The New York Clipper (July 1905)

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JULY 1. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER, 479 Xotks from Al. F. Wheeler's "New Model Shown."—Wo bit entering wir eighth week «f continued prosperity. New York Irrnllng us right royally. Connecticut appreciated the •little winner.' nnil llip cheery words "come 11 guln." were heard hi every aland. Soar Jersey was b veritable sold mine. \Vp linvr* hull mill" two losing dny«. nWH l>y tin 1 in clement' weather. Our ring programme It running ns smoothly ns clock work. Jose- phine, m her wonderful .ra|nnii'»«<* ladder ml. holds her audiences s|u'll Ik mini. Slink win- lifts are numerous, hut frank Hilleom Is r»0- siderod one of the is-sl, mill has no illlllouliy In milking good. Harry I ji Hoy wins np- plansc hy lil* inni manliuihllon of various nifties. " Our clown. Mr. llelniont. Is .1 laugh - hi), success. Wheeler's is'rfiirndng M, ponies and limit's arc Hie hit of the hill, their work lielnc truly wonderful, and the result of kindness. Our aide show. under Die supervision of I'rof. Wnllaee Ctsike. Is doing an Iiuiiieiise business, con- taining six lilir 11 it", Cnpl. Crawford's Hun laming net being a "lirciilh-liolding" feature. Mr. Wheeler hud milled dglit head of draft stock und three bend nf kmall slock. |ii>nleH. mules, etc. The |wny horn nl Dover Plains Is already b jmM, being only Iwenly-xeven Inches high and weighing thirty iioiincls. The privilege di iiartiiieiil. under Hie Hide management of Kd. II. Hell, late of Hie Main Show, Is doing nicely. living run with hlg show m"tlinds. Mr. I.-'II nlso lias the eon- cert tickets, which assures 11 hlg iitteiidanie ilur concert contains seven nig aels. and the feeding of the lions Is a feature. Last, but not least, the band, ten men. under the lead- ership 01 Clarence llrown. Is .vlnnlng new laurels 111 every stand. Our cook house is under the supervision of Mrs. Al. !•". Wheeler, and the b»va appreciate her generous. Imspl- liilllv. We an' headed for the Cnisklll Moun- tain' resort*, many Simula taring return dates from last year. NllTKM Klioll tiKXTUt Bant. FAIWIX Snows. No 1!.—Ilusiness with these famous .shows continues to capacity, despite the very unfavorable weather of the past two weeks. The parade of the famous shows has been made n sjieiinl feature this year, and has lieen arranged on such a grand scale by Hie ■•entry Kros. thai It Is now said to excel all Ihclr former efforts. It comprises thlrly- Iwo tableau wagons, dens, cages and chari- ots, two bunds, .steam calliope, tandem tenuis, eight elephants, seven camels, three sacred cows, (wo zebras, etc. The Sang Wuugli Troupe of Arabian acrobats. Imported by the Hendry Rros.. from the Orient, have replaced the Nnmluis. and the former net Is proving 11 strong feature. Kd. K. Haley, the well known press agent, is now handling all Hie press work with the Xo. 'J show, he having been transferred from the No. 1 show, mid the niiinner Id which he handled Hie news- papers has a most telling elfcct, for his slime 111 the papers seems to be unlimited. II. II. Austin, the eiiuestrlan director. Iind Hie misfortune to sprain his left ankle during Hie past week, but is able In he alum' wllli Hie aid of a cane. The No. •_■ show is under the personal direction of II. 1!. lienlry Hits yeur. the orig- inator of these famous shows, ami lie has as his able assist am I'. \V. Kinney, who had charge of the advertising cur last season. It Is poslllvely twice as large as ever, as it now comprises almost the entire equipment of Hie N'ii. :( mid si shows. Two serious accidents have happened the show since we opened. At Lexington. Ky.. two of Hie finest work horses were struck br the limited train of the L. mid N. II. II., und in- stantly killed. During tile |mst week, at tiraftun. the wagon carrying the poles and tents went through a bridge, dropping a d'stiinee of thirty-five feet, killing two horses and seriously Injuring the l\vo drivers. J. If. Newman, the general representative of the show, still continues In have his hendqunrlers In Indianapolis and Chicago. lie was a visitor on to the show last week. In 1'nik- erslmrg. 1'MiKii Tin: maxai;k.ui:nt of Will II. Slr- r'nrlnnd. the llreni Wulluro Vaudeville An- ncjt Is doing 11 record Fnr- uier Jones is the hendllner with the show. I'uwkk'h'iia.xtm. originally eiiL'iigcd ill the New York Hippodrome for live weeks, anil re-engaged for the rest of I lie sensiin. closed there July I, the closing date of the Hippodrome W. \V Cower feels highly gratified wl'li the success of his educated elephants, nut alone nl this famous theatre, Ian from Hie giTiil demiinil for the act from malingers of parks and fairs. After Inning New York new mid m>vel "stunts" will he hilroduecd. which huve been in prepar- ation for some time. .lennnetle. who will appear with Hie elephants. Is eipecl.