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530 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. July 15. SEW YOtiK ClTt. t llrvlow nnil Common! The holiest woalber »f the Summer prevailed during last week, awl as u coUsci|urnce Ik* Indoor uiuiise- uieut places suffered, while the open ulr re- sorts reaped ft luirvesl. Several of (lie o|ien local I bout res Indulged l« extra matinees i>n Hit- Fourth of July, mul while they drew good- imli'iimiKe, considering 1 he sensoo, Ihc out- of (own exodus based Hie railroad*, steam- boats mul other menus of transportation, and lefl comparatively few seekers of amuscmrn( In Hie ellv. The seaside resorts hull rernnl breaking crowds oil the iihIIhii'm birthday, mid the continued lint wenllier mndc Ihrlr business good for Hie rest of Hm week An Hie Ml f WIMU l Theatre the Adeliildc Kelm Slock I'd. opened July ."I, for Ihc week, prosi'lillng "Kust Lynne" This house dosed lis sciison ,K The continued ultra.:- t'oits for Ihc week ending July R were: "Lifting Ihe Mil" til. Hie Aerial (IaiuieNh, Sain Itcrimrd, In "The Itollleklng IJIrl," nt tlie Heralu Hqi-are: "PnnUiin"' at Ihc Lyric, "When Wo Are Forty-one" lit Wu»- TAlilA Ihaitu, "The llelr In the lloorah" nt tlie HlaMDX. mul band riiucerts lit Tbiihacb i!aiii>i-.n. Al rii'irriin's Fifth Avente, Piiih-tok's Fikty-kiuiitii Street and dm HUNDRED ANIl TWK.NTY-I'irrll Street The- atres, slock productions, wllh vmidevllle be- (Men acta, coutluiied Vnrlely cnler- talinucnt whb furnished nt the Victoria, 1'aramhk Hook Human, Keith's UMh Sut'Alli:. I'ltnlTOIl'S TWKNTV-TIIIRU Si HEKT, Tony Pastor's mul Lion Palace Hoof UAIl- tttN. - I'mctor's ■--1 r I > -.'l«lilli Mint Tlie- ulre (J. Austin Fvitos, general manager I.-- "A lloiunine of Coon Hollow" Ik Ihe imiKnel fur (lie eiirrenl week nl Mils house, mid despite I ho -sI/./.Hiik lo'ul. Ihe house wns well lllled .MiiihIh.y. .Inly 111. Agnes Scott. Id Ihe character of Ceurgla. (MM Id fur very many iiianlfosinlluns nf u|i|in>val for her clever illlcrprclulioit of Ihe role, .lumen Dtirkln wns ii iniinlv ltnlpli Miivkhniii. and was recog- lilzeil HM IiIk lli-sit en Inline hy liemty hand clappings. HoN'rt lingers whs good as Ihc licneriillv useful IteiniiK. The company, al- together, were well lllled In Die characters lliey port rayed. The oust In full was: Itemus, ItiMieii lingers: .Irnne lleehyuier. l,oiilsi: Mackintosh: .lured Fuller. Frank K. Jamc- miii : Ccorida, Aipics Seotl ; Dlngctics Sharp, Cbus. Arthur: Hnl|ih Murkliain. .lames 1>ii r- kln: Clyde Ilnrroil, Grace Heats; Philip Mauiv. Cm Unwell; Lcin Htockwoll, D»d*on Mtclu'll: Dinky. David Thompson; "Cindy." Tessle Ferns. The (notion plctures.and views of travel were continued. Hiiildny's conoerls. .Iiilv II. enticed fnlr crowds. Next WMk, "I>r. .Inkyll and Mr. Hyde." \ lelnrln 'I'lieu I re mill Hoof liiirilou 11 Isinr llnuuui'i'sli'ln, ninliiiKcr).—The ln- irnao heat or Moiiduy. July HI, did nut deter tile iiHlial huge nudlenee from nss"iiilillnu here in Ihe Ihcntre ut the mnllnee, ami the runt' jjurilni. nt: nielli, xmih rrnwileil with iiuiiisi'im nt Mtm Thin fnct taicalM more I'loimcntly Hint written words eould do In lualne or the |ierformnnreK iilven hy Mnn- niiel' llnniniersiflii. Kwti durliiK thin tor- rid Summer weather, rnpnHlv liusliiess U still the rule. Aiiioiik the hold-over niini- Inirs the iIi'IiioiimiiiiI lulls o[ I lie Miucnnl Wlreleiw Teleciuiihy, hy Cupt. [llomn. la nt- tiuetlnir miieli Internal. Cnpl. Hlnom'a rabdelH arc cxmt rcplleiis of the hiHtriiments used In the kme dlatAiwe H.vnlem, and hla i'X|M>rliueuts me Intent.'lv liiten'Milnc. "The Girl from Coney Inland." whom nature lina endowed wllh a phenomenal inntrnllo alng- Iob vulee, Ik In her third week, and her aue- leas Ik very marked. Ilrnest llocun and his .Memphis SIiiiIcuIh eonlluue n sirmiK feature of the hill, 11 ml will likely remnlii here nil Snminer. Kossi, "Ilie miishnl liorse," heeiin his sei-oml week 111 Aiiierien. He Is u mar. vet nf nuilne training. Willy Zllllllieriliilll, Hie Imiiei'Moiinlur. Is In Ills hisl week. The Magle Kettle showed Hut freaklKh ltoasl- hllllles of llqnlil air; Ihe Three Joaearya tiimhled expertly: Hill und Sylvhinl did aen- i.alliiuul hleyele riding: Mnenrt's inonkejs are In their seeoud Mieeeaaful week; In mid I'revoKl >nnsed i-nnra >f luiiglilcr In "lluinply llunips:" Ihe llengler Slstera danced grace- fully: Ihe deluil here of the Mlllmun Trlu, In n high wire net. '-rentill favorahle cnlu- ment, and Ihe Uarea* and Gnrtelle 'I'rlo bkatrd Into favor. I'riii-lnr'ii T«eii«y-Milril Sire«>» Tlie- nlri- (J. Austin Kynea, geuernl manager).