The New York Clipper (September 1905)

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SEPTEMiBEE 23. THE N:EW YORK CLIPPER. 773 UawlepiBe mi mastrel CarloB'L and Silvhbton, nho hare played fourteen montbt through the Southera part of America, write of tueir success with tho J W. Vogel BlR City Minstrels, ag a spe- cial feature la their novel wire act. TUB Topsi TuBvr Taio has concluded Its cuteenth week of Summer eiiKagements, aod liao beeu very successful. The trio |g booked ■olid for forty weeks to the co««t, CUA8. AMD jBNNin Wblsh Celebrated their Bllrer wedding annlrersary Sept. 11, at their home In Detroit, Mich. llKLGK ilABioM Smith, vocalist and bcjl ringer, closed her eoKaEcmeDt at Edgemont rark I'a., Sept. 2, making her fourteenth week' through the State of Pennaylranla. The month of September will be apent la New York Btate. She opened 4 at Bultalo, and thca teturna to rhlladelplila for a short rest before the Winter season. (JEO. A. BBOOKa, the comedian and stage manager of the Chaa. Berkell Bhow, writes: "Vie laid oS at 8t Paul, Ulna., for two weeks, taking in the State (air and fish- ing. The show has made a big hit Id every town visited this geason, and business has been big. We open Sept. 17, for a long sea- son. I have been tea months with the show." Byrnb and WBsr have Joined bands with Thomas Kenyon, and the act will be known as Byrne, West and Kenyon. Mr. Brme be- came a member of the Actors' tund of America while at Pastor'i Theatre, week of m'ana'oeb Cbas. Midolgt, of Jacobs' The- atre and Family Orchestra, of Peoria, III., met, wblle painting the Interior of the the- atre, with a fall of twenty-tlvc feet, austain- log serious Internal as well as external In- juries. Mr. Mldgiey Is reported to be In a very serious condition, and grave fears are entertained for his recovery. SuiSLDS AND Gail, Homan ring experts and perch equilibrists, who recently closed two weeks of success at Thompson & Dundy's Luna Park, Coney Island, were engaged week 01 Sept. 4 as the principal TaiidevTlle feature with the Kosabel Leslie Repertory Co. Billy Tanh writes: "I opened at the Bllou Theatre, Dea Moines, la.,' Aug. 28, with Ly- ceum Minneapolis, Hlnn., andT>omlnlon, Wlu- nlpeg, Man., to follow. I am. booked solid until Dec. 26. I recently anished the Star and Novelty circuits In the West." Mabion, Dean and cosirANY opened at Dockstader's, Wilmington, Del., week of Sept. 11, with their new act, ''The Chauffeur and the Lady." They carry special drops, me- chanical and light effects, and the act promisea to be a olg success. Koi>PB, the Juggler, writes that he Is again working with his nephew, under the names of Koppe and Koppe, and meeting with success. . . „ ^, . EowAHD Mabtin, formerly of Martin and Lonsdale, has retired from the profession, and la now managing the Hotel Trafolger, In New York City. . ^ ^ VicToniA PABKEn, with her trained dogH, reports meeting with big succeas at the Ei- hlbltlon, Toronto, Can. Afteb BBVEnAL lEASB' BTAttniNO fts one of the Four Cohans, and last seBsoa leading lady with the Rogers Bros., Miss Cohan re- turned to vaudevllle Sept, 4, with excellent reaulta, In a one act musical farce, "Friday, the 13th," by Will M. Cressy and Fred Nlblo, music by Max Uoffman, lyrics by Vincent Bryan. Wm. Jkssikb has retired from the SIg. Bautelle 4 Welsh Bros.' Combined Circus, aud Is on Harold Cox's circuit of fairs, meeting with great success, he Informs us. Gbbat Santbll writes: "I opened at the Family Theatre, Butte, Mont., Sept. 3. My act Is a great auccess. and the Western peo- ple are very appreciative. I am booked solid for one year; will then sail for Europe. Stibk and Lou Dan, novelty athletes, re- port succesD III their new rombliiatlon act, playing the leading parks through New Lng- land since last May, and arc booked solid until November In vniidevlllo houses. Lkonabu and Kolton arc again working. Miss Fulton having recovered from paralysis of the eye, with which she was recently fct rlckOD Ed. b". and noLLA White have Just closed a ten months' engagement on the Paclflc loaat. Their act met with favor. They re- turn to New York City for six weeks, open- ing Oct. li!3, at Pastor's, after which they go Myrtlb Youno, of Ingram and Young, waa presented with a handsome bouquet on the stage at O'Brien's Empire Pavilion, Glou- cester City, recently. ^ „ ,. Ki.bin and CLirroN open ot the Orpheum, New Orleans, Oct. ',», with return dates over the Orpheum, Cnstle, Anderson and Hopkins circuits. Their time Is booked up to April, IlXLENA FaBimniCK made her first Detroit, Mich., vaudeville appearance on Sept. 4, with Ollib Mabtbll and Dolly Williams have Joined hands, and will shortly preaent a novelty boxing and bag punching a". The Tbocaddbo Quabtettb report that all are well, and their specialty Is going better than ever. They are doing the act In whlie tacc this season. .,„ , . .,.