The New York Clipper (June 1905)

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June 17. THE ISTE-W YORK CLIPPER, 423 lilll liiiUuU's: llrullicrs lluuin'tlc, tlit Onl- viiiM. linker uiid llubUisou, Cliarli'si Karirll aod Thonuia and I'ayue. Ueorgc J. ItuUI la the niimlf"! director oud planUt. \'iiTt:>i.— lloblilDH' llreus rrtmes IT Itluelllig Ili(M.' Cirrus Is bookeil here 29 'Xbe Ba«s I'olnt. N'niiant, TUfntr<> will oiien it.t regiilnr Keiiaon July ], under tbe mauage- inent o( lalk-y i Wogou. Fnll Diver At Sbeedy's Uljou (D. It. lUifllulon. ninuagor) l««t week the UufflDton yimk I'u. presented "f.oRt In New York." to lar?e business, and gave natlsfnctlou. "WUiU HnDuened tu jom-s" Jtiue rj-17. V(VrK.—Illngllug Bros.- Circus will ejhllrlt In Ibis fliv .lune 2:;. J. Krauk liurke. Ipud- lug uiau uf I be KutUatuu Stuck Co., has gone to the uioiintnlDs fi»r u three weeks' vnc-ntlnn, to reciiiwrale. Mr. Burke will appear again with tliv ri>m|>au.T June 2C M. F. U'Hrlen. fonnerlj oMuager of Nickelodeon here. Is tri-BKUrer of Sheedy's I'reebody Park TbfOire fur the Siinimer. »« » ■. SPEC IAL NO TICE. The Koiirth uf July Auinber of THB XEW YORK CLII'PGR nlll be Uaned July 5, and trill contnln. In nddltluB to • Iiondxiiue lllaiiiiiintpd cover, n coiiiiilele LIST OF THK F,\1R.S FOR IMI.%1 aUo V OIIIECI'ORY UF TF.M' SHOW HKal'I.IO FUR THR SBAJiOIV OF lIMt.'t, Ibe latter lielnr n featare never before atteuifited. .^a there will donUtlmn hp an ia- creaaed deuiiliirt for thia \uiuher, ordera aliciuld lie iilnced wltb the iieivadeolerN In inlvniiee. . rEXXSVLV.tSI.*. . Mlnneapolla.—At tbe .Metropolitan Opera House (I.. X. SiflK. ninimKerl "Ued reallier," with flitt'e Van SiuUdlford, June U, for four nl;;lil!i. niid K. II. Sothern and .Tiilla Mailowe will he seeu Ki-IT, after whU'b the house nlll lie <'liisi-d iiiilll tbe latter part nC Aiieiist. Ui.inr OfKHA lIoiTsE (Theodore I,. Hoys, manager).—"Nettle, the Newsglrl." I» on II- 17. BlifO the season closes. '■Dora Tliurne"' liM )!""«l hmiKes 4111. LvcKi« (Uli-k Kerrls, manager). — The coui|ianv rciurued from St. Paul, where It plaveit"a few weeks. 11, pultlMg on •'Kmn- iW-a d:i Itiuiiul." The house has been re- det'oralLtl somewhat diirhiK the vacation. IJEKKV (.M. II- SluKer, manager).—^Th» season closed 1(1, Marsh l.'ral),', (iludyM Van. Meley and Miilery. Claudia I!urges.s, li.iu<els and RnrKess. Southern Sisters, Manly and Norton and Frank Dunn having given n satls- fiictury perionuance, to large audiences, -1- 10. LxiQiE.—The Klltee Trio, Tetllntlll and Byrnes, Jessie Oreen and iji Drew and I.n Zone famish Ibe entertainment 11-IT. Tbe patronage Is very satlsfaelory. a SI. rnnl.— At the Metro|)olltan Opera House (I.. .N. Scott, manager) the Ferris Lyceum Theatre Co. phiyed to big bugluesti week of June -I, presenting •'Charle.Vs Aiiui" 4-7 and ••l.lltli" Lord Kauntleroy" S-ln. The caw MUs excefjdlugly' siroug In both pieci-s, and tvn'lved liberal rerogultlon, Charles C. nuruham, ns .Stephen Siiettlgiie, In the for- mer, doing one of the liest pieces of acting ever seen here. The title rule of Little Lord l-'auntloniy wu.s taken by a St. I'uul lad, Clark Marshall. Reveii years old, who tame In for |><i|iiilnr favor. 'I1ils company closed its short, thuush successful, sesrou 10. K. II. Sothern uud Julia Marlowe, 12- 14, in rriu'rtory. will do big hiislnes-s. (irace VanStmldlford. ln"Ued Feather." l.'i-17, can be counted on for bis results. Tbe )letni|iiil- Itnu Players, beaded by William Morris, will begin a ten week.s' season IN. with ".Men and n'uuien" as the oiienhig attraclhiu. Mr. .Morris Is well and fnvorably ku<iwii heie, and, as the support Is strong, big business may be anticipated. liKiNU crheodore L. Hay.s, ninnoger).— "Nettle, the Newsglrl." had good week of -i, the closing weelc of the season. Ihe bouse will be dark until August, except 11, when the Mlunesota Slate Band lenders a farewell benellt to ila director,' C. M. Beillig. Stah (J. C. Van Roo, manager).—Tbe regular season of this popular pinyhouse closed 10, Helen Ma.v Butler's Military Band being the last attraction, week of -I, to very gooa business. The regular season will opea lu OmMiKi:M (John C. Kane, manager).— Iluslues:t .iveragiHl well week of .I. 'liliere will probably be .some additions, 12, to those Ijoldlug over train week of 5. KsifinE (A. Weinhiilzer, manager).—Busi- ness was gnnil week of .'>. Same lull for week it 12. MuNTiox.