The New York Clipper (June 1905)

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446 THE NIETW YOHK OL.IPPEB. June 24. THE NEW YORK OLIPPEH II > THE FRANK QUEEN PUBUSHINd CO.(Limlti(i.) rKOFimoM. ALBEBT J. BORIE, ■DITOIUL IWD BD8IN«B8 UiMkOM, OliR CHICAGO LETTBR. riOU OIH OWN CUUBtHPU.NUINI, 8AT UBDA.Y. JUKE 24, 1905. batTs! ~~ Aanttliementi—»2.80 per Inch, ilSfU eol- Imn. WcRterii Uurrnu ' Of the XcfT Xotit Cll«l)er, Room SOU, Aabland Black, ChlcaKO. Sunday pveulug. .lime 18, will wltoeiw tbe BrRt productlOD of '"I'lip Woggle Bug." at the Uarrtck.' "Hky Karni" opuiMl a two week*" eaKigeineiit at McVlokpr'« 17, "The Land of Nod. at tUe Chicago Opera Houw, "The Major of Tolilc." at the Btudebaker: "It Happened to .Surdland." at thi> (irand Opero Bouse: (ieo. M. Coh«D, la "Little JohnoT Jones," at tbe llllDoU: "Hunter Brono," at the Oreot Northern; "The Isle of Spice," at tbe La Salle: Taiidevllle at tbe Olympic, and releaw himself Prof. Gay will l<«d ttie curio ball attmctloiM. Other reaturen will Include. lime. Kedmiw, Atlell aud Trof. Si.taiink. WiiiTK CiTV il'uiil I), lloww, BeuciHl limn- agir) —-It nciild wfiu almost evcrj; MASSACHtSKTTS. ii»M..u.--iii.- new bills ti;'','»«t'',„r4: Ak Vou Like II," «t the Castle .Square •Who Owns llio llHbyV Ardene, Ada RlTers, Charlea Macklln, Vrmri. Justice, Fred C. House and Sle Condlt Th! play chosen for the opening Is "When tv. were Twenty-one." "" at the Bowdoln ninu. wuniaii and child In CUlcugo bus vUlled s.iuuie ; "Jack and the li«<ui»».»"'.v. «'»„^-! White City during the three weeks that has elapspd flfnce the opening day. No such trowdn have been ."leen In Chicago since the „„,„, ._ World". Knir. The Unuda Hossa will con- the filrl." at the Boston, and elude Its engagemeDt the coming week, and of Pllsen," at the Tremont w I be ••iicceeded bT the Chicago Concert ond the Medford Bonlevnr Bond, assembled froin tbe Theodore Thomas lost SnUirday Jor the seoson Orcbegtrn. ond led bv Herr Ulrlch. The hand ,.)osed June li. after D short Notes. —The Two Norlim, havu Uvii duim, their high diving act at Petiuut Park Wp.i S.iuuie ; "Jack and the ueiui»«... »^ "- tl,,j ,h| „„£ ^'ek BenJ: miS \Vhl^ '' Empire, aud the usua ehaofse-' »' <be vaude • ^ maunger. of Souil, AW.!.- vine aud l'''He"que bouse^ apd the park!^ ^^„^^ ^^^^ .(.^^J uu, AfrU, A."^»r,' ?r .'» .'•■.°J'*^"^„r«„d^!'4he"prrnce to _EnB.aud ""d America......'. Lake"l],'^ concerts are growlug In popiilorlly, aud nl- moHt every olgbt the seats In the sunken garden and on tbe plaza ore all occupied at the hour set for tbe beginning of the con- cert Several vaudeville nets will be given burlesiiiie. Biislnes-i was good lost week at all amusement places, and on Saturday. Bun- ker Hill Day, the parks and beach resorts were crowded. , ,, „_,,„ HO.ST0.N Theatbb (Lawrence McCarty. manager).—"The Karl and the Girl enters upon Its sixth successful week at thia bouse, land" Co.. !s iiummertDK with htr iiaieDla In this city aud lenewlug old acqualmaucc^ this bping her llrst visit to her houif nin,^ she left to' follow the sta ge. Hve years ago. ■\Vorceiiter.- AdTeftlMmeaU Mt with bordW, 10 gn biirlenque at lh» Folly and Troiadero com- f";;,. J^in J r every afternoon and evening, manager).—"The Karl and the Girl" entei^ , **""«."J'f•—*L'^f ^°''J*|" Theatre .1... - plete the list of uttracilonH at the down '°*nt tha nerformers being Prof. Blakes' „pon Its sixth successful week at thIa bouse. (Jas. I-. Uock.resWew manager) ww^ Unt. axtra. „,_,-_,p_.,o_ Town theatres fur the current week of June f^Wnv ami Monkey Circus: I^gare on oHlondav evening. 1». A novelty to be In- J»°lJ."'„m"nV™h,l'?.'r.l^'''\'v?,..-^?* ^"^ SUBSCRIPTIOIt. ,0. White City. Hans SoucI, Uavlnia -lud hl^'-HolrTwre and De Aco, In her fbrllllni: traduced this week will be the Four 0om no glp/.f.!^ ";''Pf<^"fJ ,,{''<> Mysterious J|r. One year In .iinnce, $4; iU moathl, 13; „|v„Hew Park, are being favored with ex- ji,V for llTe dowrnu e^flc wire. One ol darcers from the Kollea Mnrlgny Theatre, Bugle^' I-ast *e»^^ ."'