The New York Clipper (September 1905)

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SflPTEMBEB 23. THE 1<^1S,V^ YORK CLIPPER. 785 Knickerbocker Theatre (Al. Uij-. man A Co., maadgerii).—Lnlu Qtaeer started ber tbird week, Htpt. 18, la "MIds Dolly Dol- llernlil Sqnare Theatre (Charles Kroli- luaD, niaaager). — Sam Bernard began blu iwenty-Br»t week. In "The RoJllcklng Olrl," MewYprk Theatre (Klaw & Erlangcr, managers). — Mclntyre nnd Heatb openert tliclr fourth week Sept. 18, In "The Ham Tree." Hew Amaterdam Theatre (Klaw & Mrlanger, managers).—"The I'rodlgal Son" began ItK third week Sept. 18. Bmiiire Theatre (Charlea Frohman, iiiaoager). — .Tohn Drew, In "De Lancey,'' Nlurted Ills third week aept. 18. MadUon 8iinare Theatre (Walter N. I^wreuce, manager I.—"The I'rlnce Chap" be- gan Ita third week Sept, 18. Hnrleiii,—At the llarlcni Opera Uausc (Alei. Uchtensteln, naaagcr) "The Vir- ginian," with DuBtln Fariium In the leading role, owned to a good sized audience, S6pt. 18. This Is the Becond Hnrlcm CDgagenj»nc of the coraoany. At Its last presontatloo It bad a proUtablG wcrk, and all Indlcntlunx IMiInt lo another un this occasion. Joe Web- er's All Star Co. next wc<?k. WtiHT Kkd (Ucorge Rlumenthal. inaunger). —"The Wlmard of Oz" evidently holds im usual drawing power, for this bouse was packed from top lo Iwtloni on Monday night, 18. and must of tho sentH are sold for the lest of tile week. Mortsomery and Stdne were i)cn)i<Ie<l n most cordial welcome. Tlie Sunday concerts will start 24, when na excel- lent programme Is announced Next weuk, mily Van, In "The ICrrnnd Hoy." >fBTK(iroLis (Henry Hosenbcrg, manager). —Eflle Kllsler nnd a well balanced companv, In "Hazel KIrke," tills week. Miss Kllsler Is playing her original character, and the audience recognized ber good work by con- stantly applauding The licuse was packed on the oiicning night, and prospects are hrlKht for a big week. StAii (Wm. T. Keogh, manager).— "Tracketl Around the World," a sensallonul melodrama, that proved a strong drawing card at n down town house recently, drew out a goodly crowd ul tbe matinee 18, and ■racked (he house at nlgbt. It looks as If they would duplicate the success of their lust engagement. Next wed!, "Hearts of Oold." riiocTon'H One HuNonEn ani> Twkniv- KlKTK Stueet 'I'llEATiiK (.T. Austin Fyncs, general manager).—"The Krlsky Mrs. .John- son" Is the olfcrlng for Ibis week, and In ad- dition to the regular company, Jessli* Hun- stelle baa l>een engaged to play the title rolo. The play drew out the uaiinl Monday crowd, 18, who gavu evidence of satisfaction by frequent applause. The piny waa presented In the best possible manner, both In regard lo stage clfecis and acting, as all the clever nienibcrs of tbe stock company were utilized. Paul McAllister, Wm. ,T. Kelly, .Inmca K. Wil- son, Heat rice Morgan, Ii'rances Stnrr and Mathllde Deshon all scored big. The vaude- ville olTers I,ew Hawkins, Mills and Morris and M'lle. Cclasse. Ai.ittMnUA (I'crcy Wllllinus, manager).— One of iht best vaudeville bills ever pre- sented In Harlem wns olTcrcd for the ii;i- proval of a large audience 18, and tbe wel- come accorded each net showed that the eCforts of the management were appivclnled. Henry K. DIxcy and company were the liwid- liners. (Others were; Hub Wllllnmx, Unvc- ninn's animal clrcns, Colby and Way, I be Brothers Dnmni, HlncK and Kemlugton, ''(il-; and Johnson, tireen'; nnd Werner, I'aul Cuu- chas and .4mcrlcan vltagmnh. IIiiiiTiu fc Sb.^mox'm .Music Hai.l (Ken Hurtle, manager).—Tills week's bill offers several novelties as well as several new faces to Harlem, and n crowded house turned out 18, desplt'i the weather. Hoss and Kcntoii head the bill, and scored henvlly, Otbcrs who Save ii good iicnunt of tlieinselves were; I.'!- au and Shorty Ue Witt, John N. Ulrcli, Tobla Sisters. lloni''5e. Made nnd T-nwrencc, l':il7,abeth Murray, the Valdarc Troupe of cy- clists, Crawford uii<i (iaston, Cumming nnd the kinclograph. Uuslnesa contluues isntls- factory. (ioTii.vM (Snillvuu & Krous, uiunugcrs). —(.Mark's Kuuaway (ilrls made their (Irst Harlem njipearnve 18, to tbe best matinee upeiilug of the si^usoii. l<'eaturcs uf the show were its tine sccucry and hcuullful cos- tumes. The llrst part Is u musical satlrn, In two acts, entltlc<l "Tlie Sulllvnus" Ullem- lun," with music by Joe llnwiird. It con- tains several bright niimbcis, and presents something new lu the burlesquu line. The KurK Sisters and Hie Bowery Newsboys' 'juurtette arc In the olio. Juu Howard and Abe Itcynnlds furnish tbe comedy, and wllh gii'at success. Kitty Bingham, the Burg Sis- ters ami Tlllle Story aid lu the success. Next week. Bob Manchester's Vanity li'alr. I'AMiiA TmiATtiB opened to u fair sized Hiidlcncc 18. and presented tbe following pecpje: Thuinns Meegin and company. Ax- tell aad Howard, Mildred Walnwrlght, Klein and Klelu, Johnnie Cnntwell, Nellie Holmes, and the ArllnBlon (Comedy Kour. I'Ai.ArK (K. Bernstein, manager).