The New York Clipper (June 1905)

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JUNE 24. THE NETVr YORK: CI.IPPER. 455 7tD WiixiAMs, who bas been la musical .-omfdlci rcr «.on>c lime. will, after pliiyJuK Pastor'a and n few other vaudeville dntea, hi" seen wllh Miner's Americans next aenson. Cab.vkv a.M) Waonpu report lueetlnK Willi hlir success In llielr new net. Tlie.v were Inxt wwk at WAShliiKton I'ark, Ua.voune, N. .1. Mr and Miis. CtAiiK MouNTN. after a moBt successful season wllb llcatty Bms.' Big Kenosha, Wl«, •Ahntir are viRltIng their parents In Wlchlla, parks, wllh tw Kan and WashlnKton. D. C. Mr. and Mrs. cities of tlie V Souttts rejoin their compaiiv at Salt Lake CIfy lu August. Next year tbey Ro to I'arlH, * "^Oronir. Gheoory writes: "I have been laid iiu nick with catarrh of the stomach for the Dsst three weeks, and have been under the b«re of two physicians, thereby coniiiellluK Ma.toh O'Lol'oiii.i.v, who played the Crnnd me to cancel a season's work that I had Theatre, .Milwaukee, week of ,Iune \2, Is booked at Inman's Casino, Coney Islnud. N. Y hut 1 am pleased to state Hint I am now on a fair way of recovery, and expect to re- same playing dates again on or about June •IK 1 have a number of ijood offers for Dorlis nud fairs for my new trick pantomime, entitled 'A Clown's Confusion : or. The Kn- chnnted Knrm." for which I have nn entire new oiitllt of elegant costumes, properties nnd si'enlc elTccts, and oui^ of the most lieauti fill nud eirecliinl llnlslies of any "••* '•• "" IlAimv A. WiioowAnp wrltej: "Uollle C. Woodward unil 1 no longer work liigeflier. 1 am uow worklux w-ltb my I'avlllon 'llivutrc Co., througb Maine, and niu uicctlnt; with StICCVHK '* OanKuiT.v AiiNOLD. of Chicago, last season prima donBn wllh Wills Musical Comedy Co., bas gone Into vaudeville, upenlng June If), at '"' *"" "".<<. She bas seven weeks In tlie wentytwo weeks In the prluclpnl West to follow. Dick rKicmjso.s and (Iuace 1'as.><.m<u(K. wlio were at Mauiilon's I'ork, a Suuiiucr resort near St. Louis, week of June 14, report meet- ing with success, 'llie park has been opened about two weeks, and Is doing a large busl- ne.<is. B. F Keith's Theatre tCelth's Rljou Theatre.. Keltb's Theatre Keith's Theatre Kcllb's Theatre Keith's Kew Theatre. Keith'* BIJou 'CbetAt 'S Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass. Providence, U. 1. I'awtucket, II. I. New York City .... rbllldelphia, I'a. rblladelphik, I'a. Keith's Prospect Theatre CIcTelrilid, O. Keith's Itoynl I'rlucens Theatre.tonduo, KDg. Uarry Davii' Grand Upera Uuiiae, Pittsburg, Pa. Chase's Theatre Washington, D. 0. Keruon's Marylnnd Theatre...IlnltTaiore, Md. Shin's Uarddb Th«Btl(e Buffalo, N. Y. Theatres and ; : : Vaudeville Booking Circuit Hhen's Theatre Toronto, C«o, Moore's Theatre Kocbcstar, N, X. Temple Theatre Uelrolt, Mich. Arcade Theatre Toledo, U. Uoore's Theatre Portlaod, U«. Moore's Theatre Salem, Mail. Park Tbeatre Worcester, MUl, iON'8 tiivie:. act In the ia'nlonTlmc or vaudeville world."" Naiikl and Aiiams, novelty nnd comedy duo who have met with great success In the'West, nnd arc on their wny Kast. have 'several weeks Imnkcd abend. oponlUB at tho Auiillorlum 'nieatre. I'ocalello. Ida.. June i<) linve added !;everal novelties to their act. and nre uinklug good everywliere. JiiuN Mi'iiHAV. formerly ,McI'"aiiuiid and Murrnv. bas algned for next sea.sou with snia I'levro, to work In the llrat pari and burU'quo: nKo to ilo straight, lu Andy Lewis' new net. , , .. .MoUTu.N, Tk.mi'I-e and .MoiiTON have Just closed on the Keith circuit, where tlu-lr act, they Inform us, was a hit. They open July 37, on the Heller & Gladden park circuit, for four weeks. , , , ,, Ci.ARic AND Klorettb aro hooked on the Gorman pork circuit up to Septenilier. MrnPiiv ANP I'Ai.MEn heguu their Sum- roer season of twelve weeks on the Jo.sejib J. Klvnn cliTult, at Skowliegnn. Me., June 1(1. In their new blackface trnvesty net, which, they write, meets with plenty of hiughter nud ap- ** Ncu.iE Moore will hereafter he known na Nellie Ginhiiu, of llie team of firay and (irn- buu, musical comedians. Tliclr original Scotch llnlsh Is n great success, they inform Grach; and IlF.vNoi.uH have been at San Krnuclsco, C:il., and tliclr net lias mc( wllh succiHs at every house on the Wm. Weston tlrcult. ,. ,., , Da W. E. Stewatit writes: "I have re- tired from the rond and have accepted Uie . - line booked solid for the Summer. Tin; Kr.t.ioTTN (Jnik and Willi, who are booked solid until Septeinlier, report that they are meeting wllh success picsentlnc their new nit. Tin; Adei.k Pi'hvis C.i. is in Its third week on tile Krnuk Melville olicull of parks, and Is meeting with success. .Miss Purvis writes; "I am proud In say my new dance, 'Spec- trum of the Sun," never fnlls to win applause, and my pupil, Kluru Althrupe, has met wllh decided success." ICVkuett KKMinoN. who recently closed a 8uc"es.sful engaKement with llurtig ,t Sea- moo's Howery Biirlestpiers, has been re-en- gaged by that company for next Reason. TWR WiiKEi.cR CiiiipuKv .nre a vaiule- vUle feature In the (ierinau Village, at Coney Island, Wheeling, AV. Vn., this week. rni^cr.s.s OiiiNc'iiii.t.i, Ldwnrd Newoll and Rrnc.