The New York Clipper (September 1905)

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SErTEMBEB 30. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 801 ffloH j Of Players. ■"TTT-a Mab l8 to be featured In the title „i.of''Tlie KlDK of Bogucs." "'IS-.J riiLLowiNO FBOPLB hsye been engaged . ^C Wi lama, for Murry k WllllamB' mu- Y-V^tncdy "In the Wrong Uouse:" Uarrv ;!';L I Grint Gibson, W. J. SamucU, Wlf- '^" li^.ilnrd Frank C. Ormsby, Uene Aubrey, &fXren'ce, Clara La Monte, Leslie Wfi: ?1° Mabel I'^ench, Will I'. Webster, buslneas s I!?.MKt; Goo. WaUon, general agent; Prof. ?.«,utti musical director; Andy Bowman. Sim cirp"nter, and William J. Mack, elcc- fifi^nn Dan <Vllllam8 will bead the com- L.n» uV rccosnlzcd comedians. The very best W.«rvtblDit Is promised. Special lithograph J.inds sbects, a various asaortment of black ;.nrk iilflo small work and novelties, A fine V«ti hus been booked by C. A. Burt. Will P. IveWcr, with two aaslstanla, will pave the any In advance. KiBK UBOWN, In traveling stock, under (hrmaiiagernent of J. P. Merrick, pregentlng o «p|(!dion of high class productions, opened JirBonson Septf 4 at Meadvllle. Pa. Ex- erutlvc Staff: Manager, J. V Merrick; «d- vnntc reiircsentiitlve, Cyrus w. Miller; atage mnnBEcr, Frank II. Fey; master of proper- tin llugb E. Smith; carpenter, Harry 0. Howard Members of conipany: Eugenia t'lsmr KatLryn M. Wayne. Emma de Weale, lIlnBlB Stnulev, Willis U. Davis, Frank H. Key Arthur C. Morris, Edgar J. Schoolev. J Leslie Thompson, Herbert Gillespie, H. K Smith, Harry G. Howard, Jag. Brown and Curl Selln. HAiitir Paiob writes; "I received aboat oae hundred answers to my 'ad.' In Tu> CLirpeu, and have booked the following MOvle: Minnie Thorn, J. A. White, Albert Braiee, Tomy Harris, Mable Thomas, Grace Harris, with BUI uflls In advauce. The show will be one of the strongest on the road. It wll be n straight three night stand company this season, having all 8pecla< Kper for Minnie Thorn. The company will .Ike Its old name again, the Paiges, end will opea the first week In October, at De Witt. III." Notes raoM tub J. J. Coleman attrac- Tio.vs.—Knthuslastlc rcceptloua were given Louis James at Baltimore end Waiihlogton. Dullness has been very good, and the press li lavish In praise of star, company and pro- ductions. The repertory embraces "Vlrglnlus," "iDgomar" and "Kichclleu," and the tour ex- leads to the Paclflc coast.. Julie Morton, Thomas V. Emory, Uarry Crelghton and.C. Y. 0. Pugh have been engaged to support IMrry Bercsford, In "The Woman Hater." The season opens early Id October. Other en- gaccments are: The veteran Peter Rice, for Advance, and Philip Itobson, as business man- ager with the company. IC. 1). SiiAW will produce this season what he claims to be "somewhat different" from snythlug teen since the Voke.s Fnmlly gave their original cntertnlnmenta, a comic opern with 0 well deOned plot olTerlui; a consistent vehicle for the Introduction of high claas mu- sical specialties, an operetta non a comedy all In one evening's entertainment. Mr. Sbaw hag engaged a company of operatic artists and dramatic players, the former headed by Elolse Mortimer, and the latter by Una Clayton. The tour Is booked for a long seaRon through the South and West. \(fTES FnoM Fulton Buos.' Stock Co.— We arc playing to good business, making our Fair dates, after which the company U booked East. Wo closed our second Suin- ner season In Lincoln, Aug. 17, and It was a rc;curd breaker. Jess B. Fulton aud Enid Jackson head the company, with the follow- ing well known people: Jack Marlowe, Ix)Uib Thomas, Kriieat Bo-itwlck. Arthur Wllllairis, Cecil Williams. Chas. Ilawlcy, Belle Jack- sou, Blanche Bowera, Lillian Barouch and little Sydnee. Jas. B. Fulton/ owner; Will 8. Fulton, treasurer; Jack Qllnes, bualncas manager. Tun Nbw ALnisRT Tubatbb, now being built at Berlin, N. H., will, we are Informed, be the flneat and most modern playhouse la the State, wltt a capacity of l.'iOO. The Interior of the house Is a copy of the New Kmplrc, at Lewlaton, Me. 