The New York Clipper (July 1905)

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504 THfe NEW yofeK Ol^PfrSlft. Julyr NEW YORK OITY. Review 11111I Comment.—Weather con- d'tious were unfavorable, Inst week, tu large attendance at the various amusement places •t tbe seaside resorts, but the roof gardens and theatres In the city drew good crowds. Monday, June 20, at tbe New Am- sterdam Hoof Oakdrn, wan presented "The Whole Dnmrn Katnlly," a musical skit, by John J. McNally. It rook the place of tbe filbert & Sullivan review, aud proved a valuable aid to "Lifting the Lid." At the Windsor Tkeatbe, od Wednesday nlgbt, 20, Edward Waldem'an appeared as Shyloek, In "Tbe Merchant of Venice." On Sat- urday night, July I. the New York Hippo- drome cloned Its doors for the Summer. Since tbe opening of this Immense amuse- ment resort on April 12, capacity business baa been the rule at the night performances, while big attendance ruled nt the matinees, and the closing night was marked by an audience Hint filled the auditorium On the same night the Knickerbocker The- atre closed Its doors for the season forged The continued attractions for tbe week end- ing July 1 were: "Lifting the Lid" at the Aerial Garpfnh, Mam Ilernard, In "The Rollicking Olrl," at the Herald Square: "Fantana" at the Lyric. "When We Are Forty-one" nt Wistaria Grove, "The Heir to tbe Hoorah" at the Hudson, Frank Daniels at the Knickerbocker, diversified, entertainment at the ilir-roDROME, and the stock company at the Metropolis, the three last named closing on Ibat date. At Proctoii'h FIFTH AVENUE, PlIOCTOR'H FIFTY -BI01ITII STREET Ulld ONE HUSIillED AND TWENTV- ritni Street Theatres, stock productions, with vaudeville between acts, continued Variety entertainment was furnished at Tont Pastor's, Ihe Victoria, Paradise Row Har- dens, Kbith's Union Square, Proctor's ll H I H WR Street and Lion Palace Book Uahiiex. Proctor's Klfty-elKlith Street The- atre (J. Austin Fynes. general manager).— "l'niil nevere" Is tbe offering for the present week, and on Monday, July 8. crowded houses applauded .nod cheered the patriotic trcnes mill speeches abounding In tile plere, which lire mo appropriate to the anniversary of the URtlon's birth. James Uurklu, In the title role, was forceful, nuil depicted the manly i.ualltles of the put riot, Puul Revere, to perfection. Agues Scott, ns Prlscllln Newman, portrayed the enthusiastic lnnkee uialdeti In u wuy that kecured for her very many hearty plaudits. Grace Hen Is. ns Mary Walue, was clever, nnd the entire cast seemed to feel the Inspiring Influence of Indepen- dence Dnv, and entered Into their ports with on cnthnslnsni that won iiulck recognition from the audience. The horse ridden by Paul llevere should uot be forgotten. It seemed to partake of the spirit «f Ihe play nnd limes as well us the players. The cusl was: Paul lfevere. James Diirktu ; Andrew Wtilue, Frank Itollestoii : Hubert Newman, Frank Jamescp; tleu'l tinge. W. J. Hutler: Col. Ilnndolpli Harlton. Dodsou L. Mitchell : Mnlor .Morris. Duvlil Thompson: Cniit. I'hiid- deua MuK'artv, trims. Arthur: Lleutennut Welles. Irving' J. Hess: Lletileuout Wood, llnrbld llarlsell: Win. Duwes, lira. Howell; EriiBtu*, Koberl Rogers: Squire Webb. W. J. Butler:, John Itevere. Alicu Seymour; Sent- inel. Frank Hamlin; Mary Walue. Urate llenls; Prlscllln Newmau. Agnes Scott : Lucy Webb, Ilose K 'lapley. The motion pictures were retained. Sunday's coucerts drew tbe usual paying crowds.. Next week, "A Bo- uisnce of Coon Hollow." Victoria Theatre and Raof nnrrten t'Oscar Hamwerstelh, manager). —The; bill here tills week, beginning July .'I. Is oue of tbe etruugeat In point of novelty nud attractive- ness that the management has offered during this season. In Interesting feature of the bill was Capt. Bloom's demonstration of Marconi's wlrelews telegraphy. Cnjil. Uloom lias models of (he apparatus used at opera ting slatlous. its experiments were effected exactly as aud hi.. . If Ihe operating stations were hundreds of miles apart. It wus a novel number for vaudeville, and It pleased aud Interested the audience. Another strong feature of the bill was the American debut of the nmsleul horse, ltossl, presented by Mute, nud M. Lugl. The horse Is very intelligent nnd correctly trained in manipulating several musical Instruments. Ue wns loudly applauded, whlrh lie acknowl- edged with correct stage hows. Macurt's Monkeys made I heir tlrst appearance here In a number of new tricks, displaying