The New York Clipper (June 1905)

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4S0 TliE new" YORK CLtPi^feR. June 17. >EW YORK CITY. Mf«lc» mill roniiiifiit. ^Wllli tlK^upfll- itiK ii( rout i;>irileuii, liiHt wvvk, ii|)|ieur«.-<I the last filf^ii iii'ciled 10 tpll iiH that, In Hplte of niiOfcnces plnluly enjbyrd (lie perforiDBiice. the I'liniliiiii-il plpupant wcntlier, Hummer 1h "' ' ' ■•• • -- -■-■-■ Frootoc'a PIflli ATenne Theatre (J. Prortor'ii Fif(y-elffht1i Street The- AiiMlo Fjrneii, Kctiernl inaniiKcr).—^The ta- wire (J. Aiixdn Fynen, genornl ni«Dnei'r).— tirli'iil drulli.T.v .mil iiliiiblf wit uf "MlKhf" TIiIh wci-k •"IViim-iimie'it I'nriliii'i" la tin- ulTcr- wi'ii' I'xcolldiliy fliuwn by llic I'ructiir itock Ini;, iiiid mi .MutidaT, June l". im-TVoI to at- coiiiiHiiiy on .lime lU, and two good uIiihI tract n good ulied 1iouh«, the atocW cuinpauj •' ■ --■--■ •• — glvlug II i[ood InlerprettttloD, Jameit Diirkln fJrjic ■■ ■ ■ ■ " '"' '""" ujMjo IIS In giHid i-nrnrnt. On Mnndny niglit, Jiiiii- r,. IMiMniRE ri.innRNH opened wltli n strimK vniwlpvlllp lilll. Pnlly nintlneeH will hi' I'onllniiod nt l!ie Vlctorln 'I'lm Ar.llIAh riAlllifNR, ftlop of tlH> NFW AMSTr.ll- DAM TllKATliH, InniiKiirnird llie Hi-a.'uin witli (lio Initial iirodiii'llon of "Lifting llii- Mil." Till' r.ile of Xldlie. tli" vIvKlcd .itntiip, wa* I'linrniingly ennrti'd by Katharine tJii-y. .wlio li.'iH finlrkly <>Ht,ibliiiIiPd lierHelf In marked f.ivrir lieru. 'iVallnre lOrsklne tiave 1 rnpital linpcrtionnllnn of Hip xiilptor. On Kriday nftprniioii i,( iIiIn wwk, .liiiii' 1(1. Mr. KrH- lilii", who linH lii'i'n n viiliioblP iiipnibpr of tlie I'roftiir slork forct's for c.ttvtr.Tl yearn, *III Uh (Iven II Miuvcnir inatlncc wlio nppPHrrd'lo iidvaiilnKP i" Ibf ''umpnny wpri-; iJmyrc Sif'K, Ili'ltn 'l'ni<y. Muln-i lliownpll, Planchette. does clever work. The chorus Is teered are: George Evans, Millie Blan<-li.,j n lart'c ouc. Lnnt week blj bnianess ruled, and comnnny, Laura Davis, Siiiari ik .Wxt wook. ■■•nic Hohomliiii Olrl." llcnijler Slulpra, and Louln WbhIpv ' "" IlLiuti (Mary i:. SpooniT, raanaKin).—1"U<; ••h'ANT.\.v-\" will cplcbrate Itn u., i„„. tluKlnir week of the aeown. r.'-17, Is devoted dredtli i>errormance July 5, and conlei i to a Dalv comedy. "Love In Harness." The "Just Jly Style," the mng bit. beurln. th a two nrt niiiHlcnl travp^ty, book bv .lolm .1. Krank Mdnlyrc. liyruii Ongley and U. Dud- Mc-Xnlly and lyrb-H and mn-ilc- by AVIlllnm ['!>' ''"f'''*"; , ''""* ''"".• ' '*';'*'■ Am"* Dimri , , ,' „ , , .. ., ITniik .1. .Mclniyrp; Cornplliin (irinri-n, Wal- ,7prom.! and .t^on Rrbworiz At Ibe jn^,. K|.«kiiie; I'hineiis laninK*. H. Dudlpv Koi.'RirF.NTii Sthket Thf.atii^ the (.•liarleii Hiiwlflv ; .lelTerson TorakliiK. Ilutold llnrlBplI; A. fioptllpr Klofk fo, bPtian nv pngatiPniPnt J'.nrkpr Slirox, Hjron Oiigley; llPlcn (Iriirpp, erH; Asa Illip. \V. W. Crlniniltis: Tom Ho- mnlne. Win. .Norlnn: Amos llarlnw, fieu. IlMwell: HplkP, • tbp formior. I'hiiB. Abbe; I'liil l-'lusb, a ralner. .Tiillan Kecd ; Tp|inps»p« KiMit, AgiiPH Siott : .SVtIlP nice. firarP Kpniii; Mr.i. Hay, Luiilw Mnc-klntosh. Sundays .. _^ -.