The New York Clipper (June 1905)

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450 THE IsTErW YOHK CLIPPER. June 24. 1SonD«tte Bros., Clarcmoiit, N. U., ZO-lalr 1. Srlatol'a Pooin, KlTenlew Park, Baltlmort, 19- Jalf 1. BraalT A Braill, Fbtdi. Tolcilo. O.. lft-24. £rl(tit Brui., TWoll. I^ouilou, Kdk., 1»-Jul7 24. Urrant, 3liiy, Pnlncr, Uuniun. 10 'J4. Brady's, Thi-. t)u)le's, Atlanllc CMs. N. J., 1»'24. Brook*, irrniiklln A., PaTlllaoi Hra Btmr, H. J., Brown, Wnnl, KHIh'a. X. Y. C, JB-24. Brobat TiJo. fork, Aurinta, Mr., 111-24. BroirulnKii. Tlip, AtblPtIc I'ark, Ilnffalo, in-24. Brooka, Jraiiw. Siirlnglirook Park Caxlnu, Hontb B«iid, Ili<l., 19'2I: Hunnnrr Tark, Marlon, 20- Joir 1. Bradstaaw, Cliaa., & Co., I'roctor'a 23d St., N. Y. C, l'J-24. BrjUuD'n Dug*, Rlvrmldc I'irk, Moolml, Can., 19-24. Brown A llruwn, Hlrpraldp Park, Monlrpal, Can., 1II-Z4. Browa. Jack:, ft Lillian Wrlebt, Bijou, Kacaaaba, MIoli.. 11124. Brmwt Bro<i., Atlaoilr Onrden, N. Y. O., 10-24. Baicli Kaioli.r, Crjatal, UllwaiikH-, 111-24. Uaiinn n Uruoka. Karm, ToIpOo. u.. 19-24. Bnrkpa, JuKKlliy;, BIJon, Fond Da Lac, Wla., 19- 24. Burton ft Burton. Collwuni, Inn Haute, ind., 18 24-, TrocoilPro. CUIcagn, 2.'i'Jal/ H. Burkbar: tt Kerr;, Midway I'ark, MI-ldlrtowD, .V. y.. 1«24. Bonn, tlddie, Wuwl Ljrne Park, Camden, N. J., 10-24. Biirilrti^ Madeline, Oakfonl Park. Jranoelte, Pa.. lU 24. BunliK-k SiHtera, Umcaile Park, New Castle, Pa., 1024. Bmklrk ft I'Icb, Tnmbling Run Park, PottaTllle, Pa., 10-24. Boiler .<t l.nniar, llnmliurg. Pa., 19-24. Byron ft niaiicli. Kmplre. Oakland. Oal., 10-21. Caraon num., I.oki-wooil Park, Wolorbury, Conn., 10 24; Lake l.'onpoonce Park, lioutblugtou, 20- July I. Carrlllo, Leo. Kellb'a. Pblla., 10-24. Carmen SlHlera. lIonderMon'H, Coney lalanci, N. t., lH-21. Caarv t 1.C Clolr, Avon Park, YoungatowD, O., 18-24. Carre'H Harw<<, Hippodrome, N. Y. C. 10-24. CarrilltnL X: lIoditM, Cr.vHtnl. Milwaukee, Wla.. 10-24: Olymiilr. Chicago, 2a-Jnly 1. Campbell, Idn, A. ft S., Boalon, 10-24. Calceilo, Juan A., Luna Park, Couey laland, N. Y., 19-24. , e»rr ft Joflan, Paalor'a, N. Y. C. 10-21. Corter ft Waters Co., Robluson Park, Vt. WayDe, Ipil., 18-24. Carwoi f: Wiilard. Rocky Sprlnga Park, Lancaa- ler Pa.. 111-24. Carter, Mr. ft Jlr*., Carl, Earl, Pueblo, Col., 10-24. Carbrrry ft Hlaulon, Cook's Park, EfuUTllIe, iDd., 2!l-Julr 1. Ca.<edT, .Mabei, Ulymplc, Cblcago, 19-24. Carroll ft Clarke. Star. AllaDU, Oa., 10-24; Cook's Park, Kranarlllp, lud., 20-Jul7 1. Calvert, Oreat, Al Freocu, Peoria, HI., !9-24. Cberry ft Bate!), Lakemunt Park, Aitooua, Pa., 10-24. Cbadwick Trio, tloag Lake, Woonsoeket, S. I., 1024. Cbrlstuiiber, Cbutea, San Kran., Cal., 10-24; Bell, Oakland, 20-Jiily 1. Ubick, Luna Park, Coney lalind, N. Y., 10-24. ft Wllllii, WcHt Knd Park, New Orleana, 2r,-July 1. Clarrui'? Slaters, Weat Knd, New Orleans, 19- 24. Claiidlua & Scarlet, Woolnrortb'a, Lancaster, Pa., lu-24. ClitTord ft Orik, BIJou. Rockford, IIL, 10-24. Clliilun ft Ilukblna, Coiiey Island, Clnrlnnttl, IU-24. aine. ilaggie. I'roctor'a, N. Y. O., 10-24. Clarruionl, Al., I'lti^rfjurg. Pa., 111-24 CiitTurd ft Anuiiil. Norelty, Unitpr, Ool., 19-24. Clark ft Kraua. .Mauliattuu, Nurfulk. Va., 19-24. Cllino!<. Mile., Luun I'urk, Cuuey Island, N, Y., 111-24. Clarke. Lucy, Kmplre. t.K4a. Rug., 18-24; Metro- IMiUtau. lAindon, 2U-July 15. Clark, ft Floreite, Suunier Park, Med(onl, Mosa., ltl-24. Clarkm, 'riie. III|i|KHlroiiie, N. Y. C, 10-24. UlarkuulDua, Tlie, UiiiiiulrDme, N. Y. C, lU-24. Clarke ft Tmi|ilc, l'i,icber'M. I<oa Angelea, Cal., 111-24: Unique. Frtsno. 2U-July 1. QxHirr, J. W.. Kurelty. Denver, Col., 10-24. Coridey ft Burke, Caaciilc Park, New Castle, Pa., 10-24. Colley ft Dean, Manballau, Nurfalk. Va., 10-24. Coiicbaii. Paul, Fun-nt Park. St. (.oiils, 2a-July 1. CatlouK. 'rbe. Kiuptro. Oakland. Oal., lli-'24. Coruniias yji). Paragon Park, Itostou, 10-24. Conway ft Held, Keith's. N. X. U., 1U-24. Conluu ft IUkIIiik-), iiyers l.akc l^uslno, Canton, (1.. 18-24; ^'anu, Toledo, 2tl-July 1. Conspr'H Dogs, l.eni|i'N Park, Ht. I,oula, 19-24; l-'auiily, K. St. Louis, HI., 2U-July 1. Collins ft llnrl, Tlvoll, l/ouilon, Kug., ID-July 31. Cuppiuger ft Wbile. A. ft .S., UcHlon, lU-24. CoiiKblin, Jubn, Keith's, noxtoii. lU-'.'4. Collins. I'oniiny, 'I'rio, Sea Ucevie Park, Set Uree<e, N. J., 111-24, Coiier ft May, Doyle's, Atlantic City, N. J., 10- Corwey, Terry, lIlp|iodrume. N. Y. C, IU-24. Ctde .V CltHUeiu. I'tistor'H, N. Y. C, 10-21. Oilgroves llorsni ft Dogs, Konlaln Kerry Park, l.uiiisTille. Ky., lM-24: Weat Knd Park, Nevr UrIeuiiH, Ijt., July 2-iri. CuluiubUna, The, Highland, St. I.aals, 19-24. Uatn'H Dogs, Young'a Pier. Atlantic City, N. J., 19-24. Oirbetl ft Knrrealer. Jacob's. Pi>orla. III., 19-24. Cuiiroy ft Henry, Young's Pier, Atlantic City, N. J., 10 24. Crane. Lunmicc, OoyU-'a, Atlantic City, N, J., 111-24. Colonial Seiiielte, Ye. Keltb's, Pblla.. 