of Pinks," 8; Turner Stock Co., in reper- tory, 013. ♦ »» WISCONSIN.. Troy.—At I be Lyceum (Burns Olllani, manager) Ibe Snow Stock Co. tilled the the- Hie May l-«, In "The Charily Hull." "Leah, the Forsaken," 8-111. Rami's Oi-biia House (M. Rels. manager). —Overflow houses greeted the polite vuudc- fs; offeredl-l'| UmCUt ] "°' Aa cx<;,!lllH,t bl11 M .^" ,S .m 01 ' 1 ! " Pmi Il0l '»fl f3* Rcl". mnnn- SSSiiT-VS' '."i'lsc was dark l-«. "The isle of ii iVLj 1 ) J. 11 Pi'homcy" 18, "The Rogers Brnlhers In Paris" iy. „J225 l Jtyai. II- lluck, manager).—Al. ""», Burlesnners drew hlg houses l-:i. Z!£l ^ * eMm < -' lown - B- !">» bee" a very SJaSSSL ??°V } )avlD e tbe Summer It Is n" It ° ln ' ntre !s lo b " entirely Jlllwnnltee.—A slight decrease In attend- ance has been noticeable the past week. The lending novelty of the week was offered hy Manager Sherman Brown, nt the Davidson '1 heat re, Mnv 1-3, Vioin Allen presenting "Winter's Tale." • Miss Allen wns warmly re- ceived hy fair In good bouses, who nppenred lo fully appreciate the nrtlsilc performance. "The Earl of I'awt ticket" 4-0, followed hy "The Virginian," 7. Aliiamhka. —Manager O. F. Miller suc- ceeded In Including several of the Tliiin- houser favorites to put In an extra week at this house 1-0. presenting "A Wife's Re- demption." Jnmes Parkin offered na ex- ceptionally clever bit of character work. Al- bert Brown. I,eo> Baker, Irving Brooks. Edith Evelyn, (irnce Mae Lambkin and Pally Alli- son contributed to Hie success of the per- formance. "My Wife's I'limllv" comes "-lit. Br.ron Opkiu Hoiisk. —"Me, Him nnd I" scored heavily Inst week. Manager J. II. Pierce offers "The Way of the Transgressor" for week of 7. Acadkmv. —The return of James Kyrle MacCurdy, for one week, In ills own play, "The Old Clothes Man." was tbe cause nt large slied audiences throughout the week. Mr MacCurdy Will -especially well received, ami his production was accepted by his ad- mirers, Stab (F. R. Trot.tman, manager),—Joe Oppenhclmer's Miss New Vork Jr. scored n pronounced hit last week. Attendnnce was up to the standard. The Jolly Ornss Widows week of 7. Uuamu. — Manager S. R. Slmond reports business as holding up highly satisfactory. For week commencing 8, Annie Abbott, as the top liner, with five other vnudevllle nets. Crystal (R. R. Winter, manager).—Peo- ple week commencing 8: Wills and Barron. Bros. Devan, Carrie Winner, Carrie (loodcll nnd company, nnd Baby Glndys. Attendance continues Hist class. Notks. —Oscnr F. Miller, Herman Fehr and <l. G. Oekn are the Incorporators of the Sillier Theatre Co., which will build the Or- pheum Theatre on the East side of Fourth Street between Grand Avenue nnd Sycamore Street. The cnpltnl slock is £10,000. Work has been commenced. The house Is expected to be opened prior to Christmas About lifly friends of tleorge Poster Plntt, nelor nnd manager, gave a dluner la his honor nfter the ereulng performance Saturday, April 21). General Chns King acted as toast mooter. A very beautiful sliver loving cup wns presented lo Mr. I'lntf, with the regard of his friends. It Is to he hoped that 51 r. Plait will return to Milwaukee in the near future tleorge Riddle Miller, the eleven mouths old son of .Mr. nnd Mrs. Oscnr F. Jl'lrer. died Wednesdny. 4, from pneumonia Bert. Perry lias resigned ns iiss!m|:iii)- treasurer of the Davidson Theatre, lo accept :i position with the Wisc-onsiu Xn- tlonul flunk Mrs. Flske Is to appear at the i'ubst Theatre May ll-KI Itlcluvril Meeker is meeting with success at. the 1'orst Keller. Ills people for week of S Include: Adele Dc Lew. Viola Chirk, Carl Purnmn and Slcliiert and Tonins. ♦»» WASHINGTON. T1JXAS. Ft. Worth.