The New York Clipper (August 1905)

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August i9. *THE ISTE^T YORK ClApPteB. 053 THK HICJ&EST XXXI* XIV ILLUBTRATED SONGS HAVING A HOWLING SUCCESS. Or*hcatratt«B and professional copies FREE. Slides furnished. Special arraagemesU. WrtU tat particulars. to Silver Gran." HAVE YOU 3UNO IT? •9 ■33 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. 7 1 UK I II AVK„ NKW VtlHH. ilnder jit tents, Ai.. K. Wheeler's New Model Show Notes. —W* are Just entering upon I he four- teenth wiek "f the most successful season ever enjoyed by this aggregation. Beautiful weather aHU big business have followed us since our opening date. D. Wheeler. Cbaa. Kurmout and Mr. Rice, of Rice and Elmer, were welcome visitors at Greenwich, X. Y., where we played to a packed house In the. afternoon, and a turoawny In the evening. Several additions to our ring performance have been made during the past week, which la now one of the beat ever seen with a wagon show. We are now among the Adirondack Mountain resorts, of New York State, after which we will turn South for n long season. Already plans are under way for enlarging this show for next season, which will llndtlie New Model one of the largest and best wagon shows on the road. The roster at present It: ■ AI. P. Wheeler,- manager ; Mrs. A. b. Wheeler, treasurer; Geo. Wood, superinten- dent; Leon Yeaton, general agent; F. J. Frlnk. In charge of second and opposition brigade, rerformers: Harry I-i Roy, nov- elty bar act aod Juggling ; George and (ieorgie Bounding, billiard table and double trapeze: Jrwln West, wire and contortion; I .a Roy and Mvers revolving ladder; Belmont's comedy ionkevs, Albert Elliott, AI. V. Wheeler Jr. and Harry IA Roy. clowns, and Prof. Whee- ler's troupe of ponies, mules und dogs. Side •how : Prof. W. T. Miller, Punch, magic and knee figures ; Madam Elnorn, tire queen ; Miss Cole snake hypnotist, and Cnpt. Crawford, untamable lion act. Ed. II. Bell, superinten- dent of privileges and forage ageut Our band of ten pieces Is second to none In the circus business. .*,..* Notes krom Walter L. Main's Winter Quarters.—A terrlOc wind and rain storm passed over Geneva, O., Aug. .*>. The wmd blew almost a hurricane and the rain came down in torrents. Trees were blown over and roofs blown from buildings. 1 he greatest damage was the unroofing of our Winter cir- cus quarters, one and one-quarter miles went of Geneva. The wind came from the West and caught the building squarely on the end, lifting the roof from that end and carrying a part of It over the building and laying It ulcely on the ground, and part was carried to the east end of the tnilldlag and deposited over that end. The walls were enved In In places und Ihe whole building presents n de- molished condition. The biilldlug was a one Man brick. I80X240. with composition roof. The building was also struck by lightning and slightly damaged In that wny. 11 JSinkbn Informs ns that he has closed with the Andrew Dowole advance brigade, and joined the Frank C Bostock Zoo, at Coney Island. N. Y.. as head keeper. Notes from Flow's Snow.—The m- mense corn crops In Iowa, Kansas ami Mis- souri will Just about tide the festive farmer over his sawdust und zoological experience this season, for eight circuses nre now In hot, but friendly sirlfe for the money. I lotu Shows go to the coast again, thus avoiding all thl i merry making, likewise the ever fear- ful quarantine regulations of the South. 1 here are so many circus agents now la Kansas Cltv they nil one hotel. Ten opposition agents generally travel together, so they can git a rate on one ticket. Some one sug- gested thev all go Westward to the new opening of ihe Vlnlah reservation, where they would all be sure of getting a circus lot each. There are so mauy circuses In lows. all that Is necessary to do Is for the bill posters lo put dates on some one else s pnper. One wagon, show Is dating that "Twenty mule borax team" stand, as Ihey say It la better printing paper thnu the show has. Any of Floto's agents will tell you business Is line with Ihe show. Kioto and Pawnee Bills Show are at Grlunell, In., same day, Saturday. Aug. IS. Of course. Fioto will do good business because of Its popularity