The New York Clipper (July 1905)

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52G THE NEW' YORK CLIPPER. July 15. K. .1. Arthur km: A Mildred, Proctor's, Newark, Hoed, Archie. A Hrutisl Trlu, Trlr I,nk i 101 Amy. Electric Pnrk, Newark, N. J., renin, nnfTnlo. . ■Pnliner, Mass., 11-15. Brand. Sadie. Itlnllo, fflinlni. N. Y.. I0-1B. llryuut ,'. Suvllli-. I. nun I'rtrk, Johtiatowu, l'u., 10-15. Bryan. Kdllli. A. & S., Boston, lO-lfi. Hrlstciio nnd dog. Grand, Victoria. B. C, 1010; Cm ml, Vancouver, 17-22. Brndfords, Th<', St. By. Park. Ottawa, Con., 10- 15: Ilanhrii'a I'olllt, Toronto, 17-22. Bunks Bros., Pastor's, X. V. C 10-15. Braill * Braill, Rook Springs Park, K. Liver. pool. 0.. 10-IS; Knrm. Toledo. 17-22. BriKlu Bros.. Umpire Tour, Klin-. 10-Aug. 31. Br!«tor<i Ponies. Rlvervlew I'ark, Baltimore, 10-22. Brown A Brown, Pleasant Bench, JJorwnlk, O., 1016; Marble Hall. Inillimuimlln. 17-22. 11 town ft Ivcrs, Lion I * ;i In ■«• Hoof, N. ¥. C, 10- 15. Brooks, Franklin A.. I'ark, Frlerhnro, Can., 10- Brora ft Ivers. Lion Pslnoo, N. V. C fO-lfi. Brelumr, Louise, Banionii, ilranil Rapids, Mlcli., 10-IB. . , Ilrindomoiir. Creat, Lake Grove I'ark. Aubnrn, .Me., 111-15. Brown Sisters. Hell, Ouklonil. CM., 10-15. Bums. Harnr, Fern Lake Pork, Fort Soolt, Kan.. 111-15; Kleelrlc Park, SI. Joseph. Mo.. 17 22. Bush & flonlon. Olentnngy I'ark, Columbus, O., Duscli Faintly. While Park. Dubai|tie. In., 10-15. Burton's Dogs. Keith's, I'lilla.. 10-15. Burilette. Madeline. Junction Turk, Denver halls. Pa., 10-15. Btiskirl: ft Bk-h, Juuction Turk. Heaver I-'nlla, Pa., Burke ft Doinpsey. A. & S.. Boston. 10-15. Bomliaiu. Sophie, Farm. Tiledo. O., 10-15. Burton, Al. II.. Lakomont. I'ark. Altooun. l'u., iv*l.> Butler. Byrne & West, llerlon'fl, F.ureka, C«L. 10-10- Cameron * Flanagan. Electric 1'nrk. Kiiimaa C ly, Mo.. 10-15; l.iike Contrary. St. Juaeph. 17-22. Calceilo. Jnnii A., Fair. Winnipeg. <!nu.. 17-22. Campbell. Billy, Purk. Alnmedii. Cnl., 10-10. Osrsuu Bros., l'eekaklll, .N. Y„ 10-15. Carver ft Pollard, Olympic, Chicago, IO-1B, Carrollton ft lll»kjil Cook's, Kvsnsvllle, lull.. 10- 15 Ciririoutella & Co.. K. Liverpool, O., 10-15; La- Koou, l.mllow. Ky.. 17-22. Cosu.l ft De Verne. Broad nipple Park, Broad Itlpplc, 1ml., 10 15; Wonderland Pnrk, Deeutur, III.. 17 22. Cnmptiell. ]<ln. A. * S., Boston, 10-10. Carmen Sisters, Wnlile re I'ark, F.rle. l'a. 15; Falrvlew I'nrk, Dayton, O.. 17-22. Carroll ft Clarke, Coney Inland. Cincinnati..10-16. Carlierry ft Statili.n. Owenaboro, Ky., 10-15; De- Carter . r \lr. ft Mr». Carl, Crystal, St. Joseph, Mo.. 10-IS; l.ii Snlle, III., 17-22. Ciinler ft Barllel, Klccli'le I'nrk, Newark, N. J., 10-15; Doyle's. Atlantic City, 17-22. Currull. .Inliiiiiy, lleudersou's, Oouey Inland, X. y., Carroll * Baker, A. ft S., Boston, 1015. Carroll ft Clarke, Coney Inland. Olticlnnull, 10-15; Willow tirove. Norwiilfc, I).. 17-22. Ciunoru Family. Al Fresco I'nrk, I'eorla, 111., 10- Carev * Lisle, Bergen Beneli. N. Y.. 1015, Cnrler ft Heroine. Andttorluiii. Norfolk. Va, Coin's Ciiiucdy Dog*. Lakeside I'nrk, Dayton CarMB Brta.. Peeksklll, N. Y.. 10-15; Uondrr- -on's. Caiey Inland, N. Y.. 17 22. disc. Charlie. Keith's. I'lilla.. 10-15 Cliet-ry K Bales, Conneaut Uake I'nrk, Connennt, l'-i*. in 15. Clmrala. I'tvf. Friink, Bam I'olut, NnUont, M«sa„ i'l-15 v CliatneroyH, The, I .linn I'ark, Coney lnlnuil, N. Y.. Clintlnini Shier!-, Itltemlile I'ark, Montreal, Coll.. Clin>l»li : k Trio, Mtnirn I'ark, Toronto, Can.. 10- ChuiKla-llull. Sunnier I'ark, Munlreal, Ciia.. 10- Clnparelll. Mine.. Snhuier I'nrk, Montreal, Can.. Cllvliie.' Fontaine Ferry I'nrk, tawl nlM * . Ky.. 10-15. . , , „ Clrinenno HruB., HemJiTann h. Coney Island, N. Clalii'lv. Toh'v, Keltli'n. X. V. O., 1015. eienilom-i. The, White City. Wareeater, Mass., Clarke "& K ioiib. Mniilntllnn, Norfalk, V«„ 10- IB. Clarke. I.uev. Melroiinlltan, Loudon, long., 1015 ¥tull Tour, Km,-.. 1"-Auit. II. Chirk. John W.. Lyceum, BurTnlo, 10-15. Curlilev & llarke, Lakeiuiiit I'ark, Allouna, l'a., 1015. Connor* A 10-15. Culiroy S Courtney & Jeunnette, Anlilnml. III.. 10-15. Colonial Sepleltf. Ye, Keith's. N. 1. C, 10-Ij I'mctor'n. Kmrti N. J., 17-22. Con>lniithie Slalern. I'nalovV. N. \. OL, 10-1 T.. I'.itrekn. Cnl.. 10-15. The, Novelty, Cnnuon City, Cal., 17 N. Y. O.. 10-15; Dervln. J. De Lneeys 22. DHton. Mnilellne, Keith'« Kelth'n. i'lilla.. 