the very perfection of animal tralulug, several of the tricks being entirely new. and, altogether, forming the best net Mr. Macart has yet given us. The girl from Coney Island holds over this week. In her vocnllsuis: Krnest Hogan and Ills Memphis Students are lu their liilrd successful week : Mr* and Prr- vost lunde their American reappearance In ■•rtuniptvllntups:" Wlllv Zimmerman re- turned to entertain with his Impersonations; the Five Juggliug Mowutts did startling work Willi the clubs: the Three Joscnrrys did coiuedv acrobatics; Olllc Young nud lirother made their hoops do nliuusf Impos- sible things: the Italian Trio rendered operatic selections delightfully, and Cnrtwcll nnd Harris offered some songs and dnuces which pleased. Lion I'nlnt-e lluof (Wilson & Hoom, lunungers).—A large crowd witnessed n line bill here July :i. enjoying It. Kttn Victoria opened the performance well, being followed by the ICngstroiu Sisters, who eaterlalued lu n lively iiuinticr. t'linulnghnni and Suilih pleased greatly : Irene Lee made a very fa- vorable Impression : Mlnule Herulinrdl was a great success: Goldsmith nnd lloppe occa- sioned plenty of laughter: Crowley, Jusl re- turned from Furope after a long absence, re- ceived mi ovation: the Rice, llros. were very oiever In their net, anil the pictures pleased. Atlantic Garden (W. Kramer's Sons, mnpngers).—Alton and Thclmu. presenting n vocal sketch: the He-Amis, contortloulsls, lu ••The Uidv and Clown:" Moonlt and George l.e Mali'. Vomedliins: I'hns. nnd Ada Knliuu, imvellv dancers. Paul Frederic, Juggler on the wire. Prof. I'us. Meyer, new moving pic- tures, and the Kllte Lady Orchestra are the nltmctloiis for Ibis week. 'IVrmei- Harden (Snessklnd & Hobfeldt. inuiuigcrsl. - This grove like resort, where xood music, well reudered. Is nppreclateil. Is liellig nlghtlv crowded to hear t'outerno's World's Fil'.r' Concert Hand. Francklyn Wal- lace, the tenor, Is making n big lilt, nnd Is accompanied by the hand. Aerial Hardens | Klnw & Krlnnger, mnii- agersl. 'I.lfllng the Lid" began Its llfth week and "The Whole llauini Family" Us second week July :t. The cinematographic production. "The Aulomoblle Chase," which l« a Parisian novelty, made by tleo. Melles. la very clever, and keeps the nudleiice hi con- tinuous good humor. Hudson Theatre (Henry 11. Harris, lunu- iiger).—"The Heir to the llouruh" entered Its thirteenth week .Inly 3. giving n special lnnttnee 4. The one hundredth performance will occur 0. ,„.,.,, Wistaria drove (Weber 4 Lucscber, managers!.--"When We Were Forty-oue" commenced Us third week July 3. Dundee, n comedy Juggler from tbe London Hippo- drome, ninde bur appealnuce 20. Proctor'a Fifth Avanae Theatre (J. Austin Fynea, general manager).—note Cogb- lan la tbe star this week, and with the as- sistance of the Proctor Stock Company, she U appearing In a revival of "Furget-Me-Not. The powerful Interest of this play wfts con- veyed potently across the footlights on the opening day, July 3, as was shown by the absorbed attention given It and the applause bestowed upon Its Interpreters. Miss t.ogli- lan gave a llnlshed piece of work ns Stephunle, nnd J. H. tlllmour played Horace Welby clev- erly. Frances Starr also did particularly fine work. The stage settings were In perfect laste, ns Is always the rase at tbe revivals here. The cast: Stephanie, Itoae Cogblon; Horace Welby. J. H. Gllmonr; Alice Verney. Frances Starr; Mrs. Foley. Helen Tracy: Prince, David Klmer: Uarrato, Oeoffrey Stein : Porter. Wm. Collier: Servant, Byron Ongley. The motion plctnrea continue. Proctor'n Twenty-third Street The- atre (J. Austin Fynea. genernl manager).— Robert T. Haines and company. In a new one act drama, by Genevieve Ilnlnes, head the bill this week. Tbe playlet Is called "The Ingrste." and Its story tells of how Ned Hlgglns, a country bred youth, whose taste of the life In n great city has proven too much for lilin, robs his best friend, Chas. dale, a man who bus befriended him repeat- edly. Ned secures possession of certain checks In Truesdale's desk, which he has " but he Is caught by Truesdnle. who Is firm In his determination to give blm up to the law. Ned. In a panic of fear at the prospect of facing a Jury, attempts to commit suicide, but Is stopped by Truesdnle, who locks the voung fellow In his ImtU room while he prepares to receive some friends for dinner. Meantime Ned's father and sis- ter, .lean, have'come to the city to visit blm. In response to his request for more