The New York Clipper (June 1905)

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jjjm^' THE NE^V^ YOBK CLIPPER. 451 ■BeM-A Lewfaf, IllMKidnitiir. VrtttvHi ¥infr,-iM4-t- Uippotlrutup, Anliiuii, 'M-lti\y 1; TItoll, Uliis- pjw. Sent.. 3K; gun;o, (ilrUKOW, Jll-I.'i; Ol- BdvscII t TMftui, lIiiiilenvD'd, Ouucy IsliDil, N. v., !»;:<. BlKveU & Buckli-r. MayiloiTer Oru<r, :Jo. Umi- 60U, MaR>., 1U-'J4; Llun Palace, N. V. C, ;:i;- July 1. BUM>«11. BIJou, Couterburj-Parniii'ii, iKllnctuii, Kng; lU-24; [llppudrome, IiiMtiicb, "UJuly I; lllpixxlrooe. KaitbnnK, 10-ir>; PaltM, Mou- cUri'Irr, IT-SS; Oifonl, LodiIdu. 34-Atv. R. Kusscll A: l/M'kc. LIuii rolncr. N, V. U., V) 2i. Raby A Hajmuud. Ma«)alc, Itonlnn. U., 'JOJnly 1. KiU3<41 k Lranbar, Utabnt, Oplea, U.. 10-24: Salt Leke CItf, 2S-Julj 1. KuMJClI, ticlKKiley * KusacU, four Ullc (jreck l-ark, Erie. P».. 18-24. Kjan & Duugltui, Uergmuu I'ark, Lugaiuport, Iml., l'j-21. K;aD. liCKler 4 IlraD, UuferDilur'a, AtlaDtle City. N. J: 10-24. Sato, 0. K., Karxaal, r.unrop, Snllit., t9-3v. Baror Qnartrt, Rrc Beach. .N. Y., 11124; Sarin Itock J'ark. New llaTwi. Omu.. 2UJol)- 1. Saiifonl & Uarlliistuu, liul(jue, .Mluuvapalla, ID- Ba'itell Un;it, Bacliertan, O., 10-24; Sbaruu, !'«.. 2tf-July I. Eawlfllu & Scan, Mauutou'a I'ark, SL Loubi, JS-24. Baniom & Marluw, Muorc's Uardea, LIuia. O.. 1021. SchiwMvr, I'roC., MvtniiKilUau, Uulutb, MIud.. lU-21. Ikott. Marptrrt, Atlantic Oarlen, N. Y. C, la-24. Kcanlun Jt StcTciix. I'lilnce. Boatun, 111-24. Kcntt. Iliirulcl. Kbi'ar<-'i<, .NiiliHiit. Maw.. lt).2l. Schrll, JliiH*.. f: LIuiii, Sobmct I'atk, Moutnml, Can., in-24. tH-bmilt. CosiuH, i.'oii<.'jr islnuil. Clucliitiatl, 1824. Bchroek ic Ulcp, FvDtaluu ITcrry Turk, LoabtTUIe. J!i-24. Bellilnl & GroTlnl, iioutbcra I'ak, Pltliiburtt, lu- B<'.viooHr & IlllI, Klverlun I'ark, I'urtland, Me., 19-24. Scncor. .\nlil(, Luiia I'ark, Cunt-jr Ulaud. N. Y., 111-21. Swill's liciCK, Lima I'ark. CoiicT Islanil, N. Y., -lU-21.. Brrback. Orcat, l.loii I'alaro, N. Y. C. 18-24. Pelli>-. Erolf. Wonilcrlnnil. Jllni«-aiiOll». in-24. Shiin> Bros., Doj-ln's. Atlantic (;ily, N. J., lB-24. Sbleltln 4 Pani, Cbutn, Hau FraD., CaL, 19-24; Orpbetim, Lofl Aug^leH, 2U-July 8. Sbrrk BnM., ii|>ringdpld Casino, So. B«od. Iml.. lS-2-1. Kbaw, I.lllluii. Oriilicuin, Son Fran., Cal.. li(-24 Sliinnana (4), AocoaU, Oa., lU-24; Wnitwood I'ark. Ma:'!<., 2(l-]oly 1. Sbean & Warren, Proctor's 23d St., N. Y. O., 11>- Sbeman A Fuller, Atlantic Qardeu, N. Y. 0., lU- . iiloiiwHi. Clierlilali, Slicn'ii. BulTalo, ll)-24 Sinclair & Carlisle. Ia-miii'h Park, Mt. LouLs, 1!)- 24; ramlly, K. St. I«uls, III.. 2U-July 1. Six A^OcdBfy, OuTenmlur'a, Atlantic City, N. J., SlniK Itcnnlilc. AmtLspinent Park. Daurtllp, III., lft-24: Amusement Park, Kalaniatoo, Mtcb.. 2U- Jnly 1- Sld<toax llrua.. Knn.ntosa Park, I'ollilown. Pn 10-24; (;urcrnutur's, Atlantic Clly, N. J.. 2«- July X. Sls|aiRKkt. Mmu"., Olymiilr, Ctilctco. ln-!i4. Sloan & Sousa, Stcviilecbaxo IbkinU, Urldininrt. I'onn.. in-21. Suilrl .V Ki-sKiiiT, Slien'H. BiiHalo, l'J21- Trniiilc riftriilt. Sllcli.. 2i!-July 1. in"i>".. Soillb t lliuk, OnJieum, San Fran.. Cal., 18-24. bniltb li .Vratlo. Casino Park. Kaluiiiaiou. Hleli., IN-24: litalfnjy'K. I'.runil llaplils. 2ll<July 1. Snyder & Hii,-klcy. Kurwt I'ark. St. louls. lu-24: llutikliis , l.(inl>>Tlllr. Kv.. 2i:'July 1 S«^;jy^|& WlWe, Base Ball Park, fliehler, I'u., Spnibl. Clios., WuMiIerland. .Mlnneniwlls, 10 24 B|.raBiirlI«. The Bork^lre Park, Plttslteld, »i>«».. l!i-24; Kyo Hradi, N. v., 2U-Julr 1 btrliierl t Tbuuins. Krbe'a Casino. No. Beach. .\ "O'jul"'"?' ^*''"'''''»'"" '''f''' U«Jonnc, N. J., Slepbens, Paul, Henderson's, Coney Island K Y' ^.."'■2''.= ."i^'?'P''' ■'"''''• Newark, N. J., 2tl-Julj i! Stansdeld. F. li.. Star. Portland. Ore., 10-24 Klrln-Erclto Family, Clrco Pariah, Madrid, Spain, St- Ongc Bros., Ucndrrson's, Coney Island, S. Y., Stuart. Vi.unK'K Pier. Atlantic City. N. J., 10-24. btullxuinu. Cbas. K., Ilaulon'a Pohit, Toronto, t^an., 10-24. Klemirt t ItuynHiud. Olyiniilc, ClilraEo, I!l.24. MiHie k Mnil. Keith's, pbli,,.. iti-'j4 Slapleloii & Chancy, StmKonl Park, DeUware. <.■"•• '?."-.f! Columbus. O., 20 July 1. Hliinc. Bcilp. (Jreeiisbur^, Pa.. 111-24 Stnraut k La Vardo, Park, Vluceuuvs, Iml., 18 '^^^fv ^iv^'i^'^ Kontaluc Ferry Park, Loiils- ^'ln-"t ' '* ""^' Broadway, Ims AnKelea, Cal., S!?.')' ,'*''»ruJ"' D.. Kellb's, Boston. 10-24. h III! Bios.. Klnlrlr Stnr. lola. Kan.. 10-24. C ' y*," * '•" '■'"'"'■ Keith's, Phlla., 10-24. '..c . ■ "?• "**■' ""^ l'«'"'- Nabaut, ."tfasa.. -t}-Jnlr 1. • '*"|}''i" 'i..*!.'!""';-. '■»''<•*'«»' Turk. Terrc llaid.-, •.,■■.•.