In Iowa. Straioht Talk from John Robinson's Ten Kin Shows. —We are doing n phenome- nal business, the largest In the history of this organization. AI North Tonnwunda Cant. Webb and family and Mrs. Pete Stan- ton and party were honored guests. W alter Main was our guest at Ashtahula and Palus- vllle. It rnlued both days. At 'limn. <>:; the celebrated carrier pigeon. "Doe Wnddell. was killed. At Mnrlon our canvas with- stood a frightful storm. Boss Canvas Man Curtis and his men did themselves proud. Tom P.lsplng. In Ihe hippodrome rnres. was caught by u quarter pole aurl knocked from his horses, uuconscious, and three of his ribs were broken. Two leopards were ls>rn tit Marlon. Au antelope wus born at Shelby. Tho veteran retired clown. John Lowlow. visited at Shelby, and offered for sole a fly exterminator, and everyliodv Iwiigbt. At Maryaville. the home of Col. A. B. Robin- son burned down during the afternoon per- formance. The Colonel Is a relative of the circus folks of Hint name. The elephants were tied up In n barruende, preventing the people froui leaving the tent and thus avoid- ing a panic. One hundred and fifty of the show peonle were detailed lo put out the tire, which iliey did, July 2.1. At Hellefnntnlne four baby lions were Iwrn. Hilly Mctlowan, correspondent, spent several days with the circus taking photos. At Elyrla, WII1U H. Cobb was onr honored guest, and at Cambridge. John Rlchnrdson received the honors. 'I here were nearly 2n.ll0(l paid admission at Caldwell, due to the fact that Beverly, near there. Is the home place of Oliver Scott, our general agent At Athena, a water buffo lo was horn. After the matinee at Athens the elephants and several ground acts were taken to the asylum, and a free exhibition given for the lunatics. At Portsmouth, n lire wire struck 0 horse valued nt *G0O, killing him. After an absence of llfteen yenrs, John F. Robinson la managing the show, hi order up allow his son, John (j., a vacation. ... A. A. Lowanhk received word recently that Mlllan Shaffer, of the nenmrest combination, was thrown from her horse and drugged half n mile. Her leg was crushed so badly that amputation was necessary. Notes from the Cheat Waunkii show. —We are still playing Milwaukee. Wis., to very good business for n show or our sue. Manager Jolly Jennro certainly knows how lo run g show to make money out of It. Next season we will enlarge the show to twice lis size. Wo have nt present a flfty foot round top. with one thirty toot middle piece. 8 horse tent, a cook bouse, and three small tents, making It a very nice spread on the lot. All the people who opened with the show nr» null with It. The Great Wagner and bli troupe of dogs and talking pony, are certainly plenilng the little folks, while Jenaro's Jug- gling and wire act, is winning much praise. Nellie Jenaro Is still making them laugh with her Dutch cotnedv and songs, while the funnr Irish comedian is making ihlugs hum with his Jokes, siings anil dancing. (Too. the contortionist. Is wonderful nt back bending. Every one la well and happy. Art Adair, principal comedian ami clown, with Furepaugh & Sells Circus, Is one of the big comedy successes, especially In the old woman and her crying Imbe. Art Adair will play vaudeville next Winter, presenting his original eccentric musical specialty, and Is booked up until the middle of February. SaNtei.l writes: "This Ir my fifteenth week with the J. Frank Hatch Shows, and toy act Is one of Ihe many features In Ihe Coliseum. 1 will close with this company week of Aug. 31. at Hatavla, N. Y„ and will then proceed Wesl. I r.m booked solid through the West, beginning Week n> Sept. .'I. at Butte. Mont." LMoiif.iity Bros. Joined the Kioto Shows at Beatrice, Neh.. Aug. 8. on account of the Sudden closing of the Rig City Vundeville Show. Geo. Mantrll. special Igent with the Hnr- greaves Rig R. (t. Show, alter closing a suc- cessful season with the aforesaid show, will open with Ihe Veruoti Stock Co.. ns agent. Notes iiiom Andrew lmwnie's Monster Shows, Andrew Dnwnle, owner: Bert Ruth- erford, business innnagor: Mrs. Dnwnle, treasurer.