money, nnd they are shown Into Trues- dale's rooms In mistake. Truesdnle Is moved to pity Ned and decides to be lenient with lilin n'fler see-ug and conversing with these simple country people, but a shot is heard In the bathroom, and Truesdale discovers that Ned has severely wounded hlniBelf. The true story of the affair Is kept from tbe father, but the sister's Intuition leads her to arrive at the real facts of tbe case, and she ndmlres Trousdale greatly for his conduct, an admira- tion that Is shown to be mutual. As the rurtntn falls Ned Is pronounced out of dan- f'cr, aud bis future seems bright. The story s well told, nnd the work held close Inter- est Mr. Haines gave a most, praiseworthy Interpretation of his role, and Walter Lewis did some brilliant work an Ned. He showed clearly the Intense mental strain under which anion, guilty of n crime, yet not hardened to it, nnd caught red handed, would nnturallv labor. John Itlckctt plaved Ihe fnfher cleverly, nnd Ulnnche Croxler wns sweet and lugcnuoiis ns the daughter. Others on the bill were: Knnua Cams, whose singing was os effective ns of yore ■ Williams and Walker fllee Club, ii flue collection of mnle voices, whose se- lections were all excellent: Mnxettl Troupe, acrobats, whose work proved capital • Hlckev nnd Nelson, In their effective act; Stnulev nuil Ilrockmnn, n clever team: Hose NuviKiii, assisted by Clyde Phillips. In her beautiful bird act: Heillnl nnd Arthur, la their pleasing offering, nnd Lllllnn Mills nud Hilda Morris, the minstrel girls, who scored heavily. The Marian pictures con- tinue. Pastor's Theatre (Tony Pastor, maun- KPr ),— a cnpucltv audience witnessed the performance, matinee of July X lu spite of the heat. 'Hie bill was headed by Kctio, Wulslt and Melrose. In their exceedingly clever and fiiiinv acrobatic work, concluding with "The Revolving Arch." which is very In- teresting. As nil extru attraction, the l.m- plre Comedv Four uppenred. Tills quartette Is a fuvorlte one here, nud they pleased us heretofore. Searl ulld Violet Alien reap peiired lu "The Sign Painter," nuil created lots ol laughter by Ibelr easy, natural comedy. Llxxle Kvans and eouipnuv inucle their "llrst appearance In Charles llorwllz's new comedy, "The old T.ove." winning n decided success. The sketch Is neat and has pleat v of comedy, nud should prove successful. Charles and Fannie Van enter- tained with their purcsJIes and conversa- tion. Harry Thomson. "The Man With the Hoods." delivered them In good style; Charles Wlinlen nnd Carrie West pleased, In their eccentric comedy, singing- and duuclng : Ceo. Harris null ltellc I* Loss amused with I In- skit, "You're Not My Uncle:" Hilly Carey and Lester Lisle. In "Willie Wise, Ihe Boy Delectlve," scored well: llnthawuy's In- dian tableaux were a success, uud consider- able of « novelty ; lirace Chllders and her dog. "l>oi." ninde a very favorable Impres- sion : Klliy Bmmet nud LI Hie McNeill did some good ehnrncter singing nnd dancing, nnd the vltngrnph closed the bill with some excellent pictures. Kellh'H Theatre (R F. Alboe, general manager).—A large audience attended aial- Ineo or July :!. and was rewarded by n line bill. Heading It were Olive May nnd John W. Alhnngli Jr., In "Lndy Hetty s Highway- man." n charming little play, In which Miss Mav Is most fnscluatlug. Wnlter Hodges anil company appeared, for the llrst time here, lu "The Heart of Bruhnin." by Frauk Ibipree. The skelch has a good deal of novelty In It, uud undoubtedly will prove —Adelaide Kelra and be» comftany piesented Kast Lynne," to a good sited aud ence, 3, and met with a most cordi al reception. «roolsl> ii.—Summer resorts furnish the only entertainment In this borough at pres- ent, the regular houses being closed. Lu "a Pabk.— Frederic Thompson, of ITiomp- son 4 Dundy, returns from burope this week He Is bringing with him many new nets for the free circus at Luna Park, which Is grad- ually being enlarged. Mr. Thompson, in tbe six weeks V has been on Ihe other side, has been la search of new material for Luna Park, both In showB and nets. The only Im- portation he has annouueed Is a big nnlmat act, to counterbalance Seetb's beirs The new acts In tbe free circus are: Ward and Ward. Nellie Bldgway, l.e Roy and Le Vanlnn, Reed and Kbsw, and the Great Cal- cedo makes Ills Inst appeurnnee. Dreamland. —Great prepnrntions are un- der way for the celebration of tbe «nnlver- sa ry ot the Fall of the Bastlle ou brldaj. July 14. Tbe Jjtfayette Guards, a French military orgauloUlon of New York, are inak. Ing the arrangements, and Col. A. Gross and his staff are at the head of the organization Pedro, the human spider, will remain at Dreamland the rest of the seaeon as one of the principal outdoor attractions. The leap- frog railroad Is now In operation. BnioiiTON Beach.