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JULY 15. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 531 tiie Victor, at the Rattle of Mnrengn. time June 1800: Xapoleou, the Emperor, show- ing ill'' rusting off of Josephine, time. 1811. aud Napoleon, tbe Vanquished, viewing the fntoful defeat at Waterloo, time. June, 1815. The cast: Klral period—Joseph Foucbe, John !•• oilier t: I'resldent de Under, Frank U. liarlen: Napoleoo, Thomas E. Shea. Second r j u( ]—Mnfabrn, Prank 0. Darleu : Joseph Koucho John E. Glllert; Minister Talleyrand, Jimes J. Cnssndy: Bourrlenne, Hobert Lee ; General Lannca, Spencer Charters: lleurl, Herbert Miller: Duchess Gulclie, Alice En- dress; Madame Josephine. Eugenln Curtis; >'aiwleon. Thomas E. Shea. Third period— Ceueral Melas, Crank It. Dniicn: Colonel Uruuer. Frank Lniighlln: XlUn. .Thomas El- bins' Napoleon, Thoinns E. Shea. Fourth is-rlud—Ouke Cudore. Irving Southard; How- ertenne. Hobert Lee; Minister r'ouehe, John E Gilbert: Prince Eugene. Jiinies J. CBssudy: Madame Hecaniler, Emma Sulsbury : Empress Josephine, Eugenia Curtis: Napoleon, Thomas E Shea- Fifth period—Marshal Soitlt, Spen- cer Charters: SJartdinl Ney, Hubert I.ee; .Na- poleon, Thomas E. Shea. "The Wanderer," A comedv operetto. In two acts, book by F. J. l'almer and score by II. M. Staton, had Its nr«t production uu any stage at the Chest- ui)t Street Theatre. Philadelphia. May l. r >. by a company uader the management of Frank Howe Jr. The story: Zachary Joues, an elder of the Mormon Church, belni; unable to pay a certain debt to a friend named smith, agrees to marry bis twelve daughters to Anthony Smith, the friend's sou. Ills thirteenth daughter, Irene, considered a hoo- doo. Is not mentioned In the agreement. Tuny Smith inu relation to the other Smiths), being captured by the vlgllants, aud In evi- dent danger of being strung up. Is rescued by- Elder Jones under the mlsuprehensloii that he Is the Anthony Smith destined to whole- tale marriage. Tony, who Is merely a tramp, tees no way out of his dilemma. Anthony Smith arrives and Immediately falls in love with Irene, and doesn't want the other twelve daughters. Learning of the error In Ideutlty, be bribes Touy to go ahead with the mar- riage In order lo relieve him of the obligation and permit him to have his Irene. In the meantime Tony has cup- tured tbe heart of Augellne, nn antiquated maiden with $30,000 In her owu right. This state of affairs leads to many complications and considerable misunderstanding; but the tirrivBl of Major George Gray, of the U. S. Army, Just us the marriage Is about to be performed, with orders from the Government forbidding plural marriages, cheeks the MB- uatlsfactory arrangements and permits An- thony Smith and Irene to become one. aud also enables Augellne lo secure Tony Smith, ber last chauce. The cast.: Anthony Smith, Melville Stewart: Zitchary Jones,Kreil Wayne ; James Young. John Moose: George Gray, Rob- ert Dunbar; Bill Stubbs, Christian Alwurlh : Irene Jones, Amelia Stones; Angellue, Ada Lewis: Helen Jones, Jane Van der Zee; l'ricllla Jones. Xlna Itnudall: Kate Jones, Emma Moiey: Itulh Joues, Mary Bertram ; Elite Joues, Jack Uoutn-cil; Xaoml Jonas, Celene Kirk; Hester Jones, Louise Meyer; Alice Joues, Sylvia Lisle; Euiellue Joues, Fern De Soto: Jenie Jones, Zanla Chester; Mary Jones. Fanchon Houlon; Peggy Joues, Louise Meyer; Miriam, Gertrude Clemens; Estelle, Ethel Soutbgate: Fay, Anils Al- wortb; Sarah. Sylvia Carroll; Ollle, I.eon- tlne Kadstoue: Agues, Miss Parker; Leigh, Miss Bures, aud Touy Smith, Charles E. Grapewlu. "The WllKult- II UK," A musical fairy extravaganza, In a prologue and two acts and an epilogue, adapted for tbe stage l.y L. Frank Iiuum, from his fairy took, entitled "Tbe Marvelous Land of (I/..' with music by Frederic Cuapln, was orig- inally produced June 13. at Davidson's The- atre. Milwaukee. The story of tbe piece concerns the strange happenings aud ad- ventures of the VVoggle Bug, Jack Pumpkin- head, the Animated Sawliorse, Tip, the Cnmp nnd their associates. These charac- ters are familiar to everyone who has rend Air. Hanoi's "Slarvelous Laud of On." In presenting n fantastic ;ule such as this