-it L. Barhour unllfsl. June 12, for nu eighteen uioiilhs' tour of the Austrnllnii colonics, under the management uC M. B. Curtis. THE CitAMliKRi-AiNS returned laFt week from Kurope Mme. Axn Fred Macartk returned from Kurope June !.">. Thomas f!. .UcCreabv Informs tis that he will orgnnlze for Ibc coming season u llrst class company of biirlcsipiers. to bo known as the Jolly lilils. It will play the Kniplre circuit exclusively. Jlllliin C. Hlemnier, a scenic artist, has the sceule ei|ulpiueiit well In hand, and plate.'* fur the custuuies liuve been accepted from Wllhelni. Tor a short lime he will make the Trucndcro 'I'liealre, I'hlludelnhla, his beniU|UiirU>rs. K. U. Zauands a.mi ■my. Sister.s llK.'is, nov- elty musical loniedy net, who wereuL Shellpot I'ark, Wilmington. Del,, week Juue lli; were held over for week of 111. They are prescni- lug a real novelty, In that they hnve eight sepnnile aiul distinct styles of work liilro- duced lu tlirir ucl, J. Wii.HuN Ci.ti'ii: has signed with Cullinne, Chase It Weston's Siliistrels for next sea- son, us tronilione soloist and to do bis mu- sical speelaliy. iP.erformers Wishing to Fill Odd Open Weeks During the Spring and Summer Seasons Should Make Application at Once. B. F. KKITH'S BOOKIlVCii OFFICK8, St. JIames Building. S. K. HODfiPOtr, BOfliiitig Manager, Hoonrs 823 to 828, St. James Building, HEW YOHK CITY uosltlon of nmuseiueiit dlieitur of the Sul- steal speelaliy. uhiir Wells Natatorluni nud Amusement Co., -Kiv I ai.m.:!! clom n su.cessf.i senson of Corpus Christ I. Tex. The place will be wtb Hyde's tine mi.boii Olrls nl llie Star thrown open ti. the public on June 2.1. I'he 'I'healiv, llrook yn, June 1(l. lie will spend n billdlnas are commodious and are bulll few weeks In the niouulaliis before stu ring buildings nre comm unt over the waters of Corpus t^hrlsll H.iy. It is the coolest resort lu the South. 'Jlie cmusement hall bas u Inisc stage, wllh plenty of seenerv; seating capacity, about .sevu hundred; large dancing floor, rir.xSOft.: club room, bur nod cafe In conne(ilon : sivlyloiir ccnuuodliius bnlb houses, shower and sul- phur bulbs, as well as salt waler bathing: good bench. In the theatio we will play only the bettor ftiick compiinles anil vaude- ville a ft rn rations. This will be llie lending resorl town of the South. lOlglit thoiisncd people 111 I he town to draw from, and three tu live excur.Hlous each week. At.voiiA, feiiiule inipersoaalor, who has been fcaliired wllh the Wills Musical Couieily, closed wllh thai coinpanv at SI. Louis. .Mo., and will plav vaudeville for the Summer. . Lillian .Nbwton, who recently closed a very successful season, Is now resting at bcr Summer homu. !{. 1). HypB writes: "I recently closed a very succcsBful en'gugement of lifteen weeks at the Fumllv Theatre. (Jloversvllle, N. Y., and am at liberty, .My wife aud 1 have made innnv friends here, and are sorry to leave iliem. The house bus doiie a phc- aoinenal business, und will be one of I be best ou bis circuit. Mr. .Morris bus several houses to open In September, aud will 1/c a large amusement caterer iiuext season.' Tnfc Mlsicai. (;ooi..mans nre resting at tbeir home at Hlughaniton, N. Y., prior to their opening ou the florman elruilt of parka for the Summer. They rcceully llnlshed a highly succe:,»f'j! season In all the best houses In the West, Including the Orpheum, Anderson. Ilopkins circuits nnd ollier.s. They open ihclr Winter season Sept. 10, at the I'ldumblu Theuire, CincluuuU, wllh return dates to follow on Hie Andecson, Kohl-Castle, IJupklns circuits nnd' other houses controlled by the Western Vaudeville Association, being booked solid until Nov. 27. CA.Mii.Lo AND I''ONA, etpilllbrlstfl nnd dlslo- cntlonlsts, nre still making a success with their act through California. They have lour weeks longer there, und then they will teuirn Hast, to piny llio fulrs for Harold Cox. (JMEATEU IjLUCTltIC I'AltK NoTES.