-o.-.., - concerts nttrnclPd tbc uwinl crowds, the ex- I'll* PHxl : I'Ptcr Anids Dimri, rellpnce of the bill provided HPrvIn;; to keep the houH« In good hunoor. . riip zoo Is exDP.ted to airlTi nC,? .... „ J ••• nnd will prove a great magnK The Broadway Slock Co. this week preneots t.nxK-iT Mooa.s- h Ki.ack Kat.s, made 1 ., „. •y has been rolri-ed vniidevllle talent, and a nlap rr ?, Monday night. r>. with "The Tlckel-of-Leave Man." At Hip or Mi Hir Mine, Sohiimnnn-IIelnk begnn n short pngngpiiient In "Lovp'.« f/titlPry." At Hip Ol'RKA IIiili.SK Adplnlde Kelin appeared In the title rolp of "Iliimlef." On Krldoy night 11, Hip New York Symphony Orehe.sfra under tliP dlreplloii of Waller Dainrosrii, gave Itn farewell coneert nt Hie Nkw Yimik Kiok and WlKTAIllA OllOVK TbP fJllA.Vli Ol'KIH Uoi'SH i-lnspil Il<i Mpnson Hnliirilny night, 10, Helen Tracy; (.' Dann, .Malivl Hrownell; Iliittle firlllfn, liriiyee Sioll : Heulrlee Sl|. I'ox. Kibel rnnroy: Miiry, maid. .Marlon Malliey: .Vladellue .Miftiiii. .leimlp Diinbnr; NIolie, Kniherlne firey. Tiie innlion pUliires Rri- sliiiwii iK'twuen Hie ai'tH. I'roctur'K Tiventr-tliird Street The- ii(r«' (J. Austin Kyneg, general innDOgeri.— Way Yolie and 1'. Hrndlec Strong bead the i) bill thin week, presenting "The Arlress and I hi' lieipitlve." Krnexi llogan, "the uu- l>leai:lied Auierlean." and bl.M Meinidiia Stn- deiilH, with Abble Mitchell fPBfnreiJ, ap- peared lu "Song.i «if the South," the iniiHic of wliieh Is by Will .Marlon t'uok, aud mode a Kelth'H 'rEemtre (K. F. Albee, general pany ban met witli much success here, and mr.nager).—A choice collection of vaude- the Indications are that It will remalii until vllle nclK was assembled on the bill on June the weather gets too warm for theotregolBg. U'. the Indexible rule uf this standard auinso- 1'aiik.— Ibe Jul! of I'ort Arthur, a luent buuKP being slrlclly ndheied to. In new. novel spectacular exhibition, opened Irl- heiivv iviie came llenrv V. Uonnellv and day evening .liiue !». before 11. large gathering, (•■iiniinnv In the niaiising sketch, ebtliled There wei-» some delays in operating, hut "Mr ilnd Mrs Nngg" Mr. IXinnellv's the launches, wlilcli were correct duplicates niiaint buiuor lit' will known to Isitli vniide- In nilalnlure of the vessels of the Japanese vllle and drnranlic niidlences. and lu the fev.' fleet, carrleil out llie evolutions^ aiiuutinced nioinen Hkoaiiwav iKiank Relcher, manager).— June jii. una win prove a great mn.nnr ■ presents Kuxk-st Mooa.s'h Klack •Old Heidelberg." Special scenery has been colored vniidevllle talent, and a nine r^.^C cnutrlhiiled bv Harley Merry, and the cos- Williams * Walker's Cotnpanr. Inrliidin? iiT tames and acressodes are the original ones stars, played a game of ba.sehnll at Olrii, .if from the .N'ew York production. Sidney Toler KIcld. iifteriiiKin of l.'pliln>- i..„.. .. ' .i'.'" has the role of Karl Ilelnrlch. and .Miss Conn- tlhs that uf Kaililc. his sweeHieart. The conj- Klcld. iifteriiiKin of FrbUiy. Jimy i| .f, score was I L' to !