17-22. Dlxnn, Burt A Leon, Oak Summit Park, hv»u«- vllle, Inil., 10-15. , _ , Dlxe%-. Henry K., & Co., Morrison h, Kockawuy, N.' Y., 10-15. Dlnmoml k Sinllb, lllghliiiid i'ark, Broekloo, Mam.. 11)15. Dixon, llowcra A Dlion, Celeron I'nrk, Youuk* timn. O., 10 16. , Dlnmoud Comedy Four. Belt. Onklooil, Cal., 16: Chutes. Snn Fran,. 17-22. "Dldn," Miinhattan Beach, N. Y., 10 15. Dlxnn. Aiinn, A. & S., Boston. 1015. Ilctvle * Oruuiter, Atlantic (iarden, N. \. 0., 15. Borsch k Russell. Avon Pnrk, Youncstown, O.. lfl 15 : l'urui. Toledo. 17-22. Tloiinelly. Ilenry V., * Co.. Kelth'n. Boston. 10-15, ' Francis. NoruuihcKU Turk, Boston. 10 Falrvlew Picks Park. Dnyton, 0., Cleve- Coliseum. Mass., 10-15; 10- 10-15. O., Kelly, Hoilfroy'n, flraml Itnplats, Mlcb., JIark, Daylc's, Atlantic City, N. I., Doyle N. J. Aliunde City. Lust Kurt Park. Memphis. 10-15; 10-15. O., 0- 10- Hednlln. Mo. Kua., 17-22. West Kud Park, New Ki- ll)- nieninland, Boekawoy, N. V.. Donley, J. 15. Doherly's Poodles, 10-15. Doll, Donee. A. & 8., Boslon. 10-15. Dornevnl, Theresa, Keith's, Boston, 1015; Keith's. I'hllu., 17-22. Dnnaviin, Kannle, I'reano, Cal.. 10-16. ItowlliiK. Jos. F., & Co., Hell, Onktaud, Cal.. 10- 16 Pi.lmline A Nicbola. Keith's. I'lilla.. 10-15. Dnherty Sisters. Shea's, HiirTnla, N. Y., 10-15; Vlclorln, N. Y. C 17-22. Duckemn. Marie, Metropolitan, Ditluth, Minn., 10- II; Park. Wtuulpeg. Cnu.. 17-22. Dockray, Will. Caacarle I'nrk, Berlin, N. II., 10- Donovan, Jnmea B., Wlldwowl Park, Piiinam, Can.. 10-16. Don, Peter, Stnulnn Park, Rteubenvllle. O., 10-22. Donne. Allen, & Co., Avon Pork. Youugstown, O.. 10-15. Brew, Dorothy, Barrnsford Tour, Kng.. lO-Au?. Breh'er, Minnie, Doric's, Atlantic City, N. J., 10- 15. Drnicee. Tlvoll, Txnidan, Kng.. 10-Aug. 31. Drew. Carroll, Itueker. Kockford. III.. 10-22. Dnninnda, Les, Kuiplre, Shepherda Bush, Kng., 10- 16; Coliseum, London. :il-Aug. 31. litutley & Cheslrn, Woolwonh'u, Loucaater, I'o.. 10-15. Dnprce. Oeo. & Llbhle, Htjou, Morlnette, Wis.. 10-15. Dwyer, Eddie. Maminolh. Revere. M —. 1015. Knrl t W'Hhoii, Lake Coiitrnry Cualun. St. Josi'ph. Mo., 10-15; Forest Pnrk, Kaunas City, 12-17. F.usley, Moody & .lolms, IlufTnlo, N. Y.. 10-13. Kckert 4i Berg. Point fit Plnea. Maaa., 10-15. Kckcl & Warner, Alamcla park, Butler, Pa., 10- Cole & Uleiucus. 10-1 fi. Culiuidilanit. Thp. Tcnn.. 10-15. Connellv. Pete. Cryslun, l'i»iph''s, Ij'uvetiworlh, Colgrove's llnracs .V Dona, Orleans, l.a., 10 15. Collins .V Hart, Tlvoll. London, Eag„ 10-Aug. 6; Kmplre. Islluclon. S 12. Cibic. Pruf.. Awllturliiui. Norfolk, Vn., 10-15. Collins ,v llnwley. llrlglittui Beneli. N. \.. 10-15. t'ook A Cllnlon. Ki'llli'a. N. V. O.. 10-15. Cornellaa (Ki. U-\lui!lmi Park. Boston. lO-lB. Cole. Illllr. Khs'trlc I'ark, Newark. N. J., "MB, Combiis. Pnid. Kasl HM i'nrk, Memphis, 'leuli., Cojiplniier ft Wlilte. Forest l.nke Park, Pnliner, Colliy Fuiidly, Ingersoll Park, lies Moines, la., Conl-nn'.'' Alan F.. Lnkevllle fork, So. Framing- ham, Mnsa., 10-16. .... .,,. „ . CriH-kcIt A tiuldle, Doyle's, Atlnnllc Clly, N. J., Crane. Flossie. Victoria. N. Y. J'.. 10-15. Cuunluiihaiu ft Oivcucy, Fredericks I'nrk, Sola- l.lirv Itench. Mnss., 1015. fallen. Jan. II.. Proctor'* KM SI., N. \. C.. 10-1... Davlellc. Mnilge, Family, K. St. Louis, 111., 10- IB: Ulola'. HI. testis. 17-22. linrmuily. Cnslim, Bangor, Me., 10-15. Dawson ft Booth. Doyle's, Atlantic Clly, N. J., Day. tiisj. W-. lirpln'itin, I-os Angeles, Cal., 10- Dalrow. Mr. * Mrs. Stuart. Idoro I'nrk, Youngs- town. 11., In 15. Dnnfortli. Pearl. Slwl Pier. Old Orchard. Mr., 1015. Dm mil ltro«. Kellh's, X. Y. «.. 1"16- P'Arilllc yistirs. Hot Springs. Ark.. 10-22. Davis, Prof.. Anillltirlmii. Norfolk. Vu., 1015. Dule. Violet. A. A S., BusUm. II' 16. Dahlnus. 'I'lie. Mammoth. Revere, Mass., IB-IB. Daniels. Waller, Stis-plivlmse Pier. Atlantic Oily, N. J.. 17-211. Dalv .V Kel«o. Lake flrove. Auburn. Me., 1015. Drliunr ltr,vs., Lyui'liburi;, Va„ 10-16. Deutsiu ft Hiivcne, Bnss Point, Nnhaat, Mnss., De Moiutc * Dliisnuire, llljon. Marquette. Mich., Devenii. Iluls'tt. Wnolwortli's, I.nucnslcr, l'a., 10- lie Ferris. Henrietta, ltns Beliefs, Orpbcuin, San Fran.. Cal., 10 16. De llullls ft Viiloru, II. 11. 1 Ill- All- , CaL, Solem N. C, Delsiirilo. Nutallc. Tuiirlag So. De Hose. Pete, liosbeu. Lid., Aullgo, Wis., 10- Aiuerlcn. 10 15; Cleveland, De' Ulilke"* laafnt, Llicaiuland. Coney Island. It V.. 10-14. . .. Uelpltiim ft Delmorn. Shea's, Buffalo, IB-IB, Droionlo ft lii-lle. conneaut Lake Park. Conneaut lake. Pn.. Hi IV , De llosseii ft l-^eeln. I.nkewood, Wnli'iliury, Can*., ml"'. Dc llrassi'. Nellie. A. * S.. Iloalotl. 