The New York Clipper (June 1905)

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440 THE NBTW YORK CLIPPER. June 17. TO COST YOO 0 \ Gents PER GALLON. LET MEMAI^E^YpUR ORANGEeE BetUr 'and Cheapitr Than Yon Can Mak« It by Anjr Other Method. BY usnro MEWHINNEY'S ORANfiE-ADE POWDER Oni Pound Mikti 12 Gallons, iutt Cold Wator- PRICE REDUCED TO $1 PER POUND. Sample to Hake One Oallon Itc. Poxtpald. A. B. IVIE\A/HINNEY, TERRE MAO-TE, IND. "THE NATIONAL SERVICE," FILMS FOR RENT. A SQUARE DEAL FOB ALL. (WITH APOLOGIES TO THE PRESIDENT.) NATIONAL FILM RENTING COMPANY 62 NORTH OLARK ST^ OHICAOO, ILL. DON'T BB BDHBOGQED, SAVE YOUR HORBY AND PIlACB YOVB ORDERS FOR bita. "I'm QoloK to Ueet Btrdle To-night," "Keep a Little Coaj ie," "Sylvle," "Tomniy," "Under the Banana Tree," ^'B7 the Water- ContalnlDi the aeaion's bij Corner Id Your Heart (or Lc, melon Vine, LIndy Lou," "Jatper, Don't You fitar Me Calllnr Yoar" "Lbnaln'r for Yon, "She W«lts bj the Deep Blue Ben," " 'Neath the I'lnee of Vermont," "Farewell, Soldier Boy," "1 NeTer Meant to Hurt You Bo," "I I/oTe you, Girlie, But I Don't Know Why," and Jokew, Uonologuee. I'arodles, Recitations, Kiddles, Toaets, etc. 76c. per 100, $7.00 per 1,000, caah with order. Ko gooda sent C. O. D. Bend 5 cents, In stamps, for Sample Book. A. LONDON VVa. CO., No. 718 Willow St., rhiladelphia. Pa. FILMS FILMS All Exceptional Bargain. One BRAND NEW EDISON 1906 Michlna, Ut6it Modal ind complttt with 1,000 Fiat ol axcallant lllm for $130.00. Tht bail bar* gain yat offered. Thii It HEADQUARTERS for PATHE Film and thaCAMERAGRAPH, thi Perfect RImt and Ma- cklnei, ^_^^^__^_ Oxyllthe Outfits and Oxylltha Condenien, Carbons, Limes, Cement, Rheostats, Electric and Calcium l.amps, etc., etc. The $82.80 Opllgraph Outnt for $50.00, and tU $124.00 Optlgraph Outnt lor $75.00. Call and see the Cameragraph and Pathe Flms, the strongest combination ever. UGHINES and FILMS WANTED. LEWIS N. SWAAB & CO., 338 Spruce Street, PHILADELPHIA, Pa. UHnCO STATES AND FOREIGN .COPYRIGHT! PATENTS AND TRAOE-MARKS ^vvla'^pR6nCT'l)ilWAT^C * vMJFitM'-^'ritv/M Lo. And make yoa a fortaoe. If yoa have a PLAY, SKETCH, PHOTO. ACT, BONC or BOOK that Is worth aiiytbinr, yoa shonid copyrlRlit it. Don't take chances wben yuucan srcnre our srrT- Icea at small cost. Sctidfor our SPECIAL irrn 10 imVCNIOilS tKlureapplTlnir for a patent, iV mil par you. HANDBOOiC on iaititit ml fKt. Ws advise If patenta- ble or nut, FRKE* We Incorporate STOCK COMPANIES. Small fees. Consnit ns. WORMEUE A VAN MATER, Copyright« Pateat C«.lac WASim6I0N,D.C HBW YORK.. OHICAOO. BEPNER WICICONIPANY, IM W. ««th 8TRKKT, NKAH BROADWAT, M. Y. CIIIOAGU BUANCII, OBIOAGO Ol'KKA UUUSK ULUOK. Bend tor Oalalogua O. to either office. KING OF THE WIRE, AT LUNA I'AIIK. AT LUIKIITV AhTER AUG. 7' MituagerH snd Agcnta write or wire at once. Ad- dress lo THE oitKAT OAICKDU, 131 West 42d St., (Care of J. AKMSTilONG)^; New York City. StreetmenTraln Ageets & Canvassers Sappliis We Always Have the Latest NovelUes. Heud for our Mew Oatalogne. VlflVKRgAL SUPPLY CO., pniPklM PROCTOR'S ENTERPRISES, F. F. PROCTOR, Sole Proprietor and Manager. I. AUSTIN FYNES, General Manager. 6 BEAUTIFUL THEATRES 6 DcTote* t* RcSaea ■■tcrtaluBCBt. Proetor'a Bth Awe. Tiic«tr«, Pr«et*r'a S84 St. Tbeatre, Proctor'a BStk St. Theatre, PraeCor'a 185th St. Theatre, Proetor>a Newark Theatre, Preetar's Ubaar Theatre. PROCTOR'S STOCK CO. Best Plan aid Best Vaidevllle. MSTRUCTiONS TO ARTISTS BOOKED: ^°'. filot of acts: complete "prop" list; correct Isht plot; If you open or close In one; BXACT time of acts, and of "cloae In;" bill- ing for newspapers and programmes; and CLBAN FHOTOQRAPUS tor L(0BBIB8 TWO WBBK8 In ADVANCB OS' OPBNINO DAT! AT BACH BOD8B, addreaslu RBSIDBNT MANAGER. PAILORB TO COMPLY with these INSTIIUCTIONS WILL BOBJBCT ARTISTS to the RISK OP CANCELLATION. VAUDBVILLB BBHBARSALS. 