The New York Clipper (June 1905)

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420 THE NISW YOBK CLIPPER Jr R 17. llEimi IfDKIMFIllllFimi. ISfflM. LOST 9 STRAYED OR STOLEN. $25.00 REWARD. ":^'-'9.. ^w-^ ^' CUPYIIIOUT 1009 LEIBTI. 28S FEET. FRIGE. S24.7S. COPYBIOHT 1005. One Coatinoons load Scream. lore Tbaa a Hnndred Dogs in tke Chase. On account of "Dupes," made in Philadelphia and New York our Films must show our trade-mark, "S. LUEVN." 1905 "POSITIOH MODEL GINE06RAPH WITH STEREOPTIMII GOMBIIIED, tlS "'JSJS'SSbd $50. « - !^1 .?f??.^.?.^?. I«UW l»„lndlB«C«loliiinL,«ni>. KLctrlo Adl»t«bl. HUeoatrnt. Vila* Md BlMei. V"V *WH SRBBOPTICOH COUUKD ▼»■» Inolndlnc OBlolnm Lamp, KUctrlo liSmp, AdJattabU Rlieoctmt, TObs »Bd BlMei. MORE THAN 400$lUyES IVITHOUT STlbOPPING This is a low average of the number of shaves that can be secured with a ^illrtt^safftiifiazor with each raior there are twelve double edged blades of wafer ateel, temptredeohard, by ouraecret proceas, they muat be ground with Diamond Dual, and ao perfectlyeharp- ened, every one will elve from ten to forty delightful, velvety ahavei a>(f Aou( Mtropping, When they are dull we will aend you or>e new blade for every two returned to us. Repeated cxchanKing In thia way givea you an equivalent of twenty- two bladea with every outfit. After they are all uaed, new onei can be purchased at ao low a price that your shaving will cost you but fraction of a c«n( a altavo. OUlrtta Balst Co., Km Tork. This Uln- tnlM r&t«r rMUly lor »4|ut fflaat. Gfntleliien-1 iMrtiglit one of Vftuf ntnn Imi Stpltiiilier tnil I »oiiMnot JtlfIt Imm , IIiriM 111 value If 1 cotild not tr^l aiuiltier. In fact tt !• the only razor. I Hva VMd ODI bUds slstT-two tlBM ul am tUll lulBi It We Itave i clialn of !R lanki liul sevetal u niir bnyi have IxMigtit tbe roioi from seeing mine. Kel|>ectfuny, L. caaRNwooD, Auditor Farmen' Loan & Trual Co., SlouK City, Iowa. Ask your dealer lor the SIKfllr 8afrt|{ Ca20rt be can procure it for you. Write fnr our inler- esting booklet which explains our thirty days free trial offer. Moat dealers innke this offer; if yours don't, we will. a;i)r (StUrttr »aita (Smnpant}, lt'OTIneiiMlo.,Tline)S<)..NewYoi1i ■ ""H^^^ E«fartocM: Any OS* of cor 161,141 n sstliflad assrs to Jan. 1, ItOS, oar first ysar In thsniaratt^ XI 8. Elshth Street, PUladdpUa, Pa. ———^——■^■Wil DEPILATORY POWDER Bent By Mall In SealeL ■=.»,. . » The treatment of auperduous hair Is Bometblnz that requires tbe greatest nicety and care. X. BAZIN'a UEIMLATORY I'OWDER Is the result of much study of the louee of and problem of destroying these growths with- out Injury to the Btirroundlngskin or leaving n soar or the slightest deform- ation. X. BAZIN'8 DKriLATORY I'OWDKR Is absolutely safe and de- stroys the balr without pain, a simple, dainty way of effecting a cure Send for our little pamphlet on the subject, "FOB BEAUTY S SAKK. HALL & RUCKeL, Proprietors and Manufacturers of SOZODONT, 215 Washington Street, New York. for aale »< nil drat claaa druK stores or by mall la sealed paclfBKCB for 60c. USE ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE, A powder to lie shaken Into the elioeii. Your feet feel swollen, nervous and damp, and get tired easily. If yon havcMBartlngfeet ortlKhlBhoea.try Allen's Foot-KftBe. It cools the feet and makes walking cany. Cares swollen, sweatlnK feet. In- growing Halts, blisters and callous spots. Relieves coroH and Imnlons of all pain and gives rest and comfort. Try It to-tUiy. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores for 2£c. tmn't acetpt ant/ stifilllule Trial package FRKK. Address ALLEN 8. 