The New York Clipper (July 1905)

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4&(> THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. July 8. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER ♦ »♦ THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLISHING CO. (Limited.) rHUI'itlkronS. AL8EKI J- BOltlK, EOlTOItlAI. AND BU8INESH Manaobb. SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1005. RATES: Advertisements—$2.80 per Inch, itngle col- umn. Advertisements set with border, 10 per cent, extra. SUBSCRIPTION. One /ear In ndvunce, |1 ; six months, *2! three months, II. Foreign postage extra. Single copies will he scut, postpaid, on re- ceipt of 10 cents. Mnr Term* are Cart. THE CLII'PErt Is Issued every Wednesday morning. The last four (advertising) pages GO TO PKKSS ou Saturday at 11 A. M., and the other pages on MONDAY nod TUESDAY. The Forrns Closing: Promptly, Toea- iln>, at lO o'clock A. M. Please remit by express, money order, check, P. O. order or registered letter. All cobIi en- closed with letter Is nt the riBk of Bender. Address All Coniniimlcatlona) to THE NKW YORK CI.IPPKB, 47 West 28th Street, New York. . Eevlttcrcd Cable Adarcm, "Adtiioriti." THE WESTERN BUREAU Of Tub Cr.ti'i'Ktc Is located nt Boom ri02, Ashland Block, Chicago. William i p . Bryan, manager and correspondent, where advortlse- nieiils mid subscriptions nre received at our regui-ir rates. . . THE LONDON BUREAU Located nt 48 Crnnbourne St., London, W.C., John II. Carney, innnnger and correspondent, where advertisements and subscriptions ara received nt our regular rnten. THE CUIfM CAN EE OBTAINED, WHOLE- SALE Asn retail, nt our agents, Brentano'n news dupol, :i7 Avenue do l'0|iern, l'nrls, France; M. Llllenthnl, Frederick StrnBse 101 (Terminus Hole!), nerlln, N. W., Ger- many: Diamond News Co., U1 Prado, 11a- vaim; Manila Hook and Stationery Co., )2B Esroltn, Manila. 1'. I.; Albert & Son, 137- 13!l King St., Sydney, Australia. THE KKW YOBK CUPPER liulillaaea only one cUIHou, and Hint U al*teil from Xcv r York. qUEBI EBAWS WKBBP. No Replica by Mali o r Telea-ropa. AMMIESSKS On WHEREABOUTS NOT QIVB». All " QUEST OV HUfll SHOULD WIITIJO T 1 INB WHOM TllKV Hd IN CARE ..P THM CIJPPRIt PWW IWn ALL LETTERS WO* Hi' AI.VK1TIS1-.I. MM WEEK MB*- " T,, 5 SoUTI K ANY THEATRICAL WMl'AKY 1H SOU! IT KM I« Ollll LIST Of ltOUTKN ON *"oth"h I-IOIL WK CANNOT 8BNU ROUTES BY 31AII. Hit TKI.E ORAl'll. DRAMATIC. S P New York.—We have no knowledge of "the" present whereabouts of I he V**Z Address » letter m our enre. and we will ad- vertise 11 in Tub Ci.iiteii letter list. P. S.. M. II.. Cumberland, .1. ('. It., San Francisco, Mcli. & C„ Urn nil ltnplds, II. Kh York, A. II. P.. Chicago, XL I,. II.. Chicago. Miss K. W., Victoria, Mux. ('. S., Sntiln Cruz, J. S., Lnuciisler. Mum. V. S. It., New York, X. 11. M., UuNlon, Mum. II. M.. New York, S II.. Jtrlstiil. ' Mrs. L. II.. LVorlo, T. II. K.. lloRtoii, , _ n (!. O. II, Bending.—See answer to S. l., nhcive. , . II. Mi'A.. New York.—Our llles do not record such an occurrence. Address the Hong- Icr Sisters IS NMV or Til Clipper. KUCHA I'oil Tl.— I'niiil 2. Supply and de- nmuil govern the snlnry for such ucts. YV S l\, Chicago.—1. Performers furuisti their own "props." 2. Yes. X lfP*g.» ».i* 5 per cent. -I. ilanngcrs have nbsulule con- ti-ol over tbi'ir programmes. ''■ * " st OI those In New York mid Chicago. W II. I).. Providence.—Address the Kilter- prise Music Supply Co.. -HI West Twcnly- cIkIHIi Street. New York Clly. .1 H M-. VYesl I'hlltidelphln.—Address In- grilill & Neiil. Ill enre of Till: Cl.ll'l-HB. .1. K. I.K II., Hiixhiiry.—I. Address olll.e of Kuriiiiui ,^ itllle.v, 2.'. West Tillrly-funrlh Slreel, New Vi.rk 1'il.v. 2. ltlngllntr Urns., ltuniltoii, \Yls. W. .1. <).. Jii., New York.—The fimpMI hns rinsed. alu II. K. II.. Mnnsfleld.—1. lruiu $U lo.f'S per week. 2. Snlnry depends upon I he ability of the pln.ver. \Y. ti., PlHsbure.— We have no knowledge Ol till V Hlll'll Sl'llOlll. 10. M. 1»., SprliiRlleld.—I. Address Jinrly, In ww »f i Taf rw to— I Wouuiii's '•'""R'le. New York Clly. 2. Address Hudson I lie- iicrc, New York Clly. K. 11., IvnlitiiinxiMi.—The cimipimy hns chlNCll. r. s. 11 pillllli'Hlloll .1. A. II. Ill 1S1IO. 1" J. I... Itlir Itiplils.—1. They nre net of one sl?.e. 2. At Iiiuimi-k where irlnl perfuriiv ■•mi nre iiIvimi. :i. 1'rmn S2r, per week up. K. M.. Ilulyuke.—• Apply In the nltoruey Krliei-al of Hie Slnle. K. it W.