The New York Clipper (June 1905)

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June iO. THE NIETW YORK CI.IPPER. 411 WHEN i ORIOLES i NESTING I AGAIN A R E 0 N 0 E « IF YOU WERE ONLY HERE" "IF YOU WERE ME AND I WERE YOU" R,„ for Prof. Cop.„. ^^ —^ Le.der. rt^rch...r> ,. nd for "IBJP ATIIWT JAUE' ■».! th. "KASQUERADER8." I...,Pr„r.„... .ocn... cg> PflC, OBC,/lLg*Ear^ ^fc 00«« 67 Clark St., CHIOACO, III. onisGo>. Portland.—Lewis i Clark CcQlcnnlil Ei- position will upcu June 1. 'The cercinoDk-s will begin with ii parndc hI ]0 o'elwk A. n., under tbe dirccltoit u( Cramt Miinilm! K. Z. Stec»'cr», lo be parll(:ll>ateil In by VIre I'r'-sldcnt b'lilrlntnkK, rrcsluent <l>iodi! nnd pintles. (.•ongrcsslouHl iiud other olBrlnl par- lies,- Kourlh L'. .S. Cavalry, Koiirtecnlh X'u .S. Infiinir)', KiRhleenlh U. S. Ilatlerj and KIcId Arllllerj', Orcson Xullonal tluiird, i-udets nnd moiioted police. On enlerlni: tlio fair groiinda the oflirlala and giicata will proceed to the New Vork State Iliillding, and tlicncc, at 11.15 A. K., to the ceremonial plnlfurni. The marhlnery of the Kxposltlon will he set In nrnllon liy rrcsldeiil |{o<isevelt. who will tonrh the gold key in the White House at 1 oVIoik r. >i. At the cunchwlun of the tTrenionles refresliiuents will lie served to the otliriala and piestH In the .Vew York lliilld- Inc- An elHlnrnle dinner nlll he nerved In the Xen' Vork Ilnlldlng by the KxjioMtlon dirertorule In honor of ilio vice prcsldetit and concresMlonal comuilttec, at 7 oVIork, to l>e followed liy a rcceiillon. in the pavilion annex to llic New York Ituildbi);. Concerta will lie Rlvrn by the Adnilnlslrntmn Band at i:.:tit u'clock 1*. M.> and by Innen' Hand nt 7.:io o'clock i: m. KIreworks on the lake will begin at 8..10 oclotk p. ji. The npctilne re-eptlon lit the American Inn will lie held May 2T>, from 8 until 10 o'clock. AmiiKcmcnt cfjnccsslnns are: Vniidevillc The- atre, tiro. Jabonr. niunaeer: Oiscarte (Inrden.i nnd Terra.c of StnlCK I,. 1". K.. \V. l.\ Wll- IlnmsoB. mnnii(!er; Wnlec Chiilea, Water Chiitcs t'o., mnnaEera: Temple of .Mlrtb. Ker- nand .\koiin. mariii|,'>T : .laimiejie Vlllate, Yn- mela KiiKhlblkl. malinger: IMvlne KIks, \V. H. n.trnes, manager: Anlniul Slmw, New York Animal Show Co., managers; Mnxle 1-;ie.trUiilly tJeucrali.-d, I'acltic Coast Tel- hnrinnnlc Co.. mnnaRcrs: Ilaiintcd Swing, (ireson Ainiisenietit ("o.. niiinnirers; Streets of Cairo ami Oriental Village, liastiin Akoiio, mannfiiT: Klmlfy's Carnival of Venice. Ro- In«sv Kiraify Venire Co.. inanncer!>: Land of the \Ilfinl;:ht .'<nn. Kdw. .\r. Rayllxs, manager; Televiie, J. It. Kowlrr, mnnneer; Iiavenport Karm ICxhlblt.<i, Homer Davenport, manager: .'^lallnc .Madonna. .Mnllillde Itlpherger. man- ager: \ 'I'rlp to .N'liignra I''iill8, Mnihllde IJip- herger, manager; Ilungarlan Chadrn, .M. K. I'lBrlier. mnnagcr: (iaivrstnn Flood, C.nlves- lon Kloo<l Co.. innnaeei'i!: Shooting Gallery. Jj. Ilerkowltt & Co., manager!;; .Mirror .Mane, Kerdlnsiid Akuiin. manaerr; Indian (.'urios nnd RvlicK, Miller, manager: the While Slave: or, n (illmpsc of the ttarem, K. A. Shapiro, mannger: a Trip to .Siberia, (Jteat Siberian Itnllway Co.. managers; Tn-zler Indian Kxtiliilt. Altchisnn, Mnnley and Alkcn. managers: ItPDibrnndt "The Night Wali-h," Cant. >l. J. I'crk, manager; Blue (irdltd. U. ft. Schmohl. manager. .M.\jicji;a.u Grand Tiikatrk (Calrin He'Iijr, manager I was dark week of May 2'J, except for ioi-ai nffnirs. Ilobcrt Lee Dunn, Id lec- ture on the RiisKO-.tapancsc War. L'O. Vsaye .'in, direi-tion' Lni.i i&teers and Wvnn t'oman. Chaiincoy «>icott :il-.liiiic :;, Nat'C. Coodwiu 3, Iteriha Crclghton 5. nKMscfi riiE.vTRi; (B. L. S.irkeft. mana- ger) hi;d a mngnilicint oprning Mnv 27. The theatre waa crowded, and the opinion waa general that 'The Henrt of .Maryland," aa given by the Bcla.sio Slock Co., was by far the best stock pi-o<'iirtif.n ever seen in this city. "The C'limlrt-ra" will be put im June 3. KMi'inr Tiir.iTnB (Kltou \V. .Senmiin, man- .igerl.—Tbe Kniplrc Stock Co. had two big houses Mar 28, to witnesa "A Wicked "Oman." "Blow for Illow" did good ImisIdcsj wei'k nC 21. "Kncketl's Wife" .liine -1. Star TII^;.