-- hiinii tVnlluee Hopper, who heads i|ie hill this week, reeelveit n hearty weleuine on July li>, ami her i-iipilviitliig. mnniier of rendering her songs enriieil hearty encores for her. Chiis, ijriipewln und Anna t'lmuce, fieah from slurring sueeesses, gut right hack Into the niche lliey Hindu fop Ihi'iiisnlves In vaude- ville long ngii, and Ihe lOllnoli' Slslers. Ivhu have also won proinlneiiee In rnmedy, gained heiirly laughs Willi their old lime ensc-. Kate Klliiore's eomeilv work never 11 res one, and will hear many repetitious. Tn-Tn, Ihe inys lerloiis mtislciuii. was a novelty In Hie full sense ni' ilinl word, unit duplicated I lie hll Ii rereutly made at nnolher illy house. The llsiiiernldii Sisters ami Ihe four I'lnwer (llrls ollereil (lieir novel singing and duuclng act, nud snireit a distinel success, while llurdliig ami Ah Shi. In their iiiiillul act. made a most agreenhle Iminessloii. .lames II. Cullen, "The Man I'roiii Hie Wesl." did clever work; Will Kegel's, cv|s'i'l lasso and lariat thrower, .otTeieil a novel nud elfecllve act. and .Mile. nll\e. In her clever and dainty Juggling, was a groul favorite. The mutton pictures con- tinue. Aerial loieilen (Klaw & Krlnuger, man- ngi'lsi. "1,11'llng Hie Mil" opened lis sixth ■rrtk. nud "Th* Whole lintiiai I'liuilly" us tlilnl week Julv in. Kay Teiaplelon played on Jul* In ihe idle for which she wns nrlg Imilly selei ten. Imt from Hie luterpretiitloii of which she Intel heen kept hy Illness, und received :i tilg iviepllnii. She appeared In lu- lu perr-ci health, und looked very much un- like n leienl vlellin of severe surgical operu- Iloiis which ilu' wns repoiled to have mulct gtiiie. Miss Templetoii replaced Ctirlmic, nnil the force of her porsonul inagiiellsin mtiile It sol r felt fioiii her llrsi einriiiice. Sin- win: encored agnln ami ngaln after each intmlier. and proved Hint her sterling ipuil Mies n> 1111 entertainer have minVreil no sei- linek dining iter recent ntisenee front tlie singe. Julius Tiiiiuen imide his iistitil trt- nu-i'ilons hll with Ihe Imitations he presents mul Kitillr l.i'iiuaril. I.otils Harrison. Stella Mavhew. Maudi l.amlH'tt anil il liter ch'ver nienihers of Hie conipiiny were all suc- cesses, us of yore. Trrrin't- (iarden i Snessklnil k Ituhfetdl, MMfKi. Conleino leads u hand of thirty Hi.- of Hie hesi mush-Inns of the prize hand with which lie won many uicihils at ihe Wim-IiTx lull- SI. I.ollls. Car Ihe current Hck. 1 lie iiopiiliir present day tuiisl,. as well lis Ho- icM'ieil clnssh s will lie played ami sung l>< Contemn'.-. insliiimeniiill-is ami spe ■ ■':ill> engiigeil dingers. Ihe Sutiday nlglil prog'iannuel hinn over with novelties. Allinille tiiinlt'tt iW. Kramer's Sons, iitaiiagersi Then unit Cittiille l.a Jess, novel- iv ".iiiinasis ; Melillle and Conway. In .1 ■ „io, d.t iiivi'llio- ml tin' IT pin i,,lull it lill, !■ it III l» i ,1 ■ H.i.ile .Hoi lillllCil ,ll Ii il. initio: <HI Mi nil Ci lolil. \". Ill ...hli ill. nn,- \ • TO..U .oi l tn' ll\ lot pei.li int. au,l I'r.ii' i \|i vers hiiesi imnliig pictures arc Ihc aiiiitcthiiis for tills week. I'roeior'a f-'lfth Aveime Tlirntrc (J. Ainlln b'ynea. general oiannger)-—The bdp- i-liil engagement of Hose foghlan al this theatre, fii conjunction wllh the excellent sioek company, has heen exteudeil far the rurrent week, tin Monday, July 10, this clever uctretw appeared as Midy tJay Spanker, In "London Assurance," a role In which she lung ago achieved one of her most brilliant HUcectwee. She proved -killed as ever In her net, and the charm of the Interpretation curried pnlcnlly aeroaa the footlights. Bou- 1'ienult'a crlap and clever comedy wan cx- eellently acted throughout, for Mr. Proctor's house sloek company now ranks deservedly high. J. II. Gllmonr wns an excellent Dazzle, and exceedingly fine work was contrlhutcd hv Chas. Alibev, Wallace Kraklne, Arthur Lawrence, K. ft Lyons, Kraneea Stnrr and lirnyrc Bcott. The cast: Sir Itnrcourl (Jourt- ley, Arthur Lawrence : Max Harkawny, Wilton Tavlor : Chna. Conrtlcy, C. II. noberts: Dazzle, 3. II. Gllmonr; Mark Meddle, Mmnnil Lyons; Adolphtia Spanker, Wallace Kraklne; Cool, I'liaries Ahlie: Solomon Iaaacs, llyron Ong- ley: James, William Shultz ; Martin, c. Hart: Lady Gav Spanker, Koac Coablan; Grace Ilarkawnv, Frances Starr; I'ert. Grayce Scott. The motion pictures contlnne. Keltli'a Theatre (E. F. Albee, general ntanngcrl.—While the worm was playing havoc with pedestrlnna on the street a larger undlence enjoyed the following excellent hill In coolness and comfort matinee July 10: The Colonial Septette (first lime here). In "An Old Time Halloween." headed tlie Hat In nn admirable manner, winning many en- cores for exceptionally due playing. 