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June 3. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 376 xpread it< rjQvns oo HAmpden Park June ."i KrabK. Robert*, of Clilcopee, bt4 Joined Hurgrcave*" Circu», to do nls •pe- nalty and down act.,. ,.Mury, Lawtpn. formerly ot Ware, Was with the fnatle Square Theatre Oo>, ot Buston, during t)ic engtuemeut. of "Magdn." ,A, pnrty or. her friend! from here, took, a run, down to tlie Hub to see their old friend Kphra Ar- sensult bos gone to Fall River to piny tlie clarionet in the orchestra of the Bijou The- Btre...,-,.A new law was pnHsed in this StRte j\nril 2G. giving the mayors of cliieH and the Heledmen or towuH the sole right to grant amusement llceuaea for public ex- blbttloDS. - NOTICE TO CORR£SPONDB\TS. Our Ihratricat cormpoitdenis are hereby notified that the eredentlalt hok) Aclrf by tliein erplred on June I. Then are rciiueateit to return them to Ihh offlee at enee, for re- veiral for JWJ-ttOC. ■ . ,, • PENNSVLVA5IA. LoTvell.^At the Lowell Opera Bouse (Huallngton k De Deyn, managers) last week "Secret Service" waa magulllcently put on. The UuntlDgton-De Deyn Stook Co. has aim- uiy captured this town. Wright Huntington and Scverln De Deyn are both immensely popular, aa are ail membera of the compiiDy, and they have turned people away during the tirst week's engogement at thia house. There' Is a big advance gale for week of May 'iO. "When W*- Were Tweulyone" will bo given, with Wright H\intlngton In the lead. "The Christian^ next week. I'ALJiCF. (W. 1". Koothby. manager).—Busi- ness at Ihls hniiae has been fair, the enter- tainment lielng a mluslrel Drat .part and oilu. The iHMiple last week were : JeanetteVoiiBrau- ders, I'earl Smith. Kn!*e Uurhs, Carpenter aud Belniout. Kred and ficorge .Martin, tlie Two Jacks. The ataglng wum under direction of Kayuiond Stanlev. Ctirreut bill: Kaymoud Stanley, the Two Jack.s, O'llarc and Bourke, Martin nn<l I'owers, 1,'rnnk Whilley, Ilartwsii Sialer.-i, l!<i.«e Hums, Jenuetle Vou Bruuders nod Kiitie Yeriando. SiK.NTioN. — "llumpty Dnmpty" (Ernest Cook, ninuager), fentiirlng lieo. H. Adam.s, was a aiKcesHfui aitrarliou, under canvas, ou the Lnkevlew (.'Ircua (iround.>!, 'i'J-'-7. The pantomime Is beautifully staged and pi-e- sented by twenty-live principals and chorus, that reiflvetl well deserved applnuse. The vaudeville numbers were cxcelleat. and In- cluded: Savllle Slaters, Wally Helston. Haw- thorne Sisters. "Eve." or a creation .of woman out of nothing: Ceo. It. Adams and bis trained elephant, moving pictures and llluslroied .songs, i)y Adum b. Savllle. The tent, with seals for lliree thouannd. was-well tilled at every iKrformonce. S. H., Seuioii Is advance ngent, B. A. Coverdnle, treasurer, and Geo. 11. AdamK, atage director. t Fall River.—At (he Academy of Mu.sic (CahD li Grant, managers) the season nt this house closed Jhiv. :i7, with Kellar. the magician, who mystified o fair audience. This was the llrat seo.son under the manage- ment of Fred Muson, rKpresentIng the theat- rical llrm of Colin i. liraut, and Mr. Mason feelK verv well satlsUed with what baa Iwen done. The patrniis of the thentre have lieeu favored with a larger Hat of high class at- tractions than for a number of ye.irs pre- vious. During the Summer months Mr. Mason will hare n corns of men a' Work touching un the house from top to bottom. Scenic artisfs will touch over nil the old scenery and paint some new. Mr. Maaon Is niaiinlng llie erection of a new entrance, which will do away with tlie cold draughts upon those patrons who occupy the rear eealB. The next season will open about the middle of August, nnd previous to that time Manuger Ma.son will be busy between here aud New Vork City, in making arraugementa for the opening. Shekov's Bijou (Chas. R. Cook, mana- ger).—"Woman Against Woman" was pre- sented before large audiences last week by the Buflinton Stock Co. Geftrud^ Mnglll, aa Bessie Barton, had the prim-ipal role, and played It magulflcontly. Ann Slugleton played the heavy with tideilty nnd akili. The time between the acts waa made to paak agreeably with apecialtlca by Grace llbward and Jere .Sanford, alnger of lllU8trate<l songa. The moving pictures were pleasing and the musi- cal programme by the ladles orchestra was a feature. "The Charity llnll" week ot 2». NicKP.ix>DKuN (M. P. O'Brien, manager).— BusinesB last week was up to the usual stand- ard. Bill week of 2!t: Newton Brothers, Jos. Holland, McLahi Sisters, Mamie Otto and vltagraph. New Bedford.