« ^o°'P»'>y pajed »h«. month! II. Foregn poiUg* txttm. i-eptlonnlly good business. ?het.HnclDnl Indoor attractions Is Wlllards parls. Thutsday, 22, will be Harvard Night. • Liberty Hall, to excellent patronage. \v«» three ■"»""•;,,■'"/ ooitBtlL OM «» Ili.i.noik ^niEAiHr. (Will J. Davis, maoa- q>„Pj"of°Ius"c Chains w^ll be made In tAkmont TiieatrkC John B. Schocffel, man- of 19 will be the last appearance of mu, Bingle coplet will U aeut. poup«io, •■ ^ ^r>.-"Uttle Johnny Jones" still continues. Tf,"^'''^ °/ the attrnc iSifdurli^g the coming ager).-"The Prince of Pllsen" Is now In Its B^nndlck who has been leading lady. iWten with no signs of waning populorltv. This «""' °' '"* aiirnci.ons uk ^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^ ^^^^ prosperous Ware, who ^na w'^ the company earlier in theatre was crowded, at every performance ",,"...,<,. Uj,„k U J. Murdoek, manager), engagement. The piece Is one of the best the season, going from here to Horifurd. bIU the past week, and .Mr. Cohan's witty lines _|tVlterDrmryir and the New York Sym- ilk^f locsly. of any of Savage's produc- miirn and assume the leading roles In 1||« and tuneful melodies are being well received. ,,i,oV^'orch?s"rTlnni;gurated. evening of IT. tlons, and big houses have been the rule n'?D'"ck s P'ace They will both be s«u V . ■ . . .,.„,„, „„.„.. ,« jyring the past three weeks. "Kafooiejum »"«J,^.'Xff» °'«1-'-„ ,ah Ctlpt Of 10 centi. Oar Terms ar* Caan, THE CMPPEa la ttsued every Wednetdaf DotolDg. The last four (advertising) page* 00 TO PRESS oa Saturday at 11 *• >*■<'^ the other page, oa WON DAY •■"» JUESDAJ. irb« Forma CloaJng P»oniptIr. Tb»«- day, a« 10 o'clock A. M. No recent tnualcal production in this city J j^^ weeks' series of classical concerts to during lu<= ,,»-.. ^.^>^ , has met with grentei success than "Little ^ , . (,„, ^j doors. In a spacious pavilion . \s announced for an engagement commencing Johnny Jones." On .Monday. 20, will occur ^^^^'^^ expressly for this purpose. The pa- next Monday evening. Dave Lewis and Elfle the tiftlotb performance, on which occasion lie dlRtrlbuted. rief souvenirs will (iRANii Oprha HoL'SG (Harry Askln, mons- P. closed Addrcaa All Commonloatloaa THE HEW \OnK. CUPPBHi 47 yiett 28th Street, New York. Beolalered Caile Adircti. "AtJTHOBrrr." THiE WiSTtRN BURBAU Of THE CLIPPER la located at Room B02, _^^^ ^_^ ^^ ^ _ ^ Ashland Block, Chicago, William F. Bryan, •>y\,i! Marvelous Ijind of Oz. I'he Woggle Jeannette L,owrle bns made a success of her aimi.slog role. GAHiiiCK TiiFAThE (Sam I*. Gcraon, man- ager).—Lively interest is felt in the ao- Dounrement that on 18 the presentation of "The Woggle Bug'' will take place at this tbeatro. Frank Bauni, niilbor of "The Wizard of Ok," la responalble for "The Woggle Dug," which he dramotlzed from his expressly ...._.., ^ . Villon seats four thousand people, and the concerts are to be of the highest order. Nothing has been scheduled for the Summer which so appeals to music lovers of tbe com- mnnltv, and the first concert, given this evening, 17, promises a splendid treat. .,..,.„„. . ».., , , . - -r ., •, Sans Souci Park (Leonard Wolf, mann- engaged for this production. "The Belle of geri.—The onlv open nlr theatre In Chicago New York" was presented the past fortnight, . ^^-,„ ho „ <.ii» ;—.";—• fs giving n verv creditnble presentation of to excellent houses, and In a manner that "'BJj'y.J™ved to be n comedian of i|,e tot an amusing musical comedy. "The Pnradera." brought much praise for tbe new stock com- water. Weekof 20 The School for Scaadal' The Drincfpnl parts are taken by Ida Emer- Fay will bead the company. EupjHB Theatre (Adolph Mayer, mana- fer).—Beginning Monday afternoon, 19, the Implre Musical Comedj Co. will present "Jack and tbe Beanstalk." Ross Stww, the original "Fairy Queen," has been specially engaged for this production. Franklin Square (Shea & Burke Co.. mm- ager.s).