The New York Clipper (July 1905)

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JULY 1. TH.E NEW YORK CLIPPER. 473 TABLE OF" CONTENTS. fmt, MWj Cllitpn-'H Anrssloles too iuvuhmmI Hlli'lHiM'k In Straight Cuuwdy 400 Marshall. Ill* Myallc—Sketch 40(1 •i Iih lli,—..w Midgets—Sketch ji'.i; Delphlno 4 Deluiora—Sketch 4Ut'. liur laii»hai Letter!! 400. 4>VS Features of tli* Weekly Show—Illustration*.. 407 ,., k , a ml A,I, ini- In Star 400 Queries Answered , 470 Charles B. Dillingham's Plau« 47* unr Chlcagu 1-ettcr 4711 Our Australian Letter 470 i Theatrical Move of lui|Hirt«iie* 470 Clipper Post OOc* 482 ,,..,,_.Sketch 482 Latrst by Telegraph J 7 I «... in* isoau lltl v ..nli..-llle llmite List 47:1. 474. 47i Xew York City—Review anil Cuuiiurm 4Ta i...,ih* lu tu* Profession 473 C ilmnliln Amusement Co 47:1 World of Players 4TS. 47(! Miscellaneous ' 47J alecllalllcs 47*i Variety ami Minstrel 470. 4711 With the Bill 1'ostfrs / 47l> •rii k ATitic a i. t:oitn ksi •< bci jkxck. VInrlnlii *'» New Jersey 40«, 4,8 Florida • Jgg •■inssacliusetts 470 Wasblngto 471 Couuertlciit 471 4il Pennsylvania 4 ■ I Canada 471 New York State 471. *<* tieargta 471 Hbnd* Island 4S2 Wisconsin 482 West Virginia 482 luwn 4S2 Imllooa 4s2 1IIIU..L. 4S2 Colorado 482 Maine 4S2 Minnesota 4S.1 California 483 IHlto 483 HJdllgJIII . j. r m 4*3 ifTHofiri ..T... 183 Kenturky 4M3 l'e\!ls 483 Tennessee 483 Oklahoma 4*3 District of Colmulila 478 Plinth t'anillna 478 l'lio.AiiKLl'iiiA. June 27.—Four i>|H'ii house* fared well IuhI night iiinsldei-lug the liiteuen-i of the season Vaudeville, tit Keith's, "Girtm- tireen." at FiM-enMiigb's, and bnr- le-u|iie. at 111* Lyceum, drew fair Mullen. «s. ....A well nileil house Daw "Simple Slmuii Simple" begin Its last week at the l"ark. Ijii IHVti.LK. June 27.—A hot Sunday brought a record-breaking crowd to Fontaine Kerry l*ark, and Snyder and Buckley stored a lilt at Hopkins' Pavilion -Morea uud bis band opened at Jockey I'lub I'urk, tu a large audience. Kansas City. Jim? 27.—All the parks bad big Sunday business At Klcctrlc park Kllery'a lliind opened a limited engagement, mid wan heartily applauded. In the (ierman Village. Sailor and Harharetto scored a hit. and out in the paik Hale's Scenes and Tours uf the World broke all records At For- eat Park King and Queen, the high diving horset. were a feutur«\ and lu Hopkins' The Mire Lew Hawkins wan the heudliner Fnlrtnouiit I'urk had Prof. Unsen. In Ms slide for life, as the drawing card, lu the I lion t re lieorgc I Minn r was the favorite. HI-: 4 i us IX I lit: I'lliitlWIov. On tbe Road. SPEC IAL NO TICE. The Fourth of July Number of THE NEW YORK CLIPPER will be laaaed July 6, and will contain, In addition to a handsome illnmlaated cover, a complete LIST OF THE FAIRS FOR 1(H)S| alao A DIRECTORY OF TEXT SHOW PEOPLE FOR THE SEASON OP 1005, the latter being a feature never before attempted. Aa there will donbtleaa be aa In- creased demand for tbla No ruber, orders should be placed with tbe newsdealers In advance. LATEST BY TE LEaRAPH Holiday XlKht'M Oneulnga lu nil the Bin- Show Towns. GOLDEN GATE GLEANINGS. A Fine List of A ttrai-tlona Rnllven Theatricals on the Coast. Hptcial DUittttchm to The New YhukCi.iitkii. Sax Francisco. June 27.—Al the Colum- bia Theatre T. Daniel Frnwley, In "Han- son's Folly," liejjiin yesterday a two weeks' engagement. i'ai.ipiikn'Ia Tiikatbk. —Sunday. ?.">. marked the hegiiulngof Florence Hola-rts'sixth week. The play will be "Cajnllie." An extra inal 1 - uee will be given, at which Ibsen's "A I toll's House" a/lil be presented. Majestic. —"Dorothy Vernon, of Itoddon Hall," with James Xelll and Kdythe t'hnp- maq as principal members of the stock com- pany; is ou for the current week. tiUAXti Dfeka —This is the third week of the special season of Maud William- sun and Alfred Woods. The plnv will be "Tbe Host to Win." Kddle llunlon. the pugilist, will spar four rounds at every per- formance. Ai.cakah. —"Audrey" Is this week's pro- duction. -Ckxtral. —"Down Mobile" Is being pre- sented this week. Tivof.1 OfEUA Hiil'SE.—This Is the second week of "The Black Hussar." Okphkim. —Hill for tula week, opening Sunday. 25: (ieorge W. Itov, Claude (filling- water and Co., the Kedoulu Arabs, the Four lirothers Soils, l.illlnn Shaw, Hc-ssle French, l.aviiie and Leonutd. Fred's monkeys, and the tJrpliettni motion pictures. (,'iiitkm. —HIM for the week, opening Mon- day, 2(1: l-'rniicescii Redding mid Co.. the McCounell Sisters, Mnrtin's dogs ,-md ponies. I'lilipilln, the Southern Quartette. Iji Toska, • 'has. A. Hlgney and the Olograph. Finckeii's. —1(111 for the current week, opening 20: Devolo, De Koine, the Musical Thors. the Mclntyre Trio. Aldro Bros., and the. moving pictures. Business has been very large. LvcKfJl.