The New York Clipper (June 1905)

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JTJNE 24. THE N-R-W YORK OtiPPER. 453 WANTED,^BUTLER, JACOBS & LOWRY CO I .CIFIC AND K, TNIE CHER ERRY IVIAIDEIMS RY B n IME\A/^ CENTURY OIRL.S ,3 First Class Musical Directors. 2 Union Property Men. 'All Kinds of Vaudeville Acts. so A No. I CHORUS GIRL.S TO WHOM TIIK BEST SALARY 'UTILL BE PAID, AND ALL WARDROBU K()U!VI8IIRO KHKK. NOTICE—We pay all railroad fares from New York City to opening point and BACK to N. Y. City fVom CLOSING POINT for everybody, with slooping car ftiro iVoni Chtcaf^o ta flan Francisco and Book. A.dciro»B THE BUTUER, JACOB» A UO'XA/RV OO., C»r» of OI,IF*F»ER, IM. Y. Ol-ty. THE GREAT isiodavTHETALKOK I.CNA PARK. Voiionlj can beM ilie nAme of llie "Klnif of ilie Wire" from ever? one of the vUltors or Coney Wand. Reail wli«t tUe MANITOBA KREK l'llt:ss, of WIUDlpeg, Canada, said about llils great artlsl: ••WILL HOOK TUF KAIR ATTRACTIONS. P. W. IIENBACII JOUKNKYS EAST FOR THAT PUR- POSF OSE STAR SECDRF.I) AS FIRST ATTRACTION. JUAN CAICKUO, tiie king of wire perform- ers jTftS been secured at verj coDslderalile cost, and all nrlio have seen his iierfontianee will lull this aDnouncementwltti ilellglit. To ihow theiiualltv of his work 1 inlghl state that tt the opening ofllie new lilpBOJrume In New Yorlt, U^U.'EDO was one of the star atirsclloiis. The hippodrome bulldlDg, whichcMt $1,600,000 and seals 6,!iOO, was Bot finished uutll two weeks after the time set for the open- Init hut the management Here so anxious to have MR. CAICKUO forihe Urat performanre Hut they uaiil htm bl9 salary In full (tvirlng that time, and he Is still playlug at that popular amuBcment report. CAIOEDO will give two performances dallT lii front of the fnna stand during the eight of the fair." AT lilBKRTV AFTER AVii. at. PRENTICE TRIO, SINGINB AND DANCING GOiEDY ARTISTS, nsF LADV auil TWO GENTS, are cuDsldcrlne olfers for coinlnir season. AddreKs oatuaui.uu e ^^^ EIGHTH AVE., Mew York. FIRST GUSS REPERTOIRE PEOPLE In all lines suire Blreelor and clever child. Must join for Summer aud winter. Stale every detail Btat letter No lime for correspondence. DR. H. D. Hl'CKER. Rockford, III. X. W. WITTMAFS BK SHOW \sr j^N T ^ Band Leader to play Cornet and double Klrst Violin; Baritone and Rags, to double In Orchestra: Alto and Trombone to double; full set of Unlfomis, Bund Wugou, in Al condition: one Team to put on ACts and do ciiuedy In stlme. Address UR. X. W. WITTMAN, Uonesseu, Pa. P. S.-ThlJ la the largest Medicine Aggregation of the season. Plenty of money, and kunw how to use lu ".S/' KEMPTON KOMEDY KOMPANIES EA8TEHN AND WBSTBKK. WANTED TO OPEN iCLY 16, near Denver, Colo., Versatile Leading Ijuly, Singing and Dnnrlug Soubrettc' Man for Juveniles and Heavies, Character Actor that Docs Sironii Specialty. All niust have irood wardrobe. Man with Moving Picture Muchlue. Most play small parts ur do strong specialty, and hive up to date Films and .Slides. A Musical Ait.nnisl double Htnge or Piano, I'luuo Player. Clever Child lot'Darts. Must do specialties. State all tlrst leller. Maimireiueiit pays buard. Scud projrami'photof Address L. A. KEUPTOM, Ben. D.