^TIIE (S. Morton Colien. mana- K^r' —Jnhll I.. Sullivan, Melroy Trio, .Mack and Klliott. Mrs. .Iiiieu 1*vy and (itniiinuv, Ilellmnn. Kosiire nnd Slinpin, K. II Slanb- field. Itichnril niirlon. nnd liie blograpb. n.«KKR Tiii:atmb (Keating & Klood. mnnn- Wi'^t-—John Mlildle.Kky. IlulmeK and Holmes, Alvin and lirlm, Jeiin Wilson, the .Mnrrcils, the BnkeroErnph and Bnker'H Orcbeslra. C.iM.Mi TliK.STHK (Jiinies II. Krrlrksnn. nnnnger).—lOnierson's .Minstrel .Mald>i, .Marie Sparro*-. Kd. .Slack, .lor Konner. I he Ander- «.n Children. I.cwl.<< and llarr, Itinghara and Ihnrijlon nnd the (;i':indin-oi>e. I.VKic TiiKATCK (Keating & I'lood. raann- ''?j''i~'''''= ''JT'c Stixk Co., week of 20, Id Idnlio." AiicAt^B Tiieathk (S. Morton Cohen, man- ager).—West anil comiianv. Wilson and Iraimir. Iioricc Slsler.s. llnndd, Arthur Jack- son and ihe Anierinin hlosiii|jc fnt-r/.'s .\KW TiiKA-mB (.1. .1. West, niaa- ngeri.—Itooney and Korrexter, .ie»;ic Ver- non. Virginia Vornon, ffltlic Mnd, Jim Howe. .Icssio Steward. Inei Scott. I,n Hose and llailield, ijnorgc and Mzzle Bird. Slinw siRters, .May Vau Coltcu, nnd Jnmeu A. Shiidrlck. l>m-itKi-ji TiiKlTRB (W. A. Simons, nian- ageri.—l,eon Krrol, Itose I>epe\v, VIvhm Ijeola. Wilma Slsteis, Ilarrv C. Ityner, iinidv i.avnre. .Mamie W<-.«r. K«i. Hiissell. Maple J-oaf lYIo. Miss Smith. Marjorle .Mandcvllle. Iliiirni Brothers, the Alvinos ami Vic Lewis, in".? <^*'-« <S. If. I'riedlander. manngeri will be opened M.<i a Siiiiiini-r park May Mil. It la alliiatcd on island. In the' Wii- Inmette Ulver. opposite Ihe city of I'ort- lanrt. and is .ircennlhle bv boat or liy trains of the Oreeon Water Power Itaiiway «'o. A large numher of allraclinna will lie provided for the entertainment of viKitors. ♦-»♦ KKXTrC'KY. I.iOntiivlllp—At Masonic Theatre (Chas. 1., **'""*'• nuinaEcrl Marvin llarl'..^ vaiiile- viiie coniiiany. May 1:11. :!U, atlracled gowl crowds at eai'h iierfurniance. The cnin|>any was dlKbumbNl alter Ihe closing performance, t" ••nabie Mr. Ilarl to go Into iriilnini; for his IlKht with .laclj Hoot. ■•"orxTAiNE Kerbv I'abk (Wni. Iteichinan. nianii;-eri. — An excellent programme was given ai llnjiklns' Tavliion. at this resort, week of J8, which attracted crowded iiniises. I lie new people cngiiprd for we»k iif .Iiiiie I arc: .MuNiin's Snclely Belies. Crawford and Manning. Phyliia Allen. .Vcweli nnd Xililo. Apollo. Alpine Zocdlnm. The management nniigarated a fireworks ilisplay 1. which will I>e ci.nthilled luicp :i week diirina the snason. .Another fratiiie of the jiark decorations is a m.imniolii eicciric star. II Is nionnled on a fKilr eighty feet high. Hie star is twelvi> feel from point lo |»dnt. and Is eqiiipprd wlib six hundred and forty Incnnde-sccnt glolies. Pndacnh,^—\t the Caalno (Will Malnne. inaiinger) the Sniamer Hcnson u|>encil May 2!l. with a niiiving pirtuie nmchlne as the feature, and the attendance was surprlslaz- ly large 4 ■ » OHIO. Cinrlnnntl,—June—month of roses—had a perfect inniiKitrai, and tlie direrlors of oiil- diior Riniisementa arc iwrfcrlly happy. All tlie tlieatri-ii arc now ciojed nnd the Suniiner nwirts will hare a clear Held iinlll the latter part of Aiijnisl. The event Iheatrlnii of the week was the execution of a lH>kl atroke by the Kmpirc circuit, which invadeil the Ivasl- crn hiirlc«picr's .slionclioid and added nine theatres to the already strong Western or- piiil/.ation. The Lyceum. Bijou and Trocn- dei-o. of I'hiludi'iphia : Illjini, of l'aier.son, .V. J.: Hon Ton, of Jersey Clly : C<iliiaii<lu, of, nnd Caiunibin. of Rostun. in I lie Kast. and Smith's Opcni House, of i;rand I(Hpld<. In the West, were nil ndded lo the ICnipIre drcalt. Tlie ubsorptlou was fillirlaily aniioiinifd at a circuit nieei. lag at the Burnet House, 1, an ech<i of a recent quiet little Nession In ■■hiiadei- plila. James J. itiiller, uf St. I.