—Rill for Ihe current week, open- ing 2(1: John I.. Sullivan and Co.. Inelud lug: Fields and Hanson. Walter Perry. Ks- trella. Utile Blossom, the Lyceum Stis-k Co. and Hie moving pictures. Xiites. —David Warlleld and wife hove ar- rived bete, mill will spend their vacation with the former's parents, who are residents of this city Ilolhrook llllnn and wife returned from n trip to the Yoaeuille Valley last week. .. .Nat ('. tioodwln. on i-omptetioii •if Ills engngemeut at the Columbia Theatre, Ip this city, June 24. will leave ou it camp- ing tour through the Yosenilte Vallev and big trees, after which he will go on a hunt- lug expedition through the wilds or Colorado. returning here In time to attend Ihe unnuul Summer jinks of the Bohemian Club at their grove lu Redwood Forest, (iuernerllle, Sono- ma County. FROM OTHER POINTS. tool Weather Improves llaslnens at Theatres—Parks Report Excellent Business. CHIcaimi, June 27.—"Mrs. Temple's Tele- gram." al Powers', is the only change of bill at. the down town theulres this week, anil opened to a big house. 2(1 This is the lost week of "Sky Farm," at McVicker's. after which the hutise closes for the seusuti. "Little Juiiuny Jones." m the Illinois: 'The Mayor of Toklo." at the Studebiikei-: lew Fields and Co., ot the Grand Opera House: "The Ijind of Noil." at the Chicago "pern House: "The Woggle Bug." ut the iJnrrlck. and "Buster Brown." at the lireut -Northern, are billed for the current week. ......Cool weather last week was unfavor- able to outdoor resorts, yet pntronuge In most Instances was fairly satisfactory. Bos-nix. June 27.—"Kafoozelum" opened at the Treinont last night with a Idled house, despite the worm weather. The piece will tuu Indefinitely Hen-My-Chree. nt 'be Castle Sipiare, and "The Showman's i'aiighter.'" at the llowdoln Square, were stock bills opening satisfactorily "The Karl and the Girl" begun Us seventh week well ni the Treinont "Jack and Ihe Beanstalk.' at the Umpire, opened its sec- ond week to two good sited bouses Keith's had fair business, but tbe novelty tesorttj ebowed effecti of the weather Sunday 'was n banner dav at the beaches, and ibe nittlc theatre were in evidence. I'ieuik i. Jasvis, who was some years ago one uf the beat known theatrical munagers In the country, died June 24. from pneu- monia, at the home of his sister, In Brook- lyn, X. Y. He was born In Brooklyn. July It, 1847. Twenty years ago he was known by the managers of almost every theatre In the I'nlted States and Canada, lie had been associated Willi A. M. Palmer and Augustiii Italy, had produced on the road many of Hartley Campbell's plays, and bad managed many companies and conducted the tours of leading actors and actresses. He started with Stanley's expedition, but did not go Into tbe Interior of Africa, being called back by Important business. Among the theatres he managed in Brooklyn were the old Olympic. In Fulton Street, and the American .Theatre. In Dilgya Avenue, now the Novelty. He was at one time associated with Msrk linn tin In the Kuclld Avenue Theatre, In Cleveland. Ohio. lie made and lost several fortunes In the theatrical business. At the time of bis death he was employed In the Registrar's office In Brooklyn, and also conducted a real estate business. Mr. Jarvis was a widower. Ills only surviving relatives are three sisters, the Misses Catherine and Milllcent L. Jarvis and Mrs. Frederick II. Bigg. JI i.i a Weston Blake, an actress, died June 111. at the home of C. O. Richardson. ,hree miles out of Miami. Florida, where she had liven for the past six years, from paralysis and heart disease. She was bed-rid- den for eight months, and a great sufferer. She was Iwrn in Iiouklnlon. Mass.. Oct. 27, 1S40. and made her rlrst appearance when a luiliy In long dollies, in "Holla." at Gal- veston. Tex. Miss Blake wag one of the tlrst Kvas, in "Uncle Tom's Ciibiu." unci played the purr continuously until she outgrew It. At the age of fifteen she married O. W. Blake, comedian, deceased. She played In tbe stoik companies of Col. Wood. Spalding, Bidwel! and Mcllonongh, John Ellaler. Mc- Vliker. and in the load companies of Edwin Booth. Helen and Lucille Western, and other old time stars, was lending woman with Jus. Sherry