'Die settings are excellent. Tuhy Claude, "Tlie Vest rocket Prima Donna." was In line fettle, ami captured her uudlencc from the start. Nina Morris presented "A friend's Advice," for the first time here, stiiiportcd by Arthur Hoops ami Sumner Card. The Hkclcli Is Interesting, containing soma excel- lent lines ami mnuy Ulppanl ones, which win laughs. The situation presents Will KRtnond verv much In love with his wife. Dorothy, who Is cold. Will Harlow, his friend, advises exciting her Jealousy, and lets Ksinond make use of n letter from Maud S.. which Is addressed to "Dear Old Will." Imt which had ben scnl to Harlow. Dorothy discovers this al once, suspects, und on Har- luws return, makes hint stay In cause her hus- band lo he Jealous hi return. Harlow is roughly handled of course when Esmond returns, and mini and wife see how foolish they have been. Arthur Hoops was excell-ut an Ksmond, hav- ing a thorough appreciation of the situation. Itarely has audi udmirnblc low comedy been si-en In ii sketch, us that of Mr. card, and Hie success of the pier- Is III great measure due to hint. Nina Morris «n* thoroughly good, although the part did nut offer any nl art ling oppurl unities for lirr. Sherman Bad De Purest scored heavily In "The Pall of I'uor Arthur;" the llrolliers Durum, ec- centric acrobats, wero lanrvehms In their work, and proved great favorites; James Itlchmond Glenroy. with Ida green gloves, epitaphs, parodies nud Jokes, was as entcr- Inlnltig as ever. Others, all good, were: Itnynor'a dugs. Harry nad Woolford, In song, dance and comedy; (Thus, and Ada Kaltno, In original dances: Tina Monte, a €-lever ringer of conn songs: the lie Anns, novel contortionists: Madeline I'lstoii. slnRlng ro- ■neillenni : Hawthorne and Hart, Interesting coincdlnn*. :inil Joe Kdiiutlids, eciH'ntrlc co- iiiedlnn. The blograph presented a scries of laughable pictures I h.-.t iileusuj. I,Ion I'liliici' Hoof (Wilson k llooiii. malingers I.—The heat of the. day drove a crowd on to Ihe naif, night of July HI, In sis- the nerfuriaanre of Ihe Guy Urns." Minstrels, which wns thoroughly enjoyable. In (he vaudeville appeared : Arthur mid liil- wln Guy, who orcntod roars of hmg-llter; Marshall and King snug und dunceit them- selves Into Instant favor; the Great I'lntto proved a clever entertainer; llrown and I vers won numerous recalls; Out bank and lllanelietie were valuable udditluiis lo Ilia hill, and the pictures were pleasing, liusl- iiess continues lo Improve, and signs point to a good Summer business. Hudson Then!re i Henry II. Harris, man- ager). —"The llelr In the lliturali" begun Its fourteenth mid last week July in. 'I lie* one hundredth performance occurriil ii. Import- ant changes incurred lu Hie cast during the past week. June I'eylnu succeeded Ileverley Sltgreares as Kale Griiililnn: Krnest Lam- son replaced John W. Cope us Darn'. Lacy, nud Louise lint tor look Nnrsli IjiiiiIkoii'k place. I/Oitisc Morewlu. of "Tltc llelr lo the lloorah" Co.. who war. taken In n hospi- tal July I, suffering from laryngitis, was nut of (lie casr scvernl iierfnrmnnres. her role, that of lite nurse, heinj taken by I'loreuce Coventry. Puntor'a Thcntre (Tony 1'iistur. tuunn- get).-—Despite the tremendous downpour und the excessive heat, u good sized undl- ence assembled July 10 to witness the bill headed hy I lie Pour Famous Nelson Co- mbines, who are certainly exceedingly clever ami fillinv. and make an excellent headline ni:l. Joe Morris, "tin' Hebrew villi the tiiis's," rcluriii'd to cn-nle more nierrluient. icing slillcd ns nn extra nltractliiu. Ills work Is all good, and wins appreciation. Lorcuz and. Healny, a special fen I lire, as "The Tourist and Ihc Citldc." created till manner nf laughs with I heir song. talk. dance and burlesipie work. The Three Sis- ters Constant hie are au exceedingly clever trin of dinners who work easily, gra.i'cfiilly and us though lliey enjoyed II. Ilnsiks Itrothrrs, comedians and eiilerlaliiers. who are always welcome, wen- made in feel thoroughly at home. .las. Mmmey and Ida ItollH'ln greatly pleased In clever gro- lestpte singing nud diinciug. rii-elving an en- thusiastic I'lioiirc. Il'.'i'llite and II rock way. In novellv singing and dancing, proved an attractive real inc. Mall Larkln ami Mar- guerite Daly Impressed very favorably In eliaracler change work. Hrrt Lemon gave his well known Impersonations of iirtnrs in n Manner peculiarly bis own. Willlniu l.a I'.elle. tlie clever isnneily trump Jng»iler of hoops und oilier nrllcles. "made giiod" most decidedly. F.illlli W. Ulchnnls, lu a musical specialty, showed herself a rlever worker. Jules Lurveile had Ills customary sueivss as a magician, and the vltagmnh Hosiil the bill wllh some excellent pictures. Ilci'uld Snunrc Tlicntre tCharles Froli- man. tuanngeri.