The New York Clipper (June 1905)

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464 THE NISW YORK CLIPPER. June 24. % XXXI^ % % 1.90& WHEN THE HARVEST MOON IS SHININ ON THE RIVER ^^ ly ARTKIVJiR J. t^JKtSftB and IHKNRY. ILLUSTBATOBSI16 SmES and TITL>. BEDTimUiT COLORED, «S,00 RER SE-r PBOF. COPT and 0BCHE8TBATI0R FREE on Becelpt of Program. negular Cop>' to non-profeMlonnU HOe. JOS. W. STERN ^ CO., 34 Eas-b 21 CmCAQO OFFICE:~ GRAND OPERA HOUSE BUILDING. BAHD COPT OF "HABVEST" . 5c 0BCHE8TBA (Dance) OP "HARTESr' iSc CORIIET SOLO (Band Ace.) do. ■ iqc COHRET SOLO (Orcb. Ace.) do. . iq^ TI[lEIDIIII!i. IFDiESIHrilMliriSliSOII. I»WII. LOST STRAYED OR STOLEN. S25.00 REWARD. copvRKSHT 1005 I1EI8IH, 225 PEBT. PBICE, $24.76. copyrioht ims. One Gontlnnons Lond Scream. Sore Tban a Enadred Dogs in tlie Gtase. On account of "Dupes," made in Pliiladelphia and New York our FUms must show our trade^mark, "S. LUBIN." IfiOS EXPOSITION MODEL CINE06RAPH WITH STEREOPTICON COMBINED. $71: btab model ciheoobafh. tCfl ■ WW iBoiBdtiM omininm i.&i>>n. KiMtirin i^mn ii.iin.<.hi. nt...»t» iriin.. ••.H BK.I.. Ip I w WITH STEBEOPHGOR COMBIHED ^Wa laolBdlnf Cslolvm Lamp, Electric Ummp, Adjn«ta.ble Rheoitat, Fllnu and Slldei. «1 S. Eighth 8trc»t, PhlUdelphia. P«. ««, 99 FTJ^T^S^ THE PALACE OF THE ARABIAN NIGHTS New and Startling Motion Picture Production In <3rVSLia.€L x-x^zx tSL± X*£i>xxr3r-X*l^o^ -wltlx Si>< ORIGINATED, DESIGNED, PRODUCED AND COPYRIGHTED BY eta* 9 ctxla. X- XSfFects OE>0. J^E>i: vIB>{S , of T*€Lf± ASK FOR OUR IL LUSTRATED STT PPIEMENT No. 27. New York Branch, 204 EAST 38th STREET. .... GASTON MELIES, CenM Manager. Selling AgentB, KIEINE OPTICAI CO., 52 State Street, Chicago. 111. "THE NATIONAL SERVICE," FILMS FOR RENT. A SQTTABE DEAL FOB ALL. (WITH APOLOGIES TO THE PRESIDENT.) NATIONAL FILM RENTING COMPANY 62 NORTH OLARK ST„ CHICAGO, ILL. IVIOVIIMO F9 FILMS FOR RENT. KVGENE OI^INE & CO. » WRST 14«li ST., NEW VOKK. PROCTOR'S ENTERPRISES. F. F. PROCTOR, Sola Proprlttor and Minagor. I. AUSTIN FYNES, Qtniril Minigir. 6 BEAUTIFUL THEATRES 6 icd BBtertalBBiCBl. TheBtre, Proet«r'i Praotor>a SMtk at. 125tk at. TheBtre, ThcBtr*, Praetsr'. Devoted to KellB Proctor'a Dth Ave. S8d at. ItieBtrr, Theatre, Pruclor's Proeter'a NcvTBrk aibaay Thratr*. PROCTOR'S STOCK CO. Best Plays and Best Vandnille. INSTRUCTIONS TO ARTISTS BOOKED: ^H flot o( acti; complett "prop" list; correct Isht plot; It Tou open or cloM la one; KXACl' time of kcti, *ai of "close In;" blll- iDf for uewepapers and programmea; and CLEAN I'llOTOOUAPUS for LOnnUiS TWO WliliKS In