be- fore tbe Footlights It Is absolutely necessary to make It as attractive to both the eye unit <ur as possible. In the present instance every advantage hus been taken of modern stagecraft. Eight scenes are required in tbe presentation. These are. In sequence, a corn Held and pumpkin patch by moonlight, a school room In the land of (Jr.. outside tbe •walls of the City of Jewels, within the CTly of Jewels, u Held of chrysanthemums, an Oz landscape with a mysterious sandstorm ami flood, the bower of gigantic roses and a startling transformation scene. The pro- logue Is entirely In pantomime, and the mu- sical setting Is u splendid piece uf descriptive composition. Some striking numbers are: "Sweet Matilda." "Soldiers." "My Lady Bug." "The Little Maid of Oz." "Tlng-a-llug-a-llug," "The Household Brigade, Phe Dolfaiid the .Tnniplug Jack." "My Native Fairy Lund" uinl the "Paean of Victory." The chorus num- bers nearly seventy. There are several strikingly beautiful nnd atnrtllug effects, prominent among which nre the Bottle of Balloons, the Transformation to the Fairy Palace of "Maeltu," the Sand Storm aud Iho Bushing Flood of Waters, the drill of the Army of ltevokt, with both Infantry nud ar- tillery. The cast: Oziuu, Bluuche Deyo; Mombl. Phoebe Coyne; Jack Pumpklnhend, Hal Godfrey: Professor Kuowltt, Sidney Bracey; Mr. II. M. Woggle-Bug. T. E., Fred Mace: Captalu Prlssv Ping. Mabel lllle; General Jlnjur, Beatrice Mckenzie: Bettlun. Anna Klllduff: Flinders. Grace Marshall: Jessica, Mnhel I.oicnu : Melindu. Mnhel Laffln: Aunt DIuoh, Waller B. Smith: Ihe Saw-Horse, Eddie Cunnlnghum : Sir Richard Spud, Sydney Deane; Lord Stunl. YV. H. Thompson; Queeu Maeltu, Helen Allyn: Atblos. Jeauette Allen. "Eighteen Miles From Ilnine." A three net character comedy, dramatized by Will T. Hodge, from his own novel of thai name, was given Us original production nt the Lyceum Theatre, Rochester, N. V., June 7. by Mr. Hodge nud his company. The story: The hero, Joseph Heecher. Is a young countryman of great gooduess of soul, who supports his widowed mother by his labor In his uncle's cooper shop, tie loses his tiosl- tlon through the muehliintlutts of nn Ill-dis- posed cousin, and llnds himself out of em- ployment with Just $t!S.1 In savings. At this time u strolling hypnotist and n quack den- tist, who give nondescript entertainments throughout the lesser towns, are stranded In Dexter, nnd Joseph befriends life needy fakirs. Observing that they do nut take ii dime which he leaves for several nlghls upou (he bureau of his room, he concludes that they are Invincibly honest, aud Invests his all In their enterprise, Joining them us "A drawing card ill readings from Shaken- peiuc." bis ambition being In the dlrerlloi of tragedy. In a town eighteen miles from Dexter, the scamps deenmp one morning with all the fuuds, leaving Joseph In bed lo nn- swer lo a variety of offenses, Including the non-payment of hotel and other hills. The local officials heao all the offenses of the neighborhood ou his shoulders, und lo cap bis persecution, lie Is accused of stealing a cow. lie Is arrested on this charge und finally proved Innocent and II hero ted. Jusl as he has fallen heir to his uncle's entire for- tune. .1. The slory relates to the adventures of Bevcrnl enterprising Chicago dtlieus who. while exploring a mine In Montnun, lsire heir way Into u great hole aud drop through lo the other side of the world, about fifty miles under Greece. Here thev find nn un- derground dry. ruled by the Trlbuue Ka- foozelum, his Prime Minister. Btunboozelum. uud other dignitaries. How civilization Is trausplniited from Chicago lo the territory of rurvlanun, In Ibis underground world. Is developed In true comic opera fashion. Prlu- clpn a In the cast : Aswaz. Clayton Kennedr : Irndlnslnmp, Louis Kelso; Baiuhoozeltun. \V. iliitchliisuii Clark: Ilndlonna. Margaret Mac- dona Id; Knfoozelum, Dave Lewla: Silvern. Mnym Kelso; Jack True, John II. Pork- •llnb.v Blue. Xenn Blnke; "Bahy" pink, Ilcrtha Bloke: Xellle Dunn. Eltle Fiiy; Mile. De It...mi. .MmHe W. Roonev. "Reveille nail Tniw." A military dronin. in ■ prologue, tour acts and epilogue, by Brlnnt Strlnghiiin Young, re- ceived