The New York Clipper (July 1905)

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JULY 15. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 533 SOKTG BOOKS. The BEST, the BIGGEST, the FLASHIEST, and Sell on Sight Always. CONTAINING the SEASON'S BIG HITS. Keep a little Cosy Corner in Your Heart For Mo, My Ouiding Star, Tm Going to Meet Birdie To-Night, I Novor Meant to Hurt You So, Longing for You, I Love You Oirllo Hut I Don't Know why, Itont Be 80 Mean, I Wants to Pick a Bone With You, All Is Well, Jennie Dear; Farewell, Soldier Boy; The Bong Birds Are Singing of You, Tommy, Tho Faoo In the Firelight, What a the Matter with Sarah? Daisy, Jasper, Don't You Hear Me Calling You; If Dreams Were Only True, At Night, Billy McNeil for Mine, Nobody But You, Mj Bashful Moon, By the Watermelon Vine, Lindy Lou; Remember, Sweetheart, Remember; Sylvie, She Waits by the Deep Blue 80a, Where tho Dreamy Suwanee Flows, Under tho Banana Trco and twenty-flve other songs, one full piece of music on Teddy Roosevelt up to date, Recitations, Jokes and Monologues. t)ar ntnek hnnkn for I.M),,-(iil hmjiiii Lorn I.nii.c, illo 10*13, tMJU per 100, or ,10,011 per 1,«JIM). We mulce gprclnl cover or lomimny hanks In ten dnyi trom i.irlr.t of order ong l»ook letter gluing full liifnrmatinii on aong book matter.. Send 10c. In .taraua to nay po.taae. Orilera flllen an iluy receiver! tor irtork book.. Ho bonk, .nil C, <>. I) _.. ._. __. A. LONDON P>UB. OO., 718 Willow S*., Phllad We pnlilleh ap to date Clown Bong and Joke Book., .lie mil, 80c. per 100, or per 1,000. oar iong Bend for .amnl.a and Iphla, F=«. AT LIBERTY, FOR FAROE COMEDY OR BURLESQUE, CARR and JORDAN, In a new travesty bjCH AS. IIORWITZ. Alio a new PARTNER that makes rood In her singing as well an acting. Nis« JORDAN Is a never ingenue UEU. H. CARR can play anything excopttiraw and sings fairly well. Per. ad., M »'. UM STRUCT M.Y.CITV. Wee* of July 17, Old Orchard, Me.; 24. Lincoln Park, New Bedford, Muss. SID BAXTER, Aerial'Cyclist, ASSISTED BY V Big Success at Keith's $1,000,000 Theatr B08T0N IIKRALD: BOSTON fJI.OBB: Kclih'a Theatre —Sid Baxter gave one of the best exhibitions nf iilcyclc riding on a slack wire seen horo in years Keith's Theatre —Sid Baxter prcsenlcd a very clever exhibi- tion of slack wire uulcvcic and bicycle riding and juggling. i, Boston, Last Week. BOSTON TOST: Keith's Theatre—Shi Baxter gave one nf the best exhibitions on the slack wire seen hero for many a day. seen iiuru m jw". uiljlic i tuiiig hiiu juggling. many a aay. NEXT WEEK, KEITHS UNION SQUARE THEATRE, NEW YORK CITY. Invito offers from managers or llrst class road companies. W'c both do small pails and Miss Sontliwlck will work In chorus. Address care of NEW YORK CLIPPER. Permanent address, 241 E. 13th St., care of HIiHXETT, New York Cltv, 107 Consecutive Successful Week 107 MIST CL4SS PIANIST, Bale Preferred; il SINGING AID DANCING