The New York Clipper (June 1905)

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424 THE NETV YORK CLIPPER. June 17, OEO. hf. IHIIME8 R. J. Bt-AKE O. D. \A/I THE NINES, BLAKE & WILLARD SYNDICATE OF SHOWS. The Wonderful "^A/HnTE CITV" Productions now occupying Two $10,000 Stoel Structures known as BI«JLKE'S DOC3-. PONY @! IN MIGHTY UNION WITH "THE 9 MUSICAL WILLARDS EXCITING TEMPLE OF MUSIC," Will take the road with their Winter Show Oct. 1, traveling in their own Handsome Cars, carrying 60 People, Two Uniformed Bands, Startling Parade Features, Etc., playing ONE and TWO NIGHT STANDS with MATINEES DAILY. FINEST LINE OF ALL SPECIAL PAPER EVER SEEN IN THIS COUNTRY. Troupe of JAPANESE and SENSATIONAL ACTS of Every Description. NO SALARY TOO HIGH IF YOUR ACT IS WORTH IT. OPEBA HOUSE MANAGERS EAST of CHICAGO and CANADA, LET US HAVE YOUR OPEN TIME, QUICK. Most Stupendous and Sensational Show of Its Kind to take the Road in Years. Address Band M«R, address HENRI CHIiLMERS, Musical Direclor. <9 General Manager, Hines, Blake & Willard Amusement Syndicate, White City Constrnction Co., Gliicago. W. X. MacCOLLIM, General Ageot. H. L. CARRIER, Master of Pulilicily. THEATRICAL HOTELS and BOARDINO HOUSES. WBtiMli * MRrtlBnn, OHIOAOO. (1. C. VRiiglmn, rrop. Strictly _ _..j,.„ Ainerlcnn I'Imi, »8-16 single; fl-Vi ilinililo . Vimilcvlllc pHtroiiiigc invited. PALJiCB IlOTKli, 101 N. Clark St., Ohlcago. Kuropcan, $3 per week: with prlyiiife b»th, $7. Turk sli liktli, lio. 11^. «. llUMi niUKY. I 'rop WM. TKLt IIOUS'B, Howard and Somer- Dft 8Is., Boston, ManB. Central location. Hr- rollent meal*. ksiILYT. BANNWAHT, Prop. TAAFAOUAn HOTEL., 118117 K.M,N.T.,nr. VBliin Kq., Acddcmj-, Dowcy. Kooihk Mc, 75c., »1, »1.M ilitTM^WIotHw cm. W.l).HANW10AN,Prop. BKRNARO ll€»TKI..9th and Tine, St, I^iilB, nrariiM llioatrcx. Kiirnpcan jilnn. Koom anil liatn, $3.00 Ui $7 week. Cilvu trial. U. r. CAUll.l., Prap . HUNT'S KUROPE ARf llOTEI., 14S Dearborn Rt., anil 0JCK0U1> llOTKl., Canal and AdaoiH. Kales to profuaalHn. FRANK llUNT.JVop.. t JlllCAtlO. "thU CASTLB inn, Nlasara Square, Buf- falo, N. Y. Hates, »2 to f* per day. MR. C. V. DUNUAU. l»rop.; MRS. RI. K. HAIK. Mgf. V^'—Y IN HOAP. UIOTBARtl. BOX II OWTS. lllRli Orarto Mcdlcaled and Toilet Koap. rAHKKIl CIIKMIOAI. (;().,OIII0A(m. IHOVINU I'lCTCHK SUPPLY and IlKNTAI,. VllniH, M»cliliiCH,HiKrei>i>llci>nii, C'liiiieraB, Uusi-k, Soni! SlUIca, iic»T aiid wconcl hand, IhiukIiI, Hold fXdinnitnil. Ilargalim. Mluillo for llliii and slide iimkliii!. (MilorliiK. Special FUk and FIro Hlms, f.xiicri ropalrlng. tree advice, Icmif I'oam' e.M>0- Tlciiir. prompt ilealltiga. Khcrlianl Sclineldor, «flrin«n-Ain. c;iii e. .V KUlii Co.. IW K. IJlli St.,N.Y.C. II«»W TO START IN SHOW BVHINK8S. <Oonyrl|tinpd), 3 dliteronl hooka, 10«. All kinds act, Mniu-llKT'8 SUI KIUb. Ml N. IJIti