The New York Clipper (June 1905)

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JUNE 17. THE NET\r YORK CLIPPER. 429 AFTER THE BATTLE,' PAUL DRESSER'S Greatest March Song Since "THE BLUE AND THE CREY." ORCHESTRATIONS AND PROFES8IONAI. COPIES ON RECEIPT OF PROORAMHE. THE PAUL DRESSER PUBLISHINC CO., 51 West 28th St, New York. AVANTED, (iOdil Bscfiil Mcdleint- I'ci fonnorrt til work from hwcII plaiforni. Prek-iencc rIvuii to (Tooil louil hsDjo pw.vcr mid dinger. Very nliori jump frnni Biiirulo or DelrolU Add. E. M.STKONO, M?r., (junker liemedy Co., Milton, Onl. N. B.— Ten, c xpepacs and song bonks to gnod man. WANTED—Flrat clasa Medicine Pertortncr. (;ii»iige for one week. Uml do Black Face, Dutoli, Jrlsli and fong and dance. Sober and rcllaiite. Steady work. Will advance fare to people known. .State lowest (alary In llrstlelter. GhostwaUsevcry Sunday morning. Address, Jnno K. DHS. AV'IUTK- C'l.OUDi DANIELS, North Bay, Ont., Uaimda. WANTED IMMEDIATEIiY — Leader to dmilile Uarltonc, Double Rass and Tnba for WrlRliLsvllle HcBcli Casino. Kiisy work and do- llglitful resort. Salary. $10 week iind board. Wire _S. 0. S0HLO88, Wilmington, N. C. "wanted— Experienced Medicine Pcrfonncni. Tlio!<e donblliig bruB.-< and work In acta preferred. Sketch Team, Lady to play organ. Comedians, Noveliy Acts, Mnslcal Act, Organ riayer who can do Rpeelaltlc9, etc. State salary; 1 pay transporla- tliin imd you pay board. Open air. HIg cities. Iiongttands. |)rcti^lDg rooina. The Great La Roc, write. I)r. CM. Beck, Ocn. Del., St. Paul, Minn. uiUKDBlib-DAVW CO. WANTS Man with Moving Picture Mnclilnc with up to date tlluH and sUrtes, preference given to one who can donlilp Ptago; an Alitor for leads, heavies and gen. bus. with specialty; Planlflt, »lgli( reader, with feature overtures. Other people write. Tell nil lirst letter and be ready to Join liy wire. Summer salary. U. E. (IKINDELL, Wanpai^a, Wla., June 12-17, Merrll, Wla., June 19,-JU. FOR RENT—Wild West Layout consisting of ;wu feci r.'fl. side wall, i^cKt.s, canopies, llglils, inink ptftiui. Can be used for Meillcinc Show. Picture Machine. Open In or near Jamestown. C . C. ItlVElO, jHniestown , N. Y . AT LIBERTY' for Immediate engagement, MA.V AND Wll'K. LADY. FKATDRF, I'lANI.ST; Right reader; no pans. MAN', CBNTKKL LKADS, LKJIIT COMKOV, STIUKillT 01,1) MEN. Kxpc- ricuce, appeurauce, ability. Mgrs. uf one night- CIV, ivrlle for next season. SA.VFOItn llAXTEIt, Klroy. Wis. WANTEDnt once—Voc.'allai,llliistrHtcdsongs; I liavc machine; prcrcronce given conicdlau or I'iniracler aitiol. Vlolliilsi, double piano, straight III acts. CliBiigc for week. Slate age, experleiici', salary In first. AciiiialnlHnces wire. Long season, flood money to 0. K. people. Dll. Ill'IbStiN, Tmiiplco