The New York Clipper (June 1905)

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June 10. THE NIETW YORK CLIPPER. 415 JUST RELEASED! JUST RELEASED! IN THE Three Great Big' Song Hits* Each One a Particular Feature in its Bespeotive Production the Past Season. LUCY LIHDA LADY By DAVE REED, JR. (with beautiful quarttt arrangmint by Shittuck.) Sung by tho Pierrot Quartet, in Charles Frobman's production, "The Qirl fVom Kay's." SHADOWiPYRAMID By Mcpherson and ball. Uay Irwlns big success in "Hrs. Black is Back." PRETTIEST GAL IN BORNEO By McPHERSON and BALL. Ifever foiled to take less thau six encores In Oeorge W. Lederor's "Smiling Island* produotlon. TME8B 8050S CAR BE USED BY FBRFORIIIERS FOR SINOLK OR DOUBLE SPECIALTIES, AND ^VIL.L ALSO HAKE EXCELLENT PRODUCTION NUHOEHB. Pi'RKE. ^Professional Copies and Orchestrations to Becognized Performers, or Those Sending XJp-to-Date Programme. IM^ OARD8. IVI. ^A/I'rl^/IARIC & sons, F^ubllshors, WITMA RK BTTILDINO, 144-146 WEST 37th STREET, NEW YORK. Look for the Bee Hive Clock Tower. NEGRE5COU HAIR CO.'S WICS, TOUPEES. "A WORLD WIDE CIRCULATION" TBI OLDEST AND MOST INFLUENTIAI. THEATRIOAIi AND VAUDETILUC JOURNAL. THE ERA. BSTABUSBED ItST. "TME BRA." BUII_DINOS, 6 TAVISTOCK STREET, STRAND, LONDON, W. C. (Two doort oR Wellington Straot). VOREION SDBSORrPTIONS, 391. per annnm. FBOFE8SIONAL AD'V'ERTISEIIBNTS, ed. per Its*. AHEBIOAI ABTDTES TTSRIHe THE IKTBOPOLIS USE THE BU OFFIOB AS THEIB PBBMAHEHT LONDON ADDBE88. 2,500 ARTISTES ADVERTISE IN ITS COLUMNS WEEKLY UlRvUS TRUNKS. O. A. TAVIA>R TRimK ^ORKS, SS E. RftDdolpb St., CHIOAQO; 181 V. tftU St., NEW TOBK. Write lor New Catalogae. DON'T BE HVUBUGGBD, SAVE TODR MONEY AND PLACE YOUR .ORDERS FOR Containing the Beason'e blir hits. "I'm Oolng to Meet Birdie To-night," "Keep B. Little Cobj Corner In Your Heart for Me," "Sylvle," •'Tommy," "Under the Banana Tree," By the Water- melon Vine, Llndy Lou," "Jasper, Don't You Ilear Me CalllDg You?" "Longing for You," "She Walts by the Deep Blue Sea, Keath the Pines of Vermont," "Farewell, Soldier Boy," "I Never Meant to Hurt You So," "I Love you, Olrlle, But I Don't Know Why," and Jokes, Uonologues. Parodies, Recitations, Riddles, Toasts, etc 7Gc. per 100, |7.00 per 1,000, cash with order. No gooda sent C. 0. D. Send 5 cents, In stamps, for Sample Book. A. LONDON PUB. CO., No. 718 Willow St., Philadelphia, Pa. ^TD ATF "ALF-TONE 1^ 1 If /% 1 Er PROCESS CO. i PARK ROW BUILDING, N.Y. A=| rnfc ^5ct8. SQUARE INCH- ^ * ^**^ i IVIOVilMO SotHr^^^^ {films for rent. EUGENE CL.INE & CO., a WEST lith ST., REAV YORK. BUILT, PAINTED, FIREPROOFED and REPAIRED. lirouiKl Floor Storage; aatlsfacUon guaranteed on an work. STUDIO, Fllzslieth, N. J.; P. 0. Box ». HYDE & IIOOAN, Props. CENTRAL TRUNKS. l^'^hi *!■.'!