10-24; .Miiea's. Ilniralu, 2U-Jnly 1. Umni'ily, Pete. Pittsburg, Kan., 18-24. 0>tlon'H CoiiHKly Donkeys, Uiyerriew Park, Bal- timtire, lO-July 1. Caiinnn ft Kelly. Olympic. Cblcago. 19-24. Cruckelt ft llymes, Doyle's, Atlantic City, N. J., 1024. Cmiiy Trill, Ligiion. Ludlow. Ky., lK-24. Crawford ft Maniiiug. West Knd, New Orleans, 1II-'J4. CnrtlH ft ,Mny. Wnolwurtli. I,ancaster. I*a., 10-24. CiiH|)iuaii ft St. I^aire, Lyric, Jupliu. .Mo., 18- 24 : Lake Hide Park, Webb Olt.v, 2.-i-J«ly 1. Doy. tlni. W., Onilieuni, .San Fran., C»l., 20- July 3. Dale. Vlidette. A. ft S.. Itostim, 10-24. Day. Curlta, ft Plckx, Proctor's, Newark, N. J., 19-24. Dnium llms., Shea's, llutrulo. 19-21. D'Arrlile .siilers. lint Springs, Ark., 19-July I. Duyt'iii Sisters. .Midland, Ft. Dodge, la., lH-24, DiiKiveli. Aurie. Keitli's, N. Y. 0., 10-24; Keith's, lliMlnii. 2(1 July 1. Dayielle. Mndge. Kllte. Daveniiort, la., 10-24. Dnirines. Tiie. A. ft S.. nostun, 10-24: Casino, llm-ky I'.iint, It. I.. 'Jfl-Juiy 1. U'KIniar Urus., Luna Park, Ouiiey Island, N. Y., 111-24. Ue ItwH-tt ft KsMla, Ijikewooil Park, Water- Irary. Conn.. 10-24; White (Ink Park, New Itrltnlu, 2d-July I. Ueveou. lluU-ri. Kkvtrlc Park, Ottawa, Can., m 21. Dereiiio ft t«lm>, Doyle's, Atlantic City, N. J., IB-24. Ue l.f>«i, CleniiHit, Fni'lioily Park, Newport, U. L, 19-24. Deisniii.. Nnlnlle. llralll, S. A., 19-Oct. ai. U<' Vnn> ft Curtis. C. o. IL. Marlon. Ind.. 19-24; Ciiesler Park, t'iiieiniinti, 0., 2i1-.1uly 1. Delia ft Dog. l.ex'lugloii Park, Ilosion. lu-24. Deliuore ,v Oneida, (.'.iiwy Island, Wheeling, W. Vs.. 1024. Oeliaure ft Darroll, Coney Island, Wheeling, W. V... 1024. De Van Sisters, Hainoua, Grand Rapids, Mirb., 1024. De lirrnus (21, |1uli|ue, Mlnneaisdis. Minn., 10- 24 : Ideal, Fisid Du Wis., 2ilJuly 1. Driuion- ft Wllviin. Pari». Fr.. IHJiily I : Hack- ney, l4iiul Kng., .'18; llallAway, 10-1,1; New fniss. IT'22: Slrniruhl. "24 '.'0. De Rue. Iliibliy, (Vulrnl I'ark, Dunkirk. N, T.. to-24. DeveHux Sisters, Young's Pier, Atlantic City. N, .1.. 10-21. Derrln. J. 'P.. Viiiipie. Sun Jiwe. I'al.. 10-21: t'tiiipir. Santa Crus. 'Jil Jnir I. De llullis ft Valnra, illsdilune. Mich.. 19-24. Deliiiiiuii ft- IMnion'. t'elenai Park, Jamestown, .\. v., 10-'J4. Derenni ft Ijiilew, Doyle's. Atlantic City, N. J.. 11124. De Vero. ItaMli ft Wife. Rocky Springs Park, Lan- caster. I'J.. 10-24. Denltai. Dora, Codtroy's, Grand Rsplda, MIcta., 11)24. De Lcifls. Chevalier. Vlclnrln, X. Y. C, 1924. De Mcmile ft- Dlusnnire, Uljun Theatre, UarlettI, Wis . 19-24. •'DhU," Woolvortli, Ltnculer, P*.. 10-24, Dlioo, Burt ft Leon. Lakevlew Park, Terra Riute. Ind., 18-JUI; 1. DUon, Bowers ft Dixoo, Dreamland Park, Birtla- biirg. Pa., 19-24: Columbus, 0., July 3-8. "DIda." Victoria. .V. Y. 0., 19-24. Diamond ft Smith, Hampton Ueacb, N, U„ 10- Jnly I. '^ Dockray, Will, I.eilngtoa Park, Boston, 19-24. Domes, Pearl. Kniplre, St. Paul. Minn., 19-24. Dorsch ft Russell, Myers' I.ake, Canton, O., 2-'i- Jiily 1. Downey, I.eslle T., Novelly, fllocklon; C«L, lA- 24. Dotdey. J. Francis, A Dancing fllrls, Kellb'a, N. Y. C, 10-24. Donovan, I'annle, Chutes, San Fran., CiL, 10- 24 : Lycenu. Sau Krnu.. 2il-July I. Dnherty's Poodles, Uaulan'a Point, Toronto, Can., 19-24. Doherty Slaters, Forest Park, St. Jjta\ii, 19-24; Hopkins', Memphis. Tenn.. ZOJuly 1. Dockslader's Toblold Min«trels, Proctor'B 23i| Street, N. Y. C, 10-24. Dorgeval, Therese. Shea's, BnlTalo, 20-jBl7 1. Doone. Allen, Kara. Toledo, O.. 1024. Doyle, Kililb, Idorj Park, Toungsiovn, O., 10-24. Drew, Ddrotby. Barrasfonl Tour. Kngland. Drawee. Tlvoll, Tendon, Eng., lO-July ill. Drew. Carroll, Ritcker, Rockford, 111., 18-24. DiiDMnts (.'<), Liverpool, Kng., 10-24; Stratrotd, July 3-8; Sbeplierd'a Busb, 10-iri. Duffy Sawtelle ft DiilTy, Oakwood Park, Pltts- tnirg, 19-24. Dunn ft Kvelyn, Trenton, N. J., 10-24. Dunns, The. Jacobs'. Peoria, III., 19-24, Diinree, Geo. ft LIbbie, Btjon, Osbkosb, Wla., 10-24; HIJou. Manltowuc, 20-July 1. Dnbill, Wonderland, Minneapolis. 