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502 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER: July 8, World of Players. TIOnACB V. NOBLE AND WIFE (TCSSA Lor- NOTES MUIM TUB MILES BOU STOCKCO. rain" will resign, July 1, from tho l'oll —We opened at Engledrun's Pavilion Tbc- "tock en, ntWatcrhury, Conn., and rest aire, South Bend, Ind., to a packed bouse, f«.r three or four weeks at the i;enshorc be- Sunday, June -IT,. This Is the first iJtockconi- XHTW I'Rom Mauhh IIili.man Co.—This f or i> commencing rchonrsalM for next season, pany that ever played this house, ana we urmnlxatlon has now bran-on lour (Sum- Kii. II. Lester, who bus been with Sul- did not expect much business at• «««• ,^'J ini-r season) for six weeks, playing to mil- ||%-nn. Harris & Woods for the punt four they have packed the .theatre every t »W .. ..,.„ Tv,r«ntr RTOCK. CO. un- ENGAGEMENTS FOB THE GORDON & ItENNETT der^Vre^on 5 w5?cSSS^fc are ATTa.ACr.oNS..-"The llo.y City;; (East,.: Co.. •very own i»«jt", "7"?" „j » itininmntlr handling Voe, Maude semen, Aima i_. .-uerrm, iiessie .^SSra , ,he^l, 0 «nd 0f mauage e rs of' U^U^SAoStSS^jg^ iiiiuiiiiiimis opinion Is Hint the company la ibe In-sl Miss Ililltimn lias ever carried. Outside of the drnnmllu portion, six spc- !•;. Forrester, to nianuge one of his musical stock compiui uttraclions. _ are sendlm- Ktater Stock Co. Nona.—"Was She company is Season opens at Van Huron. Ind., Aug. 1. The Holy City" .(West) : Henry M. Black- Chief In support of Miss Tolson arc May ■ Sabine. The remainder of Kny Brandon, John , Kred Itella, Brooker I, Eunice KItch, Mabel Iloule. Louis Drexel Is . artist, and Is kept very McComber attends to the ;ed to th Joe gwall third .luliiinn. Win. A. Billon, II. B. 8. Stafford, present at both performances. The nctlon specialty hits with the show. Jennnctle U. Miller, Luuru Houston, Mnrjorle ,,( t |,c piny elicited numerous rou Blllou, Chnrles llaker, Uua 'i'npley, George p|,insu and gave the best of satlsfn Stlllwi'll, Leslie Barney and Stanley Wllkcrs. r „i,, H wcn . Ji we \\ rendered, and the Musical director, .luck Anilnis; businessman- wns Rt i tg i^t. Maxlnc Miles iiger: I'liive Sovmour. Vaudeville contingent: t \ ir . i,eiirls of the audience by her - (ieorgc Staff, di-scrlptlve lutior, In Illustrated i n(? nn( j \ ler charming stage presence. She songs; linker and Houston, protean sketch milnI! a strong lend of a part that seemed duo; Ons Taplcy, eouiedluu mid dniiccr; ut Unt to be a doubtful proposition. The signed win Win. A. Ulllon. comedy entertainer; Cnrlolta rnKt W:IH ng followe: Nan Pattlson, Maxine L0 :j,?P*5' D ?-""";,■:; pp.„ rn »d to America • 20. The comedy, Mr. rnomas writes, Be Leon, singing and dancing comedienne, ,,,.„„. IIlddv Mnlvlblll,. I*ona Stater; Mrs. fltum***"!"" tontora*i_to***to. JuVjnugMng Wtjrom beglnniDg^to end, "rd^ same ^^ .^ ^ F , tgera , d -^ The "Two Co.. > tlWSful proposS^n^he SU^ffi^SSS. ^WW I i ns followe: Nan Pattlson, Maxine Co ;;,?P en .L n ?