The New York Clipper (July 1905)

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fwy, ?2« by llylcs McCarthy and company, at tho Olvtnulc Theatre, week of 3, was a success, ana will no doubt be a big feature In vaude- ville rhe coming season. : .Ethel White- tides nnd her "ptctv have returned from Australia, where they have been tbe bead- line act of every bill throughout that country.' William Robyna waa a Clip- per Bureau caller .Thursday Senator Frank Bell played the Olympic Theatre, this city, week of 3 "A* Told In tbe Hills." by C. E. Sinn, will be produced for the flrat tine, at the Columbus Theatre, Chicago, week of 23 Kdwln II. Lang nrrlved In this city in. He la here In tbe Interests of the New Theatre* Syndicate.'. ferry, tho human frog, wns the feature of tbe bill at the Fo!ly Theatre week of 0 Edward Carberrv. brother of Chas. Carberry, of tbe vaudeville team of Carberry and Stanton, died at Denver, Col., on June 10. He waa r member of the detective force of Denver for twenty-two years, and has been III for tbe past two years The Shronlas Mopped over In this city Thursday, hi route to New York. They have been out on tbe I'acliic roast for nearly a year, playing vaudeville dates Sam J. Iiyan, of the "Little Johnny Jones" Co., was pre- sented with a black thorn walking stick by Tom llanton, on the evening of July H.... . Martin Beck and 1. 3. Mtrrdock left for New York Friday. 14 The Sisters McConnell have Just closed a most successful engage- ment of two weeks at the Chutes in 'Frisco. Kor week of 23- they are booked at Forest Park, St. Louli Zlaka and King play N. Y. lUold Transit Park, Syracuse, N. Y., week of 1". Mr. King and his partner ex- perienced several "wash outs" on their tour through Mexico,'where they have been booked for the past six weeks William Tom- kins called here Friday. He closed in 'Frisco Saturday.' 8, and Is en route East, to spend a vacation In the Berkshire Hills sully and Phelps have Just closed an engacemcrit. of sixteen weeks through tbe middle West llnrrv J. Armstrong now has the exclusive booking of tbe following theatres: Olympic, South Bend. Ind.; Dominion, Winnipeg; Ly- ceum. Minneapolis, and Orpheum. Fargo, S. D. .. .. S. Miller Kent Is booked at tbe Orpheum Theatre. San Francisco, week of 22. Mr. Kent Is booked solid for over a year In vaude- ville, and returns to New York City next January Ii. H. Buchanan, brother of Hubert Buchanan, died at llutterbnt, Wis., on June Ii, from consumption The fol- lowing performers are booked for tbe lllnes, lllake and Wlllard Shows for the coming season: Prof. It. J. Blake's dog, pony and monkey circus. Nine Musical WlHards,' Katn- limrn Troupe of live Japs, Earnest and Bates, Dutch comedians; Barney First, Hebrew comedian; Kennedy and Brown, knockabout comedians...*....John C. Itlce and Bailie Cohen,- for week of July 17, will play Inger- koII Park, Des Moines, la Lillian May J.ancaster, the trombone girl. Is a special vaudeville feature with Turner's Moving Pic- ture Co. MASSACHUSETTS. Tup; jsnpw gTggg PT4PPE&. 547 Boston. — The important event of the week, theatrically, is the reopening of tbe Colonial,-where "The Pearl and the Pumpkin" will havo Its Initial presentation. At the Em- pire the former Castle rjijuare Stock Co. will present "A lloynl Family," and "The Sign of the Four" la the Bowdoln Square offering. "Kafoozelum" continues In its fourth and. lust week at the Tremout. The excessive beat of tbe past week brought out great crowds at all parks and beach resorts. Colonial Tiil.viii>; (Chas. Frobman, Itlch & Harris, managers).—The regular season at this house opens Monday evening, IT, when "The Pearl and tbe Pumpkin" will be pro- duced for the first time on. any stage. The play. In three sets and ten scenes, was writ- ten by Paul West and W. W. Denalow, with music by J. W. Bratton, and staged by Her- bert (jresham and Ned Wayburn. The cast of the principal characters Includes: Bertie Carlisle, Ethel Johnson, Ida Hawley, Kathryn Hutchison, Edwin Stevens, sager Mldgley, Harry Macdonougb, Geo. Iticbards and Joseph Kane. »■ -•■■■ « . Thehont Theatre (Jno. B. Schoeffel man- ager).—The current week la tbe fourth and last one of the engagement of "KafoOTIeum" ut this house. "The Geezer of Geek" will have Its first production next week. Tbe company will Include: Dave Lewis, Amelia Stone, May Taylor. John 1'ark, John Keefe. J. C. Marlowe, Toby Lyons, Louis Kelso, Mayme Kelso. Nena Blake, Lola Ewell and Edna Dormant! KNKHB- Theatue. —The former Castle Square Stock Company has been transferred to this house, and will now be known as the Empire Theatre Slock Company. The bill for this week Is "A .Moral family." Wo. Cotirtlclgh' succeeds Howell Hansel as lead- ing man, and others In the company arc: Carl Anthony, Wm. Humphreys, Francis Ball. Wm. Evarts, Frederic Murray, Louis Thiol, J. 4. Geary. Mortimer Weldou, Mary Hall, Gertrude Berkeley; Isabclle Fletcher, Mary Sanders and Jennie Itestarlck. Last week, at the Castle Square Theatre, the com- pany presented "Brother Officers. 