III. Piophctstowii week of June 19. Calolum Gas and Moving^ Picture Outfit I You Cin Makt Bl( Monay ' Enlaitilnlni th< Public. We ^tnrt ;ou,f tirnlRhlDir f omplctc outfttt with ntmple and explicit Instnictloni. The Field Is LarKe, comiirlBing tha regular theatre anrt n^cluro circuit, also local llcldi In Chiirchcn, Public Schooli, I.odgen and General Public OathsrlDiw. Nothing allordii belter opporlunltlei for Zln^^W Oyr Outfit Comprises the 0. P. CO.'S model. PURK CALCIUM OA8 OUTFIT, tha greatest candle power,ths eafea* and moateoonomloal Kna-maklns outfit ever Invented, WelgktSOlfti. Slerioptlton, MoilDg Plcturi Michlais, Clint cii,i» »od every accoMory rural, aiiggi oocdcd for complete entertainments. Aluolutely the Utent flimi and views nn Ibe market, Incluilnc allBubJocti for tho public's enjoyment. rftIR entertainment supply oatalogua andl *PECIAL OFFER fully oxplalna ovorythlntt flO unpacMn? when *' yju arrive; no tjsck* Ingupwlicn you leave. Your clothes hsnp up just as (hey do in your wirdiobc at home; your linen lies neatly in drawera;yourhal5(ro in the liat compartment. No matter how m»ny or how few trarmcnts you have, aaiustabtc slides keep them free (roni wrinkles. The ABC Wardrobe Trunk Is the one perfect tninic for both men and women. Every artida io It U toaUntly accessible. No trayi lo lilt—dnwert (or rvetytliinj—lasu a lUetime- Mci tJMO ssd tTpwuda. Uyitt/ar eur iltustratid book^ "Tifilp Tnviltni' uideHr4guiit. Abel Q Back CompaoTt twiftllMtVmofTnmU . uOlKibUxVaM. ■<fl«Mkw,Wla.,T.8,A. • Wl" •• '"liij ">!• n"* « •» J rmt, »yCM«»Biijrab»i. Illiiou, (SW •Ma .l«MU;, «,|a •>< Imtlllq. §HOW •PRINTING.»r,"*V""i.P'>"terB and Cuts on bauafor adver- •i»ini!everybr«nchollhi>Auut»emeulBu»liif«». Bemlfoi ,S»[« "Kuo (11) of Drnumtic ami Hhuw Prlnllnic; , J;» » Ogna 11) Kiilr HUil Oiinilviil I'rIliflliK: ' uataloKUB (U) billposters, Coniiuirclnl I'uslars. /- cf. J'"*'"'"" P'fuling of all ilnils. ftRGAT WESTERN PRINTJNG CO., •'3 KI.M PTRIiET, »f. LOUIB, MU. WANTED—Musicians to Acl as Attendant*; Cornel, Trombone anil llarltone. Others, write, liiiod Kcadera; s^iaie age and height; salary, $'J6 a mouth and all found Write or wire. (!E0. I'. (jn.MLEY, Leader, . Stale Hospllal, Morrla Plain.'. N.J. FOR SALE—Fine condition. EDISO.N liNI- VKH.SAL CAS and ELEl'TlllC BUU.NEIIS. Rnllt In carry loin, lieels; Movalile Lamp lioiise, lOO feet New Cable, Pressure (iaogc; {.IO. W. li.TAYLOIt, 102 i'alchcn .We., It'klyn, X. Y. WANTED aUICK, VERSATILE SKETCH TEAM, Illustrated Song Singer, with slldea; Vaudeville People who play brass or double band. I have Bcomplcte outfit, tent,stage. 