Its Initial product Ion nt the Salt Lake riienlrc. Sail Lake City, rtnh. April 10. The plot deuls with the fortunes of llurrv Leigh, who on the day preceding the time set for his weddluc with Mary HusseM. |s ordered to war. through the medium of Cnpt. Hunt, of bis company, who. unsuccessful In his suit for the bund of Mary I*igh. seeks to thwart his HMNfcM rlvul. The first scene Is the night before the wedding, when in the midst of jubilations the word conies for Ij-lgh to report at utire for duly. lA-slle Lincoln, his friend, offers to go ns Leigh's substitute, hut his proposition Is refused The second net shows recruiting volunteer* lo Xew York, depicting different scenes nlxiul the re- cruiting stollou. the climax of Hie net showing Hurry uud Leslie compelled by Hum to fall In lint to march to the front. Act three shows the heights and the buttle of fjiokont Mountain, showing the attack on Ihe hill, the defeat of the rebels, the wound- lug of the principal characters, nnd the death of Hunt. Act four shows the return of the heroes from the war. after thev hud been given up ns dead by those left behind. fust of characters: Mr. Leigh. Ravunmd M. Booth: Horry Leigh. Bert. MnrgeHs: l*sl!e Lincoln. Dean R. linvues: Lord. Lincoln's "man." \V It. Dobs: Capl. Hum. Kieeini n Russetf : Gen. Grant. Lieut. Young: Rev. An lliuny .Ylldllcdevv Ausley, Julian M. Thomas: Se-.-gt. Jones. I-'red Barnes: Corp. Madison. P. «'. Barnes; Mr. Richards. Xlck Morgan: Henry Southwlck. later it Rebel captain. I-' Barues: Tbos. Southwlck, It. W. Cuunnlngs: Kddy, Drummer Bov. Winnie Tibbltis; Mike Flynu. Shade Stringer: Carl Splelhause, Lisle Smith : Recruiting Officer. It. A. Young: Caul. Co. "A." CI. L. McKcever; Cnpt. Co. '■If," \V. II. Tobias: Pedler, Jedd Jones; I-Trst Drunk. Chns. Lusueur: Second Drunk, Victor Dods; Rebel Picket, G. McKeever; First Rebei. J. Clow: Sum. W. II.. Tobias: Pint Raw Recruit. Leo Crushv : Second Raw llecnilt. Alfred Avlln; Third Ruw Recruit, K. It. Williams; First Union Soldier. Fred Williams: Second I'nlon Soldier. A. Avlln ; Mary Itussell, Jeanne It. AU'ord : Madge Leigh, Anna Erlckson: Mrs. Russell. Henrietta Hall ; Itosalln, Dixie I,. Tike; Mrs. Sinclair, Ellen Tibbltts. "Trouper Hlllle." A military play. In four acts, by Frederick Paulding, was originally produced at the Xulloual Theatre, Rochester. N. V.. July :!. by the stuck company. The locale of play Is Fort Baker. Tex., and the wilds near by. aud the action lakes place during the yeur ls.'iO. The story hinges on the love that Kate Mohan, "the rump baby," hus for Major Blake, who Is In command of Ihe fort. Major Blake and his command start our on nn ex- pedition to subdue some warlike neighboring tribes of Commauclies. and lu order to Und out If the major really loves her, Kate ac- companies them, disguised as her long lust brother, Trooper Blllle, of whom she Is a twin, In the course of their expedition Ihe major aud some of bis followers are en- trapped by the redskins through the duplicity of their half breed guides. The major orders most of his command hack to the fort, but Kate, who learns of the plot of the Indians lu massacre Major Blnke, rides otter them and brings them back Just In time to save the major nud his party. When her Ideutlty Is dually discovered, she and Ihe major fully understand each other. The cast: Joseph Blake, Frederick Lewis: Peter Cauibrlll, A. II. Stuurt: Kred'k Krndwell, S. II. Stone: Itoht. Fall-long. Julian Nuu; Jim Stetlow, Frederick Kerhy : SunriseBeek. Maurice Wilkinson: Hiram Graves. Hugh lietlcker: Dnu Doolcy. Edwin Boring; John Pointer. Irving Smalley-. Jus. Wood. I.ndwlg Lederer; Bear Killer, Fred Eric; Sun Face, Frank Cambria: an Orderly, John Smith: Kate Maban, Jessie Boustelle: Miss Angelica Blnke. Julia Y'jrucy; Mrs. Reglnu Schmidt, Eugenie Burden. "The Pipe or 1'eaee." A piny. In four acls, by Sedley Brown, was presented for Ihe llrst time on any stage ut the Academy of Muslr. Jersey City. N. J., May 15. The story : Julian Iroquois, an In- dian, educated at un Eastern cullege, engages lu a Wall Street career, and tbere meets Arthur La Salle, of the exchange. They be- come rivals for the hand or Alice King, a banker's