The New York Clipper (June 1905)

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June 10. THE l^-ETW YOUK CLIPPER. 407 J Oieoed Mar imrN. Y. Tuoalre. "awcckn with nKOROB COFIAN'SCO.. In '•LITTI.K JOHNNY JONES," M. SINf. SONC, THK IIIINBSH NKWHrAVKR MAK. li)wccls In New York ihl» »ea"ori.Mrt 17on tSeroBii, mHii»«€iticntofrtAM HARRI;*. Terms forBiimmiT ccmnn In fhicsgo hi the IIIIdoIs Theatre not being sHll8f»ctory In purlj of tlicllMt p»it. C»Wc «(ldrc?s"i:NI)KK STEADY.'' A»T UniiABiisiiN- ban (.-Icisnl wllli tlir 0>"k Ic HRrriH Cu., nnil kops uiK wllh Alvoitrd. ihc Omt, through Kcw-Xork iinrt Cnmuln. The roster Is »« follows: Alvooril, liyimniist and mind rPHdcr; Art lll<hiir<ls"ii. iininiiRpr nnd iilirk fRre conicdlHii: Miiiiilo lll<-k»i. kimi- bretle: Klla Whccluck, plHOiiit.; K. D. Moore, moving nlcluren. TUB Wkkt OxKoim Aoiti(-L'LTi:RAU Society holds Its fair iit Frjcbiir);, Me,, Oct. 3-3, lOOJ. ft!»flja Of Players. Tub HTpCK SEAHOK lit tlarl'si >'evr Theatre, rhllartelphlii. teimlniilCR .Iiine 17. JoH.v I'. SAi'iiiJKK, the old time nctor. has hecn iinuuliiioimly iwi.ssed on lij- thp boiird iit cllrectortt of the Kdwln Forrest Home, iind will be admitted to the Home as a guest un June I-J. . , , . K. Wabd Mariu.v huM cluKcd a season ot forty-two weeks with I lie "A tJIrl ot the Ktreets" Cu. Mrs. Marion (.loscpblnc Je- rome) and Arnold, their son. arrived from the West 111, and, with Mr. Marlon, will Snm- nier In Arlington, N. J. They are ensaged by Decker A Veroac for next season, (or tli« roles of Zach iind Marlon. WiM.IASt SrlTAIlT AND AXXA IIOLLI.NUER will rontlnue under Mic mnniieement of the rbnrles R Bluncv Amusement Co., ami will be proriiincrttly iissoi-lated uc.\t beiison with Hoi>ard Hall, In kia new play, "'The Mll- lloonlre Detective" Sam D. .Mkbrii.l, who wa.s Blanch Kcn- rtall's leading man last season. In "ICbcn Holden," has been engaged to support Mel- bourne MavIMwrll (or n stock season. In his Sardou productions, at llic Krug Theatre, In OoQaha. TliKo V. 11E.N".\1K lin» joined the "When Women Love" Co., to play Dtias ttomcr, the detective, through Maine and tbc maritime prbvlhccs. Jewell Kellky ami J. A. Uaki.v write: "We are orgunliing the Kellcy Htork Co. (or a tour o( tbc Soulb iinn !juulhn-est, booking only the big loivnK, through Ivlitw fc lirlanger. Time has already lipcn .trrunged in moat of tbc principal cities of tbc South. Mr. Kel ley lias I been (or the past two seiiuons leading miin witli tbc Itoyt roinimny, and Is n great favorite. Mr. Dakin Is the maniiger of.the Summer thcnlru at Olyinpla Park, Chattanooga, Tenn. There Is ample capital Ici push Ihe biifiluesK. nnd only royairy plays will be produced, wllli u line rnmpanv snrt best of scenery. Tbc itunpaiiy will have as go<>d a line of paper us any reiier- tory show on the road." Billy Dalv writes: "I have recovcml froDi uiy Illness, owing to wblc-h I had to close with my cimpimy last Felirunry. I will rest at my home hi Haverhill. Mass., until Aug. 1.", wlien 1 gii to Sew York, lo join Ihe Kiithhiitn-Manu Co., iinving i-ecoli--;il my I'ontrnct for the nilvam-e last wwk." .^IA/.IE H. I.AwitK.NCK Joined the I'rnderick I,arralne .Stock Co, at Uifayette, Lii., .May I), fdr juveniles and henries. IjEonarp a. Kn.MEaT and wife (MIna (JrlifinV dosed a roity-lhrec- weeks' citgage- menl with the Miller Bros.' Stock Cn., May 28, In Cedar Itapids. la. Mm. i'Jnimert has very siicceHsfiilly played leads with this company the cat ire season, imd .Mr. Knimcrt wsH stage director and buslnesa uianHgcr. They are spending the Summer at (Jules- burg. 111. NoTKX FUOM THK llA lialMlTOX ST"1'K Co. —This company Is meeting wllb ijUeuonienal RuccesB through IlllnolH and Indinnn, beiD;; one of the strongest organizations that has ever played this territory. ITie rosier: K- A. HarrlDgton, proprietor; Ilex Leslie Kliig- don, manager; ten Haritngton. advmicc rep- resentative: Doc l''o»tef, musical director; Beatrice Harrington, Nell ttussell, ,MI!ticIlnr- ringlnn. iKJttli! Glenniore, Mrs. Selh I'cel, Edmond Barrett, Scth i'eel, Ben Tlllson, C. T. Jackson, AVulter Dickinson. Chas, Bnr- tori, Ucdrge r,,a Val, {tank Ueleey, Itny TThrlch, Krt. lloilman. Will Carver, C. T. Michel and Ilerliert Youlig. We travel in Mr. Ilnrrlngton's elegant private ciir, "Bea- trice." C. W. UouKKTS, the veteran manager, last season with B. C. Whitney's '"I'be Isle o( Spice" Co., has slened as uiuniiKer of Dick Hufiman'8 great sensational melodramatic success, "At .Sunrlae." Mr. EoliertK assures us that no ex|>cnse Is being spared by the proprietors In littlng out this production (or their coming seaKous lour, which will open near Chicago In August, and extend to the I'avlflc coast. contractK (or the same iwing nearly all signed. 