0LM8TEAD, Lc ROJ, N. T. BASE BALL. American League. AMBRlCAIf LEAGUE PARK. With Chicago Jiine IS, 1«, 17, 10. WlthTtKtrolt June )»0, »l, ii!t. 33. RAGING. mu urn mm cms, 8HEEP8HEAD BAYs JUNE 15 TO JULY 4, INGL. WARNING! All persons ate eaatioBed against id- olosing money with letters to us, UNLESS THE LETTERS ARE REGISTERED. We are in receipt of complaints from many who have lost money by sending it throQgh the mail, which demoastrdtes that that method ol making remittances IS ZrOT SJLFE If Foetal Uoney Order, Check or D.aft is sent and is stolen from the mail, a duplioste can be obtained and there will be no loss ot money, bat there -will be a loss o< time, which may be of the utmost importance. We will guaraolee all persons aninst loss in sending us remittances IF THE LETTEBS IN WHICH THEY ABE HENT ABE PROPERLY BESISTERED. NEW YORK CLIPPER, ALBERT J. BOIU£, Manager OUn LONDON LBTTEIt. (Continued from Page its.) Iturgcsa Christy Mlnstrcla An OKcellcnt pro- gruiumo has bccu arranged. IJlugcne Btrat- tou, who ant by Howard s side for years, In Kt. James' Hall, will slug, aud among others who will also uppcnr are: llccrbohm 'Iree, .Mine. Katy, Walter I'assmore. Will Ulshop, Arthur Roberts, Harry Lauder, Lll Unw- tborne and Jcsslo I'reston. Mr. Itoward, who Is crippled by rheumatic gout, will be twUeelcd outo the atugc, and, with the banjo which King Kdwurd gave him long ago, Uie end iiiaa, who amused Queen Victoria's children at llnltnoral, will make his last appearance us n lulustrel. . .... . , ,„ . Frederick Melville, whose "Motoglrl" has brcu such a hit In this country and America, 1h giving blu llguro a needed rest, end has gone Into the candy builncsB for a short Unto. Ho has lately secured tbe Qerman, Austrlau and Hungarian rights of a caudy- making machine, which mauufacturcs candy Ilusa-IIKC In appearance, lie is now la Ger- many putting the new machine on the mar- ket. Hut Mr. Melville wants It to be par- ticularly understood that be has not deserted Iho show business. , , Kelly and Ashby, who arc recent arrivals from America, have been playing In and nbout the city for the past few weeks. The London amusement seekers never seem to tiro of their Interesting act. Jtolph and Suslo LavFno are still one ot the pleasing numbers on the ravlllon bill. They ure lu for a long stay. And so Is the liar- luony Four. The members ot this latter or- canlzntlon were to return to America early lu Juno for a few weeks' vacation, but a prolongation nt the I'nvllloa cut their oneu time down to nbout four weeks. lid. Hughes and F. M. llarrctt will tnko advantage of this breathing spell and mnke the ocean trip, while the other two members, T. C. Her- geron and A. W. Ferguson, will remain in this city with their wives until early In August, wbcn the time will be taken up again. Two clever people sailed fur America this week on the Caruiila. They ore Ilayman and Frnnkliu. Coming to this country with only a few weeks booked they Immediately secured, after their debut, plenty of time. In "A Mnlrlnioninl Agency'' the duo have a good, sound, comedy creation, and tbis accounts for the hit made. April, 11)00, they come back to Kuropc for an cngngcmcat ot twcnty- une months. Qenero and Thcol hnvo bad a long stay at the WInlcrgnrten, Herllu. They Ictt Uermuny on Monday Inst tor a trip throiiKh Norwuy, Sweden and Denmnrk, after wlilih they ai> to Iho Itnttcnberg Theatre, Lclpjlg, for tbe luunlh ot July. 71'ho Moss & Sioll tour fol- lows the Leipzig cngngeuient, Rrawce, the Juggler, Is back In town after a successful fortnight nt the