for several seasons, was with Marie F.vons, und was starred by Ijimbert & Rich- ardson. Jointly with Harry S. Robinson. Her last apiiearnnce was In (Jus lleege's "Want- ed, the Earth." with John Dillon, during the season of lSIMi. She is survived by two sons, two daughters and fourteen grand children. She was burled June 2ti in Miami Cemetery. Fla. X. Vkrt. Ihe noted English concert di- rector, died In l/imlon. Fug., last week, lie had been In Ihe Isisiness for more than a ipiarter of a century aad arranged tbe first appearances lu rouceri of many American singers who went to Europe. Among these were Mme. Alhanl and Belle Cole. He was also Interested In arranging Ihe first tour that Charles Dickens ever made lu this country. He had a branch In this country for many- years. Mas. Mabv Hah. Dahe. wife of T. S. Hall Dare, of Ibe Dare Brothers, clowns and gym- nasts, died June 111. at Roosevelt Hospital, New York fit v. hi childbirth. She was Isiru in Manchester. Kng.. Oct. 24. 1801. Inter- ment was la Calvary Cemetery. X. Y. Johanna KI'isok. a German actress, who recently came to the I'nlted States from the Royal Theatre al Berlin, died June I'.'l. at the home of her mother, in (irand Rapids. Mich. She wan taken III while tilling an engagement in Cincinnati. Xixa Mason, a vaudeville performer, died at the residence of iter mother. In Louisville. Ky.. June 17. from tulsMctilosls, aged twenty- nine years. Her mother and brother survive her. Olexoix, a traveling showman, died June 14. nl San Francisco. Cal.. aged tlilrtv-lwo years. lie fell down an elevator shaft ind fractured his skull. Interment was In llolv Cross Cemetery. San Francisco. Mll.PKEIi'FoiiHEST. 0 vaudeville pet former. died May 27, from blood |Milsoulng. She hud been connected with some of the most prom- inent companies during her career. She was a member of the Actors' Xatloual Protective Colon, and had Iteen In the profession since childhood. The remains were Interred In Evergreen Cemelerv, X. Y. Her husband. Ernest Dale, late of the Lentnn Bros., and at present with (ieo. II. Adams' "llunipty Dunipty" Co.. survives her. Joiix E. Jkxxax. a vaudeville performer, who came originally from Denver, died June 21'. Ill Belleville. X. J., at Ihe home of John I'errv. with whom he had Is^en associated In vaudeville for Ihlrly-llve years, as the Perry Brothers. He leaves a widow und two slslers. ♦♦♦ The Colombia Amusement Co. The Enslern burlesque circuit, under Ihe above title, has announced the list of thirty theatres at which the thirty attractions will till ,i season of forty weeks, with ten return dales, iill:tv weeks apart, at each house, for each company. The circuit Includes these houses: Star, llnsjklyn, X. Y.: Gayely. Brooklvn. X. V.: Dewey. New York City: Gotham. New York City: Clrrle. New York lily: Walilnintin's. Newark. X. J.: Lyceusi. Philadelphia. I"a.: Xew Theatre, Philadel- phia. IV: Bijou. Heading. Pa.: Star, Scrun- Ion. Pa.. Hire* days each: Xew Gaiety. Hal- limore. Mil.; Cnlely. Pittsburg. Pa.: Gaiety. Si. Louis. Mo. I formerly Crawford's!; Ma- jestic, Kaiistis City. Mo.: lirand. .Nashville. Teilll.: Xew Vine Street (»|«>ra House. Cin- cinnati. O. fcompletely remisleled and re- built I : St. Joseph. Mo.: lies Moines. III., three davs eiuli: Clark Street. Chicago. III. : TriM-udero. Chicago. III.: Avenue. Detroit. Mich.: Empire. Toledo, n. : Empire. Cleveland. I).: Garden. Buffalo. X. V.: Star. Toronto. Can.: Corinthian. Rochester. X. Y.: Lyceum. Troy. X. V.: Xew IJalety. Athaavy. X. Y.: .Nelson. Sprluglleld. Mass. : Empire. Holyoke. Mass., three days each : Palace. Boston. Mass.: Lyceum. Boston. Mass.: Westminster. Piovldeuce. II. I. The companies nre: Rhe A. Barton's Big Gaiety Co.. Rose Hill. Moon- light Maids. Blue Rllilsius. Relllz Siinlley. Knlckerlsickers. Hull Tons, Parisian Widows, Morning Clurles, Cracker Jin ks. Vanity Fair. Rumiway Girls. Tmcaderos. Harry Bryant's, Al. Reeves'. City Sports. Fred Irwin s Big Show. Fred Irwin's Majesties. Xew York Stars. High Rollers. Ihe Jersey Lilies, Dainty I Inches". World Beaters. Bowery lliirlrsipiers. Transatlantics. Rose Syilell Co.. Gay Mas- ipieraders. Casino Girls, Black Cnsik, Co- lumbia Burlesi|iiers. 4-es> The Bernstein* have Just finished the IIIJou and Nash circuits, and report that they pleased lutb managers snd press. After six more weeks of park work they go home for a two months' vacation. All Routes Must Reach L's Not Later Than Monday. ItHAMATIC. Alkee Stock (B. F. Aloe*, nujr.l—Protldesce. R. I.. 2«. Iisleanltr. Arnold Stock (J. S. Arnold, mir.)