The New York Clipper (July 1905)

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JULY 15. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 535 j florUof Players, Notes from tub James Kennedy Co.— F.LMElt Cranius has tjceu engaged by Cbtis. Frohraim to Hiiport William II. ('rune, Id his lien- play, next .season. Mr. Criiudlu will be seen in it lending character role of unique personality. William Waunkk, lending man <>f the Km- pin- Theatre Stock Co.. of Houston, 'fox., lias rinsed hU season with Hint organization. Anne Ml'TiiERLAXii has been engaged by Henry W. Snvngo lo play the lending fcml- mid the Inuicrlnl Theatre Stock Co.. having n | ne rolo ,„ .■„„„..,• j* Kidder* new comedy. ■retired the young singing .comedian and "i.; n .,y i* aW miii," | n which Hnyuiond Hitch author. James Kennedy, ror n term of yearn. cock „.|.| stnr „„, season and will present him next season, at the head wm , )e ml0 nt ,,,,, e „ rlv ..p,,, uf one of the largest and best equipped reper- t | IP ,,„ ttson nt Wnllnck'i,'Theatre'Aug. IS mry companies. The company will numlwr p.uqk's Comeoy Co. Notes.— Henry V. twenty-two people, and will lie composed of wninrd. manager and proprietor of this at- the licst dramatic and vaudeville people Hint traction, will open about Sept. 1, Immediately «n be obtained. Two car loads of scenery, brlea-brae, furniture, etc., will be carried, and a clear stage will be called for each pro- ' "frank W. Nasos wriles: "My •Nel-jlilinrly Neighbors' Co. and 'When Women Love' Co. are both doing well. Htlslness with hofb. , ninnies Is to capacity In almost, every town visited. The press, public and nintm- -er' say that they nre two of. Ihe best com- p-inlcs ever in this territory. Iloth shows piay week stands in the large cities during the regular season." Lkwih Thorn, musical director, and Hertiia Thorn, lending and heavy woman, cloved a liCtv-two weeks' engagement with the Edsall-Wlctbrope Stock Co.. touring the South, and are spending n short mention villi relatives In 1'aterson, X. .1. They have sr-ned for their respective lines with Karl iiiirgcss for the Kminn lliinllng Co., opening early In August. Hekt It. Mili.ku, pmmolcr of publicity for Carsonta i'nrk. Heading. I "a., wriles us fol- lows' "I booked my uttrnctlon, the Wllks- (iilbert Wills Comedy Co., with .Manager Hclger. of Carsonla Park Tlientre, for the " of June 2d, the hitter part of May. and hllfed it three weeks in ndvuncc. The opening was big. and the week was a big do i n ,: navies and general business. winner for both the attraction and the park Xmtks pkhai the F.riiEi. Ticker after the closing of his Ml I'ark The ntre and the Mabel Paige Co., at Jackson ville, Kin. Miss I'nlgc will take a murh needed rest nfter her long WM, and will visit Kuriqie for a short slay, npenliig her regular season about Nov. 1. Mr. Wlllard will re- main In this country to give the Paige Com rdy Co. his personal attention, and will travel with it until the return of Ills other star, it Is his intention to make this one of the licst repertory companies In the South, and besides the regular carload of scenery which Is always carried wllh en eh of his companies be Intends to use four rough- coated St. Ilernard dogs in the great scenic production of "Lust In the Arctics," which will be the most pretentious effect ever car- ried with nnv popular priced company. In addition to this. Mr. Wllliil'il Is negotiating with the smallest lllipulintiK In Ihe world, und will add theui lis a special feature lo ills vaudeville. This promises to lie the biggest mill best lompany that has ever been taken out by this manager. .iKiu: Ghaiiy anil wife, Kraukle. Carpenter. Hailed from Hoston. July ll, for nu extended trip through F.urono. Ira K. Kasi.e Is 'ii bis tenth week with the Toll Stock Co.. at Wnterbury, Conn management, despite the fact that on Ihe night of the lasL performance the weather was so threatening that hundreds were kept nway. t piny a return date week of July 1 f, nnd also a week early iti August. The at- irnctlon received many fnvornhle criticisms from the Heading press and the general pub- He, The successful comedy, 'Cousin Joe: or, A Hough liianionil,' wns singed In ait cltiho- rale manner and well acted. Eddie Wllks plnyed Cousin Joe In a careful nnd pains- taking manner, anil ICslolln X. Wills made n decided lilt In the role of Margery, Ihe Hough Diamond. .Norman II. Gilhert nnd Raymond I'nlr.c deserve mention. The specialty feat- ures of the show Included the Uiitflii-Uedeiiy iroiipe of acrlallsts; Kstclht X. Wills, origi- nal singing nnd dancing; Ilaymontl Pnlne; ■ itiit. the magic wonder, and Sum ltolaml, Stock Co.