'I'he scenery, costumes auu paper arc being uttcndeil to by the best people In Ainericn. livery (eature will be up-lo-diile, and many novelties iu effects will be Introduced, which arc entirely new. ■The cast, headed hy Dick lliiffnian Itho author). Is tielng care(uily selected In New York. The play was lli-st produced In Co- lumbus, ().. May 2U, l!)l):i, at a bpnefil ncr- formance, and was a l>lg suet-eHS. Mr. lluff- ' man and his father. Henry Uulfman, arc sole ■ owDors of Ihe production, lie is n well known Cnlumbim man, and sIhu'Ik In high favor with Ihe nmuftement lovei-s of that city, and It is safp to say Ihe results ot his • present venture will be watched wllh much interest. RosTKU Axn .S'oiBS of Jlay Illlhnan Slock Co.. siippurtlni; dalnly little May Hlllmau. —Wo are carrying our <nvn band of twelve pieces, under Ihe direction of I'lof. .\l. It. Ashley, and orchestra of ten pieces under dl- rertlou nf I'ruf. \nlc .Miixan. <lur dally slifet parade Is » big featurr. The company includes: May Hlllnian, Marie IlllniPr, .Mls-s Aldrlch, Mrs. technn. Miss Ilartell, Geo. Tlosrner, Krnest .Scnabcl, (.'hlc Harvey, John Clark, Wayne lAter, .lohn Kane, t'lias. l.c- chan, M. If. A.sbfey, Niite Mosan. itoy Chuin- ners, Howard I/)ck\vood, Wni. Ilolierts. Harry Dudley, Allen Biirdctte, Ciilp Allcu. Bell and RlrharilH, and ^Vnl. I'arkinnii, Speclalltes arc given hy Chic Harvey, liiiiip roller and coon Hlioutnr; John Chirk, song liliistrnlor: Miss Barloll, singing comedienne : Harry Ibid- ■ ley, Koiie :ind dance ; Wni. Uoticrts, aci oluit: • ■flip Aflcn, "KInR ot tbc Wire;" Hell and Itirhards, muslciil act, and uIko the lllllman moving pictures, with a change of film every night. We welcome Tun Olp Ueliadle every week. Our .Summer season will close .Scpl. I, with a week's lay off before opening the regular sca.son. Business is very big with us in Northern .Vcw York and .Vcw Knglaud. .Vote.s riio.M the ItEHRi Stock Co. — Business bus liccn very good. The <oni|mny Is lii)okp<l solid Ihroiigh Ihe se«w)n. Tb-.? roster Is; Jlllos Berry, nmnugfr: Iliirl'-lgh Cash, singe dlret'lor; Hallle Casli. Miusl>:al dlrri-tor: .1. Trwl Carpenter. proiK-rtles: Unliert Kiilsoiu. lOlsle (illmiin. Kdiuunil Klalg, KleaniM- I'lalg. l-'raiik Mont ruse, and the Furaons llaxelfon Children. Wi- have « good repeitoiv of plays, with u slmng VHudevllle list, and are doing t.he business. Kvcrybody N hniior nnd The Oi.u Rui.iAnLE is looked lor ftTery week. LEoi'oi.n I.A.NE has .<iiirree<lp<1 Boyd I'nl- nnni In the rule of CoIIk-ih-.h. la Viuln Alloii's pculiiclliiii of "W!»ler'« Talc. ' Oi.oi NRTiiniiSdi.E will rehirii lo Amer- Jc« In the i.'nil, under tbf mnnngeiiienl of C R. Dllllnglmiu, opening In Xcw Y'ork In October. "iWbflte," by Paul Ucrvlcu, is choseu as the vehicle. F. KEITH'S LotnsK Wii.Lis closed a seiison of fiirtv-oDc weeks with lUl. Anderson's '•.Midnight Flyer" Co., this belnff her neeond season with the company. After ii week's rest In Chli-ago she will Join Mennclli Bros.' Stock Co. (or the Summer. Man.vukb Kred James writes: "Since onr ooening I have made quite a number of changes, nnd now have a cood company of ladiCH and gentlemen. Our business has been line alnce the opening six weeks ago. 'The company will stay.out all Summer, playing I>ark;i anil opera houses. Our rosier: Fred James, proprietor and manager: Marie Bar- horka (featured), Leo Lunn, Wm. D. Iteld, Have Caldwell, (iladden Jamen, John Miller, Al. I.ebiirn, Dorothy Marke and Madge Un- right." rilB Jack MacOjxalo SrtKK Cn.. under the direction of Jack MacDonabI, will open Aug. 1. ninying all the Important riilcs of liie South. Mr. MucDonalct writes tiiat he ban secured Ihe best of dramallc and vaude- ville talent, and will play nothing but roy- alty sucirexites, with complete scenic and elec- trical equipmeht. ItosE AlELVlLLK closes the most succesKfiil season f:hi' has ever had at I.liaa, (>., June 10. Ihe sixth season of the play, "Sis Hop- kins." The AiiAin, VtUKor, Axn Aoaik Co., in re- pertory, will open its third season Aug. :.'l, In Hraflon, W. Vh. The season of IlKKt-Ol the company was on tom-, the season 10<)4'0ri In permanent stock, nnd the season of 111115- Utt will find It again on the mud, with