The New York Clipper (June 1905)

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June 17. THE nHw' ^O^TK CLtPPER\ 427 Btephens, Paul, Hcndtnos'a, Oonejr Inlaiul, N. v., I2-2-*. Stone. lt«llp. IMM Park, PUtalninr, Pa., 1217; Orwii'tintc, 1II-2J. StiniaeUI. K. H.. Star, Tacuiuu, Waali., 1M7; .star. PorllaiHl. Ore.. l»-24. Stanley & l.e Ru.v, Broadway, I.m Angeleii, Cal., 1924. Ht Claire SIrtera, Itamoaa Park, Orand Rapld«, Midi.. 12-17. St. John & I* Fevrp, Keith's. N. V. C, >M7; Kclth'a, Phlla.. !!t2-l. St Brlmo. Jan., MaTdower Grote, BrraatTllle, M«fs.. 12-17. Stell. Norman D., Kellb'a, N. Y. C. 12-17. Sulliran, J. L., * Co., Ljceum, Sau Prac, Cal., 12-17. Saraul A Raiell. BIJou, Calumet, .Mlrb., 12- 17: Bijou. Marquette, i»-24. Snickartl. .Mr. ft Mn.^ Luna Park. JoiiQatowo. Pa.. 12-17. Saur, Ja»., Bellevedere, San Fran.. Cal., 1217. iSjlTester. Laurence, DreamlanU Park, Uarrla- t)tir|t. I'a.. 1217. EclvMier. JmiirH A I'clngle, Ogileu, t°., 12-17; »M Lake, lfl'21. Srl'au A U'Xeal. Lyric Park. Flttsliurg, Kanii., 12-17. Talbot t Rojera. Park. Dajrlon, O., 12-17; Park Siirlnidekl. in-24. Taylor SiMlerii. Un-au>lanil Park, HarrWlHirg, Pa., 12 17. Taylors. Tlie. I.lon Palace Ruof. N. Y. C, lB-24. Tajlor. Biililiy, A.?roe. Norfolk. Va.. 12-17. TaTkir Twln-Slsten, >leiiiler»iin's, CoDpjr I^tlaml, .N-. y., 1211. Teal. BaynicMKl. Canlno. Los Angelej. CaL, 12-24. Trlllntlll & ByrneH, Unliine, MluueapoUa, Mlun., 12-17. Teed & I.iiPlI, ICmiilre, Oaklanil, Cal., 12-17; Broadway. .>s«n Priii.. lSi-24. Tkoriie. .Mr. It Mrs. Ilarr.r, rnrai. Toletlo. O,, 12-17 Thomiwun Slstera, Belteilere, San Fran., Cal., 1224. Tkeo. Jack, Trio. Freetody Park, Newport, R. I., 1217. Tbumas & I'ayne. Sheafe's. Xabant. .Maan.. 12-17. Tlicomb, Helulte, Ur|>tirura. San Frau., Cal., 12- 17. ' Toledo. Grace, A. t S., Boston, 12-17. Tolo. Paradise Roof. N. Y. C. 12-17. Truebeirt. Dillon Sc Burke, Star, Atlanta, Ra., 12 17. Troiilwrtaum (4), Summer Park, Berlin, N. H„ 12-17. Troubadours (.1). lorn Mile Park. Erie. Pa., 12- 17: |.ake!<iile Park, Akron. O.. iy-24. Trillera, Tlic. Onvi'mator'a. Atlautlc City, N. J., U-17. TrtTelle t Lantlera, (i. O. 11., Rock laland,' 111., 12-17. Trimble SMera, Henrleraon'n, Coney laland, N. y., 12 17. Trolley Car Trio, Rocky Springs Park, Lan- caster. Pa.. 12-17. Tswla. Oakfonl Park, J^anette, Pa., 12-17. Van. Billy. Proctor's. Newark. N. .T., 12-17, Van Caiiip, Secclaum Park, Uiilloii. U., 12-17. Van. Taimlni!, & McCaody, Cbiitps. San Fran., Cal. 12 17. Van Alotyne i Henry. Keltb'a. N. Y. C. 12-17. Van Oofre ft Cotrely. We^it Side. Janenyllle, Wla., 1:17: Family. Illcliainml. led.. 18-24. Valtluoi>s, The. Oiney l!<laud. Clncluuatl, 12-17. Valdare.i (-'•), i^iieu's, BuITbIo. 12-17. VanOK. Tbe. Dreamland Park, llarriaburi, Pa., 1217. Veilmars. Mouni. I>nrk. Toronto. Can.. 12-17. \''vn Zellier. UaiMursx, Vouue's Pier, Atlantic City. N. J.. 12 17. Vk>la Bros.. lunian's. Coney Ixlanil, N. Y., 12-17. Vice & Viola, .VInmnioili, Rerere Beach, Mass., 12-17- V«i Klelne 4- Glhsori, C. 0. n.. Chlcafto, 12-IT. Wanl * Currnn. rrocMr'n. Newark. .N. J., 12-17. Wallace. Kinnm. .Mniibatlan, Norfolk. Va., 12-17. Wa'lonrit &- Wlilliier, Al Freano Park, Peoria. in.. 12-17. Valab. Frank, Rlrer Park, Winnipeg, Can., 12- 17., Warsaw Rrox.. I.lon Palace. N. Y. C, 12-17. Wayne. Clias.. Yuunif'K Pier. Allantlc City, N. .1., 1217. Wayne & La .Mar, Unique, Son Jose. Cal.. 12-17. warren k Howard, Llndenwald Park, Uamlltoa, Can.. 12-17. Walls. The. Worce-sler, Mnaa., 12-17; Bass Point. Nataaut, in-24. Wesley, l.o«l». Keltli'H. Roaton. 12-17. Welch. Ben. Proctor's 2d St.. X. Y. 0., 12-17. Wealeni Trio. Dn-uinlanil Park, IlurrlMbiiri:, Pa., 12-17. Welsh. Cliaa.. & Jennie, Novelty, Sioux Falla, S. D., 12-17. West & Van Sli-len, InserKoll Park. Dea .Uoloes, la., 12-17; Olyninlc, rjliU'niiO, li)-24. Weaier. Clara. Rlallo. Kliulra. N. Y., 12-17. While. Stuart. & Co., Keith'.-). Plilln.. 12-17. WhanKdooille Comedy Four, Henileraon'H, Coney Island. N. v.. 12-17. Wheeler Sisters, Coney I|<land, Wlieeling, W. Va., 12-17. Whittler. L. O.. DIJon. Dtilnlh, Minn., 12-17. White & Siniiuoiia. Pastor's. N. Y. C. 12-17; Mttalc Hall. Brluhtou Beach. N. Y., l»-24. Whipple. Waldo, Park. AusUMta. Me.. 12-17. Whittle. W. K., l-nuiUlntc Dam Park, BrldKetoo. .N. J., 1217. Wheion & Searles. Park. Danville, III., 12-17; Park. Decniiir. lft-24. Whilesldea, Ktliel, & Picks, MetniMlltan, Duloth, .Minn., 12-17. Wllla tc llaa«an. Proctor's, Newark. N. J., 12-17. Willis, Tuknnne, Rlrerslde Park. .Saginaw, MIcb., 12-17; \Vlii0Da Park, Hay City. 19-24. Wilson Trio. Olympic. Chlcuun. 