—At the Netr Bedford Theatre (Win. B. Cross, manager) Kellar closed the house for this season with big business May 25. HiiMiAWAV'H Thbatrb ■ (J. M. Hathawoy, manager).—Hatbaway'a Summer Stock Co. produced "I.lttie I.,ord Kauntieroy," 112-27, to good bniaineas. Violet Hnlllday, In the title role, made a big hit. Week of 20, "The l^hnrlty Ball." Savov 'ftiRATHK (N. N. C. Cayce, mana- ger).—l.oud biislneas week of 22. Bill for 29 and week: AInhama Comedy Kour, Helen I'arr. the WInstanleys, Krauk Chlfalo, Cun- Dlnuhaia and Coveuy, Kennedy aud James, amrAgnea Cbampaey. Notes. —Lillian Bhodes, the very popular heavy woman of last season's stock company, Joins-Ihc Hathaway Co. 21). Anna Bates Joins the company soon, playing characters. i a Lynn.—At the Lynn Theatre (Prank G. HarrlHon, manager) the Huuiliton.Thompaon Summer Stock Co. opened Jlay 22. to good hiisineas at each pertornmnce. This week, "JIui, the Penman, aud "The,Lion's Heart," three dnys each. The Pnnlzer Trio Is the Tauilevlile feature. 8ali:m TiiiUTKC, .Salem (Geo. H. Clieetham, manager).—'A Hot Old Time," May 27, ciused the regular season. Uiirlag the Siini- mer the usual Improvement work will be pushed. NiiTK."!. — Hargrenvea' Circus appeared In Salem 2(1. to good business The senaou will begin In Ba.>i.s Point, N'ahnnt, In about two week.s, with vaudeville houses at Basa Point nd the Ileluy house I>'i-ed Turllug has been doing his rube act about Ihe streets, lu the lutercHt of local business houses, and made .1 hit Mnunger Hurry Kntzes, of the Jere McAulllfu Co.. will not go to Nova Bcolla tblR Summer, as he la busy building a theatre here. I Kordi Adams.—At the Kmplrc Theatre (John P. Sullivan, manager) Viola Alluu, In "Whilor's Tnle," closed the season of this bouse May 24, to the banner business of the year. The play was handHomely staged, nud the I'omiiuny sunportlng Miss Allen was an eicellBnt one. It nilgiit he interesting here to note that Miss Allen opened the Rich- mond here live yenr.< ago nnil closed the Kniuire this Benson—her hrst and second Tisit to this city. Kiciuiii.N'U TiiKATRE (W. P. Mcttda. man- ager).—"The .Missouri Girl" will appear at this house :iO. This attraction will be the singe employes annual liencllt, aud the ad- vance sale Indicates a crowded house. .Note. —James Young, ot the Viola Allen Co., enlerlninetl the nieinhers of Driiry High ik-boni, of this city, with readings aud recita- tions oa Shakespearean aiibject-i. '24, » Tannton.—At the Taunton Theatre (Cnhn ft Cross, managers) the closing attraction of the season was the apiieamnce of Kellar May 2«. Leon Wnahhunrs "On the Trail" failed to put lu an nppeBrnnce. NoTR.s.—Dlghlon Itmk and Snbiiatla Parka will open on Memorial Day with vaudeville l)«rforinances, band concerts, etc .. .Maascy and Krimer. In "Kiiza's l-'lniah." are hooked for next season with Kliroy * Brllton'a "An Aristocratic Tramp." The season opens lu t^hlcago on Aug. C Jas. T. Oalllgan. asslilaiit stage manager with Ezra Kendall the past season, and Pnlrlrk J. Kdgar. ot the Primrose Minstrels, will Summer at their dome in Tauntoo, Mass, .riilladelpUia.—There still seems to be a goodly number of patrons for the open theatres despite the warm weather and the competition of the outdoor parks, while sev- eral of the lighter offerings, which It Is pro- iwsed to run Into the Summer, are drawing excellent business. Oaiibick Tiikatrf (Prank Howe Jr., man- ager).—Manager Howe has trausterre dhia production of "The Wanderer" from the Chestnut Street Theatre to this house for n warm weather run. Since the opening pcr- forniame ninny clianges have been made In the production, nud It Is now In much more fatisfactory Blinpe. Prii'ea during tlie en- gagement are to range up to one dollar. ClI E.ST .NIT SinEKT, Ol'KBA HrtUSE (NlXOn & Zluinierman, niuuagers).—The four per- formances ot "She Stoops to t'onniier" Inat week at this house were well attended, and the copipauy was lilgiily uruised fur the nd. uiirable pcrforinancey. The house Is now closed for the Summer. C1IK8TNUT Sthkkkt Theatbe (Nlion & ZImmeriimn, mnuagent).—The stock i-om- pnny, under tlie niauugeuieuc of Geo. I-'. Pish, formerly of Pon'paugh's Thentre. this city, begins nn engagement nt this house this week, opening lu "Tesa of the D'l'rber- hlllos." .\Iony of the players were foriuerlv popular members of the stock company at Kurepnuch'a, the complete roster being: John J. Knrrell. Albert Sackelt, Prederlck For- Plttabarar.