daughter, and for the possession of a railway. The light between the rivals Is hot uud furious, but llnully Iroquois wins. Tbe cast: Julian Iroquois, Robert Coancss; Arthur La Salle, Frank L. Sylvester; Major Courtland, Edward S. Kellle: II. D. King, John Feutou; Tom King, John Wcsilcy : Fred Deane, Ashley Miller: Slguur Luulsvlllo, Keuueth Davenport ; Paul Arnold. William YVudsworlh ; Running Fox, Edwurd Poland ; Jim Williams, Bernard Cavnnaugh: Benja- min, Roberl Ely: Alice King. Helen Mnc- Gregor: I.llllau Denue, M. D.. Helen Strick- land; Anna Courtland, Josephine Stoffer; Minnie King, Ethel Brownlug. "'I'he LiuhI of \oil." A scenic extravaganza, In a prologue nnd two mis. by Will Hough. Frank Adams nud Joseph Howard, was given Its Initial pro- duction nt the Chicago Oiiera House, Chl- cogu, HI., June 12. It tells of n fantastic him! w-herehi the King nud Queen of Hearts dwell, which is visited by Houulo.. an eurth tnuhlcn, and also by Ihe Man In the Moon, n Chorus Girl and others. Their experiences there drive litem lu u nightmare palace ruled by the Sandman, nnd this brings about liolh ll.'elr own und the fantasy's lluule. The cast : The Man lu the Moon. William Xorrls; Ihe Chorus Ulrl. Valerie Bergere : Bonnie, Mn- hel Harrison : a Welch Rarebit. Herbert Caw- thorne: the Jack of lleaiis, Alinn Youlln; April Fool, Knox Wilson: Queen of Hearts, Mny De Soitsn : King of Hcorls. Fred Hoy; the' Iteneetlr.ii. Alice Dovey: Rory Bury Alice. Juliel Wood: the Weather Man. Bert Young; Burlier Pole, Kiln Veru; Hie Sond Man. George Fox: Ihe Rooster. Walter Stanton: Star Mnhleu, Collie Mason: Telephone Man. Tom Armstrong : Snd Sky Rocket. John Men- del ; Knockout Drops. John A. Ross, of the sun Is due In that latitude shortly before the time set tor their execution, and convince the natives that they have caused the sudden dnrkuess. In the excitement attending tbe eclipse the rightful belr gains possession of the lamb, nnd coming Into his own rewards (he Americans by con- senting to their iiulou with two charming ladles of the court. The cast: Iphe Kabu. II. W. Prlugle: Hiirotin Kahu, Chns. Krenter ; Bijou Bill. J. 11. Viiughu: Iliisem Miiudi, Wheeler Kurle: Aubrey Thornton. llurrv A. Truax: John Smith. ' M. V. Murphy: Sir Perclvnl Puunchefort. John Swlkert Jr. ; BIffkiiis Mann. John Osbniirn: Chit Thar. W. F. O'Menru : I'hbet, F. II. Moltz -. Khlooiiie, II. E. Hnynes: Zeffy. II. T. Hvoti : Whlzzo. W. r\ OMearn: Ithong. Lee II. Seltzer: Mlrzha. Clara I.luck : Kutnhuin. Lnurn Deane: Luliihih. Jessie Jerome: Mrs. Wood bury Maun. Vlol.-i Clayton: Prlscllln Mann. I rum W.-bli: lialillgn. Annie Hoey : Glroln. Jeauette I'limpliell; lliibette, Mamie Swelger ; Viola. Maln-1 Carroll: Pnola, Katie Hehllng: Pnoln. Margaret Pohler: Mlnetie. Lillian Hoiumell: Clalrette, Gladys Hownrd; An- nette, Daisy Osboiirne. "Kafooielam." A musical production, in two scenes, Iwok by Allen Lowe, music by George Rosei. was £lven Its first production on any stage at [yde & Behman s Theatre, Chicago, III., Msj '•A Persian Luiiili," An orlglnnl comic opera, In two acls. Isiok by Arlfiur Robli and music by Wllford Her- bert, was produced for Hie llrst I line on any singe ut Hie .Maryland Theatre, Bnltl- rnore. :vfd., Mav I. The story Is of o Per- sian ruler whu retains his power by tbe suppression of n will left by bis brother, which would make bis nephew the heir. Tbe document Is concealed In the figure of a lamb, which fact Is discovered by the nephew, who plots to gain possession of II. Two Amerlcnns. who land from on air ship nnd are sentenced to death for their Invasion of the province, are aware that a total eclipse "The Mny or of inklu," A farcical opera, iu two acts, book by Hleli- urd Cnrlc, music by Wm. Frederick Peters, was given Its Inltlnl production at the New Powers Then Ire. Grand Rapids. Mich., June 2. . The Story: Marcus Orlando Kidder, a comic opera impressarlo, is stranded In To- kin with the remnants of his theatrical or- goul-znllon. which left Sntl FrunclBco. After a number of vicissitudes Ihe troupe has been reduced lo n few members and reached tin' Japanese dty, with Julian Lincoln, the tenor; Kiistr. the soiig bonk hoy ; Madame Stitch, the