12-17. Wil-Hon ic De Monvllie, Rnck Islsud, III., 12-17; Daveniiort. In., 111-24. WililauK t Mayor. O. II.. Relvldere, 111., 1217; Kmplre. Fi-eeriort, 10-24. Wlllard. nrent. Adania. \V. Seneca. N. Y.. 12-24. Willie & I.arkln, Bennett's. l.onilon. Can.. 12-17; WenouB Beach Park. Bay City. Mich., 10-24. ttliiters, Wliionn, llullfav. Rnj.'.. 12-17; So. Sblelda. 10-24 ; Mai-sdeu Rock, 2tt-July 1; Sou- derluiid. .'1-8. Wilton. Irrlng R., Riverside Park, Montreal, Can., 12-17. Wilson. Alf & Mnbp. Aurtista, Me.. 12-17. Wills. F.stella X.. Tumldliig Dam llrldge, Urldge- ton, N. J., 12-17. Wordetle. liitelle. Steeplechase IMer, Allanllc _ City. X. J.. 12-17. Womiwuuil's Doits A- Monkeys, Snhnier I'nrk, Jlon- treal. Can., 12-17. Wuodwoni, V. P., Proclor'H, Newark, N. J., 12- 17. Wynn Ic Hart, Ijir.iyellc. Buiralo, N. Y., 12-17: AttrillorluBi, Charlotte, lfi-24. Yallo Duo. Oleiitiingy Pnrk, Columhus, O., 12- .. 17: Proctor's. Newiirk. N. J.. 10-24. Yonnit. Tot. Mum!li>. Ind., 12-17: Marlon, 10-24. Yorke i: Adams, Shea's. UnfTato. 12-17. lohe ft StrouK. Proctor's 2:i4l Street, N. Y. C, 12-17. Zarnea. The. Keith's. Phlla.. 12-17. Zarcl ft Veinon. Keith's. N. Y. U., 12-17. Znrnnos t Slslers Hess. Shellpot Park, Wll- udnicton. Dei., 12-17. Zarrow Trto, Kleclric Park. Bslllranre. 12-24. Zel. Rnymoiiil. irnlqne. Shelmrpin. Wis., 10-24- Zhika 4 KiuK. Orrlii Bros., .Meiico, Mei., 12-30. ILI.INUIS. Deratar,—At I'owers' (irand Opera HouRC (J. F. ijlven, inanager) the i;rand mualcal festival, June 0. 7, given uuder the direction of Prof. S. M. I,utz, WUH nil artlstla sHCcesB but n tlnnaclul fathirp. Dkeimi.ami Pauic (J. R Given, oiunnger). —Wheelock'a Inrtlun Hand «. 7. 'llie ILeuIre bill for Jun^ 4 unii week iDchiiled: Mnbel Casedy. Kmerson and Uniegu, (.Inrrlty .SIstcra, Smith und Arudo, Uiibec'.s dog utid monkey act Odd the clncaiatoj^rupb plctiirex. UuslDess It good. UinN-i;.M &'h Circus Ir billed for June IG. s ' Peoria.—At tbe Al Fresco (V. ('. Seavor, nauagert notwlllistandlng tlie Cnct thnt Ibe formal opening of tbis place does not occur until Juue ll)i over tweiro thoii.snnd people passed tbioiigh llie gates 4, nnd enjoyed iba Tarlons attractions. ^V^.^.'^T's (f. !•'. ligrtson, mnnngert.—Busi- ness Is rather <|iilct. BUI week of II : Mn- etrom and Anderson, Benaua and Freeionu, and Neola. lUoENBKCK'.s Hhow.<?, B, (Jfcw two Very large audiences, despite tbe extreme beat, and ?aTe unqiiBimea satisfaction. Tbe circus eatures, added at Pblladelpbia, proved a .wise more. Clip. —Tbe seventeeotb annual musical jConTentlon was being held In tbis cltr 6-0. m SF.\ir JBRSBV. Notes vkdm Ubookltn Luval, No. 33.— Bho. J. 3. Wllllama, our business agent, Is doing good work tov ibis local, and Is keep- ing all tbe members working. Hri>. Burt Simmons, niir vice liresldcnt. has charge ot the advertising department for tbe ".lohns. town Flood" and ".Vcw York to the North Pnte," and has tbe Island well covered with bill boards. Bros. Wnlier Cochran, J. A, McOirnmck and H. Riibnnks nre at Rostock's, doling good billing. Bro. cbHs, Altkens bns charge of tlie billing for the "(Inlveslon Flood," at Coney Island. Bro. Win. Ford and Kd. Decker are doing the hilling for tbe "Boer War," pt Ilriglitoii Bench Park. Bro. "Shorty" Turner has luoved to Coney Island to spend the Summer. Bro. K>\. Lawaon bus just returned from a short trip to Atlantic City. Uro. Burt Bursell, onr .secretary, would like In livur from nil road members. XOTKS l-'RO.M Baltimoiie Ijjoal. — The Orenter B:»ltlniore Exposition and Carnlvul, which oiiened .luiie .'>. was billed by tbe iiuhiu men of Rattlmore Local, Xo. .'IB. and tbe town looks like a circus with gully colored paper. It Is doniitfut If uny iirevioiis eiposl- tloii held here was ever billed better, and the wide pnbllclty which has l>een given Ibe event has bad much to do with Its .success. Over lO.OOti sheets of paper were put out. and the "bnriii district" has l>eeu sniped to a Hnlsb, many line locations being secured .ind excellent sbor.'liigs mude by Local .No. 30. Uo.sTF.a OF Cab, Xo. 1, Coi.lmau Hbos.' fJllFATrST OF A.MF11 If A.N' SHOWS! Wni. II. Dclly. car manager; Cbas. E. Kick, official programmer: L. I». Comstock. hill poster: L. iTreer, lltbograpber: K. .Coll, pro- grammer: bill posters: J. \V. Krickson. \vni. Mai'tln, K. Johnson, Uofat. Dame, C. Bender Geo. Becker, K. I,. Marsden, Chns. Johnson and Wm. Swan. 