1 * to fair Sized houses. "Arrah-Xa-Poguc" Is an- nounced for next week. BowuoiN Sqcabb Theatre (O. E. Lo- tbrop. manager).—"The Sign of the Four" Is being presented by the stock company this week. Charles Miller nnd Charlotte Hunt in the leading roles. Good sized bouses re- sulted from tbe performances of "Because She Loved," last week. Next week, "Wo- man's Enemy." Keith's Tiiuatuk (B. F. Keith, manager). —Opening Monday afternoon, 17: May Yokes, the Five Uallatxer Sisters, the Broth- ers Datum, Charlie Case, Dixon and Anger, Miller and Morris, Burke's dogs, Martin and itldgway. Hawthorn and Burt, tbe Max- Kinltlis. Dclaphone, the klnetograph and the l'adottes (seventh week). In a new pro- gramme of popular music. Good bouses ruled last week, despite the beat, and those meeting with the warranted approval were: II. V. Donnelly and Co.. Mosber, Houghton and Moshcr. Cook and Clinton, Matthews and Ashley and Mcl'hce and Hill. Palace Theatre (Chas. 11. Waldron, man- ager).—"As Yon Like it" and "Slattery's Meceptlon" are. the two burlesuucs presented by the stock company this week, taudevllle Is furnished by the Adams Duo. the Herbert Bros., Itoycc and Black, Martin and Morrls- sey aud riuntl. Business was fair lust week. Austin & Stone's Ml seem (Stone & Shaw, .managers).—."The Creole Belles" proved an Ideal but weather card last week, and they are held over for this week In the curio hall, other novelties are: ~ Kreurer. the magician ; the Dc Koltss. Illusionists, and Trlxlc, snake charmer. On the stage are : Joe Ellis, West und La Belle, the WInstanleys. Baker and Ilatnsey. Perrv and ftaudall. and Powell's Minstrel Maids, with the following nrtlsts listed: Vlolcttc Dale, Inez Bayard, Anna Dixon, nijott Vaughn. Ida Campbell, Pearl Irving. Lillian Crone. Fay llagan. Harry Powell. Dick Greene. Charley Farrell and Joe Morgan. Business continues excel- lent. Walker's Museim fJU H. Walker, man- ager).—In the curio ball: Joseph L. Baum. artist's model: Cearllne's performing French poodles, Vasuti, palmist, and a pole climbing contest. Stage show: llene Campbell.'Cecil Beverly. Blanche Savor, Segrld Moore. Amelia Garvin. Lois Davis ami Mabel Silva. Nii-KEMiu»rN (C. i:. merry, manager).— Curio hall: Martha Peters and Maude Bur- ton, female wrestlers: Joe Cramer, elastic skin man: Trlxle Lc Page, tattooed lady: Jack Franklin, club Juggler; Marie, the flow- er queen, nnd a iienum ruling isuilonl. since slimy: Cherry's burlesque iiiniimnt. In "Mat* rlage Trimbles." Olio: Knglleb ami Welch, lingers Sisters, Sadie Lester, Mamie Cnlla ban and Dolly Shannon. Pamoon Vamx (Geo. A. Dodge manager). —Kearney P. Speedy, tbe high diver, holds over another week as the leading feature In the open air circus. Others arc: The hat Lukens, and Herbert's trained dogs. Busi- ness at this and ell other out door amusement resorts la at top notch. NonuMltEOA rjwjr. (Carle Alberte, mana- ger).—BUI for the current week: Liquid Air demonstrations, Torelll's Dog and Pony Clr- cns. tirade Emmett and company, Kehyon and De Garmo, Daly and Kelso, and the komograph. Ah excellent bill was offered last week. •Ijbxingto.n Park (J. W. Gorman, mana- ger).—"All Aboard," a musical comedy, Is presented here' this week by one of J, W. Gorman's companies. Last week vaudeville wns presented to good financial returns. Mehkohd Boulevard Theatre <J. W. Gor- man, manager).—Tbe list for thla week In- cludes: UK Srhell's lions. Seymodr and Hill. Anderson und Uolnea. Eckert and Berg. J. Francis Dooley aid company, and the komograph. Uit week "Said Pasha" was given by J. W. Onrmnii's Opera Co., In a first class manner, to capacity houses. Point of Pines (Jos. J. I&ymond, mnnn- g*r).—J. Wi Gorman's Company, In tbe mu- sical comedy. "Mr. Planet from Mars,"'Is the attraction at this resort the wirrrnt week. Last weef vaudeville was giVen with business reported good. Mammoth Theatsh (J. ti. Slattery, man- age*).—This week's cards: Fcmanti, Cavan- ough and Hamilton, Browman and Chase, Jennie Gjrard. McLean Sisters, Joe Harrison and the flatelles. Notes.— Howell Hansel retired from the Castle Square Stock Co. last Saturday night. He was presented with a sltver loving cup by bis former associates In the company.... George Ade's "The College Widow" will open the regular season at the Tremont Theatre, Ang. 21 "The Heir to the Hoorah" Is tin early Fall booking at the Mollis Street Iheatre The Grand Opera House will reopen Aug. 5. with Howard Hall, In "The .Millionaire Detective."