19-24. Dii Vries, Sam, Ingeraoll Park, Des Molnea, la., 2r,-July 1. F.arl ft Wilson, Casino Park, Kalanuaoo, Mlcta., 10-24: Sberldan Park, Highland, III., 2ti- July 1. Edmonds, Joe, Keith's, Boston, 19-24; Keith's, Phiia., 2U-July I. F.ldrldge, Ureal, Unique, Minneapolis, 10-24. Klwooil, ft Maggie Benlon, Avon Park, Yonngs- town, 0., 18-24. KMrldge. Press, Farm, Toledo, O., 10-24; Lake- side Park, Canton, 2n-jMly 1. F-lmer, Pete ft AlUe, Pavilion, Oswego, ^. Y., lO-JulT 1. Kllswortb. Four, Broadway Theatre, Los Ad- Kcles. Cal., 10-24. K.litons, The, Oanlen, KIraIra, N. Y., 10-24. Klloii, Sam. Mualc Hall. Brighton B^cb, N. Y., 19-24; Klfvlrit Par's, Baltimore, 2a-July 1. Rlraore ft Cotlrell. IIIjou, Green Bay, Wis., 19- •II; Bijou, .Marinette, 2.'>-Jniy 1. liuiery. Will, HIJou, Dnlutfa, .Minn., 19-34. Knmerors of Music (4), Doyle's, Atlantic Oty, X. J , 10-July 1. Kmidre City Quartette, <)rpbeum, I.os Angeles, Cal., 19-Jaly 1. Kpnortb, Dodis, Sliea's. BulTalo, 19-24, r>telle, Klliabeth, Doyle'a, Atlantic City, N. J., 10 21. Esmeralda Sisters, Henderson's, Coney lalanJ, K. v., jO-24. Ksher Slalers, Palace, Boston, 19-24. Kthardo, Naomi, West End, New Orleans, 10-24. KVDrtiart. HIpiiodronie. I.oodon, Kng., lO-JnIy 1. Evans Trio, Unique, Kou Claire, Wis., 19-24; UIJuu, Uulnth. .Minn.. 2U-July 1. Folk. Kleaisir, Proctor'a Stb Ave., N. Y, C, 19- 24. I'urrvll. Cliff, Southern Park, Plttsborg, 19-24. FsasI ft Laiiiils, Ijimon, Ludlow, Ky., 18-24. Kagnn ft Merrlauj. Westnood Park. Cincinnati, 0„ 10-24; nijou, Hamilton, 2G-July 1. Farrell, Charley, A. ft S.. Boston, 10-24. Far, llatvl. Midland, Ft. Dodge, la., 19-24. Kalrehlids, The, Peoria, III., IU-24: Cedar Hap- ids, la., 2U-Jaly 1. Felmsr Sisters, Casino, Fonda. N. Y., 10-24. Keldman ft Hall,-Midland, Ft. Dodge, la., 111-24; Electric Park, Kuusas City, Mo., 2il-Jaly 1. Fern Comedy Four, Guvemalor's, Atlantic City, X. J., lOJuly l.'i. I-'ergnson ft Passinore. Oak Summit Rock. Evans- vlile, Ind.. 10 24; Wonderland Park, Oanvllk!, III.. 2il-July 1. Fentelle ft RadclllTc, Couey Island. Wbecllog, W. Va.. IU-21; Spring llrovc Park, ,Springllehl, O., 25-July 8, Fields ft Hanson, Chutes, San Fran., Cal., 10-24; Unliiue. San Jose, 20-Jnly 1. Klsliir. Mr. ft Mrs. Perkins. Rocky Springs Park, K. I.ireniool, O., 10-24; Cuslno, Toledo, •26- July 1. Fields, Will H., Ltndenwald Park, Erie, Pa., 18-24. First. Harney, Electric Park, Kansas City, Uo., 10-24: I.akewo«(l Park, Terre Haute, lud., 2tl- July 1. Fitchugb, Anna, Proctor's 23d St., N. Y. 0., 10- 24, Fields .\ damage. Lake Contrary Casino, St. Joseph. Mo., lS-'24. I'Utaer, Susie, Keith's, Phlla., 10-24. Fields, Nettle, Lake Contrary Casino, St, Joseph, Mo., 10-24. FUber ft Johnson, Oak Park, Sacrameuto, (^1., lfl-24 : Hell. Oakland. 2U-Jnly 1. Flureiii-c Sisters, Aumont, Moscow, Rut., 10- Sept. I. Flash, Lagoon, Ludlow, Kv., 18-24. Fox ft lluglien. Riverside Park, Boise, Ida., 19- Jnly 2. Ford Uros. ft Sisters, Mempbis, Tean., 18-24; C. O. 11., Chicago, 2e-Joly I. Fni ft Wanl, Park, Beaver Falla, Pa., 19-24. Foy ft Summers, Norwalk Pleasure Resort, N«r- walk, U.. 18-24. Ford ft Wilson, Kmplre, Johannesburg, S. A., 19- Nov. 1. Ford-Uehrue & Daisy Glrla, Orpbeum, Sta Frao., Cal., 19-24. Folkert, Arthur O., Crystal, Denver, Col., 19*24. Freete Bros., Fontaine Ferry Park, Loulavllle, Ky., 10-24. Fred's Monkeys, Orphenm, San Fran., Cni., 10-24. Fredericks, The, Lyceum, San Fran., Cul., 10-24; Belle, Oakland. 2t>-Jnly 1. Franomathes ft Lewis, Uaruian Park. Logansport, Ind., 10-24; Wonderland Park, Danville, Hi., SU-July 1. Franklin, Irene, Athletic Park, Ruffaki. 19-24. French, Ilossle, Orptieum, San Fran.. Cal., 10-21. Frosto, tainx., Stratford Park, Deleware, 0., 19- Krinels. ICmma, Keith's, Boston, 10-24. Frsnclscns (21, Chicago, 10-24: Gaiety, Spring- Held. 111., 211-Julv 1. Frankfonls, The, Acme, Norfolk, Va.. 19-24. Qsrdner ft Vincent, Lyceum, l.owlon, Unc-. July .1-31. Gsn-lnettl Family, Gran Clrco Trevino, Monterey, Me.v., lO-.Inly 1. Osrdner ft Stmidnrd, Ingeraiill Park, Des Moines, Ifl.. 10-24 (Isnlner ft Golden, Unlqne, Fresno, Cal., 10-24. Osilelli's .Monkeys, Henderson's, Coney Islaral, X. v.. 19-24. Gavin, Plult ft Peaches, Oakfurd Park, Jeanette, Ps., 18-24. Oaolner, West ft Sunshine, Quvemator's, At- lantic Pity, X. J., Hl.JnIy I. GaylnnI, llonnle, Mnniiattaii Reach, Denver, Col., 18-24: i;r.nital Park, .Se<lQlin. .Mo.. 25-Jiily 1. (lanlHer, Jack, Rnnioua, Grami Rapids, .Mich., 19- Geiger, John, Lakeside Park, Canton, 0„ 10-21; Psrk, K, Liverpool, 20-Jnly 1. Glhney Sisters, A. ft S., Boston. 10-24. Giidny ft Fox. Keith's, Phiin.. 