— The Boer War is dally playing to crowds. Tbcre will be eight per- formances of the big spectacle on July 4. beginning nt H o'clock, and continuing at Intervals until W p. >'• On Wednesday Boers nnd Britons will Join In a monRter celebration of 'he anniversary of the wed- dlnp of tlen. Plet Croiijc with the Widow Pterlzel. who was wife of the Boer hero s former comrade nnd bofcnm friend. Dally usccnslons of the airship California Arrow, exhibitions of life saving from the beach, the addition of a theatre on Brighton Pike, and Thompson's scenic railway are among the new additions. BniniiTox JJR ilh Mckic Hali..— Bill week of July 3: Arthur Byron. Tress Eldrldge, Ward and Currnn, Powell's Marionettes, M'lle. Chester's dogs, Johnson and V\ellR, Albert Kartell!, Louise Gunning and the klnetogrnph. ___. An IMPHK881VE scene In Pains "Port Ar- thur," which has made a hit In the fire- works lnclosiire at Manhattan Reach, Is the "Blessing of the Colors" before the Russian troops march out to fight. Manhattan Beach Theatre (Tercy G. Williams, manager).—Bill for week of July 3: Henrv E. Dlxey and company. In "David Qarrlck on the Art of Acting:" Adelaide Herrmann and compnnv. McMahon's Water- melon Girls. O'Brien aud Havel. Three Na- varros, Transatlantic Four. Sidney tlraut, Median's Dogs. Zlmnier. and the vltagraph. Henderson's Music Hall. Couey Island (K. B. Henderson a Co.. managers).—Bill week nf Julv 3: Cray and GraJinni. Henly Sisters, Lutz' Bros., Wlnnlfred Stewarl. Jack Then Trio, Lnurn Cotnstock nnd Orpheum Trio, Hud Snyder, Nnt Clifford, Sisters De Fave. Marcus and Gartella. Union Gatllag t'.uat-ds. Archer's Filipino Girls. Swan nnd Bnuibard. nnd Meeker-Baker Trio. Minstrels still honses. remain and are pleasing good I'alerxou.—At the Orpheum Theatre (A. Francis \*m. nmnager) Ae bll to'***. 0 ' July 3 Includes: Bates Musical Trio, Cbas. •Jraiiille and Uertrude De Milt Hodges and Launchmere. Jack HimondB, the Three Le Roys, Joseph Sohmers and Illustrated songs. Business continues to be good. ... . Fairyland Music Hall <M el '"« * Schiilthelser, managers.—Business last week was fair. Bill for week of July 3: Frve Nosses, Marlon and Pearl, Soraker Bros ; Harry Burgoyne. Wlncherman s bears, Ora Cecil's leopards and tbe Five Glllmorea. Note.— Edwin DIMy has been appointed assistant general manager at Fairyland Park. ■ Camden At Woodlynne Park (H. _ D. Le Cato, manager) nothing but success has crowned Manager Le Cam's efforts since bis Installation. 11. Bart McHugb looks after the bookings. S. It. 0. was tbe order during tbe entire past week. Manager Le Cato Is now making arrangements for enlarging the auditorium. This week's bookings Include: Lawrence Crane, W. II. Harvey nnd company, Henzetta and La Bue, Madge Anderson. Tony Baker, P. H. Smith and Davis and Wlble. N 0TE . —The Musical Bachellors, who showed here lost week, scored With their new net, which Includes the Two Sboats, who assist wonderfully In making the act a success. ■ ' Trenton At Spring Lake Park (man- agement Trenton Street Hallway) the bill for July 3 and week Includes: James Barton, tbe Shellv Trio, Koppe, Al. Edwards and Roger and Belle Dolan. •» '» CALIFORNIA. - Drown, "Across a Shop SEW VOItK CITY JOTTIJiOB. Josei'K M. Weheb will return home, July 7, from Europe, aud Charles T. K. Miller. who will be iniinager of the Weber Music Hall, Is busy with preparations for tbe com- lug season. Mr. Weber has been with Edgar Smith aud Maurice Levi looking over tbe next production for tbe music hull, which will open, next season, three weeks earlier than usual. Marie Dressier will be with the com- pany, and the cast will contain some new people. Rehearsals of the tlrst burlesque, a travesty on 'Leah Klescbua." will begin In July, und the main production will Ue pre- pared ut tbe same time. William T. Francis, geuernl musical di- rector for Charles Frohmau, arrived from London June J7. Mr. Francis bus been re- hearsing Fdua May and company, In "Tbe Catch of tbe Season," In London, and brought back the score. The piece will be presented nt Daly's early III September. Kuwaru Waluman.n presented at the Wind- sor Theatre, evening of Wednesday, June 