The New York Clipper (June 1905)

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400 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER June 24. "IT'S THE (COMIC WALTZ SONG) "IMAaiNATION 99 (BUT A "REAL" COONSONG) ALL FOR COUNTRY, HOME AND MOTHER BEAUTIFUL DESCRIPTIVE BALLAD) 8KND STAMP AND J^ATE PROUIIAMME. ANKUAL NO CARDS. By AUSTIN S. BENSON, Troy, Ohio. The Osman Stock Company TODIKECTSTAOK. COIAN MUHTimSPKCIAl.TIES. .Nil HUSTARRANOK. MKAVY MIAN TO MASA(!E STAdK. Slnains mid DiincInK SOUBRI ROI9KRTY IWIA MUST DO SrECIALTIKS AXU BITS. StKNH; AIITIST. Must <lo imrii', Bpci-lnltlcii or propH. SlHle iirc. liolglil ancl low est »«lurj-. AIho Hfnil nrnffrainnic" Hnd plinfcm, If posRliilif- Kxpcrltiicc, Rlillliy, sobrlelj BiicI appeaiincc iilisoliilely eKsfnllHl. KKIIEAKMaLs COMMKNCK JULY .11. To Ihe right people we can olTcr » Iodr ;^ei>«)n. «e hHve liiHl eloscrt « HUBson of 41 wcck» In the principal cllkfi »nd licM tlicalrex lii the houlli. Addrest 811 comiuimlcmloiifl to JOHW 08MAK, M«»oiH« Tltetttro,Covington. \ a. "^THE SOCIETY ACROBATIC MARVELS7~ Monarcks of All Novelty Acts. InlrniluclnR Ihs Flnvat llRitil In Hand nnil Intrlvalei Combination of Aluintt HrKiiilnKly Iinpoiflbl* AvrobKtlc Kvolullon*. A Kr«liire (or Hnr kind or r >»Iioiv. A KCiiiiliic «iiri:ci<!< frnm glHrl lo (liii>li. .VOW TOtllUNi; WITH THK (IRKAT 01711 Kl.tlTO SHOWS. OOKKKsrOSltKNOi: SdUCITKl) KOR THIS « IMKII. AddrKM OKNVBH P08T, DenvKr. Col.,ar r«r* of N. V. CIjIPPKII. FOR SEASON 1005-6, FOR THE JOLLY GIRLS GO. (EBfPIRE CIRCUIT ROUTE*. mmm, mmmi novelty m\ chakactkr nm and women. 25-SiART CHORUS WOMEN-25 (1 PVIlNllill ALL. WAIlUnOllK). FIRST CLASS LEADER, RELIABLE CARPENTER. AODIIKHH TMOS. EE. IVIoOREACSY, S HIP loiTWt MHlarv lim lelter. TnoCADKnO TIIEATRK. rilll.A., PA. 3 MUSICAL KELTOMS. TIIK ACT THAT HAS THAT rili;.VOMKNAL Mt'SlCAl, AM) DANCING I'liODKJY. l^l-TTt-E Ol-ADYS ICEL-TOIM. Inncranl I'nrk, l)cn MiiIiich, 1r., week or; Hopkins' Korcvl I'lirk, KubsasCM;, Mo.,wepk of JuIy'J. TlUK AM. KlI.l.Kl* |:NT1I, SKPT. 10. Wanted/ Strong Heavy Man. Mnxl liHvr good modern wNiilrulii'. yciul phiiiu hdiI nil pHtilculHra llrst lellcr. CHESTER DE VONDE STOCK CO., CHESTER DC VOHDE, lanager. South Horwalk, Coon. CASINO THEATRE IDOR/V I^ARK. YOUIVOSTO^«riV, OHIO, I lmve«KHln lOHKCd lliesliove TlifutreiiMd ivani VAI'KKVII.I.K AC;t« t« open JrNK-.'iiaiul lalnr. To SHVOeiirrcitpnndpner, ntjtle jonr UiwesI »»l«rv hi llrst letter. h. STA.II.KV. MiinuePr. IVI laTOoile Leading Man, Character fflao. Character Woman, Soobrette. HK SpM'laltlrii itrrffiir.l. HEASttN ttPK.NS JCta' '4-4. Aiidifoi. I.R COMTK *i KLKSllKn, Kcolink. loM n. Tlintr Onl WANTED AT ONCE, BIJOU THEATRE, Norfolk, Va. SISTER ACTS, SINGLE LADY PERFORMERS IN ALL LINES, 25 LADIES FOR STOCK. LKdtcit who worked for me «t Arnie Thciitre, write. CIIAti. HI. WKST, .Mitaagrr. GUVERNATOR'S THEATRE, "'•"MV H. ,1. I,AKKIN..