—The compnnv, under the manngeinent af Slack Bros., also managers of the Van llyke (c RalOD Co., Is In Its fourth week of stock in Phir-nix, Ariz., In Fast Lake I'ark. the coolest spot lii the territory, 'flic company, headed by Kthel Tucker, numbers, twelve Ma- ple, and the financial returns from their ifforls far exceed anything ever attained nt Ibis theatre before. The engagement Is also ii suceess from an artistic standpoint, the class of plays being on a high plane. Die members of the company are all In good lientlb. Although we are not used to seeing a thermometer registering dally !«■-• I" l" 1 degrees, and even higher. In the shade, yet no one Is suffering from the heal, as Ihe ab- sence of humidity In the atmosphere makes the beat less oppressive. We are enjoying Ihe wild pigeon shooting nnd •}»■']LVL'...''."„ Belleville, 111., will have n new. modern ground floor theatre, lo be called the New Jefferson. It will Is: ready lo open Dec. 1. 1000. I'edley & Buret* will lie the lessees, nnd II. 1'erey Hill, mauonor. This ijlves the I'edley ■ Bureb circuit Uwonsboro. I lender- sou and I'aducith, l\y.; F.vnnsvllle, Ind.. and Kiisi St. I .am Is and llrlieville ill. Ijicini; MonKWt.N. who was compelled lo give up the part of tbe mother-in-law. In "The Heir to Ihe lloornh," at the Hudson Theatre, X. V., on account of Illness. Is con- "F.nsy Dawson" vnlcsclng. and hopes to appear again soon, nlngs. It begins I>: Wot.K HnriER will open his season at Ihe Lyric Theatre Sept. 4. In Reginald lie K»veu and Frederic lhiuken's new opera, "F.lyaln." Iiavid, together with his "all star" Yiddish company. Is to make another tour of the West, this time to the Piicllte const. The David Keiwler coropnpy will pliy the Klaw >t Erlanger and Stair & llnvlln houses, and the tour will Include Portland. Seattle. Tncoran. Untie, St. I'nul nnd Chi- cago. On Ihelr relurii from the West the company will piny at Albany. Hoehcstcr, Itlrn. Ilnffalo nnd I'lttslmrg. The coiiipnny Includes Sumtiel Thornberg. Mary Kpsteln, Sarauel Tnblns, l.u.n lllauk, Jacob Odin, Mini'. Tohlns and Mnie. Keinman. NllTKS KROM THE AliAllt. IlllEC.ll & AllAIH Co.—This attraction will open Its road tour in Kitifton. W. Va„ Aug. SI. This season the coinpnny will carry eighteen people, pre- senting a repertory of modern comedy dramas- of more than onllmiry worth. The scenery Is Ix-lng built, und the same excellent pro- ductions, correct In every ilelnll. will be given mi the road ns have always been given by tills I'oaipauv. Ill i-fMiin in-lit stock. Will J. Keith nnd the Mlllinrv Misses will bend the vaudeville In Ihelr singing and dancing mil sical comedy net, which will be mi original novelty In repertory In the Southern terri- tory. Among Ui'.im- nlrendy ecgnged for the road tour are: Arthur Meredith, lib hard Palmer, Will J. Keith. II. Karl Molinr, Harry 'Ji-.-iit, Mrs. W. J. Kellh, Mnric ljivell, Adelyn Mii.vwomI and "Illinlsi." Bbwin Aruen lias Isien engaged lo play John Selby, In "Home I-'olks." IttstNKss Manaoeii II. W. Link writes: "There Is lots of activity at I'eru. Ind., where Al. W. Martin bus housed Ihe 'World's Ureiitest Uncle Tom Show' for Ihe Sum- mer. Mr. Martin bus leased a large piece of property Just outside of Ihe city limits, where lie has sufficient room for Ills vast amount of piu-aphernnlln. The large bRi-n he has remodeled nnd convened Into a scenic- studio. I'M. .Martin Is In charge of the Sum- mer place, and under Ills direction the big- gest "Cnc-le Tom' production Is being iiimle over, grander thnii ever. Many new peotile have been engaged for the conijiniiy. A lino route has been hooked for next season, which opens at Peru, Ind.. Thursday, Aug. 17. Manager Martin el.ilins to hnve some sur- prises up his sleeve, about which lie pro Kt'NA Mav arrived July ». (row BjNMM iiccotntiRiilcd by ber slater, and left ll) for Kalr llavcu, ou Lake Outarlu, to renialu until