10 15. lie Fiive Sisters. Klcettlc Park. Albany, N. 1., Ih'liiuu- ft Wilson, llollowny. Loudon. 10- II: New Cross. 17 22: Stratford. SM-SBl Slie|>- lienl's Bush. :tl-Jnlr 5. De Haven. Lvitn ft Spencer, Henderson's. Couey Dland. N. Y.. 101(1. i De Brees. The. Olympic, l-hlcogo, 10-10, JleluHi. Ilanlcii's Point. Toronto. Can.. 10-15. _ De itmo Bn,-.. Fon-st Pnrk. Knn«os City, 10-13. Jiereiiro ft I .ulue. Indliuioln Park. Oolmahus, 0„ InlV Jlv Witt. J., Hell, Oakland, Col., 10-16. Kdmunrta, .7oe, Keith's. N. Y. C, 10-15. Kilwnrda, Mvrle. Orphetuu. St. Paul, 10-15. Klluore Slaters. Proclur'a 2lid St.. X. Y. C. 10-115. Lblrldge. Press, Kinplre, Loudon, Kng. Ih-Aug. 10. I'.haore ft Cotlrell. BIJaii. Calumet, Mich., 10-15. KI Masto, Joe. I'rocior'a, Newark, N. J.. 10-15. Klmu, I'eie & Allle, Bock Point, Provtcleuce, 10- 15. Rlmore, Tom, Tonnpoll, Nev„ 10-15; GoldOelil, Elton. *Sniu, New York Hoof. X. Y. C.. 10-16. Kllls-Nowlnn Trio., Hopkins', Pnrk, I-ouIsrille. Ky.. 10-15; Hopkins' Park, Memphis, Teun., 17-22. Klwood, ft Maggie Benton, Collins', Columbus, 0., II 15. Kllsvtorlhs (4). Cnslno. Los Angeles, Cal.. 10-15. Kauierors »f Music (-1), Falrylaiiil, I'aleraun, N- J.. 17-22. Kmlell ft Hosen. Nornmliegu I'nrk. Boston. IB-IB, Kppn, (leo., Dixie Quintette. While Clly, Cleve- land. O.. 10-22. Krsklne. Willie. New York K«if. N. Y. C. 10-1... Ksnnnguolu. M'lle, Frnuller Purk. Krle, Pa.. 10- Ksmeraldn Sisters, Proctor's 23d St., N. Y. C, 1015. Fskell,, Olvmple, Chicago. 10-15. holier Slslers. Spring l.nke Park, Trenton. N. I., 1015. Fvims, Jam, Jncohs, I'eirla. III., 10-1.i. Kvaua Trio. Itiilipte, Mlunenpolis. Minn., 10-15. Kviitia, Ceo.. Shea's, Buffalo. 10-15. ICveilmrt, lllppodroine, London. Kng., 10-31. Hveretls, Tile, .Mammoth, Kevere. .Mnss., 10-15. Kveretl Troupe, I.uua Park, Couey Islaml. X. Y., 10-15. Parley. Jumes ft Bonnie, Electric Pnrk, Albany, N. Y., 10-15. Fnusl's Acrtihnta, Olentnngy I'nrk. Coliimhus, ()., 0-15. Fautos (2). MLir. Atlanta. Oa., 10-22. Farrell, CHIT. Kxinsltlou Park, Conneaut l.nke, l'u., 10-Ift. Fnvblo, diner lalntid. Wheeling. \V. Vn.. 10-15. Ferinison ft Wutsou, Keith's. Boston. 1016. Ferguson ft Pnssmure, Koblnsou Pnrk. Ft. Wayne, liul.. 10-15. Fehluinn ft Hall, Forest Pnrk Little Rock, Ark., 10-16. Kern Coinedv Four, Oiivemotor's, Atlantic City, N. .1.. 10-22. Keaaley, Terrapin Park, Parkcrshurg, W. Vn„ lo- in. Keutelle ft Hiidcllire, Fnlrvlew Park, Dayloa. 0., 10-10. °'» u 10-15: Frontier Park, Krle, Pa., 17-22. Ferguson. Dupree ft Co.. Star. Iula. Kans., 10-15; Fields ft Hanson, lliilqiu>, Sun Jose, Cal.. 10-L.; l.vceiim. Sail l' 17-22. First. Burney, Pleasure Park, Norwntk. 0., 10-15. Flginnii. Max, Orpbeuiu. San Friin.. Cnl., 10-13, Fields, Hurry ft Sadie, Frwlwdy Purk, Newport, R. I.. 10-15. Flugerald, Harry V„ Freebmly Park, Newport, II. I., 1016. Fields ft Clamnge. Crnnd, Mtlwnukee, 10-15. Fields, Will II., Cusluo, Knlniuiiioo. Mich., 10. 15. Fields. Nellie. Chester Pnrk. Cincinnati, 10-1..; Cedar Puliil. S.nului-Vy, O., 17-22. Flynn. Kurle, Forest I'ark, Kansos City, »Ki„ 10-lfi. Florence Sisters (3), Aumont, Moscow, Bus., 2S- Aug. 28. Flood Bros.. Ingersol Purk, Des Mollies, It., 17-22. Forresls, Musical, Summit Park, Kvansvllle, Inil., 10-15. Fox ft Hughes. Riverside i'ark. Boise. Ida., 10-'J2. Ford ft Wilson, Kuiplre, Joliunnesbnrg, ,S. A., 10- Sept. 30. . , Ford ft (iehnie, Victoria, N. Y. 0., 17-22. Fox, Madge, Woolwortli, l.uucuster. Pa., 1015. Fox ft Ward. Athletic I'nrk, Hurrah). 10-15. Forber. Bustle. Bass Point. Mass., 17-22. Kurlies * Forbes. Coney Island, Wheeling, V\. Vu., 10-15. Fulkert. Arthur O., St. Joseph. Mo., 1015; l.a Crosse, Wis., 17 22. Foster. Kil., ft "Mike," Avou Park, Youngslown, ()., 10 15; Coluiubun, 17-22. Foster « Foster. Olympic, Cbicngo. 10-16. Foss, Prof., Orpheum, St. Paul, 1015. Fords (4). Bumonn, (Irand Ituulils. Mich.. 10-15. l'ox, Delhi, Mnubaltnn Hooch. X. Y.. 10-15. Fredericks, The, Lyceum, Snn Finn., CaL, 10-15; Unhiue, Snn Jose, 17-22. Frecw Bros., Woiulerlnurl, Danville. 111., 101.1; Sunumuit Purk. Decatur. 