-d lt» make a grant sensation. Nliioiias. Mexican bull wrestler, will open Ids own show m I-'l. Wendell I'ark, Ft. lieorge. N. V„ ill July. Kiiwaiih H.ivix, the athletic marvel, is meeting wllli great sin cess with Drowns Culled Shows, and Is liilroiliiring his new act. which shows a wonderful tils locution of the shoulder bludes. With jk Bill Pesters. Xotks 1-uiiM lan'Ai. No. X —Once again Hie "grim reaper" has visited Ibis local. Ibis lime hiking Hivay one of Hie oldest nicniliers. Itro. Jack Sylvester, who died June S» a I Ills brother's home at i'.euver rails. I'n. lira. Sylvester had been sick for about six mouths. Ilrsl starling Willi 11 bail cold, which de- veloped into pneumonia. No doubt his ninny friends will lie surprised lo hear of Ids leal 1. lie was well liked by nil who knew him. nud was line nf the best known hill poslers III the country. |ir„. |, iionser. of Xo. 3, relumed to I'111 slung 11;. having spent three weeks hi Cincinnati, visiting his mother unit many friends. National President Charles Joseph left for the Knsl 2|, ,„ n | |,. m | the trial of the national mid locnl officers in the I'hiln- delphlii courts tills week. Itro. Dick II. Ladle, of Xo. ::. writes from Hie llingliiig cur tlinl the buys have vlsiled tienrlv every locnl while touring ••"wny down Knit." I'.ro. Joe M. Itrell, of Xo. :;. who was wllli the ••Shallows of a Ureal Cliv" lust stii.Mia. Is now nl lite new I'ark. 111 Itull'iilo. lie will be oil Hie ad- vertising sturr of the Hljon Theatre. I'llis- bitrg. next senson. Urns, Dick I'lerce nud I. Ilouser. of Xo. :i. were visitors lo Sheridan- vllle. I'n.. last week, lo see Bra. 11. T. Judge and Secreinry (;. \y, Uiwerv. Ilro. lieorge Abernelliy. of Xo. :i. Is doing special police duty In Allegheny while Hie IIIJ011 is closed. Itro. John Vmley. of Xo. :;. lias taken charge of the advertising for the rtitabling Tvnrllon < o. for Ihr Summer. This will not Interfere wllli his trip to Xew York. Secretary Lowery wishes to notify all memliers who are in ar- rears to communicate with him nl once, his siuuii'er address la-lug llnx ::ii.1. Sberldaiiville, Nirri;s kuiim I.oimi, Hi. Mlnnea|K.lls.— lliirmiin & Ibilley iiilvei'tlsing nir. No. I. was here June 17, i n eiiurge of sir. Murray. Tom I.'!",!"""• ''"' ""'" scout." has the paper, and labile lltililiard. from Ilrlilgcpori. Conn., has I lie lllhos. ••Windy" family helped to put Hie pictures In ikp windows, and gel a giaul showing, i'. .1. Hols.,- greeted Ills old friends, us did "Kid" Meiclianl. who reminds one of "Mil" Wheeler. " Wooden feel" Curry was looking fine, mill helped to make things breezy around the gold ear. "dimply" III ley. porter 011 the car. weni out to see the sights and losi his watch. ■;. li. Culler sllll holds lis own aoioin.- Hie hunch. L. I-;. Si mug. of Xo. 13, iiiuaha. passed through on Ids way I" join the lioliuar far, Xo. -J. .Most, of the local Uiys are still ill Ihi' camp, lent will be In when Hie Xo. :• |t. & M. ear nrrives. Miles l.dwarils still has Hie lepiiiiiiiou of ■•niching il- i, r ,... V | 11.:, liniv I e-nke. who has I II out lo the cunip four weeks. 1 nine In renter nay ana aUlcd it tlie Bttect cars. UaudCDille and minstrel, Niitksi ruiiM Tin; Ci.aiik.mi; |i. Hiiiwr.t.i, Comkii\ Co.—While playing linyhead. In thn CnlsklllN. we were reipicsted by Hie city people slopping m the Cohleii Hill llons'o lo put 011 a in Inst eel show, which we did, using the city people lii tilling the circle for Hie first pnrt. Tlie following peopla eacli did n specinliy, which was grciillv ap- by nil present: Joseph II. Sillier, end inn 11: Terrence J. Daley. Interlocutor ami straight man : .link I'oiiiinn. in black fine specialty : Norn Sillier, tisin sliouter : Slnmln l-'lemliig. Illustrated songs, and Sillier and Daley. ,11 a leliin'd Duicb comedy sketch. Sir. Daley was also acting manager (luring the week at Oiiytirnd. and look care of Hie front of the house. Sir. Itldwell will close his show In two weeks, to Join the Derue Urns.' Ideal Minstrels, as malinger. Iltisl- ness has been .it Its heal In the Cntskills. YiiTiiniA SIoxks. Hie laigllsli coiiieillenne, after succesafiillr fulfillinglier contrncta here. Bailed for L'nglaml on June 111. In time to opened at the I'lilace. London, on Julie I'll. Tilt: TillUTV-stx attuactioxs controlled by Hie Coliimliln Amusement Co. and the Kastern Ilurlesi|iie Miinagers Asaoclatiou are sparing no expense to make these attrac- tions an especially strong line of shows. Ike Ito.'e 1. securing Kuropetin novelties for nil of them. A letter Jnal received from him amies that he has secured a great ni|iiatlc Illusion. It takes place la 11 huge lank of water on the stage, und twelve girls are discovered In the tniik. ns mermaids. This la a sensation of Kurope. Ike Hose lias secured the American rights to this hlg feature. Mr. Hose and several agents are touring Kuropc for attractions