—At the Mion (Thoa. F. Kirk Jr., mtntaer) "Oicokera." with Thoa. VV. Kou, openi>d a two weeki' engagtmeot May '.'0,. nnd gave an excellent ptTiormance. Mr. Iloss la popular In PItttburg. having played for Manager Hnvls, In the stock com- pany, at the Grand tlpera House, fui' three year.'. Capacity huiiloes.s slionid ure.ysll dot- ing this eiigagemcDt. l.nst week Lillian Riu- seil. In "Liidy Teuiir." hiid gond luttrunnge, and gave the patrons a goud enterlalnmeat. June 12, will h« the oiiening of the light opera seiLBon for the Summer. The opeuTog pieoe will be "When Johnny Comes Slnrrh- • Ing Home," by the W. T. Carletou Opera Co. The patrons will lie given the opiiortunlty ot seeing these operas nt popular prices. . DiiguK.sNn (McNulty A UiiUvk, ninuagprs). —".>fe, Jlini and I" began Its third week 211. In this very funny comedy. BIckel. Wnla<ui and Wrothe take care of the principal ctmiedy roles aud keep the houae lu an uproar all the tluie they are on the stage. Last week they played to oapodty business, nud the maung)'- mcnt dK'ideil to run the show another week. This week will close the house, which will oiMMi up again lu September. Tkn past sen- aon has been very suLveaafiil. Hi.iuir (.McNulty ft Giillck. managers).— Rosi> Melville, In ''Sla Hopkins." opened 2li. Tlie play, although 1( lins been seen here several times before, aeenis to linve lust none ot Its popularlt.v. Gootl pntrouage shuuhl prevail during Ihe wrek. l.nst week "The Black Mnsk" lind fair patronage. "I'hc Con- vict's Daughter" Juue .Vlo. liiiAMi (Harry Davln, innnager).—ThB patrons are again treated to a good vaude- ville bill this week. The bill names : Joseph K. Sheehau. Waller C. Kellv. Duryea nnil Mortimer. Young and De Vole. DIxnu. Bowers and Dixon, l''iiur Tusinnnlnns, Tv<e and Jer- nion, Ulce Panilly. Iluse Aipilunido, Alton nnd Tiielmn, Hcndersuu and Hush. I,a Belle, nnil the klnrtograph. l.aHt week. Krnnk Woman" June 1-3. "My Prlend from India" 5-7, "The Cowboy an6 the Lady" 8-10. BAtt.M-» A BAiijiT . drew two Inmenn crowds 2ri. I fcele.—At theNewMaJestli'TtiOfttre (John L. Glbion. n^juagcr). I*\w Klelrta aud com- pany, tn 'rlt Uapueaed In ^ordland." Dinyed tt> a full house May 2U. and greatly pltaaed everyliotly. Ifv Wolf Hopper, lu "Wang." '.'11: the Juvenile Opera Cv., In "Pinafore." ;ll. 4<» son, Klennor Jenuliigs. Henrietta Vmlers. I.onlse Kent. Gilbert Illy, Wllllnin C. Cnrr and Italph Bemley. .Next week, the aahie company will present "Dorothy Vernon, of Iladdon Hall." During this engagement prices range from 1,1 to 50 cents. CASt.No (Kllas. Koenig &. Lcderer, mana- gers).—The opening perforninnce of "looming Thro' the ttye" had not progressed verv fur ijursday evening of last week when (t be- came evident to everv one thut the produc- tion had made a Bubsluntlai sucee.ss. The en- tiiuslasm of tlie audience was sincere, and neceasltuteU speeches after aeveral curtain colls at the end of the performance. The book, by Geo. V. Hobart, told an Inteliigeut story, and created many naiuslug sltmitlons. while the music, by A. Baldwin Slouue and J. Sebastian Hlller. was fresh aud bright, and did not lack numerous catchy alr.s. .No flaws could he. found In the cast, as indi- vidually each merited praise for excellence, while all worked together for a capital cu- semlile. George W. Lederer, the producer, lived up to his reputatluu for providing na attractive choru.i, Wth men ana women not only being good to look upon, hut singing In a manner worthy of the greatest praise. Money was not spared ou scenery aud cos- tumes, aud spectacularly the production was all that could he desired. Popular approval has kept up since the premier, nnd there Is every prospect ot "Coming Thro' the Hye' running well Into the Summer. Pahk Tiie.\the (F. G. Mxon-Nlrdllnger, manager).—.Vo diminution in popular Inter- est In "Simple Sliuon Simple" Is perceptible at this house. Knch night sees the house Bold out from top to bottom nnd the favor with which the perfor' ;auce la received aubura well for the continuation ot the run. The engagement Is to be continued until fur- ther notice. Giu.vn OrKJiA Hou.sn (Maxim De Gross, manager).—The regular seasou at this house cloaedlast wfck nnd this week begins the Summer engagement ot the De Grosz Opern Company. The opening prouuctlon Is "The Wizard of the Nile," the cast being headed by Dorothy Morton. Next week, "The Mi- kado." BtANET'S AncH Stkert Tiiratbk (M. S. Schlesslnger, manager).—For this week, tlie last of the season, this liouse has the melo- drmoa. "Just Before Dawn." "Young Buf- falo, King of the Wild West," seen here for the (Irst t'me Inst week, earned recognition ns a thrilling mclodrajna, nnd attracted au- diences of excellent size. I'Kopi.F.'