... .An electrics! show will be held at Mechanics Hall all next week. ■ a Springfield—At Poll's Theatre (Chas. W. Fonda, resident manager) Poll's own com- pany played "Confusion"" 10-10, to good' re- turns. "Dr. BUI" 17-22. Nelson. —Tho Diamond Stock Co. present- ed "The New Governess" 10-13. The bouse is closed for tbe Summer. ■ Notes.— Mr. liornung and Beulnh Wat- son will go to their Slimmer home In Penn- sylvania. Miss Watson Is to play the role of Page Dearborn. In '"'the Pit." SI Con- dlt add James A. Ileennn will visit their re- spective homes, In Holyokc and here, be- fore' starting on their next season's work. .Carol Arden Is to Join Poll's company to play leads, after -whlrfi 'she, with Fran'-ts Justice, will Join the- Folly Primrose Co, for permanent parts. lleleh Young, Olive Skinner, Chas. Macklln and Fred C. Uouso are to return- to New York: » Worcester.—At the- Worcester Theatre (Jus. F. Buck, resident manager), week of July 17, the New York Players. In "Wliv Smith Left Home." Last week "The Wife'* earned success. Next week, ''A Gold Mine." Fhavklin SqUABK (Shea & Burke Co., managers).—Malcolm Williams and his stock company appear In "All on Account of Eliza." 17-22, with Manic Walker,'a Worcester girl, in the cast. "Young Mrs. Wlnlhrop" last week, and Lillian Slnnott and Lucille Spin- ney displayed excellent talent. "Tbe Charity Ball" EH* Rustic, Lake Qulnsigamond (Sanford Wal- do, manager).—Week of 17, "Said Pasha." "The Belle of Boston" did excellent business when weather permitted,'10-15. Whits Oitt'(F. -II. Bleelow; manager).— Week of 17 : M'lle. Ltielllta, Jeffries, Metcalf and Jeffries, Sadie Knowlton. Fireworks dis- play 17 and 21. "Guard of Honor," field day, 22^ ...-•■; . " • ' Note.— The Franklin Square will close In two weeks, for renovation, reopening Sept. 4. with 'Malcolm Williams und compuny as a permanent attraction. i Lowell.—At Lakcvlew Theatre (J. J. Flynn, manager) "The Telephone Girl," July 10-1R. did excellently! "When Reuben Comes to Town" 17-22. The Sunday band concerts do splendidly. ' Camuiik Lake (N. H. Traction Co., man- agers).—For the second week of the Co noble Lalte Opera Co. "The Pretty Persian" enter- tained good patronage. "Jack and (be Bean- stalk" 17-22. -IIamrto Beach (4. J. Flynn. manager). —"The American Minstrels." 10-10, bad food business. The Nashville Troubadours 7-22. "' ' - .. ;. Central Park (J. J. Flynn, manager).— This resort opened'with J. J. Flynn's "Pre- mier Vaudeville Co., followed by "The Trolley Party" 10-15. Business good. "The American Minstrels 17-22. Mention. —Annie and Elizabeth Laurie, of the Canoble 1-ake Opera Co.. were called home 12, by the death of their father, at Franklin, N. II ('has. E. Moran, scene painter, at the Boston Theatre, died I);' .lames Gilbert has been directing rehearsals of "The Prince of Palermo." I Lynn.—At Sbeafe's Relay House, Nahant (c, W. Sheafe, manager) business Is good. July 17-22: Paul and/ Reynolds. Burke and lirllne, and Dunbar, Hammond and Billy Nichols. Bash Point Theatre, Nahant (Frank It. Cauley, manager):—The nouses were good week of 10. - Current: Marr and Evans. Castle and Coogan, Tom Batcman, llllza- belli Miller and Mons. Forber. ' Gorman's Summes Thkatke. Salem Wil- lows . i Mlch'jol Doyle, manager).—Business continues excellent.- Tills week. "The Gib- son Girl." Introducing many new songs. ■ North Adams.—At Itonsac Valley Park (W. P. Meade, manager) "Muldoon's Picnic." week"of July 10, drew large crowds to Ibis popular resort. Tbe company Included: Dan Slmtnonds. Louis Powers. M. R, Hanley, Tom. Ramsay. Helen Morlrj, Nellie Delorne, Itay Morln, Evelyn Ramsay. Due: Tbe Majestic Vaudeville Co. week of 17. Notes. —Beujamtn Sullivan, treasurer of the Empire Theatre. Is able to lie out aguln after several weeks' Illness... .Fred Avcrlll, assistant Ircastirer of the Empire Theatre. Is spending A couple of weeks' vacation In Xcw York State. • a Fall Hlver At Kbeedy's BIJoil ID. It. Itufllntiin. manager), week of July 10. the Bufltnfmi Stock Co. produced "The Octoroon." to excellent patronage. "Tbe Slaves of Rus- sia" 17-22. Taunton.— At Salibatlii Park (Jos. J. Flynn. manager) "The Two Jolly Coin- psi'nlons" proved a strong attraction July 10- 13. "Boccaccio." by n strong company, 17-22. ♦ » » The White Bath ok America gave their annual outing at Ilye, N. Y„ July 11, at which about fifty White Itats and their guests assembled. The sport began with a baseball game, In which "The Always Win" -nine, captained by Geo. Felix, contested supremacy with "The Never Lose" nine, captained by Junie McCree. Extreme modesty on the part of the captains prevented their claiming of the game, so It was declared "a draw. A bountiful dinner wax served at ." i\ m.. to which the White Bats and their guests did full Justice. A soclnl session followed, with spr-ech-mnlilns. etc.. after which the entire party were the guests of tbe Summer thea- tre at Rye Bench, belnir Invited liy the man- nevr of the (hemic The While Itnlt At«>- riallon le in a uourlnhlnK condition nl pres- ent. Hie officers are. Ezra Kendall, presi- dent ; Jfl«i. F. Doinn. rice president : Mark 1'. Murphy, treasurer; J. U. Burk, accretiry. NEW YORK STATE. Buffalo. — At Shea's this week, which marks the passing of the name "Park" Into "Shea's," the appearances arc: Helen Ber- tram, Marcel's Living Pictures, Guyer and O'Xeil. Tom Almond, Scott and Wilson, Moaber, Houghton and Mosher. Dan Qulnlsn, Kellar Mack and the Tobln Slaters. Tbe Elks helped to swell matters last week, when the Farnum Stock closed, In "Monte Crlsto." athletic I'amk (Robert F. Walter, man- ager).