The New York Clipper (June 1905)

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410 THE NEW^ YORK CLIPPEH. June lo. M^b Amusement ODE IMCORPORXTED av\uiHo,ooo Clipper Po$t OTTice. In order 1o uvolil iniii(iiki*» nnil to iuBure llif |>runiiit delivery Of tlie Irttera advfrtlurU In tliln lint, an riivitlope pinliily ft«lilre»Keil luaiit lie ■fill for ttavlt Ifltcr, and n. written urtler lor (ii«r letter, nljfneil vrltU the fall iiniiiv nnil nddreNH aiiU the line of biinlneiiM follo>v«d Uy the lender, inniit ulna be enuloNed. Plenne mention the dnte <or nani- Iter) uf TllK CI.IIM*Un In which the letter* neiit for were ndvertlied. I.AniBS* LIST. I'flnfP, Mcl« I'UMJtM'leilll. I'm! lilt* rnrkor. Knmiii (Jiilliryn it. Pjliiiiillfr Slntpm r.itiU'tlc*. I,iMilsi' I'prt. Marie I*rlii;:lp. Aiilircr C. l-lillll|i». Mr.<. .V«t (III-. I'rI.T .Mi-».A.<i., ttLHtn**>', .I(:N|4* fe Jiilla ItlllHiJllH. Kvu A Itli'lirr, l.llllnii Itnvii.oiiil Htniirh KlU'lIf 'iLTlruik- Ulcl<anls, Killth W. Cnswll, VInlii l:l|)Iv,V, JjllllKD Kh'k. Killlli l'.H'\r'< -MIXM II. Illii'ililjiirl. MrM. Kllz.ili<'tli ItUHi> & ¥A\fr Rui'.-, Mtiri'.- I(piiiiri1. R.iclipl Kuoiie)', Jiillii StiHit. ilm.J. M. Sli'Ki-l, F.iiiiim Syiii'iiiilH, l,nlllo \V. Hpniietti*. Atiiiit Suillh. Kvu M. SI. l,«)ii. KKIe Stnvstt, IlllllA Slui]jH(iii, Anim SeurK. Knte SlpvL'iui, l.lllle Slilr,*H. C!llX>4|P Kylvi'Klfr .Nellli> Show. .MlKH .M. Sii'Wirrl. WliinlfrH .^tiivlMr, Sli'llu Slum. <llii'l.vH Scyiitnrif, K]li<oii Siiiir4>ril. Mrs. WnllPr JUhiII, I.iiliy .^ii'llmr Mrx.Will .•i|r"w:irl. .MiirBli' Si. DitiiilK, .MIiH V. MtiHliliirii, .Miirlt* Slicliloii. .Ml»:< Siivllli-. Allcp Siiv;l!c SI-UTS SlflU>r. .luhtiiiiiii Slu|ii>nNkl. l.lllle- Tnrnor. Iri'ii** 'llh'olm. Ili'UiIsi* Trliiki'lt. FrmiCM A, Tlinipy. Diilsy Tugi;i>, LiMiisp 'I'iiylfir. Hii-Klt* t'rtiiilmrl, ISHlM-IU Vhii Bttri'tt. lteK»li> \Vi>*tl, Jiillit Wi'tdi, .llli-e WIchiTH .Mus A Woutlwtii-il. Dolllp a. WnrtlPlil. -Murlp Wirip. IIuepI WUMk. Mr«.K.M Wyitiip, .Munil WliiK. .Maris Wliptlpr. llMirleltJ Wiilffe. flnll Wi'lr, Oiirolliip Wllyi'ii. Anna WpIIc. ('•irlniii' \Vurllilii!:i»ii. Miiivl Wlilli-slcli' Kllu'l VVhlmpy. .Mm. Wnrrcn Wllhiir, I Mr*. ("Iiirfn." l!ollnfiil<i. Mr«. jl'ttTii ,\liiy*Iliiliy:Wiis!<. Mrs. U.K <irlllliliH IlurrlPt "«■ Aiinlc \V:illniY Ihinitliy tJllriiv .Mr!^.l•|m^A'^ll■11, I'liy ./.Nkn. .Muu". 'oMlrli-n. Kalp (iKNTI.KMRN'S LIST. (iurvPAU. 1.ciin (lllilM, .Mny tl(HV<inHii. ICTa tluriluii, Ii4'llp llvrrmiiiiii. Miw lliiiiituii. KItly lliitnii. Mm. II. llowiinl, Mrs. D. I.. 11lliNu(l, .MlllfPl lliilmett. |j>ily lilll, Kmniu illlhinl. KluuHi IIpIiI. .Mr«. \V. ilutrliPN. I'*lnra lluilJIIitlltl. MlllH>l n™l.». Knilli' llerrlut; Mrx. V. I Inn. II. .Mrn. li. M. F. Ilull|:lll4>ll, .MUCI-. J. V. Iliii't'iiii, .Mllilrvil llllloii. .Murulp lluyiipii Vli-Kliil'i lluvtlaiiil. Hpim lltill. Ivlhi'l lllllinl, llliiiipli lliiu'l, niirR llp>*. IJrji'.'e lliircoiirt, DRtny !iiKr:ilium, Dull' iDlfriiliniii .Iphii lulti)M»ii CriM'uM KUrk, Mm. 11.IS Kem'ti iircli.Mliip Kiiiitt. Olar l.tiTp, l.puiin l.ltlle. IH-Milp l.tH)ii. May l,ii.M»iil Ji'iiiiPllr I.U1II,-, KKIy l.tlllhTP, IMIvtil l.iH*. .Mttmnil» l.(K'ki*, Jlprtlin Lrxllp, Uu^iilifl Irf^llp, AriWi- I", f-piinnl. Nellie 1.H .Mill', IteiiKiiii l.ori-ii1iit'. Miip l.Miip, Alia Il'SllP. I.llllllll t.ii .Muni, Kny 1.II 111*11 !*lrr, Mlllmi Kp.hIIp. Klsii l.nvstiii .Mrx.AI. Lone. .MIh.<( 1,1111 I plliiy. iIiiIiIIp l.:iu'ri>li4'i> Utjsltii M>Ui>iml<l. Marliiii Mnrpll. Mllllf MduifliriH*. lIlTlllll .Mlskel, Corn Mliliin. Aiiii'lla .Mayimril. Nfvniln JIartpll. AlltP .\l4iy Ji-f<uitiiiip ,M:irkH, Diinilliy May, UcrlliH .Mlintoii. IIpIpii MiirrlHoii. Un.ialH>l .Moiitnwp. NVlIlP .Millar SI?ilprH Mrlr. mirlii .MpiiiIIIIi SIsUTH .Mnv. -Mlivii .MiiilKC, .Mn..A.A .MIIIiHi. Klht'l .Mann, lllniichi' .MiiyiT, Mrn. 'Hioiniis .