The New York Clipper (May 1905)

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350 THE 1STEW YOEK CLIPPER. May 27. THE NEW YORK CLIPPEK «■» THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLISHING CO.fLlmltiil.) PBOPlilETOUS. ALBRBT J. BOMB, Edjtomal and RUBIMMa MASAora. OCR CHICAGO LETTER. KBOM Ui;» OWN <.OK1IKS1'ONUKNT. SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1905. RATES. Advertisements—$2.80 per Inch, ilngii col- iron. Advertisements «et wllb border, 10 per (dii. extra. SI IIISOHH*"! IOX. One year in advance, ft ; six months, $2; three months, $1. Fore'gn postoge extra. Hingis copies will bo Bunt, postpaid, on re- ceipt of 10 cents. Our Terms lire Cnsh. THE CLIPPIHt Is Issued every Wednesday morning. The Inst four (advertising) P«g« 110 TO TRKHH on Saturday at 11 A. M., una the other pages on MONDAY and TUESDAY. The Forms Closlim; Promptly, Tues- day, nt 10 o'clock A. M. Pleose remit by express, money order, check, P O. order or registered letter. All cash en- cloued with leller Is nt the risk of gender. Aililr.'*« All CommiinlwBlloiiB to T1IR NEW YORK CLIPPER, 47 West 28th Street, New York. RtgkUrtd Cahle Address, "Autiiomty." THE WESTERN BUREAU Of TUB CLIFPF.R Is located nt Itoom 502, Ashland Block, Chicago, William F. Bryan, manager and correspondent, where advertise- ments nml subscriptions arc received ot our regular rates. THE LONDON BUREAU Located nt 4& Crnnbourne St., London, W. C, John II. Cnruey, manager and correspondent, where advertisements and subscriptions are received at our regular rates. TllH fiUWBS) CAN JIB OUTAISBD, WHOI.B- bale ash iiktail, nt our agents, Brentano'a news depot, 37 Avenue de I'Opcra, I'nrls, France; M. Llllenthnl, Frederick Strasse 101 (Terminus Hotel), Berlin, N. W., fior- niauy; Dlumond News Co., S»7 Prado, Ha- vana ; Mnnlla Hook and Slntlunery Co.. 128 Ksrolla, Mriullu, J'. I.; Albert ft Son, 137- 13l» King St., Sydney, Australia. TUB NEW YORK CUrVBR pnbllshea only out* edition, mid tbnt I* dated Imtii New Yorlt. -See answer to B. B., QUERIES ANSWERED. No lleplles by Mull or Telegraph. AUIUIKSHBH on wiikiibahouts hot 01VJ1N. AM, 'IN OUBST Of BtlWU SHOULD WIlITJi TO Tuoan whom tiihy hbbic, in cams or HIM CLIPPER Post tllTlCB. Al.l, I.RTTBII8 WIM. Ml AIIVHIlTISKU USB WF.HK ONi.T. I If TUB JIUUTD or ANY Tlll-'ATIUOAL COMPANY IS BOl.'UHT, i ItUIBIl TO UUIt LIST Of IIOUTKM ON ANl'THBIl l'Alin. W» CANNOT HBWU BOUTBH n( Mill, OH Ttl.B OHAVll. im ASIATIC. It. II., Rimliill. — Wo linve. no knowledge nt tin* present wiicreiiimuts of lb* part*. Ad- dress ii leltcr In mir cure unit we will udver- lli.o II In Tin: n.ii-i'Bii letter list, O. I.. II. 11.. iii'in, J.. S. II.. Winnipeg, 31. II., Seneca Pulls, l'. II. C. Fntorsoti, 31. I. 11., New York, ,\l. M. II., llwussu, K, V., Newark, ]i. A„ C.'imili'U, nml V. \V., Wlllhiuispnrl above. ,, . W J.. I.i-lmnon.—Watch our roulc list each week, or address puny In euro of this ntllcc nml wi* will advertise the letter In 1ih> loll or list. "HtamtbV ■'■'•i' IjIiiIT. -We have no knowledge ciE nuy such pulillentlim. .1. II. P.—1. The milhorlilos I" England run alone nimwi'i' your iiueslicin. '.'. Win. Ciiuiilotgh. nt Hie liowdoln Suiuiro Thcntio, Huston, Nov. -I, ISIi.*. It. No. ■! tlml r.. It In* lii si like mi iivi'i'iice. <> mid r. We me nut In the position l» advise anyone mi tin* siilili'il. 8. Nut iiei'essni'll.v. II. Ad- diesH any iif our skenh will lug advertisers. U. I.. K«W York. -Allele llltellli 1 up|ieiin'il III "All Itilln" (culled "Siizillllio nt theltlilli"! April -I, IM'.IS, :il Knitter & IUiiI'm Mush* Hull. Mic was iiHslsleil by Hoherl llnll'oi'it. 'I Ii s wiik the llrsl Auierlcnu piinlu.'llon of tills sketch. ... , .1. II. \V.. Yules Ceiilre.—I. W* bnvo no kliuwlviliie nl' any such agreement. -'. We luivc never bi'iml of tinv snili lu'iuliiiiniliis. J. It., llinnx.—Make nppllcutlou In u bnr- lemnif ntatiauer. „ Ii. T.. Memlvllti'.—I. V. A- Hawkins, 118 Kiisi Tbli'teemh Stivi'l. Ni'w York City. "J. I'lve linns ciisl $1,110. elicli liisi'i'lliui. .1 !•;. K.. t'hlengo." We i-iin nnl alii you. II. 11. S„ lloslun. 1. We have mil hoard from llnrrv Hoe for years, nml ib> mil know wluiI Ims lieinine nf him. ii. Slg. Ilioi-.illnl lellretl from iIn* business several years iigu. anil Hie lasi we heard of lilm he was niuslnil nl' Jin Ri-otikliin Kaiilr. ."I. Artiuckle. Hi,- mrncttisl. died May 2:1, 1SS::. -I. .Inbn I.. CararriisM retired from negm mluslielsy hi ISti.'i nml Is iivIhk In I'lillnitelptila. W. I).. Ilrltlgepiirl.