17-22. Fruuiumlhes ft U'vvls. Blchuiuml. In,I.. 10-15; Hopkins' Park, Louisville. Ky.. 17-22. Frederick Bms. ft Hums, lngersotl Park, Des Mollies, hi., 17-22. Franklin ft Illatt, iltivernntor's, Atlantic City, N. J.. 10-15. Friwlo. ('has., Sea Breeie, llocbcsler, N. Y., 10- 15. Franklin, Leo. Luke Cominiiiuce. Suultitngtou, Conn., in 15. Fraser Comeily Four, Lyrlo. ,To|illn. Mo.. 0-15. l-'rnnkfords. Ttie, Acme, Norfolk, Vn., 10-15. Frauds ft Wood, lluvertialor's, Atlantic City, a, J.. 10-15. Fyvle-Dench, Klta, Waterloo, la., 11-13; Albert Lea, Minn.. 1420. ilnrdiier ft Maihleru. Coliseum, Ctevelmul, 10*18, dandier Children (3), Valley, Syracuse, N. Y.. 10-16. tiiin-luelll l'auilly, (Irau Clreo Trevlun, Monterey, Mm., 1022. Oaylord. Bonnie. Crystal Purk. Scdullu, Mo,. 10- 15: Fulrtiiwit Park. Kansas Clly, 17-22. tlanlner, Jessie C. Sprint: Lake Pork. Trenton, X. J., ln-15; Alleiituirn. Pa., 17 22. Curlhir. Crystal, Marlon, Inil.. 17 22. (liiniion. Anna. (Irplieiini, St. Paul, 10-15. Ilnrdiier ft Vincent, Lyceum. London, Fug.. 10- Aug. 31. dnrilner ft Stoddard. Ramotin. Uratal Bnphls, Mich.. 1015. Oallettl's Monkeys. Koeky Springs Park. Lan- caster. Pa.. 10-lfi. Gnrsnn. Marlon. Freel>ody Park, Newport, R. ]., 10-15. (lanliler ft Revere, Dewey. Oakland. Cal., 1015. (tnvlti. Piatt ft Peaches. Junction I'nrk, Denver Falls. Pa., 1015. Ueuaru ft Tbeol. Uatteubury, I.elpilg, Oer., 10-31, OalaUfeff & Helil III 15. flosiumn. .loseidilne. land, 10-16. ,„ Oisjrge. Edwin, Sallsliury Bench. Mnss.. 10- I'lnin Islnlnl. 17-22. Oenrge ft llsrrlogloii, Biocklon Haverhill. I7-2C. derohl. Anna, Attntitlc rinrden. X. >• <^- (Idler, John, Avon Purk, Youngstown If.: Electric Park. Baltimore. 17-22 flllinori; ft Leonard, Lyceum, Buffalo, lO-io dlllert Sinters, Doyle's. AUantlc City, .>. J 18 nPnon. Cln>. <V Catherine, Electric Park, New nrk, >'. .1., 10 15, Ollfoll, Harry. Ilrlglilim Ilencli. X. J. 10- ... Olllon. Tom. Kenwk'k Park. Ithaca. X. Y., 10 1 fJllmore ft Le Mnvtie. Bijou, Ln Crosse, Wis. IB; Unique. Clolrc, 17-22. Ollrov, Haynes ft Moutgoinery. Luke Orove, hum. Me., 10-15. Olrard ft flanlner, Casino. Toledo, O.. lo-t.». Illrarri. Marie, (iuveroBtor's. Atlantic tltf, >. »•• 10-15. _, „ _ _ , n nirnroy, James Richmond, Keith s, N. I. Oh iu- dlndslone Family, Novelty. Oakland, CaL, 1015. Uordon ft Chacon. (Jloucester, Mas-.. 10-1..; An- ansln. Me., 17-22. „ Ooldsniitb * Hopis?, Lake Nljnnue, Mllford. Ma«s,, (looilwlii, Susie. Crystal I'ark, Sedulla, Mo., 0- 10: Kansas City, 17-22. flourley. Sully ft Cniurley, Cuslno Pork, Blng- linnilon, N. Y",, 10-15. Oordon. Don ft Mae, Odar I'olut, Sandusky. 10- 15. (lohleti ft Hughes. l.nke Conipoiiml, SoulUlngton. Conn., IB-IB J Lake Nlpiunc, Mllford, Mass., 17-22. Ooilfrev & llenilersnii, Orplieuin, Snn Iran 10-22. (looluiaii's, Jlnslcnl, Oormnu's Park, Willows, Mass.. 10-15. cruhani, Jessie, Lyceum, Buffalo. 10-18, (iregory A Wood. Keith's, Boston. 10-13. (irons, Win., fiiiri'lek, Burlington. In.. 17 2.. Gray ft Ondian. Henderson's. Coney Islnuil. Y.. 10-15: Denillng's Koekaway. 17-22. flregorv T'roupe. Ininnn's, Coney Island, X. 1022. Crapewln ft Chnnce, Proclor's 23d St., N. Y 10-15 drnnnon. Ho, Proctor'a, Newark, X. J., 10-L«. (Ireni, Dick. A. ft S.. Boston. 1015. Crimes. Tom ft Gertie, Casino Park, Kalomnroo, Mich., 10-15: Olympic. Chicago. 17-22. Oregory ft Boyle, (luvcruator's, Atlantic City, X. J., 10-15 (Irnyce. Margaret. New Arcade, Winnipeg, Con., 10-1 n. City Bros.. Lion Palace. X. Y. C, 10-13. (iullmette, Signer. I.unu Park, Couey Island, N. Y., 10-15. Hacker ft Lester, Paragon Pork, Xnntnnket, Mass., 10-15. Hutbnway ft Walton, Salem Willows, Mass., 10- lfi. Hurt, Buhy, Doyle's, Atlnnllc Clly, N, .7., 1015. Hastings ft Sheldon, Fnlryl 1, Putorson, N. .1., 1010. Harrison. Minnie, Park, liayouue, N. J.. 10-15. Hustv, Charlie. Ctysial. Kokomo, Inil., 1015. Hntkuvny, Prof., Metcopolltou, Dululli, Minn., 10-16. Harding ft Ah SM, Proctor's 23d Street. N. Y. O., 10-15. 11 age ft Heret, HIJou, Duluth. Mini).. 1015. Harts. Musical, l.nkeinoiii Purk, Altuonu, Pa., 10-10. Harris Bros.. Cennette, Rlehmoud. Ind.. 10-22. llnivklns. Lew, Fontaine Ferry Park, Louisville, Ky.. 10-15. Hawthorne ft Burt, Keith's, N. Y, C, 1015. Harper, Desmond ft'Bullev, Orpheum, Suu Fran., Cnl., 10-15. "llumirilous fllobe, The," Otplieiim, Sou Fruu., Cal.. 10-16. Hanllen. The, Onnlen, Columbus, 0., 015. liny. L'nlcycle, Stratford Park. Delaware, 0., 10- 15; Spring Lnke, Sprlnglleld, 17 22. Hurt, snille. Sprint: Brook, So. Bend, Inil., 10-15. Harris, Clius. ft Kdnn, Mlnslon, Suit Fran., CuL, 10-15. Harrison, Maude ft Co.. Keith's, N. Y. C, 1016. Ilnrnisl.. Minnie, Berkshire Luke, I'lttnlleld, Mass., 10-15; Bye Bench, N. Y„ 17-22. Harvey, W. T.. ft Co., SI. Ry. Park. Chester, Pa., 1 n: 1 r,; Wooilslde Park, I'lilla.. 