\IiHiri', KIhIp ^MnrrlKon lllnnrli Mllchcll, ICiliiH .MiHirp Kthpl .M. Marli'll. .Uli<> .Miiri'i'll. Mlllp ., .MIlH.iii Mm.C.T. iMi-ht'lx. Canillii l«rHiiC. .NVII iNiiilf*. .Marip rimnrllli', .MIimllNfwII. '■'«' AMm. Ruw Alilijuliil, .May Allen, PluDiila Alliilrp. AInie Allen, Vlttli't Allen, N'<!llle Allen, iiraa* A IpMiinler. .Marlnii Atitiliiuliln. UoM' Atk'liiip, )Airn AltliuriK-, KItly linktr. Metli' lltiri'.ri, TpsiiIp IllBlr, IIHTfl Hrownliii; .Mrii.H Hnkpr, .Mny liprry. .Mm. 1'. lll>e>:liT llUnt'lu' llnrllpll, .Murli- lltninip, Dui-iitliy R Frooblli'lil Mniiil Itiie^ler Hliiiicli ItUbll, JP.>:Hlf Itnrtic.*', ilpfiniil llr.t(.nl. I'Miirn llnrkPr. Mrx. It. llplliilrlx. I.tilsf llpnnl. ViMiii lliiuriip, CUrit A fUfluli Sninli A. (Inrke. Ili-llr Cubnii, .liii>f|il>ln t.'iiril«. Mnrip t'liirL, Itfllp cUrk. Jciinic Tirtpi*, Kaii'iii* I'oltfii Mr;4,\Viu, C'Artrr (Irrlrmle Claiifpn, IKjt t'riiiii-li. Corliiiip I'lurk. .MlKH K.l' Cniincu, Ui'll t'laylun. Rkluu 4!aii-.|iliplt I'raiikir HipKlpr Kill. H, Coik. .Markjn CtillilK. Itpniyi'r Cdlyrr, h^liili U'l'lry. Uniim iM'iuili' AiIpIIup IWnrnpy Mlwil Dusi'lli. Vliitpl Uorvtllp, IreiH' I*Arltuu (' S naiTP. MlM I.. Uitlfy, Iliiti<> Durviii, .\la.v I>'.Mi.ri'y, liibpl Dlxui. lltmiili.v I>rii|rt'r, \'priin Itrxlcr, Uila Uivls, IVurl I>ii1p Vii'KliiIti niivw. .MaiHi n. HrvIh, Kvn Dp l.out:, l.llllp Uiirlliii;. I'liy l>p Mar, liiPtP Up lli-n. I^llllr Doiigln!!. Onirp ICyimx, N'elllp ICKHU, JpKdlP ICfvprs^oii, Kiirlp KlhnnUi, Naomi ICviiiis, Juiite KHiiipraltlii Sl»|pr> KvniiH, Mlllnn Knipr»*un. .Vpva Krwhi, UmiIsi* I'iilpy, fCilna Klplil, Matciierll l-'ruiii'lH, Apiile Kiiuler, Kinniu Kptl, Ailelaitlp l-'nUpr, MIiuiIp I'Viiloii, NpIIIp I'ViiIipIh. May TrunkllD, Mar Fooila, Ik»jw.lp I'niHi. Yfi'a I'tpMs, NpiiIp in.Mplirr. .Mllllp limy, .Maiii' Argall, \V. Ariipid Urns, Ayiuiir, 13. ■(■ Aadrrlall. AriKil.l. \V. /.. tliirir. Snm IliMaic Julin Uuniirll A Yncklpy , !IInnv.>r. WallPr Alwiiml Warroull'l.'ipkaiorp 11.11. Aikliis. i:. K. illarkiT. Alvn. l-'riM I'nrr.v (<U-.> Ailli'r. .IpimIi iRIIlIni;. II. II. AllHi. lliirrv ilipii>iPii. .\p«lilt 'aIIpk, W. I", illlniiil. Krmik A«li>i'an, I.. K.tliu'k. li.viijp .Mlili'ii, J. li. (llolf<uirl. .1. h. II. I'. Harry. \V. F. I.luiii'l IllixH-la-r. \V, S. M.I r.V. Ijliillfy, liilal ■)' ItUillnl \ Arllinr M. I*. lllniTcIt KcliiKiuil .■Xiliini' Ailaiu^. Aulriini Aliaitiiil lliirkv, lliiiiix. J. i llniwii, lli'U Harlow, M'. J. llrl«l..l. W. M. Ilr»'n;4li. «iPorsi' ll.ivli-. II. II. Ilraily. t llnaks. W. II. jl',4i,>4r. i.'linuril lliirlti*. Frank llpnily, J. I.. llypi-H, SiiiuiipI llliililnv I'. It. llariPtl. r ■ (VpniiiiT, T. I*. Urin'kpll, W. F. Clnjloti, Frank I'lillliin i Kppn rarp.\, l»nn I'mhilrp. Iliirrr I'lininaait. .\. II. l-arnill, .t. C. Carry. Hilly I'usilp. Harry I'lirMpv. J. r. f..:i»ay. Will I ivlalrp. Harry riili'iiinii, r. K. l-arry. Hilly raui|iU>ll. (iiii. rniiBlipr Will i'rpsi.>. W, .\l. ilin»p. I'larnav rnintiiliiH. ('. A. Caiitll. KriHl (°arll<ai. II D. I'raHP. ilar.lnpr I'lirl-lr. Frank I'llVPllP. rullliiH I'.i i-..Mk«. llnlM-rt I'tHUH-r ti .\1iIniI Ilariiai ll>ilit(2r. lliirK'lll. Ja«p|ili lllllhii:*. Kjallp llnri:i~'«, T. .1 llruiiimii A llliiiwa. Marllin, I'likrrlii:; I'larl p. II. i . I'.ull'H-k, •!'. A. llprry!. Tlif iVUrlu. W. .1. UviUii. .t«»p I'IpiiHi *\ Ta-iwll (*.»■!•«. ("Iiarli*^ .<"«iwlpy. .laniP'* 'ri.lllii<. S. .1. 'I'larkp. llairy |l'lmll<T«. I'lH.iiian * Si»'ui'pr. SI. t'lnlrp t'.i. IVniHil. I'rpil lIpyuuT. J>a' llaniii, J. )•. Ilppkwitli. Will UrlKii'i. F. K. 1lr»>k'<. I'orni'y llattiT. .iitl.u llraillpy, 'I'uui A SOUTHWESTERN NORTHWESTERN THE MOST EXPINSIVX AND FINEST EQUIPPED ON THE ROAD J^ Coaipletp Het ;of Heeupry, Aecpii.orlea and EUectrlrnI EflTeetx for, fcnrli t^i#y !2 IEADII6 lEN, 2 LEADIN6 LADIES; fflnst Own or Control 4 Flays. 2 SOOBBETt^S, % COMEDIANS; Inst Own or Control 2 Plays; and mil ?mmm i all luies. f^fV^ 21 PEOPLE WITH EACH CO^I WW 9- 25 KINDS OF SPECIAL PAPER. 2 CARS. Send Photos and late Program. Kane and Plots of Plays. Wardrobe and Ability Essential. Tonr Lowest Salary and All in First Letter. We Fay TraBsportation After Joining. OS IS myDEiiiii ~—ERS TliM Have k Feature An and c, .. ■• - .THiree ov More. " "^•"D* iOVINe PICTURE MACHINE. WITH OPERATOR- '» Sister Teems, loslcal TesDi larionettes, magic, IIlngioDi' yeBtriloqaism (Walking Flgarei)' ill. Songs Singer, Acrobats ani Otber Hovelty Acts. 0 ^inrK.E.