--Add cess parlies In enre of Tim I'l.ii'l-lili. P. M. S.. S«» York.—Not nt present. I-;. W. 11.. t lot Springs. —Aildress I Hi* ■ Pllzgernld. IN Ann Street, New York City. .1 I,. A., Italian. -.-We can nut. nhl ,v«u. S II. J.. Ni'w York.—Mrs. .luliii Drew never pis veil In •■Alnddln" nl Nllilus thirdeii, m>r wits lhe plnv ever pnwiileil there. Mrs. Krinli Drew pliiviil III II nt Lniliuui s MII- .siiiiii Miin-ti 17.' IS.'ill, mid Mrs. John Wimil acted In H .lime il, lSlll. at the iMyUHi*. Mrs .lohn Drew hecntiio uitinnger of I lie Arch Slfi'i't Theiilre, Phllmlelplila. Aug. SI, 18UI, nml i-inillnmil ns iiitiiingi'r of the house mi III Miiy 7, IHII2. . O. P.—The last performance In Mlilo s Harriett anM given Sntnnlny night. March 211. IK'.ir, by (ieorge W. Molinie mid company, III ••Mv AMI llrldgel." The nizlug ^>f I he building began shortly afterward. IHT.i. —1. The Rogers Brothers first sinned In -A ltelgn of tmt." opening Sept. fi ISPS, at the Ilvperlmi Theatre. New Ilnven. Cam. '-'. Ward mid Vokcs llrst starred In "A Hun on the flunk." opening Aug. 17. lSill, Jl Criind Opera House, Sprlngllcld, O. A. B.. New York.—Address J. W. Oormsn, Colonial Theatre Hulldliig, Boston, Mass. K A. T.. Westfleld- -Address C. A. Hawk- Ins. 118 Kast Thirteenth Street, New York T 11 L>., l't. Wayne.—AddreH* Charles Kr.iliiiiiin. Kmplre Theatre Uiilldlh),', New York I'lly. . . ■ V. U. Alverloa.—The letter was sent Juns 27. to Blnlr I'a. . . .1. II.. I'lillndelphln.—Address Hie Actors' Fund, 112 West Tony-second Street, Xew Comnvun IlEAnEB.—1. •The Evil Men Do" opened Anjf. 211. !!><•"., nt the American Thrn- tre. New York City. Address Sullivan, Har- ris Il Woods for the dale of change of name. 3, A-nem-o-ne; derived from the- Greek. .'I. De-rpla-a-ble: rarely used. Nkw Yokkeb. —1. Billy Diamond, the min- strel, died Jan. 14. lSII.'l. In Boston, Mass. 2. Actors nre rarely paid salaries during re- hearsals. In cases where rehearsals are of extra long duration half salaries are some- times pnld by the management. CARDS. 31. M.. Cleveland.—Any hand, with more or less llinn five cards Is foul, and the bolder Is barred from playing. 31. C. Wnrwk-k.—A wins with high and C. B.. New York.—B Is entitled to six points for the ruu. TURF. K C Dnnbury.—Address the stewards of the jockey club at that place. MISCELLANEOUS. E. L K-. Bath.—A's profit w«b $20. II. C.. New York.—Address Secretary of Treasury, Washington, D. C. <i » III It CHICAGO LETTER. . B Co., ltehobolh.—Tliero Is no nil I he subject. , New York.--The party was born Ham OfB OWN COKBF.SrONDENT. Weatero Bureau Of Hie Xew York Clipper, Room noa. Ashland Block, Chicago. One more theatre Is added to the list of •'diiik" houses, McVlrker'a having closed for the Summer, after Sunday evening's perform- ance of "Sky Farm." The list of Summer nt- traclloiis Is now narrowed down consider- ably, and according to authentic reports only a couple of Ihehi are bothered by nay em- bnirnssment of patronage. Holiday matinees will be given Tuesday, July 4, nt all the down town theatres. H.UNOIH Tiieatbb (Will J. Davis, mnna- KPr i.—"Utile Juliuny Jones" entered upon Its sixlh Week .Sunday nlghr, 2. As It Is lllled Willi patriotic sentlmeut It will doubt- less be n favorite attraction on OH nations birthday. The management announces a "Ynnkee Doodle" matinee on the r^outtk of Jtilv. Sam J. Ityan as Timothy D. McUee. and" Tom Ia-wIs ns the Unknown, have scored persuna! lilts In the production, and are.also locnllv popular. It Is understood that there are oilly three weeks more of -'Utile Johnny Jones." . _ 1'uwnKS' Tiibatiie (Harry J. I'owers, mnu- ager).—Crowded houses have been the rulo since the opening of "Mrs. Temple's Teh- giHin," wliU-h entered upon Its second week Hominy, 2\ Harry l.'onor anil Frank Worth- ing have strengthened their hold on the af- fections of their friends in this city. Wil- liam Morris, alter an nbsence of ten years. bus Immediately sprung Into public fnvor by reason of Ills clever work ns Frank Fuller. The cast also lucludefl: tlrnce Kimball, Knlli- erliie Florence, Ktlwlu Fowler. I'arv Hast- ings. Ceorge Parker anil Antoinette perry. t.RAXn iii'KK\ HunsK 'Harry Asklu, uinn- ager).— Fields' eiigngeinent In "It llap- pemil In Xordland" MM .Its sixth week Kundnv evening. 