<iuis: J. II. Whalen, of I/iiilsvillc, ond James i;. i''cn- nessy, of CInclniiiitl, wore the commlttemen who englneereil the siicceasful InvuDlon of Kastern lerrllory. The.r were all present at the Clucinuatl uiei'ting. a.s well as HnlH'rt llem-k, Krank lirrw nnd K. W. Camplicli. of Ihe Star Theatre, Cleveland : John <!. Jer- iiion. of the Lyceum, IMilladelphla. anil il. W. Williams, of the Academy of Music, ritlsbnrg. Two other l^astern houses are to Join the Knipire within a week, and a deal lor a Tornnlo house Is pending. Jiisl at present Kansas t^ily Is Ihe most remote Western i«dat tinichiMl liy tiic Kmidrr, Inil San Krandsm has knocked at the door and may l>c added sisiii. CoxKV 1.SI.ANII (W. S. Ileiick, ainiiseinrnt director I.— IloKlno, Clam Ijinc, Iieliuu and Helen Kgilen an? the new canis olferisl June 'I. A new aiilo line Is one of this season's novcilies. Carl KLschei-, the rnnieillan of the (iernian Tlieatrc Co., made his iipiiear- ancc in vnndevillc wltli a turn that took well. KIwood aud Magdc liurlon, llenfrew and Jennlns^s. I lie Four Laniiails and Kmsln were the other coiitribiitorij tu u pleaslog bill. I.iouiw T,Ai:o(iN' (J. J. M'caver. manager). —Kd. C. Hays. .Mae .Mcliiane, l(uss<dl, Sclnsily and IliLsscli. Ilie lie Aiiis, and Xelio an! to be seen l. Tlie niidlrnrcs last week were laice. Iten iiniar, Slapieion and Chiniey. Mart and Iiillim. and the (treat Aiierliei-k were tlic vauilcviile artists mar- KhaUed liv Wlillaiu Clark, dirrclor nf that part i>r the enterprise. The Myth Cily and Japanese Ten House arc two new addlliuun to the resorl's nttrnctinns. CllE-sTKR IV.MK (I. .M. Martin, manngeri. —I.a Vere Dcvolr'.s iierfurniing Is-ars arc featured -1. In the vamleviile theatre Saw- tclle and Sears. La Dent, Dell and Ward, and McCune nnd IJiant will npi>car. I-ist week IMI Vrles, the lliiislonlsl, nnd Ameia, the lire dancer, were great card.s. while Susanne Willis and the VaiKlevliio Students made a hit. Kcrgiison and Passmorc made good. TiiK SCoo (Waller Iiraiwr. necrelarv).— Kliery'8 Band, led liy Keriillo, has made a. great impression, and drew splendid crowds. The organi/alion reninlna another week. t!o.s.sir.—liansl I{os.''i. the sonbretle of tiic (iernian Stoi-k .Co., is dangi'ronsiy ill at t!ic (terinan' Ilospitai. and may not rer.iver Carl llagenbei-k's Trnine<l Wild Aninini Show gave four perrormances at Nor- wood and two at Cunimlnsvlllp early In the week. and. liespit? recent visits of Itohinson'H nnd niiigliiig's leuled shows, took a nice lot of money awn.v. John II. Ilavlin is inter- ested in the show Carl (^lantvoort, who is going abroad to complete his niiiMlcal edu- cation, will give a farewell recital at the (irand Opera House .1 Krank It. Tale was here with the Carl llugenlieck Sliow The Memorial flay business at the resorts hurt by an aftersoon storm. nn'onHlinro.—I'linulniuinn Park Summer Vauiicvllie Tlienlie litidil. W.Tviie, ni.inagerl opeueii M:ir 2!i, with tlie f..ll..iring bill: and i.nie Kissonnei to and N'-winan. ele.-lrlc iiiiveliy iui-Kieri: Senator I'rank Ileil: ■\iiieilinn New^liiiys i^iartetle and Ihe liio- graph. AH act.* were cood, Ihe Xewshoy.ij Quartette IkIok tbo uiost applauded reature< ('iFvrtnnd.—At Ihe 'Ipera House (A. K. Hart!!, inanagerl "The ilerniils In Ilollaud." Klven iiy the Hermit Club, of Cleveland, i-om- nienced a week's engagenienl June 1 and ends 7. as dues Ihe (ipeni House season. The Ilcrnilt Club is a Mirial rlul>. cimiiio.seil of the tirsl men soclall.v in Cleveland. These men have i;athered aliout Ihrni Ihe men most talented, luuslcaiiy and otherwise, for the |air|s)se of giving lUiislrMi or drninatie pro- ductions eacii season, all uf which shall be iiiin|Mi.seil and wrillen liy iiicmbrrs of the club. The veliicic chosen ihis year Is ii niii- sicai extravaganxa. The hoMses nnd aiivancc sale so far indinite Ihe henvlcsl week's re- ii>lpls for the (l|s>ia House this season. Ciiarles Hawlrey. in ".\ .Message from .Mars," liad excellent business .May 2!i:il. CoMi.MAi. (Hrew & Caaiplieil, managers). —"The Only Way" Is Ihe otferlug liy tiie Cobiniui Slock Co. week of June ,'>. "Bemuse Slie I,<ived lliin So" lipiiight out the usual caiiHclty houses tliat frcnueni this house, ia.-^t week. "The Henrietta week of 12. C|.Kvi;i,AXii (J. K. Conkson, nianagcri.— "'I'he Convict's iMuphter" closed Ihe Cleve- land's season after tbe performance :!. Kiici.iii .\vi;.