.s Thkathh (K. O. N'lxon-Nlrdilng- pr, manager).—This house has now closed for the season, hut on Thiirsdav night of- the current week, Josejih F. Hortiz, who hna been a mpular member of Dumont's JHn- slrMs. will be seen In the three act uiuslcul cnmed.Vi "Our Friend Fritz." tjinAUD AvKNi'K TiiKATnB (Miller & Kant- rann, managers).—Amy Lee, well known at this hou.se by reason of her couueutlon with the slock company under the George Hol- land regime. Is the ntlrncMon this week. In "Mum'.«'lle 'Awklna." Aiidlencea of goodiv size were cnterlnlued last week by the Black Pnttl Troubadours. llART'.H .New TiiEATiiE (Jqhn W. Hart, manager).—"LIbhy Pris'm" Is the oDTeriug for the current week at this house, with "'llie Coiinterfetlers" scheduled to follow. The performnuces of "Spy to the Czar" were well attended Inst week. FoRKPAUon'N Tiie.whk (Miller & Kauf- man, managers).—"Dora Thorne" Inat week proved to be nnother success for the stock company at this house, and all Ihe praise bestowed on the prmliictlou was fully eiirued. 'I'hls week "Oliver Twist" la being presented, and George I.eurnck Is seen lu his admirable charactcrfzntlon of Fagiu. "Bv Itight of Sword" is III preparation for thu coming week. Keith's New Tiikatrb (H. T. Jordan, resident nmnnger).—Un Hie programme tills week are: .McTntyrc nnd lleft,|li. Siiessurily's hears nnd ponies, Oiieratelrer Troupe. Suviler and Iluckloy. Foy nnd Clark. George \V. Day, .Messenger Hoys' Trio, Valvcro's Buinbnrd- nient ot Port Arthur. Delphino and Delmora. Hcndrix nnd PrescotI, Geo. Iluasey. Dudley and t.'heslyn. Kd. Hslus, and the biograph. LvcKiiM TiiKATSK (John G. Jcrmon. man- ager).—The New Henry Burlesquers achieved Hiillsfnctor.v results last week, presenting a prulseworlliy eulerlnlument, and atlracllug nudlsuces of excellent size. The hoards tlilH week are held by Ihe Black Crook Bur- le.wuers. 'InooADKno (Floyd Lniimnn, mannger).— The Broadway Burlesqiiers arc appearing at this house Ibis week, giving n varied pro- gramme of hHrlesiiue nud vniidevlMo. Audi- ences of excellent she were nitructcd lust week by Ihe Orlcniiil Burlesquers. Ninth ano Ancii Mukei'm (C. A. Brnden- hurgh. manager).—After a very prosperous sensou this house has - now closed fur the Summer nionlhs. .NoTKS.—The Summer parka nre now all open tor the senson. Tue musical ntlrac- tlons nre; .Sounu's Band, at Willow Grove; Luedtke's Imperial Lancers Band, nt Wood- side I'urk nnd Gregory's itoyol Itomnn IIhikI, nt ('lieslnul Hill Park On Nuliirdny nfteriiDou, at the GIrard Avenue Thentre, Amy Lee will hold n public reception on the stage Carrie K. Perkins, who wna to have had n part lu "Coming Thro' tho Itye," has been seriously 111 lu this city An extenslvn programme was given nt tlie Chtal- nut street Opera House. Friday afternoon of last week, for llie lieneat of Ihe Vesper Boat Club's Henley fund The Kmiiire Circuit Co.. the orgnnlzalbiii of which was recently perfei-tril, hna taken a iense on Keith's BIJou, on KIghth Street, nnd will use It for a fiur. lenque house. It Is also understood that the same compan.v will control the destlnlen of loe Trocadero It la reported here that Lee Siiul>ert will have control of Ihe Lyric Theatre, the new house now being completed at Broad and Cherry Streets. UIIIU. Clnelnnatl.—The Summer amusemeiit teaaon la on lu full blast. With the open- ing of the Ludlow Lagoon nnd Coney Island .May '28 nil the porks nre open. The Petijilc's ntiU the Grand closnl their doors 27. While the past season has not been a record breaker, business has been satlsfuclury tu uiauugers. CHCSTEH pAiiK (I. M. Martin, lunnager), —The Nnabvllle . StudentR heart the vaude- ville hill 2tl. Olliers are: Keriiiisua iind Pnssmorc, Chinese l.aWHon, Slothbiril and Wilson nud Sadie Hart. C<,ixp.v IstAND (Will S. tleck, innnnger).— Villa resort opena the aenaon 2N. lu the vaudeville tlieiitce will be seen: Carl Fisch- er. Klnoixl nud llcntou, FrusUi, Jennings nud Itenfrew, ."lad the Five Lnuiont.s. Smittle's MIKtary Band will give concerts. Tin; ZfKi (Wnlter Drapi'r. necrelary).