2. and the fiftieth perform- ance will he celebrated ou Monduy. :t, wlih souvenirs. in the form of (iermnn steins. The undlences omtlnue lo be of a alze Hint marks "Xordland" as a typical.firaud Opera House Summer success. People ure turned away nt nearly every pci'forninace. Oaiiuick Theatiib (Sam P. <'"rsou, man- ager).—"The Woggle Bug" Is .. emnrkable nchlevemeiit In slngecraft, nud Ike rnpldlly with which the lulrlcate changes are uinde In Ibis massive nroduclloii Implies n disci- pline greatly to he commended. 311ns Hltc mill Miss Dero are principally notlcenble uiuong Ilia Indies of the casr, while Messrs. Godfrey, Mnce, Bi-acey and Ueanc carry off the miile honors. 3Ii:VlCKKit'M Theatiib (fieo. C. Warren, iiuiiuiger).—With the performance of "Sky Farm" ou Sunday evening, 2, the season nt this house was brought to n close. The house will Is- turned over Monduy. 3, to workmen and decorators, to he put lu shape for the season of ino.VlllOil, which will begin early In August. • . SrmiKUAKKR TnEATUB (K. B. Ilarmeycr, inanagert.—Itlchnrd Cnrle and "The 3luyor of Toklo" are proving a strong Summer curd. Tills bright, breezy, tuneful opcm began Its llftb week on Mondny night, :i. The produc- tion Is living up to Hie most sanguine ex- peclatloiiH of everybody who saw ft on the opening night. The audiences during the pust week have been the largest of the en- Riigeiiiem, mid there is every Indira lion Ihat this piece will remain here for some time. OitKAT XoirrltKR.N Tiieatbb (Fred C. War- ren, mnniiger).—»l. II. Itaymond's "Busier llrown" tiegun lis sixth week with the Suu- diiv uinlliiee, July 2. Master Gabriel aud his nlije I leu tenants,. Including Ceorge All, arc betas favored wllh Inrge crowds. Coi.uMiir.s Thkatiik tWeber Bros., innnn- ■nl,--On Monday. July II, a vnrled assort- ment of specially acts was presented. S. 11. Diutlev. principal comedian of "The Smart Set." 'heads the list of performers. John Lnrklna, lasl seen here In "A Trip lo Africa," will l«- prominent In Hie comedy portion of the bill, lirant and tirnut will offer a singing Kkelih : Marsh Craig. Nolan fl. Wushlngton, J. a. Kngllsb and Splller and l'lttman nre some olliers down for "turns." There will lw "a ill lie of everything" In the show, und Hie performance will conclude with a female lulnslrel entertainment. Oi.viiimi- Theatiib (Abe Jacobs, manager for Kohl & Castle).—Myles McCarthy Had Co offer a new sketch Monday, S, "The Fnder Dog." Besides tills heudlluc act the Mil incliules: 31111s and Burns. In n laugh- nble farce. "What Huppelieil to (I'llara:" Frederick Bros, and Hums. Uerlle Fowler, I'lniik Bell, Minis, l'ewllt, Decoek Trio. Hose nud Kills. Barnes nnd Washburn. Smith and Ardo. Uzzle McKeever, Hie Deldkes nnd Ihe kliioiirouic. i Ciiicaoa Onau House (hymnn B. Glover, tniiuager for Kohl ft Castle).—"The IjiuiI of Noil".has gained considerably lu public favor mIiico the second net has U'eii revised. Nor- rls, Wilson aud Cawthorne nre doing ail lionising bit of travesty, with life Inmirnuee ns Ihe theme. Children ure Uncling this house nn eulertnlulng place, with Walter Stanlon's rooster specially. 3lubel Bnrrlsou s dolly girls and the faa s .Mndcnp ballot. Mmiy e!imines have been made, anil the play win'iiiiil'inhleillv have a long ami prosperous run. ns It Is full of snuiri and dlvcrsllled entertainment. Tiiocaheho THHIN (Harry II. Hodges, manager I. "The Patriotic tllrls." Ill a biir- lesoue. '-The (ilrl from .lapnn." Is offered for week of II. Ill Ihe vaudeville portion nre: lllnglinm. vcutrlliMpilst: itelle versa, facial arllsie: Guy ltawson, Kilty renihroke, and Lent nml Hyatt. Fol.i.V Tiiimtiii: (.lames A. Fennessy, ninn- ager). -For July fl nnd week "The Folly ltiirlesoiici-s" will lie Ihe slock company offer- ing. The vaudeville programme Includes: Hobble and Mav Connelly, llhes I.uaimls, Connors and Keelv, nnd the Zhuiueriuniis. Ili.ior TmUTM (William Rorhe. uinnn- ,, Pr i.—Ceorge Kllmt and Ills slock company, week 'of .1. will present Hip Western melo- drama. "Desdwood Dick." For the past two weeks Jlr. Kllmt has hod his company busy rehearsing (his play, nnd One ot the most elaborate sellings ever given u melodrama on the West side Is promised. "Deadwood Dick Is a sensational laic. In whlcli tralu bold ups ami love iiinkliig ore Intermingled. 1,om>o.n Dime JIlsbk (William J. Sweeney, manager;.