The New York Clipper (June 1905)

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JUNE 10. THE JSTE^W YORK CLIPPER. 413 feiESTdltSEFIlllllFlSflSIIII. II A DOG LOST, STRAYED or STOLEN $25.00 REWARD. Apply to MRS. BROWN. 711 Park Avenue. CUPYRIGIIT 1003 LBIflTH, 226 PEET. PBIOE, $84.75. COPYRIOtIT MN>!t. 1905 One Contlnnoiu Lond Scrflam. lore Than a Hundred Dogs In the Chase. Too Fnnny (or Words. Order at Once. EXPOSITION MODEL CINE06RAPH WITH STEREOmCON COMBINED, tlR bt^ "Odbl odiboobaph. ^ra «'»'->J^T<t'. ■ UMladlBg Ostelam I.amp, Bleetrlo LBmp, Ai^nttebl* RJteMtat, Fllma and Blltte*. II & Elsbtli BtTMt, PhUadelpKU, Pa. UMTCO STATES AND FOREIGN .COPyRBHTr PATENTS AND TRADE-MARKS iTES.* Aad make Toa & fortnne. If yon have a PLAY, SKETCH, PHOTO, ACT, SOMG or BOOK that Is worth aoytkingr, TOO should copyrleht It. Don't take chances when you can secore our serv- ices at small cost. SendforourSreClU. OrnB TO INVENTORS before applylnjr for a patent, H tnH fayjou. HANtWOOK on taltiUtwinEL WeadTlself patenta- ble or not, FREE- We Incorporate STOCK COMPANl£S, Small fees. Conenlt ns. WORMELLE & VAN MATER, Managers, Cofiyrlgtt A Palest Co. loc, VASIIH6T0N,D.C IT WILL PAT FOn ITSELF IN TWO DAYS. SPINS SOaAB INTO COTTON CANDY, ANY COLOR. 10 PARK PL., N. Y. HiMiATURE Railroad C(I» BUIDHUY. HEW YORK CITr, M. V. «0L0 MEDAL •jPECIAL. |forParlw,8ummer Re8ert<CeMt Naullng Capacity, 2S Tons. ^ Earning i I ,B00 in six days. WHh proper oarewill last 2B«n^ CA6NEY LOCOMOTIVE WORKS BBAHD PRIZE and GOLD HEOAt. KEOKIVn AT WOttLD'8 PAIjt. 6T. LOJia. jStallman's Dress«r Trunk 7to get at everythiqat withoni dtiturblng anytblng. mt fstlrni InpaokloKandnDpsoklDg. Llaal, i>ran(, roomy dtawers. Holdaai miiob and ooets do more ttian • good box tmnk. Haod-rlTetad t •tronrest (ruDk loKda.- lo'imsll room sarres as cblffonler. 0.0,I>> wltb prlvlUge of ezamlnatloo. to. mttmp for OsUIof. -> r.i.RlUIUI^(tT.Sirliig8i, (Uulli^l J.C.GOSS CO. BUILDERS OF DETROIT, 1ICM l???^^^*^^^'^^^ SHOW^PRINTING. uSX' 'l«nser«. Posters and Oat« oa hand(orBdTe^' "SlDffeverrbrBIlDhof thn ATnn.Amfinr.Rn.inj.>. fli.ndfnf „ , POBlei 'f[j«"rT branoh ot tbe Ammemeiit BMlneai Sendfoi of DiamsUo and Bbow Printing; Fair and Carnival Prlnttnft; Blllposten, Oommerolal Potters. oatalogne pi Ostalone }b) Blllpoet—, _nnt-olui Frfsting of all kinds. GREAT WESTERN PRINTING CO. ■ ia ILH STREKT, «T. LOUIS. MO. SMALLPOX FITTINGS. Acne scam, Clilckcnpox marks, re- moved from th« ikin by my rcmark- ablo cosmetic discovery; si^nd fur description and sworn testimony from patients thruuxliout the United iJlatea whom I have succeaefully treated. B. D, R0DGER9. M. D., Sulte'60 M AdaniBBt.. Chlcagu. HBW YORK. CHICAGO. BEPKER LWIGICOMPANY, I'M W. »tll STREET, NEAR BROADWAY, N. T, CHICAGO BRANCH, OHIOAaO Ul'KKA HOUSE bLOOK. Bcndtor CatalogueO. to eltber office. VAN FLEET BlLLOONSINDCIIinGOODIi. All ^r«sh S-toolc. OUR GAS BAI.LOON8 are made of tbe best French rubber In three colons, red, blue and green, that Innate full bIzo, warranted 4 piece rubber. No. Per Gross B60. Assorted colors $ 1. White Raiun Switches. SI 00, Fancy Covered Whips. 1.60 WHISTLING BALLOONS. No, Per Oross, ts. Assorted colors ti.6D 66. Assorted colors,... 1.80 66. Assorted colors,... 