The New York Clipper (June 1905)

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June 24. THE NE'W YORK CLIPPER. 447 OHIO. Cincinnati. — Tbo ClnclDnatl Theatre CompoDV Is thp tllli- "f the new ors^nltstloa wlilch will rantrol tlip Vino Htrcct Tbeatrr. Cliarlea U- Aruiild will bn genernl Olrrclor and represent tin* rlnult. to IncludR Clilriigo. naltiniorp. l'lttsl>urK. PlilIndpIpTila nnil New pYork. ManflBcri) IIiirll|r & Si-aiumi r»n In to take u look at tbeir dpiv vaiirterlllo prop- ertv, wblrti !» now tx-liig remodeled. N>it miiVn besides the old walm reoiHln. and tliv latrrtor will !« » miKlern arepriiof xtrinilurt!. Orer fortr maoagcnj, afUllated wllU th<> FSm- plre circitll, iBet nt the ofllce of the feople's •I1ji.atrc 1C, f.nil ratllled plana for next aea- Kon ua the tu^- chBln of litirlesnue bousex. The Curt iiropiisltlons were aciepfd, wblrli adds ten tlieatreii In tbc Went and North- west to thn present clrrult, alilcli now ex- tends from the Atlantic to tlic raellli:. Among thoHC present were: Juoies J. Uiitlcr, Ht. r.onls: Ilnttert llenek, Clnelnnatl: Jaroej Ii. Kernan. Ilnltlmore: Jtilnes K. Ken- nesKv. Cinrlnuntl: Jolin 11. Wlialleu. l/>ul°svllle: (jeorgc W. Illfi;, Kalllmore; llarrv WIIUumH. I'itlsbiirg: fieorge W. IleuL-k. Cincinnati: .Inmes V. Whnllen, Iioula- vllln ; Krnnk Drew afid \\. T. L'atnpbel!. Clevc- land : W. A. Kdivnrds, Montreal; Frank Carr, Brooklyn: Tom Miner, New York; Maurice Jacobs. New York: \Vm. T. KeoRb. New York ; Wm. Drew. Cleveland; James t^■^tln. New York; Kcl. Miner, New York; Jo:%ph ()ppen- Iielmcr, Chlrnjro: TliouiaH \V. DInklnR, Jersey City: J- Uotton NVlnwnny, Philadelphia: I'm Itellly, Atlantic City: Jobn Moynabun, St. iMjnIs: Wni. I!. Walaon. Krooklyn; Mra. Keii Iieavlll. Ilowley, I'alerson, N. J.; Iler- niHU Kelir, Milwaukee, and Mrs. IC. 11. Ful- ton, ChlinBO. Chkhtkb I'iiiK (I. M. Martin, nianai;cr).— llie Chester I'ork Opera Co. will open the acufiou June 18. inutlng on "The Uclle of New York," under the stage illreclion of Les- ter Bro\m. Co.NEV Isi.AM) (Will S. lleck. nmnscRient director). — Tom lIclTroD. I,nulec .Scbmlti:. Ilnlmes and Waldron, Will King and Clint and Resale Ilobblns. In "The Ilag Doll," nre the new cards lo be seen 18. liV.ouiw !jAo<m)x (J. J. Wpaver. mnnaseri. —Tlie Crotty Trio. Wolf nnd Zxtlcllu, Lottie West Symnmls, the lliisnr Trio nnd Nb-k lluSord an- tlin new peotilc lo be seen at the ampbttlipatre l.S. TllK '/ah) (Walter Dmis^r. SM-relary).— Tbc Kllery Itand. nuder llie direction of Sle- J'Vnillo, lieglns the last of ILrce successful weeks' enpiKenipnt 18. KtrMMKK CitAT.—Jlnnrjer Jolin II. Ilnrlln will desert Ihc llnvlln coltiige. at Olhi, MIcli., for a Summer sojourn neiir New Y'ork John I). Itoliiiisnn Is liavln:; lloblnson'H re- dei-oraliMl and liriKliteueil for the new season of the l''orep»nKb Slock Co.. iindci- (ieornc I". Kluli Manaccr Hurry llulnrortli and his wife art! iit Iheir new KumnuM- home on Imwk Island leiinnclte Scliofcr, one of the shiiiers at the Uerman Vlllaer, near Wintou I'Ince, trle<I lo coninilt siilclilc by tHkln^ iHilfwn. Hhe Is a I.ouls%-llle irlrl Ciirrlu Krynolds, with the Chcsler I'ark U|ieru Co. lias received word that she had been chosen by Itay Cnnistock to sinr In I'Mnn May'a old roll! In "The School cJIrl" next season Mary llnll has gone lo flotiton lo nil a six wrnks" speiliil eniraeemeni as leadinK lady of the Castle S(|uare Theatre (!o., opeulni; uh Uosallml, In "As You Like II." ■ ■ Cleveland.—At the (Colonial (Dri'w & Caiii|ibell, nunmeerMl the Colonial Slock Cr>. will (live "The Nominee" June lH-1'4. "The Henrietta' drew well 12-17. "The Jilt" IIU and week. I'JULXib .AvK.NUK (iARUBNS (Mux Kaetken- heilcr, uuuii»'r).—"Said I'lisha" will be suuf; bj- the cxcelli'nl com|»iny here I!l-:!4. "Blllec Taylor," jjlven l'.;-17, did nut (jlve many of t»e best luemliers of the compaiiy n chance to shine; nei-ertheless, "Illlipe Taylor" fiirnlshetl the natrons excellent entertiilnninnl nnd drew j?o<>(l bouses. MannRcr Kactkenheiier has cer- tainly iFitbercd losctheronp of the b»'Kt Sum- mer oiHTU cnrnpanles that lias ever Iieen In Cleveland. "Itoliln Hood" week of 'M. CuLiUBDH (M. 1'". Trostler, innnagcr).— "Othello" Is the olTerltig, !>y the Ilanford Ktock Co., Il)-:i4. "Ingoujar" drew fairly wii i::.i7. Stab (Urew & Caupt>ell. tuanngcrs).— 'llielsp's WIni'. Women and Sonp C'o. lU-'J-l Tom Miner's Uobemiau Uiirleaiiiers drew fair crowds 12-17. Tbc Star closes 2-1. LfXA I'AUK.—The miiuagement c<jntlnues to furnish good extra iitlractloos and Luna I'ark Is growing ncekly lu popularlt.r. WuiTK CITY.