suitable for oxtiavagiin/a companies controlled by the Kant. These nttrnctions will play 11 gtsnl class of houses, they will be rellned. and some of the best niilnois and writers of mu- sic have Iwen secured lo furnish music and material for Hicm. I'liOlJ. Al.lIKKT I'ATKXAfll. llOIOIIIIIlt. rci'Ctlt ly received an unexpected bath, that was not down on the hills. He was giving n balloon ascension 111 Mound City. III., June 7. wlu-ii the wind carried Hie balloon, parachute and nemiinut out over the Ohio Itlver. and Hie whole combination .struck Hie water some distune from I lie shore. The professor wua find in his street clothing, bin put oil 110 life preserver, nud was nearly cxhnuslcd when lifted Info a rowlsiat. Kit Ivii.iiaiih informs us that lie recently completed 11 highly successful tour of Aits iralin, but will remain In this country if Hie climate fnvors his wife's health. "1 was formerly sergennt-majnr In the Itrtllsh army, ami served as drill and fencing In- slruclur In the Kgyptlnn and Jnpiinese armies. Sly military specially Introduces the sword, lance anil bayonet exercises aa performed by I he Japs, but worked to per- lection. Having sampled the various news- papers, periodicals, etc.. devoted to the pro- fession In Ibis country, 1 consider I'lli: Ci.ii'i'Kt: the best by far." Tim Kxt'iisiTlox Kuril recently completed a six weeks' trip over Alsop's Northwestern rlreilll. J1 a: r'l.vxx. monologlst. Is now la his fifth week over Hie Norlhwestern circii'l. Lackxtka axii I.Aiiri: were obliged lo can- eel nil their Siiinmer dates. NllTKS HIIIM Till'. IlKIKAIITS SIlSll.ll. AXI> Vai hkvii.i.i: Co. —We are now playing West- ern Xew Jersey and Pennsylvania, to big suc- cess. The conipiuiv consists of all first elas* people: The Slualrnl Kclkarts, Dick Pvne, llnrrv Snlslinry. Slay Hlrkson, Ihe llnrbers and llt.rl Sleveus. I'rof. Itelknrt. |iroprie. tor and manager. Tlie coinpuuy in now book- ing the I'ennaylviiiiln fairs. Till: IlMifiXTS KliHirge. .Madge and S'oung Skalesi opened .011 Hie Joe clyiiii clrciili. • 1 l.nkcwond. Skowhegnii. Sle.. June HI. They are closing the show nud holding llieiu to tlie linlsh. Kitty S. Kiiikiiaji of New York, mid An- toinette liiiiner. formerly of Ihe l-'leclill liuarleiie. have Jolnril bands, mill will do a relinetl singing and dancing act. with spe- cial scenerv nnil wardrobe. The team will lie known ns Klrkliaiii and liiiluer. They are booked iudeliiillely at Ihe I'ahu Harden. Hullo. Slont. IIAIIIIV AXII I.KWIS l.ll.l.AM lire spell.ling Hie Suumier al their home in Wells, Minn. Tub llAitniKs are on the Amuiuns circuit In Indltimi. NnTKM iuom Tin: II.IXBK Co.—We opened our senson Slav II. and have been tourlnir Wisconsin to very fair business, although there has been 11 l.rcal deal of rain. Hosier of the roiirpuuy: Krnnk Itiinee. owner mid iiinniig.'r: Allle lltinee. IMiislrnteil songs; Tied llniiec, Martha Uanee, Harry Snxlon, John Johnson, Huh He Lia, Ted White, Jim Lelloii, Steve Stephenson. Slink iiouglna. Ihe Nichols. Clins. W. Chnse. and Arnold Krllpg In advnnir. We huve n sixty fool top wllii Ihirlv foot middle piece. fun. N11.I.H11X relumed lo Ainer'cn re- coollv- Willi an ilii.iulnaied nellal ballet nei, Willi wlilcii he is bookeil hi Ihe lending vaude- ville holmes. Noti-s rnoM Cll.lliXB. CllACK c!t WtNTOX".i SIi.xsti-ki.-s. under the miinngenient of r'reil II. I'oiily and Kd. .Meyer.—We will commenco nnr sevnlli iiliniinl lour Aug. '_'l wllli every- lllll'g new and up dilute. The parade will be out of Ihe ordll'ery. nud we think we have aor.iellitnc thill will siirurlse the unlives. Tin! Three Dnrlliiglo'i llros.. Ihiropi'iui novrlly gyninasis. und Ihe Kuplioiiy Sextelte urn among I lie peojile alreudy engaged. Tim lii'.nd. which will Is. 11 strong feature. 111 - eludes' J. Wilson CIIITe. Ironilione wizard, and .Nathan Tonkin, (he Kngllslt euphnnliini miIoImI. The motto of lip* C. C. nud W.. the eunilng season, will be "all lliiil's worlli while lit inliisirelsy." Wii.kv 1Ia.mii.tox. who bus lieen ill Willi nervous prostration lor the past seven weeks, Is Improving und hopes lo resume work in a short (hue. He Is resting ill Atlantic City, X. .1. SlrCiuiMli'K Una ll.utitows. who opened Slay TJ, nl: Klsclier's Theatre. San rriiiicisco. I'al'.. have twelve weeks on the alllllnleil Western circuit lo follow. II, It. tin, iiiainiger and proprietor of liny lirothers" .Minstrels, nud C. II. Kiuipp, his iidvanre iigeni. nre up hi Hie moiinliiina of New Hampshire Milling. Clltl. CofKI.ANO AM* SlAIIKI. IlKIIIII XUKB, who were hi Ihe Crown Tlu'nire. I'l. Worlli. Tex., soice early hisi I lei-ember, arc now al Ihe borne of Mr. fupchiud's sister, near Ox- lord. Kan., whi'ie they will remain 11 few weeks. SiJUiKas Axu Wintkiis. lifter closing a alx weeks' engngi'iiieni on the Tony Liibelskl rlrrtilt at Ihe Novelty Theatre. Stockton, fill., week of May Jli, uponcd m the Star