—Busi- ness is reported to he of the best so far this season. The hill for this week Is hh follows: Uojie and (irangor. Cnlnmo luid Brown, Stelner Thomas, ,I«ck IrVIn, the Alberlys, .SplnsteiN yusrtetle, l'"our Mistletoe Olrls, Suiidow uud l.umbert, McUloln and Smith, (.'ummlngs and Mossoy, Three Larklns, Bar- ton and Douald and kloetograph, Brooklyn At tho Majestic (W. C. I'rldley, manager) "The Hrrand Buy," with Billy B. Van, Sept. 18-2;!, Hose itcauino'it llgiires prominently. "The Wizard of Oz.' Inst week, proved lo be a big drawing curd, and crowded houses ruled. Next week, I'lva Tuuguay. fiJiA.Ni) Oriiiu lloisE (.M. T. .MIddlclou, mnuager).—"Hearts of Cold" l«-2;i. I-ast week, Yorke and Adams did big business. Next week, the liussell Brothers. Illji>il (Mary (i. Spooner, manager).— "I'Iriuo" Ih presented In CK'elleut form by the gpuoner Stuck Co. tlil« week. 'J'lie most Important role Ik played by llccll Spoorier. and Kdna Mnv Is seen lu the emotional (iiirl. Augustus rhilllpt), as Ciiptalu Stnndlsh: Harold Kvnnedv, as Saiuniy Uympic, arr; olso clever. Tyast week, ".Men and Womi'ii packed the house ut every performance. Next week, "Ills Ma.testy and the Maid." Olii'iiHi.'H (I'. CI. WUIinms, manager).— Katie Barrv Is the heaifllner IS'J.'I. Others «re: .lulcs and Mlbi Onrrlsou, In one of Will • 'rcssy'E latest successes; Winona Winters, the Knur Kords, Albert's performing dogs, I'nntleld and ,lolmHon, Cooper and Robinson, the Larson Sisters, and the vltagraph. Hype & Uehman's (Nick Norton, mana- ger).—A One bill Is presented this week. In- chidlng: John C. iflce and Sallle Cohen, the Znngzlgs. Kddle I/eonnrd, Mr. and Mrs. Murk Sfurphy, tbe I.avlne CImaron Trio. t'lIT Gordon. Maddox and Melvln, Zlska and King, and Simmons ;ind Harris. , Kbknhv'k <F a. Kecney. manitgeri.—Ilic Initial bill of thn seusoa Is presented here Ihts week. The bouse was nol permitted to open 18. because Ibe health deportment claimed that certain traps iind skvllghtK were not installpd. Tbe niinounced bill Includes: Blanche C. Scolt, Mrs. Stuart llohson nnd com- pany, Hacker-IiCtrter Troupe. Krlesle> Pug nud Monkey Circus, the Mnrlon Deune Co.. I'aullne Wells and her picks, Iliiskcrk aad •llch, Hawthorne nnd Burt, nnd the Keeuey- scope. Nahrav (!•'. KN'ck. liinnnKcrl - -T"i« Miner's Boliririlnii<: week of IK Among the prlhclpnl.'i nip-. Andv Gardner and Ida .Mco- i»l. Pntsey nnd Bnxle. th.> Brownings, Laura C'otnslock nnd (In- (irplicum Trln. All. Itunler «ui! All, Will H. Ward nnd clMrle*; King, nnd tiruce Treiuiiiit. Two uiuskwl burlcstiucs WC uli>« glvejh k .._. Au'AZAE (Wm. T. Kcogh, manager).— Hnll"."?!"" N^W" ".-'-'•'• ^'''« «'n»PMy in- dudes: Mr. nnd Mrs. Jaiuca C. Marcus, Eu- 5-1* ."'i^r*?; •*"*" »"•' Hamlltoo. De On»o .•>n<l Klllott. and Sadie GUI. Tho comedy. 'A Dangerous Woman." n-.^li" *,^' "•,K1"».,manager).—The Dainty nuchess to. this week. The programme con- slats of two muslcnl acts, with n half doien good specialties. The Four Carrolls ate strong favorites. „.,,?'"'*''*'*" ".eo C. Teller, manager).— 1 he County Uhairniau" 18'j;t. Ust week Woodland drew capacity hongea. Mme. ShnmannHcInk next. KoiLY (Bennett Wilson, manager).—".My Tom-Koy Olrl," with Lottie Williams, 18-2:i. Fast Life In New York" had a big week ending 10 ^orke and Adams, In 'Bankers and Brokers. ■ next week. Gavety (James Clark, manager).-The f.oldcn Crook Big Spectacular and Kxtrava- gnnza Co. this Week. The olio: MurenI, Al- vprn, Yalto Dno, the Biich Brothers, Bdward .Morton, Billy Arllnjiton and Grace Delmort, nhd Inman, Vahefleld and company. A bil- let of twenty girls, called "The Four Sea- sons." Is a siiecini feature. Tho New York Stars played lo crowded houses last week. Amihio.n (W. T. Orovcr. manager).—Ar- thur Byron, supported by Kathryn Keys and Charles Swain, In "The Mirage," Is this weeks top liner. Others: The Navajo Olrls, Louis Wesley. Adnminl and Taylor, the Lloyd Brothers, tinlilday and Leonard, the Two I'uekH and Margaret Lestet. Business last week was good. Payton'm (S. S. Allen, mnnagcr).—"Kagie Tavern" Is this week's offering. "Tlie Man from Mexico" met with nnueh success last week. c.MQt'E (F. B. Carr, mnnnger).—The Yan- kee Doodle f;irls this week. In "The Mlstltablc Insurance Company" and "A Trip to tho Hippodrome." The olio: Smith, Chnnipioii and company, Anna Vale, assisted by Sadie IluSled and company : Mack and Muck. Ward nnd Schueslep and the Five Baker Troupe, In "Looping the Onp." The Bohemian Bur- lesquers closed a big week 1(J. Gotham (Chna. Williams, manager).— ,L K. Hutchinson, asslsled by a well lial- anced company. In "TTio Idol Smasher," heads this week's hill. Others are: Frank Bush. Illckey and Nelson. All, lluulur and All, Will 11. Ward (liurlns King and Oraoe Trcniont. In addition there is a chorus of nbouc twenty girls. The new policy of vaudeville lias met with much fnv«r here. LviTKiM (Louis rhIilipH. mnnagcr).