—This resort has caueht the fancy of tbc umusctDeut luvlug i)ubllc, snd It Is quite tbe thing to go lo White City now-a-days. I'AWXEB Bill's Show gave two well at- tended perforniauces 12. a ■ Sandnak)-.—At Cedar I'olnt I'leesiirc IJe- Bort (Geo. A. Boeckling, manager) tbe sea- son opened June 10. with uu imiuenee attend- ance.- The ruudevillp iirugramulc for the week couslsleil of: Mclntyrc and McAvoy, JesslcH, LcoDhurt and Canjul>ell. Ulllun and Campbell. Cook's I'umotis Military liand has been engaged for the sesBou. The mam- moth new (170 room botfl Is nlready well tilled. Three wiles of lagoons nre another feature, Joll.\KON'l> ISLAMI I'LCASVUi: HESOBT (C. L. Coodslte, iiiuuuger).—T'he stock coupan.v produced "A Texas Sti-er" we^k of 11. AVeek of 18 will see "One False Step." Ackle.v's Military Uanil will appear at lliu resort dur- ing tbe season. Kl!A.vK Mui.viLi.K, of New York, has Ht- raiiKcd Willi the rark and l-'atls SIreot IIhII- way Co. to c'lncel Ills lease on tho Cn8lis>. at Idoi-a I'ark Negotlitlous have nlread.v been uiade and the cuntrucl signed wherfliy Kdwnrd Stanley will have Ihc aiiiungciucat and book all nitructlous for this uiiiiisvment resort. Air. Slanley's iijiiKilntnieiit nn-ers with nnlversiil satlsfnclloii. nnd bis past srr- vlics with lilui-s I'ark are Ids best Indorw- mcnt. ri. 1>. .Voble. reiire.sendng iMr. Mel- ville here, has, during his short lime at Ibis resort, made inaoy frlendn. He will lie transferred to auulbcr isilnl. t YniiiiKMliMvn,—Idora I'ark Casino Thn- alrc (II. II. Noble, niunugeri lliere Is iiro- vliled for week of Juue T.S: Aldrlrh l.lbl.-y nnd Katbrvn Tniyer, Chinese Johnny Wil- liams t:o., i-klllh liovie and Joe A. Ilurdmau, Patronage nilcs gocjd. Avn.N Pauk (Jos. W. Wcss. manager).— mil week of 1.S: .lohnson, l>avea|i<.rt and iMrella. ,Mi-Cann Family, (irace Lconiird, Casey nnd Le Clair, and tho Goldcns, Pic- nic 21, merrbants of Scbrlug. U., nnd 24, tbe Indiislrlul picnic. Iteaver Kail.". Pa. Om;i(a Ilui:Nt: (I'elcr Ulce. manngcr).— "I'ln'! PulT'! I'onf!::" 1-1. nttrurtcd n v.iry fair sized crowd, and gave excellent shIIs- factlon. The company, which throughout was an ex<!Ollent one, t^eorcd big, and wua .Worthy of a cnpncltv house. I'AiiK TllKATRi; 1'. K. Johnson, manager). ■—The Lyric Opera Co. opened Its Summer engagement at the Park. l!i. "Fra Dlavoln" will bo the opening bill, which mna for tbc enllrc week. The pinyhonse baa l>ccn ele- gantly .lecor.iied r.nd equipped with electric fans, nuiklug I.- very attractive und comfort- nhle for the Summer aeuson. NiJTK.—T. K. Albaiigb. lessee of the Opera House. «-».< hi llin rllv I.'. In coiifercuci' wlih Manngo- I'rter Illi-e.' and slat'-s th:it Ilicre will li" n niimhor of hiiprovemi.iils made In the iciral bniisp during the Sumoier. « r«lnmbuM.—^At the Kinpire Thentre (H. A. "I l!»2" t;lvni nn e\><-lli-iil h'iImiI liy (he iiui-ib-jit ■ lii'-L isiiil Pftny. lit fc.NHl h**u*ie-., JiiiK* 12 riiMl wcfL. Itlcbftiil llarltfivM a|itieari-il as iMsbclhi. lifliig •Vvclallj- engaged, and waif ubljr »uiiiivrt«tt by Thomas Incp. K. Colt AUsTtson, John \j. Young, Frefl llarrold, Joaephlnp Newman, Eveleen DuDoant?, Mae Klltoyne. Mona Eatnes and Dolly De Vlue. "Tlie Telephone Girl" week of in. Ot.KNTASi:v VktK (XV. W. I'rosspr. mana- gerl.^rreoloro and his fanmuK band n(>etied thp lirst week of Ihelr two weeks' engage- ment to gridd hoiisps. Coi.MNs' «iAiiiii:N (11. C»lhii.s. inanHgerl opened Its season lo good crowds, week of 12, with tbe following Mil: f.'rarp 1,eonard, <!eo. nnll .May AVoodward, and the local ravorlles, Horch and Blrue. N(iTi;.<.—Ilnwiinl A. WpImuiiui. manager of the Fropire 'riinili-p for tlio iiasl Iwii years, has resigned lo accept a poslllun with it large cloak house. contralto ; Oracle nnd Ueynolds, l>nrle6iiuprN\; Wiley Ferris Co., In a novelty Nkctoh. and motion pictures. Big biislnp'iH rules. * ■» CANADA. NEW YOIIK STATE. f^nntoH.—At the Park Theatre 11.. P.. Cisd. raaHiger). wick of .lune 18. the fol- lowing people ii|i[ii'ur: Jospplilne (hissniltn and lipr picks. Xorcross, lliain and La .Mar, Ihi':h and Cordon. John lielger and Jack Coiilon nnd MnlK<l Ita.sllngs. Caui'I-x Tiik.\t|;k (.M. Manning, manager). —Despite the excessive bent this resort at- tnlcleil good nudlPBi-rH. Biirlesiiup and vaudev-'le are the atlraptlons week of ]1>. K.UBKT's Paiik (A. Kbrct, ninliHRpr).—^Tlie Keys Family. N. C. Hjincroft. Cliesler La Vaughn, Pe Cnineron SlKten and Jfm IloSs. Business Is good. Nin-KK.—P.iwnee lllll's Wild West came 14. to two Imraenic tents ('.entry Bros.' Shi'WH 24 l»orotliy Ih- Cameron, the child iM'rfornier. who Iins been III with l.v- Ckold (pver nt .XnllU'nn llo.spllnl. Is reportPd y the attPMding physician as mnrnlesi-ent. Arthur K. Iluhit has clospd with the llniPiibpik TTiliiert Animal Shmvs lo accept the apimlnlmpnt of deputy curonor and cor- oner's eonstahle hc-i-e. Toledo.