■- Sain llernurd. lu "The Itul- I'ckltig tilrl." startisl his eleventh week July Id. \\ Istui'lii tirnvr tWelsT & I.tiescher, niiiniigersi. •'When We Are Ferly-iinc" en- tered Its fourth week July t!. I.yrlr Thrntrr (Sam S. k l.ee Sliuberl, iiiaiutgersi. •"Fiinlana" began Its Iwenly- slxlh week July III. Tar Iwu hutulreiiili is-r- fotiiiiince occuri'iil July 5. The smivenlrs were copies of Hip. song. "Just My Style." I»'iirlng the autogrnph and pliolngrupli nf every nieiiil'er of the iximpany. of tlie I'enplcs Thealrc. In the same city. During the season of -OV02 he was business manngcr for Jefferson 4 Taylor, for the orlgl- nd "tiiuk drama." "A Dark Secret-' tor mc ir.i-iiiiw ii tviitip several seasons following he managed various Mrs. l'hoehe Totnaso and Mrs. Lizzie While, sc era »™ w f ^ ,._ v jclTerson, Klaw k Br- formerly of H... Ilarn-tin k «■';»»'■"*: m ' n „ cr Taring them to enlist with the then Minnie Artressle. who »ns one of the best tnnger ua i fc lj!irrl|) k Woodlii Rnd riders wllh the Fnrepn.tgliSells Hros. ( lr new »"" ° m m , |n Bering for (hem their £rVa. success, "TheKatnl Wedding' He then enteral Into partnership with his brother. Dnr.AHi.ANt) -continues to attract grcal crowds. The run's on tlu blppodrnme track. which ore fn-e. are wntrbed wllli great 111 .rest Prldav. Julv 14. will be Haslllc Day. and the Freri'l. societies will eelebrale In Dreamland the full of the Kastlle. All ath- letic louruaiiienl. o|H-n In ull amateurs, will he held in Ihe hippodrome There will be conrettl bailie and plenty of amusement n the evening. The four girl Jocklca, are riders wllh the Forc|,....„.. .. ciia, and Martha Krogtr, the youngest or the quartette, ami one of | girl Jockles Irnctlng nnicu iinjns* ,ni...» .i,~ wife""" and "In the Shadow of Darkness," Luna I'abk.— In the Igorrote ) illage the « "e. l " u , ,D f n , g urot her's pen. followed, natives have completed their mi I. Inn; " .era- boHi J ™f%™ HiimiiSr the Fielding Stock Hons and nre settled In ll.e routine life™ r ™, |.. l J nroV cd an Important factor In amnse- thclr native I'hlllnplne forests In the free clr- m '»-""»,P r ™ n a Volambiis. Dayton and In- cus rhe bill Indutfcs for week of July 10 : Miss men. cire>«« j" ^° u • J n tne Iatter »'^.^>;. o?_ the wire; Ward and ttoril ?£»'«X„t t V? nd of June. town ■denial Will W. J." or us he was known on the street, on tlie 'bidders; Mr. Kenebel. clown : flowen and All. acrobats; Heed and Shaw, gymaasls Mr. Itooney, Jockey: perform" melle, posturing: 1.0 Hoy a bars; Josh- Ashton. riding: Fveret l Iroupe ' ^ ■ , , st etson at the contortion; Krleschs dogs. Cbaineroys,, band "^'"^ *"■ ;?„,.„," friends. ■m tabSm? Gulh was very fond of mentioning the fact that he. and ie Vitnlon. "wns responsible for the. choice Of '.Mm - r.-„e.fi Trmiue O'Neill for '.Monte t'rlsto.' They were both ; Lverelt Iroupe ' , . . ... , h „ ,„.„ ,..,.. stetson at the lialanccrs; Ihe IMntz.'r~Trlo. Mr. Hill, on Ihe high wire, and the performing hears. IltiiiiiiT'iN I'.i.acii I'aiik.— The principal event of Ihe past week, itpurl from Ihe cele- bration of Independence Day. was the sue Kuwin S. HulNK. ii member af the Mom De Voss Co.. died ut a hospital In Ashland, Wis.. June :»>. after u four days' Illness, lie was scvcnlvelght years old and hud been ay are under way the reception of Pola Iji Follettf. (he daiigh- his freedom, ter of Gov. I.ii Follelle. of Wisconsin, who Is lo Is- adopted as the "Daughter of he llcglment." Arrangements are also being made hv Hie liners for Hie dun observance nt llu'lr Siemnrlal lhiy. which oi-eurs on the an- niversary of l'rcsldeut Kruger's deal It. July 17. ItitiniiTiiN lli;.v«:n JjCSK llAU.—BIB wii-k uf lOi "live May and J. W. Albaugh Jr., I'. Alllnl's monkevs. Hcrls-rt Lloyd. Frank Hush. Ijiiiiii Mllhird. the .luggllntr McBaaa, Collins and Ilnwley and Harry Cllfoll. 1'nKT Artiiik, at Manhattan Heacli. drew a Poiirlb of July crowd at 1'aln'a Fireworks show lliut wns the biggest on record. All Ibis week the police ile|sirlinent have special nights. The proceeds will be devoted lo Ihc benevolent filnd. Manhattan Hkacii Tiikatbk (Percy c. Williams, innnngerl.