17-22. Hurt, Willie & Kdltli, Kellli's, I'lilla.. 10-15. Hanson, Harry. SUeufe's. Nuhont. Mass.. 10-15. Hnrrliigtuu. John J., Doyle's, Atlantic City, X. J., 17-22. Harding ft Ah Shi, Proctor's 23d St., N. Y. C, 10-15. Harris, Tonutiv, Jr., Mnnhnttnn, Norfolk, Vs., 10- 16. Harris ft I'cinnnii, Mnnbiiltnn. Vo., 1015. Harris. Roht. T.. ft Co., Proctor's, Newark, N. J., 10-15. Hai-maiis, The, Coney Island, Wheeling, W. Vn., 1016. Ilnnlon Bros. (5), Olympic, Chicago. 10-lfi. ILiyumii. Mr. ft Mrs. Jack. Keith's, Phil*., 10-15. llnrilmiui. Joe, Fairyland, Pntersuu, N. J., 10-15. Hurt ft Westou, Doyle's, Atlantic City, N. J., 10- 13. Rarenurt, Frank, McCUtiu's. Kewanee. III., 17-24. Hiinnon, Leoun, Lakeside Park, So. Frumlnghum, Mass., 10-lfi. Harper. Lunelle II.. HIJou. Marinette, Wis., 10-lfi. Harrington, Dan. .1., Furest Lake Park. Palmer, Mass.. 10-15. Harrison, Maud ft Co., Keith's, I'lilla., 10-15. Hartford Sisters (3), Rocky Point. It. I., MS. llerrnuiuu, Adelaide ft Co., Victoria, X. V. C, 17-22. Ilraly Sisters, Electric Purk, Newark, N. J., 10-16. Heiinlngs, Lewis ft Hetinings, Lnke Michigan Park, Xiislmu. Mich.. 10 15; U. 0. 11., I'e- loskey. 17-22 lielus, Hillv. Klverslde Park, Bound Brook, N. J., 1016. lleunou ft .l.-niiis. Long Bench, Gloucester. Mass., 10-15. 10-10: Hampton Beach, X. II., 17-22. Helm Children. Riverside Park, lloise, Ida., 10- lfi. Henderson, Clioa. F., ft Co., Young's, Atlantic City, X. .1., 10-22. HitUmi ft Wilting, Lagoon, Ludlow. Ky. Ilelnllug. Win.. Ocean Pier, Wlhlwoud, 10-15. Henderson ft Ross, Cusluo. Toledo, O,, 1015; Lakeside, Akron. 17-22. Heugler. Victoria, N. Y. C, 10-15. Ilkkmnii Bros. 13), Proctor's, Newark, X. J., 10-15. Hilton. Fred, Dreiimluuil, Decatur. III.. 10-10; Wonderland. Dimvllle, 1J-22. Hill ft Svlvlmil. Victoria. X. V. C, 10-15. HlggliiB ft i'lillllps, Olympic. Chicago. 10-lfi. lllll ft Hill, (.irrln Bros.', Mexico, Mex.. 10-22. llolmnn. Hnvicnrd ft Ituvwnvd. Lemp's Park, St. Louis. Mo., 1015. Ilncti, F.llon ft Co.. Cusluo, tyiiclilmrg. Va., 10- 15. Horsliey, Fnlrclilld ft Hercere, Spring Brook Park, So. llcnil, Ind.. 10 15. llnwiird, Hurry ft Muy, Frontier Purk, Krle, Pa., 1016, Holt, AH.. Forest Pork. Kansas City. Mo., 1015. ilogiin. Krnest. ft Memphis Students. Vlelorlu, N. Y. C. 10-15. Ilorim, Eddie. I'nlrylnml, Pnlerson, N. I., 10- IS. Unwind ft Bolo. White City, Cleveland. 10-15. Holmes ft Wuldron, Four .Mile Creek Park. Kite, I'll., 10-10. Hooper. Kdnn Wallace, Proctor's 23d St., N. Y. Gurcrunlor's, Atlantic City, K. James ft Davis, Jack, Mr B '& Mrs., Coney Islnnd, Wheeling, Jark'»on, IU Pro'f., Metriaolltun. Duluth, Minn., 15 Jordan, 10- Horry, Couey Islaud. Cluclnuatl. 10-15. Wis., 10- I.yue 4 Kenaeily, Electric Park, Mo., 10-15. Mayer ft lrwlu, Pleasure Park, in 13. Mac & Mac, Park, Elbabetbtovra, ,i*ji'ii).v, cow. a., HMiuterianiL 10-15; Cillseinu, Tertc lluute, j,cohy,' Josephine A,. Bijou Marinette. 1 IB; Bijou. Escnnubu. li -U. Jaeksons (3). Fountolu K-rry Park. U ftulsvllle, Atlantic City, N. Krle, Pa.. Mnss.. 10-15. 1015. Krle, Pn., , 1015. Y., 10- Auburn, , 10-15. Ia„ 10- Can., lli-22. Jennings & Beufrew, Doyle s, Jeunre ft Wnwartk, Frootler Park, jlu'Vnsu Troupe, Rocky Springs Park, Lnocus- ter Pa.. 10-15. . w v Johnson. Davenport ft Lorelln, Pastor n, IS. B. C 17-22. r Joacorys CD. Vlctorlo, N. Y. C. 10-L Johnson. Xlles. Slieafe s, Xabant. Mo» Johnstons, Musical, Victoria, N. Y. C., ITsW Jolinsons. The. Kiulto. Elmirn. X. \.. Jones. Ornce, Four Mile Creek Pnrk, Jones'ft Sutton. Coscade Park. Nevrcnutle. Pa.. Jordan'.' Creat. Washington Park. Phlln., 10-22. Juniper ft Hayes. White Oak Part New Britain, (•mm., nil.-.; Park, Wiuated, 1.-22 Kaltnos. The, Hell, Oak hind CuL, 1015. Kalino, Chun., ft Adn, Keith's. N. Y. p, 10-lu. Kntes Bros.. Chester I'nrk. Cincinnati. 10-L.. Kaufman, Rebu, Allnimhrn, London, hng., 1«- Kiulel'll.' Freelody Pnrk, Newport, R. I Kelly, Waller C, Manhattan Beach, X. Kern'er. Watson, Lyceum, Phlln,, 10-15; Guver nntor's. Atluiith- City. N. J., 11-22. Kcima, Charles, Plum lslaad, Solsbtiry, Mass., Keeley Sisters. Olentnngy Purk, Columbus. 0., 111-13; (ienuetl, Rlcbmond, lud.. 17-22. Kenton, Dorothy, Soclete du Kursitnl de Lucerne, Swlta., 10-Aug. 31. Keutiev, f.