\rK CAnoKN Tiiihtiik (Max Faelkeniieuer, iiiHUaKen. — "Tlie (!lri from I'arls" is the scoiid week's offering liy Ihe KtiH'k coiniuiuy here. olu. "I'ricesss cliic'' openod tlie liiirilen for liie si-ason. Despite the lool weather that prevailed, good houses ruled. "Billy Taylor" week of 12. Coi,isi;l'.« (M. I-'. Trustier, muniiger).— Bill week of .1 consl.sis of a symphonv con- cert, operatic production of "Tiie ftarlier lilrls." nnd Clias. It. Ilunfurd ami Co. will produce "Don Ciesar de Ilazaii." if llin wenlher would beeome a Illlie warmer a lietter line could be colteu on Hie future of these Summer gardens heri!. This theatre opened week of May 211, and former iiatinns ot Haiinorth's onild hanlly realize ilmt the present Cuiiseiini i-ould have iii-en Ihe oid lilaip. Maimger Trosller iiiiH ceriainiy iiiHile a wonderful tran!.formutiun, and suriess is pri-dii-ted for lilm. Keith's iL. .M. Klrbk. manngeri.—Big reieipis and an ex'-pilnu hill, week of ■_'!!, m.irked the c|ose of Hie Keas<m here. |.;j. tensive repairs and ulieratluiis will be made while Ihe hniise i^ iljrk. Stai: (HreivA; Campbell, managers).—The I'herry Blossoms Co.. week of -"i. The Briga- diers hid goiMl iHieliiesK Inst week. The Ito- lieinirils week of I'-'. I " \A i'\i!K.—ltii«lne«s here rantinnr<: Kooii. and the Mllrnrtlous nr.- gettinir In a innre liiiivked stale Ijiiia i'nrk shoulil huri; S|llelllild bllstlii*ss tills SiuniiiiT. Wi.iTi' City ifonurrly Maiihnttnn Beadil wa.< to have turn Mjs-ited .lune .'!, but lli« uiivaing lias bcca pwtponcd uatU Juno 10, on account of the uui-umplclrd condition o[ the buildings XoTEs.—Cleveland la to have a III|ip»- drome like Xew Y'ork. The site has be«li bou;iht and the romiNiny Incoriioraied. it Is said »2,(I0II.0(KI will be Investeil 111 Hie prolcct Wallace Ilnis.' Show gave Iwn jierforniaiKvs and hail gisKl business wn'k of 2U Tbe Bnrnnui & OMiley Show June 5. » ('oliiniliaa.—At Ihe (irent Ronthern (O. M. Ilelfner, manager) "When KnIglitliiMid Was In Mower" rci-eivcil an artlBtlc prescntatloii liy the stock comiuiny, nnd was thoroughly cn- Jovcd liy fair lioiises. Ijiiirn Nelson Hail and 'J'hiirbjwe lleraen were very gisMi anil wen> well suppuried. June ."i, "Tlic Masked Ball." Kmimiik (Ii. .\. Wclsnuin, mansgeri.— "Tiie Ijidv Slavey" was iiriHliiiid by Hie Km- plr- Miisinil Comedy htisk Co., to large crowds, week of May 'JH. John Voiing, CIihs. tilblyn, K. Coil Alliertson, IJco. Kbner, .Miss niiiismoiv. Mae KUcoyne, nnd .Miss Newman, ill the ieiiding roles, showed great vrrsatlitt.v, and were well received. June 3, "The Uirl from I'arls." "Hti;:' 12-17. f)r.KXTA.\iiv I'AiiK (W. W. I'rosser, mnna- gcr).—The attcwiaiii-e Is Incnasing as the weather gets warmer. Tlie lilll for wi-ek of May 'Jfl pleased fair sized houaea and lu- chided: The (Jreal Alvos, Allicrla and WiilT- keu, Ijenter ami Moure, the Three I'ortlers. liiilH and Teinideton, Bessie Tnylor, and Con- stant ineaii auil Lawrence. The lilil for wi'ek of June ,",: IClhurdo. Marlun and I'enrl, the Thn-e Troubadours lloss nnd Henderson, tlie 'i*rueMlclls, i''rp<l Russell and Saix-I Johnson. Notes. — Iniiliimilu I'nrk will open H Jay liiilgley has returned lo llils city after a abort cogaseinent witli the Colonial SIock Co., at Cti-vciund. « Ilnylnn—At the Victoria Iheatre (C. IL Miller, manager) K II. .Sothern ami Julia Marlowe arc auaoiiuccd for one iH.-rf<iriuaiicc, June 2.'!. LaK!;kiiik I'AiK (Jas. A. Kirk, manager). —lloiniaii, lla.vwnrd niid llayward, and Hie Clotty Trbi entertaiui'd g<N>d crowds week of Miiy 2S. i''Aii!viEW I'ARK (Ward k llri-eii, mnua- ger^i.- Ria business was done week uf May 2N. Tlie bill: Xewcll ami .Mlilo, Chas. iMiu can. Kaliirdo. luness end It.van and the Yallo Dun June I: 'I'he'I'nuiicniii. Mr. uud .Mrs. (;eo..Wo<alward and Arlo and Delniay. Oi»:"ij( (I.. C. llaiisiK-k, manager).—A goml bill was pn-si-iitisl week of .Mnv '.".I. Ijiii 1.1 Cia'r, Wlila Mack, Krank Vardell and lieleu West, with go<sl iMisliiess. Week of June .1: The Slmncs. Daisy la: Dale, Ku- gene Victor and the (ioriloiis. Note. —.Sellicrs Dog and I'ony Show m due j~. YfinnKxtonn.