reliciinuils for "The Cntcti of the Sen- son" are called. ... ,. . Jei.iis Ta.nnen, In his clever hnltntlims, continues lo lie one of ihe Mil It lb" A™: stenlam Hoof. New York, ami Kddle UMM nlso attracts attention by hl« meritorious work n» Texan Dan, and will renin n nil Sum- mer. Mr. Leonard In honked noihi In vniidc- vllle from Sept. 4 lo May 14, tiidti. J. Hernaui" Ikllvn will play the \\ ester - er. In "The Karl and the lllrl." which will o|s?n the reinodellcil Casino, X, 1., the last week In August. , Under tbe cents. STnCiciirV 'ISlk i'Hom JoilVt Roihksons Ten lliu Snows. -We have encountered mill almost every day. but the elemctils have no effect whatever on the business, which has been big throughout the Kttst. At Chnllmtn. N V Tdnggle Itaghv fell from a trap and sprained her wrlit. "Splttlre," iierforinlng lion, died suddenly nt North Adnms. Mass. Dor Wnddell. press agent at I'lltstlelcl. Mass., Instituted the "Order of the Lleiihnnts. tluly nesvsiiaper men can Join, the degree is given liv Tim Huekley In the elephant a car. nmong the big "critters." Sunday, J una IS, was imishi'iI at Palmer, Mass. Most of J he show people run over to Springfield. YMille lllvrr Juiiciloii proved to he Ihe banner slnnd of Ihe Kastern trip. John Ibuieti fell from the high trapeze, nt Montpeller, nml erushwl Ills right wrist, lie lias gone lo Ids luime at. Korl YVuviic, 1ml. The Ureal I'll Harry fell three davs In Kticcessloti. doing the "lean IHo gap." atid I lie lusl lime he wns serlouslv In- jured. Lie 1ms returned to his home In ,lnck- sou, Mich. Al SI. Albans. VI., I be ruin poured. The iiHernoiin biishiess was big: no nlcht performance wns given. In hauling wagons from I In: muddy lot, two horses broke IheTi- legs, tine was shot. Marie Pe \ere, nt Hurfington. Vt„ In irwollowlntt n gitss sword, broke the sword off within her. I'h.v- slclans snecessfully lemoveil Ihe broken pm't troin her thru.-il. An Apache Hull "Ktoiil Henri," went rr.i«:y, and bud to is- put lu Irons, rotsdnm. N. V., the boiuit or ileorgo Cole, iw-ovwl n In.nuer date. Mr. Cole wns inynllv welcomed by tb* itlllteiiM there. Al tionvonu'iir. X, V., Ileury Hslicv, usleep under u heavy Notes viiok the Crcat Wm. I'. Hall Shows. —Wo are still doing Rood biiilneai, and. from ull uppeariioi-cs, will toatlnuc in tue mime way. The in rude la olwaya n plcoj- ing lenturc, and Is ultiiraaed by IkatHBMa id iieoplc In every towu where Ihe show exhibits. The net put on by the .St. I.eoii« Knmlly of ncrolinls. and which Is the feature of the Hall programme, Is n great drawing curd, nnd brings forth Brent applnuse from the nndlonce. It certainly deserves credit for wonderful nelilevenient In this line or work. We could give lull one show In lilch- luotld. Mo., on the third of the month, owing to high winds and heavy rains, which made It Impossible to show to any advantage. The afternoon business, however, was very good, and everyone spake lu complimentary Verms of the performance. We spent the Kmirth In SI. Joieph, Mo., nml were very well siittslled with two banner audiences. Wo were rather late In RMtlag hi town, nnd the pa- rade did not reach the main streets until I' The streets were erowibsl. and "inny countrv people were In attendance. Thou- sands witnessed I lie pnrmlc, nml ll was until liv people residing In town that It was odd of the largest crowds ever seen in St. Jo- seph, and the largest to ever witness a circus parade lu the city. The afternoon isTtorumnee wns witnessed by a packed lent, ntiil the side show was nlso well pa IMiilRcd. The night house was very good, and evervone left the grounds well satlnlleil with what they hud seen, nnd spoke very highly of the performance. Mr. Hall bought ten carloads of horses Ihls week, and Is In Ihe iiiiitkel for as ninny more nt any lime, lie Is cerliilulv there villi Ihe "horse sense. Till: Shi. Saitki.i.e AMI' WEI.SII Htios. lliu CountM-: Notks. —tun- business and re ceptlon along the "Krle" pnlh, In New Vnik Slnle. was n hln/.e of glory, und every stand turtiisl out lo be big, llatnvln. I* llov. < urn- Ing, Wnverly. I'urt Jervls and Mlddlelowti being especially great. The newspapers nil along nllotleil long I'nluiuns of iiiihoIIc Iteil pnilse for the genei-nl exeellemr and uplo ilnteitcss of the |ierfnriunni'i<, the