-lurk, I'ark. Rutlond, VL. 10- Kenvo'n ft De dnruio, l.akevlew Park, Me-, 10-15. _ _ Kelly ft Keuo, New York Roof, X. \. C. Kelleher, Woodslde Pork, Phlln., 10-15. Kennedy ft Rooney. Cuntou, O.. 10-15. Khertia ft Cole, Shooting Park, Dulmuue, 15; Dominion, Winnipeg, Con.. 17-22. Klns-ners, The, Solimer Park, Montreul, Kl{ile & McLaughlin, Victoria. N. Y. C, 1015. Klrolfo, fins, Tupeko. Kun., 10-15. Kimball Bits., Athletic Pnrk, Buffalo, X. Y., Klein, Ott Bros. & Nicholson, Hippodrome, Lou- dou. Ei)g., I7-Aug. 10; Circus Cnrre, Amster- dam. Hoi.. 21-31. Klein ft Clifton, Wlldwood Park, Putnam, Conn., 10-15. Know!ton, Sadie, White City, Worcester, Mass., Koler ' & Seymour, Cumnbell'B Island, Mollne, III., 10-22." Kosure ft Chaplain, Novelty, Stockton, CaL, 10- 15 Kuld. Gus ft Marlon. Crystal, Kokomo, Ind., 10- 15; Star, Muncle, 17-22. Konpr. Central Park, Alleiilown, Pa., 1015. Kohlcr ft Marlon, Lake Qultislguraoud, Worcesler, Mass., 10-15. Kruger, A. ft S„ Boston, 1015. Kroo, Rocky Springs Park, Lniieaster, Pa., 10- 15. Kreesch's Dogs, Luna Park, Cnney Islund, N. Y., 10-15. Kurt Is' Dogs, Ft. Sheridan Park. Hlgbwood, 111., Ki-15: Grand, Milwaukee, Wis., 17-22. La Veen ft Cross, Forest Pnrk, Kaunas City, Mo., 10-15; Forest Park, St. Louis. 17-22. La Cluiv ft West, Ocean Pier, Sea Isle City, N. J., 10-19: Pastor's, X. Y. C, 17-22. l.a Croix, Paul, Crystal, Anderson, lud., 10-15; Crystal, Kokomo, 17-22. Laurent ft Co., Spring Brook Park, So. Bend, Ind., 10-15. I.urkln ft Daly. Pastor's, X. Y. C, 10-15. I.n Drew ft Lu Zone, Broad Blpple I'ark, In- dianapolis, 1010; Coney Island, Wheeling, W. Va„ 17-22. Larvette, Jules. Pastor's. N. Y. C, 10-16. Litvine ft Leonard. Palace, London, Bog., Aug. 7-31. La Tour, Irene, Steeplechase Pier, Atlantic City, N. J.. 10-22. Lambert ft Pierce, Hanover Park, Merlden, Conn., 10-15. Lu Mar, Wayne, Acme. Saerainenln, CaL, 1015, Lu Delle, Lyric, Ogdeu. I:., 10-10. Lu Vulls, The Crawl, Vancouver, Can., 10-15; Pavilion, ScoI.. Aug. 7-12. Le Zellc. Krtw., Muuro Park, Toronto, Cnn., 10- 15. l.ui kc ft Adams. Titusville, l'a., 1(1-15 ; Ashta- bula. 0.. 17-22. Lnnrtls, Cora, Collins', Columbus. (>., 11-10. Lu Adelln. Michigan City, lud., 0-lu. Lutlim, Mile., Electric Purk, Albany, 10-15. La Bue ft Home, New Brunswick, N. J., 10-15. Ln Belle, William, Pastor's, N. Y. C„ 10-16. Lancaster, Freda, Hollywood I'ark, Bait., lid., 10-22. Lancaster, Turn, Saratoga Park, I'ottslowu. Pa., 1015; Ocean Pier, Wlldwood, N. J., 17-22. I.avlne ft Wallnue, l.nke View, Terre Haute, Ind.. 10-15; Fort Sheridan, III., 17-22. Lungdon, Hurdle. Fulrvlew Park. Dayton. O.. Sprint' drove Park, SprlugOeld, O., 17- 10-15 10-15 0-16 N. J., Bros., Tbeo. 10-15. Guvernator's Kansas (;iry, Nurwalk, u„ N. J„ 10-13. Dunvilie, In., ind.. ltd So. America. Ft. Wayne, imj,. Cascade Purk, Berlin, N. II., lo- ft Ciiniille. Atlantic (lurdeti, N. Atlamlc City, N. J„ New York Boof, N, Y. C„ 10-15; Col- Clty, N. , 10-15. N. J., C„ 10-15. Horan, Eilille, Fairyland, l'aterson, N. ,T., 10-15. Howard, Bonela, White City, Cleveland, 10-lfi. llnrat, Mlnolu Miiidu, Freelmly Park, Newport, It. L. 10-IS. Huntings (4). Shea's. BulTiihi. 10 15. Huegel Bros., Family. Ilulie. Mom., 1022. lluelin. Musical. Alleutown, l'u., 10 15; Bergen Uracil. X. Y.. 17-22. Hurley Mater*. A. ft S„ Boston. 10-IS. Ilur.t Sisters. KiKkv Springs Park, Liuieasler, Pa.. 1016. Hrde. Mr. ft Mrs., Hold., I).. Hrhlgelon, X. J„ 10-15; Trenton, 17-22. Hi lauds (31. Furesl Pnrk, Pine Bluff. Ark,, 10- 22. IIvile ft- Heath, Crystal. I.endvtllo, Col 'Cryslnl, Colo. Springs, 17-22. luilinfT. Conn ft Corlune, olyniple. Cldeiigw, ltiiiess ft Ryan. Frontier Park, Erie, Pa. Lagoon. Llldlnw, Ky.. 111-22. Irwin ft Uawley, Fulryland, Pnlerson, 10-IS. Irving, Pearl. A, * S., Boston. 10-15. Irwin. Jack, Lincoln Park.. X. J., 10-15; Spring Lake Park. Trenton, 17-22. Italian Trio, Wllllinms'. Manhattan Brick. X. Y., 10-IS. lvoa. K»co. Dewey. Oakland. CaL. 10-15. Jackson, ft Duiiglns, Steeplechase Plet, Atlantic City, N. J.. 10-15. ln-15 22. Ln Nolo 13. La .less. r. a. Lolell Bros. 1015. "Ln Rouge Domino," 10-22. Lawman & F.wlng, Anderson, Ind., litis' (iarden, Columhun, 11., 17-22. La Toy Bros.. tluveviiHtor's, Atlantic. J., 10-16. Lloyd. Herbert, Brighton Bench, N. Y.. 1015. Les Dahlias, Tlvoll, Loudon, Kng., Aug. US-Sept. 15. Lelghton, Lylllan. ft Co., Bljosj, La Crosse, Wis., 10-15! Bijou, Kan Clnlre, 17-22. Le Drill, Great, Wonderland, Danville. HI., 1016; Wnmlerliiiid. Decatur. 17-22. Le Moyne Slslers, Berliner, Sheboygan, Wis,, 10- Lewis & Cltnpln, Huryman's Pnrk, Logunsiiort. 1 ml., 10-15; idem park, Yuungstnwti. 