'rbo house will open Dec. 0, offering ''The County Chairman' for the Initial pniductlon. The new houee Is under the sole management of Grant Ilctb, with Julius Cahn as New York representn- tlve. Mr. Ueth Is also manager of Muulc Hall, and reports most satisfactory buslnesa thus far this season. NOTM rUOM THB GMCK StOCK CO. —OOf season opened at North Baltimore Aug. 31. to packed houses. We Jumped to South Bend, playing nightly to large crowds. The company la spoken of as one of the best on the road. The following people are with the company: Owen Barllett (featured), Geo. Salisbury, Edward Barrett, Edwin Yorse. I.ew Kramer. Prof. McFall and troupe of trained doga, H. T. Smith, James O. Ed- wood, general agent; Wank Douglass, Chas. Ciirr, Leslie SaUnbury, Lltta Arthur, I^ottle Olenmore, Leila Ollck, Thayer and Douglasi, comedy sketch team, and Harry Ollck, man- ager. We are playing time on Stair, Havlln & Burt circuit, also the Pedley * Burch circuit, and anticipate a good season. AnusTnaNa ano Vehn are In their fourth month with "The Land of Nod," and will probably tour with It, under the management of V. C. Whitney. Davc Caldwell has Joined Gaspard Bros.' "A Dangerous Life" Co.. playing the leading role. IIabbt Fklpman Is In bis seventh week with the Myrkle-Harder Co. (Eastern), play- ing parts and doing bis dancing specialties. He writes that he is meeting with big suc- cess with his novelty and eccentric wooden shoe dancing. Tub Misses SonAOHAN and Fbet and Stuart and Turner report big aucccas with the "Tracked Around the World" Co. Ai.BXANUKu Dal»: la with tU« Moore Stock Co.. opening Sept. 18, at the Baker Theatre, Uochester, N. Y. Ei,8iE Janis win be starred by Llebler & Co. In January, in a musical comedy, by ('vide Fitch. Sydney Rosenfeld and victor Herbert CKAni.Ril Frohman has purchased the I'.'ngllsh rights to "Tlie Uevli Wind," a one •it play, by Austin Strong. Faith Collins, pianist, closed on the Gor- man circuit of parks Aug. 12, and openwl with the Hennett-.Moulton Co., at Sayre. Pa., Aug. 14, for the entire season. W. A. Pnr- tolio Ir manager. A. (}. SrAMMON has engaged Lester Craw- ford for the tramp. In ''Sidetracked." Mr. Crawford made his appearance In the part ot •li'irt notice, and scored a success. .Votes khou Pattkn & PEBnr'a "Jbbbt riio.M Kebbv" Co. —We are doing a splendid Imslness through the Northwest, and all rann- "!'or« are aaking for return dates. Our band nml orchestra Is a decided bit all along the line. The Florence Sisters are a new card with thia company, and are prime favorites. A. W. Hughep, composer of many standard pieces of music played by the leading bands If America, Is also with our band and or- "'iestra. The favorable comments that man- iiE'-rs are sending ahead of us makes our (mure look bright. . ^, David Brlasco will open the Lafayette I'lientre, Waahlngton. under the new Belasra- Siinbert manngomcnt, Oct. 23, with Blanche I'.ntcs, in "The Girl of the Golden West." It • 111 be known na the Bclaeco Theatre, una ■..nny Improvements will be made. It Js ^I'lled that the purchase price was $225,000. .Maude Adams will appear In J. M. Barries '•I'cter Pan," in November, at the Empire 'iieatre. New York. , . I'D. H. Lbbteb. managing W. B. Forrester a production of "The Street Singer," with ,„II. IteEVKH Smith will create the part of 'llllam Ashe, In "The Marriage of William "She," In support of Grace George. «„ ."^Tl" °^ '^",? R'nos-Dst-ONo rnoDuciioN OP "bLoaoDOltA," niggs-Delong Co., proprle- j°„h^n M"'Vv",''t "?ff7-C- !•'• JtlKKfl. manager: John M. Welch, business manager; M C Coyne, agent; T. A. Klcrnan. stage manager; !L^; "*^'''^' S"P«pt": Philip Dillon, prop- erties ; B. 0. Marvin, electrician; Mrs. Mur- phy, wardrobe mistress. The cast—Cyrus W. 01 fain. Jack I affacl; Captain Arthur Done- gal, "rhos. A, Klcrnan ; Frank Abercoed, Jas. Mclntyre; Leandro, Robert Watson; Tenny- son Slins. WInfleld Freeman; Ernest Pym. Harry B. Ilusk; Max Acpfelbaum, Alfred Truschell; Iteginald Langdale, William E. ^I'^'r^^"^^ Orogan, William Willis; John Scott, Charles Brltton ; William, Walter Stan- hope; Anthony Twecdiepunch, Ralph Illgga; Dolores, Elaine Gilbert; Estcllc, Sue WU- ?,V?''„^*'"^^8' Katberlne WItchle; Monta. Viola Grant; Inez, Poudy Moran; Jose, Mar- garet Shayne; Unlta, (irace Douglas; Vlo- lante. Marie Sullivan ; Dona, Frances Wald- ron; Angela GUfaln, Frcderlca Delong; Daisy Chain, Genevieve Gibson; Momie Howe, Eve- lyn Westbrook; Cynthia Belmont, Leo Mor- daunt; Dottle Chalmers, Violet Shea; Lucy Ling, Marie Clifford ; Clare Fltzclarcnce, Edna Purccll; Lady Holyrood, Rose StIIIman, and the Misses Ely, Bregler, Shane Sisters. Brown. Luker Sisters, Arlington, Miller Waldron, Bachman and Connie, also Bud Rtggs, Joe Leveine, Cohen Stanhope, John Fullwood and Ed. Nelson. Job H. Kelly and Viboinia Kelst have joined Delmore's Comedians for a six months' tour, to do the two leading comedy parts, Chesterflcid Skinner and Margeret Dare, re- spectively. In the three act comedy, "A Da- kota Divorce School." The company opened tt Montgomery, W. Va., Sept. 18. Gabland Gaoen Is rehearsing his different attractions at his country home, Freeport, U I, Nat 8. Jeboud has signed with Ed. B. Salter for a star part In "Ikey and Abcy," and opened In Troy, N. Y., Sept. 18. He Joined the company In Rutland, Vt., Sept. 13, Jack S. Jeffebs and Kinaldo arc with Elmer Walters' "A Thorouchbrcd Tramp" Co., Eastern. Mr. JeSers Is qolng the Dutch comedy part and his