iiienng- erle exhibits und the nicety uf details In I lie ntiinagenient. The ever glorious "h mirth wns spent ill linucock, with Immense business nil day. Afler the mullnee nine of Cham lierliiltra "big show" Imnil men engaged In bnseball wllh Jrtck Coltahi's "picked nine, the result being 5 to I, with I he "siiw-dusl Imivs «s Hie vlctnrs. licnlsl Mux Hugo olllclated iih ntiiiilre, nml gave good sulisfilc Ion. The following clever performers are wllh fever nnd sent lo his Clncliiniill home. Notes fho.m lioi.t.siAti linos.' Snows. - lu suite of tbe Inclement weather, we bit Is Ihe ei|tiesl|-lnii ill red or. Chniiiberlalti n Concert. Hand tlhoall American inimical iunr velsl Is enlluisliistlciilly received everywhere. •■uini hlem-es, nnd, as usual, they will be In prime coiidltlou lo please Ihelr ninny friends. Your esteemeil Journal will Is* on rile for the benefit of managers it ml oilier friends who call on us. Notes erom the Mihti.e Vintox Co. — We spent a |mrl of I be past Winter In Culm, where Miss Vinton bus Invested In some land In die Isle of I'lnes. Since our return lo America we have derided to again biuiieh the Mvrtle Vinton Co.. and have some excellent Ib'iie booked. Some »t our old people have l>eer. reengaged, nnd prospects are greatly lu our fnvor for a successful season. While In CiiIir The Ci.iitkk wns i at her old wnen It reiii-bed us, but we were glad lo get II. re- gardless of the date. We open In Iowa early in August, and will pbiy several fairs, Ibeu lake up our regular booklni;. Lillian Haven bus been engaged lo p'ny Ihe Ingenue in Chns. K. Ilhuiey's "The Curse of Drink" Co., oiHMiiiig al Cleveland, (>., July :;i Notes kiiom tiik Hlake it. Stock Co. — \\'e o|vened June H.S, al Wllilwisul, N. J., in Hie new theatre, to n packed house. The com- pany won favor Imiiiedlnlely, and there Is every prospect or a big season. Hosier: Maurice Slnuford, inn linger; tlllhcrt II. Rlnker, proprietor; lid. Couislock, scenic artist: Frank l'ulllnger, elei-lrlrlnu ; Mnurlcc Caslelbi, Samuel Byers, Wm. Cnrr, Frank Fielder. Corson Knvenport, Itoliert Diiubiir, limlly Suillev, Nana Barnes, Agnes Karle and Mae Moiiahati. The f'visir Twins are incel- ing with great success in I heir specialties. oik nun RO-ni piuevi.-'v, lo,,,.,-,, p|,,,.,,... ^- t , ||t . ( , S |[|| uinyiUK '" '"l"'*".' - The poi.i.owimi people liuve been engngeil s ...i. ij,. m |, hi spile of the opposition we are bir Ihe big musical show, "The Funny Mr. ,...„■..., \ e-.nnlval company Is here Ibis IbMiley." wtilch slats I'nul tjtilnii. This show ■" ' -, . „.,, .„.,. ,„ K .khig Ihem in every plays all the Inrge cities nnd nil the la-ller , , • | , |lu . ,,,,„„,. nnc company ncM popular price bouses. Following nre Ihe pis tile engaged: Josi-pli Mitchell, limlle llcitsel, Marie Iticlimond, llussle Nelson, liiibi'lel Ihir- bier. Casper /.iilm. Aftliiir Koacli, U'ster Jl. I'lke, Freil C. Turner, lieorge Cheiiel. .Inse- phllie Carter, Fred lllder, Wiiller While, Dan J. McCiiffery and Mitchell's pony bullet nnd n chorus of iwenly. This promises lo Is; one of the largest nnd IS'Sl equipped musical shows on the road, currying forly people, livervlblng will lie new—scenery, costumes, printing, etc. This attraction opens up early In August. II. W. Tavi.oii, innnnger or Hie I.V*- Cliurrh Slock Co. line.) has engaged for next season, Itnby Krwmsl. llelenn tlrlllln, Anne Ivors, Florenei; Uckcriiaii, Bill lb Hlcb- anls, Willi Dale. 1 lurry M. Tmesdoll, Clmrles Cook. Hurrv Mnore. tV. A. Taylor, Ben F. lairing, tin Inglls, Alberl V. Smith. Chester A. Conner. Tom Almond and llio I'lirlello Bros. The following plays will be in the repertory: "An Heiress lo .Millions.' "A Came of llenrls," "l.ltlle Miss Military. "Follv of n Butterfly." "An Actor's lio- niam-e." "The Little' licit School House. "Cnllecn Ihiwn," '-ller fmly Crime." "My Mother-In law's Mishaps" nnd "The Little. Avenger." with six speelnl vniulevllle nets. Mr. Tnvlor stales that everything wllh the attraction this season will he entirely new. The season will open ul Full lllver, Mnss., Aug. 7. and the lour Is boohed for tliltly- nine weeks through the New F.nglnnd Slates, New York, New Jersey nnd Pennsylvania. Notes, inoit tub 'Kva La Heane Stock Co.