>»olc IMMJi.: SID I'KIJN. Hu«. Mfr. All Tlmof, Bid KKATl UK A(TS. ^i> act loo large tor this hmise. Ailrtres? nil m Sll> FKUN, Manager. Prrf'oriiiers . . . WA]VTJK]> . . . Pianist FOR .singing and l>Hiii-liiR nmicduns, Musical and Novell* Acl.«. Kone I'HI >oiicr, rcllnldo Ij'STlSil'll people nho are pertornier* neeil write. Long season, aiire ninnev: par own; >tKle al| BUI HHOW. unlrV. We iiliiv cities onl.v, week sl«nd>. Iir. I.«»ier",< lUg Show. wk. June U", Polo, ill T^^antQd. TOLSOXT STOCK CO., WANTS WOMAN Kl>lt lOrRTll BISINKSS ASH ll.l.l'.STRATKn SOSHS. (Mnst h»VP gooil snnng Vulie). 4Uwcek»lollicrlKhl parlv. AlT.>< lir Al.l. KINDS KDll Jl I.V 4. WiLl r. CO.M<l>.\, Mnaafirr, Doling Parh, SpilngUrlil, Mo. FILMS FILMS l:dl3<in'« J!ili."i Model Kluctoscoi*. brand nn-.v, Willi Klec-lrk- l»-imp anil Adjuslnbic Kteoslat. and J.IHIO feet or I'ATIIK ^a^^lnn I'le.v, lirand new. for $1!MMKI iJon't liirv so-called cheap oiitlits wlien yoii ("in h'-y jtonds made by leijllimaic houses (or the sanii ' price. i:<il!,on's VM-, Model KInetoscoiio. brand now. Willi Kli-ctnc Lump and AdJ'!!(tahle ;:ii'Mistiif. with Kdlsons (IIUCAT TKAIX ttOltllKIlY. slightly used, for $150.00 Xothln.g !lke it ever oltered licCore. I.iibin's rjitcst I'lO.I Model fMneograph. with StorcoutUon Conihined. IlUANl) NKW. Willi KlectrUr I.iinip and AdjMstnhIc Kheostat and ].IMK> reel of well selecU-d lllai. evi.ry- tlilni; llrst class $r.*.'i.<H) I»iint wall iJon't hesitate. Von think nnd net ijnlckl.v If yon want onu of these rare bursa 111! Ic Ins. The CAXIHUAtillAril Motion I'lclnre Ma- chine, with Slerwipllcon Cuniliined ,ind PATJIK niiiis Is a. combination that cannot be iijn.'ileil liv anv oilier. A tine S'Ci.oll Stereoplliim, with y.le.-lrir Lamp and IJhcostal. special laldc. with col- 'a|>ilMe let's and rase lo li(dil nil : •■osl nearly $.■,11.1)11, <M<r price, .f4il.0i>. This i.s new—u ran: bur;;alii. Song Slides, 5:i.."iO per set. MACHINES and FILMS WANTED. LEWIS M. SWIM t CO., 338 Spme SM, PUILADELPHU, Pi. ANNOUNCEMENT! IW CETIS, DEPER, GRAND, SALT LAKE. Will not be converted into llnrlcqiic Theaires, bill will remain in the Stair A Havllii Clrcnli. WANTKD, for week feept. 3 at Denver (National Kncauipnient, G. A. R.|. Strong Mllltarj Play. Apply to STAIR.V UAVI.IN, 1441 Hnmrtway. THE DBNVEIt THKATRK CO., By A. R. Prllon, Hgr. P. S.