—At Lake Brio rark (Hirry R. iturton, manager) the Slimmer seaaon opened April Mil wllh the following bill: Coleman nnd Moils, rifle experts: Mrpinin Itnnklii. soprano: Ynrhrnugh llowen. in Illus- trated songs, and the blograph pictures. Ex- tensive improvements are In -progress, the Intention ef the. management belag to make this one of the most attractive resorts of Its kind lu the South. The opening .was heavy. Star (Dinwiddle k Houton, managers).— People week of May 1: Holland and May, I.uclle Clayton. Ida Cnrrlco. I.eota Arm- strong, Lee Edmund), Clara Hnntnon, May Hunter, Frank Cllhbons, Jessie De White and tho kinodrome. Business continues sntlafnc- tory. Stanuaiid (M. De Beque, manager).—Peo- ple week of ilny 1 :• The Cliffords, Joe Hol- land, Ludevlne ItentDu, Aggie Allen, Klngs- iey nntl Klngslev. Let tie Cotton, Pauline Haertel, Jack Williams, HI Tom Long, Lulu De Mar, Vera Miller, 5lnck nnd Dot nnd Luln I .awl on. The week opened heavy. Crown (I'hlt Epstein, manager).—I'eople week of May 1 : Constnnello Sisters. Howard and Alton. Hose B. Mitchell. Jack Wade, James Thompson. Ethel Russell, Jennie How- ard, Elsie Russell. Carl Copeland, Conners and Conners. Ada Yule, Jim Wolfe, Fny Del- mar, May Hill Hnd Tom Key. Business Is big. i ■ Houston. — At the Houston Theatre (Maurice C 5llcheals, manager) the Carter Comedy Co. closed April 20. after five per- formances, to crowded houses. For n popular price company it Is one of the best that ever visited here. A local organization, for the benefit of Ibe Presbyterian Church, gave "Mikado" nt Ihree performances, to crowdeil houses. 27-20. The Butlers, hypnotists, opened May t. for a week, lo crowded houses. Thev gave an enjoyable performance, con- sisting of hypnotism and songs and dances, nnd seemed to please. emi'mii: Thkatrr wns reopened with the leturn of the Frank Rich Stock Co.. In "The (lame of Hearts," lo ii crowded house. "Com- rades" followed Jlny 4il. The company Is now composed of the following: William Wagner. Xnt La Rue. Benton lllnton. Aubrey Vales, Joe Rernard, Eflle next, Annie Wynne and Anltn Fallen. Auditor!!'*!. —Spring musical festival, with the Pittsburg Orchestra nnd a mass chorus of four hundred voices, Is outlined for May 8, I). Railroads are offering low rates lo make the affair a success by bringing people from all over the State. Himil.ANn Pabk (F. XI. Bishop, mana- ger).—Tony Castellane, In'looping the gap, wns the attraction April no, before an Im- mense crowd. Fair weather Is hrlnclng big crowds, nnd Manager ft I shop Is now ne- gotiating with sterling attractions (or Hie Summer. , Standard Thkatrr (Alvldo & Lnsserre. managers).—Kindness closing 5lay :i was fair. Disagreeable weather has affected the pnlrn'nage. but the outlook from now on Is considerably heller. Faces-same as last, who continue to lie retained on account at their popularity. i » Gainesville.—At llrown's Opera House (Fnnl Gallia, manager) "A Devil's Lane" seemed to please n fair audience April 20. This company closed the season of the house. Notch.— tiller** "Rip Van Winkle" Co. gave n performance, lo n full lent. 2fi Work on the city unrk pavilion and Ihentre Is progressing nicely, nnd It will Ih> finished by June I Col. CI* Poller, a brollier- In-lnw of Catherine CountIss. lending woman of the Columbia Slock Co., at. Portland, Ore., dletl here yesterday, from cancer of the liver. . »»» Ni:niiASKi. *^i! 0 *",~ At ,h(> Majestic Theatre "Qulncy (vi2 m . i 8l i w A' ,? r." (,1 ' ew well Slay -J. "Tho (VmVd.