*•;•■''• MnonloM" Park, SU Loubi, Mo., .iO-JMly 1. ' * Suijy Jc Phelps, Crystal I'urk, Sedalia, Mo., 18- ''"muI" ^o^T*""' '^°''"" ''■"■"'"■' M'nnraiwlls, ^"foy j<';:;'|«»li«> Myslerlcs, Unique. Ul*nea|>o- Suniol i itaaill. BIJoli, Marriuclle, Jllcb., 10- StiHy Faudly; Doyle's, Allautlc City. K. J„ ly. Sylreater, Uwreace, Ityo Bcacli Park, Bye, N. Jiiir 1 ' ^^'^'<' l'"f'', Newark, N. J., 2U- Sylte;ier. Nellie, Mou Pnlucu, N. Y. C. 10 24. Sylvester, Jones & Prlugle, Ogden, U., lS-24. Ttl, O., is"24^*'"'* ^"'""' I^««>"'""«U>. T^'riii^Vp"*^?'' ''"''•.''■'■■■''"•'''f'''' O- lO--^- •i?",.*.r^"'l",°"'."' «'• Bruoklugs, S. D., 10- _ -*; O, U., Aberdeen. 'JU-JuIr 1: ' Taylore, The. Llo* I'alaif, .V. \. ('., ln."j li!"l.,^il.'."4'"'"'™' *'^'"'y '■'"■''■ Newport, '^'^^ Vu •''n^"*""^' ^^'''•'' ''"« Angeles, Cal.. 10- Jr*' * l;"»ll. Broadway. San Fran.. Cal.. 10-24. rj.,"2iijti;''i'- "'"'■• *'''"^'«"''. i'iti«J^: Uulciw. Winnipeg. Can.. 2U-JnlT 1. ' inT'n'' .v.!''"™' "<-'lf«'iTt'. S"U >"r'iu., Cal., tH,?^; •'i"Ly'', P»1'J«?- St. Psnl, Mtan., 10-24. rhoniiinn * Setldn. Pastor's. X. Y. C. 10-21 ^^T?^"V, ?',"• ''il"L'>' Sl'-nwHu. Pu., 10-21 ■To-To, • Mcturlu, N. V. C, 10-24. ".."lii-"*'"'' ""'^'""""f". AUautle Clly, N. Tumbadonr Vonr, Merryuieetlng Park, Brunswick, Tronbiulour; "(3). Lakeside Park, Akron. O.. IS- ip.,ii' 'H','''''*"" ^'"^- *'»• Wayne. Iiel., 20-.tuly I. Ttulky Car Trio. Proctor'^, Kcwutk, N. J., lu- '''? ^io'"?"""' ^'""''^ "°''' "''•*'"" BeucU, N. ''J^fjlj- Al. II.. Uu-lfrvy's. Grand Uaplds. Mk:h., Union tiafllne CuanlH. Fnebudy Park. Neirpi.rt, li. I., Ill-«4. J^abllK SIslers. Pnrapin Park. Iloslnn. 10-21. v.i;der|; Tlw. Ilid-iis.. .MlniK'aisdls. l!i-24. *»","!•,'•fbe. Miiunt.iln View I'urk. Il<isii<ike. Vs., I '-.II: II'ilniiHit I'lirk. l.yruhlinrK, 20 July I »au I <mn-llelMcni.iii. I'urk. Mnnshchl, (i.. Ill ;:i. l". I,"'"^ * Cutndy, Uclletruc Park, Tolinlu, O., V'yJ'j" * UHnlap, Unique, liua Aasrles, Cal., SB- ^••.'.'ii"'{ms.. nonilsble Casino. Cauarsic, X. Y., 2fl-Julv I. ' Voken. .May. Kcllh'J. X. Y. C 10-24. nnnl fc Cnrrau WiKdwurlli, Ijincaslrr, Pa., 13- Wall. Jiuiniy. Nurnndcetrn Psrk. Buslon. 19-24. Waller & Maglll. Lexlnclon I'lrk. Ibiaion, 10-24. Walilbcri! f'suilly. I'nlnce. Ilosion. 19-24. wallK, 'Jlic. Bos Point, Xabanf. Mass.. lO-Iuly 1. 1«'''4 '^""''' '"■''"■■ Contrary, St. Joseph, .Mo., ^'""«j 'Irrl-erl Ic Annie, Sheafe'a, Xahant, Mas'., Wnllinrn «: Whltm-y. Al Fn-si-ii, Pi-orls. 111., pi- Vnhlort it Metnlez, SLutlu;; lllus. UiUt. Can., 2ij- 'liTsi'"'' '"'"'■' **''"'l»"l»'"' Uulutb. Mluu., .irtjtr-n'&tlcfs, Paslnr'r, K. \: O., 10-24. -WHulr-tJhaii.-* Jennie. Mhllaud. FL Dodge, It., Wc«l Ai Williams. Palace. Boston, 10-24. Wesley, l/a'ta, Kellb'a, I'hlla., 1ft 24. Welch. Ij-w. Stevpltcbaso liUnd, Brlilgepatt, t>Min.. 10-24. Webb, Ksndly, tiuteraator's. Atlantic Clly, N. J.. I9-2). Welsh « Kates. Yarmouth, N. S.. 10-21; St. Julm. N. B., 2U-Jaly J. We«t .Sisters, .Vcme, Norfolk. Vs.. 1024. Welsh. Hen. Privtor'a. Newark. N. J.. 10-24. West & V:in Slcleu, Olympic. Chteami, 2.% Jnlj 1, Westop. Willie, Llo!l Palm-e. X. V. C 10-21. Wiiltr. Stunrt .V; <•■'., Keith's. Uoslon. 10 '.'4 WhItPly 4 Bell, Kiectric Pjrk. Nennrk. N. J.. 10 24. Whlttler, L. (>.. BIJou. Diduth. Minn.. 10-24. White 4c Sluimuns, UusIc Hall. Urlchlon Beacli. . N. Y.. l'.i-24. Whhiple, Walil'j. Isikesidc Park. Sknirhisnn. Me.. 10-21; ItlTotklde. I'ark. Hnncor. 20'Jnlv 1. Wllllauis k Melbnm. Paslt.r's. N. Y. C. lO-2'l. Willis. Susiiuuc. Wei^nns Park. Bay City. Mich., ln-21: olynipic. Cbliiii»>. '2.'> July 1. Willis k Ia'wIs, Itveky Ulcu Park, Scrautun, Pa., PI24. WIIIIadH k Mnyer. Bniptn'. 1'ree|»>rr. III., 19-24. Williams & KUIolt, Proctor's, Newark, N. J., 10-21. Wllliiinis. CldH('?-4> Joliuuy, Mora Park. Youngs- town. <).. 10-24. Whiter. Whuiuu, So. Shields. Knit.. 10-24; Mara- ■ieii Hock. 2<;-Itiiy 1 ; Hnnderland. :i-lo. Wllsun & I>p M<iiivin<-. liiivpii|M>rt, la.. 10-24. Willanl Great, Adalas', West tieoeca, N. Y.. 19- . July 1, Wllliaiim k Sternis. Star, Portland. Ore.. 10-24. Wlllianis, (ins.. Atlilelic Park. Bullabi. 10-24. Wlllli: «r Urkin, Wenuiia Beach, Bay City, Ulcb., 10-24. World's Cuinr<ly Four, llendersuu'a. Coney IsIiUd, - N. Y., ty-'J4. , Woir .k Zndellii. fjigouo. Cincinnati. 18-21. Wotslfurd k Murlboru. Uetrunolltan, Dulntb, Minn.. l!i-24. Wonuwooirs ixit-s * Monkeys, Sobnier Park, Mon- Irenl. On., i0-2l. World & Klusstun, Wonderland, Detroit, Jul/ 3- ». WuulUiid N'yupba (12). Victoria, :<. Y. C, 19- •24. Wultken, T.nry. Sheafe's, Nniiant, Mawi., 10-24. Wyley * Wyison, tluTernator's. Atlantic Clly, N. Y., 10 21. Wynn tc Uart, Auditorium, Charlotte, N. Y., 19- 24. YtPkley & Bunnelt, White Oak Pork, New Britain. Qmn.. 10-24. Yalto Doo. Proctor's. Newark. N. I.. 10-24. Yeinnuns. Annie k Jenuic, Proctor's 23d SL, N. y. C, 10-24. Yoiine, Tot, Marlon, Ind., 1924; Andersoo, 2G- Jnly 1. Young & Dc Vole. Olyrapii;. Cbiengo. 