> In favor of tbe I(|.V,.k niti H»WA. Des Molnm—At the Andltorlum (Wm Foster, manager) a packed house greeted ? H. Soihern and Julia Marlowe, iS ■•|(™!' and Juliet." June 7. This was the lo'V a? traction of the season. '' IxoEBSoi.i, Park (Fre<1 Buchanan, aiana gen.—An excellent programme, wbh p,bi t'onchas as the beadllner, drew large crordl and Hie Ciii.omai, Tiikatiib and the Ai.- decldral^ hit. The act Is a big one, over a llAMniu closed for Ibe Summer with per- .icore uH cohired enlertnluers taking part, and shar . , ., , 1 ,. ,1 M.1 the Hinging WHS capital. Kriiest llogau siing nnd Hie result was eialnenlly Kiillsfactory - foriiiaucps Sunday night. 11 The con- two songs lu bis own efferllvc wav" gnlnlug to nil. Seurl and Violet Alien, lu their lowed torpedo practice: evolutions of n aub tinned atlnirllnus for Hip week ending June great aiiplniise thereby, and Abble'.Mllihell'a unl(|up ncr, "The Sl/ii I'alnter." caught Hie 1(1 were' Mine. Schiininnnlleliik, In "Love's "ue vol.p was heard 10 grpnl advantage In fau'-y. and the many <pilp.< nuil clever itauc- ToH^ri. " n» tbe ArAhKMV "f Ifilnif theTld' ■-^•'"'ily Lou," The uppinuse at tbc IUiIhU lag were tlioroughly appreciated. Their woric Lottery, nt lue acadkmi . i.iiiing ^„, hearty and prolonged, nnd the principals and Ideas are nwnv from the ordinary nnd at the Ai:iilAl. (IakiiK.S'.i. Sam Ilernnrd, in In Hie act were given a curlalu call. Will deterve the success they gain. Kmma I'ran- "ThP Itolllcklng Olri." at Hie Hi:iiai.i> ^'- ''ressy and lllnnclie Ijiiyue apiieared lu els nnd her Arahlnii whirlwinds quickly se- Mf. frcssy's latest lilt, "Town Hall To- curcfl Hie nood will of those "lu front." aud night," and captured any niiinber of " ' laughs. The act Is hi Mr. dressy "h be.m vebi, aud la one of the big- gest laughing successes In vaudeville. Ye Colonini Seplolle waa given the wurtnest klud uf a welcome, and held the stage without a dull niomput during tho entire lime of the act. The heoullfiil costumes of colonial dnys^the pretty and tiiatv stage set- Hugs, the excellence of the iniisle and ilie the I'b'vcr dnncing brought a storm of iip- Flausp. I'.glMTI Van Aistyne and l.nul.MC lenry ("The Snl Skinner (JnT'i upis'ared III :i reilned singing s|ieclnlty. and apparent- ly scored well, fudging i>y Ibe applniise. Will KogerH made bJH debut at this bouse. >helng billed a.s "The World's (.'bnmplon I41S.S0 Manipulator." To even the layman it was apparent that he had some rigiit to his claim. marine imat, target practiie bv the battle- .qliips nnd the destruction of a Idocknde run- nel'. Tbe hoiubardment of the fortu. with return lire, was the concluding feature, aud the burstiug niieils, magazines, burning hoiites and the final rr' ' - • ling of Hiiirender formed tucle r'eilnr Rapids—At flreene's Opera Ilouw (Will S. Collier, business manageri the Teij- ple Sto<'k Co., June .'i and week, oiieiieti lu fair business, closing tlie ge.ison at ibit SmAiif.: I'rnuk Daiili'ls nt the K.