The New York Clipper (June 1905)

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June 17. THE JSTETV' YORK CLIPPER. 437 OVERWHELMING SUCCESS IS ASSURED For ±lr\m-t TKrIlllne, Splrltod airohk OOD BTE EYES of BLUE By JAT J. WAI.KER and HARRY ARMSTROMO (Compocer of "SWEET ADELINE.") The Worthy, Meritorious Successor to "Good-Bye, Little Girl, Cood-Bye." rr OVERFLOWS WITH PATHOS AND PATRIOTISM. HUNOBBDS OF EHTHDSIA8TIC BDLOOIUKS ALREADY REGEIT£0 FBOl PERF0BUR8 EVBRTVHERE. F*REE— Professional Copies ami OrchestralloRS to Recognlzeil Perfomers, or Those Sending Up-to-Date Programs-IMO OARDS. IM. ITIT X IT 3MC .A. X^ xaiL €& S O BT flS , X» u l^ 11 s b e xr s , WITMARK BUILDING. 144.146 WEST 87th STREET, NEW YORK, look for the Bee Hive Clo ck Tower. WANTED, for PERMANENT STOCK, Diemer Theatre, NOTICE TO IDEVILLE PERFORMERS. QOINO EAST or WEST to break jonrjump you can book (tie week In the following towns: St. Jompb, Dtnrtr, Faeblo.Colorido Springs, Cripple Creek, LesdTllle,Salt Lake,OgdeD. If you liive itie goods, and are able to deliver tliem, palury I3 sure. If joii liave piftjed anj ot these lowns within six monthn, don't write. Send references from Managers yon have worked tor and swte Inwest salary in llrst letter. Addrens GEO. iRa ii dams. Proprietor Cryital Theatre Clrcilt, Denver, Colo., Sole Booking Agent. GOOD VAUDEVILLE ACTS WANTED 16 WEEKS TIlROUCn N. Y., N. J., PENN. and NEW ENGLAND. STATE ALL KlllST LETTER. SKETCHES. MONOLOGUES, PARODIES TO ORDER. All kinds and all styles. Acta written to order only. Every act written liy ua will l)e Ijnlletlaed and sent out to all the Leading YandevlUe &Ianagers, free of charge. IIATIOIIAL THEATRICAL BO0KIN6 AGENCT. 57 W. 28tli St., New York, TO JOI.V AT ONCE, FOB THE SELLS & DOWNS SHOWS Vi UELIAflLE, SOBER, VNIOS BILL POSTERS. Those thoroughly experienced in Circus Work can lie placed Immediately for the balance of a long season. Write Immedlaiely. Addreiis 11. B. FOTTER, Advance Mgr., care National rrlnllDg Co., Wi Shearer St., Uontrcul, Can. EIIIBE IGime CO OF t1 DUIHUTIC PEOPLE FO.q ADAIR, GREGG and ADAIR CO., IN REPERTOIRE. Send photos. SUte all flrst letter. Open week Aug. 21. Al AGENT, write. AUAIR, GREGG AND ADAIR, OraftOD, W. Ya. JOHN GRIEVES. Prodncer of Comic Operai,HigI>Class Comedlei and Bnrleaqnsa. Also Promolcr, and Booking Blgh Class Feature Acts. Now L>ycenm Theatre, Boston, Blasi., for the .Snminer Season. Jane 'ii, prmlurlng Mu.lcal Conieilles at Percy Williaiiis' Casino Theatre, Bergeit Beach, Brooklyn, N. Y. SUTTON -» SUXTOIM CLOSE 11 SCCCE9SFCL WEEKS WITH CHERRY BLOSSOMS CO., JONE 10. Will blossom for KUWARU SUAY.NE this Summer, lieglnnlng Jnno 18. P.S.—WHO BELLED THE CAT MCSIOAI. BEIXS J. 0. DEAOAN'B WORLD RBNOWNBD DBLLS. CUIUBS ma NOVBLTIHS. Tb* ttandard of the World. Send tor new lllut- tratea catalocuc. Al- wiya a few iMrftlnioo hand. 12 Strap Slelsh Bella, In good condition, |24.0O; 1 8«t 8 0«- tare Chromatic Uenvf BoMwood Xylophona, $15.00: 1 Set no Deep AlDtnlnom CDimei, Chromatic, on rack, )8S.0O; 1 Bet 12 Or(an Chimes on rack, 150.00; 0D« aet 27 Aluminum Chimes on double decker floor rack, with 8 pieces at music, arranged tor one or two people to