10-21. Young k Uruoks, Wllk>w Btouk Park, Xocvalk, O.. II4-24. Young, Prof., Al Freaco, Peoria. III.. 10-24. Zanuw Tcio, Kiectric Park, Baltliuorv, 19-21; Farm, Toledo, (i., 20-Jnly 1. Zaranus, K. R.. & Sisters Hess, Sbcil|iot Park, WllmlDgton, Del., 19-24, ZanclBs. The, Keith's, X. Y. C. 10-24. Zel. Ilaymiiud, Unique, Shelvyguii. Wis., 19-24. Zelia. .Muie., I410a Park, Coney Island, N. Y., 10-24. Ziiumer, John, Henderson's, Coney Island, N, Y., 111-24. ZlKkn & King. Orrin Bros.', Mexico. in-3«. SSIinniemian. .M,. k pearl. Campbell Island Ca- liiiio. .Mollne. HI., 10-24. ZInimennan, Willy, FrccUidy Park, Xcwport, R. 1.. 19-24. Zorllers, The, Ltuia Park, Coney Island, N. Y., 19-24. Unai^r ibe Cents, rite Fourth of July A'ltmbcr of TllK yHW YOKK CUl'VElt KlU be ImmwJ Jiity S, oiirf icHJ contain A DIKEvrvny Of I'fc'JVT BUOW I'EOPLB, ETC., fVH TllIH SEASON. Mountain IiHt:E-/.K3 fiium tub Milgs OiiTON Bio Soitiiu^.n Siioiv.—Tlie pridu of the South Is enjoying ciccllent business In the tuoiiiilaln UUtrlctii of KorLli Cnrolinu, the lami of the sky, nuU to sec the maoner lu which wc are welcomed by the muuutaluccrs Im certainly eratlfylue to tliK niHOugement. Wc arc III llic frudul Ultitriut uf Carollun, the heart o( the luuotisbluc coimtry, where the festive gum tolcr Is lu evidence to u vory marked ileijtcc. NotwIthBtundiiig our envlroniDcols, wc are jet to record our llrst unijlctisjintncss. The gencrnl oxtcllcncc of our performapces so fnr exr>wd the cxiiccta- llotis of the tieuplc that lliey Houn become our most cDlhuslustic ndtnirerH, and In many cuKMi the ufteroouu crowdii return for the uIkLI shows. 'X'hu (illU'luUi unci the press ure very laudatory hi tlieJr exprcsacd opluiuna rrgiirdlue Ihe uiojul tune uf uor exhibitions. At Couuord, N. ('.. we raised our new leat.'i, which were made by Uukcr & I/Orkwuod. l*ra('tle;illy, the bhow'H parnphernalln Is nil new. Uur big top, au 80ft., with two 40tt. middle plm'es; dressing room, 3Uft round top, Myron Ortoii la now lu charfte of the nd- vaiice, :iad he fertnlnly is dolug prodlgtoua work hi the Interests of the Know, The llrtnn IJrotlierK, Myron and Normnii, nrn the yoiiiigeflt of America's circnu owuers anil luunafteni, as Myrou hau just reached hlii oiajorlty, und Nui'diuu will rclebratc his twenty-third birthday July -1. But they lire both rapidly devcloplug liUu worthy success- ors to their Illustrious fntlier. Miles Ortou. Mrs. Udwai'd Urunuuu, uf the }liislciil Bren- iiaus, bus Just returned from Leavenworth, Kan., whore she has becu ou u visit to her luother for the past six weeks, 'i'bc roster of the show is as follows: Orion Bros-, own- ers and lOBUngerM; Nuriuan UrtoD, general inunager; Myron Orion, Keueral agent; Mrs. Miles Urtuu, treasurer; (.ins I-'nlrbunks, nill- roiid contractor and le;;iil adjuster; Mr:i. t.'hus. Cooper, stewardess nnd privileges, rertormers, big show: The Ortou Children, child gymnasts; the Creiit Alfton, head bal- ancer; the I'eusleys, hrcakawuy ladder and trupeze: MlcbuuJ Orton, cloud swlug: the (ircnt Noiumn, high bicycle wire; Carrie Adell, sluglu trapeze; Bob J'euslry, cannon tall maulpululnr; Alfred Ileliitx, nuvi'lly slack wire; I'etltc! Ivu, eiiuestrlennc; Nui-- uiuu Orton, inule hurdle: M'llii NItu, Japau- rse ladder; Lu Itosc Sisters, double trapeze. Clonus: I'M. Urvnuao, lU. Johnson, Alf. Ilelutz, Hob I'coslcy and Master (,'lurenca Orton. Band No. 1, Gregorl's llandn llossa, Vnsi|ualla Prosiierl. lenuer. with ten men. l>lck Itk'bnrds, siiptrlntendcut of canvas. Annex department und Wonderland has .Tess Brown us manager, Cd. lircminii niid Have Latllp, ticket sellers. rcrforuicm: (.'ui>l. David Ijitllp, high diver; t'rof. Pierre Kn- gnlle's trouije of performing bears: M'llo Gertrude, necond sight scercss: I'rof. Kruno, magician and Illusionist: Madame Hosn, snake eoebiiutress: II. WInograd's Tollsh liHUd of eight. Dli'k UoIIIiih, Hunerlntondent of ''BiiTas. Illg show roucert: l.d. Itrennan, mauogi'r: the Musical Brrntians, coMicily musical net: I'.il. JohiiHiii, black face iimie- dlan; 1/1. Ilrcuuan. cccentriguc HiKclnUy: Prof. Rognlle's wrcsilliig bears, and Mnnds Breunnn, leing nml fiance. .\oTi;s ruoM Ixiwkuy Uiim.s.' It. 11. Snows Nil. 2.—Al .Moscow and Ooidsboro the big top was packitl, nnd at Ktroiiilshurg, Pa., .lunc 7 and S. we dirt nearly toOO of linsl- iiess In Ibe riiln. Portland and Port Miirniy, N. J., were iilso verj' gisiiL 1'Iie riwler n-mnlns the winie exH-pt In Ihe advanci-, wtili-h fol- l«w«: Advance <'ar.Vo. 1—Will t.'. Sites, con- trnctlnK nnd general agent; Dan I'err; and Win. "Tliomns, bill posters; Sam f.'ing, lltho- gTa!)her and progmmmer. The show Is ni- ways lililnl In A finish, nnd can't help but do Ihe business. Ten I'liplPs of TllK Cl,li'- I'Kii i"ai-li UM every Krldiiy. Prof. John A. Ihir- wnnl's talklnir ponies. Sultan. Tim and I'cnii, Ftlll are a grcnl dranlu;,' cnnl. Al Laus- ford. Pa., the ndvautx' force was royally cu- lertaincd by Ihe (.insford Acric. No. 525, of Kagic.j. of which Will I.'