'Xhe roster of car reinaius the same as when we left ^Vln(e^ qiiurters. Notes from I.,orAi. .Nn. id.—Now that some of the theatres have closed a niiiiilier of the members of Local 10 have dcpaiied for Ibe camp. At the end ot every season tlicy leave, and stay there until tbe cool breezes of Autumn bring them back to town und to work. 'Ilils scnsnn tbe calipers are planning to I'lve a scrloy ot entertainments at Hie lake lo partly defray expenses. Those out there »ow are. \\. J, AIcDouald. lirlp .\I"- Doiinid, .lobn Hogue. Miles F:dwan)s and Zacb Lurkenf. The cloi-lnir o£ two tbentres Saturday will bring out .1. J. Whitehead, presi- dent: 'r->;n Rvlc, Harry Kdwards. Ernest Porte, Cl:is. Foratcr, Clins. Iniffay, Jnik Carr, "lied" JlcCiinc and Hen De Cliaiic. Miles F.dwnrds has cought the largest fish caught HO far, it being four high nnd no blank. I,oCAL No. ti was surprised on June t'i to receive a visit from Bro. Wm. .T. Murray. He Is as brown as a berry, looks tbe picture of good health, and la In excellent spirits. He says that Mrs. .Murray has fully recovered from upr recent lllnesii, and that be will be seen la harness la the near future, working with a will an of yore. Char. A. Ko.stkh ha.s closed bis Lnna Park engagement In Cleveland, 0. ♦«» WISCONSIN. Mllnankee.—Tbe event of tbe past week was tbe Sothern-Marlowe engagement, at tbe Davidson Theatre, Junn 8-10. Whlla only fair sized Biidlences were in attendance, tbe re- ception accorded IjotU starw was very enthu- siastic. Sherman Brown offers "The W'oggle Bug" Ki-IT, and (irace Van Studdlford, In Red Feather." Huuday, 18. Amiawsra (W. \V. WIttlp. manager).— ".Sha Stoops to Conquer," as presented by tbe Aihambra Stock Co. the past week, proved a treat lo tbe patrons, llnrry tilazler, tbe new leading man, appears to have jumped Into popularity during his opening week. Albert Brown, Baker and Kdltli Kvelyn scornl their u-sual hits, while Orace Mue Lanikin, as Mrs. Hnrdcnstle, really carried oft the honors. A warm reception was accorded ,1. Francis KIrke at each perforniancc. the occasion being bis return to the .Milwaukee stage after several months' absence. "Lost Paradise" Is down for productbm week of 11. Bl.iiit:.—Manager .1. R. Pierce olTera "I>ora Thome" week of 11, which will mark the rlose of his house. "The James Boys lo Missouri" drew the admirers of inelodruma lu good numliers Ibe past week. Staii. —Vaudeville offered by Manager Trottmaii week of 4, proved highly euter- talnlng. fieorgle and Ijiura f.,ewl.s. In a comedy sketcli, were warm favorites. 'I'he Warhbiirne Troupe of musicians proved one of the linest mnslcul acts ever seen in this city. IIoHsi> closed Sunday, 11 Ckthtal. —Manager V. H. Winter niv nouoces nn nitrnctinn extraordinary, week of X2: Princess Vllvia Marie Van Dorenburg, daughter of Kln^ I.eii]H>ld of Belelntu, Is Ihe top liner, and it Is bllleil as her llrst appear- ance in vniidevllle. itRA.NU.—Manager S. R. Simon reporto good liiisluess. People week of 12 Include: Mnrroii und Marron, .Major U'Laiighllu, Mary McBrlde, Christy and Willis, Hatch Bros., and inovliig plctiires. Noi'KK.—r^ftlers of special administration hove l»een Isaiied to Fred H. Miller, brother of the bile (iscnr F. Miller. Mr. .Miller died without leaving a will. Ills estate is valued at n Utile more than $8l),(Hil). It l« very probable that ibe uetv theatre which was l«liig erected on i^'ourlb Street by .Mr. .Miller personally, will be currleil out by his heirs. II has nut been nniKiiinciKl dellnltely as yci. George Fosler Piatt, formerly of the Academ.v force, was In the city the imst week. lie intends to remain ut Iiuulsvllle until September Wonderland, with numerous feiitures. Is mnkinc a big bit with Mllwaukeeaus. Crowds llocS to the place dnllv ClilnCnrell Italian Bund Is scor- ing'heavily at Pnlist Park Munni;er Kdwln Thnnhonser. of the Academy, has returned froni his business trip to New York, nnd la very enthusiastic over the tnnnv high class plays be secured for next season at his lioiiRe. The complete i>erson- nel of Ills new stock company is as follows : Kvelvn Vaughn, leading lady: (irace Itnii- worlh, iuvenlle womun: t.'orlnne Cnnlwell, Ingcniie; Kmlly Wnkemnn, dinraclers : Ilelle Spviuoiir, Ki'ii'-'ral business; Kdgar Uaume, leiidlni; man; A. H. Van Bureu, Juvenile man: -V. Sheldon Lewis, heavy: De Witt Jennings, chnrncler man: Joseph Dnilev. coniedliiii: John CInrksoii, second comedian : Merp<llth Brown, light comedian; IlnvliI Hartford, characters and stage loanagci-; Heglnnld Parrv, assistant stage mntiuRer... . Comniciicing June 111. tbe Davidson Theatre will offer a sen.son of dramnllc slock produc tlons, the cast to include several .Milwaukee favorites, under Ibe management of Albert Brown and Baker. « Vontl 111! I<no.