>^«9, E>w-tl-i Oo's.p Ooi-nnnonolinfi: 3E^T. 4. 8AM A. V0ORHEK8- AMU9KMK.VT CO.. Cnre of Wp«ler» Uure.u of the W. Y. CLIPPER. Room 508. A.hlnnd Bloeh. Chlcngo. m. CurnHill. J. I'" 4>>pelanil, C. C. riayiini. I-'mnk, I»«rp Devil (.'(illIns it Kppue DujO-an. Tliocaa. Dp lialb, I.. H. Du Cruw. Will Dpwllt nurnn A Torrunre Dpwar, I'rof. Drakp. J. T. DontiPlly. J' J. Doylp, .llmmy DniTCW, T. Uonalilaon C. A Urckpr, Arlbnr Di' Onzo 13ruH. PpliDorp. Qporip; Del la. Paok DuiJIpy, K. H. D.iFliImn, A. E. Dimlinr. Billy IJimiiiftii Tronpe Carl Danfnrtli & Bniop Daria, Owpn Iint-la. W. II. UPTpaii. Herlarl DpRaiiallp. Opo. DrorP Jr.. G.W. Duliprly. Will U.ylon, (JpontP Duiilar. Arelilp DrWolfp, .1. D. r><-niliiK. Arthur DutkilWM. Cliaa. Daln^u. I'uul INuil-ar, \\. J. Dpoipj*. Itovrnisn Di-iilon. K^rl D.-U1. CI. C. Up DarltilK R.-S, l>t-llptniii itDriliiii Dniiii, Hainiaa IJpTlliP, K. J. Doanp, r,. W. DllPP. II. C. IKiylP. F. I'. l>raku, Frar. Ikallpy, (i. Klnateln. A. I,. F.Qiniett, KiiSPii* KIliDKPr, Hindi Kutery t NuUlm ICnterbrr«k Frpil I'jinai-ils. M lUvinlB, F. W Fniprwn, Frniit l*ini:el». Jukii F^iina-rson. Dr. J. K, Krons, Tptl l-'urlier. Frank I-'pMslpr, W-illpr Korbpr IMurrpI I'alke, (.: II. Ferjiiimn. .1. M. I'ales. (;. r. 1- liiiiaa, JaiiiP!! l-'rw. J. .M. Faifl. Ti-J Fill. K. «•. Franklin. . A. B. O. Fllvpralil, Will Frelwell. Dr. II. ."S.M. KNlipr. iliisHTP Fiillpr. William I'Vlilnaii, Will •Tor Fair Vlr- Kinia" C^i. Vlr." Oi.OUr Fplkiwtt. jRpk I-^ay, Kilillp Fax. hMuin FlKlipr, l-prklns IVrn, llrtrrv Fill- Pnif. l-liTK. C. A. J'liidlay. T. S. Frinill. Fn-d tlpta. T. I'. Ourdner, W. S. ttaroiaii. W. II. tinint, C. W. tianinn, A. V. ttlyntktn Waller OlPasuu, i. V. CiiiiH'a,|pa Ciplary, Hank <lri-<'n. I'rof.J.M. (kinkai jL'llpuni-t Clynihai. M'altpr «1rlit-PH. T. J. Ornliuai. Willie (iretii, U. II. ilrefii. J. K. ilrlntP!*. 'I'oin illllpllp. W. ,\. <:ir»ril. lirlm-l. I.. 11. I'iuolninn. .\rlti. <1rallpr. O. I'. Ciilll-ault. U.K. Uliip. Cliarles Il:irlaiiil. Hubert Ilpnkllilpa «lo.>. 1 la want (.ptiTKe llUk.y. J. M. Ilupia-r, Mr.' llawley. Freil llawanl. II. (>. Illiips. William IliHikrr, tSiarU-i Hiirrlnptan .\..\ lUili In, It. t). lliiupk. I'aill llnvinll, I.O-I Ilnllaiiilpr, Joe Harris & Dp Iam. IlalL-bt «: Upun lltissnu-r k Ollvptte Ilarvty * liage llparnp, J-iiuph Illpkuinn llriM, — llarrlsiin Bros. Ilplniiiliuiis. Frank llpni'nnn. .Mr.l lliili'blncs. U.K. HlKClno & 11,-rwnnari 1lnvi-«. J. II. Ilpnrv. II. O. IIvIluiI, Frnl llariii-s Cliarlp-i llnailltnn .« tliMiiiprlv .W Jackwn .Mr. Jusp, It. I. Jurpnal. J. M. Jaculis. Bprt Juati-b. G, A. Jcliiiaon, \V. R. Ji-roiiip. Victor Jiicksun... 'riiree J(iH(-i(li, II. AA. JmIiiis. A1 Jarvls ».'. Harry Jalinsoii, H. S. .laluiMiii. Carroll J:irkMjn. J. K. /nrrls, Bert .liinilw, J. C. -Minf-ofi W.-iller Jartjrpi*. Arthur Kolb. J. W. Kranaer, Jokaun Flppy, Great Know I tun. DpII t2c.) KluniTil. fii'avi-r Keaanpr. Mr.Ira Keelpy Bn«. KpuiIbH. r. f. Kelly & Vl<i|ptli> Kennekl & .Vnilprsnn KnTanacli. F..I'. KeeU-y, A. I'. KpIIiiiis Musli-al Kpimi, Walsli A; Mplros-* IvIoE.-!. Twi> Karr;ttz. J. F. Mlllna. Frank Knltiis. Thrpe Mlioy, Will KirrpltP (Dnnrlnr JnEK I,}iKPrKrbn, Jukii I,pailil. Jai'k l*l«b. Mr. ft Mrs. Aiulro\f LauInK, A. U. Lawhoii & .Vamon Jules Uai * Hyatt I.PO. M. F. l.t*lKlilun, Bert LouilMiril HriM. LyiiPli. F. K. Maipr Co. Clinse Ijiwreiii'p .\ikliis l.lvlii^liin A.C. I.llx, ilMirup l..iirtoii. Frank I.aiiklni;. .s. U XpIsh. V. I. .S'urton & Ra«ell Xpnt. Oeofi'e Nurton. James Nurtoii .^Russt-U \pIihmi a .MllleilSP Nasiaylb. II. Olpolt, J. W. Owen, J. K. I'pnnelle. Will I'nitnn. W. J. t'bplps Duo Follak, Builolpli rmtell, Wullpr I'prcr Pror.n.W FeiculnK Bi(M. Price, F. I.. I'uria, l.lo'iPl I'rynr^. TIip I'rrlclat, f;p<in!e Probst, Mr. pplhani!'. Tlie Poripr, Will Perry. J. II. ppaloi-k. W. A. Percy. R. W. I'nik A Trp»k Paley. W. Power. W. W. P.