. Sites Is a member. Thoy also paid n risit to the aeric at Free- laad, Pa., oa Jnoe IC. Notes tkum Tne Jonx Kobinso.'* Tr.y Vm Suows t'oMni.N'Kli.— Vir have been lu the rain bell ever shus- the opening—only n few fair, clear days. Despite the Indemeut wiiilii- er the business bus been pbcauueual. Aimer, Ihu lii>u iiueeiu was iittaekiil nnd badly hit- ten at Vuudergrlfl, Pa. Three llous were Irani at t'Icarlleld, I'a., nnd named "Dii Bols," "Clearlleld'' nnd "SavaHi-," the latu-r after l.'leartleld's burg^'ss. 'rin! nm from Belle- fonte, I'h., to ICIoiIni, N. Y.. una hundred nnil ninety miles, was made In six and oos- half hours, the fastest ever made by nay ►bow train. Tlicru wun' sixty cars. «tlvldiHl Into four seclloiis and hnnrtUiI hy six lon>- uiollves. At Klmlni three leopards were born, nnd naiuetl "llig," aftiT i;ovcrnor lllggliis ; "ZIni." aJter Jmlar'n fumiuis cnrtisinlsl. and "(" after llun. J. Slont Kassetl, one of Now York's inngressmen. The latter b'ninird 1ms since died. We have a baby antelnia-. tlic only oni' ever born In Ainerli-.i, nnil a Imby eie|diant. born lu Bliiglmmton, N. V., and nanieil '•Ulnghnnilon." On the wny fruiii J'tillipsburg, Pa., til Heliefonl*! our train was Hto)>|>ed on the Tyrone MouDlalu on the spot of Walter Main WM'rk. und there, at 2 .1. M.. iiieuiorlnl services In ri'iueiuhrnncn of the dead were held. Two car loods of flowers, one from the Joiin Hoblusou Bliowa anil the olher from tlie I'cuimylv.inia Ball- road, were scattered on Ihe uiouulnin aide. Itev. Sbeak, our minister, delivered the eulogy. At Cunandnlmm. N. Y.. we were vlstcd by Bob Bnchanun. who was boss canvas nuiii from 1!<lil to 1.ST;t. At Oeucva wc marched to Ihe ;:mvu of "IkMT" tTolvIn und held ser- vices. The llonil pleivs Ihat i-orered the grave were ti mass of fragnnice und a syni- bol of Rviu'lusllng love. A big lioa i-onslrlcl- or esi'Sped at Oencvn. anil has sini-o then been killing horses, i-uws, pigs and ilogs In Norlheru New York. At I'aiiuleu, N. Y.. i;. W. Keeil, our general agent hi 184H-47. was our guest. A wild boar es- cuiieil here and wiis cnptnn-il by William Oorcr. Mary Ithodes. nt Unrlland. sllppi-d from lier high flving ladder and tell In among the reserved seats. Korlnnntcly no one was sitting where she struck, iinii. atrnnge to any she e9eni>e<l withoar any broken bones, but was badly bruised. At Itlinca llio boys of t'omcll turned out c» ihomc. ITiev gave the eollngo yell lu onr horor. A terrible storm overtook us at Blnghnniton. Only a sliort dUtnnco from onr tents severnl houses were unroofed. Our <-auvas stood the test, which relleetJ! great creillt on our lioss canvas man, W. II. Curtis, and his assistants. At Oneoniii Larry Judse was thrown and mirnniioiislv ese«|wil ls?lng trniuplert to death. At Saratoga Mnnagi'r .lohu (i. Bohln- snn drove his Irnliieil osfrlcU, "I'lerpont Mor- gan," to sulky, n mile In 1 :4li. NoUiIng daunts us. All are well and Iiapp.v. Tbo Ten Dig Shows hnve no complaint to make. (,'.«• Sti;wakt writes: "I have sold my show lo C. O. Taylor, of Columbia City, Ind. The show Is now tuiiring luillnns, under the name of the Taylor A Frank Show, nnd mak- ing monev. Cap Stewart Is getting up i\ new show for 1IXHI. He will have a platforni show at Ibe fairs this Kail." Tub i<ii.i.owi.\<i Is n complete rosier or fJrent Wallace Show side show: W. II. Mc« Knrland, mannger; Jack Munley, nHslslant manager: "Itoc." Ijino. T. H. Melnllre. C. K. Mack, ticket Rellera: I*. S. r,owcryB. min- strels: tlmi-c Clark, nleclrlclan; McNulty, venlrlliHiiilst: Mnzle Ijino, trained dogs; Norn Buckley, inddcr of swords; Bal Ilumn, fire king: Lady Olgn, snake charmer; Jimmy n'DoJmcll, contortionist; Karmer Jones, tmlned nigs: Gnnxnica Sisters, knife throw- ers: '"Tho Musical Itceds." musical act: Beatrice Leslie and bcr trouiio of Oriental dancers. Ko.sTJ:n Of floi,i.MAn B»os.* Snows; Ooll- mur Bros., sole proprietors; Cbus. A. Ooll- mar, manager; B. K. Gollniar, treasurer; Fred C. Uollmar, ndvaacc manager;. W. f>, Uolluinr, oiiiestrlau manager; Harry Wcrt'-t, nsalslnnt eoueatrlan director; !•'. J. Worrell, adjuster; J. W. Andrews, twenty-four hour man; Dr. J. K. Fitzgerald nnd Dr. Tryou. press reprcseiitativc and physlciiin; llerl Uollinur, secretary; Al; Jones, boss iliniiile- ller man ; II. D. Hhnrj), calliope player: John White, lu charge of front door: flcorgo Par- son, candy stands; Uoi: I'arkhurst, Imjss can- vus mau: Kmery Stile.s, Isms animiil inuu; (ieorgu llolluDd, boss hostler; W- N. Itcn- Bou, assistant boss hostler; John t'ouroy, master of traus|iortutloii; Ben lluuicr, band master, will) following muHlclans: Cieorgc KsiKjy, Win. Klder, Chus. Ilolaii, J. .S. John- son. Dell Smith. Maude Ituberls, I .con Aldrlch, Wm. Hong, Martin Boss, Toiu Ilob- eris, P. H. ilnrper, !