—The house company present "Down the Way" this week. "Nobody's Darling" did well last week. Ll'.VA I'AitK.—Carnival week opened 18, and great preparullons have bceu made for this, the closing week of the season. DnKAMi.ANU.—This Is the closing week here, and carnival time, which means uausunl ac- tivity In the line of amusements. llEsnEliSO.v's, Coney Island.—Hill week of 18 : All and I'eyser, Johnson nnd Wells, Viola Duval. Goetz and NcKsun. Jack Shcehnn, Ks- meralda Sisters and i:om]>nny, 1':ille MiikIcuI )''our. Three Orlons, Dora rellctierd Black Carl aud his Fight Bogles. .\'oTE.—Tho Ampblon prepared for busIncsK afternoon of II, and It was thought all the requliemenis of the llenllh Department lu the matter of repairs had been miide, iiul at the last moment It was found that a cover fcir n skylight over tlie stage, wlilcii Mme did not permit liclag llxed. would have to bo placed before Ihc nulburlllcs wmild allow the house to open. \» a cniiseiiuencc the tbc'itre was closed II, lint all the reipilre- nients were met so thai perforinauces were given on Tuesday, 1'.', all right. KUW YORK CITY JOTTIKUM. meat at Wallack's, In "Ulp Van Wloklo," Oct. Ifl. AuBKii LA\vi.oni> has becu vDgated to suii- port Thomaa Boss In 'A Fair >:xcb«nge." llALL Cms Mlled for Now York on Bil- iirday, Sept. lo. rhe object of his visit here Is to see the New York production of bis new play. "The I'rodlgal Son," note enjoy- ing a rnn at the New Amalerdnm. It was his iirlglnnl Intention to have been present at the Initial presentation at WasliTngton, sill! lo bare remained over until after the -New York production, but he found It linnos- »IHo, without delaying the London produc tlon longer than he dcMlred. hence the iiost- [muement. Tub Kai.h-h Tiikathk. formerk tbe Wind- sor, will open Friday. Sept. 22, with Mme. Ivnilch as Hamlet, In the liebrnw tongne. • ■ - '■4«» PHNMSYi,VAWIA. A .vuMHEU of theatrical men organized In the olllce of .Jolin U. Ince, In New York City, last week, a union of veterans of the Civil War. Tbe order is called "The I'Ircle of Civil War Veterans, Union and Confederate, United t'tates of America." Olllccrs 'elected were : Ofllcer of the day, llnulei A. Kully; ulHcer of tho guard, George II. Maxwell ; orderly aer- ?eant, Johu 1'. Illli: (luartermastcr, John 10. nee; sergeant of the guard, Wm. Hender- son .Members of the theiitricni profession who served during tbe Civil War In the Union and Confederate forces who desire lo hncome nicnibei'H ina.v idiiiuiiinlcale with John 1'. Hill. Hyde & Hehman's Theatre, Brooklyn, N. Y. Thh Cakinc opening has iieeu postjioned until Oct. ;', when "Tbe Warl and the ttlri" will hove lis New York premier. M. A. Li'MKOllKK has Joined Hie forces of 1. F. I'roclor, nnd will have chiirgn of tho I'lrth Avenue Theatre. He sniled for Eu- rope Se))t. 7, lo secure new iiroductlunK. "The Toast of the Tow.n," In which Viola Allen In to star, was put In rehearsal at Iha New Amstcrduni 'nieatrc, Sept. 8. T)ie lirat performance will bo given at Bridgeport, Conn.. Oct. ;;. A. B Stbwaut, who was the llrst leclurer at IMtlnr't; .Musciini, has returned lo his old position, after an nbsence of llfteen years. Tin; OiiA.N'n TuK.nur; closed Sept. ll, after a week of vaudeville, under the direct iuu of llobert Craii. MltK. CoiiitTMiv IlAvjiONii, daughter of Mrs. Hose Kyllngc, Is lu New York, looking tor un cugugcmcnt. Mrs. Uayniund has beea ucllog Ir California the past season. "A GvrSV W(<ii|.N<:." one of the loU-st sketches bv John T. I'rlnce Jr., was given a speclul producti(Ui by Katberlne Wlllard and company uf, Keith's, afternoon of Friday, Sept. I'j. and wos pronounced by all who nltnessed It a dainty, well conceived and prettily developed act. its story was deftly «nd elfectivelv bandietl. mid .MIhs Wlllaril, tcnipernmeutallv dominating the actlug of ll, wns viviiolcius nnd sponlnnciuis lu her work, and looked like a pretty painting of honie Itomnny lass. In a cosluuie uf cxceptionol beauty. Frederic Uiiinoullu played the male role with c.Kcelieii' elTcct. aud Adra Aiusiee. gave Imporlnnt aid by her ilevcr iicllni; lu ilic reuialntng dinraclor, iiH^klug cliarining nud playing with inlclligenci'. The story concerns the maHciiieratllng <>t a young girl as a gypsy, and her lluid capllulaHou In her lover while In that disguise, wlilib foids lilui oiilv lor a few nioments. VVKnua's .Ml SIC H.iii, will lu futuie he known as Joe Weber's Tlieatir. and will re- open sliorliy. when Waller .V. Lawrence will star lleniT K. iJlxcy In a new iiliiy. "'iiii; llAii'Kus" will be withdrawn frtuii the bill of the lllpiiodrume lu October, nud a series of animal Hi:t« will lake Its place. "Lkaii KLKHfH.SA" will have many of the old company In Its revival at Ibe .Manhattan, «cnt. 25. Including