wardrobe mistress, and Birdie Talcum, the soubrette lu addition, Die stiuwlcil company Is ncotiipauied by eight hungry little dancers, known as the "Peanut" bullet. On reaching Toklo the troutje Is ut- terly without funds. At the time of the* M-rl'vnl of Kidder's Kouilqurs In Toklo, Gen- eral Smoke, with the connivance of Ivan orfiilltch. u Hussion spy, have entered lulu a conspiracy to prove that the mayor of Tokln has betrayed Japanese secrets lo the Russians. Thev persuade the mayor that he has divulged these secrets in his sleep, and he believes the charges against him. After getting the mayor of Toklo In his power, Satake uses his influence to force oioto. Ihe inuyor's dnughter, lo marry liliu. The mayor gives his consent lo his alliance on Ihe'condition that Ihe secrets he has revealed In his sleep will not he lepnrted to the Mikado, Oioto, how- ever, comollcntes mutters by fulling In luve with' Julian Lincoln, the Tenor with Kidder's Komiques. nnd refuses to marry Sntnke, whereupon Ihe latter re- ports the mayor's treachery lo I be mikado. Slenuwhlle Hie mayor has been expecting a visit from a number of eccentric foreign princes, with their suites, and he mistakes Kidder and his Kniolques for this roval parly. He Immediately houses the stranded nclors. Kidder keeps up the deception, hut he Is discovered uud thrown Into Jail. Be- fore his Incarceration he had met with Betsy Lincoln, an Auierlcun heiress, who Is visit- ing Toklu In her private yacht, and the two fall In love. Afler numerous roiupllcnllons affairs ore dually straightened out. Tin-cast : Kow Tow. Edward Garvle: General Sntnke, Addison Madeira ; Ivan Orfulllch, Charles W. Mevers; Tannke. Jess Colne: Nlkk-t, Kdr,ln linker: Awnkl. William H. I'lntt; Betsy Lincoln, Mny Holey: Oioto Sou, Mnzitrette: Kimono, Allele Rowland; Ylnng Ylnng, Kolhryn llunn; Tuna. Ethel Lloyd; Yumo. Eleanor Hurlon : Chub, a cnbln boy. Madge Y'lncent; Birdie Talcum, Minerva Courtney; Mndome Stld'h. Emmn Jutirler: Julian Lincoln. Edmund Stanley: Rusty, WP- Ham Rock: Madge Y'lncent, Madge Vincent ; nilve Roberts. Olive Roberts: Inez Hauor. Inez Boner: Selmn Harris. Selinn Harris: Irene O'Jionnell. Irene O'Dunm-ll: Marl" Salisbury. Mnrle Salisbury: Helen Brandon, Helen Brandon : Daisy Johnstone. Daisy Johnstone: Kuliirvti Ardlvnnl. Kulhrvn Ar dlhnnl; Marcus Orlando Kidder, Richard Oar'e. "The (.i-rioiin t.'ypsy," An original comedy, lu four nets, by Sidney It. Ellis, wos produced for the first lime uu imv stnt'e nt Ilolllday Street Theatre. Halti- more, Md., April II. The action of the pluy tnkes place In nortlierii Xew York, at and near the home of Geu-ral von Lundberg. where his nephew. Metz Eogelbrecht, who was formerly a member of a hand of gypsy*, Is living. 'Die gypsys, who have been roaming almul the country In search of Melz, with whom Zllpali, a beautiful gypsy girl. Is In love, hove discovered bis whereabouts and en- camped In the locality. Metz Is In love with Rosle Teller, the dnughter of n neighbor, and the plot deal* with the effort* of Zllpnb and the hand, aided by Clarence Roek. aluo a suitor of Rosle. to win him back- to tbe old life. Foiling In this Ziiptth claim* that Metz Is ber husband and that little Gretch-.-n Is bis child. Metz succeeds la dis- proving Ihe charges, and all ends In tbe con- ventional way. Tbe cast: Metz Engelbrecbt, J. BERNARD DYLLYN Sigurd on the 4th of July, from Rrouklyn, X. V., from Johnny Ray. from tleorge Cohan, from "Cook's," from the i.yru- Theatre to Huston, fur Ihe Shiihcrt' Brothers, for lo meet "The Kurl and the Clrl." uud show thrill the Westerner, wllh Eddie For as the principal cut-up, commencing uu or about this coming September, nt the Casino, X. Y Now 1'iiiiy Pastor's guesi for the Summer, at Elmhursi Preiiy hod for tdli-ulhl. Al , II. Wilson: General '"b Lnudberg. Harry It. Flsl-er; YYull'giir. Boss D'Xeal : Clarence Hock. J. K. Hutchinson. Juke, II. II. < .'revue; Zllpah. Rulliida llnluhrlilge: Widow Teller. Florence Stover: Uosle Teller. Maud. 1 , lleiidrlx: lirnnny. Aurelle Durtiml ; Little Gretcheu. 1. lllle Olive Wright. 