— Hamilton. O.. -Jo-Jo:;- I. Awrell'n LVweJiaos (J. S. Augvll. mgr. I— Kldoo. Is.. JO July 1. Mount Pleasant ML Bernard. Samuel icbarlrs Frohman, mgr.)—N. Y. City 26. Indrdnlt*. Blair. Kugriilt Hieu. A. Illumenthsl. uigr.)-- Toroiitu, i'iiii.. 211-Jiily I. (JiielsM- :i-s. Booth. Vlrglula (A. II. Crawford, uurr.l—Sul*ra- Tllle. I'... 'MJuly I. siniiiiioii ;is. Browning, rb i.i iKeou View. Vs.. '.'il-Juty 1. Hruis-lt-Moultmi (W. 0. McKay, mxr. I--lluultuu. Mr.. 3-8. Bnmilway Stock (Malmlui Wllllama. mgr.i— Worcester, Mass.. 2li. haleCnile. Berry Stock iMIIes Berry, mip-.i—South Bead. lint., 20. Inuemilte. Hellions Comedians I Pers* It. llrntou, Bjajr. >-- yiusi-ogre. tail. Ter.. 2li. tinleniilte. Brsislou Thvatrr. Western i Howard Brainluu. Butr.i-St. I'roix Falls, wis.. 20-July 1. Braialou 'Iheatrr. Eastern (Howard Hrailduu, iuxr.1 —Itlver Falls. Wis.. 'JO July I. Briiiiiloa. llnnard. Stock (W. S. sckoanovtr. marl.—Howard. Wis.. 211. Ilnletluite. Bereriilge Stm-k (Franklin Bros.. msrs.l--lji Sell. III.. JU2S. Hrouu Baker Stock—Milwaukee, Wis.. 23. Imlrrl- nlte. Brliars. Floj.l It.—Cumtwrlaud. Wla.. 20-28. Biln-isi Slu-k (Fretl Belaacu, sigr. I— Portland. Ore.. M. Iiidcitiilte. Beasey. Jack iJ. Frank Jersey, m»r.)—Ottawa. Can.. I'll, indeflnlte. "Hilsle.- Hrowu." M. B. Ilayoionil's—Chicago, III.. 2«. IliiH-ttalle. Crosiuali. lleurletls iMaiirl.v L'siiipla-ll. lugr.1 — (Juelec. fan.. 0. July I. St. John. X. II.. 1-5. Collier, William ICharles Proloitau. lugr. >— Iaiu- dou. Kng.. 'Jo. luiledldte. Ciauu. Geo. M. (Sam II. Ilarrla. mtr.l—Clilrsfo. III.. 20. liuleAnlte. Clark. Harry Corson—Pueliio. Coin.. 20-July S. Coiirtenay stock (Win. Courieiiav, uigr.i—Allsany. X. V.. 2d. ludefliille. Colouial Stock (Drew A Cauipls-ll. nigra.)—Cleve- land. (I.. 20. Inilelliilte. DIlgerCorMll (W. K. Cornell, aigr.) —Sayre, Pa.. 20-July s. He, I'lorn. No. 2 (J. II. ltoluuur, aigr. I-- Ashland. Wis.. 2tl Sept. 2. Delauialer .Musical Ciunedr (A. G. Relarnnter. mar.i—Naalivllle. Teiin.. SUJuly I. Binning bam. Ala., 4-U. Davis. Laura. Si.s-k---Vk-kslnirg. Miss.. 2d .Inly x. lihiiiKiml Slm-k-- II..Inike. Mass.. 2s, ImlHlulle. Kekhar.ll A Hawkins Ideals—Tarouu. Wash.. 211. lniteflulte. Krwotal lilt Stia-k (It. J. Krwisal. nicr.i —Mans. nrld. n.. ill July IS. Flske. Mrs. tllarrlsou Grey Flak*, ingr.l—T«- cnnia. Wish.. 211. Sl-alli* 2"-July I. Frawlry, T. Itaulel I Henry It. Harris, mgr. i — Sail FraiK'Isco. Cal.. I'll-July H. Fenls?rs Stuck (Geo. M. Fenls-rg. iugr. i—Port- land, Me.. 2<l, hub-unite. Parauiu Slock (Win. Faruuui. mgr. i—BurTalo, X. V.. 211. Iniletli.ile. 1'lel.llng Stock IW. J. Fielding, umr. I —Imllau- aiHills. Ind.. 2U. Indetlnlle. French. Irvlag—Braluenl. Minn.. 2i'.'.'S. Grand Fork". X. Ilak.. 2» July I, Grafton :'.-'•. Cn»*s- ion. .Mlmi., us. Fulton Bros. Stock (Jack P. Gillies, autr.l — Lin- coln. N'el.r., 2IIS*|it. 2. Fonlliaiu Stock tcims. F. Nelson, mgr. I—Dun- kirk. X. V.. 211. Ilidelltdte. Gluaer. Vaiighau. Slis-k (A. C. Unlilnsoli. Isia. mgr.)~Detroit. Mich.. 211. Iiidefliilte. Urai-e Hajwar.1 Stis-k (Ciiriuenceilu a Kress, mgrs. i—Onialis, Xebr.. 2(I-Se|»l. 2. Grand Vnlley Stwk (Frank I". Haven, mar. I — Brunttunl. On».. 2il-Sept. lu. Holland. iKdward C. White, msr. I — Hurra hi. X. Y.. 'Ju-July I. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Ism I'.—Cleveland. II.. 2d July 8. Hunt Slock IM. A. Hunt. iugr. i—St. Iguace. Mich.. 2ti-Ju!y 1. Saint Ste. Marie. (Inl.. 3-s. Howard-Dorset I Geo. B. Howard, uigr. i—Slnux City. la., 2U-Aug. lu. Heiidrrsnii. Maisl (Jose(ih Parent, mgr.)— l.nsoiis |..n. I ik.. 2d lull I. Pnnlhie. Stork i Clifton Whitman. ui-.'r. i — VIuk'.iiiiIc. X. II.. 2U-2S. Sherhnsika, Que.. 29-Jalv I. Illllliian. .Muude— Little Falls. X. V.. 2UJuly 1, Sarauac Lake :I8. Ilohlen stuck llloldeii Bros., mgrs.)—Indian. naiads*, lutl.. 20. Imleflulle. Ilathawav Stuck (J. XL Hathaway, misr.) — Xe», Mass.. 211, liuiellnite. Heiiderisili Slock (W. J. * It. It. Ilellderaoll, ■ugrs. i—11*11* Plain, la.. 2U-.liily 1. Heath Stock I (Ieo. Heath, mgr.i—Itnchesler. X. Y.. 211. Iliilellillle. Burner Itndfuril Players—Ilartfor.1. Colin.. 2H- Aug. 5. llurrls-l'nrklnsirii St.s-k (Itol.i. II. Harris, mar.) — Holla-. Tel.. III! July |. Huntley siork—Newport. It. I.. 211. Iinleltnlle. Ilunfurd Stork—Cleveland. ».. 211. ilslellliltr. Ilolliiigswurth Twins Stis-k (Lew Glrusoii, niKr.I —Sbemebl. Ala.. 2UJuly M. "Heir to Hie llianali," Mrs. Klrke l.u Slielle's— X. Y. I'llv 2d. Indeflnlte. "Hlgli Horn Ijuly." Hilly I'llirnrd—Atlanta. Ilu., 211 July I. ltleliiiM.ini. Vs., :i-h. "Hot fild Time" (Harry Levy, iugr.)