Thenlre. I'orlhind. ore.. June S, nnil con- tracts were signed nl nor* for Km star cir- cuit, whirl: includes six weeks. Then they will return to the I'ortlnnd I'nlr for nn Indefi- nite etigngemeiii. They write that Hieir a<;t Is a grenl success In the Weal. Tin: lti:xos llhiitle anil Dennyi. comedy ncroliats. who recently closed 11 .successful sen- 1.011 of six weeks with Ihe Itreckeiiridga Slock Co., Ill I.a Cr>isse. Wis., have opened on the IHlou circuit for Win. Lung, at Kenosha. Wis. Their new ucrohnlir uet \t more than making go.ul everywhere. Dax Wcstox ft i'n inform as linn they are now rehearsing a new comedy skeicii, wrllieii In Crunk Adams, formerly of Cur- tis mid Adams, which will be produced lit Tony Pastor's Theatre, New Sink City, week of July ::. They luive liookcd ihe .Northwest- ern circuit of vaudeville houses, with Hie Hoidsnilth and Novelty clreiilis to IoHovt.' The u.'iiil.ers roesisi of: Dan |i. Wesioii. II in Men,I.-It: Slcl.el I lall.e and !■'. Wesioii. Tim Diiakk. of Drake and Carrliigtnn, writes: "Sometimes I ItnTc quite a time gelling The oin 111:1.1 able, but I alwaT* tonnage 10 get It. In one ease where I cot the Inst eopv of Tin: fLimtt, In Arahernl, X. S.. And I was standing on Ihe rnrUcr rending II. a fellow rnme up to me nnil any*: 'I guess y.ut'r" Ihe fellow Hint got Hip last'i'ini';' I answered, 'Yes.' lie anya: 'Well yoll belt niR lo It." He offered nl* twenty (lie cents fur It. Of t»«r»f I refused. He made me promise I would let him have i look over II thai night, so I told him to call lo Ihe lintel at 1 I'. XI. And lie aoiihl huve II. lie was there at Ihe and time, nil right, with 11 smile on hla fnre, aa If he were about to receive 11 ten dollar hill." Ii 1:111:01: W. Wilis, of Wills and Mnrnm, wlio underwent a very serious surgical iiiirra- Hon at Mercy Hospital. Chicago, Juno II. la doing well. Ci.K.Moxs axii Ci.kmoxs. who closed 11 very mii ccssfnl him son April I. Joined I rem hi Xew Sensation, at tinlllpolls, O.. Slay 1. Tin: llritroxs. hell ringers, after playing the entire I'aclllc coast from Kan Dipgn, I'n I., to Vancouver. II ('.. for Hie laat forty weeks, nre now oignnliliig their own coin- iiuny lo play California. Arlr.ona. New Mex- ico and Texas. Thwr are much belter equipped. iHith In printing, musical noveltlpt and picture elTecta 1I11111 heretofore, and an- tlclpiiie 11 prosperous season. Tin: TiniKK Tkiuiiaisu us opened their Summer season at the Casino. Toledo, 0., nnd their new art was well received. Hnm l,pp linn Joined them, and hla comedy wns Hie life of Hip act. They arc booked solid for the Summer In large parks. Oscaii IIuimbmstkix lint Just secured a demonstration of wireless telegraphy for the I'liridlse Hoof. Cant. Illoom, who used the system In the Car Knot, has been Illustrating il at the Kniplre Music Hall, Loudon, Kng. Kui'iT. formerly of Koppe and Koppe. writes that he has retired permanently from Hie profession. Tin: KixxniAXs are In their elghlh week on the I'uritlu const, mid rc|nirt meeting with success. Tin: Kasimikhkiks. a theatrical organiza- tion, made Anderson, I ml., one of its hushes nl the (Ira nil Opera House, by llosiiuko mill Hndillffe. i'erformeri: and attaches of both theatres there were made members. Among them were: Kay lillison. Dolly Slaueell. Win- nie Herald, Kill Hi Council, .Maud Coster, Kildie und John McDonald, Harry Cuiipy, ('has. I.essln. SI. SI. Jones and Mike Dillon, of Ihe tirnnil, and King llu-Iai nnd company. Sir. ami Sirs. Claude I'ryer. Mr. and .Mrs. K. Howell. I'mil Fisher and Mart Inn. of Ihr Crystal. The officers elected were: Sllke Dillon, big raspberry: Titos. Serrln, little rasplnrrry. for tne liranil: Claude Krypr. big raspberry: Krnesl Hnwill. little rnsplierry. for the Crjstnl: SI. M. Jones, master of cere- mony's. A big luinouet and hall was held on Hie singe after the Insinuation of officers. Sl.n: Wti,sov. pianist, closed a sncresifiil season at Ihe Novelty Theatre. Sioux l''Hils, S. Dak., mu! will spend her vacation itt her Inline In D11I111I1. Minn. Tin: vi;n C.ishio I'lcr Theatre at Aahiirv I'ark was openeil. under the direction of J. It. I>eh air. Cridiiy. June •_■:!, with Ihe Hrent Lnfuyette Co. t'l.KliJioxY ami Mi Mill, "the llau.illuli 1I110," report nieeiing w'th siiccess. Jack llrgiu:. of llnrkr and SlrKvoy. nud his wife, wlit sail for Kuropc July S. to spend the Summer month*. They will make n tour of the colltlliclll. Slits. Laxiitiiv will appear In vaudeville next season for ten weeks. II is slated that Hie division of I Inn- will lie arranged na fol- lows: Two weeks at the Victoria, four nt the I'roctor houses, nnil three weeks nl I'ercy Williams' theatres, nil In Hirnler New York. Tlie tenth week will probably be booked III Huston. Daisy SIaii: has signed with llttrtlg & Seauion for nexl season, to do her specially nnil lo play soiihreite roles. .Meanwhile site Is playing a