The New York Clipper (June 1905)

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JUNE 24; THE NE^W YORK OLIPPER. 457^ AMt4 ODK riLiu con 8SUJMO AOENTS. KLEINE OPTICAL CO. wrm KBD vrruM, AJfD SHOW OtJH TRAVB PATHE FILMS „ CLASS A. 12 Cents Per Foot. CHRIiSTIAN MARTYRS, Sa StBte street, OHIOAOO, ILL, MIUE8 BROS., tin Turk Klreet, SAN li'KANUIMCO, «3aI<. THIS FILH, WHICH HAS BEEN ADVERTISED BY ALL LEADINH PAPERS, IIAN .IVST AI(ltlVF.». WHITK KOH UKS(IIII>'I<IUN. On account of "Dupes," made in Philadelphia, our Films must show on their perforations the name, "PATHE FRERES, Paris, 1905." NEW CATALOGUE. WITH 250 ILLUSTRATIONS. PATHE CINEMATOGRAPH CO., 42 E. 23d street, New York. I WRITE FEATURE ACTS For ambitious Performers. ACTS THAT WIN. The kind that have a plot and that reach a climax; that are brimming with clean comedy and (dramatic situations—acts that command the big money. BE A LIVE WIRE ! Prepare to make next season a record breaker from a sal- ary standpoint. I can help you by giving you a specialty that is WORTHY of your ABILITY. My material is not jumbled junk or the frazzled favorites that have done duty since Adam and Eve "opened" in the Gar- den of Eden. Not namby-pamby parlor skits, nor "canned comedy," nor "borrowed thunder," but New, fresh, vigorous, up-to-the-minute stuff THAT GOES! I write only for performers to whom good material is worth good money—who are willing to pay my price. My terms are "reasonably high," but the real gilt edged material never was peddled by the hucksters. My terms for Sketches, Talking Acts, Playlets, etc., are $50 and upward. Monologues, $25; Parodies, $10, etc. I have no bargain days—give no trading stamps. Who am I? From several years spent in the business, I know stufif from the actors' standpoint. In later years newspaper man, magazine editor and story writer. I can "deliver the goods"—have done .so for many of the best known performers. I want to hear from a few of the right performers who ap- preciate the value of the right stuff. \Vrite for my circular, stating your needs, TO-DAY. Do it NOW. HERBERT MOORE WRITER OF STAGE MATERIAL,. Room 406. 67 So. Clark Street. Chicago. J lOO Sll-E-S^ ■ ^^ . «-r, Kor the oue Oay hi llic Stales or Ohio, Imlluuu uuU MIcIiIrbii : (l(,) iowdh ''"''!"'K,''e'e''!'!'\"""' J"!'^ ''".y^ eUKKgcdull IlldrSlreei Atlraclloui from I'RANK P. 81'KI.I.MAN, uf Olevelttliil. Olilo. Nuiue yoiil lowest Hulurv fur lliu one d»v If Juii tiuvu xuiiie open. All Acw "'Ji/'''J;.''''"'<'y''S'-.,„„ ..uu-niiiin' WANrHO, POH nie VhANK p. StKLLBIAN OIHOIIIT or PAIHM, OHKNINO AUU. 1, TIIK FULLUWINO A<!TM i 6 Horl/.ouliil lliir Actii; 0 Tllik c AftH. Lady «ii<l U'nt ucn i.rerem'il; lu SliiRie Tru|iez« AcW, Ruiiiiili KliiK A.'ts ur l.aily (.'oiilur uiil!.tN, Abme AtU will Kfl 10 weekN' Htmitly work; wc puy ull lniu«i.orlalloii ufler opfiiliiK Hliiud; all woik 'f "K «P«^"J' aitraclloiii In frmil of UruiiUHUiiid «l I'alix. AIhu whuis HIk TripleTmpszu or Caslliiif A.I loi »fpl. -1. BUILDING TO L.KT. I W.4.'