-iiilluii it Diiolpy Fallrlipk, I.PP l'bllll|i .Mlprrllt Poq>*»ii. P. Itoei-n, F. C. Itoniipy, I'at Uusael, Itoss vt: Kaypr Reno, R. H. Itoae. Jock ilaiiklo, J. W. Unlipr. Otto T. Kusfllpy & Rostpll* ItaynonU t Clark llayanlcli, Jiillu I.k>, A4lol|ih nice A Kluier l.ller. Harry Unai-pl.. J. J. Illchs, Tbp Itoiue, J, K. ItMNl, S. T. Klley. W. P, Rlohmaii. Cliaa. Rpt-il. Jobiiny Rpiinetia Jiibn a llayinnuil, Freil nptlaiitial. Mr. KoliliiMiti. Kilniun-I Hnynps, J. A. Itoucrs. F. H. ItOMMP .V -^lUM KuiUonl. C B. Itlclinnls. Prank Iti-uiiaa. Mart llass. t^Uarli-H Illcb. Al Ilnipll. W. fl. HuBtrs, Wilson .■ilnwD, Ileury Stuart, Mr. .Klmi-fuu. a. F. Si-ili-n. William Sblclils. SumU-rland Geo. Stanley. Joe Bully Family .^teireti, I.e Stnniin, C. C. ti.'Ullpr, J. H. Knilih. A. V. Spelpy. Obarlpa Salter. K. R. .^prln;:er Kildle Siullh. II. II. SiiviUr. .Mr. Rud Slevln, I.. J. Suley, Col.Cha^. SnlUriu. Jia. P. Schcpp. 0. W. Stark. Prof. Slallord. F. S. &te\pr!tun & Ulwpt Ifal.liwll .V CInrkp. F. M. I Tlnaima Cllllold. Will I'ari'U. lioU-i'l .Ciluiinliis &tli>rp lj-n% Ins. Tlin l,l<iVd. (i. P. laiadu, .\llM-rt l.e Rov. .Nil l.iillipr. t'lvile l.a she. Mr. II. l.n'Marr. Ilarrv I.Hl|(ti. Bert I.Lsier, llaydpii l.iiklns. Will l.arln.or Dr.W.F l.alpll, K>bllp LupJiWiHsl. J. I,ep, J, J. lo^avltt. lUrry laijipz. tl. l.un'iiian Trio, TliP l,:itbrin. Mike la-«ils. M. U. l.a\vi|-ia*p. Will n-iicp. Boll Leatllt Saiiiiipl l.yiilpr & r-wkp MnuKPUU, Jack Mi'liMiabl. .Mlkv Mn-kpr, <lc<iri;e Mayu. K4lpar .\l(ioi p. J. P. M.ibura, Fiink MiincrlpC & SmttU Masanil Biin. Mpiz. i:. a. ilurrLanpys. 4 Marluwp CliarlM Mack & flllmore Muiitironipry .^11 .<ihlrman Broa. Al Sullivan. D. J. Miuu.n- Sallpr, E, U. Kpplpr & Co. i^bnws, .\prlul Matauiiintu, S. Sanders, .\. R. M.vprs. II. II. Scbrock. Allpn Martin. Duve Sbair. Mr. & Marldp, Billy .Mn<. Larry Marliiu & FrnrI Sparks. J. fi. Maii.lni-e, Alex Scott, Oreat MiH'ia-. Will Scnnlmi Harry M<'.\iidr(>\Ta J..\. Spabirtikp T. *). tlil'iip .1: i:ablll Sluarl Majp-llc MiM. 4 (Malp PattI) Murliiii, I'bll .Sprnuiit-. T. I'.lllp.-. Clyde S4inni«'rvllp Bob Mpji-m, llp-.iry Sln-a. T. K. .Miles. II. A. SilU-rs. Kuille MoClaIn, Ciiarli'i SI. I.i«n Alfriil Mcl'uy. Kid Mii-rt-n. Jaaips Maloy, Maal SpetIsi. Tiiin Mack, 11. U. Stpvias. Ijmi Mai! & t'Urk Sluans, Tlu- .M<-Carthv, .MIloa Sooflclil. Den Mublpy. J. W. SUKk. W. F. Meyer, Will Sldonln. .Mnjpstlc Trio S<'bnrri-r Fnini Mac. Frank .Snow Itoas Miller. I.»ii SIip'HpIiI. Will Mariipv. Tlaanni SliH-k. Wnlli-r MllU-r. I.. K. .sblPliK .Marv. Mack. Aiu'n-w Salu-r. K. II. .Maivy. II. C. Soldpn. IJ. W, Morris & P.irkpj S|mn«ler. S. B. >litn-liousp. Itpii Sloat. R .0. .McCnulpr. SnHlri-s. Hirry I'nif. A. Snillb. 0. T. .Madi:nx, A. W. Tally, Harpy .ilarlpii. K,-iiik Talt, (Ireat Mack. William Talt, N. A. .\liiilnilp. Kilillc Tnrncr. W. ». Marlon. Ilonuaii Trapivrt. H. Mimlo. Fr.vl Taylor. C. K. McFarlalsl fJi-o. Tucker. J. W. Mnriln. Frank Taylor, s. It. Marlon. I". K. Treloar. Al .Mallu. Paul Try>.n M.aiiliuv. AU-i. FrnI IDoc) .Mi-yiiliHi. W. J. Ipel. Ib-o. .Miipiait. Josi-pli Tanipr. l-'rank Mil'liall. Allpn ■llinyis. Al Mr.vo. IMcar Toiaiiiasl. I.uld \liffi-lla. Ma-c Taylor. C. C. Marl I'. K. T.i»itM-ial. Miirrny. Ilncli Francis .Mulray. I'ple Tbiauii-scll. P.M llnrrlnrlon. i..J'Mur«y. «. II. Turner. Kilwnnl Han W. J. Mnnton. Kpvli: 'nionipM>u. P.M. Ilpilplln. M -. .Mallanpy, lubllri'riionipsoii. Jas. Ilerl«-ri. W. il. .Maiisley. M'lll |Tluimps..n. Irwiii. John T. Mcmtsnupry * . Rarmoipl lio-^on. F. O. ■ Pearl IMpll. C. K. luihcr, llug.-r Matyumulo, Mr. L'rdell, Cliarles Wallace, Pat WaNb. Billy Wlnlk-ld. tl. Wade. li. I.. U'lKVln. lipft IsbPr, J. n. i;nilly. Rtlnrard Van Meter. Harry .Vogpl. J. W. Vondell, Harry Vinton & rioyton Von Zar ,1. I'--,.. F.. V. Vamc-.t. Victor VoKPI. J. W. \ okes, Horry Vauiclin. (^inrlea Wletie. <>irt Wallace Shotta Wooley. Mart Worinwoil. V. P. Wallers. Freil Wprit & Judje Wblltle, W. K. Weln. An- draa l^mak White, C. R, Wlcbetn. Otto WIlllHin ABuriik Waltliam I.eKoy Westlake. Cba< Wsrreii * Wbllircll. «J. R.' Howanl WIlMin. Friuk M'atiMl, Ray Waine. A. J. Wallace. F. T. Wilson, CharleM Williams. Mr. MWllson. Jack Went, J. W. iWllsr.n. II. L. WlKlp. F. R. Wendel. n. F. Wllllaois. T. II Wevprann. K*I Wllhnr, Carl Walsli. nilly Wallace. J.ick W'llllpms. Mnlconi Wllli.ims. Sim Wnllngrn & Wbltney Wblt3ian. RpnI. WriKliIKon Walsli. Billy Wvckoir. Frpil Yacklay. E. L. yplliiw Bear yoiini:. Tot Wllwii. T. P. lYaimK. 