— At Idora I'nrk Cnsin" Theatre (11. D. Xoble, manager) week of Jime-1: .Morris anil .Montrose, Uitlraore and ■.elgh, llaviii, I'Inll and i'eaclies, Krnsl and Hiirke, and .Madallne Kurdelle. Avo.N I'AUK (Jus. W. Wess, manager).— The bill for current wtrek luciiides: Davis and Macniili-y. Henderson nnd itoss, Llillan Lc Itoy, Splssell Bros, and Mack, niid Viola Belle. .Sote.s. —-ingersoll's Red Cockades, of Cleve- land, gave fn-c concerts at Iiiora Dark Sun- day, •) The Avon Opera Co. closed Its engagement at Avon Dark ;i Bariiiim & Bailey came 2. anil attracted big crowds T. T. Book is home for the Siiinnicr Ilnrriaon J. Wolfe Is botue, and hU beullh Is Imiu'uvlng. s C«iil«n.—At the I'nrk Tlientri! (S. B. l?ool. manager) week of June I the following Iicople are here: .Mr. and .Mia. I'erkiUH H. Kisticr, lleriieit IJoyd, llarr.v Thome and Co., Ilenlofl nnd llruokH, World and Iving- Ktuii, and Silvern aud Emetic. Busluci>s Is very good. (i.->miK.v 'I'liKVTKt; (M. Manning, niaosKer). —Fair returns to continued vuiidcvliic and biirle8>|iie. AiiBKT's I'AnK (A. Ahret. manager).— Week of -t: Ia> Vaiigh and IN- Cameron, Chas. Bo.'s, .V. C. Daucruft, Kiirlon Keys, uud Do- rm by De Cauiernn, child performer. Busi- ness Is very gisid. ♦ «> nAINK. Portlnafl At the JefTerson Theatre fCahii fc l.irnnl, inauagcrM) the Fenbert; .Slock Co. ois>ue(l tile preliinlnary season .May 2!IJiine :!, presenling "The (iiri 1 l.eft Behind Me," the pHlrons honoring Ihe ciira- pituy b.v excellent ntlendaiice tliroiighniit Ihe week, nnd Ivlng nmsl llls-ral in ii|>piause. I.eigli De I.are.v, iip<m her apiicarance as leading laily, reii-ived ii most kindly jtreel- iiig fniiu her friends. This coni|iiiny holda forth for an extended ea;{nsemcnl, nnd will present during Hie week 5 )() "Arc You ii Nlasun'/" The nieinliers of the company ai-c: ■ ■elgli lie Lacey, (irace Vinton, AiigUHlu IliirKtsm. Ktile (llliette. Walter Woods, Wll- liain Hubert Dulley, John R. Higgins. Clins. C. Binni-hiirii. .Innies I-'. Kelley, Kiigeno Kraxicr. .Morris Burr and others. The Jef- ferson Theatre Orchestra, Kred A. CIveil, direetor, continue their pleasing niinibem. I'oim.A.vii iJainea K. Moore, manager).— The Inst week of vaudeville at this hoiisfl until the Kiill opening drew Kiatlfylng busi- ness Ihroiighoiit the week of .May 2U, wlilrh was c:i|H-clnlly pleasing lo all, as the re- celpiH thereof were gracefully handed over by Ihe iiuiiutgement to tiie employes of the iiiiime—s<ime twenty In all—for their iicnc- lii. An addlliun lo liieir bank account, a new suit or a pleasiireaiile outing may lie thi' fonseiiuence. The talent appearing in- chideil ICdgar Allen and company. Van Al- slyne and Henry. Juggling .Mcflans, Taylor Ho'nies. IVellierg Sisters, .\Iiiiilcnl Iluehn. and Z«7.ell and Vernon company. The programme ■III l-'rirtay night was lengthened by Inter- esting fealureii rontributeil liy the MlNse.1 .McCniinin, Ihe treasurer and asslHlanl Irena- iirer of the hoiiac, and other attaches, rein- fiiri-ed by local ainalciirK. I'rof. V. i;Hrl Illsh'iii and nreiiesirn received much pralsn tor their skillful renduiiui of. tbe musical uiituliers. The Sidney Toier Stock Co., whleli iHMiked for a short aeuson In .luiy, hav- ing' iiini-eled, some other attrHution will doul•tle^.s lie urf'reil later oii In tbe season lo till III isifore the vainlevillc season ojieilK In SeptemLrr. The Winter's business Just cioM>d exieediHl all forecastin;;. (!KJf TiiXAxm:. Peak's Island (C, W. T. flmliiic. mnnager).—Tbi« house open* June III. the moi'k liifludlng the following: Jniin Iv.^niiark. Itolieri Conuew. Seiiiey Brown Idi- leclori, <.'hns. Stanley, K'dword I'olanil, Rob- en Kiv. Clinsi. I.<illilnn, I'rank Sylveater, Chnw. lluile.'--, Chas. Dill, Sue Van Diiseii, JoseplilneSberwiMMl, Kathfyn,I'owers, Illoncbc 1.nwn-ncc. Kliner KwArt (scefilc Tirtlsl),'M«ti. fki y'ovdliurjr. (piopc[llcii)i Utcptica lift- grette i press agent), tico. K. Brown (busi- ness nuiiiageri. Wulter Liske (tri'usiuer). The lluslnnia Lailles" iircliesira will return by general request. "Mrs. Dane's Dctcnso" will be the tirst week's oirerlng. Cai'K Tiieatme, Cape Cottage Dark (K. V. rlielau, niunagerl.