—We will open our regular season of thirty weeks at l'ocnttoiitns. W. Va.. on Oct. Hi, with n company ol twenty people, car- rying speelnl scenery, plays ami paper, this season's route will embrace Virginia. \v est Virginia nnd Kentucky. Harry I.n ltcnno. manager for Miss I.n Itenne. will spare no iwlns in make this one of the best repertory '•oiupnnles on the road. Notes kiiidi tiik Al I'iilsh. I'i.aveks. nt Dallas, Tex.—We opened on June I. fur three ltlKhts, In -As You I.Ike II." The success at- tending the performances Induced us to eon- tluue fur three weeks, piiseiillng "The Sculptor's Dream." "lugouiar" and "ltniueo and Juliet." We have line prospects for our Summer work. l>nngla» llrnnston. n local man. took Ihe pari of Leiirlmie. on half hour's notice, and ncrpillled liliieelf rreilil- «b|y. II.iiikv K. tlosed villi i he Jesiie I'o. on 11,-coiini of Mama* and re turiird to Ids h.Miie in Cbleiig... Mr- Wlls.oi was succeeded by Sum Willdvii, 7 the court u|i|siiiitrtl a receiver. She lusl heavily In recent iinnlm-llona al the Savoy Theatre, ami all her pei-sonnl elfects ami her lnuite ul Mableaheatt were sold tile preceding week. I.itkuaiiv li.iv »t Ihe I'rofi'ssloiiHl Wo- innu's League falling on .Inly .'!, Mrs. Arden requested Aunt Louisa liblrldge to uel as ■'linlrinnii. The latter culled ll Amerlciins' liny, being ho near Ihe Fourth. None but Americans appcured mi Ihe programme, and no songs or recitations eicepi those i<( n tiutriollc or Ainerlcuii nature wns given. riii* programme opened by Ihe mcml*>rs rising and singing "America." Hcriinipniiled by Mrs. Sol Sin It Ii ill lb" piano. .Mr. I'urdy recltcd "Dewey nt .Manila liny," and for an rneorp. ".Hut llliidKo." Mrs. losidwlu, I 'Innt Tbropp, Miss Moody mid Miss boyaacl sang. Illanehe Frederlrl rcelleil i, story of Bunker Hill, entitled 'Yiiiikee iHimlle." Several en- cores were rripiesled, nnd eiimplled wllh. "Aunt 'rfiulsa" then ili.iukeil everyone for in- tending on such n hot day. nnd closed the Vm ■ 11 i?IL..'».. Iirogrtinuiie by lelllng tin* slorv of Frnncls !"'..'. ;.....!... Sent I Key's writing of The Slur Spangled Banner," and then recited the iialloual an- ilii'in, and generous niiplause wns given the old net less,' who Invllil i-veryoue lo Join her hi a cup of ten In Ihe league's drawing room. The Kiiint: La Siiei.u: Co. of New York wns Incorporated In Albany to operate places of amusement, ll Ik ciipiiullxcd al sln.ijoo. The directors ure Maile N. I,a Simile mid J. Louis Willie, ul' New York, and liiiimu. Millie, of Mount Vernon. Chace liiiisuiii.ii has I ii engaged for "liasv Dawson." Miss (Jrlswuld Is Ihe au- lliur of the skelrli, "llllly's First Love.". Joseph 1L Wkiieu has engaged twenty- four young women singers and dancers, eight Winter season In only till! best ,.,„.|, from Loudon, I'arls nml Vienna, for Ills > music ball company nexl seuson. W J, Fi:uci|'son Ihelr Loiidon Manager of the IMnmia lileauorii Dime, who was taken sudden!} II Jiiiv 1. and the Wnldorf Theatre. Hon i. wns closed for that night. She was uppear- Ing In "The Second Mrs. Tnnipieray. Mav Atwooi.. twenty-four years old, was overcome bv smoke In her room, J 1 West Fr.rtv-sl.xlh'Street, during a lire which oc- curred July :'.. She wns rescued. TAVLOIIVILI.E. Il.i... will have a new i pern house, which will be completed ubont <»'t.,L Notes raua the Uarkisgton Stock i ■ —Business has been except wind ly g3< »' this compniiy since our oiieulng In AptII. and the company Is conceded to be^ one. i f c strongest repertory orgnnlailIons, that bus ever played this territory. Our f No. J mm- pany. under Ihe ninnagctnenl of I ex Lislle Klnidon. will open early In A. gust Hosier. K A lliirrlnuloii. proprietor: Hex Lcsiii, Kingdon mmiager: lieorge Snllsbnrv singe illreclor; llenlrlec Harrington. Iioiietln - btirv. CnldlB Heach. Clurn Thornton Harrington, C. T. Jackson. W Mason Cregg. Ceorge l/iinsliaw Vnl Ii. It. Ilolliiinn. < . I Sails- Naomi Dickinson. Id season. Notes kiioi tiii; Miles II We lire still pbiy'mg, I .. Stuck Cm. capaclly houses lu Wm , ier' l "wlll'"niinii'ier 'iilsiu't Iwenly "peoi.le. wllh a strong Hue of plays. Wo are Ismked solid for Ihe Winter senson I mses Mr. Berry Is sparing ii" "pense inking Ihe Miles Berry Slock Co. one of the. best on the roud. A new slereo.itlcoti bus l«.eu added, mid