9cenery:seat- ing capac(ly, i,ooi): will seller on percentage with slock CO. or vaudeville show. State full parllcii- lar s iitat letter. L. A. VERBECK. Fallscreek, Pa. ■WANTED, Lady with specialty (sober Agent, with trunk, post If necessary). Operator with lot of illma, good all around Comedian. (Wire, pay telegrams). No tickets; long ,<ca»on, sure salary. Stale lowest salary; Join on wire. Open 19. J. E. STEVKNS, Mgr. Ideal Enlerlalncra, L. B. tw. Tonawanda, N. Y. ~THE BVCKEYE STOCK CO. wants U-ad- Ing Man, OomedlAn. Uen. Bus. Man, Woniitn for Leads and Gen. Bus., Al Flunlst: miistdoepeclHl. ties. Thoscdoiibling brass given prelercniie. IVoald consider oifcr from a Small Baud. Salary sure. Wcekaluods, under canvas. IIUSEA F. .MOYKR, Mgr.. Jackson, Ohio, lii, 17, then Delaware,Ohio. Want Avroiiatlc or Sennational Outside Acl, change for trom a 1)6 limes. Musi Jola on wire. ■WANTED—Skelch Team, Soiilirclte and Come" dian. Single feature act. E.\pl»ln al). will anawcr tiy wire. Work under big top. Two week Bbinrts. I'ay your own. Cnn use good people. Longengngc- nicnt. Those who wrolebcforc. please write again. WHITE SPEAR, Sullivan, III. FOR SALE—Two Dogs, one Black Poodle,one (;reyhoand. both broken for the stage. (1. KItlKSEL,4J0 E.eoih St., Sew York. BUY JINGO. MR. REN SHI ELDS.-"Parody Sheet and Buy ■lingo at hand. Wnrihnianv tiincH their tbIuc.'' PRESTON LOMBAHD. riiosliiul Mill Park, Phlla. Kiiy Jingo, a book nr new monologues, joke^, cic, price 25 cents. $1 for •-'■• sure Hre parodies. With one of (lie parody tihcci sand a copy or Jingo voii can pill together an act thai can follow any bill. REN .SHIELDS, ;il W. 3Ut SI., N. Y. Oily. WAN-TBI /Vcrol33-b, BUY OR OIRL, Weigh! Hliuul 12511,, 111 work In ndddic of woman acrobatic act; tiiiist be fair Tumbler. Answer iliiick, snTON, 'JOI E. 14tll St., N. Y. PICTORIAL PAPER. Trained Animals, Bmscsauil (liuieral Circus Paper. tHale lowest price wllli parliciilara. Address :"Pr»T0RE8." care of CLIPPER. .Ml persons engaged [or Com Tlicalic report Juiu^ •-•2 nt Svlvan Iteach, N. V., open June 2i. waul few more LADY SPECIALTIES, LADY TI!APE^/,E torouUlilcattiactlnn. Write or wire. Address TllOS. DELAVANTI, Care of licni Thciilre, Sylvan Beach, N. Y. WANTED QUICK, For Texas Rill's Side Sliow, PMNCH VAN Unit does VeutrlloiiuUiii or Magic Ficiika and Useful People, write. KINO COLK and C. W.MACK, wire. Per Route OLIPI'KJl. ED. 0. YOGNti. WANTED, FOR The Old Reliable Cornell Concert Co., (ii)OI) mislclANS who iloiilile Band and orches- tra; also Klisl Class Yaiidovllle ArllHls wim are veraatllc. Nol less Itiaii two week stands; pay all ufbT von lulu. Write lowest salary; all letters answeid! II. H. CORNELL A SOS, Laluyctle, I ml., coniincnclng week of 111. WANTED, FOB IDLT 4, Big Outdoor Acts of All Kinds. J. II. MAXWELL, iMaiingcr Roik S pring" Park, East Liverpool, O . M libdy^li