\i(Ki:li- BciCKKii, "The Heir to the .Hiiornh" at Hie Ht'DsoN, diversllled putertalumeut nt Hie Hli'foiiKOMP,, "i'antnna" nt Hip Lvnir, the Cllarles A. r.ooHler Stock Co. at Hie Foi;n- TKKNTii Stbkkt. and the Adelaide Kelm Btock Co. at the HAni.E.M Opbha Ilotisf; At I'ltocToii's I-'itTH Aveni:k, rmiCTon's .._„.., .„ ^, „. ,„, „„ „„„ ,.,., _ .^ Fil-Ty-KinnTii Stmeet ami Onb lli:.\i>iii-:n an» clevemeiis of the iieo|>ie rondering tiie'sa'uie MTl'chei"'"ari"(n"a'lii. "'I'Vie'l"'re"iiclmiaii''and""t'lVe ''"''* prellnrinaries before the tire starts show house. Manager Collier experts to ieare fur ^_ _. „ Xew Y'ork City IT. to book for next .season raising of Uie white IV.on.p.'H (Hay W. Fay. manager(.—'riiese d au luteresting spw- people week uf fi: Kendall and Tbomusoo . . . Bnby Hazel Barer. Phronla l.n Iteaii. liar w' Dnr.AMi.AMi.—A new attraction here called Fny. Harry Barnes, and the polyscope ' "The Parlsinu Wonder," is attrnctlug much Xorrs.—Carl llagenberk's Trained Anlniil ntl:>ntion. It lias to do with several sut>- Show, advance car .\'o. \i. W. S. Dunnidgtaa jM-ts. There are- Hic "Dance of tlie .Nvn)pli»," manager, was here 7, billing for the show's "IjMldesa of the Moon." "The Baby's Hath," "The War Hero," ""Love's Dream"' and •I'aust and .Margiierlle." Tlie perfection . uiiing to api><-e here 14 1-Jdwln Leo. stan manager of ""Tlie Liberty Belles." la hooe for the Summer... .The ushers of Oreeae's with vlilrh ""Fighting the Flumes'" Is pre- Opera House defeated the stage hands -I at and the nudltftic^ niiirvplcj at h)x sklil. f"*'"***'' »"i'im^spR Hw Hre sln»w of last yt-ar. bawbalj. (he s^-ore UpIdr 18 to hi ■%.••. • . ■■ t .« • ...... •. • ... 'I'}|A >ii-nl I 111 Ino tilup Wa^ii»a t-hn tl »a a*nH*n «V>n>M "^ ■ * TwRXTV-Fii-Tii Stki:f.t TiiFATliEX, siflck pro- duct loiw, with vaiidpvlilp belwepu acts, rnn- tlnued '"Down Our Way" was Hie closing attrnciloD nt the tiiiAND OiT.tu HiiKsn. 1(1 Variety entertnintupnt tvna furulBhed by IlMDN SoiAim Sthket, Tony I'astuh's, the VirTiuilA. Paua- lUMF. riAUIiKN'S. the LOMlilN, Hie Al.IIA.MllltA, Hcicrio & Skamox's and LioN I'ai.ace Itoni.' tlADDEN llinr.ii'H MiiHEiiM presented Ibo usual list of vaudeville and curios. mnde a coinhluiilion of rare merit, l-klwln Stevens made a disHuci success In his mono, logue, and l-!iennor I''«lk. <!levcr as of voce, oultp capdinted the niidlrnce. She salig n JapnueKe Hung very cliarminglv, aud scureil n t)lg auccrss. Others on the bill were: Tbe La Vine t^iuinrou Trio, In acrobatic comedy Other Fellow." created a favorable iuipi'e» sloii, nnd earned the reward sought. .N'or- mnn D. Hteil, tbc i-!nglisli boy .Mojirano. i-nioe in for his full meed of npplnu<:e. his voice iM-iiig pleasiiig la qnallty. Willie tlnrdner nplieared In a novelty dancing ou roller and Ice skates, performing some riTnarkable tricks, nnd grentlv pipased. Xlblo anil llilev. - „ -- -.„--„ "The Wood Dealer and the Kid," delighted dnucinK net, and Ben Web*. Hebrew come- with thi'lr reallv clever buck, wing, grotesiuie mice cppons witli dlaa. ^I'he motion pictures coatlnue. ~" ' •-- ■- .. - .. ..^ i . ■ mhir-ii n.o ..