—We have ihc beM neek of onc-nlehl stands In tlie W'eat. Write as, care New Curtis, Denver, lor time. FILMS! FILMS! Ab< Moving Piclnre Macblnes, all makei, bonght and for sale. FHIL&DELPHIA FILK BXCHAHQE, 1608 North 15th St., PUIadelpbia, Pa., D. E. A. ATLAS TRUNKS For Ihe Prnfewlon are withont a PKER. Hade with our PATKNTKD KINDINQ, requiring no nalla and rlTclcd throughont. Our catalogue viu cbeerfally Introdace tbem to joa. The Belbor Trunk & Ba^ Co. No. I6ti Columbia Avenae, Philadelphia, Pa. FOR THE STAGE, SL10HTI,Y U8KD. Alan STRKET GOWNS. We have on hand a large assortment of cllgbtir worn KvcnlMROowns, Dinner, RcccpllonandTcaOowns. These robCB are perfect in every respect, and are espeelRllr suitable tor wear In lllHH CLASS DRA- MATIO hRODUCTlONS. We have a fall line ol Seal Skin Coata and Kiire of all kinda. URS. H. STARR, 387 South Stale St.. OBIOAOO. GOWNS AUCTION Why buy StercoptIcons at auctton irhen yon can iiiiv lanterns from me OUARANTEEED FOR alO, ILLUSTRATED SONOS t9.(H) per ««t. ReadlDgs and Songs lllnstratrd. WALTKH h. ISAACS, (US Naaiau St., ftr\r Torh . For Sale, Theatre, in Soath Dakota Population from a to 6 Ihniisand. SeBiiui; c<- iwcltv. soo; with 1*0 Barrel flslern. Klerlric Light, Heat. etc. Apply to <'. J. NICKUKS, MlVhell. South Dakota. Troupe of 5 Trained Dogs, One Diving Dog I and Kll rropenles ol Act. No reasonalile oner I ivlii-rii. MAUHICK TOBIN. I l)i>s aad Tony sbow, Vrcamlkod, C»uey liload. J JUST CLOSED MV FIFTH SEASON WITH MR. HI HEKRY. JOHNNY DOVE THE HI HENRY BOY. BIG HIT CELORO.V PARK, JAMESTOWN, N.Y.,TIIIS AVEKK. WKEK OF JULY 1 AND liATEB OPBlVa MANAliKRS—Iliavcflrteenmlniilesol minsirel material in one. WHAT IIAVB VOD? Per. Addrnss, 7U COLUMBIA ST., NEWARK, N. .1. XA/AIMTED, Yoang Leading Woman, Character Wmnan, l.eadlng Man, Heavy Man, Character Man, General Kiisinens Man, Prop. Man, Man with Illustrated Sonus and UovIdr Picture Machine to double pans, Mnslclaas for Band and Orchestra, Including I.CHderwho can arrange; also an At Musical Team, Man lodouhk^ H. and 0.. Al Piano Player lo double B. and 0., actors and actre--t's dolnpgood spculftllles or donh'ing l«Dd given decided prclerencc. Every performer must be able losing fur big Musical Number. Shnr rehearses at Marinette, wi«.,jnly 17. Performers report Jnly 16, Musicians jiilj jl. If can't Join for rehearsal. Sianmer and Winter Season, don't write. .Soliriety, alillily. good wardroiic and appearance absohiiciv esscDtial, nnd in writing slate age, lieight, weight, exact (pialiltcatbins, singing voice (if any), loft'cst "alary and emloae photos, if pcwslble, which poslilvcly will lie returned. NOTK—Kor your own good UO.N'T ndsreprescnt. Address by mall only, and hiLstlinc Advance Agenl. No lelegrams collect. -rilWI l-EAVEIMS, iSilsr., TREMONT HOTEL, Marinette. Wia. N. B.