I'alace, Rlack- pool. Ills Mass tl: StoU tour time will com- mence very shortly. This week's Lyceum bill offers a few changes. The new faces arc Joe Almaslo, a foiucdy Juggler, who Is first class. A vco" funny assistant, who Is good with the three balls, adds a great deal to Mr. Alninslo'^ turn. Dan Rolynt, billed as "Tlic New ITomc- dlan," Is very fair, but iiolhing more. Tcxiis Hattle is a young colored girl wlio docs souio good feats on a wire or rope. I don't know which It is. Annie rurccll is a daluty singer of two catchy songs. She dresses her oirerlnij well nud Is rewarded by n goo<l round of niiplnuHO. Yitklo TanI, the nluneer ot Jlu-Jltsu wiesllliig. Ih the last of the newcomers, and he Is ropi'nting at every perforninnee the suc- cps.s miulp at this house several weeks ago by Turro Mvnkl. The Muslrnl Johnstons, who are In thoir third week, ore playing two new selocllunH, much to the delight of Iho Dinuy admirers they have innde since they opened. Alice Raymond and John Kurkamp are also old faces on the Lyceum bill, but tbe applause received nt the end of the act would lead one to believe that the talented corncttlst and vocallBt were in their Urst week. RIcardo and Salving, Uowoes and Langford, Dent and Harris, Llnd and Amlel are the other continued acts on the bill. Sev- eral changes will be made la the com'ng week's hill. The ballet, "Eicciilor," will be put on at the Lyceum on Sept. IB. It will contain ten big scenes or tableaux, tbe chief of these being "The I'alace of Light," "Tlie I'alace of inventions," "Tbe Suez Ca- nal" and 'The I'alace of Nations." It will play one hour and nearly 8U0 people will be employed In the production. Ulie music will be by licllucl, a pupil ot &Iascagal. Tbe author ot the ballet, which, bv the way, ran a year In I'arls In ISU-I, died three months ago. He was the gifted ManzottL Thomas linrrasford, who Is responsible for the big spectacle, has Just returned from Milan, where he has engaged dancers. Tbe whole ot the front of the ballet will consist ot premiere dancers, and Italian artists and scene build- ers ore coming direct from Italy to prepare the ballet. The policy of the scheme Is In tbo maderuization of tbe old ballet. For In- stance, In the Invention scene, there will be an army ot cbaulTcurs. liMIson replaces Walter, who figured as tbe old Inventor. Mo- tor cars and typewiltera supplant telegraph- ists. The orchestra will be increased to sixty niuslclniis, aud altosether the scheme Is on a colossal scale, M, A. Ualcuzl lias helped Mr. IJarrastord greatly In developing the plaas. The management of tbe Empire and the Alhambra arc not doing much about their new ballets for tbe Fall until tbe sketch (]UCstlou dllllcully Is adjusted. At tbe present time they are unable to tell Just bow much plot and story they will be allowed to in- troduce In the ballets. "My Lady Nicotine" will probably run at the Albamhra until Sep- tember. There Is a lot ot talk Just now as to what Is to bo done with the Empire—that Is. with the policy ot that house. There will be somctbmg done. The latest rumor Is that a triple bill will he introduced, consist- ing of tiiree light Items. One will be a short ballet, the second a review, Introducing va- riety turns, aud the third will bo a little musical sketch. Manager llutt of tbe Palace has also something up his sleeve tor the coming I'^all. Orcat competition may be ex- pected after Sept. 1. Alexander Uenee, uncle of Adeline Genee, the premier dancer at the Empire, will on July 3 open the I'lcr Talacc, at Rrlghton, as a music hall and ballet theatre. It Is expect- ed that Miss