SPECIALTY TEA! (Ian and Woman), to also Play Parts. Dramatic People In all lines write. Good wardrobe indispensable. Mt'ST give age, size, experience, lowest salary and RECKNT photo first letter nr will nol be considered- "It makes no difference what ynti WERE, It's what you arc today." Address SIOUX FALLS, SOffTII DAKOTA, week July W4& THE SHOW WITH A CARLOAD OP SPECIAL SCENERY. WilVPrn Thoroughly reliable Dramatic Tcoplc hi all lines, H/l"D T /"YTTTG TYP AIV Tf ailillU, ,i support the TALENTED ROMANTIC ACTOR, IMXt. ll\J\J lO 1/JoAJ.l In a series of successful Metropolitan productions, handsome leading lady, second woman, char, woman. Ingenue and comedian, both must doltrst class up to date specialties islntinc and dancing preferred). Tall, handsome, heavy man, Jnv. man to sing illustrated songs (one with Rdlson machine preferred), char, man, manage stage (not direct), gen. biz. ami utility men. Al carpenter and prop-. man. first class agent, bus. mgr., pianist (male), sight reader and arranger. All MUST have elegant wardrobe and be lliuronghly competent. Explain all llrst letter. Send photos, will lie returned. Sea- son opens Tyler, Tex., Aug. 14. Rehearsals same place, July 31. Address LOUIS DEAN, P. O. Rox J«, Tyler, Texas. Would like to hear from L. D. Ellsworth, Francis Plerlot and others who have heeu associated with me before. STERLING'S UNCLE TOM'S CABIN CO., For Summer and Winter season, MAN FOR MARKS, ACTORS WHO DOUBLE BRASS, MUSICIANS OF ALL KINDS, especially Baritone Player, quick. NOVELTY FOR STREET PARADE, TWO COLORED WOMEN. Musi he Oood Singers and Dancers. CANDY STAND TO RENT. Address MRS. IDA WASHBURN, Southuld, L. I., 12; Crccnport 13, Southampton 14, Sag Harbor 16. For DE ALVA'S COLLEGE GIRLS, Ladles that, can Double In Rand and Orchestra; those that can do turn on stage preferred. Lady Contortionist, Jugglers, Wire Walkers, Acrobats, Sister Team; In fact, any Oood Lady Act. Show opens Oct. 1 at Owcu Sound, Out.. Canada. Would like to hear from Small Lady Band. Address DR. E. H. DE ALVA, Owen Mound, Canada, WHO WANTS AN AGENT? {"SSSS] REPERTOIRE COMPANY PREFERRED. SOBER. : 15 YEARS'EXPERIENCE. : RELIABLE. One who delivers ihe goods and gets there In every particular, from A In /. and does business In « business way six days a week. CONTRACTOR, PHUIiHAMMEK. LITHOdltAPHKlt. DILI. POSTER. Address HARRY G. ALGER. 2168 Lexington Ave., New Yolk City. TO COMPLETE COMPANY, LEADINC MAN, CHARACTER MAN, CHARACTER WOMAN, PIANO PLAYER. No lime lo dicker. TIM LEAVENS. Trcmont Hotel, Marlnotlc, Wis. A FUNNIE COMEDIAN. A CLEVER SOUDRETTE. JOHN" and ALICE McDOWELL This Week, Collins' Garden, Cnliiinliu-., Ohio. HARRY-' THB CROSBYS SWEET SINGERS, GRACEFUL DANCERS. -OMA. WANXED, SHOW PROPERTY. One 60 or 70ft. Hnggage Car; also fiOfl. Finis, R. R. Baggage Wagons, Ticket Wagons, Parade Wagons, Baggage Hurnes. Camels, Cages and Animals. Ponies. Miniature