„ llddy Mnlvlblll. I*ona Stater; Mrs. _w* iawJB Kalberlnc Clinton Glbbs; Mrs. after closing vVhekler CmuiiiBN (Nonuil, Snlille) linve smythc, Marie KUmonda; Woman with Bas- loincd J. V. Arnold's Stock Co., ok a vnnde- k ct ora Gordon ; Geo. LevlnBon, Carlos Ins- r Z.he ne Cllnlon G bbs- Mn after closlnY a two years' engagement with was a laugh '\lnHo Kdrnoiids- Woman with BaS- Walter San/ord's Stock Co., during a tour of nnd drew cr '; JI^J' d ^ ,d .;.,;rn a Vr h «,Vn«. the world. The trip included Chum, Japan. ccmMfbl nller, manager; Arthur (J. Snyder, agent; John n. Wright, Edgar Jones, Jack Emerson, Hex Be Itosselll, Arllng Alclne, Delvln Gos- Rolt, C. P. Kerry, Wm. McNulty, Chns. Bol- linger, Grace Hamilton, Isabelle Winloche, Lillian Alexander, Daisy Beckett and Jack I in vis. Season opens at Marion,. Ind., July SI. "A Slave of the Mill:" Harry Gordon, manager: A. H. Wladlsh, agent: Chas. G. Young, Ed. F. Settle. Frederick Lyle, J. J. Walls, John G. McDowell, Harry Pearson, ('. V. Dibble, Chas. Hunt, Ollle G. Robertson, Oris Ober, Barbara Swager, Alice McDowell, Isadora Bennett and Mrs. J. H. Huntley. Season opens Aug. 0, at Chicago. "A Itoyal Slave" I East) : Jos. G. Chandler, manager; • at first to be" a doubtful "proposition. The J,'*™" wnn Araoiu « aiibu. x»» .„— ~TiSactions Ypened aTjiassabesIc Lake. ^ ^ Mclj p - MU jp it: LW B> UTgon,ftria „'h 1b ^ s mitlon.'pictuSes. \ fSSimteSSSttmm «£>l mS ffisjS_Li^Si«_.^KT^uT'Sr &&2£5Jf»22 WttS *£ l *™£^LX" 'XurrsMai ■fc™ '^ifj s osterbe'rV' h' P Slave K (West*): Co.. C. 'w. Roberts, mana- ""• Tralnor, J. S M a ^i e a rb ^' be f ma V eer; 0. R. Henkle. agent; Frank De Cump, Martell and BarrlnSon *«• Murdock. Mae McDonald, Gladys Irv- rfhhq"Florence &ch- In K- Kaymong J. Binder, Chas. D. Perkins, tfie Green Mlmle Van F«nk firulnf Olive May and Harry Hoyt Ml e Humn'hrlcs Sea50n "P* 118 nt Marlon, Ind., Aug. 14. "A tit" selected for the Ro J al Slave " (No'th) : Teddy Thomas, man- ^'^art 8 ^^ S» a»«®l^s¥©SS 'enters and Sally Montpelier, Ind., Jefferson monument liable to be an ac- ' Montague Is prec- unei Grover Clcvc- and Richard Watson Glider ore vice presidents. Large contribu- tions have been made. Kathebinb Nugent, wbose Imitations of fimminent people won for her quite a prom- aent position on the vaudeville stage, will retire from that field next season. Miss Nugent has signed with Henry W. Ssvage for two years, to assume the role of Flora Klugilon, iniiiiagcr: Len Harrington, advance icprisenliitlve: Rcil Crawley, musical di- rector; Beatrice llnrrliiitton, Niioml Har- rington, Loneila Salisbury, Goldle Beach, Edylho Fruncls, Clare Thornton, Geo. Salls- hurv, Selh I'eel, C. T. Jackson, Walter Dick spcclol pnjM>r. The advance will be in charge henbt B. Hahiiis haB purchased the dra- of D. A. Heilman. This will be our first matlc rl „ htg of Gilbert Parker's "Pierre anil season out. His People," which lie will use for Robert SfKNCEK Walkkb opens his regular season Edr , aon \ a ioo0-07. Mr. Edeson will con- st Inillnnspolls, Ind., Aug. 3, on the Dixon tlnuc In "Strongheart" next season. and Talbot circuit be no need of an operation or of her removal to a hospital. The Shcbebt Bbothkbs bave contracted with Sarah Bernhardt for an American tour of thirty weeks, to begin at the Lyric The- atre, New York, Nov. G. Mme. Bernhardt The Shadow Behind the Throne" will will bring her entire company from the The- inson, l.i-i! tirlnud..Ben llson, Mason t-rcffl,. thkodobb H. Bird writes: "I am closing be produced on Broadway. It Is by Alicia atre Sarah Bernhardt. Paris, appearing in for two rears, to assume the role George La V«l, Kil. Ilo«"'an, C. T. Mlchal, |(h n m K cdm0 nd Stock Co.. June 24, RSwSd Endotofc de Cordova, English her revival of Victor Hugo's "Angelo." and Wiggins. In "The College Widow.' Herbert. Voting. Ernest Held and Claude Vln- for „ n c| , lt week8 . vacatlon . H nve been D i"^. r Wt, '" »" »wn production of "Adrlenne Lc- Viboinia Gooi.win- recently clos. rent. The coinpniiv travels In Mr. Iliirrlng- ..,,__„..