Mra. Flake, John H. Mn- Hon, George Arllss and William H. Mack. Frederic De Hellcvlile and Kdward Kills nrc Tiew to the cast. , , .. , ^ The title ".Msrv nnd .lohn was cbanKCd. Sept. 11, to Mary r«. John." as It was found the former was already copyrighted. llEi.NKirii CoNhiKC was serenaded al his home bv the .Metropolitan Oliera House dr- rbesira,'under thr dirccllon of Nahan Franko, oil the occasion of ills llftlelli birthday, Sept. iy> . . . V F. riiiiL'Tna will have au uuctloii sale ">f KvutH for the appearanie of Lillian Russnll, lit the Tweuty-llilrd Street 'nifatre. ten dsys prevloiiK lo her iippeariiuce. "Hviiv Ji.M." from IJeaiiraiiiil. Icxas. who Is eluhlcHi yeurs old ami seven fcHt tall, will lipciir In the circus scene at the Hippodrome aiiiicnr in me circuit blcui: n, mv ,..|,j/wu,««.,., M'M.K. DoiiiNi: wns disabled liy n Jopinr nl Bollock Aremi, I'micy Isliinii, Sept. ITi. iiiiil «ir rciuiived le ih" Hcerdlon Ili.'-pUnl. ll nn<- found her nrnit and bee were badij ■■"Vf nn- l'.vil I ^ '■^>'-"- '" '•" kiu-.i at cinieui- Il"ll- Si|ii. ::;• "U'l <»ci. I. •' I'bnnis I'f live liun(li"d and »ii unlicstra nl slxlv'ivc will assist. T'ByM« il6«'litt»yJi Kill VV^U UU tPgSB* I'bllailelpblii.—Two olTerings, nut only new to local theatregoers, bnt one a first ptoductnu on any stage, and the other a Brat production In this country, serve to create « ;ively Interest in the theatres this week. Kveu withunt this stimulus of novelty, how- ever, the week promises good results from a business iw)lnt of view, fur attendance has been excellent so far Ibis season, and there Is no reason to apprehend any changes Just now. Liaii.' Tiiii.vriit; (Messrs. Sbiiherl. mana- gers).—This new theatre has been enjoying n prosperous career since Ha opening, two short wcpkM ago. the perfurmaui'es of "The Karl and the Girl" allracting n boiisefnl each evening. In pinn and ilecoraUon tho Lyric Is severely rlasslcal and plain—strik- liiglv so at first view, but further Inspection gradually discloses its great benulies and ap- propriateness as a frame for tbe stage per- formance. The decorations Inildo are en- tirely in pale green and while, and there U nothing in the tone or det'oratlons to dis- tract the atlentlun. .\II the most modern np- pliances for the snfctv and comfort of the undlences have ta-cn Incorpurated Into the Rlruclure, nnd there Is an unobstrncted view of the stage from every pari of the llrst lloor nnd both galleries. The acoustic properties could not be bet ter. The theatre has a Heating capacity of about LKIHI. 'ibis week I ho llrat performances of lh» Kngllsh spcdincle, . "Bnl>es in the Wood." are given In Ibis coun- try. Tlic presentation Is made by John C. ■•'Islier, and for some time past rehearsals have bei^n held In tills dly, many of (hem at the Acndeiuy of Music. In the compauy ore; Jiinle .McCrei'. John L. Kearney, Tim Cronln, Will Archie. Wilfred (ierdes, Alfred Lnlcll, t''.iiwnrd Craven, Fred Walton, Mnuiln Miiller. Florence Trevlllion, JIubel Wilbur, Vera Cameron, Helen Curzon, Maude WM- Iiiras. Ciirre TIebr. Slella Beardslcv, Adele Coi, CnlhiTlnc llajes. .Marlon Williams. .Mar- garet Van iveez, Agnes Maher nnd the Marco 'I wins. (lAnnifK TiiKATUE (Frank Howe Jr., uinn- nger).—Tills bouse opens for Hie season Ibis week with the premier of John Luther Long and lOdward Chllds Cnrpenter's poetic melo- ilrnnin, "The Dragon Fly," presented hy Min- nie Seliginnii and William Bramwell. 'I'lie eii- I'HL'einenl Is for llu- week only, next wncii bringing Thomas W., In "A Fair V,x- change." Kthket Tiii:.\tiie (Nixon & Ziio- mi'rman, innnngers).—Ulchard Carle, In "'I'h',' Mayor of Tokbi," pleased filled houses last week, the perfoimnnces proving lively nnd eulerlalulng, and fully meriting the favor bestowed. The same attraction Is lonllnued Ihls aud next week. Fur Oct. 2, Josepli Caw- llioriie. in "In Tamniuny Hall," Is announced. I'Aaiv Tiii:.\TiiK (F. (i. .N'i.tun-Nlrdlinger, niaiiuger).—Vurko nnd AdniuH, In "Bankers nnd Brukers," furnished the enlertalnraont at Ibis house this week, with KIHe Kllsler. ill "Hazel Klike," scheduled lo follow next week. Lust wcck'H pertormnnces of "Tho Ollli:e Boy" were lurgely nttanded. Natiovai. Tiii:atiie (Joseph M. Kelly, man- Hgor).—Afler a successful week with "Sher- lock Holmes," this house now has West anil Vnkes, in '.\ I'alr of I'inks." Next week, Barney Gllmore, lu "Ilmky Iluad lo Dub- I III." OitAvn Oi'KKA llnrsi: Hi. A. Wregefarth, manager).—•'\ork State Folks" Is Ibe cur- rent olTcrlng a( tills house. KIsle Janis, in "The Lit He DiichcsK." made a real success last wei*k, and atlrncled profitable palroii- npc. Next week brings ilHiu Fay, lu "llii! Belle of Avuniin .\." Bi.A.vcr'N AuL'ii ,Stiiki;t Tiikatiik (M. S. Seblesingei-. nianaurri. —'l"h« nieloriraina, "Tlie Life 'I'bat Kills," nllracled Ibe palrous last week in goodly numbers aud pleased I hem well. Another melodrama. "Why (iliia Iicave lloiuc," holds the boards tills week. Tlie announcement for the coming week Is "SlindowH of a Great iMty." 1'Eoi'l.K's TiiKAtnu (F. (;. Nliun-Nlrdiiiig- er, manager).