17-22. Le Burr, Edison, Everelt, Wash., 1016; Cltteo- grnph, Spokane, 17-22. Le Hoy. Murle. Pavilion. KeyiKirl. X. ,!.. 10-22. Leigh. Ben, Jolly, Empire, Gloucester, N. J., 10- l.eslie. Oeo.. W„ Jose, Snn Juse, CaL. 17-22. Lees, The, llaiilon'n I'olut, Toronto, Can., 10-15; Olcott Bench. Olvolt, N. Y., 17-22. Lester, Ilnrry B., Keith's. Boston, 10-15. Lewis, Caprice It., WllllaaiBport, Pn„ 10-IS. Lclpxlg, Nate, Keith's, I'hllu., 10-16. Leonle ft Leoule, Metropolitan, Dululli, Minn., 10-15. Levy. Mrs. JuIob, & Co., 9;r:'.tlle, Wiisti.. 10-22. Lewis. AL, Cusluo. Knlniimioo, Mich.. 10-10. Lennon. Bert, Pnstor's, X. Y, C, 10-15; Middle- town, Cutin.. 17 22. Leon, May. ft Dog, White Oak Park, New Brltalu, Conn., 10 15. Leonard ft Mason, Schaefer's, Cuhtinhus, 0„ 10- Le Roy ft I.e Vanlon N. Y.. 1015. I^wls. Francis, Empire, St. Paul, 10-lfi. Lee, Mr. ft Mrs. .lames P., Chutes, Sail Cnl., 1015. Leons, The, Dewey. Oakland, Cnl., 10-15. 1m Pnges, Great, Cnnton, 0.. 10-15. Ledegnr, Chnn., Orpheum, SI, Pnul. 10-15. l.eoiiunl, Grace. Caalno, Akron, 0., 10-15 slno, Toledu, 17-22. l.eonl ft Leoul, Oriilienni, St. Punl, 10-15. Lltelilleld. Mr. ft Mrs. Nell. Lnke Michigan Park, Muskegon. Mich., 10-15; Rumuua Park, Grand Bnplda. 17-22. I.llibey ft Trayer, I.nkewood Park, Terre Haule, Ind., 10-16. Livingstons ;|). Keith's. I'lilla.. 10-15. Lindsay's Monkeys, II. O. II. , Petosky, Mich., lu-lo. I.ittlelleld, C. W„ Point of Pines. Muss.. 10-15. I.ockhnrl's Elephants. I.uua Park, Cleveland, 10- IAltai, Casino. Ontario Bench, X. y., lo-lfi Lnrena ft Ilealey, Pnstor's, N. Y. C. 10-16 leret'a *.Jfip"> s l ,rlll S U*» I'ark. Trenton, I.orett, Spring Lake Pnrk. Trenton, X, J., 10-lfi. l.ttellltn. M'lle. White City, Worcester. Mass., Locy ft Lucler. Forest Park. Kansas City, Mo., 10-15; Mnnnlon's. St. Louis. 17-22. Ltissler, Ixxilsa. Guvernator's. Atlantic City, N Luna I'ark, Coney Island, Fran., Mann, Danny, ft Lola Haines, Unique, Lus An- geles, CaL. 10-22. Marline Brothers. Segnln 'luitr Marriott Twins, Rotilsou lark. 10-lfi. Manning Trio, Bijou. Mnrqiiette. Mich.. 1015. Marlon ft Pearl. He ath ) Man 's, Coaey Island. X. Y., 1013: Atlnnllc Harden, N. V. C 17-22 Mnntell's Marionettes. Novelty, Oakland. Cul, 1015; Novelty. Santa Crux. 17 22. Marco Twins. Wlntarln drove, N. Y. C 10-15. Murouauds, The, Guveriiutor's, Atlantic City, X ,L, 10-15. Mario ft Aldo. Orrln Bros.. Mexico. Sin., 1022. Muxsmlih Duo, Keith's, Phllo., 10-15. .Mathews ft Ashley, Morrison's, Hackawny, N. v 10-15, May ft Miles, Casino, Los Angeles, Cal., lu-15; Fnlntie, Fresno, 17-22. M.igiv. I'lcin. C Bijou, Marquette, Mich., lo- 15: BIJOU. La Orosse, Wis.. 17-22. Martini ft Mnxiulllluu, Polace, Olusgow. Scot., 10-15; Lyceum. Loudon, Rug., 17-Aug. 20. Mngee, Jack E., Savin Rock, Conn., 10-15. .Macartc Sisters (.'!), Enni.. Hull, Kng., 1015; Emp., Leeds, 17-22; Albuinhrii, Brlahtou, 21- 29: Puliuc SoutlininpU.n, 31 -Aug. 5. Marshall, the Mystic, Syndicate Hull, Lumbal, Eng.. 17-Aug. 2(1. Muthes, Cluru. ft Co., Calgary, Alberto, Call., 10- 22. Mav ft Albnugb, Brlghlon Ueacli, N, Y„ 1010. Mallory Bros., Brooks ft Huilbluy, Olympic, Chi- cago, 10-13, Madden, Billy, Auditorium, Norfolk, Va., 10-15. Mnrler. Chaa. J., B'wny, Sail Beruurdluu, Cal., 10 22. Marcus ft Onrtellc Ttlo, Vlctorlo, N. Y. U., 10-15. Magic Kettle. Vlclorln. K. Y. C. 1015. Mnnolo Family, I.eiidvllle, Colo., lfl 15. Mnssey ft Kramer. Lincoln Pnrk, New Bedford, Moss.. 10-15: Pastor's. X. V. C. 17-22. Matioro ft Slianklu. River Park, Wlimi|ieg. Can., 10-15. Mujmtk' Musical Four, Freelioily Park, Newport. It. L. 10-15. Mnxwell ft Connors, Mnnimoth, ltevere, Mass., 1015, Martin. Felix. Sheufe's, Xahant. Mnss., lo 10. Muznz ft Mazeit, Williaius', Manhattan Beach, X. Y.. 10-15, Marcel's Bus Reliefs, Celcoron Park, Jamestown, X. Y., 10-15. Mnnlo Trio, Four Mile Creek. Erie, Pa.. 10-15. Mnc ft Mac, Park, Ellmbethtown, N. Y., lu-15; Pnrk. Whitehall, 17-22. Mauley ft Marshall, Godfrey's, Ortud Rapids, Mtch., 10-15. Marshall ft Ring. Lion Palace. X. Y. C. 1015. Martyue, Eddie, Carnival, Titusville, Pa., 10-15. Murle. Mile.. Lagoon. Ludlow. Ky., IB-IB. Mneurt's Monkevs, Victoria. X. V. C, 10-15. Muutell ft Wesiou, Atlantic Garden, X. Y. C, 17-22. Mathews, Zon, Katuona, Grand Itlplds, Mich., 10- lfi. Mnllileus. Jugellng. Fi. Sheridan. Highwixid. HI., 111-10; olyniple. Chicago, 17-22. McCurtys, The, Peoria, 111., 10-15. McSorley ft Eleunore, Xovelly. Deadwood, S. D., 10-15. McKinuon ft Heed. Tliunlerhult Park, Savannah, C.n., 10-15; Crump's Purk, Macon, 17-22. McNutt Trio. Ogdeu, V.. 10-ltJ. McPhee ft Hill. Keith's, Boston, 10-15. McHnnns. Juggling. Brighton Bench. It. Y„ lu-15. McCarthy, Myles, ft Co., Spring Bruok Park, So. Bend. Inil.. 17-22. McColm Family, Canton. <).. 