—St. John. X. H.. July 1112. "liiiuiply Duinpty" (Krurst Couke. mgr. I—New Britain. Culm.. 2028. Merhlen 2MJuly 1. Hau- liiri :i-.*>. I'ougbkeetuile. X. Y., US. "It Ha|i|sHied In Xortliaiul" (ilaiullii, Mitchell « Fields, mars. I—t.'hlcago. HI.. 21). ludrnnlt*. Jeaklus. Clara (J. W. Leigh 4 C. J. Moore, ' uigrs.l—Tulso. lud. Ter.. 20-July I. Venlta .1-8. Keller Slock (A. M. Keller, uigr.i— Culu.. jr. Am.-. 12. Keith Sna-k i Del Lawrence, mgr.)—la-wlston, Ida.. 2n. liuiellnite. Kliiirsler-Uilssell t K. It. Itii--.ll. lagr. 1—Cham- paign. III.. Jd.luli I. Kahu Stork— riles. X. Y.. 20, llslelluile. I.yi-eillll Ciilile.ll l.ll. S. Kvulia, sjsr.l- ViioimhiI'i, hut.. It-July 8. I.y.-I« Stock iBraudei: \ flmsi, nurra.l—llellowa Fulls. VI.. :l-N. I.afnyeiie Sl.s-k—Jnrkann. Mich.. 2(1. Imlellnltr. UsnCi Frank K.. Stis-k (Muck Sad All, uisr.i— I.oke Linden. Mich., 2.*i-July 1. tsh|ietulug :i--li. Myrkle-Ilarder St.s-k (Kllgeue J. Hnll. uigr.i- - Port Huron. Mich., 211.fair 22. More. .Muck Ha* ('.Mute * Flesher. uigrs.l—Keo- kuk, la.. 20-July s. Mathes. Clara--Victoria. II. C. 20-July I. Cal- giiry. X. W. T.. Can.. ::. liuiellnite. Marks Stis-k (Turn Marks, uigr.i—Hancock, Mich.. 20-July I. Calumet :t-K. Melloliuld St.s-k I Gen. W. Melsnialil. lugr.l- ibn-ki '-' I'oU... JO lull 2. MeAullnVs. Jere-St. John, X. It.. 20 July I. Mortimer Players i Frederick K. Mortimer, ulgr.) - -Ballllatrg. S. ('.. 20 28. \,,!ie Son k s XV" I a i. Mulolie, iugr. )--.|'adiu-ab, ri... lit. llHlerllille. Malnajadlras Playecs-SI. Paul, Minn.. 20-Aug. 211. M.-n.Hie Sio,-k IL. It. M.nTatte. uigr.i- Murlou. it.. 20-July s. Marsileli-Niill Stock (W. J. Pierce, boa. lagr. I— Belliigtiiu, W. Vn.. 2i;July I. "Mrs. Temple Telegram" - Chicago. III., 20- Jidy I. ".Missouri Girl." Kastem. Freil Itavuioml's (Geo. Il.ilee. mirr. > — Me.. 2M. W.salsliH-k. X. II.. 211. I'harlotletosu. X. It.. July 7. 8. Xye. T..111 Fniuklyu- M.hh-ii. ilu., 2H July 1. l.auiar ::-K. N'eiv Vnrk Players (Hunter A Bradford, mgrs. I — Wureeaier. Ma««.. 20. luiMillle. Xew York Player-. K'lias. A. Taylor, mgr.i — Seattle. Wash.. 2". July I. ''NVIeldsirly Xelirlilair." T..m Wuler- i Frank W. N'as.Hi. mgr. i-- M.uielon. X. ft.. 20. Saekvllle ST. Amherst. X. ML, 2s. Juaeins Mine 28. S|.riug Hill ISO. July I. I'lljtwasli ::. Plrluu I. Westvllle .1. Si.lney. C. It.. 0-8. "Old Arknlisaiv." 1' Itayiiiood'a (Merle II. Xortoii. niKr. i--ltuvflel.l. Wis.. 28. Waslil.uro 2U. Iron River .To. i'l.spu-1. Minn.. July I. Dulutli ■'('.. Two llurtstrs 0. Virglnlii 7. Paytou Sisters illnii S. Hnll, aigr. I- Jackson. Teiin.. jo .Inl. 1. Palm-. Mals-I I Henry F. UTIIar.l. mgr.)- Jackson. vllle. Kin.. 20. inilelliilte. Poll Slock IS. X. Poll, mgr.)- Bridgeport. Conn.. 20. ilolethilte. Park's Big si. k (C. W. Park. mgr. I—Hunting- ion. Pa.. 20July I. Petsrs Siwk IW. A. Peters, mgr.I— Charlotte, X. C. 20. liMleHulte. Powell. Alma. Stock—Hagluaw, Mick., 2C. ludra- nlte. relera I•.<•>Illi.ii Players tWill J. Peters, mar.) Hel.dt. Kan.. 2ii Inly I. <ibi-a-<> .1... Rula-ris. Flnrrio-e iFnsl ltelasco. m«r.I--San Frascls«s>. Cal.. 20 July 8. Ituih Sti»-k IS. A. Arnold, mgr.) -Uuswaf- ueur. X. V.. 2U July I. Cortlaml :i-S. S|»..iier liramailc IF. K. S|kwuer. mgr.)—Xat- .l.ei. Miss.. 20 July I. gnow Sn.-k i Mor tinier Snow, mgr.i—St-beneclady, X. Y.. 20. Indetlnlle. "Skv Farm" i l.^.-iU. It. Grlsmer, mgr.i- ilil.-sgo. 111.. 2S July I. "Suunr South" (J. C. Ho. kwell. mgr.)—Windsor, X.'S.. 2S. Ilnllfat 211 Jlllv I. SI. Jolltl. X. II.. 0-8. Tih-ker. Kthel. St.s-k (Ma.-k Bros., uiars. i- Pkat-nlx. Arli.. 20. tmletlnlte. TruUHlale Theatre Clieni-n. Kan.. 20-July I, Al- tanMSlt H. 4. Osweint S-M. Tr»v, lioiuoi. Sl.s-k (James I.. Glass, mgr. i- -Wln- utls'a*. Man.. J'o Indellnile. Tlll.sis Platers ill. II. Tllnui, mgr. I—Paris. III.. 20. huletinllr. "Ten Xlshls tu a Bar It.suu" uliss. lieyer. ragr.l —Kldi.ra. la.. 211. Acklry no. 1 lampion July I, Ms.i.ii I'llv :t. Charles City 4. New Hampton 5. Ilelwelu 0. Waverlj T. Clarkstllle 8. "I'ucle's Cabin." K"l. F. Hurls' i.Uiiri. N. W. T.. 2S. Klinoiiloii 211. Str:.lli..niii la. Moiiiii Alla-rl July I. •Ilncle Tisn-s Cal.ln." Phillips * Italy's- .M.wsl Jewell. Pa.. 2s. Saielh|s.rl 2(1. K.ldrnl 30. I'orl- vllle. X. Y.. July I. "I'nele's Cnldn." lasiia-slarT's-Punssntawney. Pa.. 2S. Hig Hun 2!