2.80 68. McClnty 2.74 100. Sausage 2.7s 80. Flying Serpents... 2.8O a«. Dvlag Pigs 4.26 We also carry full lines of Walking Canes, Cheap Jewvlry, Pocket Knives, Pick OutPrlzes, lleturn Calls, etc., and make up selected lots for t5, (10, $20 and up. COE, VONOE & 00., 7th and 8t. Charles Bta., St. Lonls. SDHIi Song Books are going out very fast, and If you care to have some of them, we should advise you to send In your order without a mo- meut'a delay. J6c. per 100, 17.00 per 1,000. Cash with or- der. No 0, 0. D. Send 60. In stamps tor sample books. A. LONDON PUB. CO., 718 Willow St., Ptalla.. Pa. WEEK JUNE 12 OFSXT. Park Theatre. RUTLAND, VT. KBLIX BLBI, MannKcr. Also later open time. Can play to fl,200 on the week. lETTER LITHOGRAPH ^^ ABOUT HALF THE PRICE MEW LITHO-TIHT PAPER SEHD FOR CATALOSUE - ^ Morrison Show Print D.„.i» Dttroit, Mich. Sllkolino rigbts, S'^.OO IVorsted. TlKbts, S^,00; Cotton TiKlitH, SI.TmI; MlIK Tlslita, from $!3.{ir> iiii; NlilrtH to match all Haiii« iirlcv us tiglita; Pumps, )j,'i cvntu; ualt- em, $I.UU; Rlantlv Supportem, SI; Cloth Supporters, uri coiits. S«iid for rntalogiK' and NnnipNis of tights fi'ee. FoHlllvely a de- posit required, Sutlxfscllnii giiamu- tecil ur money rcfuiKieil. .Sl'lUKK 11H().S., 86 Woodhliie St., Urooklj n, N. Y. Old stand but nuw addrcKs. BB8T FliACB TO BUY Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Stage Brilliants, Medicine and Gift Show Qoods, Prof. Wames- son's Orease Paints, Burnt Csrk, Face Fowder,etc. Roealter'i Song Books, Full line of Eagle Em- blems. Bend for Catalo(a*. Tha Old Rallabl*. B. 0. VHBH A 00., M At.., Ohleago, lU BALLOONS MADB and AERONAUTS FVnNIBHEO. Send sumps. Aeronaut I,. STEV ENS, Box 181,' Madison Sq., N. Y. UNIFORMS BANDS, MILIT«nY. MINSTREL PARADB OUTFITS, USHERS and all othsK. Ssotf for Catalog, meotlon kind wanted. Sb«cUI Attentton Clven tbe Profeialo. WeiternUnlfornCo.,22oeitrkSI.,Chlcags 1NTERNA1I0NA1 PlAY EXCHANGE lZ2LA.Srtur.ST..CHICAG0,II.L. and 8le«p«r. Now bar*. For sale or to Icane. Just overhauled and bright as new. Ulncr Bteel wheels. M. 0. D. inspection. OAMEKON, BROWN A 00., B«Ue7lUe, Oanada, 47 WEST 28th STREIET, NBW YORK. Free Canlr-pi"" fr^rSttttt M«n. RuM*r n.lli.Cinn, CoKfciil. Iliito.n. Sii,:ll Cooclt, lliltjii, Ic.el. ry. Trlik M«li-h!-i. Wlil|r?, Ki.tlk Wr, J Nu». elllcl. NLWMAN MhC, CU., Clc.tlsud, Ok PROCTOR'S ENTERPRISES. F. F. PROCTOR, Soli Praprlitor ind Minigir. I. AUSTIN FYNE8, Mintgtr. 6 BEAUTIFUL THEATRES 6 Deroted to neSaeS Batcrtalaaeat. Proolor'a Bth Ave. Theatre, Proetar'a S8d St. Theatre, rroetor'a BSth It. Theatre, Praotor'a ISStk St. Theatre, Proetor'a Kewarlc Theatre, Praetor's Ubanr Theatre. PROCTOR'S STOCK CO. Best Plays and Best VamJeYllls. INSTRUCTIONS TO ARTISTS BOOKED: ^H plot of acts: compl«t« "prop" list; correct light plot; If you open or cloia la one; EXACT time of acts, and of "close In;" bill- ing for newspapers and programmes; and CLEAN PHOTOGRAPHS for L0BBIH3 TWO WEBKS In ADVANCE) OF OPBNINQ DATB AT EACH H0U3B, addreaslng RBSIDBiNT MANAGER. FAILURE! TO COMPLY with these INSTRUCriON8 WILL 8CCJHCT ARTISTS to the RISK OP CANCELLATION. vaudeville: REa^ARSALS, 9 TO 11 A. M. UONDAYS. rUESHl BULBS WILL BIS STRICTLY