The New York Clipper (August 1905)

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506 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. August -). PHENOMENAL INBTBTTMENTALISTB, VOCALISTS AND COMEDIANS, IN A NEW AND ORIOINALMDSICAL SKETCH, F^ROM IVOTHIIVO TO GrRAIVI> . . _ t- v t t.^,. Ttr=<miflopnt Platad Stage Settings, 2 Set Pieces, $1,200 Worth Gold ASSISTED BY TWO WELL KNOWN LADY SOLOISTS AND INSTRUMENTALISTS. Special Scenery, Light EffecU, "^if^"-"^ by Daniels, Wardrobe by Pettibone Bros., Novel- and Silver Instruments and Novelties, Oreat Military Horn Finish, Elegent Wardrobe, Clean Comedy, New Ideas, <££^*°]""T£j7!^ * 0 NE OP THE BIGGEST HITB EVER IN THE " "ith Consacutive week in oarM. iteturn aaioo »uu uuw *»» » ties by Deagan and "Est erbro ok," Music by all the " World" and "Esterbrook.' BOUTH. MUST BE SOMETHING IN IT. BEST ONLY. Now touring the "Ohio River Circuit" in my own motor boat, "Good Luck." * * Per. Home address ANS 1228 EAST MARLOW 8T., Indianapolis, Indiana. • » THEATRICAL HOTELS and BOARDING HOUSES. Wabash A Madison, CHICAGO. O. 0. Vaughan, Prop. Strictly „„ American Plan, $816 single; JM2 doufai£_yaud evllle patronage Invited. WHEHliTH. Y. STOP AT THE CRYSTAL, WEEKLY. A RCHIE K . CHRISTIE , Manager. " PAL.ACK IIOTKl., Ml N. Clark St., Chicago. Enropean, $a per week; with prlvat* uaili, »7. ^7;tKjrHath._too : __ \i- B . HUMPHREY, Pro p. WM. TEU HOUsk, Howard and Bomer- ■et 818.. Boston, Mass. Central location. Hx- gij^"X^faMl LY T. BANNWAKT. Prop. VRAKAIiUAH HOTKL, HUH E.14,N.Y.,yr. Union Sq.,Academy,Dewey. .Kooms^.TCc,' *'■ $1.60 day; H .H> to $» week. W.IUIANMOAN,Prop. "SkRNARD IIOTKl., Bill and Pine, St. Louis near all theat res. European plan. Ron and bath, $ 3.00 to $7 week, (live trial. B. F. CAH1LL, I rep. HUNT'S KUHOPKAN HOTKL., 148 Dearborn Bt., and OXFORD HOTEL. Canal and Adams Rates "profession. FRANK HU NT, Prop., CHICAGO. TUB CASTLK 1NW. Niagara Square, But- n, puagara Di|uar«c, u falo N Y. Rate., «2 to $4 per day. MB. C. F lSlJNBABVl'rop.; MKB* ti. V. HAIR. Mgr. "rlWATSlCAI. PRINTING, THE HCHMUTZ ITU CO.. Wooster.O.—6O06', xxxgood Envelopes jl.KS n etttcu good Letter Heads $l.itt net. ' MOVIKO PICTT1KK SUPPLY and RENTAL. Films. Machines, Stereoptlcons Cameras, Lenses souk Slides, new and accond band, bought, Bold excliamied rtargalus. Studio for lllm and slide Sklug co oriug" Special Flag and Eire Films, «perlrepair uk. free advice, long years' expe- Hence, prompt dealings. K(» e rliurJ Hchr^lrter, Uerman-Am. Clue. A Film Co., 10B K. liflh St.,N.Y.O . HONKY IN SOAP. UIG I BAR tl. BOX u (iHNTB High Urade Medicated and Toilet "oap PARKER CH KM1CAL CO., CUICAUO. PASTOR'S Wit ALWAYS IIAVB A GOOD 8"0Wi r MISS MORTON & PAUL. MCIIOLKOS, HENSHAW & FMNSIOLO & CO,, TlIIaKK WES I 0\S, | IIAYWARD & IIOLMAN, OWEN k OWEN, NOWROSS, IILAIN & LA MARS MINSTRELS, HAWTHORNE k HIRT, ASH & PHILLIPS, AND MANY OTIIICR AITS. * Ct\Mc &0UAJ& Of Hlch CI*.. Vaudeville, $1. ME YERI'ELD JR., PBE8.; MARTIN BECK, GENERAL MANAQB& All