St., I'lllla., Pa. HOW TO hkcokik a contohtionimt. Front anil Hack Hpnrtlng, each Irli'k llliirtlralml. »nr. Morphcl'HSchool, 837 N. 12tli SI., riilla., I'a. June 5, Keith, Phila. June 12, Keith, Boston. June 19, Keith, N. Y. City. June 26. Open. July il, Kcnnywoocl Paric, Pittsbtirp;. July 10, Shea's, Bulfalo. July 17, Nantasket Beach, Boston. July 24, Proctor, Newark. July 31, Proctor, 23d St., N. Y. C. Aug. 8, Leave for Germany. Aug. 18, Wintcrgarlcn, Berlin, for six weeks. Return to America. Feb. f. Open. A. GOOUniCII, l.AWYF-R, Ml West Madison «t„ Olitcauo; eaUliltHbcd 1H54. Uiialllcaa ICRaland qnlet. Itranclica biiU faclllt ica In oilier Slalca. HllIlilAV unil CLAlfTON, In "A Coniitrv'a Flrat Vlall In Society." Jiiiio 8, Olyni iilu, Chica go. AT ■.IHKllTV—Foiirall 'round Med. or Vaudc« Tllln i>eo|ilo; mio playa I'lano and banjo; one doca AlannKHiidtlHiico; lady, anubrctle. VVcdcilrlah, llnlcli. Silly Kid, lUlii', Itlac.k or .straight In ali acta. Illllv Colllna, Comedian, 40S Michigan Ave Jtctrolt, Mich. Feb. r>, Hamnier^tciii, N. Y. Feb. 12, Orpheum, Brooklyn. Feb. 19, Alhambrji, Harlem. Feb. 2(J, Colonial, N. Y. City. >pril.May»and June Open WANTED, KOR RAblS-lllHck Teni, l»x.'.0, 10 o/.. duck art. wiillH; •• galilt: endl. Only beoii uavil i wecka; iiliiiidInK now 111 Suwisklcy. Ticket aland, alakc driver, complete. Send In any man (J.O.I), by trelKht on $10 dcpoall. K. I>K MAY, .Scwlckley, Pa. " WANTKD. (or Iliirku'H i:onieilT Co., People In All J.lnca of Yaiirtcvlllii. Also iJHiy or (lent riano ViKVcr. .1 nlglil al«nda, under canvaa. Stop at holiila. Those llial wiolc before wrllc again. Add. John Nolaon, cam of SlarThcaire, Itonildjl, Minn. WAN'l'KU tltlll'K—tiood all 'round ainging and daiicltiK Ifimi, niaii and wife; alaoalroug .Sl- loni Man. W.irk In cainpa. 1 want Perronucra, nnl Hoozera. Must Join at once. TIckela to reliable people. P«v lonr ovi-ii lelegrania; I'll par mine. Adilrcaa Ttip Forest Herb Mod. Co., New Virginia, Warren (\ii, Iowa. "wANTKJtJ.'VriANOpLAYKn, Manwho ran alng and plav. A. A. SlIKl'llKKD, Vm Main St., N'lagara Kails. N. Y. ~|eon 8AI.10—Three aci Drama and Vaudeville Skricli, noKi'ii illnlecl. Iloth line. MltS, A. UllNKOIlP. 'JLT Weal PJ7lh SI., K. V. WANTED, for inv No. i Show, Sirong llUick Voce Singing and Kanc.lng Comedian: aKo wani Cenieilinii lo do Irlah ami Dutch (acuond conu'dy), Veraallle Sketcli Team, man and wife, lo dii dnnUlvH and alnglc.o. nmat be daucci-a: a Ihni-iuigh- Ivoxiierlcneed'Malo Piano Player, mnal read and take and lK> able In do atralghia In acls. I want none but llral claaa, experienced,sober people; lo aurli 1 will pay good wilary and gnaranlee ii long, plea«auloMBni:eiiiciu. Soslalc Jual what yon can do nigblly for Iwo weekaand aalary wanleil. Ad- dreaa l>lt. K. I.KON, Marlon, Ohio. ~Kt»li~ SAt.k~l^ldn'a Creal Train Koblyry Film. Only been n«'il 3 wecka, ;toiKl as new. |&ii lakes II. WANTKI), l.niiollc or Aga llluslim. McSIIAFFEHV ,V Mi ClIM.OlKill, Kldiirn Park, Monongahela, l'». WAIVTKn m'ick^. ami i). Comedian who ran eliaiig*- fer one week; people who arc nol afraid to niaka ihemMolvea useful, llou/.crsr no: thai !