>ttkHt. ( between < I.ODK Arrtf Hq. I anU Sixth Ave.I TWO llOUSK8,33ft.X10O. Specially atlrnctlve to iliuse UcKlrlnga liullUliig l>r ilieiu- selves. Will rent loKi'llier or Meparately.uDil alter, iriK'ocs- 9ary. Further parllciilaiviot GRAND THEATRE sOAR-THEY A. \A/ARD, >ropa.. IMC X Xji or O BT* O. H. J. »lk€HS & CO., 8 Wfit aid titreel. 'Sovr I'onBiruoilug, will open about Aug.'J8. Two sliows ami one more dally, (loud Vaudeville Acl« tunable for ladles and tlilldreu. B'OI*" RBei»B>ieTOIl*B> CO., U'adlug »uu, Heavy Uan, Cuniedlun and Soulireltc who do HpcclaltlcM, l'roi)erlT Han who eaudo S'PBflalty, a Feature Vaudeville Act aud Other l»eful People. Sea,-"!! opens Auk. 1. ;,»rtiiiui<: .uiiuc..iic^>.,ta> KRANK K. LONG, IW) lloiiore 8t., CIllCKgO. Young Ulan, Great Whirlwind Acrobatic Russiau Daueer, WAiJrS LADY PARTNER FOR FE-ATCBK ACT. SHE MUST BE AOOOD DANCEK. OAWCBR) t.»tm SI Ll.II'I'Kn. A boon to the theatrical prureaiiloQ. The only ab- aolutely barmlesa preparation fvvr mauuruclured to CODtrul KXCKNHIVK HKHSIMHATION. A Bltigle dose taken au hour before ueeded will couirol the peri^plratluD lii a wonderful manuer, without ttie HllKhleHt 111 elTects. Knowing the great worth of thi.s preparalluu.ttieCunipaiiv wllUeiida free Nuinple and full dlreclluhK, wlilcUwIII Lea moat pleaaani aurprlae aud revelalluu. Kuuluae UOJp. PKRaFlHO OUEUIUAL CO., Ulevelaud, U. rUTOSGOPE BARGAIN. TwentT Wooden Oablnet MaohlnM In Vint OliM ooDdUiOD, with or witliont Iron pedeatala. Jut tbe ttiUis for tritTellng ahuwa. iddrau T. 0.. care of ULIPPKR Offlct. MOVING PICTURE PRINTING. HENNEOAN ft CO., Oinciniifttl Alic<' Iiawr«'iice Co. WANTS MANA(li;US OK KUMMKIl 'iilKA TItKH TO SK.NO Ol'KN TIMIO. Also want people tu all lluca, liidiidlng AReiit, Mali* iNniilsl aud I'lctiire Mudiliie Opeiutor, with uiuchlue, llluia and huuk Mlldea. All people luu)-! be Inll. I'reler lliiiHt' dolus Hpeclalllea. Slate nil iiuiIIcuIuih llrHt leller; pay your uwii. No tlclo'lH SlinnioudH, t'arroll, Itouieu, Ullbert. Clhiluii niid nil rrli'iida, write. la\vhi;n*.'ic & coi-i;, hoikport, .m. ii. NKW VOHH.. lililCAUU. BEPNER WICICOMPANY, IM W. Mlh HTRKKT, NKAK UKOAIJWAY, N. Y. CHIVAQU UUANCII, OUIUAUU OPKHA IIUUMK ULOUK. MDd lur Uauioguv C. to elihur uHlce. STBEETMEN We bave tbe largest aud cbcapeat line of 811- verwure, Watibea, Jewelry, Cutlery, Noveltlei aud Uiitli-al (Jouda uu the market. Write (or our uew cBlulugut—1<'UISU. L.EVIN EST. 80-82 N. eth BT. 1886, TIEUItU UADTH, IND. PERFORMERS UOINU I'O