Applications for Time Must be Addreatad to C. B. BRAY, Booking Manager, D04 Ashland Block. Chicago, III. Huber's "." Museum Ueo. II. llubtr, Propr. J. II. Anderson, Mgr. WANTED, for our opening, Monday, July 31, liv- ing Freaks and Features lor Theatre and Curio Halls. Address J. II. ANDERSON, as above. . ROW TO HTAKT IN SHOW BUSINESS. WHEN IN NEED OF MONEY ! CALL AT THE UNION SQUARE LOAN OFFICE, 118 THIRD AVENUE, Bet. 18th and Hth Streets, N. Y. .^ik It irnikes no difference bow JM large or email tbe amount i " "J required, you cau do better ^Hr here than elsewhere. i-'J- -A T /^ ircuiiouuiii/ Liberal £oun» A\/im '0 the retention. Pledges IT jM l|/ Si ]M forwarded to nil purta of W 1 W the United States and ^^ f ^^ Canada. ALL PLEDGES KEPT ONE YEAR. EST. I860. We alao ■ell rare bargain. In r»«- deemed l'ledvea, audi aa Ulamonda, Wutuliea and Jewelry, at leaa than bait ature price*. __ WANTED—Sketch Team thai can do Musical Art: piano and have moving picture outfit pre- ferred. Tell all. Will Invest one .lo Ave hundred with parly having same amount. Opens Sept. 1. WILLIAM J. McOUINN, Pelcrlioru, Ontario. WANTED ILUICK, for Frank Hollaway's Ulg uulleil Shoiva. Porrormers doing two or more turns, Acrobats, Wire Walkers and Artists, Ad- vance Man who is noi afraid of paste. Address FRANK HOLLA WAV, Ulrnantwood, Wis. MANAGERS of street, County or State Fairs wanting apeolal attractions, write us till Aug. 7, (leu. Del., Decatur, 111. THE AERIAL STl'ARTS. Four big Aetlal Acta as FllEE attractions, carry- lug .the ulggr.l Vaudeville Circus ever played at Cuniitv or State Fair lironnds. If von want the heal, write now; dou't wait. P.8.—IlcnryTroater mill wire, write me at once. Other Vaudeville rnople ami a Band of ti or 8 plecea. write. All winter South to right people. 0. K. STI'ART, Prop, and (leu.Mgr. I'. S—Harry Lynn, wrlic or Join mo at once. PKIV1LEGKS for Sale—All Kinds of Shows and Amusement (lames. The (iwnt llrangers' FU-ulo, Williams drove, Pa„ Ang. 28 lo Sept. «, lt)u.'i. Last year'a attendance, '.W.odo. No admis- sion. " I). TRIMPER, Ocean City, Md. HlllvaKliKS Kor Sale. All kinds of Shows and Amusement Humes at Hie Encampment and Exhibition of the Patrons of Husbandry, of Cen- tral Pa., at (Image Park, Centro Hall, Pa., Scpi. lit lo Sent. !K. Free admission. Address 1>. TH IMl'KR. Ocean City, Md. "WANTED tlUICK — Musical Acta, Organ Players, sketch Teams, Comedians and Sou- lii'ctlos loat ciin liance, Lady that can Work lu Acts. Hcoze Is the cuuau of this add. If you booze you gel it quick. Write or wire quick; no lime lu correspond. Prof. Oeo. Ueluionl, Darlington, Heaver Oo„ l'a,. care of Med. Show. WANTED-Muu I'lanlst; also Comet, up In dance i 'is. No fuiicy salary, so slate your lowest; yuii get II every week. No boo/.era will last. Open in Sept. Address II. IHIYKE, Algous, lnwa. ~Voil SALK—Parlslaulce Cream Cone Machlno inewi; Tent, 40x00; Ropes, Poles ami Stakes; tour lengths of I tier Seats, palmed blue; also Drop ihirlulnaiidStagoScencry. Cheap for cash. Cau be seen here. Want good graft tor fairs. II. N. CORI'ENINO, Webster Springs, W.Va. WANTED AT ONCE, Al.l. 