„.^ Labiveb and Leb write: "Ilave lust closed with the Mlddlcton Stock Co., and ate play- ing a few vaudeville dates prior to Joining another company. Our act continuea to win praise from press and public." Ed. and HA7.BL Lucas are playing the Wm. Lang circuit, and report maldnK good. Hazel Lucas is winning success In her songs. Harby Sampson writes that after a suc- cessful Summer season ploylug parka he will take out hie own minstrel coropnny. He did not sign with the Great Barlow Sliow, as was reported. 8U8II Goodwin, "tho Tennessee coon shouter' and hnllud singer hns Just closed over the Western pork circuit, at Leaven- worth, Topeka and Ida, Knn.; St-Jos^J and Kansas City (Electric I'ark). with much success, and hns return dotes. This tall sue will do an entirely new act of rtve character changes, and her costumes are being maae for same.- , ... h»o. Alp. G. Hkbbinqton, mnnager of the Btar Theatre, at Scranton, I'a., has purchsaed nn auto, and recently he celebrated the event with an auto trip to tho I'ocono Mountains. With bim were: Peter S. Clarke, manager of Clarke's Bunaways Co.; Joseph Bowarrt, the song composer, and George Nelson Teets. nsslstaut treasnrer of the Star Theatre. They had a very pleasant trip. _ •,„jji. Ei-MOiiB. the mimic, opens on the Middle West circuit, at Scdalla, Wo., Sept. 18, wim the Inter-State circuit to follow. TiiK MiLLEBBHiP SlSTcns, Tiavlng finished the Heller circuit, also Churchill's circuit ot parks, report a successful scnuon. 'nicy open at the Howard, Boston, Sept. 18, with good work to follow. . . ,_ FnANic ANi> Fbank have Just closed a six weeka' pleasant engagement at the star ine- otre. Ft. Worth, Tex., and open at the Crown Theatre, in the same city, for an Indefinite GDflFQ ff 6 ID G Tl t Kbancine La MAncilK, "The Female Buster Brown," closed a successful fourteen weeks engogement with ths Franli Murphy Comedy Co.. Sept. 0. ..,.,. Virn AND VroLA finished playing the pnrka In New Jnrsev nurt Pcnnsyltanln for Hel- ler & OInd'lon at Allentown, Pa., and open nt the BIJ.iu Theatre, Itnltlmorc, Md.. Sept. 11. Their act. "The Tramp, the Hata and Her." has been, they write, n laughing hit on every bill they hn%e been on the past Sum- VBkKK D. BBILLt. "the T«"t"t'»«J5i2l" has arrived in New YorH. He was 'o™",'/ with Lew Dockafader. He Kocs w h Jlr. I>ockstnder's other big company, Williams » Walker, which will open very soon. ,.»it?u^ C. Wiblb writes: "I am the artginni comedian of the team ot Somers and Wihle but am no longer working with Mr. Bomer*, the team having dissolved partnership two months ago. Jlna. Bebt Renbiiaw, profeiilonally known as Jolly Millie Everette, Informs us that she was granted a divorce from Bert Henshaw, of the team, Warren and Ken- 8haw,on Sept. 2 In Chicago. Miss Kverette wgaff an iDdcfinlte engagement at the Crys- tal Theatre, Ottumwo, la., Sept. H. C. B. EDWAnos, who has been with the Pawnee Bill Shows all season, closed with that show at Kansas City, on Sept. 4, ind has gone to Oeorglana, Ala., where he opens with a big lady minstrel show, early In Oc- tober. Mas. 'Mabix Hayes, vho wns recently with Wheeler's Circus, writes: "While ocrform- Ing on my trapeze, at the Toronto, Can., Ex- nib tlon. 1 fell and dislocated my elbow. It happened Tuesday, Aug. 5, and It will keep mc from work for at least six weeks." Mas. Rose Fabanta, wife of F. W. Fa- ranta, of Faranta's Theatre, New Orleans, La., died Aug. 27, in that city. Notes fbom the Fonda Show. —We are still holding our own, playing to a nice busi- ness, and although we nave had a lot of rain and two blow downs this season, we are still on the right side of the ledger. We are un- der canvas another week, then we Jump Into Canada (our old stamping ground), ana play halls. Kid Evans Joined recently, and IS making a hit with his roller skete dancing. Our roster Is as follows: Chas. 8. Fonda, Madame Fonda, Joe Smith, Cbas. Derado Perry, Kid Evans and Mills and Mills. All are happv, but wilt be glad when the tenting aeason closes. We have been out since the first of May and lost only two performances. Tub Williams Duo, musical team, have contracted for elaborate spectacular and elec- trical effects for their new act, which, they write, win surpass anything ever seen on the vaudeville stage In their line of work. Donovan and Abnolo are featured on the 'J. W. Gorman circuit, where their act haa been very successful. They will open their regular bookings Sept. 26, and tfe booked solid until next May. Tub Settles and Baby Ckablotte have 