-ovu tlio ciunlc side of everyday life, with the .biislle of a busy street. Chariot races, jockey ■aces. Wild West sports and other blppo- • » > NEBRASKA. Oninha—At Boyd's Theatre (W. J. Uus Ihp Cot.oMAi,. Keith's, and dancing, which wua very well Ilk.-U; PnnrTon's TWEN'TV-Tilinu Besunb and Miller, in a ijooij singing and drome features are pre.sented dally at .1 and ge-ssmanaeerl the Ferris S(<L-k r.." !„ -"•« .>"r^;^^^r^??>e!^ •» -ery de- ^;;,i„.^i'^SntSiLs^^. ^"^"•^•'"'^- '«-^'- tail. Hie Hoer War spectacle has opened the Brighton Bench Park season. The perform- Introductory features, in good. Knro tC. S. BreHl, manager).—Klhel Ful- ler and the Caldwell Stock Co. opened a ' Victoria Tlienlre mid Ronf finrde-n (Oscar llamincrsdlu, iiiaungeri. -Th" down- pour of ralii im Moudny. Jiiiip I'J. iiiHieud •if Injuring the size of Hie uttendnuce nt the luathiee, seemed to favor (he rouu- iigenieiit, us ,evei'y seat- was occupied uud Many werp onliged to stand during tlie per- formance. The bill this week Is rvpiele witli vniidevllie acts wlih'h are iiopiiliir with the pntriuis of the house, hnd Is ' HCCOUI Hicl J^m- Vtii-k ill|i|>»drome (Thinniison *: Diinily, iiinaagersl,—The same capacilv ness coulluues lo rnie at this resort,'which from the start lixed Itself tirniiy Id the nlTec- tlonH of inetropolltan amusemeut lovers, iia Sunday night, June 11, ,rdhn Philip Sousa nnd his famous bund roncenized before no auiilence that completely filled the Immense aitdltorlum. Tlie soloists were: ICstelle Lieb- ling. Koprniio; llerinan lleitsiedt. curneitisi, nnd .Mnrsliui l.ufsky. Uantlst. The pioginmine Ineliiiied : 'I'lie overture fnin "Tnnnliniiser," "Three ()iiotalloas," "Welsh Illiepsody.' and e.....ntrlc daiicrng:' y^i^^U-'^: ,1ibu7ml ^blcii the several contlngents'nre ^,reseated: L;an^■ "ToX?d'.s'LinputlSnri',l'"r?pe;,'?r;' Johnnie, Lo I'evre ajipenred with .success. Iu ■^•:7^Ll?B„^,;'J'll,a"i,,5?.™r„J[''':/i.\JP?iS°f «^^ of 18 "Tlie flcto^IilS" and "^,T& songs, dnt .s nnd imIlalioiiK, uud the blu- 'Ids Portion of the prograairae, and then the fore Dawn.".bv the.Caldwell Stock Co dr« graph i>resented n series of new pictures, '"•'"I war lieg n«. fn liip battle of good houses wwk of 4 ' most lutcresting of whidi were those show- !;;;i"S.?,? '"-nKi'sli scouting party appears ujion Notes.— ilelbourne SlncDowell after Iwlag '"Pdinp ami Clrcunislauce," '"(}iieeu "of the "The Diplomat"' niid a selection Danube,' IX (-villi- iisirt nitiiii iiiv^ |iii|#iMiil IV III! Isjr f ,,. I I •. im ■ --|--- runs of the house, hnd Is headed for tlie f.'i'i" ..''"'"'KB''"" , „"''' """ ''»'"">prs were: anil oml-week bv To-'i"o, Hie mysterious mii- „'*"'','j''i',V I'«n,"islf. „hy Mr Ueilsledt : "'I.e Akeratioi an, wbicli \h onfr of the best iiovidlles y,"!""? •,'''''?;• ,''>;,*,"'"•'''?''",'.'?■,«■■"'.fl^'^ tr!!i^tlpn..i rouu bus sent to im in Koine seasons. "1" gnto l>y Mr.,_ and "'lyrniocli o'Klu- clever pi sed many fnvornhle couiuie oiu was presented . as art appenring with her company at i' 11 d «'''!' '•" displayed, eal'in ni- Hendhb.sok's, Coxev Isi.. IV of three i<''0»'> & Co.. managers».