■!. J. Merchant. llerl t;oiiiuar, W. II. Morse. K. II. Vnu Dusi-n, Otto I.)emlng, Bert tJrlllle, Fred Tryon, Wm. linthglst, l'"oreht b'laners and It Ilemlerslioii. Performers hi big show : .Mniwell nnd .Vol- sou. traiic^o nerhillsis: I'eiel Family, aero- bals; Lansdowii Troupe, statuoiy ei|M-rls; Wm. .Marks. Alex. li. Lawnnde, Chus. Itonney, Frank Itov.e, eipicstrlans; Maxwell, Nelson, t;rltllths and I'etut, nerlal burs; Capt. Sharp, rough rider and meuuge act: A. AiigiiKliul, menage act: K. Boouey, ruenage act: (.'urrle Kanondc, rolllnif globe expert; Potter nnd Uarrls, Uomuo rings: Lu Verucs, Itomait rings; Ottu Wcuvcr. band bnlanctr; Alex. Brlshoii. cont'irtlonlst; Joseph I,ii Bep. cuutnrtloulst; Ale\. UrIsseau, cuiitor- llonlst; Mile Lu Bowe. coutorlloulht ; Jacobs and i?ordclI, couiedy acrobats; Ibii Brays, Jugglers; tlic Ueeus, higglers: Uio Ua/aer Sisters, uerlallsts; tltu Mozetlos, aerlallsts; lOmuiy Style.a, lrnlu>.'d clcphuats; Maiido McCoy, trained clciihants; tlie Mo- zeltcs, 'cycllsls; Wtilter lltuls:) Newton, Ilarrv Brandon, Harry Burt, Wm. Murks, Henry Poller, W. hi. Snrdell, Joe Lniiex, F. Muruellu, I'. Brlssoo, Chas. Boouey, W. S. Grlflllh, Ocorge Weynian, (imver .Mci'abi', Charles Varnello, Wlllhim Markbuiu, Fntnk Kctcheni. Fred t;ardo, clowns; L. It. Spykcs, Bussell Bnrr, A. Augstnbd. A. (jardo, Krnnk (iardo, Wm. Fish, Emma La Steil, Alllc tiu Sted, Walter (Uu1h>) Ncstou, (Jrover Mc- t.'alK', hlppodronic riders: side show people— (ieorgi: Irving, .Madam irvlng, mind render; Gei'uinn Boie, la musical ma; Harry llnrrl- SOD, human oHtrlch ; Major Uhlnbeck, midget; Mayheile Allbuck, Jsckknife ipiecn : K. Bins- Bcr, broom king; .Myrtle Coliurii, thn-e legged firl: Mile. Clio, suske eiichantn!ss; Oeurgo f. tirohiy, J'lineh nud Judy; Miss Cleve.. laud Cill. glanti-ss: Ulilubeck, magician; William Crawford, Harry linrrlson, ticket sellers; Ben linwanl. No. 2 band: concert people—Harry Brandon, llsrry Burt, Potter and Harris, Jessie Weaver, Harry Bray, Black and Frauks, Huillh and 1,41 Ilidle. -Xhtks nioH Ti.TTLn'a iji.vmi'IC Kii'jW. — We are still on Ihe road, making luori; money tills season than nay >illii-r since we have been out, this IkUik our llftecnlh H'sxun. Wo curry fourteen iHsiple: Mr. nnd .Mrs. A. I'. Tuille, proprl'-inrs and iiiniiagers: .lessle Troy, isiiiiiirllon nnd Inilmd ihigs; Jack Iliml, liiislnesH mannger; Knsl Murllii. Jug- gling and lutlnnclug; Bro. l>'v>indo, r«v'ilvliig ladder, Klncle IrapH, rings nnd double traps; Duilu .Miiruock, band Isiluncing and Kllencc and fun: .Mnrvello, ncroluil: I'rof. Ilurlsell, pianist; t;ilnl Plait, canvaK inuu, with three Bsslslunts. Wu don't say iniicli or four flush, ni!ltlier ih> we csrry n band, but we are ci-r- lalnly out fur all seuwui, nnd our ndrnuce agent, Harry licrmalnc, Is one of the best lu the bnslness. FAastKk JoxES Informs us Ihat he con- tinues to be the chief allracllon In Ihe vaudc- villi- annex to the (;reat Wallace Show. ,\oTi:s iiniM A.NbiiKW Dow.nik'h Mo.vhtkh Shows. —Andrew Donnle, owner: Mri*. An- drew Downle. IrcaKiiier; Itcrl Itiilbi-rford, iMisiness munagi-r. i:<sid fortune coaiiiiiies lo smile uisjii UK and guml liusliiess iippeurs to await till at vvry hIjiiiiI. .\t Kerkliucr, Llllle Kalis nnd Kurt Plain, last week, ihi; business was Ireinendiius, and Ihc universal verdht was "Ibe Inrgei,! and Iw-.t 20 i.tnt ilivir W(i tut bad." NoTr.s FROM Brow:»'s DxiTrti Strows.— Wc are playing to gissi business everywhere. ami the show Is making mure llinii gissl. nnd we are asked to play return d:itC8 everywhere. We are In our Iblril wivk lu Bocheslcr. N. Y.. nud playing lu gisxl business. We carry ii thrci> iKjIe top, two hundriil and llfty (eet by nm> hundred and llfty fei't, with u big dress- ing room and a big two |sile side show. The big top seats six thoiisiiud iieople and evrry- Injdy enjoys x<sid health and Ihe ghost walks regular every Sunday. The roster of the Show Is: K L. Bruwu, proprlclur und lunnugcr; Mrs. I". ].. Brown, treasurer; -Vdulplio I'olrlcr, business mannger: the Thris> I'olrlers, feature. In their novelty ring and bar act ; the Vahl- lugs, double trapeze: Slgnnr Carabn. Span- ish llylng Mng; the Only Marlon, ciiulllbrlit ; Tatic). strong boy ; Salvlno, aerial iicrforulrr; Ueluiio, bntoii Juggler and Ciinllllirlsi ; Al. Iiertino, Bailor perch: John Bono, iiowii; Brothers Marians, triple iKtr: llie Kriln'r Kninlly, flying traper.e; (he Three Bonlfos, nrrolials: Jos. Devol, slsck wire. The con- cert, under the direction of Mr. Price, Is as folbiwx: Smith Bros., conieilliins mid dniir- ers; .Miss Mc.Vvoy, sonbretle: (lulvin, ex- iKincnt of physlciil culture; the Hemianu.s, (duck face cuuiedbiiis; .Miss Alhcrtlne, slngirr and dancer, ami a Japanese drill by len vomig girls. The sblo show ucoiilc am: Tho 'I'wd iTowarils (brother anil sIsIit), Prof. Hall. John Hull, Illusion; I'ruf. Ilelo, nagl- chiu. The band Is composed of twenty-two Russians. NilTKS KUOM TUH (iHBAT Wjl. 1' llALb SHOWS.