10-24. tjllninu Slaters, Guvernatoc's, Atlantic Cllr, N. J., 10-24. tlllroy, ila.vea ft Montgomory, Bonleranl, Med- fonl. Mass., 10-24. Glocker ft Drew, Guvernalor's, Atlantic CltT, X. .1., 10-24. Gleiiroy ft Russell. Grand. Vancouver, II. C, 10- 24; Grand, Victoria, 2U-July 1. Guillen Ar llilghes. Llun Pnisi-e. N. V. C, 10-24. lioiili-ns. n'he, Avon Park, Youngstowii, 0.. 18-24. Uoiitd, Ulily. Orphenm. San Fran., Cal., l!)-24, Gorduus. Tbnt' Hounding, Unique, l.,os Angeles. I'sl.. 2n-Juiy 1. Guttluh, .Mr. ft Mrs., Killsou, Spokane, Wash.. 10-24. Gisltrvy ft Henderson. Olympic, Chlragn, 19-24. tionlini. t.'liir. Music Hall, llrlghtm Beach. N. Y.. Gnruisn ft West. Allentown. Pa., 10-24; Wool- worth's. Ijiiicnsier, 'JU-Julv 1. Giirilou, llelle. Wonlwortli, Lancaster, I'a., 19- Gordon ft Ilnyes, Whitney Grand. Detnilt. Mich.. l.s-24: (lislfroy's, Orawl lUplils, Mich., 20- Jnly 1. aooimsns. Musical, Nnrnmls'ga I'ark. Rostni, 10-24. nrniiil tlpera Trin. Victoria. N. Y. C 10-24. Green, Jessie, Melroisililan. Dtllulh. Minn.. 19-24. Ursy ft Graliian. Mercer Driving Park, Trontisi, Greitory'* wiioil. Electric Park, Newark. S. J.. 19-24. Grsci-s (31, Like Michigan Park, Mnsknron, Mii-h., lH-24. Qrscle ft Reynolds, UDlqoe, Los Angeles, Cal,. jBly S-8, -. , . Gross. Wra., 0. H., .Manitowoc, Wis., 10-24; Bijou. Urceu Day, 25 July 1. Grace Children. -Vllantlc Garden. X. 1. C IU-24. Guyor ft O'.Selll. Proctor's 23d St., N. Y. C, 19-24. Hall ft CVilbnrn. Novelly, Slouz Fulls, K. D., 19-24: Garrh-fc, Rurllnginu, la., 2M-Jnly I., Joe A., lilors Park, Yoonjstown, 0., 19-24. Hall ft Ilan, Exchange, St. Johns, MIcb., 19-24. Hort ft Dillon. Terrapin Park, ParVersluirg. H. Vs., 18-24; Poney Island. Wheeline. 2r,..iuly 1. Hans. Musical, Cascade Park, Newcastle, Pt., 19-24. Hathaway A- Walton, Norambega Psrk, Boston, 19-24. Honley ft De Lome, A. A 8.. Boston, 1024. Hari'ies, The. Crystal. Anderson, Ind., 19-24; Oystol, KokoDio. 2u-Jnly I. _ . Hayman. Mr. ft ilrs. Jack, tijney Island, Wheel- ing, W. Vs., 18-24. . , . Hnnlon, Jules, Jr., ft Cto., Steeplechase Island, nrfrtgeport. Conn., 10-21. Han, Willie ft F-illtb, Steepkbtse Pier, Atlantic City. N. J., in-24. Ilnford, Nick, Ludlow Lagoon, CinclDnall. 19-24. Hsrper, Lndlle IL, PIJcu, Marinette,, 19- Jdly 1. Harris, Tommy B.. Acme. Norfolk, Va., 19-21. Hart. Sadie, Cedir Point, Kamlusky, O., 19-24; Whitney Graml, Deiroli, .MIcb., 2.'4-Jaly 1. Halhanny, Belle, Keltb's, Phlla.. 10-'24. Hswley ft Vass, Albany, Ore.. 21: Eugene, 22. Harvey. El<le, Kenorla l.ake Park, Danbary, Cnnn . 10-24. Ball, LllUe May, Iron Plet, Syracuse, N. t., 10- 24. Hall. Anna. luternrban Psrk, Sterling, IIL, 10- 24; CTonconlla Garden. Pern, 2C-Jiil7 1- Haskell. I«uey, Woolwortb. Lancaster, Pa., 10- 24. Hay. L'nicycle, Crrstal, Marlon, Ind., 19-24; Usgoon. Ludlow, Ky., 25-Jnly I. Harvey, W. S. ft 0>., Ontral Park. Allentown, Pa:. 19-24: Steeplechase Pier, Atlantic City, X. J., 2(I-July 1. Hanvey, I.ouls A., Unique, Santa Crux, Cal., 19- 24. Harrington, Dan. J., Lake Compounce, South- ingtou, CSonn., 1924. Ilardon Family. Utahna. Ogilen. U., 10 24. Ileosos ft James, La.sbaway Park, F.. Brook- Held, .Mass., 10-24. Hennlngs, Lewis ft Henoiogs, Romont, Grand Rapids, Mich., 19-Jiily 1. Helm Children, Star, Ticoma, Wash., 19-24. liehlelberg (jadeis, Ueudenon's, (X>ney Islaisl, .X. Y., 19-24. Herbert ft Willing, Chester Park. Cincinnati, IS- 24; Lakevlew Park, Terre Haute, li>d., 2S- July 1. Beywood, Lottie. A. ft S., Boston, 19-24. Henry ft Francis, Keltb's. Boston, 10-24. Heston, Eddie, Midland, Ft. Dodge. Is.. 19-34. Hefron, Tom, Couey Island, Cincinnati, 18-Jnlyl. Ileuglef Sisters, Proctor's, Newark, N. J,, 2)1- Jnly 1. Henry,' Kugene, Monarch Park, I.airtoB, Okla., ID- July 1. Helena. Edith. Empire. London, Eog., 19-24. Herald Square Comedy Four, Glendile Park, .N'BshvllIi.-, 'Ann.. lO-July 1. Hlstt, U-w D., Midland, Ft. Dodge. la., 19-24, Hilton, Fred., Riverside Park. Raton, lud., IU- 24 ; .Al Fre«w Beach, Peoria. III., 2S-July 1. Blckman Bros. (3), Keith's, N. Y, C, 19-24. Hill ft Hill. .Mexico City, Mei., 1,.;-July 31. UUl, Will, Luna Park, Coney Islaud, N. X., 10-24 Hilton. Palace. Boston. 10-24. lllckey ft Nelson. Victoria, N. Y. C, 19-24. Iloey & Lee, Keith's, Boston, 10-24, lloldeo, (ii-o., Washington Park, Bsyonne, N. J., 20-July 1. Holcomhe, Curtis ft Webb, Music Hall, Brighton Beach, N. Y., ll).24. Hoover Sisters. Pastor's, X. Y. C, 19-24. Iloluies ft Waldon, Ludlow I.a«>ou, Cincinnati, 18-24. Hnwanl ft North. Keltb's. Phlla., 10-24. Howell ft Emerson, Buker, Portland, Ure., 10-24. Holt, Air., .Mnulisttnn lleach, Denver. Col., 10-24; Klectric Psrk, Kim.ias City, .Mo., 2U-July 1. Howsnl, Mallei. Lyceum, San Fran., Oal., 10-24. ilohuan, lluynsni ft lljyward. New Forest Park, Little Hock. Ark., 1!)