„,. wm . th „ above cumnanv for the v J.l.?, n;»,n»i. r^ r r„i„^,i h»r version of mnvronr'• cessful season of forty weeks as rent. The conipnny trnvels In Mr. Harring- ton's elegant I'lillinnn car, "Iteiitrlce." Mvuuu Li;onb will lw loading woman of the new Marlowe Stock Co., Chicago, next ))()rt Cr( , Htnn ci n rke Ki-nson. ' _. HoNNMiiii.l. Ln IVijitb, iluuclller of Mr. nnd Mrs. Kr»il Lc I'ointc (Bucllil Morey). ot the Mci'i-v lirnmnlb: Slork Co., will graduate June 2» "rrnni Public School No. VI, Brook- lyn In the Kill I she will go to Hie Girl's Tilth M I. Miss U- Couilo Is qulle mi niviimpliMliid iniislclnti, nnd luia bei-n In the • .-ire <>f lo-r mint | Louise Dc Llllsl) since lic-r fonrlli year. A'iNKri S'-iriT, wIiukp Inst iippeiirnii'C In Ann-ilia mill ns Keren lee, III "The Sign of iIn- Cross," sev-rnl years ngn, litis bei-n eu- mpHl hv Ben Gris-I for the following roles: lu-iilriii-. In "Much Ado AImiiiI Nnlhlng: l-nrlia. In "Thf Merelmnt of Vcnli«:" Marin, In -IVeirili Night :" Celin. In "As You Like II;" Ailrliiuii. Iiv "The Comedy nl Krrors; lleriiiln, in "Midsummer Night's Itrcnui; Iris, in 'Tho T'-miiest." nnd Sylvia. In "Two Geinleiiieti nt Vi-i'Oiii :" nlso Knowledge, In ••Kvi-rymiin." Til'' Greet season will last lintl< the Rci-ond week of Augnsl. Ciiahi.uk .1. ItiiKH ami Maiikl I-'knton have given up I he singe for I be remainder of tho Summer, itnirwill-ypi-nd the Intermission ut the lliiss Ki-iihm fur lown near Deal Lnke, In tin* linineilhitu vicinity of Asbnry Park. It. I-'. Ci.i.vruN. wlio was li-nillng ninn with "Wli-u Wonii-ii l.«vi-" Co.. last season, bus lii-oii eug-iKCil for next seiison as heavy 111 Bell Hendricks' "I lie I Hi-son" Co. Wii.m It Mai-k 1m wllh the Vnlhinionl Park Stock C-i.. nt Willlains|sirl, Pn., pliiylug lead- ing roiin-dv. "NliTI-S IKIlM MllS. It. FlIAMt MlTCllKI.I.'S AitijaiTIiiNs. H.irry Uleliiirdsnn bus been i.iiKiig»il fur next season as Inislness malin- ger. Tin- II. Kmnk Mitchell All Slur Players, whlili will open Hs season In Noveinlier, Is hiHike-l sollil by Kluw A Krlunger, for the enlli'i- MM, New niynlly plnys will lie pro- du-i-il wllh special scenic effects mid paper for i-iich [day. Wll.l. I-'. liAl.l.AllllKII ANIl F. K. IM BltUNE. Hfli'i" eloslinr n KIHi-essfnl sensiiu with Al. W. .Marlln'-i "llru-le Tmu's liililii" Co.. nre spend- ing Hii-lr vnciitlnii nl Cniiip (liillnglier, neiir Iii'incr. I ml. Tlu-y have suine of Mr. Mar- lins prize liliiuilhotitiilK Willi Ilium. N'crrhK i'iiom ttowi.ANii & Ci.iitoiui. —We b in- piirelinsed rrmu Li-untiid Grover Jr., of Kn'ikeriineker Tlo-.ilre Bulldiiig, Now York, liie iiieloilr.-inin, '"Hie Minister's Daughters." The nllriielinn was sold lit tho conclusion of the pei'l'urii-.iiiRi! :it Hie Alhiiinbra Theatre, rliliiino. We niitlclpnle prwliiclng "The Min- ister's liiiuqhlers" nboiit Doc. 1, along villi inir i-llu-r enterprises. "Dorn Tliorno." "Over Nlngiirii l-'iills" nnd "The Onino Keeper." connected with the above company for the r j/ aba h Bbrnkardt produced her version of couvrenr.' past three years, plnylng leading business." ■ •>Adrlenne Lecouvreur" at the Coron--t The- Winifred M. Baldwin - , of Lenox, has been Mauki. Stanton has been engaged to sup- a { rc i> llr |si, Juno "1". It differs from the enguged as a member of Henry W. Savage's "Moos. Beiiucalrc,'' original, omitting certain characters nnd In- English Grand Opera Co. for next season, troduclng new ones, Including