—For Ihe coming week the curio hall utlrucllons are: llewsous eight legged caif. Valdern's box mystery, Chief Davey s Indian village, Ilose Bodlue and her traliieil alligators, and Nelson, armless artist. In the theatre: Daisy Fealy, Clara Kane, Jlaud Ar- llnglon nnd the moving plclnres. Ctjirk Btrep.t ifi'SEUit (Louis M. nedges, mnnnger).—t-'harles Tripp, the armless won- der, will lead the curio hall attractions for week of July X Other features will be: M. li Brlnkley", who has a beard eight feet long; Annette I.lok. the midget; Princess Bouzo. who walks on swords, and Prof. Sil- ver, ventriloquist. , White C'itv (Paul D. Howse, general innnnger).—Ulrlch's Chicago Concert Baud, n group of musicians from the Theodore Thomas Orchestra, gave a Wagner pro- gramme last night. 1. !f crowds and enthu- siasm mean anything at all. then the concert was a huge success. An interesting pro- gramme has been arranged for the coming week. Prof. Blake's Dog, l'ouy and Monkey Circus. Nine Musical Wlllards, Okabe Troupe of Japanese Wonder Workers, the Dc Aeos and several other feature acts are Included In the vaudeville list of entertainers. The other concessions are all doing big business, and- last night. 1, the huge electric tower was operated for the tlrst time. Kavima Park (J. J. Murdock, manager). —The third week of the Domrosch engage- meat began with the matinee Saturday. July 2. Jlr. Damrosch ban selected examples of widely different music for each night, thereby affording patrons an opportunity to attend when the programme Is msde up of the kind ot music thev most appreciate. This park Is prepared for'all kinds of weather. On sultry nights the pavilion Is an ideal place for de- lightful music, and when It Is cool enough lo be uncomfortable out ot doors the con- certs nre given In the theatre. Sans Souci Park (Leonard Wolf, mana- ger).—"Holy Poly" is the current attraction at this park. At least six comedians furnish fun of the boisterous sort, while "The Dance of All Nations," with which the piece closes, never falls to elicit applause. The First Keuiment Band finds Its scheme of special concerts for certain nights ;rowlng In public favor. The high divine "T MASSACHUSETTS. Comedy Four, from the J. J. Flynn "Hip-. Company, were a special lUlraclluu. Ah -l. .,., . ..i ' ; - „.,rV-u sud beach parks are offering special features for Fourth "r 1 ""—, U . c - Ul ;." .f .e■Yl^scTson The of July In the way of hand concerts uad «£ resorts are all now open for th*"**"*?** Bosluu Theatre, will close Saturday *}*>*'«■ July M. when "The Karl and the Mrl will end the elghlh week of Its cngugcuieut. 1 lie Telephone 1 ' Clrl " will be the attraction at Hie Kmplre this week, and new stock bills arc "Audrey" at the Castle Square, and that Binds." at the Bowdoln continues, second works. concerts and tire- fro.... larmon. I.ind and Harmon continue to tlirll tlie patrons of this park, and Ihe electric founialu Is ever new. Tuesday, 4, a cosily display of Pala's fireworks will be glvea. In- cluding an elaborate reproduction of Ni- agara rails. ■ Coliseum (Stewart Spnuldlng, manager). —Weber and his Cincinnati Baud hnvi ly two more weeks. It has created a fine Im- pression In this city, and the soprano soloist, Blanche B. 31ebaffey, has made many frleuds by tier flue singing. On Tuesday n Fourth of July programme will be played. 3llss Me- huffev appears at every concert. Casino (Jahduss (Thomas Preston Brooke, mnnnger).—Lillian Berry Held will make iier llrst appearance at the concerts of the Chl- ragp Marine Bnnd week of :i. For many years Miss Held hns been soloist wllh lids band, bnvlnjg made six tours. Tommy Brooke will appear nt a number of coucerts, where lie will agnlu demonstrate Hint lie Is ns ne- comnllshcd a comet soloist ns lie Is n baud leader. Kivertirw Park. —Motorists have lost no time in finding this pleasant place. After- noon luncheons, dinner parties under the trees and oa Ihe broad verandas keep the park well lllled. Ou Monday night the Ger- man Ainerlciiu teachers visiting Chicago from nil parts of the country will Is- give na linn- quet In the club house by lending (iermuns of this city. AeTKRMATH.—Kdwnrd Curran, lessee and manager of the People's Vaudeville Theatre. Cedar Itaplds, la., has closed his season for Ihe Summer. 3fr. Curran will spend a va- cation of three weeks nt West linden Springs, Ind.. accompanied by his wife nnd dniighier. Tallioi and lingers will piny the Or- pheiiiu Theatre, San Frunclsi-o, week of 10, ami have eighteen weeks booked at Hie oilier prominent vaudeville theatres throughout the West. Thev have not plnyed San Francisco (Ihelr 1ioniol in twelve years Louise Dnlnlr closed her season wllh the Columbus Stock' Co. July 1. 