The New York Clipper (June 1905)

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June 24. THE NE^W^ YORK CLIPPER. 463 IIUSTBITIB Frof. Gopie«i FREE. ORCHESTRATiONS, 5g. EACH. JOS. W. STERN & CO., 34 EAST 21 ST., NEW YOBK. CHICAGO OFFICE, CRAWD OP. HOUSE BIDG ^G-E-T-T-Y-S-B-U-R-G .riTST OUT. Tho Bput Mnrrh .''oiiK of IliPtn nil I Will be nn fiininim nn Die buttle sround from which llii Htl« wnn Inkcn, HKNIt I'OR IT. ^MY HEA R T'S TO -NIGHT IN TENNESSEE ■ ^LITTLE RUSTIC COTTAGE BY THE STREAM TltW I.ATK8T, by Ih<< writern of •■MIt.VHKT TPUNS OrilANH ni.UI) TO (lOI.I)." Thnt IliiHlIc Itilllnil lliril iii>vpr (ii'dwa ItiiHly. ^1 WANT TO BE A SOLDIER ^EVERY DAY •» SUNSHINE T HEART BEATS TRUE ^SUNDAY MORNING WHEN the CHURCH BELLS CHIME The Niiiii; Hint itlra rmrldllNm In Pvpry Triir AiiiiTlniii licnrl. llOItWri'Z Itllll innvii:us" MiiHlrr|ilrri> of Miilliicl wrlllDK. Tlic fnnioiia "riiiiiii'" Kiiii);. Damly XlliltH. THE PICTURE THAT CHILLS THE BLOOD. THB ORBATKBT ORBATIOIf OP BBIVBATIOllAb MOTION PICTUnB FHOTOOHAPHY. THE HOLD-VP OF THE LEADVIIXE STAGE A WoBdarrallir B**l>*tlo Serlaa or Scanei and Inoldanta Actnall^ Hmds In Colorado and rolIowtB( with ■lxoeedlngl)r Kins AecnrsG]r the True Kventt That Hade Colorado Famon*. 8KIID FOR ILIiUSTRATED CIRCULAR. K.*nflrth, 700«fe. l»rlo*, 90d».oo. STIia. A UBADLlHBRi TRACKED BY BLOODHOUNDS <«THE OIRL.S IN TME OVE:RiD^I-L.8, BBHD FOR COMFIjBTB CATALOG ARD CIRCULARS OF PILHB. SELIG POLYSCOPE CO., 43 Peck Court, CHICAGO, ILL. H. II. BUCKWALTBR, General Weetem Agent, Denver, Colo. *f MANUSCRIPT OF SONG POEMS, ORIGINAL MELODIES, Or COMPLETE WORKS, AMI If they ii»r« amr M«rlt we have th* OMllltlee to aiafco thoan go. All lotten aaewerod promptif • PIONEER MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., Room BOM, Dantaattan Bldf., OHIOAOO, ILL. THE BREATEST INSTRUMENTAL HIT OF THE SEASON. 'OFF TO THE FRONT Br OSCAR MILLER. March and Two Step. Leader* Send for Band and Orohettra Arranfementi. Inoloia Lait Proframme. ruiUWED gy OSCAR miller, ISEaslUttSUnVut. JAPANESE WAR FILMS. GREAT NAVAL BATTLES. The Greatest Feature Films for Snmmer Parks. JAI'ANESK OKUI8KR IN ACTION, IlOMBARDINa I'OKT ARTIIIIK, JAPAKK8B TORI'EIJO UOAT. JArANESi; BATTI,p;SIlll' SINKINO HUSSIAN 0KU18KK. Soml for Summer imrtinlu iIsIh of Bllitbtlj used oulilw. „.„.., ^ .... „ - WILLIAMS, IIIIOWN <t BAULK, 018 OhOBlniit St., PhllndelphU, Pa. Dept. I). wies TOUPEES, GREASE PAHTTB, ETC. And tkn Lttitt and Moit Popular StylM In Ladlai' Hair Driulnn A. M. BUCH & CO., 110 n, HlBth street, - - - - - Philadelphia. THBAOSIOAIi COSTUUBB, ISA m. TTH BT.. PHILA. an. 30ln... BS.TS. CASH WITH ORDER 30ln «Oln Bead for enta. fa.50. r.50. 33In....; .V.'.'...'