'BOUND Med. Performer Hull cim change fur 2 Weeks, Hood, Hot Afterpiece Worker. Ad- dress Hit. R. J- ATKINS. Rhodes, .Mm-sliiill Co., lown. _ WAvTkII. Performers. Must fnkc urgan : If not, don'l wrlle. Vour ncincy every night. Wire lo DKKKI.K'K. Pa., ami wrlle to SYCA- MOUK, 1'A. Wunlfd to buy. Sei|ientliie luess mid Slides. J. W. .MANN, Sycaawre, l*a. I'*OH SALE.—Edison M. i". Mnclilne and Sleveo|illeoii. Inle moilel, like new; best fill cluni .lei; "OOfl. Film. Al iHiudllbin; goml aulili'i-ts :■ Citrtiiln, ir>xl."i; I'rup Ilex. Very reiiiiounble price lo ipilrk buyer. ]■'. \V. Peii- dletiiu. Norwich. N. V. WANTED. Picture Out lit. cheap, good eon- ill)Ion : subject examination. I pay express one wiiv If refused. Stale fully. Willi or with- out lllu'is. llclliible. F. Aiiliigtiin. .V.iT Rodney Ave, l'ortlnnd. Ore. Want I'llillT I'llins. ■ GEO. and MAY WOODWARD I jT\v.()oriuan Park Circuit, all Summer.' ^ OF AMERICA (Incorporated). Oltlces, St. James Building. New York. Lodge Rooms Mill St. and Bth Ave. MEETINGS EVERY SUNDAY AT 2. FOX & FOXIE CIRCUS Now touring Mexico. Novelty Acts Always Wanted fTEFiTllAL ARTISTES LODGE. MEETINGS HELD EACH THURSDAY EVE- NING AFTER PERFORMANCES At 139*141 Third Ave., Hew York. Care of WEBER tb CO. ALL PERFORMERS INVITED. Jos. DREAXTO, BINGINO and DANCING COMEDIAN. WEEK Of !», OLYMPIC, CUICAUO. CHRISTOPHER "THAT POPULAR MAGICIAN." Per, addregs, 170 ONTAR I O ST., Chicag o. MUSICAL BERBERS En Route with Carl Ilagenbeck's Show. OPEN TIME 1908. LtwJ WELSH &ESTES Marie L. COMEDIAN. SINGER. OFFERS INVITED FOR NEXT SEASON. Address care of CLIPPER. AT LIBERTY, K1IKRXS and COLE, FARCE COMEDY OR BORLESQCE. PALACE HOTEL, Chicago. GEO. I IDA WILLIAMS OPEN AFTER AUGUST. AMIES LIONS OPEN KOR PARKS, FAIRS. PLAYING THE PARKS. Address care CLIPPER, Or 21« K. •mil Street, N. Y. FRED ZOBEDIE. THE UP TO DATE HAND BALANCER. Tour Iur Mexico with Orrln llros.' Clrctta. AT LIBERTY DEC. 25,1905. CEO. W. EVERS —roiiK-ciioi's— Add., Care of CLIPPER. ORVILLE and FRANK Are upon their WW WEST working tor MR. BAILEY, ami so Is Mils. ORVILLE. BERTRAM MILLAR. HEAVIES. • - 47 W. 28th ST., NEW YORK. BATES and ERNEST, COMEDIANS. Homo address, till Second Ave., Peoria, III, Rillii^ —TAYLORS—Alberta I'OMUtKD. 12 Weeks Willi Hie IIYKON SPAUN. TRIP DBTSHIER AT I'liinltiK season. Biirle.ii|iie or Vaudeville'' pVe- terred. Address HltlMMEK. 261 St. James St., Montreal Can. A Few of the Leading Features with J. H. SPARK'S SHOWS: WALTER RNOADS, Late of Gentry Bros., and Military Drill of Eight Ponies. COPPER and ABBOTT, Musical Artists. HURL anT FALLS, Mead and Hand Balancers. 1EAD WERNTZ, And bis Somersauller, Mamie. 