—1)111 for week uf in: ltelbi Fox. Dlda. Sliean and Warren. Iledlnl nud Arthur, Waller C. Kelly. Masai and Mazett. the Mowatts, llallan Trio and Hie Yalto Duo. llr.NliKUSON'H MUSIC IIai.i.. Coney Island (P. B. Henderson k Co., managers I. Kill week of 10: Mrehan's dogs. Johnnie Carroll, Three Xavarros. Dora Pellatler, Hud Snyder, Ilemler and tlaiiiller, Clnnensn Urns., Hie Watermelon Trust. Swan and Itsnibnrd. Ml- lanl Trio. Marlon and I'rarl, De Haven, Lynn and Spencer, Jnck Thro Trlu, and Morion mul Diamond. MtiiiutsiiN's Thkatkk. Iloekaway Heaeh.— Illll for neck uf HI: Irene llentley. Henry K. DlXey and.cunipany. Itappo Slslers, (.'has. P. Seiu,ion. Ward and Curran, Mathews and Ashley and Hosinw. I'n.unKN Hcai'M Casino (Julia Grieves, niiinnger), which o|H*neil for (be seasnn July •J, lias been doing gotsl business. The al- tniclhui here la the Ciihlno (IihtbIIc F.x- Irnviiganxa Co.. under Hie direct Ion of Cairn." wllh Ihe following enst of principals: llucollc Hey. Mnt Kennedy: lley Hube Me- Gonlgle. I .on Miller: Patrick I^vi, Hilly W. Watson: Arthur Uayritm. Slieppard Camp; Count Money, Percy Walling: Counl Change, ii. K. Harris: Sportv Sam Sum, Jifmes How- aril: Film Plain. Harry Clark: Miss Tuttl PrulII, Nina Collins: Miss Absinthe Frappe. Llbbic Arnold llloudell : Miss Dine Denimlhe. Clara Cole: Miss Heme Dlctlne, Mildred Ilarrv : AIlM Hunter. Nellie Hcalty. NKW YDIIK CITY .lOTTIIVGJi. I'xaca tiik makackmknt of Ihe Kaphan Tlienlrlcal Syndicate, n vmidevllle enter- tainment will Is' glveu nn Die aflrrnoou ami evening of July "Jll. In behalf of Ihc orphan children of Japan. The theatre will be decorated with American and Japanese Hags and an elnbor Wi;siu:r. Pa Ihe season on July hippodrome and. Indian mngress are being given, inau. I also introdu At tiik "New York Plre Fighters" show llowery and Jones Walk. Coney Island, live men were severely burned July s. The In- Jtired men were stationed In uue of Hie muses, nnd the finmes. Inslead of pouring mil of the window, were driven Into ibelr faces by it 'hack draft, and they were, burned about the fine und body mul Inhaled the lltiiiies. They were: Kruest Williams. Michael Clain-v. John F.gan and Henry Fitzgerald. The fifth man's mime was nut learned. They wen- tniiled by Dr. Hall, uf Sixteenth Street anil Surf Avenue, who happened to be In the. audience, and then went to tlie Coney Islam! Hospital. Dr. Clay, in charge, said dial llielr facilities were not adcoiiale to Deal the men, and (hey vent mi la (he Kings County Hos- pital, al Flnlhiish. PAW. Jack Hunavita, who has already had three npemllniis on Ihc nrni which Ittil- Jolix HowK. of lis! trio. Hove, Henry and Nick Glenn, musical performers, rommllled suicide !lt the Hotel Koi'lesciie. Atlantic City, N. J.. Julv V. by shooting himself. The trio had just 'closed their engagement (here, at the Carrlrk Theatre, xvltli loiumy Donnelly's Minstrels. Mas. Victoria uNkii,, foraierly an act- ress, wliose since name was Cassie AYalsli, died In San praailsm. QtL. JiilJ I. from consumption, aged furry years.. Her hus- band, James T. O'Xell. au ac(or, survives her. Aline Ounnuks, an actress, died July 7. at SI. Margarets. Kansas City, Mo., from the effects of a surgical operation. Wai.ti:ii Kittrkuiik. one of the most fa limns nf llu" old song composers of the coun- try, ami author of "Teutlue (in the old Camp Ground." d-ed July 8. at Manchester, V II. Hi -.::< !o:i n :-:'. World of puyer$, Notks raoji tiik Via Stock Co.. under Ihe management of K. O, Via.—We will take the road early hi September, presenting the following plays: "A Ktisslan Spy," "The tiambler's Daughler," Moth's "|{ast Lynue." "Jesse James," "Ills only Daughler," "The Country Homestead." "A True Kenlucklnn" and "The Colleen llttwn." Tln» nlstvc plays will ho elaborately staged, with special scenery, which Is now being painted nl Chi- cago. A specuil line uf paper will be carried Tor each bill. Our ad. la Tim Ut.u Hkliablk last week brought us over a hundred replies, and now we have every one under contract, wl(h several well known people In Ihe cast, (lur season opens Aup 'JH. at Clyffesldo Park, Ashland, Ky., with a tour of the litist (0 follow. NllTKS I'DOH TIIK (iKOBCIA llANrtUI Co.