—Week of 19 Malcolm Williams and hiB Broadway Stock Co. will present 'The Prisoner of Zenda." Special pains have litta taken to procure stage settings and coRtumes for the piece, and a particularly ple,isio)! production Is promised. Last week the coni- pany produced "Lovers' Lane," to record busi- ness. Lillian Sinnott, in the role of s\ui- plidty, woa very clever. John Cumberland brought much pral^ ^,„ ^ ^^^^^^^ TOU. Fern ■SeirMe.Loring J. Howard, Arthur '^ Castlp. SotrABE Theatre (L. 8. Deland. Lake Quiksioauond (Sanford Wallln. H. Kberns and Frank De Leon, supported by mnnager).—The bill for the current week U inanag«r).^Week of 19 the London \ande- an excellent company of sixty. Including a -as You Like It," with Mary Hall appearing vlile Co. will be the attraction. The Ala- well costumed chorus. Among tbe many as Rosalind. Others In the cast are: Howell other attractions Is the sensational high Hansel, William Humphrey, Frederick Mur- dlvlng of Harmon and LInd. from the tia- rav. l.lnd.sav Morlson. Mary Sanders, Alice ■..naeer and correspondent, where advertise- Bug" is heralded as an elaborate and cosily peze and mast bead. anil Lucille'Stanford. "The Senator" was Bents and subscrlptlona are received at onr Pf_»^i'.V.V°^, Zf.^.t.'it^^'ll.'l.'i^.^.'iPi^i,.', i/^.^^^ tJo'-'sBt^L'.**"'^.;.''' .^^I"".'!!''"?' ™!'.°°?^''A; S'^en last week.oijenlng the regular Sum- tegular rates. , THE UQNDON BUREAU located at 48 Cra'nbourne Bt. ^tBdon, W. C, John U. Carney, manager and corespondent, where advertisements and iubsctlptloni art received at our regular ratea. Ta« CtlPPtR CAK B« OBWIKfO, WKOI.» BiLB AND BBTAiL. at our Rgenta, BteoUno'l ^,' newa depot, 87 Avenue de I'Opera, Parii, France; U. Llllentbal, Frederick 8tr«i«» 101 (Termlnnt Hotel), Berlin, N. W., Ge^ nany; Diamond Newa Co.. 07 Prtdo. Hi^ Tana; Manila Book and Stationery Co, 128 vlile Co. will be the attraction, bama Troubadours proved an excellent al- traction last week. RlNOiiiNO Bros.' CiRCtis Is billed for 26 slo, and the production was staged by Frank SuiltbHoo. The cast selected includes: Hal Godfrey, Mtbel Hite, Blanche Deyo, Phoebe Covue, Beatrice McKcnzle, Fred Mace, Sid- nev Deane. Sidney Brncy and Kdwurd Cun- rlugbam. "Tbe Woggle Bug" Is declared by I'raiik Kanm to he the most stupeudous uuUerlaklng with which be ho.s been con- nected. McViciCEii's Theatre (Geo. C. Warren, maunger).— Joseph K. GrlNUier's production ' •Sky Form" opened night of 17. for a run of two weeks. Tbe fact that "Sky I'arni" Is a plav without musical ■ adorn- ineuts. end telling a straight story with drainall'.- points nnd situations, will make It somewhat, of a novelty at present In Chli-ago, where musical comedy Is reigning K«H>ria Manila. P. I.; Albert & flon, 117- supreme. The mnnagemeiU promises a llue «7K?;g St. Sidney. Australia. ™^t _nm3 a bright. plCuresnue setting for THE NEW VOHK CMPPKB pa**!***** Ntodsiiakeh TiiEATnE (E. K. Harmeyer. _ onlr one edition, and th»t la itataC ni_nnaKcrl.--ltlcbard i;arle_ and "The Mavor and special proKrammes_^_wlll^ be gl,v<>n dur- Saturday. J", the usual large crowds pre- from KeiT ITork. <{1JERIES ANSWEBED. ■ Ho Repflea bjrMaUor Tclesrafk. ADOBISBM OR WHRB«AB0DW "^J OI""J'? •ALL IN 0D»8T or BUCH "KOULD WBITB TO SBOSE WUOM TUKl BkXK, l.S CAR« 0» THB CLIPI'BK I'OHT OFFIcr. ALL LETTEBB WILt BE AUVEKTIHKU C.VR WEEK «»*"•„'» '^^ BODIB OF ASr TUEATHICIL COltPANt » BOUOUT. REl'EH tO OUB LIST OT BOBTM _^»I MAIL OB TKLE UnAPII. DHABIATIC. M P., Jacktouvllie.—We have no knowl- edge'of the ureseut wherealiouts of the party. AcniroM » lelier iu our care and we will advertise 11 la The Ci.ierEB letter list. A. M. S., tleriunulowii. Mrs. K. L. U, Uaveuiiort, II. M.. PhlladHiihlu, J. F. II.. New ^ork, and .M. H. Los Angi'lcs.—See answer to M. P., '"mkh. L. B. H. A.. New York.—We have no knowledge whatever of tho parly and can onlv advise you to nddresH a letter In our care, nnd we will ndverllse It In The Ci.iM'KB *»•'"'II.'