prac- tically fbe same excellent company of play- era and plays us has always characterised their pronuctlons. Among those engagetl (or the lour arc: Harry Crow, scenic artist, third seusop; H. Earl Motler, carpenter, third seawm, and Arthur Meredith, second season. Will J. Keith and tbc Military Misses have been engaged as vaudeville (eatures. (iiiy l'°. liregg and Johnnie Adair will be in the company. MURBAY Axn Mack, tlie popular team of farce comedy stars, are inahing great prepar- nlions for their next starring lour In llieir new comedy, "Around the Town." This will make ihe fourteentli senson that they have headed their company as stars. They will carry, hh usual, a complete scenic prmliictlon, nnd a good sized chorus. Tbeir lime has all been booked, nnd is almost eicluslveiy in week stands. (ir.o. K. Cahic clo.«ed his company May ::', nnd he and Mrs. Cash will rest In Clucln- iiatl, O., for several weeks before taking the road iigiiln early In Aiiguut. riJiRKNTE CoRRlx has sold to Wild k lllch's ('layers iier five act military play, "The Soldier'-: Honor." which they are now Playing with great success through Western rennsylvanhi. JIlss Corbin has been very ill, hut is now cunvHlcKcInt; ul Auburn, K. 1., where she will remain diirlug June. She will then visit her birthplace. Montreal, Can., remaining during July and August, nnd writing her new play, "Hampden .Meiidows," which will l>c produced next seiiKon on a large scale, wllh special scenery and paper. D. V. l<Ttr.gerald is negotiating for several of MisK i.'orbln'B pieces for Ihe tour o( Kathryn I'urnell. i!eo. II. AuAjis' "llunipty Dumpty" Co. (under canvas) has done very satisfactory business In Niisiiua, .N. II. M. Chai.loneu nude her pro- fessional debut .May 1!). at the New .Mar- lowe Theatre, I'higlewood, III., as Juliet. She Is a graduate ot the Kdmiind Mortimer school, and Is Mr. Morllraer's asslslant In- structress. She has played many rlassle roles In Chicago, displaying considerable talent. (!liAS. C. STr.M.M Is al his home, I'aincs- vllle, 0., where be eiwcts to remain most o( the Summer. His arfalrs for next season have not us yet been dellnltely selllc<i. JosKiMi M. Weiiei: sailed for Kurope May ;!(), accompanied by his wife. Kdgnr SmIiU and Maurice Levi, and the Isiok for next season's liurlesque will lie liegiiu. Mr. Weber Ik Interested in an enterprise which concerns the building of a hlppcMlronin In Chlcngo, lo cost $l,4tiO,U(K). The building will cover an entire city block, and will seat -l.oUU und Is to be completed by Marcli, lOOO. '1,'llE I'l.AVWKluliT.s' Lkauijb CLun gave the llrst of a series of original one act plays, "The Heart of a Boy,'^ by C'harles Udwia valiancc, of Elkhart, ind., at Its last meet- ing. The play, an Idyl of childhood, was done by Little Bonnie Maud, Joseph Con- verse and Ilobcrt J. Wlldhuck. The next of the scries will lie "Oreatly Improved," a comedv. by E. S. Hopkins Jr., iiresident of the ciub. It takes place on Juno V2, at Scbhiraaia Hull. JA.MES K. .Mcl'li.Rov has been transferred from Hlller & I'^ansbawe's Herald Scpiare Slock Co. to their "Tracy, Ihe Outlaw King," Co., to pliiy bis original rule of tbc.German book agent. ... MliH. B. KitANK MircMKl.L writes that she will launch the MilchellK All Star i'layers, ont-nlng In November. Chas. Mortimer will also he under tbc management of Mrx. Mllrhcll, wllh B. frank Mitchell, general agent, and Harry ItlclKrdson. business man- ager. A. S. Car'In will manage Mr. Morti- mer's company. tiEoiiuE Mahkin' returned from Europe June 1. Mr. Marlon haH tlie production of a new opera, Iiy John Iveudrick Banga and Emanuel L. Klein; George Ade'a comedy, "Tbc Bad Samaritan," una Jesse Lynch Wil- liams' "'i'l.e Stolen Story." lo prepare lor next season for Henry W. Savage. Haxdai.l Inst her life sonic time ago In i'aris In looiilug Hie l«>p. and at the re- cent trial of llie (.'asliio umnagcrs and llie makers of Ihe apparatus fur maiislunghtcr. a miniature "loop" wns constructed and opeiiiied. Till" court declde<l that sclentlhc- allv IJi>- npparuliis was alt right, and death was not duo to any defect in It. .\AV r.VTiKRKox mado her iTHiipearuniv on the singi! May -".I, In .Scranluo, i'a., at the i.yiTiim Then Ire Will J. Keith anu the .Militahy Mi.ssi:h have signed with Adair, Gregg and Adair, us the vuiidevlllc feature. un<I to do ihe prln- cljial comedv for next season, ojienlng In Giaftun. W. Va., Aug. 