—Pnlne's Fireworks, nt Wllwood, White Bear Luke, week of .'i, drew well, but would have largely Increased its business, ex- cept for the heavy ruins. t)ther atlracllons: The tioollgnn slide, tleure H toboggon, Kiit- zenjaniuier Castle and laughini; gallery I'hiili) W. Sweltzer. ulflcer of the Or- pheuui, liavlUK recelvcnl n cuinnilKsion on the police force, will hike up his new dntii^s at unce. Ills fellow employes presented biai with a. tine cigar holder upon bis sever- ing his cnnnecllon wllb the bouse 8 l-'lftr new bonis liave beim ordere<l for Ijike I'hnlen I'nik. The street cars will soon lie Pitended there Wonderland, at Lake Street and :ilst Avenue, MlmieapollH, silll cuullniies to draw hlg from this city. Wltli the eouipletlon of tiie third interurliiui Hue of cars pnst It, Its business from here will lie largely iucrensed. Duliitli.—At the Lyi-enm (C. A. Mar- shall, manager) (iraoe Van Stnddlford will upiienr. In "lied Keather," Jinie 10: Clinun- rey O'nitt will lie iiere 17, Pollard Llllpu- tlun Oiiern Co. wePk of 2l!. JlFn-H0i'oi.iTA\ Oi'KHA lIoi.'SE n>opena un- der new ainungeinent. Joe Maltlanil. of the ilijou Theatre will he the manager, nnd will give three shows iliillv J. M. .Nash, geuerni maunger of the circuit, will Im In I lie city on I lie o|)enlug iilKht, 12. I'.\urjiti TfiK.\Titi: (Frank C. Mills, roann- Wr) Is doini; a fair business. Tlie company la rerv good, nnd is giving a pleasing show. ltl.ii)i- (.las. Maltland, manager).—Week of 4 : Orimmins nnd Muck, as "Tlie Fmi Doc- tors," pleased: J. V. .Mltrheil, In favorite Ming.s. and the llernstelns, in reilned sougs and dances, tixik well. Tlic Three Barneys, In "Kun in n Parlor." gave the best art on the progrninine, nnd the niovtng pictures shuwi'd llie start of Ihe ocean yacht race frinii Sandy Hook, llusluess was Iiig. .S'liTB.—The city Is full of KIks. They arc harlaK the Sinte meeting here this year. « ■ » A VAI.UABLF, IM flMCATIOK. It Is not yet decided n» to What kind of shuws be will run Jnhii W. Viirley, tlie hustling advertising agent of the llijoii Tiic- ntrc, will leave June 18 for u trip to Cull- furnla. He will lie away seven weeks, re- turning In lime lu resuaie bla duties iipuu the oiieulni: of the UIJou. tiie flrst week lu August The .Mvln closed Its doors ^<nt- unlay evening, June HI. .Manager Davis de- cided tbac the weather was too warm to cou- tiiiie the vaudeville nt ilils theatre. .After the recent lire at the Avmuu« uud (iraud l»|ieru House, the vaudeville show wn.s re- niuved to the Aivln. Vaudevilk will lie re- sumed at the <i'raud Upera House lu the early p.irl of August, by which Iliue Man- ager Iiiivis will have tbe house la readiness. NEW YORK ST.ITK. ■■Iilladeliihia,—The bat weather has proved too much for u number uf theatres, wlilch II hail been Intended to keep open fur n considerable time yet. Tlie tiurriik was not opened last week. At the Craud Opera liouise the Maxim de Crusz Opera Co, gave one weel<'s performauces of "Th»* Wliaru of ihe Nile." and tbeu closed. The stock com- |iany under tlie luauugement of (ieorge F. Kish. which hns lie<-u phiyinK for two weeks at the Clieslnnt .Stm>t Theatre, and was scheduled fur four we<-ks, doHed its engiige- laent last Saturday nlKht. the hot wdatbi/r proving ton nuich for iKiironuge. C.tsi.vo (i-;ilas, Koeuig ic l.ederer, uiana- gersi.—"Cnmiiig Thru" the llye," at this Is lo.slng notiilug In popularity by repeated iierfuriuniices. It Is still drawing w'elF, aud Is reivlted with enthusiasm. ■ pAiiK 'I'liK.^TBi; (I-'. <i. Mxoii-Mrdilnger, manager).—Audiences of excellent size are still lieing attracted to tkls buuse liy Ihe ex- cellent iierforninnces of "Simple Simon ,Simple." lliUT'.s Nkw TiiB.VThB (John W. Hsrt, manager).—Fur this, the lust week nf the season ut this house, tbe uttrscliuu Is "Prince of Jilara." Tiie performances of "The Coun- terfeiters," wiH-k, weri; well attended. FoKEPAL-uii's TiiKATUK tMiller i: Kaufman, managers).—The stock company earuiHl fresh laurels last week with excellent perforiuaiices ot "By KIght of Sword." This week the olferlng Is '■The Dancing Master," with "(iretna Green" scheduled to follow. Kritii'.s .Nkw Thkatkk (II. T. Jordan, resilient manageri. — continues ot exec'lient propurlibns nt this house aud the patrons are always rewardeil witli a vnude- vllle programme uf merit. On tbe bill this wet>k are: (Jeorgc Kvnus, Clayton White, .Marie Stuart and company. Juggling .Mcltuns, t}ulnlBD nnd Mack, Keuu,-Walsh and .Melrose, Aurle Uagweil, .Nortuu and NIcliulson. Ward linker, Flora on the wire, Ualley nnd Flet- cher Uallnndo, Conway and Held, tbe Karnes, and the biogrnpb. Lyo-ivm TiiK.tTUF: (John C. Jermon, man- ager).