1 +++ 1 NEW PLAYS AXII MKKTCHK9 fOPY- H1GHTKII. Copyrighled by Copyright- -A Courier of Fortnne," A romantic drama, lu four acts, by A. W. Mnrchmont. In collaboration with Ralph Stuurt. was given Its tits', production nt the I.rand Opctn House, Hamilton, Cnuadu, April 20, by Itulph Stuurt and a cumpnny under the management uf Edward ThurfUier. The authors auununce it ns a romance of n few centuries agu. aud the net ion takes place lu France. A son of Ihe reigning house of Bourbon has been sent to Inquire Into the affairs in the Seigniory of Morvtil. of which the Prince de Ruchelle Is governor. Com- plaints have been mudo as to the hitter's maladministration and corrupt practices. The royal Investigator travels Incognito. and assumes the name uf Gerard de Cobalt, ou his arrival he lluds the place on the eve of n' revolution, and Hie governor detested In- tbe populace. Gerard n,images to pacify I lie people for Ihe time belug by throwing money to Ihe men and Powers lo the wuineu. He learns that the prince Is scheming with ;be Marquis de PruUtille to marry the hitter's rich ward. Gahrieile, nud to tills cud be lias obtained u del ree of divorce I ruin ids present wife. Gubrlelle and Or-rnrd full 111 love with encli other, but they are seuu rated by Hie prince, who treacherously fustens a crime on Gerard, and orders his incarceration- While in prison Gerard discovers that his Jailer Is uu old Bourlsiu soldier, and It Is but the work of u few minutes to prevail ou the latter to set hltn free. Immediately Gubrlelle Is admitted aud to ber Gerard reveals his identity. By a trick the prince is locked up lu the place of Gerard, and tbe latter, with Gubrlelle and the Jailer, escape, in the lust act Gerard has further assurance of the treachery of the prince, for, lu the disguise of a monk, be sounds him oil his Intentions to Ihe people and also to his ltilitred wife. When thor- oughly convinced. Gerald throws off all dis- guise' and declares himself us the sou of the king. The prince Is deposed, and Gerard declares his Intention of wedding Ga- brlelle ns soon as she will consent. The cast : Gerard de Cobalt. Rnlph Stuurt ; Priuce de Hoclu-lle. George Lessey: Marquis de I'ro- balle. Frank II. Lo Hue: Colonel Dubois, George It. Sprague; Coptnlti de In Tour. Ed- mund Mulkav. Capt. Honteile. II. Mtiudy; D»nva St. Jean. Dan E. Ilanluu: Daubon. Alf. Helton: Pierre Duvul. Murdock lie- Ouarrle; Jacques Biiiiliiuger. A. Ii. Font: Servant, James Wall: tlabrielle de Mullu- i-ourl, Kate Beiietenu: Lucette de Bolsde- garde, Mnhel Wright; Josephllie de Courtelle, Mory Miilhiu: Felice l'rchoune, Gertrude Stanley; Princess de Rochelle, Martha Mnyo. "\i..\ska." In oue act Lincoln .1. Carter. ■•Aii.Miit.vi. Arr,'' In two nets. ed by Alder .1. Blelhen Jr. "li.vrim.ou Maids," In one art. Copyright- ed by Helen O. Towne. "I in: CoNijrr.sT." In four acls. Copyright- ed by P. F. Hugowny. •'Dii-g YYiiiiTiXirriix." In one act. Copy- righted by Mrs. Schuyler Crownliishleld. ■•Fi.iiH.vFi.uuizRL," lu ore act. Cupvrlght- ed by I). Friiiucklyu. •■Tin: Gmkit IlKvoNn." In one »ct. t!opy- rlghtrd by Ruth Chandler. •Itiisn Xohii.itv." in three acts. Copy- righted by W. ItolfT. "Lima." lu four acts. Copyrighted Ur Annie E. Burke. •Tub Mhimh Manaokd." Copyrighted hy Mary K Hoc. "Tut: Ol.li llii.1T IIol-sk." In three art I. Copyrighted by .Mngdiilenn llnuser. "Tun Pl.KisiKLlNn." In oue irt. Copy- righted by Henry S. Mltchrl. •■llAriiA." In one act. Copyrighted by Ruth Dennis "Tut! Skiifxaiik," Copyrighted by Wil- liam N. Sellg. "Tin: Thais Disi-atciieii." Geo. A. Buy. "Tin: WiiaiKTiiK." iu three acts. Copy- righted by J. F. Moouey. "Accoiidinii to Hoyi.k." Copyrighted by A. Burkhnrdt and F. X. ITuuigan. "Tim Altaii." In oue art. Copyrighted by C. Hokestraw. "Ilv His Hovai, Cohviaxp," In one act. Copyrighted by Ed. Myer. "CiNimitBi.t.A ami thi: Piiintk," In one act. Copyrighted by It. A. Buruel. "Tin: Ciivs-1-ai. Hai.i.," lu three nets. Copy- righted by E. L. Jenkins. •"I'llR GIPSY CfllN-TKSS." In four lit*. Copyrighted by tl. I'. Beau. "Tub Hkaiit M> a Hosb," In oue art. Cnpy- oue net. Copy- righted by Alice M. Bailey. "Hkr counoy VlsiTon, In •In tub Aiitist's Stiiui>," in one act. Copyrighted by It. Henton. "KlXil Tim< Tun.'' •.