—'riic opening of this re- sort onurs 17, the maTiagemeni having en- gaged the foiiowing talent for the stock pro- ducllons: Wllllnni II. Dam-oe, Alice Treat Hunt, Helen .Mac Wllmx, C. Blanche Uke, Kmnia Cnmpladl, Katherine I'arkhurst. Harry Sliiiilui (stage director), Frank Itigrnm, Harry Hlalford, J. A. Xnun, Krank Meeban, Krnest Stone, w. II. Nichols (scenic artist), K. W. Stinson, leader. asalHled liy an orches- tra of eight pleies, will furnish tbe luuslc. The house is iielng rediforateii nnd put in line ronilllion. nntl the opening Iiiii will lai "Si'crel Service." .\uTi-s.--Rlverton I'ark opens wllh viiiule- tIIIc about 111... .Ilaigreavcs" Circus comes 5. •-•-♦ CANAIIA. Slonlrrnl.—At the Arnileray of Music III. C. Kgerton, managcri "(iiiliicy Adaiiia .law- .ver" played to g<«Kl hoiiars .May 211 nnd week, illrhnnis A I'riiiglb's MInslrrls Jiiiic 5 and we<<k, which cloHes the seiHuii. TiiKiTKE KuA.vcMH (K. Ilaworib, mniia- geri.-Iji 'I'roiipc? Cajtcnruve o|H'ned for (Ue Siinimer iieason with "Ij> .% Cents IK.- Ilriii- lisle," In Preach, lo big bimlness, last week. "L'.\ss>iiuiuoir" ,'■ and week. Tiii^»Ti!K KovAi, (K. W. Le Clair, maiia- L'eri.-'l'he I'na CIsjIon Stis-k Co., in ".Miin'H i:nem.v,'- drew gomi rcrelpis Inst week. ".No- b<Hiy'H Claim" riK). 'i'llKATWK .Natio.nal KuAxr.»iK (deo. (Jiiuv- renii, iimiingcri. — The iiermuiieni Krenrli Slo<-k Co.. Ill "Lo Train .No. II," Htlrnctcd fair biuises Inst week. "Le rarde ."i and weeii. SoiiMEii I'ARK llaivlgue k Lajoie, insiia- gi'rsi.—The |iark otMuied Ita n-giihir senBon, to giHid hiisiucs.s. last week, with Hie foiiiinliiK ttllra<'tbins: TbcCreat Chick. .Mile La Sylplie, HekiH-'I'riii. lliHite!) and Uiuncbmere, and Mcl- liieiv nnd li'.Nelila. llE.N liiiKKT ami Ills Woodland |il»yers Jiiiiu ."i, ti. Toronto.--At the I'rinci-Hs 'I'iicaire (O. II. Slicpiinrd. iimuiigerl lieuriettu Cnisman, In ".MIstrcKa .Neil," rnmo lo fair lioiiseii week of May 21>. Cra.mi Oi'iika lIurnR (A. .1. Hmiili, ninna- gen.- KiiBcnle llhilr. In "The Secoiiil .Mrs. 'I'mKiuerny," did fair IiusIncsh 'JII uud weelt. .Miss IDnlr, In ••Oliver Twist." June TilO. MAJiaiTii; TiiKATKH (A. J. Small, ninnn- geri.--(;tsirgia .Minstrels came to Idg bilul- liess Inst week. Stah Tiieatiik (K. \V. KlaIr, manager).— niie Bowery lliiriesfpiers caiiie to piicked bioisi>s Miiil ciiMcd a very siici-cssfiii hcuhiiii of this house Inst week. Shea's 'I'iikatsi: tJ. Shea, mniuiKeri.—A giKxl ilrnwing canl, week of May 211, In- cliiiled : Dixon, llAwerK and Dixon.. Oriiheua CiMiiedy Koor, AI. Ijiwreu.-e. Liiliun Shaw, Sullivan and DHMpielrna, Klvc Vaidares and th<< hiiielngrnph. IlK.\ Crket and hia WiMalland I'lnyorH, under Hie niisplcoa of Hie Toronto IJniverslly, will bo with us June 7-10. SI. .liiUn.—At Hie Oja-ra Houau (A. O. Sklniiei, iiiauiigeri •■The UiuineKa .Mule" cbiscs lis engageuieiil here .May 27. Wllh Ihe rxivplbin of ■24. wlilih was n holiday, biisliH'Bs was light. Mudaiae Bowie and her comer' company pie:isitl a fulr audience 2!l. Neil Twoiiiey and ('Uiu|niiiy o|HMied a live days' ciieiigenicnt :;ii. prrs«>ntliig "Tiie Way- waid Son,"' lo giswi biisiticss. .Neil Twoiney niid .Margnn'l Siilliorlnnii deserve mentloii. Ilo|ierlory for llio n-sl of the week was: "TIib Stolen Rilde" aud ••Tlie I'ostniasler's Umigh- ler." CMndiig; 'The Vlllugo ttioier" Juno .S ill. "\ ilol iMd •i'line" 12 II, A. y. Hciilil- mon's "Burglar" Co. 111-21. KirrKs.—■••nio (iunner's .Male" i.'o. closed Ihe aeasiiu here May 27, nnd left for Xew York _2!» Will Miti^lu-ii, press ngi-nl, aud K. I'. How, ivntni'ling ugeui, of the Keiisliowns Shows, were In Ihe city In Ihe interest uf Ibeir sliows. which are due hi'rn 22 Tile Lemon Ilriis.' Shows urn due <l, nnd, as a rmiiii, liili Isiard sjaici: is ut a prcmiiiiii, and a merry war la on. ■ Winnliifir At Hie M'lniiliH-g Theiiile (('. D. Walker, manager i Dale's KukHsIi Ois-ra K'ngera iiime .Mnv 2;i, 21, to verv fuir business. The Courtney r:o. did well 2."! 27, and will remain wivk of June ;i. DoHi.Mii.N- (.