>. Sykesvllle .'to. Calls I'reek Jnlr I. Ilris-kwayvllle :t. Kersey -I. 81. Mary •*>. Clement 0. Ilaalelisrst T. Swellimsrl 8. "I'ncl* 'r.uu's Coliln." John F. Slowr's • Maple Ion. la., ail, Ida Grove July I. Wall l.nke :t. Lake ITU I. I ohn lite .".. Gowrle O. tinrtiai '. Straifonl 8. "I'nele Tiun's ChIiIii." YVIeilisuaiiirs- Wiyltt*. Xetl... July I. Ilalslolldi 1. HUmiflcl.l 4. Yermsi Stis-k I BeaJ. II. Vrrissi, mgr. I — 81. Thomas. (Int.. 2it. ludenidte. Vnllaln.ilil St.s-k \Vllllallls|s.rl. Pa.. Sit. Iwlrft- nlle. Wuile Dramatb' K'hus. V. Whytr. uicr.. - Union Rouge. I.U.. 20. Ilalettlille. MTMCAIa. B.ailn's Colnie (Ipera -WisuiMH-krl. It. I.. 20- July I. Brooke's Baud Chicago. III.. 2.">. Iiuleiiiiltr. Carlrlun U|arra iW. T. I'nrlelt.n. mgr.I —I'ltls- lung. Pa.. 2d. inilelliilte. Crealore's Han.I—liaytnu. IL. 2.*i July I. De Allgells. Jefferson iShuls-rl Bros., mgra. I— X. Y. City 20. Illilellnlle. Daniels. Frank If". It. Iilllliigham. mrr.l- X. Y. City 20-July I. Dusa and his Bund iFre.lerl.-k I'blnury. mgr.i — Clnrlunatl. O.. 2d July IS. "Karl and the Girl" t Shuhrrt Bros., nigra, i— Hoaton. Mass.. 20. IlidHllille. Il.iie. larlllla. iir.-lo -lr;i - l.ellllgtoll. Mass.. June IT. lli.lennlle. I lines and his Baud t Steve O'Graily. lagr. I—Purl land. tire.. 20-28. "Jack ami ihe Beanstalk" lAdulptic Mnrer. uigr.i — Muss., jn, Indefinite "Kafianelum" - Hosiun, Mass., 2d. Iii.leilulte. "IssihI of Tfiaf* rhhain. 111.. 2S. imlrttiilie. yturlu's Frew-li Military Hand -lauilsvlHe. Ky.. July 2 IS. "Mayor uf Toklo." Hlchant Carle—Chicago. III., 20. Indeflnlte. Xaral l(.~erte Hand (V. H.e.all. mgr.i—lanu~- town. X. Y.. 20. iii.letiii.i.'. lllini|iiii llisiu. Sraiualis .<. Mali lime's —Mi.lille. Ala.. 20. Ilideltlillc prvis* ami Ids llniid (Arthur W. Prvnr. mgr.I— Asianv Park. X. J.. July I Sent. p. Iturlck's lileu l>|ie.-4- Kllidra. X. Y.. 20, Inilell- iilte Hoyal Artillery Baud iJus. He VIM. mgr.i- Hal. limine. Mil.. 211 Scpl. 14. Slater uud his III mills Murine Baud IC. M. Hamea, mgr.)— Brighton Beach. X. Y.. 20. Ill- dednlie. Victor nail his BjiiiI li'ol. John I'. Ilraeg, uigr.i "hilts Id. II.. 20. ludefliille. Wells, limns- At llurlun Musical (Jake Wella. mgr.I — Vu.. 2d Jul) I. Weber's Band- llilengo. III.. 2S. liullHInlle. "Yaukei- RigenC'-Clili-aa... 111.. 20. indeflnlte. Ill III.Usui i: AMI VAIDF. VII.LH sllllWS. llooiu's I'.urois'au Vaudeville iSani lleaiietl. mgr.i — Ii ot. :*ll lul. 1. Msimii its. \la e.l Girls -'ah-: .. 1. 1., 21 Ju... I. PeiMier's Vnudevllle—Warren. I"a.. 20 July I. Sullivan John I.., Vaudeville—San I'rais'laco, Cal.. 20-July 2. Victoria Glrlv-Chlrugo. III.. 2SJaly I. MIN'STHI-IUO. Harlow's ij. A. Cohuru. uigr.i—Newark. II.. 2."e July I, Dayton 2 s. lainnelly's. Tommy I Jack W. Kilkeu. mgr. I—At* lalille (Tlv. N. J.. 28. holeUlille. Ony's. Arthur I..- -ColnwMa. 8. ('.. 20 July I. Kersaml's, Hilly IC. Jay Stiilth. uigr.i—St. Loads, Mil. 'J.'.Jiily I. Kuiisus City 2 8. Richards it Prlngle's i Husi-i. A llolliinil. murs, )-- Fre.lerletl.iii. X. It.. 28. Chatham 211. Mlllerloii :hi. Xew i'u»tle July I. Dalhurai 3. Dulkoasle 4, (.'aiiipls'lltioi S. Iticlilliuclu 0, Moiiclou T, Am bersl. X. S.. s. Tuenlleili Century (Frank Cusliuuii. iugr. 1 — New Caatle. Pa.. 20 July I. I'lilnhurg .18. TKNT MIIOWN. lli.riunii * Hallry's-ltaltle P-Baafe. Mich.. 28. Kalamuusi 2u. Sooih Heist. I ml., 'in l.s Pone July I. Milwaukee. WK, .1. Mmllsoii I. La Crosse S. It.a-liesier. Minn.. II. St. Paul T, Min- neapolis .H. Boldieiir line..'— Mil'iad. Nel.r., 2S, York 211. Benedict :to. Slr.ilnhiirg Julr I. lIsi-e-.lH .'I. Slielby t. Burns, F. W.. A Co.'a- Hum ml. Wis,. 28. Ilul »ai 211. Blver Falls :in, Kllaworlh July I. Xew Hlchusind 2, Gleiiw.aal n. Black Hirer Falls 4. Colorado Grant's Wild West- Grand Chair. III.. 20. 27. Belknap 2N. Vienna 211. ('real Spring Ilu, Stum* Fort July 1. Hurrlst.urg 4. tioiinle'". Andrew -Saratoga. X. Y.. 2s, Itillslnil S|.u 2li. Stillwater :ui. Si-liHall.-oke July I. Ber- lin :t, Siiuil Lake 4. Drake at Falkner'a -Slii|i|M?iisl,iirg, Pa.. July I, Ciiaints-rslsirg :t, llreeii.-aslle 4. ForrpaiHth A Sells Bros.' -liraml Fork, N. Dak.. 28. Detroit. Minn.. 2U. Little Falls M, St. i July I. Dulutli :t. Flotii s I Frank Tuiumeii. mgr.)- I.endillle. Coin.. 28. Sal Ida 211. Florence till. I'liehh, July I, Wal- sciiluirg :i. Trluliuid 4. Hsliw. X. Mev.. S. (iefllry Bros.. Xo. 2 Winchester. Ind.. :ui. Craw- fonasvlllr July I. Danville. III.. ». Campaign 4. Hhaniiliisloii •"• llargrvave's - ll.sxl.-k Falls. X. Y.. 28. Tn.y 211. Amsterdam :iu. July I. :t. Pougllkeepale 4. Hall's. Wm. P.