■ ilie raiiMMif iblsad. Addreaa Kll. nKNIiKll.SON,M<'ril>.lown. lldmont Co., Ohio. inn KKTrKKIIKAD.<)orX:NV..)inr.; posl- age. 10c.; :ail»,•-■(«•,; l(illia,30(;.;CouiHma, 16c., eic; SHiupb'«.4c. KllsworlliPlg. (^'ebbcrvllle, Mich. SOMK III,.(<:K TIIIX4iS. (lni> (Inlali'H. our l:!\-l(i Illack Tenl. one I'mll Orgiin. one IJ'tx.'.O. •JdxIIO. LTixtM) Illnck Tenia, I,'Jim Kulilliig chillis, Folillnc tirgnns, Crnnk riuniia. lliiblier ItiH.ilug. Merry-tlo-Kouml. Ilnby I'Innns, Kallvhoo rmlircllu.a, Itlack or Slinib'd lli'iiwu Wnlerprooling for cnnvus. si:m> riiK FKi:b: iiaiicai.n IMKlKl,^n'. K II. AliMUIirsTKlt, Sprlnglleld, IIIIiioIh. While brass Hand, Orchcsira, Lender. Trnpcz<' Ijidy rtcilng dUiobllig acl, Colored Hraas Hand and l.ejiiicr, prcfeicnie Ihoae doing apeclalllcs. All kiml of iierfosniera for Concert and Vaiidi'vlllo, lireference llioao iloubllng brass. Musical Coinedy Team who play luind. Man with PIci lire Machine. llOHHCanvas and Chiindellcr Man. Scitaoii opens liclroll, Juno'.U Adilrosa ANDRKW niACKAV, Mar.. Co., SI WoodwartT Ave., .Stirling Aulonioblle UelMlt, Mich. VACANT. IRftIt PIER OPERi HOUSE, 0(«i>e JVIay, IV. J., KOK SICANitN UN).'). Flrsl Class Allrncllons wniiledonpcrconlngponlv. Opera Co. pfd. VICTOR DKNl/.AT." On NooounI of boat from St. Johna, K. F., to Boa- ion being delayed. Will nol arrive till June ir,. Can lesil and furnish niu.Hlc. Positively reliable. A. P. of .M. CAI, lllINT81Nni;n, Rrxfoiil Hotel, llcisloii, Mints. Leading Man and Lady. Must be clever and have wardrobe. .S(«ic full pHr- tlcubii-a In flrat loiter. I pav all. Also Advance Ageiii; prefer one ilolug s|>cclaltles <u- niaTiiig brass, J. CUIKsB, Sank Centre, Minn. WANTED AT ONCE. BUSICIANS That double band and urcheslra. Perfortiiora Ihat iloul'lp brass, Specbilly Pciipic Ihal diuible, Man with Pioturo Machine, innsl have plenlvof (lima. Mention loMcal salary, which Is sine. Show bookeil solbl for one year. Those who wrole before wrile iigalii. AiWreas JEAVOX'S lUC STOCK CO., Kaal Bradv, Pa. Reliable Stage Carpenter AT LlilKUTY For comingaeaaou. One iitgbl or sluck. Sober sml « worker. IKVi: A. III'ITON, Corrv. I'a. WANTED QDICK. TEAIS, Man ami Wife: .Man niiisl dimbte Tuba In Ihind, ItlCK'S FUlATlSi: TIlKATIiC. ■M:i MA SI., I.oHlsvlllo. Ky, Song Hooka are going out very fast, and if yon care to tisvc aonie of the in, w c .should advise you lo .send In your o r d cr witboat a mo- ment's delay. 