— Cteatore and his hnnd clfl.so(l a. two weeks' ougageuirnt 27, nnd Is succeeded, 28, by the Kllery Band, with I'miicesiii Ferullo, con- ductor. I.i'iii.ow Laooon (J. J. Weaver, mannger). — Tlie season at this rewirt oiwiih 2S. with ninny nttructlous. A gomi viindeville bill will is- produced. .Vhwh Notks. —Mr. and Mrs. Harry Holn- fnrth left for the Kast lo liu guue iiulll next Fall Chnnulng Kllery arrived ahead of his hand .Mabel Itlegeliiinii, protege of Mine, (.adskl, stojipcil over, fii rtmlr to New York, where she will meet Mrae. (Indskl. -Notks. —Rnrniim Ic Hnlley'n Clrous opened Mary Hall, former Pike 't'hentre lead- n two days' engagement lu the lOast End. to log lady, unnounced laal week that she hnd capacity busineas, 2!l, nnd then they will signed n contract us lending InJy with Ihe .lourncy across the river lo Allegheuv City (."uslii- S<]unre Stiwk Co., of Ttostou, (or brief for one day Hose Meirllle nud .Mes-srs. season this Summer. .Miss Hall, who Is the Gullck .V .McXulty huvc extended lo Ihe or- wife of Dr. C. T. I'carce, ot IbiM city, retired phans In the Pittsburg Inalllutlons an lu- froin the singe aeveral muntlm ago ou ac- vltntlon to witness .MIsa Melville's paRtoral count ot III henllh. play at Ihe BIJou Thru Ire on Wednesday nt- , lernoon. May ::i Uakwcod and S'Sith- orn Parks will open with veiidevilU' on Mou- dny, June ,'1, white i.'alhoiin will not pre- sent any vaudeville shows during the coui- lag season, the usual hand <'uncerta hnvlug Is-en put en Ihe Inst three Suudavs there. They drew out big crowds Kennywoo<t Park will open with a vnudevllle show on June ">. also giving a concert on Sundnys nnd during the wi'ek. commencing wMli Deco- ratlou Dnv. restcr. I.,av<ntn Shannon, Walter Gilbert, Wli- Kecnan and company nresenteil n little pUiy- .son Hummel. Florence Kotierts, Jennie Kill '•■' called "At the Threshold." written by the dr.imatlc editor of 7'/ic J'ltlHhiiru I'Ofi, nnd made n decided hit. CoIambuH.—At the (Jrunt Southdru The- atre (l>. M. Uet(ner, luanuger) "Au American (.'Itlzen" waa thu second week's ofTerlug of Laura Nelson Hall nnd cuinpauy, and wns well received, by fnir houses. For week of Wuy 21(, "When Knighthood Wan lu Flower;" week of June fi, "Tho Masked Hull." Kiil-iiiK (ir. A. Welsmnu, malinger).—The „ „ niu.ilinl comedy conipniiy condnues lo tiieet Olyinpln Park, situated on I'"" public favor, and la receiving good pal- the outskirts of McKeesport. will o|icn Mon day, .May. 2!l, with a stock cumpuuv. Tlie opening piece will be "My Frlenil from India.' nnd .i change of hill each week. Decoration Day will be celobialed hv lire- works, dancing, elc. Manager ilnrr'is in- tends giving the patrons of I ills iiark one of the best eutGrtnlnnients thev have Imil since the park was iimugur.ilrd.' Harry W. Wllllnuis Jr. was in Cleveland and Cin- cinnati last week on a biishK'as trip. HnrrUlinrir—At Ihe f.yceiira Theatro (M. Ilels, manager) the second engngcineiit of "The Isle of Spice" wns played May yi). Nan Patterson and her comimny will close the snnsen June I. Pa.vca.no Park (Felix M. Dnvia, mana- ger).—The season opened .May 25 with Ihe Imperial Minstrels. Frank Ciishman's Mlii- .._„. _ .„ strels appear week of 211. The park bus Show eutcrtuiued copaully crowds 22, Bit. been enlarged and many new fentiires ndded. The nttmdnncc shows big Ini-rea rouage. "The French Maid" wns well pre- sented week ut May 22. Week of 2I>, "The L.idy Slavey ;" Juiii; 5, "Tlie (Jhl from Paris." lliriii SniBBT (A. (1. ovens, manager).— Tho liiiiisc closed Us season with the Bo- benilnn Biirleaiiuern and ".New York Day by ray" dividing the week, to fnir biisliii'ss. Oi.ENTASoy Pahk (W. W. I'rosser. rnnna- (fer).—The opening week with vaudeville re- sulted Ju fair hualneaa. The Herald SiiiinrA tjiiartette (ut which Clem De Uruin, a locifl ninn. Is a lucuiber) was the Ueadllnvr, uiid won hearty applause. The bill tucludcd : Ben Umar, I>nly and KcIho, Harris and Deluss, Gladys Van, the itozlnos, the Nudus aud Kuholchln Si'himzo. The bill for week of 211 Includes: The Great Avolos, l>cster and Moore, Albertla nnd Wiilfkeii, the Three Polr- lers. Dllln and Tcinpletoi), Bessie Tnylor, and Conalntlneau and Lawrence. .NoTRM.—Tlie . llogenbeck Trulned Aniiaal - „ over the opening week one year ngo. Manager Davla had as his guests at a dinner 2-1 the news- paper meu ot this city. It was a delightful event. Notes.— General Manager John L. Kerr, ot the Jl. Ucls circuit, was hera 27, 28, com- pleting arrangemeats for Hie ImproveaieutB at the Opera House, which will bo com- menced at an early date The Washburn- D'Almas Dog nnd Pony Circus drew big crowds 24. 