fen* vaudeville ilnles. Cl.l.vr ami Ht.ssiK lioimixs are plnyllig a few dates In vaudeville tills Summer. Ill July they will Jump from Cincinnati to .Montreal, Can., mill will spend the entire mouth al resorts in mill near Hull city, plnyllig lllvrr side i'ark week of July !l. They will return West In lime lo open wllli the Cliuse-Llster Co., making Ihclr llfili season with Hint nl- t met Ion. Al. Tiiki.oaii writes : "Silss Tciniii'M and I nre resting 11 few weeks. We will resume work July III, playing 11 few Western mirks, after which we let urn Kitsl. We art' well booked for next season." Al.. IIaY.vBS' SIikii'ai. Coxibiiy, "Too Much .Married." Is meeting with success on the Knsteni park circuit. Tlie company Includes: ■lack K. Mngee. inuimj-er : J11II11 ItNliuouil, Karl mid Leu. Chiis. Smlili Jr.. SI11111I Sinilh, James Cninlti. Liicllli' I'aiker. Andrew Sis- ters. I'earl Hillings, Violet II11IU11I011 mill Helen Marshall. 'Iwo trained goats, Xnviijo und Seminole, are used. lit .mi:.s ami I.Bivis (I'red und Kvn I. comedy acroliuls. are plnylng at tlie Slei'iilecluise I'ler. A tin 11 lie illy. N. J„ tills week. Willi Coney I stand. Wluelhig. W. Vn. : Sprlngllelil. o.: Kiilniiinxoii. Midi., und other lime to follow. Tut: 1-iii.i.iiwim; people bare been engaged for W. II. Watsons Orient 111 lliirlesipiers: Harry .Montague. I'ut White. Ike Wall. (ieo. Donnelly. Kls.i Leslie, Veiielln Sli'Vensoii, May Allen. Molile Williams. Canny Williams, lieu trice liar have. Kilith I'nrker. Carrie Dun- can. Annie tiriini. Harriett Sheeler, Kilty Oancii. Kin y.i'llor. Kdlth Crawford. Hurt I'"arson, manager: A. Jack Kaiisl. In ad- vance. Tt xis K. Iii'ax, of Hulllumr", lias lieen engaged for I lie Sniiinier liy Kreilorlck Inger Mill, proprietor of I'lllsluirg's Luna I'ark. us hiisliiesi niuniibi'i' nud j 11111 li -11 •.- promoler. The park .i|M'ti"d two weeks ago, and Is al- temly an .insured success, the beautiful •'.rounds and nullilliigs being nihil with an nveruge dally iltleiiihiuci of l.i.iiiin p-ople. .1. SI. IIaiiiii.s. of Harris und Slerlo. was a'l'i:ii caller lust week. Sir. Ilurris reports II sulmliliilhil success III their novel illus- trated song farce. "The l.iul.v Opernlor." Sir. Harris IpIIs us they go \S'est to (day Ihe parks, nnd early In tin: Kali they nil con- tracts Hull were set buck owing to Hie Ill- ness of Silss Slerlo Hie past Winter. He nlso says: "She Is all n. K. again, and anxious to be back In harness." Kittik O'Hiiik.v ami I.izkttk Iiixi.u. "The Two Shamrocks." lire very Hiiori-Hsfully pii'sentlng Miss O'llrien's prell'y Irish rfcar- ncter nkeich, ■■.Noni's Kortniie," nt HleiiMiigy I'ark. Coliinihus. <).. this week. Thev left fur Hie West In June, nfler 11 tour of Hie vaudeville houses In New York and the Knst, where tbe'r Utile sketch whs fealiired 011 tile bills, und "Slllllllsllell It sure ivilcouie for llieiu when they licgln their return dales. They me well booked In the Wesl. where Kit lie o'llrleii has la-en prominent for some years In presentations of Irish character roles In dramatic productions. Tt:i> K. Ilox has completed a tour of Ihe orpliemu and Coiisbline clrciills. nnd arrived in New York Insl week. CrxxtxniiAji ami Smith have closed 11 successful season with the Cuy l-'oster Co. SlAlllll. CAIIKW AMI liKIITll; 'll.lVK-i. Willi are now siiccessfiilly playing In Kiirope. will retain 10 America und open on the Keith circuit in ihe Kail. Their 1 .xceiitlniiully clevr work in •The Derby Hun'" nils Ihu-ii lecogiilxeil abroa 11, as il was In lids country, and Hie team has baen reaping a bur vest ,,r coiiimeudatory press notices mid general ex- pressions of public approval Cm vr [11: liioii.o Is nl Lynn. Slnss. He will illsciuillnue Ids linlcycle ml ladi'lllillely, on iiccminl of weak ankles and general ill health, lie ex|n'.u 10 n-iliT from the show liosines for gi«,d. He will go ml-, the jetv.-liy bllnluesi. Kn. Caxno.v, who rereully closed twenty- four weeks on Hit* llljvu ntul Nnaii cIlTidta, lias Joined the Irving l-'rpnch Coinedv Co. for the Hummer season, tu lib apncliiH'es. W11.1, II. IlK.xn, nt llano anil Murray I Will ami May 1 writes: "We are iirvaOlilltig jnir ncrobnllc runieily III lite pnrks at tin- miihlle Weal, to gianl Hilrci'as. SVe halve for Ihe I'nclllc const In August. Miss .Murray's singing nnd dancing brings her many colli- pllmenlary notlci's Irum I lie press." SIa.mii: chapman, lute id ihe l.otuloll (ialely lilrls Co.. Informs us she litis njictiril a large boarding hnilsc III llronklyti, ilml will not go on tne stage nexl season, (leu. Hreiiniui mid Kittle Ursa nrr sla'liillng a few weeks wllli her. llt:i.i:x Mmi ni.