trap Dniiiiiiier. Write or wire' W. O. CKOSS.MAN, .Vii. Vi)\ Ontario SI., Toledo, Ohio. MUSIC ARRANGED, COMPOSED, ETC. A. KItlCTS.MAIt, 411! K. St., Now York. WaRted, Repertoire People in Aii Linef. TiKisc ilolnit siieilaliii's or doubling iirass iire- ferrcd. IIAnill.NOTO.S'S I'AYILION TIIKATIlk, I'l'liirciuii, Indiana. MFMrDnfO HfA 8TREKT FAIH, Aug. UlliinrtllOt aiU>, 'J.,',, want good, clean al- tnictlons. At last fair nay allraellons made f2.:.m. Write Iniiiifdlalely with rcferenicH and terms. L. P. ItOBEKT.s, S ccly., Meiii|ihls, .\Io. "~^ I-.IBE STRING 0A88 ttml TUBA. Experienced. Keitnlrc llcl(i>i. AL. DKNO, Ibid Axe, Mich. WANTED, GOOD AGENT, For Wagon Show: one Ibnt iiiiderslanrts the liusl- lies-. JOHN I'. IIAItlllS, Rallhnnrc. Md. Agent, Rep. People; 1 and:; nights. Prclerence to those doing specialties. I pay all. No ilckcta to anyone. VICTOR VAli.XTfA. Klroy, Wis. 9 .siToiiil Hand Ni-i for Aerliil lar». Mu-it In- grind and cheap for ciisli. Add. C. A. HILL, Pittsburg Lyceum, I'iltshurg, I'a. 3(^!i l^ameW Sous ^Sou^ Importers of Theatrical Tights and Stockings. IVr liavr Jiml r«>r«iviifl Inrsr Importadonii of ThoHlrlrnI TIkRIk Knil Bilk llnalriy nf ovpry <lr«t-rl|itl«n, Opfiria li*ii||llt Slarklngs In nil KrBitr«, 8IIk Hlncklngs In rvvry rnnrelvalili, sliadt'itnil In vnrloiia iinislltle., .ymin.lrlrMl fbr sitl (hiipii.. Our nri<'«« are (Iih very lotveiil.nnd «ntlrf> (ntlaflirl Inn Ksi»ri«nl«'o<l witlipvrry «i«lp. ^OTK,— §iitit'I.Icare taken in ninaaurpnient.of HkIiIh to ordrr. Katliiiaira rurtil.liril by mall nr n. ilrair#il« Siks and Satins for Stage Wear. Special R4f«ntinn Is railed In oni-niiw rnllectlon nf Iin|inrli<<l antt Dniiii-atlr Kllka hkiI Hollns for Mtann Waar, nlilxK InrlitdenBrocniip Sutlns, Tlna<>I Brncailei>, Pniii|indn<ii- Silks iind Hallna, Boinan nasi Pttraian Milka, NIrlpx and Pnlkn t>at Sailnsitnd inHny nlli*r nnveltiva aprrlally iiiiiniiritrlared l>y it* for lh« iirafraalon, it I prli:«>. rHiiKlnii nnm 7»r. <o $4..'VI) yntd. Many ni>nr color* have Item adileit lo oiir aaiiortiiient of tho Famous **Daniell** Satin, '40 Inrliita WIdw, I,in«in Bark, at ti-l.t yard. 'nverat imltatlonanr tlila aatin nrisnneri'd (.U<<\«liHri> al Inwiir prlrra. but nnnp ran rniiiuari- In appraranrr or dnrnlill> Willi nur*'l,lnrn Hack am in," orwhirli n<* ha vo almoin!■< control, and ran he liniigtit only rrniii n«. ;(4-lnrl> Cotton Park Sntln. In inOdlMdiict Hliiidfs nnd inlnrlngit, tlioroiiKlily r«liiilili> i|,iallly, at n(lr. yaid. W<iMr« fully nrepiirfd lo exwculfi nil nrdera ror prnfraNloiialM tvliitdpalrc liata ii>iidt< to lunleli tlirlr cnatiiinKii, larrylnn 'nnl tnn nUrty llipirldi'na. iil wry Iniv prti'»<<. Rich Floral TriniiiiinEM, rntirrly nrw, pvviiIiik ihailm, vory deairMlile for drrnrni Ing llipHtrlrnl ||owna. LargK nitsnrtnieiit AImki' I'p Boxea, 3tlc. lo Sl.