—Tbeise's Mid-Summer Camirol con- tinues to furnish the eutertaluiuent nt this bouse this week, althungh there Is a cuniiilete change of programme: Alteuduuce was i|Ulte good last week. Tkocadcko (Floyd Laiimao, manager).— The Dainty I'uree Iturlesquers hold Ihe iMinrds ut this house this week, the llnul one of tiie season. Last week's iierforuinnceB, liy itlner's Americnu.s, were largely attended. NoTKs.—The mu.slcal attractloaa at our outdoor parks remain unchanged, with the exception of Wiliuw lirove Park, where Sousa's Hand Is succeeded by VUlur Herbert's Urchestra, Sunday, 11 The Uftletb per- formance of "Simple Simon Simple" will be celebrated nt tbe Vntk Tlientre Tuesday evening of the coming week, by the distribu- tion of souvculm. The Pennnylranln Rnllronil 1008 .Summer Kxeuralun Route Hook, The Passenger Depnrtment of the I'ennsyl- vnnia Itnllruad rrdmpnuv has publisked the llMi.-i edition of the Siiminer Kxcnrslon Itoutfl itiioli. 'ilils work Is deslgued to provide the liulilh- with descriptive notes of the prluclpnl Summer refsorls of the l-ulted States, with the liest routes for reaching ihem, and Ihe rates of fare. It rontalus all the prlnvl|ial (•eashoro nnd luounlnin routes In New Kug- land, the Middle, Southern nud Weslern Stales, and In Cniiadu, aud over seventeen hundred different routes or conililuallon »T routes. Tbe iMsik has been mnipllwl with the Kreatest lure. and allugellier is Ihe must com- plete and comprehensive linndbook of Suiu- nier travel ever oiferiHl to Ihe palillc. The 'over Is handsome nnd striking, print- ed lu colors, and the book contains several ninps, preaentliig the exact routes over which tickets are sold. The book Is profusely II- lUBlr.ite<l Willi line hnlf-lune culs of sceuery at the various resorts aud along tbe lines of the I'ennsylvnnin Itailruad. This very interesting liook mnr ls> prnpurert at any Pennsylvania llniirond ticket olilci' at the niimluai prici' of ti-u cents, or. ii|"in ai>- pUcatlon to <ieu. \V. Buvd. Ceneral Passen- Ker Agent. Broad Street .Station, Pbilidel- phla. Pa., liy mail for twenty cents. _ 4.» liNl'i.'Vci.i: Hav, •tti»-«i..-afJ of Mi.- Mi."." reports success with his new act at oil Iiouses he bns played. VlltaliarK.—At the Nixon (Thos. P. Kirk Jr., manngeri the W. T. Carleton Opera Co. opened the Summer Upera season at this houue June 12. Their offering this week Is "When Johnny Couies .Marching Home," which will be kept on for two weeks, nnd tlivn n sumptuous production of "The .Mi- kado" will b'.; presented. The coaipany Jins a well drilled chorus nnd Is handsomely cos- tumed. These oiieras are given nt iiopular prices. Lust week Thomas W. Itoss, In "Clieckera," drew heavily, nnd closed a prollt- able two weeks' engagement. UiJOii (AIcNuity & (inlirk, managers).— "The James l^Jys lu Missouri" 12-17. The scenic etfects are very ehihornte. espii-inlly ,the scenes showing the famous Blue Cut iniia robbery, it Is n oleau, thrilling aieio<lrniua, and Is plnved by a large and competent eoni- |i:>iiy, which t:nrrles lis own spw-l.illy con- structed sci-uery. The play Ima realized sub- stantial sin-<-e.«s everywhere It Ima iH-en siiowii tills s<-nson. I.asc week 'The (.'on- vlefs I>iugiiter" did well aud pleased Hie patrons. Li!.NA Park began its .second week 12. There nre tunny things to altiact tlie public while la the grounds, allhoiigh many of Ihe liniidlngs are still under cunslniction. The umnaKement Is doing everyllilng possible to have things completed lu a short time. The Flvluj,' Uuilibuiis, lleile Stone, in tbe aerial globe, aud the lied Cockade Baud, nre very pupulnr. Kk.nsvwood has Rocerelo and bis concert hand all this week, and Speedy, the wonder- ful high diver, glve.s an exhibition every utternuon nud evening. .SoiiTitf;KX I'AMK.—Hill week of 12: Chas. n. Lawler nnd daughters, tlie Huuclug Shaws. .Murphy nnd .N'oinu, I.urvelte, iimgieiau, nnd the cinematugruph. OAKWooi).—Bryant & Sovllle'a Minstrels and u line olio week of 12. NOTKS.—'I'be Crnnd Opera House and the Avenue Hientre, the latter of wlilch was liestroye<l liy lire, were twr» of tile oldest iilnres of aniiiseinent lu tie' dly. The Avenue Ttientre, previuns to IKii.'t, while It hns been fris|ueiiliy remodeled anil pr:icllcallr rebuilt since then, was used ns a ci.ncert iiall. In thut yeur It was ojieucd as a regular play- jioHse' by Charles It. tjaniner nnd W. U. Clapp. Tlie lendl.ig woiuun of their stock iHinipaiiy was Annie IClM'ile. The next lessees and managers were C. D. Hes.s nnd Willlani iie^del'^.uu, nud lliey in turn were followed hv Uender.sun riui .Matt Canning, tlie hitler eveulually siircvtsllng to the lease as hoIu niniinger. It was arierniird leased and man- aged by Pat Harris as a niuscuni. and Inter as n Ihentre. being one of tbe lirst popular rirlced houses In the city aud c-ounti-y. larry IWvIs succemled -Mr. Harris us li-sree nm! uinuager. in Ihe season <■( ]><ll.'i.