1.. A. Wan<l. S. A. YounK, Ocwltt Ward. J. II. Vounc J. F,. Wyckoff. Freil Zandfa. Tbe Willis .V I,.>wls /.ninuy. .N". Wllsn \ Nlarnn 'ZPi>|.pnfebl. I.. Wrli-ht. Thomas Zarcllls. Tbe Wapner. Will SE E NOTICE AT HEAP OF LIST. XOTICK T» COnHESPONDENTS. Oiir ihciitrlcal coirrtiiondrntit nrr hrrrhy notlflril Unit the cmlinliuls iioio held bu Ihrm rrpiiril on .liinr I. Thin iiii- rf^urxteil 111 rrliirn them to tiiin olflcr iit oiicr. (or re- niiriil fur lOKiV.WC,. .\EW YORK STATE. Bnffaln.—At the I'ark (M. Slien. niona- ger) the Wui. Farniim Co., In "Kng llnrlior," Jiiiic r>IU. ••Ilectttixu sue lA)ve<l lllm So" iipxf week, "t'mler the lied llubp" proved n IxitPDI DiTprIng lust week. tii.u IiuiviMi I'AiiK.—I'awDPP mil (NinieR 7. ninglluK llroR. bad rain tlielr llrst day, lint biixlQeRx tur the spleDilid Khow avci'agp<l vrell for the two dnyn. "Prlm-c." na nnruly pIp- lilinnl, was striinRlcil lu de.ntli after loiicb effort. Shea's. —Roxler week of r. Includes: Jos. V. Sheplinu, ISIIlj' Van, I'alrlcp, In "A New Year 8 lirenm:" lierliprt's dogs, Kruuk (.', Yonu;; nml Kathleen U« Vole, llitzur. and Muzel, .Mattle Mckette and the Three Cos- trllllous. .MaoaKpr Ttaoinns O'Brien 1.4 re- (■ii|ierutlue from un all Winter lllne.<«. I.YL-Ki'M IJ. Langbllu, manager), — Tbe JIililr«<I llnlland itenKoii prugressea Uaely. ••Two Mitle Vagrants" this week. •The Lily nud the I'rlmi'" iieit ti'eek. •The I'ower Be- liind the Throne" did exceedingly well. I.AFAVtrrTK (f. M. Hogg, nianager).—The Kentncky llelles drew the nsnnl nnlronage luMt tveek. The Itrlgadler.-i this week. Wine, Women und Song week of lU. .\itTKs.—Vanlly Fair, .lohn Ilrognn. pro- nioier, ojipiieil on the Keith TUeatre site, on .Mnlu Street, last week, with uiniiy conces- sions null hrlglit pro.speota for ii Summer park The f'r.vstal Ilench spasoii Is also o|ii-npd, although too coal for giKKl attend- UUCP. Is a sirong one and a most prosperous sea- son Is asMiirpd. U1AI.T11 (>'. W. McDonnell, manager).— Til" followlag people are twoked June 5-10: Kostell and Kmtiiott. Ollbretn. the Misses Clif- ford nnd Sllva. Kdiia Rose, Lillian Hall, May MelsoD and Jniuci I'roudlove. moving plc- tnrsH nnd lIliiHtrated song.s. The following oinaed June 3: Morgan and Crone, I'bllllps nad Jlerrltt. Itiisluess continues good. a —' Jiimenton-n. —At the Samuels Opera Iloiwp (il. Itels. manager) De Wolf Hopper, In ••Wang,"" delighted a capacity audience .May :iO, This ended the season at this bouse, whieli has been a very prosperons one. CKLEkON Tiir\TiiE (Jule Delmar, mana- geri.—-The regular vandevllle season opened nt this house J!), with the following perform- ers- Cinrdner and Mnddeni. In a comedy sketch. ••Too Many IiarllDg.t.'^ the headline net: Hmnilow and Wiley, John (ielger, Hu- lipil De Venn. Ilghtnlag .sketch artist, and the KlKlit Cornallas, lu athletic feats alwve the ordinary. XoTt:—The Avon Clnb presented '•As You Like If on the latrn at ibe home of Capt. Allieri Gilbert Jnnc .1. a Schenectady-—At tbe Mohawk Theatre (Mortimer Snow, mamtger) tbe Mortimer Know Stock Co., In ••Held by the Enemy,'" week of May :;!>. Illled the hoiiac at every pprrnrinnticp. •'The Wife" week of June ■"», •lindpr the lied llotx-'" week of 1:;. .\'iTt>-.—Adelaide W.irrcn was taken 111 Inst n-m-k. tint Is rtinidl.r recovering, and will la- scpn In '"The Wife." Dreamland ojiencd on .Memorial liny. It la located halt wny between Allxinv and Troy. Prospects are goo(l....\V. Williams, advertising agent •if the Mn'iawk, wax culled sudenly to Deii- vpr. Col.. Inst week, owing to the Illness of bis mother. a Blnfrhnmton.—At the Stone Onern Honse (J. 1'. i:. t.'inrk, manager) Klark Urban Co., lu repertory, drev good business May 2!)- June '.I. r.vRK (J, 1'. K. Clark, manager). —Mill-. l» IiOra, Kddlp Hornn, Jones and Sut- ton. Klein mid Clifton. I.nlu Tliels, and the Four .\niprlrnn Trumpeters drew large crowds Mny I'll-June .1. »»» TEXAS. Kochenter.