°U^ ' P'?''°« <" « port bouse 8. romlnp: "The Earl nnd the Girl" 8, 0. "In \t„, ,V" t 'J? l, '' r J0 - "When Johnny ComcM Match mr Home" 12. "A Hot Old flnie" 13. Lew Melds, In "It Happened In Xordland," Ori'mrum (Wllmen & Vincent, managers). —a ane 1)111 wns presented Inst week, lo P „.i l t P,\ >MH - Wwk of 8 presents the fol- J?*J5| Mil: Jewell's Manikins. Booker and t oililey, Frank O'Brien, .Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy "airy. Tills is ibe last week of vaudeville i Schenectady.—At the Van Curler Opera JiJ?' ,se A "8* of Slay 1, Hiorles K. Champ- JSi V, 0 ' dre *A' I" capacity the entdre week. Z*{ Beauty Doctor" 10, Rogers Brothei-s 12, J\il'ljnw and Walker 13, "The Isle of Splco" ■•'. Kcllar, magician, 18. Mohawk TtiMnu (Joseph Weber, mana- ger j.— Mortimer Snow Stock Co., In select repertory, week of May I, bad S. R. O. every performance. "My Partner" 8-13. notes.— Mortimer Snow lias two com- panies ploying alternately between Troy nnd Mcneneetoilv. From present Indications the ""Jure will prove successful Frank A. Robhlns Circus May fl, Sale very large The anoiml ball of the staff or the 5Iohawk Jbeatre occurred May *. Attendance was large. Seattle.—At Hie (Irand Opera House (Joliu Curl, manager) 1,. It. Sluckwell and ('has, Erin Verner. lu "Hon. John North." April 110, Mny 1 : ICnelsel Quartette, lu con- cert 2; week of 7. dork: fillet Vuu Studill- ford, In "Red 1'enllier," 21-24. SitATTM-: (J. r. Howe, manager).—Week of April 111). Dick Ferris Co., In "Friends:" dark week of .May 7. Tiltnn AvknI'H (Russell & Drew, mana- gers).—Week of April ,".0, "The Two Or- phans;" week of 7, "Rip Van Winkle;" "East Lynne" 14-20. OgpiiKt'H.—New: The Fredericks, I'atsy Doyle, the Anderson Chlldreu, Murphy and Anderson. Harney and Huyucs, Will ('. Hoyt and moving pictures. Pantaohs.— Xew: Lucas-Strand Co., Wlley- Fcrrlss Co,, Five Lovelands. Ibu Richards, Flo Itayfield and moving pictures. Sta«. —New: Dunbar's trained goots, Rose and Ellis, burton Hell Ringers, Daly and Murphy, Montgomery nud Cantor, Nellie (ierlu and blogrupli plclurcK. Strand (Mose fioldHiiiltli, manager).— New: lngoinn, Mnud Knight, lie Vuiui Sis- ters, Helle Illsselle, Rose Adams, Lottie Nel- son and Bjrnlee Rogers. NarrtS.—W. M. Russell, malinger of ibe Third Avenue Theatre, left for the East lust week, tbe trip Including u visit to bis old home, Detroit. <«» LIONEL UUtRVMOiti: ILL. Lionel Borrymore arrived In New York Mny 4, from Colorado Springs, suffering from n severe attack of nervous prostration, Ills friends admit that his condition Is qulle serious nnd It will he several months before he will act again. While appeurlng In Rnslon Inst Winter Sir. Barrymore suffered n severe attack of pneu- monia, and It. Is feared that he resumed work too soon. F.lhel Barrymore received her brother on his arrival and arranged to hove him go lo n quiet country place near New Vork, the home of a friend, where he will have the best medical care and complete rest. , t ^JMtofce. United States True Blue Serge is the masterpiece material for men's Summer suits. The yams are hard twisted, but not wiry, thus preventing t'ockclliiijj. This serge will not become shiny after a few weeks' wear. It is practical); "slimy. proof.''