ENFORCED. Playwrlehts, Authors, Plaj Agenta Address J. AUSTiif FVNBS, QsnertI Uanager, FIFnX AVX. TOEATKE, N. Y. CITY. TRICKS All tbe Latest and Best YOST & COMPANY, 43 N. Ninth St., (Establl8bedl870.) Philadelphia. gf Large new catalostie for stamp. SONO BOOKS ^ BIGSELLERS ^^ CONTAINSONOS-JOKES-PARODIES ETC. 75''^ PER 100-=^6«i-" PER 1000 SAMPLES 10 '-NO C.O.D-CASH WITH ORDER WEHMANBROS, l26PARKRow.NiwyoRK. CRACKER JACK A delicious popcorn confection, pnt up In moisture proof packages that keep It fresb a Iock time. A quick seller for theatres, circuses, trBTeirng theatri- cal and medicine companies and all places of public amusement. We also make a large line of PACKAGB CAN- DIES and the UBLIABLB POPCORN BRICK. Inform us where yon hold a confectionery concession and we will •end samples and prtcea BOBCKHBIM BROS.& ECKSTBQf, CIIIGAaO. CALL., MoMAHOH'B Famous Theatrical RESTAURANT «T» SIXTH AVE.. Bet. 28th and ioihHt,, NKW YOUK CITY. BcKtof Food, Perfectly Cooked, DollclousI; Served. Prices rea- sonable. UpeolalUIn Inn Room for Ladies. '(SECOND HAND _BAND INSTRUMENTS. I o';i'/"~T^"—'i?^ cotjdjbon—many Kood as new.. I fcr ,tlie HOLTON Uutnanmu. AskixliiL ^ Fr«nl^olto^^^oj^adi5onXhle*|o Fine Magical Apparatus, ILLUSIONS, TRIOKH, KIC. Orand End of Century, folly Illustralcil. UOUK CATA- LUaviB, Vic, free br mall, CHtaluKuo of I'lirlor trlcVH free UAKTINKA ACO., Mfrs., 403 Sixth Ave., N. Y. THEChlCAGO PL-AY FACTORY PL-Avs wnn Tf.N ro ooncB, tjouciiT*hosotD «)0««-MRS A. W BOCWNt iosi.hUHOM St ^Ti-iL^" PUY^s'wnPMRSftiooo smms M. 8TRA88MAN, ATIORNEY, 863 Broadway, New York City. MAHLER BROSe, 6th AVE. and Slst STREET, NEW YORK. PROFESSIONAL UNDERWEAR HOUSE OF AMERICA. We desire to obII special attention to those of the Profession now sojourning or passing through our oity to curat present oompieteassortment in ail Departments, such as Cloaks, Suits, IMIIIinery, Underwear, Negligees. KImonas, Matinees, Shoes, Hosiery, Theatrical IMake Up, etc., etc. Feeling positive that a call will amply repay you. BEND FOR OVR THSATRIOAX. OATALOOUE. AL-^ Ha^A Orlglnaton of on Fameus Short AIIIIb Uflllf. Vamp Shoes forSlane and Street "■■*'' wmwf^mu y/fur. KEtlinates freely giren on (tuanllty ordon. Complete Slacks. Up to date Styles. k.ow«at Cash Prices tbr Desirable Footwear. OUR IVIA»CK-iJF> lOXI Made frora the very hest tin, are Mack enameled. Kspe- cinlly made tor pruiesnlnniil use, haTlnK a tray with cniu- partiuontM fur (Irease I'ulnta, Powders, Conili and Bruah, u'iKs, Kic, Kto, U»H double action look, witJi .«««_ twokoyi, at. 49Ca Our COLO cnKAM, expressly prepared for the Th». atrloal Profession, ituaranteed to l)e absolutely pure and never become ranuld In any climate. Put np In lib Screw Top Tin Cans at 4ac.| H)t> at use. SARIPLKS OF CRRAM BBNT FHBB. All mall orders must b< accompanied by monsy order. None seat C. 0.1). EXORBITANT PRICES WHY PAY PHOTO WITH THE las.OO Invested In a QUTAOAHERA, and. small additional outlay for plates, etc., will 5We equivalent prollts In a week. Ho simple solilld cau operate IL roouses, takes, STelopi and deUrers a flnlslied framed likeness In a minute. <iUTA OAHBRA and PI.ATB OUnPANV, HI) Cypress Avsnue, N««r York City. FOR PHOTO QUIA CAMERA PRIVILEGES