—At the I.yceiini Theatre (.M. v.. Wolff, tnaiiagerl the oueulng hill of the Siitniiu'r stw'k. '•The Cliiirlty Hall." week of .Miy L'l). tlrmly i-stalillshed Mils ex- ■ ellonl coniiinny In the lieurts of uiir ihcatri!- goers, whs line Ihroiighunt tbe Avcpk. (!eo. llcntli. Harry lllnkcimirp, Frank- lin llltclile, Mniide Knowltiiu. Kulhryn .Mar.',e nnd l.iu-y .Mllllkeii were cxii-llently cast, nnd iii.'iilc InillvUliinl successes. The outlook for a most pros)>eroiis season Is hriglil. "Mrs. WIggs of the I'uliluigp I'alch" June ,1. 11, Wm. T. Hodges, In •■l-^lghfeen .Miles from Home." 7: Ibe stm'k. In a doiihle hill. "Cu.ste" and "Solving the Uai'P I'rohlem." H-ll). Xatio.nai, TitPATUK (Max Ilwrtlg. ninna- pen.—••The Frisky Mrs. Johnson" was well put nu by the stoi^k week of May -'-', aud excellent business was done. Jeasb- Ilon- slelle nnd Kreilcrlck Kcrhy made lilg per- soiiiil h!t.s. The iiroducllon was excellent. •'Dorothv Vernon, of llnddiin linll," .'ilti. llAKi'i': TitR.vTRt; (J. K. Iloyle. mnuager). —The stock. In ••The Old I'lunlulUm," had eonllniH'd ;:ooil nttendnnco last weeit. ••The (iambler's SAvecthearf" ."i-10. CiMiK Oi'KliA llonsB (J. H. Mnore. niann- gcri.—The slock loinpaiiy still does the bnn- iier business here. Lust week "A Texas Slei'r" was well imt on. Ileft Lylcll, I'plpr M. iJing :ind .Vrlhiir Kutledge scored heavily. ".Monle Cristo" .'-111. Ontaiiio IlHAt'it I'AIIK (Jno. J. C^olllnv. manager).—Business on the uiienlng week was nil that iinild he deslreil. The Mft.v- fonrtli Iteglinrnt Hand Is a iwtpnt al traction. 1Iiii:amlanii (K. J. Walters, resident man- ager (.—"riip success of this park (Ito<-hps- ler's latest I has cxccedi-d all expedntluns. Business Is Immense. Kill 4 und week: Helen Ijcrnni - nud her stallions and dogs, Ito.viil Italian Bnnd of Home, Slgnur All>prlo C. lliisntl, conductor. Albany.— \i Ilnrmnuns Ulcpcker Hnll (II. It, Jacobs, uinuager) the I'oiirlPnay Slock Co. pn'seuled "t.'burley's Aunt" all lust week, lo the delight of good sized niidlpuces. Louise Drew has Joined tbe i-oiuiinny. "The I'rofps- sor"M Love Story"" Is announced June fi-lO. I'lioCTOB's T1IB.VTIIK (Howard (irnham. resi- dent nMungprl.—Siiumirr Stock Is meellng Willi success here, every sent being taken liolh afternoon nnd pvenlng. "Tbe Ileii- rlPttn" was the i-omedv given during Inst week, nnd "Thelmn" will be put un June 5 and week. K.MfiHG TllKATRB (11. U. Jacolis. ntana- geri will reopen June .'■ nnd week, with the Kmjilre Exlrnvngnuxa Co.. in "Blnelienrd.'" NoTKS..— Dreninlnnd drew nu enormous crowd l)ei-oratli>n Hny. Iloseti's lloyal lluliun Band Is a poptilnr feature, tither uttrnctlons are well psironlzed. . .. Klcctrlc I'nrk <i|ipiip<1 for the season May .'HI, with si-veral uew features. « Elnilra At Itorlck's Hlen Theatre (Her- lien Snllngpr. nianngcr) the l-'ntbpr .Matbi-w Mluslrcls ilinal) conlinned to please .Mny "Jn- Jiiup :i. The iiiirick's Hien Opera Co. will npcu June Ti for the reunluder of Hie season, with n chnuKP of hill weekly, "fhe eunipniiy, urijaulzed lu New York by .ManUKcr Salinger, .Iloaaton.—At tbe Empire Theatre (Rich & Van De .Murk, managers) ••[xindoa by Night" was ibe attraction, to Immense houses May :i!) and week, wblrb terminated the engagement of the Klcll Stock Co. here, they closing here June J. for a tour of tbe State, iiossllily lo return tbe early part of Septpiniier. The company made many friends here, and will always receive a welcome whenever they return. Manager Harry Van De Mark will remain here to look after the liousp and complete a play that be Intends to produce This Full. HIUIII.AN11 I'AKK "J"itEATiiR (Hugh Brenun, mnnnger).—••Ranpli 10"' was the attraction Miiy T:. anil week, aud miM: with such an enlluiRlastic reception, although It was billed for three nights only, that It was coutluucd tbrongli the week, ""nie Octoroon" was the pluv 'J'l and week, nud met with tbe same cunllnl reception, by Immense crowds, as Its prodecessor hnd a week before. The com- imny Is the liest that ever played at the linrk. nnd Is wiuniug high praise with meri- torious acting. Hugh Itrenon, Helen I'ln- grw, Walter McCnlloiigli niid .Mlguon Oxer nrc eKueclnlly disliugiilshliiK lUera.selves in llip iirlndpal riiles, while llie others of the rouipuuv, Frank lleale, John Vlllusaua, RuB- sel Suood, Claude I'rescott, W. K. Ixing and Jack Klrwlii render creditable support. itti:iit.A.Mi I'Autc (Frank M. IIlNhop, man- ager).