. . The dye being n pure vegetable indigo Insures ogninst that pnrplisli tinge and the liability of failing that are invariably present when uniiline dyes are used. In short, this verge has Hie wear, look und finish ol u cloth coating double. Notwithstanding that serges have advanced » per cent, to jo per com. In price since last year, we shall be nble to sell these Buib ut the old price, $13.50. THK TAILORING OF TRUE BLUE SEROKS leaves nothing to bo desired. The work Is done by tailors who are worsted specialists and who thoroughly understand the handling of serge, which is the most unruly member of the worsted family. These suils will hold their shape, style and lit under till conditions of wear and welting. Thu cloth la just right weight for coolness and comfort, but has the tensile strength and wear-re- sisting qualities ofimuch heavier fabrics. We show twelvo difForcnt models, running Inun conservative to extreme styles, single- and double breasted, full lined and luilf $ j Q C fl lined, in sizes to fit all builds from .13 lo 52 chest. Exclusively in Brill stores 10,31/ Without doubt the most wonderful blue serge suit in America under H20. OCT THE HABIT. OO TO UNION SQUARE. 14th ST., NEAR BROADWAY (WEST OF KEITH'S THEATRE). Make up your mind to let ns make np your next suit. It'll be better than the price deserves. You choose the cloth from the most complete line of woolens ever,displayed by any one tailor and set clothes of individual .smartness— aud critical correctness. The price, $!20«00, is just about half the worth of the suit. Lot u.s send yon book of styles and samples. Broadway & 9th St., New York. ( ill.CillAIMl. (Iranlin At Bnyd'a TliPBtro (W. J. Ilur- gess, liiuiiniicri "The Ollu-r tllrl" opcnM a Iwo nights' oiiKnitemdil May 8. John Drew, In "The Duke of Kllllt-rnnkle," 12, 111. The Kerrls Stoi-k l!o. opens Itn Summr-r Ronson H. Dust In Karnum. lu "The Virginian," did good bimineBs .'Ill-May *t. "Mrn. Wlgesi, tit tbe Cabbage I'auli," bad a good houau I. Sat. C. floodwla had largo audlenees "», a. OiiPHEUsi (Martin Beck, general manager). —BiiRlneRK contlnueH gend at thin house. Bill week of 7: Oknbe JapaneHe Troupe, tleorge ('. Boniface Jr. and Bertha Wnltxlnaer, In "The Medicine Man;" Kosler and T'oster, Frederic Hurd. 'I'hereKe Dnrgevnl. Kerry, Ar- thur II. I'lierns and Medorn Cole, and thu Ulnndrome. Kinio . (0. S. Breed, manager).—"The Moonshiner's Daughter" opens n four nlghltt' engagement 7. "The. Jnmes Boys in Mix- souit' 11. 12. I he Caldwell Slock Co. l'l-20. "An Aristocratic Trump" did good IiuhIuchs 'iO-Mny 3. "Beware ol Men" did fair busi- ness 4-0. ... Lincoln At the. Oliver (!•'. C. Kehrung, manager) Henrietta Crosmau, In "MIslreMS Kell, ,r ftcllKhti-il a large house April 20. Cur- son nnd wlllard, In "A Trip to I'lmil," did moderate business 27, 2S. "Tbe Virginian" met with (he largest reception at the matinee, for the season, uud an excellent business at night. 20. Ill Henry's Mlnstreln did good biiHliieas May 2. "Mrs, Wlggs. of tho Cab- bage I'lilch." did excellent IiiiHUieHH both mati- nee und evening, .'!. Nat C. Comlwln, In "The I'surper," was grcL-ted by n full buimu 4. "An ArlHtocratlc Trump" did well C, Ly- iniiii II. Howe's moving iilctures did fairly well li. Hooked: "The Moonshiner's Daugh- ter" !). "A IVnrl of I'eklii," comic opera (lo- cal), 11 ; Ciisliiiinn-St. Claire Co. 10, T. Ininlel fruwley. In "ItaDtmii'M Kolly," 24. I.vim: (H. M. Miller, manager j.