—Tile popularity of this nuiu.seuient resort, located In NcMTirk. N. J., was nttlagly attested at the formal o|icnlng ou May 27, when n steady sirenni of visitors surged throiigb tho gates niniust from the openUig hour In the afteniuoii until lute ;it night, und numerous und iavlali were the expressions ot ad- mlralluu and praise for the many novel featiiivK. The all star vaudeville lu the (Jcr- njan village has been stiKiiglhencd by the rlneaiatogr.'iTili, an improved motion pictnre machine of I'nrlsian make. A feature act for the llrst two weeks has been the Bottomley troupe of aerial acrobats. 'J'iie electric fouu- tubi, (leueral Manager C. A. Diinlap's clever Invention, und tu which Ibe park owes, to uo little exteut. Its iiromluoncc and success, la mure pleasing und interesting than ever as a result of the lustailllng of some Improved and powerful nincUinery which makes 11 pos- sible to Klve a more elnbornte electrical water display. A new and Intensely Interesting fenlurc liila Summer Is n Jiipuucse Tea (inr- den, with n bevy ot real, and, Incidentally, very all met Ive llelsbu girl.s. Tlils cxhililt is li;.' II. 'I'nkeda. of .\'ew York. The carousel, old mill uad tlgnii> eight Uiboggnn have lost none of ibeir pupiibirlly, nud an object of unusual Interest Is a monster circle swing, which operates fnnii a yplnil tower eighty feet high, and which, when In motion, covers nn area of one hundred and twcnty-flvu feet In illaineler. It Is cr|iil|>ped wllh six commo- dious ears wllh u lotui seating cupncily of forly-eiglil. The .Vorlli I'enn Iron l.'ompnny, of I'lilMidelpbla. Is the owner nnd opeiat/ir. Other luteresllng e.vblblts are the Mexican village (,t .Miidnni NeroiaUK nnd tiie I'Igyptlan Honiuuy Camp of Mrs. I.'. Smith, who Is known profevslonally us Madam llelle. John McN'ally is doing the lllliogruphlng. and has n corps (if live nssislauls. The hiller In- oliiile Wllllnin Heller nud Als- Simons. I'. K. Jacobs Is a ticket Inker at Hie main eii- • niace. and Samuel S. ("lark is a cashier. The bookkeeper Is I.eun lOvnns. lu tlie active luanai^ment of the park President lliinlap has the nble nsMlstance of Murl- boruiigh Hardy, who Is siiiH-rlnlendent. and the vuiidevllle part of the entertainment is under !il» iiersonal dlii'clloii, Hurry ilon- nell Is In eliarge nt the deporlmeiit of pub- llcily. The olllii-rs of the lOleclrIc I'ark Amusement Company Ibis .year are: Presi- dent nnd gonerni uinnnger. ('. A. nuniap; Tice president, (;, A. Leunhardt; secretury, C K. Hart; Irensiirer. ICrnest HlrrscbolT. W.M. J. Wilson luforuis lis that he Is nn longer nssoclnli'd with lieo. K. Carroll, and thai he i Wilson i will hereafter work alone, presenting a single Dutch act. Rt;vn AnnRii. ano Kdna Leslie hove algued for next ieasoa with Phil Sherldua'a hew City HportB Co. reheuisnls lu New Vnrk with Willliiuis' liii liei'luls. TiiK MAfAiiTH have relumed after lining engugeiaenls through the continent, .'iiid con- eliidlug with six weeks at I'he olytiiplc, Lou- don, ilwhig to Ibe Illness of Mis. .\ia<arl's father they came hack, canceling n nuuilier of weeks in Kurope. Tm; HriiAi.ii Solaiie f.'ojiKnv I-'ni'ii I Kisb- er. lie ISriiln. Marx und llerbiMtl opened at (llendale I'ark, .Nashville, Teuii., for four wi-eks June .'i, ami ilieir act Is meellug with great suciess, After the close of their pres- ent engngenicnl lliey open nt Olympic I'ark, ('hallanoogu, fiu- four weeks. IlKi.i, AND IticiiAuii.s, musical sketch tenra, nre at Cauarsle, L. L, week of June 111. • iliAi'i: IIks.s, who was lecenlly at Hie (ilobe 'rbeiitre. itillings. .M<uit., will work thnt State before returulng llast. (inuiHiN, of Iluriis nnd liordon, bas joined Knimu .Vnsun, and tiie act will be knot^n as tiordon und Nnsnn. LAWaiixi'K Axn llAimixoroN hnve signed with Nhrolul and IJliiL'wull to play their fur- loer parts In '"I'lio J'eddler," In which Joe Welcli will be seen again ni'xt season. miisic and Sowfl, The K.vicKBuuocKKii.QuAiiTKTTK Qfe feat- uring Casey's new song, -Sing .Me the Sougs ot Dixie Lund," published by Hie ICsaex .Music Co. Ai;.STiN S. Bknson, of Troy, O., writes: "•It's the Irish' seems to have been the one song for which Hie anxious public bus been waiting. it has lieeu taken up by Kva Thatcher, 'the Irish lady;' David llroderic. Lurry .McCale, Held ami Gilbert, the Kelleys, -Markev and .Morun and u host ot others. Billy Beard nnd Duly and Kelso have added the new coon hit, 'Imnglimtlun.' 