specialty. Mr. Kinaldo Is directing the piece and playing the heavy. Mii.DiiEu Lewis has Joined the Perry & Presuly NelsNelsun Co., to sing illustrated iongs and play characters. Will F. Qabdneu has signed with the "Polly Primrose" Co., as business manager. This Is Paul Wllatachs comedy of old George- town, under the management of D. L. Wll- llamaoD Business, Mr. Gardner writes, has been only fair, on account of the hot weather. The epidemic in the South baa caused the changing of the Southern route. Qenevikvu G. Haines has secured from Booth Tarklngton the exclusive right to dra- matize his novel, "Tbe Coniiueat or Canaan." and his shorter story, "The Beautiful Lady." Mrs. Haines Is now completing a satirical comedy o( modern life, In which her husband, Kobert T. Haines, expects to star later In the season. G. Faith Adajis writes The Cliiteb from Chicago, as follows: "My wife Is seriously 111. our bnby died Sent. 12, and I am laid up with appendicitis.' The Foua IIuntinos, who are starring un- der the oianagcnient of Harry Dull, were held over In West Baden, Ind., on account of a cloudburst, which flooded the entire country and grounds of the Weat Baden Hotel. 'I'he company were unable to give the show Sept. 10, as the water put out all the lights. They were also unable to reach their next date. ItCSTEU OF the "WlKlflN NAME ONLX" CO. : Garland Gndcn, manager; John Varley, busi- ness manager; Bert B. Perkins, advance agent; Geo. Milton, treasurer; John Newton, stage manager; Harry Altbous, muBlonl di- rector. Members of company : Garland Oaden, Laura Lorraine, John L. Newton, Kitty Ed- wards, Geo. R. Moore. Freddie Bookman. Maud Entwistle. Geo. U. Warren, Pete Parley. Lillian Villa, Little Noun, John Schwenck and Claud It. Summers. The tour opened In Wil- llamsport. Pa., Sept. IB. Notes fbom tub Hautley Eniebtainebs, —We ore still holding the rcputotlon that we have cstablUhcd In the States ot Michi- gan, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Iowa, and are now heading for Soutb Dakota. We broke iall records of tbe house at Cresco, la., and were riven a return date there. We were the principal attraction at the County Fair. ef La Crosse, Wis., and the chief attraction at the big street fair and carnival at Cale- donia, Umn. We are offered return dates everywhere. Our roster remains the same as last season aod everyone Is In tbe best ot health. Mae Fullbb announces that alic will here- after be known as Mona Richmond. This Is her third season with the Lome Elwyn Co. ROSTBn OF THE EDWIN YoUNO STOCK CO. : Edwin Young, Lena De Lalgle Young, Little Edna Young, Master Bobble Young, Robert Sutton, B. E. Pollock, Leo Hermann, Walter Pepper, George Largcnt, H. L. Bolk, musical director ; Minnie Tressell and Grace Lampert Season opened at Oakland, Md., Aug. IT. Maxiib Taylor has Joined the Murray & Mack Co., replacing Baroness Von Zelbler, who has been transferred by Mack & Spears to "Tbe Irish Pawnbrokers.' Don Macmillan, manaeer of Eugene Spof- ford'fl "A Human Slave" Co.. writes: "We opeaed our season at the Columbus Theatre, Culcago, Aug. 0, and have experienced Ave of the 'hottest' weeks In my experience In show business. Our business has been exception- ally good the past two weeks, and we are doing capacity dally at the Curtis, Denver. Company, piece and scenery receive line press notices. Our roster Is as follows: Duncan Penwarden, Monty Howard, Nelson Lcavitt, Van C. Barrett, Jack hawklns, Archie Loch- rldge, Dorothy Grey, Louise King. Harriet Dunsmorc and Doa MacmlUan. Ed. J. Tlerncy Is In advance." Russell Bassett has been engaged by Chas. B. Jefferson, manager of Thomos Jeffer- son, for his company, playing "Hip Van Winkle," opening Sept. 26, at the Boston The- atre, Boston, Mass. „ _ Notes kiioh I'abkbb's Playebs, F. F. Parker, manager,—The company opened n preliminary season at What Cheer, Iowa. Aug. 10, to good buaiucBs, both ploys and players making an excellent Impression. The company has six weeks of lowu time. Including f«." foir dates, oponlug the regular soaeon Sept. 18, at Sioux Falls, So. Dnk., carrying fourteen people, featuring Mrs. Parker (Daisy Ash- more) in a strong line of leads and heavlea. Vaudeville fentiiies Include: The Forrester Sisters and Fillmore and Adams. Our route extends through Southern Minnesota and tho Dakottts. with M. A. White, of What Cheer, In advance. Rosteb op "Maloney's Weudino," David Foreman attraction: I. R. Havnes, manager; aid. J. Dcschnin, business manager; wm. Wolf, advance agent; Al. liewls, sUge manii- ner ■ I'rof. Frank Lartcnbngcr, mus cal dl- Feclor: John Murphv. Chaa. Mack, Jud Herrlman, O. K. Edwards, MIdgo Fox, Mitchell and Ward. Walter Owen, Pearf florden, AI. Martin, Bert True. John Rhabe, Henry Barer. Goldle Btnch. Clara Thornton. Jlnud Sutton, Eva St. Clalr, Marie Merely. JoBle Hunner and Myrtle GoodscII. Jessie Mae Hall as the star, writes: '"rhls Is our fourth week of the season, and business has been excellent. The star and company have made Instantaneous hits In the cities we ""JSil'i'A^'tosE. In "Fast I.lfe,'n,N'"',^°';V states that he played the Folly -Theatre, 1 rooklyn last wwk.' to capacity business nt ■ '"IVSlrTZ'r.. AND Pebley will produce '"iSe Naznrene." by Hal Held and Bertha '^J.