—The Idea, n new vaude- ville tlienli-e lust ei-ectml by I,. A. Lauge, and leasjti to Jones & O'Brien, of Milwau- kee, opened lis doors lo Ihe public June r.. The house has a Heating rnpnclty of 70tl. Conwav and Ilnckwny, the Bennett Sisters. Cnrrollton and Hodges. Barrlngton, .^chaefer and Ii'> Camp, nnd Kdlson's motion pictures were on for tbe opening week. Bill week of II: Couser's Dog ('Iri-us. tbe Oreat Spaiikl- Ing. Hnbv tllndys. Si. CInIr nnd Carlisle. I,a Adella, and Dnvev nnd Phllllpe. ♦-•-♦ SUUTII C.\ltOM.\A. >lc«-iipL.-—.Vt Proclor's Theatre (J. Aus- tin Fynes, general maiiuger) special lutcrest attaches to the bill offered here, Juiia 12 and week, as Carleton Macy nnd .Maud Kdna Hall appear In "A Timely Awakening." Both are former stuck favorites of consldemble degree. Prof, AllDl also Introduces, for tbe ilrst time hfre, his acrobatic lisboun, "Peter tbe Great," Ward and Cnrrsn, In "The Terrible Judge:" Howard nnd North, Billy Van, Wills and Hassan, I>« Haven. Uvnu and Spencer and V. V. Woodward complete tbe bill. A good hill drew well last week. Klkctuic Paik IC. A. Duulap, general manager).—This resort Is receiving fairly good attention for cool weather. 'Hie vaude- ville bill I'J and week nuoies: KroiiceH fle- rard. vocalist; Carl Herbert, lu magic; Kat/- enjammer Trio, in a sketch; (iray and Oru- bani, inualclnns; llcnry Frey. comedian; ClolHIn Sisters, in songs nnd dauc-s: Keuneily auU Qunrtrelll, Jugglers, ami I.ltz's dogs. a I Atlantic City.—Al the .^uvoy Theatre (Kred v.. .Moore, manager) the Mamie Flem- ing i'n. had goo<l business week of Juue .1. "Checkers" week of 12, "The Serlo-Comic (iovem»'ss" week *>f ill. Yiiii.No's PiKB TiliU'rKii (W. K. Shackel- ford, manager).—"KIgbteen Miles froM lliinie" had goisi patronage 8-10. Bill week ot 12: Charles Wayne ami his lucubalur iilrls. Coin's pantomime dogs. Baroness Von Zielier. "ClilTord." Unn.son nnd Harris, Green and (ireeu and klnelogrnph. Stkkpi.kciiasb I'ikk (Olles W. Clement .s. mnungeri.—(iood business rules. Bill for week of 12: flarrv B. Lister. AruialniDg Trio, (illniann Sisters. K.stelle Wnrdetle. Buby Bulscber. Deltorclll and IJIlssnadc, K. T. ,Monr. fli!VEHNATOR'K TjiF.ATnK (Sidney Fern, ranuagerl.'—This house opens for tbe srusou I'J, with the following bill: Soroers and Willie, -Majestic .Musical Four, Mlllershlp Sisters, the Trlllers, Raymond and Clark. Bailer Brothers, Itlcb and Hnrvey. Hilton. Kit Karson, Beverly and Dnuvers, (i locker and Drew, thir KIclies, Ryan, Lester and Ryan. Stkki. Pier Ca.sinu (J. Bothwell, mana- ger).—Murphy & (ilhsou'a Minstrels continue to draw good crowds. a Treuton.—At the Trent (Kdwaril Renton. manager) Ihe stock coiniincv will present "When Knightbo4Jd Wns In i'iower" June 12 and week. Si'ki.Nii Lake Park (Management Trenton Street ItallwHy).—Tbe bill for 12 and week Includes: Sam Iloydelb', Dnriliig's poodles. George Austin, Delmore and llarrell ami Iteozelta nnd I.a Rue. .XoTE.—Clarence MIddlelon, a well known tenor slngi>r ot tbis city, has joined "Sky I'arui" Co. ■ ■ Caniilen.—At Wondlyimc Pnrk (U. D. r.e t.'ulo. manager I Jordon and White are the bondlluers .Ma anger I,e Cato has aelectert for week of June 1'.'. The crowds have ap- proved of the good vaudeville beiug offered, and hlg business has naturally resulted. Harrv liiivall. the former manager of the Bon Ton Theatre, Philadelphia. Is Ki>eliig thnt evervlhing goes off smoothly on Ihe sniKC here, while II. B. McHiigh. of Thr PIM- nttriiihiii Ilrvi, is assisting In the bo<ikliiKs. This week. In addition to the hendilners, are : Martin. Kd. Morion. Kdwards nnd Kernell. KitziKitrlck and 1'upiier, /arnella nnd Shirk, and Chnik Saunders. »«♦ Missoij'ni. Kansas City At the Auditorium The- atre (Woodward k IJiirgess Auiilsement Co., managers) last week tlie Woodward SI<Mrk Co. produced "Graostark" for the llrst time here. Both show and company scored a bit. Tbe hoilses were good. In spite ot tbe ex- tremely warm weather. "Tlielma" June Ti-lO, "Tbe Banker's Daughter" 12-17. oi'KRA Ilor.iB (K. 8. Brtgbam, man- ager).—Last week "Across the Ileaert" had good business. "Wicked l^indon" comes for two perforumnce.s this week, when the house will close for the season. Chanp UI'Eka Housb (Hudson te Jiidnb, mauagersj.