play, |88.00. Ai good ai new; worth $125.00; 1 Set 23 Arch Bells, with re- sonators, dampers, actions and cordi, on rack Tft high, 1100 00; 1 Set 12 Uualcal Oattlca, t24 0O: 1 Set 2 OcUt» Chromatic iStUl Bamboo Chimes, $20.00. J. C. DEAOAN, 2167 N. Clark 8t, Chicago, lil. 6i TAMMANY J? (CfRL.1 tQUII lAOl : INVITE OFFERS FOR NEXT SEASON. LUNA PARK, JOHNSTOWN, PA., JUNE 10 AND WEEK. Bedlcine len SOAP "Paklrs," Canvassers Get our prices on aoapa. They will rintereat yon. Private brands for Med. Biz. 8tat« for what pur- pose wanted and we will send samplea, labels, prices, etc. K. M. DAVIS SOAP Co., 40 n nlon Park PL.Chlcago. MUTOSCOPE BARGAIN. Twenty Wooden Cabinet Kaohloea in First Olaia condition, with orwlthont Iron pedestaU. Jnat the thing for trarellng shows. Address T, 0.. care of CLIPPER Office. MOVING PICTURE PRINTINC. HEKWEOAH & CO^ dnclmiatl REP.PEOPLEINRLLUNES Man and Woman for Leads, Woman for Oharac- Jtrs, one for Soubrette, and all nsetul people. I Hose doing specialties slate all in flrst letter. _^^ G. 11. RBANEy, Tulsa, I. T. STBEETMEX We have the largest and cheapest line of 811- rerware. Watches, Jewelry, Cutlery, Novelties and Optical Goods on the market Write for our new catalogue—FREE. L-EVIN EST. 1886, 80-32 N. 8th ST. TBBRB HAIJTB, IND. PERFORMERS %'o"° EUROPE Should apply for lowest pasiiage rates and full partlculam, RAYMOND & WHrrCOMB CO., HEW YORK—;a5 UNION SaVAnE, W. Send two cent stamp for "TraTelers' Condensed Guide." O A12 ^ I^B LBASB, BALE Repairs and Alteratloas Mads. P JERSEY CAR WORKS, Cllftog,II.J. BOB MACK,:% „ AT LIBERTY. WniTTlElt PLACE, Indianapolis, Ind. JUST OUT, 124 PAGE ILLUSTRATED MA8IC F.^^'*^^"*! 25c.; SUP. CATAIa. Be. Non* 88 WX, k. UOKMTT, at. Pttenkorg, ru. SNAKES AT REDUCED PRICES Pythons, all sizes, Dulls, Pines or Turllc neads; Fixed and Unllxed Kattlers, broke to handle; K«od feeders. Send for list and prices. J. IKiPK, No. 36 N. Ninth Street, Phllada., i-a. WANTED, rmsTCLiissciiiiRiimpiNr At HEBBII, ILL., Sept. 4 to 9. City of 7,000 people; drawing population 24,000 Located on I. C. Ry. Apply to fc. C. .TACOU8, Secy. Great Discovery, Experts can not detect It from gen- nlne diamond. Costa bot one-tenth. In brilliancy and cut It has no equal. SeCtlog solid gold. Write for Illustrated catalogue. BOWK A 00.. Dept. 0., 8t8 Dearborn St., Chicago . CONTRACTS TICKETS, PASSES, CARDS, Etc. SAMPLES. WEBB PTO. CO., in Uearbom 8U. Chicago, 111 mm (EM WIGS 0. SHIMDHBLM, 118 V. 18th St., N. T. The ap-to-dat« TDEATB.10AL WIO MAKER. Bend stamp for new m«« lalst Just ont. These are the lightest weight, thin- nest two-piece outing suits ever tail- ored that have shape and style to 'em. They don't droop about your figure like an alpaca coat, and yet they're every bit as cool. In a wide range of patterns and sizes to fit every one. The greatest hot-weather worsted in America under $20. Exclusively here $13.50. Get the Habit. Goto UNION SQUARE, 14lh Street, ntar Brottiwiy. 279 Broadway, near Chamber*. 