- t.-iivrenre. Kan.. 28. Ilarrla'. J. P.— Delta. Pa.. 2H. Kemp's Wild West (G. P. Kemp. mgr. I Newark. X. J.. 20-July 2*. Lucky Hill's Hal.I win. Kan.. 28, Wordrii 211. (irerlir.ajk -'Pi. I'.Hiioma July 1. (jis-neino 2-S, l.ela. 0. Needs. Rapids T. Hurl font 8. Mm kav's. Andrew- laiiisliu:, Ml.-ti.. an. h.idu July i. It ...i.U 4. No. ri- A Howe's lli.iuur.k. No. link., at*. Jainrs- town 2U. Valley city .in. Fnrgu July I. (Irrlll llioa.' Amiasallelltfis, Me\.. 28 July 4. Zo- ejteeaa S-|o, Casillei II. Gotts-X Pslaelo 12-IT. i.'jllihs, Is, Ciiliiiiahila 111-27. Juarez 211-Aug. t. Caiullai I. I'arrsl S-ll. .llisiple. 'Iutile's -Sykesvllle. Pn.. 28, Italhniel 211. LilllM-rshiirg "Hi, I'enneld July I. Pawnee Hill's Wild Weal I'.aillu.. Mich.. 28. Owossn 2il. Greenville :pi. Alma July I. Saginaw :t. Cam 4. Hay Clly S, I..,-. laiwus II, Aliienn 7, flulaiwah 8. Itilnllllig line..' ls.well. Mass.. 2N. I.yail 211. Salem :ui. I.awrwice July I. Malicliesler. N. II.. :t. Roch.-sler 4. Hiiulrrorit. Mr., S, I'orlland 0. Augusta 7. Itaugor 8. Itol,hlii.. Frullk A. Aurusla. Me.. 28. Water- vllle 211. Hsugor :;o. Kllaworlh July I, atast- purt 2. Calais 4. Slit. Sautellr a Wel-h llr..«.' -Ilal.e.s-k. X. Y.. July 4. t'alllissni .',. Hlarlby'a. James ICbas. T. iigilen. uigr.i -Tbsmii- asloii, Ala., 28. Spark's. John II. Blurrioli, It.. Ilil. Sycamore July I. I'lvnusllli ::. New I. sbHI.y S. Spaugler's- (IjIIIiiIii. l's.. 2u. iresasm 2T, l.lllv 28. Portage 211. Beuverdale tin, llunlo Julr I. Windlssr .'!. South Fork I. Hllver's. I»rt- Lniigspm. Mleb.. 20. Trufant 27, (Viral 28, Plersilu 21i, Snli.l l.nke aa. Grove JlllV I. Wheeier'a. Al. F.- M'allou. X. V.. 2K. I low us- vllle 211. .10. Ilelhl Julr I. Andes :t. Waihhuni « li'Alus.'s Kittamilor. Pa.. 28. Hr.a.kvllle 211. De B..I* till. Clenrflebl July I, lllllltlllKdnll -T. MIMulown 4. Y.srk S. Wayne 0, I'aludeh. X. J.. 7, H. MUCELLAXKOIH. Aliuoud'a. Jethotu Movlna PI. lures Kiklldllnn— Juusavllle, H. V.. 28. 20, Lalou 2U July 0, Buffalo 7, 8, Colossal Shows IK. II. Smith, mgr.i—Adams, lung. IV. 28. New Berlin 211. Mlrltluhurg :to, l.nui-elt.iii July I. Wnslwa.d :t. Mllllirlln 4, Itelsersliurg S. L.sjealil.tu 0. Salons 7. Capital Carnival Co. Hay Clly. Midi . July It S. K.iuilolpli. Vl.. 211. HetUrl M. Mont- tssller July I. Flligerald's His Show .li.hustnwii. X. V.. Sir- July I, Srhpiirclaily .1 8. Laiutirotgvr's /as. iGns l.aiubrlgker, mgr.i—llalesa liiirs. HL. 202(i. Maii.tlehl's Great Shows—Weal laSaajtSaaa Pu.. 28. IVnnsvllle 2ti. "'I. Moyer July I. Xrw Haven 3. Lrlsrurliig 4. lumbar o, Minltit Hrailil.s-k ll. leuiolit r.ulior T.,em Fun Makers. Smith A la ltusi.—Ain> aler.laln. X. Y.. 2C, .lull I. Swallow k Markle's Fluslliig Palace -Lewlsport, Kr.. 28. Grandvlew 2tl. Ilia-kws-t. hid.. :mj, Newberry July I. Kvaii-vlllc 2. ilriidemui. Ky., 3. Mi.uni Veris.n. Ind.. 4. I'nloslowii. Ky.. S. Turner'a Movluit i'lcliires Brushcr Fall-. X. Y., 28. Molra 28. .10. H July I. Uaud^llle Rome D$l* This list Is made u|i as nearly ac- curale as It Is |iosslhle to make a Hat uf vaudeville hooklngi. Tu lusnre In- ■ ertlon In this department the uanie of the theatre or junrk, as well aa the elty or town. Ml SI aoeuaipany eavla booking sent ns. Acker * illlilav. 1'r.s-tor'a. X. V. t'.. -JO Inly I. Altaic \- I .Ions. I.nun Park. Cleveland. (I., 20- Julv I; laiiur Park. Plllshnrg. as. A.lauis, * Zeke. Caslor'a. X. V. C. 20- loll I. Ad.mi's A While. Uuiip's Park, SI. D.uls. M.... 2ii. Jlllv I. Adiimlul X- Tiivlnr, Alliamhru. Kng.. 2IU Julv I. Agnew A l.uiiKweed. Carnival. I'ortlaial. .Me.. 20« julv I: \. • s.. n.isi.,1,. iis. Akearll. Chas.. A Joe. It.s-ky Paint. Providence, R. I.. 20JhIv S. Alma. Mile.. Suuimrr Park. Ply uili, Mass., 20July I. Alarcsi's Mevh-uu Trio. Forest I'urk, Kaunas Clli. lie., 20 July I ; Forest Park. St. lauds, as. Allen, lasrti ami llcrllc. Ih-ll. ilaklana. Cal.. 20. Julv I. Allliiel. Jos.. Vh-torla. X. V. c.. 20-July I; Mor- l-l-m's. Ibn-kawav lleurll. X. Y.. 3-8. Alva. Albs-, f.aik's Park. Kvati-vllle. Ind., 2«« Julv I: c.mev Ishiuil. clm-liiuatl. :i-S. Aii-lu Bros.. Biier Park. Wiiiul|a-g. Csa., 211- July I Allen. s,ail t Violet. Keith's. Bostuii. 20 July la Allen. Will F., Cashui, lllllarh. lleacfa. N. V., 20-July s. Ahuooil. 1- I'r.s-lssly Park. Newia.n. It. I . 2«« July I. Kthel. Ilr.s.kshle Park. Mat Muas.. 20a Julv I: Mavflnwer ilmvr. 8... Ilansuu, :t 8. All.urtiis A Millar. Palms. ll'Kle. HrilsselM. Ilelg., Jaly 11 28. Aineln. liiKersoll Park. lies Moines. Is.. 211-Joly t, Antrim A Peters. Iiakw.sal Park. I'ltlahiirg. Pa., 2H July I. Anil.