^L sfiunBRThas completed arrangements for the construction of a new theatre In Kan- nas City. .Mo., to he known as the Sam S. Shubert Theatre. Rosteb of the "I^eooy pbom Paris" Co., Madison Corey, proprietor, which opened at Asbury Park, N. J., Aug, 18: Executive staff —James II. Jones, manager; liklward Wells. bURlnesa manager: B. J. Uellley, advance agent; B. H. OXonnor, stage director; P. V. Bronson, stage manager; J. C. Royner, mu- sical director: Mrs. Emma Johnson, wardrotM!. Companv—Arthur Dcagon, P. T. Johnson. B. H. O Connor, B. F. Oateley, Thomas Drew. Herman Field, Thos. Burton, Michael Darcy, P. V. Bronson, Guy Wilcox, Eddie Gorman. \\. 11. La Foye, Buckley Starkey. W. W. Scott. Edward Wells, Joseph Simpson, Julia West. Guy Deagon, Eva Bennett, Edward Russell, Clara Martin, Thomas Niel, Minnie Otten, Roy Nerua, Olivette Haynes, Alice larrcll. Rose Morgan, Paule Fchronla. Peggy Jerome, Mary Wilcox, Dolly Ashley, Bessie Graham, Phyllis Hose, Frances Paon. Ellia- betb Browne, Teanle Witt, Elinor Applegnte, Victoria Olldersieeve. Violet Charles, Beatrice Manola, Verna Morris, Claude Wortblngton, Stella Desmond and Eva Butler. ItosTEB OP "The Sultan or Sclu" Co. Madison Corey, proprietor, which opened at Asbury Park, N. J.. Aug. 10. Executive staff—Walter Floyd, manager; Sidney H. Smith, treasurer; Albert Sykcs, stage mana- fer; Lee Orean Smith, musical director; Mrs. larle Houston, wardrobe. Company—Albert Mahor, Joseph Vernotsky, F. J. McCarthy, Thomas Fravin, Colt Alhertoon, Ed. R. Con- nor, L. F. Tucker, M. L. Hearney, Jack Clalr, Al. Sykes, John T. Oday, Frank TIerney, Louis Spair, Frank Everett, Mlgnon Dema- rest, Sinclair Nash, Nellie V. Nrchols, Law- rence Deagon, Harriett Sheldon, Frank Far- quhar, Margaret Houston, Geo. Hood, Beat- rice Gambles, John Bean, Jeannette Darvllle, Win Day. EfBe Hasty. Oliver White. Thclma OUmore, Frances Roth, Maude Barle. Beraice Harte, Marlon GIraud, Florence Carvln. Irene Croft, Flo Beach, Minnie Lee Valle, May Nash. Florence Gale. Marie Maroon, Ethel Shore, Frances Stuart. Lillian Fields, Sadie Allen, Marlon Dellano, Margaret Birch, Emma Tanner and Elsie Cbubbuck. Rowland & Cliffobo Notes. — The tour ot "The Old Clothes Man," James Kyrle Mac- Curdy, starring, opened at Racine, Wis., Sept. 3, playing to capacity. Tbe organiiatlon Is owned and directed by Rowland ond Clif- ford, and the tour Is to comprise nil the prin- cipal Kastern cities. An entire electrical and scenic equipment Is carried, thorough ot- tcntlou to every detail being observed. Kate Woods Flake. In nn Irish character part, la one of the features of the production, and Joseph L Sullivan, In the heavy, creates marked attention. Mr. MncCurdy a faithful portrayal of Solomon I.«vi, tbo old clothes innn, has met with unanimous api)rovaI In all territory visited. During Iho rtrst week two return dates were booked for later In the season, a fact which aveura well for tho succeas of tho company. 'Ihe business thus ftir has exceeded most sanguine expecta- tions, and prospects are most encouraging. i'KTX Baker and his company, playlnj( "Tbe Legend of the Catsklils. have closed. The company has disbanded. • Tonv CiiAiQK, last season with "The Lib erty Belles" Co.. was married at St. Louis, Mo.. Sept. 11, to G. Nelson Cunning, a non- professional. Joe Tiuveh Is with the "York State Folki" Co. (Western), playing Ben Tuttle, the post- master. Tho company played the Grand, Sun Francisco, Cal.. week of Sept. 10-16. IL:aui:iiT H. Powkh and wipe tBessIe neaumont) and little "Ginger." are with tbe Emma Buntlnir Co. r'BANK L. I'EBBY, the "terpalchorean vio- linist," will be featured with tho "Ncls Nel son" Co. this season. Wti. D. ItuD, of the Dan'l Sully Co., Is lying Ecrlously III, at hia mother's home, Penn Van, N. Y., with typhoid fever. NUTE.S FBOM KlI.BUY Ik BUITTON'S "AD Aristocratic 'Cramp" Co., U.