10-15. Mcl.eod. Andrew, Oakfurd Purk, Jeaunctte, l'a. 10-IS. McAvoy, l.essle. Illalto. Elmirn, X. 1'., 10 15. McCIrllnn. Jim. Bijou. Duluth. Mluu.. 10-15. Mcintosh, Alfred. Cohtuihla, S. C, 10-10; At- lanta, Oil.. 17-22. McKvoy ft Hughes. Buss I'olut. Muss., 10-15; Doric's. Atlantic City, N. J.. 17-22. McAvoy, Dick ft Alice, Bunion's Point, Toronto, Cnn., 10-10. MrUnde ft Welcome, Crescent Park, Providence. B. L, 1015. McDowell, John (L, & Alice, Collins' Gurden, Columbus, (i,. 10 15. McCue ft Cabill, Forest Park, Kansas City, Mo., 10-15. .MoUuno ft Grant, Unique, Shelwygun, Wis.. 10- 10, McDeavllt ft Kelly, Spring Lake Park, Trentou, N. J.. 10-15. Melville ft Conwny. Atlantic tiarden, N. Y. C, 10-16. Mexican Trio, Fontaine Ferry Park, Louisville, Ky., 10-15. Meyer ft Muson, Coney Islaud, Cincinnati, 10-16. Mexlas ft MexluB, Olympic. Chicago. 10-15. Merrltt, Buytnond, Luke View Park, Terre Haute, hid., 10-15. Melroy Trio, Novelty, Stockton, Col.. 10 10. Meredith Sisters, Stoll Tour. Eng. Melville ft Azelle, Unique, So. Cbicngo, 111., 10- lfi; Unique. Sheboygan, Wis., 17-22. Melville, Jean, Empire, Ashtabula Harbor, 0, 1022. Mohan's Dogs, Henderson's, Coney Island, N. Y , 10- IS. Meiers ft Mora. Emp., Shepards Bush, Kng,. 10- 15; tan- Cardiff, Wales, 17-22; Emp., Swan- sea, 24 2!); Emp., Newport, 31-Ang. 0. Meers (.')), Holiday, Eng., 10-15; Blackpool, 17- Aug. C. Millurd BroH.. White City. Cleveland. 10-15. M!llershi|> Sisters, Guvernator's, Atlantic City, N. J., 10-15. Mbltjleys, The, Jacobs', Pearla, III., 10-IS. Mitchell ft Browning, Crystal I'ark, Sedulla. Purk, Sedulla, Mo., 10-15. Miles ft Nliruiil. Doyle's, Atlantic City, X. J-, 10 IS. Miles ft Buytnond, Lakemnnt Park. Altoonu, Pa., lu-15. Mitchells, Fuuny (31, FrndnKly I'nrk, Newisjrl, It. I.. 10-15; Electric Purk, Ulugliaiutoii. X- Y„ 17-22. Mitchells, Dancing. Falrylaiul. Paterson, N. J.. 1015. Millurd, I.nurn. Brighton Bench. N. Y.. 1015. Miller, Klknihetli, Crescent Gulden, Revere Beach, Mass., 10-15; Buss Point. 17-22. Mllnul Trio, Henderson's, Coney lslaad, N. Y., 10-15. Mlllmiiu Trio, Victoria, N. V. C, 10-10; Man- hattan noui-lt, N. V.. 17-22. Mlllernu. Mudellue. Dreni.ihind. Alluuiv, 1010. Mlichcll, Lizzie Topic, Billings, Mont, 10-10. Mills ft Morris. Proctor's, Newark, N. J.. 10-16. Mldillelnn, Glndys. O. II., Victor, CuL, 10-22. Miller. Eddie, Pulnce, Syracuse, N. Y.. 10-22. Moore, Jack, Manhattan, Norfolk, Va,. 10-15. Morolu, Adelaide, ft Co., Oriilienni, Salt Fran., CaL, W-15. Mnctoii ft Diamond, Henderson's, Coney Islaud. X. Y.. IB-IB, Morton, Jumes .1., Farm, 7'oledo, 0.. 10-10. Mooney ft Holbein, Paslor'a X. Y. C 10-10. Monlugue'n Cockutoos, Hiveiside I'ark, Montreul, Can., 10-15. Morris, Joe, Pastor's, N. Y. C, 1015. Moore, Tom, Kellh's, N. Y. C„ IO-I0. .Masher, Houghton ft Mosher, Kellh's, Boston, Id- 10. ^ Montague's Cockaloo Circus, Riverside Park, Mon- treal, Can., 1010. Morris ft Duly, Pastor's. N. Y. C, 17-22. Morris ft Morris. Pliomlx, Tacoma, Wnsh., 10 22. Morton, I'lill., Haas Point, Naltntit. Mass., 1016. Morris, Xlnn, & Co., Keith's. N. Y. C, 10 15. Mnwmts (5), Williams, Mniibultuu Beach, N. Y., 10-15. Morton, Gertrude, Gallon, 0„ 10-15; Akron, 17- Cu- Griinil Hnplds, Wlnnliieg Mich., 10-lfi. I'ark, X. J., 1015 I ukens (4i. Shea's. Lull Bros.. Victoria, Buffalo. 10 15. N, Y. C. 1015. Mnrllia. J. II., Ituuioua 10 15. Murphy ft Andrews, Dominion 10-22 . Mullen, Ed., Lyceum, BnlTuln. Murphy ft Pnliner, Lushuwa.v Held. Musn., 1015. Mimkeleers i4), Purk, Illnghntiilon, 16, Mullen ft Corelll, Celeron Park. Jamestown Y„ 1015. Nashville Students Qn.u-lolle, Iireninlond, ehester, N. Y., 10-15. Naynnn. llosa. Proctor's. Newark, 1015. Xnvnrrns i:t), Ileadersou's, Coney Islnuil, X, 10-15. XavnsBnr Troupe, Xew York Boof, X. Y. C. 15. Noshvllle Students. Cosmo, Toledo. O.. 10-15- Xflson ft Brown. Novelty, Denver. Cnl.. 10-lc Nello. Mr. & Mrs., Rocky Springs, E. Liverpool O.. 10-10: Meyers I-ake. Canton. 17-22. Xewton. Billy. Steeplechase Park, Bridgeport Conn.. 10-15. .„ Nice, Emily, Electric Park. Newark. N. J-. 1° 16. Nina. Alllblgo, Wis., 10-IS. Man.. Brook- Y„ 10- , N. Bo- ld-