ADVANCE OV OrBNINQ DATB AT ISACII IIOI'BIS. Bdilrcsiliig UKSIUENT MANAQEU. FAILUllK TO COMl'LY with these INSTRUCTIONS WII-L SUIUliCT AIIT18T8 to the UI8K Oil" CANCELI.ATIO.N. VAUOUVILLU RUUBAHSALS, 0 TO 11 1. U. UONDAVS. TUKSH RULKa WILL US STRICTLY KNFOUCBD. riajwrlEbta, Authora, Pla; Amenta. Addreas J. AUBTIN FYNB8, General Uanattr. FIFTH AVE. THEATRE, H. Y. CITY. SIEGMAN & WEIL. 71-81 WOOSTER ST. (Bat. Spring and Broom*), Naw York. Theatrical Supplies, Grease Paints,. . Tights, Wigs, ... I Gold & Silver Trimmings Spangles, Etc., W* und goods C. 0. D., aubjact to Inspacilon but rtqulri a dipetlton al ordtrt' RHONEHDS LEO IMPBOTER I'ATESTKl). KorNpii with boweil, croolioil or linllov leR*. Makp |inntK hHSK pcr- fciiiynlrRlirlii.iioiiimtcrho*- ixiwcd or rroolsvd llju legii. Made of hIuiiiI- uum; IiivIkIIiIo; iioliiionvrnlciae; jon never know jou li«-vc Ihciii on; pa»llj artjuslcd wHIi onllimry (r»r- ler. Uj tiisll iwmnald, )l nor imlr. Write loilnv for KUKK Knoklcl. S. K. ftllONEMl'S ^ CO , Box E, Sprlngflrlil, Ohio, BKND 4 cts. lor OATALOaCK No. 4. Send 4 CIS. tor Oatalozne Net. [DISON KIHETOSGOPES, $75. AND ALiL THE LATEST AND HOST IM- PROVED MOTIOH PICTl'RK MACB1NB8. FILMS ■AHTARB OBIGINAI KELIES, EDISON, BIOGRiPH, P&THB. 4«0 SUBJECTS, 4 ?Sim, DP Eleclrlc Spol liglU ilH, $18 RHEOSTATS, 220 Volt., |8.M. REELS, LIMES, OARUON'S, OELATINE SHEETS, FILM BOXES, COXDE.SSER PROTECTORS, «0c. SEW AWD LATEST SOHG SLIDES, $5 Per Set. SONQ STEREOPTICOVS. WITH ELECTRIC LAMP, RUK08TAT, $21. MOST UNIQUE, RICHLY COLORED;' ) Each. MACHlNEa, FILMa STEREOPTICONS, SONG SUUCS, etc, AT QREATLY REDUCED PRICES. MOTION PICTURE MACHINES afld PI LMS Wanted Will FILMS M5 MOTION PICTURE MACHINES UEST PRICES PAID FOR FINE GOODS. 809 Filbert, PUILA., Pi. I ■. SPANGLES 8. ElMB. MATERIALS. I l»fi| flO'Of BAQSAIDCHAINS,'^*'^ >nilTTHllQ TOU CAI THIMI OF II THIS HIE |auaM'lb«kft'*Itn>*rB. Efft'lnACMf:* bul!! Ln. KaL IMO. ImiBBlMDKK, IKPOHTK, iU 1. Slk BT.,B.T. WHOLESALE 8.^ RETAIL JETTER ! LITHIIGRAPH' AEOUT HALF THE PRICE MEW LITHO-TIHT PAPER HHD fon CATALOSUe Morrison Show Print D..,m Ofimt, «I1:S. BABGAIN BEEL8 IN MOVING PICTUBES. The following exhibition reels, which we olTer at less than the cost of production, are all In first class condition and good for hard service. We sell them to reduce stock Just as they come l)«ck from the Keltti CIrcDit. All orders must be accompanied bj a cash deposit At our last sale many uf oar cuh- tomera were disappointed becauae they failed to remit and found that their choice was gone. Tlieie- fore act quickly. CUT OUT THIS ADV., IT WILL NOT APPEAR AGAIN. 