'J8, "The Merchant of Veulce," and made a pleas- lug Impression ns Sbylock. He bad the sup- port of Auua Marie Schaeffer, as Portia: Helen Chouteau, as Jessica ; Jaaies A. Young, ns Unssaulo, and Churles James, as Antonio. Keith's Theatre was slightly damaged bv smoke and water June 3d, us the result of a lire which started In the basement under the rear of a store next door. The Are start- ed at I3JM i'. H.i and there, was no matluee given, but the bouse was open nt nlgbt. Henry linker, the gallery doorkeeper, in look- ing for the tire, which he. supposed was In the theatre basement, lost his life, tbe smoke and fumes coming through from next door In volumes. He wns about llfly yenrs old lived In llolsikeu, N. .1.. and leaves a faaiilv, which Mr. Keith will pension. He was a' faithful nnd energetic employe, having been on the theatre force for six years. Los Angeles.—At tbe Mason Opera House (H. C. Wyatt, manager) tbe presenta- tion of "Hanson's Folly," June 19 and week, practically closed the season at this bouse. Morosco's Berbank (Oliver Morosco, manager).—By special request, "Miipah" was repeated by the Burbank Stock Co. June 20 and week. Tbe caBt Is much stronger tban when the play was presented several weeks ogo. 'Underlined: "Tbe Bed, White and Blue." Belasco (John II. Blackwood, manager). —White Whittlesey, with the Belasco Stock Co.. presented "Soldiers of Fortune" 20 and week, followed by "The Lady of Lyons" July 3-8. Hranp Opera House (Clarence manager).—The Ulrlcb Stock Co., in the Pacific," l'G and week. "Only Olrl" 3-8. ' Oui'HKi:.\r (Martin Beck, general mana- ger).—Features June !U and week: Ford and tiehrue and Ten Daisy Girls. Wm. Gould, as- sisted by Vnleska Suratt; Smith and Cook. "Two Millionaires:" Fred Hard, Shields sad Paul. Marvelous Merrills, La Jolle Tltcomb, Kmplro City Quartette and Orpheum motion pictures. Unique Theatre (Hentz & Zallee, pro- prietors). — Features 21! nnd week: Lam- bert, "Tbe Apbro Girl;" Burtlett and Col- lins. Virdon nnd Dunlap, in "Tbe .N'ewsglrl;" Llllputlau Trio, the Three Gordons, anil IJnlqueoxrope. Buoadwav (A. J. Morganstern, manager). —Feat urea 2« and week: Karl Dally and company, lu sketch; Figaro. Willis Sisters, singers and sketch performers: Richards, Il- lustrated song: Alexander, whistler, Hawk nnd Howard. Broadway Stock Co., In sketch, aad motion pictures. Casino Theatre (A. J. Morganstern, man- ager).—Features 2C and week: Grand Min- strels. Lillian .Melbourne, tbc Sldonlas. pre- senting "The Tramp and the Golf Girl:" Mr. nud Mrs. Hugh J. Emmet, Kale Coyle, the Cox Family. Romulus, strong man; Ray- mond Tenl. Welch, Frances and company, in sketch, and motion pictures. CiNKouiiAi'it (J. A. Browne, manager).— Features 20 and week: Claude Kelly, singing comedian ; Serena Wolfe, Willis Bbllantyne, Hessie Chaddoek, Demlng nnd Kellev, Claude Kelly nnd stock company, in "A Sure Cure," and motion pictures. Fikiier'h (A. K. Fisher, monnger).—Feat- ures 20 nnd week: Helena Puvnnla, Dale and Fonda, in "The Irish Emigrants;" H. Boyd. Fischer's Stock Co., In "The Derby Winner," and motion pictures. Empire (Billy Banks, manager).—Feat- ures 20 and week: The Klngsburys. Beahum, Mascotte and Beabam. In "The Twin Broth- ers;" Laura Banks, Bending Honda, Stanley uud Aileen. Franks, Mayhelfe and Flemeo, In "A Good Job," nnd moving pictures. Note. —Theatrical Mechanical Association of Los Angeles gives Its first benefit at Be- lusco's, on Friday afternoon, June 30. All the theatres of tbe town were represented. 4 I » NEW JERSEY. pleasing when the rough edges are worn off. Sir. Hodges gave a very plenslug uud con- scientious performance, and will Improve greatly when he gets over his nervousness. Margaret Nelson was most chnrnilng nnd Ingenuous, nud made a uiost delightful pic- ture. Tbe Four lluutlligs, 111 "A Night lu u Fool House," were ies|sinslble for roars of laughter. The Juggilng Mac Bans were rewurded with prolonged applause for Ibelr Hue club work. Nate Leipzig caused plcnly of wonderment with his sleight of band work : Theresa Horgevnl made n decided hit with her pleasing singing: Alexander Mirret and Adnlph Glose, violin nud piano rirfuoso presented oue of Ihe most pleasing nets on ihe bill, Mr. Mlrrct's work ou the violin being especially good: Burton's dogs caused plentr of fuu nud applause, being splen- didly'trained : Klmer Tonley entertulned with ■i monologue: McPhee and 11111 did u clever casting net which won applause: Ferguson uud Wntson had a very runny Hue of talk which won miinv laugh". Others who great- ly pleased were: Lorraine nud tliuidy. Joe thioiliuim. Ihe Mnxsmlth Duo, nnd Willie and F.dlth Hurt. The blogrnpb showed Hue pic- tures. Herald Squnre Theatre (Charles Froli- num. manager).