75o. per 100, So C. 0. U. $ per I,ooo. Cash with order. Send Sc. In stampstor sample books. A. London Pub. Co., 71S WILLOW ST. PBILi., Pa. ISIT IjaSiiIle St., Chicago, III. AJHKHICA'S BRST AND OREATEST SCHOOL Endorsed by Tresa and Public. B.O00 references from all parts of the world. Tbe Onlr Sokool Kndorsed In Cliicaso. STIliE DIICIHG, II (Up-to-date In every detail). Buck, Jig. Skirt, Novel Cake Walk, Elocution, Singing and Rag Time Songs, Vaudeville Acts, Sketchea, Unimnllc Art, KU: K.VOACK.MKNTS SKCDRED. NO FAir.UKKS. Pnop. p. J. KIOGE, Nils Frances I«c and othera. Circulars Free. naANI) OPKRA IIOITSK. I •nrtonte PIHlF. nimiK aa the only AcUir and rrofesslonjtl Dancing Teacher lii Chicago. FIIKU J. WIl.DMAN, Thentrtciil Agent. Small and I.cadlug Paris Coached. 127 IA Salle SI., near'Madis on. Chicago, 111. 300ft., m 200ft. $34 Copyright loa'. Hy t;KOR(;K MKI.IES, Paris, New York. "I—-LATEST SUBJECTS 086-680 The Crvstal Casket A Very Prctly Subject m-m A LiliiHitiaii niiinet JUST RECEIVES 603-61)5 A Mesiiierian E.\periiiieiit i Most Excellcut Film Willi Knilrcly New EITcclfi. JUST RECEIVED FROM PARIS: Which Includes the leic rated "SnowUropa llic AUiainbra Tlieulre, lx>ndon. SKE OUR SPECIAL ASNOIIXCEMEXT IN THE NKXT I.SSUK OF TlIK'PKK KEFHRl! TO OUK KKW SPECTACULAR SI UJECT. 8BLU.NG AGENTS B.mnM X(i I* CASTON MELIE8, •MH Kaat :i8lta SI., N. Y.Cily. KLEINEOPTICALCO. r,-J Ktatp St., ClilcuRo, III. il WANTED, TO .lOISf AT ONCB, LONG SRASON, ALTO PUYER to double Second Violin: alto ALTO to Play Slide Trombone lor B. and 0. or Double Slide Saxophono. B. and 0. Mliat Handle standard muaic; llie best only need answer. Stale salary al once. Car show under canvas. No bonwrs warned. CKYKR'S TEN NUillTS I.V A HAKIIOOM, l^exingiou, Mo. J^ Frenzied Fun " lacrved up In hcnplug measure in JIIADI SON'S IttrDMBT NO. V. Kigbly big pages "f James MndlsoiCs aparkliiig iwroillc.s, iiiouologncs, skelches, bnrleaiiucs; also hun- dreds of useful comedy "bila.'' fl per copy. Edllbui alinoNl exhaiialed—lieller liiirrvup. Back niinibers all gone except ,S(>s. ;i, 7 aiid s. Any i bir f 1.;*, ;i r«r'.'. or liiidgcis:;.;, s uiid ".I lor J-j.-'io. Kndor!ie<l hy saiii ISernard. Marshull r. Wilder, Freil Nlbln and srtires m oiliiT head-liners. Send all nrrtcra lo 1.. .1. K. Ilwll, 1404 Tliird Atpiiik., Kt-w York. FIFTEEN SUCESSFUL SEASONS JOLLY DELLA PRINGLE AND HER FAMOUS CO., THE WESTERN FAVORITES. Hooked lo the Pacillc Coast and reliiru. Season opens Kiioxvillc, Iowa. Aug. 21. WAXTKO—Al riiar- aclcr Man lo manage slage and direct, Conicillun wlih sirong apeclalllcs, Man for Hen. P.iis., Property Man for parls and o|icrale picture uiachlne, Woman for Juveniles and IlcuvlcH, CharaclFr Wninaii wlt^i clever child, Al ijidy Piaulst, for auiall parts If rciprircd; Comedy Mnalcal Acl, lo doulie singe or phino; Al Ageni. .Send plioios and progranimea. Must have appearance ami wardrobe. Jj)W- csi salary Urst letter. Payyour own. (Uiive aohl car.) Address T. O. -rci-r-TUE, ICnoxvillo, le-w«/a. FOR SAliK—Ten Klegniil Band Vnirorms. \sr A IV ^ E> r> I^ O I« TUB COLONIALSTOCKCO. I.eading Man, Heavy Man, Juvenile Man. i.'encral Bus. Mnn wlili siroug s|>cclally, Cliiinicler .Man m direct siagc. S. and 1). t;..mcdiHU. Ijadliig Lady, .