The New York Clipper (June 1905)

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444 THE NEW^ YORK CLIPPER. June 24. TbU sons is tbe TlISrail Tl, iD EVEBY UTILE BIT EPS IF YOU DON'T HELP YOUR$ELF NOBODY WILL HELP YOU. When STERLING and VON TILZEB wrote "Sunday Afternoon" they started a new era of Summer Waltz Songs. Ever since then they have never £ailed to be in line with a Big Summer Waltz Song Hit. Are you singing their present one, the Craze of New York City, VACATION TIM ABSOLUTE 8UMMICU WALTZ SONG HIT, as we predicted, and It Is going bigger every day. We liavc any Dumber of new TCrBCsand choruses written, and they are all Tcirinc Kncore winners, so If yo; a sure Are hit, put tbia song on at once. I «\int OUB TKItRIFlC COON BONO HIT 'WHICH IS A REAL HIT BY FRKD. FISCHER AND GEORGE WHITING. EVBY UTTLE BIT HEU*S Tbts song Is bolng featured by more Top Liners than any song In the market, wblch Is proof In Itself tbat It Is tbe goods. Any number of new Topical and Up-To-Date Choruses will b« sent on request. OVn SENSATIONAL BALLiAD HIT BY STERLING AND VOV TILZEB. lUST ACROSS THE BRIME » GOLD Do rou use a ballad In your act? If bo, then tbis Is tlie one yo>i are looking for. We have had noore gratifying letters from performers who are using this song, than for any ballad that we have pnbllBhed since "The Mansion of Acbliic Hearts. W« wish to call to the attention of Illustrated Song Singers that the slides for this song are a sensation when ever thrown on the sheet. If you use Illus- trated Songs, tbis Is the song to close your act with. Write In for terms. TO liV UkUV DDflCCCCinUll FRIFIinC' I w'* ** ■'"'' *'"' '° addition to the three above Terrific Hits and those mentioned below, that I have the greatest songs for next season that I have ever published. 1 will be glad tobnvo lU llfll IBAIIi rnurwalUIHL rnitnudi my numerous friends call. If In town, or. If on the road, drop me a line, and will be pleased to give your wants my personal attention. As ever, at your service, HARRY VON TlLZCll. We also Dubllsh the following TerrlOc Hits: "COAX ME," "HAVE YOU SEEN MAGGIE RILBY?" "MY PRETTY LITTLE KICKAPOO," "WHEN THE FROST IS ON THE PUMPKIN," "DOWN AT THE BABY STORE," we aiBO puuima ine luiiuw k "DOWN WHERE THE SWANEE RIVER FLOWS" and "ALEXANDER." Enclose lOcts., In stamps, for postage. uairai. , w«« a.L xaa oa.iix oiuiir, VOW TILZER MUSIC PUB. CO.. r.^i^^i. HARRY YIUaiNIA. Nurtulk At the Ocean View Casino (Otto Wells, local manager), although the weather has been rather unfavorable for oueu air attractions, business, week of li, was of 11 most gratifying nature. The Wells- Dunne-IInrlan L'o. Is booked for week of 10, with "The Kukkcrbockcr Olrl" as the attrac- r'uou TiiKATUB (Abb. Smith, manager).— In addition to the regular stock company, the following iieople are billed for week of 10: Muck and Uunn, .lobnsou aud Duffv, Mayollp, Sadie Ray aad Maggie Howard. Uuslness Is AcMB (Mantle & Wllkerson, managers).— I'eople for week of lU; Maggie Penman, West Blstcra. Tommy B. Harris Jr., lirunkford, Laurl and Frankford, and Alice l.omas. llusl- sess Ih fair. Uanuattak (Crlunlnn Itros., mauagers).— New people for week of 10: Clark and Lm- mons, Emma Wallace, Harris and Penman, May Lemuels, Castley and Dcau and Leo Florence. Uuslness Is full'. AUDixomuu TiiBATUE (J. M. Uarton, man- •HCr).—There will bo no change In the bill at this house for week of lU. People who •ntertalucd week of Vi bold over, uuiluess la fair. ■ • Ulchiuond.—At Iho Casino (Wells & Mc- Kce, managers), week of June 12, Wells- Uuuiic-UarlBn Co., with Little Chip and Mary Marble, played "The Knickerbocker Olrl' and "The Llltlo lluet." Little Wilp and Mary Marble are both favorites In Itlvlimoud, and arc overcrowding tbe bouses. Week of lU, vaudevlllo. Petcroburir.—At Kcrndale Casino (Wm. K, Krini'b, manager) tbo Keystone Urn- inatlc Co., In repertory, week of Juno 6, did fair buslucss. 4 «» VKLAIIOMA. Oklnhoinn City—At Dolmnr UurdcL (C. W. Staler, manager) tbe Columbia Opv'ra Co.. In "Said I'nsba " Juuo 4-0, and "Uo rothy," 7-10, pleased large audiences uiglitly. 'the cumiinny gave a Biioclul performance of "■Said Pasha" 10, for llio National Kdlloria' A'sHoclatloiL Si'OTTSwoou AlTKBN has becu engaged by tho Castlo Syuaro Theatre, Uoston, for next iteaBou. ♦-•-♦— itKDVCUu HATKa TO nAriTMonB. ViB IVnniylvnnia lliiilrund, Avuuuut luteriinttonnl Convcntloit United Suolcly nt CI) rial Inn Undcnvur. l''or tho International Convention United Society of Christian Endeavor, nl Uallluiorc, Md., July 8 to 11), the I'cnusylvunla Railroad Company will sell rouud-trlp tickets to Baltl- uiorc, at orcullv reiuocd ratca, from all sta- tions on Us Hues cast of aud Including PItU- burg, Eric aud llulTulo. 