8 TO U A. M. MONDAYS. TUE8B BULBS WILL BB STRICTLY KNFOUCBD. Playwrlrhts, Authors, Play Asenta. Address J. AUSTIN FYNES, Oeneral Maaaxer, WFTH AVE. THEATRE, M.Y. CITY. SIEGMAN i WEIL, 77-81 WOOSTER ST. (Bet. Spring and Brooma], New Ysrk. Theatrical Supplies, Grease Paints,. Tights, Wigs, ... I Golds Silver Trimmings, Spangles, Etc., We sand gooda C. 0. D., subject lo Inspection hat require a deposit oa al ordera' SEND 4 Ota. tor OATALOOUB No.*. Seodt eta. tor Oatalogaa No. a. AUCTION Why buy Stereoplicnns at nnctlou when you can buy iHutems from ino OUAKANTEEES FOR tlO, ILLUSTRATED BONOS SaOO peraet. Readings and Honrs Illustrated. WALTER L. ISAACS, gaWassaaSt.. New York. VENTRILOQUISM Ixiarncd by anvono at homo. Small cost. .Heml 2c. slump for iisrllculam nncl nronf. O. A. SniTII, Boa C, )I040 KnoxvlllTi Avi»., Pforia, III. BOSTON FILM BXCHANOB. Seoond Band PUmi, Bon( Slides and Maohioas Bo«|ht,Sol4aii«Blohaitted. SSI WASHINOTOI 8T.7B*caa a, awtoa, Maes., opp. Adaaa Boos*. >^^^ 5KaRe5pearc'j Svfcn. Ages ^^H^ Second: The schoo\bcy trith l^j^^'; hU Jhinin^ mornii^ thee. ii iA m3 ^^%f§A •aU h For Growing Children "'^ It is a complete, pure food which builds up the •Jjody—brain, bones and muscles—and prorooles healthv growth of the entire system. AH of Nature's mineral phos- phates are retained in this product. Horlick's Malted Milk is a won-lerful help in meeting the strains put upon the growing child of school age. Also as a table drink, far superior to^tca. cofiFeSiOr cocoa for all the family. A delicious beverage is prepared in a moment by simply stirring'^, the powder in water. May be had in Lunch Tablet form, also ^a healthfurconfection recommended by physicians. Excel- lent as a lunch at recess. Pare milk ami the extracts or selected raslted Rraiiu. Ifo appsri',iii o metliod Is too conij, no'detall too trivial In geoarliiK purity and >\ccl- lenco. Ssmples free'iipon request. Our booklet tells of miny ' valuable ii?C9: also pent If reqaestcd. At all dmsBlsts. Ask for HORLICK'S-Olhsrs art IMITATIONS. Uorllclc's Food Co., Uaclnc. Wis., tJ. S, A. London, England. Montieal,C&n i u THE PICTURE THAT CHILLS THE BLOOD. THK GRBATEST CRKATION OF BEIfSATIONAL HOTION PICTCRK PHOTOGRAPHY. THE HOLD-TTP OF THE LEAOVILLE STAGE A WoBderflsllT Raallstto Series of Beeaea and Ineldents Actaally Hade In Colorado aad Follewinc vrtth JEzoeadlBcl|r Fine Acearacy the Trve Events That Blade Colorado Famoaa. 8EHD FOR ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR. 8TIIJ1. A HSADLUfKRl TRACKED BY BLOODHOUNDS f» 9 a. Hayaxotif Ti gg &.X Onppl^ L.*nflr«h, ABO-ffe. Prlo*. 9S4.00 "the: OIRI-S in the OVERiDWI.I.S. BEND FOR COnPLETB CATALOG AND GIROVLARS OP FILHB. SELIC POLYSCOPE CO., 43 Peck Ceyrt, CHICAGO, ILL. H.^H. BVCKIVALTBR, General Western Agent, DenTer, f^lo. EDISON KINETOSCOPES, $75. AND Al^L THE LATEST AND DiOST IM- PROVED BIUTION PICTURE KACHINES. FILMS haht abb obigiral vzuer, edison, biogbafb,:pathe. i^ 400 SIIBJEffi,l4 ^ISm. HP Electric Spot llgbts £:;, $18 RHEOSTATS, 220 Volt., »S.M. REELS, LIMES, OAItUONS, GKLATINK SHEETS, FILM BOXES, CONDENSEliruOTECTORS, 60c NEW AND LATEST SONG SUDES, $5 Per Set. soKO STEnEomcoNS, wirn electric LAMP, RUEOSTAT, $21. mEilDffiliM|50e. MOST imUjDE, RICHLY COl.OUEl), J 1-lich. HACniNES, FILMS. STEREOPTICONS, SONQ SUDES, etc., AT ORBATLY REDDOEU TRICES. MOTION PICTURE MACHINES aod FILMS Wanbd Hi FILMS MS MOTION PICTURE MACHINES UEST PRICES PAID FOR FI.NE UOODS. 809 Filbert, PBILA., PA. I M. 8TRA88MAN, ATTOBNBT, BBS Broadway. New Tork City. THE PENNANT WINNERS Big Burlesque Companies. 100 CHORUS LADIES and SHOW GIRLS, NOVELTY ACROBATIC ACTS, LEADING BURLESQUE TALENT of all Kinds. NOTHING TOO GOOD FOR THE BIG SHOWS. SEASON OF 42 SOLID WEEKS. 45 West 29th St., N. Y.. »l-Y Care of DAVIS. IVIOVINO Pi_ FILMS FOR RENT. EIJGEIVE CLiINE & CO., a WEST 14th ST., NEW YORK.