\ rt.uiTti, Vocalist and belt ringer, after etnalng a inoalli's siieceaaful engagement with Hie Coliinibloti Hell lung- ers, nnd 11 week nt Khellput 1'iirk. llel,, la now Indpllirlti'ly lucnled nt Ai'olidille f'nrk. I'n.. presenting her musical ad and sluglug illnslrated sotigj. Tin: Tlitu, wlio tlnlshed nl Olym- pic Theatre. Chicago, June IT, with hlg success, and then stalled for Hnn Krnhclaro In All four weeks on Hie Orpheum circuit, have Louisville. Ky., und .Mehi|ilils, Tenh., lo follow. Notes kiiom Kiiih, I'a. —I'our Mile I'reek I'ark opened June 11, with Hie following people: Williams Mill .Mi'lliiini, Tom lief roll. Troiiliadotir Thrtp, llnrdle laiudon, l-'ox nntl slinina, i'rof. Ida nnd moving plot tires. Hunlncss wns liltf. Tlie Initiklltgs nre III Harry Haws' bunds. II. 1'. Kosler, pronrle- lor: Miss Ilnttlr, lender of orchestra- Sits. L. roster, treasurer: IL Kuwcr, nimlnger, I'tt m.i. is CotiiTXttv In forms iih I hnl aim lias relumed to her liume, Mount View l/nrm. N. J„ for ihe entire Hummer, having elosttl a very successful engngenmnt on 1 lit* West- ern vaudeville circuit. W.vsiinit linos., the boxing nildgels. closed nn I'ngngemenl of nftecti conaecittlve weeks over Hip ('otiHolldntrd Atnuscinent fo.'a circuit at Logan. I'.. June in, and u|ienetl on the Crystal circuit nt Cripple Creek, Col.. 13, for six cotiseititlve weeks.. Then llil'}' will pl.iv J. K. JiU'ksoii's circuit ut pnrxt throiigli Kaiisiis, Missouri mill Nelirnskn. Tim .Mki.tIx Twinn. wliu are In their twentieth week in Alnskn, nre meeting Willi success They exited to return Hiisl lu ilia Kail. ,. IIkki'iikr an'p May nre tnklnt a well earned rest nl I heir home lit llrlugctoii. X. J., nftet 11 successful (rip down Smith. They will onen I heir pnrk lour nt lUtlllimire. week of July :t. being bunked over the McCaslln rlreilll. Caiiiiik M. Hciitt. cutilortlnnlgL closed, a tinmill's cngiigelni'til lit Stutdle, Ala., .Slay 8T. nnd Is now In her ihlrd week nl Hu> Surf Avenue Opera House, Coney Island. X. V. I'At'i.TtiN ami Ikii.uv sailed for Kiiroin' June -'u. Tub TlllKM .I.ii'Khiixh open tltelr Kenaon nt K011InIn Kerry Pnrk. Louisville, with the entire Hopkins circuit of parks, Hie Aiulrr- son, Hopkins. Kohl & Castle circuits tu fol- low, being booked solid mil II November, Their new athletic act Is a hlg uiivi'lly. alid thev are blinking relurn dales everywhere they piny. S'nll'S Kltll.U IhlXllVAX'S At.l. KTAII Vai'IU!- vii.1.1: Co.—We are doing hlg business every- where through Ihe Kiistern circuit of parks. The fiillowlnu perforniers art wllli Ihe show: inlil, vocalist: Ynckle coiliedlniis : Hoyci Helm ArnoliT. vocalist : Ynckler and ilitu . Ilojce and Itliu'k, ringers ami ilnncers: Denosllu nntl Kxellln, slater teiiiu ; J amen It. Doiiuvnii. Irish eufne- II In ii and niiiiuiger. (li.tvt: Iltii.vs. who Is plavlng this week nf lli'i-ui'ii Ileucli. bus signed with (lie Xnt M. WIIIm Comeily Co. for next senson. Mr, Iliirhs, Iter husband, will leave for Kiirope III September. IIkx S. Thank, of Trnsk illul Jlilrrnv, writ- ing from Sim l-'caiielsco, Ctil., June II. snyii: "nnr team will helenflci lie known ns HI0I1 net mid Appel. H'e have lie,11 lit cnllforiiln since Inst December, titnl huve lieen liieellhg with HiiercsH plnylng under our new imius. SIIkk Appel la iiklng voclll lesNuns here, iltld la doing well. Hlle will iijK'ii here next *•".• son at 1 lie Tlvoll Opera llnuse." May Hwax. of Sam T. Jack's Co., and 1,1111c Harper, have Joined hands, und will open nI I'lilnce Tlieiilre. Hyraciise. N. Y.. Week of .Inly 3, with I lac Ohio circuit of parks lo follow. Runt Kay, for Hirer years 11 member of it Hie H)n< Is the Tiger Miles llnrlesiine Co., Is at tin Hotel Jackson, At Ian lie I'll v. X. J. iTriiperutiiig fiiiiu 11 lute Illness. NOTKSJ yilliM W. II. W'ATNos'st tlllll'.NrAtiM. -Hilda Htpwart. formerly wllli Hie Ainer leans and Keilly It. VVoml's hiirlesipie coin. pniilFH. IiHs signed for nexl senson, us huve Lillian Tliorndvke nud Kiltie Lucelle. Kldn- rndo, n hlg Kiirnjieiin novelty, mid citing Ling Coo. iiuotlu'r Kuriipi'iiti novelty. Al.. Amirbnox axp J. II. liotXKM, -me of the feature nets with J. W, Hiiriimn's Viittde vllle 'Co.. will tour New Kngliind for the entire Siiniiner, plnylng piirks, nflcr ivllli'h llie.v will begin thi'lr regular Winter senson. playing vaudeville houses wllli n new net. ( i.ikk W. Oiiast writes: "I desire to slnle that I nm In Hie Imrlesipie wheel. My hlg show opens early In August, nnd Is bonked solid for loilyllve week stands. I In tend In pill togi'tlicr one of the grealitsi Imrlesipie shows ever sent out of New York ("III. I will carry alsnil llfly people, and will mako 1111 effort lo have a show lust a Utile hotter (hull Hie best. Sty two night stand shows are booked up until after Ihe holidays, mill lliey will he Ilrsl class 111 every respect. I huve found Hint It pays best III Ihe end lo give the public inure than I bey ex- pect foe Hieir money." Joski'II K. lloiVAini will poslllvely appear Willi Clark's Itiinuwiiy tilrls Co. next season, and will not appear In his Chicago proline- Hon of "'flie Lmitl of Nod." He has seal lo P. S. Chirk