—Snm Ilernard. In "The Rol- licking Olrl." hegnn his tenth week of suc- cess Jiilv 3. with mi extru matinee announced for 4. Ilntlle Williams was III nnd out of tbe cast algbl of June .'10. suffering from n slight ultnek of ptomaine poisoning, lint returned at Hie iiiatluee July I. Thelma Fair played Miss Williams' role. l.yrle Theatre (Sum S. & 1 Shubert, niiiuagersl.--"Funliina" begau lis twenty- llfth week July :!. with a holiday matinee announced for 4. Souvenirs will he given on the two hundredth performance B. Harlem.—Al Proclnr's One Hundred and Tweatv-tirth Street Theatre (.1. Austin Fynes. genernl malinger) Ramsey Morris' drama, "The Tigress." Is the offering for this week. Boat rice Morgan. In a dual role, carried off Hie houors July 3. and wus ably assisted bv James K. Wilson, Wallace Krs- kltie. Mnrv Rvans. Sol Aiken. Charles Alley. Mathllde Be aton und Orayce Soott. The play wan presented with most of the original scenerv and stage settings, aud the audience showed their appreciation by continued ap- plause. The house was comfortably filled at Isjlh performances 3. The vaudeville offers Ihe A (bora Trio nnd motion pictures. Mt-utoiMLiu (Henry Rosenberg, manager). Newark.—At Proctor's Theatre (J. Aus- tin Fvnes, general muunger) special efforts this week have resulted lu a fitting Fourtb of July bill, which briugs Ed. Blondell. lu "The katr.enjnmiuer Kids:" Mr. nod Mrs. Mark Murpbv. Kleauor Pulk and the Quaker Cltv Quartette, Harding and Ah Sid, James Il.'Culleii and Mile. Olive. A remarkably good bill drew well tilled houses last week. Kmktric Park (C. A. Dunlap. general malinger).—The popularity of tbe various entertainments offered here continue to In- crease. In the theutre this wck: Baby Klein, Mantel! nnd l'owner, Musical Huebn, Milt and Maud Wood, tbe Trlllers, Stewart and Desmond nnd Mabel Broske. Cantor nnd Hartlelt are featured on tbe open air stage. Winifred Stewart's big success lost week In- sured a return engagement. « Atlantic City—At the Savoy Theatre (Fred M. Moore, manager 1 "The Serlo-Cotnlc tioverness" closed two good weeks July 1. "Simple Simon Simple" week of X Younu's Pikr Theatre (W. E. Shackel- ford, malinger).—Hood business prevails. The Wells-Duune-Harlan Musical Comedy Co. opens here S. presenting the llrst week, "The Knickerbocker Girl," to be followed by "The Little Host." STEKrLueiusE Pier (Giles W. Clement, manager).—Excellent business. Vaudeville Is the feature. Doyle's Theatre (Frank Goldle. mnna- jjpc). —i'lie same good patronage continues. Hooked for week of !l: Tlte Four Famous llottoiuley Brothers. Mio Zoeller Trio. Mr. nuil Mrs. Nello, MeDevitt and Kelly, Nellie Sylvester. Hilly Hart nnd Kmnin Weston, James Hlnck and Bertlna l^slle, the I)c Venn Twin Sisters. Bully Dawsun and Mae Booth, Ford nud Dot West. Pat Conrov and James Mack, James Van Leer nnd Mouala Duke, Jrunnelte Coleman and four pony ballet. Phillips and Merrltt. Jennings and Renfrew. Ruby llnrt. linker und Shields, Minnie Dreher. John M. Phillips aad Doc Watson and James Crockett. (lUYERNATOR'B TheaTrb (Sidney Feru, malinger.—Business contluues ns big as usual. Announced for week of .1: Lntell Brothers, M. C. Berg, (lllduy and Fox, Nat Gill, Kenuedv and Kennedy, Francis J. Boyle. FrinklTti aad Hlatt, Bernard Sisters, Weaver nnd Jones. Bragg nnd Ashton, Elliott Broth- ers, Marsh, Devaro and wife, Marie Olrird. Oregorv and Wood, James and Davis, the Mnrquands. Louisa Lustier, Mlltershlp Sis- ters. Varro. Went worth nnd Varro. Slddon Brothers. Arlington and Helston. Uarihck Theatre. — Tommy Donnelly's Oakland—At the Macdonongb (Hall & Barton, managers) John Drew, in 'The Duke of KHllerankle." drew packed houses nt ad- vanced prlres June 20, 21. The house closed Its seusou after this engagement. Liuerty (II. W. Bishop, manager).—Jas. Nelll nnd ISdlth Chapman, supported by tbe regular stock company, drew large houses week ending June 25. "Secret Service" was the bill by tbe regular stock company 20- July 2. "Barbara Frletchle" follows. Bell (Ed. Homnn. mnurger).—Attractions July :i nnd week: The Fredericks, presenting "'Ihe Cowboy and the Lndy:" W. C. Wilson, Illustrated singer: Veronee and Houston. Fisher nud Johnson, blcvcle experts: the Imperial Comedy Four, In "The Woman Hater," aad the vltascope. Business Is to S. IL O. Nothltt (Tony Lubelskl, manager).