—8. K, Lestoc writes: "We opened our fourth season Au;;. li, at Hammond, Iiid,, to capacity huxInesH. and, ns usual, tbe performance was very pleasing. This season's cast Is exceptionally ttroiig nnd well selected. Our Ave feature specialties are u knockout, and are compelled to respond to three and four encores nightly, and are pronounced by the mannaers as thu strongest specialties ever played In ibclr houses. Wc have added a nand to rlic 'It' company this season, and are breaking nil previous records and have done banner Dunl ness In eleven stands in three weeks' time. Wo are booked solid for forty-one wcekK, and look forward' to the most prosperous season ever awarded this production. Our roster: Kllroy & Brltton. proprietors; B. K. Lester, manager; J.' L. Alon, odvunce rcp- roseutatlve; Will 0. Fry, stago manager; Don Delight, musical director; Cully Woods, bandmaster: J. R. Helen, carpenter; J. (;. Burba, E. M. Barnes, Billy Bvans, AI. J. Masscy. C. Woods. Ella Kramer. I.^noro Frazee, Olpsy Mae Ward. Our feature spe- cialties are' Ward and Lester, Fry and Fra- nce, Billy Evans and Cully Woods." HowAUD Stillman and wipe (Josephine Buohnell) are with the "To Die at Dawn" Co., playing the heavies. Notes pbom the Clara Matiibs Co.—We are having our share of tbe enormous busi- ness now uelng done In tbe Canadian North- west, and are now on our way to the Eastern coast, as Miss Mathes did not feci equal to the strain of another Reason In stock ou the i'aclHc coast, which would liuve necessitated an entirely new list of plays. Miss Mathes will be under new management this season. At present the company consists of fifteen well known people, and other additions will be made shortly. Negotiations are In progress for some well known successes by Mark Swan and other popular autbora that will ntlll furtber improve Miss Mathes' repertory, wblch is already an exceptionally flne one. Notes from the 8tkei.bmitii«' Attiiac- tions. —Both our repertory companies are doing their stmre of biislacss. Lillian Lyons lid Elmor Hansen replaced two of the people with tho Northern show. Miss Lyons Inlning In Mexico, nnd Mr. Hanson at Cnllfornla, Mo. Allen Elmore Joined the Southern ahow Sept. 11, for leads. Our cue night etnnd production of "To Be Burled Alive opens at Molierly, Mn., on Oct. 2. This company Is equipped with a full line of special scenery and paper. Wo alao have in preparation for next season one night production of "A Mis- souri Bov' and "The Hhlner'a Gal," which will bo added to this season's flttrnctlons. Clifton 8teel(.mlth Just closed contracts liv which he now has exclusive control of alt the dramatic and vaudeville writings of Dr. E. B. Crane. This places a large number of plays under Mr. aieelsuilth's control. Manaoei'.s Evei:th k Mann write that they will soon place before tbe public one of tbe best equipped modera and up-to-date reper- tory companies, and neither time nor money will he spared. All new and special printing w-.i he used. They have secured tbe services of Geo. h. Reckiey to direct the tour, and be rlll take charge of all the details. Caboline IIull, Blanche Deyo. Mabel Fen. ton, Cliarlfs Rosa and Thonins wise have been engaged for "The Winning Girl." IOdmund Bbekhe will play Ihe. lead In "Tho Lion and Ihe .Mouse," under the managemeuc of Henry B. Harris. Elfik Fay made her debut as a star. In "The Belle of Avenue A," at Reading. I'a., Sept. 11. She will be seen In it at tbe Orand Opera House. New York, Oct. 9. Annie Riihhki.l will appear nt the Court Thentrf. London, Eng.. Nov. 28. in "Major Barbara," by George ReniBrd Hhaw. It is announced that Kleanor Itobson will appear in a new play this season, by Clyde Fltrh. "Clabice," by WIlMam Olilette. received its Sremler at the Dnke of York's Theatre, Lon- on, Kng., Sept. 1,1. RoiiROT Hoop Bowrns. composer of "The Maid and tbe Mummy" and "'rhe Parsders," was married Sept. 10. to Virginia llelvln, a non-professicnal, In New York City. Notes pbom the WATEnucLON Tbust. — Tbe above big scenic production, sixty stronR, carrying two private cors, built by the Pull- man Co., will open Its season Oct. 7. This show will carry six oxen, six donkeys and three camels, to be usnl la the parade, which wU' bo highly spectacular. Four big floats, from original designs, will also be used. We will carry two bands (one male and one female), and picanlnny tlfe and drum corpa. The show is booked solid to the Pacltlc coast. General Agent 11. II. Wblttler Is now In Cbicngo, completing railroad arinngcnicnts. lie will have associated with bim lu the advance^ Jo- seph Spoor, Thos. Watklns and Kid Kelly. This attraction will bill like a circus. Gen- eral Manager M. H. Welsh and wife are rusticating at their cottage nt Wolf's Lake, and superintending tbe details of tbe con- struction ot the scenery and paraphernalia vt this big production. Among those who have signed are: J. M. Toomey, Walter Lewis and wife, MontrOBO Douglas, the Anderson Family (six people), the Burrows, the Great Gram- plan, and Lumford Davia and his band or twenty men. The management look forward to a prosperous season. Notes proh Tom Fbankltn Nyb Co.