— We closed a suciessful engngeruent of elglil weeks at Santa Barbara, Car, June i!0, und ufter a few weeks.lay off will o|ien the regu- lar season Aug. 7. Miss Harper has become ii prime favorite nn the const. The company includes: .1. G. Iliirpcr und Joseph lx-tricK. proprietors: Leslie tllenu, business manager; Jay Van Clcve, advance: Thus. K Mac Don uln. SoK ltetiertsou, George llailcv, Sam Howard. Lynn Purden, 11. P. WTiltoker, Hnr- rli'l lliowne. Isnlicl MacDonald. Crace Fred- • ••leks. Knthleen MacDonald, Madge Worth, Georgia Harper and maid. 1>. E. Foukkstkb announces that he will ho\e turee musical attractions on Ibe road next nenson. Florence Hlndley. In the mu- sical 1'oniedy. "The Hellp of the West:" Yorke and Adams'. In "Bankers nad Brokers,' Edwin F. Ntxr.r.. comedian with the liunt lev Stock Co., also of the vaudeville team 0 [ Ninct- nnd Nlner. has heeu confined In hli bed for Uie past four wwks with an uhs ( e5, en his side, but Is Hlowly recovering, m, physicians hojte lo havu lilm able to resume his duties In a week or so. Chas. T. FAUCI Con SOT Co. Notes — liusliiess s(lll rxmllnuei very good, consider- ing- the worm weather. At Wutrrtown. x \., we displayed the S. It. O. While pint' Ing nt Lnivville we had a beautiful drivV liclug guests of the local manager. '\i r ' Fales Is very busy getting his one night stand show In sliape. which takes the mm In August, and carries n band that will i* a great novelty fenture. IticiiAHD C. Mauixix. character comrdlsn wim last season played the (ltle role hi' •linclc SI llasklns." has been cngsged hy elms. Ijintb for lending comedy and spr- clallles uitli his Murray Comedy Co., at t.ui.. Park. Plttsburgr, and the No. 1 road com. pany next season. Amelia Gebjiain. w'doiv of Frank P. ih. r . main, will shortly return to the singe. nri rr an absence of three years. tjjm jjj Bill Posters. N'oTT.s pbom Local No. 33, Brooklyn.—At the last meeting of this local Uro. F'ovd Turner resigned the office of president on nccount of having: to go on the. road July ;. Hro Cbas. Alklns has been elected to th,. chair for the rest of 1'JOo. Everylblng Is fine, all the boya arc busy, some even doubling up. It keeps our business agent. Jlro. J. J. Williams, very busy. Scrretary Itert L. Unssell has moved to iluit Livingston Street, Hrooklyu. and would like lo bear from all members of this local that are on Ihe road. I/k-'ai. No. 20, Sioux City, la., would like lo hear from all brothers on the toad nt oacr. Address Frank Itcdden, secretary, care of Opera Saloon, Slou* City, la. The following Is the roster of advance car No. -, Frank A. Hohblns' New and (Dealest All Feature Shows: Chas. W. Colemau, man ager; Lillian May Coleman, mailing rlerk; Thos. B. Mullaney, boss bill poster; J. II. Wood, lithographer: Wni. Croup, banner agent; Oeo. (jllmore. Frank Smith, Jus. Dunn- hue, Kd. Mulvcy, Phil Gardner, Fred Carpen- ter, Peter Manor nnd Wm. Marsh, bill ikjsi era; Thos. (Pop! Carpen(er, rook: Chas. Cunningham, pur(er. This Is an all union car, wllh three executions, and the applies lions for cards have lteon made for those ei (•options, so in ii short time It will be a solid union car. We have encountered some opisi sitlon. but have won oii( "hands down." ('has. (Km) Koster. of luteal Xu. Hi. Dayton, O.. Is spending a few weeks In Phils- del'phla and New York, prior to his opening wllh one of Klaw * Krlanger's attractions. for next season. Martin S. Mili.kian. manager of car No. ". ljcmon Hros.' Circus, Informs us (bal so far the bovs on his car have had a very pleasant season. Followlug Is the roll call: Martin Mllllgsn. manager; ,1. Kellum, Ims* lilll poster: Kid Hardy, llthos: S. liryan, pm grnnimer Rnd pasle maker: K. S. King. P. Skluner, C. Cuff, Iv. Mullen and S. Hntes. bill posters. Mr. Mllllfniu lias signed lu go In advance uf the Crndoc Neville Co. nexl sea- son. This will make his second schsou with thnt company. Notes kbom Local. 1", Boston.— The bovs in Donnelly's Bill Posting shop have pu'rehased the yacht Josle. Wllllsra Pierce. Is?lng on experienced navigator and expert In ileep sea fishing, was elected raptaln "f (he crew. Tlie boys enjoyed a line sail Sun day down I ho harlstr, where Ihey were brought l» the very best fishing grounds In Massachusetts Bay. Chowder was served by "Pop" Guild that was IK for a king. Here was a pool made up for the lnrgcst tlsb mugtit nnd James Donnelly, one of the guests, won the pool, amounting to $47.GO. Every at- tention was paid to the comfort and ron- venlence of the Invited guests. Urn. M. Curtln 'ins Just relurned front n trip lo New- York on pleasure and business. Tom Lai feney Is looking out for Ibe billing- for th- Dower Itnce Track. Bro. Dave Grlftln his Joined Ihe Tremont Thealrc staff. Chas 1. l'crrv has won much praise fur the electrical poster display which can be seeu lu everv available spot In und out of Boston. new Plays, aim I ii nit uiiu uuuourn'.- mite, . _ . ~ m w \ ii t ■•.. -p--— ■ ate programme will be given. Hnd . Je?8 ' e M»e Hall, In "Ihe Street Singer." »k. Fori (ieorge, opem-d for „ J , A «- §• D MiTH .P,. has B| RP«d with "The July '.'