.... Jcas. ORDER Bead for enta. THB BI.LBBR TRUNK AND BAG CO., isa Columbia Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. FOR 8TA0B. STREET AND EVEKINQ. KXOLDBITI BTTLES AITl WORKUANSIIIP OnARAMTBED. Short Vamp and Stage Laiti Blw.jra on band. M.ll Orders PUIed. Fit aa.r.nt«ed. Tel. 6ts HadlBOD Bqaarv. tw Sixth At*., near Slat Street, N. T. SHOES ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, PLANTS, PALMS, TREES, QBA88 PLOTS. FOUAQB and ETBRTTBING FORSTAGK and LOBBY D8B OOKBTANTLT IH BTOOI • '""*'"' gBKD TOB OATALOOUB AMD PRIOK U8T. DECORATIVE PUNT CO., 716 Broadwiy, H. Y. ""wrV stage £ Street Gowns IVIRS. C. E. DUL-^, Tel. im-ooe oiford. JIB* trbmoht st hbkt, bohtow, oppoeite MajeaUo Tbaaaa. POP CORN & All Kinds of 5e. CANDY PACKAGES 8Hf» FOB PRIOR LIST. WE BAKE THB BIOnEST ORADB GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES. VM. J. ■ADDER k 00., 14-16 DMbrouM Street, H. T. Oily. TfTlTir 3L Pfl Wiff & Toupee Makers, * %#iil AlXlftflPAlNT and POWDER HoVIOKBR'B TBBATRB. OhleaBO, III . Teltphoa*—Central. 604. Bend far OatalOBX OLENTANGY PARK THEATRE, COLUMBUS.' OHIO, PreHcnta Crcatore nnil HIb Iliillnn nana Two Wecin, Cliwlnn Sunday NiKlil. June 2B. UIgli clBsa Vauderllle irlll be resumed Monday, June 26. Vaudeville AcUjra will take notice and apply tur time accordingly. inTBICAL BEXI.B J. C. DBAOAN'B WOULD RENOWNEO »HLr.8. ClIIMHB and NOVBLTIMB. The itandord ot the World. Send for ne«r lllua- Iratcd catalogue. Al- waya a few bargilna on band. 12 Strap Slelsb Bells, In good condition, $24.00: 1 Bet 3 Oc- tave Chromatic Ileary IloBewood Xylophone, flS.OO: 1 Bet no Deep Aluminum Cblmea. CbroDiatlc, on rack, $86.00; 1 Bet 12 Organ Chimes on rack, $50.00; one set 27 Aluminum Chimes on double decker floor rack, witb 8 pieces of miialc, arranged for one or two people to play, $88.00. Ai rood as nevr; worth $125.00: 1 Ret 28 Arch llells, with re- aonatora, dampers, actions and cords, on rack Tft high, 9100.00; 1 Set 12 Munlcal Ilattles, $24 00; 1 Bet 2 Octave Chromatic Metal Damboo Cblmes, $20.00. J. C. DUAOAN, 2ID7 N. Clark 8t, Chicago, 111. MINIATURE RAILROAD CO. V407 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. GOLD MEDAL SPECIAL. For Parka, Bnmmer Resorts, eto, HaallnK Capacity, 2& Toss. Earning il^MM) in six days. With proper oara will lost 86 yrs. CAGNCY LOCOMOTIVE WORKS. GRAND VHV/.K anil aOl.t) MKIIAI, KECKIVKU AT WORI.U'S FAIR, HT. I.0UI8, CIRCUS CANVASESa pole* and Stakes, SEATS, nags, Bta. asscT^ inp's fkim mm mm 59-61 W. Wasblnttoji St., CHICA60. ILL. BLOOD POISON FOR MORE THAN TWENTY YEARS wc have made the cure of Blood Piilsiin a specially. Blood Polion Portnanenlly Curod. You can be Ircotcil at home under .lame Kiift'nnly. Cap|{alK>o<).l>UO. Wv sullcll Itiv must ohsllnalc cases. If you have u.Yh.iiisted the olU iiivthojs of Ircalinent and sllU have atlics nnJ [Mlns, Mucti>< Patches In Moulh, Snre Throat. I'lm- ples, Copper-Colored Spots. Ulcers on any part of the hnjy, Hair or Eyebrows falling nut. write (or proofs of cures. KJO-page Book Prce. COOK REMEDY CO. nil MMOmC TEMPIE, Cklcii(,lll.,U.t.«. TB0UBLE8 *saP CATARRH! CAPSULES "* MiDt BUDDtfiJ. Cures all Discbarges la 48 Hours TO OOIPLETE OiSr FOB THE "OBIflllAL" QBEAT COIEDT 8D0GE8S HOOLIGAN'S TROUBLES MAN Ktm TITI.K Itlll.K witll Dlroiiff HpcrlnlllrH, HAN FIMl (iKNKllAI, llli.M. iitiil iininnirn »■■,« JUVKNII.K MAN, light .• Willi itond .Mii)riii« voico;CIIAIIACTKU (ll,l> .MAIllu ,11 llsli .•llAlt' AOrKIl WI»UAN with HpcMliilly. .SttUllllKTIK iloliiK nlrong «>iik iiiiil ilaiicu turti. Aim wiii o hi. ir UKOTSVr'oVffi'wm^^^^^ '"■*" """ ■r"'^'«'"*^"''«'r- ^"- ' 'NAN0IN.AYKitm,;i7l!»ICAl!'l.T AWTI-H-IR J. AYI-KS^A^OR-riH. Sole Owner and Mor, AildrcKR uiilll July 4 LAKKHIDK I'AllK CAMINO, l,itl<i<slil«, MJi'l,. N. ll.