\I. Kyle, manaueri.' -The week of .May 27 was hi:;, and the allraclions were all goial. Kollowiii);, for week of June ,': ii'eii. C. Biiiiifiice Jr. and Berlliu Wall/ iKi'iond v.o'ki, KniiliiH 'juil Wll-ion. Imojoliiin ; Tisl K. Ibix, eoniislinu : J. K. Smilii, Juggler; Cliniird and orth, Bonnie .May, vocallHl, and the kinoiirunie. Ai |ilTo«lf.u SliADlKn (Ukiikn (C. Hpeiice, mniiaKeri.—Tlie lloseinn C<iinlc ()|k>iu Cm. dill very g<KKl luisinesM week of .May 27. •'The Mikado" and •'ilio Bolieuilau (Jlrl" cuiuprise tlic bill June ,VII). l^niloH. At Ihe lirand IJ. K. 'i'orloo, nniiageri ••The Kniai Wedding" reinriied M3,v 2'>. for a lM"ie|lt lo Ihe stage hands, "r.iradu." a sjieclariilar priNliictlon, njipenieil week ol 'JII. Renrli^tta l.'rosmuu June 'i, Vn-mm Stm-k .s In. Bcx.vim'M Vaiiikvimj: (C. W. Iteiiuetl. lUHnig'T).—IIUiilnej'H was escciieut week of ,M;iy 2!« i'or weik of June ,",; Harry and Johr*in, Daly and I\el«i, iJoiihy lie itiie, Harris and He Li»„t, Warren and itenshaiv. ThoaiHS and rnyiie, and Ibigiie and Herbert. Vfi>>diiln4>k—Kalrmount Dark Thenlr'S opened Inst week, lo good business, which ron- ilniied iliroualioul the week. ''A Woman's Iluoot" In the bill June ,''> |(i. » ■» Wnrd IInil Voke. Nc>|Mirnlp. Warii ami VfiKKK, Ihe well knowu li'um of eonrdliuis. s-'vereil a sloiie psilnerslilp of niKoii twenty yearn' Mlandlug. after Ihe per- f'lrimu.cp of "A I'air of I'Inks." June .'I. nt llaverhill. Mass. .Vr. Yokes will Is- Jollied next Keason lir William Weal, when the nrw firm will continue In "A I'air of i'lnk'^." Mr. Ward has plana to star next m-nson, und'T the management of I-; D. Stair, In a comedy, enlltleil "'i'lij (irnflers." He will be iiiip|s>rled by hln wife and a large com- puny. Margaret llsiy Vnkes will alsu no- penr under Ihe management iif .Mr. Hinlr. (n ,n pl.iy. eiilltlnl •■•{■lie Cirl from .Maine " ♦ »» Tun Itvini.v Si'Ai .'.'u Show opened In Cum den, .May S, for n two weeks' run. to I«ri;« linslnrs". There are thirl vliiiee iieiiple, 'eighteen wliile and llfleeu mlori'd. I'lie bit- frr are iiuilor the uiana;eiiient of |!lii Tilytur, Islo lit lliu "L'lilualuwu b'vur Uuudietl." , Mwniuw, ll<*lriiU.--AI tbe Detroit Opera IliuiHe (II. C. Wliltne.v, maiiuger) "Kvecyiiinn" wn.^ (iresenii'il by n capable comiuiiiy, to giMHl siied bouses. Mny 2|);il. Charles Hnwiiey. hi ••A ,Mesaage troiii .Mars." drew well June l-.'l. Hhlinrir .Maiislielil of. l.vcnUM TiiCArKU (I-:. D. SInIr, niannier). - -Vaughn (ilaser Slock Co.. in ••old Hi'ldel- berg," entcrtnliKMl giHul cnnvils last week. The same company, hi ••The (illdcd lAiol,'^ ■IIU. LArAVirtTK TllKATRK I Dr. Cauiiibeil. mail' ager).- 'I'he Lnfnyetle SUsk Co , in •■Cmipr Two I-'hiRs,^^ was well received lust week. The utteiidunce was good. The same coni|iauy In "Iliizel KIrke," I ill. TkmcI.e TllKArHK tJ. II. MiKire. inanagpr). —A splendid bill, iiiniiicd by Claude llillliig. water and company, ilrcw lioiiNes last we"k. .Mtmcllon.i for wwk of ."i include: Charles .Miildnre, S. Miller Kent. AI Law- rence, Vera King. Ihe lllci- i-^nuiilv, I'm Itisiney ami .Mnrioii lleiii, Mny Dur.\eu and VV. ,V. .Mortimer, the .Mlilmnn Trio, ninl the klnetii- grntih. WtiiTNEV 'I'liKATHi! 11'!. D. HlHlr. niann- gerj.-ijiHt week's lilll was llrst cIuhh nnd tbe niteniliince was kooiI. Attractionn (or week of ,1 include: Aiiiile Abbott, Hie lleorcla lungnel ; the •i'bri'e liriucs, AI. 'I'vrrell. liar vey Willlnnison. Ihe l''<iwlers, the Brndlordii and Ihe kllietogriipli. AvEME TiiKAruE (Drew & Cnm|ibell, ninii- auersl. - 'I lie-Cheiiy illiissoias iilTered an eii- lerlulnuient that was llrst cInsM uud drew goiiil iioiises lust week. 'I'lie iliilicmluns I 111. > lirnnil llniilils, AI (he New I'liweri' I Hurry (!. Soiuniers & Co., mnnagersi Itleh- IIid Cur!e, In •■'nie Mayoi' nt Tiikio. Jiiiin 2. :t, pla.vcil to large niidlcuccH. Coniliig : K. H. Snlherii iiini Julia .Marlowe 2t. IJamox* TtiK<TliE lOrlii Slaic. niunni:er). — Vaudeville aitraetlnns IIU: Mrs. Sliinrt Itolisou uud conninny, the Tliree Keileys, lleynolds and liiibl. Ihe Nashville Sludents and Treloar. usslsled by l^'.diiii Ti'm|H>st. lioiiinoV.s I'Avii.i.iN (CliaH. itodfrov, uinn- ageri.