The New York Clipper (June 1905)

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412 THE IflETW YORK CLIPPEB. Jtjne 10. THE MARVELOUS MARRIOn TWINS TWO BRAINS THAT WORK AS ONE. ORIGINATORS OF ORIGINALITY. Introducing Marvelous Whirlwind Spinning and Twirling of Bicycles. Tandems and Rubber Tired Buggies, etc. POSITIVELY THE ONLY ACT OF THIS KINO IN THE WORLD. Western Representative, MR. EO. 8HAYNE. AOT ooi=»w«ioM-rei Eastern, WM. MORRIS, 6 West 28th Street, New York. NO. 0«,©03. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! For want ol room we will fltme out all »iir Uiitiol Mlii|r(e AiiparatiiR ml Iom than roit> L.vtiu buXH. or ChnMiTH, hi-loptli-oiiM, Ullvettrii or 0|iett Uux liiglilt, IHted for Arr or CkU'lum t<iglil«, Cloud bikI ullier KITr<'li>. Special Rales for Imported Gelatins in Dozen, 100 or 1,000 Sheet lots. ERXO STEREOPTICONS, AVilh our .iierlal RRKU Objrrlivvii. Klrilric nr any utiior IlliimlDnnl, Caim, Kir., mlut'ril, fur u iliorf llui<- only, to t'40, SoIIIiik UKrllta tor K<IUi>ii'», Pnlhf't, Blu- ■fu|>e, Star Pllm* and ulhtrPiiidutllon.. OOR^IESFONDENCE SOLICITED. CATALOGUES FREE. ERKER BROS; OPTICAL CO., 608 Olive St., St. Louis. KK|-riHr>S, IM. Y., TMIS ^A/EE:K. ArtliuriMJIilred Bonlan fHRMUNTINU JACK AND Ji By MALBA MEEOAN. HIgMWV lailMOOS. EacolMai 'vo Asc*rft. 'yV A IM T E^D , The Jewell Kelley Stock Co. TIIK NOITTirH KdltKMOMT HKPRtTruIHE ATTKACTItXV, SEASON I90S-6, Kxpei'lenred KEPKUTUiUR >>uuiiU', inciuaiiiK HUliuiiMTTi:, niiii u Nii.l specially; Character Wonisn wh J cull ilu Jiiv«iillu» mill Ucavlu", llKAVy MAN, Cliurucier Miiu, Muii for I.IkIiI Vuiiiedy, Juveniles uutl Otut'iul UualiitiiH n Itli fiu'Clully, uu<l u l(«il llui ('UMKl)IAN. Fi'aliir<> VaiiileTllle Teiim who cu cliuDKe lur wei'k tuid pluy puns. Uhu ii»t> Clever Ulilld with Hpi't-laiiy, also (J|ieiiit<ir Willi Uuvlutc I'lcturc Muclillio uiiti lllumrali-tl Suiik UiiiUl, Iui'IiiiIIiik lute llliiis, eu: All jieoplv iiinsi lie UOOD, uot urdliiary. ir nut ktiowii purHuually si'iul plioln, eU\ Tdl all; uu lime in ilk'kiu-. Tliiiv liookcd smith, ALL. Crrv ■TIUK. Si'imuii iipiriis Jiilv SI, ill Kculiii'ky. lteliear>alH jiilv Ui. SCKNIU ARTIST vr»u tun ai'l, ivrllf. AOUn^ss Mdlt. .li;WEI.l, KKI.l.V STOCK Ci»,, Itox '.U'l, Kiioxvllle, TciiU. HARRY and MAY HOWARD X.& UGHINO AND APPLAUDING HIT. IIKUUAN COMKDV AMI WddlIRN SiKiR IIANCINII. This ui'i'k, lliill:>lil I'mk, 111. JUNK 11, IK, t',, OI'KN. Wrlli-nr Hire. AIT KNTIKKI.Y .S'KW. WANTED, ACTORS AND MUSICIANS FOR HOOLIGAN IN NEW YORK. AtoIimIIi' Oomeilliiij fur llocillKnii. Ilrlitofl llciivv. Smilii'i'llc: iiiiisl do slrniiR spi-iiiiliy. Actuni; doiililf liriiMM Kiveii |ir«lrn'iii:i'. Miisiuliiiis li. iiiiil i). Aililresn i|iilrk, l<M<A/ii:K it llltUWNK, 7.