EUROPE Should apply for loweat paHaago ralea aud (ull parllculara. RAYMOND & WHITCOMB CO., SKW VOUK-il5 VNIUN HtiUAUK:, W. Send two cent Htuinp fur "TraTel«r8'_(!ottden8ed_ ftuld«." SCfNEIlY THE TIFFIN SCENIC COflPART, Tirrii, OHIO. KING I OF THE WIRE, AT I.UNA PAUK. AT LmKltTY AHKU AlJtI.V Managers and .VKenta wrllo ur wlnt at iiiiru. Ad- drvHH tu TIIK (JKKAT OAltJKDU, i;tl Weal ■I'.iiim., (Care of J. AKM.STllONri). New York City. SONG-POEMS PIIUL.ISIIICU ON ROYALTY! Ai.Hi( muhii;ai. COMI'O.SITIONH. \VK Alt KAN (IK A.Nl) I'UPUI.AIt l/K. I'OPYKIIiUT MKUUKKl). Pai- tinilari Irei-. FOHIIiiAH MIIHIC I'l/UljIHIIINM CO. Ur|i). >ll.Ht Klfth Aj|li'M<£l«l<^"g<«. SlERToyTTci^VrEWS FOR SLOT MACHIHES lluaraiilceit iirl^rliiMN rroni l.lle. Hi-iid fur latii- loKUf. AddruKH TIIK (;III(;A(J0 N0\ KI/I VStl'I'l.V UOUMK, l;3 Milwaukee Ave., Chliairo, 111. IVI l( bnt m-'llerM. Sannilcs In ri'i:oKiil/i.d MaKn'lanH free. Al l othcra lUe. fli . IWK.'/.. -lU Turk Ave , t'lilra gii. JUST OUT, 124 PAGE ILLUSTRATED MA6IC CATALOUUB, V5c; UUF. CATAU, ie. Nun. (re*. Ualy N. B. Acent for UaJutiDt, lOe. W. D. LBBOT. 101 Court it. BmIab. Umm. VAN FLEET~'»p'^ RZZi'TEJRlk «T WU»V aStb «TaBBT, NBW YUBK.. \^J^ IV or K 13 , - KOH The New' Bell Boy Co. A SOUBRETTE THAT CAN SING AND DANCE, A NO. I MALE QUARTETTE. (Tlinar niaying purla ffUrn vvftvYftitv). Alio A I-'KIV AIOKK. I.AUIUK KUIt UIO NllMBUItM. Vuli-o evaeutlHl. Aililmn It. U. ItiltlK**, MniiiiKi'V, ItoJiii '41 Uli-m-il UltlK., 7lh uimI Clienlniit NIh., l'lilluiltil|ililM, l>«. AT LIBERTY FOR COMINO SEASON, COMEDIAN AND SOUBRETTE \A/ITH A :A-rvjiRB: 8i» Experlenood in Musical t'omeUy, Dimnii and lliirleai|iie, llO('Ovi>lr.ed maniiirera of city altracltoaB wanllUK ouly llivl rim* people, iKldi'vaH, al onio, WM.C...CUSHIVIAN *~'» ST. CLAIRE-^o««»= ■.YRIO P>ARK, JOI»I.IIM, IVIO. LAYFAYETTE THEATRE, OPEN FOR GOOD STOCK COMPANY FROM SIX TO TEN WEEKS. AUilreaa ItH. Iti. DAMl'IIKI.I., I>ruprl«lur >n<l Mgr. For Wm. H. West Minstrels, Twtinir inoi'M It'lral C'lMt. Mualflaiin, 'I'tiii UoimI Uiiiirtiru wb» iIuiiIiIh Itraaa, UiiM lllKit 'I'eiiui' who tun rouil iiiudIk. Hxuaoii u|i«na Auk, '• N«w Varli<:||y, Addreaa SANI'iiKIl U. ItlC'AllY, Unoiu 4, la&H llroatlway, Vuw York (Jliy. PAWNEE BILL'S WILD WEST and GREAT FAR EAST, A MeiiHalliiual Allr»c;lloii that can Ih) uneil fur a l-'it'oOulHlde Sliuw, u SniaUTi'iiupu of .lH|M,uiiood Uiiirul Klt-ker or ii NetMullonal Airlal Act (nut too lunrh riK)(l»K),<>ruiiylhlng of a Novi-hM Heiiaallonal Uhurai'ler: alHu Hdrnc lluud ClriiiH Cunritrt Aelx. Would IlKe In liiitir Ironi a lliioil Vnvcl Mnxlial Ail. KOIt NAl.K -All ihut.'anvaH iiiitv In UHii hy Ihd aliovr Mhiiws lnelndlli|{a 6urt.Tnp, tufi. kllddt» l>lec'e;aixiri.Top, Itrowrt. MIdilli'ritiriia; a luuit. Tup, Hl.