Voltaire. The when she will make her professional debnt. _, e -..,... ........I.....1 "Tuf Uinnnnr Ili*mvn top ThoAvp " I In closed a suc- cessful season of forty weeks as leading woman of tho North Brothers' Stock Co., and Is resting at Columbus, 0. harry L. Beck, who will next season di- rect the tour of Ruth Craven, In Jed Carlton's comedy drama, "Was She to Blame)" writes as follows: "Four years ago we temporarily retired from the stage, wishing to give our daughters, Thelmn und Bonnie, some school under the nianiigeuicnt of Jules Murry. J. C. Koukwkm. Notes. —The J. C. Rock- p | UT was favorably received. "The Shadow Behind the Tiibone," by well "Sunny South" Co., after a successful William Gilbert and Harry Clifton-. Alicia Ramsay and Rudolph De Cordova. tour of Cunndn, will return to tho States actors of n former generation, are Inmates of will be presented early In September In New nliout July 10, dosing the lust of the month, the Actors' Fund Itome, West New Brighton, York, under the direction of Sam E. Allen. The regular Full und Wluter season com- y. i „ n( t ur e both blind. They played 1m- The scenes are laid in China ln the time of advantages they could not get on the road. inrncealn August. Mannger Rockwell Intends |Kl rtniit roles nt Woods' Museum, Booth's the Boxer uprising. I nm pleased to say they have made very Theatre and other one time famous play BtiuiiA Kalicii. who recently appeared rapid progress, and have accomplished all houses In Sew York, and often appeared to- with success in English at the American The- •• ,aad honed for. In going back on the gether lit the same plnvs. Eventually they atre. hns signed to appear under the man- roa d we will hive the girls with us. fhey Hint the "Sunny South" shall lie one of the strongest colored shows on the road next season. There will be new wurdrobc, new uniforms for the baud and orchestra, new drifted apart anil then Gilbert's sight failed agement of Harrison Grey Flske. "Monna will pursue a course of preparatory studv scenic effects mid a number of novel and i,i m and he became an inmate of the Home. Vanna" will be the first play, and she will for ' w <> years, after which It Is our Inten- The company, since the and shortlv after Clifton went there with the appear at the Manhattan Theatre during the l'°n to put them iu a suitable school until special features. opening. Feb. 14, bus covered a large tern- affliction, "nnd they have remained close coming Autumn. In her repertory will be: Jury, and liecn llnanclnlly successful. Mana- friends ever since. It Is uow hoped that they gcrs are asking for return dates all along ID uv regain their sight, by the cutting away the line. of I he cutarncts which have formed. Tho ili.ouiiiE Livinoston (Mrs. Will H. Powers), operation wub performed July \i, at the New after an absence of six years from tho stage, York Eve and Eur Hospital, Second Avenue will make her reappearance next season, In a und Thirteenth Street, by Drs. Bell and Mlt Mngdn," "Phaedrt," "The Tamlug of the Shrew" and "Kreutzer Sonata." Riciiaud MANsriEi.n's llrst production next season will be "Don Carlos," by Fred- erick Von Shiiler, the season beginning Oct. 12. at the Grand Opera House, Chicago. From thence he will go to the Grand Opera House. San Francisco, nnd Los Angeles. Mr. Mansfield will come to New York nfter the lirst of the year, appearing also in "Rich- ard III." "Beau Brummel. "The Mcrchunt ii pi repertory of slunourd plays. tendorf. The doctors say there Is a reuson- Giuri: Gilmohk is In her seventh week able chance of success, with Fred Raymond's "Missouri Girl" Co., Whit Brandon and Ethel Tucker were plnylng the title part, Daisy Grubb. . married on June HI, nt Phoenix. Ariz. Notes ram the Clara Mathbs Co.