-Hi t^arh, AUn (Ir«»a» Palnla, Pntrttt-ra, IIou||p, Potvdor Pnir* and llahlilt Paws atii|ierlNi prlc«a. Special Disconnl to the Profesti«n. Orders by lall Filled the Day Becelved. BROADWA Y, 8th AND 9th STREETS, NEW YORK CITY- .\o\v IS Tin; ri.Mi^ TO siciiiti-; Tin; powKinri, soriK-iv A GENTLEMAN URGLAR. Knilii'lv New Vi'islon. I'lia be idiiyi'd with KIglit I'miilo. \n siM'ihil mciiiTV iieri'ssaii. I I-KIM'S (IK IMi'Tnlll AL rill.VI- I.Nti—il. .Siiino good Icnitiiiy open fur Slink. Hop. nr fHic .VIghl ,Sluiiit '('••■«. :i IM.AVS WITH SollllllKTri-; l.lvAD—.'i. Strung ii[ii'iR'i'S. .Suliirday night billK, iitlicr plays, ivllh mid n-llliniil nimmIuI iirliiiilig, LOW IlilY.\l/l'V. i:ASV 'I'llK.MS. >A^ri««en -to Order, Read, Revised, Rleoed. Rroduo^ione BougrH't, Sold, ^ulljr Kqulpped. .New york Ilepreaclilallve, '■KANIKLM KCIONIi; STIIUKIS." Addr..a yiig ,|g|HY BELMEB PBODilCINO CO., 1402 Broadway-Suite 506-507, N. Y. JOHN B. HARRIS' BI6 WAGON SHOW. Tbis 60 H0B8E SHOW ..2!\'!r..r.. COOII PKllKOHMKItSlhal do-Jur.l liirua; prefer people work- In Concerl; Man Hint does Piinili, MuBlo. Vcar'a work for Bood people. Tills allow never closes, l.'aii use •_■ Bill Posters, 4 Horse Drlvciii; can urtu fiand Ttiina Canvaa Man and llosa Hoatler. JOHN P. IIAHItIs, .'ilti Oxford .Vvenue, llnHltnoie, Md. •THE SLEEP OF DEATH IN A LIVING TOMB FOR SIX DAYS AND NIGHTS." Tlir. OIllKNIAIi MCN.SATIOVAL ATTItACTIOX I'OIl PARKS AND OAIINIVALH, now at Patcrsoii, New Jeraev, Carnival, i wcclcn. Week June W, lirldKCton,"N..I. MauaKcrH, take notice. Acldrr»!i MAIIAKAJAll.or Prof. W, A. BBrc!ay, pt-r route, orcareof OLIPPKR. LEWIS B. MADDEN. Adclr^NS *41 AllMI HT.. Wftlt'ibiiry, Tonh. KERKHOFF-HILLMAN STOCK GO. The Success o( tht Past Three Seasons, NEW YORK DAY BY DAY, On royiillv with scenorv and npcolal prliitlnK. Re- Kpoii»ll>le' patticsonlv ean addrena Mr. '1'. II. W IK- ^^;'rT, Acorn, wn H'whj. New vork tiij. N. n Ttio poniilur BiuerKciicy liiirouii alwaja luukeil Willi tbc latest up to dale draiua« and ratcuK. Ilnelime Htaiiip for latcsteulHlDguoH. Atlil)erty,C{Mripet«DtllIaoager VilU'levllli' or Oiiiiiiii. lOxliMiKive eAiicilenii'. Liiiiili! or Inivi'l. ITplo duto Idi'iis. Snber and luilli'sl. AddreKKiiuMI Jiuie 17, Uobeil H. Il.vil", Knuilly Thi'Klre, illiivrisvllli-, .V. Y. After (linl, PIT. iiildirNK, llreutwoiMl foltuge, Uox a)!t. Holly Kiuiilj, .\. .1. WHIITEI a OICE, FOR TBK BELWERE STOCK Dl)., »l JIIV. LKAI'IM: MAN; PIANISf, «i(;cnt. Olhera, write iiiilok, KO.MJUIiV. Pa. '<rPE\-~K«R~KN^OA'oKItiKIWT; Al PALHIST aod GiBD BEADEB. Have Gvpsv I'liaimun. Adilveci' M. '/.AMKN, 1710 Sp. Oardeii St., Plilla., Pa. AT LIBEBTT, FBANK FBIEL, Comedj, (;harart»r or Cciicral Hur*liiCHH. Well op In "lllp," 'Tom" or Ton .NlKlJta. Alto or tia»fl drum III band. HOL'LDKU, UOL. WANTED QUICK, Mel Lecturer and Performers. state all ilrm loiter. (i. J., Woodhaveii, .