3llss Dainty expects to star lu a costume play next senson. opening for the regular season about Sept. If, Arthur Kherns, of Kherns nad Cole, closes bis season with the Sans Solid Stork Co. Hi, to till vaudeville dates contracted for almost a year ago Carver nud Pollard were Ci.'ii'l-Eii Bureau callers Friday. June :I0. They have twenty consecutive weeks booked In vaudeville beglnuing Aug. 7 J. A. Siernnd. John J. Nash and W. Merchant, of the Bock Island II. It., visited Dubuque, tor the opening ot Itosenthal's White Clly. which thev report was very successful. J. A. Stcruad will start booking Ills circuit about Aug. 1. lie leaves for New York City July 1f> Cliff Dean reports that his new sketch, "A West I'olut Cadet," Is u great success The Chi- huahua 3lexlcnn Troubadours culled Satur- dnv, 1. They play Big Storm Park. Big Slorm Clly, S. D., week of July .1, and have other vaudeville dates, which will keep them working until Sept. il Donald Brian, who hns heen prominent hi the cast of "l.ll- tle Johnny Jones" ever since the first per- toriniince. bus retired, nud will Indulge In his first vacation In three years. lie lias been roplnecd by William Mcenbnn, who gave a very clever llrst night performnme Tuesday evening, June 27 Mary Mnlatestu has liecn engaged as lending soprano In the new production, "The Itnjah of Bboag." which will be given next season \t White City the Okabo troupe of eight has beeo added. It performs many tricks hi juggling, contor- tions and acrobatics on Ihe singe In the plnzu. 3lme. IK' Aco continues sliding for her life, nnd the heud of the De Aco family goes th rough a series ot astonishing aerial Tea Is... Mine. Sarah Bernhardt, who will make a long (our In America next season, has se- lected Chicago as Ihe »:lly lu which she will lieglu her eugagemenls. Her Reason Is to commence Nov. 5, at the Grand Opera House, where she will present her repertory for two weeks before going to Xew York. The troupe will come to this city direct from Buenos Ayres Her tour will I*' directed hv Lee Shubert The University of Chi- cago has engaged Ihe Ben Greet players for eight performances, to be glveu nl Scaumioii Gardens, Fifty-eighth Street and Monroe Avenue. The series begins wllh "As You Like It," which will he given on Wednesday afternoon, July 12. •—*> YIHG1NH. Norfolk.—At Ocean View Casino (Otto Wells, local manager) vaudeville will bold the bonrds week ot July y. The Wells-Duune- llarluu Ciiuiedy Co. closed a very successful two weeks' engagement July 1. Acmb (Manzlo & Wllkerson, managers).— Business Is highly satisfactory. People booked for week of June 2ll hold over week of July It. IImou (Abb Smith, malinger).—In addition to the regular slock. Ihe following people open week of July ;t: Three De Voes. Hun- dolph and Maylleld. Llllle Saunders. May Masters slid Mar Slaters. Business Is good, AuiMTOltiUM (J. 31. Bnrlon. mnangeri.— People week of II nre: Frsukle Hall, ljiurn Bavmond, Edith Ducnln, Wilson and Howard, Fdlth Johnson, Willis Giron nnd Lsngdou Curler. New hlogrnuh pictures nre shown. Manhattan (Crlnnlnn Bros., mauagers). — Xo change In the bill for week of :», last week's people being retained. •The Tic . Suiiare. "Kafoozelum week at Ihe Treinout. All Summer resorts fured well last week, although rbe weniher wus cool. The "pop" concerts at Symphony Hull ended lust Saturday night, and attend- ances at (be local bouses should increase us a Tukmont Tiieatbe (Jno. B. Schoeffcl, manager).—On Monday evening. II. "Kafooze- lllin" "coiers upon Its second week at tins bouse The cool weather Inst week brought out good sized crowds, aud the piece seems to hiive made a favorable Impression. Dave Lewis aud Fine Fay shared the encore honors. nnd Nena Blake and the "Incubator Babies also received a worm welcome. Boston Tiieatbe (Lawrence McCarty, muuuger).—After a Summer season lasting eight weeks, "The Enrl and the Girl" will be withdrawn ou Saturday evening, 8, und this bouse will remuln dart until the llrst of September. Sauna Theatre (Adolphe Mayer, mana- ger).