—-Henry Irving made Ills Aiiu-rlciiii dehni lid. 2!l. ISS:!. nl the sen- Theatre, 'riilrieenili Streel nml llrmiil- wiiv. presenting "Tin* Hells.'' '/. p. t'„ Knoxvllle.- Address I he Klltor- pi-ls'e Music Supply i'n., *W West Twenty- eighth Slieel, New York I'lly. X. Y. '/... Xew lliiven.- -Address Wiunk Howie, rare nf I he London Theatre, New York I'lly. I.. ASH [,., Ailiinllc City.—Address parly in cure of linvld Helisro, lleluscn's Theatre, New Ymk Cllv. II. S., I'lillndelplilii. —See answer to '/.. V. C. 4'AIIOS. VlrKSiiriiri.—A enn score six points for Hip seiiiieiii-e, .1. T. A., Hulutli. H Inning re 11 red from I he gnnie (If A dealt I lie prevlnus biiaill C lllllsl ili'lll. \i. II.. New York.—11 had a perfect right In slmi'le Hie cin-ils but A. being I he dealer, tuns (lie right In slinllle the I he pink Inst, nml It Is i-iiinpi'lled In fill the curds when A liniiils Ilii'iu in blin lor Hint nnrpii-e The dealer alwnvs tins the Inst *-|inllle. \Y. I. K. Cleveland. It wins with blcli and Imv. S\\ K«.\\i*isi'ii.--A plnyer Ims the right to M-e the Inst Hick taken In MISCMM.ANKOHS. A. I. S., New Vnrk.--As the Jnpnnesi* roni'i t •h.I; I'urt Arthur It Is ubvloila Hint S Wilis. ■I, S. Cuss Lake.—Address some poultry Jouiiml. A. II , KmhIoop Hesi.—It wins us A failed (o make n higher throw Wi'nti'ru llnri'iiu Of iln- Saw York Clipper, Itoom MVi, AhIiIhimI ltlot-li. ( lilcnirn. The White City mid several other Summer gardens and parks open Saturday, May 27. on SiiikIiiv ntgbt, 21. "Kafoozcliini," a mu- slin I cniueily, by Allen I/W« and Oeorgn llosey, will open'at. Hyde & Kclimnn's. "All •lliiiiiid Chlciigo," nt .McY'lckci's. Is drawing good bouses. "The Ylrglnlan." nt the Stiide- linker; "PIlT! Hal*I! I'oufM:" at the Onr- rlek: 31me. .Scbiimami-lleliik, In "1/Ove'u Lolcry," lit Powers'; Joe Weber and com- liony. at the Illinois; "The Isle of Hung Itnlig," nt tin* l.a Sulle, and "Mrs. Wlggs, of iln* Cabbage Pnlclt." at lh« Mriiiul Opera HoiiHC, ,'ire nil prospering. Illinois Tiicatih: (Will J. Imvis, mnn- nger).—Success neivhes on the buuiier of Jne Weber nml his nil star coinnany In their pri'senintliin «r "lllgglcdy Pfggledy" and "The College Widower, Persouul hits are ainile by All. Weber, Marie Dressier, Charles A. Illgelow, Trlxle r'ligiiuzn, Aubrey lluncl- i'*inil. Sam Collins, Iloiinle Maglnn, Prank Ma.vue, Stun Marlon and May McKenzle. The second and last, week ot the engagement begins Sunday evening. May 21. "Little Johnny Jones," with (foorgo JL Cohan and (iimpii'iiy, comes to this liuuso for week of -H. I'uWBiis' TiibatiiK (Harry Powers, malin- ger;.—Mine. Srhuiiiii iin-I lelnk and her "Love's Lottery" Co. begin the fourth and lust week of their successful engagement Sunday night, May ill. W. II, Thompson, Ivy Clyde, De- light llnrseh nml all the other principals of iln* conipnny have made many friends by ilielr really clever work, and the last seveu perfoi'iaain-es will iu> doubt lest the capacity ol this house, •'The Isle of Hong Hong'' will he the Summer nirrnctlnii. beginning May 28. Charles Itoss will replace A). Shean lu the leading comedy pnrl, and new Bcenery and iiistiinies will be supplied. (iiiAMi urciiA IIoiikh (Harry Askln, mini- ngerj.—"Mrs. Wlggs of the Cnbuugo i'ntch" begins the last week or her atny Sunday night, 21. The Mrs. Wlggs of Madge Chit look, the Miss llnzy of Helen Lowell, the Lovey Mury of Miss Iluniscnle. nml the Mr. Sinbblna of Will T. Hodge, derlghl crowded bmises every performance. The next at- traction Is Lew Fields mid his company. (lAllltH'K TilllAi'liB tSniu P. Hereon, busi- ness niainiKcri.— •iift! I'uff!! Pouf!!!" will this evening llnlsh the third week ol' its (Til- cigo run. Sunday night. May -I. Demnnii Jin ley will nssuine the prlnclpnl comedy role, that of Price i'liiiille. ihe sand man, lu place or I'red W. Mine. .Mr. Jlaloy Is locally iinpu- Inr. MoVickbii's TitKATiiil (Geo. C. Warren, nni'iugei). —"All 'Itouiid Chicago" starts on the foil nil week of its engagement tomorrow ulghl. with ihe prospi'cls of cuiitluiilng for several inore winks. Wllliiiia 0. Stewart, the bniitone, bus been engugerl for the part nf Lieut. Klt/iiuoks. the Hntlsh olllcer, mid he is singing the music of Ibis pnrl in splen- did style. .Willi llcrgc'*, has milled a new number in the bull room seem*—the curd song of the third act or "Carmen." The Moulin lloni'i' Ctiis continue In create enthusiasm by their "dunce In the air." StiiiI:iiaki:ii Tiibaviik III. E. Ilnrmeyer, limmiger). •The Virginian" cnniiiiues to ileuioiisii'iiie its Strang drawing i|iialltles ur this house, where Ihe