25. Big hiislness was also re- ported at .Mlddlctown, Pa The Baruurn & Bailey Clrcua had big crowds 21), and gave general satisfaction Lew McCord, ot "Her Last nchearsal" Co., well known hi vaudeville, la critically III nt his home In this city, with nervous proBtrntlon Prof, wnilom McBthle, n well known plonl.Ht, of Atlantic City, who Is locutcil here, was tho principal entertainer at the opening of the KIks' club house. In this city, 2-1. •ieutry Bros.' Circus shows hero 211, .'ill J. F. WIgbtmnn nnd Kllzulieth Churchill, menibers of the Lniira Nelson Hall Co., left 27 Albert G. Ovons, the pioneer the- atrical manager of Coiiimhiis, ai}u renrasentn- tlvc ot Dickson Ic Talliol,. retires ,luue 15, after having been ncllvely engaged here sinni 18t)0. Ot late years, Mr. Ovens has been the manager ot the High Street Theatre nnd Grand Opera House; Hie other houaeti he lins managed were tho Metropolitan and tho Hen- rietta. He will lie siK'ci'cded by Charles W. Harper nt the High Street, nud Frank C. Osborne, his tornuT asMlslnnl muiiiigcr, at the Grand. CleTrland—At Ihe Opera Houaa (A. K. Ilnrli, mannger) Chnriea llawtrey winds up the Opera lloiise season, a'lpoarinjj In "A .Message from .Mars," ,Mny 20-ni. ileurlelta Crosiuaa hud good rccidiils 22-27. C111.0NIAI. (Drew & (Juinpbell, managera). Edwnrd Bnwlston.'of this city, has Joined —"llecauge Shs Loved niui No" Is the olfer- the Corse Payton Co. for a Summer tour,... '"K- ''^ ""' I'ulonhil Stuck Co., week of 2U. Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Chauiiccy, formerly ■Dorothy Vernon" hod cnpaclty liualiieHH 22- of the Kirk Brown Co., who have been rcNting -"!■ ■"'"'I" "»'y ^V^Y" next week. ■ ■ RlK'I.IH AVHNItK GAIMIRN TMKAT»K (MbX Kaelkeuheui-r, mamigen.—"Prliici'SH Clilc," by Ihe Fnctki'Uhener t)j>ern Co., wei'k of 2», marks the upeulng of I lie aeumin at this iKiji- ular rc.sorU "The fjlrl from Paris" next week. . CoM.SKi.'M Gakdk.n TiiHATnn (M. V. Trofil- Icr, niDnnger).—The llauforil Co. has keen engngi'd to open this Ihenlre, which was formerly known as Hallnorths. "Taming of the Shrew" will be given week of 211. Ci.KVKiu.vii (J. K. (.'iiokHoii. niniinger).— "The Convict's liuugliter," week of 2». "The Way of the Trnasgri'ssor" had good hiisliiesa week ot 22. Kbitii'h (L. M. Klrlck, mnnaget).—Bill for week of 2H Is compiiMed of Ji'un Marcel's liv- ing art studies, Kulhryn OHteriuau, Katie Bouncy, Hnlnes nnd Vliloeq, Three Navarros and MiMcalf nnd I'aildvck. LiJN* Pauk. —BiislueKH here, In spllfi of thu weather, whli:h Is much luo cool for such a iilnce, hns been good. Stak (Dri'w t Cnni[ibell, mnnngera).—The Brigadiers Co. wet!k of 211. Kcnliicky llelles hud fair business 22'2T. 'llie C'lierry lllos- HoniH next week. at their home here, will till a special engage- ment with the "Piidd'nhead Wilson" t.'o., nt Pbllndelplila, opening 211. They open their .Summer eiigngeiucut at York, Pa., June Itf. Charles ("Kid") IaivcII, of Ibis city, who Is with the iiarnum k Bnliey Circus, was given a warm welcome here 20 George Beckley. of this city, is now manager of car No. 1, of the .*t«lls & Downs Show, and Is also press agent. ■' a i Aitoona.—At the ICIeveoth Avenue Opara Houae (I. C. Mlsbler. manager) the only at- traction billed is "'The Isle uf Spice," Muy :I0. LAKK.«i(»'r Paiik Thkatkk (S. S. Craue, innnager).—The season ojiena June 5. The opening uttrnctlon is not unuouuccd yet. Notes.— Pnwuce Bill's Wild West Show comes :iO (Memorial Day) "i'he Sig. Saulclie Sc Welsh Uroa. Circus showed nt Tyrone 25 ..At 2 o'clock Hunday morn. Ing, 21. Ihe trnliis carrying John Itobliisou's Circus to Bellefoiite, I'li., were stopped on the Allegheny .Mountains, whore Walter L. Muin'i Show was wrecked twelve years ago, and memorial services for thoso who wore killed were held. The three hundred people, headed by the bands, marched tu the spot, where Itev. Clma. .Sbeak mode an address, and afterwards lluwers were slrewit 00 the ftraves ot the victims of the wreck The eleventh annual convention of the Pennsylvnidn Hill ■'''"' '•'!': ""''» and Mct.'onley, Cal "Slewart Posters and Distributors' Association con- ?,"" '■°" *.''"".-. .M':""nnld. l-lood .Bros., vened 25, and rHmalaed In sesalou two dnys. "" President John D. MIshlcr, of Iteading, pre- sided, aud In the evening I. C, Mlsbler and Treasurer Guy S. Hurley, of tlie Kleveath Avenue Opera House, tendered the members an eluhoratc imnouet ut the I.ogiin House. L. J. Flsk. of Wllllnmsport; K. K. Itutler, Heading; F. C. Angle, Dnnvllle; H. A. Brown. Wllkesfinrre; (,'. A. Yeckcr, Lancubter; Karry W. Scherer, Johnstown, uud B. ('. Peniz, of York, were lu atlcndnnrc at the convention. Laiieniter—At the Hoof Garden (Juhn B. Peopio, manager) current nttractlona In- clude: .Mr. aud Mrs. Perkins Fisher, Burke and Dempsey, Al. Field. C. W. Williams, Adamiiil nud Tnylai\ Llliel lloblnson, etc. liOCKV Si'Ut.VUH I'AKi: TitKATIIE (Kd. Mo- zart, mnnngcri opens for the season .May 21). Opening we»k'a bill Includes: Mme. Suheli'H singe manager, performing Huns. .IoIiuhom. Davenport umt Lorella, Grace King and her (our Chrysanthe- miim Girls, Hurke's musical dogs, All and Peyser, Greve and Green, etc. NriTBS.