*;. V. BALLOON ASCENSIONS. ANY KIND .Iul7 4and Fair IJHlca Open. Uh* llalliion. Net and Paraehulc (Jannon for nalc. Ilallonim rnadc to order. C'ap t. J. W. Price, 4i) W. Wli St., X. V. L'llv , Waatedi,Pictiire Eacbines aad Films (iood platforui Dhow. Auj kind of Machinea. and Kcople iln 'J or :itiirn«. Hinall wajfon aliiiw. PIIOI'. Alim' SSIIT'I^ Mlllruy, Pa^, 17-^1-, Leinoiil 51, T.'. Wanted, Med, People, Skeich Teams, Novelty AiiH, HIORle .Men, (iood Outni. .>^alar.v suri'. Onod trcatiiiRiit. Nntlckeii. Jolnordoii'l annwer. WOOH KAMILYHIKJWS. Ml. /.Io n. ML STEREOPTICON VIEWS FOR SLOT MACHINES Oiiiranlceil OrlKlnal.-i rrom Life. Bend fori;ata. loiritp. AddreKK TIIK Ctll(;AOO NOVKLTV HUPPLV IIOn.sR, 17.1 Mllwaiiken AvP..Ohleai.'o, 111. Waiited-Coreet anil Slide, Double 0.; t^trnriK (,'omeiluiii IO juil oii utia. Performers hi ullkinil.!. IViil ^^hll«•. .1. J. I)ASIIIMil(i.S', n-kilwH, III., 10 lo l;; Prineelon li^lo -.".'. Heavy Man, mui:^i lie inll and eapalde tf plaj'liii: itoinn liadi; (inn. Iliia. Mhr to niankK* >t«K<', Char. .Man., Clinr. Woman, .Suutirrlie, Inttenue and PmiH'riy Man. oprii onrelKlnh Hra-mn hi AtiHiini. ,Slnte allln llr»l li'tliT. We pay liiiard. I'ri'lereriePKix'O po'iplu ihiliiK HnerlallliM. lurniapantpni i, dninkenneKa ami lininornllty not tolcraleil. Iliuili nlKiiid carli areek for iialarv receivril In fulU Maiia((i'r'.'< liirmHUentHdilreM, IVA.N KKRKIKIKr, Ioik .V.ilialHl., HIIIITII Oiiialia, Nob. Man Willi llliiiilraleil Soiik (iiitlltHlile lo play paria, aln, write. WlWWPn _^TIioroiiKlily KxprrleniTd Ilepcr(olre I'i'Ople, Capablo Slajte lllreiMor, Parly «Hh Icliiic'oirtlll, Leader ami MuhIcIbiir. AeliirHdiuibllnK HraaK and HpecliillliiH, eomft early. People looklnit furrei-ieallon, llrketn. and iilhnrndvanienii'nlH, keeport'. WIfl PIIV <'«iiipleleTenl Oiillll, Willi SrnlK for no h'w than I,<i(hi: alan Hand lliilfornia. Kvrry- ntUU Dili iiiiiu; iiiiiHi In: In Al order. Dou't wauli r tinio; I will look It ovi-r. So alleiillun piiid hi liiti'irt withoutronipli'le, ihoniiiKh ilcnerliiiloii of people, work, ROmla, aalarlea, uLc. Four Id Hlx w«eka III Ibe (looli oiica. Par your own. JAMKH <;ilY. MInnviapolla. Minn., Uon. IScI, P. H I'au filatf A "TlioHnand Hollar lliiiilni'iiK rardn<M'." .Miiln or Ki-niale. Kiii!e,i,PHILA. PA. -SPECIAL BABGAINS- (MNKOOllAPlI l!iill and LIKXI reel l-'ILMS...?hi<i.llo Hi IJO.SMOIIAMA I.K.V.SK.S, riwt $;iil, prIiT... I.'..!*! |:tn.M)OXVLITII OUTl'IT. -StM |IH liyDltOfARHON Oliri-IT K'.IW »lii KLUtmiKl LAMP .'•.