— l-;il liroiiicile, Cbus. ilnrilc.v. •feu- holT, t'lUin and Corrloiie, Joseptilne Cole, l.awsfin and Cnrdy, l). L. i'rviUim uud Mnr- sliull, tliu oiyslic. » I Hay flly. -At llie Washliiglou (\V. J. Daunt, maiiaiier) Ibe Veriin May Stink I'o. rinsed its eiigiigenieni .May '28. (iresenllng "A Hlirrel of .Money," |o n good si^,EC<l bniise. IIkai'II I'AUK A.vii Caiiivo oiHOin Ibe senHon .lune 1. .Many new realiires Iiiivh lieeii added, and iiiiiler Ibe nbie iiiiil ciiiirleiiii.i liiiiiulgemeul of L. W. Itliliiirds 11 prouiiiir:i ill isr a very (Hipuiar jdacc of auiUHi'ioeut. (irncc King and her lour Chrysnnlbciuiini lilrls. late of ■■'the Slioliiin" Co., head the bill. KnInniiiafMi,- At the Aendeuiy of Miinic (II. A. Musli, mnnageri .Mnie. Siliuninnn- Ileink, supported bv an excelient roiniiauy, presenleil •■Lovers Lottery" In nn niidleucn Ibut (lacked Ibe iioiiso .Mny :i<> Slur aud sapjiort charmed ail. I>;. II. Sotheru ami Julia .Marlowe, In ".Miidi Ado Aboiil XoMiing," apjwnred June 2(i. Cahixii Pauk (Itaird * Dnken. mnnngrrsi onened thn season .Mny 28, with a bli; vntide- vllie coinpnny, pleasing u birge aiiiilriire. Large ciowiIh utlended Tlie rest of the week. BA«NirM ft IlAii.EV'H CiuiTS ronieii June 211. s nnlllP <:r«Tk,—At the I'nsi 'i'iienlre iK. It. Smilh, manngeri Mme. Sihuinan lleink, in '•Ijive^s Lottery," drew u siileiiiilil lioiinn .May 211. The Cai'Itoi, Ajii'nkvkvt Co., nt (ioguac lake rvHort la doing goisi bUMlncHH. ♦-•-• vinoiiviA. IVitrfiilk. -Ociuin View Cusbio (Olio Wella. binil niauugeri. wlilrli lias lieen ttiorouirhly ovetbii.iled nnd put In the pink of londlilon, will ■iiien lis ri'guhir Siiiniiier Kensoii .June H Tile W''iler Kdwards Slock Co. will be lh<l opening Hitrnclloii. Ill I I'liKVTiiU' (Mill, Snilth. ninimgeri • 't'li"ie will lie no cluiiige In Hie l,ii| ni ihu luiii-e for week of Ti. .Mr. Siullli, wlin Is linw 111 .Vew York, piomlses lo bring sniue of Hin slro'igeid attruilloiis ever (iluved In Itiia cKv. \''ME TiirArni: (,Mnn-/.le >V Wilkernou, miiii ageia) ■ i'eople for week of .'i: .Mninle Bur- caw. K.dlHi Diinl>ar, Touiniv II. HarrlH Jr., West Misters, Bobliy Tnylor nnd .Nellie Brew- er. A'tiiToeii Ji TiiiM'rii;'(I .M, llarlou. man nijeri. .New pcii|i|e InHiked for week of n ore ileiiii-v and Bales. Waller Shiiiiier. Wii- lis lllrnii. i'rof Jiid i'leici: and Tlioinns Sis tern. iielil over: i-'ioience PMwnrils. Lail don inj'ler, I'll is. i:. Rcnlz uud Viiii Alien. BiiMiicrfs III very noini. s lllelniioiiil. - At Ihe llljnii Tbealre (Wella fc .Meh'ee, iiiiillngersi week of .May •_'(! Wul ler l<:dwnrilH Co., iibiyliig '•Ingoiiiar," drew crowded houses, glvinu a cood idiow I'AMixo (Weils ft JlcKee, inunageru). Opens week of ,luiie f., wllli •'.MiideuiolHelie '.\whlns." by Hie IIIJoii Miisieul innii'dy Co. Note -C. O, B. Cownriiln, of iblHrliv, lias is-eu engaged an press ogi'nl of Hie ( Boer War Sjn'rluiie, wlil.ii is iimv luiuiloi' nl BrlRhfon Beach, .Mr. Cownrdin left for ,\ew York last week. Sliiuiiliiii. At ilie Ileverlev 'ilienire (llnrkninii f. siliiilln, in.iinigersi Osuimu Hi»c|; Co. week of June ,-,, lu repertory, 'ilils clones Ilie season. ■nAi-niT'M l''oicr" Co., under cuiivuh, played Mny :H. ♦*-♦ MAIIVI,A.\I>. Ilnlllmori*, -The nllractlou for ilie fiiiirlh and liuai week of Ihe suppleini'iiliiry si'iison nl the Acndeinv (.S'lxiin ft /.luiaieriuiin. iiian- nKersi. iieitlniilni: .liuie .-,, in •'The |.^reiiili Mtibl. I'he Lady Slavey" dbl fnlrly well week ending :i. AriiiroiiiEM (James L. Keriian. manngeri, — The SlfOnd Wei'k of tbe KilVs' eilgogeujiiit, clo:-ilng .'I. showed no dliulunllon In Hie si/e of the aiidleiir'cs, full houses ruling, 'fhn hoiiKe cioKcd :i. for Hie Summer. Movi ME<T.*r, iJnnieii L. Keiuuii, mana- ueri.- Watson's Orleolui Boriesipieri opened 5. foiiowing Ibe Wlue. Women nnd .Snuit Co.. which drew full bouses last week. .Mlner'n Ainericnns 12. Ki.Ecrnic I'AOk- (A. Kenneinnn. ninnnKerl. - 'I^lie I'lislii. S.iicile Ouarlelle. Miiilce niul ,Mourm>. Ihe rniii VelHon Coliiiipiivi. Illhei lliiliiiisoii. niiii lliirke'i ihig Ciii'ii.i niv iicr. r>. Till' cnlil wi.'illier nf Inst week hud a deprcH-i- illg cltect on liioillieie: ♦«» MAiiif Docii has been engaged ns lendln:( ivumau lui .William Ulilclto ttic uext Kaioit,