'All for Country, Home and .UiUher,' the new de- scriptive liallud, is now going Into the hands of ull the promluent sliiivers tbrongliout the country." YsAV:;, lielglnn violinist, who has completed a long tour of the United States, will sail tor Kuroiie July 1.1. Sa.ui'Ki. Tauhub bus become connected with I he York .Music Co. r.M'i.A A.Mi Maui.ow. Ill I'asloi'fl, scored a tremendous bit wilh Hose and Snyder's semlblgh class ballad, '■Ulernnl Love." Their rendition of It secured them the hook- ing over several of the best circuits, hiclud- :nB Keith's nud Orpheum. It Is inibilslied by r. A. Mills. IO,«>iA Nkvaka, Ibc American singer, after many ycur.s' ubsence, reupiiuured nt Ihe Wal- dorf Thealre. Loudon. liug., June Kl, as VIolettn, In "La Tinvlatu." A great recep- tion was accorded her. . ♦-♦-• ILLINULS. I'eorln.—The Al Fresco (V. (!. Seavor, mamigeri has- lenped Inio popular favor at once. The opening Jays. June 10. 11, wit- nessed crowds tbut llie street cnrs und boats were iinuble to handle, Ilveryfbliig about tlie place is conducted In a llrst class luaii- iicr,. The llgiire elglii, the dancing pavilion and glass blowers are Ihe most poiiuiur. Cur- rent al'triicllons, l>S-;i4. are: Wiilburn and Whitney, the Crent Calvert and I'lof. Veiling. .lAi'iiiis (A. I' Jacobs, manager).—lliisl- ness Is rule. Hill week of I.S: Corliett nnd Koresler. Hie iJuna.s, the .Midgleys, and niov- liig plclnrcs. Oi.ifs.—'Mnnnger Ilarrhiglon has rclurned from Ihe .New York ollhe. « Cuntuii.—The season, which has closed here. Iiii.^ been a very successful one. I'he ioi'nl bouse will. In all probablllly, be re- leased III Ibe riianilierbiliillarrlngliiii syndi- cate, which lias an excellent circuit lu lliN Iiarl of the State, aud promises a fine list of shows for next season. « ■ » — VliJKSIONT. t"'"i"'Tr Iliirllnu'l'in—At the SIron): Tlienire (Calm «: Hrnut. manager.?).—".My l.'rleiid Hciaun." June \2. pleased. Honked: Heii- rlelta Crnsman "1. NoTKS.—John UobbiBon'a Circus nppenm Jane I'i iJeo. i:. I'ox. of llrnttlelKiro, Vt., manager of tlie (ijiern House there, hui secured u IcH'e of the lionse In Harre, Vt, ♦ » > soD'i'ii i;ai»(( Colnnibla.—At Hyatt I'ark Casino 11'. L. Ilrown. bical ninmiKer) ".Me and Jack," week of June 12, lucludlng Smith and Itea- gnn. Kdltli Arnold, He (Trnff .Sisters, and Allen nnd IJeliiiaiu. Week of HI, ".\fllle auil the Wnlt." morldoT Players, NoTi;s fiioM THK Van Dyke Stock Co., under Ibe manngemont ot 11. Waller Van Dyke, who is also the lessee of the Lyric Theatre, SI. Joseph, Mo.—We have Just closed a most remarkable season of thirty- Ave weeks. Since Ibe opening ot this prelly nlnvhoiisc, Ocl. 2, IHOI, standing room only lias been displayed at nearly nil perform- ances, and earned the title, "The Gold JIlue of the West." Our repertory Included: "The Little .MlulstPr," "ltesurre<tlou," "The Man Who l)nre<l." "Across the Desert," "A Cow- boy's (ilrl," "Cuinberlnnd '01," "Miss lliir- 8e.v, fi'im Jersey," nnd "Pnpo's Hoy." The roster: H. Walter Vnn Dyke, Harry I'res- ton l^offln, Walter .Ariilm, Jack Ward Kelt. i;. I'. Spnipiie. Jack Cassln. Iiavld Illvers, Iloi'iiC(> Weston, Louie Thomas, W, K. Tripiett, Wyldev Walters. P. .M. Cog- gesiiall. IJerlle Van Dyke, .\llce Loniisbnry, lloille Temple. Llllbin Trlplell. Marlon An- derson. Sisters McConnell and Itahy Wyatl. I'hich production was einborutolv staged wltii special scenery, enhanced with electrical effects aud benutlful stage fiirnlshlugs. ller- lle Van Dyke, leading woman, appeared In each of the thlrtylive iirodiictlous and will continue in the same capacity for tli«! re- mainder of the live years' conliucl. The the- atre Is now undergoing Ibc reiuodellng pro- cess nnd Its seuling capaelly will be In- creased friiiu twelve to fmirleeu Imudred. .ViiTKS inoM IOunkst Ciiokk's "Ilnuiply Dinnpiv" Co., under canvas.—.Volwllhstunil- ii'g 111'.' dl;<ngreeable wciillier we have en- countered sliiie llie opening, our Imslni'ss has been better than we hnil dared to hope, and us the warm weal her advances It Is gelling more brisk wilh eiicb performance. .Mr. Cooke Is well known us a munuger of loir of diii'r altrurilous. Iiiivliig for yeors been coaiiecled with roreiiiiiigh & Sells and liiill'alo Hill's Wild West Shows. The roster of Ills alirtictioii Is as follows- iCruest Cooke, proprietor anil manager: lieorge II. Adams, singe direct or: It. .\. I'overdalc, trcusiiri'r: S. II. Seuiiui. general ngeui ; W. I'. I'liilllps. press agent ; lieorge Hough, ad- vertishiK e.geni ; Aduui I.,. Saviiie., special licctrlcliin ; 'I'toy .Marlow. electrician; II. reiice, stage cnrpeutir ; M. Ilarri.