—Hill week of 1 Included, The Hereon, the llaiieliues, illltuore nud l.e Mityne, und plctiiic songs hy frank Itolwrts. IIusIucms Is good, . Fremont. — At; the Larson (Wm. r^iren. manager) the National .stock Co. pleanrd April 24-2(1. lleluru eugageineiil, Mny |.,'i, wns canceled. "The Virginian." with HiikiIii I'liiiinin. drew n crowded and entbiiHliisilc house Anil! 28. The Terry T. T. C." Co. tent show, hilled for May 3. Makomc IIai.i.. —The 1'nlinnller Concert Co. April 211. .Note. —Margaret Oray. with "Tho Virgin- ian" Co., who formerly lived here, pul In all or her spare time calling on her many friends and renewing old tici|uitlntnnces. ■ Gram! Island.—At the Burlenliiicli fllenry .1. Bnrtetibiich, manager) 111 Henry's Minstrels showed to good ui tendance ulght of Mny ::. Illlta'a Taiik (Henry Malm, manager).— Campbell Bran.' Itallroud Clrcim Hhuwed to rapacity afternoon of May I. Night per- formance wns prevented hy high winds und inlu, which caused no little damage to the ennvnsj. 4>» MIIS. I,II,III:UT'N MCMOlllAI,. nearer.-At the Broadway (1'. I'. Mc- Cdurl, inauager) "The tit her tllrl' played to fair business Mny l-B.. Lionel Unrrvmoie wus to.bavu been ibu,slur, but be left tbe rniuniinv here und went to New Vork.- I lie coiiiiinu'v inive n good performiinee. Nut: C. (ioodwlii H-l.'i. Taiiuji liuANU IK. P. McCourt managerl. I'lorence ltoberls, In "Te»K of- the irurkM* vlllea" nnd "/.«/.«," tlld u good IiiihIiichs Inst week. Melbourne McDowell was m Indisposed Hint he could not act. h'lorcnce Uoberts "-II. oiii-iii'.i'M iMarlln Beck, general mnian- ger).— Bill 111: lleurl b'reiich. (leo, W. Hay, Harry and Hnlvcrs. Ascott, Kddln nnd coui- pnny, Chna. II. Burke, nnd (irnce Ln Hue nnd the Inker Buys, '{inula M. Ilerey and com- pany (Denver). BaabMM wus good. Bill 8-HI: Delia Kox. Provost nnd i'revost, Mttnelh Ailnms, Annsliong and Holly, De Ouzo Bros., Wilson Trio and Hie Werlley Troupe. Nr.w Citttris (A. It. I'elion, manager).— "Tho Diamond . King" him week. Business; wim good. "Clrcuinstniitlnl Kvldence" 7-IS. N'r.w Ciiykt.w, t (leo, Ira AdnniH, mnnu- ger)'.—Bll! 1-7 included: llnzellp Trio, (ienrgle Wolcolt, De Bolses, Vernle Mcl'hei- sim, Wells BroR, Alllllll nnd Mee, liloiimpli and tlie Crvslul orrheMlrn, House was pneked ill every |s<rforiniini>e. Bill S-14: Du|irce nud Co., Krles Sisters, Vernle Mcl'liemon. DouglnNs and DouglimH, Mile. He Verne nud Abbott and Brynnl. fllenry I.iihelKkl, mnnngecl.— Bill 17; Hatch und llaieh. Iinle mul Itiusl. Mlrnlile nielli, the tlrenl While Vugl. Annie lioldle, Kemp Comeily Four. Business was good. Hill S-14: The llainlllons. Hie Cul- Inbnns 'I'l-lo, All Brown, Caston nnd Henry, Hie Ciiliiuis, unit Miss llurlon. I.Villi: (William Illnfnril, inumiger).—Bill 1-7' The Sheimlis, Mui'gtirrlte iliuyce, (liile und Weiislev. llert Crater. Ai'llnir Clnniage, Kendall mill Thompson. BiislnesH wus good. Hill sll: Mvn I'arkltiH, Williams und I'udre, loui l-'lvn, the Lu Bonus uud llert Cmler. ■4—* KKKTICKV. I.ntilsvllle. —At Milcniilev's (Jim, T. Mn- ran lev. ninnagi'i'l Joe Weber s Stock Co. oni- ilnceii "HlKgledy 1'lggledy" Ulnl "The College Wlilower." May 2, lo a house pni'lieil lo tile doors. MmiIc Dressier wns given mi ovation on her enliatice, und made a bit wllh the nti- dleiice. Trlxle l-'rluoii/.n wus considered ex- cellent. Jos. M. Weber, Stun Collins mul flinrlen A. Blgelow were (he (mi milkers. Henrietta Crosinnii 111, I.lllliiu KiihsoII 12, I". A\»'.\i;i: (C. A. Nlinw, iitaiiiigeri.-"More lo lie Tilled than Scorned," week nt April .'III, ntlracicd good nllendnnce throughout Hie en- gagemenl. "I'nst; Mfe In New Yiult" Mny 7-f". BijckiS'iiuam fWlmllen Bros., muniigerH). —The Thoroughbred BurleBipio Co., Inst week, guve mi enterlalniug performance Unit til-ought good atleuillinre. The Bolieiululls 7 1.'!. Kumriixa Knaar Pabk iwm. iieicbiuau, manager).