—"After .Midnight" Is the cur- rent offering, with "A Runaway Boy" sched- ulcd to follow. "Lighthouse by the Sea" was well patronized last week. GlKAUl) AVKNI'K TilEATBK (Miller k Kniif- man, uinnagersi.—The imlions turned out lu giiodly numbers last week for tho pcrforiu- anccs of "Paris by Night." This week Ibe oirerlng Is "Tbe Ninety and .Vine." ".March- ing Through Georgia" is iiuderliued for tho coming week. Haiit'm New 'I'mkatue (John W. ilnri, iiianngeri.—Mnnnger Hart has Ihls week for tbe delecliitlon of hia patrons, Dolly Kemper, lu "Tbe G.vpsy Girl." while next week brings "Mysteries of Now York." The pnlrans were out In fori-e lust week for "A Fight for Lov.-." I''ium:i"Ai;i!|i's Tiikatiik (Miller & Kauf- man, maungnrsi.—The juilrons were lavish In I heir applause, last week, for "John itlsi- lin's Secrit," presented in capital slyle :iy the stock <oinpnny. This week the offering Is "F"rbldden Fr-iit." while "Tbe Hells of Ilnsle- mere" is In rehearsal for Hie coming week. Ktanuaiik TiiEiTBK (liuicy & Spei:k, man- agers).—"The White Cups" Is tho melndra- iiiatlc olTiTlng by (he stock company this week. The iMTluriuances of "Wealth and Poverty" I'liiiieii the coniuieudiillon of llie piitriins Inst week. Next week the sleek I'oinpany appears In "Tlie i.'nwrllten Low," Ki:i'ni'.'< New Tiihatiik (H. T. Jordan, resi- lient uuinageri.—On Hie prograuiuie (bis week are: Lafa.vetle, l-Iva Weslrott and rninpnuy, riins. Hnrou's luirlciiiiie dog uienngerle, Tom Himviie. the Four I'lrrocaltls. l,eo irarrison. llakley ami .MiHrlde. Vera King, Scott and Johnson, tlie Adeliuans, Al. Coleman nnd the kinetograph. lvi.Evi;.\Tii Stbeet Oi'KHA HiiijNB (Friink IMiuiont, niannger).—"The riinutoni voters" nnd "Trip lo AVillow Grove" are Imlli con- llniicd un llie programme this week. Business was excellent last week. (Kilns. Koonlg k Ledorer. inniia- gers).—Fred Iiwin's Big Show furnishes the entertainment for the patrons this week. Audiences of excellent aire were npparentiv well plensrd wilb the High Itnlli-rs last week. Devil H Dnugbler next week. Bi.ioi; ideii. W. Illfe. inanagen.—After II prolltiible week with Ihc High Scliool illrls ns the card, tliii; house Ibis week has Ibe .Mcazor lleniiHes. Watson's Orientals are scbediib'il for tbe coinlug week. Lm'KI'.m T|{i;atiii; (John G, .lerinou, ninu- iigen.—-Knierliiiuiiieni this week Is suptilied III :h<' Ucn(z-San(|er ltiirlns<|uers. Next iveek brings ibe Blue IliblMin lilris. The 'rriinsAllaiiHcs fared well lust week. TlHicAiiliio I Fred Mlllson, iiisnoger).— 'llie Imperial Hurles<|uers furnish the cur- rent entprfninnieni nt this hnime, while the nniioiiiK'cnical for Hie cimilng week Is llic Avenue ll\t\f- The (inlruM" «ere :illrnilHl In force weel. ).y the Jiicamlnnd Bur- lesniiers. .Nisrii A-)it A-irii .Mr'ir.iM (C A nrnden- liiircb. iiiiinnxeri - ilesld's Ibe iisiinl large dixiila.i of f<>al<ire< In )Iih c<irb> hnll. uud sii jillnicili.- Viiadivllle bill lu the tlieiitre. U iipt.'i;iiil (sntuis In wi9 tUI« jteek ut a uur-. Ing picture reproduction of llie Britl-Nclson llgot. NoTiH.—'I'he Majestic Theatre closed lasC week. Cbas. H. (lunldlnjc, who acted as local manaiier for George I. I'llt and John I'atmtr, tbe Icsseos, stated that ihore wns a dcQcIt on the week's prrfomianceH, and I'Itt It I'almer did not forward funds fruiu New Y'ork. Suits are IhrMlenert liy many of tlie (lerformers who did not get their salaries. ...... Lillian Ilnffinan has been engaged by I.>«rcy A Speck for the stock company at tho Standard 'rlieatre, Htm u Bill Po<itr$ . NiiTKS Fmi.M Local No. I, Chicago.—At tHo Issi regular meeting of Local No. 1 Ihe fol- lowing commuulcatlou from David Howard wns rend and unAnliuously approved. J. J. .McCorniIek, seerolnry of tbe N. .\. U. I*, and %'■■ of A., was alMO unani- muusly Indorsed for te-elcetlon nt the cumlDg convcnilon: "To the olBcers and members of Chicago Local. No. 1, N. A, 11, P. and B. of A.: Dear sirs and Brothers—I writ* ihls ruutnnnlcallou in the lioiie that the reading of it will bi' of some mniorlal Uenctlt to the luembers In crating ihclr bnlluls fur dele- gate to Ihc coming Cunventlun, and aa Ibis le likely to prove tna moat Interesting Boaalon wo have ever held, 11 is of Ihe greatest Im- purtancc that delegates to same bo tuuroughly qiinlillcd. II has often been the case lu the selection of delegnlea that local unlona have ciiosen 0 "good fellow" In preference lo Ihe man Ihuroughly cipiippcd for the position. This la ns I rue of oluer organlaallons aa It is of Ibe bill iKisters. There has been a con- siderable change for Hie better In Ihia innller, however, during (he pnst few years. To be a •good fellow' nee<I not dlsciiinllfy one for the NOTKH mUM I.0CA1, No. 3, rtiisiORd.