'Jl. The company will curry all special scenery and use all royally bills. .Manager Johnnie Adair promises one of the strongest repertory compnili-a on Ihe rond, playing nothing hut the beat iimc. Alice Johnson will star next season In "The Marriage of Kitty," under Jules Miir- ry's miinagcmeiit. Henrv W. Savaiie bus organized hia next season English Grand Oiicrn Co., which lii- cliideK the following: Francis McLennan, first tenor; Ot tiny i.'ranslon. busso ; BoIstI Kent Parker, basso; Gcrlrudi" Itennyson, soprano: Itllu .Newman. mexi!<i: Winifred Goir, liarltone anil tei'hnical director; Arthur fieane. second baritone: Wlllhini Wegner. tenor: Thomas llb-hards. baritone, nnd Chevallnr i-^mmanupl. I'linduciiir. The scu- l>un will open In Brooklyn. Oct. 'J. Thk noARD OK muKCTORs of Ihe Interna- tional 'nienlre Couiiinny e|prte<l the follon-. Int; olPciTs • I'lcslili-nl. Victor .Moiiom ; vin- |tiv:hli-nl. S. I(. Ileriroii: sei-relary. Howard T. Kliiisliiirv: Ircn-niivr. I'aiil ll'ijller Jr Contuacts imve iieev siiinri> by J. Stnnl- tliorpo. of Mnrwipo Coin '■■ -^'m' ■■'■' smount to practically ft tebnlldlog ot th« hiiigt' of ..lil.,1-1 H ..ii.nic llni,. at ..i.'ObUp, tu be finished the latter part o( August Keith's Theatre.. Keltb'g BIJou Theatre Kel th'a Theatre ., Keith's Thtatre Kcllh'a Theatre Kelth'i Ne» THeatri) Kclth'a Dijou Theatre .,. Boston,'MapR. Boston, Mtsa. . rrovldence, 11/ I. . Pawluekel, R. 1. ..New Vorit City , rbliadelphls, ra. rbiiadclphlR, ra. Kellh'R I'roBpeet Theatre Clovcland, 0, Keith's Royal I'rinceta Then!re.London, Kng. Harry Davli' 0rand Opera House, nttuburirPa. Chnse'R Theatre WaahioatDn. U. C. Kernan's Maryland Theatre. ..BaltTmnre, Mil. Sheaa Garden Theatre Buffalo, N. V, : ; : Theatres and ; : : Vaudeville Booking Circuit Shea'ii Theatre. . Monro's Tlipatre.. Temple 'I'lienlro., Arcade Theatre., Moore'R Then I re. Mnore'B Theatre. I'ark Theatre.... .,. .Tnroqto, Can, , .Uorhester, N, Y. .,,Detroit, Mich, Toledo, O. ... .rorltnnd. Mn. .... .Salem, Mnm, . Worcester, Mata. NOV^ ARRAIMOINO NEXT SEASON'S TIIVIE. Performers Wishing to Fill Odd Open Weeks During the Spring and Bummer Seaaon s Should iWake A pplication at Onoe. ». F. KKiTH'8 BOOKING 0FM€1)S, St. James Building;. S. K. HODGDON, Booking Manager, Ronms 823 to 828, St. Jaitifls Biiilding, HEW YORK Clir llowARii R. BnANimN writes: "Business still i-onllniiea big witli hiy repertory «un- psny, and expect It will remain out all Summer. I opened a No. 2 company on Hay T2, which has iilnyed to caiinclty biislncss since opening. On June 1!) I ojien a No. .'I show, which will be under the direction of W. L. Schoonoyer. who Is well known In Western Iheatrlcnis. This company will open in Haywnrd, Wis., an* will play city tfmc only, from one week to four week Klands, win carry a ten ple<c band ami or- cheslra, and several large fculiire acts. In- cluding the Oyania Troupe of Japs. The Xo. :< show will carry a total of twenty-live licuple, wllh three men In advance, and will be one of the iargeat repertory attractions iu the -West. Ten trunks of pnper will lie carried, and will bill like a circus. I will divide the time between my three' companies until August, when I leave for I'orlland, Ore., to make nrranKcments for tbc opening of my permanent ittork company. In nddi- lloa to this, 1 will have four or tlve rond nttrnctions. Including: 'A Thoroughbred Ti-amp,' 'The Kunny .Mr. Hooligan' uud two Howard Brandon theatre companies. Mr. Davenport, who has been with me the past season, will be manager of "A Thomughbreil Swede' Co.. and my 'The Kunny Mr. Hooli- gan' will also lie under bis supcrvsiun. I am considering considerable stock time, and my Western Howard Brandon Theatre Co. will undoubtedly play the best city time on the coast (or IndellnUe engiigements. While In Hay ward, Uis., recently, I was hiinqucled by the Ilnywurd Aerie, K. 0. K., of wiilch 1 am II member. Mr. Schoonover, who will manage my No. !! si'.ow, is also a iiiemiicr of this Aerie. In a few weeks my No. 1 show Alll pluy the Iron Range, In Minnesota, Wis- consin and .Michigan, also the priuclpnl towns on the lakes. Taken as a wliole, this sesNUi has been very prolltuble, and Indica- tions point to a continuuncc throughout Ihe Slimmer. Have rented u liittugc for the Sum- mer at White Bear I,ahe, Minn., a suburb of St. Taul." ruANCis Ring, rt'lio played Lui-y Mighy, In "The County Chiilraian," Ihe past seastui, has l«M>n engngMl by Henry W. Savage for Ihe role of Jane WlthomiKion. tiio college \»idow. In Ihe Ijaatern