3 THE MJLLETTES 3 AL. MILLETTE, Equestrian IJlrector. BARNEY SHEA, Mimic and Jester. PROF. DESCHAMPS, King of Lion Trainers. Wanted, for OTIS BOWERS' FAMOUS MINSTRELS. Miislclana, Band Leader, Singers, Comedy Novelty Act, Acrohallc Act, Basa and Tula. Seaaon com- mences Auk- 21. at Mai|iioketa, Iowa. Write quick. Room ror one nr more Comedians. Ad- drees OTIS BOWERS' MINSTREI.S, Box No. 631 , Muqii oketa , Iowa. Wanted Qulok, COMEDIAN, with Specialty; SISTER TEAM, Capable lo play small'parts; also Juvenile Man. FRANK RICH STOCK CO.. Hyde Park, Austin, Texas. t_IBERTY, Owing to Disappointment, HARRY BTJBB, JHANAUEH OK lit S. HAKAGF.K. Past live seasons Manager FERRIS' COMEDIANS. Address HARRY BUUB, 310 Louisa St., Wllllamsport, Pa. WANTED, FOR Ginnivan's Dramatic Co., Piano Player Doubling Cornet; also Man and Woman doing Specialties and Pans. Other Rep. people, write. F. R. OINN'IVAN, week July 31, Morencl, Mich.; week Aug. 7, Payette, Ohio. BILL POSTER AT LIBERTY. Mm i led and strictly sober. Cnn handle singe. Years of experience at iioth. Make good nny- where. Address K. W. IIIJI'F.W, Hill Poster, Ceo. Delivery, lllughninlnil, X. Y. f^ A T> & FOE LEASE, BALE \-/Al\3 OB 8TDRA0E. . . . - ■■ Repairs and Alterations Made. NEW JERSEY CAR WORKS, Clifton, N. J. FOR SALE, PENNY ARCADE. Small Traveling Outilt, 12 Machines, Tent, etc. $150; Museum of Anatomy, 50 pieces, $150. C. S. J AMIESON, Muscatlne, Iowa. Wanted at Once, Bass and Snare Drummers and Trombones. Wages i'M per month and main- tenance. Address DR. J. 0. UORBUS. Supl., Illinois Eastern Hospital, Kankakee, III, Wanted, Sketch Teams, Comedian, Picture Machlue Outfit, Organ Player. Join on wire. Tell all In llrat. Week stands. No tickets unless 1 know you. OKRMAN MED. CO., (losben, Ind. Wanted at Once, One Comedian, Singer and Dancer who can change for one week and puu on acts; alao good Sketch Team. CLEVER COX- KKV, write. DILC. FRANKLIN, Woodruff, Wis. WANTED, Second Hand Iowa Med. License. State when It expires and name your lowest price for same. Address DR. HELLER, Lake View, Sae Co., la. >A/A.N*TKD QUICK, Colored Performers Who Doable in Bud. Write or wire. EMPIRE MINSTRELS, i.'cnesee, Potter Co., Pa. WANTED, Adams Theatre, West Seneca, N. Y. (5 miles from Buffalo), First Part Ladles for Stock, Mster Teams, one to four weeks' pleasant engage- ment, tiood salaries. Tickets If not ton far. MUSICIANS WANTED, I'lano Player, Violoncello, Cornet, lor concert work. S'.iite lowest, it la sure. ■ONBaWR IIROS.' WAIiUN SHOWS, Carmen, O.T. SONG POEMS and MUSIC MSS WANTED. RARE OPPORTUNITY. Particnlurs free. ILLINOIS Ml SIC BOWK, -M Chestnut, Chicago. LONC SUBJECTS IN MOVING PICTURES. Must he Hi good condition. T. II. K.. Care of CLIPPER. WANTED, a Man with Silent Acts, to Change Nightly for week aland: contortion, traps, rings, etc.; alao want a good Dutch Comedian. Address DR. J. F. spa No I.Kit, ureensliurg, Pa. LORD BALTIMORE THB BOX OFKICH WINNUR. SLOT MACHINE VIEWS. Oilaranieed originals from life. Catalogue' ACME PUBLISHING HOUSE, Hit North Union St., Chicago, III. WHIT DO YOU MOW ABOUT THIS? AT LIBERTY, u.::: ADVANCE AGENT. WITH MVltKLE-IIAUDER (EASTERN) -I" weeks. Ill House Dretikers WITH J