—(.'has. A. i'erker, manager of Kul. ton Ojiern House, was elected secretary of the Peansylvanln Bill I'osters' Assoclnllon, which met at Alloona 'Jtl The Fuuillv Theatre closed 27, as Mausger .Moznrt has charge ot Ilucky Springs Park Theatre during the Suoiitier. irilllaiuaporl.—At Valiamont Park Pa- vilion (Lymnn A. Pray, manager) "Tho Avon Pa«k (Jos. W. Wcbs, maotg^ri - WveH.of 28 (opeolhg week) opened with Manager Wraa' Avon Opera Co., presenting nn opera tic repertory, nnil pUnsliig. NOTUS,—At th»t Introduction of th# Avon Opera Co., In "The Bohemian tllrl." at lb- Opera House, 20, the ntteiidniice was very good, and tlH< perfurpmiice whs snilafactory. HnrDuui A Bailey's nilverilsing cur No. 4 arrives h(-re 24 11. r>. Noble. from the Hnst, Ims nssiiiiied his duties ns uinnager of ilie theatre at Mora Park. a Akrun.—At Lakeside t^ialno (Harry A. Ilawu. luanngcr) Inisluess continues big since Ihe lultlnl perCoriuauce, Mny 22. The bill for the o|ieuliig mn'k wns remnrkafjly K"'>d. Fur week of 21); Josephine (Inssman lin,l plckniilniiles. Fox nnd Soiiiiuers. .Mnrdo lli-ii- . van Cniup, Jennie Bronka and the Canluo- graph. Coi.iiNiAi. Tiieatnk (Ply H. Illll, manngeri. —The setHuu will closu with "Mrs. Wigi'.t of the Cabbnge Patch" June I. .Von:.-!.—.\luio. GadskI and the Pittsburg Orchestra tilled Ihe Music Hall 27 Wnlhice Circus la billed fur 'JO Guy Col- lette will act as treuHiircr at Lakeside Pun: Casino this .season Ilerlicrl Lloyd ami wife visited relatives here wi-ek of 22. naytfin,—At tho .VnlloanI Theatre iGil BiirruwH, Innnager) the .Guodhun Slock Co. preHCuied "A llMiled f-'onl," week of 22. In giHid liiisinesa. "Tlie Little Minister" Is nh- iiounced for 2(»-!ll, "Arabian .Nights" Juue 1 ;i. Pauk 'Piikatiik (till lliirrnws, manngerl. - 'I'he Bnbeiiiluu lliirlcsi|uers drew good crowd-; May 25-27. OiiRON TiiKATnn (L. c. Hnrlsock, ninna- geri.-^Tlia bill for week ii( 22 Included; tjiilnlitu and Howard, Jessie (.'. Garduei' nnd Forbes and Forbes. BuslneAs wna good. Huoke<l week ot 20; La Clnlr nud West. Aduuis Duo, Jeiinln Bedford niiil Clins. Mnck. MiirliiKlteld.—At the Gruuil Oiiern House (I,. J. Halle, niamiger) De Wolf ilopiier. In "Wang," lllleil the lioiisc lo e»|Mclty May 24. OKi'llMliM.—'Pile bill for week of May '211 IncliidrH; Peter l>>u, Gohlle L<> Hoy, Pre voil, Ilnsuuka nnd lliidcllire, Arthur Sansoni, nnd Vlclorclll's Orpheuuiuscope. Si-ni.N'ii Grovk Park Casi.mii ('Pbiiiuas Powell, uinDngi-r).—The opening, week oT May 'Jll. has the following hill; Joe Hard- niuii, Mdylli Doyle. ,Mr. nuil .Mrs. Geo. l.iN'k- wisid. Hie TiiiineNiis, (.'iirtls nnd .Mav, ami i:d i: Hayes .NoTi:.— lleiilry Bros,' HIumv will he bete Mny 27. Toledo.—At Ihe Vnlentlue Theatre (Fdw. R Fox. manager) "it HniipeiiiHl In .N'oril- land" coBics .May 27. Axi'AiiK TiiEATHR (11. 11. Lanikin, tnina- ger).—"Parson Jim" wun s|ileiiilidiy handled by the stark cnnipany 21 nnd wtiek, goud bouses resulting, ''('nnfiisinn" 2H nud week. Kmi'ikr 'I'iieatre (Aho Shapiro, manageri. —'I'lie litopiniia. 21 aud week, hnu good hiisl- iiess. 'I'he lioiiBo closed 27. ♦♦♦ • IHAItYLANIt, llnllliuure.-—Tho third week at the Siim- mnr NcasMU nt the Acudeniy (.Nixon & /iia lueriiinn. niauiigersl opens .May 211 with "The Lady Slavey," and Grace Caiuei-oii as the star. Aiulda Kiiyder sitireil a great sucie.is lust week. In 'The Girl froui Paris." drnwliiK Ini'gH housiw uighlly. June 5, "Thu I'runcli iliild." AiiuiTuuii.'M (James L. Kvrunn, manageri. —The ciiguguiuuul of the Fiiys last week proved su siiccesaful that It Iiun U'Cii ci. U'Udod iinlll June.II, when thu huiiaa will be chised fur thu Huuiuiur. .BbANKY'H (Charles H. Blaney, nianagor). - The dual weak of tho acason, alav 2l)'Juiie il, will see Voiiug Iliiirnlo. In "l{lug of the West." "Just Ileforu Dawn" drew audiences of fair size. 22-27. .M(i.NiiM£.NTAi. (James L. Kernflu, mann- gvr)..—Wine, tVoumn und Song Co. opens Mav Si,'. iluHliifsa was good week etidlug 27, with the Trnui-AlluntlcH. Wntsuii's OrTeutai Burli>si|iierH couia Juno 5. Kl.ri'Taic Paiik (A. Fennciuan, iiianagcrl. —Thu vaudeville aeasou of this popular re- aorl opens May 211. 