delightful Western idny Is'glns Its third week on Jlonday even- lug, M-iy 22. An extra uiiitiiii'i* will be given Memorial liny. Prank ('nnipoun. who plays Hie pint of TniRipas, wns taken 111 din- ing Ihe performance Thursday night, and nfier Hie second net was removed from ihe theatre 1o his hotel. Ills cnudllion. while mil considered serious, may tiecesslinte mi opernlloii. "The Mayor of Tuldo" will open here III I wo weeks, ami will he the Slimmer attraction. I.'vm: ft Hkiiman's (Archlo Ellis, inmin- gen. -Siiiidny night, 21. tin* first preseutu- lIon on uny stage nt "Knfoiizi'liiiii." a mu- sical comedy, by Allen Lowo and <bs>rge llosey. will stun I he Summer season ut this (henlre. Have Lewis will luivi* tin* principal comedy role ot Hie Tribune Kufoo/ahim, ruler of an iiiidrrgruiiiKl lily. l:llle Pay, a vl- vnihiiis comedienne, who bus won renown In New York nml London, though u conipacn- Mve ntrnnger in Chicago, will be seen in Ihe principal sonhretli* part ot a Chicago news- paper woman, lleshles Mr. Lewis mid Miss Pay Ihe cast Includes: Margaret Miuilon- aid, Slaynie Kelso, Noun Illuke, Itertlui llbike, Plorenci* Townsend. John Park, W. II Chirk, Clajlon Kennedy, Louis Kelso nnd eight In- cittiator bnbles La Salmi Tbbatbb (E. It. Bloekajrr, man- nger).—Next week marks the one hundredth performance of "The Isle ot Bong Hung." nnd appropriate souvenirs will, murk the Occasion. II Is one of the most successful couicdlcs pro- duced nt lids llieutre. Charles Pnsey as- sumed Mie role of the Sultun, nud has ul- rendy gained :i good measure of popularity, while Mr. Whitman, Ihe new singe iiiuiiuger, bus pul snap nnd vigor Into the work of the principals and chorus. Al. Slieau's clover work in this production is responsible for much of Its popularity. (iitt-.AT Noiitiiimin TiiiiATiit: (Fred E. Eberls, business iiiiiiingeci. - "Uur New Minister" en- lers upon Its second mid hist week at the Ureal Nortliern with (lie Sunday mniluee. 'Jl. Joseph Coiiyers. ns Ihe vlllitge detective; John Darker, us Curl llollen: Louis Pierce, us iihiilliib, ami Creel Clarke, ns (be post- inii'ter focui n ipinrHtle of cburaeters (lint is hard to Ileal. John P. lb-own, ns Skee- zlcks, scores heavily. John i'errls, ns Strong, the new minister, and lierirudo Perry and liilla .May round out a complete cusl. CnrrmiiON i lieu ,M. lllroux, iiiaiiiigerl. — Hohert li'itzslminoiis Is scheduled to make Ills llrsl serious bow us an actor liei'nre ihonlrc- goern irf Chicago at Ibis biuise Sunday after- noon, L'l. in a four n'cl comedy drama, bv Hal Held, elilltlcd "A l-ighl for Love." Ai.iiamiiiia TiirArnK (James II. Krnwne, Iiiiiiingeci. — Al. W. Martin's spectacular re- vival of "I'niie Tom's Cabin" will be given ut tills llieutre beginning Mutidiiy. 22. The producing roiupiiny Is mi excellent one. li:oi't.i;'s Thkatiik (Leslie Dnvls, miinn- ger).—The People's Slock Co. Mill present David lielnsco's "Hu Harry." made famous by Leslie Carter, for week of 21. Joseph Sullivan, late lending mini of the Hush Tem- ple slock, will be n member of this coinpany for the remainder at the season. At'AtiKMV ot-' Mcsii* (Win. Iloclie. niimn- geii. Willi a special ninthiee ami night iierl'iiiiiiauce Suuilnv, 21, by the (Hickman Yiddish Players, who will produce "Easier Night," Ibis bouse will close n most success- ful season. Coi.r.MitiA iinwrio: iWebrr llros.. mniin- gersI.--The Columbia Slock Co. will put on "Ctiptuln Swift" Sunday evening. 21. Wil- liam .lossey iinpenrs In the title role, and Hie other members of ihe conipnny lend him good support. Ili.ior Tiiimtiik (Win. Itnche. mnnngeii. - -'•Nettle, ihe News Ctrl." with Wanda Lud- low In the title toil*, will be the olYciiiig for tlie coining week. Ilcsu TBJlli.i: iiliMTttn lilll/.nlielli Sehroe- her. innnngeri.' •iiorolby Vecnoii of lladdon Hull," will In* Hie attraction for next week. beginning Jlonday awllnet*, •_".'. The pun of Dorothy will be played by Mabel Mont- gomery. Mtul lirorge Allison will appear as Sir John Manners. IIowmio iiiiiATiir (Charles W. Ilurrlll, manugerl.— Stinting Sunday nmllnee, 21, l.aiil'ii Hiilherl will be seen In "Queen of the Nlgbr" "Jesse James" did well week of 14. m.vuru' TniMTiii: (Abe Jacobs, uniniigcr tor Kohl H Cnsllel.—For week begltiiilng Monday nfternuoti. 22. Sidney Dean nnd rom- pauy, In :i vocal novelty, "Christmas Eve on Iibickwcll's Island," will be the hendlltiers. Oilier conspicuous features on the hill will be Jaiiics .1. Morton, Pnt Kooney and JInrlon lleut, Onllagber and Harrett, Powell's Jlarl- onetttcs, Kates Bros, Sullivan nnd I'nwpie- llnn. Sailor nnd hnrbnrctt", Burnett and Weyerson, Dorce Troupe and (Jordon and H ii yes. CiucAdo Orau Ilonsn (C. P. Draper, men- nger for Kohl & CaBtle).