comisiny of I bat nauie. which oiieiis Its season la Boston. Dorotliy 'Pennant will remain «t Ihc bend of tbc Western comimny. Nl»T»a< KIIOM THE MELVil.tK B. HAV.MONII- Atthactio.nk. —The production of "Buster Brown." with Mnstcr Gabriel, George Ail nnd the company that appeared lir New york, opened at tbc Great Northern Theatre, Chicago, (or 'ts second Summer run, Sun- day, 2S. Business from the opening night has been lo capacity, 'i'uesilay, matinee and night, breaking ail existing records ot the house, the orchestra being forced on I ho stage at both afternoon and evening perform- oticcs. Ada Olltord, who has been playing Lena, In "Arliionu," under the direction of Mr. Raymond, bus been transferred lo the "Buster Brown" Co.. and Is playing the part 6( Mrs. Brown. H. C. Uc .Miith, who has (or the jpBst two annxons Iwen iiianHglng "Arizona, Is now the luuuuger o( the "Bus- ter Brown" Co. The 8HPBE«r.s' little luaRiiziue. 'i'/ie K/ion>, for June, conlMlna a picture of Sarah Bern- hardt, as l^'rancescii. 'I'iivre are also half- tones of Julia Siiudcrson. Jean Caldiicl, Lu- cille Saunders and olher playerH, besides sixteen pen und ink aketches, three stories, two special articles and live verses. Th$ Hhnm sells at a i*nt a copy. WitJSON R. Tuiii) AMI wtru (Cressln Can- ada i and their sou, Wallace, have returned to their Summer home in North Girard. I'a., after closing their Bccond season wllb Iho Murray Comedv t'o. JoKEPll HniwiAN's "Twelfth Night" Co., Willi Chnrloile Burnett us the alar, closed a prosperous seiison of thirty-seven weeks on .May ;w. in rontlae. .Mich. .Mr. Khipmnn has plana under way for next year for an- other pluy, which promises to surpass his production of the past Kciison. CiiAa. K. Matthews, In advance of Iho Ullgcr-i'omell Co., closed at llrailford lo ac ccpt Iht advertlKliii; iiuiunKenicnt of the Newark. O.. AmrrU-tiii-Trihaiir. Ho will still retain his half Inlervst In the muuiigeuicnt of Ihe Aiirlltorlum, at .Vewurk. IlAiuiv C. Nelmos writes of a Ihrllling ex- perience which happened lo hliuself and /\gneH i''rencli. Isilh of wlioni are members of the GrlndellDavIs t.'o. At Janesvllle, Wis., during a trip on a giiHollne launch, Ihc Isiat Kiruck a siilimergcd b)g, and It was with ranch dllhcuily that they reached the shora in safety. Waob Kiiinb has Ijeru eiigiige*! iiy Aubrey Mittcnthul to originate Ilic part of Timothy Tolen, the luugblUK boy. In Ills tuning pro. ductlon of "How Henrls are Broken.' flic pinv is by Lungdon .\IcCoimb-k. liiA IttKiT' lioaiHis Is lit present leading woman of Hie Third Avenue Slmk, at Seal- tie, which opened Aliril !>. The slock will more lo Vancouver, It. ('. .Mrs. Gordon and Baymoml Whitakcr will continue lo head liio company. Billy Easto.n a.vp wikb (Gi-psy Day), who clused with the ".My Kriend Kroin Ar. knnsas" Co.. a few weeks ago. are speuillng a few weeks al Kent City. Midi, AfTKa TWO AMI OSE-IIAI.E VKAR.s of steady work with the Kennedy Players, (iiissle Flamme, of the team of Flanime Sisters, has left the company and gone to her home Iu Trenton, N. J., iVir a rest. .Mi'Knrok anu I.a I'oicrK closed a siiicess- till season of forty weekn. iis comedian and Boubrctte, with the Irene Myers Stock Co.. iit 'Ircuton, N. J.. May 110, anil opened wllh the revuchl-Oypzcno Slock Co., iii .MunlKomery, AIn.. May 2'J, whero I hey phiyeil one week. Week of May 2',i-Jiine .'1, the roiupnuy plnvcd the Monte Sano Casino, Augusta, Ga. >Ic- Enroe and I,a I'nrte remain with the lompany for the remainder of the Summer season. ItfMTKR Of L.V.SOSlAI'K'a "li. T. <'." Co.— C. W. (.angslalT, uiannger; .Mrs. Iiln Lsng- slalf, treusiirer: I'rank .Morris. Bii|wrlnlcn- dent; Hcury Snyder, leader of iiand: i-;. Sniitliwick, lender of urcbeslra; Eieil Lii Don, Kla^e aiansger; II. II. Whiltler, sgenl: R. D. MH'loy, llihogrsplicr: Tom Soroers, pro- grammer. We an- using a seventy foot round top, with two thirty foot middle plecM, carry ten hi'iid of stuck, nnd tnirel In two private curs. Itusliii.'.s Is giMnl. i'ii.