—Phil Kllsworth, our manager, while shuwhig at Joplln. .Mo.. June I'J, pun-hnsed from IMmouds, the Imrse deak-r, the d'lc- braled stallion, "dilefhiln," for rJ.riiHi. Tlie 1ion<o will Im- sIiIiiIhmI lo his much al N'abb, Ind.. iMgidhrr wllfi olher Hue horses be bus Isoight while III roM/e this season. 'I'he show bus l«»'.n doliiK ii fair hiisluess since ois'nlng at Kiucasler. ,Mo., .May li, iiolwllhstnudlni( the bad wealhcr anil ••tber iiniileusaiit cnmP- tlons, ami Is now lu KnnsiiM, and Ihu outlook Is very bright. Al (illllghani. mnnngcr of prlTllegi's, nnd our legal adjuster, was leiiiiercd a most elalMirnlo banipiel by his many friends at Joplln, Mo., nt the Key- stuiie Hold. In the jirlvnte dining nsiin. II. .McAuisilen, a mine operator, was (he host, and his benllli was drunk nnd sis-ei-lies were made. Mr. (lllllgliam was an excellent loasl- mnKler. Thosi> from Ihe allow were: .Mr. Hall, Phil iniswurth, Al. O. Cllllghain, W. U. ,Miisfe-at, Bcu Hall, "Billy" Ulce aud Bob Purvlu. NOTKS KIIOM TIIB KKANK A. HlUlHINS Snows. — Business continues linniense, wc being the drst show lu New Unglaml, ami naturally getting the "cream." The genlsl Fred BeekmaD Is back from the advance for a few days. Several of the Itlngllng force visited us at Waltham and l.nin. 'nm mcnngcrlc has been enlarged by the arrival o( four cages of animals, and decreased by tbe demise of one hyena. One of the elc- Ebant men was struck by an englno at Klfch- urg and Injureil to such an extent that tbo amputation of both legs was netessury. At .Waltbam Manager Bcibblus' birthday was celebrated by the company In a fitting mnn- n«r, and the "force" united In presenting him with a gold wntcli, tho presentation speccb being made by H. Stnnii'y Lewis. MiLMB Savot, wife of James .Snvoy, prin- cipal clown with Great Wallacn Show, was iipernlcd out at St. Luke's Hospital, Cbleogu, III.. June 6. and Is doing well, JoH La I'i.KiiR writes Ihat his sensntbinnl iHdder and table act continues lo Isi one of the uromlncnt features Hltb llio Korepnugli & Sells Bros.' Shows. Till: CBOsnxs (Harry nnd Onia) wrile: "We have the strongest singing and dniielng net In tho vnudevllle annex that tho Great Wallace Show has ever hiid." 4-_» . ltlIOI>l2 I.SI.ANU. Newport.—At tho Newisirt (MierB House fCnlin k Cross Co.. manngcrsj the Huntley SliH-k Co. openod Its eugagemeul, June ITi, with II clever |s;rfi>rniaure of "Cnptaln Swift," which wns heurllly enjoyed by all. Tills excellent i-nm|Kiny Inciiides the foilow- lUK |s.spiile: Italpli K. Ciiiuiiilnifs, Krert Moutagiii', Will M. Chapinnn, Neil Ilarcoiirt, Harry Castle, Hick lliilehlus, lU-n. 'Hiouias, lOtbel Klder. Bentrlis! Mi-ade, Grace Hull, Aniv Lalrri. Lovell Alice Taybo- and Margiiret Tliiiyer. K»eciillve slnir Huiilley Sloek Co.: TImyer. Kxeciillve slalT: Jus. II. Huntley, luniuiger; Freil J. Indley, hiiNlness muiuger: Ilul|di H. Cuuiuilngs, stage director: fleo. Wilson. Mienh: nrllsl. "The Arabian Mghts" J!>-2l. I" be followisl by "The Wager," a mio art farce. "IsmI Chiimley" ■22--4. SiiBFiiv's KaKuiionv Pauk Tiibatkh fl'has. v.. Cook, innnagerl.—Week of 12 good busi- ness was done. Bill week of 10: Union Onlling liiiards, Allclnl and Peter the Ureal, Wlllv Zlniiuerman, Taylor Slaters, Hejimtli ami Miller, Clenieni Ue Mon. Browning, Vy'clp aud b'ruukcl, aud tho vllugmpli. » ' W»oni>ot'k«t. — At Hnag Luke Theatre (II. .M. Young, manager) Ihe bill for week uf June HI Includes: t'uuluru nnd lilllelte, Warsaw Bros., Tom Almond. Ihe Ashloiis and the Chadwick Trio. Lnsl week's pro- Thc balbiou contest, held 11, was won by Prof. Flower, of Boslou. Houghton's Mllf- Ury Band IN. NoTK.—"Ilumply Dumpty," b^nt show, will be In this clly 22-24. *■» 'I'lic Kmiiire fllreiiK. The meeting of Ibe circuit w«s held Inst week, uad the completu list of houses was llnally ilelcrmliusl. Tbe .Nurlbweslcrn "»HI- ler" houses am liicluileil. The ollli.vrs aiir: James J. Iliillcr, pn-sbli'iit; Jnmes K Kou- ucssy, secretary; JamcM !«. Kemau, vice preHld'-iil; llerbi-rt Uciick, vice pnwblcul; John It. Whalleii, Irensiirer. Ibsinl of di- rts-tors-—Jsiucs J. Butler, Jaiin-s L. Kernun, James II. Feunessv. John II. Wlrillcn, ili-orga W. Blfe. Frank M. Drexv, W. T. I'ainphi'll, Harry W. Williams, llerlssri IlKink, P;<l- ward Butler, James P. Whulleu. The lioiises: 'I'rocsdero, I'hlhideliilila: BIJou, I'lilladellihln; .Moniimetilal, Ibiltlmore; Ly- ceum, wasbliiglxn; Academy of iMunlc, I'lttsliiirg: PiMiple's, Cliiclnnull; Kiicklng- liaia, I.'iulsvllb:: Stanibird, SI. [hiiiIs : b'olly, Ctilcngo: Star. Mllwaiiki-": IX-wey, Mlnne- u|H>iis: Star, HI. Paul: oii<- w<i-k one nigbt »^liinils liilo Biitle: lirnnd (J|s'iii IIoum', Biille: New L.