—This Is our third week hi Penn- sylvania, and although the State Is olive with shows, our bitslnus has been big. At Strondsbnrg we turned people nway at both performances. Northampton and Hamburg were banner towns. Several new nets have lieen added to the big snow, which Is now stronger than ever. The side show always gets Its share of patronage, and gives .satis- faction. I I) ' , 1 II, • UaudcoiHc and Notes from Wood I.tnxb Park. Camden, N. J.—The following vaudeville bill was pre- sented here week of Aug. 7 : Shepherd und Ward, May Hoey, l.n Tell Bros.. George Yon Houf, James and lmvls, Major Kclleher, and Miller and Fortlner. Ani Hill will produce In vaudeville ngnln, before suiting for Europe, her two distinct nets, her trapeze act and her character change act. In which she gives Imitations of Yestu Tillcy and the late Bessie Bonc-hlll, with original songs and costumes. Ijist seuson she was a reatnre of "A Hot Old Time" Co. Miss Hill Is now at her Summer home In Smlthtown, I,. I. Tub amlsement company under the man- agement of Robert V. Walters Is no longer In control of Dreamland I'nrk. Rochester, X. Y., which Is now controlled by the Rochester Railway Co.. and managed by IS. K. Wilson, general* passenger agent of that company. "" Madden, well known as the former manager of John I... Snlllvnn. both In his llstlc engagements and with his vaude- ville company, is writing u hook on pugilism. which will shortly be published. James anii Honnib l-'AnLEV played Wool- worth's Root Garden, Lancaster, !'».. week of Aug. 7-12. or.d not lloas Park, Blnghnm- ton. N. Y.. us was reported. Irene formerly soubrelte with the Cracker Jacks, "Zlg Zng Alley" nud "A Night on Broadway." Is now working with Mac Melville, with the team name of Misses Mel- ville and Young. They were playing lost week ut Crescent Gardens, Revere Bench. Mass., and opened at the Palace. Boston, 14, for two weeks, doing their specialty. Tuesday, Auo. 8. will be long remembered bv Mnuoger Wm. H. Stanley, of Gus Krbe's' l.'ns'.no Palace. North Beach X. Y.. us It was his fortieth anniversary In the show business, and. to make the event memorable, the attaches of the house combined together and bought a magnificent Masonic emblem ring. During the evening nerformance a scheme was arranged to lure Mr. Stanley on the stage, when Fred Krbe, of Krbe's Ca- slno, nnd brother of (ins Krbe, In u few well chosen words, presented the ring lo Mr. Stanley, and Wis Immediately followed by John Mack, of the team of John nnd Carrie Mock, who presented hltn with u gold watch, n gift from .Mr. Stanley's wife. Bessie Slim- ley. Mr. Stanley made a brief speech, thank- ing the donors for I heir kindly remem- brance, and Invited all hands lo partake of refreshments. Mr. Stanley Is a prime favor- ite among his employes. He Is of the tenia of Hie Stanleys (Will II. nnd Ressle). Il»liuv Thomson writes: "The Mayor of Bowerv Is still In the business, nnd was a big hit nt Proctor's Newark Theatre, last week, ns well ns n speclol feature at Hie Flflv-elghth Street house Sunday. This week 1 nih nt Park Theatre, llnyoniie. N. J. My success Is assured because I have got the goods." Notes from Ai. tl. Kiei.o's Minstrels. — At Intervals for several years It has come to the police of AI. li. Field that his friends, malingers of theatres and others, have been made victims of bogus agents, who represent themselves as In I be employ of Mr. Field. The arrest nnd siibseipicnl conviction nnd Imprisonment of one of these swindlers, two years ago. In Pennsylvania, put a stop to the 'practice for a time, hut a person represent- ing himself ns on iiilvnnce agent for Ibe Field Minstrels has been working friends of Mr. Field In Seattle. S|xikoiie ,,ml other cities In Washington, for various sums. Agents of the Donnelly & Hatfield Minstrels, under the persunal direction of AI. H. Field, ns well us the agents ahead of the Field Minstrels, will exhibit, upon application, papers to establish their Identity, and they are ihe only persons authorized to transact business in advance of these minstrels. They are, with AI. G. Field's Minstrels: Wult M. Leslie, general agent; Claude II. I^oug. advertising agent, otid L. F. Burton, press representative; with the Donnelly & Hiitlleld Minstrels: Will Don- nelly, general agent: Ted Galbrnltli, adver- tising agent, una George Atkinson, press rep- resentative Notes from "Finniov.n's Hall" Co.