— Tbe last regular deotlog, held Sept. .1, waa 000 of tbe miMt Intoreating hold for lomft (loiF by this local. Several impflrtant mnlten camp up, nod were diacussed at aomo lebglb. We bad Bro. Davo Fronburg, of No, 11, and Bro. Jamoi FIckrr, of No. 7, with lis. Bro. I). T, .ludgc resigned ns busliiesM agent, being unnblo to attend to the duties. Bro, Oco. Abernethy was elected to IIII llm unexpired lerin. Bro. lieu Culirn altendcii Ihe meeling, after a Inns absence, owing u> lllnens. He has rouipleiely recovered, anil Is again In bin old position as advcrtislnjt .iiieut at the Kuiidre TUealre, Bro. K, h. iilcklln has withdrawn from No. 7, and Im again i member of So, (I, he having comi> back to ritlshiirg to take charge of a wignii at the American shop. As there has been n shortage of men In ihls city for some lime this local lies been begging men to cumn here. Rro. Dave Fruntiurg, of No. II, has been In our clly for the past four weeks, nnd hAs bad ten men adverltalng a tobacco, llro. D!»ve Is very popular with the lioys of No. .1. as he worked here for many years. He clnteii that the "liiincb" Is eerlnlnly dulni; kikhI work, Bro. Johnny Cnrroll, of No. ''■, kid Iho mlaforliiue lo he thrown troiu a wagon on Ijitbor l>ny, while on parade, nud was iiev*rcly hurl. Ilo was taken to. ih" Merry Itoaplliil, where the dortora xtnie.l ihem woru no bones lirttken, an be was Inter removed l» his home, and is iiiw gelling along very well. The anuiial Imli of Local No. :i will he held Oct. ll, >i( .Miisouh: Hall. Allegheny, All vHltlng lirulhera are cordially invllcd lo ntleiid nnd enj^-y the '(". ■d I ;ign'u oil I Frank .1. McGiiIre, of No. ,'l, passed tliroiigli hospltnllly uf No. X Bro. G. Abernetby ban re:<rgned as plain cIoiIicn nmu In Allt'ullell^, and is :ign<u on the stalT of Ibe llljiiu Thenlre. olMce of delegete if Ibe gisid fellowship dis played hv this delegate la backed up by hit ability, knowledge uf the bill iiustlug Industry rill»burg Sept, 2, unil stopped over to lay hello In Ihe linvs. Hro. McGuire Is witli "The ,Mnld aim the Miiininy" Co. ihls egate In backed up by his ii'ii»ou. lllo. Maurice M. Cain, of No il. and the laws and wishes <it LucrtI No. 1, and tho courage tu faithfully I'arry nut ihoau wishes, In aplte of nil upposltlon on tne con- venttoii lloor. The good {ellow iiiuy have hl« iisca, but a national coiivenllon of bill pnstora Is no pbieo for hini. Try lu send men who will relied credit on yonr local aiiit Ihoso who will lie able lo relied creilit on the enllKi bill posling liidiislry. At no lime loan sight of (he fact tlml ll Is a liUNlneaH proiMisillou you are cnnfronted wlih, and there will he iin (piestlon as to Ibn kind of men you 'Will se- lect as your delegaie. 1 wish tu say, brothers. In this coinmuulentlon I have no desire lo liijiin the cinnce uf ,inv caudidnte, lii.t nui actiriKd s.deiy by a desire to see Lo- cal Nil. I represented al llie Ib'uver couven- llon by delegates who will reflect credit on our local. Yours fraicraally, Davio Hi)w.m;ii." Nkwk kiio.m UicAi, No. ri'i. Snn l''ruiiclsco. —We lire having a little trouble al presen', lull ll wil! blow over HiKin. The ilarniiin Show h,is .1 week in Han l''ranclsco and Is doing llneiy. Nos. 1 and 2 cni'H liillril thn cll.v. There was an exciting gnme of base- ball lielween .No. 'J nnd No. 4 cars. No. 2 winning liy n score of 17 lo T. All Iho buys of (ho llnruiim Hbow enjoyed Ihetnsnives well while here. Following Is llio roster of car No. I: ('has. Iln.res, car manager: C. Van Voslen, clii.cker up; Frank I'lirMPlI, route rider; Wilson 1'. Tiiebo, Isiss hill posler: bill posters - J. F. Cowers, Fiiiier .Vlnlbniry, I'ele Collins, Uiiiie Wactlivr, II. itnustroiig, W. Wllkeiis, Frank Warr<'n, II. Floss. W. Iteck. F. Dowil and 11. JInrvln. M. Brown Is liic porier. .\ny of the road members of Local No, Il.'i, please write Hec- retnry ,1. ,1. .Moore, Knn i''rniiulsco, Cnl. Would like In bear from Tody Chirk, of Local .Nil. (I, Wllh Ihe Carl Hagenheck Shows, Hiio. Wm. J. .MuaaAv, deteualo of Ua'at No. C, Now York, has rrtiirned to this dly .ifter a Holoiirn In Ihe coiintr.v, nnd has again taken full charge of tho business nlfalrs of Ibis l,,(ii'.tl. .Mr. Murray tepurta thai novor lu tbe history of thn N'ew York Local has Ihero been siii-ii a demand lor union bill posters aa there Is al iireKCiit. Ihiriiig the past week ll bus been ImpoHslhlo to supiily the demand of bill posters, as all of Ibe thealres hnve re- turned to tlie old slyle of llthogranliing and Mil jHislIng, In consctpiencii of this iilale of iduirs ll has been necessary lo place inenilieri of other locniH lo work In New York. Dan 0'K|':v:i-k, wIio Is serving Ills third season 111' advertising agent uf the HIar The- atre, .Milwaukee, nnd Arlhiir Dunn, in Hie sanii: capacity for Ihe Albuinbra aliicc Ihe house wns ois-ned, have again slioivu Ihoir nbltily as bustlers by placing Iheir IsiurilH in Ihc iiiiisl proiulnunl pinces tbroiighoiil Hie clly. Win. -Nick, formerly with Ihe ItlversidC i'riulliig Co.. Is also doing good work for the Academy, having reiilnceil (.'has. 