—Mnrguorita Sylva Is the special Btnr for week of 'i'l. The strong bill Includes: The I'eschkoff Troupe ot Hus- sion Dancers, Leah ltnssell. Frank Bush, Lew Hawkins, Ward and Cumin, l'oulton n'ud Dueler, Jllddleion's inniilkliis, Musical Klclst, Nnom'l and Elhardo nnd i'ronk I* Dent. llAVMAKKiir Tiigatbk (W. W. Freeman, manager for Kobi k Castle).—The llroom- slick Witches, with their charming lit tic prima dounu, A.'lce Yorke, crenled such an Impression nt (he Chicago Opera House Inst week (lint Manager Kohl decided to annex an- other week to their lime on the Kohl & Castle circuit nnd make them the feature ot the bill nt this theatre for week of U2. Others who are booked to provide specialties arc: The Herns Family, Artie Hall, Harry Jackson nnd Mabel Itordlne, Soils Brothers and thu Thome, Spingold Co. Polly Tm;ATm: (Hubert Fulton, ninnn- ger>.—The week's entertnlninciit. starting wllli the Sunday matinee, will be "Miss New York Jr." Two musical skits, "A Country Angel" and "The Wrong Mr. Corbett," will bo offered ns (he burlesque vehicles. The olio will Include: The Fnust Trio, Kitty P.lngliani, Cunningham and Smith, Lottie Fremont, Iloiinn and Kearney, Ctipt. Kel- ler's Itoyal /.ounve (ilrls, in drills anil exhi- bitions of wall climbing. Tnot'AiiKiio Tiikatiib (Robert Fullou, man- ager).—Por 2.1 and week, Hie Cherry Blos- soms. Two burlesques will he staged, us curtain raiser and tlnnle: "A Hill from Shnnley's" and "l,ook out Below." Prank Itllev will carry the lending roles In these bulletins, while Lillian Perry will Introduce a number ol new singing hits. The olio will Include: Sutton and Sutton, Burt Pul- ler, the New York Comedy Pour, (.'nrlysle mid Pern, and San (or, Duffy Morgon nnd Oitonrke. ('LARK HtRERT Misbum (I/mls Jl. Hedges, manager),—Prof. Irving, who will lend the curio hull attractions for week beginning 22, claims the lightweight and heavyweight hnl- niictug championship of Hie world. Other features me: Irene Cntell, Prof. Himjus, Ycriicll, Al. MustllT nnd Mngnzelutn. Loxi'ON Dixrt: Ml'KKUU (WHIIain J. Swee- ney, malingers).—Ituslness was good week of ].i. Beginning Monday, ii'i, William JVnler- son nnd his broom factory: Frank Hall, mn- iilenl comedian: Prof. Williams, Punch and Judy show; Jinrntonn and lier ladder of swords, and Harrison, Hie mind reader, will be Hie curio ball attractions, mid In the the- al re will be seen: Punic Clark, Flora O'Neill, Bnsa llodine and Hull's motion pic- tures. AiTr.iiM.STir.—"The Isle of Bong liong," which Ims had a most successful run nt I In* l.n Salle Then l re the pnst ten weeks, will move to Powers' Theatre js. Chnrlea Moss, of Ross mid Pen Ion. will be the lend- ing comedian of (be coinpany. Instead nf AL Shenn. otherwise the conipnny will remnlu Hu* slum With (lit* cniuplcilnu of the While lily J7. Clilcago will have one ot Hie largest amusement enterprises In the l.'nlled Slnles. That the pnrk Is of great niugnl- iiule Is evidenced bv the fact thai I here Is owe half a mile of board walk, and that the truckage of Hie scenic railway covers more tlniii lliree quarters of a nil It*. When In full operiHlon While Clly will have a per- manent p i|itilalioii of aliout 1,2Uh\ The huge elecirle tower, which murks the cenlre of Ihe grounds, Is .'{(III feet in height. By nlghi It will be beautiful, for Jo.two Incnri- desceut lights will be used to Illuminate It. A strong senrchllglit will play constantly upon Hie lop of the lower. Among the at- tractions me the following: Bumps, lienutL fill Venice, Col. cummin's Indian Congress - one hundred mid titty braves from forty-two tribes, cowboys, trappers, etc., scenic railway. Hying airships, lu addition to these ailrucllons there will nlsu he Infant incubators, "Hereafter," "shool the Chutes." 