Cares. Al'tilKTOS JONES, CDLK A RoilKliR' RAILROAD SHOWS, rulaski, Va., July 15; Marlon, Va., July 17; Rmal Retreat, Va., July 1H; Bristol, Tcnn., July lo. WANTED, TO JOIN AT ONCE, Good Silent Act. COOD MCSICAL ACT that can plav piano or organ. "Hicr Good, Useful People: must change for a week. Write all quick and be readv to Join. THOS. P. KK LLKY, Sherbrookc, IJucbcc, Canada. Cardboard and Cylinder Organs, Suitable ^nr merry KorinmK. street parade, arcade, dancing halls, etc. Address L. IIERNI, 1230 1232 First Ave., New Yolk. WAWPPII ''or Company No. 2. All 'Round " ail * ■"'•••comedian. Teams and other use- ful people who can make good. Sure inoner. male lowest. Join on wire. W.A.J. MILI .KIt.llin.KVlllo, Mo nroe Co., Ohio. Wanted" Med. Performers No has been*. Mention lowest salary. Wusl Join 'lulck. COLUMBIA MED. CO., Carlhage, Ind. Theatre Lease and Fixtures t'HKAl' IIKNT. lioort, live Ion. Reason for selling, other business. Thirty thousand lo draw from. If von menu business wrlto II. CHRISTY, Ottumwii. Iowa. I*. S.—titled Exhibition Model lOdlsuii Marhlue, used three months In house, for suit'. tJyod as new. WANTED, FOR HARRINGTON'S PAVILION THEATRE. REPF.RTOIRE PEOPLE IN ALL LINES. MI'SICIaNS, Rand and Orchestra. Address SHELBl'lIN, Ind. AT LIBERTY, CORNET, II. and <>.; BAND LEADER. Absolutely «obrr and rellnMe. em* . L. .STKVKNS, Montello. WK WANTED, PERFORMERS FOR MEDICINE CO., t'rider rnnvns: wit, sleep cm lot. Tell It nil tlrsl letter. SIHtc :i|;e. Scott Hull. wrlltf. Address L>r. John L'. l-'oje, Xorliorue, Mo. PACKS. THE' NEW PER COPY. Madison's Budget No. 10 Ready Aug. 6 or sooner. Send your order now Bnd gel one of the llrst copies. The best BUDGET I ever Issued, and that means a whole lot. Address L,. J. K. IIKII., 11(11 3d Are,, N. Y. (Agent ,tl>r Jnnim iimilmn). WANTED, MUSICIANS Tulia, Trap Drummer, clown anil Concert People. Address SUN IIKt)THKHS,a3< Sumjjill St., Toledo, 11. LYCEUM COMEDY CO. Repertoire People, Heavy Man to direct, Al Spe- cialty Team, man with Moving Picture Machine, Actors doubling hrasa. Can use lew more Fair dates in Ohio and Kentucky. AUS. EVANS, ■tOKMiirkrt St., Portsmouth, O. HALF SHEET HANGERS AND WINDOW CARDS, $5.00 For First 100. Made direct from photo, Including crops lining, A superior and artistic piece of paper, which mnst be seen to be appreciated. Full sl/c samples and price list, 10c. OTTAWA P HOTO URAVURECO., Ottawa ,Illinois . SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW. WORKING WORLD And .itiier DndMU. liARUK MKCHAMCAI. MOVIXti NOVKLTIKS. UiMteat lnnwltig Alt nut Ions FJvcr Seen in this c-i>mtiiiiult y. Sell or ttcnt. SI. .lANDOItl', •Jill Went liStk Street, 3CsW York. AT LIBERTY, VIOLET BALL HEAVIES AND CHARACTERS. Responsible managers only. Address Wa K. MA IN ST .. LIMA. O HIO. W A IM T E D To double Hand and Orchestra. Other Musicians, write; those doubling Stage given