— ' a. Van Buiibx', formerly a member of the Cluru Muthes und company left the coast on ensile Square Stock Co., Boston, has signed of Venice," "Dr. Jckyll and Mr. Hyde."'"file June IU, and went, without stop, over the with n stock company In Milwaukee. Misanthrope." "A Parisian Romance" and Ruckles nnd the Sclklrks, and nre now play- T. II. Wisshit. piny ngent, has secured "Ivnn the Terrible." lug ii few weekH' engagement In stock, under from Wiliner J. McAllister, attorney nt law, Wixston CiiURCHll.t.'.s "The Crossing" the management of W. Ii. Sherman, who has representing the .Melon Benedict estate, the will be produced next season at a Brondwuv marie goou all promises to us and his patrons, controlling neonry rights to '-Fnblo Romnnl." Theatre, being written by Mr. Churchill anil Al the conclusion of tho engagement here the Mr. Wlnnett has nrrnnged with several well- Louis Evnn Shipnmn. John Blair has been ciiinpnnv will go East In a leisurely manner, ■ stopping at the principal points rn route. With cool nights, no dust, beautiful scenery, their education Is completed. Tbelina and Bonnie will each bave a part In this seuson's play, and will also Introduce tbeir specialties. We shall try to secure a first class cast, aud give a creditable performance of this well known comedy drama, wblch has been a very popular success the past three seasons with Jed and Emma Jean Carlton In the leading roles. Our season will open In August, und we will play In Iowa, Minnesota, the Dakotas and Wisconsin." Notes concerning the plans of G. Fulth Adams, manager of Adams' Comedians.— Mr. Adams is busy at present organizing his attractions for the coming season. lib) new show which he launched last season will be greatly enlarged for the coming tour, and n band and orchestra will be added, also a female band nnd orchestra. A feature will known playwrights to write nnd revise plays, engaged for the loading part, and a strong DC a tlllrt y minute muslcalc every night, be- also competent stage directors to rehearse supporting cast will be chosen. f° le f>e regular performance. Mr. Adnins plays and coach actors In special parts. Charles Fbohjiax will have six theatres w " # mn,!e * nl8 portion of the entertainment Tun Kkik Sisters write that they have In London under his direction at the com- n ' Rn c ' , " >,, ln or n er that lovers of good music it dissolved partnership, but have been re- menccment of the season of 1900-07 Three < '" n ll,l:c advantage of It. The coin- gnged by A. II. Woods for next season. of those arc being constructed now I' Hn 3 : wl " travel In a beautiful palace car ccepted n cow- Julia Marlowe and K 11 Sotiiern nr- ,vl 'l<-'l> Is uow running f ntitied "Mary rlveil in I/imlon July l', t 0 confer 'with K l |lon - carrying prlva Charles Frohman regarding plans and plays t ' or the nr!it lcw Ktur Illlun Russell, The Summer seusou of the Pleasure Bav sto l' ln ,10te ' 8 - a* the r. F. Proctor, Park Theatre was opened Julv 1, with the Sent - u - The tour will not engaged Harrison grey Fiski: hus accepted n com- edy, by ICdltli Kills Bnker, entitled "Mary few mill luces and pleasant surroundings, the Summer bus thus far been a very pleasant one. Miss Ma Hies will enlarge her company