—The opening of Ibis resort oc- curred April no, and n lug crowd wus present. All the different nttriicilotis were well pat- ronized, especially Hie new ■lliciilre, which hum packed ut both perforiuunees. Tile Amerlciis Comedy Four nnd Hiilltigher und Barren took the places of Kelly mul Vlolelle and linrrlly Sisters. Tbe new people for week of Mny 7 are: Illshl Bedouin Arahs. Lindsay's dogs und monkeys, Fred mid Annie I'elot nud Avery Htrnekoini. The llrst meeting of tbe committee on ibe tiropoaed memorial lo the Into Mrs. Gilbert, In which memliem of tbe theatrical profes- sion and of Bloomlngdale Church are Inter- ested, watt held at the offices of Daniel Frolt- man, nt the Lyceum Theatre, on May 2. It was decided that the tribute should lake the form of a memorial window. Members of the enmmllteo representing Mrs. ifllliertV per- nonnl friends are Itnnyon I"ratt, of Ilogern & I'yatl : Held Moore, president, of the New Amsterdam Bnnk; Mr». Charlen W. Terhune, ■ nd the Rev. Dr. Htltisou. Other uieinhers of the committee who repreaent the profession are John Drew, Annie Itiisnell and Daniel Frohrnnri. The treaanrer* Kill lie Held Moore and Daniel 1'robman, to whom con- tributions may be sent. I'ailuenh—At the Kentucky the new management. Die I'lilinee Hotel Co., Iiiih con- cluded not to close the theatre Juki yet, and will have several more attractions thin month. "Ilnllrond Jack" May fl. NoTKH.—Forepuugh-Kells Clrcim came 10. Wallace I'unt Summer Tlienlre, Will Mnlone, manager, will open Mny 22, with a tluck cumpAiiy. ' ' ».» If.innv .7. Jackshn nud llerllui Julian were married at Il*»rdatnwn, III.. April 22. Ilev J. C. Nate ufllciatlng. Both are memliers of the Jnek liewiny Stock c«. for n Spring nnd Hummer lour. The company opened tor a three weeks' run nt (Julncy, BL, beginning April 211. Mr. Jnckiion anil hla wife have signed for next aeanon with Geo. Hamneli' attractions. JohnNacPntos^ the 1x>fie King And My TOFFEE is the MobI Widely AdvortUed and Host Delicious Candy now Before the Public. If you are Running a Candy Stand al a Summer Park, Fair, Carnival or Theatre you will HAKE MONEY by Potting in a Stock 0! MACKINTOSH'S TOFFEE. "ENGLAND'S FAVORITE SWEET MEAT." Write .Me tor I'rlccH. JOHN MACKINTOSH Sept. lft.178 Hudson St., NEW YORK. CLUB COCKTAILS- For the home, for the club/ anywhere, are unrivalled. Choicest liouors, exquis- itely proportioned and blended ana aged make a c perfectly royal drink. Seven kinds—Manhattan, Mar- tini, Vermouth, Whiskey, Hol-I land Gin, Tom Gin, York. C. F. HEIBLEIN * BW, ,,„%„„ Hartford New York London 1 VKHMAYT. Itiirllnulon. Al Un- HI rune Tlonlie ff'llllH & final, HIIIIIIIK'TNI "lllH.V l/zv." Mn.v I, drew 11 ftilr liouxe. "Itiilir'ii In 'I oyliiml" hnd H. It. O. 2. "Tlie Vlllnije ilrmi-r" H, Vernon Stoelt i'u. H 12, ".lolly AiiU'iliiiu Tramp" 111. ,\OTB».-.-A rnrnlvtil will In 1 lielrl DiIh yeiir Under the IIUK|>Ici'm of (lie Muillliplon Hiihi-IuiII Ahi'icIiiiIoh. miiihmIiIiii.' ellillllir lo Die Mer- ehnnle* t'miilviil of llif):!. Tin* illrei-iori de- clll"d tliln nf II uieetlliK lielll li'i ellllj'. The a wr emry »f the awmrl wilnp, r. K. Milne, imi recdveil liiHtruellono lo i-oiuitiunliiile nllli tho mannijer,: of i>nter|ii'lHe!t. The eiirnlvnl Will be Imlil nt Athlollo I'nrl; bh noon n* ilin liAitehnll wn.oii i'Iokoii. jirotmhlv 111 «oino Mine between ftepf. 10 and Moot. 24. There will be tho iiMiiui ntniiHeaient reniuri'<i, iiidiimnui eihllilt'i, etc.. mul nil effort will !u> inudi- to mnke thin ei.llyic all rirorioiin efforl.1 in tho siinuj line.