'I'iiomaH at thai hoiiKi*. The trb> arn enlhuslilnll<i workers In Ibe hilercHl of Iheir local, and are conllniinlly bcoinlnu lU l,i;cAL No. 2, New Turk, .held a regular ■leetlng on Sunday, Scut, ll>, with Wlliisin Kelly iireslding, and ban a very large allenil- ance, also had several out of town bt'olhers with us. .\ great deal uf linporlaut biislnasH was allended tu. All Ihc llientreH In Ihls city nre employing union bill poHlPrs, nnd lust week ll was lrii|iosHllile lu mipoly the ile- inand, ami Delegate William J, Murray has II niiuilMjr of out uf town iirothers working. LiH-al .No. 2 will send ileiegales to tile cun- ventlun In Decembor, aud Ihe eledbm of de|(t- gtttcs tu llie said convcntloa will takn place on HiiiiilHy. Sept. 21. Delegate William J. Murray will notify all laeinbers to lie present III Ibe next ineetlng. lire. J, Oresnberg has liecn very III Ihe past funr wecka, nnd It Is Hiild thut he will bo ciaupeiled lo go to the eiiuhlry for recu|HU'atioii. I'rcsldenI Dick Sluckey, uf iMcai No. 24, Troy, .N. Y., paid us a visit last week, aud tbe New York lioys would hi' more than pleaseil lo have Bro. Mackey go wllh thcni lo Ihe iiinvenlion. Danny Meyers bus charge of tho advertising nt Ihe Casino. J,yric un<l I'rlncess Tbealrei. Frank linllnuher liiis charge of the adverliS' Ing at the Murray Illli 'I'fiealre. (,'. F,. An- derson, uf LiM'iil .No. Ml, Im In New York, iia H few days' vliiit, befure Joining the "(leans of Gold" Co., as properly ninii. If. .M. Mason. Iff Local .No. 2. the past Summer boss bill postnr of car No. I, of Ihe Wm. I'. Hall Shows, has reliiriied lo New York, nnd Is now coiuiecled ivKli Ibe adverllHlng ilepnrtineni of Ibe .\e«- VorkThealre. "I'nddy" lliirton liie: I'bai'ue of tlie ndverllHliig at the Third Avenue Theatre. Harry (Jiilgg Is nt Ibe Fuiirli'enlh Street Theatre, and Harry Coiey is at Ihe .\ew Amsterdam Theulii'. .\oii;n i'nii.ii Local ,Ni>. ;t. ririHHtiun. - We hav" the mid duty of announcing I'le sudden deatli uf another member of l.<ii>al .No. :!. iiiu, Oliver Biire, a well known cir- cus bill poster, Willi bad been on thn roiid many veasins. Lriteiy he Iuih Isrnn coanected Willi Ihe American Bill I'osling Co., In this eit.v. He bad about llnlshed blii day's work. Sntiirihiy, Sept. 11, and wns preparing lo drive to the shop, when he dropped dead. He had made no complnint of fneling III. 1'lip local had his body removed from Ibe morgue In Ibe iinilerlnkers, where It was lirepared tor hiirlnl. In Ihe meantime IiIh rebitives were iiotlHeil. His liiulher arrived oil Sunday, tind had Ihe remains Inken lo bis hunie al Akron, o. llro. Burr was well liked bv all who knew lilin. and iniide frIeiidH wherever he iveiil. ,Vli ineinlierH will regret the |iiK,< nf so giMid a meinl>er. Bro. Fred Klevenson, lietinr known as "Bones" Steven- son of LiM-al No. ;iil. Is wllh us this week Iplllng iieiiple know Hist Lew Ixickslnder's Big .Minstrels are coming li> ritlsburg. The Imvf are taking great Interest In Ihe coming eie|,(biii of delegali-.i (ii Ihe iii-\l ciinveliiioli. Al. Ibe Ihe.itre', ale lilllhi!'. ^mil Hie ln.i- li.ive iilinly to do. • Maui IN <;. Mii LriiA.", ihc pavi i,i,ar:,(i mniiftgiT of adiurire car ,\ci 2, l,i<iiii,ii llrirs.' Sliov.'H. I'btKcd liln tvitfou ,\iig. '_'<, tu ifii III Hilviiwe uf Dm- Oreal Crnil'n- ,Sei-|)b' Cu Mr. Mllllgaii lias Higued sh Hpvclui agvut .nllll Umvu Biw- tot vnt tnava, .. „. ^ .„ „ wrltea Ihat the buys In the Fast are doing nil they ran for hini, now that he Is agent of llyrnn Bros.' "KIght Hells" Show, which ho has been connected with fur uniuy years. llro. Cain Is one of Ihe must iHipuInr yunug Sgents on Hie road, Krn. VM. Lawmiu, uf No. 11,1, Is In i'lltsbiirg, louklng after tho advcr- tiaiiig uf the Ilelaadi, funuerly thn DiiiiiieHU'i Thenlre. llro. T. C. Ilyem, of tho Alllunce, wns here In lulvance of lllaney's "The Imy Itehind tlipGiin" Co., whhh played Hie BHou week of Kepi. 11. Brn. Chits. M, Money, of .No. :i, init for n irlii to liultabi in visit friends, last week. llro. Harry Dunkel, -if No. ,'l, has returned lo this clly. nud Is now In Ills old iHislHon with the Nixon Briix. Kd. Nb-koisun and Wm. Fliiuegau, of No. M, wHIe Hull Ihe boys In Stcahenvllle are nil busy nnd doing llneiy. D. S. Wa«ii, car mnnnger, wriles: "Thn Lemon Bros.' Advance Cnr, ."slo, I, closed the season at Camp I'olnl, III,, Sepl. '.!, verv suddenly, on nrcoiint of the yellow fever lu Hip HouHiern Stales. The same bill poNlers remained Hie (•ntire sensun, and gnve Halls raelbin. We havii traveled abniit iri.OUii miles, threo niontba in Canada, and unn iiionih nnd n half In Iho States. Myself and sou go to Culdwaler, Mich.: Jmi. Sfiilvllilll, lo (hi eagii; Hnrry Cady, (i> Akriin, O.; Hobt.. ."