-ion. master of proiierlies: SIcuor Lulgselz, muslcil di- rector: Jiibn Haley, master of canvas. ('iiAiii.lK Kavmonii .liililed the James 11. Thome Iinimatic Co, on June :i. for the Sum- mer season, making bis second Siiiiinier with this compun.v. II Is pbiylag one and two weeks stands at the Sminiicr resorts lu Hie luouutaliis of West Vlithilh, to capn'clly bn.slhess. MooRK's Stocij Co. closed lis regular sen- son at Koi'k I'oini, I'n.. Jane S. .\ij'ri:s 1,'iiiiM the stock company at (Sraud Valley I'ark, IJranlford, Out.—We .began our third season May 'SI, wllh the following ros- Itr: i''rank t'. Haven, luunujger; ,Wm. II. Ilehlman, ('|(irence iVrguson, ICdwurd Ilii- pont, Willis II. Davis, Kred Coulter. Chas. Knrmouut, Ilnriy Knight, Kruuces I'., llreiidl. Belli Soinmervllle, llene ll'Arcy, .Margaret Hiigen nud Ilessle Wiirren. Lkwis Couv anii HlaniMIK Mknsiiaw go with "A Sun ot lU'st." ' (iiiAci: lIiiN'rixiJTOX, who has been play- ing wllh a stuck company during the jiast three weeks at Woonsocliet, It. I., Is tills week lu Westerly. U. 1. Stki'iik.n (Jijattan lias gone to tlie St. I'aui. Minn.. Stock for ten week.s. ('AaKUj IlKWiNs goes wilii Waller Kessler next season. .\. it. ANP S.iiiiK CnuoAN nre spending tlieir vacalinn lit Sunny Side l''nrni, near .\tl.cas, HI., having closed Hie season wllh the "li-ins Ilansnu Co.. June .'I.; I'liKi.f.s closed Willi Ihe Mamie Kieming Co., at Allanllc Clly, .V. J.. Juuu 1(1. and Is now visiting friends nt Hamil- ton, O, N0Tl;S KIIOM DE LACOtlll fc I'"IHL1)S' AT- TliAOTioNs.—We iipened onr eighth consecu- tive season under ciiiivns on .May 1, and husIneKs lias exceeded nil prevlmis years so far. W'.> carry forly-two people, lliree iirlvntu curs, one riillman, a dining room aud sle<>ii- er, ami a baggage car. diir top Is a 12lift. round top, wllh u IHM't. middle. The roster Is lis follows; Clmrles IJe Ijicoar & Le\- Klclds, pr'iprleloi's anil inaiiagi'is; llntrv (Minute, J. A. Wesl, W. II. Dnlryniple, Sheri- dan lloliucs, I-;. .M. Ha rues. I/cw KIclds, Clins. lie Lacoiir, .N'nl Yule. I,iile I'ullon. Will .Meade!', I>. A. Longnecker. Louie St<>reubncb, (J, M. rt'niteis, Herman Alls'rlsmeyer, I', n. Weaklev. Lewis Sblre, Harry Ijiwrence, Hurry Westley, llertle Wade, .Marllii (hsidie, Jolin. Mender. i':iiri .Math. .Martin Haileiiger, Wllliaiu lireeii, 'I'oni Ilallielil. (,'abi! ,Shui' maker. Abe Stiideliaki-i', Cred Ihirrymoro, I'l'cd .Milieu, It. A. Tlioniiis, Hmina-t Wblti', .Minnie i'cari, .Minnie .Murray. .Marin .Mender, Lulu Shire, I'aiisv lie Laioiir, .Mabel White, Murte Wcstly, i;dna House, llerllui Liini:. Henevleve He Lacoiir mill Krinliie He i,aeoiir. Tm; Via Stock l.n. .Ni)ii:s.—We will iiisui nt CiylTcsble i'ai-le, Sept. -I. playing all royal- ty bills and currying neiirly a ear ioaii of scenery. We will be one (if the best billed ri'P'.'rIory cnmiiuiileN on the road next sen- son. .Millie (illmer will lie Hie lending lady and will be su|)|M)rted by n very slroiig coin- puny. We are nearly bnoked solid, only hav- ing four weeks open In our entire seusmi, 1''«AMt llAucoi RT writes: "On June 17 t closed a highly siiicessfiil stock season of llilrly eight weeks iit lliuision, Tex., .iiid Icti to iieglii rehearsals wilh a Weil known rond attraction." i:i:<inoi; 1'. C(jT'ri:n Informs us that on June 17 be closed a very pleasant nnd successful season through Ihe South as leading cuiue- illan Willi Ihe iisninii Slock Co.. nud will spend Ihe SiiinnM'r uL his lioiae. Jamestown. .\. v.. Hie •capilul of the world." on old Lake Chmiluuiiau, boating and llsblng. (iKcAii Hank, Is relieni-Nlng his company at Los Angeles, t.'nl., for bis nunuul lour of "The (iobleii Past" (his latest piny), and bis new vcisloii of "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hvile." .Mr. Dane'H ncting nnd plays ais rnplilly placing hiia in Ibe front rank of ncloru'llhors. .Mr. ami .Mrs. Dane (former- ly Kdltli Crawford. dniiKliler of L. M. Craw- ford, lit St. I.rfiulsi are enjoying (heir wed- ding lour In ('ullloniln. iTari:V MaiiTI.v Inriirms lis thnt lie Is not a member of llie iCniiilre i>runiutlc Co.. as Mtfis recently unnoiniced, but Is playing heavies with the Vernn .May Co.. at I'lipia, (i. John It. llisHlNiir.a, lessee nnd manager of the Columbia Opera House. Columbia. Pa,, has Hu'd Ills hotel at Lnncnnter, nud will de- vole ull his lime to Ibe Ihcatrlcal hiiHloeM, .\iaiii:R WiKip. re<vnlly of the CliiclnnHli Slock Co., eiiierlaliied a numlior ot his pro- fessionni friends most royally nc a slag din- ner piirtj on June i:t, at the lintel 8t. :4lchol>is. r'Inclnimtl. O.. It being bis btrlh- dnv anniversary. Ills gHcsts wcn>: Ilarley Whlleson. K. C. Keiidnll. W. Scott (Iresler. Clem Seymour, Homey Nelson, l.'harlca Craven niiU Mr. I'bllllps. 