— We opened our tent acaaon on the flrst of April, and have lost two nights this Sunioier on account of rain. We have played to H. It, O. business ail Summer, nnd in many towns hundreds were turned away. At lola, Kan., recently, a company, known ns tbe National Stock Co.. tnlled to materlnllie, and Manager Whcnton. ot tho Grand Thea- tre, gave us a gurautce to leave tho tent and piny tho time. Our usual luck followed us there, as it rained all wCMk, and we played to S. U. O. In the theatre, breaking tho rec- ord for repertory biialncss. Mr, Nye It tbo first repertory manager to advertise • me- nagerie annex to a dramatic company. The Idea has proved a big winner, this being our banner Summer season. Our tent sea- son doses Oct. 1, when tho company noes to Northern Minnesota, where we have some choice time, mostly return dates. Tbe ros- ter, with two exceptions, remains the some. Charlie Ross, musical comedian. Is with tue Troy Show, touring Ohio, in bis aevtntb week, and meeting with success. Roster of "Tbe Diamond King," Varney k Adams, proprietors and managers.—Richard Louis, business manager: C. W. Compton, ad- vance; Dave Baldrlch, stage director: Albert Von Toska, musical director; V. A. Varney, Anson Vamcy. Harry Mnrlln, l..ew WaUon. Louise Walker, Violet Edell nnd Clara George. We open Sept. 2», at St. Marys, O., nnd are booked solid until May 6, throuab Ohio, lii- dlaoa, Illinois, Wisconsin aud MIcblgau. Damxl Ryan closes bis season at Luna Park. Pittsburg, Sept. 20, and will open with tbe farce comedy, "A Foxy Tromu." Mr, Ryan will manage the alTalra of the Ryan Amusement Co., which Is compoacil of Wm. Lauer, Wm. Uemmlg and Daniel Ryan. They will produce "A Foxy Tramp" lu (be one Dlght stands, and will have a llrst class cona- pany. The season will open Oct. 7- Noteb puom "Tub Country Km" Co.. under tho manngcment of H. B. Whittakcr.— Wo broke both niullnce and evening records at I»ganspurl, lad., Sept. 4, humlreds bclug turned away. Tho same llntterliig suocess la reported at Ft. Wayne, Frankfort and other Indiana towns. Tho conijiiiny numbers twenty people. Including a uniformed band and ur- cbestra . . ,. , Wai.teb Scott Gbbhieb is in hie fourth week with the Crodoc-Nevlllo Co. RllMTKR or rilH CllAllLEM IlRECKBNRIUnM Stock Co. : Edwin Barrle, mauagcr ; Francis Harrliigtiin, Oscar Urnham, Fred P. Mc- Cord, Edward Cannon, Chas. Dnzler, Geo. C. Llll, Lllllnn Seymoar, Loretta 'Taylor. Allda Bertcnn, nnd 'fnrlton and Tnrltoii. mu- sical team. 'I'ho company Is now In its one hundred and clKbteentb consecutive week, und is booked solid In tho principal cities of tbo West for next seasun, cnrrylug a carl'iad of special accnery, aud producing popular successes. „ , HoH'iiiu 01' Tiiu Banpobd-Dodob Co. : I'red- erlcU E. Whcnton,'manager; Stuart Ueebo, btialness manager ; Watson Gould, stage mun- nger • Wurtcr Hione, mnstcr roecliUDic; Illch- urd Cnrhart. waster of properties ; Biiiiford Dodge, Richard Moncrlef. Paul TorMnne, James Harrison. Ciaiso Margaaden. Fred- erick Schuli, Watson Uould, Richard Car- hart, Harry Dixon, A. C. Godfrey, J. 8 De Forrest, B. F. Oilkiso* Rose Curry, Mot- cedes Buck and Edna Tunnlcllffo. Opoulng date, Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. (I. Notes fiioai the OiPFOuii-IlABniNO Co.. which Is now in tbo sixth week of its second season. We have been playing to very good business, the company being stronger than ever. This week ends our fair dntrs, then wo go into our regular sonson, being booked up until June, lUOG. Our Hpeclaltlcs. band and orchestra are a feature with tbo show. While playing our Manchester fair date wo were entertained at tbe liomo of Mr. and Mrs. K. Williams. Our roster is as fullows: Adolpb Olfford and Ed. ilaering, proprietors and manogera; Jerry HerKcIl, stage mana- ger: AL Harris, song illustrntur; Jack Urooka. J. I*. Leland, Olc Hungeu, Will Sherry, Eskel Gifford. Marie De Lnno. Jiauda Tnmllnson and Dclinn Des Jarlals. Mil. AND Mas, V. a. ItAOONH (FedoTO Ra- gone) are on the rood this season with "Uatifa In Toyland" (Western company). Mrs. Ra- gonc Is ploying (he Widow Piper, aud Mr. Uagone appears as tbe violinist. Elaine Gildkiit, «t tho Willis and Oil- bert operatic vaudeville skutch team, li play- ing Dolores, in "Florodoro," with murked Buccess The show is ploying to line busi- ness. Kathleen Tavlob has dosed with Hln- ncy's "King of the Opium Ring," to accept nn engagement with "The King of Triiiups," playing tbe Houbretto role and doing her spe- cialty. Anna Lahuiilin, owing to vaudeville con- trncts, which were a ranged for before her etv gagement with "The I.Jind of Nod" Co., will leave that conipany Oct. IB, after an eogag«- roent of ten weeks, in the leading role, and opens Oct. 10, at Proctor's Twentytblid Street Theatre, with