—The Empire Musical Comedy Co., which Is proving such a success nt this house, will be seea for Ihe current fortnight lu u revlvul of "The Telephone Girl." Edith Yerrlngton will have the title role, and Will II. Sloan will be the Hans Nix of the piece. Arlle Wurner, Adele Barker aud Fred l-'reni- will make their first appearauce with the company this week. The past two weeks "Jack and Ihe Beanstalk'' was presented In n ca|iable ninnner to flue patronage. Casti.r Square Theatre il.. S. Deland, niiiungen.—"Audrey," with Mary Hall In the title part, Is the hill for (his week, others of the stock company lu prluclpul parts are: Howell Hansel. Wm. Humphrey, J. L. Seeley, Lindsay Morrison, Mary San- ders, Florlne Arnold, Alice Biker, and' Flora Juliet Bnwley. who Joins the company this week. "Ben-My-Croe" wps well given last week, and bad good patronage. Next week, "Brother Ofllcers." Bowdoin Square Theatre (O. E. I»tbrop, manager).—Tue Loihrop Stock Co.. headed bv Charles Miller and Charlotte Hunt, Is seen tills week In the strong drama, "The Tie that Binds." "The Showman's Daugh- ter" pleased large nndleiices last week. "Be- cause She Loved" will be next week's play. On Wednesday afternoon and evening of uext week Jay Huut, stage director, will unve Ills uiiuunl beuetlt. Keith's Theatre (B. V. Keith, manager). —Nina .Morris and company, lu a comedy sketch, "A Friend's Advice,' Is the under- lined feature hi the current holiday lull. The surrounding show Includes : Cher Ida b Simpson, Norton and .Nicholson, Pat Kooney and Marlon Beut, Hickman Brothers, Will lingers, Dave Xowlln, Tom Moore, Sid Bax- ter, Barry and Wolford, Wilbur Amos aud new motion pictures. The Fadettes ure now In their 111*1 li week, and their popular selec- tions are always heartily encored. Ijist week's bill was an excellent one, and liusluess held up well. •Imi.u'k Theatre fChas. II. Waldron, man- aged.—'Hie Palace stock liurlesipiers pre- sent, the comedy burlesque, "My t'ncle," as the chief fun provoker Hits week. Frank Graham heads the company of comedians, singers ami ihincci-s. whlcli includes: (ieorge Scaulun. John J. Black, Keiiuelt and Patter- son. -Milton Schnesler. Maude Flston, .May Bryant ami Lilllmi Held. Austin ft Stone's Museum (Stone it Shaw, malinger*i.—The following curio hall fenl- iire;-. are com limed for the current week: De Koita Co., In their wonderful Illusion, "A Sculptor's Dream." an attractive posing act by six artist's models; F.l Senor Santos, grass enter: Sam Johnson, who drinks a pall of wnler every hour; Bell and Klehnrds, mu- sical marvels; the Snnkerluos, contortionists, and Tilxle, python queen. Ou the stage are: Powell's Minstrel Maids, Violet Dale, Inez Bayard. Bijou Vaiighun. Anua Dixon, Ida Campbell, Hose Bacon, McLnlu Slslers. Tus- cnuoli Sisters, Agnew aud Langmald, Yokes, Grnliani nud Wagner, John Bohau. Hurry Powell, Dick Green, Charley Fnrrell and Frank Marlon. Walker's .Museum (L. II. Walker, mana- ger i.—oils Lambert nod Young Suudow, the physical culture mnrvcls. lead In the curio hall Ibis week. Oher features are: John Bold, tattooed wonder; Conoid's trained monkeys, Clyko, conjurer, aud a pole climb- ing contest. Stage show: Hartford A Davis" Co.. In "The Arrival of Tom Sharkey." Nli.'Ki:i.o(iEo.N (C. K. Cherry, manager).— Curio hall, week of Julv .'I: Emily Hairs living staluary. Prof. Wadaworth, magician; Kid Hnwliind, acrobat: Stanley Morgan, ex- pansionist ; Little Marie, dower queen, and a "Trilby feet" contest. Stage show : Curola linear. Viola lingers, MaJ. English, Chick Collins, Louise Muck, aud ihe burlesque, "A Trip to Paris." 1'aiiacon P.inK (Geo. A. Dodge, manager). —-Itlcciiboiiu's trained horses hold over Ihe present week In the free o|wm air circus ou Ihe lagoon stage. Oilier acts are the 3liTI- uiau Trio, sluck wire walkers, and the Zeno, Jordaa. "Jeuo troupe of acrobats. All ot Ihe concessions are now In running order and being well patronized. NoKl'-iHEc.A Park (Carle Alherte, mana- ger I.—Week ot :j: Fisher and Clarke, To- ledo and Price. Kckert nnd Berg, Otto Bros.. C. W. Llttlelleld and (lie komogrnpli. Busi- ness wns excellent last week nnd the first class hill was much enjoved. Lexiniitox Park (J.'W. Gorman, mana- ger).—In the rustic theatre this week: To- relll's dog und pony circus, the Troubadour Four. Klchy W. Crnlg. Anderson aud Guinea, /urn and Slclson, and the komogrnpli. Ca- pacity liusluess was reported last week. MeuFoiid Boulevard Theatre (J. W. Gor- man, malinger).—Manager (lorninu provides. another good bill this week. The acts: ltos- sow's Midgets, Musical Goolmnus, (he WimhI- wards. Pierce and Malzle, Jimmy Wall and new komogrnpli pictures. Business Is big. Point ok Vines (Jos. J. Bnyuioud. mnn- nger I.