316ft.: Marie ADtolnette, 550ft 028 feet f40.0« R No. 10. Hooligan as a Safe Robber, 49tt.; Nor- wegian Falls, 80ft. i The Camera Fiend, 271ft. ; Dog Baiting, Fighting, 05ft; The American Soldier, 25Cft.: The Snail, Tor- toise, Toad, 75ft.: You Will Put Me to Bed, Bh! HI ft. 0.3T feet #^i«.SO R Ko. S3. The White Rat and Young, 100ft.; Al- phonae and Gaston Dance a Few Steps, 54ft.: Panorama Miles Canyon, 64ft; A Trip to Southend, 168ft.; The Letter Came too Late, 200ft.; An Impartial Lover, 70ft.; Tlie In- fernal Cauldron, 110ft.; Kllroot to White- head, 125ft.; What Happened In the Tun- nel, OOfL 053 feet IM" ..'• R No. 3.1. Next. 03ft: The Kiddles and the Chlckeu*. 05ft.; Stop that Bus, 175ft; A Voyaee to the ArcUc. 600ft »33 feet *l«.50 R No. 24. Coach'ng. Antrulm Coast, 70ft; Saturday Shopping, 311ft; A Snake In the Grass, 80ft; The Coster and Donkey, 75ft; -isi'k Jaggs, ie5tt; Welsh Pony Farm, 150ft.; The Animated Picture, 160ft , ., 000 feet ^I!MM) R No, 2S. A Drove of Wild Welsh Mt Ponies, lOOtt.: Finish of an Automobile. 50ft: Scenes In nii Irish Bacon Factory, 100ft; The Relicnrsnl, COft.: The Deserter. 525ft.; Bob Kick, IJ.'fi. 0«0 feet 1^18.00 R No. 'Ml. Over the Garden Wall, 05ft: Cliff Scenery at the Dobbins, 125ft: the Heavenly TwIik. 80ft; At Work In a Peat Bog, 100ft; I he Elopement, 5Bft; Stage Coach Robbory, 362ft.; Extraordinary Illusions, 136ft 020 feet $4«."0 R No. 27. Toodle's Tea Party, 102ft.; Irish Coltace Lite, 100ft; The Professor, lOOft; Gunrdlan of the Peace, 70ft: Polo, Hurllngbam, If""''-; Sarabo, 80ft 002 feet f30.<M> R No. 20. Tourlats Leaving Hotel Klllarney, 60rt.; Alice In Wonderland, 02Dft.: He Loves M'. He Loves Me Not OOtt 1026 feet.. .f51.<i» R No. 31. Jack and Jim, 188ft: Military DIsplii.r. OOft. ; Elopement a la Mode, 283ft.; Wal-r- falls of Glenarlffe, 100ft; Hooligan's pre.i"'- .1C4ft. 006 feet f40...i» R No. 37. A Big Swallow. 05ft; The Sleepwalk<i.* Dream. 185ft: What Burglar Bill Found m the Safe. 143tt; Scenes In Japan, A Wnger. 20l)ft; Pat Took lllm at 'Mj Word, llSft 008 feet f4n.<'" R No. .18. ., , An English Qymkana, 100ft: Magic XW Restorer, 104ft; Getting In Hay, flOf t: la a Den of Lions. 67ft: The Epicure, 5'J'- • The Life Boat, 75ft.; How to Stop a M":'^ Car, 100ft; Juvenile Animal Trainer, 1021.: The Bold Soger Boy, 201ft 041 feet. .f4. -"•• R No. 30. Elixir of Life, llBft; Greenland to is:- root, 75ft; Salmon Fisheries, .301ft: Wh-i" Strolling In the Park. 217ft; Rock Seen--.'