* S.. noslon.—Watch our route list each week, or address jiartlps In care of Thb ^\'.'a."s.. New Haven.—1. We do not know the aiilliur'K bmiiic. 2. WhIcIi our vaudeville roule ilsl. X She \k kIIII ou the Ktage. «» C, St. IaiuIh.— The art Is nuknowii to us. <"" M.. Slgourne.v.—I. The plays are copy- ' Hi 2. Apply t" a rannufacturcr or of Toklo" are proving a strong Siiuimer card. The opera has beeu drawing extremely large audiences since It was llrst produced here, and wirh lUe third week cummeuciug Mou- dnv night. ID. It looks as though it would enjov n long ond prosperous run. Two num- bers' have been Introduced during the post week, nud several funny cuuiedy features have been added. Mr. Carle has developed the role of Marcus Orlando KlUdei- greutly since the oi)eulng ulght. I.A SAi.t.K Tiikathe (E. U. Mackaye. man- ager).—Willi its popularity uodimlulsbed by the hot weather of the past week "'I'he Isle of Spice.r In Us new dres.i. Is making many new friends and continues to till this theatre. Wllh tbe nmiiy changes that have been niado in liie cast aud book the prodiiclinn Is one of the roost entertaining iu town. Ckeat .N'oRTiiKK.s THL.nnE (I'Ycd K. Kberia, —John C. Weber. Cincinnati's favorite baud master, and his excellent organization, are having a prosperous season In Ibis beauti- ful coverecf garden. Blanche B. MebalTy. the soprano soloist. Is nightly adding to the num- ber of her admirers. Casino Cahokxs (Thomas Preston Brooke, manager).—Thomas Preston Brooke Jr., the smallest band lender In this country, will coaduct tbe concerts of the Chicago ilarlne Band on three evenings this cooiIng week. The women have become Interested In the Klfttsch concerts nnd continue to come In Inrgc number-i. Mr. Brooke has ploced the "fjat Hone," by (Jottschalk. on scvernl of the weeks proitrnuimcs, nnd will nnike a special feature of It. UiveI!V1kw Pauk. —Many nttrncllve feat- ures .are being added from tlmf to time to the array of amusing and Inlerestlug Ideas at this park. Kapellmeister Herold and bis band h.-xre taken a hold on popular favor. Ing Hie coming week. The first of the bid mer season at this bouse to good patronage. Next week, "Bea-My-Chree." BOWDOIN SOL'.ATIE THEATRE (G. E. Lothrop, manager).—"Who Owns the Baby?" Is Die card this week for twelve performances. Heading the funmakers are T. !•". Thomas and Butler Hnvllnnd. "Lucky Ranch" went well last week. "Tbe Showman's Daughter" is announced as the stock bill for next week. Kfitii'.s The.\tiik (B. F. Keith, manager). —A glance at the Mst this week shows the usual number of excellent acts. The Fa- dettes head the bill In a number of popular selecti'm.s. The current week is the third of their eugogement. Others on tbe programme are : Clayton White nnd .Marie Stuart, Kmuia I'mncls, Kcno. Welch aud Melrose, Hoey and lA?e. Tsvlor Holmes. Mitchell and Cnln. Nor man D. Stell. the /.nrues. John Coughlln. Lowell.—The Palace (Wm. F. Uoothliy, manager) did not open last week, but vili be remodeled us a Summer house, aud opea under new management in a few weeks. Mention. —The Lowell and Nashua Choral Society, a.sslsted by the I,owell Phllharmuulc Orchestra, sang the Verdi Requiem at Asso- ciate Hall 11, pleasing their many frleods. The soloists were: Caroline Cutler, sopraao; Xnno M. Gallagher, contralto: M. J. Oyer, tenor: Wlllard Flint, liasxo: Ileurl (i. l<lii.«- dell, conductor: Wilfred Kershaw, accom- panist l,akevlew Park gave baud ii.n- cerLs Sunday, as did Cunoble I.aUe Park, wllh big attendance. The park amuseaients are doing big bUMluess. esijedully the .\riade. at Canoble, Geo. W. Cnrey, manager The features of the RIngllug Brothers' Shows are being beautifully Illu.Htrated throiighuut tbe city and suburbs. The xhonr comes jis. Henry and Francis. Zoe Kdnionds. and new (pi,^ xnshua Mllltarv Band gives two piihlli- picnk-s will be given 2.'i. Ani;iiM.\Tii.