preference. (I. C. iJCY, (iarrcti, Ind. WANTED, REPERTOIRE PEOPLE All Lines. Carpenter for Parte. JACK IU1EFKLEH, Appleton, Wia. Man Willi Machine anil Font tire Films, .juvenile Woman, Gen. Bus. Haa (mull and wife preferred). Those doubling brass and doing specialties givon preference. Will buy band uniforms If a bargain. Co. opens last of August. Address THE BOWMAN CO.. hoc Hampshire St., Quliivy, III. SCENERY TRUNK SCKNKKY A SPECIALTY, DANIKI.K NTl l>IOH, CHICAGO, •M CHICACO OI'KIIA HOUSK. WANTED, I'd 17 I t\Vi' UL'iUIIV ■* FOR LONC SEASON, MUSICIANS AND 10 NIGHT PEOPLE, Ad dress _i_-_ M - WWBT& ('"., I'ana, Hl.|| DIE-CUT COUPON TICKETS I,"'ik neater, heller printed, handled earner, taken faster with less chance of error lhan •ny others over made. Snuiplfs lortlic asking. DIEPBESS CO., 37 Bill 81, Cazenovia, H, T. WANTED, Slertopticon and Moving Picture MACHINES: also Song Slides and Lecliiro Sets. Give full particulars and lowest cash prlre. RICHARDS A IIIIICH, 4:11 Wet Michigan Strrel, Diilut h, Minn. COMPLETE OUTFlHor Japanese Ball Same, 3 tables, 30 balls and 1,100 articles for (DO. Japan- ese novelties and high grade goods stillablc for ball game prizes. Send for catalogue. TRADING CO.. 9H William St., New Tork. 'WAJVI'ISjO, Oood. Clean Attractions For Town ot 2,000. House seals 400 people. Address THE ARMORY, Klngwoorl. W. Va. Lady Musicians Wanted al Once.—Clarionet. Il««s Flute ami lht"s Uriiiiiiner. IHhfrs, wrlle.*--- Al'lle Allele lie Itoul, Leader I.siIIcn' (Ii- chi-itra. 0 ob nil Atlantic Hotel, Atlantic i.ltr. \. J. in lenglh" H tier Sears, set Scenery I by lS.Calc two star Light, all for H2V NFABIT SCUV1LLE, ML Cleiilttii, Mich. THE INIMITABLE DROLL COMEDIAN, NED NYE AMI TIIH MISSES D'ARVILLE, TIIK UKFABAI>LKLK1> l>V.\<HKN, In the gicat.-i naming and Singing Novelty on the Singe, July 10, AIIVEIIJM PIKIl 'JHEATKK, AHVkliNK, I.. 1. Wanted, FIRST CLASS REPERTOIRE PEOPLE I Am Putting Out Two Compinlei Playing Mottly Three Night Standi Over Crawford Circuit. LEADWO HAN. LEADING WOMAN, HEAVY HAN, SINGING AND DANCING 80UBRETTE, 8IN0IN0 AND DAHOUia OOHEDIAN, CHARACTER HAN with Specialty, SISTER TEAM that Pliy Parli, Both Companies Open Aug. 12. SKETCH TBAH that Play Parts, HD8ICAL TEAM Ihat Play Parts, JUVENILE HAN villi Oood Voice lor Illustrated Songi, CHARACTER WOMAN with Strong Spe- cially, CARPENTER that Can Play Parts. Rehearsals Start Auij. I; Aitdreia O. T. (JKAWroilli, HI K r,, < mwrnril Tlii-ntie, Ml. Unli, Mo. Notice to Managers DAN TONY JESSIE Hiatt, Pearl ■ Hiatt Thl» Irlo, i niiinnaoH of lit* IIIA I'TS In rniilmii'tlnii with TONY I'V. Wtl,. nlll nrn- dur. u n. " Ml smi t:i)JlEI»V MKI.AMMK. Mimii(im «i'im <• thin bln;ii II. AildiKi* HOTEL METROPOLE. NEW YORK. First Class Family Band Thai i-Mitlmihlo In -iiL'ilu'tlon. Want tlic lii'tt im I nay tho lieal. .sternly mirk. Ill Kill ' SUM lie viTNiiillc hh I piny month kIiuhIh. Would like to hear from