1 "Johnstown Plood." automatic vaudeville, Midway, electric theatre observnllon wheel, mechanical wax works, photograph gallery, dm*, pony and monkey circus; loboggmi, Jim Key, palmistry, kiosk, Utopia, uilnlutiire rail- way, temple of music. Chinese Theatre, ter- race tavern, double whirl, otc. Probably one of Ihe most iiopttlnr fen lures will is* the "lire show." which requires more Hum 2"ill people to present. Ihe speiiniie. While City Is (lite almost entirely to the business courage of Joseph llelfelll. The genet-ill idea of Ihe miiiiKoiueni park was conceived by Paul 1>. House and A. ,1. Jones Klvervlew Pnrk is very much Improved this season by n lluu new resitniriint, with open porches, new wa'ks. extensive llower gardens, etc. Then) are bund conceiis every afternon and even- ing "Th*2 VYogglo Bug" will shortly open ut the (ianlck (lov. Deneen has veined a bill Introduced prohibiting Hie sale of theatre tickets by scalpers Mourn- rial services lu honor of Klrke La Shelle were held In the rooms of the press club on jilursday morning. The members of "The Vlrgliilau" cmipiiny nt tended la a Imily. Homer l.'arr, president of the club, presided. Private luncral services for Jessie Han lei t Davis were held Tuesday nfteruoon, nt the residence, 47-10 Grand Boulevard, (his illy. The pallbearers were: Heorge J. t.'hnrl- t William A. Booth, Benjamin A. Mar- sha:!. Hurry J. Powers, Joseph IF. Dhnei y mid John 11. Walker. Other services wore held lit tin* clinpol nl (Jnkwiiods Cemetery. .Many lloral tributes www sent by former friends nud associates of Ihe singer Itobert li. Mnuiol. wns given a liiuoh recep- lion al the press club on (he afternoon of Tiiestluy, ill. Clay liemeiit uiid other actors were among the guests I. J. Munlock, who bud his logs Injured In it irolley accident Insi week, Is sulking favoruble progress, and Is nt Ills ottlce every day A company bus been incorporated lo produce muslenl comedies at the Chicago Opera House begin- ning June t r. The ouculng production will he 'The Land of Nod, which will be followed by productions equal to (lie most elaborate ever presented lu Chicago, The directors ot this corpora lion are: 'Martin Heck. C. K. Kohl, Heorge Caslle. Heorge* Jllddlcton and Max Anderson...... Manager Frank It. Tale, of SI. I.mils, bus been In this city for the past week seeming nets for Ihe Cmi llngeti- beck Show, which opens nt Cincinnati,- 0„ V'.l Mitrllii Hock relumed from Now Yolk City on Jlonday. Ifl... .Heorge Middle- ton arrived In town this week He tins been Vesting III Prencli Lick Springs, Hid, for Ilia past three weeks.. .. P.dwn id Ilayiuaii. starts for Snllnii. Kmi.. Sunday. Jl. as representa- tive of the Western Vaudeville Managers' Association, who arc putting on n vaude- ville ciilcrlniiimciit for one week, beginning 22, for I'n* Comuierclnl Travelers' Conven- tion, which will be held al Mint place this year The musical productions nt the (iicngo Opcru House this Slimmer will lie under the supervision iif Lyman H. Clover, The liloho Comedy onlniotio close wit Ii the New York Stills III iibont throe weeks. Jlr. and Jlrs. John T. Powers piny the lirand. i'aconui. Wash., week of 22 Alt Holt Is booked al the Albumbrii. Milwaukee, week of 22. Jlr. Hull has nnl iilnjcd In bis home city for n long time Ilynuiii Meyer bos been' 111 Chicago lids week. He hns Just closed wllli the Ameiieau Lyceum lliireait, and Is ur ranging n few weeks In vaudeville, lie returns to the Lyoi'imi Held late In Hie Suinnier William S. Simmons, late of Slnitnoi.s nnd, arrived hero from New York lity ThnrMlajr, lie expects to plav park dates Engagements secured through the Chicago Conservatory und Hln- shnw Sclioel: Darwin S. Kerr, with Hobt. It. Mantell : Prances Merteuse, prima donun, "P'ff: Paff:! Pouf!::'' Delight liRrach, sou* brettc; Alma Yonlle, prima donna, "Land of Nod" Co Armstrong and vera have been engaged for the "Land of Nod" Co. Tbey played the Hnymnrket Theatre two weeks ago and have been booked for return date next week, 22 Henry Brown Is booking several nets for th» Hentry Broth- ers' Circus Manager ltosonherg, of Cin- cinnati, Informs me that, he has leased the Vine Street Opera House of tbnt city. He hns been In Clilcngo for n few days Marie llecow and Zclran Wheeler hove formed a partnership, and arc booked at the Unique Theatre, .Minneapolis, week of 22, to present their singing and dancing special- ty Chris Hecow was n CMFFEB Bureau caller Friday.. .Whclen nnd Henries ate play- ing return dales over the Kohl & CnstJe tour, with pnrk dates through the Enst to follow. Post and Crnwford played the Orplieum Theatre, Kansas City, th's week. They are both appearing In tramp costumes, which Is said to be nn Improvement on their old spe- cialties Chris. Lnne Is booked nt Terre Haute, Ind., week of 22, nnd South Bend, Ind.. week of 28. Jlr. I^ine has had a most jirosperous senson, and has only laid off two weeks since hist Septetnlicr Snmiiel Slegel. who has been associated with Ihe American Lyceum Company for the pnst three years, intends opening n correspond- ence school of music, with headquarters In Stelnway Hall, Chicago Norman, the frog man. returned to this city from Winni- peg, where he played at the Dominion The- utre. week of Jlay 8. NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. Our theatrical correspondent! are lierety notified that the credential* now held bv them. Kill expire on June 1 next. Then are requested to return them to this office at once, f or rencical for lSQj-lOOC. MASSACHUSETTS. Boston.