—Tbe Pollard Llllpnllan Opera <.;o. opens a week's engagement Sunday mati- nee, June II, In Ihe following repertory: "Tlie Belle of New York," "I'lnufore," '"Jlie Oalety Girl." "'Phe (ielslia" and "Tbe Run- away Girl." This will close the season at the house. Oi<i-iiKt:M (Martin I.ebiunn. manager).— Ellis F. Gllcknmn and his company of Yid- dish actors come for two nights, I'J, l.'l, pre- senting "Tbe Golden Country" and "Jui'ob and, Ksau." Kt.KCTtiic Paiik (Rntn Benjamin, mana- ger),—Kansas (Mty's Coney Island still ran- tiiines to drnw big crowds. Libera ll's Band Is the chief outside attructlou, while Rule's tours and lh« mystic chutes seem to lie Ihe priuclpal concessions that nre gelling (be money. In the Oernian Village Trusk and Gladden were tbe lieadllners In tbe vaiiUe- Tllle bill Inst week. Hill week of 12: Mar- tin Bros.. Mndi Slslers. Coakley uud Mc- Brlde and the Gnrrlty Sisters. KouKST Pahk (Geo. Selllnger. manager).— Stnley ami BIrlicck were the fentures In a good' vaudGvllle bill In Hopkins' Theatre. Week of 12 Klein, Hit Bros, and Nicholson will he the chief iicl. Faihmont Park (Iten Rosenthal, mana- ger).—Big crowds turn out nighlly to eiijoy ihe rustic lienuiv of Kansas (.'llv's most beauilfiil park. In the tbenlre (Waller T. Terry, manager) Inst week's bill was: Ken- Ion and Lorraine. r;iis Ilspler nud Co., Cnrl Charles. Ktliyle Roberts, and Hoffuian nnd Lombard, Ihe fiinngruph nnd the lerrlscupA. Cr.iPi'EniN'dS.—The vaudeville theatre on the North side of Minnesota Avenue, between Sixth and SevenHi Streets. In Kansas City. Knn., which Dr. I,. D. Stockom, of Carroll- ton, O.. Is to build, will be controlled by tlie Churchill & Davis circuit. K. P. Churchill wns in Kanaas City last week and seearMl the lease upon the theatre for Ave yeiirs. The theatre Is lo i>o flnlslied by Oct. t. It will have a .seating capacity of l.OIO. and the cost will be from 40.000 lo TiCOOO dol- lars. The Cburclilll & DuvIk vaudeville cir- cuit controls theatres In Grand Itaplds on<l Muskegon, Mich., two In Chicago, und bouses In I'eorla. Detroit, Lafayette, Snglunw, Qnlncy, RIoomington and Burlington, la. .\ lease upon the Woods Theatre, In Scdalla, has recently been secured Sam Benju- mhi. manug.or of Kleclric Park, went up to Clilcago for II week's visit. St. .loM«|ili At the Lyceum Theatre (C II. Phllley. mannger) tbe Fulton Sloi;k l.'o. closed a very siic<t'.safiil three weeks' en- gagement, June 8. Pollard's Opera Co. II, 10. CRY.sTAr. I'AUK IFred Cotmnu, manager) ojM>ns 11, with Ibe following slrnng bill: I-ergiisru and Allan Dupree Co., Walter Ar- nlni. Kenton and l,iirrnlne. HM Baxter nnd Rentrlie Soutbrlck, Eddie liigglns, and MI- rou and (ialbrelb. »»» NUIITII CARtlLINA. Columlilo.—Hyatt Park Casino (F. I.. Brown, local monogen opened May 2fi. "Sa- ratoga" being the week's bill. Week of June 5 C,\ly Bros' Minstiei-;. Patronage wns good. "Me and Jack " 12-17. f'hnrlottr At the Auditorium (TV. \. Peters, manager) the W. A. Peters Stis-k Co. opened the season June .1. to the usual packed house. This ever popular nggregnllon never falls to please, ami this season bids fair In outrival any former season at this resort. W. A. Peters and .Mrs. Peters had an ova- tion the opening night. HAXiir De Lai.v has just dnisbed a slilceo weeks' engagement through duutberu Cali- fornia, meeting with auccess. NoTR.i vuoM Jos. W. StKVS & Ci>.—The Heidelberg Cadtta, under the niniingcnicnt o( Harry J. Siintra, will be a («nlurf ni Hen- derson's Music ilall. Coney Ulniul. June 12, They are making a special fentiiri' •>( three recently piildlshed songs: "Tlie King of the Vikings Am I." n ateln sung, entitled "Just As Me i:a<-d to Do," Itnd "Muldi'ii. Thou Hast nn K>e of Blue/' A .successful Sum- mer engngenieiil Is being pbiyed bv Sam Pickett's extrnvuiinnxa comimny nt tlie Ma- jestic Thenire, I ticu, which Is nviking a special feature of "Peter I'Iiht" ami "Lliiily." Both of them are received with great ap- plause at every pcrforinnncq. At.. Am>i:usu.v> J. H. Gui.S'ks ni-e feot- tiring "Dat Ain't tbu Kind of Grub I've llceu Getting Down Hume" nnd "Sweetie, Dout:" 'J'hcse two aougs ore among the season's bits. Since the forjnni oiieuliifi of tbe Coney Island atirnctbius iliiring Alliy, It Is very easy for a keen observer to know what Is the InstrumcninI bit of the day. Kre'ry band .ind oicbeslrn on the Isbind plays "IHitvr IMper," and It . gives promise of being one of the biggest hits of Ibe season. Till: Bei-mo.nts nre featuring "I Want to Be a Sdldier*' and "llallehijnb Slsler" at the MIdluiid Bench Theatre, and tbe Del- berg Sisters Sling "Slmtne on You" recently at the C'olouinI Tlieaire, New York Cllv. "Shame on You," the ction song success. Is one of the meloillua pleasingly played by the Cralgs. This coon wmg Is a pronniiui'isl sucii'ss as done by Kruest Hogun. Hurry llmwu and others. Word was received re- cently from Hurry Slinw tbut "Dingb' Don- gle iVll" wns a big success for lilni rtl the Deluiar Garden, St, IaiuIs; uIso fruiu Carrie K/.ler, Hint "Bannnu .Man" Is one of the biggest bits she hnd ever hud. (litAOK Mantki.i, coullniieH to make n hit with "Listen to The Big llrflss Band." nud has nddeii "Awiike, My IleioTed, Awnke," to her rejiertory. Cll.NtlFSA llOHF.TA OK CaHA M|||AND.\, daugb- ter of Christine NIIssuii, wns innrrled dvlcnl- ly. June S, In Metiton, Fr., la Purtlngton de Ca.scer, Ihe religious ceremony being per- formed June 10. Ki.sfH MaxwRI.I. la Riici'essfiil wllh "Be- cause Yon Were Ju Old Swwtlieurl o( ,Mlue" nud "Lucy Linda Lndy." ■■Ta.\i.mahy" Ih growing more popular every day. Among Ihe recent vocalists to place It In their ropeitory being: Amy Iliitler. Jolin nnd Carrie .Muck, Al. Lester, llert Uakcr and Oranilb'k D<- Mill- and company. "Katk Keahnry" Is being specially feat- ured by Jlufle 'I'bercsa, Siilllvnii noil I'as- (inelena, Nnnun Jnccpies, Pauline Alornu and the Healy Sisters. MAKniR Mit.i.KK Is scoring n siiicess wllh "He's .Me I'ul." May MKLVil.t.K's rendlllun of "Won't Yon Be .My Birdie Bird" Is Ihe talk of vniide- vlllu nudlences, ItOATnsA AMI Stevf.nh declare that "Hap py Jappy .Soldier .Man" Is one of ibeir best .sougs. ' CriiTi.s AND May have maile such n big success with "In Drfuiuluud" thai. Ihcy will keep It on their progruininc. I.ILi.ii: BuiiT cuutiuucs to fenluri! "Good Niirbl. Beloved. Good Night." The Nichols Sisteum have two songs in their r«'iH?rtury which have pr<ivid winners thbi si-anou. uninely: "Listen to the Big Brass Baud" nnd "Bessie, My lllsck-Kyed Bnby." KoY ANU CI.AHK, Louise Brebliny, Hie KA- mcralda iilsters uud Jack nud Bertbn Alli- son nre sliiclng that grand ballad success, "lu the Skudu of the old Apple Tree," and bove recently added Wllllaius nnd Van Al- atyiie's song. Bright Kycs, Good-Ryt;, lo their reiierturU'd. ItoPHUT Mmmht r.KSXO.v, sliiger of Scotch airs, bus recently ludiulcd "Cnrabo<i" and "Mooullgbt" lu Ills rejicrtury, ami Is sliigliig Iheui with success nt Willow Grove Pnrk, Pblludelphlo. l.'oNsrA.Nc'E WiNDON, singing conieillenne. Is singing "If I Were Only You" and "Trou- badour," at the Palace, Bosluu, und will continue using these Iwu songs for Ibe en- tire season. CiiAK. K. HAnnis Notes. —Marie Brnck- man, coulrnllo, who has been eiigflged tii sing wltb AL Reeves' Bond, at Munnatlau Bench, will make u feature of Ihe new lial- lad, "Would Vuii Care?" Of ibe Hummer songs time have hi-eii Issued by publishers this Summer, which nre numbered In tbe tiundreds, llie song that HtAtidH out above them all is George Rvaus nud Ron Shlelils' big hit. "Waltzing With Ihe Girl Vuu I,ov«." One hud only to visit Keith's Theatre. New York, the past week lo see the hold tlila sung has taken upon tlie New York public. Churles K. Harris lu lu Chlcugo lo attend tbe op^-nlni; ot "The Land of Nod," nt the Chicago Opcrii. House, a new Uiiislrnl ex- travaganza, or which he Is the pnlillslier. lie will be gone about Iwclve days, op nn extended trip throughout the West, whiire be will meet bis old friends. FiiANcKi.v.v WAi,t.ACK, teuor, who wan with tbe "Parsifal" Opera I'o., all 4ir lust season. Is playing In nud around New York. Mr. Wallnire sings: "I'm Longing lOor You, Sweetheart, Uny by Day," nnd "Slug Me the Songs of Dixie Lund,' wllh feidluK- Rolb songs are by J. W. Casey. ilEt.K.NA Fiir.UKlticK, prfum donna sournno. Is singing wllh great success "Sing .Me Ibe Songs of Dixie Land," the new bullud bll, publlslicd b,v tbe lOasex Music Co. J. W. .Mter.4, baritone, says "Sing Me the Hongs of Dixie I.,and" Is one of the best ballads lie has ever used. Tun K.s'tcKKiiiioi.'KKn 0"i-N'rKTTB (formerly tbe Npook .Minstrels), now nptji-nrlng lu vaudeville, are using Ihe new bnlbid, "Sing Me the Songs of Dixie Land." Mahuakft HiiHiiitM.M, who Is playing nu- merous dales la New York, In meeting wllh her usual success wllh ber repertory of li'elst songs: "'Way Down Rasl," "Pul of Mine" and "Honey, I'm Walling." TitK FoRii Bkotiikhh ANii HtHTEiiH have