ls-1'orc sliirtlng Fust, where the tour this venr will Include sonic of the larger cities, furl her East than tho company hus usually and John." played. • The WHKRKAnnPTH of F. I.. Stanton Is de- sired by his mother, Mrs. Snruh Stanton, tltlK 10. Allison Street. Ncviidn, Mo. Al.. Joiiiikn has just closed a very success- ful senson of twenty-four weeks with the J. L. Tempest Co. He bus signed with the Kit mo cuinpnny for next season. II Attn y Son tuns and wife ure taking a va- ra Hon in Middle-town, N. V. They to with one ot Jus. II. Wulllck's attractions next senson. Notes from the Oscati F. Cook Stock tub hoss-i-entos *arm, on ueai L,aKC, Autumn. Mr. Mitchell's new comedy will Co., Carl \V. Cook, business manager.—This Asbury Turk, N. J., is receiving Its usual deal with phases of social life in New York h0U B s - where he Is having a successful season now company In tho Held bus proven beyond huge patronage this season. The popular at the present time. and Is scoring a big hit with libs singing, n doubt that dramatic productions can be resort caters principally to those who enjoy Recent enuaueaients for the Orphcum „ Notes from the Oscab Y. Cook Stock given under a touted theatre with every But- Its dainty dinners, luncheons, etc., which Stis-k Co.. to open at Urbnnn, O July 3 ' 0 -— 1,,e company opened Us .season under Israel inn to the patrons. Wo carry uu 80ft. can lie partaken of with nn added zest, to Include: Frank Holland, George Goldalne' tHnvaB ln Sandusky, O., and has licen playing the accompaniment of delightful vocal and Bert Lnsk. Palmer Bowman. Geo n» i>»fii«' «" record breaking business. Wo curry a Julia Marlowe and K II Sotiiern nr- wl, lch Is uow running tu the Portland Kj|hi- rlveil in Ixmtlon July j", to confer 'with K " lon - carrying private excursion parties. Charles Frohman regarding plans and plays Vor the nr!it lcw stands the company will IIk-i.en Ross, a niece of Lillian Russell, The Summer seusou of the Pleasure Bav S[0 1' '" ' ,ute 's, us the car Is chartered until has signed a contract with F. F. Proctor, Park Theatre was opened Julv 1, with the Sent - U- The tour will cover the entire West, und will make her professional debut at the Nixon /fc Zimmerman Co., In "The French tne cou, P un y playing from three to six night One Hundred anil Twenty-linh Street Then- Makl." Grace Cameron playing the title role K, a n ds. At the conclusion of the Winter tre July 10. In "The Governor of Kentucky." Gertrude Ei.lis, an English actress last 8cason *' ,c show will be transferred under aIme. Foanzihka Maudalena Uoma.m-k season with "Tlic Girl from Kay's" sailed canvas, playing week stands In the large "ily. Mr. Janaukciiek left a personal estate of $600, July 1 to spend the Summer ln England ''i' 1 " on which goes to her only daughter, Theresa She will probably return in the Autumn and l ' lllc "go. Adams Is now located iu Mebkill W. Romine Muv 17 closed a pleasant engagement as musical director at Zahn, of Darmstadt, Ger. -Mme. Janauschek join the "Veronlnue" company died seven months ago at her Summer home Harrison Grey Fixke has signed a con- at Amltyvllle, L. I. The will has been filed tract with Langdnn Mitchell for an oricinal tlle Dlcmcr Slock Theatre. Springfield, Mo., ln Ihe Nassau County Surrogate's Court. American eomedv to be delivered In the nnt ' oi 1000 '! at Forest Park. Atchison, Knn.. Tub Ross-Kenton Farm, on Deal Lake, Autumn. Mr. Mitchell's new comedy will -'• nB P lHD ' st - and singing the Illustrated Swene'v, i'Uhu Kumsds.ll, Helen Rcid, Besslo tagors. There Is imlle un Influx ot actor k * *»» > - a * . * ■ A ■ » ■ i . a.. , , . i lit- I liA 1 1 iilil.i iwl,, 1 ,*s . . *l *-m * 1 . .