—the regular season opeued at I his bench resort Saturday, 1. The new mnn- ugenieiit hns ndded ninuy attractions slnee last seasnu. J. W. Gorman will furnish the iillrnctlon In the rustic theatre, nnd the bill for the week opening Monday afternoon, :t, will be Gonnnn s Alubnmn Ti-onlinduura. Notes.— Malcolm Doiiglns will be In ad- vance of -The Pearl und the Pumpkin," which opens nt the Colonial July 17 Murgaret Daly Yokes will star next xeasuu with West and Yokes, in "A Pair of Pinks," opening nt Lynn. Moss.. Into In August Jay Hunt's drama. "Hearts of Gold." which hnil Its llrsl presentation here recently nt tlie Bowdoln Sqi-urc. will open a six weeks' ca- gagenieiit irt the American Theatre. New- York City. Auk. 21 A professional inatliice of "Audrey"-Is announced for Thurs- day of (his week, at the Castle Squnre Thea- tre.. AfBe Warner, who Joins the Empire Slock Company (hh week, was formcrlv Willi ,or K. II. Sol hern. In "The Proud Prince." A souvenir Isioklet of views of Boston has been Issued by the Keith niiiiingeiiient Howell Hansel will sever his connection with the Custle Squnre Compnnv on Saturday night. H. LaKEulw 'lUEATau (J. J. Flynn. Ulauil ger>.—Tills huusi: opeued Its Summer seawTn lust week, with ''HU2," the conipauy lueliui Ing: Hal Johnson, Hurry Diirnhum HeriJ.r J. Carter. Wlllfam Sellery, George \v {£, Karl Gain. Thomas Mtrrlck, Violet l'lliiln Gssle Chase, Alma Liwreuce. Helen OS Ing, Dorutby Carter, Louise liurauuuu sod, good chorus. The opera wnji well presented ond very clever specialties were intiudnn.a by Violet Hlllson, Helen Darling. ul, r , Burnhaui and the Electric Comedy Four the lutler being deservlug of special uk-Ii'iIud Whitney Bennington Is the cupuble uii^k-ui director. "Two Jolly Companions" Julv ■■ s Canobie Lake Park (X. II. Tractloa c 0 managers) opens for the Summer >ea«,iJ with "Prince Pro Tern," given by the I'uuobi* Luke Opera Co., matinee uud night rtZ theatre baa been remodeled from a vaude vllle house to suit the convenience of any of the big productions, uud the seatlug en path t Increased to three thousand, besides"prl\ate boxes. Hampton Beach Casino (W. II. nii un{ .j. manager) began the Summer season Jum- •'•(•' with vaudeville, to good business. Th- en- tertainers Included: Kckhoff aud Gordon George II. Diamond, assisted by Will o' Smith; the GUmore Sisters, George aud Ha-. rlnetou and Willie Gardner. Notes. —All roads led to the circus grouodi June 28, where the Hlngllng Brothers' Show? spread their canvas, and the Immeuse lent was filled at both performances with delighted patrons. The street parade wns the niost complete ever seen here, while the cutertalu- meut from beglunhig to end was of the best The most noticeable feaiures were: "The Field of the Cloth of Gold," the must maeol- tlcent spectacle ever seen here: Die laSSa 'proline nnd tlie Kauffiiinn troupe of cyclists- the Flying Fishers, the Alpines, De Comas! the Gliuserettls, the Four Glrdellers, the Hio Brothers, the De Venes, the Hobsons, Frank Smith. Albert Crnudall, Hurry De Forrest John Slater and Fred Schadle. The menag- erie was most complete. The circus unnei under the direction of Lew Graham, was i big attraction, and the entertainer* Included- Davis Family, Verda Wren, Frank l.en- tlul. Carmelite Dreycr. Louis Murlean, 3111c. Lorctn, Che Mali, Prof. German, llarln, magician, and the mirror maze. Bro.-e Boweii leader of band and orchestra. The Annex Xo. 2, management Cliff Orr, featured the Jnp-Kussinn wnr In motion picture*, nu.l was liberally patronized II. Marred Buruhmu. with the "141)2" Co.. will play the lead In "Miss Bob White" next season, uuder Ihe lnnnngement of Nixon k Xluiaier- man George T. Callahan Is directing the stage nt Lakcview Theatre, and Is tbly usslsieii by Arthur Devlin, lioth of Hie Lm ; - ell Opera House staff Frank G. Mick, resldeut muuager of the local Casio, besides having the programme nnd advertising priv- ileges of the city houses, Is encoding the same to the parks, and Includes ljiketlew Theatre and Park, Glen Forest Park aud Theatre. Lawrence, 3Iass., and "The Pines," Haverhill, Mnss. Lynn.—At Shenfe's Belay House Thes- tre. Nahant (C. W. Sheafe, manager) busi- ness Is very fair. St. Belmo made a great hit. BUI week of July II: Whalley and Win - lev, the Imperial Musical Duo, MeDade aud Welcome. Mnrle Iji Perez. Kagle of Ihe Light, Patrick Touhev nnd Agnes Maher. Bass Point Thkjitbk, Nahant fFrank P. Cauley, manager).