—I ij HI lOIll S I.illll01-,I >,l,.l W'nK.l '!• 1,1. Fremont.—The aew Larson has been leased to iJhas, S. Breed, manager of the Kriig. and Frank rbllllps. of Omaha. IVni. Till remain as local manager. This I been dark for six weeks. Tbe new take possession Julr 1. ♦♦* WASIIIXGTON. ally nuirveious bend balancing, talned for n aecnuil week ; McMaliou's Wnter taelou Oli'ls aiipeniiMl lu a neat singing and dancing number; Sheriiian and De I'orest won a tsmiiilete xictory in "The liattb' of Snn Dago: ilillPtl's dogs ngtiin deinon- Blraled tlinl there is iiotlilng beller in :ls way In vauilevllip : Pnt llooney and Marlou ilPiit Kflng well and danced deverly: lleno nnd Riciisrds created nilrlh galore In ncro- lialic Kliiuls; liii> ilapiH) Sisters, In dnnceH. wlHi every reaiipearance here etnplinsize the fact Ihat lliey iiave no superiors in lio'lr Hue of endeavor" liiiyer nnd O'Nell worn well received, uud Mnyiue llemlngtou und her "lliister Itrowiiies" weiv applHiided In soiigM and liuuces, vvhlcli pleased (be l:lg aiidleuce, espedullv tliiil of Ibe siiuillesi of tlie young- sters, wlio Is iiuHe nil iiciiibni.. The uiut- liiecN ciiiiliuiie to lie given ill Ibe liieaire, tind Ibe night perforiiiuiices on the roof. . Foiirleeiitli Strert Tlii-ntre (J. Wesley Itnseuipiesi, mnungeri.—Dion llouclcaiilt'x *"TiiP Ocloroon" wiis the stock oiferlug nt this Hieatre .Monday eveulng. June I:.'. Lama Wall. UH y.i>e. was eMeileiil, n» wns I-:. J. Itnlellfre. who gave a cupital peri'orinaiice as Jaciib .M'Cliisky. Tlie full cast was ast follows- Jacob .M'l'losky, R J. Ilulclin'e: Habuu Si'udiler, Joliu Feuiuu : Wali-.Nu-Tce, Tuilv .Murshall: old I'ele. Charles Dow Chirk: I'aul Mnrluu h^ilrfax. .Mr. Siiaiiy- hlde, (ieorge Tiiriiec: tieorge iVylou. J. tlrif- lilli Wrny; Caiil. Halls. Joseph A. Ooldeii ; Col ISiiiiiiexier. 'I'. C. Ilamiiluu; Jules Tlil- aiodeniix. Albert llniidolph; Judge Ciililou, lIoWHi'd MoiKiiii: Liifoiiche, Irving Lancas- ter; Jackson, i'livld .\rrel: Solon. Maurice Finnkliu; /.oe. Laura Wall; Duni Suiinyslde, Veiliuii Iletrell; .Mrs. I'eyiou, .Margaiel I'll/.- pulrick! Dido. Kalherlue King; tirace, KaHi- erllie ivappel ; .Mluiile, Frances Marlou bals; the Sisters Uouiiy, eccentrics; Les I'errez, ou the perpendicular ladder, oiid the Hnliiitzpr Sisters, gymnasls. The circus f«i|. iircH luclude: .Mnrcellne. the droll; tlie Clarkes, lu a jocke.v act: Aliierl t'nrre"s trained and Dan (J'llrieu aud Joe Artressi. leapers. The "Dance of the Hours"' ciHitlniifs a strong feature. WUtuHn (irove (New York Theatre asllcnlly applauded. Wllllnln Cahlli. ""the Man from Ireland," Is a great favorite in Kourteenth Street, and, with his new songs anil stories, kept every one In good humor. Ileunett and Lulu .^I'tcbell. Hie bumnn tops, presented a marvelous turn. gvrntln(» until oiiu wondered wiierc they would evenluallv land. The De Veaii Twins (Nellie anil Hnnel) sang and did a good wooden shoe Hoof (inrdeu, Werba &- Liiescher, ninnngers). donee. Keiiiiy und iiolilR-were very good'Iii —hvpuing of .Monday, June U', niarkwl the their coine<ly. singing and Impersunutlons. -At the Grand Opera Houiie vn-r,. T> ,^- ' . V, , .