—At the Casino Tlieatre (Olto Kllres. malinger) bill week of Juno 11 : Davis and Mseanlpy, Dollar Troupe, Big Three Minstrels. Casey and Le Clair, Fainrdo, and Moonoy and Ilollieln. Itii.slness la big, Knthryu OslPrmnu and ci>inpa».r. In "The Girl Umt I^wks Lllic Me," Is Ihc headllner 18 and week. FARir Tiii:atiik trrfiuis Ilnniier, proprie- tor).—Kxcellent business II nnd week. The 1)111 was a well balnni-ed one. including: t'harlle Case. Hva Neslrolt nnd rompahy, Valvani's \aval Honibai-dlnent. Jidin tiplgpr, Kckert nnd Ilerg. and Whistling INini Brown. All we:-e well rei-elvwi. Illli IK nnd w-eek: S. Miller Kent. Press llldrldgp. Keniipdy and l.iHjnpy. Allen I)<jone. Iliirlun nnd Brookn, and llnirll and Drazll. AncAiii; Tiii:.\TnF: (II. II. I^iiukcn. ninnn- ger).—The closlnj; week of Ihc Bryoii Iioiig- las Slock Co.. II nnd week, offered "Pink Domliioes," wldcli was well received. ■ Ilnyton.—At Ihe Odeoii Theaire (f.'us Sander Jr.. iniianupr) tbc Orottv Trio and Fr"d Di" Vim pntertiiined fair sized crowds wpck of June 1.2. 'Jills house closed for (he Slimmer 17. I'AiKViKW Park (A. J. Ward, iiuiiiimer). —Spleii'lld liiislnpss is reporlPd for wpek of 12. Tbe 1)111 Inc-ltides! Alice Alva. 'I'ailMit and Itogi'M. the .Mhio, Tommy O'Dell, and liarry and Johnson. Lakksipk Paiik (Jas. .\. Kirk, maiiagpr). --The Two Schrodps. nnd Allen nnd Briglit iln!w big i-rowiis week of 12. I'or week of IP. Itlce's Dos and Pony Show. VnTiuiiA 'I'liiiATiiK (C. II. Jliiler, niuna- ger).—^Tlie Sollieni-Marlowe Co. 2.'1. * ■ » CALIKOHKIA. lios .\nKeleH,—At the .Mason niicrn House (II. C. W.vutt, uiamiKcr) John Dreiv. siipporlrd Ijy Mni-garel Uiile, cuiumenced a four davs' engagcnicul al this bonsc June 14, in "The Diikc of Klllicruiikie." Mounsco's llt.iiUA.VK lOllver Morosco, luanugvr).—Week of 1:; the Biirlmnk Stock Co. prosi'uts '"rte Countv Knlr," ii big draw- ing card. •"I'he SiiellbiiKlem" 111-24. BKI.ASCO (John II. lilackwood, mannger). —^Thc Behisco .Stuck Co., In "(Tilmmb- Fad- den," week of 12. June I'.l Wliite Whillle- Hpy will Join the Belasco forces for a four weeks' cngogcmenl, present lug "Sheridan, or tbc .Maid of Bath, for the llrsr week. (jiiAKP OlMin.i IbiuKi; (Clarence Drown, manager).—"The Confessions of n Wife," week of 12. by the Ulrlcb Stock Co. "The Hoed to Kuin 10 tiad n-?ek. UBi'ilci'si (Maitlu Beck, genecat uauagcr). —Features 12 and week : .lohn C HIco nnd Sally Cohen. In "ijur lloueyiuoon." Warren and Uardiier. De Ouzo Bros., barrel Jumpers; the McConnell Slsterii, In grotesque and com- edy dances ; Charles und (Sana tiarric. In "The iMmp Post Inspector:" Delia Koi. come- dienne ; Mallei Adams, vlollaist, aud^ motion pictures. Big business. UviOd: Tiir.vnti: (lIeut-<! & '/5nll"'e. propr'e- tors).—Feat'ire.-i 12 nod week: Marco Uoii- /jiles, Stanley nnd .\lleeu. Marian Mar, Ihc California favorite: Johini and Mott. "the JIiisIchI Bell Bnvs ;" Harry Boyd, Lottie Gil- sou and the Unliilieoscope. BsuAun-Av (A. J. Morganslern, manager). —Features 12 and wi-ek: Hugh Fmuiett, ven- triloi|ulst: Gartlner and Golden, Lillluu Mel- bourne, Broadvrny Stuck (?o., In a sketch; Madeline Howe und motion pictures. t.'AsiNo TiiK.vruK (A. .1. Morgan.steru, niuii- agcri.—Features 12 mu\ week: SCanfretia and Mausllcid, lu "A Aiesaeuger Hoy ;" Clara Merck, Roblilas Hud Treniimun, In sketch: the J.ieugon Trio. prcsciilliiK "Tiie Dude and the Lhilch Girl:" Welch. Frances and Co., with llaywodd Teal, prpseuling "Thn Cnsluo Miiislrpl Misses." nnd inotloa pictures. CiNKiiiiKAVii (J. A. Ilrowne. nianageri.— Wi-i'k of 12. till; llrsl appearance of Bcssli! Clmdwlck, siiiBing suubreite. Dtliers: The UeiiMS, ZurclU, change performer: Shiiw and Cliriou, Mnliel llunibert, Cineoiirapb Slock Co.. In "F'lnnlgnn's 40U," nud motion plciiircs. An(iki.i-s 'liiKA-riiK (W. T. Allan, inaiiii- geci.—Tills! Is closed until June 211, to make niteratluiis to comply with new lire ordinance. Kisi'iiKu's (A. I-;. Flsiher, manager).—Bill week of 12 Inrliided: Cnlrnian, itoscoe nnd Simnis, hiHtruiaentailsts, and Wilson, iini- ivrllsl. also another wppk of biirlesipic, "In (inv Puree:" motion pictures. i-:.MPiii>: Itllily llnnkK, resident manager). —Conllniious vaodevllli; f->r week of 12 hi- cliiried : The IJeiuonlos. o» Ihe seven silver rings: .Madame I'eurale, tbo Litclfers, Kmpllc Lea, singer and dancer: Cox Family, Franks. Maybelle and l-'iemen. in ".Mcl'"ec'B Troubles," anil the cincmiiiogrupii. .VoTKs.