\rNn;v Oi.iiiri will nppenr as Eihvnrd llurki' iM'tt Ki-nsoii III II pbiy of thai iiaiiii-, by Tlieiidore Hurt Siijrc. I'h*.mis I'ierlot has liecii engageil fn,- four weeks to play Ilio lend ivltli Ihc ".Nellie, Hie News Girl" Co., opvulug ut the BlJou Theatre, Chicago, • Notes hioji tmk I'f.niu:ihi Stuck Co. • The couipiiny opened week ot .May "11. nt Ihe Jefferson I'lieatre, I'orliand. Me., and during the week H. fl. G. was the rule. Tlie men of Ihe coiii|Miny were imrllcularly credltnble In assuming Ihe military hearing ot the oDIcera o( Post Keimlon. and even among the extrn people a coiuinetidablc mllllarv spirit win shown. Morris Burr, as Gen. Kennlim, skll- fullv Imiicisonaiod the cool headed communder of ihe |Hist: WnL Uobl. Hnlley gave an ad- mirable presentation of .MiiJ. Burlclgl>; Walter Woods, as Lieut. Ilawkenwortb, was (|ulto Ih* tviw of the viillunt ami courteous ofllcer; Eu- gene Frnsler made un elTectlve Lleill. I'arioW ; Chas. C. HIaucharil gave a Immoroiis touch to Hie opening scenes as lirderly McGlynu ; James F. Kellv gainiMl distinct favor asDc I!enwlck, aiiil John It. Illgaius gave n niost realistic isirtrnyal of Sear-Brow, the Black- fmil Indian. l,elKii He Ijiev, Grace Vinton, Augusta DurKeoii. EiUo .Gllletio and Baby Ihdierly all made hits. "Arc Vou a Mason'/ nrns the following lilil. ■ Nirriis KBOM Kckiiaiiht & Hawkinn lUKALa.—After a very rcrounerntlvo forty weeks Ihrouglt Wyoming. Idaho and Oregon we have fli hist enlered Wushlnglon. play- ing three night slaiids exclusively, with thn pxi-eptlon of Alierileen, Wash., where w« played the week of .Mny 1, to very gratify- ing business. chaiiRing bill Ihrec limes weel<- ly. At Ihe yiesent lime It seems as tboiigli the rainy season has Just begun. When We arrlVMl In this clly It was raining, nnd ha« kept it up for forty-elghl hours, which ex- tended Ihroiigb our opening night. We didn t liiru nnv iH>«i>!e uway or use Hie S. It. 0. sign, al the same lime played to paying hiisl- ness. The couiisiny has nuide the most de- cided siici-ess of any reis'rtory company Hint has ever loiiifd Ibis part of Ihe country, nnd we have received most Haltering eulogies, IhiIIi fr.>m the press and public. Our com- plele rosier Is: Oliver Jay Eckhnrdi nnd K. V. Hawkins, niamtgers: W. R. Hildretb, iid- vuuce: Joseiilline DelToy. Georgia A. Nichols, Mabel Hunting. Iloy liee, E. I', Hawkins. «»■ J. Eckliardi and .\Iasier l.i'o Royal, liiushill rilfeclor. The coiapanv giM<H l<i Tinoma, WHEh.. June 1. lor an liidellnlle run, before taking the rond again, making a season long to \n- rememlM'iofl by all. owing to Ihe royal irenlmenl received from our genial innii- rtgrrs. We send direct lo 'I'llB IM.H'I'KU of- lice for THE Ol.ii IIeliaulk, and It is a inilt'li welcome visitor proinplly every week. Every one is In the Is^st of lieiillb anti spirits. JA.MKS B. lio.NKKK. who for the past two Reasons has been musical director with Chns. II. Ross KaiH's Chicago Slock Co., closed hiK second teasou (forty-nine weeks), with llie uWrto company. In Yonkeis. N. V., Muy *Jt. He n'as Immediately engaged by Al. Nelson, iiiariager of Ihe llorotliy Lewis Co., and opened In itiitbiiid, Vt., Mny l.'ll, for the Sum- mer season. J. C. Ckli'i'EN closed with Hie Jnck Beasey Co.. anil Weill lioinn lo see bis sislcr, whom he had not (leen for two years. He will Join the Jack lloeltler Show, No. 1, UN musical director. NoIEH I'ilOSI THE lOsiriRK DBAMAtIC C".— 'I'bis company opened in Ajirll tor Iho rest of the regular seiiHon and Summer, with' a line rcpcr.lory of siandard nlays, special pajs'T und wcnery. 'I'he show Is woll known nirihighoiit the States of lililo, Indiana nnd Illinois, uud has won far itself (through thn elTorts nf Its manager, I'ranklln Mc^ar^yl an enviable repi^lttflon. Iliisiness lo very good. The i-ompnny Is Hie slrongesl that has ever supported Ihe name, and Includes: Franklin .McNuny, munager: VA. .Mills, Vm\ Wlllard, lliiny Slarllu, Harry Reeves. Boh Htetzlg, Myrtle Adell, Chnrloile KIbby, Pearl Hartley, (ieu. Sands, advance ageat; Frank Wulilo, inuslcal director. R. .M. La I'iirtk writes: "I closed a very Kiiccessfiil season as business mamiger wlln the Western 'Breezy Time' Co., .May KI, »l Willbuuspoil, Ind.. making my second seasnii with tliat nltraclion. MyseH and wife (Ad- dle'Iji PolleI are now with G. i'.. Guy for the Hummer seiison." The Geiitki'Hk IOwi.mi Co. will open Its seiison the middle of Aiigiisl for forty weeks through the l':ast, Middle West and Soiilll. The company will number eighteen iieuple. .Mls'i Ewing will present a repertory of pisya never liefore seen ut popular prices. C. A. Clarke has lioeu l-eonguged as lepresenlullvi. The Sa.m a. Visuiiikkh A-mehemknt Cu, wns Incorporated at Guthrie, Okla. 'i'r., Mnv III. The company will operate traveling slock conioiiules on a large scale over the .North, western null SoiilbwnHtern circuits. 