^ur- rls, to Denver, t.'ol, ; Knowles Casudy, lo Ulver Side, Cal,: II. W. Ilurily, lu (ikeeii, Okln.: Lewis Duly, lu Culdwaler, .Mich,: i:, N, Siiillb. lu Cliilllcuihe, ,Mu., and Juu, IliU' lev and Win. Ilonly, li> Kansas Clly, Mo," A I'Kw LINKS coiuH-rnliig Hie Kaniuui At IlalleV .idvertising car, No. 2.-\Ve arrived lu San I'raiiclscii Friday evening, Aug. 18, nnd comineneed Saliii'day umrning like n swarm of bees lo advertise and bvruid tbe rniulng of ll Grealesl on ICarlh," under Ihe pel KiinsI supervision of Car .Malinger A. C Alibolt, who linM proved himself Ibr most popular and genial of cinriis ngeiits with the llarnum & Bailey Show. Thn billing o( Ibn aliuw Is conceded by Hiorii> n'iiu know, as Hie best ever ibine or atlempled iiefore In circus annals. The Nuh, 4 nnd ii cars jdnyed a game nf biseball during their sojnurn hero, lu which tho .Nil. 2 came out wllh Hying colors nnd added unolher victory to Its long lis;, Thn rosier of Cur No. 2 is iin foilowa: A. C. AblHitt, inannger; t'as. Lyons, II. Daiieke. D, Lnfever, A. Cohn, i, Lebles. MIku Blller, F, Ballerson, Jaiuea (,'ole, Ii, M. While, Gee, 'I'liatflier, ,L Huillvan, LcwIm Wilkinson, Gen, Lnwson, Kd. Tice, II. Clawson, Fred Juhnsnn. I'uler Babr, I'M. HhulTer; culliinry depuri meni—0 Ihilley. cbd; Kid Ward, waller; Hiram Iloyil Miller, porter. This Is.a alricily cidon cir, and everylsidy Is prosperous and enjoying gocsl IiomIIIi. cm,. (lAHTO.s Bniilii;il:iiiiv played Ibe Or phi'iini, Di'liver. Ciil,, week of Sepl, 11, and IN lying Idle Ihls week, lie will open 2.'i nl the Ol'pheiiiii, .Minneapolis, and repurls (li.ii biislnesH lius been lo (.iipnclly Ihruiighoiit bi.-i tour uf Hie Wesl. Mai'iiE ItE.sArii cvlcbraled her idrlhiluv wllh Ihe WnKhliigliiii Swleiy Girls Cu., m iMIIWaukc,', and was lemeuiliered by nil Hie uieinbera uf the ciiuuMiuy. The niniiagpuieui gave lier un iinibreini, and siie received o handsome bil of (lowers froiii Agio's ilehier .lACK llrnKt; .\.vii wii'E arrived Seiit. Hi. after n two muutlis' vncallun lu Kiirupe, vi.i Ithig lOngbind. Ireland, SMiHand, (iMriuauc nnd France. Mr. Itiirke will lie asucinted will' one of the hiirleHijuii shows playing Hi" KdMlerii circuit. Jntl.s I'linii. Hie lalnslrei, who bus been In Ibu prufiMslun (he past iweuly-llve years, mill fur a number nf yours llio lunnnger uud liurllone ut the IJtiaker (!lty Ouiirterie, lin.i been III for iimirly a year, and is lolully In cnpacllnled for work, iin bad saved ipille n '<iini of money, but Ibe iloclurH' fees and other exnenscs nllendliig bis lllnesH bus de pleled his resources, and a lieiiellt Is being iitunneil for hini. The luinstrels are render Ing asslslancn lo s deserving brolher iiiu, fessloniii. The pnrfuriaauce will iiu given Kuiae time lalo In Ibe Hcason, in ilonie liiri;e liiilldlng or liiealre In Hie Kusl. 'I'lie mailer nf arrangenienls will be In Ibe huuils of Lew D'li'kstiidei, Gen, Criniriise. Al. <l. Field. Frank Diuiiuiil, Snnford H. Iticaliy. Juhii ^^' Vogel and J A. I'oburn, it Is iiiiderstuud Ihul Hies,- gentlenieii will work logelher In making Ihls leslliuonlal one Ihul Is ivorlliy III till! benellcbiry. 'I'lckels are nlruady being hold. .Illli all iiioiiey received for same I:, Is'lng iiont direct lu .Mr. I'lerl's leHldence. lu .New York Clly. I)y (his sale of ibkeis cc Inimeillale wauls uf .Mr. I'lerl will lie re lieved. Ay.'OK .Mav Anmcrr a.mi Ciuh'a.vv, lu ii new pbiylol, enllllcd "Jiinbila," have been nccurib'd deelilMl prnlso for Ibeir work Inst week nl Ihe Uurrick Thenlre, Wlimlngtoii. IX'I. The press uf thai clly have given llie ncl ni'ist favorable inenllun. Tin: ATI iiAf'TifiXH fur lliockloii Fa r, Brncklon. Mass., wepk uf Onl. 2, Include. Hoy Knabennbue, air ship; Prof. I'lowi'rs liuinan Iminb nuil three purnchuto leaps fnui; one balluun, ami lil|de lialiisin race; Hie Clarkonlans, aerlu! net ; Hie Five i'iyliig Dor- dons, 'i'niiv WtlMuij nud M'lle, lleliilse, 'I'lii-'f llerzog ( iiiuiiraH SIslers, liie Bros. Ciarti. eipiestrl'ins* Fight Dollar Truiipe, Carunnr I I'lirniim, Itltly AiKlriis. cimiedy mule uei ; Fred Ilerlicri'M dogs, M'lle. Aniurus snd Mhi Cluirlotle, lllalrobi, looping the Iniip: I'm! Wurniuourrs iH'ars. duj^s and baliuoiirt, th'^ Fuiir TuHinnnlans, nnd Kelly and llsDo. wllh Frank .Merrill, Doctor I'umeroy nnd Henry L. Ingram, annniincers. llAnnV TiiOAiHov, "Mayor of (be llowery," Im h feuture uf the MII al the Park Tlieiitre. Worie:,(er. Ma'ci., in bin orlKlnnl nioaobmiii' During hl'i ('ngnitrlnerii. wfei: ol Hept. ■), ni the Oolhnin Tlienrre, lliookiyn. hi' frp(|iienilv held ;lie ilnge llilrly iiilnillex. .ifter bis Siiuil'ij iihsbi 'iit^iigeiiiciit :ii Ibe Vurkvlll,- 'riiealie. ihl« clly, lie Hlurti Inimedbtlply for I'hicsuu. Ill liegin his reiina cugHgeinCUta 0|| lUs Kubl ^ Ctiittis viivuit,.