Uouce will appear at this house during the season. Itcu Teber, who Is now In London, look- looking up new attractions, has bceomo the sole proprietor and manager of the Apollo Theatre, lu Vienna. I'ollnck & Sons also made nn offer for the theatre, but the prefer- ence was clveu to Mr. Telber. A syndicate has been formed to open coliseums lu several provincial towns. It Is called the American Aniusenicnt Syndicate, aud already sites have been secured in Head- Ine, Maidstone and I'cterborouKh. Cnrl Sando, late of Ilaruum & Itnllcy, Is tne gcuerol man- ager of the company. Will McCouiicll, who has been In London for some months In the Interests ot a syndl- 'riic line u( Icnat rrNlatance (oM'ard Coluratio, lltnb, Cnllfornln nnd the I'flflflc Conat la nlfprca Iiy Ihe Nriv York C'piitrnI Lliira. BoiiiolIiInK do- liiK nil tlic ycnr 'roniia. Aak onr OKriila tor parlU'iilnra.—Ji/rt. cate ot American papers. Is suffering from a nervous breakdown. Ills wife was to have sailed tor America Inst Saturday with Krankle Bailey, on tbe Ulnncapolis, but the trip had to be postponed for a week. I understand this coming Saturday will see the ladles off. Carter de Haven, be of sextette tame. Is In town, looking prosperous and enjoying himself. The baseball (ever Is oa In good shape, and every day, at Uegents I'ark, may be seen a score or more of American performers get- ting In some needed practice. In tbe course ot a week or two I expect to see three or four regularly organized teams. The win- ner ot tbe recent game at Crystal I'alace, between the New York Clippers and Cosmo- politans, was challenged by a team from Ox- ford College, but the game could not he ar- ranged, as members ot the Clipper team could not get hack In season tor their evening Bhow& Kd. Hughes, Frank Barrett, Fred Ualley, Ralph Austin, A. W. Ferguson, John Uorman are amone those who practice daily, and they are acquiring a professional air when bandling tbe ball aad the bat. Per- sonally, I am still lame from the Crystal I'alace game, and In the future I think the players' bench will have more charms for me than tbe tleld. Just learned a few minutes ago that the Harmony Four boys are to return to the Lyceum next week for a limited engagement. The Pavilion will also be played In con- junction wltb that house. Dorothy Kenton opened last Saturday night at the English Ciarten, Vienna, for a month's engagement. The banjo Is practically un- known In that country, but the young lady Informs me that she scored a success. The way her act went on tbe opening night rather surprised her. Ilarry Von Tllzcr, who hns heen in London for many weeks, opening up a branch publish- ing bouse (In tue music line, of course), has tbe business started In Urst class shape. Ue sails tor America today. The miDorc Slaters opened at the Palace last Monday night with a new act, which did not meet with their approval, and 1 am Informed that they are now doing their old sketch, which made them so popular wltb the London playgoers on their first appear- ance lu this city. Ann Keawick made her debut before an I^ngllBb audteace on Monday at the TlvoU and made quite a good Impres- sion. C. C Dartram, formerly of Alburtus and Bartram, aud who dissolved partnership with Mr. Alburtus some months ago In order to become tbe London representative of the /Jai I'rogramm, had rather a funny expe- rience last week. Ue had an old contract for tbe week which he thought he could easily dispose of hy having some other set deputize for the one that he and his partner used to do. The management of tbe house at which they were booked refused to