-1 I'lyiiiuiilh I'late, Clitrngu, III. THE KEENEY STOCK CO. t-'UMClilAN (wtlh ri'Uiiiri' s|iwliiltii's). lien, lliin. Miin iiiid Wdiiiitii iwllli xpriUlllPsi, .Sruil photos (Will it'iiirii). .Slnif luwi'i'l (iiu\ iiwiil. Wardmln' iiiii«l tii'Al. .stiile ii)fi\ IimIitIu mul weight, l.euii F. HU'evl'IANlST), Old loll tf'M lil.v teller' AddreHS TIID.S. W. KI'.KNKV, Iliirliitiik,Uhlu. WANTEP, THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED hepebtoiiie people «> isicmii!; IN AM. LINKS. Siiliiliiur Hiid Wlulcr sensoii III ell U'sonly. State ull lliHt letter, .tulii mi wire. UK. II. U, KI'C-KKIt, HoiUruid, 111. n-ME ACIVIB OF* IRF-KOT'ION. THE KINSEY KOMEDY KO. Till* liiiisi eiiiiiplrto I'livllliiii Theiilre III AinerleK. StiiKe, ixieiier.v iiiiil elerlile eirvelH as vuii lliiil them III Hie lifsi llii-ulres. WANTKU. lu oiihirKV iitid alreiiKtheu eiiiiipiiii.v, FIRST CLASS REPERTOIRE PEOPLE. I'reKriMirrulveii to tlm^e doing spi'riiilile!<. Siimiiiei' hikI Winter suiisoti. .M.XI.K I'lAN'IST. M. L. KIN8F.V, Lliiin, Ohio. ANDREW OOWNIE'S MONSTER SHOW THE LiRQEST AND FINEST EQUIPPED W&OON SHOW IN AMERICA. AV A 1%J'l^l4^ll ''»i'''>^ »i>l«!t, Uclliilile 1111.1. i-ilSTKIlH, l.lTllUUIIAl'lIKItS ami IIANNKK »» .i»l» ■ MUMWm jiKK iiini will pill nut llic piiper; doiri want any olliors, have hail thnii kiud. Wli.SK'UNS FOK Hill .SHOW HANK, 8UM{ SilOW MIIVKI.TIKS, S.iher IIOSH IKWTI.KK ihH In- liiid WHuait shinv exnetlelice and iiiidei-HlamlH his hiisliiess; no utiiers. NOVKI.TV ACTS'FOR UIO .-lliiW, Ol.OWh KKATUKKS, COHTOllTlONIST(Uaik Itender). I'liu iiliviiys plaio Teaiiisler.s, (lioum , 1 rujieU} iiiU aud Caiivu* Muu, Addreas A.VOKEW UUlVMli:, cure UOW.NIK';! CIKCta. WANTED, A! PIANO PLAYER (For SUMMER and NEXT SEASON.) KUIRK-URBAN CO, ^ Oweg o, It. Y. \A^ A IM -r E D , FOR \l F. Wlieeler's SZ Sim EXPERIBNCEO CIRCUS COOK. Addrf.. CRAWFOBP , K, .1. WANTED AT ONCE, AI LECTURER AND OFFICE WORKER Voii must be good, look the part and get the moaey. I have line line of stage and oltlce remedies. Salary and iier rent., or salarr. Also want a trood Male I'lanu Flayer, Sight Header, aud Song and Dance lluteli uud Irfsn (.'atiiedlau. All niiist lie solier and rellnlde. Drunkards closed wtlhoiii notice. Salary sure every week. Write all In llrsi letter. Addre:>s A. E, HFRKFN, Mgr. Modern Xemedv Co., .Sohlenwig, Iowa, Crawford County. DO YOX7 Wi%.SrT COMPLETE PRODUCTION OF THE SrccKSSFHt. ME:L,(>DnAllf A, GUNNER'S MATE. Seenery, Costntnes aud Props. A Une lineofpaper. The title role gieul heroic lead for star. Addrei. the Author. Wll.l.lAU J. McKlKRN'AN, Newark, N. J. AUCTION Why buy Siereoptlitona at aiicilou when you ran buy lanterns Iroiii me GUARANTEEED FOR tlO, ILLUSTRATED SONGS 93J00 peraot. Keadluita and Songa Illustrated. WALTER b. ISAACS, 83 Wawan St., New York. AnRACTIONS WANTED FUK TilR DVNDAS CUUNTV FAIH, AUO. 3U TO SRPT. I, The Largest lu Kaatern Ontario. Rive terms and all luroriiiatlou In drst letter, an we have no lime lor correspondence. Address J. N. KASTMAM, Morrlaburg, Oat. PAVILION SHOWS, write. SCENERY THE TIFFIN SCENIC COSIP&NT, TirriH, OHIO. MVAN-reo. UNCLE TOM PEOPLE, QUICK. Opliellu, double Kllza; Phlneiis, duiibic Lagree; lluley, double Cute; Clarlouer, Band aud Orchestra, .state If jruii do Cornet spei-iiiities, duiible baud, Oihersi write. Add. (ilLSSUN, Cape May, 0. H., New Jeraey. WANTED AT ONCE, Three or Fonr Besponsible People (for liupciriaiit aluo minor parts), id eomplele tur "FAUST" and ."MKRCHANT OF VKNIOE.'' 