—Martin Beck leaves for New York Sunday, 18 The Western ofllce of the James J. Armstrong Vnudevllle Kx- cbauge has been estiiblislied at !I2 I.a Salle Streer. and will be managed by Samuel J. Tiuk. who has arrived In this city for Ihat purpose -Mr. .nnd Mrs. Jack Kills ployed the Olympic 'Theatre Inst week, aud produced a new sketch, written by Mrs. Kills, which proved a success. The title of tbe sketch Is "Ills F.xpiatlon." The Pioneer Compnnv Is under the mnnugeiueut of John F. Priddat "The Under Dog," by Myles Mci^'arthy, Is expected to open at tlie Olym- pic Tlie:itre July .'I. The aiiilclpnted produc- tion is causing considerable interest, in an much ns It Is snld to liulsh with the suia>-'li- for Hie Summer, and has an excellent list of theatre bookings for the regular sea.son The Two De Grees will play parks untH Septeinlier The tlilrly-nlntb annual coiunieucenieut exercises of the Chicago Musli-al Coliego will be held In the Auditorium next Tuesday evening. 2(1. The largest class hi the history of the Inslltuiiou will be gruduated. Diplomas nnd ccrtincales will be conferred on W S. Masslllou.—1. uciuuor ». loi'.i, Chicago Hay at the World'a I''«lr.^ 2. Oct< I) uinrks the unuiversai^ of the i hlcago 1. I,. K. I*llv of .Nlexlisi.—Kdwlu Be Veiin and Cross. JIurveile nnd Clensou, Cuii- uurs and Kelly. Slunrt and Raymond. Rowla right eil. ""j^M. OB.. Xhifara Falls.—1. From $10 per wi-ek up. 2. Wc can not undertake to enumerate the duties of the position. 11.. Wlliuluglon.—From S-IO per week up. W S. Masslllou.—1. Octuhor H. 189.1, was 2. October lire. 'Booth dlwl j'uiie'7. iwi.'l. at .New York Clly. ■I' A. M.. Weslburo.—Addrens any of the . music iiubli.>iker8 who advertise in our col- and Vou Kaufmaun. Mabel Cusedy. Godfrey ^m,,^ aud lleudersou. Young aud De Vole aud a I. MrC. Scheiieelndy.—'i'he salary com- half down others of rccogulzed nblllty coin- muiidiHl for such an ni-t depends upon the piete the bill, nblllty of the pi-rformer and tho merit of the ClllcAOO Opera IIousb (C. P. Draper, Dm I". H. JIcL., Wlieellng.—Address Palne's KIrBWorkM Co., 12 Park Place, New York f' S.. Soldiers' lloiiie.—Address J. C. Lewis. lannuKer of "SI Plunkurd," care of TliK Ni:»- Y.iiiK ('i.ii'Im:i». t-ARDS. L. v. S.. Ilnrtfonl.—A is right. ing of two French plale glass mirrors and manager).—Master Gabriel opeas his fourtli enlists ihe services of twcnty-elgbt peujile week, la "Huster Brown," Sunday evening, Fretio and Dnre played the Olympic week of 18. The little comedlun iiossesses luaguellsm. June 12.. .."Count De Butz" Is booked solid and wllh (ieorge All lu assist blui as the dog. "TIge," he Ig becoming a great favorite wllh the audiences. CoM:.MBtis Theathe (Weber Bros., mana- gers).—The Columbus Stock Co. will offer an elaboralc revival of ".Monte Crlslo," beglii- nlng wllh the Sunduy matinee. IS. WIllTiini Jossey will appear In the role of Kduiuud DantcH. anil will be supported by the same players who have been associated with hira since this theatre has been a stock bouse. Kdna Marshall, a young woman of loiislder- nijle talent, la a new member of the company. I'mi'LK'M Thkatrb (I.ealic DavLs, mana- ger).—h'or the second week of Hie Suiumnr comic opem season, commencing JS. "Oll- velte." will be presented iu a lavish manner and with all the fnvorileg in Hie cast. The production will bu givou the peraouni atleu- tlou of Itlchard F. Llndsu.v. and, iieedlcsa to HBv that all details will be attendnl to. OLVMric Tiieatiii: (Abe Jacobs, mauaeer for Kohl & i'astle)—The patrons of tills liouse for n-eek of 19 will have an oppor- litnily to witness a lii|uld nlr demonstration. blii)rrapUlc views. Nolwithstunding the heat of last week attendance was good, nnd on vailed Palace Theatre (C. H. Waldron. mana- ger).