recently joined hands In a new ai:t, which is one of Hie leading dancing acls in vaude- ville. They hove selccled ns lliclr feallire nuinb4-r, "Honey, I'm Walling," und receive eni-ores at every performance. B. .S. C'AnNH, manager of the Quaker Clly Four, writes ihnt he Is more than pleased wllh the Hatlei'lng receptions the tpiartetlu has received upon their rendition of "Honey, I'm Waiting." In a nEC'K.NT I.ETTKIl TO TKH. H. BaIIBON, George L. Arcber states that the hit of the PblllTpIno Girls uct Is "llllly." Mr. Archer has In preparation "Honey, I'm Walling," by the suiuc composer, wblcb will no doubt meet with as much success ua "Billy." I'KOM TUB IIOL'SF. OF lUVILA.NP & Co.— .Mills und MorrU havu added "Don't Be So .Mean" to their minstrel net and are receiv- ing tliriiP or four encore* at each perforni- ancc. Foster and Williams write ttiat "What the Brass Band Played" was Ihc bit of tbeir act ut Atlantic City last week. 'J'hc Itavl- land Piihllsbliiir Co. bos n new conversation song, "We'll wander In the Bright .Moon- lljlhl," which Is being featured by .Mr. and .Mrs. Swlckard and tbe Gregsons. The Capi- tol City l^'our nre using several new songs from the Havlland tjonipnny, nniong tbein: "Keen a Little Corner In Your Henil for Me," and report great success wllh same. Kusanne W lllls Is singing "Keep n Little Ciuv Corn"r In Your Ilenrt for Me," by Drlslane and Morse, and writes to say It Is Ihe big number wllh her net. Kilty llnrt Is fent'irmg "Good-Bye, Sis." The Kscbert Ulsters sang "Lyna," nt Pa.ilor's, last week. Watch Ibe big new IrlabVankee sung bit, "My Yankee Irish Girl." by Jack DrMlane and fheodoie Morse. It promises to be a win ner. .-Vlreody the wlHe ones buve added this soog to their actd. . FKOSI WALTKII JaC'OB*. BOHTO.ti — Julie Miickny, Ihe female baritone, bna lAM with consideiiible success wlHi "I've SweothenriH In Kv'ry Port." a sailor wnllr. aong. She is also using the hiibllcullon, "Inspiration.' by Keith and Keiuble. Julian Kltlagc, the liutxiKOunlor, who llnlsln'S the Keith cir cult this neeh and sails for l-'iirope Jnlr .'. has liad plieuomeual sm-iess with the uew Summer tvuU.; song. "Cniiie Over tin .My Vevaiidu." I'he Original ilootblnrk ijiiar lettc write thiil they have bech uslnf; "lly tbe Wnleruiclon Vine" (Llndy I;<-ui slendlly tor over six iiioiiibs, and that tbey will con linue lu feature ll, as the song shows im nbniemcnt In Us popiilnrlty. Clark nnd 'III more, xoug uud dance li-nni. will tcaliiic Allen's new coon song. "On YiV Way." Zvldii. the soiibivtie, will Keith nnd Kenible's "llcv, .Mr. Joshua," Ibe popular rube song. Coriilyiic .Maxwell will sing the wuliz sunn. "I'lmie Over on .My Veranda," by the unuic comisisers. "I've Sweetbeupls In Kv'ry Port" win be one of Ihe chief nitlnls'i's! In the I'honi.s. Deacon and Katnoii will fpniuiv "Will You Be Out To-N'Ighr." Allen'-t SiiiniuiT wiiltz song; Sum G'oss' "If There I-'.ver Wni a Sliluc, It's You," "Come < ivcr on My Ve i-niidn" nnd "lusplrntlob." Mlas Ramon bui bad vunsblerable success Willi ii JaiHin.'sr lunri'b song, "For tbe I'Ing of OUI Japiiii ' The Thret' Kvans Slslers, a clever Juvenlli' Trio, now playing the parks In the viclnli.v ot Cicvi'land, wrlie Mr. Jniobs lliut his rulu' song, "Hey, Mr. Joahiiu," Is a grent sm cess na rendered by them In special os luines : also that "Children of the |l. S. A." and "On Vo' Way" are partb'iilnr fnvorlle-i with Hii'iu. Jfan GrHAmiT. 'cellist, will lour the llnltcd SInles next sciisoii, under Ihe iniin agenient of llcnry Wolfsolin. Nei.i.ik TiirnWai.i, will be tbe lendlilK yocallsl with Riisntl's lloynl Band this Stun luer, und her three prlucliml songs will he; "I'll I'OVe Yoii Forever nnd Aye." "Goodbye. Eyes of Blue," nnd "Awake, .My Beloved, A w»i ke." "Don't Ke«.t SlK GtiRsaiNii" bns liivn issueil by Ibe Clauder .Music Co. Ilirii Devo. of .New York, bus won renown of lale lu l-'iiraiie, wlilrb Is really very re mnrknble. At n concert in London, June II. nniler (he pntrnnage of Ainbnssaiiur Keid, she wored n grent Irliliniili. Ai.ukrt Si'Ai.iiiNu, n young Anierlrnu vln- llulst, mB<le his debut successfully June il. at the Nouvenu Theatre, I'arls, Vr., lu u dllHriilt prugraiume. which Incliidetl Suliil Savti's (^lllcerto, Itnch's Chnconne, Beetho veil's Ronuince, and ,Snr«snle's ZIgeiiuer wclseu.. Haiihv Von Th./ku returned from lOurnpe last week. Tbe L<in(lnn offces of Shapiro &. Vou Tll/.cr are eHlabllslied, and ure lu chnrgv of Miiurlce Shapiro. M. Wli'.MAnK >V Ho.NH' leasing departnient has become one of the most liiiportnni feal ores ut thnt or any other Himllnr liislltiilloii In llio world. 