—The following well known vaudeville performers have signed for this season: Kdwin !•'. NIvcr, II. B. Rlggs, Gaily nnd Frnscr, Thos. II. il'Xell, Tony Whali.'ii, Phil. Mathews, Wal- lace Lawrence, Helen Moslier Lyons, Mabel Bell, Muv Trado. Smile Franklin. Flora Wil- liams. Harrlclle Mlscoek nnd Ibe I.orden Sisters, singers and darners. Edwin Frank- lin, manager: E. C Andrews, business rep- resrnlntlve. The company goes nut this sen. son under the most favorable elreiinislniices, being backed by plenty of capital and ex- ploited by a manugcr with twenty-live years' experience In the theatrical business. Kd- win Franklin. Ihe proprietor and mana- ger has spared no expense In making this Ihe banner nt trad Inn or the season. The company Is booked solid for forty-two weeks In the best cltv time, one, two, three night and week stands, opening the season In New Jersey Sept. I. K. E. Rice, inouagcr of the Globe The- atre St. Louis. Mo., was a Chirr-En raller Aug. 14. Mr. Rice la In New York on busi- ness concerning Ihe Globe Theatre and a new house he ho* In contemplation, and also large musical alt nut Ions for hi* city. Dickie Howard writes: "I was grim led n divorce from Lew Williams lu Leudvllle, Col., July 2o." Coiu E. Daiuneac writes: "1 am no longer connected « lib Ihe learn of Bruce and Daigneaii. having dissolved partnership Willi .Miss Bruce hist March, and my name Is now being used without my consent." Putter and Hartwei.i. sailed for Europe Aug. 17. They will open nt the Scnln Thea- tre. Copenhagen, fienninrk, Sept. 1, for four weeks. Al.F. Wood (the original Wood of Rellly * Wood's Big Show), after nn uhsetico of some twelve years, arrived in New York Aug.' 12. lie Is engaged by Pnl Rellly to produce his musical farce, "The Urgau Crank, which scored such a success In this country some time ago, when Mr. Wood had the co-opera- tion of bis sisters, then well known ns the Wood Family. He brings with him two gifted vocalists, Georglnn Clarke, principal soprano, late of Ihe Savoy Theatre. London, and Wilson Barrett's Company, and Annie Courtnev, mezzo-soprano, of Ihe Prince of Wales Theatre, Uiudnti, "I.a Ponpee" and other companies. The Three Kimball nnos. report that they were the feature act with Gorman's Minstrels, at Cascnde Park, Watervllle, Me., ami the headline act at Lincoln Pork, New Bedford, Mass. They also report that their act was a big success with Frank Cusli- inon's Twentieth Century Minstrels, ns the feature act with Ihe show. They nre booked well up Into l'.llin. Lf.ona Thuhiier returned from Europe re- ceutly, after lllllug successful engagements In England. Cnicycle Hat lias signed for forty weeks with John W. Vogel's Minstrel Co., lo do bis funny bicycle and unlcycle act. Palmer and Robinson have only a few- weeks remaining lu their engagement of twenty-two weeks In California. They will start o return tour over the Cunslilliie-Sulll- vnn c'rcttlt, commencing the lost week lu August. W. (I. Hozki.l, the tramp musician, has signed as leading comedian with the Murray Comedy Co., .1. Bus. Smith, manager, making his second season with that company. Notes from William .1. McQimnm anp Franklin A. Brooks' Co. —The outlook for the coming season Is good. All paper has arrived, and Ihe booking, which Is nearly completed, excludes the small towns In On- tario. This company will curry llfleen peo- ple, with small bund and orchestra, opening at Newcastle, Ont . Sept. 1. Mr. Brooks and Marie Rlsch are til Rochester, X. Y.. while Mr. Mctjuliiii is looking after the biiHluess end at Pelerhoro. Mrs. McOuliiu and Lor- raine and Reginald nre spending the hot Summer months at Muskokn, Willi their uncle. Notes fho.m the Swallow & Maiiki.e Floating Palace, Xo. I.