'made a success In the New England parks, being the feature act with the colored show. Baby Charlotte has been quite a favorite. MILTON ScmiBTEB, at present with the Yankee Doodle Girls Co., closes with that at- traction Sept. 16. and Joins hands with Victor V. Vass, late of Hawley and Vass, opening at the Atlantic Oarden, Sept. 18, with the High Flyers Burlesque Co. to follow. E, R. Zaranos and the Sisters Hess were the features at Athletic Park, Buffalo, and at Dreamland, Rochester, N. Y., recently. Their act, we are Informed, has been a suc- cess, and Mr. Zaranos states that at Uan- lan's Point, Toronto, two weeks ago. their act was accorded big applause and complimentary notices from the press and public, both us to their act and the excciienc wardrobe used. The act has not lost a single week since June S. Jeuomb Mora, illuslanlst, has closed with Wild & Rich's Players, and hns signed for Fred Schwartz's "Not Like Other Girls," as one of the feature vaudeville acts with that company. Olivbb C. Zieofeld writes that he has under bla exclusive management Mysterious Keuschllng, a young exponent in sleight of hand and Illusion work. Mr. Reuscbllng will present In vaudevllle tbis season a travesty on "Faust," with elaborate atagc settlnga and electrical effects. Owing to Pansy Madcap dislocating one of her knees, Amorlta will All her place u the act. They are booned solid to May 1,1000. Richard I'itbdt sailed for Europe Sept. 9, for an extensive business trip. Mabi' Williahs, of Wllllamg and Padrs, writes: "My wife (Ollle Padre) has Just re- ceived a letter from a long lost sister whom she hns not seen or heard of In over twelve years. Said sister Is now married, and resides In linderline, N. D. We are never without Tub Old Reliaule, and can never praise It enough. 1 have been a reader ot It for over twenty-six years." NoTKH fROM AL. 0. FiBLD'a MlNSTMLg.— We icie playing to the largest business In the history of the show. Doc Quigley, the mana- f:er, has the performances running evenly and n excellent sbapc. Walt M. Leslie, as busi- oesB manoger in advance, has his staff up to a high degree of efllclency, and the publicity department ranks among the best ever known In the annals of advertising. The show travels iu Mr. Field's own private train, there being sixty-four people and three pri- vate cars. Jack Davis writes that he has had a very successful Summer season In the pnrks. Weeks of Aug. HI, Lincoln Park, New Uedford, aud Aug. 27, at Crescent Garden Theatre, were his third return dates there In live weeks. Ilr.asiE Little and Marib Obiibt, ot the Ideal Extravaganza Co., while horse back riding Aug. 28, were thrown from the horses and Dadly hurt. They bad to be left In Helena, Mont., but expect to rejoin the com- pany In a week or so. STANijiV Wardh Uabt, formerly "Hart, the Laugh King," has the advertising privi- lege at Hopkins' Theatre, Fontaine Ferry Park, and Uopklns' New Theatre, Louisville, Ky. The WASHiNoroN Society Oibls opened Sept. 3, at the Folly Theatre, Chicago, to the record of the theatre, wc are Informed, at popular prices. The show was a pro- nounced success from start to finish. The Oriental BunLESQUhiis appeared at Carr's Unique Theatre, Brooklyn, week ot Aug. 28, to capacity business. Chairs were fre- quently placed on one aide ot the stage, and Manager Watson had to change all entrances, BO as to give tho company room to work. Tho show promises to be one of the strongest orgaalzatious monagcd by W. B. Watson. Stuabt and Woolley, Irish and Dutch comedians, opened at the Academy of Music, Chester, I'n,, Sept. 2, for two weeks. Ihey state that their act was a big succeas, and that they have good work to follow. Ma Dell and Cobiiley were called home to Buffalo, on account ot the death of Mr. Mn Dell's mother, which occurred Sept. Z Geokob L. Oiii-Monv writes: "The Gregory Troupe la now In Its seventeenth week of a remarkable run at Inman's Casino, Coney Is- land, N. v., and will remain there until Oct. 1, making a continuous run of eighteen weeks, and we are re-engaged by Manager Inmnn tor the senaon ot lOOO, from April IB to Oct. 1. Our net is a most emphatic laugh- ing hit, and the biggest drawing attrnctlon In the history of Inronn's Casino. Manager Inmau la going to make wonderful Improve- ments In his house next season, and will greatly enlarge his stage and add a complete eaulpmcnt ot^scenery to enable us to put on our pantomime In proper form, with spectacu- lar effects." Jim Dalton Just closed ten weeks over Uie Iowa circuit of parka, and has signed for twenty weeks over W'm. Lnngc s c 'cu t. am. BEAncv. "The Man wrtb tho Big Mouth," has Joined the Christy Bros. Min- strels for this season, to do principal