47 Cortlandt SI., iMar Greenwich, t25lh St., corner Third Ave. CO, "•on CIRCUS CANVASES. Poles and Stakes, SEATS, Flags, Kt%, ^^EJtmi mm mm mm 59-61 W. WasliinglOD St., CHICA60, ILL FILMS! FILMS! And Horing PltrtnrB Haohliiafl, all makei, bonghi and tor lale. PHILADELPHIA FILI BZOHAHQB, 1608 Ifortb ISIIi St., PUltdelpUa, Pa., U. 8. A. PHOTOGRAPHS. Oalilnet PhoiuH of yournclf for selling, $3 per loo. ('.Ill per 1,000. KdenHC.'AHIlO.NA tlnlsh. Bind phiilo. SPRINGFIELD, MO., Hast Be Bxperlancad, (lutck Htndy and Uooit Wardroliti. IVIth StroBg KiwetaUloe. incnmpetcniii anil boozers riascd on sight. I'ay nwii telcgranm, .smtn all ilnil letter. Lniiii Krasiin. Hiirc Sutllo nega roKH HARRY I.KNAill), fllt'iiier Tlivnlri', SprliiKlleld, Mii. money. Reference Oilizens Bank. Bllence | Kane and Howard W. Mlmpson, write. ifllo negative. Hcusim iitieuH In August, i'. J. and i.jfilla WE WANT YOU TO KNOW THE BROWNINGS ARE AT LIBERTY FOR NEXT SEASON. Laat season a big hit with "TIIK QAY HAsaVKUADICRS." A Keal Comedy Bkelcli ihat In a Ileal lilt. A few of llio many excellent press nollcex wo receives One of the innst amusing characters seen at the Ceniiirythia scnHiin Ik "Kriilgot O'Tonlc," playml hy MISS KDITU UltOWNINd.nnil It's unl>|iJC,U)0, for It Is seUlimi that a woman In the hurlesquo biislneoH Kacrldcea an opportnnlty li> wear Htunning gowns for an opiHirtunlty lo do a clever cliuruclcr slcetcli. 8lie has laleiit and slionid o.\|>h<it it In wider Holds.—KANHA.t CITY i'APKR. TilK IIKOWNINtIS have a comoilvskeli'li lliat Ino luiioh can not lie aalil alioiK. The iititii hIiihh cuiiii sniiRH and parodies aliniit as well as cnnlii bo ilOKlred. lie Is a rvAl artist, and one could listen lu hlin all evening wero it nut for the fad thai the rest of tiio sliiiw was so good. Thu I'.lusiug Inir- lesiiiiOHorrus to show lliat W. K. llllOWNrNd Ih one iif lliubost lomeillnns In hurlcstiuo.—I'ilOVl- i>KNUKTKI.KaRAII. Have several real good burlesques, anil can pnidiive Ihein. Address ACADKMY IIOTKL, NKW VURK. PKKMANKNT ADDRKHH, OOIIONA, N. V. HARRY JESSIE HARRY III Novelty Comedy Act. MARRIAGE IS SUBLIME. ■aking 'Em Tell lor Twenly-flva Minutes. ManagetH ilcHlrliig snino iiddrcHS uh, wonks iif June 1'^ and iO, New i'urcHt I'ark, LltHis Hock, Ark., or ALL <I001) AdKNTH. Grace Evelyn MANTELL'S FONNER "TKo Na^jw SInelne Ao-t. At AlUntlc Qanlen (hla week. FOIl (IPKN TIftIK FllOltl JIII<Y IN, Bililrpss AL,Ia AGKNTH, or l.lli K. !4Utii Nl., Hvw York Clly. WANTED, AT ALL TIMES, V and LiDEVII.L.E ACT .ESQUE \A/OIVIEIM. CIIAS. II. WALDIlOie, Palace Theatre, Doston, Blass. Jackson Family Pronoanoed tiy luunaKura, pr«», puliliv aaid the prornsslan "the areali bicycle perrormanr,) In tl>« ivorld," Now one of the (mat frature* of llingll Bros.* CIrcas. John Uilevns, Special lte|irtiaenlaUvti, lest HENRY BROWN VAVJDKVII.I-K AOKN-r, 68 DEARBORN STREET. CbloMCo, III. P HURD TME l\/IAOICIAIM. Now at Orpheum, 'Priaco, nntll Jan» !*<| June '4n (a July U, (Irpbeiiiu, i.oa Angeles. NK^AT l»AP«AF>HIKF<NAL.IA—BIO MIT. AT r^IBlJRTY, (Sl^A^SOIV 100C5-0, WKKK UP JVNB lit, TIMBOPACT, Try ■1|||||TCC III nUC CASCADE PAItK, New Castle, Pa. It niNUTEl | til IlllllUICa III UHC. HAHAOKRH liOOKlRS PUtt "BIO OUTOUOa PEATVllK," AOOHBBH '?IIIA1 TOWER KARVE: irOT STATB ST., Now Ilarea, Conn. XiGJ^A., SPIRAL TOWER UAR7EL, SELfiK OGDEK, •UUTIIKIIN GliASUCAI. ■OPltAltO AMI) CONTHAI/TO VOOAUkT. ^