(> vaudeville was the attraction, with kliorl one act plays to lengthen out the lilll, a Ktock company presenting I hi- latter. Later Ihe play was lengthened and vaude- ville acts preceded iiiiil followed. Tbea vaudeville was dropped entirely. lOvenhiullj Mr. Uavla transferred the stuck company tu Ihe lirand opera House nud gave the Avenue over entirely to vaudeville. In the heglunliig uf the season of 1JIII4 .'> vaudeville was piil on at tlie liruiid and tin- .slis-k cuiii|>any hniuxht bark for a time to the Avenue, lliially lielug retniived to Ibe .\lvhi. Stock travesty was irM and later slock ineliHlramn. The "iraiiil Opera lloiise was liullt lu IH7I liy Wllllaiu Culemaii and was nt llrat cnlleil the I'lttsliurg Opera House. .Mall Cuuulug was the first manager and he was succeeded l>y John I'llla- ler. He, In turn, gave way lo J. .Sewtun (iotliiold. who leiuiiieil i-oulrol of Ihe house for several sensiiiis. When he retireil he was surccHiled liy John lOllsler. K. D. Wilt was lessee and mnnnger after .Mr. Kilsler gnve up Ills leniiri-. Hurry Davis siir- ceeded .Mr. Will ns lessee and munnger. lie llrst iiindiii'lisl Ibe llientre ns a straight couihliuitlon hiiiiKp. In Ihe liegiunlng uf the season uf I.S!ill.|tiiMi the (.toik company waa transferred frnui lb" Avenue Theatre lo the lirund. and remnlucd there until tbe licciu- ulaK uf Ihe season of IIIU4'l!lO.'i. »-heu vuude- vllir <cns ijiii In Its plaie. Tbe Areuue will be reWim iS»resr"^T!r»*^*'-i~..-aclK> will I ■• again occupied and mauaged by Mr. 'Davis. HarrlMhurK .\l Paxlaug Park (Kellx M. Huvls, muuager) the .setisuu hua Is-eu very suc>vs.sfnl fur the opeuliig mouth, nttraelluus hiving done good luishiess. For wet>k of June 12 tbe theatre will have: Mitchell anil Marruu. i'hlilhmok and Keyuolds, Busktrk aud Itlch. Marie Laurent uud lulwurd Lii /elie. The Forest Comedy Co, begins a four weeks' engagement It). IiKKAHLA.Mi Pauk (Vemo Ciinrililil. man- ager) .--This new plnce uf nmuseuieut will ojien Jnue I'J. with everytblug in ssary to luube it a lirst class resort. It Is lucutc<l un an Island near the dly, nuiI nUuig the river. The aliruclhins fur the ois'iihig week include: Dubumey village, luovlug pictures, I'linch and Judy, .Ad. Carlisle's euufiie won- ders, and the following vaudeville hill lu tbe theatre: Disige and .Morlou, Murluu nnd Dean, Ijiureure Sylvester, Taylor Sisters, Ihe Weston Trio'and tiie Vnuos. NoTKi;.—Lejir McCord, uf "Her Last lle- liearsal" t'u., who hns iieen seriously III here, left 12 for Mnliir. where he will rest prior to his preparnihius for opening bis ieason In August Speuivr C. Charters. of the Thomas K. Shea Co., ban caiii-elcd his engugeiuent with the illghlniid Park StiH-k Co.. wlilch bi In open at York. Pu.. Ill, la onler tiiut lie can give Ills "tieutliiii to his work for next s«;as<>u Charles Stnuiiders is here to Join tlie Forest Cuini'dy Co. Uuffnl4» At the Park (.M. Shea, ninin. geri the Wiu. Faruuiu f'o. Is thia wi-ek pre- senthiB "llecuuse She I.uvcil Him Sn." "I'lii' .Mau from Mexico" week ot June II). "Sug HnrlHir" drew very well nil). Prices iiave Ik'cu lowered fur Ihe Summer In 2ri and .'ill ceut.H. I.WRUM (J. t.nughlln, luanaKiT).—Mil- dred Hullnud's siiccesa has beeu well de- served during her Summer riiu here. "Tbe Lily and the Prince" is given Ihia week. A triple lilll Is nnnoimceil for next week. "Two Little Vugnnits" was done with ouiuiieiidalile skill .'• lu. nnd Ihe old favorite |ilny wns re- warditl niivly. SiiK.v's.—I'euplc appearing week of 12: Frank Kis'uan and company, hi "At the ■I'bri'sli.ild :" Sam KIton, In "IKnuestlc lll>.- hups:" Vorke and Adnius, Lniiru .Millard. MlJilnre, like Funiily. Five Vnlilnres, and Mlliniiiii Trio. Business is still at Ihe high water mark i.iFAVK'rrK (C. M. Hagg. inanngerl.— Wine, Women nnd Sdng Co. 12 17. .Miner's Boiienduus next week. The Brigadiers gavo a must satlsfuctury show lu KfUllfylng re- itirns Ti-lii. NoTKs.—It has been dl.scnurnging weather fur liie parks and river resuris. Vanity Fnlr Park seems to Ik- ipillc a favorite rlMidexvoiis. Wliltniier & I'iltirlck last week iililnlinil in Supreme Court, at llaluvln, ii Jiidgtueut iigiiinst the village fur daiiuiges for cutllni; ■town idlilsiards The Fagtes' new ipiur. ters and Dr. Lliin's new luuseuui nre most nll,ractivc new feulnres In lowu Oeorgc l.aneaHler.