s! OARSIl.KS STOCK CO. ' M Weeks. U House Breakers They Are None Too lllg. Sober mid Re li- able. That's good enough, Kb? Can join "" w ,', r f'..nv r. rr.AnK. firnfton. W. Va. WANTED, PBOPLBINALLLISBS, AI PIANO PLAYER. I'eonle dolnir siieelnlties will lie ■**•■*•* fereiieo. Immediate engngeineiits. All must be able to sing for double (jiiartctte II. il. ItilUXSKl-'KLL. Manager of Menom- inee Opera House, Menominee, Mich. LADIES Two Ijidles to Assist Mnglclnn on Singe. Also Lndv Organist. I'ulr Oround Show, Long Season. Send photo, nud full partic- ulars llrat letter. Address ,.i-i.t «jt pnililtK. Verrlllnn. Wis, WAIMTED 1 MONOMX1IIR ARTIST, man. one who eu sins: 1 SKI-rriTI TEAM. Indy and gent; 1 IIL'AI'K FACE COMEIMAN. Hoard on grounds. U<Hi-/er» save stamjM. No tickets. CAIT. W. T. UOtKlAR. flougnr (Trove, Knnknkec, III. WANTED IMEDlATELir Character Woman, Javenile fflao, Comedian, Tor Stock, halnnce of season, nt flrnnil T.eilge, Mich. Slnte nil llrst letter nr wire. Olhers wrlle. II. K. (JUlLUAliLT. Manager. Marie Nielsen Co. WANTED, for "HI ARISTOCRATIC TRAMP" Piano Player, to iloiible Tnbn; Itnr. or Cor- net. Wire lowest: pay own. Show opens Aug. 0. S. It LKSTKR. Revere lloiise, Chicago, 111. INGENUE, JUVENILE MAN, HEAVY MAN and LIGHT COMEDMN, 1'or Permanent Stock. Must linvc Rood np- lM-ataine and ublllly. State nil llrst letter. Address 'Mtllt. POLI STOCK CO., Hrldgcport. Conn. FOB BEFEBTOIBE. Aclor wltli plays, as stage director: Man for General ltiutlness. Those doubling brass pre- ferred. Oilier,,, wrlle. Tell nil llrst letter. Season opens Aug. H. Address (IlKr'OULMIAKRlNU CO., Ml. Carroll. 111. Wanted, for tamer Parks, Opening Aug. 7. I'our to Eight Weeks, Vaude- ville Acls of all kinds; Also SinnII Comedy Companies. Cnn also offers Wluter time. Salary must be right. Address W U OAI.LAGIIKR, Long Bench, Gloucester, Mass. • AT WBBHTY, W. H. DAVIS, Write Wire LEADS OR HEAVIES. R. F. D. No. :i, Blnghampton, N. V. HOTEL CONG DOS'. MOVING PICTURES, I'sed threonines—The Lost Trunk, GlOft.: Edison's Personal, STllt.; Haunted Inn, 4oun.; burglars l'p-to-l>nte, -J-lOft. Any of the above at :>,c. per foot, utiel-vaive liyamTnlia, Al condition, j:ji. Address T. V. STOCK, Room "2, Manbailnii Theatre llldg, N. Y. City Owing lo Illness can place at once I 000D STA6E CARPENTER; Also CLEVER WOSAH for OPHELIA. Mire to KT). S. MARTIN. Peru. Ind.. Mgr. AL. W. MARTIN'S UNC1.K TOM'S CAUIN CO. FOR SALE—One Henry Dustiii Superior Tul», almost as good as new, sliver plated. Co«t tvm. Will sell for UO. Aditrpss A. M. NAIL. IP? 3. Bsady St., PuBoU. Pa. Around the World In CO Dais; 80 Colored Slides, Case and Lecture, Cost $40; onlv $26. HARBACH A CO., 809 Filbert, I'blla.. Pb. \AS A IV T E D , TO JOIN AT ONCE, PEOFIE IN ALL LINES, for STRONG A PATTERSON National Stock Co., DRAMATIC. ' STRONG & PATTERSON National Stock Co., STRONG &, PATTERSON EAST LYNNE. Want a CLEVER CHILD with each attraction None but reliable people tolerated. Address EDWIN PATTERSON, Brunswic k, Mo. AT LIBERTY, NAT. J. FIELDS, BUSINESS MANAGER AND AGENT. 