—The stock company this week will be seen la two burle.stpies, entitled "The Mat- rimonial Girl" and "Kuchered." Tiie chief fun makers are: John Black, tleorge Sanlon. Milton Schuexler and Keuuett aud Pulterson. Vaudeville Is pre.senled bv the Kslier Sisters, initou, West and Williams. .May Bryant. Srauloa and Steven.s. and llulplu. Moore and Loreuze. sllll maintains a good average. Ltceuji Theatre (G. H. Balchcller, man- ager).—The lifteenth season of this bouse came to a close last Saturday night. Tlie fiast four week.s were devoted to stock bnr- esniie, lo fair l>iisluess results. The bouse will reopen about Aug. 14. .-VrsTi.s- & S-n>.\E's Musei'm (Stone & Shaw, manager). — Last week's "l*hyslcal ("ulture" Khow was a great drawing card at this resort, nnd the (uUowlng wrnstlers. boxers, luig-punchers. etc.. bold over for the pre.scut week: Otis Ijimberr. Young Sandow, llerr Jacobs. Dufault and Leavltt. Richards and Curlej-, Klley nnd While, and I'orllngton and Lynch. (Jn the stage ore: Violet Dule. Inez Ilayard. Pearl Irving. Ida Campbell, Itljou Vaughan. Anna Holden. Carrie .Mau- tell. r/)ttle lleywood. (ilbney Sisters, Harry Powell, Charley Farrell. John Bohuu. Dave Coleman, Tom Baleman, Carrie Barrv, Cop- „ . , , "d on ulnger and White, Melville and Young, and 2'j:t pupils A musical proEniinine will be Hanlev and De Lome furnlsheil by the winners o( tbe llrst •" ' -- ■ - diamond medals In the competitive cxamlun- tions. Willi the us«ls(aace of a full orchestra. concerts at Canoble Lake Park 18 Billy Nelson, formerly manager of the People's Theatre, now wllh Pawnee IIIH's Wild West, writes from Alliauce, O.. (but lie Is meelinx with the same big success as in former years; also that he was one of tweniy-lhree uiemliers of the show who were lultlnled Into the Kagles nt Conneuut, C. June 10. t Lynn.—At Siieafe's Relay House Theatre. Xaliant (C. W. ShiMife. m.inageri business has been very good so far. The present bill Includes : Herbert and Anule Wall, the IIold.s- wurths. Alberta. Lucy Wulfkln. Harold Smli. and the Boss Sisters. .VoTK.s.—'I'he Bass Point Theatre will open Julv 1. ami is located at the extreme end uf .N'aiiani. Prof. William Wllliaius. with the Gem, In Lynn, last season, will be musical director Gorman's Summer Theatre. Salem WIl'ows. has opened fur the season, under the mnuncemcnt of Michael Doyle.... The Bobbins Circus came lo this clly 17. and played to big buslnc-ss. Its teals were pitcheil In Salcni l!l....The Hlngllng Bros.' Circus comes 29 Thomas and Payne. .ski'ich tenm. are Summering Iu .N'ahaut — Manager Gerrge M. Glkldeu. of this ril.r. at the head of the Colonial Tlieatrlml Agency. Boston, was the guest of .XLiunger George Fcnberg. nt the Jeirersou Theatre. Portland. Me., two days last week Suai Cohen, with the KohhluH C'lrcus, called ou his Lynu friends 17. Mr. Colieu winters lu this ciiy. under the direction of Ilerr von Schiller. I'^arly In July Wlllon and his company will liegin an engagement at Mc- Vlcker's, which It Is exiHfted will last tbruugliuut the heated term. "Trilby" will be the opening bill lu all probability B. K. Forrester will present I-'lorence Bind- ler next sensou lu a new musical comedy, entitled "The Belle of the West," book aud lyrli'8 by Harry II. .Smith, anil music by Karl L. lioschiiu. Tlie season will open iu Cin- 'Tlie usual eiperliuentH will be disclosed, as cliinall late iu August Commenclug on well as inuny new nnd novel discoveries. Monday. June 2U. .Manager i'owers will iire- Pulrlcc and company will bo seen In "A New sent "Mrs. Temple's Telegram" for a run, Y'enr's Drenni:" Muie. Sia|>oirskl offers her bringing the entire cast and production from high cliisii vut-ai seiecliuus. John ltirch._ l4i the .Madlsoa Square Theatre. Netv YurK where this clever farce had a long The will Include M'illlam Morris White City broke all records for attendance nt Chicago amusement parks Sunday. June 11—according tu tbe .shuwiug made by tho turusliies, the automatic registers showetl that more than CTi.UUU per.Hous had pussiHl Into the new South side resort Kmmu mauagcr fur Kohl & Castle).—William Norrls ""to the new !