**L^B''^< ** BO; k Id., 18.60 ; SSIn., 110.60; 4010., tl2.00. areiuTmakt,34z18xl8 Sl-W- Bill Trunks, 80x28x15. Inalde, 112.00. LItbo TninU, 42Hx28Hil2, Inside, 118.00 g?'PP«l on receipt of gS.OO. bal. C. O. D.. except «Ter 300 miles, then remit whole aaiouiit SIMONS A CO., CENTRAL TBONK FACTORY, Est 18B4, B.W. cor. 7th and Arch StB.. Ph»I» COLCBIBOI, OHIO. Olentangy Park, Theatre and Zoological fiardeo, "The anestamosemen: pari In America," wUlopen lt« scTenti seison May H, 1908, with Blgh OUui vandeTllle. VaadeyUle Actors will please clre full description ol acts, open Ume and lalarr In fllft ■It.,. .*..— J ^ DUSEKBlTBy, PiealdMit, Oolwnbas, OUo. eiter, AMresa THEATSIOAL COBTTTMBB, I3S M. TTH ST.. PHILA. SHOES I mnd Stag* Laat* FOR BTAOE, STREET AND BTRNINO. EXOLUSITE 8TTLKS USt WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. Short Vmmp ■ always on hand. Hall Orders Filled. Fit Onaranieed. \A/IL.I.IAIWI BERNSTKIN, Tel. 6«S Madison Bqnar*. M Sixth Ave., near 81st Street, N. T. SLIGHTLY WORN Stage i Street OoT^ns Mil TbU un-On* Oxf Old. »1M TRKKOHT 8TRKKT, BU8TOS, Oppoatt« MaJOtttO Tbwtn. MiraiCAL BELLS J. C. DEAQAN'B WORLD RENOWNED BELLS, CUIMEiS and NOVELTIES. The standard of the World. Send (or new Illus- trated catalogue. Al- ways a few bargains on hand- 12 Strap Sleigh Bells, In good condition, |24.00; 1 Set 8 Oc- taye Chromatic Heavy Rosewood Xylophone, S15.00: 1 Set DO Deep Alumlnnm Cnlmes, Chromatic, on rack, »85.00; 1 Bet 12 Organ Chimes on rack, $50.00; one set 27 Aluminum Chimes on double decker Soor rack, with 8 pieces of music, arranged (or one or two people to play, $88.00. As good as new; worth $125.00: 1 Set 28 Arch Bells, with re- sonators, dampers, actions and cords, on rack 7ft. high, $100.00 ; 1 Set 12 Musical Battles, $'J4 00: 1 Set 2 Octaye Chromatic Metal Bamboo Chimes, $20.00. J. C. DBAQAN, 2157 N. Clark St. Chicago. Ill- CO. CIRCUS CANVASES. Pole* and Stakes, SEATS. Flag*, MX*. ^EiEEKIDD'S PATENT GIBCUS U6HTS 59-61 W. Washington SL, GHICA60, ILL. FILMS! FILMS! And KoTlag Piotore Haohinei, all makes, bonglit and for sale. PHIL&OELFHU FILM BXCHANQE, 1608 North IStli St., PUladelpbla. Fa., U. 8. A. SHOW TENTS For OlrcnROS, Wild West Shows, Black Tents, Candy Tops, Flairs, KIdd A Hakcr Lltthls, etc. Sendtor 16 page price lint of neciind liaiid TeuUt. BAKEIl A l.OCKWOOl) MFO. CO.. 7th and Wyandotte, Kanwaa City, Mo. NOW MAKING l905l906 / LETTERHEADS iRoy^Pts.Co} 334DEARBOR'Nsf.. CHICAGO ILL. Sai)\ples _<J ■C KELY ^:^^:-m^ms^m^ MANUFACTURER OF SHOW CANVASSES "Tell It To Me" EZKA KENDALL'S 3d BOOK. ALL HEW - JUST OUT. For sale on all traini and news atindi, or bj mail. aSe. Addreaa KZHA KKIfOALL, 50 Bowtb Tth Av«.. Bft. Varaon. R. V. For KIDNEY TROUBLES and CATARRH «t th« BLADDER. Cures all Discharges In 48 Hours ^capsOles 7 PBRFEOT FirriKO tor Stage and StiMt Wear Popnlar I'rioes. I11uKtrnto<l Ontalogno Free 162 State Street, 5th Floor, Chicago, III. TUB OBKAT BNOLUU VAUDEVILLE PAPBU. THE :vlK^A/. AND -rr^^mrr^^ i 40 X aStrcLXxd* XJiOzi.cloziy'W. O* FORBIOIV BVBBGRIPTIOR, ...