— One by one our amusement houses are closing for Ihe season. The (irnnd Opern House closed Its doors Inst Sat- urday ulghl, and the Park Theatre will fol- low suit un Saturday evening of this week. The present week should be a busy one nt the i heat res ns many strangers will be In town lo celebrate Ihe centennial anniversary of the Jlussnohussetts Cnuimnmlcry, Knights Templars. The new bills are: Ellis Jeffreys, hi "London Assurance," at the Holds; "York Stale Folks." at the Mobs: "A Oeatleinau of France," ut the Castle Square, and "Tbu Fatal Scar," at the Bowdoin Square. Con- tinued inunctions are: '•Stronghenrt," ilunl week, at the Park: "The Yankee Consul," Inst week, at Ihe Tranent, and "The Kmi and the Clrl," nt the Boston. The continued cool weather resulted In good business ill all houses last week. Mayor Collins has nd- vaured the license for circuses to eighteen hundred dollars. PHt* hundred was formerly Hu- price charged. The theatre licenses will also be rnlsisl lu price the coming senson. Mollis STBRKT Tubatiik (Isaac It. Itlcb, ninlinger).—The ntlriuilon for a single week, commenting Monday evening, JJ, Is Ellis Jeffreys nud nn nil star cast, In "London Assurance." The list of players Includes P.heu liympton, W. 11. Thompson, Jutues Nelll. Jos. Wheelock Jr.. Murray Carson, Jlrs. Pelix Morris, Hen Webster, Herbert Sleuth and Kitty cheuihiun. The all star east, in "She Stoops to Conquer," pleased large crowds Insi week, un next Almoin v even- ing, "Hu Salon's Mount," will have Its llrst presentation on any stage, Paiik Tubatiik (Ctius, Frohmnu, Ilk-h ft Harris, malingers).—Saturday eveulug of the current week marks Hie end of the uhith week of Hohert lOdeson, In "Slrongbenrt," and Ihe close of the season nt Ihe Pnrk. Jlrs. Sornh Cow-ell I.e Jloyne appeared at four mnllnees Inst week, ill "A Blot lit the 'Scutcheon," with fair patrouage. Tiib.mont iiiKATiu: i John It. Schoeffel, mnn- ngeri.—Tills Is the second nud Inst week ot Itii.viiiotut Hitchcock, Hi "The Yankee Con- sul." Judging from Ihe big audiences last week, tin* piece has lost none of its popu- larity, nud all the members of Ihe siipoprtlug company were given a warm welcome. "The Prince of lilsen" comes next Jloudav for a limited engagement. Arrangements were con- cluded lasi Saturday for the production, ut lids house, June 28, ot "Kafoozelum," now being produced at Chicago. A new cast ot principals nml it new chorus will be seen In the Boston presentation. Boston Tubatiik (Liiwrcuee Mccarty, man- ager.!.— "The Fori aud Hie tilii" Is now In Its second week ur this house. The piece was well received Inst week, and n lengthy run should result, The favorites sharing the generous applause (he opening week wore: Alexander Clarke, (ieorgla ("nine, Nellie Mc- Coy, Victor Jlurley, Amelia Stimincrvllle nnd Vfnlet I lolls. (..Lulu: Tubatiik (Stair ft Wilbur, mana- gers).—Ou .Monday evening, 2J, "York S(n(o Folks" begins a Summer engagement ut this house. The rust Includes: Itnv L. Itovce, James Lackayc, Harry Crosby, Lillian Ithodos, Eleanor Sldman, Randolph Curric and Os- bnru Seuiic. A Summer schedule of prices, twenty-live und lifty cents, bus been an- nounced for Mils uirrnctloii. "The Seiiiinurv Hlii" bad three weeks of fair business, closina last Saturday nlglil. Uiianii Ol*En.\ HOUBH (Hoo. W. JIngee manager).—Lillian .Mortimer, in -a Ulrlof the SI roots," brought the. eighteenth season of Ibis bouse to a close last Saturday night. The past season bus been one of ibo most successful seen at tills house. The house will reopen iiboul Aug. 14, Willi a strong ntirue- tlon. CASTLE Squaiib Tubatiik (L. S. Belaud, manager).—"A Hentlonutn of Kraneo" Is being nluyed by the slock company this week, wllh Howell llnnsel and Lllllua Keinble In the lending reles. -"iiie charity Bnll" was presented In it llrst cluss mauuer last week, mid plensed Inrge "The* Girl I Lett Behind Jle" Is In rehearsal for week ot May J'.l. The Summer season nt the Castle Square will begin June u, continuing for twelve weeks, under management „( Charles Hose, and stage direction of W. ('. Jiassou. Tlie slock company will Include: Howell Han- sel, A. It. Van Huron, Win. Humphrey, Jliirtl- mer Weiiion, Mary Bamleru, IJndsny Morri- son, J, L. Seeley, Jennie Kendiick and Alice Hiker. HnwiNiiN Sqt'AiiB Tiikatiib (U. B. Lnlhrop, innnngrii.