<oulli side resort... hmmu and Valerie Uergere are s.-orlng tremendous Janvier, uow pla.vlug tbe role of .Mine, htltch, hits in '-'llie Umd of Nod." The second act ,«!«;,wo"l"""^^ mistress. In "Ibe Mayor of ha< Uwii greatly improved, and is brought lo 'loklo, will pla.v the role of the boarding a close at u rrasnnuble hour. Mr. Howards house keeper s daughter In 'The College uiu.slc has "caught ou" rapidly, nnd Mnls'l Widow when Mr. Ades play begins an eii- Uarrlson bus captlvateil her audleuc-ea with ffK^'P"^ "' ""' Sludcbakcr Ibenlre, July her Juvenile antics. Alinn Youlin. as the •■}■ 1,1'ls pnrt was originally uln.vcd by Jack of IlearlH. has added another pictur- Gertrude yulnlun, who will eou tune In it esuuo IrlHiupli lo her list. May De Sousn has wllh the Kasteru "i;o lege W Idow' coiupany. WALKEtt'.s Mi'SEi'M (L. B. Walker, man- agerl.—Curio Inill week of 19: Joan Aievedo. Portugese Hercules; SCaiuo, expausloulst: Louis Brazil, on the perch: Devalo, king of magic. Stage show: Hartford & Davis Bur- lesiiue Co., In "Tbe Telephone Girl:" Olio • .Nellie Hartford. Tina Davis, Bobbie Fields, tiei-tle Lynch. JIabel Sllvn, Flo Dei-ker, John Cavanaiigb, Lillian Davis. Blanche Bavcy, Annie Lnne and the bio.scope. NicKEi^uKox ((,'. K. Cherry, manager).— The usual number of curio hall features and a stage show are provided bv the manage- ment this week, but tbe bill is uot at hand. I'AiiAoo.v i'ARK (Geo. \. Dodge, manager). —This new resort was thronged with visitors nil last week, the opening week, aud the many aaiu.semeut palaces did a. rushlug biisl- uesii. The free open air vaudeville on the lagoon stage this week Includes: Tlie Vnldls Sisters, tbe Klght Corunllas and the Baker Family. NoRuiiBKiiAl'AWK (Carl Alberte. manager). —Tbe caitls fur this week ore: The Itossow Mldgels. .Musical Go<ilmnns, JIminv Wall. Clias. Itiissow. Hathnwny and Waltou'and the koiuogrnph. Pulronuge was heavy last week. Le.nix(.tijx Park (J. W. OormnD, mana- ger).—This resiirt opened Saturdav. 17, with the following bill for the opening week • Will Dockruy. Wnterbury Bros, aud Tenuev Zella and Dot, Bevan and Desmond, Waller uud Muglll. and the komograph. McuFonii BdrLEVABu TiiK.\TKR (J. W. Gor- innn, manager).—This Summer house opens Hitlyoke.—At the Opera House (Joseph E. Slien, mnuager) the Diamond Stock Co.. which was organized a few weeks ago for Ihe purpose of playing a Summer engage- nient at the Opera lluiise, came to a suddea and untliucly end, so far as Ilolyoke Is con- cerned. June 17. Tbe cause of the company ending Us nngngameut was lack of patronage. It will try Its fortunes next at the .V'elsoa Theatre. Springheld. opening there 19. fi'i an Indellnlte'period. Mountain Park C.vsixo (rx>uis PelUssler. manager).—^■Hie bill for the closing week "f v?tiidevllle at tlie Casino, 12-17. drew the largest attendance so far this senson. The bill Included: Lyndnic Allison, soprano: the Meeker Enker Trio, the D'Kstelle Slslere. Hroi. King and bis dog. "Trix;" Collins moving pictures .tnd liluslrnled songs, 'lue Casino Stock Co. will open Its season uf twelve weeks of couilc opera and miislril comedy IU, In "Prince Pi-o Teni." VaU lllver At Sheedy's BlJou (D. K. Buthiitoii, manager) the Bnttluton Stock Co- Inst week produced "What Happened io JoiiCH," lo excellent bualuess, and was great- ly enjoyed. Ileriiert Coiiiy, as Jones, was all that could he desired, ni'.d Amy Siugletou nnd Nat lieRlngwell deserve special uieutlon for their work. '"I'lie Chrlsllnii" June IU '.'4. NoTi:.—Rlugllug Bros.' Circus will show here June 22. "llumply Maads Adnnia' I'lnnii. Maude Adnnis, who bos fully rei-overed fnuu an ois-rnlion for appeudicllls performed uu her several weeks ago, has gone to the Calskllls III rest for a few weeks Is'fnre sail- Inu for Kiiniiie. tin lier arrival In Kngluud she will go Ininiedlntely lo Srutlaiid, lo lie the guest of J. M. Bnrrie. MIhm Adams will reu.ain abrmid until the middle of August, ref.irulng lo N'fw York In lime tu liegin ri>. henr-'als of "IVIer Pan." In which "he will liegin her next season al the F.niplre Theatre. « »# AN AnF.lllI-VrK I'ASSKJiGIlM SKUVICK 11 trnlnn a day to nuftnlu. H» to Mnicarn FnlH. H to Cleveland, S to Clnolnnnti. :« to St. Lonla. H to Dr- frolt and IS to CblraKU, iHew York (Central liora.