. A Wild West Show. HaJah of Rhong Co.. (o play the leading „jd Indlnu congress arc being .lavenllt ride. "The Itaiah" Is the newest Nerointfs. the well known strong uiuslcnl elfnslon, now rehearsing In Chicago. general malinger of the park, and .. N "T'i N **••* tiik UeI'kw-Buuklttis Stock iKlucea his feats or strength. «••.—flio following people have heen engaged for nexl season: Fannie Del'ew, Mollle Ben nelt. Muude Smit. Mabel Vales, Thomas L. Brower, Tlios. K. IvPow. loyal Ford. W. T. liuidette. C. II. Ilrten. Prof. A. J. fiiandiv, A. L. Fa be I and Master Itnsnlre Spcug'h. our tvpiTlury Includes: "A Homespun Heart, I'be .Minister's Sweethearts," "A( Pikes Peak.' "A Struggle lor Cold. Che Scorel Service Man," "When Wmneii l,ove." "An (proar. rile Newsboy," all of which tnive n heiiiitlful lln,' of plcloriul pnis-r. rmm Hie Nailoiial. Cn-vr. Jordan. Akcruiiiu-Oitlg. ley nnd I'lxxlul Printing companies. We will play only Ihe larger cities of (be Suiltheast, opening Hie season at Cluirlestoii. W. Vn.. An;. M. We will have complete scenic pro- ductions of Hal Held's "Homespun Ilenrt." Iv. II. F.ldoifs "At Pikes Peiik" ami "Miula- ler's Sweelhearts." and Wallcm 4 Andrews' "Sliuggle for tiold." The (line Is being lltnorr crushed Inst August, has la-en advised rap'oiy Idled by Messrs Klaw & Krlanger, Hint another opera I Ion will |>e nii-essarr. """ we look forward In a prns-pennts seasn't. This operallon Is oiiiisloneil by a liuimr Ji alter Siictti.evvohtii hns Joined || lc Ar- wUlcli hns formed on the slump of Ihe arm. ""'d Slock 130. tor the Summer season, lie due In HM mlsplHcIng of a nerve end. "'I' 1 do leads and senleel heavii's. Commissioner Ke.vtimi. of the IN-part- AiNswiuntt Aiinolu. wan has Is-en pinv- lnenl of Licenses, anotincetl last week Hun "ig leads and heavies wllh Irving French he Intends to iiim|s'l the thciHrlciil ngeiils • *•■. under ma ■Mot of Mrs. Irving French. In Ibis rlljr (o lake nut III mil and nliey Ihc r " r pnat twelve weeks, will continue with It ri'g'ilulluns uf Ibe cmployiuent agency law. a • » MK'IKtiAM. Ceil ml llniilita. —Al Itaiuoiia Tbealre during Ihe rest of die Summer n'« S() i . The Fiiamc K. Lo.no Siock Co. closes Ha season of forty-eight weeks in Isnpeiulng, Mich., and II was the most profitable sea- son In (he history of (lie show. K, A. Dot«a. who lias been on the biisl lln elcio. Twentv llflb l-'yiies, g.'iiei mil in ic Al Praetor's line Hundred Mini Street Theaire iJ. Austin I manager! Franklrn Fyles' m- drniaa. "The (lovcrnor of Kentucky." was prcsenied to good sized audiences July in, considering ihe Inn wentlier. with es- celleni scenery nud slaije iBects, and cast lo Ihe fnli si icnglh of ihe most cii|ullilc coin- panv. 'I'lu» priNliicltoii Is n patent one. .Iniiies II ',VI|s„ii nnil lleiill Ice Muruau. lu (be IciuK. were alilv iissl^trd hv C A. Lesley. Sol Alkeii. 11,'lH'ri Hill. Mailillde llpsblin, Daisy l.ovcrhig. Ilnrold liarlsell. Ceoirrcy Stein. IKIiel Ciiiiriiy and Helen Triney. The vniidevllle offers Arniitita nnd lturke. and motion pictures. Mi Tiail'oi is lim e d fir the veas,,ii M. mul Will rco|iel> -lis.in Aoe I . lOrlu Slalr. maimger) week of July II: »«■» staff or Ihe Uayiuoiid ultractlons, for Loitiia Itrclianv. Ihe Four Fords. Zon Mill- the iiast three vcars. has sigucil for ttext'-sea- Ihews. J. II. Miirllui. ttt F. lirynard anil *« *IHi D. H. Levis, la msnngi' one of Wabtuns and Tekla. his •( uncle Jaah Sprin-eby" companies. teiiiEiiuv's Pavii ion iCbss. Coilfrov. nixll- IvCNEST l,\MSi,\ will mil Is' seeu in tils agon.- Week of !': Ii —urn and Kellev. "wn play, "Tola' lloxle." next Season, but Muiilcv and Marshall, loin Marshall, .lack J vl " couiliiiie hi tin; [inn he is tiuw playlug Syiuotitls und Wolf and Zardella. »i "Ihe llelr lo the lloorah." at the Hud- son Theatre. New York. Joe H(-|.i.im:i:i:. leud-r of Ilurk's "Uncle lom's Cabin" bund, will close his cngsge- menr soon to ninnnge his own show. Jimmie Mil.t.iiiAN, a vniidevllle perform- Harry F.. Mi-K':e. conK-dlnn with the Fer- er whose unme in private life was James r,s Stock Co.. at Omaha, has been engaged Miformack. died at Hurley, Wis.. June 30, ". v Burgess k Woodward for the Woodward *-—■ Di'MTiis in 'nit: ritoi r.ssiox. ic i,,,i. i \ H week ii ml ihe has hriutglit beaches. ■ 11 i.i ,-ttl'l\ p.in el I re mc ml e 11 s wciiter *«( llli' ple-,,'lll cti'Wils lo i,-i reek lln from consiimpllon. aged tony-three years, lie was born In Ireland, and came to tbls cuitlilrv In IHSI. lie was nt one lime Ihe partner of Jack OTtrlcn. (he team playing as MulHgan nnd n'llrlen. and for live years l:e winked with Ills wife. Ltllc Mack, wlni died nlmut » year nge 'I'be remains were lalrrrrd ky lae F. i>. K.. '-'IT. In (heir plot at Hurley. Wis. Ill- father, mot her. slslcr and brotlirr survive lilm. Henry IvTTLINo. nged tlfly-slx years, was found dead In his iimto on Third Slrcet, St. l.nilK Mn.. Thiirsihiy. June 'J'.'