GOOD VERSATILE QUARTETTE, who can do Singles, While People only; also HIGH MUSICAL TEAM and Al MEDICINE PERFORMERS, Mimt he lnilli'R nml gentlemen and ionic anil rireiw lite purl. VVn iwtry nuriinn luintl, Imml ivngnn nnil cniilpiiiciitH for parattc*. unit havo lln> miist .rlcRaniir ri|iilppetl iiiimIIcIiih <i>. nn nitlli. Write or wire, I'HKNOMKrVAI. K IIAUM, nr TIIK lillKAT A NSKLMi:. Cllnnin, Inwii. JANKMVIIiKK, wia.. WANTED, WEST SIDE THEATRE, High Class Vaudeville Acts. HBAKI.V OPKNH ALU. II, WANT BIG FEATURE OPENING WEEK AND LATER. Thin Is not a ten edit hiiime. tlNK SHOW A NHIIIT. NnlhliiR !<>(> K«oil. Him armilM llirco week* ror IMJOU At.TS. AiIiIi-chh tl.AUKNli; III llllli K, i1Ii«iiii«i%i. TIIK IllOAI. 1KINII KNTKUTAIIVKI18, and In their NOW Act, entitled HUMAN NATIHIIC, liy ItOIIT. I.KAI.ANII, Anllmr »r Hit I'iiIiiI Hln A VKW PttNITIVK MMNl I.AKHV HAtlllAirrr, llin real IrlHliinan hy imini' anil imliiri'. A IIti IhIhiI fliiiiii'r ajul numlcr nf (hi iniirh Atiiiai'il Irlxri rlniriirin. MAHIK I.H ChAlll, urivnrnl hihimhiskh pilnrlpnl Willi II. 0. Wlilliiey'H Hlmw tllrl anil l»le nf Hnlce. Vnlic,iip|ii'arani'i' ni'i iitiliny n» it'n»i n> Hie imn, OI'KN KOK I.MMK1IIATK TIMK AND I.ATKII, silrlrem II Mil AJJl C f Kinl I.K t'l.Allt, Owe nf ,1IIIIDMK II. IlKMICK, Ahnti' I'liliihliiirn. Ili'lrnlt, Mlnli. WANTED.FORTEXAS BILL WILD WEST, Cowboys, Fancy Ropers,Trick Riders, and any Act suitable for Wild West. Mini Join on rci:elpl of wire. Ilelliiftuin, IV. Vh., July 15; Klklnn IT. W. I'. MDNTUHMKHV, Mummer. WH. ARTO » DELMAY i DOT For ivinilliRHnminn, In their Krrcnlrlr. Cnmeilr Ar.l, eiitltleil IHlW WOOI.ll ynr I.IKK TO HE TflR I MI'IHK, liiiiiiilii.. , ltiit IMni-iiiK. A'T'iliHtli: Ki'HN nnil HiirlrKi|iie lliixltia. Iimii plHV purN. We I'lono In one. Andrei* nil llrm rlnanaKctiti nr por. BililrenH, iii;nl AVK., BBW HIKK OITY. Burk's Uncle Tom's Cabin oood bano l.kade:r, To ilnulile OruhCKlra; Two llnnd Alms, loiloulile Hecnnil Vlnlln »r Ki.ikc; Mini fur Murks ami llcarnn, Muti (nr Tnnt. St. (,'lnlr ami l.iRrri 1 . All iiiiihi In; unher anil (Hpnlile; nil men double Bund. Stale what you uan flu unit litweit nnlnry. Blinw riini yenr aniuml. UwH iihih. treatment. AddrenH V. K. Ill, V Kill. K. Oiiinliii, \«li. HK-EMIAUEI) APTKIl Til K Fl IIHT "lit l«IIT KOH T it'll WIHM AT W K «T MIDK I'MtK. Ml.'fttIK, IV'II. Will'I THE GROWN PRINCE OP THE NOTSLTT WORLD, AMERICA'S l.KAIUNO W»V HI, TV .ll'Oril.F.II. Ill Miiri'elntiH K<| ii.-ihm) r irnt lit? iin.l Fllrli |4«M, lleflneil Jui'ltlff.i. I'er. mill., I'nre nr N, V. OI.IITEIl. r.iiii*, jiiunvin, 1111. win i IfllLLtn bhllO. OlliLK LU. ,„ ,„,,„„. MaebitlMiivMM*b>miea. In nil Hlie.4. Spe A tew Aetorn wlin Pan dnulile liatul. letter. Slww openn e«rly In auhiisI. Aiidnns M1LL.EK BROS., No. ■I:J0 Tlllnl Kl., l-'nrt rHuill.i.n, low a. (liven iiriifiTonee. MiihU-iiI Teiiiu iliat enn plnypnttn. "Piyynur nwn. Tell nil tlr«t