—Adv. le por. „ Ihe Kales Tlruthers. Baiiiuout and Ilayward. XalniicInK Stevens. Splller Trio of musical niokes aud others. Fiii.l.T TitEAniK.—For week beginning Sun- da.v matinee, is, ibe Little Kgypt Burlesquriv wli' is' Ihe allrartlim. "Seeing Chlcngo" Is the Hlie of the opening pnrt. which serves lu lulroduce Ibe entire com|>nuy. "Tbe I'onl Heaver's llevenge" brings the performance to a close. )h>lli numbers are full of catchy I'liiuedy hits. 1.0N1X1N Dime Mi'see (Wllilaui J. Sweeney, ninnngcrl.—For week coaiiueucing 18 the fol- lowing will U> seen iu the curln hall; N'eo- ietn. vBULshlng Indy; Chief Davy's Indian village, llarnev Nelson, orroless artist : Vel- dern. maitrlnu. nnd Ru.<pta and her trained slligntors. In th» theatre : Clara Clark. Cella Veldes. Prof. Stogwcll and the Midway danc- er*. CunK Rtrket MfSEfM (Louis M. Hedge', manager I—IVfylng any one to lock him In a pair o( handcuffs from which be cannot I,?.',""'>',' July 1'-•.•..The production of 1 he Geezer of Geek." at Ihe Tremout, has been postponed, as It Is now planned to run I\nronr.eluni all Summer. lug night temiMirnrlly abandon the stage at the end of ne.xt se.liuin ami Journev nbiond lo place her- self under the tutelage of Jean De Keszke. The Chicago Lodge of Kiks intends In have a handsome memorial tablet on which will iH> inscribed the names of Us de.'id members. As an nid lo Ihe fund for th's purpose Hniidmnster John (\ Weber. himself ail Flk. will given beneill (wrrorm- - ^ „ „ ^„ aniv with h's band .it the Coliseum I-Ylday nt every performnnce lo see Poll's Own Stock night, June 2.".. Tlie committee in charge to. present It. Frederick Bond filled the consists of twelve luenibers of Ibe lodge, role of the senior Van Alsiyuo very cleverlv. with Louis Xi'Wiunn as chairman and John P""' McAllister, as Berlle. the Lamb, was Kiliitz Irensurer. excellent. Beth Franklyn did well with her t » » character, and Agnes Mark obtained a strong- 0. W. Bennett, proprietor and manager er hold on her audience by her pleasing work, of Bennett'a Vaudeville Theatre. London. 'Forblddenjrult" this week. SitrinReeld—At Poll's Theatre (Charles v\. houdn, resident manager) the great popu- larlly of "The Henrietta" was proven Ihe past week, when good audiences gathered Ont.. Can., was In New York City last week looking up icadlna acts, scenery, etc.. for his houses In London nod St. Thomas. Can- ada, the former of which opens Aug. 7, and tbe latter Aug. 14. won uiaiiv recnils. The new comers week .>f IS are: Crawford and .Maiming, auu Nnonil F.thardu. The Clarence Sisters aiiii the Imper'al Comedy Four will hold ■>ver fur llieir :ei'ond week „. , .NwTK.s.—Tom WlustoB. rannnger of "c"' Fud. as well as Irensurer of the St. Cluirles (Jrplieiiui. was qiilelly iiinrrliil here, wi-ek oi II, nnd was Hie recipient of nuiny Iwanliim nud cosily presents, ns well ns many le""" grams from professionals aud newsiiniier l"'''' pie ihrouglioiit the country 'I''"',,!'";', luonlal tendered the llolllngsworlh »iin (Maud and Mvrtlei. al the (ireeuwabl. U". iiroved a grand social and llnnnclnl vnc<e!.s. Tiie White Children, as well as Babe An- „..-„,.„. gemer. scored heavily In their clever sp'- Nrlson Theatre Is to be reopened for the claltv Morris Marks, treasurer of toe Summer by the Diamond Stock Co.. which Greenwald Theatre, was married, week or u- bns been playing at the HolvOke Opera House, to one of the Crescent City's most popular Those In the company are: Beoionln Horn- Jteiles. Bessie Taylor. The couple will speno log, Lilllali Nortla, James A. Heeaahao, Carol tbelr bridal tour on tbe Faclflc roast