'I'liK lliLOEa-COHNKLi, Co.. W. i;. Cornell, manager, will open Its pnrk senson ul Gnk fJi'ove I'lirlt. Siivie, l'«.. June .1. Rosier of the {-ouuiany : \V. Iv Cornell, owner and man. nger; U'lll.ird Graham, advance; Thus. E. Matthews, irensiirer; ('. V. Jllller. Monle Lewis. Will L. While, J, B. Cunnlngbnni, llollls Stone, Ernest G. Kast, Jack Holmes, W. II, Edwards Lllllsn Anderson. Marie Fel- lows, Alice iveinp, Ada 'I'eiupletoii, Pauline 'ieary and Fannin Broiirldge. The firm of Hllger ,ti Cornell has been dlssolvi.<I, and after Sept I this allnicllou will be known as the Cornell SHick Co. Fiiankh; St. Jnii.v anu Jiihnme Lk I''evre. wb« h.ive Is'cn In vniidrvllle for Ihe |insl two seasons, are al present located ul Ihe Aindeiny of .Music, llulllinore. ,Md.. wllh Hie .Mxon (c XlinrnerinsD opera Co.. iloing principal soii- hretle und llgbl comedy roles, also their spe clHlt.r. .Miss St, ,tobn last week received many encore* for her vocnllsms In "The Girl From Paris." Mr. L" Kevre's singing nnd dnnelng wns n fewlure. The company play Bnltlmore until June IS. then they will ploy the .Vlxon 'i'lieatre, Pltlaburg, for two weeks, and llnlsb the remainder of the Hummer at Plensitre Hny, N. J. HI. John nnd Le Fovre biive s'Biied wllb Gils Hill next senson (or the light romedy snd aonbretic roles, pnrls In "The Funny Mr. Dooley," und lo do their spcclully. .VoiEs rrioM THK Frank Barry Combpy Co.—We opened our Hummer tour Mny 'M, at PiitMiim. Conn. Mr, llnrry Is presenting a one eel force, ".McGeep's Rei-eptlon." witli n iiunpanr of eight people. The farce was an InstnutaueoUH bit, ,Mr. Barry's cmlracr. with the dilTerent Iniotlon companies call for Iwelvi; weeks' lime. A second company will tnke the i-ond In alioiil two weeks, Next wepk we ploy I'lllBfleld, then .New Haven. Wnlerbiiry nnd New Brltnlii. Itonr. It, AlAi'K bus Higueil wllli Itrond- bur-1 li Ciirrle. for "lliidol|di nnd Adulpli." milking hi', linii .si-nsoii wllli Hint nitrncllon. Jai'I: i'. I.i: lloi wriles thai lie Is nol tvllli |iie l>r. Geii, Kniersoii Medicine Co.. as bos been Hated, but Is wllh Ibe Dvorak A Uavbl- •on Co., pluying coucdy tolca und doing ppiiclaltei. Notes iHosi ('ii.\iii.i;h (Ir.viiu's lliii "Tem Nidltr.s l!i A ll.iii |{on.\i" I'll,, under ciiiivn'^. - -Tills show, consisting of two Pullman cars, ihlrly nve people, banil uud orcbastra. opened at' Lexlngliui. Mo.. Snttiiday. April 1".'. turning llieni away, and then had thi-e solid weeks of rain Iind stonii with fair liiisliies.-<. We linve an entire new outllt thU season, luiikUig Ihe swellesl show of lis kind there Is loday In America, and the lldest band of (oui'teen pleceit o« (he roail. Busi- neH.4 since the ruhi and during hist May iia4 been (nr betler than Inst Spring In the Soiilh. M'e nre now In Iowa, after having ninyed ttiroiigh Jllnsourl. All \\w well and liappv lis ever. The folbnving people are wllh |1\e show: Piof. Bliss. Iinud leader; Prof. Wiilkliis. leader of orchesirn ; Jack Pmire, stiige lannuger; Clius. Geyer, geiieriil nmnnger: Mnni M. Llo.vd, general nitvance: Geo. Carmen, second iidvniice: Mr. Elv, ns- Klalnnl : Wni. I'arlell.i, trombone ; J. I*. Le- laud, slide; Jack Pnorc and Mrs. I'oore, Mrs Gejer nnd l.ltllo Agnes, Fred Sloiit Tlilm, J. r. Smith, seeonil cornet: Henry Gntrse, iilceolo : H. H. Jlrler. E clnrblnefle; Prof, walklns. II clnrloncltc: Jack IVre, iHitllone:' Wm. I'liuins. alto; Frank Nichol- son, trap druius; Will Huni, Isiss ilriiin ; Wni. lioliin, drum major; Hundutl, liyslnnd- er: Jack Crniner, boss canvas ninn, wllh eight asslslanls. ,\'<iTEM tiioM Hovt's Cojieuy Co. We closed our regular seiisou of forly-four weiika nt Joplln. Mo., ami it was one of the most prnsperoUH In (be history of the company. All of the principal cities of Ihe Soulii wiirn played. The mIiow Is booked solid for next season over Ihe Hiline terrPory. We play n siipiileinenlurv senson of Ihree weekii al the Glllis Thenire, Kansas Clly, Mo., present Ing one piny each week. ArrnugenienlH have been made with II. Walter Van Dyke for his entire scenic iu<nIiicI|iiii of "Across Mm Heaert," which will be pniduied on un elab orate si'Sle. At the clone of Ihe KnnssA City ensagemeui Mauiiger Allen and wife will visit Ihe Siiininer renorls of Wlscuiadi for a few weeks. Our next Henson onelia niMiiit July HI. Manv new fealiirea will Im ailrled. and Hie llnyl ('oHiedy Co. will. »< herelofoic, he Hie blggeHl nllniclloM III reji- ertorv touring the South. C. I. Worthing- Inn has been rolnlni<d as general nmnnger. Ill.Lli: A<"KEnsTi«i.M Ik (llllnif