'I'm; KCI-LKR CLAFLIX TllflATRK Co.. of .Vew York, have closed conlincis wirh W J. Cuunlbnn for Ihe alleratluns to the Klks- ll-illdlug. In I'lalnlleld. N. J., by which it is «i be converted li.lo a llrst class Hietiiro. wllh a seating capselty ut about l.-liHl. 'nie work U already miller wny. 'I'he theatre is to lie ready for (K'enpancy the bit- ter part of August. This coniiainy lins niso cioH'd cuntractH with U. II. Hrndburn. of I'elerbnro, Ont.. for the coiiHtriirllun ot a new theatre In ili:il clly to cost *;i().lK)l). I» l>e ready to open (Id. 1. The foandullmis nre being put In nl Hie present lime, it Is nlso niuking exten.slve nllerntlons In the Col- tiugWoiMl (Ipera lliiiise. i'ougliliepsle, N. Y,. by which Hu' singe will l>o enlarged ten feet in dcplli and new Imxes und proscenium walls will lie Installed. L. KonuKSTKR Tai.i.max. niiisleni direclur, Wrlies; "I hnve Jiisl returned frniu rorl- hind. Ore., to my bonie lu Soiilliern Kansas, after a verv suriPsstal season of nine uiiuilhs. or ihlrlv-slx wiH'ks uf goml business, lis niiisicai direslor and playing pnrls wllh the KeklinrdI It llnwklns Ideiil.s. 'I'liey hnve iitMlmiliiedlr done a grand business ihroiigb- oiit Hie great and glorbms West, luiiny places playtiig relUfii dales. Thin couipniiy will re- main oiil all Suninier. playing the I'acilli: coast towns,, and starting on Hieir lonr Ihist- ward next senson. "I woald hiivi> ii-nmlned wllh Ihe coinpaiiy nil Siiinii|er but was culled home on accnunl n( Ibe serliiiis lllneHS of my fallier. .\t piCHeut Hie ciiiiipaiiy Is Idnylng a dale al Taconiu. Wash. I wish I • oiild tell my friends <if tin* beauHfiil trip up llie Columbia Itirer lo I'ortlund. und Ihe mo>l beuutllul scenery tkroiiKb Ibi' Stales of Wnsldngiiiii, iiregun and <'allfornia." No-|t:s inoM S Imshn's iliii l^i.,— Since our iipeiilng success has crowii(>d our efforls "Ten ,\lgbis" nnd "Kasi Lyiiiie" nre always giHiil tor ii large ('ruwd. We hnve bud one bluw down since our opeaing. at Ilelbel, .Mil. Just as we were opening Hie doors II siiuill cyclone struck us and down we went, bill cverybod;!^ Jiiui|ied lu ami tve hud the iiiiilll up unil Ibe ciirlaiii went up ut 10 e. M., 10 a giuid house, as ibe lot was foil of people when Ibe accbleni occurred. Tile crowd was a gissl naliireii one nnd Hint helppil UK iiul. nnd Ihe show went'grfnl from Riart tu llnlsh. .!<:. A. Musim. Hie well known old timer, has Ihe show hilled like a clrchs, lilt bus gone to \m llelle. Mo., \n buy elvht liead of slock lo haul its over Hie road. We hnve a passenger wugciil ami three baggiigu ..f Iblrtyelghl weeks with llcii -.Mmillon wagons, besldeh mir ndvnnrn wagon, fleo. ,•„. A|irll I'll, ami Immedlulely opened a Jol.l.V rinil'lMiKllS NuTLS.— .N'otwitb- fflniidliiu Ihe Inct Ihul the weuther rcpuris tlie past week iiave inioled Shrevciiori one ot Ibe huttesi cities In Ihe Uuited Stales, we opened last night (June tl) lo the larg- (rst business In Ibc history uf Ibe I'ark The- ntre, and that after .lusl eoiuplellng tim most successful six weeks' eiigagenieiK ever rilaycd i)y a reperlorv compnny ul Cyiie 'uik. Dnilna. 'I'ex. It lins been live yeiiis elnce i;ii> "Jollies" played Bhrvveport. but we made many friends nt thnt time, nnd tjie jammed bouse last night wos a llltlnK tribiile lo the excellent rcpulnllisi made dur- ing lair last engagennMil here, nnd Ihe per- torieuuce last night fully Jiistltini Hie et- IH'i'tnllons of onr ninny old friends, and gained tiir us mnny new nnes. .Manager Ilentfrow Inis spent' niai'h time nnd money Ihe past seasons lo lirliig Hie "Jollies' lo the very lep notcii iif reperlory com|iaal"S, aud bis efforts have been crowned by tbu hirgesi seasoa's business Ihe sliow has ever enjoyed .Next season's Isiokings contain Ihu very lowi lime obialimlile. ami. with Hie ad- ■lllbinal sircnglheulug the show will receive fur Hie rcgiiiur sinson, a repeililou ut lust senson's enormous business is ciuilhleiitly hulked for. In aildlnmi lo the "Jiiilles." .Mr. Ilentfrow will put out ou one nighl sliinds his big sensnlifluai ami scenic prodiiclluii, "Lord Itnlllmore," wlilcli ivlll iliiulilleMs pruru one of the big successes of (he coining sell- sou. ('HAS. W, ilKNNCii. luunnger of (be Colonial Stock I'll., writes: "I will open Hie seusoii inrlv In August, currying n coiaimiiy of six- teen lu'iiple. two big fenliiie vliiiili>ville nets mill a line line of iiliiys, fur which Hpechil scenery will be cnrrleil for each prodiicilun, Tliere will ls> two men in ndvance, wllli nn elegant line of special imper. 