a new 1 tin songs are being used nightly. Chllnreii. I'l-U'l and L-real favorites h welcome lis signed lo slug f "HIiiHiraled The Hazel Ion tinier, are liecomlng Souib Hend, und never II lo make a hit In their elever singing nnd iic-ug spec-billles. They were reipiested to rt'm.t Ihelr Highland Hlng .Ian;- veslrngh alibis, livervbody Is well mid snilslied. und Tin: lll.b Hl'.Li.Mii.E Is always a weeklv caller. .1. Fred Carpenter Ii for n'exl. season wllh Ihe company iHiislraled songs and play Jt.v 's and light couiedy roles. i,„,~ inm il lit.w'ix FttANKi.ix wriles: I lime Ic nsi"l from tlllle Muck und Joe »■ S|iciirs one of el" most successful comedies. 'Flniilgan s I all' including all "'0 costumes, scenery. el", used the play. A comisdeat ens will I ' engaged, mid the lour will he under ,„• personal- direction Season opens Sep . ■•mid has I n booked solid by I . A. Hint. f'l,,. „ol s my new four act melodrama, ■Loved and Dcs.ilscd.' bill Intend producing mine mvsflf. Preparations are now tindei • v i ml tie play- will lake- the road ninie ; I, -I' ari.-r 'be close of 'Flnnlgnns Ball. JilllSt McMtliriilE bus slitnec wl ll M II. Itnvmond to phiy Mr- Hrowii, In Ihe N«. I eoim y of "llustci- Brown. THE VlEST t'EllEOIlMAME nil IIII.V stage 01" a new enmfr "pel". '■', ^,, ^,! ;l! " ; "- , i:."V^„'' , ; l !.•„ will lake place »l Hie Tremont Ihentic. Itislon. Monday iilght. July 'J4. under the iianneemei.t of Will J. Illock. and with a ' mug east, wl.1,1. includes Dave Lewis The 'book of Ihe new opera Is l.r Holier! J. Adnms. of Chicago, whiie Ihe music is bv latil Srhindler, "f Hoslon. The scenes of I he ileiver ofCeck ' mo laid In a small province of Turkey F"i' the prima iloiinu role Amelia Stone has !ieen engaged, illbers III the cast are John I'ark. 1, Kebo. TClo- Lyons. Nen.-i Blake. Ilerlhu Blake. Maym Kciso. Ar- llne ill Cainpl anil Florence. Townseud. " " which the Messrs. Shubert will siud lo Hie new Waldorf Theatre, Lmdoli. Kng. Senl. I. will linve nn entirely American i'ie>ri'is 'The piliiilpals will be liligllsh. The ...iiiianv lie*' ill tbe Lyric N. i.. will ft| in lb-loll the Mine nlpht the Lngllih noil- pane siail.- In I...iehin. Hi \ A. till son lias been engaged Lu neit nn*u« us leading mmi mid stage director with the Bowman i'hciilre Co. I. Fi:mu:.sox bus Is-en engngeil for the role of the Mn Minis of Stevenson, in "The Walls of Jericho, ul the Snvciy Theatre, The liar! is strong clmnirler comedy. .Mr. Ilnekell luienils to relurii from I'nris hi nlsoil Iwo weeks, and will bring models of the stage sellings of "The Walls of Jericho." Ciiaiiles IIawtiiky will return lo the Culled Stales in ileiulier. to make another tour in "A .Message friiin Mnrs." The comedy Is now nt Hie Avenue Theatre, London. FlIEIi W. I'ETKUM will CTCllle till' role of Dr. W. Van Viilkenls'ri; I'eek. In "liasy Ibnv- sun." In which Itiiyinoiid Hltehcuck will slur nexl season. AT liiiciEivonli I'AUK. In the Thousand Is lands, l^'ginnlug July -'.'. n series of open nlr operatl. penarwurrs will Is? given, mi- ller Ihe direction of .lames IV. Morrlssey. Scenes from "Carmen," "Fiiusl," "Itlgolelto," "Martini" nnd "Ibaiieo unci Juliet" will be presented. The singers will Ineltidc* Lillian Cuerllna. funnel- puma donna at the llrns- sels opera liocisr. Jl Is plminiMl to repeal tin- performances in Newport, Saratoga mid Lake lieorge. IlENItY VV. Sac. nit: lias coul noted with Mrs Cbilre lleeclier Kiminier to write mi openi for lit lit. each felt for three years. Her comic opera. "Noah's Ark," is lo lie completed by (let. I, and will he produced curly In Die season. The first set Is nlrendy Mulshed nml llif other two will lie completed «l Cillioncliel, Nariiignnsett I'ler. A r a meetini; of the health hoard In Itye. N. V.. July 7. the icrniin'nienl resorts were lie- la red nuisances, nnd their immediate ills- continuance w.ik orilensl. Itye Bench Is the only resort open In Ibis vicinity, slid us n result II litis been crowded. rici.ENE Jiiiinson sailed for linrope July X. Willi Mr. anil Mrs. Frank Mills, who were members of lilenuor Hobsnii's conipaiiy Inst M'asoii. Miss Jciliusou will he Wlllliim i-'aver- sham's leadltm woman next mooton. in "The Sipmw Mail," which opens ol Hie 'iriiicl opera House. ('ltn tiiinii I. Oct. -J. and Inter comes to the llernld Scpiare Tbentre, New- York. En ii u:o lbi|.