—At tbe Kuuf Cnrdnn (John it. Peoples, luaungeri the current alirnctioiis Include. Powell's elecJrlc marionettes, Kings- lew aui] Lewis. Hie .Messenger Hoy Trio, llariier. itesniond nnd K<illey, John l.e Clulr, Kntiierlne Nelson. Walter |):inlels and others. itis-Ki Sl-ulN'iLs TliKATUK (Fd. .Mozart, inauai:er).—Pri-sent week's bill Includes: .Metrd|s>lltnn L'idies' Quartette, Hiltou-iloer- ler troiiis- of bicycle riders, the Trtjlley Car Trio, Siiurt nnd Shorly, lledrix and Pres- rott. Hawthorne nnd Hurt nud others. .\.m:.—lillmore Day, nunied Id lioiior of Hie grent musician, Patrick S. (ilimore, will lie- celebrated by a paiade uf all the liuuds In tills vicinity, followed by a biiiii|uet, 12. Started In this city us un annual ulTalr, It is belug taken up by musical orKinl/atluus everywnere. Rrle.—.At Waidaniecr ('i'hos. Mnloner. manawerl Wm. Josh Daly's .Minstrels, week of June 5, were favored with very large ot- tendance, giving the best of sntlsfacllun. It was n tine coihpnny. Rill for 12 and week: l<:ildte! lliiran, Jones nnd Sutton, iiurry Biir- guvne, J. Aldrich LIbbev nud Kuthryii 'I'rayer. tbe Max Smith Duo, Fred Stanlleld, musical director. l''HoxTi):n Pahk. —Bill week of 1512: De Kota, llaliy Owen nnd compauy, the Yard Hoys, Jarrelt's lluval .Vlnrionetles, Irene Ust- man, ilwen and l)e Demon, la "A Modern llusliniid :" Ibe Krause Sisters. I.iirge busi- ness. Pawmkk Bit.i.'s Wii.n Wkht, June 1), was well attended, giving general sutlsfnctlou. « Altunsin.—At tbe Kleventh Avenue Opera House (I. c. MIsbler. manager) Nan Pnlter- Ron and com|iany. In "A Uotuunce uf Pana- ma," closed Ibe regular seasuii, June ,'l, to Kmull business. The company also closed here. LiKKitoNT Pabic TiiB.tTKE (S. S. Crane, manager).-—The regular season opened .l. with large attendance and the following ni- tractloiis: Antrim nnd Peters, CUtt Korrell, Adele Purvis Ourl, Harry Tsadii, and DiilTy, Sawtelle and Unify. The theatre hus been enlarged nud improved throughout aud new scenery uud singe rurulshlugs have been ndded. WASiiut:n.\' & D'Ai.MA's Trained Anlinnl Show Imd a big rain to contcud with nearly nil day 7, and only did fairly good, a Wllllamaport—At Vallnmoiir Park Pn- Tlllou (Lymau A. Pray, luiiuuKer) notwllh- staudlnj; cold, rainy weullier, the Vallnuiout Stock Co. drew to capacity, prodiielng ".My Krienil from India," June 6-7, and "The Uunltes," 8-10. "The Cowlwy nud the Lady" 12-14, "Young Mrs. Wintiirup" Ll-K, ■'Bu- celing "CninllTe" 12-14. #»» MAHY'LANU. Ilalliniore.—The Acudemy (N'lion 4: Zhnaieriuun, mnnugers) clo.sed June lU, lis four weeks nf musical comedies having been very successful. .Mo.NL'MKNTAL (Jonios L. Kemnu, mana- fer).—Miuer's Americans iiegln a week's stay 2. Watson's Orientnl nuriesipiers had a iiros- piiroiiH week, ending 10. The Broadway iturlesquers, 111-24, will bring the lung, nnd auccesNfiil season at tills lo a chise. KuX'TKlt; I'AUK (A, Feuneuiiiii, niuunger). —The novelties lu the Casliiu 12 lire: 'I'hu Karniw Trio, Nate jM\\i/.\g. Alburtiis and Mil- ler, and liuuges nnd t.uuuchuieiif. .NoTK.—Tbe Jiiues-Adaiim .Shows open at North nud I'eunKylvuulu Avenues, 12, for three weeks. ♦ «» I3ASTKRN UIIRI.EM(tUI<: MA.\A(Jlr:R>l AHHMi;IATIU.\. some time, has left the comiMinv to aivepl a leading lole In a new play which will he luii duced enrlv In the Fall nt n New York the ati'e. a Janiealown.--A( the Celoron Park Th-- tJiile liehnnr, nmnnger) week "if Jiuu- ,"i. the f.illiiwing viiiidevllle was olfereil: 'uhnrlea Kenna, In Ids luoiiologiie, • I'lia h'akli'.'' repeated his success uf oiliei' yeiii". dividing bcndlluo luuiurs with .Madam Si-licll and bi-r iM-rformlng oiliers uu the c^ cellcnt hill were: (Irace Klui; uiul her fioi.' Jiil>iiiic«e girls, il'ltuurke niiil Itiiriielle Triu. nnd Couture nnd Cllletle, coutorllouisi-. Itusiness was good. Ninr.s -~l'nwiii-e Mill's Wild West Sliuw eilcoiinlered Ihe worst storni lu years at llrail ford, uighl uf •', when purl of Hie canvas lilevv diiu'ii. .Vi> niie was liiirl I.llllaii Sumuela, the vlulhilst, was InJunsI lu a ma away lierc, tl. a ' Kliulrn.—At liurlck's (ilea Theatre illcr iiert .Siilliiger. inuiiugeri tin' Horlck's illi'U opern Co. prcaeuled "llillv Tayluv" I" Crowded houses June filO. I'he saiue cum pnuv pieseuls "llnccacchi" 1217. IliAi.To (F. W. MeCounell. mniia);eri The folhiwiug nn- Isioked week of 12: .