\:aill. Mlildle I'leeen: a .'Uifl. (!aiiii|iy, ■iiHitt. aniiai'v. All i'oiu|ilnii), Onn make delivery July K>. will m-ll aliiivui'niivan eliimp. MAJ. II. \V. I.II.I.IK ifAWNKK 1111,1.), ax |H'r roiili- In llilH iHiiue. SIX 8KASOIM8 Of SUOCCSSI Mcdonald stock co. WANTH |>eii|ile III all ljrnni'lii'>< nt ilic Iti'pertolrt' IIuh1mi<kh for ki'hviiji l(iiir> Ull. In oprn early III AuguaC near Kaiiaaa city. Leading I'l'upli, Man unil Winimii for 'ClmriiitirM, I'oini'dlaii, Man fm Ih'avleii, Jiiveiille Wuinau, Uun for (lira. Huh. and a I'Iniiii I'layitr thai ran illrecl urilieHlia and arraiiiie. Thimi- dulUK apevliillleH Klvcii pritfi-reni'ii. Htiile Malary. I'ltyliiKuuii luiatil. Tim licxl mil tun gond. If you laii't dellvi'i'llie giiuilA keep nir the gruHH. Adiln hk (1. W. MrllliNAI,l>, Mur, wi'i-k 4iinii W, Idirky Ford, Col. l»TEO,FORP[l)UGIIIGyPZ[N[STOCKCO. LEADIIO lAI. Angnsla. Oa.; HEAVY lAI and OHABACTBB WOIAH. KnoxvllU. Tennessee. Uselnl People All Branclies Both Placei. C. D. PERUCHI, Knoxville. Tenn. CORNELL STOCK CO., KUUMKIil.V UII.«JKII>CtllllVF.I.I. CO. ItellHlile I'iMiple lu All l.liieM. ThoHe with )<|iei-lHlll«ii pri-terri-il. AIhii sirnuK IValuii' Mnei:lnli). Wauled ul onru, for lutlunee itt .Snninier Heasnn. nlnn ri'Mulari'i-iiriiiii, Tall Jnvenlln l.itadliiK Uaii and Klial C'laxH lliiavy IVunian. limul warilr<iliiinidlH|ii>nrtaiin!. Mliileali llr,it IuIIit. Adilri-KH U'. K. <!OIINKl,l,, MnnaKiT, iliire nf Oak llnive I'ark, Hayre, Pa. IVA-NTED, FOR THIS MeiiHon l»u.'iil, Flll.l, Al.TINd CD.; la-iiiilu iliilnir HtiiniK Niienlnllli'H'i'lvin iiri-ren-nci'. Hi-aMinopeui Auk M. AildieMD K. <J. lillON.IICAN, ;illl NoHli lllli, Inil..|M.rid.-iii'<>. Ilaiitna. WAYNE NUNNand^CRACE VALENTINE I.eadlni; Hi'avh'H and llinvy Cliuruelera. Juvenile (.cadii iiiiil liJL'eiini-ii. Car.' UlI.NrKltoVVS JUl.l.V l'A'ni|.'l.Mil-:u,S. Slirevi'port, l.a., unlll JiiiH' '.'.'i. I hen IiiiIIiiiiujhiIIn, Ind.. ili-n. Hi'l. ' BARNEY FIRST, A Sociable Guy. WiMi call.>4inif, Ki'ct^ntrli: lli'lirew KlngliiK and liaiirlnK <!oini'illaii. I-'KATIIHINU HIS OIlldlNAI. .IhW BI:i;K. UA.NUK. Wni ^ou^lllll.>r otr^r Inr next Heawin finm iii'lialili-Manai/i-r.. iiiirii'-i|iii' Maimfera. I'l'mi. uddriMM, 1II) W. MAIUMO.M .ST.,(.'hli:a)(ci. III. MR. and MB.S. JACK Ilavo .lane tin ami .Inly :i4>|i«n. Ail. 4II.VMI'U.' I'AIIK, I'liHlliiiiunKn.'I'nnn. AT I.IUKIi'l'V, DALE DEVERAUX, ^^,t^ Wardrobe and appearani'tt A I. Ili-iglit, (ft. Illii. IINK I'IKtIK HNI.V. I'er. addn-MH, "Till': llltALSAltli," AHhlitlnila, Oli«o. SKETCH rOH HM.K. 0I.|:VI;H COMKin Af.T 1 (iH CUMKDIA.V A.Mi SOUJIKKTIK. A Hea-«<ir.'< eukaifeuii'UlHul-40 oilered to piiRhaaer witli a well kuKwn <:oninpuy, Addieai J. i. WAKKkK, 7ll< U'esHulUnMr HI., i'ruvideiiee, 11, i.