'I'buro will hu a nilil- slriil llrMl purt by Nurrrosa, Blulu ali<l Lu Mar's Minstrels, In addUioii to which will Isi. Been Corolvii WllllaiiiB, Foster and- liU eilucatiid dog. Wise .Mlkii; liellclairs HrotlK-rH, nud fie Vcttiix nud De N'cniix. Tlie llniiiln Harula will be heard daily lu concerts, be- gliMiIng 28. ♦»» IlINritlL'T UK C:OLI)IHUIA. f: 'Wnshlnitlou—At Iho I'nhimbla Theatre Joseph I'l. I.uckett, niniuigfri, (his week, tint oliiinliln Stuck Co., lu "Mrs. Dane's Dm- fenso." Last week, "The Hi'cond In Coin- mand" hail crowded hmiHcs. "The Two floses" next. LAKAvmiK (W. 11, llnpley, Icuiiiornry ninnng'T).—The llrat Iwo nlghlK ut bisl wifk Illll all sinr cnsl. In "She SloopK to Conquer," played lo cupnclty, nt ailvnnceU prIciiH. This liiiUS4< was iliirk, cicept ioenlly, during the rest of I he week. AcAUKJir (J. W. l.yoiiH, innnager).—The seuMon cloned Inst w^ek with Hose Melville. In "Kir Hopkins," liiriiluK |>eo|il» away at nve'ry iierforiiiance. LroKiiu (Kiigenn Kernan. manageri.— Tills neek, the siipiilenientiil seasoa eoni- nieneea, wirh Watson's Orleiitnl BurlcHipiers. Lnal week, lloso Sydell's Lundoii llelles had big business, Wine, Woincu and Song next. ♦♦♦ Li-i'Ti.R FptiiR .MiiHUAr. Ihe rellned inlh- strel cuun shoiiter, has Joined It. Lute HII- ver'a .Minstrel Siiow for tho Siiinuier, and Is meeting with aiiccess. 'loiJii 'n» 'I'lin CANADIAN aocitiiaii, I.IilWIN ANII CI.AIIK KXPOSI'I'KtN, AND Vin.LOWMTU.MO fAllli. Conlon.—'I'he Park Theatre IL. B. Cool, manageri opened Us third season .May 28 to cii|>nclly, Willi the following very excel- Vln Pennsylvania Rnllrond, Aneount (.'unvf-nllon Amerloilii Medliiwl Assovlntloii. .Mooney and Holbein nnd BlnimBomm- ll-rrr. (^IIKHTEU Park (A. Khret, mannger).— The following is?ople opened here 21 nnd hold over 28 nud week: The De l.'amsruu Sisters, Chester De Vaughn, Chas. Ilolh, nnd Lil- lian I.ia Vclle. Kxcelleiit buslncsR prevails. GtniiK.t TitcATni: (M. Manning, manager). —Vaudeville and biirleiKjue iiy Ihe utock company continues to fair relunm. .NoTK.—The seating capacllv of the Park Theatre lins been diitnged, the floor being Inclined from rear to stage. An orchestra of eight uiembern replaced the piano of pre- vious senHons. .Mr. Cool announces Ihotlbe best obtalunble acts only will he played, and its oiillooh fur a prosiieroiiH season Is good. The executive smnr Is: L. B, Cool, mana- ger; Tlionms WhollenlmiiKh, treasurer: W. (.'. Bcrnowel, leader, uud Chas. Hardwlck, ltonnd-f2ltl-Trlp. Charity Ball" May Uil'il, "Woman Agalaat Yunniislnwn.—At llie Park Thealra (F. K, Johnson, niunagerj the Melropolllan Ju- veiilii; Opern Co. closed Week of May 22, linring enjoyed fair buslneiis. The Cutler Sti>ck Co., In repertory, week of 2d. Tli« (ipenln.i; date of the Summer opern ut tho Piii'k bus iM'en changed friiin 211 to June 5. lisiHA Pahk Cahi.no TiiKATHt; (fl. D. Noble, mnnageri.—Week of 28 (opening week) In- cludes; Hussu's Italian Bund, Helblnl nnd Gruvlnl, Andrew .Mcl.eud, Alice Lewis, 'J'ul- bott aud [lodgers and Phlibrooks nnd Rey- nolds. Prof. Lnngf^rd, musical director, ot Kew York, has charge of tlie music. On account of the ronventinn of Ihe Ameri- can Medical AsHoalallon, (u he held In Port- land, Ore., July 11 lo 14, the PeunsyivaulH Hallrnad Company will run u iiersoniiily ci;n dni'trd tour, visiting thu lieaiitiriil resorts In the I'nnadlan Itocklen, Scut lie, Tucoiiio, and Portland, nllowlng four days In the InlliM' city for alleiidlng thu Ressloas of I be con- vention and for vTsiting thu Lewis and C'Inrk Kxiiosltlun. and hvc nud onelinir days lu the VvllowRtone Park, u full nad coniplcli! tour of that wondorlniid. Tickets covering every necessary exiienso en rouli; except holnl nc- cuniuiodatlons In I'orllniid, will be sold nt the very low rule of ^215 from ail stiilloMH on the I'eaiisylvuiihi Hnliroad. except Pills burgh, from which the rule will bu $2l>l. A spiHdni train of blgh-grude i'lilimou ciiiiip- inent will leave ,\ew York, I'lilladclplila, Hnr- rlabtirg, and I'ltlslmrxh, Mnuday, July .'I. The mute will b« via t.'lili'ngo nnil St, I'niil lo Banir Hut Siirliigs, Lnguiin, nnd Glacier, In the Cnuadiaii Hockics, thence to the Pucillir C'oast, Iteliiruliig Ihe ruiile will He through Ihe Htnles of Wiislilngton, Oregon, Idaho, nnd .Munlnun, to the Vcllowstone Purk.and iIiciich via Ulilliigs and Omaha lo Chicago, leuihlng' New York on July 211. For further lofoi- nintlon coasiill Pennaylvnnhi Ituiiroad ticket agents. A desiriptive Itinerary will be sent on appilcntlon to Geo. W. Buyil, General Pas- senger Ageul, Broad HIreet Stallou, I'hlla- delpliU, P*.