—Henls! and Znlle, proprietors of tbo Unique TheMlre. have relumed lo the citv. after an uti.-M-nrc of eight months lu the |>:a'st Ju.xpph GuMiralth, Iciidliig man nt the IlPbisi'o, has so far recovered as lo li« able 10 rejoin t hp coHi|iun.v. Onklniid.- Al the Ma<-donoiigh lllnll .<(: Bnrlon. managers) John Drew, In "The Duke of Klllirrankle." Jiinp '20. '.'1. l.iai:KTY (H. W. Bishop, manageri.— Bishop's Stcii-k I'o,. In "At I'Iney KIdge." drew good houses. Br.i.L (M. llonuiH. mnnsgeri.—Bill 11) and week: Nevada Karrliiglon. biirleMliier; Wes- ton nnd Whaien. lu connsly: Oliver Trio, uirp walkers: Karilel and Tliiirdna. plrclrlcai dance iH'rfoniiers: l-'ioida and Hanson, the iHiislrallaiiii. Alleiidaiica Is llrsl class, as USIIIll. .VovKi.iv ri'iiiiy l.iiiieNkl. niiimigiTi. - Illll 1!' and weok: .MovIuk pleliiii"'. .leff-llpaly- Lavern, Mnilalno Ailelliia llelloni. operalli- slnger: Hnlmnn. "the human croeiNiile:" De .Mi'ra and <iriO-el;i. nci-.>ti:ii..-.: J. W. Valle. Fuller und ll.'iideiMoi. In •aim- . and diiiin-" llllslUCxH Is goiSl. Kiii-ini: IK. .M. riirisoii. looiinucri. Hill lU aiul week: Ve Scbltlds, Kltti« CUxtvu, Munlrcal—At tbe Thenlrc Framais i F. Haworth, manager) l.ii Troupp Cnianeuve. In "The Advcnluies ot Captain Corcornn," ilrew good houses Muy r2-l7. "Lo Voyage de Susette" !!• nnd week. TllBATlit; HuVAi. (i'". W. 1,11 Clair, niana- geri.—^The Una Clayton Slock Ca. In "Tho PrliM! of-Honor." had fnlc buslnc.4.s 12 17. "A Great 'I'einpallon" !!• and week. 'i'liKATHt: N.vrioNAi. Fbam\m.s (G. Gaiiv- renii. inniingeri.—'I'lic permanent French Nlock company closed Its season with "Le t!alviili-c D" Dnc Mere." (o fair business. I'J anil week. The theaire rco|H-ua <\ug. 7. HoilMKU I'AUK iLnvlgnc ti Lnjolti. niaun- geni).—'HiP n a rill went her drew \ntTf- crowds 10 wllncHM Ihe performances of May Butler, thp Klgorns, Prof. Wormwissl, .Mbaiiy and .Mndume Si-hell 12 and week. Week of 111: Prof. Worinwniid. Mlllniiiii Trio, the Three MpIvIus, J. Le Clair, Mnie. Sehcli. IlivKiisti.K I'AnK (,\i. K. Ilend. nmnngeri. —The park did gotsi luislneSR we«'k of 12, with the fi.llowiiig nets: Hnniy. Iluliert De Venn, the Great Don, I. K. Walton, Lu I'orle, Jeanne and Kllswortli and the bioscope. Week of IP: Brydon's dogs. Bean nnd Hum- illou, Kiigene Loikbnrt, Brown und Brown. Ht. John—At Ihe Opera (A. (). Skinner, manager) "A Hot Obi Time' opened June 12-14. to gisid Inislness, and plonsed. House dark l.'i-i7. Coming: A. O Seam- inon's C'n. in-21, "Joshua SImuklDs 2\i-mi, Jerc McAiillirc Co. 2«-July 1. VoiiK TitKATBi: (R. J. Armstrong, mana- ger).—Otis B. Tlia.ver and company opened n return cnghgcmcnt of three days 12, pre- senting n new piny, "The Post Commander," 112, 13, and "Sweet Clover" 14 to good biisl- nes.s. "Tiie Post t^oinniandcr' is u comedy dronin, in four nets, by .Marlon Sliiart nnd Piiulinc Phel|»>, who arc also the autliora of "Sweet Clover." The piece rccelveil Its flrst presentation on any stngi! June Ti, ut Glace l<ay. Cape Breton. The scenes are laid In and around Orchard lllits, Maine. The prin- cipal characters are G. A. It. vclpnins, who oil! in«lDlicrs of the V. S. Grant Post, (!. A. H.. which has Its hcndipiarteis nl llrchnrd Hills. .Maine. The Mory Is n strong one, and the cliaiiiclers nre well dmwn nnd true li> life. After a llltle allprnHoii of Ihe llrsl act. wblrii Is a Irllle tis> "lalky," there Is no reason why "The piist Commnader" aliould not Im! us sreat a sui-ii-ss us "Sweet Clover." 11 Is luiderslood Mint Mr. Tliayer will iiro- diico the play In New York next season. The cnst was as'follows: .Martha Spllkliis, Clara Iteynolds Smilh: Doc Applegale, Itolierl Itiibson: Jim Bishop, Jno. C. Ilrowucil; W>*.s- Ipv HIgpbiw. Oils 11. TImycr: Mood llasllngs, ICthel Davis: Bill Sluipkliis, Jake Mayer; Stoiipwiill Iligeiow, .]. ,M. .Moss: Jptnshn An- drews, Kstellp W.\nn; Horncp I'inn. Ituy C. linker: Isnbelle Finn, (Hive lliiggles: U-lltla Gillette. il::rrietl Ji-nklus. (MIh II. Thayr, ISobert Itiibson, John C. Brownell, Clara It. Sinltii hihI Kthel Dnvls deserve Kpcclal men- tioii. 'I'be others of Ihe i-oniimny gave splendid support. Local nmntcun), in con- cert, ir.. NoTKS.—p. A. Mnnnory, of the "Oulncy Adams Saw.ver" Co., nrrlvisl lit, and will h|M>nd Ihc Summer at his lionie here Sells & Downs' adverllsing car No. 2, in charge of II. W. Ijike, is In town. 'I1ie slioiv nrrlves 22 After n very aucii-ssfol season of foily-live weeks, iiiIk B. Thny"r nnd coiiipany close Ihelr sensuii ut Halifax, N. S., 2l, s 'I'nronlo.—Al Ihe Grand Oppiu Hoiisp (A. J. Small, nianagprl Kiigenlc Itialr, In "Fast l.ynne," conllnned to draw large iioiisps June 12-17. Hhe will take the part of Ixuilse, in "The Two (Jrpbans," 111 24.,an'm Point (Charles McMnhon, man- ager).