1 mil now busy at Columbus. II., liMihing nfter Hie biilld- liig and iinliilliig ot my scenery, which will III' very liuiulHime. I will leave .Inly 1 fur Kl, I'arls, (».. where I linve lecenlly lair- rliasi'il nn ideal Summer lioiiie.", .NiiTi;;-! Kuini 'rtiK .Inns It. Wii.i.h Mcsii'At. Kvri;ui'nisrs. We will end our six weeks al Hie Suburban I'nrk, Hi. Louis, .Mo., dune 21. .Mr. Wills Is busy n'lieaislng bis Ihiee iiinipanles In Ull ciuilrucls hi dllTerent piirks. Some of Ihe r >nt udillllons lo tlie iiun puiiles are- '/enllb Harris. Anaabelle Sis- ters, Ibe liracetiil Crob l''niully and Ilaynioiid ami .Mollis, i'riit. Kinll llouiberg Is res|Hiii- slbie fur till' new musical minils'i's. Till: KUNUKUii .Sriii'ic I'o. .\oti;h. -Al the Ji'irri'Hon Tbeulre. I'lirllmiii, Me., we lie IlKbled large lioiiseH last week wllh Hint clever conusly, "Are Viiii n .Musoll'l" omi I'Uili and every member made a hit. MisseH He Lacy. iHlietli', Vinton, and Diirgvua, aitil .Mary i>'N'eil. a I'orlbliiil girl, who was the recl(ileiii of niuny llowers during Ibc wifk. ilhn. W. It.«gi.i:v, iNiiliel Hollas llnlley nnd III tic llerenlee closed n siiccesHfal season Hordon Joined June 5. to illreel the pieces. Our sensori will ran iinlll Oct. 1. Tlieu we go into balls for (be Whiter, unil have some good lime hooked. .VuTL'S I'lUlil TllM W.VTKllS' NKIIIIIIIOILY Xniiiiiion" Co.—Tht> ineuibers of Ibis cuni- puny 'met with nh accidelit reeenily which came ncur having u serliiun result Whiln rii route to S)onliigl»u, .Me., frimi Ilocklund, via the sleanlcr VTnnl Iluven', and when In iniilueeeii, tho crank slniH was broken nnd ilin lioa( drifted helplessly nboul at the piurcy of wind und waves, 'nie pllol blew a distress NignnI Olid another isint, called Ihu (Jovernur lliNlwell, Niemned up. aud uiaklng fust to Hiii disabled \'lnal Haven, lowed Tier buck lo llucklniid where, utter n Iwo liuiirs' dclnv, a fresh slarl was made on (be Budwell, which landed us at ,Sionliiglon al H r. m.. and ll.l.l Ibe curlnir, went iiii and then we pleasi'd a large audience. We nre |ilayliig lo crowded houses iilgbtl.v, and press and piihlle alt iicer the Htute .Hpeuk In Ihe high- est terms of Ihe [s'j'tornninie. .Mr. Wnlers Is nboul Ibe most |>ii|ialar iiitiiedinn who visits HiIk part of Ibe eounlrv, and draws the better chiss ot oeople, wIki Hppreclnli) the honest endeavor of n clever nclor (o preMenI an enlertalnemenl of high slandard excellenee. The compiiny iiiinilH'rs elBllleen people, and the followliig Is u complete rosier: Tom Waters, Oltn Koemer, Waller V. .Millmi. I''rnnk L. ilrowiie. Danciag Harry Cerdon. Will Cronclier, Win, l''lslier Hums, May W. Wnlers, Mlnulo Connur, Ktbel .\n- win. Mae Joyce Vox, Lyiirb HIslers, Mniid Caslelle. Veriile lluzleli. Winnie JimeM niid .Moiia Dunkirk. Kraiik W. .Nnsun, mnnnger. We carry two sets of speclnl seenerv, and have Iwo agents nlienil. with twenly' sivles of Hie ilnest liibii sisK'lai prlniliig. We are now lii'iiiliiig for .Nova Hcotin. c. Wii.i.Auii Mack nnd wifo (Helen Itolhiirock) will spend the Riiininer wllh ,Mis. .Miicli's pnieuls, ii ' Iliirdwell, Ky. .Mr. .Mack's falherlii-biw. Judge Iiavld Ii. Ilolhu- rock, lins iiii'senlnl lilni with (he slnndnrd lireil Kcaliicky saddle horse, ".Sunny Jim." .Vo'ii-s Kiiii.M Tin; KiiA.VK S. Daviiisiin Co. —We I'lused a very sat Bsfiil fnrly wis'ks' tour nl Albion. Ind., June T. .S'exl senson wu will open a( Cleveland, O.. early in Aug- ust. .Mr. iiavblsoii Is siu'tiillng his viicalloii at Ibe din'erent reinnlloii nhices Ihisl, llmis iliue III attend enrefnily lu nil nialteis iierlalniiig lo next season. .N'olhing will Is; let! undone In liiHiire Ihe success of the pupalur nnd money iniililiig aKrurllun. Xim;:i riio.M 'riii; Lnr.f.u Hriu'ij (.'o.— We iloseil a Miiecessfill Ki'uson ot toriyfoiir weeks ul 'ii'xnrkami. Ark.. June ;i. .Mr. nml -Mi-K. R (i. Orosjenii will rest uL Ili(le|ienden('<< until o{s'iilMg of iiexi senson. Frank (1. fiRKUiiRv, who recenllv closed fiuiyslx weeks us ieaillng nmn vvllb Ibe Lyceum Slock Co., will spend part of his vuculion nl bis lionie ul Inilependeiice, Kan., and the i-eKi ilsbliig niiil hiinlliig in Indimi recrllory. lie will open wllh the Lyceum Stock Co. In Arlxunu. .N'llTllS IfllOlI THB ClIASK-LlHTKK ASIIJHK- Ml:xT I'lMKni'tilRKS.