|>|-\ lini-< been enrnfiil lir ilinry IV. .* ! n«)-,e to ploy tbe role ■n trio iier/ fkotge Aile coiaedv, "The had Haiiiarli in,' wlnrli will open the Harden The- atre early m Scptc-mlier. t'l.i.ii.iA Lulls has bee?! Ill In Hie lirvs- Ho, New York, but ll Is not serloui. .Murks belongs lo Ihe Actors' Church All! mice and Ihe llrotlierliood of St. Andrews. Lillian Mav Coi.ejian Is wllh the Iniuk A. Itobhlns Shows this season, us mulling clerk on Ihe No. •_• advance enr. Miss Cole- man lias entire charge of all the advance mulling iiiniter iippertnlittng to Ihe show. In eluding the ncwspn|w'is. THE WINTER OL'AIITEHS of the I ills. Illcllllll! Shows lire ul Mwiinr.ey, N. II. James He Holies, of the Three He Ilollen Urol hers, acrobats, writes Hint he recently accomplished Ihe real of a rond ofT Hip flop mid a double back soiaersanll. They nre wllh I lie Foropniigh Sells Unit hers' Circus. CEouiiE \V, Malum: Is coniieelcd wllh the Oriental department nt the Snillelle X Welsh side show. i'iias. Hoet'ER. sliiglng and talking clown, Is not with Hie Kxcelslor I'urnlvnl Co., but Is Willi II. S. Slurrelt's Society Show WE are in iiki'EH'T of Tlir 7'i'llf Mil \rim, Issued Ire Ihe Friink A. Bobbins Show. II ■ onliilim liilereHtlng mutter Milling to evenis wllh the nl.ow, und oilier Hems of Interest. lo Ihe circus world. Notes euiim F. W. Hersh & Co.'s lliu ONE IIinu Cmi'l'S. — Despite lots of ruin. lilowdowiiK. H'lislioiils. etc.. we lire holding our own. und business bus lava uniformly good. Julv 1 we showed at Hello Plains, Mian. In big business. The sluiw number« llllv | pie. We have added another illllliilt nun shelling ear. tlur show Is giving gcMid siil'sfaclloii all along the Hue. anil people pronounce It Hie li *hI one rlnir circus they have ever seen, nur bund, under the loader. ship or lid. Culver. Is imiklng more than good. Mr. Hums, our uiniinger, hud. the nils- fortune to rnrulii Ids ankle. Iml Is aide lo tie around. Harry Helms makes thing* move In the side show, iiuil he certainly knows how lo bundle Ihe crowds. We have milled ten cages or wild uiiltniils hi our side show. We are now in roiifi: for Hie Luke Superior country. The show Is ninkliig money. All ire wi'il .mil happy, mill Hie hois are nil lur-v sending Itmne "blue pnper" every Mini- dny. We get leu copies or THE I'LII'fER every week. m ._ . A. P. Si ott. railroad conlriictor: Frank Hums, eon tract lug agent : Harry iiverlon. special agent, and J nines Inm worth, oppo slllon illicit t. nre Willi I In* Carl llageiilsik Anlnial Co 11 mi E. Wills ami Haii.i are winning laurels with Bniley Circus. Notes mini Db Alva's 'Asiiionko Snows.- We lire write thai I bey Hie Hariiitiii \ dale cd Julv H, sl.ite: "A heavy sliirm lo ilny struck the shmv tents, lore down the menagerie lent, tliipeil over Hie aiihmil cugen. mill allowed the big Hon. several inotilieys nnd n leo|iiird lu escape.. The Hon wns sociii . captured, bill Ihe monkeys nnd leopard lied lo the iiioiuituliis lock of HreeiiwoiMl Isik". Three thousand people 111 Hie tents ouonpecl without harm, except for Ihe wellhig by Hie rain. Solomon I'olu'ii, ,i c-nndy peddler, pe louring lii the show, hinl Ills buck broken. when 11 wngon Ml iiikiii him. -Jit' Ci.H'I'eii. I Notes kriih Hie Cnp. Mlewiirl Big Clly Hi mid 'Jll Ceill Show,. Thin show has been Hold lo C. IV Taylor * Co., am! Is louring lllilliinn lo g I money. When Cap. Hlewnrl Mild he started 10 Inilld 11 hrmtcl new oiillil. und HMKI will Hud liltn wllh one. of Hie largest, cleiinesi nnd rii'iilesl 'J5 cenl ivugou sliows on Hie mad. He will HW u Hillfl. lop. with Iwu .'inft. middle idocc-s for the big allow: sldo show lop. iHulltifl. We will luivf twelve wngo.i cars, liilfl. bulll labile style: one ticket wiiiioii, two carry nils, two bntiil wuipnm, 'wo uilvnuie wugiiiiii mid Iwo clown carls. We will curry nl I nlxty people, mid will 11 nil slecii In wngon cars. We will open early next May. < up. Hlewnrl. wife und grandson lire ill Luke .iiimes, < amplug. nnd ore seudlng lu lots of ime 1Mb lo Ihelr friends In Fori Wiivite. I ml. Notes Trum Ihe Ureal Win. P. Hall Shows. Mrs. Phil lillsworlb. who hum Injured by one or Hie lions while the show was til Wlehllii. Ivan., ami who wus