the en I Ire lililllllserlpl ami mu sic, anil also designs Tor priming, anil will be in Xi-w Yolk in Huie lo relieiirse Hie coin- ptiiiy. Col.K ami Ci.i:mi:xs produced Hieir new act, entitled "Larking." written by Joseph Stlieliell. and shite thai II proved to be one of Hie bits of the show at Pnstor's Inst week. Mr. Cole whs made n nieinher of the Allots' I'roleellvi' lulon of New York last week. Tin: SIiniiai, Jiuixntoxs arrived In New York 011 Krldny, June '.':i, from I.0111I011, I'.ng., after no nhsence of sixteen months, they hiv- ing made 11 1 rip mound I lie world, Inivellng over ."Ji.lMlli nil lis. They left Sun Ki'iuielaeo In Mtireli. lUnl. willi Tom Ninvn's loaiiainy, nnd played Honolulu, also Hie chief ellles of Altairullu and New /ealnnd. Knglmiil nnd Scollmid. They will rimiiln In Anierlcu until ClirisimiiK, when they sun again In nil lime nlreiidy bookeil In Ureal llrilnln mid Kurope. Jkxmi: Jaiiuis sailed Jiuii' 17, for Kng bind, ami luis aHenod an ofllce hi the same building wllli 'I'm; Ci.ii'CUi. London. liMiinii: W. Wn.i.s, of Wills nnil Harmn, uiiderweiil 11 very successful operiiHon nl Sle icy llosplhil. Chlciigo, June K. nud Is doing finely. SlAY Hi'WAllli's KXTKAVAIiANXA Co. will piny Hie Km pile circuit of houses next sen sou. I'n.sov ami Kiiiioi. arrived Inst week In New York, lo remain for the Summer. They I'Xpecl lo spend 11 few weeks Willi .Mill tlli'A'n und Harris, ami Dolph nud Susie I.evluo. In New HiiuipMlilre. .Ma.iiui III 11 k lelebniled I In- six lv second aniilversiiry of Ills hlrlb on Wednesday. June SI, at iiIIIi-ph of the White Huts, St.' Jiiiin-s lllllhllllg. New Yolk. The miljor entei'llillell his iiiniiv frli'iiils, wlio called to offer their congruliilalloiiu. MAXVOn ami, i-loseil wllh Sllvei s New V.-l I. llMi.lleK oil Julie :'I. 1,1 ,,|.e|| .11 Itlvn.i.b I'mk. IMiiuipeg. fur .1 short season of park work. llAttnr SVoops. sluglug enniedlan, writes: "I have lieen playing vaudeville dates since rinsing wllli 'I'lle Stntn of tiiilll' Co.. mill huve tinlidii'il two weeks ul Lemp's 1'niR. SI. Louis, where I was the Iniiglilug lilt of Hie hill. I have signed with Hiiller. Jneoba & l.owfy's Cherry lllossoius Co. for next sen son. to do luil•■It In Hie Imrlesipie nud my net 111 Hie olio. I will Join In New York about Allg. I." Lll.l.lAX MU I.AKCAMTKM. "The Tromlaine Hlrl," has been eiigngeil by W. H. Turner for Ihls Sillnlliei' and nexl senson. as the nper'nl rNtidi'tllln fetiliire of Ills moving picture cam pilBjr. , Jidjiit: l\i:i,sii. of Hie orlglnnl team of Dnlv A Kelso, writes Hint be severed his part- nership wllh Sir. Duly Slay 'JK. loo I. and Hint lie Is working alone. In it few weeks lie Will) Join hands with Sir. Keldnian, of Kelil- man ntlil Hull. The tenm will he known M Kelilmnn nnd Kelso. .I.M'K ami IlKilTllA Hli'lt nre nl the Kami Tlieatre. Toledo, <).. lids week, ninklng their sermld week on the J. K. Ilnrke pnrk clrcti't. Willi Clinton. Vnilligatnwii nnd Kgal Llver- ponl, O., «nd llii.ilinoi'c. Std.. In follow. Tlie leant lins lleeh re-etiB«ged for a second senson with the Itosi! Hydail Co.. Sir. Iticli tu play a llrlUrlMl eomiKly tinit. They report success. ' NHTi:« KIIIIM KltAXK Cl-.SHJIAX'S Twkn rif.Tli Ckxtiiiy Minhtuki.h.— We playisl the thlril «'in'k nf our eligngemetil on Hie Crank Slelvllle pnrk circuit nt Altnonn, Vn.. June Vi, i.nd, like the former rngngetnenln, nl llhrrlslnirg nltd Jolinstnwn, it. was pro tnniniTil In- Ihe piiblle nml msnagers lo » the Heal niluslrel etunpntiy thnl lias ever played In Ihose pinks. Hosier of company : Kmhk Ciisliiiuin. Joseph K, I'oi. SVIIUnro II. \Vnrit. WIIHnin I'.iyiie. Albert Clarmonl, Ihl- Wftnl Vengei. Diirvel Klmbnll. Julius Kimball. Heriitan Klmhull. Hen. W. Henry. Krnnk John- son, Louis Hnrlls, I'hll 0, Httln. .laniea Woods nnd L. H. Htmit. Abut ihi h ami Jkmhik sail foe HntssirlK llelg., July I. for a sixteen weeks' toill of Hiil'ope, l'kixci: KuKixo wrllci: "I have Juaf fin- Isheil n seven months' lour of Ureal nvllnln. wllh fine success. Am now In London, super- lnl!lidlilg tin predion of my I'lK net." Nki.i.ik IM'XN Is In Ubiagow, Moot., for an exlendrd visit. .Vli'TiiHKi.iii's moving pictures recently rlosad n ftuly weeks' senaim. NtlTKH rflllM THK JllILN li. Hlt.l.lYAX Al- •riiAi'Tiiix.- -All are In good licillh nnd doing iilcelv tlirnuglioMt Hip tnr Weat. Tho people are: Krunk llall, nmnnger: Sir. Walker, ad- viihce: Vlclor V. Vitas, stage iiinnnger: Jnlin L. Hulllvnii, Hi mnnologiie: Slnuil Curler. 'Tim Widow ;" Vlclofln Velustln, In Hlu« Irfiled aongs: Sirs. Levy. Jnles Levy Jr.. nud Louise Lew. liluslclnns: llnwlev and \na«, t'limedlnlls; the CoiheH nnd .McCoy pictures. Jouh, I., and Jim MrCorinlek, hi spflrrhig ex ltllillitm: Wnllnee White, electilclan. . .lAt'K Ixul.iH wrlles: "I recently returned frnlii Ihe Weal, nflcr a sueceasfiil tour, piny Hlg all Hie principal vaudeville theatres, nnd haw tllniiv teliini ilnles. I have Jtisl nrninged tu .bitty I lie Ktlslerli parka." W. A. Hull HI!. Wlio Was lllllllg two weeks nl Hlielltioi I'ark, Wilmington. I'd., present lug iliusleiil riiinrillPH. wns re eiignged for n third week wllli Young's I'ler. (leean City. N. j„ tu follow. 