Harnmcrstclu's, i'crcy Williams, and Ilnrtlg & Seamon's to follow. IlAiiV Ki'.ire, who has been starred for the past three years with the No. 1 "Fatal W'edding" Co., and wlio lias mode n reputation forlicrsclf, has been engaged to play n special engagement with the stock company at I'awtucket, It. I., In her old role of Jessie, the Little Mother, in "The Fatal Wedding." week of Sept. 25. After closing with that company she will play vatidevilla and club dates for tbe remainder ot the sea- son. I,AUBA Fbankenpiei.o, who toured for ten months last season. In Ibsen's "Oboats," is now starring in the Northwest in a •pcclai uramatizatluo of Wllkle Collins' "Her Double Life." Chas. Llndbolni, recently of Dlc'ij Ferris' Stock Co., Is playing leads with her. Tlie company In booked solid until next June, and goes West over the Klaw & Erlanser circuit. The attraction is directed and iMohed by I,eon A. Otlson. Special scenery is carried and the claliorate coatumes are a feature. ROHTRII OP HtKKI.BY k ClIAPIN'S COMIC oi'Ki'u, "Tbe Forbidden Land," featuring Ed- ward Garvie: Coinnany — F.dward Gnrvie, Chas. A. Morgan, W. If. Clarke. Tom Cam- eron, Hugble Flaherty, Ablwtt Adams, II. H. Austin, Cyril Ifooth, Alma Youlia, Mabel Ladln, Grace McArty and chorus of llfty, mnnngemeLt of Henry Raeder. NoTEH FBO.M tub Me«HBN0BH TtIR»TBB, CoHiiv, Pa. —This playhouse opened Hcpt. II, with the Roth-Moore Slock Co., wblch played to good business and gave satisfaction throughout the week. Charles T. Trimble Is the manager of the theatre Ibis seanvD, He has n flne line of attractions booked. "Tub Oamhi.ek" Co., through Its manager, Roland Osborn, reixirts good business in the West. Week of Kept. 24 will find the com- pany at the Coliiinbus Theatre. Chicago, with the BIJou Tlieatre to follow. NOTBS FROM DRKTHICK BROH.' "THB PDUP- kin IIcskkr" Co.: Since opening, Aug. IT, business bus been excellent, in some rases turning them away. At Belvidere, Sept. 17, over three hundred were unable to gnin nd- mlttancc. tlie same occuring at Falrbury nnd Watseka. The company Is giving tbe best of satisfaction, and goes witli a dash which rarriea tho people Into storms of applause. Our band and orchestra are "the best ever." ond the talk of tho town. Roster: r).?rlh- Irk Bros (Walter nnd Wallace), proprietors; Walter M. Derthick, lannngcr; Wallace J. Dorthlck. business manager; Art H Wit- ting, atnge director; Chas. Bell, bandmaster; llnrrj' J. Stube, orchestra lender; Elmer Bar- ker, master mechanic; M. C. Reade, mnsler of properties; A. E. Witting, Guy Oliver, .M. C. Rcadc, John F. Sutherland, E. II. Barker, John J. O'llrleo. Mottle Davis (Wit- ting). Janet Qrifllth, Mrs. Sidney Smith, Chaa. Bell, J. C. M. Onrnes, Arthur Robin- SOB, W. T. Moore and Harry Stube. NoTsa PROM tub "A Romancb op C0U!I Hollow" Co., Geo. P. Haines, manager.— We opened our season at Grand Ledge, Mich., Sept. 2, to very good business. The company la In every way stronger than ever, most of the people having been with the company for the {lost four seasons. Wc are doing a very nice luslness and gettlns the money. On Sept. H, at Wllllamstou, Mich., we came very near having a lire, on account of o 132 candle fower light setting fire to one of our drops, t was noticed Just In time, and all the damage done was five holes In the drop, Roster of the company : Geo, P. Haines, man- aser; Bert Hire, advance; Louis Simmer, Biage manager; Arthur Kalmboch, proper- ties; Gdwlo A. Calkins, Ralph Mntteraon, W. J. Uurlcy, Isabel Leach, May I'urncy and Ustella Ferry, Our colored quartette Is a feature, and responds to four and Hve en- cores. The are: Geo. Hamilton, A. J. Smith. Sam Jonca and wife. Estella Ferry, in Ihe part of Georgia, Is winning great favor. We are booked solid until Juno, lUUO. and look for a very prosperous season. Robtbk op "Dora Tuohnb" Co.: C. 8. Sul- livan, manager; 8. W. Mitchell, stage mana- ger and director; J. M. Rellly, master it iiropcrtles; Harry Curtla. advance agent; Mnrle Rcvl. Elizabeth NIckerson, ICdnn May Mitchell, S. A. Mitchell. Harry ilnmiln, <l«»rge C. Clarke, Ralph Mack, J. M. Rellly, Marry Curtis, C. S. Sullivan. W. H. Stbwaiit, who was business mana- ger for Clara Turner last Mnson, has tully recovered from bis Illness. lUnr Myiitlb and I.ola Moss have been engaged by Phil Hunt, tor his new play, "llcarla of Gold." John Mylib Is In his fourth successful week with II. C. Whitney's "Show Olrl" Co, Notes from "Tho TlJo of LIfo" Co.