0|ieu hi New York. Siiuiiiier reiorlM to follow. Steady If sailsfactorv. Full particulars In tlrst leltcr. Dl.XON, -'10,1'Sre of CI.II'l'KR. CORNXSTTIST. AT I.IHKHTV JUNK 1:2. I'osltlvely ellleleiil nnil ii'lliihle. i:.xleuslve e.ipi'rleHee lu all hramjipd of professiuuiil work. Kxcelient iiiehoslia jinti extremely loiiil street inruel. I'liii lend and fiirnl.vh luiislc. Address, after .lutie l:", <'AI.. IlI'.VrSINdl'lU. Ilexfnrd lliitel. lloKlun. MusR PHOTOGRAPHS. Cabinet I'liotosof voiirself for selling, fa per KM), t'.ii perl.tKKi. KdenaCAKUONA Ilnish. Send jiliolo. FIITIIOC UUSUANl) UK WU'F I'lItJTOS, J-.MKJ wlUnC perl,uuu;KORTlINKa,(iOi;. Samp. luc. Slnf UinUIUCP ForKmurel-liotos,l,iiverM LUI iKAuniilCO l'.O..VS(iuvenlrl'osl cards KIIKNA Muillo, ton Arcli St., PhllniU'lphla, I'a AT LIBERTY, Ui'lliied .Musical Act, Chimes, etc. Fake piniiii and organ, b«llvliouacl;iui iiic<l. co. Jolnun wlre.ilck- eis iffar. Wire or wrlteiiuli'k to Uariiilicrsvilie, Mo. Wanted, Strong Cornet Player C«pable of Leading Hand. Must be ii lallorora iinfou ditar maker Statloiiary pusltiuii for four iiioulhs. .^I.xtv dollars per uiuiiih triiaranteed. ' JAS. II. TITUS, l.ukc City, Iowa. WANTED QDICK, COMEDIAN That can pliiv liatijo or guitar for one week standi. Name vour aalarv, no tickets. Address J, C. CARROM., Medora, No. Ilak. AHT Ull R. F. ORONEMBYKK, 6SI Sixth St. So., Mlnneapulls, Minn, Wanted, RUSICUNS FOB PANE Who double In It. and o. I'lano who doubles In U. at once. Add. HKNHY I.AIWON, atiidlo 4H, Iowa h'dg., Muskogee, I. T. nmSiV CUHPOHRD TU WOMDH, WORDS WRITTKN Tl> BlilSlC. SAUUEL9, i • 10» UlltUlga St., Chicago. Under New Management, THE KENTUCKY THEATRE, PADUCAH, KY. The I'aducah Hotel Company, having purchased the nne.xplred time of Manager James E. Knglljh'i lease. Is now booking season of IWJ-U. Address J. O. uarXE>RBJ^CK, (Sec'^r. Managers guaranteed fair treatmeol and every conaUleratloD. JAPANESE TROUPE WANTED For Gentry Bros.' Famous Shows, Oi SINGLE JAPINESE ACTS; MEN OR BOrS PREFERRED. CLUB JUGGLERS, A Troujii o( Taltnted Club Jugglers can also secure a long anil sure engagemtnt. Write or wire, St. Marya, Va., June 7; Clarksburg 8, Sutton », RIchwood ]0. I'erniaueut address, BI.UOMINQTON, INU. LM's BOOK ma The Open Time of 111 the Headline Acts in Vaudeville. CAN GIVE 12 CONSECUTIVE WEEKS IMMEDIATELY. OPEN IN BDTTE, HOIT., ASD TBE WEST. WM. LANG, Mgr. - - WM. N. HAYTER, Asst. Mgr. ROOM 311, 312 OeDEN BUILDING, 34 CLARK ST., CHICAGO, ILL. Bennett's Dramatic Exchange Suite UU5, Rani Estate Bnilding, Cor. Riiudoluh and Drarborii Sta., ClilruKu. .l.tlOO ARTInTS UPON OIJR BOOKS, WK HANDLE THE SAME HIGH CLASS ARTISTS THAT ALL NEW YORK KXCHANOES DO. CAN SECURE ANY HIGH CLASS TALENT WANTED. PLAYS TO LEASE. SEND STAMP FOR CATALOGUE. Sole and duly Agent for "Ivan, iheTerilble," "The Holy City,'" "A Royal Slaye," "TheIVirrylown Widow," Stanley Wood'a Versions of "Resiirrecliou''aud "Parsifal," which are the beM; "Slieiidnu Keeue, Ueteclive," "Sunset Mines," "When the Bell Toll.." "Near the Throne," "Twin .Salutj,"" nolll the CiiTdlual," "The Man from Nevada," "Biirritt Uuraiid." "A King for a Day." "Along Ilie Mohawk." Kraser's "The Little MlnlHter," etc. Also Agent for "A Fair Rebel," "Lost paradise," "The Ensign," "Noriliern