—In the theatre: Selblnland Orovlnl. the Swlckards, Martin and Qulgg, and Doyle and Laiellr. Notes. —Manager Jule Delmnr. ot Celeron. w«s a hospitable host to the grand officer* of the Rika, 15 The various vaudeville anil store shown In town were highly pros- Serous during convention week.. . .The usual uminer lull is now strictly In evidence. a ■ ROehesler—At' tbe National Theatre (Max Hurtlg. manager) tbe stock, week at July"10. scored the biggest hit of Its most successful season, la a line presentation of "Trilby." Attendant-* was Immense. Jessie Hon*telle, In the title role; A. 11. Smart. Maurice Wilkinson and'Julian Noa ncured heavily. Fred Eric deserves great praise for excellent stage direction. "Mine. Suns Gene" 17-22. Cook iickha Housr (J. II. Moore, mana- ger).—"levers' Lane" waa well put on by the stock, week of 10, to large returns. Bertram Lytell, Louise Vale (who has taken Caroline Franklin's place during tho latter's Illness), Marlbel Sermottr and Arthur Rut- ledge made Individual hits. "Tbe Three Muskcteera" 17'22. ■ ■ • Sea Breeze Park Tiieatse (Frank J. Kocb, manager).—Past week's bill was re- warded with large and thoroughly pleased audiences.' Bill 10 and week: Behrcnd and Dennebaum, Fraato, the Pauls, and Laura Martlerre. Dreamland (Robt. J. Walters, general manager).—As a result of fine weather at- tendance here lias been large. The Seymour Children proved a big success week of 10. BUI Hi and week: Josh Daly's Minstrels and Fifty-fourth Regiment Band. Ontario Beach IVwik (John J. Collins, manager!.—Attendance week of 10 broke all records. Klndermann's German Marine Hand, which opened here 13, has made an Instantftncons hit, and dnlly plays to throngs. The Immense circle swing Is finished, and proves a : great drawing card. For week of 10, on tbe lawn: Kltamura's acrobats and Klndermann's German Marine Band. Casino Thkatiik' (James Iteardon, pro- iirletor).—Larue crowds attend hero dully. ''or 10 and week: Ardell nud Leslie, Lcooi Le Mar and l|oss Sisters. ■ •:. » ' Selianectady.—At' the Mohawk Theatre (Welier & Rush, managers), week of July 10, "The Convict's Sweetheart" played to big business, despite the hot weather. The ther- mometer registered 100, but the theatre was the coolest place In town, hence good attend- ance. Week of 17, "Camllle." Notek. —The Bennett & Motilton Stock r«, will open at the Van Curler Opera House early In August Vaudeville was Intro- duced between tbe nets ut the Mobuwk. Ethel Sehutte, monologlst. and Mabel lllake, vo- calist, furnished the numbers. Arthur Scy- more, of this company. Is laid up with blood poisoning and gone to New York for treat- ment. Thursday evenings, aniatenr nights. Friday afternoons Indies' receptions arc given. They have become quite popular. Luncheon Is served and the entire company receives A number of Elks from tbls vicinity attended tbe Buffalo convention .C. It. Benedict. manager of the Van Cnrler Opera House, and family, have gone to his Summer home. Elmlrn—At Rorlch's Glen'Park (Ilerbert S.'.llnger. manager) "The Mocking Bird" waa presented last week by the Manliattun (.liters Co., and was so well received tbat It will lie continued through this week. •RlAtTo (F. ' W. McConnell. manager).— People for week of July 17 are: Fagan and Merrlam. Dc Hart- and Hussell. Sadie Brand. Lessle MrAvoy, Uertrude Slanley and Jutnes D, Proudlove. 'Business good. Notes.— Manager \V. C. Smith, of the t,y- ceuni Theatre, has been elected national di- rector of the Bill Posters' Association Manager Ilerbert Hulluger, of Kurlck's Glen Park Theatre, and his brother-in-law, Phil Branson, are organizing a stock company for the purpose of producing royalty dramas dur- ing the Winter season. The company will open at Rorlck's, In this city, Aug. 28, at the close of the opera season. Albany.