-—The Lothrop Slock Co., lu "The Kill a I Sear." Is the b'll for Ihe current week. "Bullied Lives" was last week's offering, and was done hi a creditable way bv popular stock company. Next week "Hod, While and Blue" will he given. Tlie house will con- Iliiiu* open all Summer, as usual. Kuril's TuiMTiii! (II. P. Keith, iiimuiger). —A particularly well balanced bill is offered patrons Ibis week. The ninny features In- clude: Edwin Stevens. In "A Night Off-." Spossnnly's bears and ponies, Leslie. Dullev and company, iteno and lllcbtuds. tl Vine cininron Trio, Vnlvero's iinviil bombnidiuent, Helplilito and Delmorii, Will P. Deniiv, Davis and Walker, Album iiio, Vuu l.enr and Duke, Kennedy and .1 nines, Henderson and Itoss, ami new motion pictures. Lust week's show was an excellent one. with Cainllle IVArville ns heaiHlner. Other arts llndliig a warm wel- come filial Hu* crowded bouses were: J. C. Nugent nnd company. Bruno and Itusseli, Howard nnd North, the tlberslelrer Troupe, nud lllocksoiii nnd Burns. K.Ml-illt: Tiikatiib (C. W. Anderson, mana- ger).—Herbert Kelcey nnd Pllie Slianuou, In "Journey's End lu Lovers' Jleetlng." head the line bill this week. Oilier strong enrds are: The Grand Opern Trio, Crlmtnlns nnd Core. Colby nnd Way, Albiirtus and Millar Provost and Prevost, the Jtignnnl Family, Bean and Uamilton, Duffy, Sawtelle and Duffy, and the vltagriipti. Geo. Richards' and company. In "The System of Dr. Tnrr'" Helen Bertram. Byron nud Lnngdon, Coin's dogs, nnd the Two Pucks were the favor! tos Inst week. Business stUI continues excelleut IIOWMIO Atiibnaeum (Carl D. Lotbrnp* business manager)—Opening Monday nf tor- noon 22: St. Onge Bros., lirac.ey nnd Bur- nett, Dorsch nnd ltnssell, Harry and Smile, Fields. Fred Wyckoff, "Sandy'' Chapman Archer and Crocker, Crowley and Foley p' II. Blntl, Speddcn and Merson, Carroll nnd Wilson. .Meyer and Mason, the klnetogrnph anil the house burlesquers. In "No Mutches Needed." The pnst season nt this house has been one ot excellent bills nud big houses The management's policy of offoriug g,, 01 j vaudeville nt moderate prices Is grenrly np- preclnted by the "regulars." Palace TtlBATRK (Chns. II. Waldron, man- ager).—The stock burlesque company Is soon tills week In two pleasing tmrleltas, "Prairie Life" nnd "The Klval Lovers" Specialties are Introduced by Constance Windham, Hattie 31111s, Pearl Stevens, Lillle Beach, (ieo. Scnn- lan, Leo Stevens, Sam Scbuester and John Illnck. There Is also nn olio of vnitdevllie nets. The new stock company Is proline popular, and u succesuful .Summer season seems nsstired. LvcEfM Tiikatiib (O. H. Batcheller, man- ager).—Monday afternoon, 22, murks the opening ot (he Summer senson of slock bur- losqne at this house. The company, which hns boen carefully selected, presents "Dewey at Manila Bny." The olio unmos: The Brownings. Kennett nnd I'ntterson, Sher- man nnd Puller, Burke and Urllnc, (iregnrr nnd Wood. Arthur Yule nnd Andrew O'Nell Kellly & Wood's Co. closed the regular bur! losquo senson of this house Inst week with good financial returns. Columbia Music Hall (Harrv N. Pnrren manager).—The offering for the current week Is the Innocent Beauties Burlesquers The show opens with "A Night In Bohemia." introducing the large company. Vaudeville Is presented by the Baker Troupe, Will Arm- strong, Williams nnd AHene and others. The closing skit Is "Fogarty's Reception." Last week's entertainment wns furnished by the Innocent Maids Co., and good sized bouses enjoyed the fun. At'HTiNft Stonb's JIuskl'.ii (Stone & Rhnw managers).—Jacob Hlns.s and his wrestling liear, Chrism, hold over ns Ihe carlo bnll feat tire for another week. Other acts arc The Dlerkes. wonder workers; the Itobcrtos' impalement act: Murk Allen, on the slack wire: -Banjo." the giant bull, and Trlxle, the python iiueen. A capital stage show Includes: Lillian Jennnetie, Paddy Joyce Tom Ikitemun, Tom Bryant, Helen Purr Violet Hide, Inez Bnynrd, Cole nnd Sennertel Bilker und Itiimsay. tilbnoy Sisters, Three Juggling Colberts and the Harry Powell Comedy Co., In a new skit. Wai.kkii's MttstiL'M (L. B. Walker, mana- ger).