-i- A ii ilues. Park. I.eulatoll, Me, JC Julv I. A null ii. A. A S.. Itii-toii. 20 Inly I. An,lei-sou. Madae. siccplc-pa-o Pier. Atlantic City, X. J.. 20 Julr I. Angel... Tlsnsi. Luna Park. PIH-lHirg. 2UJuly I. Antrim A Leslie. Hlallo. Klmlru. N. V.. 2U July I : Tlioll. Hurrah.. .1 8. A roiloio A Burke. Pns''s. Newark, X. J.. 20- lull I. Ariud.l. iirgerlln. II. II. . Maiillow.s-. Wla., 2<|a July I. Ar.'li.-r's l'lll)ilti.i Girls, llemlel-M.irs, C.aiey It- liuid. V. V.. 20 July I. A llelstoll, Guveriialisr'a. Allaulk- City, N. J.. 20 Julv I. Ariressi, .lue. Illpisslrome. N. Y. ('.. 2S.luly I. Arlllial.uis. Tbe. Jacobs'. Ptsarla. III.. 20-July I. Arm k Helium. Central Park. I'eckaklll. X. V., -Ju-July I. Atlantis. Great. Picket I Springs Park. Miail- isoiiH-er. Ala.. 20 July I: Xui.-hcr, Ml-a.. :i-8. Alton. Mile.. Young's Pier. Allualle Clly. X. J., 211 July I. Iiilnii ii- i.n. Iilkiii. Marouetir. Mleb.. 20-July 1, .ii.*.. 14 1. Keith's. Phlia.. 'JiiJuli- 1. Baker. Pete. Avon Park. Y.riingsinwii. (>., 20- July I. Bailor A Fletcher. Xoriiiuln-jtii Park, Ihisloli. 20> July l. | llsll.'iltt-r Sisters, Hlpiaslnaii*. X. Y. C„ 20a July I. Barllella. Musical. I'uhpie. WliuiliieK. Call.. 'JO July I: I'nhiue. Minneapolis. Mian.. :i 8. Baker A itmiiiev. tlonuiiilllh. Itevere, Mass.. 20a Jnly I. Hales A Kris-st. Lyric, l.ln.s.ln. Net.., so July I, llllllletl A I'ollllis. I 'nl.iiie, Los Aligeli-a. Cal., 2il July I. Barnes A Washburn. Crystal, St. .Inset.b. Mu., 20- July I. Hallos'- Klepluiuls. lllpiaulr.H.1*. X. Y. c. 20- July I. Huns. Bessie. Chester Park. Clm-hiautl. 20-July 1. Hurry A WoRonl. Keith's, phlia.. 20 July ll Keith's. Ilirstnn. IIH. Ilaman llnis.. Norfolk. Va.. 28 July I. Itariies. Hluarl, Freelsalv Park. XewiHirl, It. L, 20 Julv I. Barneys Gil. HIJou. ilslikusb. Wis., Stl-July Ij III J--1I. .Mlililluwor, H-8. Beard. Billy, illeiulule I'uslno. Nashville. Teiin., 20 July I : iHyisida Park. 1' :i-H. Ihsh.ulii Anita, iSi, iirphcuiu. Sun Fran.. Cal.. 20- July I. Ib'Htiai. Klw.asl A Matfaie, Lakeside I'urk, Dayton, It.. 211.Inly I. Unmalelus. Tbe. Bijou, lai Cn.asr. Wla.. 'JO-Julf I: Garrhk. Ilurlliiglou. Is.. :t 8. Hems A Ii.-iiioiiiI. t.'aaeade Park. Ilrrlln. H. II., 211 Jul,- |. In-ii-i t Mo'iesk. Hub's Casino. Xnrlb lleueii, X. y.. Jaly :i 8. Beiiuer. eaidlie. Island Park. Augiiata, Mr., 2t)a July I. Ilehio.lil. Belle, Spring Br.a.k I'ullllu, Ho. B*ud, lud.. 2H July I. Ibs'inera. The. Olympic, Chicago, 2ii-July 1. Ibsllul A Arthur. Victoria. X. Y. I'.. 2U July I. It. to. i-l, llho-lj. Park. Leavenwortba Kim., 20 July I. IhTline A ltr.skw.iy, Doylr'a. Allaulk- City, N. J.. 2»July I. Bee.-lier A Ma), Slielbail Park. Wilmington, Del., 20July I. Hell A 1(». A. A S.. Boston. 20 July I. lu-uihnm A- Fireman. Ihsnbihui. \Vliinl|aeg, i.'an.a 20 July 1. BIliKlunii. James W.. Hl>m, Muripielle. Ml.-li., 2H- July I. Minim. Il.sniii. Ittrr, G.sirn.v's. (Iruli.l itapids, Mleb.. 'jr. Jsli I. Blmiey. Chas. A.. Chutes. San Fran.. Cal., 24- July I. Blaliiphlu A llehr, F.liiplre. St. Paul. Mlnu., 20- July I. Bbriiilell. Kdw.. A Co., I'r.a-lor's "tkl HI.. X. Ya ('.. 20 Jul) I. Black A Mi-Cue. (luvi-rliator'a. Allalilli- Clly, X. J.. 20 July I. Blossom. Little. Lyceum. San Fran., I.'ul.. 20- July I. Illislteli Slslers. Lbaa Palms-, X. V. c.. 20-July I. Il.r-nnk.1 A Ha.I.litre, l.nkr Sl.le I'urk. PajloJ, It., 20 July I. Bowery Newalsiys' (JuarlrllH. Sana S»uel Park, I'ld.-aco. 20 July M. IPS. in.-. W. A.. Shelltait Park. Wllmliiatuii. Del., 20 July I: Yuuiig's Ph-r. A Haul I. clly. X. J., 3 8. Butluiulya. Flying, lloyle'a. Allaiitle Clly, N. J., 20 Jaly I. Il.a.alyii * Ward. II. IL, Maldlowia-. Wis., 20a July I. (Juarlet. lyrluiiial. Park, Muniri-al. ('mi.. July 2 s. BoylaiL Arlbur A Mlldr.-I. U ...Isortl.'a. Lancas- ter. Pa.. 2« Julv I. Brook*. Herbert. Williams'. Manhattan Ileal b, X. y.. MJtdy I. Brady. Jan. * Kittle, lloyle'a. Allalilli- City. X, J.. 20-July I. Trio. W'u.nio.-I Park. Iletlbalo. Mas*., 20 Jaly I. Brlisiaac.ur. (treat. Park. Ilerlln, X. II., 2t. July I. Ilrooks, Jennie, summer, Marlou, lis!., JU July) Iti iiii.l.'i-. I.iav* A Carrie. Cn-seenl Hardens. Bos- l..». J.i lull t. Bright lima.. Umpire Tour. Kng., 20 July 31. Brarll A llrasll. Avun Park. Vouugatuwu. O., July :i-8. Bristol's Poulea. Hlvervlew Park. Hallo., Md.. 20-Joly 8. Brooka Franklin A . lm|wrlal, Ama'.erJaui, N, Y.. :•; Jul, 8. Hrowu A llrvwa. Brltttcla, Ottawa, Can., 28- July 1, . .