— Kxliiiislve prepurntluns nge going on for the next senson's ei|iiip- inenl of Hie two eonipoiiles (.Vorliierii and Soul hern I. I'luis. Ilurrlson will isinllnne to luiiidle Ibe SuiiHiern cimijianv, tireMetithig n ri'iMTtiiry cif liN own plays. The .Vorllierii eomiiaiiy will lie iiniier Ihe iiersnnal direcllon of llie amnagers, chase & Listei', nnd will be strictly iip-iii-duie in every purllculur. I'llnt ond Itessle Kiihbhis will coiitlniie ns Ibe feat- ure vaudeville ucl, and will nisn handle the • omi'dy and smibielte iinrts. Tlie compniiy will !»■ a large one, wllli new |>hiys, seenerv, elc. rnANK Losrc, who was to have appeared wllb .Mary Maniiering next stHsuu. under the innnngement of Frank McKee, has be^u releiiniHl fruui bin cunlracL opellei Snmiiicr senson wllb the sume coiapunv, playing the piinclpal parks und Summer re- Hirlii In Hie ()r«'ii .Miumlniiis, Little Here- nlce'H specialties are mi'iillug with big suc- cess, and hnve won her luanv frieiiilH nil Ihroiigh New Mngluiid. Nci'ri;s >non C. W. bANiisTArr's "Hnci.h Ti),«'s Cahin" Cii.-- We openeil mir Hummer senson nt Wllklnsbtirg, I'n.. .May 27, ami are now louring WeMlerii i'eniisylvnnhi, and imslpesfi Is nil Hint could be desired. The show Is running uliiiig very sinooibly nnd is giving excelleni sulisfnctlc C. W. Lungsloir, iiiumiger: lion, 'I'he resler Is : ., ... II. 11. Wbllller, ngetil ; i''red l.n Hon, singe nimiiiger: llemy Snyder, leader of liniid ; II, M. IIonsiihv, leml er^ot orclieslia; l(I» LniigHlatr, l-'lmence La Don. Llllb" Ha/el, Kreif llennell, Wilson Vuness. .Miller, iliirrv WnlkiiiK, I-:. J. Houlli- wlck, rrank Jackson, ('bus. Wall, Henry Hanks, l''red .Morris and Hen Stevens, six canvas men and livo IiohIIcis. K. Ii. .Mc Clog Is Ihe ninii bniilnil Hie iirnsii. 'I'iie com- pniiy navels liy rail In its own Kpecliil ear, "(Iplieiin." ami Ihe iicciiinmoiluHoioi are sec und to none. Tb>- Inlile is as gnnil us Hie bent, ns our clief, "Hen," knows bow lo de- liver Ihe goods. InillinUoiis are all fur a pi'iisperons season. .\'ciTi;s inii.-i nil; ".NKiuiiaont.v Nniiiit- liiiRH" ('().--Tom Waters, coineilinn pianisl, who Is Hinrring iiniiei< Hie mnnngemenl of Frank W. .Vusoii (also ninnager ot "When Women l,ove" Co.) Ill Ibis iiiiislcnl comedy, lias made n decided bit In Hie piece, flixl return dnles nre in ronslaiil demand. Tlio lour o|s'iied nl llocliiniid, .Me., Mny 211, lo cnpuclty liii>:biess, wlilcli. since Hie opeaing, iuis been pbenomeiuil, und laany return iliiles hnve been arrungeil. Jir. Waters will Imir the Canadinn provinces und Hie inunnHHii and water resorts of Maine tor lln- Hummer. He will return III time lo lake up his regiilnr lu-ason early in Keiileiuber, In the p<i|iiilnr one, tiiris' algbl niiii week hIihiiIs. The Win- ter tour is iielng Isiohed by Juh. (L Artliiir. The priiilliig for Hie ntlrnclliiii Is [iromiiinceil by innnagerN nnd ngeulN ns helug Hie tiiiesl ever curried by n tarn' coinedv aHrnelloii. The company for Ihe Hiimaier nuiabers six- teen iieople, ami will be aiigiiienled lo thirty for Hie regiilnr senson. .S'.iTKH (JUH Hill's Krcrcnt'iiiMKH. - 'I'he following nllrni'llons will be put on by .Mr- HIII next season: "(lay .N'ew York." a musical coniedv with n slorv, nml with Hlxly people; ".Mr. Dooley," a big musical comedy, wllb forty pi: Quinn: the Hmhrt Her, n big oiierii, ivitb sixty iieopie : "Hnppv HoollKnii'u 'I rip Around Hi« World," by .Maurice Huge- man, wllh torly lii.siple; ".McFaddens l-'hlls." Ibe comedy that lias made nilllloas Iniigli. Ill Us tweltth .venr. Kverylblng licrlnlnfiig lo HieK" nttinclloiis will he ni'W, scenery, coshinies, music, speclullles nud ii llm> of lirliiHiiK. In lad, everything will be dono lo make tlii'Nu allruellons second tu none, 'I'he tollowlng biirles(|iiv mid vxtravagiin/.a companies will be controlled by lloli .Man- ehesd'r nnd (Jus Mill: Cracker .lucks. Vanity i''air and New York Hturs, 'J'hey have iie- ciired u number uf I'hirupcaii nttracllnns. Mr. .Manchester will iiiildo himself wllh tli» exiravuLiiiL'.as lie Is ciinlroling, KveryHilnK Is eoniplele, und Hie sliuws could open at once. NoTKM KIIOM TIIH J. L, 'L'BMI'KHT UlIA. MA'rii' (.'ii.-—After a very iilensnnt nnd auc- ceHsfiil season of forly-two weeks, this cum- iiaiiy elosed its neiison, and tlin uienibcts left for their homes. Wa will open onr regiilnr sensua In AiiguBl, nnd piny over tha snnie territory. Mnny of the inemberM have been re-engaged for next sea son- Mr. antl Mrs. Tempest will eujuy a miicb needed rest at the (tea nhute. KiTriR Ckeatiiam soileil Juno IS for • Biz weeks' vacation In Itoly, Dooley," a big musical pi.'ople, Hliircliig i'aui ft, n big ciilureil comic