-I.. beuver, Colo. KITTIE O'BRIEN & CO. In "NORA'S FORTUNE." Week of Janp as, OLENTANO^ PARK, Coluiubui, Ohio. ..Performers, Note.. WANTED, FIVE ACTS, Sluele aiirt Double, suitable for German Village, at TURNERS' CARKIVAl,, ERIE. PA.. JULY .1 to 8. Aoonts, if you run an|>ply ua, write, a. FRAMK HATCH SIIOWH, Barbcrton, 0., June IB-W: So. Sharoij, I'li., JuneMJiily 1. A WOEKING AGENT and MUSICIANS (Strone Cornet and i Violins to Double Clarionet or »ras.i) wanted for "JOSHUA SIMPKlNS" to. " Addrena C. R. UENU, S»ndy Creek, New York, 'TKOUr^B OF* For a long cDgagemeot. Wlnscheriiiunii, write. Address "IIKARS," i:are of CLIPPER. WANTED QUICK, Aiay if yon WANTED, ilavOrgan: week stuiids; Uveal hotels, loud Canvas Mua. Address MANAOKII UEUCU., Vaudllng, Ijickawaiiua Co., Pu. CANDY FLOSS MACHINE FOR SALE. One ne«f Empire complete, with gas and iianollne aiitnt, al 26 per cent, otf list price, on account slcknes.i. Write quick to W. S. RUSSELL, Coopcmtown. N. Y. AT LIBERTY FOB C0IIR6 SEASON, .1. II. VAUOHAN, CIIAKA(TEItS; LOLA VAUQH AN. SMALL I'AHTS. One piece preferred. l liaMAIU . BOHOfU II ST., I'lillndelphla, Pa . pwiiio pi4yIb¥arted. iijsrr'e.TJ Vaudeville Piano I'laver, nliii doubles Hand In- stmnient preferred. Summer In Phlla. One mat. onl y. 1)R. W. II. LONU,9IS Wslnn l 8l„ Phlla.. Pa. WAWPPn Novelty AcM ot all kinds. Change nan iliU, for week. Join on wire. Med. Cu. M. A. ACEER, Oelphia, Indiana. E To Let, OK WILL TAKE A Rem reasonable. Running for the last ten rears ar a llrst class vandevllle. Preseht owner has other biialneKs, (looil chance fur the right parly. Inquire at YOKEI-'S, 489 BoQlevard, Rockaway Beaob, L L, If. T- A flOLDEN OPPORTCNITV FOR .SOME ONE WITH A SMALL AMOUNT OF CAPITAL «nd some brains. A First Clus.s.UEL0llllA.MA wllhu llrantl- lul Uiie of Paper. Small cast, ea''ll; Htaired. Booked solid and companir for comlui; seusuu. Apply to CCLIIANK. CIIACE A WE.STON, bookingETchau(.'e, laaiilTU Hroadway. S. V. FOR SALiE-TKIVTS. 40.t;ii, ouxito, cu.iciiio, suxi&o, mxVM, jioinu, mihio, lOoilW. 7 and V Tier Blue .Heals. All hargaltiH. PEARL VAN. Nurlhvllle, N. V. Wanted, Coocliee Dancers, Good Lookeis and Ureaaeni; also Turkish Musicians. All ninil Jolu on wire: uolirkeis. One year's work. Addresi, with Bsliry, to L. U. Hudson, icie Swam St., Pblla., Pa. AN AGENT Who knows how to advertise, luvltrs oifers for iieil seuioD, REP. CO. PRKKEUttEU. T yean* a writer and promoter of pulilli'ity, 3 years lu show business. Voiiiig, eiiergetlit, u pusher who makes things move. Address ^J. II. B., C»re of CLIPPER. NEW SONG OOTFIT, {35.00. Klectrlc Song Slcreoptlcon. KIcctrlo Iiamp, Uheostftt Sviltch, 4<^ln. CondeoHors, [.odk I>mw Kellows. Klne Magnifying I.enses, Melnl Kramc and Ijimp lloitse. iiIko :i Inte sets new illustrated Sonus, 11! slides to set, lluely col- ored. All Lew goods. Duly $:i,'>. FOR inoviNO PitrriiRE snows. TUB DONALDSON LITllO. CO., Newport. Ky. LYCEUM COMEDY CO. WAN'TH aCICK, Al Character Woman, Spe- i^lalty tearo (mun and woman) to do kouiu parln. People in all lines wrlle for bal. uf Kuunlisr auil oe.xt season. Uood wardrulie and rchubllliy e»-. aeuUaL AL. S. EVANS, Manager, Vluceunes, liid WANTED, 3O0 to 1,000 second hand or uew Oliair?". HtMte condllloti, make and lowest price. J. li. MOititlS, ■■K W. Kith