—Feldmnn's trained goats aud piga lu'ovpil such nu pxcelient siicces.s for three weeks pnst that tlipy were retained oue week longer, closing 2. Staxiuiui TiiKATiiB (Alvldo & riflsaprre. managers).—Itusiness week of Mny 211 was fair. New faces l'!l and week were: Illanch- nnl and Seymour. Kittle Houston, .Mae Dnrig and Lillian I'uiuier. Tlie old faces are re- luiued Indenniteiy. Ft. Worth—At Lnke ICrle I'ark (Harrv It. Hiirton. mnnnger), wilh lind weather con- llnulug week ending Mny ^7. the attendance held up fnlrly well. Week of li.S: I'mt llenili, the v.-nler king: Feiii! Hros., vocal- ists : (ireta Wnrrin l/ive, child Imnersoii- ator: Virginia Knnkln and Ilavbrough llowpi). •"I'.'ie (^•ul■lerfel|prK,•' by the blo- grnnli. dnsa* the sliow. Tiie opening was hen vy. Cnoivx (Phil Kp<-leln, mnni;ger).—People wis-k of »•: Musical Maultbys. Hose H. .Mitchell. Fnv Deliunr. Carl rnpeland, Jos. Thompson. i;!«ie llussell, Jas. YVolfe and Ada Viile. The week opened big. Stah I Dinwiddle k llouton ninnngern).— IV:p|e week of 20: Cleo Saiuo.voa, Kmnm Bli'ii-wllte. I.iv Kilinunds, May Wlieeler. Joe Hnllnnd. Killv Berry, Kddic Spencer. Ilawl Perry. .Mny Miintcr, Clsrn Iliiuluoii. Lillle ilninlllon slid new piciiires, by tbe klno- droine. Ruslness giind. STAxn.tiin iM. Up Ilenuc. manager).— '"llie Arrival of tlTIrady." by the stock, week of 211. 1'ei.ple: John Mcrrllt. Uandull and Uanilnlt. I.potn Armstrong. Constaupilo Sis- ters. .Muy Hill. Aggie Allen. Lulu He Mar, Miuk nnii Dot. Klhei>ll, Frnuk lillibnns, Leille follon. Vera .Miller, Puiilliie Ilnerlpl, J. R X. and (iisirgle I'liwcrs nnd Liilii l.nw- lon. Itiislncss iHHiuilnK. a Dnllnti—At tlie '('.vile Park Theatre (('. R. Mc.Vihiius. nianagen "r.ucretia llorgia" was renrtfted very fuvomiilv liv UPiitfniw'R I'nihilnilprs .Mny i;:i-2.l. "MlilnlKbl in Cbliin- lown'" 211, 27, nnd ••A lireen Kveil .MonsU-r.^' 28, cnmp to packed lioiisps. 'riiis c<impniiy ends lis cngugenipul week of '211, with n cluinire of lilll niglilly. The tlarrlspnrkln- sou Sloi'k Co, oiiens In repprlory, nt lliU the- nire, week of J11 up T<. Faib (Iiioi'viih AriiiTHKirM (f. W. stater, manager).- 'Ibis llipnlre lins I n luriied Into a Summer playboiise and will la- oppned June 4. with Hip Slater MnilWciu Siiunre 'i'hpatre Co., ill reiH-rliTy, nt |Mipiiiar prices Nun Ant'iiiln.—KlcclrU- I'liik isid W Wels. proprietor) was opened on Mny r, v, the Albert Taylor Stock Co., lu "The .N"e» Secretary." to an immense nndlenee. Froa the very (irst performance this place has l«- oome n most popular resort, and Hhoiild cui- tlnue so as long as It Is conducted la a efficient a manner an now. Tlie llrst we«k the following plays were well rendered • 'Tke New Secretary."' "Home, Sweet liome" "King of Wail Street." '•'Xhe Ijidy of I.yons!^ with addlt.nnal cliaiiges uud plays, ireek at CtlLOUADO. nenver,—Klltch Hardens iMary F.iitrk- Long, manager), the popular Summer rr- sort. re-opcneU its gates 10 tlie pnhllc Jliy 2!j. wub :he iicsl olTerlug In line of aniu»- ment. Tlie new fcntures this year art a new vaiirtc/llle tbettre, the helter-skelter. KnizeLJnicnipr cnr.tle, temple uf nilrlh -xtA a new mei-ry-go-roimd. A large oinoiiat hid been expended lu the grounds, and it Ls unir n lK;aHlirnl place. The old mill, the circle swing and the double figure eight lobuggia are big hits, nnd the tiarni dl^lay Is aoui;; th- Hnest in this country. The mpmbers of the stock company have nrrlveil from Xew York, nnd are under the direction of Wiitir Clark Bellows. They include: Brui^e Mritae. Kdward Jlaokey. Theodore Ilcberts, Cbarh-s Dlrkson. Krnucis Powers. Cecil He Mllle. Joseph Kn.ufman Henry Kullker. Williaai Curey, .Mav Buckley. Oliver Oliver. Kilia Aug, Elennor Carey. Constance .