—We have Just llnlsheri the Ohio River, and are now touring the upper Mississippi, lo big business. The lie Wills, Copehind and Dereiigo, nud Harris and Nelson have Joined, greatly strengthen- ing the,show. De Lay nnd De Witt are the comedians. The olio Is n very strong one, comprising: Myrtle Delay, Mnltirs Slsicrs, Harrison and Nelson, the Curry*, Jos. Liv- ingston, Illustrated songs nnd moving pic- tures. There have been few cases of llluess on Isiard, und nt present all are well. Cooke and Clinton sailed July 25, tor England, where they will open with a new act. They claim to be the only two women who perform the act of shooting at the piuuo and playing uuy tune on the Instrument. Goodwin and Goodwin write that their act Is winning success for them. Tub Kern Comedy- Folk (Sid Fern, l.ew Hearn, James Mullen and Edward Mullen) write: "Our new act promises to be the great- est we have ever produced. We Joined Ihe Fay Foster Burlesque Co. Aug. 1, and play the same territory us we played last season, from coast to coast." Wn. '/.. Koiierh, of the team of Rogers and l.uvine, writes: "I received my third degree la the K. of P., July 1-1, III Buy Lodge, No. J2. Tampa, Flo., which made me a member of Valley Forge .Lodge. No. 12(1. Brooklyn, N. Y. \V. CI. Lynch, proprietor of the Metro- politan Theatre, Tampn. Flu., has bought the criterion Thentre, also of this city, and will lake charge of It Oct. 1, to run It In con- junction Willi the Metropolitan." Tub Ramsev Sisters have added n new Instrument lo their net, which was made for them by Deugau. They played the Olympic, Chicago, recently, nud will open on the cir- cuit nt Hint I lien Ire again Del. .'Hi. "Jack" (W. J.) Rush writes: "I am no longer with the loam of Emerson mid Hose, us we discontinue working under that iiuiue Aug. 1. We are separating for strictly busi- ness purposes, as W. C. Emerson has signed ns tenor ballad sluger with III Henry's Min- strels for tlie coming season, mid 1 will go Willi (I'Honiiell's 'Selge of Port Arthur,' as director, for the season of lUHo-IKI." Si.ateh and Finch, who style themselves the "fashion plates of vaudeville, "write : "We recently left Klsenburlh Henderson Floating Theatre, and nre lu vaudeville ugaln, with u good line of parks. We opened at a Louisville park July 17. for two weeks, with other work to follow. We nre working our wuy East, where our regular season begins about' Christ- mas." Frank Hammond anii Dorothy Kokhestkk nre spending the Summer In their bnngu- Inw, "Driftwood." on Muskegon Lake. Mulli- gan, where Miss Forrester is willing the songs to he used In Ihelr net during the com- ing season. Jacoiis and Vantvlk spent two weeks nt their home ut Baltimore, and then pluyed Tolchcstcr Beach and Gwynn Oak Park, Bal- timore, and oilier good dales. They have been very successful. Castle and Collins ore together again, after a three months' separation. They are working the parks through New England. Tub iiosti:ii of WuInou's Orientals for the coming season will Include: Swan and Bnni- bard, Klaa Leslie, Johnnie Carroll, Yumiimnlo Bros. Maps), Charmlon, tweuly-four women, Harry Montague nnd W. II. Watson. Davih Uoiiinmon, who looks after Percy (I. Williams' Interests at Manhattan Beach The- atre, Informs us thut the new arrangement rereully Introduced announcing Ihe weekly programme Is meeting with general satisfac- tion. A Inrge number of curds have been Issued, giving the various acts ami Ihe exact time Hint each turu lakes place. The man- agement Intends lo follow this programme closely so Hiul patrons will not lie disap- pointed, and will not miss the particular uct Ihey wish to see. Rice and Kemp, comedy acrobats, report big success. They played Lagoon, Cincinnati, week of July 2U, and arc booked up till Janu- ary, 1900. Barton Bros, write: "We opened Electric Park, Cade's Mysterious Indls. July 2.'", lo good business. Our tune Is well booked]" Tommy Mennirg. Karl Oath, Tom Mc- Keuna and Oeo. Kerr, Electric Comedy Four, closed Ihelr Mummer engagement with ITvuu's ■Hit'.'," over Xer England parks, nud opened Willi Blniiey's "Curse of Drink" Co.. at De- troit, July :iu. Rrssr.i.i, invnii am Is spending the Sum- mer nt bis homo In Stanley, Wis. Nick Norton", manager of Hyde * Bell- man's, Is spending ihe Summer vacation lu Michigan. La« ash West played Pastor's The- atre, N. Y. city, week of July 17. and their act was well received. They have a return date lu December. At present they nre spend- ing n few Weeks at their Summer home, Ben Isle City. N. J., where Ihey ore rapidly lin- ing their time fur the coming scosuii, which begins Sept. 11. Ml.LE. Fayittr, who Is plavlng In stock Imrlesouc al Svlviin Beach. N. Y-. has signed for the coining season