St., N. V. City. ^A/AlM-rED, Leading' Man. Prefer one who can direct: also other people, lu- chilling SOUBRETTE. Address qub^k, FRANK RICH .STOCK COMPANY, Midway Park Theatre, Temple, Tex. AT LIBERTY, Suminer and Regular Season, CLYDE I!. CALLICOTTE, Leading Juvculle; M.VIlflUKIllTE MOORE, Mtislca! Director. Thoroughly eX|>erlenced, cunipelenl ami reliable. Jusi cliMed 4:1 weeks' season as I,eadlug Mao aud lllreclor with riordou A liennetl's "HOI.V CITV" (EasUml. Address CLYDE B. CAI.LICO'ITK, Care of (leneral Delivery, Saginaw, Midi. WAI MURRAY COMEDY CO. MAM FOR IIKAVIK.S, CHARACTERS, (lOOD COMEDIAN WITH SPECIALT1F;S. Other useful people, write. Sumincr Slock and ue.xt season. CIIAS. LA.MB, Lyric Park, lltlsbur n , JCanMia. 3MALIP0X PiniNGS. Acne •cam, ('lilckenpox marki, re- moved from Iha ikln by my reiuarlc- able cuimellc dlKuvtrr; •end fur diicrtptton and •worn ttatlmonr from pallenlB ihrougltout the L'lilleo Btatee whom 1 have auccestfuUr treated. ». D. RODaiSRIi, M. D., Suite 60 M Atfame St., Chlcaf u. \A/4^NTKO. F'OI Pnucli and Magic Man to take charge side aliuw, mua that lectures. Can use lloss Canvas Man, good Drivers. JOHN P. HARRIS, Bel Air, Md., June 31; Delia, Pa., June 2s, Black Face Comedian, Troupe of Trained Dugs, Feumle Hand and Orchestra, Lady Piano Playi-r, Musical Arts, Picture .Machine. Stale age, what you do and lowest salary llrst letter. Uniiikards siKl cripples iiiil wanted Wire at uiice. J AMKS CAR.HON, ((CAKER MKD. CO., Berlin, Out .Vsslst la general with this show. HAVE TOU A CAR YOU WANT TO SELL? If so, address KNO.XVILLK CAIt CO., v.:4('euiral Ave.,Kuoxvll le,Tenu.,glylng deHcrlptlou ami price. AT LIBEIiTY. HEDICIIliE LKlTUKKB, OITlce Worker, Ileal money gclter from 1 lie Unt uighl. Ssfell dresser No buo/.e. Join 011 wire. DH. MAl.CO.M WAYNE, den. Del., .st. l.oul». Mo AT UIB Musical Arlist, Organs. SNONV, Chance fur a Week CASINO, Ontario Beach, N. V. WASTED QUICK-..SILEHT lAH. Who does Ttapa, Wire, S. ami Fun, and cliunge tor one week. Al. .St. Pierre, wire. ML'RBAV 1 MURRAY, .Salisbury, Chanson Co., Mu. SKKTCII TEAMS, SISTER ACTS AND SlNilLK LADIES at once. ADAMS THEATRE, cuts. Wiiltrd, Mgr., Westseoeca, N. r. :rs and Ao-roRs. I want to Inform Ihc entire prufesvlon ihittshnuhUOSEI'll A. MITIlllEl.l., who worked wllliiiietnr >everai weeks, claim be owns iIih net wlilcii I iiriHlnccd ami »e pi-rrnrnieil al that lime, called •■Tlie Night of the Flghl," I whui to sluie that 1 oAn evoryiiilng bi'loiiglug to Ihfuut, sceneries, ur<ip. erUes, etc.; also pahl personally for all wanlroU' n urn by us; my nwn orlHlnal lileus, oiii | claim Ike ad was orlgluateil fnun the spurllng sii'iir of » well known lueioilruimi, wlibh I wllue.ssi>d, and aller- ward gut permlsiluu from the aiitlmr and iitiir la pruducii same. I liavefully prnlMcied hit rlfht-< W1I.L1AM - - - For further informatltin, aihlress my uiltiriipy. lAM A. INH^N. IlKNRY M. CIIUMIN'UH, Connseler at Uw, Bnuiliiyu, N. V. The new act will he priHiuceil the coming xeuson liy INMAN & WAKEFIELD, Entitled "Sporting Life." ARK AT LIBBRTV KOR CUHINO SKANUIM. A.lilrf.a all (oniiiiuiili alien* INMAN ^k WAKKVIELU, :iO«h SI. add the lleai It, Sea Hal.., I,. I. WMITED, CHORUS UDIES FOR WATSON'S ORIENTALS. COSTUMES