\lc Iveever and Sandv, ilnruey First, Jas. I!. I'lirvis. Fanny May. Lillian ilnll. illnurh-- Luring, Clara Wenver ami Jus. H. i'rTMllllil^•• The Pi'UiwIrtg el I I": May NIeisuii. ti.l lieria. iiiiil FnHlell iiiiiI Fiiiiiii'tl. Ihriiues-; i< guild, I'oiisliierlng oiiiilour iitlrnclluiis. riientre Xlnii.i- The Raslern Assoi'latlon announcea the following nttrncllouH under Its control: Thti Truasnllnutlcs. Itumiwny lilrls, Vanity i-'ulr, l!ay .Morning Ohiries, llune IIIH Co., Dainty Duchi-ss, IPju Ton Iliirlesquers, ilowery Bnr- Icsipiers, Ihe Cracker Jucks, lllce k liurlon'ii KxtrnvagLuza, Hurry llr.vaul'H l-:xtravaKanza, Parisian Widows, Al. Keevea' Own Show, tlie nine ItlhlHins, (lay Musipiernders, City SiMirts Big Show, llie Majesties, the Kniekcr. Isiekers, Ired Irwin's Big Siinw, the London Belles, the World Healers, the 'I'rocaderos, the High Hollers, Fulton's Jolly (irnss Wld- ows, .New York Stars, Moonlight .Maids, llewey Travesty Co., Jersey Lilies, Wine, Women nnd ,Song, the itentz Snntley Co., the Niglil Owls, Suui iJevere'K Own Co., the Thiiruiighbreds, Cusinu <iirl. Big Kensallun and i.'hy Chili. Tbe Fustern Asaoclatlun also cuntrnlH thirly six llrst ilass theatres Id oil the tarj(er cities frmn .New York ns far West ns Kan.sus City, aud ns far .'^mitii ns .New r>rleuns, and the iilsive uaiiied Ul. tracthms have contracts for live years lo play ail tbe cities contrulleil liy this usso. elzation. It lias beeu derided not to use Ibe name "biirlesnue" with nuy uf these at- tractions, but to style them miisiiiil eitrnvn- ganxas, nnd get out printing for them with- out tights. Tlie shows will lie orgniiizi'd un a larger scale than ever tu'fore, and costiiiu- ers are working day nnd night, nnd ho are the scene painters. Tiie best of talent lius iM-en secured, nnd nothing will lie left undone lo make (bese nllractliius the largest and must rellneil luiislcul culertnlnmenis on Ibe road. 'J'be season will opea up the last week In August and close tbe hist week In May, makhig forty weeks. The showv do nut go any further West than Kansas Clly uud Chi- cago, and the new houses thni Ihe Fastern Mi)qa»e rii h ave seiured are the bent line of house's lu itit'\.ui^\,-^'^-'"-^-~ — ^■ cold, did nicely Waller S. Baldwin has lS!eu In town looking u|i Summer slork proisi- sllliins The .Seventy fourth iteglaient Band opeued the Olcott Bench season Id. Ilnelieater.—At the Lyceum Tiienlre (M. K. Wolff, luanuger) ".Mrs. WIggs. of ihu Ciih- liaae Patch," June Ti, Ii, dcllghleil'three very hii'ge .TUrtleiK'es. (In 7, for the tirst time on nay stage, Llebler & Co. prewnted Will T. linage, lu a three act. diarucler comedy, draniullxed from his own novel, eiilltled "Klghleen Mlli>s from Home." Cast was is fiiihiw.s: .Mrs. .Mary Ileivher, (leurgin Dick- sun: .Miss .Marguerite Single, Jiiuc .Muibls; Thos, llwchcr. James MtilJildy: Prof. I)el- terrelli. llert Angeles; Miss l''uiler. Fleauor Lau'son: Dr. i'lilifcr, II J. Irving: Jutieph ileeclier, Wm. 'V iliwlge; Fred Wheeler, tliii's. Cnilg: Alice Warner, Liillle Aller: Jli.i Wuteriana. Carl Snow: Hull Hrndfonl, llor. flee iliisliliy: Tile Judge, Jas. Mulaldy; .Mr. Illrliuiunil, lloHurd ■ Cmiuptoii; Peter Hey. nold.s. I'liiiB. Crosby : IMward .S'eurliig, l''rcd .Mart: .Miss Sarah Wnters, Allci- Hngeninu: Walter Single, (.'has. H. West: Hank Hyde, W. J. Kune:',Miss Winter, l>orolby 'Cniilsou: Miss Wuiidermnii, Inn Cloiighan: Anthony, A. i:. U-wis: .Mr, Waters, Itnlph Heals; Lawyer Patterson, Joseph lliirlow: .'<(. Y. Detei'llve. Itiilpli llenls. "FIglili'en .Miles from Home" is agullery of types fuuiid In Kasleni States. Its luculu Is Hie village uf Ilexli'i', .v. Y., nud eighleeu miles therefrom. Mr. ilmlge has written a very clever conmly of vlP;>ge types, nnd the concensus of opiulou here Is that he linN a hit for next ni'iisoii. This marks Ills debut ns a |iluywrlglit and star, in the leading role of Josepli lleecher he gave a splendid Inipersouutlon of a rural cliniacler, and was given u rniislug recpiillon and niniiy tlowers ut the close of the second act. Ills mauiigers have pruvldisl hliii wllU an e.xi'elleiit production and u most care- fully selected ciiiapany. llcHldes the star, llunice Itiishliv, Chas. Crosliy. (Jeorgla lllik- suii nnd Lottie Alter made pronounced lu- dlvldiuil siiei-esses. Tlie slock appeared, N-10, In 'I'liKle" and "Solving the Ituce I'luliiein," 111 good ndvnntage. and did hirge business, • loo. Heath, Harry. Illukeniure. .Maude Kliowl- t<ui nnd Lucy .Mllllkeii were well ciiHt. Ili'ssle liarrlscnle aud Thurston Hall, wiiu Just closed Willi ".Mrs. Wigirs," Join Ibe stock week of IL'. "1.0Ht PMrnillse'" 12-17. .S'ationai, TiiKATiiH ('Max Hiirllg, iiinnn- giTl.