— l-entures .1 and week: Melroy Trio, come- dians and dancers: Leonn Blacklock, la pictured melodies; Kosure and Chaplain, In comedy sketch: Gns Leonard, magician; the I.elsenrlngs, acrobats, and latest motion pic- tures. Business Is excellent. Empire (E. M. Carlson, manager).—Bill 3 and week: Huntress, Cavle Clayton, Illus- trated singer: Bruce and Cooper, German comedians: the Great Falta, hypnotist, nnd the blogrnph. Business Is large. Iiewkv (Wm. A. Weston, manager).—Bill 3 and week: The (Jreat Rosco. mind reader • Hscn Ives, In Illustrated songs; Jas. T. Kelly nnd Richmond Cummlngs. supported by tbe Dewey Comedy Co.. In "Two Old Sports,'' and the cinematograph. Business has been large. Note.— Ouy C. Smith, resident business manager, and Van E. Brltton, press agent, of the Mnrdunougb, left June 22, for New York City, where they will meet f'has. Hall manager of the Macdonongb. who has been In New York for some time. a ■ » GEORGIA. Ilorlalre Tramps" proved a good drawl.. card and pleased large crowds nlghtlv -r? 1 entire company took part In this piA-', ;„! gave good accounts of themselves. Th f «. comers week of June 20 Included- Lint.. liewls, Marie Sawtelle and Anun HarrS. all of whom made tine Impressions. The tn of the show, however, was the act of wJ. A. Reynolds and John S. West. Thev irl clever performers, and tbe patrons biitii appreciate their work. The other numUr, of tbe company include: Frook liaidi,, Pearl Nelson. May Allen Maybln, Bertha y? Morris and Ruby Conway, who, by the vnt la a bit with her specialty. Maud De'tv u playing a return engagement. Harry Au«it la musical director and Harry Smyib? bin aies the "props." Alex. McQuide Is stm <££ liected with this bouse, and nils bis usasi po<-». Thunderbolt Casino.— This resort u r-.. r.. «rery night, and Maurice Boone Vaudevilllsts furnish the amusements Tb. company for week of 20 Included: Mirle Brncsman. a clever prima donna, who mid« the hlc of the show: Mr. and Mrs. Qecrn Lockwood contributed to the production vrlrh tbelr specialty; Oeorge Kane did a novnti act, and the Three Musical Bennetts ton- eluded the performance. Uaudetilleattdminstrri Hide k Behmas Motes. —Archie II Elll< raawiiger of Hyde a Bebman's Chicago The-' atre, with his wife and baby, are pasaing tb; Summer at St. James, L. 1. Wm. R But- gess ("Chop"), advertising agent of Hrde k Bebman's Brooklyn Theatre, Is at at John's Hospital, Brooklyn, where be Is tt- covering from a serious surgical operation performed some weeks ago. Fred D. HIU, of tbe Hyde & Bebman forces. Is conuaM to his home In this city, from au affection of the throot, and tbe doctors are meditating an operation. Eddie Bebman, treasurer of Hyde & Behman's Theatre In Brooklyn, ana Assistant Treasurer Miller are dealtcg oat pasteboards at the main entrance to the Sheepshead Bay race track. Dick Bros-er, main door tender at Hyde & Bebman's Brook. jyn Theatre, is cashier at the l'abst Loop, Coney Island. Moe Brown, special officer it Hyde & Behman's Theatre In Brooklyn, his a concession at Coney Island, the Lenox Vaudeville Club (J. j. Flynn, manager) played Riverside Park. Ban- gor, Me., lost week. Tbe company Includst: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lucler, Alfred and Matel Wilson, tbe Floyds, Waldo Whipple, and Roblu, tbe comedy juggler. The managesen: writes that every act is a "bit," and tbe; att drawing very large attendance all along the line. They are at Westwood Park. DednaD, Mass.. this week. Tni: Three Jacksons write that they are booked up solid until Nor. 5, playing tn- Hopklns circuit of parks, Memphis, Louis- ville, St. Louis, Kansas City and Fort Sheri- dan, then opening on the Castle circuit. They are this week at Olympla Park, Chit- tanooga, with Nashville to follow. They have added two new features to the act, which U proving a big success everywhere. Notes vrou Boom's European Vaude- ville Co., Snm Bennett, manager.