end, and bis monologue In llic olio. ,,„„^„ Oko L Hi!TCI1insox and Kikby Lanodon write: "We leave the 'legltlmulc' for a sea- son, and open our vaudeville dales the middle Sf September, with our original, refined comedy sketch, entitled 'A Strenuous Pro- S ■ Our ait Includes a novelty Snanlsli Snnce and funny monologue. AVe arc fiooked solid until Mori, inofl, to the Paclflc coast, over the leading circuits." " Kdimb Cabboll and Aones Cwbkb have lust closed fourteen successful weeks of parj work Including time on the J. K. Burke and F?nnk Melville circuits. They are taking a short rest nt the Intter's home In McKeesport, Pa and will begin their Fall and Winter time week of Sept. 18. A Red Bank, N. J., NEWsrAHi devote* nearly two columns to the theatrical colony located at Fair Haven, near Red Bank. Th« newspaper gives Harry Biockscaa (of Block- som and Burns) and his wife, Annie Hart, as being about the first ot the theatrical profession to make the place their permanent Summer home. Blocksom and Burns began their Fait and Winter dates at Keith's, Provi- dence, R. I., Sept. 4, with the Proctor circuit to follow. Tarltox and Tarlton are in their twenty- second week with the Breckenridge Stock Co., and report meeting with success In their musical speclaltlea. They played their Brat fair date of the season at Fredonla, Aug. 22, end have a number of others la Kansas and Oklahoma. Mb. and Mrs. Jas. Dailet have Just closed a successful season at the 8urf Avenue Opera House, Coney Island, with the new act. and have good work to follow. LACLAia AND West opened their season Sept 11. at the Nickelodeon. Fall River, Mss., after spending a pleasant Summer at Sea Isle City, N. J., and are In perfect condition to resume work. They are hooked solid to April 9, 1006, going as far West as Chicago, after which they return East, to play Pas- tor's and the Keith circuit. Eugene Bmubtt, In character changes, played Collins* Garden. Columbus, O., week of Sept. 4. Instead ot Philip's Family, RIeb- mond, Ind. Me states that bis act is a big succeas everywhere. He is booked lolld to Nov. 27. Crip Rooibb and BiLLr Ooidok bave Joined the Qua Sun Minstrels, to play prin- cipal ends and do their specialty. '^Tbe Hero of San Juan." In the olio. The team will b« known as Rocers and Gordon. Tbb Two MACKS report making a big bit with their coaversatlon singing and dancing act. Naqel and Adahs, novelty and comedy duo, have Just closed a successful eight weeks' engagement at the Auditorium Theatre, Po- catello, Idaho. They ploy Thatcher's Opera House, Logan. Utah, stter which Ihey will open on the Tony LubelskI circuit at Denver, TiioMFBON and Laurbnci. Staging come- dians, write: "We have signed wuh the Jolly Grass Widows Co. and are doing very nicely with our specialty, and playing parts In both burlesques." Notes fbom Tuttlb'b Olympic Show. — We hove been out seventeen weeks doing the best business In tho history of the show, and bave not missed one night, nor bad a blow- down this season. Never before bos tho show had the good luck to secure such an excellent lot of performers. Their work Is ot tho best, and no one has ever seen them unSt for the performances, or with long faces. Mrs. Tut- tle only hopes she may bo able to aecuie such good people for another season. Ros- ter: Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Tuttle, Jessie Troy, Jack Hunt, Bros. Le Vondo, Bert Smith, Tony Pott, Fred Mnrtin, Dan Murdock, Gene Kelly, and Bert Rude, with Harry Germnlne in ad- vance. Mrs. Tuttle and daughter (Jessie Troy) are at present in Hnrrlsburg. Pa., on a visit to Mrs. Tuttlc's mother. The show Is left In charge of Jack Hunt, business man- ager. Mrs. Tuttle can enjoy her visit, as the show will be well taken care of during her absence. Ix>RAiNR AND Oandy write from Denver. Col.: "We opened here with the Mascotts Co.. Aug. 27, with a season of thirty-two weeks ahead. Both are playing porta, and doing our net." Prank Milton and the Db Lono Sirtebs played three weeks In succeRSlon at the Con- sadlne houses, at Seattle, Wash. They are ill their nineteenth week without a lay-off, and are booked for twenty weeks. Huoii Connelly has Joined the Dot Kar- roll Co., to do bis dancing specialty. La Belle Atalanta concluded her Lon- don, Eng., Pavilion engagement on Sept. 1, sailing on Sept. 2 for America, where she opens on Sept. 18, with tho Parisian Belles Co,, as principal belle, for n season of forty weeks. Miss Atnlanta will return to tbe Pa- vilion at tho conclusion of her American en- gagement, opening June 20, lUOO. AnnisoN AND Livinghton have recently closed a two weeks' engagement at the Em- pire Theatre, Springfield, III., and opened on the Jones & O'Brien