10 years' experience. Book and Route, Presn writer. Strict soorlety. One Piece or Good Reperiolre. Responsible Managers uddress 8T0 N. FRANKLIN ST., Philadelphia, P a. MUSICIANS WANTED FOR CIIAS. K. BLA.VEY'S "ACBOSS THB PACIFIC" CO. Long season: week stands; no orchestra work VIOLIN LEADER to double in Band. Open Aug IS, rehearsals Aug. 10. Ca'l or write eulck. K. W. FI'l.l.KR Mgr., Ca r e Hlaney. Broadway Theatre lililg., N, Y. SCENERY Trunk Scenery a. Specialty, and oilier kinds, Ion. DAMKI.S SCK.VIt: STUDIOS, 724 Chi ca gu opera House Hlock, Chicago, L'. S. A. Wanted Quids:, ACTORS Who can act. Also Al CHARACTER WOMAN wlih specialty. Also can place Al CLARIONET PLAYER. U. and 0. State lowest. Week slatids We pay all. Df. LACOIJR k FIELDS, Princeton, Intl. For CARROLLTON, MO., STREET FAIR and FARMERS' SBOW, SEPT. 27,28, 29, Open Air Free Attractions shows of various kinds on percentage. Amuse- ment Cos. write. No grafters or Immoral shows need apply. ' Address all correspondence, giving heat lerms, to W. E. HROWNK, Carrulllown, Mo. 16 BIBLE HOUSE, N. I HEADQUARTERS FOE 6. & S. Theatrical Trunks WANTED, General Cosiness Woman One who can play plann preferred. Stale all. Send photo. Rehearsals Aug. 16. JIATTIOE STOCK CO., .Stamford, Del. CQ..N.V. WANTED, Song and Dance Soubreile and Comedian, Character Woman, Lead and Heavy Man. State all In llrst letter and lowest salarr. UORMANI) A- FORI)CO., Stanstead, 1».'(), C anada. NEW MONEY MAKER. PAT. FRENCH CREAM FINGER MACHINE. Mskea 2K Flngcni tilled with cream In 1 'i mln. berore I lie people. Mmle expressly for traveling. Hakes own light and heat. In operation on Thnmpsuu Walk, below Surf Ave., Coney Island. For Fairs, Street. Fairs and Carnivals. For particulars J. ROSKNRERO,Oriental Hotel,Coney lalaud.N.Y. TENT FOB SALE. Cix33, push pole, complete; 10ft. side wall; 6 leugtas circus seats; stage 10x14;3 double torches. I'sed only 2 seasons at fairs; $110. J. L. STUKTEVANT, Wnnpaca, Wis- AT LIBERTY. PIANIST. Sober and reliable. OWEN M. JAMES, Jewell, Kans,, care of Manager Palmer's Opera House. iVt Wbertyi Agent. Ten years' experience. My works are my reepm- mcndullon. Address J. K. HOPKINS, M Public Square, Wllkesbarr c, Pa.__ SINGER WANTED, For illustrated Songs: one who can operate pre- ferred; $16 week and supper. KOHLER'B I'A- VILION, North Beach, Long Island, New York. _ WANTED, PIANIST. Play wllh orchestra. Must be competent and re- liable. Position fiirnt'lied In music store. E. W. WEI.IA lilarkaburg, W ,_Va._ UTIIITDI. 0"»d single pcrformerwhokuowathe nAlllfiU, Medicine HI/.. Yon MUST slay sober and MAKEOOUI). Good music for your hoi fc;gooii living nud treatmeiil; lung season: state all joii ilo. I,. U. COOPER, Platlsburg, Clark Co., Olilo^ HUnir<l\.D PKKFORMKUS WAHTED, COMEDIANS, slleut turns; must change and make good for ONE WEEK. HAM DOCTOR registered lu Wlscousln: no Hckeo. MOHERN REMEOY CO., Calumet Co., Potter, His