—This place of amusement Is drawing large crowds every night. 'Hie hill 1217 In- cluded : Brown and Brown. Wilson nnd Brown, (inllagber und lllll, Harris and Do Ixiss, Hryilou's dog circus and Ben O'Mara. Mli.vKii I'AUK (W. Banks, niniuigcr).—Thli place of auiiisenienl Is druwing large i-rowiis. Thk Ohkat .Mi:kiiv Snows, which will bold fnrlb lu Toriinl'i week of June L'li, promises to eclipse anything In the \\-«y nf n carnival, or. lu fni'l, any peiebrnllon the city has ever had. The Carnival Is given under the niis- plces of Ihe local B. P. O. Elks, of whirli there are over three hundred uiemliei's. The entire proceeds will Ih' given lo the Toronto Children's Hospltnl, and every one la lending a helping baud to make the affair a great success. There arc twenty nttracllonB In the Mundy aggregation, the principal one.i lielng tbe Trulned Animal Arena, the IIIpi>odi-ome, Jlrc and Flumes. Ilereufler, Shooting Ihe Chutes, Ferris Wheel, Gondoins, Dluvolo Looping the Loop, Arthur, the high diver, and Marvello, leaping (he gap. To be held on the grounds of Bayslde Park, at tbc fool of VoDge Street. Wliiiil|ii*)i;.--At the Winnipeg Tlicalre (C. P. Walker, maiiapen "l''ublo llomuni"dld very fair business June H, id. ,Murgarpt Angllu i>|ieiied n live nlglilx' encugenient LI, presenting "Froii-Froti.' The udvamc uaie was very iarg". DuMlsioN 'I'liKATitr. (M. ICylp. luunngeri, - Uuslness was very good weeli of U. I''ollow- Ing was llie bill fo- wi-ek of 12: Fergiisim ami Muck, Franeelli und Lewis, Ilello Bel- moul, J. A. .Murphy nnd F.IiiIno Wllhird, Clifford l-;»kell. I''erry. "Ihe Human Frog," i::ila .M. i<'yvle l.'>enrh and the kiuodroini-. AllilTiHIirM SrMMKK GiltliKFf (I'. Spenie, ninnugerl.—The Itosclan t'oniic (ijiern Cu. closed its short season here |ii, after play- lug 111 very largo biinlness nil week. The Jolly Pulls, hypnatlsts, iield Ihe boards week of 12. IiuihIimi. —The Grand closed June III, wllb the Vernon Stock Co. as the last ntlrnclion. Manager Turloii left for tiueiss' 12. where he will innnage u Summer park. Ho will return to Loudon in August. Hi:,\m;tt's Vai.iu:vii,i,i: (C. W. Bennelt, ma linger i.-T'iie citnip has uttend- nni-e at this Iioiikc. Sohllers llliernlly pat- ronlzed the place, week of 12. For week of 111, Phi'iiso has been engaged an the headllner. NiiTKs.—.Manager Iletinett Is In New York, iKioklug for next season Sprlngimnk Park will iipen June '.'(i The Studilurd Siiick Co. will ronllniie for the season in a reiiertory of pliiys. W. L. Sliwurl will he the iiiiinuger. ■ linnilUoii.--.\l Sherman Park Tlienire (Wni. It. Sherniun. inanageri George Siiiii- niers' «'i>. will open fiir ihc Suniuier season June "Jli. in repertory. Till: GI!i:at .Mr.viiv Simw: will huld a ''urnlvni for one week, beKlniiiiig July ii. In Ilrltunniii Paik. 4 « » • IILANCilK HiXU. Whose picture appears on the front page of tills Issue. Is at present making a distinct su'i-ess as Ijid.v BIckenhnll, In "Sergeant Brup," Ht the Knlckertiocker Theotre, New York City. su|Hirllng Frank Dnnlels. Hhe h: well known lo thcali-egiiei'H in Ihe Kasi, and especliiily In this i-lly. wlii-re she lias en- ilppireil lierceir to liip puliM<- hy a long null vnrlisi lerni of service i>n vuHoiis iHini^i. Ifcr n-iirk K luagnelle ami lier reiulerliig of Ihe uiugs nllolled her is ns keenly enjoynbii- (islny as it was when her admirers llrst heard her. nnlTnlii.—At the Park (M. ShM, mana- ger i "'I'be Man from Mexico" is tioi drama for week of June II). "A Glided Fool" 2tl. Business Is substantial, nud the gloek ii>m- pnuy Is Installed very favorably. Wm. Fur- iiiirti Is leading. LvcKi « iJ. I.auglilln, ninnnger).- Mil- dred Ilollniid icuitlniics lo attract L-iuut busi- ness, con.ildcring the season. I'lic last weeks' cugflgenienl. Ihe curreni one, sees Ihe pr-scniatlon of "l.oflus llliis.soni." "iMin Short Hour" and "Ciariie, the .\clrcss." SiicA's. - Bill week of 111: ChiM-libih Simp- sou, Iliie and Caily. BrollierH Dnmm. Iler- lierl IJovd. Kdnard lllondell and Co.. lu "The Hoy:" Sinlrl and Kcssuer. Iiorls l-'pworth, and tile PcschkoK Unsslan 'I'miiis-, In iialinnni danivs. I.A>'AVi-rm; (C. M. Bagg, luaiiageri.- Tom Miner's Bolieinhiii Bnrlesipiers. wllti Andy Gardner, this wei-k. Broadway Burlesiiuers have neck of 2li. Wine. Women and Song Co.. with Itonlla, did very well. AriiLK'no I'AUK (Hobert F. Waller, uiun- iiger). -Hill week of IP: NnshviUe SliideulH, Giis Williams, Irene Franklin, itccd Family, Sclnln's Band. Maxwell and Dudley and tbe llrow-iilnits. The warm weather Is proving n stlinuliis lo attendance here. Ilucli<.att'r.