tnkeu In the luce plllll III Colfeyvllle. luis 1 el in I lo Ho 1 show, having entirely n vered, The St. I.euiis are uinle tliuu making good with Ilie'r ui-rolaiilc net, und never full to receive grenl a]iplnii»e. S. II. Hejicin, general tigenl of lieu. II. Adman' "Hiimpty Diimply'' Co.. reported per sunnily lit THE I'LII'l-EII olllce July H, lie liiforius iis thin the company Ii.ih liern piny Ing sucivssfully Ihrongii Coiiiieellcul, Hie no veil y nf the pelfoiinilllie iippenlllig lo III" people ami di'iiwlug bin crowds. A nouil.e. of Peat ure ncla are Inlrisluceil. Mr. Si'iuou unci fnmllv will iciiiiiiieiiioriile the drill Ii »t Hurry W. Sei Hi, tin- dale id Ihe llrst 1111 nlversury. Tiik Ciwmiivm (Harry nnd Ibiinj report suceess Willi III" Wllllliee Cirrus Vlltldevllh' snnei, THE llAtir 11 in 111 11,11s are wllh Hie liicnl Wiilbiee Shows, nml re|sirt suceess. TTI.Ii, I M.I III on the loud, doing a "turn nway" business, and will sniy out null! Oct. I. when lir. lb- Alvn will lake out Ills College Hills. We have posi- tively the biggest mile show ou earth, und Is.1I1 press ami public speak lu the highest terms or I lie iHirforniniiee. We buve lidded In our slock three trained donkeys. "Happy ItoollKiiu," "Maude'' und "Hnuvuii. The show Is nuclei the ton nn cement of lid, Thurilo, ns- Dr. He Alva bus to iilleml lo his oilier ell- leiiulses. Hosier: lid Tliiii'do. inn linger; Nellie Tbitrdo. Ireiisiirer: .liiek Wall. Ill I'lllMlie of slock: Hill Col toll, boss of CIIIIVIIS : Joe ILiilnr" lu charge or rook lent : perform- ers— Kd. Tbnrdo, traps, contortion unci Impale- ment net : Nellle'rhurcbi. limine of Indued dogs mid donkeys; Pniil Tbnrdo. Isiy clown ; I'hns. . flrniit. wire walker mill Juggler: Lew Craw- ford, aerolinl and clown: the I'echwells 1 Dick nnd Stella 1, double imps nod carrying perch: Daisy Stevenson, conlortlonlst unci skipping lope dance. Hand led by Stella I.n Hello. Charles Stevenson Is In charge of the nil* vnili-e, and the prospects are bright "head. We luii'e uol had 11 bad town sloce we opened May 'J I. All are well slid having a good time around tin* I'aliuilluii lakes. I'iie tents hit nil wafer-proofed mid present a ap|«'smiice. Dr. IN* Alva vlslled us Inst week, nnd everybody wns vbtcl lo see the "old man." "Lucky De Alva" we cccll him. A loei'.IlT I.IS.T of Hie ill.nn wllh the John I'oioir-riu Clr.u- f:»i|..w-.: lieor.e Mui/.. jolri'ipni clown; Harry loeane. Sidney hh»p- liHtil, \1tlu1r lh<n mail, fimir I'niideibiH. Ilobby 11 b-, 11. W. LiiUiierl. l-'iiiiik F. Iji I ell. Lure) .liiclge, Joe I orb-, libj IK-ur}, t.'hnih.-s Susnutia uud BUI Buy. ■rKKXKNHKK. Heiopllls. •• At Hopkins' liiocl lilul Pink (A. It Morrlsiiii, imiiingeri, week of July '.'. proved the iiiost sueiessful of Hie Siilniiiei season, nnd tin iiiniingi'iiieul well iiierlled tbe iialroliMgK. The iilleiiilauce iifleruoMi mid night of 4 was the largest In the history of the park. Fireworks nnd speelal nllriic I lulls we're offered 011 Ibis ocensloii. The vilu.leville In Ihe pavilion Included: Mario Twins, clarence Sli.ters. Loo mid Chupuimi, John West, lieurge Stewart, mid the bio rnpli. Km- week of 10, must atti active fern tires are presented Nu»livilli*. -Al lileiulsle Ciisiiio IV. C. Alley, malinger 1 ihe pii->l week nan 11 pi hi one ul Ihe I'nrk, mid July -I passed nil records fin- attendance. The theatre had two matinee.* on that dote, und pleased Isive crowds with un cicelleltt vniulevllle bill, tnnde up of : Huston nml liulbis. comedy JilgCh'rs, who were Hue In Ihelr line, pre sealing uinny clllrliidl fesls; Hie Two Fmltiis mid Ihelr Indued pig. which provoked much laugh I or ; Ma" Uolierls, who was lu Hue voice mid hud a ti'ssl programme of Illustrated ■longs: Ihe Three .lieksoiis. lu Ihelr splendid bug iiuiii'liliig eMilliltliili, nnd Hie viliigrnph. llnslness was gcsid nil the w>ek. July HI, for three weeks. "Tbe Iteggar Prince" ll|ieru Co. Nim'.s. The r'aslno Mlie tick opened at (ll.riiipiu I'arL. f'liiillaiioi.t'ii, Tenii , Julv ", nnd liirnid people nnnr. 'I hev nhv Ihero two wruks \'onielio aiul Nina, billed for Casino. .Inly .'I nml week .11.1 not uppum ...... Mm. Slimniii nnd wife (Hie hitler known In the profession as Delhi Fields 1, leave for New York, ilu goes Willi "Til'- County Clialniiiu" Co. .. .. „