-■";■• •" ■"" ^-— " ^ manager) Chauncey Olcotl. Juas CP,? .w ''^•, "' ^'""^^ Island, claims to 4-»J, lu "A Komance of Athlone:" Barwv ,,^11 e ??'•''.*"■'!".'" of, e'lmlne Ksklmos Barnard, in "Tlie Financier." 1:{, 14: Kol'b outside of the Arctic regions to-dav. This and Dill 18-2.-i. !«,L.''",2".'' iiii"'"* Is,•'Pi'lK'SPd of men, SE.4Tri.E Tiifjitjik.— Week of 4.-nie Mio ,",.^i, f M <'''l''ln'i>. nnd Is from the west from Mexico" and ""Tlie Parish Priest:" iteek [,r f of I'rpPuland. They form an attractive of 11, "The Prisoner of Zendu" and "Sapho." r,,!!,' Ji ..1';, "" the iiurrlcane deck of the TuiHi. Ave.mjk Tiieatiik (Itusseii & Dre». »«??„.;,L'V . v'^"*'^."''' *'','«'' sei'ves as en managers).—Week of 4, ""Kscajied from Iks v^.". '" „:>''"\\'"* *'> "'f Nor'h Pole." Harem;" week of II, "Queen of the lllgii- Noies. — ihe Monlauk Theatre, where way."" """•" I'™i^""',''f, "'n,™ have appeared, lias ()npitEiiM Theathe.— .New: ningham aad speclalHcN of Ibe company kept the Inleri'st of lilie audience fully nleri. '('he lli-st of Us two scenes Is lu froul of lteclor"s, the oilier In iJlureiuoul, lllverslde Drive. lOisle Jnnls. ill lii'r iiulliiiliuis. made Ibe greatest kind of a success, aud wii.s permitted lo withdraw iiill.v after reiiealed encores. .\elln M'elili wiiH very well llkeii fur her singtug of "Write in Marian the Sinki,'" and F.uiiiui Cams eiiugbi Hie audience couipleielv liv Hie song, "lip and Down Hie Boardwalk,'' wlilcii she reudei-ed In a niauner thai won her niuiiy encores. Hurry Bulger, as Dr. IliiKlcr was droll and fiiniiy, and Charles II. I'rini-e also won luaiked favor, 'i'lie i;iil Willi Ibe lied Douiiuo, a licavllv iidverllsed fentiiie. iiroved to be a graceful'and attrac- llve (lancer, and Ibe net was well preseutiil. She dances before an nrmngenieui of luir iierNoiuitors. singers and dancers; Tommy Ituruelt. descriptive vocalist ami comeilluu': Sophie Ulcharils, vocalist, aud AI. lilce, comiKtlnn. en^ M 1 „ ,t ^eV"^ .'■'"''•;'' '" """Pi"'''- The blogrnph pictures. iMiwe n,i?i I r„i., ; 'J, '"'"'!''' '" llanover TiiK.miK (.Mose Oolds luieimmi!;,.?^ Vm ^''■'''*'• '■^ "•'''">• "'"r- «B«''')-—-^w : I.eo and Munroe. ite u- i?r,fi'L\„. "r flf*' >I"''«'i'ik The- Moncourt, Annette Van Doyue a litre will huve two familiar faces this mm- St. Cinlr. (lOldsmllh, man- Ilazel IM and Geurgis Harleni._At the Harlem Opera House SieS whriuo*^',^ ??' V''," ""r,''''''" ^•<>n- (Alex. Llchlenstein. mnuuger) llVe play for X. wi^sslJ.i^. "'""''"'?.*:''"*''''''•^■• this week, Jane U'-l", bv Hie Adelalile Keiiu ". " i" 1,"^.^^"* ''"."n""' iiosllion at the ■#•» illin «i-eK, ,iiiue I i-I i . u.v llie Aoeiaiue JVC U .,„... li,,,.„o „„,i li~[. i, i......i...,i ui iiK stock Co., Is "Voniig Mi-s. Wiuihrop." .V ",'' v Mm v I, ?,i,,i ''"''''''"• '''" ""^l"'"'" well IllbHl house ^reetiMl Hie star uud piny. " " ''" "'"' '*''"', NKW YtlUK CPIV .l(»TTIiV(iS, DK.