•atiiwn," Copyrighted Copyrighted hy Gwfd Johns! oue. "Tun Livixn Fan," Iu one act. Copy- righted by the Hints Publishing and Supply Co. "Miss YViniuiiivk," In two acts. Copy- righted by t'hnppel & Co. "A Pictciik n* lumnM," In one act. CopcrlBhteil bv Hobert Stoddnr, "A StiATTitRKii ItiKAl.," In one net. Copy- righted by Max Gloss. "Btoxii, FlKK." Copyrighted by «.'. K. Harrison. "Tub Si;biiaiiiii.bk," In four acts. Copy- righted by Cl. V. lienn. "SLKErr Hoi.uiw." Copyright eil hy A. H. Tafft. •'Tim Smithy," In one act. Copyrighted by Hubert South. "Towx Ham. To-Xiiiht," In one net. Copy- righted by Will M. Cressey. "Ai.ciiiiiiirs," In seven tableaux. Copy- righted hy M. Cue und E. Pulrlz. •Tiir CAitttiAiiK in Waitinii." In one act. Copyrighted by Grace B. Delunej. ' "LE Cimi'lN," In three nets. Copyrighted by Henri Keruul. "Dick axo BUR," In one net. Copyrighled ky L. Rohr. "Tim Di.Ri.." Copyrighted by II. Lavedan. "Kim.i," lu three acts. Copji-lghted by J. Hinckley. "Kl.AMtNfj Eyrs," In one net. Copyrighted by John T. Prince Jr. "Okkkh ok Goi.ii," In four acts. Copy- righted by I". Lessen. "John T. Maiiiiieaij," in one act. Copy- righted by L. Ruhr. "The Lund of Uiot." Copyrighted by R J. Uardensldre and W. C. Morton. "SlAnri-HKH asp Hki.bna." In Hire acta. Copyrighted by M. R. Doaue. "Monby is Tin: Riser ok Evil,." Copy- righted by B. KUng. "A NlUIIT IN lIlllN hy James C. Walsh "Tin: Nixh of Spadks," In one act. Copy- righled bv Edith Sessions. "Tin: I'U'KR'm Pay." In nno not. Copy- righled by Samuel French. "Tin: Pminch of Timbiicktoo,'' In tlirat acls. Copyrighted by S. P. Davl. "Tub I'noMoTott.' Copyrighted hy Hen Blow. "A Runaway Hoy," In four acts. Copy- righled hy Mux II. Myers. TttAi'H," hi one net. Copyrighted by J. It. Alford. Tint Wixf. Ikbt Maauink." In four acts. Copyrighted by F. SumiDcrltel. "THE AuiiilcANH," In Ihrro acts. Copy- righted by !■: Eisner. '•Ancioi.ina Uf tub Gashkn." In two sets. Copyrighted by C. Y'redenberg, •''Ctioss Lots." In three nets. Copyright- ed by It. M. Sprerrv. "Dfhtinv." In live oris. Copyrighted by L. II. Halghl. "Tut.: Evp of Ills lloi'E," lu three acts. Copyrighted by C. M. Hyskell. 'THE Enkjiv's Dauhhtrk." Copyrighled by Maiy l.ucklnud. ••Kaiiii Matiibii," lu five nets. Copyright- by M. I) Flattery. "Tin: IIai-i-ibst Day." In two sets. Copy- righted hy Edward Holtwood. • Hawtiioi-ak, V. H. A." Copyrighted by J. 11. Fugnu. "How Wu.MF.N Lovr.," In three acts. Copy- righted l.y .1 P. Gallagher. •A KnxTtv.-KY Rum a no:." Copyrighted by John I In Huron. "Lai y Jimhimib'k SJtiiatrov," In one act. Copyrighted hy II. Ileaton. ".VA.'.-r.-y Ei.i.as," In one net. Copyright- ed by Y. V.. Woods nnd N. K. WnodH. "A NaI'oi.win in TguWIC." In four acts. Copyrighted hy J. YVedeklud. "AN fll.o Vasb." Copyrighted by E. II. tln-rliunn. "i'Biii-r V. IHncb, thr Book Amsxt," In one n<-t Copyrighted by .loliu T. l-'are. "TUB l'llOFRMSOK's MoTHKH-I.\-l,AW," 111 one net. Copyrighted hy C. Itoduiond. "HfllAr. TRM'PlfONR Gossif US TltK WtXI't C'lgiMir." In two acts. Conyrigliled liy V. YV. Hepperl. "Stop Timer," In one act. Copyrighled by E. Hay 'Actions tiik Dkap Link," In one act. Copy- Copyrlghled by S. M. Young. "Tub Ai.tiirhs Laihrs." In one act, righted by F. McCuiloiigb. •'ADBIRNNE," In one act. Copyrighted hy U. h. Cooke. "The Designers," In three acts. Copyright- ed br the Touring Syndicate. "KnoM the Depths." Copyrighted by E. 8. Hopkins Jr. "Goodwin hrt," In one act. Copyrighted by Miss II I. Barrett. "The Great I am," In two acls. Copy- righted by Edward Morau and Will Hecluu. Wwtku tirirK-.u Novelty Performer; must change for one week. No bunt*, ti.nui »al- srr to right parly. Teal .Show; »ta\ ut bent hotels; play good towns; lung season and good treat- ment: must Join nt uin-e. Add. Dr. It. F. Christy, Rlrlilinul Centre. Kli -hlsud Co.. Wis. ARItlAI. KIGCINU. Foot Rerolre~auil shoTi KOKSAI.E; iii-ni complete Juggling Act. -Loop Ihe Loup." una liuup lliilsli, I7\'jlli.,ilri-ilrup. ward- robe, mcehiiulcHl effects, ex, , I'HANK L1IUAR. Downer's Grove. III. CltAS. l>KKI.k»li,sCKSICAUIIST.7.vnii7t of the lastri-ir. for !.'■ proilucilulls tor Mm timer Snow's stock Collin. II.