-21; Rae's Park, Joiillu, Mo., 'Jil-July 1. Ilorsn, ICdille, Monroe Park. Toronto. Can., 19-24. lloldeu, Anim, A. ft S.. Iloslon, IU-24. Uogan, Ernest, ft Co., Victoria, N. Y, C, 10-24, lIoliiiCM. Taylor, Keith's. Boston, 19-24. llnml, Sam. Crystal. Salldi, Cal., 10-24. Holdswortbs, Tbc, Slicofc's, Xahant, Slass., 10-24. lluegel llnis.. Family. Butte. Mon., lo-July 1. Uiinl ft Fowler, Godfrey's, Grand Rsiilds, Mich., 10-24. Hurleys, The. Lion Palace, N. Y. C, 19-24. HulTonl. Xlrk. I.nguon, l.isllow, Ky., 18-24. Huntress. MImIoii, ti^nn Fran., Vtl., 10-24. Hnssi-y, Geo. W., SprlugUeld. O., 19-24. llunl, Freil, Orpheuui, .Sun Fran., Cal., 10-24. Hyde ft Heath, Utahna, Salt Ijke t.lty, U., 26- July I, Iniiierlal Comedy Four, West End, New Orleans, 19-24 Inni-ss ft Ryan, Coney Island, Wheeling, W. V«„ Irving, Pearl, .\. ft S.. Boston, 10-24. Irving Bros.. Austin's Palm Garden, Syracuse, N. Y.. 10-24. Jnrkiwn ft Douglas, Forest Park, Little Bock, Ark., 10-24; Gennelte, Richmond, Ind., 2U- July 1. Janiw ft Davis, Spring Uke Park, Tteaton, N. Jafk'.^-Mf- 4 Mrs., Olympla, ChatUnooga, Tenn., Jansen, .Marie, Lion Palace, X. Y. C, 10-24 Juckson ft Arthur, Metropolitan, Dulutb, Minn., Joaiire ft Ellsworth, Pavilion, Cbartotle, N. Y., Jennings ft Tewell, Bllou, Oululh. Minn . 10-24: Uiilqne, Winnipeg, &n., 20-JuIy 1. Jennings A Renfrew, Central Park, Allentown, la., 10-24. Jevilkos. Raroona, flraud Rapids, Mich., 10-24. Johnson ft Dulfy, Bljon, Norfolk. Vs., 10-24. Johnson, Davenport ft Lorella, Avon Park, loniig'town. O., 10-24. Johnstons, .Mnslcol, Birrassfonl Tour, England. ■"ones ft Sutlon, Monroe Park, Toronto. Csii., 1024. Johan ft .Mott. Pickwick, Snu Diego. CaL, 10-24 Jii'iiiier ft "sye.. Berkshire p.rk. I'ittslleUi. Mass., 19-24; Rye Beach, N. Y.. 20 July 1. Kates Hra«., TrocaUero, Chicago, 18-24: Inger- BoU Park, Des Moines, la., 20-July ). Kaufninii. Helm, Alhambra, l/)udou, Fnir.. 19. July 31. Kartelll, I/vmlon, Can,, 10-24, Karson, Kit, Gnreriuitor'.s, Atlantic City, N. J., *'^'"'A„^•^ * ""• -^'f"^'. ''"f'l, Bayonne, N. J., 2u-Jiily 1. Kelleher, Lyceum, riillailelphla. Pn., 10-24 Kennedy ft lIooneT. Farm, Toledo, O., 10-24 Keuo. Walsh ft Melrose. Keith's, Itoslon, 19-24! Kenton, Doroth.v. KiiclLili Oanlen. Vienna, Ans J i i V**""'^'* ''" "^"f**"'' Lucerne. Swllz,, Keane, J. Wnrren, Kellli's, N, Y. C. 10-24. Kealons (31, Ingersull Pnrk, Des Moines, la lO-Jiilv 1. Kemlile, Ballou ft r.orenx, Luna Park, Cone; la- land, N. Y., 10-24. KennlsoD Trio, .Midland, Ft. Dodge, In., 10.24 Keeley Sisters, Pleasure Park, Norwalk. O.. 10- 24: Terrapin Park. Parkersbnrg, W. Va.. 20- Jidy 1. Keenan, Frank, A Co., Keltb's, Phlla., 19-24, Keniij 4 Clark, G. O. II., St. Johnsbury, Vt., Kent, S. Miller, Farm, Tolwlo, O., 19-24 KIple ft McLaughlin, Proctor's 23il Street N Y i;., 211-July 1. Klng,^ Grace, Kamona, Grand Rapids, MIoh., King, Will. Coney IsUnd, Clnclnnnll, 18-24, Hippy, .Midland. Ft. Dodge, la., 10-24. Kimball Bros.. Jiimtloo Park, Beaver Kails, I'a., Klein, t'itt Bros ft N'lcholion. Victoria. N. Y. C 2U-July 1. ' KIplracr ft .Marshall, l-'swlly, Gloversvllle, S. Y., Knickerbocker Quintet. Pastor's, N. V. C. 10-24, Kneetrer, Great, Ganlcn. Belleville. HI., 10-24, Lemii's Park. St. l.oul«, 20-Jnly 1. Knox Bros.. Novelty, Denver, Col., 10-24. Kosure ft Cbaplaln, Fischer's, San Frao., Otl,. 10-24: NftveltT, Oakland. 2d-Jnlv 1. Koler ft Sevmour, Earl, Pueblo, t^ol.. 19-24. hoiiler ft .Marlon, Eagle, Johnstowu, N. Y., 19- Kofiiie ft LInd. Keith's, Boston. 2a-Jsl7 1. Krelope, Star, Tacnioa, Wash., 19-24. I.a Roys, The. Park, Ottawa. Can.. 10-24. 1.0 Clair ft Wi'st. Spring l.ake Park, Trenton, ™; .''•.' '."■'* '' TuroUlng Dam Park, MlllvUle, 20-July 1. La Ailella, Weast's, I>eorIi, HI., 19-34; Bnrtlt O. II., Davenporl. la., 2Q-July I. La Toy Bros., I'astot'a, X. Y. C, 10-24. La Booth, LoulM, Doyle'i, Atlantic City, N, J., 10-24. Laadetle, Oteal, UnfcMi Park, Wllllinantti (toan., 21 -24 La/rell Bros., Steeplechase Pier, Atltotlc City, La' .Vothe Trio! Olendale I'ark, Nashville, Tenn., 10-24; Olympla Park. Chattanooga. 20-Jaly 1. Lambert ft Pierce, Rye Beach, .N. I., t9-^i 8avln Rtwk Park. New Haven. Conn., 28-July 1. La Mar, Wayne, Lyceum, San Fran., Cal., 10-24; Bell, Oakland. 2UJuly I. „ , , Lo Deile, Cryatnl, Sallda, Cal., 10-24; l-juplre, Colo. Springs, 2U-Jnly 1. La Croix, Paul, Crystal, Leavenworth, Kan., 18- 24. Laucasier. Tom, Spring Lake Park, Trenton, N, }.. 