— At Proctors Theatre (Howard Graham, resident manager) the Hummer stock amused good sized crowds dally and nightly all last week. The play was "The Wife." and was excellently presented. The bill for July 17 and week, "For Fair Vir- ginia." • ' Electric Tabic. —At the theatre: Mr. and Mrs, Harry Thome. M'lle Latino, James nnd Bonnie Farley and the Three Dc Fuye Sis- ters. Dueaulanu. —The beat draws many hun- dreds to tbls popular resort. The attrac- tions Include: Robinson and Orant, the Vnd- mans, Gillette Sisters, Harry Burgoyne and the Hawaiian Students. Notes. —Sells &' Downs' Circus will bIvo two performance* here July 18 Km- tilre Theatre Dockstnder's .vflnstrels 27.... larmanuli Blcecker Hull: The Primrose Min- strels, Ang. ft. Jamestown. — At the Celeron" Theatre (Jule Delmar, manager), for week commenc- ing July 10, Dixon, Bowers and Dixon, the three rubes, shared headline honors with the Bison City Quartette, both taking many en- cores. Others who made up an excellent bill were: Murphy and Wlllard, odd entertain- ers; Hedrix and I'rescott, song nnd dance specialty, and Mullen und Corelll, acrobats above the'ordinary. Notes. —McMabon, In his jump from a high ladder Into a tank of water, continued as a free outdoor attraction The Quaker City Quartette is underlined for next week. lllngliamton—At Ross Park (J. P. E. Clark, manager) Wm. Josh Daly's Minstrels drew large audiences to this favorites resort July 10-15. Win. Rowe, Oatrando, Aseott ami Eddy, the Mitchells and Prof. Parker's dogs come 17-22. HiNGLiNu Hti'is.' Circus comes 20. ♦ »» NEW IIAMPNIIIIIE. glipper post Office, tat order to avoid mistakes and to Inaure the prompt delivery of the letter* advertised In thla list, an envelope plainly addressed most bo •ent for each letter, and a written •Filer tor the letter, ala-ned with tho tall same and address and tho UNO of business followed br the sender, xanat alio be enclosed. Pleaae Mention the date (or aaaa- ber) of THR CIiIPPBR la which the letter* seat for were advertised. LADIES' LIST. Anderson. Fny IKvll. Adelaide Arkrll. I'l.i.i l-'ninw, Allien, Hess Mrs. Charles Ayllrc. lllnnolie Krnnels. Vivian Arlington. Mrs. Win. II. Aiiiii'ilMirg. Agnes Ailgie. Mile. Araclill Vlrxlnln AiiImihi. Mnltet Ailauis. Inei Asldsml Mlklre.1 Allan, I'lu.-rleC Pnekley Jennette Hurtuo, llov Hills, Mr*. r.B. Ilrliulnc Lltililc Hiirton Mrs. Al. Borle Mn.Cbns. Baker. ' Mm. Colgate Brailshnw, I.aum Burton. Roy IIIonn. Leila llrjent, Violet lllake. Marlon Burns. Trsalo Brown. Wally Harlow Mrn.A.V Hiirke, Uertrude Dlyllie. Jeiuinette 11 HruwiH'M, Mabel Bart. Miss tl. CiOH-nin Lillian tAainbcrlaln, M«la Curtis Theresa Csllo Margnerlte Carr. Jenn Cohan. Joseph In Oral ford, Minnie D. Clausen Sisters Clark, Smile Cooke, Ollle M. CUuuiiilon Maud Cook. UmvenlB t'reliilitoii, Josa Chesier, Ma Cllrronl. Marie, Isms <'isston, Miss M Couitwy. Miner vr Curler. Auule Dinstnntlne Slaters Couktlug I'rnnkle De Ijirne. Kitty IHmikIuhs I.llllaa D'orr. Lillian Davis, Lola De clisrin Kayile Dona. Victoria Drefskl, Alma Darrell, MiiiIko Hetty.' Mnude Desmonde, Lllllon purl/. Mrs. Jus Dudley. Jean Densmore.' May De Ijiiiij)« Daisy He Holland,' Kstelle 'nhw', MsrRlp Hre.M'l. Violet De Milt. Uertle Desbon, Mntlillile Daley. Us he Khttirdo. Naomi Kmery, MsihIIr I'mnierrtt l.lllle Kstps, Marie Kthardo. Nnoml Rsnerskla, Miss M Farrlugton, N. l'l..n, MIMred Towler, Muie. Prances. Vlralul.i Anna MohIwIii. Susie t'tllMl. SIhIk'I GIIm.u. I..'lie <>«r}i-ii, Allle lira re Orer. Vera c Sa 11 it In Albert.: Outlier, lleue (iNanoux, Bctle (irnHsiil Ml» I! (Iraliam, Ks.le llowanl. Dernlci' llnrlonv, Miss II lllllraan, Mnnile Horner. IauIsc Holmes. I.etty Hnriilsli. .Hstnle Holmes. Slav I {:>! lues. Cstlierlni' Herbert, Mtibel Iliira MltKiln M. llnwnnl. Lucia Hum. i. Hunt. Lillian Uarii'iiiil. Viols llnll'.wii.v. Hi'llc Hens, KinniR II- lleity. Kiln HaRinmrsI, Isila Hill. Kllicl llerrnmi). Ailrlalik' lllle. Mabel Hill. Miimlf llenlv, Kiln Joyce, Mae Jansou NHiinlelt Kulm Mrs. It.ibt Klmbsl, Kloreuc Knight, ' Mrs. Vlmloln KlIDX MmeVclln Kleeiny, Anns (lieu) I* Mar. I^Tuna l.n Porte Addle Leslie, Urnlrlce Mltth! I.unlry. Nellie l.iiiirnsli'i, Lillian, M. I.yilell.' lb l^> Hoy Kloremv t'. Ijirl'lllii- PIl.vlIlM l.c Coy, Joslc Lola at Cap .Mil Inn l.n Mm. Ilsbe LeClnln- Violet Lime. Alice I.iiritliii'. Kllceii I* Tour Marie .'N'l.linrt. Maude H. ,swil, Millie pslle. Kirn MlMiiiott, Hndlc Mellliilr. Klsle Maher, Agnes Mitrnball, Madeline Morton, cliiru L, Mlnell, Ollle Marlon. Dolls Masn ell. Marie Meli, OIIItii Masiey. Millie May Co., Vemn May. Ida Madlaon, l.lllle Murray. Lllllu Mulcr, Mnls'l May. Florence J In hi. A ill I n .Morrison, Annie May. Daisy ■» Jeanrttc Mills, lliillh- Mills, Mnrhin McCiluseliltld, Susie Jisssle McIm'Ius. I ,1a loin (I'Ni'lll. Nellie OpIsMilu-liiier. Kntlii'iii Ihllnr. Mile. Iliilllps. Bertha Peterson.' Ixtvlu I'avey, Marie Pheli'a, Doilo Pantaer, Linn Poraoro). litis Palmer, Kent Peterson. Hopulo llaiulill. Josephine Boxers, (llndya llceiis. Ilclene RlMHlr. Cecelia lli.'lr nl Mrs.Vic Under. Adele Utile. Mrs. Lilly milv llsil.'IIITe. I'enrlc Itctiliisiai Slaters Itelltlii. Adeline