—Tbo piny, which Is to bo tnkcn out by tho .Melville Itratbers, is nearly booked solid, and will probably oiien In November. The rosier of the company: Horace Murphy nnd Bstt Mel- vllle, niiinngors; Chas. Carey, advance repre- sentative; Wnttor It. Hudii, sliigo mannger; Janie^ Levi Wtlsan, elrctrlclaii nnd stage car- Renter; llnrry Melville, Henry Zlnk, Huwaid lelville, Howard Nowlauii. (Jeu. Roy, Fred IleckHlrom, Asu Rrtrunt, 11. G. Dunn, liny Kelley. Ueorgo Ciilomnii, Alice Murpiiy, 1.0 Verno Cecil, Jennie Roy nnd Knthryn M'H- vllle. Wo arc having new scenery painted, and a slxly foot bnirgagu cur will lio re- quired. 'I'ho sliiiw Ih going nut In first chiHs condition, uvcrytlilng being brnnii new. nnd (be inunagers reel sure of a line sen- HUH. ItelieurHals will begin Nov. 2. This is an ciitlruly new veiiliiro for lliu Mel- ville Ilrothers, ns Ihey havo been inanccli'd exclusively with tliu repertory liiiHlness lor kevernl yvnrs, but with tiint strength and de- termlnafluii tliat has been a rharnctcrlstic (if their past work, they nro detcriulnud tu unse this new dcpnrluru u success. IlelurluU Coiirleid's IMitna. Helnrlch Cuurietl, who has returned from tCurupo. announced that tho Irving Pince The- atre would open Oct. 1 wllli n preliminary season of comic opera, the opening work being StrnusN' "Kruelillngsluft." Mr. ('onrled hus engaged sixteen new play- ers and singers. These Include many of tbe best known singers uu tbo Gorman comic opera stoge, namely, LIna Abnrbnnall, Mnrle Rlscnliofcr. Sophie Arnold, Grate Feldhofen, Frieda Urosser, Iledwig IlriihQ, Marlon Uln, Joo llcilyl and Stufuiin Angola, Herman Ilu- duir, Franz ilcrtcricb, Carl Waldschuetz, Siegfried Ad>er, Wlllielm Knnack. Kduiunii Luewe and Hugo Iliyk, u conductor. The old mcmbora of the Irving Place stock company who have been re-eiigaged are: Iledwig von Ostcrmann, 0. V. Jaiiuschofsky. ElltnUuth Arluons,' Mnrle llelcbard, Frait Klorschner, Frau Iluenselor. Frau Wcgcru, Krau Sladtlcr, and Messrs. Otte Ottberl, Harry Wnldoii, 0. V. Scyffertltx, Max HoenBi. ler, icrunx Klerschnor, Otto Meyer, Frana Hablclit. Georg Koch, V. Lurlau, J. Stadtlor and 11. Oeruld. AMotiioropora to bo produced at the Irving Place Theatre will bo ''Jung Heidelberg," by Mllloccker, which la a contlnuatlun of "Alt Heidelberg." Tho regular dramatic season at tbe Irvine Place will begin in January, and tbe first Srnductlon may be Ludwig Fulda's "Th* Insquerade." Other plays will be new ones by Kaupt- mann, Blumenthol, Ktobltzor, Sudorinann, Kadeiber Kodclburg, Kruatz and I'Arronge. There will also lie a new production ot Hcbll- ler's "Jungfrau von Orleans." I'lie coming season of opera at the Metro- polltun, n seoson of seventeen weeks, will beiiln Nov. 211, with a revival of Ouldmark's '"nio (Jueen of Hhelia." It has nut been heard hero since tho days of Anton Helill and the ^ ' German regime at tli« Mctrupolllan. Tlie principal roles will bo sung bv MM. Knoto and Van Rouy and Mroes. Nurdica, Alteu and Frcmstad or Walker, The other rovlvais, to follow in this order, are: "Kaensel und Oretl," with Mmes. Alteu and Abarlianeli in the title roles, and Louise Homer ns the witch; "La Favorila," with MM. Caruso and I'lnncon and Kdytli Walker; "f.,a Honnamhula," with M.V. Cnruso and Plancon and Mine. Hembrlch; "Marta" (In Itollan), with MM. Cariiso und I'ioncon anil Mmes. Hemlirlch and Walker; "Der Fllcgende lloliaendcr," with M,M. Knots and Van Rooy ond Bcrin Moreno; Pucciol's "Manun Les- caut," with i». Caruso and Mine. Setnbrlch In tbo title roles, and Mozart's "Don Gloyannl," which win have a grrnt cast, comprising MM. Caruso, Hcotti and Journet and Mmes. Hem- brlch. Nordlca nnd Morena : "II Trovntore" (in itnllah), with Helnrlch Knots In the title role, nnd Johann Htrnuss' "The Oypsy Baron." which will engage tho services of all Ihe lead- ing singers in the company. M'llo Mcrena Is to sing at the Metropolitan this Winter. Other new iringors are Lulsa Tetlnxini, a colorature soprano who has n great reputation In Italy, and SIgnor Bei- rescke, an Irnlinn nnrltuue, who will sup- plant Blgnor Olrnldoni in the company. The principal sinners nt the company will again be MM, Caruso, Kraus, DIppel. Burg- «raller. Bcotll. I'lancon. Journet, (jorlli andl Van Itooy, and Mmes. Sembrlch, lOtmes, Nor- dics, Fremstad. Walker, Homer and Alten. Manauer J. U. TiiOMi-HoN. of the Star Theatre, Atlanta, (la., presented, tor the opening of the regular Fall and Winter sea- son. one of the strongest lillls ever presented there 1'bo following appeared: Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hewlette, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, W. Milton. Mr. nnd Mrs. F.d. C. Jordan, Thomp- son Duo, Three I,owroan Sisters, M'lte. Phyllis, Iho Ijewla, Georgia Thomas, Billy Warde, Marie Berry, Kate La Wolf, and a stock company of burlewiuc people. Geo. W. Milton and Rob Hewlette are the producers. NSLLiK Henry, novelty contortionist, l» Id her eighth week with tho Chicago Amuse- ment Enterprise. She is one of tbo feature* In the Roman Coliseum,