—The stock. In' Dorothy Veriuiii. of Had- lion Hall," played to'Immense luishii'ss week of fi. Jessie llonslelle gained new laurels liy her clever Impeisiiiintlou uf Ihe lending role. Frisl'k Lewis and A. II. Sliurt gnvo strung support, "(.'ntlierliie" 12-17. CiHiiv oi-KiiA II(ii:s): (J. If. .Muore, nmnn- ger).—The stock, in the old and tried ".Monte CrlHlii," did turn away luisliieMs week uf r>. The members were well cast, ami Ihe pru- ductioii was excellent. Ilerl l.ylell. Arthur Ilutledge and Canilliie i''rnnkilii gained many iiiilulrers by llieir clever work. "i.udy lUiiiulUiil" 1217. llAKKH TiiKATni! (J. 1'!. Boyle, manager). —"A (lambier's Sweelheart." as put on iiy the stis-k week of fi, had gimii patronage, Lee Wlllard nud Louise Vale were well cast, "l.iindiiii Lights" 12 17. O.vrAiilii llKACii Pauk (.Inlin .1. CoIIIuh, innnageri.—Nellie B. (Miandler's Ladles' (Ir- liiestrn is'gnu a week's cugagement H. This, with the ever |Mi|iulur i''lfly-riiurlh Ilegltuent Ituud, prove excellent ullroctlous. Dkbahi.a.sii (F. J. Walters, ninnager).— Owing to Ihe Inclement weather, fi-lO, Helen (iernrd and her jiunles arn lieid over for week of 11. 'llie fauious Kilties Unud lieglim a week's engagenieut here 12. Tbe uiH'nlug week tills place was voted un exceedingly Hue Siiinmer park. The llghling of the grounds at night (hmt luslnlled) is dnx'/lluK lu Its brilllaucy. Ilosalll's Hand uuide a great hll tbe pnsi week, ami bus lieeii liuohed for ii reiiirii engagenieut. or reiiioilelliie II Ire are In the liuuiis of Fuller i ialllu. aud II seallug ciiiinclty uf llfleeii liiinilreii »lll lie iiriiiiigcd for. It will resi'udile Ihe DrpheiiMi Theatre, nt llllcii, very iiiiicli. will have lli.ii luime, aud will open Ibe laller purl of Sep leinber. Alilinrn,—At Ihe liiirtlH Opera House (t-. S. Newton, niaiiager) ".Mrs. Wiggs, of the Cahlinge Patch," Juuc 7, drew HlaiKlliiK ri'i'iu oiilv. ami many wen' turiuil away. Thurslou Hull ri'uevved old ni'iinahilHuces. The seusiiu nt till- t Ileal re Is imw cluscd. II luiii been n niosl silccessftd one. «. » CANAIIA. Alliuny.—At Ilnriiinnus Bleecker Hull III. it. Jncubs, munnger) tlie Courtenay Sluik Co. Is lueeling with success, piitlliig on a pains- Inking prudiictlun of '"I'be Professor's Love Story." June .'■ nnd week, anil pieusiug the lurge audience nssenililisl, "I'lie Altar of l^'rlendshlp" I'J-17. I'liUL'Tun'H (ilownrd (irahnin, resilient innii- nger).—The Summer slock prl-seiiteil '"i'bei- ma," Tl and week, mid crowdisl Iiousi'h ii|i. iiroved. The muungeaienl succeeds In mnk- lug the temiieruliire cisil nud ugreeahle. "The Clinrlly Hull" 1217. IvMcnn: (11. II. Jacobs, maMnger),—For n few weeks opera and extnivnganza will ho the altrnelloii, "llliielieard" was excellently rendered and pleased lurge aiidlenci's r> und week. "Tiie Isle of .Mirth " week uf 12. NoTKS.—Klectrlc Park is opea and thn rustic theatre will be llie centre of allr.-ictloa I'.!'17. tins Wlilluuis heads the viiiidevllle lilll Dreamland Is uuw In full swing. 'I'lie lluiigariati Boys' Band gives concerts, nrteriiisiri and evening, to the delight of gr'nt crowds. Monlrenl.—Al Hie Acndeiuy nf .Music ill C. t^ertiiii, nmuuiierl Itlchariia & Pringle':! Ceorgin .Minstrels closed the season of the Academy with fair hiisiness June :, iiud week. 'I'liKA'ui: FuA.Ni'Ais IF. Ilownrlh, miinu gerl. -I.u Troiipn Cnveneiive, llii> |»'rinaneni French slock company, la "ii'Assouiiauh," bud good liuslness .'itO. "Tiie Ailvriitures III (.'iiptulii Corciirnn" 12 and week. TiifAvuK IliiVAi, (F. W. l.e Clair, muna ger).—'Ihe Una CInylon Hluck Co., In ".No Isidy's ('lalai," hud fair luislnesH fill). "The i'rice uf Honor" 12-17. Tltf'AinH N.sriKVAi. i''KA.NrAiH (!■: iluiiv renii, ummiKer). — Tbe iH-rnianenl i-'reiu-h stock cunipuny appeared In "l.e I'liis lieu reiix da Trols," to fair business, Tilil. "Lu Cuivalie d'lilie .Mere" 1217. SoiiJiKK Pauk lljivigue Ic Lajuie, ninu. ngers),—This resort htid goml i'i'hiiIIs week of n, with till* rullowliig blli: /.ellii and dug, Wl.Mains nnd IL'iwtiiorne, the lOlght I'ui- ealias, Irwin Funilly and llrlleclnli' Bros. ItivKliHinK Pahk (Al. E: Itend, niunngeri. —Tlie aensoa upcaiHl 4, lo goisl liiisliiesH, with the following acts: Carroll Trio, Cut nnlln and Kddle, the Wilsons, Marvelous .Marseilles und Idoscope. Hen (Iriei niul Woodliind Players did good husiiii:«M 0, :l>.' Nt. .Inliii.—At the Opera House (A. o. Hkliiiier, munnger) ihe Nell Twuniey Co. chisi-d ItH eaguKeiiieiit June ,'l, with a per furiiuince uf '"riie PuslninNti'r'M IhuiKbler," lu fair hiisiueKS. "Tbe Vllluge llriser" fui'-d lo nppour K-iU. Coming: "A Hot Old Time " 12-14. A. IJ. Hcaiumon s "The IturKlur" ll> 21, "Joshua Sliupllius" 22'2'1. .NiiTKH.