circuit, with tne BIJou and Lange & Ammon's circuits to follow. They are booked solid until Feb. 10, 1000. JoBKiMi A. Jenny, manager of the Empire Comedy Four, writes from London^ Eng., un- der date of Sept. 2, as follows; "We arrived, after a most pleasant trip across the 'big pond,' and opened at the Coliseum. Our act caught on Immediately, and was encored again and again before the audience would lot us retire. We are pleased to tell our friends In America, through your vaiuabld Eaper, that we scored a triumphant success ere. and our aongs aod comedy are Juat what the people want Gabner and Mullbr report big success with their act. entitled "The Baron's Last Banquet." They have many return dates. The Tiibeb Kiihns opened their second season with tho Brigadier Co. at tbe Seattle Theatre. Aug. 21 ana week. Blanche Buford. ot tbe Buford Sisters (Mrs. Paul Kubn). also opened wltli them, playing the souUrctte role. Ina Buford (Mrs. Charles Kubn) will be un- able, by reason of Illness, to he with the com- pany for several weeks. Site Is stopping with her parents In Seattle. Al. 0. BBLiranD writes: "I am recovering from a fractured limb and expect to start work with my wife at the Howard, Boston, week of Nov. 0. Have elaborated our act and Introduced two changes In it. We will change the title from 'The Irish Politician' to 'Jlm- mle's Girl: or. I,ove In the Tenderloin.' We lost some good park dates on account of my accident." AoNEfl CiiAHVNBT reports meeting with splendid auccess with her new singing spe- cialty at Electric Park, Newark, N. J., re- cently. Notes mom Bob and Eva McOinlbv. — We are at our Summer home at Itasca Min- eral Springs, near Grand Itaplds, Minn. Ll- zette Ilosklns, novelty singer and dancer, underwent a serious surgical operotlcn re- cently. She is In St Benedict's Hospital, and we hope she may be able to resume her work with the show by Oct, 10. Claude Woods, our regular pianist, who was laid up at his home In New Ilarmony, Ind., with mu- sicians' paralysis, has again Joined un for this Reason. We are enjoying our regular vaca- tion boating, hunting and fishing m the wilds of Northern Minnesota. FEnaiiRoN AND Mack sailed for South Af- rica, Saturday, fiept. 0. Belle Belmont (Mrs. John Mack) sailed Sept. 13, for Europe. Golden and Hiioiieh are playing their nrteentb week at Summer parks. They follow these weeks at Pastor's, New York, their third date In ten months at thot bouse. IIAVINO dissolved partnership with May Stewart, Gladys Castleton will work In tlie future with her sister. Flo Castlefon. The Castleton HIslers report meeting with success in their original dancing specialty. Caul CorEi.ANO and Maiikl DERRi.tOBD are In their eighth week with Swallow & Markle's FInating Theatre. Habiit Daniels and wifb (Kittle Morgan) are having a short vocation in the Berkshire II ills. They will resume work the latter part of September. Ddxont's Minrtrblh, at Philadelphia, opened their regular season Aug. 20, wltfi the following company : Comcdisns—Vic Rich- ards, Jack Symonds, Matt Wheeler. Jerry Cunningham, Charlie Turner, Johnnie Mur- phy, Foi and Ward, Kaufman and Malone and Billy Payne; vocalists—Joseph Hortis, James McCool, J. M. Kane. Arthur Yule, Ed- win Ooldrlck and Frank Dnmont. The or- chestra Is under the leadership of Dick Llllr. The business, we are Informed, baa been big alnce the opening, Hakris ANt> Da Loas write that they have Just finished very successful engagements over the Castle circuit, and are booked up solid until December, includlag a return date at Tony I*astor'a. Thb Moxlbys, Joe and Amy, are with the Colonial Stock Co., playing New Bnsland, having been engaged as a special vaudeville feature, Daisy Lincoln reports making a big suc- cess In ber Illustrated songs at Monroe I'ark, Toronto, Can., and was held over a second week. Oua AND Marion Kohl, after fourteen con- secutive weeks of work, closed tbeir Summer aeason at Oxford Lake Park. Annlston, Ala., and Jumped to Milwaukee, their home, for a rest. They opened Sept. 17, at Grand Rapids, Mich., on the Davis k Churchill circuit, and are booked up almost solid to January, 1006. Washer Bboh., the boilng midgets, write: "We open on tho Sternod * Brown cir- cuit, at the BIJou Theatre, Des Moines, la., week of Sept. 18, and are booked solid until February, lOOO. Our act baa proved to be a drawing card In all th* houses we have workc<l, and hnvo played a number of re- turn enongcmenls. Wc have lost only three weeks since .May 30, 1004, and two of tbem were lost In making Jumps. We are Just tlnliblng Jackson's circuit Of parks through Missouri and Kansas." Clipp. W. Grant writes: "My new Lon- don Gaiety Girls are breaking records every- where we play. At Montreal, week of Aug. 28. we turned people away nightly. At the Star. Toronto, we old tbe largest week's busl- nes« ever done by a burlesque show. The public and press of both cities conceded my show to be the greatest laughing show ever seen In either place. 