—Pleased to hear from llrst class Rep. People la ALL LINES, also good Noreliy Vaudeville AcN ihKl ihange for week. PLAYS'-'STOGK"'REPERTOIRE SOLE AND ONLY AGENT FOR OVER 200. AM SOLE AND \7XSTERN AGENT FOR NEARLY 1,000. GENERAL AGENT FOR ALL OF THE BEST PLAYS. We place :i,ono penpln rath yeiir. W« liav« iiniiieK or .'i.iHMl lo Helect froin. Wa wuni to hear rroiii the liest Manager* and high rlaa» Arllila. A. MILO BENNETT, Manager. NNETT'S DRAMATIC EXCHANGE, 305 Real Estate Boiril Building, Cor. Dearborn and Randolph Streets, Chicago. 3 GILDEIT SISTERS 3 TRICK CLOG. SOFT SHOE AND FANCY DANCINH, SWEIOT SINGERS. Very pretty Spccialt'ec: are all features. Soubretle and Chlbl Parts. Abo MACK i:il.l)EN, Characlerd; MARIE WOLFE iMn:. Glldeni, Ingenues anil ChHracters. Want lohearrioiu First Class One Piece rrodnclions for regular season or city slock. Address MACK IHLDEN, (icn'l Del., .Michigan City, Indiana. HOTIOE, HOTICE, NOTICE-TO lAliOEBS OF STREET, GODHTT and STATE FAIBS Wanting Special Attractions tor voiir Fair write us bclore closluf vour r-nniiacls elscivherc. Opened LAKE MANAWA PARK week of June 11 lo 17 and are re^:ngaKe<l for the week nfJnneH loi4as the rcalure attraction. We play on'v the U-sl and only want to hear from the best. Mr. Harry l.ynn. ihat na." with me laat scaaon, write or n-lre or Join at'once. We have .Inly 4 open; also weei of June -Ja and later opt'n iline. Mgrs. III.. Iowa, Kansas, Ncli. uml Wi!<., wrile. All mall add. O. K. STOART. den. Del., Omaha, Neb., tillJuly6, slier that lime cart- of CLITPKR. I c«ii furnNh von * HIO AEltlAI, Acts. THE LATEST <^OON SONG HIT, MIND YOUR OWN BIZ, roi'lES lOe. EACH. Words anil Music hv El). LA IIARRE. MAIlSIIAI.l, riHMsniNd CO., I'ubll5lici-s, (iLOITKSTKn. MASS. Sinibretle. Comedhin, lien. Iluslness Man, each nilh tiikius spccbillv: a lleavv Muu, Gea- eriil Iluslness Woiiiuii, nnd I'lanlst. All iniisi be vounx. tnlente<l. solwr iwople of giaid «p- Iieariince. Send lielglil. weight, nge. experience,'lowoiil, .sure salary Ipnvlng vonr own linlel), photograph, tirogrnmincs and references-. Sea.son will run forlv weeks, one night only. One play. No mullnees. Adilles< FRANK S. DAAlb.S«»>, Mur., ■•iJld l-'Hrnier Hopkins," .",11 llnlliinv;iy Si., (.Icveliiiid, lll'.io. BENNEn-MOULTONCO, Blauagenieni of W.c. MiKAV. WANTED, Repertoire People IN All LINES for Coming Season. Adrtn-s, HODLTOX, MK., .luly :; 10; or Home Olllcc, :;'.> COl KT ST.. BD.'^TDN. MASS. [Wanted, for Fourth of July] r.',D"^i i'I.A-''''.'.'!,'^\!J-'i!' l".-.\'.V.V''*' '■■■ •'^^"'- ■^^•""•: AI"l'.S, VAf.LiEVILLK, IKR LIU-., OH A.W IIIIIKIJ OLT IMHIU AlTKAiTlKN. Write al once. SLIDE ■i» /....J wiiii.ii uLi'iniiiii .^ 11 ij.\( I Iti.v. Write al once. > k'A'-PPA^E* Hoto' EImhurats^Carthage, N. Y^ Male and Female Gymnasts idl! KIO AKRIAL ALT. Miixl iuin »i .Mice. Wrllc. >ialliijr lull paitlcnlars. height, aie. wclgliti espcflcuceaud luwcsl salary lu ntsl Iciicr. Aildreas WILUS B. CLARK, Luna I'lri, rttliibuTB, I'a.