-Thls IH tho "uriKlliiil" hiR khoccm wrllloil liy MARK K. HVVAN and liamio iMiiiiicrllon whatever with H Hiiuill I'lieiip ouiupaiiy lliat has Itccli pl»ylng iiiulcr this ilile. This atlravtioii Ih ORIGINAL TERLEY July3Uondon Coliseum. ONE YEAR IN ENGLAND. On MOSS niid STOLL Tour. Repertoire People Yoinig. llHiiclKoim', U'ft.lliiK Man (to Feuliire); l,<-nilliig W ati, HlroiiK.slri«liiK nii,| Dinidiiir r»iiie<llHii illi.l Hoiihrctlr, iiIko II««I Solier, H.-llahlc l'«.i|.le, all lliiun. HeiiH .Jin ll^\UKUHt T. hiVi" S Iirofltiihlc cngiigoiiicilt Ik BHHMiril. AImip •" »iimi ii iiing, SIX STRONG VAUDEVILLE FEATURE ACTS. WM. t:uAn<H.', Ciinilmrliinil, llliirylniiil. AiM. ri)iirAiii'; i,a I'ltAiiii;, man. nroTZCE TO naANAcnEna. The Great Onzos, On«.»r thoUlK l<«r»i, wllli <>■.. Mrwiil Ailniii I'-iireimuitli unil Hnll.1 llriiN.' Nh<itv, " WIU. BE AT LIBERTY WEEK OF DEO. 4 To iu:v.v.itl vitiiilcvllli] (lalc'H (ir iillrrH from (,'i.iiiljliiullim fii. NimOK.-Wo <lro»H our net In ktiuu phiiIh ami hloUNti whIhIh, or tluliM. """ ""• ""■■■■■"•' "' • ■ iiinillret!; to Miilt lltu Miiimgcr. Tliiiuof not 12 iiiIiiuIuh, ami we oiii' ciiilriMhJoi, luiicy, and clOHi! Ill iiiKi. Houaun WANTKU tmn^\ the: \A/II.I.I3 ooiviediaims hX|Mrloii(;eil HKI'KKTOIIIK IVonlo, MdllllllKTTK. with ii N.i. I Hp.iolally; (;)ii,r«(l«r Wmmiii who can Ho .liiviiiillCH aij.l lleavf.,*, IIKAVV MAN, (;iiHr«i:liT Mali, Mini for lAul'l (• 3^^ a III Ociieral IIiihIii.-kh w Ih Hpcdiilly, hii.I h Ke.l lint (KIMKUIAN. I'ciiliir.. V iii'lVv I "aii wl.,",^. « rhaiiKO for week aiicl play piirlx. <;»ii iihu (;iovor (;hllil with Hp«i;l.,liy, m«, i)|,er"i..r with M »i ih I'laiire Mii(:hliii. iin.l IIIMHiralcil .Soiik Outlll, hit: iiK laic lllnm, .•ti!. All |,«op'o i , "l l" 1 »()l) S 'J7"",',ft„ ■ MVi "'1!"*" I«'™'"»IIJ; ""»<> I"""". <■•'«• 1'ell all; ■i./iIimu to .llrker T ")« ok '. Kni Al,l, CITVTIMK. HeiiHon opeuH .Inly :;j. In Klku.ler, Iowa. KHiearwilH July lii. HI KNItJ AI IT hT who can »fl, write. We piiy all .•.xpoiiwH. Acl,lriH» WAI.TKK H. WAKSkii Mrllri^ o I.Vwa SEASON 1905-6 OPENs A FEATURE NOVELTY ACT, «• JVNB lU, CA8CADK PAKK, Nvw Castlv, l>«. :5i!«^'"' TEN MINUTES IN ONE. IVI COMKDY MUHIOAI, ACT. IlivllCH olfera fur nr.vl ni-iiHon. IWd and fi, lli'm/.-Saatley Co Aililr7Hs . WKKK JUNK III, HdlirilKflN IMKK, l'l1lVl.i:K(i, I'A J. HENRY R0\A/I.B:Y TIIBATUICAI. C'OHTUMEn, I4U W. -AM NT,, IVKW Y«>ItK, '^£!!'}}SF^^'i.'K'!:J^'2'"'"' UAVDKN a KOWI.KY. UaimKer of IllJoU TIIKATIIK, I'ATKKMON, N. J. SUTTON and SUTTON^^^^-^^^^ KUWAIIU BlIAVNIfi, Itrji. M.m< U»u«». IIAUIIY 1>. M.-Wliit-oo done (ball PIMt IVKXT SKAHUM, jfK ^7 ^9 La ^^ IPfl E N C9 E Urn Koriiierly Manager KiikcI'h I'avllloii, IlayiiiarSL.I, Chluaifo Opera II0111.1., hihI I'loi.le'M Tliealro. MM- waiikco. Ilouae MaiiBiter or roarl. Mycura'cxjierleiicoin sliow hii»lii«>B. AM iiraiiclicn. Ailtlr«i»s lO.I HANUOI.I'II ST., Clilcago. WAMAaEnil tiOOKIMG KOH "BIO OUTUUOn KKA'l'UIlK," AOOHKBH ^ O Iv i^ , SPIRAL TOWER UARVEL, ITOT HTATK ST., New lUren, Conn.