-s. niid It. Soubrelte (must be yoiuin anil cicrer), w an for (ieucnil Has., Agent, Al t'lanisi. Tiiose doing speclalllcs given preference. A Strong Feature A audcvllle Acl. Also Mkh with M-ivIng Plclnrc and Illiisli-atcd ."lOiig Oullil. All |ieopli> mii-l be Al, aoilii iiotmi>represciil, forltuicans you will be out Iniiiapurlallon. Stale full parllciibirsiH llrsi letter as lo lieighi, weight, age anil loweat salary; pay your own. Those nol known lo uie, jead phobia, which will be relurncd. Season opens In August. Address CIIAS. W. UKXNEIl, Mgr., No. iwsoulh Champion Ave., Colutiibiis, Ohio. 1 AIIE BUIlie A THOMPSON & OITO, MOTION PICTURE EXHIBITORS, 518 SPBUCE ST., • • FHILA., PA. __ JPELFOR ENGAGEMENTS. AT LIBERTY, W. E. MORGAN, DOUBLE NOTE VHISTLINQ SPECIALTt, \Vlll double lu Viiudcvllle ivlib sonicotiedi'slrlug a partner. Alsodo IIASS In ttuarteiie work. Heal oircrgelsme. Address W. K. .VlORIiAN, .' .01 .St. Paul St.. liirtlanapolls. Inil. RILEfS OPERA HOUSE will Open for the Season Sept. 1. '05. Ilnmble, Te.\as. Is a town of s.iioo people and the centre of the mi liuslneas. Would like to biaik n number of good shows; prelcr Minstrels and showa Willi baiiilH. .«ieailtig capaeltr 6«0; siairc -.'•Ix.Tii. CIIAS. KILEY, tagr., Uuuible, TCXIS, III ! iY. Rnalnesa njiw averaging »jniUo $2811 In an md I'at Moored Opi-ra House. The new hmup will tuako T,!lL.^;^^ftK"-,iiL','';-,,,.'.'tx?l'>'' '"*" "**" •■"'"'•''' '""'•■'" '""»■ »" "•"= opera chairs; .-,fl. incline, nesi^ls. H^h?In,.°i^.'''''j.'.'."."'2:,'*;,"'.'*''''?'-'\-'"'."'"""'^" ^O"- opentitg.lUll': healed by sleaiii. i;.nelp.lrle ligll»oU8«gc,4i« lofioo llgiiis III building, lo dressing rooms, s loiict rooms pbinncd by I.EMPEIIT of llocheslrr. Will contain all modern Iniprovciucnls. We can slage anything. Two rallr.aid* POSITIVE ANNOUNCEMENT. We will ni.l, under any clrciimstBurcs.piHy more than three ullnirUons per mnnlh. lfvoiid< do liiialiiesa you won't coma again. Krom one U< two wceko' protection «!1:aKAXTKK.1I. If voo w In play a live town book Sodu-^. Adilrcas MIL.LS BKOS., So.1h«, Vew lork. on'i ni J. J, i^mold Jr.5 laveBile, Character Comedy, Stage Director. .-.ibcr ami a husllcr. Nn ,vj uicksnf one night sbinfls or $l.:.Oii and cake desired. Adilros ;i,T Ea^l 7;iil Si., N. V. CLEVER JUVEnTlE WOMAN, Good S»x>ecia,lt3r X^eople. "-"""" C.\RTKn'S COMBDIA.VS, Pit ris, Texa*. oilicrs write Great Whirlwind Acrobat and Russian Dancer, WANT LAOr PARTNER FOR FEATURE ACT WITH 8000 TROUPE. Aililrrss OAKCBR, care CLIPrKK. Must i>e good I'anccr.