-..•• Ha. 8<t. PER YEAH PROFE88IUNAL ADVERTI8BMENT8, - - - - Ma. Od.. 8lnjrla Colamn iBCk NKW YORK OORRESPONDtSNT AND RKl'., IDA CAHLB, OFFIOK TM ST. AUKS BLUO., whtN adreitUenwnta wUI be received, copies on me. THEeREATEST INSTRUMENTAL HIT OF THE SEASON. 'OFF TO THE FRONT By OSCAIl niLLEIt, Bfarch and Two H(np. Leaden Sesid for Uknd and tircbenlra Arrangements. Inoloan Last Programme, PUBLISHED BY OSCAR MILLER, 15 East I4tl) St., Hew Yilrt. ATTi^iTioNi DOCTORS, MEDICINE PEOPLE AND SHOWMEN 3i WIBS Why handle rocky goods when you can handle goods that will soil themaelTetl Klectrlo Belts from $1 per doz. up. Large vsrloty to select Irom. KIcctrlo Jar% 760. duz.; Klectrlo InKolos.glKc.ddB. palm. Hoan, $2.10 gross; fine Uodlcal Batterlea. send T6c. for Sample No. 14 K. U,, ezp. prepaid. Latest out. One tblrd cash re- Inlred. Trial order will convince. Largest Uanafacturers of Kleclrlo Beiti ana ppllancea In U. 8. A. Estat-:ished 181B. Lecture and price list free. THE ELECTBIO APPimOE CO.. Bnrllngtoa. lai, TOUPESS, OilEABE PAINTS, £TO. And thf Latait and Moit Popular Stylii In Lidlti' Hair Dnulng I A. JH. BIJCU Sc CO., IIU R.ninth street, ..... PhllBdelphU. MTIn as.TS. CASH Mia IO.B«. auin ie.oo. WITH «oin 4T.a«. 33li> M.aa, OltDKH Bend for cute. THB B&LBER TIIONK ARO BAG CO., lSi4 Colambla Ave., Fblladelphl*, Pb. WkU ■ 1# A Fof stock Goinpaiiies, lor Repertoire Conipanles, for Analeors ^f I flB ^V m^ I.ARfJKHT A.SSOItTHKNT IN TlIK WOULD, linoks for home amuHC- ^n I SM W .2^ Mvsal, Ncirro I'lavs, Paper, f^censrr, Mrs. Jarley's Wax Works. UaU- ■ kn I W lugueFrcol Free I Free I BAHUKL PHBRCII, " ^" * " ^^ 17 W. axd St,, Rew York. — ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, PLANTS, PALMS, TREES, ^ 0 BABB PLOTS, FOUAOK and EVKKYTHIKO FOR STAOK and LOBBY DSB OOBSTANTLT UI 8TO0S BIND FOB CATALOOUK AND PRIGK LIBT. DECORATIVE PUNT CO., 716 Broadwiy, N. Y. POP CORN & All Kinds of 6e. CANDY PACKAGES 8EKD FOR PRICK LIBT. WK MAKB TIIR IIIGIIKST ORADK 0001)8 AT L0WK8T PllIVKH. VM. J. HAPPEN k CO., 14-18 Deabfowi Btrwt. H. T. OHy. 1,000 S0N8S ANlTSONrPOlMS WANTED. BONO WRITBIlSand AUTIIORHi Send nn your Hours and Poems for eiamlnatlun. WeAr- range. Revise and Popularize. WeHellyourUss. fnriou for CuHh or on Kojsity. We Hiinply Ix:Bding Maalo Publishers with Uss. HOY ALTr MUBIO CO., 67 Wtm ■miW HI., New Tort. VITIUfV fh fifl W^ & Toupee Hakers, ii UFH JBLVClfVlPiUrNT and POWDER ■eVICKBR'B THBATRB, CkloKO, III. Telephone—Central, <0t. Bend fcr Oatalerw. JU6GLERS SUPPLIES-"HiSr&S?ifS3