'I'lle I'niupnn.v Ihere numbers twenty-two people, Including chorus nnd or cltesti'ii of ten pieces, under mniiageitieiil of J. Kgltit. director uf Kgan's Hand, limited nt Ihe pink. Commencing July II. W. A. and Ciitiillle lloliuie will present Hieir Herman eonieily tu't In vniideville, being booked up lo Jit u. 'J I llext, Inebnllng Western parks, Kulll ft Cnslle mill Western cIl'i'llllH. Till: TllltHK TitoriiAiMii iih t Arthur I'ulton, Chiis. \. Villi and Frank I'Mrm-l npeiii'd on Itnrlv llliwii's cllciill ul piirhs, nt Krle. I'a., Willi ii new net. mid miiile a uood liupri'Ssltiii. Thev will be on Hull t-livuit for Hie next lit" weeks, nud report being well bookeil up fur llext senson. Niitkm I'lti-u SIll.l.r.ii'N TllKATlii:. Lima. 0. - T'io following lieoplo were here week nl .liind III: Liieoy nud HIIHiig-r. Slink nnd Ad'Hr. Misters llnyiie, Mnilfld Walker. I Mile Ktiwili'ik llosi' f.inii|lu. I.lllle Slarr, Dora WH- furd, Lollli! SlcXfll nnil Mmiil Hail. Aguei Alliel'lon nnil coiii|iiiny prcseiilnl "The Hlrl frnln Slnlne." CiiaS. K. STirgMAN. black face singing • nil I Hiking comedian, is meet lug wllh sue cess plnylng Ihe Western pnrks. SIM Williams, ttite of Williams ami Ailnins, Una formed il eiiriairiitlon wllli Harry W. Williams nud Jess liuriis, in he known l\K ttii! Williams mill Hums Amusement Co.. fur Mia promotion of general Hieillllciil nilter prises. For tile coining season they will (In role tltelr enlile lime lo Ihe promotion of Ihe lilcrils mill Imperials liurlesipie rniupilllh's. Tllivv have eiigilgeii olllees on llriililwiiy. N. V. TIHMIiii ni.Kl Itlios. have Joined Win. .lit'li Iinlv's Sllnslii'ls for Hie Similiter. Hen. Holly, eiiiiii'illnb. has Joined llielr ncl. Tlie net will lie under Sir. Daly's Hpeclnl super vision. Noti:-i nto.u Dps Tiuxkii'h Hiiuw.. H'i- have lieen doing a good business ■ In im fur. louring Xew Jersey. The rosier In: llnppy fileli Turner, proprti'lor mill miiiinger: win. A. Mink, business mutiiiger: Ditlsv Turner, Sltlglllg und iluiiclng soiiluelle; Holly Slo- rosea, buck mid wing dancer; Henry .Morion, ciaiieillau and dancer: Ike Johnson, slack wire walker: .Muster Kdniird Muruaeo, Jug gler; Slnck und Turner, In a sketch, the Turners, ael'obillle /ketcli act : .luck llel- nobis, clog dinner : I'rof. T. K, (ilrHnucr, in a sleul illleelor. Lust Dahlias sailed June I'll for Kurope. after a lour of Hie Ainerlcuii vaudeville rli culls. 'I'm; tiil-MIiii it, i osi im;i;\i ul Ited flunk ami l-'u'r Haven, N. J., iiriangeil a vmiilerllle perforuiiiiice on Tliiirsiluy evening. June -'.'. ill Hie Ited Ih'inl; Opern House, nntl n local elm illy bonelllcil by several hundred dollars thereby. The porfuliiuiliie was opened by ■lames Ten Hrooke. Al, Sllnson and Mnliel tlayer, 1'ollowlng romc K. A. Lniuberl, Lew Palmer. Swlfl ami lliirhui. Monlsser nud It It-li. Itobliy Noi ill. Wesson. Walters a ml Wesson. Annie Hart, the World's Trio, tins I'lxli'V. Nellie Kloi-rdc. Hobby North anil Clonics I-'Igg. the Orjilii-us Comeily Cain. ALiiuti liuvlosoii. and Ihe show was*finished wllh Ihe hiirlesiine. "'Way In Knst." writ- lea hy lllchiird Curie, Frank Marllneatl was manager, K. A. Liimherl. musical ill rector: Crunk Kvuns. stage inn auger : James Slack. noisier machinist : Hup lliiinly, eleclrleliin. ami Al. Sllnson. properly man, The liiealli' was packed. Mils. Li Holllxsnx, of Hie lloblllsoli. Iliiker Trio, on June mu present oil Hie White Huts with mi America ii Hug made of fine Japanese silk. The ling, which is tweiilyaitie feel long and eleven feet wide, has been hung in Hie ollb-es of tin' While Hals, ami Is highly prized, not nbuie for Its Intrinsic value, bid nlso for the sentiment which prompted Hie gifi. Tin: Ci.i|.|.|:n CiiUKOT Font have signed wllli Williams nud limns' Imperials for next season. I'l'.iio ami Wilson. June "II July I. piny nt Central I'ark. Dover. V II. 'I hey have the l-'lyiin pnrk circuit for twelve weeks. Joshi'ii YaM'i;. who wns one of the prin- cipal lonieilliins of "Ihe IJI.eriy Itelles" Co.. Is doing Ids Illnsl rated sung act on Hie South • in circuit of parks. Hicm W. I MA In, wlio recon I lv closed folly lllieo '.'eeks wllli Miller's AilU'lb IIlis. has slgneil for nexl season nhh Will N. tirew, far his Tiger Lilies I'o. He Is on Hie tier limn circuit of parks. Hits week in Not urn bean I'ark. Huston. Mass. .Nulls Kin i M nn: Kiliii; Tnio Wh'lc plliylllg Hie I llbple Thru Ire Minneapolis, .Minn., week of .tail' I'-', Sirs. John II. liar mini was l.ilieu seeloudv ill and had lo I ■• io si Mail ■. in cliv. The 111<> will lie i oiiipi'lleil In cancel llii'll' lluuieiliale Ume,