with T. W. Dlnklus' Yankee Doodle Olrls. Clever Conkev nnd "Bonis" linve llnlslied n twelve weeks' relnrn engagement over the Sulllviiii-Cottsldhie circuit, and are at present playing California. "Sox," formerly "Boots' " partner, is now with tho Slur Trio. Frank Milton and Dk I.ono Sisteiis opened on ihe San Francisco circuit twelve weeks ago. at San Francisco, and have not lost a week. They are booked up to Novem- ber. , . . Prof. Wm. J. Klrtis, who has now taken Miss BusU) us a partner lu bis dag net,-has secured some addlllounl dogs, ami the net will he known, lifter Aug. 2N, as tho Kurt Is ami Busse novelty dog art. Joe Mahtv. formerly of Marly ami Mason, writes: "After dissolving partnership I mar- ried. I urn practicing au up lo date Jug- gling and globe manipulating act, lu wlilcii there will lie some new Ideas. I am hi my tilth week with the Continental Carnival Co.' Ciias. B. Ward has signed villi T. W. Dlukliis' Alcazar Co. for the season. Fhankie lt.tii.Bi Is summering nt Free- port, I. I. Thomas Kt.MonK, who concluded his en- gagement with Ihe stock company at Gold- tie, il New. opened at I'tnlinii Park. Ogdcii, July 24, with the Crystal circuit lo follow. Mamie Asiikiison Ir spending n few days dining Hie races with friends nt Suralugn Springs, N. Y. The (Iiieat LvniMI was engaged by Mana- ger Wlllsoii. of Dreamland Park, Rochester, N. Y., ns a special feature for week of July 24. and the following week wim at Valley Theatre, Syracuse, wllll Johnstown lo follow. Ho will sail fur South Africa III .liiiimiry, lo till a six months' engagement. Notes from the Hitler Coiiiiinkh Snows, phi vlng under con vas.--Wo are In our eleventh week playing In Kansas City. We arc putting up drums and vaudeville, nud every week liiive a strong vnudcvllle feature. We have our own handnml orchestra, und lake lo the road about Aug. 20. The Inst two weeks bnve been Isdx olHce winners. Our feature act wus Irish Jiinmle Biirrell, he being retained lor the second week, und lie certainly Is n winner for the lsix olllee. The Elliotts report success with Ihelr new comedy acrobatic ml, and arc hooked up lo September, playing parks. llouoVHV IMiew, after Mulshing the English provinces, opens on her Western lour Aug. 27, at the Columbia, 1'iiieliinuil. EiaiKNH Emmbtt Informs us that bo closed o Unci' weeks' engagement at the Pavilion Thentre. Ontario Uracil. N. Y., July .'HI, mid aliened at the Iron Pier Theatre, Syracuse, N. Y.. Sunday, Aier. (I, for Iwo weeks. He goes on a circuit of family theatres a I Fori Wayne, lint., 21. Steineut anii Thomas report great suc- cess wllll Ihelr clever Dutch act, "The Two Green horns from Germany," ami are well booked up. 1 Fiias'k and Ethel Burke, who for the last five years have starred In Ihe Burke Comedy Co., will return lo vaudeville this season. Their lime Is List titling. Artiii'R Asiiton lias Joined his old part- ner. Will Foshny. and will rest at Mr. Fos- hay's home lilt September, when thev open oil' Ibe Southern circuit. They will have il new net, with ull new songs and dunces, ar- ranged by Delmormw, of New York. Mimikli. Kimistiin. of World und Kings ton, who was to play Hie title role In Mi-b villi" II. Raymond's "Seminary Girl," will not go wllli lite company, bill will remain In vaudeville. Hvan. Lester and Rvan closed I heir,vaude- ville dates at l.uuii Park. Coney Island. X. Y., olid have Joined AI. 0. Field's Minstrel* for the mining season. Room's Ipka V.innHvli.i.K Co, Is doing the banner business at every park lu the East. The company consists of Muxsmllh Duo, Wil- liams ami Melbiirii, Crouch and Richards, Marlon Blake, Gllsoli mid Coiiulls, Ihe Tan Sisters, unit Griff Williams, manager. The show Is a good one, Mtmi'iiv anii Andrews, nfler closing n suc- cessful seuson of forty-two consecutive weeks on the Conslillue & Suillviiii Western circuit, opened their park season nt the Pier, Old Orchard. Me., on the W. J. Tucker circuit, and niel Willi their usual success. Will II. Stanley, of Will nnd Besslu Stanley, writes: "We will piny vaudeville dales again during the coming seuson, Mrs. Stanley having greatly Improved lu health, after resting all Hummer. I um managing Erli's Casino Palace, North Bench, X. Y., hut will close Labor