—At Ihe Lyceum Theatre (M. 10. Wolff, nianageri the reorganl-zed slm-k company gave one of the ls>at slock perform- iinii'M ever s«'eii here, week of June 12, pre- senting "The l.o»t Paradlsi.." Ii'ranklyn llllchh-, the new lending man. scored heavily. Mamie Kmiwllon, Bessie Bnrrlscale and Hnr- old lliissell gave excellent aupisirl. Itu.sliicsa was good. ".Nlolsi" ID ami week. NATloNAt, TiinATRK (Mnx liiirtig, niana- geri.—Tbo Block addeil unulhor success to Its lung list, giving nn excellent interpretation of "Catherine." to Immense business. Jessie Bonatetle, Frederick Lewis and A. H. Sliuirt did excellent work In the leading role.s. "Honieo nnd JnlleC 11) and week. CiHiK OpRiiA HorHi: (J. 11. Moore, mana- ger).—"Imdy Bountiful" was well |iut on by Ihe slock week of 12, to large buslni'^s. Ilerl iiylell. Caroline Franklin and Chas. Carver did giMsi work. "I'orglven" 11) and week. -Bakkk Tiii;atri; (J. F.. Boyle, ninnngeri.— "London Lights" was well done 12 anil week, lo line pnlronagp. dpsplte Ihe siillry wi-nlher. The slock comiiany here has made an exci'l- lenl Impression. Lee Wlllnril and l/iiilso Vale dally gain In favor. A special imsllic- tluii of "Under Two Flags" 11> and week. O.VTAUMI ItKAl.-ll I'AIIK (Jllo. J. l!ollln.S, malinger).—.Vellle Chandler's Irfuiles Or- ciieslni cIosihI a siicces.-tful iiikI (imiseworthy engngemenl here. Johnson, wire walker, and Firty-foiirth Heg'inent Band hold awny 18 and week. DuK.'.vii.ANl) (F. J Walleri, nuiiuiKer).— Tho Killlcs Hand :ind llelenc GcranI riiwcd 17. For 18 and week: Tho Nashville Slii- ilenlH and Ihe Hoyui lliiiignrian Hoys' Hand (reluru eugagi-nipntl. All Hull Is nepiled lien- to swell the Ihrcngs is iiieuMinl weather. .S'oTi:.--The I'ool; Opera Ilonsir Stis-k t.'o.. niiihr llie guidance of James Cbiucey. Is going lo have u gala outliig nl Conesiis Ijike 2.->. A list of games, elc-.. will be pro- vided. K<.|i4*itp<.<nd>-.—Al the Mohawk Theaire (MoriInter Snmv, manager), week of Jaue I'2. the .Morllnier Snow Hloek Co., lu "linder, the Itcsi Holie," did vi'ry iiig liusiness. "Tiie Gandiler's Sweetiienrt" 11124, with lOdward Hans in llie Ipnding roh'. .'<oTi:.s. -Adelulde Warren is crillcnily III nt her home I,. F. Burton, dramatic critic and clly editor of Thr. DuIIh (la:rHi; has signed with Al, (1. Field's Minstrels ua press agent. They open In Coliimlins, o., July 'Jli... .Gertrude Archer, formerlv wllli Hlaachc Walsh, look Miss Warren's place an leading lady of the Mortimer Snow Co. on n few hours' iiollce. She was perfect in sixty pages of ninnuscrlpl nnd n-ady for Ihe per- fornuinci! In live hours... .Aiilu-ey Henllb'hnH been Hiiffi-ring from Ibroiil tiouble, but he is rapidly rct-uverlng C'liarles I'. GIbney, leading man. Is rapidly gaining favor Tb" Iocs I lodge of KIks has approiirialed $l.iiUO lo defray tho exiiensi>s at Biilfnlo wblli" III lonvenllon 'I'lje ■'ommencenient concert, given ijy Ihe uiiislcnl dulis of Union College, III the Van Curler Opera Hoiisp, •liine i;i, was by far liie inosi niuaiMHrMl eon- cert given by the chilis this Reason. Alliniiy.- -At tinrnianns Ulcecker llnll III. II. Jacobs, roauuger) Uie Coiirlenay Slis-k t:i>. essnyrd "The Altar of |i'rli'nilslil|)" June IJ und week, und notwltbatnudlug tbe Inteu:,'! Ileal, drew gwsi average nllenihince. 'I'lm iasl wi-ek of this compuny begius IP, with "Old Hpiileliwi-g." I'liocion'n 'I'liEA-rar, (Howard Graham, renl- dPUt mainispr).~TliP Siihimer slnck prespnt- ed all insl week "The Cbnrlly Hail," to Hie dellghl of crowds. 'I'bls tlieatre Is kept i-isil with eleclrlc fnas, which make 11 very com- furluiile. The play lU and week Is "The Iroii- Biuster." lli.Kirraiu Pauk. —Week of 12. at the Rus- tle Theatre- .Mile. Olive. .Maxwell und Dud- tpy, Gus WliHaius, Baker anil Lynn, llanl- hig nnd All Sid. and Ihe eleclniscopr. For I!) und week, the I'nioii Sipiare Opera Co. will prcacnt "The t.'hiiues of Noriuundy" ami "Uirofle-Glrollu." Notp: 'I'lie Kiiipire Theatre l':.\li'avngaa-/il Co. sfraniled here. The Iihonp i-i>iiiiilneil diirk, KlMiirn.