Lights," "A Bachelor's Hoiieynioon," "Captain Swift," "All the Comforlii of Home," "Tennessee's Pmtner,'' "Tlie Toll Gate Inn," "A Soldier of the Empire," "Knobs ofTanuei- gee" aud one thousand ol hers. A. IVIIUO BBIMNK-r-r, IVIanae»r. Culhane, Chaoe c& ""Weston's Suite 321 THEATRICAL BOOKING EXCHANGE 11,370 Broadway, New York City. One night stand booking and routing our specialty, Routes patched up. If you want a season, one month, a week or one night iKiuked In any terriiory come or write lu lis. if you want to be tiuoked fi'uiii prucilcaU'.\|>eriitiiee by showmen wlio have been on the ground come to iih. II you ivuui to have your show liooked from iiiaiis uinl R. R. guides go to some one else. Local Manugem, do yea want traveling conipiinles to know where vonr House l«; If so, iilaee a $I.Ou ad. lu uiir one ulgld atand Iheatrlial guide. THE HOOK THAT TELLS IT ALL. Will t« Issued July 1 aud will be placed In the hands of Every l.ui^ai and Traveling .Maiiiiger and Agent In the L'. S. and ciinuilu absolutely ttte of cost. Have received onoiigh ads. to gimriiiileeu clrculalluii of lirat Issue. If yoii want tlie liKUellt nf 3U yeara' e.vperleiice come to iia. Vie are here for that purpose. CULHANE, CHACE & WESTON, The Pradlcal Showmen. To every Truvcllug Muiingcr >ind Ageui In the U.1S. and Cniitula, send your permanent address on a poHial card, ii will insure the iiTclpt or one of uiir guides oil piililnaiiun. <C 9» A New Japanese-Russian War Drama. A C<»MPI.K'1<B LINK OF PKlN'riNU IN PRBPAKATIUN. WAN-l'MD-FIRSi'CLASS REI'KimHRE PKOCLE. linod Leading Man, Leading Wniniiu. Singing, llanelng Sonhiclle: Sliiging. IhineliigCoiucdIiiii. aIsm oiher useful pcoiile, Fliiuo I'layr, Moving PlcUire Oiiltll and Openilnr. good Repertoire Agciil. l'omi)aiiy phivs one, two uud Ihrte night stands over Crawford Circuit. (l|ieua Aug. 16, Address o. '1'. (;itAWFllltl>, .\liir. Crawford Theatre, St. Loiils, Mo. THAT'S WOBK. "TWO B£AOK BIRDS." '".'««- DALY and KELSO "" A FCNNY DANClNd COMEIIIAN. A SWEET VOICEO SOl'THEHX SINCEH. helDg "lialv ami Kelso proved Iheniseives a very eapalile tilaek fiice team, the surprise of ttielr act - - the reiidlllon o' 'Please (Uiiiie and I'luj In Mv Yard,' by Mr. Kelso, wlio has a beaiillfui voice. gre""> reseiiilillug that ol lllll.v Scanhm. The work of Dalv, who leaiiieil with Kelso, as a iiuinoilsl, was dW- tlliellvc."— CDLU.MHIS (l).i IHSI'ATt.'ll. IViANiB^OERS. 05HARA and ORAPETZA SKARf'-"*' I.KAIJS AND IIKAYIES, Am T.TT>Tp-prnV '•■'>ll SUMMKR AND NIC.XT SECOND Itl'SlNKSS, AX JjXJ3 fllli J. X, no.nilRF. SI'Kt^lALTlKS. AdilrcHH IIAHItV USKARA. tlminin Stock t'o., Slniinlon. V;'' . •'• S.—I'or references, enii refer you lo mauugers of openi houses—.Ineksouvllle, I'l'-- SiiviiiinaU. till.; .\iigiisMi, tin.; ('hiirlestou, S. l,; Wlluiingloii, .\. f.: Kuteigh, A-iliville. X. f. ; Wlusloii Sal , N. f. S. L'.; HARCREAVES' BIG R. R. SHOWS, WANTPn ■*'*♦" '*"»•' '•"••W.. (lOl'l) I.AHV MUSICAL At.T.S. LADV BAQ PIINCHEK.S. SISTKK naniliU, teams and (IIIIENrAf.lMNCERSforllallyliou. Address K, l»l*»KRIS, WaiervHIe, Me., June ;, llniigur», AngiiMin y, (;«rdluer lu, Itockiaud 12, Bath 13, Brunswick It.