2i;-Joly 1. I,a Zelle, F.dw., Kcnosia Park, Danbury, Ckinn., 10-24. Iji Toska, Pbll., Unlqne, San Fran., Cal., 10-24, l.a Veen ft Cross, Olympic, Chicago, lO-Jnly 1. La Vails, Graml, Portland. Ore., 19-24; Grand, Tacoma, Wash., 2U'Jnly 1. Lavlne ft Leonanl, Orpbenro, San Fran., Cal., 19- July 1, La Jess, Tbeo. A Camllle, Kenosla Lake Park, Danbury, Conn., 10-24. Lancaster, Freda, Hullywoud Park, Baltimore, in-July 1. La Gette, While City. 19-July 1. La Drew ft La Zone, Metropolitan, Dulntb, Ulan., 1024, I.a Nole Bros., Lake Grove Park, Lewlsloo, Me., 10-24. Lane Sisters (3), Rocky Springs Park, Lancaster, I'a., 19-24. La Toska, Mile, Luna Park, Coney Island, N. Y., 10-24, La Vloe-Wsltooe, Blectrki Park, Kansas Qty, Mo.. IS-July 1. Lloyd, Herliert, Shea's, Buffalo, 19-24. LelKh, Jolly Ben, Empire, Gloucester, N. J., 19- Jnly 1. Le Burr, Star, Tacoma, Wash., 10-24; Star, .'Seattle, 2C-July 1. I-elitliton. I.rllian. ft C:o., BlJou, Marinette, Wis, 19-24; Esceualia. Mich., 2U-Jnly 1. Le Roy Trio, Gnvemator's, Atlantic City, K. J., 10-24. L'Mate Bros., Young'a Pier, Atlontlc City, N. J.. 19-24. Le Clair, John, Sobmec Park, Montreal, Can., 19- 24, Leslie. Geo. TV., A Co., Pioctor's, Newark, N, J., 10-24. f-eslle. Ofo. W., Phcenix, Tacoma, Wash., 19-24, l.ewis. Al.. Bljoii, Calumet, Mlcb., 10-'24; Bijou, ilarqnctte, 2<i-July 1. lyevy, Mrs. Jules, ft C:a., Seattle, Wash., lO-July Leonard. Jas. ft Sadie, Paator's, N. Y. C, 10-24. Lenert, R., CJoncordla, Pern, III,, 10-24; Empire, SprlnafleM, 20-July 1, Le .Malre ft Le Maire, Whitney Grand, Detroit, 18-24, r.ewls, Alice. Southern Pork, Pittsburg, 10-24. Mr. ft Mrs. James P., Grand, Everett, Wash., 19-21; Grand, Tacoma, 20-July I. Le Dent, (treat, Mannlon's Park, St, Louis, 18- 24: Harkm Park, Rockland, HI., SG-July 1. Le Clare ft Bowen, Doyle's, Atlantic City, N. J.. 10 24. r,eonanl. Grace, Avon Park. Youngatown, O., 10-24: Myers' Casino. Canton, 2-'i-July 1. Leon, May, & Animals, Berksblre Park, PlttsDelil, .Mnss.. 10-24. I.»e. Mr. ft Mrs. James P. ft Little Madeline. Grand. Tacoma, Wash., 10-24; Grand. Ev- erett, 2C-July 2. r.e Roy, ilarle. Pavilion Beach, Keynott, N, J., 19-24. I.emuels. Xley. Manhattan. Norfolk, Vs.. 19-24. Lilcbtleld, >lr. ft Mrs. Xell, Ingersoll Park, Des Mollies, la., 10-24. I.ibliey ft Tmyer, Idora Park, Youiigslown, O., 18-24. "Liquid Air." Olympic. Clilcago. 10-24. LlUlintlun Trio, Unique, AngelCK, Cal., July .1-8. Lindsay's Dogs ft Monkeys, Lake Midilgnn Park, -Muskeljou. .Ml'h.. lS-24. Ijx-kbart. Eugene, Klvcrslih^ Park, Montreal, (^n., 10-24. I on'iie. Iron Pier, Syracnse, X. Y., lO-July 1. lAoados, The. Chutes, San Fran.. Cat., 10-24. Lukens (4). Keith's. X. Y. C, 10-24. I.ner ft Liicler, .Manhattan Beach, Denver, Col., 26-July 1. LyiKitle Sisters, Dlemllng's (3aslno, Rockaway Iteacli. X. v., 19-24; Domey Park, Alleotowu, I'a., Jfi-Jnly I. Lrnue ft Kennedy, Grand Theatre, Mllirankee, Wis.. 10-24. Mack ft Duun, Bijou, Norfolk, Va., 19-24. Maun, Danny, ft Lola Haines, San Jose, CaL, 10- Julv 1. Mnntell's Marionettes, Novelty, Oakland, CoL, 19- Maietles, The, Hl|ipMlrome, N. Y. C, 10-24. .Miiyolki. BIJou. Norfolk, Va., 19-24. Mndilox, lllchiml U, O. IL, Oltumwa, la., 23- July 1. Maxwell A Dndley, Athletic Park, BulTalo, 19-24. M:iJ«<llc Musical Four, Gnvernatut'a, Atlantic City, N. J., 10-24. Mac ft .Mac. I'ark. Lake Placid, N. Y., 19-24; Park, Tuppcr Ijike, 2U-July 1. .Vaddoi, Hlcbard C. O. H.. Ottumwa, la., 18-24. Slay ft Miles. Orplieura. Riverside, Cal., 19-24; Brcadway. Los Angeles, 20-Juiy 1. Martial ft Moi .Milllau. Tlvoll. Birmingham, Eng., in-24: llliiiKXlroine. Brighton. 2tl-July 1; Em- pire, Bristol, 3-8; Palace, Glasgow, Scot., 10- l.">; Lyceum, I^indou. Eng.. 17-Aug. 2(1. Macarte Sisters (3), HIpuoilrome, London, Eng., 2U-July 1; Empire, ShelBeld. 3-8: Emidre, Hull, ld-15: Empire, Leeds, lT-22; Alhambra, Brlih- tou, 24-29. Marshall the Mystic, Woodlynn Park, Camden, N. J., 19-24. Mario ft Aido, Orrin Bros., Mexico, ID-Dec 9 Marriott Twins, Lakevlew Park, Terre Haute, Ind., 10-24; Chester Pork, Cloclnnntl, O., 2.'5- July 1. MagnanI Family, Henderson's, Omey Island, N, Marcvllne, Illppoilrome. N. Y, C, 19-24. .Maceo Twins, Mannlon's Park, St. Ix>uls, 10-24 Martella, Jeniiette, auverllator'^ Atluutlc City, N. J,, 19-'24. Marquands, The, Slanatoga Park, Poltsdam, Pa 2U-July I. ■^'"■■k Br»«. Rocky Springs Pnrk, Lauctster, Pa., Magcc, Clem C, BIJou, Marinette. Wis., 19-24; Hljon, Rocnnalio, ,Mlch., 2ll-Jnly 1. .Mnildox ft- Melviu, Southern Park, Pittsburg, 10- ^'V^'wrllo ft, Hanley, I.una Park, Coder Island, Massey ft Kramer, Taunton, Mass.. 19-24. Mogee, Jncl: K., Lakewoort Park, Wnterburr, Cbnn., 10-24. ^'ajjlne Bfos., .Seguln Tour, Sontli America, 10- Mttthews. Grace. Empire, St. Paul. Minn., 19-24. Murtynne. Kdily, Carnlinl, Bnrhertnii. 