1 have made no changes In niv mstcr and do not Intend to, as tbe show la by far the best I ever owned. My one night stand show opens Sept 18, and Is booked solid to Juna, l600." Mollis Burtino closed a successful Btason with SIg. Sautelle & Welsh Bros.' Shows, doing a female clown and concert turn, Bha has besun her Fall and Winter dates. mtttic ana $0Ha> Concernino Witmark publicationb. — Helen Bertram Is making a decided hit with llryan and Edwards' timely waits song, "In My Merry Oidsinoblle." A now song has been Introduced In "The Catch of the Sea- son," the new musical play in which Kdua May Is being starred, entitled "CupId Is tho Captain of the Army," and Is from the pen of Dave Ueed Jr. In "The Catch of the Season" It Is sung by Tavleur Andrews, with rntemble. Billy Ooslon Is bcralding the ad- vent of bis new comic song, "I Love to Rest," of which he la the onthor and com- poser. Lulu Ulasvr opened ber season on Monday evening, Sept. 4, at tho Knicker- bocker Theatre, New York, m an entirely new operatic production, "Miss Dolly Dol- lars," written for her by Hurry II. Smith and Victor Herbert. It contains a number of exceptionally bright vocal numbers, among which arj "The Self Made Fomily," "An Educated Fool," "Dolly Dollars," "My Fair Unknown," "It's All In tbo Book, You Know!" (duet), "Life's Masquerade" (quar- tette), "A Woman Is Only a Woman" (But a Good Cigar Is a Smoke), "American Mu- sic," "Queen of tbe Ring" (circus song), "Just Get Out und Walk," "The Moth and tbo Moon," "Walks" and "An American Heiress." These, wUb tbo aclection, march, wallxes, landers end score of "Miss Dully Dollars,' oro all published by M. Witmark A Sons. Tbo following Witmark numbers nro featured In the programme ot tho concerts given dally at the Ilelveciere Hotel, Cbnrlevoix, Mich., by li'lschcr's World's Fair Orchestra, ot Kala- mntoo: March, "In a Birch Cnnoe." Accooe; Jullp dunce from "Tho Ifllibuster," Loralnc ; concert wal^tzcs from "Babetto," Herbert, and selections from "Dolly Vnrden," Edwards: concerted numl>er, "Rag Dolly's Lullaby, Bnrrett; "'I'h« llurgomaster," Ludera; danso froteaquo, "Billy Illlly," Bondix; "I'cggy rom Paris," Loralue; serenade, "Mexican Beauties," Langey; "The 'Tcndertoot,' lleartz; concert waltzes, "The English Daisy," Mullcr! Idyle, "In Beauty's Bower," llendix: "Babes In Toyland,'' Herbert; "Roses,'' Bendix; "Fantann," Hubbell; march, "Dear Old South," Edwards; caprice, "Dance of tbe Bugs," Dixon, and many others. Ilalght's Illinois Marine Hand, Chas. G. Ilalght, director, has been giving concerts In Armour Square, McKlnloy Park and other filaces In Chicago, tho programme of the se- ectlons played on these occaHlons Including "Woodland, Ludera; cornet solo, "Good Night, Beloved, Good Night," Oliver; reverie, '"ilie Rose's Honeymoon,'' llratlon ; "it Hap- pened In Nordland." Herbert; "Mam'solio Na- poleon," Ludcrs ; "I'rlnce ot rllsen," Luders: '■The Star," medley, O'Hnroj "The Victor," march, Pryor; "Our lloynl visitor," march. Paul lliibons, and others. Tbe repertory of the orchestra of the Towlo Opora House, Ilnmmond, Ind., where Barnle Young Is musi- cal dircclor. Includes: "With Might and Main," Mann; "Tommany," Edwards; "Tlio Mnid and tbe .Mummy," Bowers ; "Tbs Wizard of 0«," Tleljons; ''Al Fresco," Herbert; "The Forbidden I^ind," Chajpln; "Babes m Toyland," Herbert; ''The Charmer," Wit- mark ; "In Summer "Time," Barker; '"The Hya- cinth," Hatch, and "Tbo Cascade," march. A. II. Woods' production, "Tracked Around the World," recently opened successfully for the season. Gcorgle Mnck, who Is being starred In this play, is featuring "The Oli-I Who Cares for Ue''^and "In My Merry Olds- mobile.' FllOM TUB P, n. IIAVILAND PUB. CO. —A feature ot Stivin Itock, Now Haven, Conn., Is the excellent band conducted by Mr. Holt, who has gained much nonularlly In that plac«. Messrs. Offerman, Drlslune and Nestor have been his soloists this season, singing: "Keep a Little Coty Corner In Your Heart for Me, "My Yankee Irish Girl," and "She Walts by the-Deep Iliue Sea," Ned Nye and thu D'Ar. viile Sisters are using "We'll Wonder In tbo Bright Moonlight," and report great success. May Alpine and ber Picks are featuring "The Leader of the German Band." Theodora Morse, Bert KItzglbbon and Jack Drislane, the new Murno Trio, are busy rehearsing tlieir new act, "Fun in a Hong Suop," wblvli they will present tbis tceson. FiioM J. H. Ueuick k Co.