---At ilorkk's Gli-n I'ark (ller- lierl Saihixer, manager) "Itoeraeili)" wna lueseiiled liy ibe ManhiillHii ilpeni Cii., i» I rowiled liouKi's. June 12 17. "lohinthi:'' will Ut presented IP 21. (F. W. .McConnell. nuiiuiger). • Billed for week of ill: SI. Lisiu and Me- Ciislck. Ardelte slid Leslie. Liili'in Hull, Fniiiile May. Ilbiiiche Luring and Jauieii II. I'roudlove, llliilloMcope and llluslraled iioagH, Business Is goisl. ■ ■TnnioMliitvn. '-,\l Celeron Tlieulre (Jiile Deliuur. manager) .Marcel's art studies was the headline ad week of June 12. This was onii of ibe lliiest acts ever iiroilghl: lo this phiyhoivie, and Hie audleucps liecaino •■lilliii- slnsllc, iMhers who niiide up an exeellpal lllll were: l-^iliel Hobinyon. in rag time nour>: : i-'ri-i! WykolT, i-iiIh> i-oiiosliaii; Al. Wnli'/i nml Heed and Siiaw. BuKlness Is good. NicrK. -Charles T. Triniiile bos leased the Aruiory Tlinilre at Corry, and will ninnago II next aenson. I'lien. -At Hip .Majestic Theatre (Schu- liect Bros., tiinuugprs) Ihe ICahn Stock Co. op'-neil June 17, to good husiness, In "For get Mp .Vol." "(!annliia" will be presenteii June 22-24. Thn company will remain dol- ing Die Summer montlis, wllb iiinlliiees Tliursdny and Snliiniiiy. Lorraine llollla and Ciiarli-s Kdmuiidi liend Hie company. ■ — ■♦»» WBNT VlllGliVIA. Mil. Ill ■..111. r.-e.iilly a so ssful eiii;aKHiieiii al llouaril, HnNloii, lier lllth ehgiigviucul tlicrv lu ulxiecu luoutbH. WheelhiK At the Court Theatre (K. H. Fran-/.helin, inanageri "I'lff! PnffI! I'oiif:;i" laid good business June l.'i. K. II. Sotbern nnd Julia Marlowe 24. WlttKI.I.sil I'AMK. -The bill for week of 12 gave good :;nilsfacliiin und the alleudaucc was line for the iiiieiiliig week. Hill for IH- :H : .May Heirort, I'oller and Itnrlwell, .Mar gpiy Ibii-rpll. .Xliierlu und .Melghan, und Ihe nii'vlng jiletiires. • 'u.Miv iNi.tMi I'AUK. -This resort opened Us sensoii with good alleiidauee, all of lite iillrai'lliiiii gave mllKfuelliiii. ami Ihe alli-i»l Hiiip na-i giioil. Hill fill- ui-ek nt I.S: lielninie mill lineldn, l-enielle und llaib-lliri., linieN ami IDnii. Mr and Mr.. JoiL Ihi.tuiua, mid Mr. gud Un. Ncile. WISCON.lIJf, >lii«Tankee.-. ■The Woggle Bug,' tle> new fairy exlrBv«Kii'u.i. whiili Is to lioht tle^ fliige of till- itBirlik Theatre. (!hlcago. (or .i Siie.iuier run. was given Us iirrmlrr [lerlorui aiiie at Ihe DavidMm The.ilrp June 14. Il Is ji ilranintl/nllou of ■■The .MarvehuiH Lniut of Ot. ' hv Frauk ihiiini. iiiiidc liy Fredcrp-l Ch.iiilii, and Is along Hie snuu- lines ns ■ Th^ Wl/.tiiil ef or." In se-uic and rleclili-nl i-t (pels II Is picellenl The la a slimiK one, and lecludes: nnbel lllte, Bianehe Di'tn. I'linelie Ciiviir, lleatrlce McKeuile, Fred Mn<-". ilnl Gnilfrey, Sydney Deanc. Sydney lliuy ami i-;dw»rd I'unnliigham. Tiie elniriis. iiom berUii: seventy \a'uiili". wiis nisii notlci-.ilili^ for Its strength. While nil Ihe prlni'lpi'. .M-ered, siMvlul personal hits must be crriliied tu lllnni'lip iipvo nnd .MoIm'I IIIIp. Cimniieiu log Monday. Ill, Hie Hniwn-Bnker Slock C" nivns, nnd will pn'seiit "Who's Ti>in|>kliW ." IP '24 : "The Ciiiiuly Fair" week of 2.'>. Ai.iiA^iniiA.— .Manager W. W. Wlltig's aci\ londhiK mail. Hurry Glazier, has liii^iuiie a favprllp. Ills Work Ibe tuist week In Ibe r"i<- of lieubrii Warner. In "Tlip isisl I'aniilisi'.' won Ihe hearty aiipiauHi* nnd general a|i provnl of good Hir.iHL audlonrea. lie will run liuiie ul Ibis bouse al the bead of a slork cimiipaiiy. "i'lie Ln(« Mr. Jem's" will tip pni on week of 18. Hl.iini (John It. Pierce, manager).—"Isiru 'I'horne." whlcii closed Ibe si'Ukoii of lhi-< lioii.Hi., week of II, rnnks niiioug Hie lu-.-l dramas during the season. .\l lenilniu-e was highly satisfactory. AcAiiKSiv. —- .Maungi-r Fiiwln TiiaiilHsiscr will open bis week of IN, pri>s«>ntlug o VBudcvliie bill, wllh a view of untcrlahilni.' the Woiidinen, who mwl lu this cItv. Tin- bill Includes: The Four KInnos, Mullen aiul I'on-Ill, American (,'onieily Four, Baby Lund. iMIir Denu nnd cuniimny, Dnii Iteklaitl nml Garden anil Homers. GiLiNn (S. It. Simon, managi'r),—i'eopl.^ week of 111 IucIiuIp: Lynn and Keiined.v. .Mar gnri'te Mcllrldc, .M. C. Berg. Honulvn nml tVuni, mill KoHo and i^lllls. Ilusluess Is gmsl. CuvKTAi, iF. H. Winter, innnugerl. 'nn- week of June 12 was a gnln week. Prince!.* Velvn, of Helgliini, headed (lie bill, siiptno-lnl by n strong coniimny, eonslstiiig of Kylvei lor, Jones und i'rlliKle, liennings, Lewis nml lleniilngs, Geo. Btewnrt, Howard and liliuler. nud Hinitb Bros. Business was gri'al. For week of II); Cnsnd and Deverne. Woiulerfiii Iliisi-h Funiily, Jlai Dallon, Brisiko Fllryni, and Cnrrnltoii and Hodges. .\iiTi<;s.