0., 19-24, Mnher. Agnes, Doyle'.s, Atlantic City, N. J., Mnlhieiis, Jncgiing. Rnmona. Omml Rapids, Mich. , •9-24; Plessure Bencli, Xonvnlk, C. 2il-Julv 1. McSorlev ft Elonor, Topic. Billings, Moot., Hi- 24; Green Front. Denilwooii. s. D., 30 July 1. l^i" ■*"'"'*"■■ '-»l'«nont Pork, Altoona, Pa., McQueen Family, Avon Pnrk, YoungslowD, 0., McRea ft Poole, Seattle, Wash., 10-24. Mcflrath, Prof., BIJou. Dnlutb, Minn., 19 24. McXatt, Keecnn ft Mnllaiiey, Family, Glovers- J,""'„''', ^^ '"24; Dorney Park, Allentown, Pa., 2il-Jnly 1. XlcOannell Sisters, Chutes, San Fran., Col., 10. MiTClcllon, Jas.. Bllon. Duluth, Minn.. 10 24. McKlunoii ft Reed. Crump's Pork, Macon. Oa., 10-24: Boom's Park. Columbus. 2.'>-Julr I. MoUutt Trio. Salt Lake City. t>., Jnlv :i.'s. McCuae ft Grant. Ijikeslile Pnrk. Akron. C, 10- 24: 0<lsr Point, Snoduskv. 2S-Julr 1. Mctllnnis. John D., Rustic Palace, Hot Springs, .\rk.. lO-Jiily 1. McLean, I.yccum, Son Fran., Oal., 10-24. .Merrltt. Ra.ruiond. Star, Mmide, lud., 111-24. Heler ft Mora. Empire. Ilolloway, Kug., 19-24 ■ Euiolre. XewcrosB. 2C-Jiilr 1; F,m|ilre, Strat- fonl, .1-8: Empire, Sheiiherd Husk, lO-lG; Empire. Cardltr, J7-22. Meltoy Trio. Flvher's. San Fran,, Cal.. 10.24 • Novelty. Oakland, 20-July 1. .Meeroji. Thos., ft l!o., Orplteiin, Paterson, N, J., MHvlns (3), Sohmer Park, Montreal, Can., 10- Meukln. Ijwrence A Dnic, Pastor's, X. Y'. C, 10- Merwilth Sisters, Stoll Tour, Kngland. Melville A Young. A. ft S., Boston, 10-24 Melville. Jean, Genessee. Syracuse, N, r. lO- July 1, Jleers (.1). Circus Vsriete, Stockholm. Swed 19-July 1; Blackpool, Eug., 17-31. Mitchell ft Cuin, KettL'a, Boston, 10-24 Wl^^on *^D« Lons Sisters, Lyceum, s.i j-,^ _ JJli'SleVs, Tlio. JscuUj', I'eorls, 111. vj.-s Mitchells C'.). Lake Q.mi>ond, Southlogiour Conn. Mltcheli, Ltele. Topic, Billings, Mon Pi'.i Millard Bros., Electric Pork, Detroit, illiL, ij. Mlllershlp Sisters, Cnslao, Wlldwood N j lu 24. ' ' ■ ' ''" Mllaul Trio, Proctor's 23d St., N. Y c I'l -u Mlllmon Trio, Sohmer Park, Montrcsl,''c«u., i». Mlddleton, Gladys, Victor, Cul., lO-Jnlv I .Mills ft .Morris, Victoria, .\. Y. C. la2-»" Morton, Temple & Morton, Atlaut'lc OarJen m Y. C, 19-'24. "sroen, N. Morton. Gertrude, Dayton, o., 10-24; Uuff,,i„ v Y., 28-Jtily 1. "uaio. ,-N. Mortons, Four JugglUg, Ingersoll Park ii,-. .Moines, la., 18-21; BIJou, Dubuque, 24 Jul, i Montell, Carrie, A. ft S.^Bostou. l'j'4 * '' Moouey ft Uolbelo, Fnlrvlew Pork, Dayton, o. Morris A Morris, Pbasili, Tacoma, Wash., !». Morton, E. F., OIBrlen's Empire, Gloucoter, x. Mortimer, Gus, Novelty, Denver, Col 19.'>4 Muriiby ft Andrews, Grand, Butte, Moiit iC-ij. (iiaiid. Ileleuu. 20-July 1. "' "•*• Musketeers (4), Renwlck Park, Ithnca. X Y 'jii Jnly 1. ' •■ 'o- Muruhy ft Palmtr, Pork, Augusta, Me pj.->j Mulleu ft CXirelll, AccUrmy of Music, Milwsnl.. Wis, 18^24: Springfield Park, So Beid,"tr' 2n-July 1. ' '""•' K«^lf. Yo^f *'"■' "^"^^ Island, Wheeling, w. "s*"'?: c",''2U*JuVy"'i. """• '■^«'«"» !3d St., Newell ft Nlhlo, Oak' Siunmlt Pork. Rvansvlii. Ind., 19-24 ; Coliseum, Terre Haute 2U July i Xlhlo ft Riley. Keith's, Boston, 19-24-'i: PhlU., 20 July 1. • •■•, ivntbi, ''"'Ji?' "• .9'n.','" •'i'wp'etliase Island, Brldsenort. (Sinn., 10-21. """seiwn, Xobrens, The, Luna Park, Coney Island, X. Y., Novelty Comedy Four, Alameda Park, Butler O'Brien, Dan, Hlpjiodrome, X. Y c 19-'>4 O'gf'fJ^ Kittle, ft Co., Olentnugy Poik, ollumlsis, Ogdeu, Helen, Gennett. Richmond, Ind. 19-24 Oliver Trio, Lyceum, an Fran., Cul., 19-34 " Curl, Adele Purvis, ft (3o., Oakwood Park, Pitt*. burg, 10-24. Cite, Nick, Pllbean (3om (ii„ Jact^oo, illch. 10. 2-t. '* Original Bootblack Quartet, Pastor's, N, Y. C, Ordlar, Mile., Concordia Garden, Peru, III., m- OrTaud, Lee Ml. Carmel, HI., 10-24; Vlnccnnes, lud.. Sd-July 1. ^ '""m.ncb, K^.. *i'o"l"; "°-'"' °°"' ""s"™ Patrice, Olympic, Cblcago, 19-24. Parker, Ben, Comblnatlou, Deadwnod, S D l<k July 15. ■■ Paul, Myrtle, Clneogroph, Spokane, Wssb., ii). July 1. Potty Bros.. Manhattan Beai-h, N, Y. l9-"4- Lniio Park, I'ittHhiirg. 2U Julv I. " ' Payne ft Cloreiuunt, I'lii.sburg. p'u., 10-24 Parkers, Tlie. Wooilnldc Pork, Plilio ' 10.'