—Tbe Van tiros.. a musical act with like & Ilartun's Musical Kxtravngauza, arc using tbe following nuro- liers: "Sweet Little Cnralxiu," "In Dear Old Georgia" nod "Urlgl't Kyca, Good live." Leon and Bertie Allen nrc featuring "Bright Eyes, Good Bye," over the Western circuit of vaude- ville houses, and pionounce It a big hit. Itador Bros, are rIngtnK "Sombrero." ''On a Summer Night" and "(loonllgbt," Dora Pel- letler, ICuloh Lee, Ilardle Langdon, Anna Diver and a scoro of others are featuring Jerome and Schwartz's "Irish Molly O, Josephine Gassman, with her picks, has added "My Hindoo Man" to her,, repertory, and claims It a bigger bit for her than "Back to Baltimore." Agnes Uabr's dancing numbers arc all from tbe J. If. Renlck A Co., catalogue. Including "Moonlight," "Popples," "Trouba- dour." ''The GIggler" and "LiSdy of the Norlb Waltzes." Hum, and Henshaw write: "As the re- sult of our recent 'add.' In Tur Cliiter, we have received many calls for tho 'Houlliein Lullaby,' and It Is being sung by many of the best people In the profession. We shall soon Issue another Hull and Henshaw song." William A. Kkup wi<tes that he has closed twelve weeks as pianist at Hyatt I'ark, Columbia, S, C, for Maurice Boom, and Is at present engaged at Mayflower Grove, Mass., for three weeks, with one week at Athol, Mass. Chas. K. McBripb writes: "I am at pres- ent located in BL Marys, Pa,, as orchestral vIoUdIsU" Frou the house or Von Tileer.— Harry Von Tllscr. last week, was informed by many top line acts, who wore playing In New York, that "Making Kycs" and "Wbnt Vou Ooln' To Do When tho Kent Comes 'Round," wore Ibd hits of the bill. A few of tho performers ar« Tbe Ihicks, Harry and Eva; Rennler an<t Gaudier, the Three Mitchells, M. II. Strecter, Blanche Bryan, the Vlilngo Choir, Minnie Harrison, Oraco Treraont, Charlie King, Harry PItcer, Felix and Ilnrry, and many other clever acts. The Six Musical Cuttys are rehearsing Von 'filler's bcoutiful march song, "Walt Till tho Bun Shines, Nellie," which will be Miss Cutty's featured song. Joslo Antoinette, the phenomenal contrallu, hns created a sensation with Harry Von Tit- ter's new song, "Walt Till tho Hun Bblnes, Nellie." She will be featured in vaudevliru this season, and will, in her act, atng Harry Von Tiller's songs exclusively. Grace Ilallt day. of Mallory Bros. Brooks and Ilalllday, Is singing on the Proctor circuit: "Making Eyes,'' "What You Ooln' to Do VTben the Rent Comos 'Round!" the sensational cona song bit, and Von Tiller's new ballad, "When the Morning Qlorlcs Twine Around tht Door," and saya that she and the boys have never made a bigger hit. She will feature these songs throughout tbo svasou. Eleanuf Wladon, the leading soubrctte of Corse Pay ton's stock company, sang "Walt Till tb« Sun Shines, Nellli," and the encores she re- ceived on tbia Boni show the bit she mada She Is exceptionally clover, and will Intro duce Von Tllser's aongs for the season. Notes prom thi Ooldino Music Co. —Tht new march sonar, "Kiss Me Good Bye, Dear," has met with Inatant success. It Is bting used by manr of the principal acts. Has been sung by Jack Dritcoll with tremendous suc- cess at tht public parks. Charles U. Lawlor and daughters bave decided to add this num- ber to their act. The Qoidlng Music Co. baa Juat secured a two step, by James Alvin Fair-- field, called "American Spirit March." wbicb promises to be a big success. If there waa ever a novelty song written It Is the oaa entitled "Bbe Looks Good to Me." "I Never Knew" Is now being successfully sung by J. Aldrlch LIbby, Charles Jones. Ilarr} Marlon, Alice Jennlnis, Jack Cunlln, Bddis Itlngle, Mshony aud I,ake, Carl Stumpf and Allan May, as well a* being featured by many reppi lory shows. Notes rnuu llitr A IlAaBii.—Nat Haines is creating a sensation with bis rendition ot Helt A llager'a song, entitled "Every Dollar Carries TrouMo ot Its Own." "I'll Be Wait- ing In the Gloaming, Genevieve," J, Fred lielt's latest song success. Is now being feat- ured by prominent slngrrs from coast to const, and already Ildf A ilagur are flltlDg large orders for this song bit. It Is being featured by lending singers with tho promi- nent minstrel companies, such as Manuel Ito- niaino (Dockstader's .Minstrels), Tummy Bur- nett (Ilnvcrly's Minstrels), Harry Leigbton (III Henry's). Jas. Ilrown (Al. Q. Klold'si, and Frank Pierce (with West's Minstrels). Besides these well known singers, ISugone Jorge, Chuk. Falko, tho Oralinins, and Bo- hnnnon and Corey, Illustrated song singera, pronounce It a hit. "Bye, Bye, My Era, Bye Bye." Is also attracting attontlim with this same out, nnd Is taking no less than three encores each rerforninnro. Hiirhig the past week tho following