-Is talentcit mid pnuluctil results thiit woiiiii do cndit to any puiutvr on 207 HAV iTJd ST., Ilatli Beach, N. V, canvas. "IINCLK BOOKKH," ravorlte i rtuiner wllh ludles and cliiiilrcit, can lie i-tigugeil lur twenty minutes or whole evening: l.uoti lu-iiuilful progrummi-s luriiishi-il (renal each perfuniunce Address ull letters to F II. HAWKINS, Ji He Kuvnn Courl, Kluilin sli, llrooklyu, New Vork. WAMTRD, for JOBS i'. HAHItlS'Hlil SIIO\V\ Hill Posters, Lithographers, also com! circus Cook, (loodwnges. JOHN P. IIAHKIS. Jnlyll. New Oxford, !•».; 14. McSherrystoiru, Pa.: U, t.lttlesti i wii, I'll.; I i, K niiiielshnr g, Mil. WAXTKD-,1 V.tCNIHO TUTAKK NUVIKQ IMCI'IKKS: also FILMS mill SONG Sl.lliKH. lv 11. Uai-FEK JR.. Petersburg. V». 1VANTKD, Attrnclloiis on perrcuingr. lliree ■lays' oiitdnor tCuriilvul). July :ti. Aug. I. 2. Add. M. U DK'I.AS'II, ss Vine S i ree l, West la nil. Muss . SKKTCHF.S,Travesties. Iiurlesi|iics.elc,.writ- ten to order. I f itruish uul\ the best original work. JOS. KKH8IIAW. Sin liiiiiniivvoc.il St., I'ldla., Pa. ATTENTION ! OVKIl 100 HKls UF SOVt; M.ILIKI, KIIOM SIIIO AN» l'I» l>KII MET. ALSO THE LATEST HITS: Good Bye, Sweet Marie. Violette. Heet He Down at Lnaa, Lena. Vnil ,-,U Ollivi. ut S'.UH Per Set .-Colored). Films from -.' cents per toot aud up. write ror July Lists. 138 K. I lib sin, TKL. JtM-URAII, 1,-W.Tf., F¥e\v Vork. FOR LEASE, FARCE IN 2 ACTS. s People. Miignulcciit Hut- of specliil paper. A mire niuiicy getter. Address for liiirllculiirs I.'I'I.IIANE, CIIACK A WKSTON'S Hooking EAi'lmiige, tm U70 Ilioailwav.N.V City. HOIIKIt, It K 1.1A II Lb: ItSICIAW. IIIRahl. TUBA, For MAORAY'8 EOROPBtN 0IR0OS. Telegraph ANDREW MAt'KAV, per ro ute. WANTED QUICK, PERFORMERS OF ALL KIND, FOR MKHICINI-: CO. Say It you play organ. Week alunds; live at hotels. Nuine luwt-at In llrst latter. UOOH CANVAS MAN, ivrlle. MANAGER JIKUil.'LNE CO., I'r lceliuig, laHi'ktwiin ntiC o., Pa. A oompItbnt" Hand and Orchestra Director (Violin mid l'liinol, UEslRRH I'EltAIANKNT Location in livk uitv- omr reiiuhie man- ugera. r'HANK I*, ATllKlt'lON, Leister House, iliinilugiliiii, I'einia. vir ant »"Jo", Two Acrobatic Kids, one for alniiglit, oue lur comedv; n eight, 7J lo luu pounds. Address _ UIIKKNVIL1.K, can. or i: 1,1 l-l'Hlt Gillto, Warn, mm m-i±r?i HuhIcuI Ad: prefer one plnyltig light ptirtH or double lu buml 'M weuks' eiigMgvinonl. Alberto, writ*; J. HgtltfltK, ess. L ak e, Minn, THE NEW OPERA HOUSE . Will Uu <lllll|llcle.l Hngil. I.IUOr,. GEO. H. BECK. M«r„ CBESTLIHE, 0. h mm -- m \M\m mm, Electric llluiiiliiatial Hell I'lntiu and Marlmha- pliotie. siiile lowest price shipped N. V. i.'ily. Ml'HICAL. caie of (,'I.H'IKH. ■Mill uilU HuincrnaiiHuudTflck huge,or will rwii JMIiB**"eiuhauge or buy good I'laiforui Show, or Popcorn, l.'imity Couullvuii or Pimm 1 l-ltuK. HARKY SMITH, hi at/eville, I'd., IS| I'eBtis Crenlt. IT-IK; Tronelvlllo, ill-its. OI'LV Milt K V (. AU K M EM , Al PiLHIST and GIBO BEiDEB. Have tl/pKV costume. Address liL /ANKN, IJIU Sp. tlurdeii St., I'hlla.Ptt. WAVrFII-TO IMFM.UIK mM\, Hoy or young man. Unat. be lean ami agile, with aoiue ncrolmili: uhillty. Pur vaudeville avi. II. I.UKIIfcl.. iiiient (M.IPPKK. "Tin: llAi.i-' Way Hoijsk." lu one uct. Copyrighted by gjtn I-'. Kendall. "llf.ABT'M 15sTlinosi:l»." Cupyrlglited by Juatlu Ailnnm. "Him Ji:ai.ui;.m Wiii:." Copyrighled by Juatlu Adams. "Joseph," In awn ni-la. Oapf rightetl by Cyrtia T. Itewl. A LittI.i: I'liii.n Hiiam. I.kaii Him." Copy- LuVK OF I'NINrilKH Lot IKK." Cony Couy ml Mra righted by Clin*. Honvllz. "Tiik Love uf I'mini-km righted by Mm, Jom-phlue M. ClurU nnd Mr*. A. Helle TalTI. "The Lunatic at LAHiir.," In three ui-ti. Copyrighted bv A. Ilond und J. S. I.'luualuu. "Till! Mayuii <ii- TiiKin," lii two acts. Copy- righted by M. tt'lliiuirk * Sons. "Mti. a.nii Mkh. Na.hi." Copyrighted by Edgur Si-ldiui. My TRMSaowB! Nivi:i:tiikaut." in one act. Copyrighted by II. II. Lane. "A NON-l'llo ~ mirks sti in * i, Cam.," In nue act. Copyrighted by V. A. floslrock. "I'lTNCif ANn Ji'DY 'lt«L, a sketch. Copy- righted by N. Harding. "A Rl'aaiAS 8r-T," In four nets. Copyright- ed by II. W. Hayen. "Tiif. Litti.f. l-'ATiim fir nir Wii.iien- ne»8," III one act. Copyrighted by Auatlu Strong and l.luyd Oiboiirue.