Hay lo piny lime hooked. Our new net, 'Mr. und Mrs. Blinks,' Is positively n winner, nnd is receiving line mil bes wherever played." Ski. Fran/, who hits Just completed n Western tour of leaping the gup on Hie unl- cycle, and Hay Cogswell, who rereully closed with the linker Troupe, have Joined bunds, nud will present u comedy and seusalloual 'cycle uct, with which they will play Ilia Eastern circuits. Alice IImkiwui, of Bice & Barton's Rose lllll Co., was recently tendered il reception at the Klssaia Bouse, ll.tleslle, L. I , where sin- has been slopping all Smnmer. Timor 1'ASOL'iil.r.NA, who, with Annie M. Howard, bus been ruunlng il Japanese howl- ing ii Ib'V nt. l.nkeslile Park, Syracuse, bus been obliged to give up lirr work on account of 111 health. She will leave for Sim Fran- cisco Aug. 13, Jennie Bcsteeh. of Pells and Busleed, Willi Is convalescing from typhoid fever, will soon be nlile to coullnitc her work. Will and Emma Genaiio have Jusi closed Ihelr company, nfler it most successful seu- son. and nre resting ut Lake Clltherell, Minn. They will open again about Sept. 1, Al.voii.t has signed with Jacobs & .termini's Golden Crook llurlesoiie Co,, playing Ihe East- ern wheel, us premier dancers ami lo play ports. Jajiks F. MDI.vev Informs us that he Is scoring a big success with his llliisi rated snug act at Pier Theatre, Old Orchard. Me. John 11. Morris, of Morris and Parker, has fully recovered from a surgical operation at Nashville, and the team has opened at chiihowee Pork, Knuxrille, Tcnn., and has other Southern park work. Kiiai'itt and Bidden hove been playing wllli success on Ihe Northwestern vaudeville rlrrull, being booked for twelve weeks, be. ginning in Unite, Moni . with their new com- edy singing and duurlug act. Notes from J. J. ITytiu's Lelmx Vaude- ville club.—We are breukhig icords all al«ug the line. This company comprises Mr. anil Mrs. I'red Lucier. ihe Flo.vds, Robin, comedy Juggler, Bud others. >, v Tub IittnTiiEiis IlosETTR report that their double trnpeie act Is making good everywhere Ihey have played. They aic booked solid umII (id. II. Notes iiiom John W. Yokel's Bin OlTt —We opened onr season at the Notional Theatre, Dayton, IK, Monday, Juiv .11. Fully Are Ihmisuml people enjoyed the afternoon and evening pcr*pt'imi|iecs, ami pronounced It the best minstrel entertain- incur ever given In Dayton, 'lite singing con- tingent rucelvcd numerous encores, while tho comedy element ketil the huge audiences lu n continual roar. John W. Sherry. Gov. Rouen, .Mini Cnrtmell ami Fred Yiirln scored heavily. Ill Ihe olio I'nlryrle liny performed sopoj new and startling tricks, Carlosu nud Sllvcr- tou, on the light wire, nqd the Famous Ilnrtelll Trouiio of acrobats Diet with hearty approval. While Hie monologue of John W, .sheii.v. and the singing of Muster Newton See were fully up lo-ilale unit received nu- merous encores. . The, i-umpniiy Is bunked until ..tine. next, and travels in its own pri- vate cars, which are said to ha among the finest In use by any theatrical company In America. II i li in. a r anii Wariikn inform us that they have been meeting with success lu Hie West, playing the heal Slimmer parks, nnd will come East some lime nexl Fall. They have some good time booked abend. Dan J, IIariiimiton, who has been nieet- htg with success mi the New England circuit nt parks, will open his Winter season Sept. IN. ut the Howard, llostuu. The Aerial Wkavkiis. after dosing n season of twenty one weeks wllli N'urrls \ Howe, lit Clinton. Onr., July 211. opened nt Luna Pink, I'Met Island. Aug. T. Dili. A I'lli imi: has signed with T. W. Din- Kins, to close Ibe olio in Yankee Doodle Girls Co, While ploying Keith's I'lilnn Square re- reully he received some good press notices. William Simpson, hIiicii Hie death or his former pari nor, Thomas Johnson, has Jollied bauds with Harry Gates, mid they will here, nfler bo known us Simpson nnd Gules. They will play In Ben llorfinnu's Southern Octo- roons, opening Hi Cninula, Aug. 2o. Notes rno.u White Cirv Park, Duliiiipie, In.. Juke Rosenthal, manager.