well known arts have .iddod "I'll He Walling In the Gloaming, Sweet Oenevlevo," to tliolr repertory: Itay- niond and Clark, Spook Minstrels, Jack Lyie MlnstrolK, Illson City (juartolte, Iloslon City Quartette, Maxwell and Dudley, tbe Grahams, I'lorco and Mnlzco and many olhors. Tub Amkiiican Music Pun. Co. Infarni us that their new coon song, entitled "I'm Saving It All For You," is snlllug very rap- idly. Tbo words of the song sni clover, the melody very catchy, and Is arranged In a two-step for brass. Among tub uani uiu acts featuring "Pals, Good Old Pals," the new inarch ballad, are: Grace Leoiiaru, tho Cllppur Comedy Four, the Herald Squnro (.'oairdy Four, and the Savoy (Juartet. This niinibsr wiis writ- ten by 'rburland Cbatlawuy, the writer of "Mandy Lee," and Is imbllshud by G. W. Sst- clioll. "Tommy, Tell Mo True," continues to lie a big encore getter, as can be testllled by Pearl Danfurth. Agnes llelilor, the Calu Sis- ters, Billy Pearl, ot Marlon ond Pearl : tbe Herald Hiiuare Comedy l>'our. 8h«rinau Coats, ot the Watermelon 'Trust; tho Huvoy Quar- tet, tbe Constantino Slaturs, and many others. This number Is one ot Setchell's blgictt hits. Notes riiOH Wai.tsu Jacoiib. —ITie Three St. Felix Bisters write Mr. Jacobs that h's new song, "My Own Llie," was a groat suc- cess as rendered by them Inst week at Pas- tor's. They are also featuring Allen's latest coon song, "My Duiiky Ituse." The Iniiucont Maids Co. bas Just added to Its repertory, cspeclallv costumed, the now Unbu song, "Hey, Mister Joshua," This la unduuhtedry one of tbo best aongs of Its class In rccuot years. Tito High Hollers Extravaganza Cu„ which opened tfie srnsou at tbo Lvceuin, Bus- ton, aro making a big niiuibnr of Kellu aud Kemblo's Oriental march song, "llaldce." Cooper and Ilnblnion, tho pupulsr culurcit team, write (rom Ix>ndon tbsE Ihey aro meet- ing wllb very llatlorlng siiccosi In their un- gogcmcMts abroad. They ere making special numbers of "Scissors to Grind" and tbo He- brow love song, by Chris Smith, entitled "01 Yol Yol Vol." Fuou 8oi. nix}ou.—Flora iCabell Is alDglng with Iho "Kmy Dawson" Co., Sol Bloom's new pidillcation, enlilled "Little Yellow Bird," which Is the big (eaturu of tbe third act. The Hong Is helped ntalorlally by Geo. Marlon's arllstic staging of tbe niiiauer by use ot a bevy of Iirclty young women, roiirlatclr gnrlicd. 'The ilavcrly Minstrels using '"I'bero's a Clock Uiiun the Mantel Iklng One, Two, Three," wm. II, I'onn's the use ot a bevy uf l>rettr young women, appr(i|irlatcl)r gnrlicd. 'The ilavcrly Minstrels nro usU Striking _ "Good Ilye. Dixie Dear," and Itaymund A. Browne's "Get Happy." "Ilunipty Dumpty," one of Klaw A F^rlnnger's productions, entors upon Its second season wllh thu snnie big features iih before. The sung nunilicrs In- clude: "Kisses," by Wm. II. Pvun, and "Cleo- Jiatra Biatterv," by (.'larenro Ungel. '"Ilie ilarrlage uf Kitty" will feature Allcu Johnson, who will use during the action ot the piece three sungs iiubtisbcd by Mul Itlmim: ''Juat a Real, Itenl Man," "(.'omo Hack" and "All for You," (bo first of which was written by Wm. II. I'enn nnd tbe others by Raymond A. Browne. 'The tienrga I'rlmrusu Minstrels are rnuklng a special feature of itsyinvnd A. Browne's song, "I Wants a Man to Love Me All the Time." CHAS. K. IlAUHiN' Notes. —Back to Iho old time ballad is one of tbe surprises of the world. Cbas. K. Harris' beautiful sentl. monlnl heart song, "Would Yuu Care'/" which is now boliig suijg mure than any song that has been written In uinny years, includes such names ns: liolln Donalil, Mnrle Welsh, Mine. Klapoffskl, (.'linrlolto lliivenscruft, Altn Yolo, Messenger (junrtetln, Dorothy Primrose, Lll- llnn Iluirninn, Ilelle Belmont, Joe Brown, (.'lierldoh Klinnson, Frieda Clayton, Pbyilsu Gllmore. Illrdle Varnell. Mnliel Bell, VInlot Earle. C'nrl Htumpf, Roliiy and Morgan, Wal- ter Hoy. Wm. A. Inman, Greouo Sisters, Miss Mlilerun, Geo. V. Hrllt, Lillian Le Roy, Violet Ktaley, Arthur Hall, Edilli lllchardN, Byron Ilcrlou, Marie Laurent, Hcanlon and Stevens, Mario Ilrncliman, 'Pheodore Doucet, Nellie Powers. Colored slides hnvo been prepared for "Wonid Vou Carelr" "I'm Trving Ho Hard to Forgot You," "Down In the Vale of Shon- ond<jnb." "Farewell, Bweelhenrt May." and "Whv Don't They I'Isy With Mo'/" "lllggledy I'lggli?dy" opened with great success at the Weber Blusic Hall. "Game ot Love," by Maii- ilce I.CVI and Edgar Smith, created a sen- sation the opening night, at least a dozen oucarcs being demanded. QAhniaLLE Hacot, soprano, daughter of the late pr. Auge, has been engaged by Henry W. Hnvnge. Mli.b, Aiiotnn KnarnA, a European vio- linist, will appear In Emma Calves concert company this season.