—The season opened 1, with new scenery and everything ii|elo date. The hill 1-8 Includes: Ciiiinlngliuui and Cu- veney, Jessie West, Stlrk and Um Don, F. Allen Congo it and Leuiui Hansuu. Muuager Cnuley has on his staff: Joliu llalpln. stage mnnnger: William C. Hayes. eliTlrlilnu; Chnrles Couth', pruiierty man ; II. W. Vaugbo, assistant: Prof! Wlllluni Williams, pianist. John P. Coogun Is tlie New England bouklug agent for this tbealre. Gorman's Summer Theatre, Salem Wll- lows (Michael Doyle, manageri.—This house Is doing a big business. The current alirac- tlon Is .1. W. Gorman's Opera Co.. presenting -Said Pnshn." Notes. —The Hlngllng Bros.' Circus ap- peared in this city June 2'J, lo als.ul i.i.OOO people, and about 20.000 attended Hie per- formances of (he company In Salem, :'.() Leonora Kobcrtson, of Nahant, last season with "Babes lu Toyluud," ns First Utile Wife, is now enjoying a brief vacation with her parents, and was recently leiidered a lawn fete hv her townspeople, which proved a great success. There wns a large number present, and during Ihe evening Miss Down- son favored the company with a number of vocal selections. Sprlnirflcld At Poll's Theatre (Chas. W. Fonda, resldeut manager) the slock com- pany presented "The Uist Paradise, lo fairly good returns, Inst week. "Baby Is Ihe offering tor July .1-8. Nelson Theatre (Cbas. S. Diamond, man- ager).—The Diamond Stock Co. wus situ in "Tlie Charity Ball." to good advaniage, the pnst week. The company hnnd'ed Ihe roles In a most favorable manner. "Tlie Ironmas- ter" week of II. ._ , ,_ Summer Chat. —Dockstaders Mlnslre.s are lo be at Court Square Theatre early in August A Sunilav concert was given nt Courl Squnre Theiilre July 2. ns a bene- fit for William John Koliler. who has been 111 with pueumunln In a local hospital. Mr. Koliler wns formerly a member of the liie W. E. Sheridan's Company. Tlie past two years he has been giving driiniullr lessons in this city, and his presentation of "Louis XI. siip)H>rlcd by Ills pupils, was one of Ihe pleas- ing ninnleui- perfuruuiui-es of tin* past '-' n ' son The Shetlnnd pony, which was to; mother of "the smallest pony In the w»riu. now Willi Ihe Biirniini & Ihilley Circus, dlcu recent I r nt Greul Burrlngloii. . . .The Spring- Held Lodge of Elks celebrated It* llrsl year in Its new quarters last week. A genera; good time was enjoyed by nil ,, !„ Connor Is soon lo sail for the oilier side, in lie the guest of Kyrle Bellew on a cruise oi the Mediterranean The death of Mrs- »■ I*. Mntloon. July 28. removes one who na< been closelv nlllwl to the ninnleiir perform- anc««i of this clly for the past twenty-"" yenrs, nnd n hard worker for local chanties. ■ Worcester Ar fhe Worcester Theatre (Jan. F. Hock, resident mnnageri U"'..-\ e J York Plnvers will produce "Sag Ilnrlior • o. LnBt week the company played "Are to . « Mason V" to excellent patronage. " flie «ui SQnARE (Shea 4, Burke Co.. managnrs).—Week of :J Malcolm W" lnlu j mid iiinipunv will be Keen In "Hie »'»'* Sheep." Iuist week the company P'"' 1 ".?' "The School for Scandal" lo the siillsfaet >n of large nndleiices. "Young Mrs. M hillin'P J , )-1. r >- . , , ,e.| 111 Stic, I,nke Oiilnslgnmnnd (Snnr.ird ««'■ Hi., innnnger). -Week of ::. J. W. Gorman,s Olyiuplii Comedy Kntrrlniners. I*sl Gorman's Imperials drew large crowds.. week Lowell.—Tlie iinrks have Ik>pii filleil wllh plcnlcers during last week nud the amuse- ments have been doing big business. The Sunday concerts plcnscd big business. Ttic view Park and Canobie lake Park June SB, Concerts were given at both parks Sunday, July 2, nnd nt I.ukevlcw Park the Klectr'c lorinuii s imperials urew ohm.- ...■-.--■ ., White Citv. Lake '•iiliislgnuiond it- »■ Blgelow. innnnger). week of .III y J. ■••™J Hans will be; Tile Three Wonderful »J*!r Kit Knrson. Ariel nnd llnblinrd and MJ» Knowllon. Miss Knowllon has drawni w crowds for Iwo weeks. Excell exhH'U""' of tlreu-nrks nre nlso nromlsed. - lm Notes.— Lillian Slnnotl. with > •■ l ;.; r ™ Wllllnms' company, ns Simplicity. In JfTS Loae," lias Joined the company fur tin- "• mnhider of the season. Irene Tlnimou* 1 a« resigned nnd will return lo her home lr >)■■ cuse for n shorl rest Edmund »■*':• with Hunter .v. Bradford's Players, al in« Worcester, has resigned for his vacation.