—The company consists of the following acts: The Musical Bennetts, Mr. and Mrs. George Lockwood, (ieorge Kane and Marie Bract- mnn. We are touring the South and meeting with much success. J. J. FnaNK has purchased Mr. Tailor's interest in Taylor 4 Frank's Vaudeville 8ttr Co., and be will take the show out under canvas, ns tbe Empire Comedy Co. Mu. and Mrs. J. Y. Lewis nre meeting with success on the. Southern circuit ol parks with their novelty act, "Seth Spin- ner's Troubles." They will take out their own compnny next Fall, the J. V. Lewis Comedy und High Class Vaudeville Co., star- ring Win. II. Jackson and Oracle Spares. Frank Kino, the dialect comedian, opens at the Casino. Sea Cliff, I.. I., July 1, fur au unlimited engagement. Joe LtiViTT, comedy Juggler, opened at Sea Breeze Park Theatre, Rochester. N. Y.. w«t of June 19. and was re-engaged for the fol- lowing week. The C J. (1 or >i ax Amusement Co. Is one of the largest of the dealers la fair at- tractions, and reports things very successful at the fairs this, season. They hava signed a uumber of big acts. Malsie Lewis Is spending tbe bummer in Springfield, Mass., with friends, and will re- turn to Bob Manchester's company the com- ing season. Garden and Somers, xylophonlsls, hive lust closed a successful season with the JoW Grass Widow Co. They have signed with «- E. Nar.kevllle's Haverly's Minstrels for next Geo.' and Libbib Dcpbk write: "Oor art It Is an origins' la a pronounced success. Irten. and Is meeting with nattering. recep_ ttons and press notices. The managers are highly pleased, aiid offer ns return time, tor next season we have a new act lu preps" Hon, which we feel will be a hummer. w« are booked Bolld." , ... n ,j. ARTitun Kellet, property man of 'n« »'«" nollers. Is on bis farm at Lake l\«ramuci He lias Blgned with the Boilers for the coo Ing season. _ ... ,,.„,. N'otes from Smith & Blancbard s Come dlans.—We have ten people and openeo « Burzard's Bay, Mass., four weeksi ago, aaa art pmyiug Cape Cod (week stands) "f .; Summer. We nre carrying n plct"f e ,i D !' ll i, and Illustrated song outttt, and business na been very good, although we^bave bad nw rain than we cared for. The roster. Joni Phillips, Leo Murray. Wm. J. Smith BW Devlue, Amelln Blancbard, Grace Pryor, t. Wood. Frelda Wuckerllng, and Smith «» Blancbard. .. ,,„, ,■,.] CORBETT AND FORRESTER write OK W .V, did not play Jacobs' Theatre, Peotia, i. where they were billed through error, w are back in tbe middle Stales, after « »« (successful Winter on the coast, and vie »l*" July 2 at the Lagoon. Ludlow, hy. . Violet Mascotte Is enjoying n well «'» rest and recuperation nt her country nou^. the Bungalow, Randolph, Mass. ,; r iswold F. F. Proctor has addedI the Jf""™ Opera House, Troy, N. Y., to b's circuit, us' lug leased It for u long term of ye»"; n |M IlAimr Cleveland, well known on u« vaudeville stage In the West, Informs, ubi he will come East to assume nisnager duties. „„„ iMntlig KENNEDY AND WlLKENS, **J*5f Meteors," have scored a hit with <ueir 1OT . elty dancing act at Guyernators^^la™ Atlantic City, and remain there four aw> weeks. rruli Ca'lao. Sam J. Klein, manager of E' ■'^,,, North Beach. I* L. was morrlcd ou ""j |; June 27, nt the Little Church Atlanta—At the Cnalno (Jnke Wells, mnn- ageri. Ponce De Leon Park. Billy (Single) Clifford, June 20 and week. In "A High Born I^uly." Business wns good. Wulter F.d- wurds presents "The Strange Adveutures of Miss Brown" 3-S. Htaii Theatre (J. B. Thompson, mnno- ger).—W. II, Trueheart produced "Monte Crlsto Jr.," and a clever olio attracted liberal patrounge week of 20. The hill Included: Trueheart. Dillon and Burke, the Mllburu- Sulltvnu Trio. Lillian Mar. Leslie Sisters, Holt and Wilson, Beatrice Clay. Effle Hardin. Kittle Andrews. Arthur Browning. Kohler nud Kohler. 11. P. Moorehead and Ester- bruoke and cohipauy. New faces July 3-8: Mr. nnd Mrs. J. y. Lewis. Miller Bros, and Mlnule Du Pree. I Savannah.—At Olldea's New Albambra Music Hall business has bceu quite good, under the personal management of George Gardner, who directs tho stage. "Tbe Ml 1 - Comer. New York, by the Uev. Dr. **£*&» to Henrietta Weat Baumgnrten a noapr slonnl. Anna Badeck was brldesmaiu, Jack Callahan best man. . Forope Marshall, the Mystic, m"\v3 this week, to 1111 engagements on tne "' Press Eldridoe will sail tor Europe >J 11. and after a few weeks In *££&* « take a trip ou the continent. fSSaSm few weeks In Paris. He will relurn » early In September to begin his season- Eldrldge will nccompony him. _,.„.-, tbe D. E. and J. F. Morre will manage ^ New London, Conn.. Opera House » w coming season. They are hooking V""" and other attractions. , . jmae: Tin: White Rats* annual shore RJ , and outing will take place July u. » l Beach Inn. Ry*. N. Y. „„,.„ of tW Dan McOann, tbe flrBt basctnan «■ ,, New York National League Club, w«_ 0 . ated Into Ihe New York Lodge, a- Elks, Na 1, Sunday evening, July -