—Curio-hall week of JJ: Fred Slduer aud Young Richards, who meet all comer's ou the wrestling mat; Morton, sleight ot hand mi : .1. W. Coffey, skeleton dude, null Vnshtl, sine gnzer. Stage show: Ilurtford and Campbell's Burlesquers, lu "The Sporting Countess." Notks. —Frank It. Cnuley, ticket ngenr of the I'nrk Theatre, wilt ninuage the Slimmer theatre nl Buss Point, Xnhmit, the coming season The Colonial Theatre will re- open with "The I'ench and the Pumpkin," on or nbout July IT The house stuff of the Columbia Mush: Hall have purchased a cottage at Lake Canopeo, Lawrence, JLnss, where they will spend the vacation time..... Edwin P. Does, formerly press agent of the Columbia, mid lust year manager of the David lliirum Company, died suddenly Jlay 13, In this city The cast for "On Siitnn's •Mount," which will have Its first presenln- tlon on May. Jl), at the Holds, will Include John 10. Kellnrd, John Breniinn, Edwin Sun- der, David JIllcs, R. A. Locke, Ray Traev, (ieo. Backus, Carl Anthony, Llndsny Morri- son, Dorothy Donnelly, Jlary Sanders nud l.race (irlswold Edgar L. Daven- port will nppenr at the Empire next week, lu a sketch, written bv himself Sunday concert hills 81 : Umpire— fleergo Itlclnirils nnd company. Helen Benin ni. Byron nnd Lnngdon, linker Troupe. Two Pucks, Coin's dogs, Ihe Kenyons nnd Hodges nnd Lnunchmere. Jlomdoln Square— Olrard and Gardner, Elmer Tenley i,e Roy nud Woodford, llecd and Shaw, "Simdv" Chap- man Lorraine nnd Onndy, Hubert Devesnx, the Lnelers, Brlggs nud Irnnaril. Is.*w Itetie- dlet, Cogtm and Castle and Frederick John COognn, of Coognu's vaudeville ngencv, reports Ihe pnst seasou ns prosperous. lie Is now booking for several narks In this vl- rltilty Jinx Znch will direct the orches- tra nt. the "pop" concerts In. Sympbuuy IlnII. begluiilng May 21). ■ Worcester—At (he Worcester Theatre (.Ins. I*. Bock, resident mnnnger) week of Jlny 22, Hmiler & llrudford's New York Players will present ••Because She Loved lliii So. Last week the company produced "■'«> Vie \\ere Twenty-one'' lo continual ». H. (). the old fuvorltes proved as pop- iihir us ever, and the new fnoes were cqnnliv well reealvetl, Frank Connor will act as lending man this week. Frances (Jaunt,Who until now has been tumble to appear on ue- eoimt of being unable to close her regular season, will he seen In roles of second Im- portance. Jlr. Breese, who closes soon Ills engagement lu "Slrongheart," will nppenr week of Jfl as lending iniiu In "A Pnr'slnn llama nee. FltAXKLlx SqiAiiK Trauma (Shon & Hmke, inn lingers I.—Week of 22. Jinlcnlin « lllams and his Broadway Co. will produce Ihe JIanoeilvres of June." List week secret Service" wns presented to excellent n I tendance Irene Tlmmolis, who Joined Hie company last week, made a decided and well deserved hit. "JIIss Hohhs" will In* (he nl- trncllou week of Jil. TiiBATiti;.-—Wwk of 22. the Snra- Uign 1 nrlesqiiers will produce "Tid Bits." In lie olio will be seeu Kaufman Brothers. Ht, P?*y'...' ,ol " 18on - H***-*'*' and Robinson. Wvie nnd Wilson, and Nellie De Ornsse, Ctis Saiid- stroni, of Cambridge, will meet John JlcCriilli .... l V)i .'■¥■ '" " wresllltig bout, mid on -0,.Kid lllclmrds, of Boston, will meet Engw Johnson (local). ..., Xo ' rK ',~~ riu * White Pity, Wnrccstec's uew .., 01 "'in ■' l ' , ' kn Oulnslgnnioud, will open ""., .""•' ''onsolldntod's theatre, at the lake, will be under the mnnngemcnl or the J. W. lormnn-faction agnhi Mils year, und will bo locniiy repr esented | iy snnf urd Wiillln. SprliiKllold—Al the Court Square The- ft 'i. ','' Hllmore, mnnnger) the Dnulcl iiyun Slock Co. was seen Inst week lo Mae mlviiiitage, driiwlng good houses In n pleiisittg selection or plays. A groat deal of credit Is duo Mr. Ryan for the Interest with which lie Invesis his different clmriiolers. Alice Fleming '..,' "T. 11 , wllli the roles she was called upon lo [III. others lu tin* coniiutny who scored are: I lurry Browne, Wilson l)ny. IClhel Fuller and lliyllls t.llmore. The rutupuiiy will renuilii week of 22, lu u number of new ptnvs. Poms Tiikatri: (Chns. W. Foudn. mnna- kit l.—-Large audleuces, lu spite of the Sum- mer weather, were present lust week. The ncis of Hu* Twelve Navajo I this, Flo Irwin mid Waller Ilnwley and Ihe Ellls-Nowllu I tin were the star ones. Bill week of 22: Henry K. Dlxey, Slunrt llnrues, Citron nnd l-arniim. II. V. ftlsgenld, louts and Willie Barrows, Tanner und I'lllbert, Colbv Family nnd thp elect rogrnph. Norcs.—Klugllngs' ndvorllslng car. No. 1, wns In the city the early part of Inst week, hilling the cltv for the circus, which arrives June a. Mrs. Chas. E. Evans Is visiting her mother lu Chieopee Falls The Nelson Then ire hns closed for the season. ■ New Bed ford—At Ilalbnwny'a Theatre U. il. unthaway, manager) the popular.