>4- Woullyiiu Park, Caiiulm. N. J.. 2i:-July 1 " ' Ponllnetll, Ckiilseum, l.oiidon, Kug., lO-Aug 13 PeschkulT Trou|ie, Shea's, Buffalo, IU-24. Pewit. Fouliilue Kerry Psrk, l.uiiisville, 19-24 Petching Bros., Henderson's, Coney Islaul, X.'y., Perrex. Hlppodronie. N. Y. C. 10-24 ''"!?,'•„ ''""t^ ' Annie, Qiester Pork, Cincinnati, 18-24; I-arni, /anexvllif, 2S-Juiy 1. l'''".>_jft Aleclu, Hanover Park, .Meridea, Conn., Pheiiis. Orren ft Millie, BIJou. .Marquette. Mich., 111-24 ; Godfroy's, (Irond KopliUi, 2ii-July 1. Philllirouk ft Iteyiiolds, Tumbling Bum Park, Pottsvllle, Pa., 19-24. '■'crce ft RiMlyii, Fuatuine Ferry Park, l/inlsvllle, Plutic, Great, (lamp's Park, Macon, Ra.. 19-24- Hyatt Pork, Casino, Columblo, S. C., 21i-July 1, Powers, .Mr. & .Mrs. Jas. T., Unhiue. .Son Jose, CaL, 19-34: Acme, Surroiucnlu, 2il-Jnly I. '*''?!'' ^-S- ■* I^«' Koiiluine Pntk. I.aulsvllle, Ky., 1S-'J4. Powell's Electric Marionettes, Proctor's 23d St., X. Y. U., 10-24. Powell, Harry. A. ft S., Boston, 10-24. Powei-s ft Tlieohald, Unique, Ix« Angeles, (^1., 10-24: Itecreatloii Park, Fresno, 2a.JiiIy 1. Puwer.-i Bros.. RIchmoud, Vu., 19-24; Norfolk, 2t; Jnly I. Powers' ElPpliants, Illpiwdrome. N. Y'. C, 19-24. Potter ft lliirtwell. Pork, Wheeling, W. Va., 19- Purv'la, Jas., Rlalto, Elmlra, .V. Y., 19-24. Purvis' -inlmals, Doyle's, Atlantic City, N, J., Qulg, l<:<lwarda ft Nlcherson, Rocky Springs Park, Lancaster, Pa.. 19-24. Rant, Claude. Wonaeriaiid Park, MInneapolla, IU-24; Metropolitan, Dulutb, Minn., 2r,-Jii]y 1. Ranietta ft Be Liair, Godfroy's, Grand Rapids, Mich., lfl-24. Rom.'ser .Sisters. Wocderland, Danville, 111:, 19-24; Lakevlew Park, Terre Haute, Ind.. 25-July 1. Randolphs, The, Guvernator's, Atlantic City, N, Roppo Sisters, Victoria, X. Y. C. 10-24. Roiuiom, Kltlle, Empire, St. Poul, Minn., 10.24. llaynioiid, Hny, Lyceum, San Fraii.. Cal., 19-21. Kowl.- ft Von Kaufman. Olympic, Chlcngu, 19-21. Rodo ft Bertram. Doyle's, Atlantic City, N. J., 19-24; Alleiiluwii, Pa.. 2U.Jiilx 1. Roilfotd ft Valentine, Derby Castle (Isle of Man), Eng,. 1024; Lyric. Liverpool, 2il-July 1. Ralmiind & Good, VInewooil Pork, Tii|ieka. Kan., 19-24; Lake Contrary Park, St. Josisih, Mo., 20 July 1. Royiuoiid ft Clark, Ouvemator's, Atlantic City, N. J., 10-24. Reeds, Mmlcal, G. 0. H., Butte, Mont., 211- July 1. Reno ft Rk^hanls, VIrtorlo, N. Y. 0., 19-24. Refilling. Frnncescn; ft Co., Chutes, San Fran., Col.. 10-24. Reeil Birds, Athletic Park, Burtalo, 111-24. Kekluw, Dan. Academy of Music. .Milwaukee. Wis., 10-24: Olympic, Chicago, 2C-July I, Reno ft Smith, Washington Pork, Bayonne, N. J., 19-24: New Iluveu, Cunn., 2U-.Iuly 1. Reed ft Show, Lynn, .Muss., 19-24; Newport, H. L, 2e-Julj- 1. Renos, The, BIJou, SLeboygan, Wis., 10-24; Koad Du Lac. 2U-Jnly 1. Reeves, Eddie, Henderson's, Coney IslsisI, N. Y., 10-24, Reno^A Murray, Olentangy Park, Columbas, 0-, Rciiuler ft Gourtler, Lion Palace, N. Y'. C, 10-24. Beilford ft Whicbe.stor, Pnrk, Ft. Sheridan, III., 19-24 ; Forest Park. St. Loiils. 20 Jnly I. Reuaeltn ft Iji Rue, Uoyle's, Atlantic Clly, N. J., 19-24. Rkv ft Cad.v. Shea's. Biiiraln, 10-24. R ce ft h3iner, Pnrugon Park. Boston, 10-24. RIggs, H. B., Unique, Fjin Claire. Wis.. 111-24. Rlaiios (4), Academy of .Miwlc, Milwaukee, WlJ., 18-24. RIva Bros., OrrIn Broa., .Mexico. 10-Deo. 11. Rh-e Family, Celnron, Ltintauqua Lake, N. Y., 19- 24 ; Avon Park. Youngstowii, O., 20-Jiily I. Rice Bros, ft Etta, Vicloriu, Roekv Glen Part, Scraiilnii, Pa., 10-24. Rlchara«ou, Mabel, Music Hall, Drlgliton Beach, N, Y., in-24. Rlchanl & CatbcarL Unique, Los Angeles, Cal., 2it-July 1. RIchanIs ft Linn, Forest Pnrk, Kansas City, Mo., 19-24. Rich ft Horvcy, Guremator's, Atlanllc City, N. J.. 19-24. Rcelker, Kilw. 0., AUambra, Savnonab, Oa., 19- Jnly I. P.ossow .Mlilci'ts. NoruraliCEn Park, Boston, 19-24. lliissley ft R<.stplle, BIJou. ICscanaba, JIlcU- l»-!4. [loss Sisters. Siieare'x, Nnhnnt, Mass.. 10 '^4. Rog-rs. Francis ft Vlrtliiin, Miildleport, O., 111-24; <3iK'liinntl. 2U-Jiily i. Rooney ft Bent. I'rcctnr's. NewnrU, N. J., 19-24- Hu,vs ft- Ruls-rls, Wt-lls Cnsliiu, Richmond. Vs-, 10-24. Roaers, Will, Vlclorln, N. Y. C, 10-24; Keith's. Phlla., 2ti-July 1. Ilobstsi. Ma.v, ft Co., Music Holl, Brlghlon Beacb, X. y., 19.24, Roth, (lias.. Rye Reach, .\. IL, 10 July I. Riichefnrt ft May. Bl>in. Hamilton, O., 10-July 1- Ilnsalre ft Diireto, l.vceuni, l.onilnn, Kng., 19- July 8. Robinson, Rlhel, Spring Grove Park, SprlnffleM, 0.. 2VJulv 1. Rooney. Jock, Lnna Park, Coney Isloinl, N. 1-. 10-24. Ronay Sisters, Hippodrome. X. Y. C. 19-24. Bose, Ertyth, Ballet. Gran Clrco OrrIn, Mexico City, Mex., 10 July 31, Bo:iB.' Triu, Loguoii, Ludlow, Ky., 18-24.