. II.Is believed I till be Inol lii-oll dead -eler.ll llat- llf l.-lle >, il- III- hot lii'l'll oi.ll.il,; 111 tin' pr.uiil. .' ill-Ill. 1 bill was well known to old lime v.irlcll people. Ilrtvlllg Ims.|i a s.','lie shifter ill Ibe ob| ilnvs. al Deagle A Marlins (n tlctles, on Market Street, St Louis. Mock l il. which will opeu the new $100,000 lliirwuod Theatre on Aug. 27. Ibe lineal slock house In the West. Notes from the Thome Druuiallc Co.— cur loisliicss Is exeellent iint.withstandlng rant, heal and opposition. We ure packing Ihe leal lo Hie doors. We luive Ja-t pur- ili.i.-eil a line new piano from a. Ciilitmhiii. (>.. pbiiiu i-oiiipiiny. and II Is • diuiilv. We are iiegoiiadug (or a private palace car, and expect (o be comfortably settled In It In .t week of two. Our tent ts ll»hted with elec- tricity. We curry mir own plant. Ivor. I!ii«.k- ipiiiui-li and wife lime hi My luliied ii-. tiiel o,,r • i.uipauv is now „ n o M tlie m i..iigcst and bed equipped sompanlen nu the road Tin: (»i.n Hi insi.c b, a Verr wel- • I'liie weekly ilsllor. mid (be idiosi never has fallwl lo walk. ••VoiiiiK Unffalo, Klugc of tUe Wild Weal," Chos. 11. Blaney's four act melodrama, mu acted for the first time on any stage at mo- ney's Theatre, Monday afternoon, May 1j- In the storv. Lord Blufflngtou. a'prospector, tries to defraud his partner, itnudolpb Mov tou, a New Vork banker; of the Golden Nag get Mire by declaring it worthlesa. and offer Ing to buy It for a paltry svp. When tlie hanker goes to the mine and discovers its real value, and ulso Hie villainy ut his part ner. he threatens trouble, bul Is Lii'irdercd by Yellow Face, an Indlun ally of Blnmugtuii. The responsibility of the crime Is placed en Ihe shoulders of Jack Morlou. the bankers sun. who hud qimrrcled with his fulher Just before the latlor's death, but. thunks •• Young Bttffnlo. the sheriff of Angel s (.uUU. he Is given his freedom. Later. Hlulhugioii ugnln tries lo faHten crime upon J uo t ullu * c ,L; son by robbing the bank, of which the young man hud charge. But oueo more bis plans nre frustrated, this, time by the opportune arrival of Wild Nell, ihc alster (if >oiini. Buffulo. Thwarted at nil points, Hhiulngtun. to obtalu his end. klduaps Kate Morlou. Ibe banker's daughter, nud Ihc sweetheart . Young BitiTulo. The gill Is carried Ion r.u ■ road tower lu l'nro Cnnou, where Hltttnm, n tbrealcns lo do nwny wl(h her by dynnmltii g ihe place. At Ibis Juncture. Young Ban"" arrives wilb aid. Two heroic Cbluaunn mount the telegraph wires, form a uiirna chain and rescue the heroine lis the t'urtai falls. Illtifflnglon's villainy Is brought '-■ llcbl In the Inst net, when, after Ugh tun. a duel wKb Younit Buffalo, he Is overpowcrea mid caplured, with bis ally. Yellow, rare. The Indian confesses to Blufllustoii s in- lnluy, clearing Jack Morion of the mttrdcr charge, and, as they nre handed over to i" authorities, Young Buffalo celebrates tbi ol caslon hy marrylug Kute Morton, i he ra»> • Young Biiffulo, l'hlllp Urcw: Jack Morlou. Harold I.u Coslu: Judge Grltt. John l^i " ■ Yellow Face, Hurry Ilumuicll: Lord Bl in luglon, (Jeo. B. Miller: Two Lung, 1- ' " bcrl: One LunK. II. Herbert: t-HltiB •; K' «. Hcrltert: Ulsck Canon l*e(e, Fred 1 resto . Wild ICyed Charlie. Kdward liuclinnan. llntchel Face Ala-, J. Simpson: V/;*'™' "'. Woolfolk: Huln In the Face, J. McClarren. Horse Juke, -M. Madden; Montatiu Jack' • Moore; New- York Harry, T. Kel y ; AlabJuiii Tim. T. Roberts : Ariiona. J. Cuslck: ""rticj. Joe Ward ; Randolph Morton. Joe BL * «*»• Kate Morton. Lucille ferine: Wild1 ■«'; Vivian Prescott: Mrs. Miles McCarty, Magg 1 ' Meredith. "The Grent Adventurer," A plav. lu Hve periods, by t.'hannlng I'" 11 '".'' was Klveu lis Hrst production on any s »e . April 'Jl, al tltc Park Theatre, t'lillade pi J. hy ThoiniiK K. Shea and company. u f u " a scries of Ubleiiux or hUlontal eplso- - wl(h Napoleon Boonpurte as the ngin Illustrated, it la Impossible to IP™*" .oilUln- without repealing fnmlllnr h, 11 "";:; Tlie live perlmii. covering " i-irt><hl»r.»" peliml «>( lime, and willuuii i.oaiieclint H» show Naiwleon as Ceneral, tiverthiowing J»J feelile lllreel.irv. lime 17MI: N'apnlcon, J' Consul, thwarllng (he mlisplrnlors .f" r .'" Uoyallst party, lime, May, 18U0; Napol< ou '