Koblnsoii Fsiiny RotM-rta. Muriel Ituckhnro, Mrs. I,. V. Itappo Slaters I!. :i -i'V Sl-'.i . iliibertaon Mra.J Huts rts. Miss Itims, Delia llelil, Nellie A. Kli'Hel, Mrs. Jim HcIkcI. May Slnelalre, Unset Mrahraa, Mr*. Paul Sylvester. Nellln Havllle, Alice Slock. Tllllc Sivtt. Carrie St. c.l.ilr. Nellie St. Clslrr, Irene Scarlet. Melialy Sinillicrs. MiiiIl' Sliiimni, Bene stniitou. Kitty St. Diiee, Mrs. Frist Hleivnrt. Uueen Tniirayr, tllM lliniiins, Ins Tliurlsr, Lraaa 'I'l|lllll|IMIII, Milllle Titos, Lydls Y. VaUKhn Irnrnthy Venae, Itnbilbiil Volrere, Orla Vttlllere, Orla Welier. Marie Wllllsrna. Ida Wiillice. Mrs. Helen I'. Wooclwsril Warily Wolfe. Mrs. ItiMinM Wllliur. Hnhy Doll Wilitwrsal, Mario (Ik'.) Wells, (turbine Wheiler. //'linn Wilson Mrs. Mnl KrisI West, Msdidlno /."lll'ir, rtan y.iionle, Warda HRNTLKHISN'M LIHT. Mnnehenter.—At Lake Pavlllnn ITrae- tloa Co., managers), the raise in prices and change from vaudeville to musical shows. Is not mectlni; with favor here, and the at tend- ance'Is conserjncnfly rather light. "The Tele- phone Ctrl" -week of 10, -"The tllrl From Part*" week of 17. Notkh. —Frank Lnyo. who la now touring; Maine with the Lnyo United Shows, reports success Walter Plerson, who waa seen here last season In tbe chorus with "The Iliisy Izxy" Co., Is with "Tbe Telephone Ctrl" here James Kdmunda baa aliened for the coming season with the Via Stock Co Frank italnger, formerly connected with "The Parish Priest" Co.. la playing the part of tioldtop. In "The Telephone Ulrl." ♦ «» M.itiTsii.\"s llt.'iHitrT.—An event eagerly nwalted by the vaudeville profession Is Hie publication. In a tew weeks, of the new Maill- xnn's Itiidgel. No. 10. Mr. Madison promises n full liiuiilnil pn*ci of orlplnnl pnrislies, monnlnfjuos. sketches, hnrli'smies nml other kinds of singe material, nil written In Ms hext style: In brief, an Issue far lu iidvunce of all previous Uudgels. Arnold, J. F. Anthony u. II. (nv.) Alfrnl... A. II. A lex ii in I it. Thomas P. Aliern. chns. & Jsc Anilioiiy, A. 8. Antrim A Peters Alvora, Orcat Adams, frank Armstrong k Holly Arlington A llclstou Armstrong,' Dr. Ayler. J. H. Appleiiste llisi.l' Anii'lihi. Charles Acton, fhssxai A John Aaron, Hurry Arthur, Frank Allen. I". M. Avers, Sidney 'Illack, J. J. Breiitoti, TisJdle Dlondell, Eddie lirenlon Tethllu Burns, BiMIe Hownian. Freil lllnkeiley Will Blulr. Louis Irurkhart Cbas.J Bonlienr Bros. Hueklcy. Frank Dorsal k Nevaro Blaekaller, Arthur nun, f. b. Barr * ■aasa Bank, Illclurd Bn hi win, • Prof. H. 8. Ulslup. It. S. Bottonlry, Mallhew Bcnbaii. Billy llarilisun. Bay Barr it Rvnns Hates. Nisi C. lirovntnp", The BremiHii. J. J. Barnra It Washburn Bond. Fred llslbrlck. A. a. Bellsms k (Iregory Belmont Joedc Hnnli. Jack BremiHii. James Barry k Johnsoii Ilrovn, Jack Baker. William listilnere, Ned Ilnr'.on Frank C Hlnns k lihns Bruiller. Ueorge Burke. W. F. Itpiitley. Frank DiKh Bros. Burns. Ted Hurler, Brain's) Maker. Willie Bulla i>i. Waller Burke, J. K. »l>«repy. Js.'k ll.inks, J. C. I lieriisiiul, llrownlee k | lOtleime lleisl Dunfurlh ABnini Byrnu, Frank liarwlu, I'blllp linker, A. !*, Demimpy, J, L. IV, lulu, lli-ii line Ifezuiimrii, Barker. W. I>. Don .ln.ui Utiles A Kruest Duke, Arnss I'.. BettH, llerlsrt Doluii k Leiiim.' Ilatlirli-k. II. II. Diinhiir, Arrlilu Bailey 4 Dewar. I'tof. Madison rUmn, 11. II. Hell k llli'liiinls Davis. I,i-»tcr A Bell. 11. S. IJislae, Ira rteleher'a Coat. Ilavldwin, Ken Drill, K. II. . Iielcliur, Jaa. B. Blair, H. M. ' De Clalrvllln HI,I flu-tan, S. M. Dtrls. Trim W. Boston, II. II. Ui'iivps WallerK cniiliiH Itlcbanl i'myfb & t.'onnay, O. W. Kiiiin'.'raon Clark. John Davenport, It. J Cm. Wilbur Davidson. K. il. ivs.pi'r, F. V. Denilng, Arthur Cis'e. Hurry Doyle, W. It. Consul, Boy Deluiore Charles Conner, Howard Duaue, T. P. Coasuiau. Illraiu Dow-Court. Jib- CIii'ki, Jame* Dourer Tfaeislori! Carter. Curl.Mr. DIsiui, II. 11. * Mrs. Daltre, Carl CollII,mi, Jbu Ia> Solo. Merrill Cirailtl, Hie P.viiPis. Cramer. Jne Rilgerlona. Tlio Cook. Klls.vorln Klder. W. C. Carle, The Minimis, II. P. (.'niunrll Johnny Eiiivraoa, J. K. f'nlirer. HIiwhi Kwliif. II M, Cngtreslinll F,M twins, Buck Clark, F. M. Kgan, J. P. Care. Ueo. tl. Kckliofr, l'n-.l Cknrltoii, il. J. Krwwsl, It. J. Cuaad I'mnk 'I'. Karl. Mr. Curiiiillii Il.'iinlil l-ilirsnli. Al. Crowley, Joe J. Kild). Alls-rl Cidlliis, Bjrraa Llmyn, Is.riie i>N>k. KIlHtrortli Kvsns, Al H. ("heater, Kriie Kvans, Clare Cnsstijs. The K.Ulllleraoii, J.K. Cftrtps Hernando Kininetl. Charles Clinmller. Joe ford. Billy Cortilev KjI. C Fool, II. P. Caniiisi, Jack Fram-onc, II. N. Croeliy, It. W. Feniiell. Neil Canter k Bur let Ksnst, I'.ugi'iio ('•Hike. Will J. Fields. Bub Cuuniat. J. k I'owler. Jiftai C. '•Jlhl.l Klalu, K. II. Os-jk k LTInt'in Fox. llnrrv (laylnii, Frank Farrell Charlie Curttlu. Mr. Fulton