-. ,. m. ir EJSsS3h?1sl55J °^' S Kit Tiei'iioy. iiilviiiue ; Mrs. Irving Frencli, Louise He Vmney mill the l.e Clnlr Sisters. VnTi-. lim.M llAin's Stock Co.-—The dos- Ing of I his e„m|,:ui> nt Hurt's New Tlienlre. Plilhidelpliiu. I'll., Siiiiiriluy night. June T. mi. iiiiIimI by Hie reii-pHon extended to .tulle Agniiil. llu- lenillni; Indy. Tlii- llowi-ry tribute to Ml-s Agmill tnw one of tin- must lieuuil- ful -ii-eii In I'liilailelplilii fur yours. She bus i-slnbllshi-il licrself a fnvorlie In I tutt city liy her i-xi-elh-nl work. One iippenrniu-p. won- derful versatility, mill wide r.-inge nf i-lmr- liiiers. Miss AkiiuII will lelurii next si-u- suii lo neeupy the s:iun- pitsHliiu. lb: Wm,i' lloi-i-cii Is la innke his lullliil appear: In "F.lvsla." the lati"*l e.unle •ipera from the (iviis of Reginald De Korea nnd Frederick Itnnken. on Sept. 4, at the Lyric Theatre, New York. Manager Fielding Iiiih been meeting with great success this Summer, slurring Pauline Fielding In repertory, featuring n scenic pro- duct Ion uf "F.ust Lvmie." Miss Fielillug bus lii-eii receiving the highest praise, loth from Hie press ami public. Ill the dun! role of Lnriy lsnMle and Matlnim- Vine, und return ilnti*« luive Is-eii asked for by managers playing this attraction. The following comprises the com- p:iuy: Arthur K. Clnlre, Orson M. Dunn. Chas. Itlnke, T. 11. DowHng. John M. Hnmll- t••ii. Master (ilailsluiie, Mnggle Walker. Irene lllniii-huril mill P.-iiillne Fielding. Manager Fielillug lias llu- liitesl Illustrated mmgs and ni.'vlng plelnres. lleniv Wheeler Is In id- ea nee. ami Wllhirtl ('. lienn Is leader of the ort-heslrii. Hans Ronnir lias been engaged for the title rule la "Checkers" next seusou. featuring Minn Giunell. The company Is stronger than ever, anil, with the best plays It bus ever had. Is breaking nil records." I.OUISE Collier and Robert Lorraine ar- rived In New York from Europe June :J8. Henry H. Haiikis bus secured the rights o( Gilbert Parker's "Pierre nnd ills People," nnd will utlllxe the dramatization for Robert Edeson. James K. Hackett nnd Mary Mannering will be co-slnrs next season for the first time .. ..Jnson .George Lanshiiw', i. ?i°n s f: ' •«""«? r -a Val. ifeorge CriiH- Ileid llol,m,m - <-'• I'- Michel and Ernest ,_V. K "' E**Hfc manager of the Grand Opera e to Nynek. h ,„ llp • handsome Summer ii """■ uiniiiuter or the Grand nnni-n lloiise. Brooklyn. N. Y.. hns gone to Xv,,ek -V ■».. where he has a handsome Sumni n ; Manhattan Beach (W. B. Lawrence, nam agtr).—The vaudeville bill June Hii nud week: Cnrleton aud Terrc, Louie Dscre, Du- fee's animal actors; Lucy and Lucler and Trask and Gladden. Business good. Curtis tA. R. Pel ton. managerl.—The Allen Curtis Musical Comedy Co., In "Whlrlcy-Glrley." cave a good show to good houses June 25-July 1. Novelty (Henrv Lubelski. manager).— Dubnn und Courtnev. Frank Merrill, the Darnells. M'lle Dc Vene. Orones and Duncan. June 1!5, to good business. Edwin F. Clark'' and couiUHiiy, Rose and Simon, Mack und Tate. Annie Williams. Powers and Freed and Miss Burton :t-S. Crystal (Geo. Ira Adams, managerl - June ^O-Julv -J: Mnrkhiim aud Markharo. the Xerxes. Prof, lhsld and d"g. Gar7Ji-Fontella. and M'-Xutt Trln. Itiislness good. Hilton and ilitbbiird, DolTmiiii and Zelgler. Ciirdn- »||15S^S? ^'w^r