\ceiim. Spokane; Si-iillh; 'fhi'- :ilr<!. Siiillle: linker Theatre, I'ortlnnd; l'ii<l- fonilu 'rh"al'v. Sail I''ninclsi:ii; laio wirk one nIgbt •lands bilo Salt l.nk<: <'lty : (irMod •riieniri', SnII l.ak'; Clly; Ciirlls 'llieatn-, Ili'iiver; .New 'I'henlre. (biialia: Criiliirv, Kiinsii.>: Clly: Kmidre, Indlnnnisdls; Tmcn- ilcpi. cblcHuo: .SiuMli's OiM.Tu, (Jrund llaplils: Avenue TheaUr, IV'lr<<ll: Star, «.'level:ind; iJifnyelU', Buffalo; Kraneals, .Montnnl' Columbia, llnslou: Miner's Bow- ery, N. y. Clly; .Miner's KIgbth Avenue. X. Y. Clly: Irfiiiibin, -N. V. Clly: Coliiuih>a, Brooklyn: Watson's, Broitklyn; I'nUiiie, Brisiklyii; Ibm Tiui, Jer.n-y city: BlJon, 1'ulersi.ii. The Kmpire i-lreiiil aiisounci-s thai all (ssipie engngeil wllh tbe isinitsudes biHiheil will have Ihdr nillmad rnres |>ali| from -New York Clly lo Ibe opening |s>liit, nnd from the closing isdnt buck to New York l'l(y SfM-clal nrrnngi<nienls wre now Is-Ing made when-by each coiupnny will be provided with K|vcjal kloe|HT nnd a dliil'ig ear for their exellislre use diu-lng Ihe lea weeks hi the Wewl, wlterHiy Ih"- cost of living win Ik- Icks IIisii tbo hotel rn(es. 'Ilie Km- plri' Circuit I'o. gmirniili'i-s ibn fHllhriil fiil. Illlnieiil uf Mil arniiigi-mi-nlH made Is-lwis-n Ihe iiiaiuiger und the |>"rforiiicr «.s to the above. IlARnr Bn»i-i.rr ha.) iiceu ni-eiigngrd for "Jn Old Keuluck/." .^...^, .^Waaj Onib <K Bill Posters. I ■ .^—-——. f^ivrga hiioM IJH'.ti; 1^1). II, CInclnnaif. Ilie Bummrr resorts hi I Ills vicinity arc ibdng nicely at pri-aent. Tbe old Vine Street Oiwr.! Itnusp la iielng reimnleleil, to n|»-u In Seplem In-r wllh burlesipie and vaudeville, furuishr.l by till- Knnleru circuit. In oii|»>sllliin !•• Ih" Lmplre clreull. espltsi Is Invested In the enterprise. Johnny Kcaster has gone !•• his home at Ashland, Ky., to sis'iid a fc» days Willi Ids fidks. lieorge Murray has n- turned lo work, after n brief spell of sick uess. James T.'Corby Is now ii memlnr of this local, nnd Is at present employed s< Cheiter I'lirk. Charles Nolil will Be In ml vaiue, licit season, of "Tbo Cottago by Ibe Bea" Co., louring tho middle Wesi. |iii.vl"ii BulhUig llcacb opens under new tnitnage meni IS. Jnini-s Smith Is cmpbiyed at the beach, lu charge of the advertising. Wi.* will be represented la (he Lalwr Day iiarnilc this year, and expect lo iinike ti line Kbowing. Walter 'lliouipsnu is n bnsclnili eiitbusiiisi, and nltrnda every gninr piayi'd on the home grounds. The ,\ssoclnlisl Hill 4'oster.s "f Ohio held a cnuventlun at Flndhiy, John Chapman represi-uteil this city. Ike Ilnusi-r was la towu recently, visiting his iimiher and viewing ohl Inndiuarks, as this Is his native town. JaincB Dunswurlh, of Uu-ul No. 111. Is secretary to W I'. I'-i-usor era) agent o( tbo Uagcnbock Show. Uatty Overton, uf Isical No. -'i, in siiei-oil aci e, •.i the Slime show, and als<i opposlthin man W. M. tluckclau Is advdrtlslDg ugeut for Ihe Liullnw Ijigiiou. Nirtiui KSOU Local No. 2S. .Mancliesler. N. II.—Bro. Mrjtest I'rovi-iiclier lisx Jidn<-d Ihe Hnrgrenves Show. Illngllug Bros.' A<i vaiice Cur. Ne. I. was ben- Hi, wllh the (id lowing: Frank l-'stes, cur luiimiger, uf Ltwal No. ■'•: W. II. tlasklns, Imiss bill isisler. uf No. Ti; assistants: Clm.s. Ilctls, of No. 5: Jlin MlliiT, of No. T: S\. Coughlaii, uf .No. K.; U. A. Kock, of No. 24 : J. Lyons, of No. 17: J. L. Cavamiuub, of No. IT; Dan I'heuey, of . No. I : Will Jackson, of No, 7; (Miaa. .Sri lers, of Nil. I ; Hurry Crabtris-, of .N'o. :i; J. II. Graves, of Nntloiml Alliance, nnd J. T. Crippun, uf .\o. :i. l.llhogniphers: Wia. .M. Vuai'c, In charge of No. 2(1; Chas. Mclsiu- alil, of No. i:i; Balph Boot, of ,No. r>, niul W. A. McCaulev. of No. ;i. John Whltiiiore, programmer. W. lladnsoii, steward of nir, rt'iHtrts every one well. .S'oTI« FKOM LiMMi, Nil. 24, BillTahi. .\. Y.—Hio. TIiouKis 10. Lynch has Just gum- lliriiiigli a surgical nperallon. and has Isn-ii In very bud sIia|K>, but Is Improving iiliely. Walter M. Bubs, of fsicnl No. :i, Pltlsbiilg Pa., came here In :idvaiice of MUdn'd llol hind, who Is nlnvlng n slork eiigngenient ni the l.yiTiini Tiienlre. Mr. itiibs has Is-eii apiinlnlisl In-asurer of Ihe iiiin|siny. We had our nltoraey witji us. K, Frledlnnder.. of Chicago, wIki was nii his war home froui Phlhiilelplim. He gnve ns ii lull scconiil ni the Ir.illhle In Phltiidelphl.i. The Imys nl' LiH'al 21 are .nil very busy Ibis Summer, as there Is «-o laiirli work. tjeo. Iti-lly has ehiirge of the ndvi-r1lsi||g at Ihe Ne\v Pink Tlu-ilre. I'lim:. I.. Vincent has cbnrge i.f work :it llin Lyceum 'PIsMiln- lor Ihf Siiai mei* season. l((i.s'ri:a or Ca« No. 