'llic rule from New York will bo $0.80; Newark, N. J., tl.lO, with corresponding re- ductlouB from all otiicr points. 'i'lrkcts will bo sold on July 3, 4 and C, Sood for return passage leaving Itnlllmorc until July ID, Inclusive. On payment of ifl.OO to Joint agent at Ualtlmorc, an extension of return limit to Aug. yi con be obtained. Tickets via Phlliidclphla permit stopover within limit, If deposited with the ticket ogcnt at Uroad i^trcet Station. Special cxcunlon tickets are on sale every Saturday and Sunday from Baltimore to Washington aud return at rate of 11.25 fur the round (rip. These tickets are good for return passage until tbe Inst train Sunday night, afrurdlng ample opportunity for dele- gates to vlalt tua national catdtal. After Snaving MENNE»rSI BORATED TALCUM TOILET POWDER and insist tliat yourharber use it also. llltAatlieflic, and will prevtat any of tbe skin diseases often con- tracted. A positive relief lor Prickly Uciti Cbillai and Sunbufi, and all afllictions o( the skin. Removes all odor of perspiration. Oct Mennen's—the original. Sold everywhere or mailed lor 85 cents. Samjilt free. QERH/IRD MENNEN CO, Newark, N. J. Fine Magical Apparatus, ILLCSIONS, TRICKS, Etc. Grand End of Century, fully lUustratcd. BOOK CATA> LOGVB, 26c., free by naall. Catalogue of Parlor trIoKi free UAKTINKA A CO., Ufra., 483 Sixth Ave., N. Y. ledicioe len SOAP "PaUrs," OanvBiBBn aet our prices on soaps. They will interest yon. Private brands for Uod. Biz. State for what pur- poHo wanted and we will send samples, Isbels, prices, etc. E. M. 1)AV1S SOAP Co., 40 Union Park PL.Cblcago. Mrs. Gervaise Graham's Cucumber^ Elder riower Cream la IS tefreaUnar to the skin ti'dew la to the Sower. Thoroughly cleanses the pores, refines and whitens. Removes blackheads, pimples, tan •ndfrecUej. Feeds the tissues. Used and en- doned by Addina Palli and thousands of promi- nent ladies. Price $1.00 at diuG:Elsts or direct by exprcu prepaid. SAMPLE and forty Mge tnok.'The CDCi: UirriF Story of Yiur Mirror," sent rKFr HVIILC SendtcMsmpforposune. I iILL MRS. GERVAISE GRAHAM. 1246 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, HI. (MoImhs t nabblu, Z41IOT1 irbtUnIt AfU. , !)•• Tuk.) CRACKER JACK A dellclons popcorn confection, pat □p In moisture proof packages that keep It freeh a long time. A quick teller for theatres, circuses, traveling theatri- cal and medicine companies and all places ot public amasement We also make a large line of PACEAQB CAN- DIBS and the BBLIABLB POPCORN BRICK. iDform na wb«t« yon hold a confectionery conceaslon and we will send samplei and price*. BUEOKHEIH BROS, ft EUK8TE0I, CUIOAGO. SHOW TENTS For Olrcnseg, Wild West Shows, Black Tents, Csnd; Tops, Flags, Kldd A Baker LIghtB, etc. Bend for le page price list of second hand Tents. BAKEH i LOCKWOOD MFQ. CO., Ub and Wyandotte, Kansas City, Ho. NKKO IVIK. The artlstlo and reaUstlo setting of the stage Is just aa Important to tbe snocess of your play OS tbe acting. Afhie green lawn, a wheat stnbble or corn fleld, a graceful vine, rose bower blooming, or trnlt trees, hedges, etc., bring your audience oloser to the scene of action and make the play more interesting and yourself more popular. For all artUlolal Doral decorations, write or see FRANK NETSOBERT, S4 Barclay Street, N. T. 0. BARGilllll8 MAKER OF STEREOPTICON, RHEOSTATS AND ARC LAMPS. Circulars cheerfully furnished. L. HETZ, 30a E. »3d Street, N. Y. C. FOB LEASE, B&I.E OB 8T0BAQE. . . . CARS Bepaln and Alterattona Hade. NEW JERSEY CAR WORKS. Cillton.ll.J. Streetmen.Traln Agents & Canvassers Supplies We Always Have the Latest Novelties. Bend tor Our New Catalogue. otrvsRgAii SUPPLY CO., finirtflA \M I.» 8»U» Btreet - - tltHlflWI. MCniCAGO PL-AY rACTORY CL-AYS WHIT \IU \Q OHDtH. BOUGH F ANb SOLO JMncss-MRS. A, V B[X>^'E''»;iON si ;L^° PlAYi Wn PAPER.SP. 1000 SWTOIfS IT WILL PAY FOR ITSELF IN TWO DATS. SPINS SUGAR INTO COTTON CA.NDI, AJNT COLOR. l» PARK PL.. K. Y. CLUB COCKTAILS- For the home, for the club, anywhere, are unrivalled. Choicest liouors, exquis- itely proportioned and blended and aged make a perfectly royal drink. Sever\.kinds—Manhattan, Mar tini, Vermouth, Whiskey, Hol- land Gin, Tom Gin, York. G. F. HEUBLEIN & BRO., vrolt..» Hartford New York London INTERNATIONAL PLAY EXCHANGE. 122 1.AS/\iLt3T..CHICA0O,ILL^ ViK CaOloBueforStTtttMen. RubberIlllll.C.i"''. ■ |V» f. f, Con(ciil.IUI]oons.9liclir.oo<ls,Il.i>>i;».J''" '* n ■^BSB rjf, Tiick M«lclit5. Wlilps. Huilk Wooil N •»• M> m l^^«lUe«. NliWMAN MFC. CO..CI<:«Uik1.0.