Arllnirll Cook, F„ K. Foni, Chas. C. <:hrlalle. Archie plske, Kddte Campkell ft Fnweett, C.AII'-n Brady Furbnig. •»'. H. clink. A. J. Flsber AWalters Crslg, Ham First. Hurry lilshnmn I'raiik Fltagllihoii ft Curlton Sam II -lie t.'hane, a W. Fmslnl, T. tl. Carr, C, H. tlilberl. nreut i.llltonl. Hilly iiorSou, II. txirimlU. Will liHrf.el.l. Onirics I Niacin, Carl Drei-bl, P. L. Drake. J. T. (loins, ftm Mm IiIhoii M. B. lierlneh. I.tiarlm liimii. IL tirwn. Harry tlurlell. losepb 11 lev I ne, •'.. J. IDorikui ft Uarnivt ft Heiii'Silo ft Belle' Bsonelt Lallrilsler UnlinLill, W. I., lircrn. I'rof.J.M Baker Frank K. ' Drake. John T. itonh.n. Bob Briidley. Joseph li.iw.on, J. A. dross ft I.rail lliisiklrk ft Bleb jliinimn. T. illlllelle. A. M. Hull." ft ll.'l-.liilii.ili. W. It. rilyl.Hisi B'nlllr llirllmi. J,bn ! licniiiilni;. ;ilbno, Julius Weta-r. Kdille l.ns nnri- i hmMlcs lllckell. W. K. IMckeranii. '.'. K.'niusnre, lluruey llai'er, 1'uy llhtime, Uyduey '(Jra/blll, ftlver Orsldlng. Frcdf.. flregury Frnnk 1. Uray ft Brnham Gordon Lnwreoc (lolirrn, l^inla (tester, William (lolling. W. a. Oonlon * Gilbert (lately, K. V. tlreeu ft Werner Oroau, II. A*. (tlomin, A. W. (Irnhnm. Fnsl (llhlrle. 3. V.. Marliiini, Bonert llonck, Phil Ilaynea ft Wcrqntx llillli'HI. J llugbes, F. HnyiMiul, l'rot. fli-irles Hunter. S. V. Mail, Joe Hollo way C l.-i ml c llamllion. J. U. Harris, F. c. Uiinitey, Ben HiiKiinl, A. tl, I layman ft Franklin lluys, Bully Herbert. I'n,r. «». W. Ilnp|ie. liny lln.ines, lira. II Hawley A Duoae llnnlies. Will Hyde, Al. Hurt. William II Inch Bros. I lammond. Dr. Hayes, Fred IInuter, B. V. Hooper, II. Brooks llolioiiib. Herbert Harris Huht. 11. Ilnnilltuii Slk.Co llenella. Jon Hass, Will Harris, Ham llnmotiKi liassvl llaiolloiii ft Wiley llnlkhl ft Ueaii lloi'icii. A. T. Hall, W. I.. llaiicr. - Here Devil Harrison, Will lbi|i|.. Adnlr llolmrl. tl. V. Hill. J. P. Henry, 0. II. Hull, 'bun House, F. L. How. S. W. Hunlcr, — (of Mis nicy ft II. J Irving, Dr. 11.1. Ionian, Harry lilnlciT, CKsirge IrrlaiKl, Mr. Jess, J. W. Jiswcllu Trl'i Jamlis, Bert JobiiMin, Mr. A Mrs. II. .tnivl". A. C. .Incksiin, C. A. Jackson Arthur Juveiiiil, J. M. .letinliigs, Hltcve Jones, Irving .limns., Hurry Jamison, It. IL Koh'cr. J. II. Kniiu'biuil Frank Klliscy, M. I.. Keller. W. F. Kent, Kdwln Kllpatrlck, K.J. Keniifity I.'litjtuii Kelso. It. K. Kleiner A Marshall Kent, H. M Keneily A Wllkens Kelly, T. P. Klelis-r, llerliert Kleeiny, Itlcliiinl Kunf man, B. 11 Kramer, Joe T. Kpudrlrk, Frank Kelly, rlpnin-cr Keniieily. H. A Klark-tlrhuii Co Kelly, Ward Kelly. Iliirold King, Mall Klein. Hurry KPlley Mr. Diuli l-'raiH'k, Dun Kelly, J. F. Kell. J. W. Klnrk t'rliun (!■ Kennedy. Mempllls Kline, Fxlillu )s"e. Henry Lang, Frauds I. Ittli Monday l,«Hc, Ueorga Lismbkn llerilian l.n liny, Nat La Hintc Harry I.i Belle Charles Lloyd. Herbert i.nvine, Arthur Liraln, Harry l.uler. Frank Lewis, Claude ft Clnru Llntie, lloivanl Lancaster ftllall l.arrlnee, A. 0. I.iirrlniT A Lc La Mnr, Hurry LnnliT, Hurry Lisni. Bert l.ivliixslon, Marry Levy, Alible jj.iii Im it llnrn., Henri I.urkbi Frank J l.esler, .Mam Ijiwrenee, W. Lnliib. Cliarlra Lull I miee. Hle|ik« Liiwiems* lo.i'i It Is'wii.. Nelson Leo, Frank La Moot, Fred Leilcriliiiii, 1*. M Isiuhe. Will II. Lu Mnrr li.'iisnii Mack, %. A. iSbu iisnii. M. llourinniin, Jack Htnne. Curley l.iyni Is, Fred Lcnvlit, William Lleliel, Henry l.yuih. Dick I,n Mar. fteiisnii l.n Hemic Harry Lister, W. T. Lyons, Billy l-ehar, Frank Lnwls. Clsmlo l.eflonr, F.. Lewis, CI Iff I,i,|i.-s. 11. l^-.iry. T. C. La Vis'ii, Ham La Bui', II. H. I.sllinore, K. I.. Murphy. Mark Martilietll. iKlislkla Manlell. Harry McCarthy Joslln McAl'-illsn, Joo Munpi, I'rlncd Mnrphy A Francis Morrison, Lo«|b llltcl.ell, Lee .tlndiliii ft Meltlne Madison, ||, llerrlll, Andre,- Mnnrne, Ilulit II. Mil.'he I la, Three Funny Mtjntlre A Bennett Martini A MiiMiiltlim Uiirrls. Hold. J, Merlll, II. B. Hitler. Frank F Marvel, Ceo. II. Marvel Ceo. W. Mulled, J. B. Moffnle, J. It. MeKurre, Joe Mimitl, Chill'les Melville Howard \Inoti', Jan. I*. M-n "H. Oliver Miirhm, Dnve Vlmoiey AlherlV Mcttliiley. ltnl, ft Kvu MeAiialliHi. Joe Muirny, 'loin Meyer, Adolpli Miller, C. C. Ii Meligea Henry p Minor A (lallrenth alack, F. Alnriihy. Trsl .Morton. Kddy, U. F Man In, 1 sudor Mafiiune, Alexander Malta. 