--ltlb^y I'Inlmbprbiln, oup of llie most popular hiemln'm of the ohl 'I'ii.inliiooii'r iiini|iniiy, lins mat bis lot wllh the llmwii Bakpr Comidimllim. nt Ihu Dnvldson. Hnrl J. Hndiilp, former press ugcnl, and Hen Scott, nssisiunt trcusnrer ul Hie Amilcuiy. have iilso ceasiHl Ihelr conneellou wllh I lie Academy In lake up the same line of work wllh .Messrs Hnivvii and Baker h',ilwhi Tliniilionser lias engaged Fdna ,lohnson Diiilbi)) lo iiniulie bis press work. The em pioyuii-nt of a woiiuin In this iiiiuiclty is a uiivi-ity In .Milwuiiken Ilnriuiia A. lli'iley'B circus Is lienvlly bllleil fur Mondny. July :i ■■'ernri Bros.' Show Ik :iIsi> billed, fur wis'k of Jiino I!) losepb i.'luiider's Mllllury Hand la arorliig n hlg lill al Wonderlniid. Foiiil du liilP. -Al the Idea 'I'iiealre, during week of June l'2, business wiis gisid. Carlisle and St. Claire, hi double cmiiisii slnck wire; La Adelln, liauciiig cliuuges: Daiiey ii«d i'hllll|iiH-. ecceiilric couicily ; Cmi ser's Dog Circus. Baby tiiuilvs. the child bariloiic, and the (ireni Siinuldlng, "Hip nion Willi llip cuff," all did well. Ilereufler Ihri-e will hi>|kwii cbaiigeH of progrnuime rnch week. June ni-21. Hie hill will be lUiiilP ll|» of litU Bowers. Haiiy Wlkoff and conipnny, the llnli'h llroN., ami Hie ilros. Dp Viiii. I'nr 22 2."i: 'I'lie Greal Vcr Valin, I'pllliigiile aioi Burns, Itayiniuul Kei. .Major O'l.angliiin, nnd inoving picliii'ps. This iipw viiiidevllie tlien Ire was erected ii.v L. ,\. Lunge, und teu'ieil to .MesHis. Jones >V O'Hrleii, who already con trill like houses at Itjiclne, i<ieuiH<hii nml She isiygaii, and linvn hon.sps hi coiirsi' of cnii sli-iieiliiii at Wniikcgiiii and MvauHton, Hi., und Miiwaiikee, Wis., In cnuipletp their circiill. Tim lioiiMi is doing ii very siiccesHfiil liusliies«, Which Is growing ihili.v. The slugu Is hirger llinn Ihc nvprnge of Hits i-hisu of boii.-ies. 'rhc exeriitlve niaff is: Jones & D'Hrien, pniprle loi's: F. J. ifBi-leii, general niuiinger Ikimivn aiuoag Ihe iirorpsiiloii as l>'rnncis .1. Ilryani i: J. T Hiilliiian, reiildeiit manager; 1^. M>' Cnrlhy. atagn liiHiiagi'C. 4«» ' KIINTUUKY. Lunlavlllf.—^'Ilio Confedcrutc Veler,iiiK' reunion, held here June 14-lU, bi'i>ughl et- eeedlngly liirge crowds to .the city, and lo cuii'.ei|ii«nri: the outdoor rcuurU reaped n btti'VPit FiLVTAl.-iB Fi;m:v Pahk I Win. Kelclini.iii, ui'iniBeri. An excclleiil hill wiik provliied for Ihe crowds week of II, nnd wus highly npiirpcl,''led Ford Ktslera and Hrotliers ninde n deddtsl linprpsalon, iitid received lieiirly i:ii |iliii|se (or (heir artlslle work. Now i)'ro|Po PUgaged for week of Dl are: Hlaley and III: Ih!cIi. I'leri-u and Itoalyii. Madame Cuiegroce' > hrirspH and dogs, l^'recze Bros, Hciiroek iiud llli'c, inid I'ewHi. I'Al.s'H l<'iiu:woHKH Ca«.vivai, (.laniei H. Cniup, malinger).- 'I'lio Fall of I'orl Ariliur. week of 12, was given In a reallKlle aiunner by a roiiiiMiny of over four hiilnlnsi penjile A troii|ie of .Ino so gnve all cthlliltloii ilrlli Ibal recelviil liearly uiipliiinie. A line dl;- play of Ih-pworks eiiiieil (he perforinani-e ami proved sal Isfni'lory lo the iniiiieuse ci««i|< Ihol atletided. JncKV Ci,i;m I'AUK I.MutI Wluii, muaaneri — J. H. IniHs nnd his kiiiul gave i-ma-irl i nightly diu-iiig week of 12, to hn-ge i-i-uwili. ■ ■ ■ Pniliienh. Al the Cnslno (Wui. Msjone, ia!iii.-iger) Mr. Malone baa orgaiil;iPil n i,tiM> roiii|Miiiy to piny < verv niglit, wllh Iwo ehniiges w-(.|(|y. 'I'lu. jii-nI |h rforiiniin-e b-ii. given June Hi. lo big ultembiiiee. In the conipnay pre: Mnn l''orrell (.Mrs. Malone,. Dora Swenreiigpn. .N'elilp liranvillp, Ham- Killi-iwdpr. Hugh Irvlnglon. rimrl-i i;. .Mm rut, Frank fi. Mnyo and Alhiu Kelly. •-»> AI.AIIAIHA. Mitlillc -At Ihe Monroe Park Tln-nlie (M. A. .MeliernioK, ninnngi-ri .ln>-ii.>.iui'K I'n mi'dlaiiH closed n very siicceiisfMl engngpiiipui of live weei<s al Ihls liuiise June lu, nnd leli for JucksDii, .Miss. Week of 12 ois'iied wlili conUliiint gisid liusiness. Tliii perfocianni'- put on wna iilrlctly vniideville. Seniaiin nml Mntclieltp's lllyinpla .Muslcnl <.'iiinPily Co. in "Till! Telephoiip Girl" unit "Said I'nilm.' will is- tlie IiHIh week liegliininu .M'Oi'liiv. Juno I!). The prlneip.-il.i are all null kounii. nail harp lecidveil lioni pn-ss nud |iol>i<i- everywliere ii-isignlllon Inr ilieir and irolliM-llve nblili}. Ih-re is a ii-il of llin.i- most roa:<iil>-iii)iiK: Loltle KenilMll. l-:ilwHi't Kogletou, Tberese Hiirker, Curl llnvda, l-ji Inlle Viiniig, llnle-ri Pllkin, Kva llctiti, Jo->. Alexander, Herliia WelKbeek, I/-i, ,\i|i|e. Mmi sleiir H. de Laponyndp, the einlneiii .Sen iii leans scenic urilsl, bus clinrgc of the m-enl.. ei]iilpinpnt of ihc |iriH|ii<-i|im. .N'ii-ri:s. -I.l"kii S|ienser, a viindevltii- per former, well known lo the SmuIIi. wh-. noo ricil receiiily In l/'onaid I'.rnwn. ii pi-i fe.-idoual. in till-; iliy, ul Ihe Govei-iinii-u; StrepI MptlioillMl Chiii-i-li iHirsoiinci-. In Uet J. II. K. Siiabi, The atteudanlH were .Mr ami .Mrs. I.iikp .Murray The Siiiniiiei- iduhl'^ ciiiii-erl-. liy Ibi. Fln.i Inranh-v Itiin.l ii.iilhoie III draw l;iii;p iinwils mi ('■ui-uliiv nlcllli 'Hie iipeliiiii: ••! Hie i>|K'ra s-e:i HMD, ill, :ii .Monroe I'ark Theuirr, pnnnisei to be u gulg crvuL