(10 tH AI'KTVLIXK OI'TKIT, HARBACH&CO., WANTED QUICK, HTIMK rOMrANY, A'l' MAY'S NEW THEATRE, PIQUA, OHIO, Kor an oiiKaxi'iiieiit of frniii fourloelKlii wiioIih, IjeKhniInK Juno L'li. Coiapany niiiitt lie n K>'od, Mtioiiit iiiiu with llTHl I'laia HpeelalilOH, and forHiirli a eonipHiiy xoo'l bUHlaeKu la aiiKiii'i'd, IIoiiko tilii' and colli, prnvtilud Willi clei'irli: fniia. Wrile or wlrei|iilck and prepaid lo LIIAH. II. MAf, Plqiia, Oliln. RYAUESTER and RYAH. UOLVKHNATOR'M TlltCATflK,; (mtk s.j. WAKTEO IMMEDIATElV-tOM "people". AIko ADVANUK MAN: L'lllLII KOIt KVA. MiiKl dniiliti; lirHwsaiid Join on wire. , A. K. LAIIIIKNCK, Ml»r., Illack KIvit Pall-, Wla. IVI l( »iiiO per l,(i<«. Trli.k Ordii, ll.dopcr l.Wi. n lied hot Ki-iler'. HaiiililVH In ii'roRUl/.iid MaRlclaiiH rri:c. All othcrn loc. .^1. INK'/., 4U I'ark Ave , Clileaito. EXPERIENCED TEACHER OF AMATEUR BANBS AT LIBERTY JULY I. n'lll eoaidi hand, iieeopl poaltlon alMiininirr ir< «,rl. or Irnvi'l. I'liiv lloriiel, IL or (»., Alio, Valvo ur Karlhiiic, .Sularr, rellnlilr and a xentlemaitt AddrcHfi MUHIc;iAN. •J L'linrloii Ave., Porl Klulliiiond, New York Itlly. Picture Machines! NAmE GABDIIEB, Want Performers, luha, 1,'larloiiel, Klephaiil Trainer. AUdU.sTCh .lO.S'KS, llniillnKinn. «'. \'h. AN'll ALLTIIKATIllt;AL(iOOI».S. Koenerv paiwcd chi'Hply and iiiiiekly. AiiialeiirH aiipplled. OIIAH K. MI LIJ4,4.'I7 W. 4hit St., New York Oily. Waiit(!(l,Mo(li(iiiftP('i1oniior.s, 'rhii'OpbiyhiK uriran iirefern-d. ,Si-oli Unit, n'rlie. JAi;K KKKliK, iJliarle.i Clly, Iowa. POWJEin'B CABCERAaBAPH (Mutton I'Ir.iiire Mai'bltiei No. 4 Hodel, with ut wlllioiit our Fireproof Ma|ta/.liii"< and Take-up Del lie. The nianhlnft Ibal li iiroiioiinird aa Mm i!rnwiilui!aelile\enii:ntol olnniualoKiaplir. (.'nla< I'iKiia fiiniUlu'd on appllratbin. N. l*OWKIl> N. Y. FILM KXUIIANliK, 116-117 .Saiiaau .SI., NilW Yorkj:i])'^ . liss Al HKllir llKAIii:il and iPTOIiATF. VAII|H'> VII.LK. PeruiariKni udilriKu, _ -jMimwAisOS nr.. I'lilladelplila. Pa. WANTedTeIpEROCEO" ADVANCE AOENf CaimlilRor iiiiiiklni; liova' I'onrerl band on WeaU em lour. Illve teriUHaiiil refercneea. Addreax _liK(iK(ilA I.S0I:HTIIIAMI()MK. MaDoii, i;«. WANTED-0R6AN PLAYER, ISICAL MAN^ OOOII ALL AllorSD DANOKII and NOVKLTV ACT*. Itellalile nerlnrmera only. Week aundi, MODKIIN KKMKI iV CO .. I 'lirdy Siallon. N. V. 64 Double Column Paged, Practical lnslruc< lor.! In llyiinoil'ui, \>Mirlloi|iiliiin, Mind lti-adl)i( and Parlor .Maith!, lor. eai-li, :i for *ii-. liKSHKrr, l« ):. I4lh HItecl, NKW UIICK. '9 PIANO I'liAVKIl, MKMCRAI. IIVitlNli.!4« WOMAN WITH ftPKCIAl.TV. (.'(IIIMASli A KOItll, llrlKK''>on, Maine.. AT LIBERTY. ip>rois*k:rty iwiaim, l'l«yaiiarn:e)(|M'rieni'ed, Holier. rHIaide. AililrR<i| >i. H. IVILCOX, VM IliiHOltiitll,, JauH-'iiown. .V. V