—iiurry Ij.'Vv was la loan II. In the Interests of "A (lot Old Tliiio," V. Ii. SchulTer was la town fi, In the in leresls of Oils 11. Thayer, who Ih lo phiy a let urn cngageineiil here J2i4, nt the York Theatre. .Mr. Thuyer will pre.eni his old HUcresH, "Sweet Clover," aad also n new piny. cnMi'd '"i'lie Post (.'uiuhiaiiilHr," by the uiiibois of "Sweel Clover." Mr. 'i'linyer eipecis lu Hlar tu the former piece next season Lemon Bros.' Circus, which was tu have is-r- fornied here <l, arrived in town nil right, lint owing to n heavy ruin sliirin. which rendered the show grounds a iiiinlutiire hiki;, they derided not to put up llieir leiils, niiil pulled ut n few hours utter their arrival her'.' for Frederlelini, N. It Sells ft Downs' (.'IrcuH Is In show here 22, nail enr .No. 2 Is now In town, hlillng all the avail nhle spuis- 'i'be Nell Twoini'V I'u. laid off hero II, nn;l left 7 fur l-'Hslpoi-l, .Me. a Wliinliieyr.—At the WluiilpeK Tlieulrc (('. P. Walker, manager) the t.'uiirliiey *'■• did verv fair luislaess week ending June ::. DrncB Vun Stuildlford, In "lied Feather," ii|s>ued n two nights' eagngemeut (I, lu a crnwdeil house, and gave ii llrst class per formauce. .Sale for 7 wns very large. ••Knbiu ItoiiinnI" II, 10, Margari-l Aiii;llii ill 17. Do.Mi.Nlo.y TlDtAinK (,M. kyle. mniiageri. — Big business nud Al attractions week eiii|. lug ,.. FoMowing was the hill week of .'.' Ciiiinliilthnui nnd Hnilth, nml Hie ilui; "/.em;" l.i-utiurd and Fulton, Hie'I'liree Wuisey.s, I'el linglli and Burns. Ted !•!. Ilux (seruiid Wvek) aud tliH kliiodruiae. Ai:iilToaii!M .Scii.MKa Cauidiv (C. S|ieUrel'. inanager). ■'i'he llosclan Cuiiilc opera Ci> met with Biicce.sM, and did big luislues-i week ending .'I. Oijeru HoiiM! eenlo lllalr. .Seheneetaily,—At the Mohnwk 'I'hentrn (.Morliiuer Snow, luuuoger) week of June (i "Tiie Wife" drew large niidlC'Uces. Adeluldu Warrenapis'ared In the lending feiultiiuerulii, while tbe uppuslle role wus ably portrayed liy Charles F. (ilbney. The work of Mr. I,uiidii, .Mr. llyrues aud Mr. Ilauss also de served luiich prulse. .NiriKs.—Tlie following dlreclors werf eleclisl for the ensuing year nt the recent unuuni meet lug of tlie aluckholders of (lie Van Curler Oisrra tIoiii.e: ('buries H. Bene- aiii't, Jacob W. Clnie, James W. Yelverloo, Kveretl Smilh, 11. H. De Forest, Charlei Drown nnd I', <!. McDonald (ieriuua day will be celebr.iled in thin city lu August, Prof. Beriiurdl will have ctjarge of Ihe miied chorus... .The Isiardof niniiagerMof theChl!- drens' Iniy Nursery enterluhieil ut llraiuly- wliie Park, June .';, .Mrs. Kriiest J. Her- greii and Kniherlne Frnnchot presiding.... Claire Kulp, a Inleiited yuiiug uctrens, wb" has lieeu pluylng li:gfnue purls with Ihe Mur- ""i.taiI BOow Hli^ k '■«., "tiJ^lie Mohawk, for 'I'uronln .\t the (A. J. Kiuail, manager) Kiigei "Oliver TwlHl." drew lurge houses June fi In. Hhe wll! present "l';iiKt Lyiine" 12 and week. Hy.s and ills cuiapaiiy of Wood intid Players drew large uudlenceH In Ihe Dniverslty Itesldence (iarden, H 10. Mi.'.Mi'i Pahk (W, Bunks, uinnnger). A Hiries of iiaud coucerls drew large crowil ■ Tl 10. llASLAN'ti Point (Mat Dee. niaiingeri. A koimI bill nil). Including: ilnudiua Farter nnd Co., the ilradya, l/aroy llros., Loiilu- Ki'iiniitz ami PlillllpH and .Merrill. I a I.niidnn. -At tho linind (J. I'^. Tiirton. maiiuger I Ili.'nrlellu Crosiiiuri, June fi, de lighted a good house. Vernon Stuck Co. opened a tliri'e nights' eiigagriiieut K. Tlie boose closed 10 lli"..VNf.rr'.'( Vauiikvii.i.i: (C. \V. Itenuetr. innuuger). —liiislne.sK fell ulf sllglilly ueel; of :,. For week of 12 the heaillliier-, on llie hill nre Theodore llMlicuck and cunipuiiy, und .McKvuy and ,Miiy. »>» ■ Knni .SItnlMTl'N Will, Appllcnllun was made June Ti to ndluK the will of the lull- Ibenlriciit louniiger to pro bale. .Mr. ShiilHTt died .May II as u lesuli of Injiii'les .susliiliied In u lulli'iiail ncchieiii. 'I'he will, diileil June 2,1, l!)0'!. lea v.; all bis proiM'rty to his luolher, Lee The will miivk: "1 intike tills prirvlsloii for my 'iiOd lirolher, Is'e Hliiiberl. well knoH'inu, aad ill reeling Hint he will act fairly nnd lioiioi.iiiO lowaril our sisters uiul niollu'r. iinii I bat lie shall never leave iheiii in want, loil ulll aiuliilaiu tbeio In the pru|n'r statboi miuI Hpberi- of llfi-." The aaioiint wlilih .Mr. :iliu liert lift In not slated. «-.-» "Tf:v SinllT'i is a IIaii IIoom," II. It. Moore, manager, closed ut .Munduvl, Wis.