'I'hiH la aiH-clally true of the ouerns Indudi'd In Ibe WHmnrU iniiHlcil llbrury, nil of which are exrlunlvely con trolled by tills thriving house, nnd inauy of which nre In great and growing demnnd. One ot the most ltu|i<irtuiil of these Is "The Little Duchess," which the Wllmnrks have leased to Ihe AlwriiH, and also Ihe orlglimi Anna Held production ot Ihe o|iern. Jiisnni Dk Vrro's Royal Artillery llaiiil Is ut Itlver view Park, IhC ' the Summer. Bnlllinore, ,Md., for WiNiKUKti Gopr, principal baritone ami terbblcnl dlreclor of llenry W. rtiivage's l-ing- llsli Grand Opera Co.. sailed IndV week for BuroiTe. While nbronrt Mr. Unit will h-vir various artists In r.ondon, Paris, Berlin, Milan and other iniislcul centres ot the con tlnent, with Ihe view ot engaging them lur Mr. Hiivage's Knglish Gtnnil tiperu Co. . ♦«■» MICHIGAN. llrlroM At (lie lidrtilt Opera House (11. C. Wbltnuy, manager) the rcgnlnr seusoii closed with thu appearance itt Itlcbnrd Muus Held, Juue r>-7. whose eiignKCnieiil was at- llsticully and llnanilully it silciess. l,rrKi{.M (K. II. Hlulr, umnnger). — The Vniighu Gln»icr Hlock Co., lu "A Glhli'd l''ool," enlerlulned gond sized bouses 4 in. 'I'he sdine company. In ".\rlsiiK'ri)i'y." 11-17. Twii'i.K.—S. Miller Kent was, Hie head liner ut lust week's excelluni bill. Anil Ihe at- tenilauce wns iiji to Ibe hlgb wflti'r mark, utlvruoou unil evening. Atlractjaus for wcel, of 12 liiulude: Putrlce, tUe Broltiri'S Dninin, Maltb) Locketie, young, and Devojc, Cbus. Keiiiia, Ihe BUmdells, (Jnlgley Brothers, thi! Three Cnslrllloiis and llie kliiulograpU. NiiTF.,—The \Vlillney and Aveuiii' Theatres have rloHed llieir I'i'giilnr season, and will receive their annual cleiiulug anil overhaul- Ing. ' I tlrniiil llaplils.—At Ibe Now Powers (Hnrrv G. Hoiiitners k Co., umuHKersi Julia Murlnive and i'l. II. Hotliern upiioiir Juns 21. IlAUiiNA TiiKAl'iiK (Orin Hlulr, lunnngm. —Itill week of II; The I'ekin Zoiiuves, I,a Curuionlelhi, iisslsled by St. Cla'r Sisters; lOarl ami Wilson, .Marie liocknuiu und .Mer- rltl's comedy ilugs. Goiikiioy'h Pavilion (Cbas. GiHltruy, tunn agerl.—Bill week of II : Ham nud Ida Kelly, the Threo Graces, Anna Stewart, Four Ln ra.vettes, Laiiiunts, and lliilclilnsnu nliU Liisey. BAaNiitt & llAii.KY Cini'iiH June 'JU. nay i:lty At Ibe Weunnx Bench Pari: (?flsluo (L. W. ItlchMriis, niaiuiKer) tbe o|iea Ing was set fur June -I, bill ll bud l<> be isist- poiied liidellnlli'ly oil iiccoiint ut Ihe street car strike. N'oTR.- llnrry Knri, general press lepre sentatlre of Ihe Wnllace Shows, was lu ilic Clly r., a Knininnsito.—Al Cnsliio Park (llalnl tc Dnki'U, uiauager) IkisIiichs cunllnues good, despite cool evenings, Ibe bills offered being of a hlgb siniidurd. A(.'Ani:.Mr of Mi;hii' (B. A. Hiisli. mnnu gcr) lius been dark since .May '.'li, snve tin- n concert by local lulenl. Due: Sol hern Niiil Mnrhiwe June 20. BAII.EV'M'.m & Sllow 21». .MauUlne.—At the Humsdull Theatre III R. Ramsdell, manager) "Twelfth .Mglil." with ChurlultR Buruetie In Ibu lllle role, played to goisI business May 'JH. "A Trip to Kgypt." which la unotber nuine for "Tlie Btnnty Doctor," played to a full house .lone 2. The house closeil for Ihn season wllli Treloar and Temiicst, assisted by local till ent. In au exhibition ot physical culture nixi DUiHCulur davnlopment, playing lo it large house. Trcalor, wbusu iiaiiic Is Jennings, is K .Mnnlstee product. ♦ «» l-.HPIliK «;|RCHIT .MIW.M, The meeting lo be held ill the People's Theatre, Chiclnnntl, on Frldiiy, Jiiiin Id. will no doubt be fully ntlemlcd. ,)ns, II, Ciulln, Frank t.'arr, W, S. Cuiiipliell. Hurry Miiriell ami Ham Devere will leave New York for Cllielnlinll oil Weiliiesibiy, June 14. I.'ontrncts have Is'en slgniNl by llio elrcnll wllh the Nortbweslerii Tlicnlrlcul Assorbillon which will add ten weeks on Western territory over the following route: A week of one night stands from MlnnenisiUs to Ilulle. .Mnul. ; Hpokane nnd Henllle, Wash.: Portland. Ore; San I'ntiiclsco; week of one nlglili. Hull Lnke Clly. I'Inh: IH'Uver, t'ido. ; week ot one iilgbl stands bi HI. Paul. Favornlilc terms hnve been grnnled In Ihe innlter of piTcentuge and rnllriinil nrrnni!etnent'i to tile IruveDni; inaiinKcrs, and they expert to front greatly by playing the new lerrliory. 'nil pnrtlrulari of the eirctilt nnil It^ ;it- IraetlonH will be nnuounced after the tneet- lug.