accept any other act, 80 Mr. Bartram bad to hustle to get hold of bis old partner, who Is now doing a single act uuder the name of Altus. The latter was with the Houdlnl show and be obtained per- mission from Iloudlnl to play the old (late with Mr. Uartram. It was rather a costly week for Mr. Bartram, all told. It looks very much as It tbe management of the bouse thought Bartram could not get the old act la shape for the week. Today Is uacomforlably hot and Is on the order of a dog day In the States. «s» QBonoi A. Uack, a well kaown Boston comedian, will appear on the boards again, after an absence ot eight years. Mr. Mack has been at work upon several farces which he will present after tbe Summer season, ond at present Is rehearsing characters at his buuc lu Uverelt, Mass. m:H<^ kM:--Jk^ The Bath As a Beautifier It Is within the province of every woman to possess one of lie chief attributes of beauty—a spotless and clear cnmplexiM From earliest antiquity. Benzoin has occupied a pronitnrni[<o$l. t ion In the toilet a ni bath of beautiful women.'lv berte- ficialproperlieswerelirstdlscoveredl>yUarJa,anEBypii.inl'riacess of renowned beauty, and the secret by her transm iued to i^iisierity. U-AR-DAS BATH of BENZOIN lakes lis name fron Its discoverer, Uarda. It Is prepared In convenient tablet form highly concentrated. One tablet allowed to dissolve in the bath inpregnstes the water witli a wondrous ftai;ranci, making it soft and Indescribably pleasing. The skin retains the delicate odor for hours, and the dellghlful freshness and velvety anpfar.ince indefinitely. U-AR-DAS BATH OF BENZOIN^, fur the bath, and Woodlark Dermatic Egg Shampoo, for the hair, arc two toilet luxuries IndlspcnsaMc to every woman who Is desirous of enharcinc htr persona I charms. A supply sufficient for three aionths inalled postpaid to any aidress for Si.oo, or for jo cents we will forwarj liberal samples of both articles. WOODARO. CLARKE & CO., 128 FouKh St, Porlitnd, Oregon <A^> <4i^ Pabst BlueRiWycjn Tke Beer of Quatty Tke vigor of tli« malt and tbe vim of tlie nopa. To Ge! \d PJiiladelpKidL Quickly ' "use the READING ROUTE E; aNTRAL .A Train Every Hour On the Hour Direct lo Reading | Siidw Termirul. ttHS SN' SiK«^ A Perfect Summer Underwear should abJorb the vapors of the skin before they con- dense on the body; shouldl transmit these vapors to the! outside btfore they saturate| the fabric. JAEGER Is the only nndcrwesrl that can do this within the limiis of ^ lieallh and comfort. Special ll^bt and.poi-ons wclghta far Summer. New York: 30fl Fifth Ave., 157 Ilroad- way. Bklyn.: 504 Fulton St. Boston; 228 Boylston St. Pblla.: 1510 Cheat- nut St. Chicago: 82 State St. Agenti in all Principal Citia. I PhWCm. NEW YORK STATIONS, J\._ i*^i>. N R >^ SMk Fan. IVI O R R JH I IM C O O A I N IVI A iKwIttTO cnro nt tho drug habit, and a lo*. tonitloa of health. Ail troatnieDt contlartod hrToaalsr phralclaita, witltout iMtlont'HileLoDtlonfrom t/oaiaws. Our rvfoivDci>Bar« un<)uestionablc. We Offer a Free Trial Sanrtple Lotton and rcmCHllM sent wlthnotanr OQtaido luurka. Oonii>leto t^rUacr. Addreia, D. C. C., IIS HiLrtford Building 41 Union Square New York City Insist upon getiine CLUB COCKTAILS —the original boitled brand. They're far I superior togff«5iiwt I kind. You want the best-well, insist on getting CLUB. Seven kinds—Manhattan, Martini, Vermouth, Whiskey, Holland Gin, Tom Gin and York. G. F. HEUBLEIN 8 BRO„ y,^>» HARIFORO NEW YORK . LONIHW VAN FLEET RIZTTE 47 ITBBT SStli 8THEET, NEW YORK. IT WILL PAT FOR ITSELF IN-TWO 'AT?. SPINS BUOAB INTO COTTON t>i..' ANY COLOB. 19 PARK Fl".