FURNISHED, tt WEEKS. NO Mr OFFS. NEW YORK CITY to SAN FRANCISCO. Tlila company opeiis In New Vurh i:ily nnU closi'i In Netv Vuik Clly. U'unt Feature Aria uf any nature. Addre>« W. B. WATSON, care Watson's Theatre. Brooklyn. N. Y. SENSATIONAL AMERICA. FOR OPEN TIMK address Originally Engaged for Five WookH at tlio N. Y. llljipo- ili-oiiie, and Re-Eiigagod Tor indellnito i)eriod. WILL SOON PRESENT THK MOST ' SENSATIONAL ELEPHANT ACT KVKH NKEIV IN AMKItlCA. W. W. POWEK, VIcliirhi Hotel, Unuulway ami 'Jtllh St., N. Y. Cllr. ARMSTRONG AMUSMENT CO. OHCICAGO (I lid JViaW YOWK. Vt l.a. Hall.. St., 1:11 Weal 4-4il HI.. SAM 1., TUCK, Mur, W. V. MANNINM, M|cr. .lAMKM .r, AIlMHTKttNIi, Uen-I .llgr. Largest Circuit of i'srks In the U. S. Purii and Fair MaiiaKcrs, send for our Ul page illusinileil Cata- logue, the Dnesr Imok of lis kind i!Vi!r piihllsliiul. WAN'rEH—HKi ACTS for (>|ieu iilr, VAUIiKVlLLK for theatres. .Send hi >iiuriipi-n tlini;. Who Is soil' owner of 11 fuuMtrt SciisulUiual .Mehidraniu Iwllh a llirlll), which lu poliiim cotislriic- lion, clliuuxes, etc., IH liead and shoulders alsivi- llie avcragn. wnnlii like lu luleresia iiiaiia,(i>r of standing for a prodiicllou of same. .Vuuugi^nt hxiklng r«rs<mieihing(.HMl will .In wi-ll in luvesllgute this, as It is a sure iiiiinfy getter. Address C. K., I.'ari- of NKW »IIHK i:i,IPPER Olllce. BABBORKA-JAMES CO. dNO SCI'PORTINCl THE VKItSATILE AI.'l'RKS.s, x^xxa Now booking Kail and Winter seiisiin. Vauiivers In N. V., Pa. and Ohio soiid oiwn time. WA.NT A H;\V KAIRIIATR'*. WANTED, I'lASO Pi,AVKK. Sight Reader. Miisl Join .lU wire. Waller llllle, wire. Alwi WANT IKIOU IIKI'. I'KOPI.K Ibul ar.- willing to WORK for Ih.rlr salary. KKICD .lAMKN, llfunuKer, <.'ly<le. New Vuik. AHRACTIOSS WASTED, PEOPLK WASTED, For Jackson, Vicksburg and Natchez, Miss.. Summer Theatres. Tlifl IwHt wlnnera in Llie South. Ail new. Can book your show six wi^eka. Short Jumps. Threeiowiia, Ulve tuo a half way good show and I will give yon the money, open tlm« IilIuIv, Aug. and iM-pi. WA.NTKD—Ri-pH., Vauilevllli;, BiirleHiiiiv and Opera Cos. Third season. No op<;ra hen- In iwo vrur-, and a good CO. can make a killing. If yuu are afraid, I'll buv. Otto Krause. wrlle ipilck. For all time and terms, addrrss M. iM. IIIWIN, NMirlaec, Ml». 'W A :Pf x » 13 F»OK THE HUNT STOCK COMPANY, ANKXPEItlENCED .MAN FDll (lENERAL lUHlNKSS, AN E.VPEIIIENCED WOMAN FOR llll.VEHAf. IIUHINKSS; miiHi do Hpeclalllirs. Slab- ymir very lowesi suinry In yonr llrst Icin-r; n si.-aiiy eugsKe- nient and a loug seiaoii to the right iie.ipic. Management pay board and iravetlnK e.t|MMises. Pleuaa consider alienee a pidlie negative. Write ur wire. H. A, illi.NT, UoyiiH IMiy, .Mich., June iV-24; St. Igiiflci^, Mhrh., June •J* July 1. THE POLITE VAUDEVILLE ENTERTAINERS, flRllF WILLIAMS and YANOU MELBURN, Doing two shows at T.iNV I'AS'i'OH'S thUtvit^k, Un a)s>vu, or HU and K.ln P. M. June vn mid July r, upcu. Addrea* ir/, OREIiOIlt ST., Ib)clie.l.r, N. V. I!^I!^£>. CRABf E>, COSTUMER; ir.lH HRoAlfWAV, NKAH 4.->lli HTHEET, NKIV %<IUK. The Iir^eit knd most complete slock of Thestrlcui L'ushimes InlhiTliy. Maiie to orderor rendrlo weir. Evening Uowoa bought or sold. Meotiou CLIPPER wtitu calilug or wtuigx