^THS I\ THE PHUFBSSIU.X. i'.', and the iirodiictiou was preseuled in good shape, both lu regard lo acting and stage seltlng. Miss iCeim. as Conslance Wln- Ibrop, gave fiirlher evidence of her versa- Hilly. I'be cast was a fairly good one. and Ibe productlou mel with approval, 'i'he eu- gugeuient bus proven suceessful. aud .Miss Kelm " " Frances Mkrkditii (Mrs. Flora Otwelll, actress, <lled at Asbevlile, N. C, June 1, fruio tuberculosis, after an Illness uf eight moutbs. MisK Meredith was the author of "Just I'laiu Folks," a vuudevllle uct. which .she bod .suc- cessfully presented lu coojuuctiou wlHi Sid- ney Jerome and the St. Claire Sisters. Cot,. KnWAUD ,M. liRAVKR, who hod sue- liiiMi svv'i.t-u -,r ti;«';.'i;"r: .. „ cassfully managed tbe Hartford Opera House, nwniedo^ fo. oernJiltH ^^'°"" '^^°;'/*^^ Hartford, ConS., for several years, died at yii" "'.'."!>::." ;.1L.'":.'^".".'""?."."".r.n"n.» "f June bis home lu that clly May ill. from a cooi- OscAit HAM.\iEi:srKi.N hopes to have hli ".'■'"•'','•''.'!',* '*'■".'!!.'?•■■ I" course of construc- tion in West Tbirty-loiirth Street, ready to open early lu tbe Aulunin. Iiuiy be said of the Warsaw Itnis. aud 'i'.iiii Aliuond. C. K. Butcher Is the singe manager Hi tile house. ngeri, "I'lu- bill ibis week iuciudes : Kelly Ilinrii! .V Sea.mox'.s lUi.t. (lieu un>l .Vdaius. tiie l-rvans, Mildred lillniore, lie- Uurtig. msnngerl.— Lafayette and bis com- vere Sisters. .Mci'urbind nad Casl-ino. Hie pnuv upencd lo one of the best niniluees nf eveidUs'. slnglu!; "Ilie Hose" (.Vuel) "The Itlvcr ,iiid the Sen" tJoliii.ion). and "lOlalne" I Van de Water 1. Ills vob-e Is a tenor of good nualily, plensiiig. ricli and strong, nnd a dressmaker. Three years ago she plnywl with marked abllltr lu "The Stubbornness of tieraldiue." AerlHl (inrdenn (Klaw & l-:rlaugcr, "»" Idctnres. are Ilie nitracilons for this tsanngers).— 'Lifting the Lid" began Us week. »i«cond week June 1".'. iieriild Siinnre'I'lteiitrr tt'bnriei I'ruh Hodson Tlit'atrr I Henry B. Hnrrls. man. iti.inaiien.—Sum Bernard, in "The Itol- panngen.—""i'he Heir to the Hoorub ' bcfau licking (.Jlrl," entered bis levenlh week June it* tenth week June 12. i::. Ilrooklyn,—At the OrpUenm (I'eroy U. Williams, manager) tbe romuut opera. "'The M'eddlng Pay," Is urese I'ercr o Mr Knimii hn^ n i,i^-.»i;.»"l„,„:.'",. V""" r""""'- making business, and for many years i^u I. • , 1 .1 n J . iun'^ln? hn<s voice and sang dnopirhls store at 11" Fddv Street, ic comic the Brduu u love song of PiDsutl veri wrW «r^....Av.« r..,..„„„C __' a^.^Ji,.^!. iisbt- •nteil iiKi-tf At tiic i.\it-.iti-i.vtu «.r„2U ,1. • • HERMANN Davidson, an American iv" nieci iieie at tuk 1 oi hteenth Street Tiieatse n rope walker, while giving a performing' nficrnoon of June 10. In London. Fog.. I"'' bis balance and fell a distance of siit.v feci, i/v.u^ uiiii-ij in;;taotiy. this week. Dorothy .Morton, tn the role of beneilt will be given Sunday, June 18 for Lucille D Herbiel. appears in the leadlni: ilie poor and sicklv children of ihe citv role. Irauk .Noulcy, lu tbc cliniacler of and among those whose services are Toltin*