'J. PAw.vr.ii llil.i.'s Hl.sTouir Wii.ii Wkst ami tlUK.vr Kaii l-I\»n. —Thus. II. Vsii OsliMi, manager: Mrs. IJI llun Calvert Van lislea, sis-clnl iin'ss repn- senlalive: J. W. Neilniw, Isiss hilt |iosi<<r: Wllls-rt WInne. assistant ; A. Biitlernorlh. Ikiss llthognipher; I. A. Meyer. aHslHlniii lllliogmidier; Vic I'levelnud, binis iiniiiier man; Krnnk Human, aHslstaiil. Bill |hisi- ers: Ted ftlillvehlll, W. K. Htockberger, S. Ith-e, Jack Foley, Harry Nelson, Jidin Itisieh, J. J. Sullivan und W. II. Ilroiiumliler. Wal- ler Hiliiipbrevs, chef, nnd Henry Iviiirocl, isir- l(T. .Muse lllller, of I,«cul No. ;t, closisl In Detroit. Grant Bi-chlol, of I,u<-al No. II. cliised lo Join Vogi-l's .Mluslrels. NiiTKS Kiio.v tsiCAi. S'l. ;i, PKlshiirK, Pa. - .\l our lust regular meeting, June 4, «■■ had the honor of having Hrus. Moss and Uyna, of I,oi'nl .No. -l, wllh us; also Urn. Jim Ibirkus. of .No. I, who Is now able lo gel around wllli tho nsMlslaiieo of a cane. Nnlloiiiil PreMlileiii l?hns. Joseph dnip|ied In Just In llmi! lo siiy a few words lo tbo Isiys. Bro. Josoiili had JuhI retiiriinl from n business trip In I'lii eliiiinll. Bro. FrIedluMih'r, atluriiey for the Alllanre, spent June 4 In uur clly, nos'lliig obi friends. Ho left for thn Idast In Ihe eronlng. Mm. Al. .Norrlnglon, of .No. :;. wriles lliBl he will return noiiie nlsiiil June 17. he having eloseit n long iiiiil siiccessfir, Wilson with till! IS) Vniid Slock I'n Bro. • Hiss. Joseph and wif" wenr prcsrnled wlih n bright little huby Isiy .luue h. .Mother nnd laiby are getting nhmg nicely. Ilrh, Arihor Blilner, of .No. :t, who Is with tho l''ore|Hiiigli & ,Si!lls Show (Ills season, writes that tbi-y have thn Ih.>hI orpinlzeil car on Iho road (hi < season, nnd that (here has hot been nnr ''om pliilnt uguhisl any uf Ihn men. Ho slali-i that Ibe hus|illnllty shown Ihe (sivs of Ibis ear by Wesleru lis-ain Is soinelhlng lo Is- Iirmid of, Tho i-ar Is nmniied hy ibo follow ng meuibers, beaded by (;|ias. J|. Adkin-. as car manager: llr<i. C. IHukley, No. I. l»i>J bill isister; Wm. Corlsdl, No. I: Jim Hern, No. 17; J. Hulllvnn, No. (I: N. Temloll, N... r.; lied Sevmore, No. ti; i hsi. Sliigloloa and Arthur Kleiner, No. II: A. Hefrane, .No. I: A. Sliiiight and H. Mercler, No. 7: H. .XlcUnwn Slid J. .Splttler. No. II; F. Whitiier. No. 10; J. Lalimnt, Paul r,amontand A. lllller, ini-ia Is^rs of Iho Alllauee. Bro. Oils Knrli, of No .'I. Is busy hilling Oakwisid and Soot born Parks for the tract Ion cnnipany. Hni. Sum Vnnlewln. of No. :t. Is billing Ihn Siiiiimer o|S'i'a at till' .Nixon. This wei'k will cbMe lle- si-aHon nt tbe BIJou, imiklng a season ol' forly-six weeks. .Nim:s I'ko.M fyii/Ai, Xii. riri, San —Things are rather alow here In llio IKIni graphing Hue nnil tiiost of the boys un' out of work, as there Is no "window vvork" Isdtig done. S<-creiiiry Jack Moure nnd, Ihisl- nesH Agent Kred llniihln havi: the Lyeuui Tiienlre, nud nre billing 11 prelly liuril fur John L. Hiilllvnii und IiIm vaudeville coniimni. which open ou June 'Jll. for one week. ,M. Kbiriiouy, iiinnnger of (bo Lyceum, c.\|bs|„ big husliiess wllh lliir ex chnniplon. Iln- (•eo. bine nnd Burnu Van Kem|ieii nre ibdng their shnrir of work. Bro. Tony Ilinn ehl Is lu Porlhiad, Ore., on a biislnein lrh>. IIi< reports Ihlngs very giwsl al tin- Clarl- KstHinlllon. S<inie of one boys nre wllh tin- Norrls & llowir Shows. Hosier of Car No. 1 Mr. Archer, car inamtgi.-r; Harry llrnillv lis, Ihi! iMiis'r on Ihe car. BllliMi.sier3: line.. Cluie. Iliirrler. No. X, ; Kd. Billings. \i.. ;;■, . Joij laierly, .Vo. «; Harley Cunniiigiiiiiii, .%<■ (1: Jim MeCall, .No. i|; Wm. Shanson, .\» :tri: Jos. Hyde. .No. .■'.."i; f.'lius. Scbliirler, Ni. :Ki ; progniinuier. Tony I'randi'll. .V« «: Mr Menrv, .No. 1 : Marry .Mniinlb-ld, bwi lit Is, Krapher; Ijiwn-nce, Tabb, nsKlslnnI 1(1 le< Ki'iipher. Bro. Van Keniin-n Is geiilii;^ reail.-' for Ills i-isid work for I lie Smilhern imrl of tbe KInle. Ilros. Vlclnr Simii, of Luml .Nm. i;. and Tniiv CbirU, of .\o. )!. arc wllh the Ilngi-uls-cfc SlniHM. « « » . XltUilMA. l.yui-liliitrK. lilvernionl I'urk i's.'li>:> fCoi'hln Shield, in.inngcri w.-is o|s-iH-d Jiui" fi. III It ' rowileil bouse. Week of 12 llie M 'owing iKople belli Hie boards: HoyM and Kolierls. Powers Bros.. I.ewla and i;reeii. Ibe Ifnr'isi-iiiie nnd I'lora Ilrov.nlng nnd Cm. The Blveiinonl I'nsliio fu-cheslrs W niidi-r till- lenilerehln i.f f;us A. Khieoter. violliil-. . Willi Uh' foll..«lnK; S. II. CIiiIhIIc, ifbiiio: I,onls l-erniri, loroet: Aulliony ICeisri, drums. Their work Is evis-Henl. ♦-♦■♦ .Iami:s L. IiK.Mi-srv Infurins n« that he has cl'ro'd Ihe seaHori with I bo Cohinbil Stock Co., nnil n-lll hih-uiI the Summer al Balli, Me. In AiigiiHi bo will ugalu Join tbe saiut: vvuipauy.