--We oueueil our lUili week on Sunday. July ,10, with the largest crowd In attendance since Its in- ception. Business at tills vaudeville thentre Is mi the Incii'iise each week. Ferguson niul .Muck. Mi-Cube niul Cniueioii, Macklti and Wil- son, clarence Burton, Josephine Coles in,,I ihe kliiodroiiie iiiiule up the bill for Ihe upull- ing week. Finns have been iimdo and ac- cepted (or a $4i),fl(iH niuiuieiuent park nt Diihuipic for next Summer. Juke lloseuilml Is ihe promoter unit manager of the sillue. All stock has been sold, nnd Iowa's metrop- olis will have one of Hie durst amusement resorts of the West next year. scisski.i. Ittio'i iiEits and Mack write; "While playing Wnolworlh's, Lancaster, Pa., July 17, John Splssell, of the Trio, becniae very III, and ive were compelled lo cancel all our lime up to Aug. II. The irlo la now at home, lu llarlfonl, Conn., and will remain mere unlll the brother Is well again." Xaiili, anii Adams, novelty and comodv duo. report meeting with success, having played I'oculello, lull., for two weeks, and then all the lending parks In l.'t.ih. They are Tiadt III I'ocalello again for eight weeks more. al. tho Auditorium. After playing lliolr return dates through lltlill, Ihey will open lu Deliver. Colo., mid llieii return East. Jah. II. Hauler writes: "Since closing wllli West's Minstrels. Dec, 12 lust, I hn»e been meeting with success, and tun now In ' my twenty clgltlh week ill Ibe Baldwin Theatre, Hun Francisco." Lhosa and Lkota nre ploying Ihelr wuv fruiu Hie I'aollic const, where they report great'success everywhere. Cchuiett and Fiiiiestlii have iliilshed their thirty s'Veiiib consecutive week over the ulHlbileil Western i-li II ami middle Slates, unit are resting for three weeks lit Mvers 1.she, I'oiiloii, il, They open with the Ivl'urk- I ilam Slock Co., al Greenville, I'm, Aug, IT, playing parts and featuring Ihelr specially. Milton NiMMM will, Ihe coming season, produce another new and original sketch ill vaudeville. The Is. "A Third Parly Movement," ii ml, besides Mr, and Mrs. Nobles, it will employ Iwo other characters. Like all of Mr. Nobles' previous droits in this Hue of work, legitimate fare Is nlmoil ai. ilfl.l.r oTi.w llnlslied his park work Aug. ft. lie bus signed for "Tho Peddler" Co., making Ids third season with Hun company. Notes will the Holla Fox Show. -We were compelled to close our season On ac- count of Ihe Vigo County National Bank filling, ill our Wlnlcr ipillrlers, Terre Halite, lint, IVe shipped there Aug. I. Mr. Fox will Hike out ii dog and noiiy show, making street fairs and Slate fairs Hie rest of tho mason. Leon and Hkktih Allen wrlle: "Wu nre JiimI closing a very pleasant mid success- ful engagement of iweul.v weeks over the .SortInvest ami Pacific coast circuits, clos- ing lit the Lyceum Theatre, 'Frisco, week of July .'il. We lire obliged lo cancel len weeks of our Piiclili- const bookings owing to onr engagement, with tile "Lord Baltimore" piny parts ami do show, which opens Aug. 21, In the East, Willi which we have signed lii play our specially. Lillian Stei'.i.i: and Eiutiie IIennev open al tho Howard Theatre, Boston, Sept. ".*>, and week. Tilt: ottiiiiNAt, Paiikkiis (Harry niul Llz/.le) have changed Ihelr name lo Parker anil Walker, ami are now doing n new sing- ing and talking act, everything new and orig- inal, with up to date parodies. McMann and Waiiiien Horn have Joined hands again and are doing a rellned singing ami dancing act, and are booked lu the Ensl till September, when they open on il Western circuit. TTlK M.uioiI.i.MiH, premier stuck and light wire performers, am in their I bird week lit Luna Park, Coney Island. N. Y„ and report success. They are booked solid until May I, 11100, BiNNrv and Chapman, after nlnylng twenly-nliin weeks lu California, will open nl the Novelty Theatre, Denver, Col., Aug. 14. with other good time to follow, on Ihelr way Eusl. Tin: Military Comedy Foi.'ii, a novelty iniiirtetle, report meeting wllh success wllli Ihelr pew nil. ilAitttin and Bpiklev report making good with Ihelr newsboy kinging and dancing net. Robert C. Bell writ's: "I have closed a live and one-half months' engagement lu mock nt the Co-nr D'Alene Theatre, Spokane, Wash., nud am engaged to open with Ihe lloldeii Bros.' Co. Aug. 22, for the season " Tut: Williams, musical team, have been playing parks this Slimmer und meeting with tiiccrna Wllh their new act.