1'nil Mi-Fiirliinil. Frank Moore. Sidney .Mayo, Berl MeKie, Hurry Miller. I.onis Moosidla ft Itii-sell Morrow. Harry Miles, Mr. ft Mrs'. Paddy Manley. Jnck Moreno. Jan. P. Miielbs*, Lisni McNulty, Will Midiissu tllovanl Blllar, C. C. C. .Mai'key, A. Mack. J. C, .Mowatt, T. II. Millard Bros. MeVey. F. H. Niir.rorlh Jack Maun, I inn nv NTsscn, Walter Shell. W. A. Norton. J. W. Neumann, V. Vi-JIi t In JnlSl Nasmylli, Will Nlion. Iliitflnn No)In Mr. HH Nidmi. Johiiny H'Ciiiiiiiir. F. J. Oliver. Harry OetsHIM*. .lo-e|'ll ImlsTl, Chnrb's I'lilltinsik, II Fnsl. W. II. ncbeco Oebihln Tbe. ||. M. Pew A ilerth Pelers, Phil W. Priiiuplu. Harry Prenlli-e. II. <!. Phillips Have P Perry. J. II. i'elrrseu AseeIN Plattp, Ilea. L. Phillips. Nut I'lilllli s ftMerrll flank, llerls'ii I'liii-ell. William Plili v, fill* Pfllaler Charles Patilter Trio I'arkliiuiu Co., Harris idtcr. II. n Porter. Wm. Jr Perrln, Sid Plielps, Vernon Prmily, Jeil ■ark, II. rl. I'ellon, Clias. F. I 'II Mil. Leslie "'iilbiii ft Perry Pelns-, F. II Pntfosl Howard I'imisou, Percy Powers. AI titer. Bert feel:, tl. M. IVrry, J. H. retry, Jack Phillips. Jisi PottH. F. L. 1'lllllllM ft Merrill I'll III (lis. Nut 1'erry, 1'. it. Qillgley, Holiert Quldey Urns. Quloliin ft Howard Itolsrts, A. II. Iliiyriiiinil, C. It lie,!,,. Tim Itnwlioiil A curtiirl Biisliia ft Hanks Blley A White tt-iii. Lilni. Three Bella, Fred Hussell, I, 'mis .1 II iiyn, olid. llnrrv T, Itnliliisoii, Ivlilie Itlo. Illto Koblnsoii, "Happy" IM I'lilllns. Ilnlpli Itlebnrilsnii, Linden K Kynti A lloiialas ItnwIliiK. Alfred Itnliliisisi lleo.K. Itiiekwcll, I). M. Itiiblnieui. Ifiirr, Hmvslli I'.ninnilel Hin-ii, II.' II. Hiiynioiiil, A. Bellh-ilTer. T Iteil: 0-, Hurry lletlttiite. Ororgi Helios, The Hnynl, lllnstn Bletimlson Dan lingers, I'. J. lloimellil. J. S tlemlniloii. F.A Honiilii, Miiliu* Bay, Fnsl Bii.iiiiiiiiiI, It. II Hwollolv ft Mirkle Blanley. Norman Seymour, F. tl, Horaker, Brisi. Fliermut* Ira il. H,K-liilslr. .1. II. MaitltPld. Fred held: I lug. Carl hlii'ii, lUruey Meliiniuell Mlkohlllvp. Oils P. Meliettl Le iiiiir.l a j irbnw M Harry Malley A |H»erney, L II. Phillips Sparks. Charles Mnrbielliis, ThulHlo'ies, Juek Morse, II, L. 'hjiiiun. ftvron Hlifl Ml I'D 11 AT IIIHII Of LIST «»» Smith ft The John, .Sauitilerson Wiu. slevln, L. J. Snow, Opo. M. Mintv. Walker J. hboenwork" Snyder, Henrj Btrnuas, Hernoiii ■Sdiirsni Famllv Smith, Mai.iei Sullivan. C. H. heeley Col. elms Swain, W. I. Ktanlione, lie "Snm Julin" Selbliil Aflnivlnl Helir.-ituni, tliarles I-'. Srhooley, Howe Snliiioii, Harry Sewlii, J. din M. Mmllli, J. Pair. Sheiiiiv Frank Silliileronu, )V. Hun. (iua S|ss*unty. Mr. Sloti-a Jnck \V. Snail. .Mr. idssell. Frnnk Sampson, J. *f. Slisk, Tom V. Shnlii. William Meveitsou, J. Wesley Slewnrt, W. him. Jnlin Baand, W. Sterii'tl. Lee htiermnuii. Mr. Sweet, I'lmeiM' Bplliy. ArH.iic Swansea I'lnu h- Sanwiyoar Ureal Shine. W. II. hcbmirlt. Will Stanton, FrunkF, Stanton Frntiki' Stauluu. Charles Smith. S. (I. Sadler. Jas. It. Sii|si, Frank SiieiuiT, Jauii-s Shinl, I'liiiili--' Sanfnnl. I.ysier Stinko, I'nil Slow. J. M. Smith, It. V. Sell.lnl A (■■'..villi Keliwiirla. Will Sadler, J. II. Slsiw. 11. V. Nebwurls, Frist Sillllvmi. J, F. Snimilersou XV. Sulli'.i'fS. II. It. Sirvker. tl. A. Hlllllvilll ft Fiilllh-e Bauaer, W. It. Selamaii, II. B, Hillltvnii. J. J. Two ft One half Trnynor, A. J. ThrumiN, N. F. Turnprs, Tbe I lionms. Ilnlpli lllliills flu ver. Trlpli-ll. W. M. Triinladoiirs. :i TIlOIIIHB, ,1 lllll Taylor, Jack Tlinilllisoll, Will. Trydell. Han Tarr. I Mr •I'olln, Mall I'liiasloa, llnunrd rownsenil. FrancIi Taylor.' Harry Thomas, Will Tnifobi. Then. Taylor. II. M. Tamer, Mnrv. I'nylor. Hiilasrl 'I liompson Jerry Ibatclivr. J.*ime.i "Iiiiiniisnii. Ilui Thurla'r- Nuslipr Co. TllOllt[IBO|l. I '. V 'llitsiise, cinirbs Tr.iiil. Al Triilsisisi, Irrlu,; Tenir. Chiii'le, Ihelilis, Mill Tllili'slon. Howiir-I Trevelllek. H.F. t.'lil. 0. I.. fill. (ail. I.. Veriusi. Ca'l Vondell. Ilnri , terner, Arlliur Viigel. J. W. Vllliier. Hurry Vim Hell. Harrv Veriniii llecy II. Van Dyke A Katoii Ci. Vim, Joe Veniui-e, J. I,. Van CamiiH. Tim Vllliilrs. Allen Verm IMilKlclit Wolf. T. A. Wright, lieoiu ■ Wbiaiaiiley. Leu Williams, V. F. Weston ft I t:i\ it i Wlemeyer. Ii.i mini nil Warner. Waller Wilson Mr. I Jon, WllllanisMi ILK. Wntktns, Fosler Waldron, J...- Weaver ft Jmici Wrstrall. Ham II Wletie, Curl Wlenand, Frank Woods ft Kiln;, Wllisio ft Dickinson WcIbIi, i.i-iv M'allhour Jus.F. Walsh. C. I. M'hllller, II. II. Welsh ft I:-ii. Wall. I us, llnrrv Wallers. Klmer Wallera. Billy Walklns. I'osier Wayne, Charles Waniliild, \#<k WardPll. Harrv Wlasl, Fraui-is Wroth, Ivhiie Wealpr, Joe Wbllller. II. II. William, W'eliloii DiiiimIiI WHeh. J. f. Wlllrlck. Join, Welsll ft Kslei Wbll ftlluw I Wilton IIP... WiiIhiii. Hurry M'alllium 1.1-H.n Waller. Finil Wllidnm, \\. II ivil-uii, F. II. tt'sll. I . \. Woeil. Fraocls Wlllbiins. Frank Young. I lllle Vmincer BrnsCii. Voi.iig. .Mr. Voekney. J. C. Vineir ibsi. H. Zliiiiiinr, liiiri> yjnimer, F. V. Zeisi, Jvrd.i'i ,\ Zeis) Klaillicl'. I mil. Aiisn ii inn yiinr Iiiii ill r, i \rn. I lie beat way In K» l» HtllTnln n ml Magarn lulls Is by Hie \eiv Vnrl. Central. M l> i ( iloiii us,- iiver lis all true I, k III ere nre -'ii Irnlns a atari *H t uiilcuiie ticket* arc uueili „