. Bnllybunlon. BOft; His Own Cigar I-'kD' '^ "Oft 018 feet $4 •■'• R No. 4. Through Miles Canyon, lOOft; Hat of Many Surprises, 157ft.; Sbootlng Chutes, Luoa Park, 100ft; Japanese Wrestling, lOOft; Devonshire Fair, 245ft; The Rose, 52ft.; A Discordant Note, OOft.; Marvelous Egg Pro- ducing, 183ft 007 feet MOJIO R No. 7. I'an. St Gothard Ry., 126ft.; Prince of Magicians, 120ft; St Mark's, Venice, 75ft; .\ Uypsy Duel, 50ft; Horsea Swimming Cop- per lUver, 07ft; Rip Van Winkle, 2O0ft US3 feet 934.00 R No. 8. The Monster, 170ft; Lucky Kitten, 62ft; Down the Bamboo Slide, 50ft; Push Ball, 177ft; Delhi Ry., 75ft; Fresh Eggs, C7f t; Logging In Canada, 3G6ft 000 feet. .S48.00 R %o. O. Apothecary's Cave, 75ft; Temple of the Sun, 101ft; Start of Yacht Race, 201ft; Swiss Carnival Parade, 125ft; Pan of Lu- cerne Lake, 125tt; OperaUons Alaska Gold Mine, 104ft; Looping Loop, Crystal Palace, 75ft : What nre Waves Saying, 54ft 8U0 feet «42.00 R No. 12. Sand Fort, 01ft: Sherman Tunnel, 132tt; At the Ford (India), 200ft; At TerrlOc Speed (Auto Race), 160ft; The Stag Hunt .125ft.; Lady Bountiful, 67ft 035 feet S40.0O R No. 13. Delights of Automoblling, 100ft; The Widow, 54ft; The Wise Elephants, 300ft.; The Wrath of a Jealous Wife, 71ft; Fatal Attempt to Loop Loop, 30ft.; Through Ca- nadian Rockies, 300ft; Coasting In Alos. 12Dft 080 feet f. ..»40.0O R No. 14. The Waders, 78ft.; An Unusual Spectacle, 120ft.; An Unprotected Female, 125ft; I'>om London to Brighton, 125tt.; How to Get a Wife and Baby, 85ft. ; The Galloping Tongas, 150ft.; Tommy's Pull on Grandpa, 57ft.; A Terrinc Race (Automobile), 100ft.; A Snlrlt- unllstlc Photographer, 145ft ItM.'. feet S40.0O II No. 16. ^if.w Llamas of Thibet 125ft.; Expert Bag Punch- ing. 102ft. ; Weighing the Baby, 77ft.; Dog teams. Sleds, Children, 104ft.; Enchanted Basket. 82ft; Ski Jumping, 150ft; Sketch that .Made a IIU, 01ft; Stretch on the W. I'vy. Ry.. IDOft 800 feet $48.00 11 No. 41. Little German Band, 160ft; Clarence the Cop, C2ft.; Man the Life Boat 735ft OBT feet S47 OO 11 .\o. 10. »4T.0« A Little Tease, 35ft; Giant Tortoise Feed- ing. 100ft.; At Brighton Beach, 100ft.; Through Three Mile Cascade Tunnel, 205ft ; Willies Camera, 51ft.; Laplanders at Home, rfift: The Midnight Sun" OOft; A Box of llnylers, Bltt.; The Poachers, 220ft 057 feet tn7jin K No. 18. ^^"^^ Pugilistic Toads, OOft: The Smoky Stove. I.t2rt.; Pan. of Reach and Clllt House, 03ft The Burglar, 103tt; The Busy Bees, 450ft' BlPFscd be the I^eacomaker, 71fL OOO feet a4it nn n No. 30. »40.00 Soap Bubbles, 03ft.; Magic Lantern, AMERICAN MUTOSCOPE & BIQGRAPH CO., I IIE.!l4th St., Mew York.