Honlrlce i-^H-'e. of llluiineleln'H Idruls, wllh ii nnw pInv for next season, W. J. HEKTIircK. of Belvldere. III., in- forum us llial ho has buiseil the "Piinkln Hilskcr" from llie Nnlhuuii Show Priiil. nnd will open Aug. HI, cnrryliig tweiily pi'ople, wllli bnnd and orcheHlin. He Is hooked solid through I he middle West nnd South, IIaruv J, ,)a<'knon. who was pluying heuvles tvllh Hie Jnck BrHSey Co.. wiiH Inken Kiiddenlr III with typhoid pts'iimotiln nl Lin- coln. III., und wns coullned al H(. Clarn'a HoHpllul, Ihni clty,.ls iiiiich Improved, and expeclH to rojolu till' I'ompniiy w amiii an his IiCfllth .will penult. ' I'lu*AHii CfiiiiAv, iniiiNiger People's The aire, Cmlilr naplds. In., iiccouipnnled by hlu wife mindge Mlllahi und duiighler, nre In Ihe cit.v looking for Inciitlonii for viiiidevllln theiiti'os; also lo orgiinixe his l'e|iertorv copi- Snny for a tniir of Ihn Hoiilh. opening In ernnloii. I'a.. Aug. 1.1. Hay W. Fa* Ik In ehal-ge of Hie Pcople'a Tlieulie diirlhg his nbseiico. LVJIAV II. AliliDV wriles: "Myself and wife (Louise Joribin Abbey) are now with Guv ('niifninii's 'Itnilroiid Jack' Co. My wife Im playing the heavy In the piece nnd t am filnylun Iho leading role. Wenry Jack UnggleH, und doing my speclnlly. The com piinv Hin.vs oiil nil Hummer," Wai. II. CaMimiki.i, Informs us llial through n recent "iid." In 'I'ilK f'l.ii'rEu he received an engnuenienl for Hie Hiimnier seuHnn wllh J B. Muiratl's Stock Co., which opens hi Keul, G,. oh June I. liiiiiiiTiiv I'uiMiirisi:, who wns token siid. denly III with luHlarbi fever and wdc com pelli'd lo close her eiigiigement wllh Ihe TIiiiil Slock on Muv I'J. Is biipi'oving. nnd Is able lo Mil wp. She will rest al her home at r.lttle Rock, Ark., for (he real of Hie Kcason, gelling thiiroughly well nnd alrong before going out on Hie nuid again. IliinntT fl. Bali,, ufler doslnir live monlhs ns li'iiillng man of the Couir Ii'Alene Then. Ire Sliirk Co.. has signed with a slock com pany nl Henver. Col,, for (he Hummer. HiiKi; liAviiiHO.v Hiilled on May .'hi for Lon doll, i-l) LIveriMLil. He will visit Paris and Berlin, returning tr> .New York alxjilt Aiiir I .NliTI'S l/IIOM IIIK I'nilS IHIAMATK' Cii.-- We (ilnved lo a packed bouse nl llonesteel. S. |i., .Mny 'Jl. presenting "liiivid liariim." II goes to show Hie |ieo|ile there nnpreclal'* n goisl, cIcHM. iip-lodato play. Wo would like lo cori'es|ii>nd wllh any good cumpnny liiivelliig in Ihis scrlloii of 111" country. Animiew ;ilAcKs'iiiilT, who clos4'd his llilrd se.isoii wllh the llimton Comedy Co, on May •'til. will resl diirlna Ihe Hiioinier at Ihe bom* of Ills inD'cnlM. nt Hosloii. John a IIlM.Mi:i,KIN, who has diweil the seiiHon of kith of It's cmnpniiles, will open again hi Aii(;iimI, wllli an enllrcly new leper lory. .Mr. iiud .Mis. HImnieloln will upeiid their VMciillon lit Crirket Lislge. Kellev Island. Lnhe Erli'. Mr. Illnilnelelii bus lens.'d the Grind 0|,erii House. Mandiisky, <>.. for next sennon lo Kinglfr ft Hmllh. tiie pieiient mii'ingers. The theuire will lie Improved dur- ing the SiHumcr. ,N(rrB i-T(i>« ManAiiuii Waiie's "In <1i,ii ViBoiNU" t'o. -^.Manager Ware Is hiisllv en. gaged In piilnllng twelve hig drops lo be used III IhlH, Ills Inlest melo'lriimu. Edwlu It. Hlunlon, of Chlcngo. und TlcKsle II. Lee. of New. Vnrk Cliy, imve been eniinged foe lends. The sesHon opens Kepi. II, nl I'll I s- fleld. III., nnd extnnds forty weeks, emlirac- ing Missouri. Iowa. Wlscunslii. Illlnids niiil Kenlllrky. Time Is riijilrlly bdoif lllled. anri we nre looking forward lo n iilesKsnt nnd proillalile season. Tills pleic Is ii strong i-iuunnllc niebHliniau, full of powerful drn- llintb- slrengtii aiid feeling, ibnniclerlHlIc of Hie pnsidnnale. yet hotiplinble children of the Sotilli, In whose veins runs riot Hie rbh blood of Hie old llnie Hinillibind. .Votes eiio»i IIakeic a.mi ,MoMi;n'H Heckr- TOKV Co.—^Wo are now orgnnl/lng for thn Summer seasoo of "The Belle of Arl/onn" Co., and are starring A. J. Mnser In bis own Fcenlf prodilctloa. The piny Is one of the I rue Arlzinin llfi'. Our roster: W, A. linker, iiinimifi'r ; It, A. .Moser. biisliies!. iiiiiiiiii'cr ; .M. I.. Goblliier. iiitvnliii' lU'ciil : M T. IiIm- kill. iiiii«lcr of )ir"|ier(les : .\l. Ii lliiker elic. tricbiii: A, r.. Cliuiidlor, cMri-enlcr - .Miirin DiHikJe. Moruin Fernu-all. Beisle lie .Mnr, I'cnil Tliisler. I'. T Suullplel, \. A. IMker. ,1 II. Ileipilne, .M. IHsklii. J, II. I'lirrrll, M. A, Uukcr, Ctiaa. K Adaiuii and J, C. Oaloe,