WHEN YOU CAN TAKE A WITHOUT A GALLERY OR A DARK ROOM GUSHING, MERRILL and McRORIE (4 HcSKons, "A Hot Old Time" Uo.l Presenting the Laughable One Act Comedy, Kiitltk'<l ' 'THE INSTALLMENT MAN' Written Kipressly fur tliein by FllANK KKNNKDY. I'ermancnt add. No. ,i(i7 i:. Mth St., N, Y, OllyT J. A NAD, General Manager, TRANS-CONTINENTAL VAUDEVILLE ASS'N. BOOKIie rWEITT-TWO THBATBES REXT SEiSOI. How to This ? Some Gave Me Three Weeks. ATTRACT THE CROWDS-GET TBEMOIY. Uanager* Tant and Platlorm Show* and Merry-Go-Rounds, Penny Arcadei and Public Pltcei $86 Buys a GBAND CYLINDER PIANO, $180 Buys a TREMOLO MANDOLIN ORCHESTRAPHONE. Dimensions of both: ttt. Sin. Mlith, sit. wide, 8fl. «lii. long. Tea pieces on oai;h cvlliuler (luod ns n band or orchestra. Operated by hnnd or niolor. Address UEO. L. IIAUItlH, aaa Market (it., Newark, N. J. GOWNS SUOHTI.T VSED FOR STAGE AND STREET BBALSKIN JAtJKKTN and FUUB. ANDREWS 2'tVtT?I! CHICAOO AII!IOONCEBIERT",„M,n*c'o*l/iilirn'l.iwctts' Ins domnnd for our MKTAli I.AVUIIINU QAtiLKItlBH lias JuhIIIIciI uh In pluclUK larue orders for nmlcrUl and bclterlUK our facllllluK, tlivreliY KTCHtly reduclMit the cost of manufacture UH Hvll ut hnprovlnif tfio i|UHllty. These mirrors are iniidu of a lilKlily pollHhed compusltlon melul. Have Humo nppeuranco, produce same ciru':ts ami will auHwer the puriinse uh well as the niostciMtly KlHSH. TIIBY ARK THE UNI,Y PllACTr- CAL. MIItRORS FUIITRAVKMNG PUH- POSES. Wo are nn-crlng our No. I Style Gallery (liitjinilnil for iiurlis and other perniunciit liica- tlonx) at H special low price. Write for pnrtlcularH, .1. ill. NAVOIITON AfllUHEAIENT CON- HTRCCTION CO., 1S!0 South liigh Street, Uo- lumbuH, Ubio. A boon to the theatrical prufesalon. Tlie only ab- solutely liarnilesH preparation ever manufactured to control KXCKMMIVE PBRHPIRATION. A slnicle dose takun an hour before needed will control the perspiration In a wonderful manner, wlUioiit ihc HllKbtest 111 elfcctt*. KnowlOK the ureal worth of this preparation, the Conipunr will send a Free Naiiiiilnand full dlreclliinH, which will be a must pleasant surprise and revelation. KnclOHo lUnap. PKItSPIKO OIIKUIUAL CO., UleTStend, 0. MOVING PICTURE PRINTIIVC. HENNEOAN & CO„ Cinolniuttl Noviilly and other pcrfoniicrs. Med. Show, tt^ek hIandH. Must deliver the Junk. Chiis. Hmllli, wrilo. Urilt. MKIi. CO., Kndlcolt, Ncbr. PAMILT baft some open tout la April, Hay, JniM Md later. Addr«M WM. h. BIUKOTT, Bt. ratenknrg, f u. SIE6MAN & WEIL. 77-81 WOOSTER ST. (Bei. Spring and Broome), New York. Theatrical Supplies, Grease Paints,. . Tights, Wigs, ... I Gold&SilverTrimmings, Spangles, Etc., W( lend good. C. 0. D., lubjecl to Inipecllon butf equlre adepoiHon el order.' FOR RENf,lTLANtlC CASINO THEATRI. HeatInK capacity 80(1, vlci:trli:llKlil4, elc; also Hnilii Kniintain, IceCriinm ami (.'onrciMiimcrr prlvlli-iie, Apply lu W, U. nAVNK, Uiican Clly, Mil. HKtmiuAMIzlMir'A'Nir TioOKINU TIIK WARNER COMEDY CO., ITor season lOOS-S. UEN H. WAHIfUIl, UcOregor. lows. HKNIl 4 eta. for OATALOQUIC No. 4. Send 4 eu. for Catalogue Mo. i. BOSTON FILM EXCHANGE. B«c«nd Hand FIIdm, Song BlUss and Vaohlnse Bonght, Bold and Richangsd. M4 WASBjHOTOIl ST., Been a, BMtoa, Htm,, opp. Adaou Heiae.