\danis a«l Do:ntliv tioldthwntte. Tbe opening bill was ••My M'ite^a lluslMind."" with May Ruck'ry and Bruce McHae in Hie leading roles. Thty gav>> u great production, to the capacity. The lug hit with ibe out door attrncllois will lir. Wm. 1". Carver and bis high dirlag iKirses. The nttendnuce at Hie Hardens lus lieen very Inrirc. .Mrs Fiske iilayeil 10 |Micke<l houses 2-"i-27. Week of June ^, ""Pretty I'eggy '' -Ma.nhatta.n BlsAril (W. B. rjiwrenre. maa- nger).—This resort opened for the SumuiFr May 27, and Is a very populiir place, as It hicludes a large lake. The management bis spent much money In nxing up rlie gronnds nnd putting up nvw buildings. Including a big vaudeville theatre, roller skullug -n- vllloD, roller coaster, boating on tbe take, dancing pavlllou. box liall howling alleys, teen minutes, by street car, from any part of tbe city, and for this reoaon alone should lie well potronized, as most of the otbfr I>arks are located some distance from tbe city, aud It takes close to an hour to go tu any of them, via street cars. The ranious liOndon, Eng., Baud, tlie Red Cockades. which la making lis llrst appearuncp la America, Is furnTsblng the music, and rea- derpd some excellent pieces, (liber atlrac- tlons, ill uumlier, keep Ibe crowds in a. good humor, and this park should |iroy« to iK! n very popular one.'.n. —Hlnney Crucible Qiiarlette, Dare Devil Nelson, wlio makes Iiallnun I'- ceusiona at 4 r. M. every day, and (iueutbet's New Band. SoL'TiiKii.—Br.vnnt nnd Savillc'g Minstrels, afternoon tnd evcuing; Iron City Quarletle, nud Ma.ver's Band. OAKWixin.—Quaker City Quarlelle, from "Checkers." nt the Xliou Theatre: Clarli-e Templeion, a popular voi-allst, and tbe Kuur- teentb Iteglmeut Band. KKN-ttwoou.—Rocerto nnd his band will give concerts afternoon aud evening dnrlng tiie week, and Dilffln-lledcay Troupe of wou- derfui aerial ncrobnts perform every day. NoTr.—On Friday nfternouu, .luiie -■ about 4 o'clock, fire was discovered la the Avenue Theatre, and the playhouse was com- pletely destroyed. Further meuiinn of the lire will be found elsewhere In this Iwne. The Nre was entirely coufined to the Avenue, which Is n part of the same building occu- pied by the Grand Opern House. On «i- i-onut of llic henvy partition between Ine two tbi;atres, tho Grand was mirnculousiy saved, although damaged by woler. Man- ager Diivis trnnaferred the performeni nt. the Ornnd to the Alvln Theatre, nnd 11>< show went on as u.<iual. * ■ » DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. WnslilnKton At the Columbia TUfn're (Joseph K. I.iickett, lunnnKer) H'l" .Wf'"'-, l"! stnik presents "Sowing the Wind. l-J« week ".Mrs. f'ane's I>efence"' was most an- mlr.ibly rendered. an<l the houses tvere very large. "The Two Roses" June l"J-li. I.YcriiM TitRATni' (Eugene Keriinn. man- ager).—This week, W'Ine, Women and !>»ni! (V». fJlst week, Watson's Oriental nar- lesiiuers had excellent business, well o'- servd. The Broadway Biirlesipiera ""'-.. CiiKVV l.'ltASK Lakp (Herbert •»"'''; mc.nnpcr).—^Tlils Is the only siiliurliau i>»'J of tiniiL'-ement oiienetl as yet The I- •; Marine Bnnd (section) renders nightly w" certs which are well nttendetl. .,,.„„•, XoTi.—Tbe Nntbmal, I..nfnyelfe, < »»«;' the Anideniy of Music are closetl for Ibe *»^ wm. *-»♦ " OKLAHOMA. Oklahoma City—At Delmar ^""'"'.'Ij W. Stater, manager) May 22 nuil ««■' "L'Artlclc 47" nnd ••The Diplomats did rair business against the Carnival Co. ,.|.. I'AiiKKii C-AiixiVAt. Co. odereil "on'"" ,'!.', podrome, I'eggy from Paris, dog aud I"""';;; circus, electric theatre, Katzenjammer N»''j crazv house nnd Ferris wheel week of •""•, 22, and made good, under tlie ninnagemeni Cliff MncOregor. „. ....-h Note.— Zack Miller, of the 10.1 ,"»°r,|i where the Nalionnl Editorial Associa Ion »'" 1h< rutertaiued June 11, was in the f'<f.''„; 27. The .Miller Bros, will give a biiffnl-i mini, roping anil riding lontest nnd all nmuscon'o'. nt that charncter free to the edllor.s. "»'• will serve hiiffnlo meat to tlielr K'"'*''-.'.ili CPssUuis are iiuilpr the management of »"' Bros., Bliss, O. T. ESTKI.I.A X. WILLS, formerly so"l'r'*'J for Chas. E. Rlaney. Geo. W. Slonna! »"■ J. HowanI Snringer. la meeting with .sui.ip-> tuiirlng the siiiumer parks.